College of Business Bulletin No. 5 (English)

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Faculty of Business Bulletin

No. 5 - Jun 2006

Anniversary : 1990 - 2006

Let’s Advance with


Professor L K Chan Dean, Faculty of Business & Chair Professor of Applied Statistics and Operational Research As my Deanship ip of the Faculty of Business (FB) ends on 30 June 2006, I would like to share hare some of my thoughts as we recapitulate the business school’s developments pments in the past few years. I took the position of Dean of the Faculty of Business in October 2001.

With the support of our friends, alumni,

teaching and administrative staff, students and other stakeholders, we have earned significant accomplishments for the Faculty in the last four and a half years.


achievements are highlighted in this Bulletin. Here, I thank each one of you.

In particular, I would like to thank my Associate Deans

Professor K K Lai and Professor Matthew Lee for their team spirit and leadership in their respective areas of responsibility. Professor Lee will be the Acting Dean starting 1 July 2006. As I look forward, I see the Faculty of Business has established a 8



firm foothold and is poised to advance with momentum as envisaged in our Strategic Plan 2004-2008.

Working with a

united front, the Faculty of Business will continue to earn

From Left to Right

Prof Matthew Lee - Associate Dean Prof L K Chan - Dean Prof K K Lai - Associate Dean

unprecedented achievements.

Accreditation/Recognition by y External Ex Bodies 1 Accreditation by AACSB International 1. F is the third business school in Greater China to achieve FB AACSB AC accreditation. 2. The UTD TD (University of Texas at Dallas) Top 100 Business s School Research Rankings TM FB was ranked nk among the top 100 business schools w an 5th within the Asia Pacific region. worldwide, and 3. Communications m o of the Association for Information Systems te (CAIS) S FB’s De Departmentt of Information Systems was ranked 5th in the world o and 1st 1 outside of North America. America. 4. SSRN e eLibrary FB was ranked among m the top 100 business schools (all n a ranking ng of 800 business schools worldwide. time) in

Teaching and Learning 1. Improved Intake Quality A 14% increase in JUPAS (Joint University Programmes Admissions System) average score for FB’s first year undergraduate intakes since 2001. 2. Unique and comprehensive “First Year Learning Experience” Programme. 3. Student Exchange Programme with 300 incoming and outgoing students in 2005/06, a 450% increase since 2001. 4. Self-financing BBA (Honours) in Business Management (BBABM) with 900 students. 5. Knowledge Nexus Business Consortium with 1500 participants on self-financing taught postgraduate programmes. 6. In-house Senior Executive Training Project (EMBA programme-based) for Beijing Capital International Airport (BCIA); teaching partner of the Omnium Global EMBA programme (offered by the University of Toronto, Canada and the University of St Gallen, Switzerland). 7. New DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) Programme introduced in 2006 for profession professional managers, senior executives and business entrepreneurs to learn and apply advanced research techniques iques to solve com complex real world business and management problems.

Applied Research

1. CityU Business Indices Series • Centa-City Index (CCI) • Hong Kong Sustainable Development Index (HKSDI) HKSDI) • CityU Hong Kong Consumer Satisfaction Index ex (City (CityU HKCSI) • CityU Hong Kong Employment Confidence Index ndex (C (CityU-HKECI) 2. One of the best business schools in terms ms of results re of Competitive Earmarked marked Research Grants Gra (CERG) awarded in Hong Kong. 3. Over 100 Social Science Citation Index (SSCI (SSCI) publications per year.

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