MaPS. Mastering Public Space
A collaborative research network on cities and urbanity
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City Space Architecture
Non-profit Cultural Association
Operational headquarters via Paolo G. Martini 26/d
40134 Bologna (ITALY) Legal residence via Saragozza 135/2
40135 Bologna (ITALY)
T/F +39 051 6142934
MaPS is a multidisciplinary educational project, aimed at scholars, professionals, public and private institutions, artists and citizens, regardless of age. a journey through the public space and the way to use it, live it, design it, in the various regions in the world. a story of many voices about the contemporary urban living.
MaPS uses an innovative and creative approach and language.
MaPS experiences
intersections between architecture, urban planning, photography and cinema.
MaPs offers a scenario between urban design and social practices of everyday life.
organized and curated by Luisa Bravo
Public Spaces of Everyday Life
of Architecture
The Biennal of Public Space in Rome INTERNATIONAL
Università di Roma Tre Faculty
23 May 2015
MaPS involves scholars together with undergraduate, graduate and PhD students from: National Technical University of Athens, Greece / University of Auckland, New Zealand / Thammasat University, Thailand / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain / Queensland University of Technology, Australia / Universidad de Palermo, Argentina / University of Canberra, Australia / Illinois Institute of Technology, USA / Università di Bologna, Italy / The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China / Bezalel
Academy of Arts and Design, Israel / Taylor’s University, Malaysia / University of Nicosia, Cyprus / Carleton University, Canada / KTH
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden / co+labo
Radovic, Keio University, Japan / Università degli studi di Firenze, Italy / National Taiwan University, Taiwan
and professionals from: Barcelona / Beirut / Berlin / Bologna / London / Mostar / Tripoli
and non-profit cultural associations such as: International Society of Biourbanism / Labirinto: Culture e Civiltà Mediterranee / K.A.M. (Centre for Mediterranean Architecture) / AESOP Association of European Schools of Planning / Mostar ADA Center
20+ Working MaPS
Buenos Aires, Argentina / Chicago, USA / Ottawa, Canada / Bologna, Italy / Barcelona, Spain / Athens, Greece / Berlin, Germany / London, UK / Stockholm, Sweden /Beirut and Tripoli, Lebanon / Nicosia and Paphos, Cyprus / Jerusalem, Israel / Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina / Bangkok, Thailand / Hong Kong, China / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / Tokyo, Japan / Brisbane, Australia / Auckland, New Zealand.
Luisa Bravo
Table #1
Privately owned public spaces
Conversation coordinated by Manfredo
Hendrik Tieben, Stefania Ragozino, Davisi Boontharm, Yiorgos Hadjichristou, Renata Priore Lima, Brenda Gimenez, Darko Radovic, Chen Lijing.
Key words
privatization right to the city
social complexity
Hendrik Tieben
Davisi Boontharm
Brenda Gimenez
Yiorgos Hadjichristou
Darko Radovic
Manfredo Manfredini
Renata Priore Lima
Stefania Ragozino
Chen Lijing
Table #2 Sustainable public spaces and smart cities
Conversation coordinated by Antonio Caperna
Simone Garagnani, Guglielmo Minervino, Mattheos Papavasiliou, Elisa Ravazzoli
Key words
real/virtual world
technology versus communities process/evolution
Antonio Caperna
Elisa Ravazzoli
Guglielmo Minervino
Mattheos Papavasiliou
Simone Garagnani
Table #3
Space, identity and conflict: mapping the commons
Conversation coordinated by Angela Petrou
Elena Konstantinidou, Rania Sassine, Ana Jugovic, Nilly R. Harag, Yamit Cohen-Liberman
Key words
identity as a value
identity is never singular identity belongs to the place and the users identity reveals the unseen
Angela Petrou
Yamat Cohen-Liberman
Elena Konstantinidou
Rania Sassine
Ana Jugovic
Nilly R. Harag
Table #4
Re-envisioning community space
Conversation coordinated by Hendrik Tieben
Claudio Sgarbi, Mattheos Papavasiliou, Brenda Gimenez, Stefania Ragozino, Ceren Sezer
diverse communities
academic activism/action research
social engagement
Ceren Sezer
Claudio Sgarbi
Mattheos Papavasiliou
Susanne Lager
Stefania Ragozino
Hendrik Tieben
Table #5
Creative solutions for social engagement
Conversation coordinated by Darko Radovic
Davisi Boontharm, Nilly R. Harag, Yiorgos Hadjichristou, Ana Jugovic, wAngela Petrou, Valentina Orioli, Yamit Cohen-Liberman, Ivan Omazic
Key words
bottom-up approach momentum of temporality soft infrastructure contingency as a creative common ground
Valentina Orioli
Angela Petrou
Manfredo Manfredini
Yiorgos Hadjichristou
Darko Radovic
Nilly Harag
Ivan Omazic
Ana Jugovic
Davisi Boontharm
Table #6
Public spaces in the Mediterranean city
Conversation coordinated by Elena Konstantinidou
Giorgia Tsouderos, Rania Sassine, Zacharias Pistopoulos, Valentini Karvoutzi, Antonio Caperna, Dimitra Nikolaou
Key words
life outdoor
multilayers of identity and culture time/climate
Elena Konstantinidou
Zacharias Pistopoulos
Giorgia Tsouderos
Dimitra Nikolau
Workshop #1 Narratives in Public Space (NaPS)
Elahe Karimnia, Mahdis Aliasgari
Journey Mapping / What if... / Future Scenario.
