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Tri-Village Magazine is published bimonthly in January, March, May, July, September and November. Subscriptions are free for households within the city limits of Upper Arlington, Grandview Heights and the Village of Marble Cliff. For advertising information or bulk purchases, contact Laura Pappas at 614-572-1250 or lpappas@ cityscenemediagroup.com
No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publishers. Tri-Village Magazine is a registered trademark of CityScene Media Group. Printed in the U.S.A. © 2022
Nov. 3
Upper Arlington High School Marching Band Concert
7:30 p.m.
Upper Arlington High School Performing Arts Center 1625 Zollinger Rd. www.uaband.org
Nov. 3- 5
Grandview Heights High School presents Little Women 7 p.m. Old LMS Commons 1240 Oakland Ave. www.ghschools.org
Nov. 6
Choral Evensong for All Saints’ Sunday 4-5 p.m. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 2151 Dorset Rd. www.saintmarkscolumbus.org
Nov. 1-30
Autumn Scavenger Hunt Lane Road Library www.ualibrary.org
Nov. 5
Paw Patrol Rescue Academy 10:30-11:30 a.m. Tremont Road Library www.ualibrary.org
Nov. 6-19
Celebrate Native American Heritage Month: Molly of Denali Tremont Road Library www.ualibrary.org
Nov. 11-Dec. 13
Santa’s Mailbox Municipal Services Center 3600 Tremont Rd. www.upperarlingtonoh.gov
Nov. 19
Holiday Bazaar 8 a.m.-4 p.m. St. Andrew Parish 1899 McCoy Rd. www.standrewparish.cc
Nov. 24
Columbus Turkey Trot 8:30 a.m. Shops at Lane Avenue 1675 W. Lane Ave. www.upperarlingtonoh.gov
Nov. 25, Dec. 27
American Red Cross Blood Drive 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Municipal Services Center 3600 Tremont Rd. www.upperarlingtonoh.gov
Nov. 30
Grandview Heights Middle School Holiday Choral Concert 6:30.-7:30 p.m. LMS Commons 1242 Oakland Ave. www.ghschools.org
Nov. 8
Miller Park Reading to Rover 6:30-7:30 p.m. Miller Park Library www.ualibrary.org
Nov. 18
Family Tech Fair 3-5 p.m. Tremont Road Library www.ualibrary.org
Nov. 28
Merry Mail: Home for the Holidays Miller Park Library www.ualibrary.org
American Red Cross Blood Drive 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Tremont Road Library www.ualibrary.org
Dec. 4
Sunday at the Movies 2-4 p.m. Tremont Road Library www.ualibrary.org
Nov. 1-30
GHHS Art Gallery at the Library 1685 W. 1st Ave. www.ghpl.org
Nov. 1
Amazing Ashville 7-8 p.m. 1685 W. 1st Ave. www.ghpl.org
Nov. 6, Dec. 4
GHPL Crafts for a Cause 1-2:30 p.m. 1685 W. 1st Ave. www.ghpl.org
Dec. 2
Winter Festival 6-8:30 p.m. Mallway Park 2096 Arlington Ave. www.upperarlingtonoh.gov
Dec. 3
Breakfast and Brunch with Santa 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Amelita Mirolo Barn 4395 Carriage Hill Ln. www.upperarlingtonoh.gov
Dec. 4-8
UACA’s Christmas in the Park 6-8:30 p.m. Thompson Park North Shelter 4250 Woodbridge Rd. www.upperarlingtonoh.gov
Nov. 9, 30; Dec. 14, 28
Grandview Library Writers Group 6:30-8:30 p.m. 1685 W. 1st Ave. www.ghpl.org
Nov. 10
Tiffani Marie – Music in the Atrium 7-8 p.m. 1685 W. 1st Ave. www.ghpl.org
Nov. 14-Dec. 16
Food Drive 1685 W. 1st Ave. www.ghpl.org
Dec. 6
Holiday in the Heights Between 1st and 3rd avenues www.grandviewheights.gov
Dec. 8
Grandview Heights High School Holiday Band Concert 7 p.m. Grandview Heights High School 1587 W. 3rd Ave. www.ghschools.org
Dec. 13
Grandview Heights High School Holiday Choral Concert
7-8 p.m. Boulevard Presbyterian Church 1235 Northwest Blvd. www.ghschools.org
Nov. 17
12:30-4:30 p.m.
