Ingenuity: undergraduate engineering degree courses

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School of Mathematics, Computer Science & Engineering


Undergraduate engineering degree courses







Our vision

Alumni in industry

Global connections

Clerkenwell: where engineering design resides





Investment in infrastructure

Design resources

Undergraduate degree course overview

Aeronautical Engineering





Biomedical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Electrical & Electronic Engineering






Mechanical Engineering

Structural Engineering

Placement year in industry

Share and explore: w w w. c i t y - l d n . t u m b l r. c o m


Our vision


To p r o v i d e a n e n v i r o n m e n t w h e r e g i f t e d , creative, engineering students, like you, will thrive. To e m p o w e r y o u a l l w i t h a l a s t i n g d e s i r e and capability to apply physics and mathematics understanding, so that you can arrive at exceptionally smart engineering solutions. Our friendly community of talented scholars achieve this vision through celebrating intellectual discourse and rational scientific thinking.


Ingenious engineering By enrolling on our engineering degree

During that year you will also develop your

courses, you will feed your curiosity and

computer programming skills and advance your

develop your knowledge, confidence, resilience

p r a c t i c a l c a p a b i l i t i e s ; t o r e v e r s e - e n g i n e e r,

and independence. These qualities are highly

innovate, make, test, repair and optimise.

sought after by leading employers. Design is at the core of all our engineering Engineering addresses and solves many

degrees, with a unique design module featuring

of the most exciting and urgent challenges

p r o m i n e n t l y i n e a c h y e a r. A l l o t h e r m o d u l e s

f a c i n g s o c i e t y. A t C i t y, U n i v e r s i t y o f L o n d o n ,

(for example, solid and fluid mechanics,

we provide a comprehensive education which

thermodynamics and electronics) are intended

i n t e g r a t e s d i f f e r e n t f i e l d s o f s t u d y, a n d o p e n s

to strengthen your design capabilities. Some

up tremendous career opportunities, spanning

of those classes emulate a studio feel where

design, analysis, manufacturing, assembly

knowledge-sharing and multidisciplinary team

and construction.

working takes place, alongside guidance from external professional engineers.

T h e i n t e g r a t e d M a s t e r ’s ( M E n g ) a r e o u r f l a g s h i p degrees intended to attract the sharpest minds.

At the end of Stage I, you will choose your

T h e f o u r - y e a r c o u r s e s ( o r f i v e - y e a r, i f u n d e r t a k e n

engineering specialisation for the remaining

with a 12-month work placement) allow you to

years (Stages II to IV). Throughout your time

choose between one of seven sub-disciplines

with us, we will guide you to become more

matching your personal interests and strengths,

observant and more critical about all you see;

while ensuring a breadth of fundamental

to help inform the aesthetics, functionality and

e n g i n e e r i n g k n ow l e d g e . We e n c o u r a g e yo u n o t

technical efficiency of your intended designs.

to just solve problems, but speculate, challenge,

In group project work, you will gain confidence

adapt and improve on conventional design

by taking on leadership roles.

solutions. Our approach embraces system thinking and considers both the ethics and the

I n t h e f i n a l y e a r, y o u w i l l u n d e r t a k e a n

whole life-cycle of an engineering product.

individual research and development project. Here is your chance to demonstrate original

The common first year (Stage I) provides a

thinking, sound decision-making and the elegance

strong foundation where the key scientific and

of your novel solutions, drawing upon the

mathematical principles will be explored. These

knowledge gained during your degree.

form the cornerstones of engineering analysis. This document provides an overview of the different engineering disciplines, the course structures, our fabulous location and facilities, plus the tremendous benefits of an industrial placement. Please do visit us, to find out even more about our MEng degrees.

Professor Roger Crouch Dean of the School of Mathematics, Computer Science & Engineering


Alumni in industry

Andreea Cristoloveanu

Arthy Ravichandran

Jo s h u a Ly n c h

Heathrow HSSE

Aerospace Business &

Structural Engineer

Operations Advisor | Leaders

Strategic Intelligence

for Business Graduate


Aeronautical Engineering

Aeronautical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Choosing to study a degree

I started my career at

I have always been interested

in Aeronautical Engineering

GKN plc as an International

in engineering and the way

seemed the perfect path

Leadership Development

the world around me works.

towards a career in air

P r o g r a m m e m e m b e r. A s

The passion of the academic

t r a n s p o r t . C i t y, U n i v e r s i t y

part of this programme,

s t a f f a t C i t y, U n i v e r s i t y

of London equipped me with

I had secondments in the

of London encouraged me

a good mix of practical and

UK, India and USA in the

through my studies and their

theoretical knowledge, which

areas of engineering,

insight helped me progress

is now invaluable at work.

purchasing and programme

towards my chosen career

As a Leaders for Business

management. I joined the

- working within a large,

Graduate at British Airways,

A e ro s p a c e Grow t h Pa r t n e r s h i p

m u l t i d i s c i p l i n a r y c o n s u l t a n c y.

I am exposed to the breadth

(AGP) team in September

At Mott MacDonald many

and depth of challenges

2 0 1 4 a s P r o g r a m m e M a n a g e r.

projects are big, complex,

t h a t o n l y o n e o f t h e w o r l d ’s

The AGP has led to a step

and benefit the lives of

biggest and best-known

change in the relationship

millions of people. I have

airlines can provide. In my

between government and

had the opportunity to work

current role of Heathrow

i n d u s t r y, w h i l e e n c o u r a g i n g

on a broad range of projects

H S S E O p e r a t i o n s A d v i s o r, I

UK companies to cooperate

from large scale transport

play a part in delivering the

more closely in addressing

and airport infrastructure

highest level of safety and

problems that affect the

to historic buildings and

security to over 37 million

sector as a whole. I am

national stadiums. I enjoy

c u s t o m e r s e v e r y y e a r.

currently working as Business

tackling the challenges that

& Strategic Intelligence

each new project brings,

Manager based in London.

and the chance to work with fellow engineering professionals, many of whom are at the forefront o f t h e i n d u s t r y.



Rashik Bhanderi

Beth Shrubsall

Mazen Jamal

Sean Canty

Civil Engineer


Principal Consultant

Tr a n s m i s s i o n


Research Engineer

Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering

Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

After graduating in Civil

I c h o s e C i t y, U n i v e r s i t y

I c h o s e C i t y, U n i v e r s i t y o f

As a mechanic, an

E n g i n e e r i n g a t C i t y, I j o i n e d

of London because when

London because of its global

engineering degree

London Bridge Associates,

I was visiting prospective

reputation, top-tier research

complemented my practical

a specialist consultancy

universities it felt like this

facilities and comprehensive

skills with a deep scientific

that delivers value across

was the friendliest place

undergraduate curriculum.

understanding of vehicle

construction, where I am

t o l e a r n a n d p r o s p e r.

The stepping stone for

systems and components. I

progressing my career as

I thoroughly enjoyed my

my career was carved by

chose City because it offered

a t u n n e l e n g i n e e r. T h i s f i e l d

degree. The placement year

City through its Graduate

entry via a Foundation

is a branch of engineering

option enabled me to

Fa i r s . A t Cu n d a l l , m y r o l e

year (Stage 0), allowing

which very few people get

establish my career path

i n t h e M i s s i o n C r i t i c a l Te a m

me to access the degree

to see; the complexities of

before I even graduated.

entails working with tech

course without having

weaving tunnels through the

During my year out I was

g i a n t s s u c h a s Fa c e b o o k .

