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Photos courtesy of Dave Fox Design Build Remodelers
Contemporary Cabin
Full remodel adds function and modern aesthetic to woodsy home
When Matt and Joanne Weekley purchased a cabin-like home off Schrock Road, they knew it would need serious updating. The couple settled on a full remodel with maximal function and minimal black-and-white design, transforming it into a cozy yet contemporary home.
Soon after buying the cabin, the Weekleys realized that the style of the home did not align with their contemporary tastes. The house hadn’t been updated significantly since its construction in the 1980s and was in dire need of an update.
“The first step was identifying a design and construction company that could do the work,” Matt says. “We knew it was a large undertaking and we wanted to find someone that we felt knew the industry and that we could trust and rely on.”
The Weekleys settled on Dave Fox Design Build Remodelers, and say the Dave Fox team went out of its way to ensure

the process was collaborative and sought approval from the couple on every decision. A full home remodel is always a complex process, but because the remodel took place during the COVID-19 pandemic, the couple faced additional hurdles to keep the Brand-New Community Amenities Completed early fall, we have new one- and two- bedroom garden apartments as well as a cozy new outdoor fi re pit, more outdoor seating, new putting green, bocce ball court, and raised garden beds. RSVP for our events or schedule a tour at LiveAtWesterwood.org or call (614) 304-3915.

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project moving smoothly. Supply chain issues caused significant delays, particularly with cabinets that Joanne says they had ordered from overseas.
Fortunately, the Weekleys were able to stay in their previous home in Dublin during the renovation process, giving the construction company space to continue as quickly and seamlessly as possible.
Expanding the functional space of the house was a top priority for Matt and Joanne. The move marked a downsize from the empty-nesters’ Dublin home, but the renovations would mean they didn’t have to compromise on anything.
“We created as much storage space as we could because we were downsizing so significantly,” Matt says. “We think we did a really nice job of utilizing whatever extra space we could to create storage.”
Carving out that space allowed the Weekleys to transform the cabin significantly. The couple turned a guest bedroom into a gym and had a new bar and kitchen designed to open up the potential for socializing.
The renovations also include important safety corrections with both visitors and everyday living in mind. A loft, previously accessible only by ladder, transformed into a cozy, third-floor sitting room perfect for listening to records or reading.
“We wanted to make it as user-friendly for grandkids and pets as possible,” Matt says. “There were a lot of quirks to this house that we wanted to fix.”
Following a long period of hard labor and close collaboration with Dave Fox, the Weekleys were able to create a home that was perfect for them and their family.
“We don’t miss the other home at all,” they say. “We love what we have here.”
Andrea Paolucci is an editorial assistant at CityScene Media Group. Feedback welcome at feedback@cityscenemediagroup.com.
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