Grandview Center 1515 Goodale Blvd. www.aarp.org
Dec. 15
12:30-4:30 p.m. Grandview Center, 1515 Goodale Blvd. www.aarp.org
Dec. 21
American Red Cross Blood Drive Noon-6:30 p.m. 1685 W. 1st Ave. www.ghpl.org
Dec. 13
Tremont Center Christmas Celebration
6-8 p.m. Tremont Center 2160 Tremont Center www.tremontcenter.com
Dec. 15
Gingerbread Creations
5:30-7:30 p.m. Grandview Center 1417 Grandview Ave. www.grandviewheights.gov
Rector Vicki Zust hopes to revitalize St. Mark’s and help community members
Whetheror not you’re a member of its congregation, if you’re an Upper Arlington resident, you have likely felt the reach of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church during the last year.
St. Mark’s is committed to engaging with the community, and its programming and plans reflect that thanks in large part to the involvement of Vicki Zust.
Zust grew up in Westerville, but has only been part of the St. Mark’s commu nity since September 2021.
“It’s almost 20 years since I lived in Columbus full-time,” Zust says, “and Co lumbus has changed so much. It doesn’t roll up its sidewalks at 10:30 p.m., things that used to be cornfields are Bridge Park. So it’s been really fun to explore the new things about Columbus.”
Since returning and reconnecting with old friends, she has been especially grateful for her new congregation, which has embraced her since she took on the role of rector.
Zust enjoys being a part of local families’ lives.
Zust had been living just outside of Buffalo, New York for about 12 years when a number of her old friends recommended she look into the job at St. Mark’s.
“The thing that’s amazing about being a priest, being a min ister, is that you get to meet the best people wherever you go,” Zust says. “You get to be with people at the best times in their lives and at the worst times of their lives, so you become a part of the community really quickly.”
In her short time at the church, she has made a priority of establishing it as an inviting place.
“I hope that when people think about St. Mark’s, that they think about a place where everyone is welcome, and where each person’s spiritual journey is supported and encouraged,” she says, “and where space is provided for people to explore both their joys and their struggles.”
St. Mark’s was one of the first local places to safely host inperson addiction recovery meetings during the COVID-19 pan demic. It would be hard to find an Episcopal church that doesn’t host recovery groups, Zust says, as a large part of the church’s mission is to give everyone an opportunity to better themselves.
St. Mark’s also sponsors such recovery programs as Franklin County’s human trafficking victim recovery program, Changing Actions to Change Habits (CATCH). CATCH helps vic tims recover from post-traumatic stress with the goal of altering daily habits to create a healthy and stable lifestyle. The pro gram sets out to help treat victims as people who could use help, rather than as criminals.
Zust realizes how important groups like these are for participants and emphasizes the human element of recovery.
“That’s a huge part of our min istry: to provide a space where people who are seeking
health and wholeness can gather and do that,” she says.
The church is on a rotating sched ule with other area churches to provide lunches for CATCH Court meetings. St. Mark’s also has programs that help immigrants and asylum seekers get settled in the U.S. Zust hopes to use the lawn of the church as a space that can help empower asylum seekers and connect them with the Upper Arlington community.
The space has already been used for an exhibit from Artists Beyond Bor ders, and it was the first church in the Midwest – predated only by churches in California and New York – to host it. A street party assembled to see the art. In May, St. Mark’s hosts a New Ameri cans Maker Space, where asylum seek ers and immigrants can sell their art work to patrons.
“We’ve learned that Upper Arling ton loves art fairs,” Zust says. “They can’t get enough of them.”
Zust is always looking for ways to get involved with Upper Arlington.
Zust is focused on the community outreach in part because of the history of the land on which it sits. It was formerly owned by Pleas
ant Litchford, the freed enslaved man who owned 227 acres of land in Upper Arling ton at the time of his death in 1879.