A-levels. Studying at City

existing dense subterranean

able to gain experience in

Designing and optimising

was fantastic; there was

metropolis provides for

the world of civil engineering

their infrastructure to

a great balance of theory

a n e x c i t i n g c a r e e r, o f t e n

and when I returned to

improve system efficiencies,

a n d p r a c t i c a l i t y. T h e d e s i g n

working on multi-billion-

university everything made

researching and deploying

activities, especially the

pound projects.

even greater sense. That

cutting-edge technologies are

Formula Student programme,

placement year meant that

just some of the intriguing

provided invaluable real-

I had a job offer upon

challenges I experience.

world experience. I now

graduation. I love the

Engineering is the only

work at Jaguar Land Rover

fact that no two days

profession that truly

as a lead engineer for

are the same – different

pursues sustainability

hybrid systems. I love my

projects, different teams

and innovation concurrently

job: helping to design

and different challenges.

to shape a better world for

world class vehicles, whilst

our future generations.

working towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Global connections

Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Civil Engineering


Structural Engineering

D r J u s t i n P h i l l i p s , C i t y,

For 100 years, the BMW

Arup is the creative force

University of London

Group has been inspiring

at the heart of many of

academic, was selected

people worldwide with unique

t h e w o r l d ’s m o s t p r o m i n e n t

t o j o i n G o o g l e ’s p r e s t i g i o u s

mobility solutions. The

projects in the built

Vi s i t i n g Fa c u l t y Pr o g r a m t o

special fascination of the

environment. Arup has

be seconded to work for

BMW Group lies not only in

maintained a strong presence

12 months as a research

i t s p r o d u c t s a n d t e c h n o l o g y,

i n C i t y ’s C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g

s c i e n t i s t a t G o o g l e ’s L o n d o n

b u t a l s o i n t h e c o m p a n y ’s

education and research

c a m p u s . T h e Vi s i t i n g Fa c u l t y

h i s t o r y, w r i t t e n b y i n v e n t o r s ,

activities for more than 20

Program aims to identify

pioneers and brilliant

years. Engineers from Arup

and support world-class,

d e s i g n e r s . To d a y, t h e B M W

invite students to their

full-time faculty staff

Group, with its 31 production

offices to work on design

pursuing research in areas

and assembly facilities in

projects, provide consultancy

o f m u t u a l i n t e r e s t . E a c h y e a r,

14 countries as well as a

sessions for students

t h e G o o g l e Vi s i t i n g Fa c u l t y

global sales network, is the

undertaking design work and

Program selects just 25

w o r l d ’s l e a d i n g m a n u f a c t u r e r

are enthusiastic participants

academics from universities

of premium automobiles and

in our careers events.

all over the world.

motorcycles, and provider

They are also committed

of bespoke mobility and

to supporting research

f i n a n c i a l s e r v i c e s . C i t y,

and have collaborated on

University of London has

numerous projects, especially

collaborated with BMW

those exploring innovative

for eight years on the

approaches to the design of

research and development

underground excavations and

of outward-opening Piezo

tunnels. They are currently

pintle injectors (which were

collaborating on doctoral

successfully launched on the

research into excavations in

market) and research on the

s o f t c l a y.


Biomedical Engineering

D r P h i l l i p s ’s r e s e a r c h has focused on developing new devices and algorithms for non-invasive health monitoring for all levels of healthcare, with specialisation in optical sensors for patient monitoring during surgery and intensive care. This work also extends to the development of new technologies for screening patients for cardiovascular disease, as well as developing solutions for monitoring patients in their homes. At Google, he is working on healthand-fitness monitoring

characterisation of cavitation inside fuel injection systems. Both projects involved extensive experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations and resulted in a large number of world-leading research publications.

using wearable devices.


b m w. c o . u k



Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering


Aeronautical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Electrical & Electronic Engineering

M i t s u b i s h i H i t a c h i Po w e r

Ya m a h a M o t o r g r o u p h a s

Airbus is a global leader

Shell is a global group of

Systems is a global leader

endeavoured to create

in aeronautics, space and

energy and petrochemicals

in efficient and sustainable

diverse value through

related services. Airbus

companies. It has an

power generation. The

products and services as a

is also a European leader

operational presence in

company brings together

world-leading producer of

p r o v i d i n g t a n k e r, c o m b a t ,

almost every area of the oil

its technology and expertise

motorcycles, marine products,

transport and mission

a n d g a s i n d u s t r y, i n c l u d i n g

in a locally based business

power products and surface

a i r c r a f t , a s w e l l a s E u r o p e ’s

its active participation in

covering Europe, the Middle

mounters since its founding

number one space enterprise

r e n e w a b l e e n e r g y. W i t h

East and Africa.

i n 1 9 5 5 . Ya m a h a c o m b i n e s

a n d t h e w o r l d ’s s e c o n d

approximately 90,000

engineering, ergonomics and

largest space business. In

employees in more than

environmental sensitivity

helicopters, Airbus provides

70 countries and territories,

to create ‘humachine

the most efficient civil and

Shell is helping to meet

technology’: the harmonious

military rotorcraft solutions

t h e w o r l d ’s g r o w i n g d e m a n d

union between human and


f o r e n e r g y i n e c o n o m i c a l l y,

C i t y, U n i v e r s i t y o f L o n d o n works with Mitsubishi Hitachi through the HAOS (Holistic Approach of Spray Injection through a Generalized Multi-phase Frame work) programme, which focuses on the design of fuel injectors for oil burners used for power generation. The research findings will later be used by other engineering industries as part of the design tools which enable the development of components t h a t a re m o re efficient. Through EU funding, one of t h e c o m p a n y ’s e m p l o y e e s i s currently registered as an external PhD student under the supervision of a City academic. The research programme is tailored to increase awareness of the general public about environmental issues and

machine. The company integrates this philosophy into all of its activities, and focuses its energies on providing products which are suited to the unique demands of each marketplace where it operates. Through its close contact with its customers, Ya m a h a’s g o a l i s t o c r e a t e experiences and memories that will last a lifetime. C i t y, U n i v e r s i t y o f L o n d o n has a long-standing research c o l l a b o r a t i o n w i t h Ya m a h a on the development of petrol direct-injection motorcycle engines, both experimentally and through Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

C i t y, U n i v e r s i t y o f L o n d o n , supports Airbus research

environmentally and socially responsible ways.

and development into

C i t y ’s S c h o o l o f M a t h e m a t i c s ,

low-emission and long-

Computer Science &

endurance aircraft through

Engineering has world-

o u r e x p e r t i s e i n l a m i n a r-

class expertise in modern

turbulent transition and

flow diagnostics, and the

our world-class wind tunnel

development of novel

facilities. The knowledge

experimental flow rigs. Since

gained through fundamental

2006, City has collaborated

aerodynamic experiments

with Shell to develop an

inspires new concepts for

improved understanding of

aircraft drag reduction and

the performance of diesel

the large measurement

fuels in modern high-

datasets can be used to

pressure, common rail diesel

verify new computational

Fuel Injection Equipment

methods being developed

(FIE). The research has three

for the design of the next

themes: (i) the chemical and

generation of aircraft.

physical effects of cavitating flows obtained in diesel FIE


on diesel fuel, (ii) diesel

the role of industries

spray jet structure, spray

towards the development

breakup and atomisation

of green technologies.

as a function of diesel fuel properties, and (iii) diesel injector flow dynamics relevant to internal injector deposit formation.

y a m a h a - m o t o r. c o m

Clerkenwell: where engineering design resides F o r d e s i g n c r e a t i v i t y, e n t r e p r e n e u r i a l o p p o r t u n i t i e s , c u l t u r e a n d c o m m u n i t y, we could not be better positioned. All seven engineering sub-disciplines benefit

They provide guest lectures and undergraduate

enormously from our proximity to four flourishing,

placements while offering mentoring and

dynamic London neighbourhoods. Embracing the

networking opportunities. They also open the

advantages of this location is a key feature of

door to research partnerships. As a result, we

C i t y, U n i v e r s i t y o f L o n d o n . W i t h i n a 1 5 - m i n u t e

are able to tackle pressing challenges where our

walking radius of our School lies Clerkenwell,

discoveries can quickly have significant impact.

