College of Business Bulletin Nov 2013 (English)

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Bulletin Issue Nov 2013

DBA Welcomes new Cohort The DBA Programme hosted over 60 Learning Partners and alumni at a Welcoming and Networking Dinner for the incoming cohort at CityU on September 28th. DBA Programmer Director Prof Muammer Ozer welcomed the Learning Partners to the College, and personally introduced new partners to the gathering. As one of the largest gatherings in the history of the programme, this was a memorable event with a good representa on of a endees from every cohort since the DBA programme was launched in 2006. Also joining the event were three Learning Partners from the DBA (Interna onal) programme taught in collabora on with Fudan University from Shanghai. The dinner is one of the College’s many ini a ves to help Learning Partners build networks of both academic and business associates. CityU’s DBA programme now has 8 cohorts and some 150 Learning Partners.

College of Business

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Undergraduate Student Orientation Day College enjoys sparkling new facilities in AC3 The College of Business is now offering a wide range of programmes via its high-end teaching and learning base on three floors of CityU’s new landmark building, Academic 3. The new facili es are being used for the MBA, EMBA, DBA programmes and Execu ve Educa on. Offering expansive views out over Hong Kong’s skyline, the College’s teaching and learning opera on is flourishing in this new world class se ng.

CIAB welcomes new members The College Interna onal Advisory Board (CIAB) met for its fi h annual mee ng in early November. The Board welcomed new members Mr Li Rongrong, former Chairman of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administra on Commission of the State Council, and Mr Adrian Cheng, Joint General Manager of New World Development Company Limited and Execu ve Director of Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group. CIAB makes policy recommenda ons for forging strategic collabora ons with universi es worldwide, developing the College’s interna onal programmes, and expanding the scope of internships, consultancy and execu ve educa on.

Agenda-setting CB Retreat Workshop A CB Retreat Workshop held on 12th September helped set the College agenda for the coming academic year. In his opening remarks Provost Ellis cited a number of examples of how the Discovery Enriched Curriculum was bearing fruit in the form of student innova on projects. A summary of the results of the May 2013 College retreat was then given with par cular emphasis on how the College Mission might be revised. The focus then moved to undergraduate programmes with presenta ons and discussions on BBA curriculum development and the student Major Selec on Exercise arrangements. This was followed by a market analysis of the China/Shenzhen EMBA, and MBA branding and admission strategies. A er lunch the recent GRF and Research Assessment Exercise and interna onaliza on were the main topics. Dean Yan Houmin rounded off the retreat by presen ng on the CB budget posi on, and in his closing remarks emphasised issues around scholarships, the importance of knowledge exchange and impact, and brand building.

An event-packed Orienta on Day for incoming BBA students was held on 30thAugust. Dean Yan Houmin welcomed more than 250 students and 30 faculty members including department heads and programme leaders to the orienta on, and this was followed by an overview presenta on of the BBA programme by Professor Julie Li, Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programmes). Various events were then set up by the College of Business Leadership Club such as alumni sharing, videos and games. The day was rounded off by a college recep on and a mentoring group gathering in the a ernoon. The College of Business Leadership Club gathers energe c and talented CB students, organizes various college-based ac vi es and events, and aims to enhance CB students’ leadership skills -unearthing and developing poten al talent. This could be you! Contact:

BBA Major Selection Exercise The first Major Selec on Exercise is now well underway, and will complete in December. Based on Year 1 academic performance, the top 20% students will have a free choice of majors in the College. The remaining 80% students will enrol in a major of their choice subject to quota constraint and the criteria as prescribed by the offering department. Emails to no fy students of their major alloca on result will be sent out on 11th November (top 20%), and 20th December (remaining 80%). More detailed informa on may be found at h p://

Executive Education CB’s Execu ve Educa on programmes (EE) con nues to reach out to the interna onal community with recent programmes designed for partners from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Russia and Korea. In the past few months programmes have been conducted for the HNA Group, whilst in the accountancy sector EE colleagues have delivered courses to PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited “Accoun ng and Management Training Programme for Non-Business Degree Holders” and “PricewaterhouseCoopers Conversion Program”, and in Guangdong region courses have been provided to the Dongguan Small and Medium Enterprise Bureau.

Russian Presidential Academy at CityU

In mid-October over 30 senior federal government officials from the Russian Presiden al Academy of Na onal Economy and Public Administra on (RANEPA) a ended an Advanced Programme in Public Policy and Administra on run jointly by the College of Business and the Department of Public Policy. A range of economic, finance, poli cal and social development issues concerning China and Hong Kong were discussed during the ten day programme. And, most recently, an Advanced Management Study Programme for Yonsei University, Korea was held in early November.

General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS) Application Proposals Workshop

Strategic partnership agreement with HNA Capital

A CB workshop aimed at improving our performance in GRF/ECS Applica on exercise was held on 25th September. Professor C.S. Agnes Cheng, Chair Professor of Accoun ng and Head, School of Accoun ng and Finance at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Professor Albert Y. Ha, Wei Lun Founda on Professor of Business and Chair Professor, Department of Informa on Systems, Business Sta s cs and Opera ons Management at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology outlined the GRF/ECS review process, and gave ps for successful applica ons. The workshop was well received with approximately 40 colleagues a ending. CB con nues to excel in the Research Grant Council (RGC) research funding exercise with 31 funded projects including nine ECS grants in 2013-14, placing us in top posi on in the Business Studies Panel.

The College of Business has entered into a new era of strategic partnership with leading mainland integrated financial services provider HNA Capital. The agreement, signed at a ceremony in the HNA Building, Beijing, on 29th August 2013, aims to strengthen coopera on, create synergies, and enhance mutual development. Areas that have been highlighted for advancement include human resources development, industry/university coopera ve research, execu ve educa on, and the recruitment of outstanding graduates for CityU.

Signing Ceremony with HNA Capital

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