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Power With great Power comes great responsibility.
phenomenal in lots of areas, but they’ll still have struggles in other areas.
“They’re just phenomenal, interesting people who have to, sort of, reinvent themselves, and become the new Vicky or John,” Minnich says. “As part of the brain injury organization, it has been wonderful to work with them.”
In addition to her job, Minnich likes to garden, read medieval historical novels, and travel to Denver to visit her daughter, Jenn O’Connell.
Heather McCray is a contributing writer. Feedback welcome at laurand@city scenecolumbus.com.
Preventing Traumatic Brain Injury
“We are all at risk for a TBI, but there are things we can do to reduce that risk,” says Dr. Jennifer Bogner, vice chairwoman of research for the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at The Ohio State University.
To Help Prevent TBI:
1. Buckle up and use appropriate car seats for children.
2. Wear a helmet whenever riding a motorcycle, playing contact sports or engaging in an activity that places you at risk for a fall at height or speed (e.g. bicycling, horseback riding) or for being hit in the head (e.g. baseball).
3. Make the home safer for older adults and young children.
4. Drink alcohol responsibly and don’t use illegal drugs. “Misuse of alcohol or other drugs substantially increases the risk that you or someone else will be seriously injured,” Bogner says.
To learn more about Traumatic Brain Injury, visit www.cdc.gov/Traumatic BrainInjury. To find a TBI support group near you, visit http://biaoh.org/ BIAOHresources.htm.
By Rose Davidson