Te c h C i t y, t h e F i n a n c i a l D i s t r i c t a n d t h e K n o w l e d g e Q u a r t e r.

To t h e n o r t h o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y t h e r e l i e s t h e


Design Council, Islington Green and Kings Cross-St Clerkenwell has the highest density of architectural

P a n c r a s . To t h e s o u t h w e h a v e t h e M u s e u m o f

practices in the world. Its numerous studios,

L o n d o n , S m i t h f i e l d M a r k e t , S t B a r t h o l o m e w ’s

workshops, showrooms and consulting bureaus

H o s p i t a l a n d S t P a u l ’s C a t h e d r a l . To t h e e a s t w e

are synonymous with creative design and are

find the Barbican Arts Complex, Guildhall, Royal

home to some of the most highly respected

E x c h a n g e a n d M a n s i o n H o u s e . To o u r w e s t t h e r e

interdisciplinary engineering consultancies.

i s S a d l e r ’s W e l l s T h e a t r e , E x m o u t h M a r k e t , t h e

The images to the right show activities in

B r i t i s h L i b r a r y, A l a n Tu r i n g I n s t i t u t e , H a t t o n

t h e a n n u a l C l e rk e n we l l De s i g n We e k .

Garden and Holborn.

Te c h C i t y h a s b e c o m e a b u r g e o n i n g h u b f o r

W e a r e s e r v e d b y t h e C e n t r a l l i n e ( S t P a u l ’s , B a n k

many successful venture-capital-funded software

and Liverpool St), the Northern line (Monument,


Bank, Moorgate, Old St and Angel) and the Metropolitan, Circle, Hammersmith and City lines

The Financial District is the commercial

( Fa r r i n g d o n , B a r b i c a n a n d K i n g s C r o s s - St Pa n c r a s ) .

powerhouse and global headquarters of many

The new Crossrail Elizabeth line will provide

leading international banks, trading houses

d i r e c t l i n k s f r o m Fa r r i n g d o n o u t t o Wo o l w i c h

and insurance companies, housing over 300,000

(17 minutes), Brentwood (39 minutes) and

business professionals.

Reading (58 minutes).

The Knowledge Quarter is an intellectual focus for world-leading research, with particular strengths i n b i o t e c h n o l o g y a n d c y b e r s e c u r i t y. Through strong and enduring collaborations with key businesses in each of these districts, we ensure that you have access to leading STEM professionals who are contributing to shaping and delivering our courses.



Image © 2017 DigitalGlobe 9


De s i g n We e k Eve n t s C l e rk e n we l l De s i g n We e k


Investment in infrastructure



C i t y, U n i v e r s i t y o f L o n d o n r e c o g n i s e s t h e k e y r o l e that a modern and vibrant physical environment plays in your development and learning experience. High-quality academic spaces are crucial for n u r t u r i n g c r e a t i v i t y. City has worked closely with its staff, students, local residents and Islington Council to develop an e n v i a b l e c e n t r a l L o n d o n c a m p u s . We b e n e f i t f ro m a n infrastructure that provides us with attractive lecture theatres, learning and communal student spaces as well as fully equipped engineering and computer laboratories. More than £120 million has been invested in major building developments on campus since 2012, including a new main entrance and exhibition space, a 2 4 0 - s e a t l e c t u re t h e a t re , C i t y Sp o r t , t h e St u d e n t s’ U n i o n a n d C i t y B a r. T h e s e f a c i l i t i e s e n h a n c e y o u r s o c i a l e x p e r i e n c e a n d c r e a t e a s t r o n g s e n s e o f i d e n t i t y, b e l o n g i n g a n d c o m m u n i t y.


Design resources



Our exceptional academics, leading external engineering consultants, plus our superbly located modern campus collectively create a highly stimulating design environment. We a t t r a c t a n d re t a i n l e a d i n g a c a d e m i c s f ro m

T h e r e i s a l s o a Po w e r E n g i n e e r i n g l a b o r a t o r y

around the world, providing us with experienced,

(where students can access high-voltage

motivated, friendly staff, many of whom join us

motors and transformers, as well as photovoltaic

after having worked as engineering professionals.

systems) and Bioengineering and Optical Sensors

Practising chartered engineers from leading

laboratories housing state-of-the-art equipment

design consultancies regularly contribute to our

(some of which has been designed by City

teaching and offer opportunities for internships


and placements. The unique Geotechnical Centrifuge facility is A dynamic online virtual learning environment

the jewel in the crown of the Civil Engineering

(Moodle) will provide you with access to

l a b o r a t o r y. T h i s a r e a a l s o a c c o m m o d a t e s a

all module material, assessments and course

large flexible laboratory space used for model

information. In addition to the powerful and

preparation and triaxial testing of materials.

comprehensive MATLAB toolbox and many

There are mixing and casting facilities, a

specialist design software applications, you

t e m p e r a t u r e - c o n t r o l l e d t e s t i n g l a b o r a t o r y,

will have exposure to a series of advanced Finite

a durability laboratory and a huge structures

Element and Computational Fluid Dynamics codes,

test hall where large steel and concrete frames

plus CAD, BIM, circuit board design programs and

may be loaded to failure while monitoring

c o m p u t e r- b a s e d p r o j e c t m a n a g e m e n t p a c k a g e s .

strains, displacements and fracture propagation.

We also provide GPU boards, giving you the opportunity to assemble and program parallel

The Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering


sub-disciplines have access to many facilities which include: (i) five wind tunnels; (ii) a

T h e Ta i t B u i l d i n g i s t h e h o m e o f E n g i n e e r i n g a t

motion simulator; (iii) an aircraft flight deck;

C i t y. I t w i l l b e c o m e y o u r e d u c a t i o n a l h u b , s h o u l d

(iv) optical IC engines, compressors and fuel

you join us. Recent investment in the estate has

injection systems; (v) a flywheel test facility; (vi)

allowed us to create seven new lecture spaces

a Formula 1 Student workshop and simulator; (vii)

close to our laboratories.

micro turbines and equipment to study cavitating flows; (viii) extensive machine workshops, with

The Finkelstein undergraduate teaching laboratory

CNC machines, lathes, milling machines, 3D

is the centrepiece of Electrical and Electronic

printers, welding facilities and a paint room;

Engineering. Its facilities include electronic test

and (ix) several clusters of distributed shared

and measurement devices, where you are able to

memory and high-performance computers.

fabricate your own printed circuit boards using r o b o t i c t e c h n o l o g y. A d v a n c e d m e c h a t r o n i c s /

This combination of highly skilled personnel

robotics equipment, Arduino benches with Wi-Fi

and experimental/computational infrastructure

controllers, motion tracking devices and other

creates a rich environment where enormous

electronic systems can be designed and

design creativity is possible.

assembled here.


Undergraduate degree course overview





Aeronautical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Our degree in Aeronautical

Our Biomedical Engineering

Civil engineers develop

Engineering prepares you for

degree covers a range

infrastructure and have

an exciting and rewarding

of engineering applications

a profound effect on the

career in the global

that are relevant to the

way people live through a

a e r o s p a c e i n d u s t r y, w o r k i n g

requirements of the healthcare

consideration of function,

on manned and unmanned

i n d u s t r y a n d d r a w s o n C i t y,

aesthetics, economics and

aircraft and spacecraft

U n i v e r s i t y o f L o n d o n’s

s u s t a i n a b i l i t y. Yo u w i l l l e a r n

projects. This degree places

long-standing expertise in

how to design, construct,

particular emphasis on

sensor technology and

manage and improve the

encouraging and enabling






MEng [Hons]

MEng [Hons]

MEng [Hons]

4 years

4 years

4 years

5 years with placement

5 years with placement

5 years with placement

you to be innovative in your engineering design.






