March 16, 2014

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How are we

being called


God’s mission?

MARCH 16, 2014

Welcome to Cityview Presbyterian Church


presby terian chu rch

To Our Guests: Visiting a church can be an intimidating experience. We are glad that you are here, and we hope to remove as much of that awkwardness as we can from your visit to Cityview. Our worship service usually lasts about 90 minutes. This worship guide will help you navigate the service. There are short paragraphs on the next page to explain each part of the service. The service is designed to be accessible to you, whether you’ve spent years in the church or you’ve never been to a church service in your life. During the service, we will try to help you understand how the message of Jesus can apply to your life today. If you are new to Cityview or just visiting, we would love to know that you were here. The Connection Cards, which can be found in this bulletin, are a place for you to let us know whatever information you might want us to know, and to request any information from us that you might need. You may put this in the offering when it is passed at the end of the service. Pastor Dan Adamson ( is always enthusiastic to meet you in person, as well.

For Children: Children of all ages are welcome in the worship service. Nursery is provided during the service for children 2 years of age and younger.

Community Life: After the Service Each week, we linger for fellowship with one another. Please join us for refreshments in the cafeteria. Community Groups Community Groups are the primary way to get to know people at Cityview. At a Community Group, you will be invited to deepen your spiritual involvement with others. You will find a weekly opportunity to study the scripture passage for the upcoming week’s sermon and pray together. We welcome new members throughout the year. When & Where Monday / 7:30 PM Nick Lake - 2455 West Ohio, Unit 16W Thursday / 7:00 PM Malissa Mackey - 180 N Jefferson St. Apt. 1202 Saturday / 10:00 AM Jon Zee & Christina Jenq 737 West Washington Blvd. #2002

Children ages three through 5th grade are given the choice of attending Sunday school classes beginning during the greeting portion of the service.

All songs used by permission CCLI License #11041992

If you have any questions about children’s ministry at Cityivew, please contact Interim Children’s Ministry Coordinator Lynda Adamson (

Scripture reprinted from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission.


The Liturgy Preparing in Stillness

We often come into worship tired, overwhelmed and distracted. If we are honest we are not prepared to worship God. Each week, we take a few moments to quiet our hearts to prepare to meet God in worship. Please take this time to read the reflections, look over the rest of the service or pray as we anticipate being called into worship.

Call to Worship

We need to be “called” to come and worship God because we default to thinking the world revolves around our needs and agendas- and also because we struggle to believe that God truly wants us to draw near to him. The call to worship focuses our attention on God and prepares us to meet him.

Confession of Sin

Because sin is so pervasive in both our individual and corporate lives, we are called to come before God with honesty and transparency, confessing our failures and brokenness and asking for both healing and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. We confess corporately to show our unity even in our brokenness.

Assurance of Grace

Christ has given the Church authority to declare forgiveness of sins in his name. Because of this, when the liturgist proclaims that your sins are forgiven, you can know that Christ agrees.

The Sermon

Some view the sermon as a way to get principles for “right” living. In reality, as we open the Scripture we corporately encounter Christ. Therefore, as you listen, pray to be open to the Spirit’s leading, exhortation, encouragement, and healing.


Communion, also called the Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist, is the family meal for Christians. We welcome all Christians - those who look to Christ alone for salvation, who are in good standing with his church, and who seek strength to live more faithfully to their Savior - to join in this sacrament.

Worship Through Giving

Because money is so powerfully tied to our hearts, this is a valuable expression of worship as we acknowledge that everything we have comes from God and belongs to him. If you are visiting with us, we are glad you are here- please do not feel obligated to give.

The Benediction

God always gets the last word in our encounter of worship. For Christians, it is always a word of blessing and sending to live our lives in the light of the reality of the Gospel of Christ.


