College of Business Bulletin May 2013 (English)

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Bulletin Issue May 2013


College of Business

A Key Business Education Hub – in China for the World

CityU hosted a lively Partner's Day event – attended by 70 delegates from institutions around the world – in March 2013. The event was kicked off by Professor Way Kuo, CityU President; Professor Arthur Ellis, Provost of CityU; and Professor Roderick Wong, Vice-President (Development and External Relations) at the University Welcoming Ceremony. During the CB welcoming session, Dean Houmin Yan shared with our exchange partners some of his plans for the College such as space, branding and international programmes and collaborations. A further networking event, the first Joint Alumni Reception, was hosted by the College of Business and the Queensland University of Technology for the International Business School Network on 14 March 2013. It was a huge success with some 240 students and alumni from nine participating institutions across Europe, North America and Oceania taking part. Provost Ellis officiated and gave opening remarks about internationalization, and Mr. James Thompson, founder, chairman and chief executive of the Crown Worldwide Group, delivered the keynote speech on "Moving the World – the Crown Story".

CB achieves 5-Year EQUIS Accreditation The College of Business has been awarded a 5-Year EQUIS accreditation following the peer review visit in November last year – placing us in a select group of top Business Schools worldwide and representing a significant enhancement to our international profile. In delivering the 5-Year Accreditation, the EQUIS Peer Review Team outlined a number of areas where they felt that CB was excelling, and also some areas which would serve as useful guidelines for us as we continue our development. In other accreditation news, the College has decided not to renew its accreditation with AMBA.

CB rises to second-ranked Business School in China The College has risen to #63 in the latest UT Dallas Rankings, an improvement of six places on last year – based on our research contributions from 2008-2012. This means that we are now the second-ranked business school in China, and the fourth-ranked in Asia. The College is also the number two business school in Hong Kong in terms of successful General Research Fund (GRF) applications, so we have consolidated our position as a leader in terms of research productivity.

UT Dallas Rankings

Innovation on show at DEC Fair As part of the inaugural CityU Discovery Festival, the College of Business organized a Discovery Enriched Curriculum (DEC) Fair in early March. The event was designed to showcase the journey of discovery, innovation and creativity that our students are traversing. Dean Houmin Yan inaugurated the event, and in his opening remarks expressed the hope that CB graduates will nourish the spirit of innovation and creativity throughout their life-long journey of learning. A team of students from each of the six CB departments presented their DEC projects utilizing both conventional and multimedia formats.

Provost Ellis presenting the champion’s trophy to the winning team

The College of Business has conducted a restructuring of the MBA programme curriculum and introduced a brand new scholarship scheme to attract high quality students - those who have the aspiration to be high flyers, distinguished leaders or entrepreneurs. These students will have the opportunity to learn under top professors, and also with outstanding peers in the new state-of-the-art Academic 3 complex. From 2013/14 MBA students may choose to take one of the concentrations of Accounting, Finance, Marketing or Supply Chain Management. These new specialisations are offered to deepen student knowledge and skills in selected business areas, and prepare them for job opportunities created by industry and the fast growing mainland economy. More details can be found here.

CB excels in University Teaching Excellence Awards

To attract top quality candidates and recognise their achievements, for the first time outstanding applicants and students will have the opportunity to receive a variety of attractive MBA scholarships. For more details, please visit our programme website.

IDBA – Focus on China (from left) Dr Tom Vinaimont, Dr Ron Kwok, Dean Yan, and Ms Wisteria Cheung

CB students win SCMP Ricoh Green Competition

CB students shine at Asian Job Express

Over 500 visitors, including faculty and students from the various colleges, attended the event and had the opportunity to interact with the teams as well as cast their votes for the project they liked best. The IS project “Smart CV for Smarter Career Development” proved the most popular – gaining 178 votes – and was duely declared the winner. Provost Professor Arthur Ellis presented the champion’s trophy as well as certificates and book coupons to all teams, and rounded off the event by sharing some of his thoughts on DEC – emphasizing its central role in all forms of learning at CityU.

Dean Houmin Yan has given an interview to CB Bulletin in which he put forward his vision for the coming years. Professor Yan talked about his ideas for strategic development, projecting CB’s profile on the worldwide stage, linking up with Columbia Business School, the importance of building alumni links, and the possibility of developing a signature College of Business building – amongst other things. You can read the full interview here.