Electrical & Electronic Engineering


Mechanical Engineering

Structural Engineering

Electrical and electronic

This new degree responds

This degree is for analytical,

Structural engineering is the

engineers develop systems

to the demand for engineers

practically minded, creative

discipline responsible for the

that power our homes and

enthused by tackling cross-

individuals who relish

design and construction of

enable us to communicate

disciplinary challenges,

solving problems and who

elegant, stable and durable

wherever we are. From

in particular through the

wish to design and optimise

above-ground structures,

smartphones and agile robots

application and development

advanced machines. From

including tall, slender

to aircraft control systems

of advanced engineering

driverless cars, high-

buildings, long-span bridges

and renewable energy

software (using high-

speed trains and robotic

and spectacular sports stadia

provision, the solutions

performance computer

manufacturing systems to

or auditoria. These are

developed by electrical and

clusters) and use of digital

tidal power stations and

among the most breathtaking

electronic engineers continue

manufacturing processes.

s o l a r- p o w e r e d g e n e r a t o r s ,

and uplifting constructions

to improve and transform

This degree prepares talented

this course will enable

realised by humankind.

our lives.

engineers for an exciting

you to innovate in your

career in computational

engineering solutions.

design and analysis.





MEng [Hons]

MEng [Hons]

MEng [Hons]

MEng [Hons]

4 years

4 years

4 years

4 years

5 years with placement

5 years with placement

5 years with placement

5 years with placement

Aeronautical Engineering

Aeronautical Engineering encompasses the disciplines of aircraft design, aerodynamics, material sciences, thermodynamics, solid and fluid mechanics, and control. The course is designed in collaboration with leading industry manufacturers and systems providers, directly reflected in the emphasis on the professional UNDERGRADUATE ENGINEERING DEGREE COURSES

and transferable skills that you will gain. The MEng (Hons) Aeronautical Engineering course has been developed to educate you in the design, analysis and testing of aeronautical and aerospace vehicles and the a s s o c i a t e d t e c h n o l o g y. C i t y, U n i v e r s i t y o f L o n d o n w a s t h e f i r s t i n s t i t u t i o n i n the UK to introduce aeronautical engineering courses. The department has strong links with industry (local, national and global), maintaining partnerships through research projects and student placements. Aeronautical Engineering graduates work in all areas of the aircraft and airline industries and in other high-tech industries, such as motor manufacturing, F1 design, tall building design, wind turbines, and offshore oil and gas platforms.



To f i n d o u t m o r e a b o u t Aeronautical Engineering w w w. c i t y. a c . u k / e m a e

T h e w o r l d ’s f i r s t e l e c t r i c v e r t i c a l t a k e - o f f a n d l a n d i n g j e t Lilium w w w. l i l i u m . c o m


Aeronautical Engineering

Stage I

Stage II

Stage III

Common to all of the

Yo u w i l l s p e c i a l i s e i n

The third year places increasing

Engineering courses. Study

Aeronautical Engineering,

emphasis on aircraft design.

the physics and mathematics

increasing knowledge of solid

that underpin engineering

and fluid mechanics while

principles, and develop

studying measurement, data

computer programs.

analysis and mechatronics.

Design I [20]

Design II: Aeronautical [20]

Design III: Aeronautical [20]

Design II: Biomedical [20]

Design III: Biomedical [20]

Design II: Civil [20]

Design III: Civil [20]

Design II: Electrical & Electronic [20]

Design III: Electrical & Electronic [20]

Design II: Engineering [20]

Design III: Engineering [20]

Design II: Mechanical [20]

Design III: Mechanical [20]

Design II: Structural [20]

Design III: Structural [20]

Solid Mechanics [20]

Structural Mechanics [20]

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer [20]

Mathematics I [20]

Mechatronics [20]

Systems Modelling & Control [20]

Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics I [20]

Measurement & Data Analysis [20]

Structural Engineering [20]

Mathematics II [20]

Structural Analysis [20]

Engineering Science [20]

Introduction to Biomedical Engineering [20]

Signal Processing & Communications [20]

Geology & Soil Mechanics [20]

Performance of Structural Systems [20]

Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics II [20]

Microelectronic Circuits & Devices [20]

Electromagnetic Fields & Circuits [20]

Mechatronics & Control [20]

Electronics [20]

Power Engineering [20]

Medical Physics & Imaging [20] Hydraulic Engineering [20] Geotechnical Engineering [20] Fluid Mechanics [20] Flight Dynamics & Control [20] Engineering Management [20] Computational Structural Mechanics [20] Civil Engineering Practice [20] Civil Engineering Management [20] Biosignal & Image Processing [20] Biomedical Optics [20] Biomedical Instrumentation [20] Aerodynamics & Propulsion [20]



Ye a r i n industry

Stage IV

Yo u w i l l b e e n c o u r a g e d t o t a k e a

The final year of the integrated

12-month industry placement. School

m a s t e r ’s i n v o l v e s a m a j o r i n d i v i d u a l

advisors are in regular contact with

research project, group design exercises

companies to help you find suitable

(mentored by industry experts) and

work experience.

advanced, specialist modules.

Industry placement

Design IV: Aeronautical [40] Design IV: Biomedical [40] Design IV: Civil [40] Design IV: Electrical & Electronic [40] Design IV: Engineering [40] Design IV: Mechanical [40] Design IV: Structural [40] MEng Project: Aeronautical [20] MEng Project: Biomedical [20] MEng Project: Civil [40] MEng Project: Electrical & Electronic [20] MEng Project: Engineering [20] MEng Project: Mechanical [20] MEng Project: Structural [40] Tall Building Design [20] Structural Dynamics & Aeroelasticity [20] IC Engines and Vehicle Propulsion [20] Gas Turbine Engineering [20] Computer Systems & Robotics [20] Combustion & Fuels [20] Biomechanics & Biomaterials [20] Biomedical Sensors [20] Biomedical Informatics & Telemedicine [20] Bridge Design [20] Airworthiness & Maintenance [20] Advanced Systems Modelling & Control [20] Advanced Structural Analysis [20] Advanced Signal Processing & Communications [20] Advanced Heat Transfer [20] Advanced Civil Engineering Systems [20] Advanced CFD [20] Advanced Analytical Methods [20] Advanced Aerodynamics [20]

Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering applies the principles of science, engineering and medicine to complex medical technologies used in the prognosis, diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of the sick and injured. Biomedical engineers also require managerial and communication skills and an awareness of the UNDERGRADUATE ENGINEERING DEGREE COURSES

economic, environmental and social implications of their work. Our course provides excellent training in all these areas. T h e d e g r e e i s h i g h l y i n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y, e n c o u r a g i n g critical thinking through teamwork and independent s t u d y. S t u d e n t s l e a r n w i t h a c a d e m i c s f r o m : ( i ) o u r School of Mathematics, Computer Science & Engineering; (ii) the School of Health Sciences; (iii) hospital consultants and (iv) experts from the m e d i c a l i n d u s t r y. L e a r n i n g i n v o l v e s a c o m b i n a t i o n o f t h e o r e t i c a l , e x p e r i m e n t a l a n d c o m p u t a t i o n a l s t u d y. Biomedical engineers today work in a range of industries. Our recent graduates have joined employers such as Philips Healthcare, Covidien, Siemens, Genetic Microdevices, AstraZeneca, Intertek and major hospitals in the NHS and overseas.



To f i n d o u t m o r e a b o u t Biomedical Engineering w w w. c i t y. a c . u k / e m b i

i-limb® quantum To u c h B i o n i c s w w w. t o u c h b i o n i c s . c o m

Biomedical Engineering

Stage I

Stage II

Stage III

Common to all of the

Yo u b e g i n t o s p e c i a l i s e i n

The third year includes

Engineering courses. Study

Biomedical Engineering in

biosignal and image processing,

the physics and mathematics

year two while also studying

medical physics and biomedical

that underpin engineering

measurement, data analysis

instrumentation, together with

principles, and develop

and mechatronics.

biomedical optics.

