2018/19 Sustainable City Annual Report

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Academic excellence for business and the professions

Creating a Sustainable City Annual Report 2018/19


President’s foreword Our seventh Sustainability Report, compiled by City’s Sustainability team, provides a broad review of the sustainability activities we have undertaken during 2018/19.

This year has been a successful year for sustainability initiatives across campus and has signified a shift in approach to consider City’s broader sustainability impact through the framework of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), read more about them on page 2. • City and the Students’ Union signed up to the SDG Accord, to recognise the central and transformational role higher education has in promoting global environmental equity. • This year saw the launch of the Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings, to which City submitted across three SDGs and achieved a top 10 ranking for SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production.

These achievements demonstrate our continuing commitment to embedding sustainability within all of City’s activities. By building our facilities to the highest sustainability standards, incorporating education for sustainable development into formal and informal learning and reducing our consumption of natural resources, we will ensure we play a leading role in promoting sustainability both locally and globally. As part of this, we recognise the gravity of the climate crisis and commit to working towards net zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2040, at the latest. We hope this report will help to communicate the sustainability message to our students, staff and all City stakeholders and we look forward to continuing our journey towards a sustainable future.

• City ranked 5th in the UK and 1st in London in the People and Planet University League, measuring UK university performances across 13 sustainability criteria. Professor Sir Paul Curran President

Performance at a glance Met Not met

33% 67%

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Creating a Sustainable City

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Embedding Sustainability

The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals were established by world leaders to create a better world, end poverty, fight inequality and take action on climate change. Behind the goals sit a number of targets to guide governments, businesses and society to work together to build a better, sustainable future for all.

The diagram shows our 13 sustainability measurement areas and how they relate to City’s Strategy.

City recognises that as educators, we can play an integral role in attaining the Global Goals by 2030. Within the report, we have highlighted how the goals link to the sustainability initiatives undertaken this year.

University Strategy Sustainability Strategy Sustainability Policy Carbon Management Water Construction and Maintenance Waste Management Biodiversity Transport and Travel Sustainable Food and Fairtrade Ethical Investment Sustainable Procurement Workers’ Rights Curriculum and Research External Verification Stakeholder Engagement

Annual Report 2018/19

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Carbon Management 5,977 tonnes

Construction and Maintenance

2018/19 target

2018/19 target

Maintain carbon emissions at 59.6 kg/m2.

Maintain 90% recycling rate from all construction projects.

Result: Met

Result: Met

Carbon emissions decreased by 9.9% (5,977 tonnes) to 54.7 kg/m2).

98% of waste diverted from landfill (326 tonnes).

100% of electricity was from renewable sources.

2018/19 target

53% reduction against 2005/06 baseline:

Tonnes CO2 /annum


Minimum requirement of Ska Gold at design and handover.


Result: Met

6,500 Targeted reduction Actual reduction


Ska good practice measures integrated into City standards, all projects achieved Ska Gold.

2018/19 target










Monitor BREEAM credits to ensure maximum available are achieved at Sebastian Street (Excellent) and any other major developments.

Academic year

2018/19 target Commit to Science Based Targets initiative.

Result: Met Sebastian Street on track for BREEAM Excellent and the Library extension is on track for BREEAM Outstanding at design stage.

Result: Met

2018/19 target

We have committed to Science Based Targets initiative, and will develop a target this year.

Develop campus wide climate change adaptation strategy and fully align with institutional objectives.

2019/20 targets •

Maintain carbon emissions at 55 kg/m2. (SDG 7)

Result: Not met

Develop a Science Based Target. (SDG 13)

Adaptation has been considered in all new construction projects, however this has not yet been applied to all institutional objectives, so the target will be carried over to 2019/20.


2019/20 targets 2018/19 target

Result: Met

Maintain water consumption at 0.43 m3/m2.

Water consumption decreased by 4.4% ((46,193 m3) to 0.42 m3/m2).

2019/20 targets •

Maintain water consumption at 0.42 m3/m2.

Report carbon emissions associated with water consumption.

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Creating a Sustainable City

Maintain 90% recycling rate from all construction projects.

Provide education and training for framework contractors and designers regarding the SDGs and sustainability strategies.

Introduce life cycle costing and embodied energy targets within projects.

Develop campus wide climate change adaptation strategy and fully align with institutional objectives.

Waste Management

Transport and Travel

2018/19 target

2018/19 target

Achieve 65% recycling rate across campus.

Measure and publish a baseline of our travel emissions.

Result: Not met

Result: Met

Total recycling rate of 50%.

2543 tonnes of carbon emissions from City business travel, including emissions from City operated fleet. Due to limitations with business travel data collection, some elements have been estimated.

2018/19 target Achieve 55% recycling rate at The City Law School.

Result: Not met The City Law School achieved a recycling rate of 46%.

2019/20 targets

2019/20 targets •

Implement a working group to review business travel processes at City.

Replace diesel fleet vans with electric vehicles.

Sustainable Food and Fairtrade

Achieve a 60% recycling rate across campus.

Report carbon emissions associated with waste.

2018/19 target

Publish a policy on the use of single use plastics.

Achieve a minimum two star Sustainable Restaurant Association rating across City.


Result: Met 2018/19 target

Sodexo hold a three star rating.

