College of Business Bulletin May 2010 (English)

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Bulletin Issue May 2010

DBA Partners with Fudan University


College of Business

A Key Business Education Hub – in China for the World Accreditation:

International Partner:

EQUIS Reaccreditation A big ‘Thank You’ to all colleagues for contributing to our achievements over the year. As a Dean, I especially appreciate your efforts with accreditation - which continue to bear fruit with our EQUIS reaccreditation now confirmed for the coming three years. We do however need to be aware that other universities are beginning to place more emphasis on accreditation.

A collaboration agreement has been signed between the College of Business, CityU and the School of Management, Fudan University to launch a DBA (International) programme in Shanghai. Potential applicants are likely to be EMBA alumni of Fudan U, who are senior executives and entrepreneurs with substantial managerial experience. The intake target is about 30 each year and the programme is expected to start in June 2010. Teaching for both core courses and elective courses and supervision for the thesis component will be shared by CityU and FudanU. The majority of classes will be delivered at FudanU campus but some courses will be conducted at CityU campus. Upon successful completion of the programme students will be conferred the award of Doctor of Business Administration by CityU in Hong Kong and a Certificate of Completion by FudanU.

Assurance of Learning

Of course we are moving forward on other fronts - as the Mainland China projects detailed below testify. And as a way of further enhancing our students’ experience, we are also looking into expanding Internships. I look forward to working with you in the year to come, and to sharing in our exciting initiatives.

The College of Business, in parallel with AACSB one of our major accrediting bodies, is placing fresh emphasis on two areas: assurance of learning, and faculty academic and professional qualifications. An AoL Committee headed by Dr Louis Ma has been established to oversee developments in assurance of learning and to work towards the AACSB 6th Year Accreditation. Measureable outcomes at programme level will now supplement the established measurement of course intended learning outcomes. This will ensure that it is easy to get an overview of student achievement at programme level, to compare current with historical results, and to take informed action on curriculum enhancement.

EMBA Targets Shenzhen Financial Professionals

Student Study and Work Abroad Programmes to Expand

The College of Business has entered into partnership with two influential financial institutions in Hong Kong and Shenzhen to offer a training programme that will nurture senior executives from the Mainland’s financial and treasury management sectors. The College has signed an agreement with the Treasury Markets Association and a subsidiary of “Shenzhen Financial Electronic Settlement Center” to jointly offer a training programme for the Mainland's banking and financial industries. The programme will develop financial professionals to meet the demand of China’s rapid economic growth. Based on the partner institutions’ strengths in professional education, treasury management practice and the Mainland financial industry network, around 100 students each year will be admitted. A unique feature of the programme is that students will attend classes in Hong Kong and take part in a one-week in-depth field study in an international financial corporation. They will also attend business leader summits to exchange ideas on management of international organisations with world-class business leaders. Students will obtain a certificate after completing the first year programme, and an EMBA degree after completing the second year programme.

The College remains committed to giving as many of our students as possible the chance to study and work overseas. Currently 400 (50%) of our BBA students participate in the Student Exchange Programme per annum. Consolidation of the SEP will involve the provision of a wider choice of destinations and host institutions for students to select from than previously. Meanwhile the Summer Programmes are set to increase, enabling more than150 to join Cultural and Language Immersion and Volunteer Work Abroad schemes this summer. Overall this means that approximately 70% of our BBA students will get overseas experience.

Shenzhen Campus Update With the completion of the new CityU Shenzhen Research Institute Building this year, the College of Business is now developing its allocated floor areas. The plan is to conduct customised executive education courses and programmes, as well as to deliver part of the curricula of the existing self-financing taught postgraduate programmes. It is anticipated that the earliest possible time for delivering courses in the building will be Semester B, 2010/2011.

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