“Because our land belonged to this formerly enslaved person, it seems appro priate to use our space for marginalized communities in a special way,” she says. “The Upper Arlington community now sees that as a story that we should both celebrate and learn from.”
The Labor Day Arts Festival is one of Zust’s favorite community events. When she started at St. Mark’s – on Sept. 1, 2021, mere days before the festival – everyone was asking for assurance that the church would still hold its fan-favorite bake sale for the festival, she says.
“We even have some people who come and buy stuff, so they get the first pickings,” she says. “They come in the morning and buy stuff and they ask us to hold (it), so we started a layaway for bake sale stuff, which I just think is fabulous.”
Tyler Kirkendall is an editor at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at tkirkendall@cityscenemediagroup.com.
The Holiday House Decorating Contest has been part of the fabric of the Upper Arlington commu nity for almost three-quarters of a century.
Beginning in 1948, at the end of World War II, the contest was conceived as a way to revive community spirit and encourage celebration after a period of loss and widespread material shortages. Ten homes were awarded certificates that year, and the organizing com mittee vowed to add more houses into the mix for the following contests.
In 1951, more categories were added, including Most Unusual, Most Beautiful and Miscellaneous.
By 1968, the contest had expanded its judging categories to 10 in the senior division and four in the youth division. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Upper Arlington, the contest was themed the Golden Year, and the overall winner received a silver tray in recognition.
In 1974, despite nationwide power shortages, the contest forged ahead to keep the holiday spirit alive. The committee did its judging during the day, using catego ries such as Best-Decorated Door or Entry and Best San ta, and each house had to be decorated to look beautiful without the aid of lights.
The contest was canceled in 1998 as community fo cus shifted to the expansive Christmas in the Park event.
In 2017, though, the Upper Arlington Civic Association Alumni decided to take on the responsibility of bringing back the cherished event.
The 2022 decorating contest offers a way for com munity members to come together to celebrate one an other, says Georgia Kaltenbach, president of the alumni association.
“Even on the slightest level of making someone’s day by appreciating what they’ve done to their home for the various holidays that we celebrate, it’s just a small way to bring joy,” Kaltenbach says.
In recent years, the alumni association has worked to expand the contest beyond just Christmas.
“We need to move away from calling it a ‘Christmas contest’ because there are many, many people who cel ebrate a variety of different holidays during the month of December,” Kaltenbach says. “Really, it needs to be thought of as a holiday decorating contest.”
This year’s categories include Neat as a Pin, Anything Goes and Best Overall.
A former active director and secretary with the Up per Arlington Civic Association, Kaltenbach quickly transitioned to the alumni association after her time at UACA came to an end and soon took on the leadership position.
“I felt the need to continue and serve however I could, so I became involved with the alumni group,” she says.
In addition to organizing the Holiday Decorating con test on its own, the alumni association works in tandem with the UACA for many community events. Kaltenbach works hard to ensure the judging is fair and community involvement is high.
Decorating contest entrants may be nominated by themselves, their neighbors or members of the alumni as sociation. Nominations can be completed on the UACA website, www.uaca.org.
The nomination window is Nov. 28-Dec. 9. The judg ing takes place from Dec. 12-15, and results are announced Dec. 17 and 18.
Each winner receives a yard sign and a letter of ap preciation for their contribution to the community.
Katie Giffin is an editorial assistant at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at feedback@ cityscenemediagroup.com.
$30 – Turquoise Fiesta disc pitcher www.facebook.com/MagpieMarketAntiques
Magpie Market offers items from 25 different vendors, which means you can be sure to find something unique for the vin tage lover in your life. This fiesta disc pitcher is the perfect piece for serving guests and starting conversations.
$6.95 – Finnish pulla loaf www.greatharvestua.com
Warm up in the cold months with a freshly made loaf of bread from this family-run company. Try the Finnish pulla during the holiday season, or take home a loaf of the everpopular cinnamon chip bread.
$45 – Christmastime jewelry set www.dublinrocksandminerals.com
This dazzling jewelry set is available in peridot, jade, lab radorite, moonstone, charoite, serpentine and aquamarine. Stop by the store in Karric Square to check out which set will best complement your friends’ and family’s style.