Design II: Aeronautical [20]

Design III: Aeronautical [20]

Design II: Biomedical [20]

Design III: Biomedical [20]

Design II: Civil [20]

Design III: Civil [20]

Design II: Electrical & Electronic [20]

Design III: Electrical & Electronic [20]

Design II: Engineering [20]

Design III: Engineering [20]

Design II: Mechanical [20]

Design III: Mechanical [20]

Design II: Structural [20]

Design III: Structural [20]

Solid Mechanics [20]

Structural Mechanics [20]

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer [20]

Mathematics I [20]

Mechatronics [20]

Systems Modelling & Control [20]

Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics I [20]

Measurement & Data Analysis [20]

Structural Engineering [20]

Mathematics II [20]

Structural Analysis [20]

Engineering Science [20]

Introduction to Biomedical Engineering [20]

Signal Processing & Communications [20]

Geology & Soil Mechanics [20]

Performance of Structural Systems [20]

Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics II [20]

Microelectronic Circuits & Devices [20]

Electromagnetic Fields & Circuits [20]

Mechatronics & Control [20]


computer programs.

Design I [20]

Electronics [20]

Power Engineering [20]

Medical Physics & Imaging [20] Hydraulic Engineering [20] Geotechnical Engineering [20] Fluid Mechanics [20] Flight Dynamics & Control [20] Engineering Management [20] Computational Structural Mechanics [20] Civil Engineering Practice [20] Civil Engineering Management [20] Biosignal & Image Processing [20] Biomedical Optics [20] Biomedical Instrumentation [20] Aerodynamics & Propulsion [20]



Ye a r i n industry

Stage IV

Yo u w i l l b e e n c o u r a g e d t o t a k e a

The final year involves a major individual

12-month industry placement. School

research project, group design exercises

advisors are in regular contact with

and modules covering biomechanics,

companies to help you find suitable

biomaterials, biomedical sensors,

work experience.

bioinformatics and telemedicine.

Industry placement

Design IV: Aeronautical [40] Design IV: Biomedical [40] Design IV: Civil [40] Design IV: Electrical & Electronic [40] Design IV: Engineering [40] Design IV: Mechanical [40] Design IV: Structural [40] MEng Project: Aeronautical [20] MEng Project: Biomedical [20] MEng Project: Civil [40] MEng Project: Electrical & Electronic [20] MEng Project: Engineering [20] MEng Project: Mechanical [20] MEng Project: Structural [40] Tall Building Design [20] Structural Dynamics & Aeroelasticity [20] IC Engines and Vehicle Propulsion [20] Gas Turbine Engineering [20] Computer Systems & Robotics [20] Combustion & Fuels [20] Biomechanics & Biomaterials [20] Biomedical Sensors [20] Biomedical Informatics & Telemedicine [20] Bridge Design [20] Airworthiness & Maintenance [20] Advanced Systems Modelling & Control [20] Advanced Structural Analysis [20] Advanced Signal Processing & Communications [20] Advanced Heat Transfer [20] Advanced Civil Engineering Systems [20] Advanced CFD [20] Advanced Analytical Methods [20] Advanced Aerodynamics [20]

Civil Engineering

This MEng (Hons) Civil Engineering course provides a strong technical background in the key subjects of structural, geotechnical and hydraulic engineering and in management studies, while placing a particular emphasis on innovative engineering design.


C i t y, U n i v e r s i t y o f L o n d o n h a s b e e n e d u c a t i n g aspiring civil engineers for nearly 90 years. We a re c o m m i t t e d t o e n s u r i n g t h a t o u r C i v i l Engineering graduates lead the way in technical expertise, strategic thinking, innovation and communication. Learning involves lectures, tutorials, laboratory classes, a residential geology field course and group design exercises, many of which feature contributions from practising engineers. Our graduates have gone on to work with many of the leading design consultants or contracting engineering practices in the UK and overseas. Recent graduates have worked on the Crossrail project, the HS2 rail project and landmark buildings in the City of London.



To f i n d o u t m o r e a b o u t Civil Engineering w w w. c i t y. a c . u k / e m c e

Canary Wharf underground station Image courtesy of D a v i d Sk i n n e r flickr

Civil Engineering

Stage I

Stage II

Stage III

Common to all of the

Specialise in the study

Yo u w i l l u n d e r s t a n d t h e a n a l y s i s

Engineering courses. Study

o f g e o l o g y, s o i l m e c h a n i c s ,

and design of geotechnical,

the physics and mathematics

measurement and data

hydraulic and structural forms,

that underpin engineering

analysis, tackling advanced

computational analysis techniques

principles, and develop

solid and fluid mechanics.

and construction management.

Design II: Aeronautical [20]

Design III: Aeronautical [20]

Design II: Biomedical [20]

Design III: Biomedical [20]

Design II: Civil [20]

Design III: Civil [20]

Design II: Electrical & Electronic [20]

Design III: Electrical & Electronic [20]

Design II: Engineering [20]

Design III: Engineering [20]

Design II: Mechanical [20]

Design III: Mechanical [20]

Design II: Structural [20]

Design III: Structural [20]

Solid Mechanics [20]

Structural Mechanics [20]

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer [20]

Mathematics I [20]

Mechatronics [20]

Systems Modelling & Control [20]

Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics I [20]

Measurement & Data Analysis [20]

Structural Engineering [20]

Mathematics II [20]

Structural Analysis [20]

Engineering Science [20]

Introduction to Biomedical Engineering [20]

Signal Processing & Communications [20]

Geology & Soil Mechanics [20]

Performance of Structural Systems [20]

Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics II [20]

Microelectronic Circuits & Devices [20]

Electromagnetic Fields & Circuits [20]

Mechatronics & Control [20]


computer programs.

Design I [20]

Electronics [20]

Power Engineering [20]

Medical Physics & Imaging [20] Hydraulic Engineering [20] Geotechnical Engineering [20] Fluid Mechanics [20] Flight Dynamics & Control [20] Engineering Management [20] Computational Structural Mechanics [20] Civil Engineering Practice [20] Civil Engineering Management [20] Biosignal & Image Processing [20] Biomedical Optics [20] Biomedical Instrumentation [20] Aerodynamics & Propulsion [20]



Ye a r i n industry

Stage IV

Ta k e a 1 2 - m o n t h i n d u s t r y p l a c e m e n t .

Collaborate with staff on an individual

Advisors at the School are in regular

re s e a rc h p ro j e c t . Pa r t i c i p a t e i n a l i v e l a rg e -

contact with companies to help you

scale design project set by our collaborators.

find suitable work experience.

Contains advanced modules in analytical and experimental methods.

Industry placement

Design IV: Aeronautical [40] Design IV: Biomedical [40] Design IV: Civil [40] Design IV: Electrical & Electronic [40] Design IV: Engineering [40] Design IV: Mechanical [40] Design IV: Structural [40] MEng Project: Aeronautical [20] MEng Project: Biomedical [20] MEng Project: Civil [40] MEng Project: Electrical & Electronic [20] MEng Project: Engineering [20] MEng Project: Mechanical [20] MEng Project: Structural [40] Tall Building Design [20] Structural Dynamics & Aeroelasticity [20] IC Engines and Vehicle Propulsion [20] Gas Turbine Engineering [20] Computer Systems & Robotics [20] Combustion & Fuels [20] Biomechanics & Biomaterials [20] Biomedical Sensors [20] Biomedical Informatics & Telemedicine [20] Bridge Design [20] Airworthiness & Maintenance [20] Advanced Systems Modelling & Control [20] Advanced Structural Analysis [20] Advanced Signal Processing & Communications [20] Advanced Heat Transfer [20] Advanced Civil Engineering Systems [20] Advanced CFD [20] Advanced Analytical Methods [20] Advanced Aerodynamics [20]

Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Our Electrical and Electronic Engineering course provides a strong technical background in electronics, power engineering, signal processing and mechatronics, offered in conjunction with engineering management.


