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When You Wish to Study Abroad


It is imperave that students find the best financial support to secure their years as a student. While higher educaon is a valuable investment, it is necessary for students to evaluate their profiles for a befing scholarship too. Here the major types of Scholarshipsthatstudentscanavail.



These scholarships are given to students based on their financial need. An excellent opportunity for struggling students to make ends meet. There are some universies and colleges that do give out needs-basedscholarshipstointernaonalstudents. You will have to look at the instuon's website to seewhattheyofferforeignstudents.


Many colleges and universies offer scholarships to students from certain countries, parcularly those living in developing countries. There are also many private instuons which give scholarships to studentsfromthesecountries.


Thesearethetypesofscholarshipswhichfirstcome to mind when we think about college scholarships. Merit scholarships are given based on the student's excellence. There are many types of merit scholarships, including: Academic Scholarships, Sports Scholarships and Average Academic PerformanceScholarships.

GOVERNMENT FUNDED SCHOLARSHIPS The United States government offers many scholarship programs, but only a few of them are available to internaonal students. The two big ones are: Fulbright Foreign Student Program, Hubert HumphreyFellowshipProgram.

PRIVATELY- FUNDED SCHOLARSHIPS Somemes private organizaons or donors fund scholarships for internaonal students.Most of thesehavestrict eligibilityrequirements, such as: From a developing country,women,minories,specificareasofstudy

Steps In Foreign Study Plan

FUniversity Selecon

FProfile Building

FFinancial Assistance

FLogiscs Support

Student Journey With GATEWAY Support

1) Talk to us Get guidance from our expert and experienced counselors

2) Admission Guidance Get recommendaons and guidance for universies to apply for as per your profile and scores

3) SOP & Resume Evaluator Write the best SOPs and prepare CV by geng content ps at the click of a buon or - Get a Home Consulng booked

4) Interview Preparaon Prepare for the university

- Student loan assistance

- Scholarship assistance

- Mock interview and preparaons for interviews with counselor and video

- Visa Filing and visa interview preparaon

- Currency Conversion

- Get online coaching for IELTS/ TOEFL/ PTE

5) Smart Applicaon Apply to mulple universies with just filling one student form

6) Get Admied & Fly Fly to your chosen university with ease, while availing the following services:

- Airport Pickup

- Internaonal banking assistance

- Housing and hostel assistance

- Roommate connect

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