$25 – Upper Arlington T-shirt www.stateofdevotion.com From a brand that inspires hometown spirit, get this comfy, polycotton shirt for the whole family and celebrate your UA pride.
$24.99 – Sally the Stingray plushie www.petland-ohio.com Don’t forget your furry friend this holiday season. Bring home Sally the Stingray, an all-in-one plush toy that includes a ball and a squeaker.
$2,440 – Yellow gold peridot and diamond ring www.argolehne.com
Argo & Lehne Jewelers offers vintage, custom and contem porary one-of-a-kind jewelry. Pieces don’t stay in stock long and are the perfect gift for anyone with individual style.
$60 – Holiday wreath www.desantisflor.com Deck the halls with a holiday berry wreath from this UA owned and operated business. This wreath is the perfect gift to help a loved one set the mood for holiday gatherings.
$27 – Chocolate-covered strawberry turkeys www.sadiebabysweets.com
We all have something to be thankful for this year, because the chocolate-covered strawberry turkeys at this award-winning sweets shop have returned. This best-selling sweet goes fast, so get it while you can!
$59.95 – Celebrate Ohio! basket www.winanscandies.com
With every kind of chocolate delicacy, decadent wine and delicious coffee, this Ohio-based company adds a little something lavish to the holidays. This state of Ohio chocolate box – filled to the brim with caramels, buckeyes and dark chocolate wetzels – is the gift to celebrate the sweet things in life.
$40 – Buckeye serving platter www.buckeyecorner.com
Your one-stop shop for all things The Ohio State University, Buckeye Corner has everything from spirited attire to ac cessories and decorations. Get this serving platter for your favorite Buckeye fan to celebrate the most wonderful time of year in style.
$2,525 – Diamond earrings www.jackseibert.com
With diamonds layered on both sides of this delicate hoop, treat your loved one to decadence with these 14-karat white gold inside-outside earrings.
blend, this cabernet sauvignon
a spread of mature cheese.
$80 – Gift card
Stress relief, enhanced wellness and spiritual direction are some of the things your loved ones may be searching for this year. The Reiki Center hopes to help and they offer gift cards and specialized gift baskets that will guide them to peace.
Prices vary – Gift card
GO: Fitness Center in Grandview offers as much help as you could ask in your journey to better health. From nutrition coaching, to group fitness, to a more personalized regi ment, a gift certificate for GO: Fitness will help your loved ones achieve the body they want to sculpt.
Heights brothers Sam and James Elliott have long been fans of strategy and board games. However, the two were often left unsatis fied with the board games they played. So, as students at Grandview Heights High School, they chose to create their own game containing all the elements they were looking for.
The Elliott brothers designed their new game, Conquest of Nations, to be unique in the world of popular board games. For one thing, players will never play using the same map twice, meaning replayability is paramount. The duo also sought to minimize the effect of luck in favor of strategy.
Instead of dice, the game utilizes a downloadable app that performs battle simulations automatically, keeping the
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game moving at a faster pace than a tra ditional board game can offer.
“It has elements of both a video game and a board game, and it kind of draws from the best of those two things,” James says. “That’s probably one of the reasons I like it the most.”
Having an innovative game concept means having to think through myriad scenarios to prepare for anything a po tential player might do, so the brothers have put a great deal of time and effort into ensuring the rules make sense.
“We have to be really, really precise with our language in the rule document, so (it’s) been kind of a big challenge to make sure everything makes sense, nothing’s broken, all the rules make sense – so somebody that reads that document understands exactly what they’re getting themselves into, and so everyone agrees on all the different rules,” James says.
Though it’s a great deal of work, developing those rules and figuring out how to implement them has been one of the most fun parts of the process, the brothers say.
“At first, players choose one nation that they want to control and differ ent nations have different powers. You start in the ancient era, where you can build wonders and collect more science, and as you progress through the ages, you can get more science (and) build a rocket or can unlock airplanes and bombers,” Sam says. “So you can either destroy each other, or you can go to the moon and win peacefully.”
The game is designed to appeal to players of all ages and interests, Sam says, though lovers of strategy games such as Catan and Civilization will be especially interested.
“It’s a new game every single time,” he says.
