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21 Ludhiana schools to be developed as 'NEP' Labs under PM SHRI scheme

The schools to be developed as Naonal Educaon Policy (NEP) labs under the central government's Prime Minister Schools for Rising India (PM SHRI) scheme were judged based on different parameters like student enrollment, infrastructure and extracurricular acvies along with otherachievements


21schoolsinthedistricthavebeen selected to be developed as Naonal Educaon Policy (NEP) labs under the central government's Prime Minister Schools for RisingIndia(PMSHRI)scheme. The selected schools, include


Road, GSSS Jagraon, GSSS

Kasabad, GSSS Sahnewal, GSSS

Ayali Khurd, GSSS Dehlon, GSSS Machhiwara, GSSS Jandiali, GSSS

Dakha, GSSS Galib Kalan, GSSS

Bhaini Baringa, GSSS Kotala, GSSS

Amloh Road Khanna, GSSS

Dhandra, GSSS Rupalon, GSSS BM

Raikot, GSSS Rasulra, GHS Buani, GHS Bhaini Arayian, GSSS HambowalBet. Notably, a total of 38 schools, two from each of the 19 educaon blocks were to be selected. In the first phase, 21 schools have Jointly funded by the union and state governments in a 60:40 rao, the scheme will have a total of 355 schools — 115 upper primary and 448 primary schools — vying for selecon. been selected, and the remaining 17 will be selected in the next phase. The schools were judged based on different parameters like student enrollment, infrastructure and extra-curricular acvies alongwithotherachievements. Issuing direcons regarding the same, the director general of school educaon, Vinay Bublani, said the schools covered under this scheme will not receive funding under the Samagra

Shiksha project to avoid duplicaon. He directed the district educaon officers to prepare the proposals for the schools as per theframeworkofthescheme. Giving details, GSSS Kasabaad principal, Rajesh Khanna said around 40 percent of the funding would be ulised on schoolspecific projects, which will be approved by the authories first. On the curriculum part, the schools will focus on learning outcomes, with psychological supportforstudentsofallgrades. For vocaonal educaon, a skillbased aptude test will be introduced along with linkages with sector skill councils and local industry He added that during the non-teaching hours, the schools shall work as community centers and along with sports, the level of informaon and communicaon technology (ICT) component will alsobeimproved.

Bharti Foundation Launches Teaching Learning Material Book of Satya Bharti Schools

The TLM is a repository of innovave and best teaching aids in English, Hindi and Punjabi. The innovave TLMs have been designed by brilliant teachers of Satya Bhar Schools on various concepts and themes for building beer academic understanding andskilldevelopmentofstudents.

Mamta Saikia, CEO- Bhar Foundaon was pleased to launch the TLM book and expressed her happiness that the efforts and top notch ideas of Satya Bhar School teachers have been encapsulated for everyday teaching in schools. Shesaid,“AtBharFoundaon,we are proud of our Satya Bhar School teachers as they are no ordinary ones. Their constant endeavor to learn and incorporate best pracces to bring a change in children have helped in building brighter and sharper minds. The TLM book which is by the teachers and for the teachers is a repository of best TLMs that the teaching community in 173 Satya Bhar Schools across India can ulize for overallprogressofthechildren.”

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