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Meet Our Model: Shadrina Booker

Photo by Vityl Media

When she’s not dedicating her time to fostering community connections, Shadrina Booker can be found collaborating on creative content with her husband, cheering on her son at a soccer game, or readying for a run. Here, Booker shares how she became an avid runner and what continues to inspire this rewarding ritual. Read on to learn how she is investing in health and wellness through running and more, and the ways that family and fitness go hand-in-hand.

What is your approach to wellness? How has that changed over time?

Growing up, I was far from being an athlete; the thought of working out or engaging in physically demanding activities didn’t appeal to me. This perspective shifted dramatically during my pregnancy. I found myself staying active throughout, which not only led to a wonderful pregnancy and delivery experience but also marked the beginning of my journey towards embracing wellness. The turning point came as our son got older and began participating in sports. Recognizing the opportunity to be a role model for him, I was motivated to embody the values of dedication and perseverance. This led me to embark on my running journey, aiming to demonstrate the importance of working hard towards achieving one’s goals. My approach to wellness is now rooted in the belief that staying active is not just about physical health but also about setting a positive example for my family, especially my son.

What are your favorite ways to practice self-care?

Strength training and running stand at the forefront of my self-care practices. These activities not only help me maintain physical fitness but also provide mental clarity and resilience, serving as a powerful reminder of my strength and endurance. Equally important to me is the care and styling of my hair. It’s a significant aspect of my identity, and dedicating time to nurture and style it is both a therapeutic and empowering practice. It’s a form of self-expression and self-love that I deeply cherish. Indulging in massages is another favorite self-care method of mine. Massages offer a profound sense of relaxation and recovery, allowing me to unwind and recharge. They serve as a reminder of the importance of taking a step back from the daily hustle to prioritize my physical and mental health.

When it comes to health and wellness, is there anyone you admire or look up to?

Undoubtedly my dad. This year, as he turns 70, his unwavering commitment to his fitness journey, even in the face of significant challenges, continues to inspire me deeply. Despite battling cancer, he never let his circumstances deter him from staying active. If running wasn’t feasible, he adapted by engaging in other forms of exercise, such as cycling or walking, demonstrating his resilience and dedication to maintaining his health. His approach to fitness, emphasizing adaptability and consistency, has profoundly influenced my own perspective on health and wellness. It’s a powerful reminder that obstacles and age are not barriers to leading an active lifestyle.

What does your daily routine look like?

I generally start my day early, often waking up before the sunrise. Three days a week, I make it a point to hit the pavement and run anywhere from four to six miles, while on weekends, I extend those runs for a bit more challenge. On the days I’m not running, I dedicate time to strength training. Evenings tend to revolve around my family, particularly my son’s soccer activities. Whether it’s practices or games, I’m often found cheering him on from the sidelines. By around 9:30 p.m., I’m winding down for the day … time to relax and recharge for another fulfilling day ahead.

How do you encourage health and wellness within your family?

Firstly, I prioritize meal prepping and emphasize the importance of making nutritious food choices. Beyond that, I’ve also encouraged my husband and son to embrace an active lifestyle by participating in races together. While they may prefer shorter distances, it’s heartwarming to see them share my passion for running. By making healthy living a shared experience, we not only strengthen our bodies but also our bond as a family.

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