The brothers are in discussions with manufacturers and hope to offi cially release the game in summer 2023, though the exact timeline is still to be determined.
Claire McLean is an editorial assistant at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at feedback@cityscenemediagroup.com
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of a T-shirt, hat or keychain, an Upper Arlington couple brought back inspiration for a major remodel from their European vacation.
Niles Overly and Arlene Fedorchak worked with interior designer Tracie Mc Garity and remodeler Todd Schmitt of Renovations Unlimited to bring European glamour to their main suite.
“This sounds like a small project, but really it’s a major league project,” Overly says.
Though the couple started their re model in the early days of the pandemic, they were fortunate enough to dodge the material shortages and inflated prices that followed. Everything would have been de railed, Overly says, had the project kicked off just a few months later.
Since purchasing the 1973-built home in 1988, the couple has remod eled various parts of the house – mul tiple times, in some cases. Though even a small renovation can be taxing on one’s
patience, Overly and Fedorchak are happy to be able to take the challenges in stride.
“Projects like these make or break a couple,” Overly says. “Arlene and I have incredible teamwork that makes these projects possible.”
Years of travel and exploration culti vated the duo’s love of European-style spas and saunas. Arrays of white tile, aestheti cally pleasing wood beams and an abun dance of natural light were key features that piqued their interest.
Additional highlights of the newly upgraded bathroom include:
• A new sauna
• A wider shower space
• Mirrors with built-in border lighting
• A seamless transition to the walkin closet
The bedroom follows a similar theme, giving off a European ambience with white tones, dark wood and a stunning fireplace as a focal point.
Kobe Collins is an editorial assistant at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at feedback@cityscenemediagroup.com.
November’s status as the chilliest month of fall makes it the perfect time to try out some new cozy, homestyle recipes. This apple butter recipe from Rev. Vicki Zust of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church (see story, pg. 8) is easy enough to leave sitting while you turn your attention to Thanksgiving dinner.
• 3 ½-4 pounds apples, any variety (Zust suggests a com bination of sweet and tart)
• ½ cup sugar, either white or brown
• 1 tbsp. cinnamon
• 1 tsp. nutmeg
• ½ tsp. ground cloves
• 2 pinches salt
• Cut the apples into small dices. It is better, though not necessary, to peel them first. Add diced apples and all other ingredients in the slow cooker. Cook 5 hours on high or 10 hours on low.
• Blend with a stick blender if you like smooth apple butter, or mash with a potato masher if you like it chunkier.
St. Mark’s is well known for its commu nity events, and its bake sale and holiday cookie exchange are two of its biggest events of the year.
Zust directed us to a fan favorite at these events: these charming “hamburger cookies” from Anice Ellis, a member of the congregation and the church’s outreach committee.
These sweet sandwiches are always the first to go at St. Mark’s events, Zust says.
“Adults love these as much as kids,” Ellis says.
(Makes approximately 3 dozen cookies.)
• 1 box vanilla wafers
• 1 package grasshopper cookies (chocolate mint)
• 1 can plain vanilla frosting
• Orange gel food coloring
• Green gel food coloring
• 1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
• Sesame seeds for garnish
• 1 egg white
• Color about 1 cup of coconut with a few drops green food coloring in a plastic bag. Shake until coconut turns green (like shredded lettuce).
• Color ½ cup frosting with orange food coloring until the frosting is the color of cheddar cheese.
• Invert 1 vanilla wafer. Spread on white frosting to look like mayon naise. Place grasshopper cookie on top to be the burger patty, then spread orange frosting (“cheese”) on top of patty and sprinkle coco nut (“lettuce”) on frosting to look like shredded lettuce.
• Top with a second wafer right side up.
• Brush top of wafer with small amount of egg white and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Repeat until you run out of wafers.
Tyler Kirkendall is an editor at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at tkirkendall@cityscenemediagroup.com.
Photo by Sheri SilverAll
In August 2022, Upper Arlington home prices were up 3.8% compared to last year, selling for a median price of $504K. On average, homes in Upper Arlington sell after 41 days on the market compared to 43 days last year. There were 59 homes sold in August this year, down from 66 last year.
