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News and Information from Violet Township
The Wigwam from Fall to Winter
To book events, contact our Events Coordinator, Barbie Weidner, at 614-382-5991, or email barbie.weidner@violet.oh.us.
Ideas to Improve Physical and Mental Health During a Pandemic
The year 2020 has affected everyone in some way, shape or form due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Restaurants and stores have closed. Jobs have been lost. Schools have had to adjust schedules and teachers have had to relearn how to instruct students virtually. Personal health and fitness has taken a backseat to working from home, taking care of kids/family members and generally being cooped up in our homes. In most cases, the average person has no control over these changes. However, health and fitness is an area that one can control.
When speaking of one’s health, this covers two areas; mental and physical. By the time you read this article, Ohio, like the rest of our country, has been affected by COVID-19 restrictions for the better part of a year. While a vaccine is forthcoming (or may be here by now), not everyone will have immediate access to it. Due to this, the restrictions will continue for some time (most estimates are until at least June 2021). What can you do to improve your health during this time of turmoil? Most experts will agree that just getting outside can be good for one’s soul. So do it! Get outside in your yard every day. You do not need a purpose such as yard work or cleaning a deck. Just go out and enjoy the fresh air. Barring inclement weather, this is something that can be done with minimal effort. Spend 30 minutes outside to recharge yourself. This is proven to help improve mental health as well. It is difficult being in the house for hours on end. Another thing you can do is take a drive. Early in the COVID lockdown, my wife and I did just this. There was no purpose or destination. We just drove. It ended up to be a two hour drive exploring my hometown and sharing some of my childhood experiences with her. It proved to be good for both of us.
Physical health is completely different. There is an aspect of fitness associated with physical health. What can be done to achieve a level of fitness and good physical health during the pandemic? Whatever you do, remember to wear a face covering and to properly social distance from others. One of the easiest exercises is to take a walk. Many of us live in neighborhoods or subdivisions which makes this easy. If you don’t, there are a number of parks with walking trails that can be visited. If you have not exercised in a while, start small. Don’t feel as though you need to walk a mile out of the gate. Walk at a comfortable pace; there is no need to hurry. As you walk each day, you may find it gets easier and you can extend your distance and increase the pace. Make no mistake, this is exercise and it is good for your heart. Don’t be surprised if you feel worn out or a little sore after a walk, especially if you have not exercised consistently. For those of you that are in better shape, try jogging/ running or riding a bicycle. These disciplines are a little more advanced and will work your body a little harder.
This has been a tough year for everyone. The more you can do to keep yourself healthy and fit, the better you will feel both mentally and physically. Our department members are given time every duty day to exercise and work out. It is important for the job but also for their personal health and wellbeing. Our hope is for 2021 to be a better year for everyone. We appreciate the continued support from the Violet Township/Pickerington communities. It is our desire to get back out into the community once able to do so safely. As always we are here for you as your “Friends for Life”. Please feel free to contact us with any questions at 614-837-4123.
How to Reach Us
Violet Township Administrative Offices 10190 Blacklick-Eastern Rd. Pickerington, OH 43147 614-575-5556 www.violet.oh.us
Violet Township Fire Stations Phone 614-837-4123 Fire Chief: Michael Little #592: 8700 Refugee Rd. #591: 21 Lockville Rd. #593: 2365 Taylor Park Dr. Violet Township Service Center Phone: 614-382-5979 490 Center St. Pickerington, OH 43147