Winter 2013 Newsletter, Bread for the City

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WInTer neWsleTTer

H O L I D AY H E L P I N G S : MAKING THe HoLIDAYS HAPPeN For DC FAMILIeS IN NeeD ThIs Year’s holIDaY helPInGs CaMPaIGn Was a sMashInG suCCess! BeCause oF You, More Than 7,144 hunGrY householDs CeleBraTeD The holIDaYs WITh a TraDITIonal TurkeY DInner. WOW! “I’m thankful that I’m able to put a meal Bread for the City raised $376,211.10 on my table. I’m thankful that other peo- through our Holiday Helpings campaign ple like me are able to get a meal through this year. Thank you for your support in Bread for the City,” says Martha Knight, a making the holidays happen for 7,144 DC Bread for the City client who received a households in need. Holiday Helpings bag this year. “I pull so much strength out of Bread for the City. I’m thankful for that whole organization for being able to help people like me.” For so many families across the District, Thanksgiving or Christmas would be “just another day” without Holiday Helpings. That’s what Byron and Ebony Triplett, parents of three, told us when they came to pick up food for the very first time.

Volunteers get turkeys ready for hungry families!

wHAT we’Ve DoNe IN 2012: our neW DenTal ClInIC has ProvIDeD nearlY 2,000 CleanInGs, eXTraCTIons, X-raYs anD oTher oral Care servICes. We’ve DouBleD The reaCh oF our FaMIlY leGal servICes ProGraM. We PlanTeD a 1,000-Tree orCharD To sToCk our FooD PanTrY For Years To CoMe.

wHAT we’re PLANNING For 2013 “I’m not high-ranking enough [in the U.S. Navy] to take care of a family of my size. Usually, we’re only able to get groceries that are enough for about two weeks, and at the end we’re kind of scrounging until I get paid again, and that’s kind of our cycle.” — Byron Triplett


6 PM, THUrSDAY, APrIL 11TH, 2013 TICKeTS: $250 Silent auction & reception followed by seated dinner and live auction The Omni Shoreham Hotel 2500 Calvert Street NW, Washington, DC

We’re eXPanDInG our FooD ProGraM To serve aBle-BoDIeD aDulTs. We’re aPPlYInG For FeDerallY QualIFIeD healTh Care sTaTus. We’re hIrInG a MenTal healTh Talk TheraPIsT For our souTheasT CenTer’s soCIal servICes ProGraM.

reAD THe FULL STrATeGIC PLAN Download Plan:

Request Plan By Mail: or 202.386.7613 QUeSTIoNS or CoMMeNTS:

Email CEO George A. Jones Call George: 202.386.7602

Bread for the City is a community-based nonprofit organization that provides free, comprehensive services to low-income residents of Washington, DC in an atmosphere of dignity and respect. Bread for the City is a 501(c)3 organization and contributions are tax-deductible. Federal ID #26-3407327

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Good Hope Awards: Thanks to our volunteers On October 23rd, we celebrated our volunteers at the 2012 Good Hope Awards. Although we appreciate every single individual who donates their time to advance our mission, we honored 12 of our most committed volunteers for their service to Bread for the City this year.

Yvonne volunteers in our Housing Access Program. She’s gained a lot from Bread for the City, and she loves to give back. She says, “You will never know how much you’ve helped my family.”

Casey Trees, Urban Agricultural Partner of the Year

Bella Rosner, Healing Volunteer of the Year

Lorraine McKinney, Community Reformer of the Year

Mary Hampton, Clothing Room Volunteer of the Year

Jessica Del Vecchio, Jessica Del Vecchio Photography, Event Volunteer of the Year

David Taylor, Pre-Employment ProgramVolunteer of the Year

Debbie Duarte, Medical Clinic Volunteer of the Year Julia Judish, Legal Clinic Volunteer of the Year Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP, Pro Bono Partner of the Year

Yvonne Bowlding, NW Social Services Volunteer of the Year Ella Hodge, NW Food Pantry Volunteer of the Year Emma Oates, SE Food Pantry Volunteer of the Year


Dickstein Shapiro LLP

$10,000 - $35,000

Jones Day Covington & Burling LLP WilmerHale LLP Avalere Health

$5,000 - $10,000

MCN Build LLC US Airways Alston + Bird LLP Mark and Cindy Aron Clark Construction Group, LLC

$1,000 - $5,000

R. B. Holcomb Beth A. Stekler Jacqueline M. Holmes Bates White LLC Ellen & Roy Rosenthal Gregory G. Fergin Jay T. Smith Charles Delmar Foundation DLA Piper LLP Harvey G. Sherzer Lawrence Patrick


Gerald W. Fischer Michael A. McMurphy Julia L. Cronin Sedgwick, LLP Jane Brown Russell J. Bruemmer Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP Tommy D. Smith David R. Harding Kathleen M. Fones Wiley Rein LLP Social & Scientific Systems, Inc. Susan J. Wedlan James L. Alberg Karen Dynan Rita R. Hulme Bruce M. Loy Janet L. Murray Chris and Lauren Mead Richard J. Conway Jay N. Fastow Robert J. Higgins Joel B. Kleinman Christopher T. Leonardo Daniel M. Litt Harry J. Weiss Johanna O. Rousseaux Richard J. Leveridge Peter W. Morgan

Paul R. Taskier Craig R. Stevens Insurance Associates Nestle, USA Baker & Hostetler, LLP Roadside Development, LLC CoStar Group Margaret Emery

Top Drive Partners Dickstein Shapiro LLP WilmerHale LLP Jones Day Alston + Bird LLP Emily Schneider Avalere Health Sedgwick LLP Sebastian Sobolev Chadbourne & Parke LLP Ryan Hill & Mary Kate Hopwood Goodwin Procter LLP Garvey Schubert Barer LLP Kristin Valentine The Sierra Club Covington & Burling LLP Jessica Del Vecchio Photography Stacey Johnson Tracy Davis

Northwest Center: 1525 7th Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 202.265.2400 Southeast Center: 1640 Good Hope Road, SE Washington, DC 20020 202.561.8587

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