ORDER OF WORSHIP The purpose of Lent is not to force on us a few formal obligations, but to soften our heart so that it may open itself to the realities of the Spirit, to experience the hidden thirst and hunger for communion with God. - Alexander Schmemann The spiritual life is first of all a life. It is not merely something to be known and studied, it is to be lived. - Thomas Merton We are called upon not to be successful, but to be faithful. - Mother Teresa

Question for Reflection and Discussion How is your prayer life? Do you pray regularly?

God Calls Us Call to Worship — Psalm 121, A Song of Ascents* I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore. *Psalms 120-134 are known collectively as the Songs of Ascents. They were used by the Israelites as “pilgrimage” or “processional” songs as they traveled to Jerusalem for the celebration of various festivals. They were a songbook for pilgrims and would have been the Psalms on which Jesus meditated and sang as he traveled to Jerusalem and prepared to take Passover and endure the cross. During Lent, we will reflect on some of these songs in our liturgy as we prepare for Holy Week and anticipate the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection.


Prayer of Invocation Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth. Lord God, heavenly King, almighty God and Father, we worship you, we give you thanks, we praise you for your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, Lord God, Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world. Have mercy on us; you are seated at the right hand of the Father. Receive our prayer. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen

Hymn of Praise

    

1. Come, 2. Je 3. Come, 4. Come, 5. To

         

 


 

 

Thou al sus, our Thou in ho - ly Thee, great

Come, Thou Almighty King

Come, Thou Almighty King

Bow thy heavens, O Lord, and come down. Psa. 144:5 Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Rev. 19:6

    

 

     

 

might - y King, a - rise, Lord, car - nate Word, Com - for - ter, in Three, One

  

    

  


Help us Thy Scat -ter our Gird on Thy Thy sa - cred E - ter - nal

 

Name to sing, en e - mies, might - y sword, wit - ness bear be, prais - es

  

 


to praise! help us and make them fall; our prayer at - tend! in this glad hour; hence, ev - er - more;

 

                               

Fa - ther all glo - ri - ous, o’er all vic - to - ri - ous, Come and reign o - ver us, An - cient of Days! on Thee be stayed; Lord, hear our call. Let Thine al - might - y aid our sure de - fense be made, Souls of ho - li - ness, on us de -scend! Come, and Thy peo - ple bless, and give Thy Word suc - cess, Spir - it Thou Who al - might - y art, now rule in eve - ry heart, And ne’er from us de - part, Spir - it of pow’r! e - ter - ni - ty love and a - dore! Thy sov -’reign maj - es - ty may we in glo - ry see, And to

   

                                        

WORDS: attr. to Charles Wesley, pub.1757. MUSIC: “Italian Hymn”; Felice de Giardini, pub.1769. Public Domain.


Words: Charles Wesley Music: Italian Hymn

Words by Albert Midlane alt. by Chelsey Scott Music by Chelsey Scott and Aaron Sands

Give Reviving Hymn of Praise

Give Reviving

# & 68 ‰ œ œ œ œ . œ . ‰ œ œ œ ‰ ‰ œ œ œ œ

# & ‰ œ œœ


1.Fa - ther for Thy 2.Prayer as - cend - eth 3.Let no peo - ple

For the times Bless, oh bless That in one

# & œœ


œ. œ. ‰ œ œ œ œ ‰ ‰ œ œ œ of each, loud

sweet re-fresh-ing, weak en-deav - or, bless-ed an -them,

œ‰ œ œ œ

- nests, - ing, - ing,

# & œœ


with our, may,

prom-ised blessing, to Thee ev - er, be for - got-ten,


Thou hast giv - en, chil - dren wake them, give re - fresh - ing,

œ ‰ œ

But in these Bid them to Give the looked

œ. ‰ œ

Thee are hid - den, Fa - ther make, crowds be press - ing

œ œ

Still we plead throne, be - fore Thy An-swer! Fa an - swer pray'r, ther, Let Thy show'rs - on all de - scend,

œ. œ. ‰ œ œ œ

Which can come from Bloodbought par - don mill - lions may in

œ‰ œ œ œ

œ œ

œ. œ. ‰ œ œ

Thee a - lone, to de - clare, tri - umph blend,

œ œ œ! œ

œ œ

we would not Thy har - vest Ju - bi -


rest, Blessings still go, Blessings oh lee, To Thy-self 1.

j œ œ Œ.

and make us let bless - ings ry un - to


Bless- ed ear WakeThyslumb'r Give re - viv -

œ œ‰œ œ œ J

r œ œ œ œ. œ. R

œ œ

Pour them forth Round their steps Bring - ing glo

œœ œ œ

blest! flow. Thee.