Learning involves lectures, tutorials, laboratory classes and group design exercises. Our laboratories feature chip production facilities and electrical power e q u i p m e n t . Yo u w i l l e x p l o r e t h e r e c e n t a d v a n c e s i n c o m p u t e r- b a s e d e n g i n e e r i n g a n a l y s i s , u s i n g s o f t w a r e s u c h a s M A T L A B a n d L a b V I E W. D e s i g n i s a p r i m a r y f o c u s for this degree. Detailed design projects are enhanced by close involvement from industrial specialists so that you tackle pertinent and timely challenges. This provides a superb foundation for pursuing a career in electrical engineering, communications, control systems, robotics or sensor systems. Our recent graduates have joined employers such as UK P o w e r N e t w o r k s , B T, N a t i o n a l G r i d , A E C O M , B P, H u a w e i , British Aerospace, DeltaRail and Cundall.



To f i n d o u t m o r e a b o u t Electrical & Electronic Engineering w w w. c i t y. a c . u k / e m e e

Robotic Engineering


Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Stage I

Stage II

Stage III

Common to all of the

Students begin to

Study signal processing and

Engineering courses. Study

specialise in Electrical and

communications, modelling and

the physics and mathematics

Electronic Engineering in

control, electromagnetism and power

that underpin engineering

year two. Modules include

engineering, and digital design.

principles, and develop

measurement, data analysis,

Attain systematic understanding

computer programs.

m e c h a t r o n i c s a n d c i r c u i t r y.

of engineering management.

Design I [20]

Design II: Aeronautical [20]

Design III: Aeronautical [20]

Design II: Biomedical [20]

Design III: Biomedical [20]

Design II: Civil [20]

Design III: Civil [20]

Design II: Electrical & Electronic [20]

Design III: Electrical & Electronic [20]

Design II: Engineering [20]

Design III: Engineering [20]

Design II: Mechanical [20]

Design III: Mechanical [20]

Design II: Structural [20]

Design III: Structural [20]

Solid Mechanics [20]

Structural Mechanics [20]

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer [20]

Mathematics I [20]

Mechatronics [20]

Systems Modelling & Control [20]

Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics I [20]

Measurement & Data Analysis [20]

Structural Engineering [20]

Mathematics II [20]

Structural Analysis [20]

Engineering Science [20]

Introduction to Biomedical Engineering [20]

Signal Processing & Communications [20]

Geology & Soil Mechanics [20]

Performance of Structural Systems [20]

Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics II [20]

Microelectronic Circuits & Devices [20]

Electromagnetic Fields & Circuits [20]

Mechatronics & Control [20]

Electronics [20]

Power Engineering [20]

Medical Physics & Imaging [20] Hydraulic Engineering [20] Geotechnical Engineering [20] Fluid Mechanics [20] Flight Dynamics & Control [20] Engineering Management [20] Computational Structural Mechanics [20] Civil Engineering Practice [20] Civil Engineering Management [20] Biosignal & Image Processing [20] Biomedical Optics [20] Biomedical Instrumentation [20] Aerodynamics & Propulsion [20]



Ye a r i n industry

Stage IV

Ta k e a 1 2 - m o n t h i n d u s t r y p l a c e m e n t .

Undertake individual research and a

Advisors at the School are in regular

major design exercise (how to produce

contact with companies to help you

safe, sustainable, ethical solutions).

find suitable work experience.

Covers advanced signal processing, communications, system modelling and control, and microelectronics.

Industry placement

Design IV: Aeronautical [40] Design IV: Biomedical [40] Design IV: Civil [40] Design IV: Electrical & Electronic [40] Design IV: Engineering [40] Design IV: Mechanical [40] Design IV: Structural [40] MEng Project: Aeronautical [20] MEng Project: Biomedical [20] MEng Project: Civil [40] MEng Project: Electrical & Electronic [20] MEng Project: Engineering [20] MEng Project: Mechanical [20] MEng Project: Structural [40] Tall Building Design [20] Structural Dynamics & Aeroelasticity [20] IC Engines and Vehicle Propulsion [20] Gas Turbine Engineering [20] Computer Systems & Robotics [20] Combustion & Fuels [20] Biomechanics & Biomaterials [20] Biomedical Sensors [20] Biomedical Informatics & Telemedicine [20] Bridge Design [20] Airworthiness & Maintenance [20] Advanced Systems Modelling & Control [20] Advanced Structural Analysis [20] Advanced Signal Processing & Communications [20] Advanced Heat Transfer [20] Advanced Civil Engineering Systems [20] Advanced CFD [20] Advanced Analytical Methods [20] Advanced Aerodynamics [20]


Our Engineering course is ideal if you have a strong interest in mathematics and science, and wish to develop your capabilities in advanced computational analysis and problem solving using high-performance computers. This interdisciplinary degree course opens


up a wide variety of career paths once you graduate. The course is delivered through lectures, tutorials, group design exercises, laboratory classes and p ro g r a m m i n g w o rk s h o p s . We e n c o u r a g e c r i t i c a l thinking and foster curiosity through both teamwork a n d i n d e p e n d e n t s t u d y. T h e d e s i g n e x e r c i s e s a l l o w you to engage in cross-disciplinary challenges, preparing the way for tackling larger problems which span traditional engineering boundaries. Engineering graduates are much sought after b y i n d u s t r y. Yo u w i l l h a v e t h e p o t e n t i a l t o w o r k within interdisciplinary teams on engineering technologies spanning the design of space probes or aero engines, F1 aerodynamics, oil and gas r e c o v e r y, t o t e t h e r - f r e e w a l k i n g r o b o t s a n d t h e design of artificial human heart valves.



To f i n d o u t m o r e a b o u t Engineering w w w. c i t y. a c . u k / e e n m

J a m e s W e b b S p a c e Te l e s c o p e M i r r o r NASA w w w. n a s a . g o v


Stage I

Stage II

Stage III

Common to all of the

Yo u s p e c i a l i s e i n y e a r t w o ,

Increasing emphasis on

Engineering courses. Study

advancing your knowledge

cross-disciplinary computational

the physics and mathematics

of solid and fluid mechanics,

analysis. Modules include structural

that underpin engineering

studying measurement, data

engineering, aerodynamics, signal

principles, and develop

analysis and mechatronics.

processing, medical physics and engineering management.


computer programs.

Design I [20]

Design II: Aeronautical [20]

Design III: Aeronautical [20]

Design II: Biomedical [20]

Design III: Biomedical [20]

Design II: Civil [20]

Design III: Civil [20]

Design II: Electrical & Electronic [20]

Design III: Electrical & Electronic [20]

Design II: Engineering [20]

Design III: Engineering [20]

Design II: Mechanical [20]

Design III: Mechanical [20]

Design II: Structural [20]

Design III: Structural [20]

Solid Mechanics [20]

Structural Mechanics [20]

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer [20]

Mathematics I [20]

Mechatronics [20]

Systems Modelling & Control [20]

Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics I [20]

Measurement & Data Analysis [20]

Structural Engineering [20]

Mathematics II [20]

Structural Analysis [20]

Engineering Science [20]

Introduction to Biomedical Engineering [20]

Signal Processing & Communications [20]

Geology & Soil Mechanics [20]

Performance of Structural Systems [20]

Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics II [20]

Microelectronic Circuits & Devices [20]

Electromagnetic Fields & Circuits [20]

Mechatronics & Control [20]

Electronics [20]

Power Engineering [20]

Medical Physics & Imaging [20] Hydraulic Engineering [20] Geotechnical Engineering [20] Fluid Mechanics [20] Flight Dynamics & Control [20] Engineering Management [20] Computational Structural Mechanics [20] Civil Engineering Practice [20] Civil Engineering Management [20] Biosignal & Image Processing [20] Biomedical Optics [20] Biomedical Instrumentation [20] Aerodynamics & Propulsion [20]



Ye a r i n industry

Stage IV

Ta k e a 1 2 - m o n t h i n d u s t r y p l a c e m e n t .

