6 minute read
Protect Your Pooch
Renew your dog license today
By Sarah Grace Smith
It’s time to renew your dog license! Due to COVID-19, Franklin County Auditor Michael Stinziano extended the 2021 deadline to July 1, so there’s still time to register your dog while avoiding late fees or fines.
But what exactly is a dog license, and why should you get one?
Dog licensing is an important requirement for all dog owners. First off, it is required by law, so owning an unlicensed dog is punishable by fine. A dog license ensures protection.
By licensing your dog, you are protecting it in case it gets loose and is found by someone in the community. It also protects other dogs in the area by making sure dogs are vaccinated and can’t spread diseases to their furry friends.
Thanks to the found dog search feature on the Franklin County Auditor’s website, it is the best way to ensure that lost pets will be safely returned home.
Best Tri-Village Dog Parks
Did you know that dogs need exercise and socialization to live their best, happy and healthy lives? A great way for your dog to get both these activities in is by visiting a dog park!
After licensing and vaccinating your furry friend, take them on a trip to one of these dog parks in the Tri-Village area.
Many of our local dog parks are part of Columbus Metro Parks or city parks and include trails, walking paths and more.
Remember when visiting to bring a leash for when your dog is outside of the fenced area and a water bowl.
Scioto Audubon Metro Park
This large park rests along the banks of the Scioto River. With separate areas for large and small dogs, the park also boasts of an agility course and digging sand pit.
Godown Dog Park
This dog park is split into two areas: one side for small dogs and one for large dogs so as not to intimidate the little pups (or, in some cases, so the small dogs don’t intimidate the big dogs). The area is quite large, giving the dogs plenty of space to run. Some of the park’s features include benches, numerous trees, a dog water fountain and a large parking lot.
Spindler Dog Park
Spindler Dog Park has separate fenced areas for large and small dogs as well as picnic tables, walking paths, a drinking fountain, portable restroom and ample parking.

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Owners must license any outdoor or indoor dog older than 3 months. Licenses must be renewed annually, unless a three-year or permanent dog license is purchased.
All dogs 4 months or older must have a rabies vaccine in order to be licensed. Dogs older than 1 year must be vaccinated every three years.
In order to stymie the overpopulation of dogs in Franklin County, the auditor’s office offers an $18 annual discount for dogs that are spayed or neutered.
The discount also applies if the dog is younger than 9 months, elderly, diagnosed with a qualifying condition, being bred or used for hunting.
Even if owners choose a permanent dog license, they must remember to update their address in order to aid the auditor’s office in returning lost dogs to their homes.
Applications for dog licenses can be filled out online or by mail.
So, what does the auditor’s office do with the money from licensing fees? The office invests nearly all the funds into the rescue, care and housing of the community’s lost and homeless dogs at the Franklin County Dog Shelter and Adoption Center. A portion is also donated to The Ohio State University to research animal diseases.
If a lost or stray dog is found, they should be brought to the shelter to be reunited with their owners, or in the case of stray dogs, given a new home.

Sarah Grace Smith is an editorial assistant. Feedback welcome at feedback@cityscenemediagroup.com.
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