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Give re-viv


œ ‰ œ œ œ



give re-fresh


œ ‰ œ œ



Give the looked


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œ -





To Thy - self

œ. un



œ. -


œ ‰ œ œ œ

œ. ‰ œ œ œ

j œ


crowds be press - ing,


Bring-ing glo -

Thee. Words: Albert Midlane alt. by Chelsey Scott Music: Chelsey Scott & Aaron Sands

© 2007 Innocent Smith (admin. by The Loving Company)/Petit Bateaux Music (ASCAP). Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Psalm 73

Lenten Hymn

# & # 86 Π# & # Π5

# & # Π9





# & # Œ. 17

# & # Œ. 21

1. 2. 3. 4.

Psalm 73

j œ

j œ œ Yet

j œ œ

To all Have kept As those You guide

j œ œ

God is I in they're cast You are

j œ œ.

‰ œj œj œj œ

the my, on, me,

j œ

pure in my heart slip - pery by Your

me they when my

j œ œ.

‰ œj œj œj œ


near - ly, I am Com - plete - ly, My por - tion,

œ For Then In You're


They Then Like I

j œ œ

I I my my

œ J

are I a will

lost my so con swept a You will

œ J

en - vied, en - tered, heart, I re - fuge,

œ free, saw, beast, sing,


œ J

œ J

the Your was my

ar ho ar Sov

j j œ œ œj œj

grip, fused way be


œ - ro - ly - ro - ereign



j œ œ


feet, strong wake, God,



heart pure ground Word

my are we Lord


good vain down near

‰ œj œj œj œ


But as for, And sure - ly, As dreams fade, And al - ways,

j œ œ

‰ œj œj œj œ


Sure - ly, Sure - ly, Sure - ly, al - ways,

Words adapted by Kevin Twit & Mac Purdy Music by Kevin Twit

had and so You


j œ œ.

al - most slipped free from trials they be - come are my strength


j œ œ.




gant place gant Lord

œ œ


from my bur dens their des - ti ny be - fore You of Your awe - some deeds

Words: Adapted by Kevin Twit & Mac Purdy Music: Kevin Twit


© 1995 Kevin Twit Music/Mac Purdy Music Used by permission. All rights reserved.

God Cleanses Us Prayer of Confession Our Gracious Shepherd and our God, we cry out to you for mercy. You have called us to abide in you and to follow you with faith and hope wherever you lead us, but at times we have turned aside from your way, and foolishly trusted ourselves. You have given us light and life by your Word and Spirit so that we might walk with you faithfully and boldly. But our faith at times has withered when we faced trouble, and our trust has eroded in the midst of trial. Our gracious Shepherd and our God, remind us that we are your children, and fill us with your Spirit so that our lives might always be faithful and fruitful.

Silent Confession


When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

Words by Isaac Watts Music by Lowell Mason

Hymn of Confession When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (in D minor)

4 &b 4 ˙

1.When 2.For 3.See 4.Were



sur I it, bid from His the whole


&b ˙

On Save Sor That







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the that His of

vey Lord, head, realm



of of flow ent


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My All Did Love



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glo Christ, ming far


&b ˙







count charm sor so



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cross boast feet, mine,


died God down small


loss most meet vine


&b ˙

And I Or De



pour sac thorns mands



con - tempt ri - fice com - pose my soul,



on them so my

all to rich life,


my His a my



pride blood crown all

Words: Isaac Watts; Music: Lowell Mason

Assurance of Grace — Adapted from Isaiah 53:5-6 Jesus was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities. The punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray. Each of us has turned to our own way, but the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Amen. Brothers and Sisters, you have heard God’s holy demands and have confessed your sins to him. Do you believe that Jesus Christ, by his perfect life, sacrificial death, and glorious resurrection has atoned for your sins and satisfied the wrath of God for you?

