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NEWS FROM LUDHIANA SCHOOLS ParulUniversityTo ExpandInNorthIndia

The leading university in Gujarat - Parul University is all set to expand its presence in North India. The university has set up its career counseling center in Chandigarh and under its next phase, theuniversitywillhaveitscampusinthe tricityregion.

Devendra Thukral, Head- North India, Parul University while addressing a press conference at Chandigarh Press Club on Saturday informed that the group is cashing high on this region. According to him, considering the quality of educaon in the university, a large number of students from Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh have enrolled in the main campus situated in Vadodara, Gujarat during the last few years Aer interacng with those students it became clear that they are personally interested about the courses, fees, campus, placements and other informaon that arises the need to open this centre in Chandigarh which can cater the requision of this region. Thukral said that the management would open a campus within the ambit of Chandigarh so that the students of this area could also get high level educaonlikeVadodaracampus.


At present, this university has facilies for degree, diploma and post graduaon in 450 disciplines. According to an ASSOCHAM report, Parul University has performed exceponally well in placements at Gujarat At present, about 35 thousand students are associated with the university under various subjectswhereintwothousandinternaonal students enrolled with high qualityeducaonthere.

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