Involves a major individual research project,

Advisors at the School are in regular

group design exercises and modules covering

contact with companies to help you

advanced computational methods, structural

find suitable work experience.

dynamics, aeroelasticity and advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics.

Industry placement

Design IV: Aeronautical [40] Design IV: Biomedical [40] Design IV: Civil [40] Design IV: Electrical & Electronic [40] Design IV: Engineering [40] Design IV: Mechanical [40] Design IV: Structural [40] MEng Project: Aeronautical [20] MEng Project: Biomedical [20] MEng Project: Civil [40] MEng Project: Electrical & Electronic [20] MEng Project: Engineering [20] MEng Project: Mechanical [20] MEng Project: Structural [40] Tall Building Design [20] Structural Dynamics & Aeroelasticity [20] IC Engines and Vehicle Propulsion [20] Gas Turbine Engineering [20] Computer Systems & Robotics [20] Combustion & Fuels [20] Biomechanics & Biomaterials [20] Biomedical Sensors [20] Biomedical Informatics & Telemedicine [20] Bridge Design [20] Airworthiness & Maintenance [20] Advanced Systems Modelling & Control [20] Advanced Structural Analysis [20] Advanced Signal Processing & Communications [20] Advanced Heat Transfer [20] Advanced Civil Engineering Systems [20] Advanced CFD [20] Advanced Analytical Methods [20] Advanced Aerodynamics [20]

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering encompasses the disciplines of mechanical design, material sciences, thermodynamics a n d h e a t t r a n s f e r, s o l i d a n d f l u i d m e c h a n i c s , and control. We e n c o u r a g e c r i t i c a l t h i n k i n g a n d f o s t e r c u r i o s i t y UNDERGRADUATE ENGINEERING DEGREE COURSES

t h r o u g h b o t h t e a m w o r k a n d i n d e p e n d e n t s t u d y. The design exercises enable you to engage in crossdisciplinary challenges, preparing the way for tackling larger problems that span traditional engineering boundaries. The courses are led by academic staff from our active research centres, supported by s p e c i a l i s t p r o f e s s i o n a l s f r o m i n d u s t r y. T h e c o u r s e is delivered through lectures, tutorials, group design exercises, laboratory classes and engineering workshops. Learning involves a combination of t h e o r e t i c a l , e x p e r i m e n t a l a n d c o m p u t a t i o n a l s t u d y. Mechanical engineering graduates work in industries such as transport, power generation, manufacturing, automotive and oil and gas exploration. Our recent graduates have obtained posts within Ford, Howden, Delphi Diesel Systems, AVL, Rolls-Royce, Jaguar Land R o v e r, Tu b e L i n e s a n d H o l r o y d .



To f i n d o u t m o r e a b o u t Mechanical Engineering w w w. c i t y. a c . u k / e m m e

Ren Electric Supercar Te c h r u l e s w w w. t e c h r u l e s - n e w s . c o m


Mechanical Engineering

Stage I

Stage II

Stage III

Common to all of the

Specialise in year two,

Develop your knowledge of

Engineering courses. Study

advancing your knowledge

mechanical design: fluid mechanics,

the physics and mathematics

of solid and fluid mechanics

mechatronics and control, structural

that underpin engineering

while studying measurement,

analysis, thermodynamics and

principles, and develop

data analysis and

heat transfer and engineering

computer programs.



Design I [20]

Design II: Aeronautical [20]

Design III: Aeronautical [20]

Design II: Biomedical [20]

Design III: Biomedical [20]

Design II: Civil [20]

Design III: Civil [20]

Design II: Electrical & Electronic [20]

Design III: Electrical & Electronic [20]

Design II: Engineering [20]

Design III: Engineering [20]

Design II: Mechanical [20]

Design III: Mechanical [20]

Design II: Structural [20]

Design III: Structural [20]

Solid Mechanics [20]

Structural Mechanics [20]

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer [20]

Mathematics I [20]

Mechatronics [20]

Systems Modelling & Control [20]

Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics I [20]

Measurement & Data Analysis [20]

Structural Engineering [20]

Mathematics II [20]

Structural Analysis [20]

Engineering Science [20]

Introduction to Biomedical Engineering [20]

Signal Processing & Communications [20]

Geology & Soil Mechanics [20]

Performance of Structural Systems [20]

Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics II [20]

Microelectronic Circuits & Devices [20]

Electromagnetic Fields & Circuits [20]

Mechatronics & Control [20]

Electronics [20]

Power Engineering [20]

Medical Physics & Imaging [20] Hydraulic Engineering [20] Geotechnical Engineering [20] Fluid Mechanics [20] Flight Dynamics & Control [20] Engineering Management [20] Computational Structural Mechanics [20] Civil Engineering Practice [20] Civil Engineering Management [20] Biosignal & Image Processing [20] Biomedical Optics [20] Biomedical Instrumentation [20] Aerodynamics & Propulsion [20]



Ye a r i n industry

Stage IV

Ta k e a 1 2 - m o n t h i n d u s t r y p l a c e m e n t .

Major individual research project, group

Advisors at the School are in regular

design exercises and modules covering

contact with companies to help you

advanced structural analysis and heat

find suitable work experience.

transfer and either gas turbine engineering or advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics.

Industry placement

Design IV: Aeronautical [40] Design IV: Biomedical [40] Design IV: Civil [40] Design IV: Electrical & Electronic [40] Design IV: Engineering [40] Design IV: Mechanical [40] Design IV: Structural [40] MEng Project: Aeronautical [20] MEng Project: Biomedical [20] MEng Project: Civil [40] MEng Project: Electrical & Electronic [20] MEng Project: Engineering [20] MEng Project: Mechanical [20] MEng Project: Structural [40] Tall Building Design [20] Structural Dynamics & Aeroelasticity [20] IC Engines and Vehicle Propulsion [20] Gas Turbine Engineering [20] Computer Systems & Robotics [20] Combustion & Fuels [20] Biomechanics & Biomaterials [20] Biomedical Sensors [20] Biomedical Informatics & Telemedicine [20] Bridge Design [20] Airworthiness & Maintenance [20] Advanced Systems Modelling & Control [20] Advanced Structural Analysis [20] Advanced Signal Processing & Communications [20] Advanced Heat Transfer [20] Advanced Civil Engineering Systems [20] Advanced CFD [20] Advanced Analytical Methods [20] Advanced Aerodynamics [20]

Structural Engineering

This new degree is the first of its kind to be offered in London. It responds to the demand for motivated, creative individuals with a passion for science and mathematics, who wish to develop structural designs (often in collaboration with architects) that embrace


b o t h e l e g a n c y a n d e f f i c i e n c y. The course involves a combination of theoretical, e x p e r i m e n t a l a n d c o m p u t a t i o n a l s t u d y. Yo u w i l l develop a deep appreciation of force equilibrium, stability and materials science while always considering the constructability of a proposed solution. As part of the course, you will be shown how to arrive at optimal solutions where the structure (be i t a s l e n d e r, t a l l b u i l d i n g o r a l o n g - s p a n s u s p e n s i o n bridge) can withstand the stresses and displacements resulting from all plausible static and dynamic loads. We a n t i c i p a t e t h a t g r a d u a t e s f ro m t h i s u n i q u e c o u r s e will be sought after by leading structural engineering consultancies and architectural practices, such as A r u p , W S P P a r s o n s B r i n c k e r h o f f , T h o r n t o n To m a s e t t i , SOM, BuroHappold Engineering and AKT II. High-achieving students will have the opportunity to undertake their placement or summer internship with these leading organisations.