We do.

Public Domain


&b œ œ


œ œœ œ œ

œ . œ œ œ œ ˙ œœ œ Dm I Know that My Redeemer C Dm Gm7 Dm Lives - Glory, Dm Hallelujah! 1. I know that my Re - deem - er lives— glo - ry,j hal - le - lu - jah! What once glo - ry, lu - jah! He œ he dead— hal œ lives, œI Know Hymn of My Dm Redeemer Dm C Dm Dm & b 2. He œœ was œ - leœ --Lives œ lives, ˙œ I Know œœthatwho œœthat œ Redeemer œ Assurance œ . - ry,œjGm7 ˙ œ - jah! ˙ Heœœ 3. He lives with glo lu to bless his love— hal - le me My Lives Glory, Hallelujah! Glory Hallelujah lives, to lu - jah! He œ all his name— glo - ry, glo hal ry œœ that œ my œ - Re œ hal & b 4. He œœœ -Dm œ -- leleœ -- Dm œ know ˙ œ œ œ œ œ . ˙ 1. Iœ glo - ry, Gm7 lu er lives— - deem ˙ ˙ ˙ œœ - jah! ˙˙ What œœœ œ ˙ Dm C Dm ? b 2. He œ ˙ ˙ ˙ he lives, ˙ who once œ ˙ lives, glo lu was ry, jah! dead— hal He le œ j hal - le - lu - jah! What lives with -his to bless love— glo - ry, He me 1. I know that er lives— my Re œ- deem œ œ œ œ & b 3. He œ œ œ - leœ - luœ - jah! œ ˙ b all œ -who œ - once œœ name— œ . - ry, hal œ œ 4. He lives, to glo his glo He œ ry 2. He he lives, was dead— ˙ ˙ œ Am B F Gm7 Dm Gm7 Dm ˙ - le - luœ - jah! œœ ˙˙ - ry,j hal ˙˙ to bless ˙˙ me with ˙˙ Heœœ œœ love— ˙˙ glo lives œœ his ? 3. He ˙ œ 4. He lives, to glo lu all his glo name— He ry 1. I know that my Re deem er lives— ry, hal le jah! What b 2. He œ˙ œ lives, œ he lives, œ œ once œ & œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ ˙ œ ˙ œœ œ ˙ who was dead— glo ry, hal le lu jah! . œœ his ˙ to bless ˙˙ ˙ glo ˙˙ - ry, hal ˙ - le - luœ -œjah! ˙ He ? b 3. He ˙ œ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ œ lives me with love— He Am Bb F Gm7 Dm Gm7 Dm 4. He glo - ry sen - - tence to hisgives— name— glo glo-- ry, ry, hal - jah! com - fortlives, thisall sweet hal- le - le- -lu lu - jah!He j ˙ œ ˙ ˙ ˙ œ ˙ œ œ ˙ œ b b lives, my ev er last ing Head— glo ry, hal le lu ? b Am œ˙ œ ˙ Bœ œ˙ œ Fœ œ œ œ Gm7˙ Dm œ Gm7 Dm˙- jah!œ & œ œ ˙ ˙ œ œ œ . ˙ for ˙˙ ˙ - ry,j hal ˙ - le - luœ - jah! ˙ lives to plead me a - bove— glo ˙ the lives, my Je sus, still same— glo ry, hal le lu jah! b œ œ œ œ œ & com œ - tence œ˙ - leœœ - Dm œ œ gives— œ˙ . - ry, Gm7 ˙ - fort this sen glo hal lu œ - jah! ˙ b sweet ˙˙ Am B˙ F Gm7 Dm ˙ ˙ œ ? lives, œ ˙ my ev er last ing Head— glo ry, hal le lu - jah! ˙ j ˙ ˙ bb lives ˙ ˙ ˙ to plead for me