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From the Westerville Public Library
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Recommended Youth Reads from Katie Ross, Youth Services Librarian

Danbi Leads the School Parade by Anna Kim (Picture Book)
Danbi, a new student, wants to participate in the fun and games with her classmates. She decides to create a new game that will involve all the students in the school.
I’m New Here by Anne
Sibley O’Brien
(Picture Book)
Discover what it might be like to be a new student from a different country. New students need the help of their fellow classmates to learn new ways of doing things and to feel included.
Lunch Every Day by Kathryn
Otoshi (Picture Book)
Bullies have feelings and needs like everyone else. One mother decides to help her son’s bully in a way that will transform both of their lives.
This Is How We Do It: One Day in the Lives of Seven Kids from Around the World
by Matt Lamothe (Juvenile Non-fiction)
This book is based on the lives of seven children from different countries around the world. Discover the similarities and differences between the ways various cultures live their daily lives.
Recommended Adult Reads from Mindy Bilyeu, Adult Services Librarian
Ambitious Like a Mother: Why Prioritizing your Career Is Good for your Kids
by Lara Bazelon (Non-fiction)
Lara Bazelon, a law professional, argues that women prioritizing their career benefits other mothers, kids and society at large by showing how they can use their talents to help others and raise awareness about issues that are important to them.
The Art of Talking with Children: The Simple Keys to Nurturing Kindness, Creativity, and Confidence in Kids
by Rebecca Givens Rolland (Non-fiction)
Rebecca Givens Rolland, a Harvard faculty member and oral language specialist, provides adults with evidence-based tools and techniques to help them have productive and meaningful conversations with children of all ages.
A Girlhood: A Letter to My Transgender Daughter by Carolyn
Hays (Non-fiction)
A parent’s love letter to a daughter who has always known exactly who she is. One ordinary day, a caseworker from the Department of Children and Families knocked on the Hays family’s door to investigate an anonymous complaint about the upbringing of their transgender child.
Imperfect Parenting: How to Build a Relationship with Your Child to Weather Any Storm
by Dona J. Matthews (Non-fiction)
Written for parents of children from birth to young adulthood (ages 0-24), this book helps you examine your role as a guide, cheerleader, advocate and, most importantly, as a human being who doesn’t always have the right answers.