4 minute read
Angie Scheu brings conservation to Westerville Now the owner of Green Haven Living – a Westerville home furnishings shop that focuses on sustainability and wildlife conservation – Scheu continues her work in environmentalism. And to think it all began with that childhood book.
The business is a perfect platform to educate others about the impact they can have on the world by going green. Green Haven Living is a member of the Sustainable Furnishings Council, a nationwide group of businesses that aims to help companies reduce negative environmental impact.
“A lot of my direct efforts come in explaining to customers what these companies are doing as an example of having a choice in purchasing,” says Scheu. “They can either purchase something that’s made in a very unconscious way or something that is much more responsible, minimally impactful and contributes to some type of cause.”
Scheu is a member of Sustainable Westerville and Simply Living, both central Ohio conservation organizations. She also works closely with the Ohio Wildlife Center, which she fundraises for. With so much innovation and new ideas developing in sustainability, Scheu is grateful to have support from her community and her family. Her husband and two daughters are always willing to lend a helping hand with her advocating duties.
“(My daughters) definitely want to help,” Scheu says. “They’re here a lot on the weekend, coming in and helping me with the store and events.”
Moving forward, Scheu wants to better understand and familiarize herself with the needs of the community. Being environmentally conscious can be a difficult long-term plan, but Scheu believes anyone is capable of more – especially Westerville.
“I think a lot of it comes down to consumption. We are people. People are going to consume by nature,” says Scheu. “It’s really being more mindful of how you’re consuming, what you’re consuming, what it’s made of, where it came from, who made it and at what Angie Scheu recalls attending a book fair with some friends in elementary school. While browsing, Scheu discovered 50 Ways Kids Can Save the Earth. Her friends questioned why she would ever want to read something like it, but she did – cover to cover. One of Scheu’s passions is wildlife conservation. She holds quarterly events at Green Haven Living called Wild Saturday, where she invites the community to learn about native Ohio wildlife, visit with animals and donate to the Ohio Wildlife Center. Going Green
Zoë Glore is an assistant editor. Feedback welcome at zglore@cityscenemediagroup.com.
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A Day Without Trash How to go through an entire day in Westerville without producing waste
www.westervillemagazine.com 9 a.m. @ Java Central Café and Roaster Bring a mug or travel cup and Java Central will fill it with your order. 10 a.m. @ the grocery store
Prepare for your waste-free grocery trip with reusable produce bags, glass jars and reusable grocery bags. Avoid any plastic or non-recyclable material. For example, if you purchase granola that comes in a package, try opting for a self-serve and self-scoop granola. For meat and seafood, ask your butcher over the counter to use your glass containers instead of the plastic packaging. Noon @ the office
Instead of heading to the water cooler every hour with a plastic or Styrofoam cup, bring a reusable water bottle to refill throughout the workday. Additionally, the average office worker uses 10,000 sheets of copy paper each year. To reduce your daily usage, go an entire day by emailing important documents to coworkers and clients or use online presentations instead of handing out agendas at meetings. 6 p.m. @ dinner
When eating out, there’s a few ways to reduce your trash intake. Ask for no straw in your beverage. Bring cloth napkins, and if the restaurant uses plastic utensils, bring travel silverware. Instead of using a to-go plastic cup, bring a reusable water bottle. It’s always a good idea to bring extra Tupperware as well, just in case you want to take home leftovers. 9 p.m. @ home
Not-so-fun-fact: Toothbrushes are in the top five most commonly found trash item during beach cleanups. Switch to bamboo toothbrushes, which are made of compostable materials. If you’re really dedicated to going entirely waste-free, try an Alum stone, a plastic-free deodorant. For face wash, switch to an alternative that’s in a bar shape.

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