a bove— glo ry, hal le lu jah! com fort this sweet sen tence gives— œ˙ - my œ ev œ -- sus, & lives, œ - ing œ˙ - leœ - luœ - jah! œ Head— œ˙ . - ry,œ hal œ -œ still Je the same— glo er last ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ Refrainlives ˙ to Fplead ˙ œ ˙ Am for me a bove— glo ry, hal le lu jah! œ ˙ ˙ ˙ œ ? lives, C Dm Dm Am Dm œ ˙ ˙ my Je sus, still the same— glo ry, hal le lu jah! com fort this sweet sen tence gives— ˙ ˙ b ˙ - ing Head— ˙˙ - ry, jhal ˙ œ ˙ œ ˙ œ lives, my ev er last glo le lu jah! œ œ œ œ œ ˙ forœ œ me ˙œ œœa - œbove— ˙ œ ? œ˙œ œœto ˙plead œ & bb lives œ œ ˙ œ œ . hal œ ˙ ˙ ˙-- lele -- lulu -- jah! ˙ the œsame— ˙ -- ry, ˙ ˙ glo Refrainlives, my still C gloDm ry, hal F Je - sus, Dm Am Dm jah! Am ˙ ˙ ˙˙ ˙pray ˙ gain - ing ground— ˙ œhal -œleœ - œœluœ - jah! ? b Shout j Refrain œ œ œ œ ˙ œ on, on, we're glo ry, œœ œ F˙ ˙ œ œ ˙œ Cœœ Dm œ˙ Dm Am & œœ ˙ ˙ ˙ Dm œ . œ ˙Am œ ˙ The œ j ˙ œ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ b œ œ ˙ ˙ œ ˙ œ œ œ œœ œ ˙ œ˙ & œ F˙ œ ? ˙ œ œ Refrain . œœ œ ˙ C Dm Dm Am Dm Am b Shout on, pray on, we're gain - ing ground— glo - ry, hal - le - lu - jah! The j œ œ œ ˙ œ œ˙ Amœ œœ˙ œ Gm7 œœ œœ on, Dm Dm7 Gm7 ˙ Am7 & b Shout œ œ ˙˙ - le -Dmluœ - jah! œ œ œ ˙ The . ˙˙ œ glo œœ ground— œœ - ing j - ry, hal ? b œ œ ˙ pray on, ˙ we're gain œ ˙ & œ˙ œœ œ˙˙ œ˙ œ˙˙ œ œ˙ œœ œœ ˙˙ ˙˙ œ˙ . œ˙ œ˙ ˙˙œ œœ ˙˙˙ œœ œ ? b Shout on, Am pray on, we're Gm7gain ry, hal - le -Dm lu - jah! The œ - ingDm7ground— Dm Gm7 glo -Am7 œ j ˙ ˙ œ Gm7 ˙ œœ˙ œœa -œ˙˙ live œœDm7 ˙˙ Gm7 ˙˙ œ lost glo - ry, hal - ˙le - Dm luœ- jah! œ˙ and œ Dm Am Am7 & œ˙ isœœœ found— œ ? bb dead's œ œ œ˙ the . œ ˙ œ ˙ ˙ ˙ j ˙ œ˙ œ ˙œ œ œ ˙œ œ ˙ œ œœ ˙˙ œ œ ? œ & bb Dm œ Am œ œ œ ˙ ˙ . ˙ ˙˙ Gm7 œ Samuel ˙FolkMedley ˙ Gm7 Dm7 Dm ˙ le Words: ˙ - ry,j Am7 Hymn dead's a - live and the lost is found— glo hal -Music: -American lu - jah! œ b ˙ 1775 œ lost œ œ œ˙ and & œ˙ isœ found— œ˙ - leœœ œ- luœœ - jah! œ ANTIOCH, œ the . - ry,œ hal ˙˙ Samuel dead's a - live glo ˙ ? Medley, ˙ œ Sacred Harp ˙ ˙ œ ˙ ˙ b ˙ ˙ ˙ folk hymn,œ19th˙˙ Century ˙ American ˙ ˙ ˙ ? dead's œ - leœ œ- luœ - jah! ˙ a - live ˙˙ - ry, hal ˙ ˙ and the lost is found— glo ˙ b ˙ ˙ Samuel Medley, 1775 ANTIOCH, Sacred Harp ˙ ˙ ˙ œ œœ19th˙˙ Century ˙ ? œ folkœ hymn, American ˙ 1775 ˙ ˙ Samuel ˙ b Medley, ˙ ˙ ANTIOCH,˙ Sacred Harp œœ œœ


