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Supplements, Minerals, Elixers, Oh My!
Vitamin shopping can be a pill – here's what you need to know
Laura Berger is a Westerville dietitian with a knack for cooking and a passion for helping others reach their own health goals, too. This issue, we asked her questions about supplements, vitamins and elixirs. We’re hungry for answers and Berger is serving them up hot!
Do you believe in supplements? If so, what do you take?
I believe in the right types of supplements being used for the right reasons. The options are overwhelming when it comes to brands, nutrients, and herbal support. While many compounds are well studied and considered safe, consumers find themselves blindly purchasing the economy size fish oil at Costco because they think they should. Vitamins must be processed and extracted correctly or stabilized to be effective, so with many cheap brands you may be getting no benefit at all or worse doing harm. There have been studies where the vitamins off the grocery shelves are analyzed and found to contain only a fraction of what they claim, so it is important to go with brands that are reputable, have been around for a while, are research based, and practice GMP; if the company sounds gimmicky or too good to be true, it probably is.
All the supplements I take are from medical grade companies, meaning they are quality tested, research based, and the forms of the vitamins are bioactive; here is my daily regimen: Probiotic, 20-40billion CFU (with prebiotic), Cod Liver Oil (contains omega 3’s, A, and D), Multivitamin, Vitamin D, Magnesium glycinate, and a bone supplement which contains calcium from hydroxyapatite, D, Magnesium, Vitamin K2, Boron, and calcium collagen chelate. We also have both a plant-based protein powder and collagen protein powder we use for shakes. Is it possible to be too obsessed with vitamins and supplements?
I think the biggest risk of “obsession” comes when thinking that the supplements are going to save your health without making a solid effort to improve diet quality. Supplements are just that: supplemental; meaning, they help support body functions and cover deficiencies, but can never take the place of a balanced diet with whole food ingredients and low amounts of processed foods and additives.
Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory. I often recommend this if someone is having inflammatory issues, autoimmunity, or joint pain. It has also been studied for its anti-cancer properties. Curcumin is a fat-soluble nutrient, meaning you need to consume it with a meal containing fat; it is also best if the supplement contains Black Pepper Extract because it aids in absorption. Most chronic diseases are rooted in inflam-
mation and things that decrease inflammation can help either prevent or manage symptoms of inflammation.
Collagen is one of the hot supplements out there right now; I think it has great benefits and I have been prescribing it for those who need a non-dairy protein powder, additional joint support, or gastrointestinal healing or support. Collagen is the substance our skin cartilage, tendon, ligament, and fascia are made of. There are different types of collagen and it is important to know what type you are taking for what purpose; the supplement may be different if you are trying to support your knee vs. trying to prevent wrinkles.
I think kombucha is great. Kombucha is a fermented tea beverage, and I am a big fan of fermented foods because they provide beneficial bacteria for the gut. Our culture in general does not consume enough live foods because many things are sterilized and processed, but live foods help diversify the gut. You do have to be careful when purchasing Kombucha because many brands add a lot of sugar in addition to the sugar added for fermentation which negates many of the benefits and turns it into a high calorie beverage vs. a health food. G.T.’s brand is one of the best I have found and is available in most grocery stores.
Green tea?
Green tea is an excellent beverage for boosting energy and obtaining health benefits. It, and many other teas, contain polyphenols, which are a category of phytochemicals, or beneficial compounds found in plants that protect our cells and have various disease preventing properties. Green tea’s major component is a polyphenol known as EGCG, or epigallocatechin-3-gallate, a catechin that has been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory effects, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties, including prevention of lung, breast, esophageal, stomach, liver, and prostate cancer. It contains about a quarter of the caffeine of coffee so still provides a boost without overwhelming the system.
Maca powder?
Maca is a root that has powerful antioxidant function, meaning it helps protect your cells from damage, and is known to promote energy, stamina, and mood. It also has been shown to help with hormonal balance and reproductive health, especially in women struggling with estrogen balance and those going through menopause. It may be beneficial for someone looking for non-medicative ways to improve how they feel and function daily. Look for brands that have been “gelatinized”, which is a process that helps break down the fibers to improve digestibility.
Superfood drink mix
Here is a superfood drink mix you can try if you are looking for a natural energy boost that also serves as a snack or meal replacement: Ingredients • 1 scoop plain or vanilla collagen powder (no added sugar, Vital Proteins is a great brand) • ½ avocado • ½ cup organic blueberries (fresh or frozen) • 1 cup organic dark leafy greens (spinach, kale, chard) • Small sliver of fresh ginger • 1 tbsp. chia seeds, hemp, or flaxseeds • 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice • 2 cups water and ice as desired • Optional: 1 scoop Maca Powder Directions
Use a high-powered blender to process and enjoy!

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