HNA Group executives attending EE programme at CityU campus

The contribution of CB’s Executive Education drive has been underscored by the wide range of programmes delivered over the past few months. CB has provided programmes to a number of leading mainland business corporations, as well as overseas public organizations and universities in the past half year . Our partners include the HNA Group, the Agricultural Bank of China, the China Chongqing International Construction Corporation, the HNA Capital Holding Company Limited, PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited, the Graduate School of International Business of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Shanghai Jiaotong University Overseas Education College and the Omnium Global EMBA (GEMBA) programme of University of Toronto and University of St. Gallen. Both programme portfolio and student numbers look set to expand further.

Four CB students have won the South China Morning Post Ricoh Green Competition 2013: Bright Ideas for A Green Office. Their project Ricoh Office Goes Green hit on the innovative concept of introducing energy saving partitions into offices – taking advantage of thermoelectric cooling produced by the Peltier Effect. The cross-disciplinary undergraduate team consisted of Li Wing Yan Cathy (BBA MIM), Au Wing Lam Janet (BBA QFRM), Tung Ho Lam Jim (BBA ACT), and Leung Hing Yuet Ada (BBA ACT).

Delegates of the CityU Partner’s Day

MBA – Programme revamp and new scholarships

Interview with Dean Houmin Yan

CB contributed 50% of the outstanding teachers receiving the 2012-13 Teaching Excellence Awards. Our successful colleagues were Ms Wisteria Cheung Yuen Yi , Teaching Fellow of the Department of Marketing; Dr Ron Kwok Chi Wai, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems; and Dr Tom Vinaimont, Assistant Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance. At a session in early March, the awardees spoke of how they try to encourage colleagues to become excellent teachers, and how the various teaching grants offered by CityU supported their new teaching initiatives.

Executive Education Drive

Networking with International Partners and Alumni

The International DBA programme presented a day of China-themed talks on 22 February 2013. Mr Shih Chi Ping, Phoenix Satellite TV financial commentary show host, opened proceedings with “Does China have a fourth period of strategic opportunities? Outlook for China’s development and reform after the 18th CPC National Congress”. In the afternoon, former CityU President, Prof Chang Hsin Kang, gave a talk on “Cultural Exchange along the Silk Road.” To round off the day IDBA students of the 2011 and 2012 Classes, DBA students and teachers from CityU and Fudan University enjoyed a dinner gathering at a Sai Kung restaurant.

CB students have scored success at the Asian Job Express. Congratulations to Chung Kam Mei Camillia (BBA IBJ) and Chan Tsz Long (BBA IBJ) who attended the Asian Business Contest, which was held in Tokyo in December 2012. During their stay, they teamed up with other participants from various countries around Asia. Tse Long’s group was chosen winner and was presented with the trophy for Asia Job Express Best Business Plan – Muji section. The aim of Asian Job Express is to discover potential Asian leaders - people who expect to be actively involved in the front line of the business world. The competition is open to all university students in Asia, and is designed to support them in achieving their goals in their chosen fields. Applications are now being received for 2013 - you can find more information here.

CB Retreat explores future of Graduate Business Education

How best to map our path to success? This was the question asked at a recent College of Business retreat workshop, Reaching New Heights: A New Way of Thinking, held in early February. The one-day workshop took detailed stock of the current state of play with our graduate business education programmes, and a radical and wide ranging look at how best they may be developed. The retreat was opened by the Provost, Prof Arthur Ellis, with contributions following from Prof Chen Hong and Ms Melody Guo of the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Prof Xu Yan of HKUST’s Bilingual EMBA. ‘Maps to Success’ were drawn up for individual graduate programmes – identifying obstacles and the initiatives required to successfully move forward. Dean Houmin Yan wrapped up the workshop, highlighting issues of concern raised by our accreditation bodies EQUIS and AACSB.

Congratulations to College Excellence Award Winners CB proudly announces the recipients of the College Teaching and Research Excellence Awards 2013. They are Dr. Terence C.H. CHEUNG (IS), Dr. Maris MARTINSONS (MGT), and Ms NG Shuk Wai Raine (MKT) for the Teaching Excellence Awards. And the College Research Excellence Awards have been awarded to Dr. FENG Juan (IS), Professor LIM Kai Hin (IS), and Professor YANG Zhilin (MKT). The College emphasises research and teaching excellence and recognises and awards those who excel in these areas. Award presentation will be held at the upcoming College Retreat on 27 May 2013.

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