College of Business Bulletin No. 3 (English)

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Faculty of Business Bulletin 15


No. 3 - Sept 2005

Anniversary : 1990 - 2005

Applied Research that Contributes to the Community - CityU Faculty of Business Professor Matthew Lee, Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Programmes) In its strategic plan for 2003-2008, City University of Hong Kong (CityU) sees itself strategically positioned along the axis that links professional education with applied research, and seeks to enhance this linkage and the synergies between research and education, and among disciplines and professional areas. In keeping with the vision of the University, at the Faculty of Business (FB) we accord considerable significance to applied research that is directly relevant to teaching. We are strongly committed to the application of our research to benefit the community. Through our links with business leaders and executives, we use our expertise and research to help improve the quality of management and decision making in commercial and business operations in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland. Strategically we have identified an internationally competitive area of applied research: Knowledge and Innovation Management (KIM), while we also foster other potential areas of strength, i.e. Accounting and Corporate Governance, and International Economics. Our well-established PhD programme provides advanced education to nurture people who can contribute to the advancement of knowledge through independent and original research, and to economic, social and cultural development locally and in the region. The Faculty takes great pride in its impressive record of high quality applied research. We are ranked top 4th in Asia in terms of research*. In some areas within KIM (e.g. information systems), we have already come within the top echelon in research productivity outside of North America**. This Bulletin highlights some of our work in this area. m.utdall * “A Evaluation of Publication Productivity in Information Systems: 1999 to 2003�, ** Huang, H. and Hsu J., “An Communications of the AIS, IS, Vol.15 V Article 31.

Knowledge and Innovation Management (KIM) Knowledge wledge is about value v creation.

It is the inte intellectual capital ta of

organizations. Innovation is a m main source of knowledge ge generation an and organizational renewal in the knowledge ledg economy. Managing gin knowledge e and innovation successfully is thus the e k key to leveraging g iintellectual capital for competitive advantage in the modern de business world. ld Our focus in KIM is on the management of innovation tio and knowledge dg for business




competitiveness, n

employing a global perspective sharpened with an Asian a orientation.. We take an interdisciplinary applied research approach dr driven by specific ci KIM problems that businesses and organizations are facing c nowadays, y drawing researchers from across the disciplines of information a systems, s management, management sciences, marketing and economics. o

Our KIM research is supported by a substantial critical mass of 39 active researchers and well over 40 research students. The researchers together have published over 150 KIM research articles in journals that are ranked as “B” and above (i.e. of at least national excellence) in the last few years, and are principal investigators of more than 23 ongoing CERG* projects. Examples of specific problem areas addressed by KIM researchers include (among others) knowledge-based logistics and transportation management; knowledge/information systems design, adoption and security; product innovation management and strategy; and the human, economic and marketing aspects of knowledge and innovation. Often, our KIM research involves a cross-cultural dimension. * CERG – Competitive Earmarked Research Grants allocated by the Research Grants Council of the University Grants Committee, the funding body of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government

CityU Business Indices Series The Mission Statement of CityU states explicitly that the “University considers research and teaching as inextricably linked”, and that it “anticipates and responds to the needs of industry, commerce and the community by engaging in applied research” that “directly benefit Hong Kong and beyond”. The CityU Business Indices Series developed at the Faculty of Business is one such example of applied research. Centa-City Index (ਛේၔᏒᜰᢞ) (CCI) (since 1999) ֣ a widely recognized reference index and indicator of second hand movements Hong K Kong which h d property t price i t in i H hi h is i quoted daily in local newspapers including the Hong Kong Web site:

Economic Journal

Hong Kong Sustainable Development Index (㚅᷼นᜬ➖⊔ዷᜰᢞ) (HKSDI) (since 2003) ֣ measures our progress in key social, environmental and economic priorities that are important to furthering the sustainable development of Hong Kong CityU Hong Kong Consumer Satisfaction Index (ၔᄢ㚅᷼ᶖ⾌⠪ṩᗧᜰᢞ) (CityU-HKCSI) (since 1998) ֣ a performance indicator for Hong Kong businesses and is useful in helping businesses to find out how to improve consumer satisfaction and long-term profitability CityU Hong Kong Employee Confidence Index (ၔᄢ㚅᷼௵ຬାᔃᜰᢞ) (CityU-HKECI) (launched in April 2005) ֣ a new index that helps managers to understand employees’ perception towards their jobs, and means through which to enhance employees’ motivation and performance

Research Degrees Programme The Faculty of Business offers research degree programmes that lead to Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees. We aim to recruit students who wish to acquire advanced research training for research oriented professions, or to pursue careers in the academia. During the past three years, FB has admitted 75 research degree students (MPhil and PhD combined). Our research degree graduates are employed as Assistant Professor (the employing universities include those from the Mainland of China, USA, Australia, and other Asian countries), Economist, Senior Analyst, Senior MIS Manager, Quantitative Analyst, Research Analyst, amongst others.

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