To f i n d o u t m o r e a b o u t Structural Engineering w w w. c i t y. a c . u k / e s t e

Nuragic and Contemporary Art Museum Zaha Hadid Architects w w w. z a h a - h a d i d . c o m

Structural Engineering

Stage I

Stage II

Stage III

Common to all of the

Focus on your specialism and

Structural design, case histories

Engineering courses. Study

s t u d y g e o l o g y, s o i l m e c h a n i c s

and live projects. Discover how

the physics and mathematics

and measurement, data

to consider ethical, sustainability

that underpin engineering

analysis, and advanced solid

and health and safety aspects.

principles, and develop

and fluid mechanics.


computer programs.

Design I [20]

Design II: Aeronautical [20]

Design III: Aeronautical [20]

Design II: Biomedical [20]

Design III: Biomedical [20]

Design II: Civil [20]

Design III: Civil [20]

Design II: Electrical & Electronic [20]

Design III: Electrical & Electronic [20]

Design II: Engineering [20]

Design III: Engineering [20]

Design II: Mechanical [20]

Design III: Mechanical [20]

Design II: Structural [20]

Design III: Structural [20]

Solid Mechanics [20]

Structural Mechanics [20]

Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer [20]

Mathematics I [20]

Mechatronics [20]

Systems Modelling & Control [20]

Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics I [20]

Measurement & Data Analysis [20]

Structural Engineering [20]

Mathematics II [20]

Structural Analysis [20]

Engineering Science [20]

Introduction to Biomedical Engineering [20]

Signal Processing & Communications [20]

Geology & Soil Mechanics [20]

Performance of Structural Systems [20]

Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics II [20]

Microelectronic Circuits & Devices [20]

Electromagnetic Fields & Circuits [20]

Mechatronics & Control [20]

Electronics [20]

Power Engineering [20]

Medical Physics & Imaging [20] Hydraulic Engineering [20] Geotechnical Engineering [20] Fluid Mechanics [20] Flight Dynamics & Control [20] Engineering Management [20] Computational Structural Mechanics [20] Civil Engineering Practice [20] Civil Engineering Management [20] Biosignal & Image Processing [20] Biomedical Optics [20] Biomedical Instrumentation [20] Aerodynamics & Propulsion [20]



Ye a r i n industry

Stage IV

Yo u w i l l b e e n c o u r a g e d t o t a k e a

A major individual research project,

12-month industry placement. School

group design exercises and modules

advisors are in regular contact with

covering advanced computational

companies to help you find suitable

methods and either bridge or tall

work experience.

building design.

Industry placement

Design IV: Aeronautical [40] Design IV: Biomedical [40] Design IV: Civil [40] Design IV: Electrical & Electronic [40] Design IV: Engineering [40] Design IV: Mechanical [40] Design IV: Structural [40] MEng Project: Aeronautical [20] MEng Project: Biomedical [20] MEng Project: Civil [40] MEng Project: Electrical & Electronic [20] MEng Project: Engineering [20] MEng Project: Mechanical [20] MEng Project: Structural [40] Tall Building Design [20] Structural Dynamics & Aeroelasticity [20] IC Engines and Vehicle Propulsion [20] Gas Turbine Engineering [20] Computer Systems & Robotics [20] Combustion & Fuels [20] Biomechanics & Biomaterials [20] Biomedical Sensors [20] Biomedical Informatics & Telemedicine [20] Bridge Design [20] Airworthiness & Maintenance [20] Advanced Systems Modelling & Control [20] Advanced Structural Analysis [20] Advanced Signal Processing & Communications [20] Advanced Heat Transfer [20] Advanced Civil Engineering Systems [20] Advanced CFD [20] Advanced Analytical Methods [20] Advanced Aerodynamics [20]


Placement year in industry



There is no substitute for gaining industrial experience in your chosen area of engineering d u r i n g yo u r d e g re e . We w i l l h e l p you achieve this. C i t y, U n i v e r s i t y o f L o n d o n’s P r o f e s s i o n a l

Our team of PLU specialists has been helping

Liaison Unit (PLU) supports both students

students to secure placement employment

and employers by arranging, managing and

across a range of industries for over 15 years.

monitoring 12-month placements, shorter

That team sources exclusive opportunities

internships and work-based learning.

with a wide range of employers as well as advertising vacancies from the major recruiters.

The PLU operates exclusively within our School of Mathematics, Computer Science

Our professionals support students and employers

& Engineering. It offers bespoke work-based

throughout the placement to make sure that

learning programmes, designed to accommodate

both parties are benefiting effectively from the

the requirements of students and employers.

experience. Each placement student is assigned

We i n t e g r a t e p ro f e s s i o n a l d e ve l o p m e n t p l a n n i n g

a work-based learning advisor (WLA) who will

a n d e m p l oy a b i l i t y i n t o c o u r s e s . We c o n n e c t o u r

provide assistance throughout the duration of the

academics with industry professionals to enrich

placement by visiting the workplace and ensuring

programme content and gain professional input

that both the student and placement provider are

for course design.

meeting the pre-agreed deliverables. The PLU runs workshops and one-to-one sessions to prepare you

After the completion of your third year

for making successful applications and interviews.

(Stage III), you can undertake a period of paid placement lasting between nine and twelve

A year spent in industry is an exceptionally

months. Coupling the MEng degree with such a

valuable opportunity to develop your technical

work placement offers Engineering students a

skills and business knowledge, and it can often

much-valued five-year course merging professional

lead to sponsorship and even future graduate

e x p e r i e n c e w i t h a d v a n c e d s t u d y. O u r o n e - y e a r

e m p l o y m e n t . Yo u w i l l r e t u r n t o u n i v e r s i t y w i t h

industrial placement scheme enables you to apply

m o r e m a t u r i t y, m o t i v a t i o n a n d a m u c h b e t t e r

the skills and knowledge you have developed

understanding of key concepts, having applied

to manage real challenges in the workplace.

them on placement. This often leads to the

Salaries vary but you would typically be paid

attainment of a higher class of degree.

b e t w e e n £ 1 5 , 0 0 0 a n d £ 2 2 , 0 0 0 , p r o r a t a , p e r y e a r, w h i l e o n p l a c e m e n t . Yo u w i l l t h e n r e t u r n t o t h e University to complete your final year of studies.

Share and explore: c i t y - l d n . t u m b l r. c o m

A c c e s s o u r Tu m b l r p l a t f o r m and become part of our active o n l i n e c o m m u n i t y. J o i n u s o n o u r i n g e n i o u s e n g i n e e r i n g Tu m b l r p l a t f o r m , where we collect fascinating case histories and news


of novel engineering developments. T h e l i n k e d b l o g i s h i g h l y v i s u a l . Yo u c a n s e a r c h (using keywords) for specific topics through an e v e r- e x p a n d i n g a r c h i v e o f c r e a t i v e d e s i g n s a n d specialist themes. This innovative site should be accessible from all mobile devices. The managed (edited) blog encourages you to share your posts and images. Yo u w i l l f i n d u s a t c i t y - l d n . t u m b l r. c o m



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C i t y, U n i v e r s i t y o f L o n d o n i s a n i n d e p e n d e n t m e m b e r i n s t i t u t i o n o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f L o n d o n . E s t a b l i s h e d by Royal Charter in 1836, the University of London consists of 18 independent member institutions with outstanding global reputations and several prestigious central academic bodies and activities.

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