4130 Daventry Rd.
4 beds, 3.5 baths $1,841,100 Sold on 8/29/22
4181 Kenny Rd.
4 beds, 5 baths $1,825,000 Sold on 8/3/22
1841 Roxbury Rd.
5 beds, 5 baths $1,650,000 Sold on 8/17/22
4532 Hull Farm Ln.
6 beds, 5.5 baths $1,595,000 Sold on 8/31/22
2457 Kensington Dr.
5 beds, 4.5 baths $1,550,000 Sold on 9/6/22
2510 Eastcleft Dr.
4 beds, 3.5 baths $1,426,699 Sold on 8/10/22
The average August sale price of a home in Grandview heights was $602K, up 7.6% since last year, while the average price per square foot is $289, up .5% since last year.
1150 Millcreek Ct.
4 beds, 4.5 baths $1,416,783 Sold on 9/13/22
2400 Arlington Ave.
4 beds, 3.5 baths $1,380,000 Sold on 9/15/22
2627 Haverford Rd.
6 beds, 4.5 baths $1,305,000 Sold on 8/15/22
2777 S. Dorchester Rd.
4 beds, 3 baths $1,252,700 Sold on 8/30/22
2109 Oakmount Rd.
5 beds, 3.5 baths $1,250,000 Sold on 9/15/22
1170 Lincoln Rd.
5 beds, 2.5 baths $1,150,000 Sold on 8/23/22
Marble Cliff had an average sale price of $528K in August, up 17.4% since last year. The average sale price per square foot is $242, up 4.8% since last year. (Data from Redfin)
The holiday season has arrived and sharing it with family and friends is important. The real estate market is adjusting in response to interest rate increases. Let me help you navigate these changes, so you can focus on the important things. Thinking about making a move?
Laura Pappas
for more info: lpappas@cityscenemediagroup.com
This fun and inclusive board book gives many examples of how we can be kind every day. Color ful illustrations and rhym ing text show children picking up litter, calming a friend, planting a seed, working together to make a difference and much more. An introductory book to share with little ones to teach them that showing kindness never ends.
Charles and his friend Boggan (a toboggan sled) are in search of a wish tree even though they have been told no such thing exists. On their journey through the snowy woods, they encounter many woodland creatures and help the animals transfer supplies to their homes. The animals return the kindness by leading Charles and Boggan to a beautiful snowy tree where Charles ties his wish. Some of the text is repeated throughout the story that can help young readers predict what will happen.
A biography about Opal Lee, known as the “grandmother of Juneteenth.” The book relays the history of the holiday at a modern Juneteenth celebration that includes Opal’s great grandson and other children. She tells freedom stories of slavery, how the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 didn’t
free Texas slaves until 1865, of Jim Crow laws that were still in place when she was a child and of an angry mob who burned her family’s house down in 1939. In addition to the stories, a popular Texas red punch recipe is included as well as a timeline and more information about Opal Lee and her contributions to making Juneteenth a national holiday.
Stay by Bobbie Pyron (grades 4-6)
Eleven-year-old Piper and her family have been moving around a lot look ing for work and experi encing snow for the first time while living in a shel ter in a new city in Idaho. This story is told from different perspectives throughout; mostly from Piper and a dog named Baby who belongs to an older homeless woman named Jewel. After Jewel catches pneumonia and goes to the hospital for an unknown amount of time, Piper, Jewel and Baby’s friends from the park where they all live with their pets, and some of Piper’s new friends from the shelter want to help Baby and to reunite him with his owner.
We Will Not Be Silent: The White Rose Student Resistance Movement that Defied Adolf Hitler by Russell Freedman (grades 7 and up)
This young adult non-fiction book chronicles the lives of Ger man siblings Hans and Sophie Scholl before and during World War II. They were part of the Hitler youth but eventually left as it became more apparent what Hitler was trying to accom plish. Later, when they studied at Munich University, they met and befriended other like-minded students and profes sors who wrote, reproduced and distributed leaflets called the White Rose that called to overthrow Hitler and the Nazi re gime. The book is filled with a lot of details and photographs. Reading this is sure to inspire discussion.
Main, Lane and Miller Park www.ualibrary.org