The first step is to map out a journey of everyday life which enacts cultural and social realities embedded in people’s narratives and activities. The objective is to illustrate a day’s journey that includes documentation of outdoor activities and mapping of locations/destinations in order to explore detailed explanations of key moments that shed light on the users’ initial motivation for wandering in the city. This will take place as an open-ended interview with diverse groups of participants. Once the map is developed, the follow-up step is to ask questions of “what if...” to relates their memories to their interests which can be objects, places, events as well as other people. The outcome of this exploration will be a short video, revisiting their journey from a single photo of their map. This exposure of social practices is an attempt to unfold everyday life as tangible and legible data, which provides a common language for us as designers, as well as other stakeholders of the city.
Elahe Karimnia
Mahdis Aliasgari
Workshop #2
Spatial attributes and patterns of human interaction in space
Elena Konstantinidou, Valentini
Karvoutzi, Mattheos Papavasiliou, Dimitra Nicolaou, Archontoula
Dimitra Nicolaou
Archontoula Vasilara
Valentini Karvoutzi
MAXXI B.A.S.E. in Rome
organized and curated by Luisa Bravo
MAXXI B.A.S.E. Research Centre of the Museum of XXI Century Arts
24 May 2015
Europe and Middle East
Bologna | Luisa Bravo and Simone Garagnani
City Space Architecture, Italy
Beirut | Rania Sassine
Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts, Lebanon
Carpineto Romano | Stefano Serafini
International Society of Biourbanism, Italy
Genova | José Manuel Madrigal
University of Genova, Italy
Nicosia | Yiorgos Hadjichristou
University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Moutallos | Angela Petrou
University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Athens | Elena Konstantinidou, Valentini Karvoutzi, Mattheos Papavasiliou, Arhontoula Vasilara
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Jerusalem | Nilly R. Harag and Yamit Cohen-Liberman
Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Israel
Mostar | Ana Jugovic
City of Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Canada and South America
Ottawa | Claudio Sgarbi
Carleton University, Canada
Buenos Aires | Elisa Ravazzoli
Universidad de Palermo, Argentina
Asia and New Zealand
Auckland | Manfredo Manfredini
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Tokyo | Darko Radovic and Davisi Boontharm
co+labo, Keio University, Japan
Hong Kong | Hendrik Tieben
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
MAXXI B.A.S.E. in Rome
curated by Luisa Bravo
Manfredo Manfredini
supported by Univertsity of Auckland
School of Architecture and Planning
New Zealand
Research Centre of the Museum of XXI Century Arts
May 24, 2015
Special thanks to Mario Spada and Pietro Garau for the invitation to join the Biennal of Public Space in Rome
Pippo Ciorra, Alessio Rosati and Viola Porfirio for the warm hospitality at MAXXI B.A.S.E. in Rome
All pictures included in this brochure are from Elettra Giulia Bastoni Photographer
Graphic layout
Arturo Del Razo Montiel
City Space Architecture Non-profit Cultural Association Operational headquarters via Paolo G. Martini 26/d 40134 Bologna (ITALY) Legal residence via Saragozza 135/2 40135 Bologna (ITALY) T/F +39 051 6142934