Maintain number of unique Bee team attendees.

2018/19 target Ensure sustainability Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are included in the new catering contract.

Result: Not met There were 72 Bee team attendees, an 11% decrease.

Result: Met 2018/19 target Hold four gardening events for staff and/or students.

Sustainability KPIs are included in the contract, requiring improvements in food waste, energy consumption, water consumption and Fairtrade requirements.

2018/19 target

Result: Met Four gardening events were held in The Walled Garden, hosted by our Community Gardener. Weekly gardening sessions also ran from May, when the Garden was officially opened.

Maintain Fairtrade university status.

Result: Met

Fairtrade university status was renewed in July 2018.

2019/20 targets •

In scope biodiversity elements must be targeted in Ska and BREEAM projects.

Include a biodiversity workshop as part of the project process.

2019/20 targets •

Maintain a three star Sustainable Restaurant Association rating across City.

Transition to the new Fairtrade university accreditation.

Annual Report 2018/19

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Ethical Investment

Workers’ Rights City is committed to exceeding the statutory minima for the majority of the terms and conditions of service for our staff. This includes a commitment that all staff are paid at a level above the London Living Wage and that contractors with staff working on City’s premises ensure those staff are paid at the level of the London Living Wage.

2018/19 target Work with our investment managers to produce and publish a report detailing our investments.

Result: Not met A full report detailing City investments was not produced during this reporting period. This action will be carried forward to the next reporting period, as part of City's actions around divestment from fossil fuels.

2019/20 target •

Curriculum and Research 2018/19 target

Publically state City’s intention to fully divest from fossil fuels.

Sustainable Procurement 2018/19 target

Result: Met

Launch a student-led review of curricular output against Sustainable Development Goals.

A graduate intern was recruited to launch a review of the curriculum in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals. 12 students undertook the training and pilot curriculum review.

Publish the carbon emissions associated with City’s top ten product categories by spend.

2018/19 target REF submission to be reviewed 2021.

Result: Not met Work on this objective will continue next year.

Result: Not applicable

2018/19 target

Not applicable in the current reporting cycle, work is ongoing.

Map supply chain and manufacturing locations of City’s top ten suppliers by spend.

Result: Not met Work on this objective will continue next year.

2019/20 targets •

Publish the carbon emissions associated with City’s top ten product categories by spend.

Map supply chain and manufacturing locations of City’s top ten suppliers by spend.

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Creating a Sustainable City

2018/19 target City to sign Sustainable Development Goals Accord.

Result: Met The President signed the Sustainable Development Goals Accord on behalf of City. City Students’ Union President signed to show their commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals.

2019/20 target •

Understand the level of carbon literacy across our curriculum.

External Verification

Student Engagement Sustainability Leaders develop and deliver sustainability projects on campus and in the community.

2018/19 target Retain ISO 14001 certification of our Environmental Management System.

2018/19 target City retained certification following a successful audit to transition to the updated ISO 14001:2015 standard. This ensures we remain legally compliant, are continually improving our sustainability performance and embedding environmental management practices across the institution.

Five projects to be completed by student Sustainability Leaders.

Result: Not met Three student Sustainability Leader projects were completed; The City Food Co-Op, Bees workshop and the Fairtrade rice challenge.

2019/20 targets

2018/19 target

Retain ISO 14001 certification of our Environmental Management System.

Report our progress in embedding the Sustainable Development Goals as part of our SDG Accord commitment.

Develop and deliver a programme of events for students and staff during Sustainable City Week.

Develop an institutional strategy for engagement in the Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings.

Result: Met City celebrated the 10th Sustainable City Week. Over 15 events, stalls and activities were held throughout the week. Highlights included a film screening and panel discussion on the future of food, a cross-department lecture on psychology and behaviour change and a trip to the Crystal Building.

Staff Engagement The Sustainable City Challenge is an inhouse staff engagement programme that gives staff the opportunity to make their departments and City more sustainable. Staff can take part in monthly challenges and organise their own Extra Mile projects (campaigns, events or activities that have a positive impact on the environment or society).

2018/19 target Participants to complete an average of 2.5 challenges each.

Result: Met

2018/19 target Develop and deliver a student sustainability conference, with 18 student presenters.

Result: Met 19 students presented their sustainability themed research, projects and enterprises at the first London Student Sustainability Conference. Over 75 people attended the conference and nine students and staff volunteered to help run the event.

2019/20 targets •

Support the completion of five student-led projects and/or campaigns.

Develop and deliver a programme of events for students and staff during Global Goals Week.

Deliver the London Student Sustainability Conference, with 20 student presenters.

Deliver the staff Sustainability City Challenge, including 10 monthly challenges.

On average, each participant completed 2.2 challenges. 654 staff participated in the Sustainable City Challenge (a 7% increase) and 49 Extra Mile Projects were completed by staff.

Annual Report 2018/19

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City, University of London Northampton Square London EC1V 0HB United Kingdom

Find out more www.city.ac.uk/sustainable-city

Telephone enquiries +44 (0) 20 7040 8053

Email enquiries sustainable_city@city.ac.uk

City, University of London is an independent member institution of the University of London. Established by Royal Charter in 1836, the University of London consists of independent member institutions with outstanding global reputations and several prestigious central academic bodies and activities.

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