2 minute read
Press Paws
Stop and review these safety tips for your pets this summer
By Sarah Robinson
Sit, stay, roll over and … get that out of your mouth!
Every pet parent has uttered those words in a mad dash to get Fido or Fluffy to drop the trash, bug or deadly piece of chocolate. But what can they eat this summer if a tasty morsel is dropped to the floor?
Most fruits like raspberries, apples and peaches are OK for dogs in small quantities, though they should stay away from grapes, cherries and avocados.
“One of the more serious and newer toxic foods for dogs are sugar-free products,” says Dr. Bridget Burdick, veterinarian at CityPets Animal Hospital. “The ingredient called xylitol is extremely toxic to dogs and cats. Even one piece of sugar free gum is enough to cause serious illness and even death.”
Burdick also busts some myths about feline fancies. For example, a cool bowlful of fresh milk isn’t as good for Fluffy as the movies might have you think.
“Interestingly, as cats become adults, many cats become lactose intolerant,” Burdick says. “For this reason, we do not recommend giving milk to adult cats. However, if you wanted to give your kitty a treat, there are several milk replacement products available at pet stores that are safer and just as enjoyable.”
Table food isn’t the only thing to be wary of your furry friend munching on. Burdick warns of the dangers of certain plants which are toxic to animals. “The ASPCA has a list on their website for indoor and outdoor plants that can be toxic to pets,” she says. On those hot summer days when nothing sounds better than going on a walk to get some fresh air, be sure to keep an eye on your pet’s well-being and be aware of the temperature – the sun often heats asphalt above the air temperature, running a risk for burning paws. “Heat stroke is all too common in pets as we want them to be out enjoying the beautiful weather with us,” Burdick adds. “Since dogs and cats are much lower to the ground, the asphalt is much hotter, and they can overheat very quickly. Certain breeds such as pugs, Boston terriers and bulldogs are also at a much higher risk for heat stroke since they have a delicate respiratory system to start with.” At the end of the day, it’s important to protect your pet as you would your own child. Pets are, after all, part of the family.

Sarah Robinson is an editor. Feedback welcome at srobinson@ cityscenemediagroup.com.