City & State Pennsylvania 062021

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CityAndStatePA .com

June 2021

Emergency REINING IN

ENNSYLVANIA became the first state in the nation to constitution‑ ally cut back on its governor’s emergency powers after voters approved two constitutional amendments in May that limit the breadth of a governor’s ability to unilaterally respond to various emergencies. The constitutional amendments, which were approved by voters during the mu‑ nicipal primary, limit the length of a gu‑ bernatorial emergency declaration. These emergency declarations give governors

broad authority to issue executive orders with the force of law. Under the changes, such declarations are now limited to 21 days, unless extended by state lawmak‑ ers. Another change approved by voters gives the General Assembly the power to terminate an emergency declaration with‑ out needing the governor’s signature. The ballot questions were largely framed as a referendum on Gov. Tom Wolf’s COVID‑19 response, which relied heavily on executive orders, particularly in the early months of the pandemic when the Demo‑


MAY 19 Wolf vetoes

three bills attempting to give counties and businesses the ability to develop their own mitigation and reopening plans.

MARCH 6 Gov. Tom Wolf signs an emergency declaration regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, giving him broad authority to issue executive orders with the force of law.

JUNE 3 Wolf renews the 90-day disaster declaration signed on March 6.

MARCH 19 Wolf

orders all non-life-sustaining businesses to close.

APRIL 1 Wolf

announces statewide stay-at-home order.

APRIL 3 House

Resolution 836, introduced by state Rep. Russ Diamond, is referred to the Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee. The concurrent resolution is Republicans’ first attempt to terminate the March 6, 2020 emergency declaration. Gov. Wolf recommends all

Pennsylvanians wear a mask anytime they leave their homes.

MAY 4 Wolf announces phased reopening and provides guidance to counties moving to “yellow phase” starting May 8.

JUNE 9 HR 836 is

passed through the Senate and concurred by the House.

JUNE 26 Wolf announces that the last Pennsylvania county will move into the green phase on July 3.

cratic governor issued sweeping executive orders to close businesses, restrict in‑per‑ son instruction at schools and require resi‑ dents to remain at home as part of an effort to limit the spread of the coronavirus. Now, Wolf will be forced to collaborate with law‑ makers on the state’s response to emer‑ gencies or risk the termination of various emergency declarations. In addition to the COVID‑19 declaration, Wolf has used them for other situations, including his response to the opioid epidemic and to civil unrest following the death of George Floyd.




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