I Know that My Redeemer Lives - Glory, Hallelujah!


American folk hymn, 19th Century

Samuel Medley, 1775

O The Deep, Deep Love Of Jesus Words by Samuel Trevor Francis Music Traditional Welsh Melody

Hymn of Assurance

# 6 & 8 œ. 1.O 2.O 3.O

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Vast, Spread Love

# & œ. 9

Roll How 'Tis


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In Chang 'Tis


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thy eth it

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œ. cur call heav'n


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bound shore love


œ. migh ev vast



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me, es deep

all o'er love



rent them of

of all heav'ns



ward, he me

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j œ œ.



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me, ones, sus


love own me

œ œ œ -

sus sus sus

me. more rest

œ œ œ

a his of

j œ œ.


o lov bless

j œ œ. -


free shore best

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j œ œ.

œ glor o'er lifts


j œ œ.


neath watch deep,

love love love

a eth cean


œ œ œ œ



deep, deep, deep,

full ne ha

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To Watch For

œ œ œ

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Is Died 'Tis

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œ œ œ


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œ œ œ œ.

œ œ œ


O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus


j œ œ.

ward, deth, y



bove throne thee

Words: Samuel Trevor Francis; Music: Traditional Welsh Melody

Public Domain

Passing of the Peace - from John 13:34

Hear the teaching of Christ: “A new command I give you, that you love one another as I have loved you.” The peace of Christ be with you all. And also with you!

Opportunities and Concerns


Hymn of Illumination

Come Holy Spirit Come

Come, Holy Spirit, come; Let Thy bright beams arise; Dispel the darkness from our minds, And open all our eyes.

’Tis Thine to cleanse the heart, To sanctify the soul, To pour fresh life in every part, And new create the whole.

Convince us of our sin; Then lead to Jesus’ blood, And to our wond’ring view reveal The secret love of God.

Dwell, therefore, in our hearts; Our minds from bondage free; Then we shall know and praise and love The Father, Son, and Thee. Words: Joseph Hart; Music: Hiram Ring

God Speaks To Us Sermon Text - Acts 20:17-38 Now from Miletus he sent to Ephesus and called the elders of the church to come to him. 18 And when they came to him, he said to them: “You yourselves know how I lived among you the whole time from the first day that I set foot in Asia, 19 serving the Lord with all humility and with tears and with trials that happened to me through the plots of the Jews; 20 how I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable, and teaching you in public and from house to house, 21 testifying both to Jews and to Greeks of repentance toward God and of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. 22 And now, behold, I am going to Jerusalem, constrained by the Spirit, not knowing what will happen to me there, 23 except that the Holy Spirit testifies to me in every city that imprisonment and afflictions await me. 24 But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. 25 And now, behold, I know that none of you among whom I have gone about proclaiming the kingdom will see my face again. 26 Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all, 27 for I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God. 28 Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. 29 I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; 30 and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. 31 Therefore be alert, remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to admonish every one with tears. 32 And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified. 33 I coveted no one’s silver or gold or apparel. 34 You yourselves know that these hands ministered to my necessities and to those who were with me. 35 In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” 36 And when he had said these things, he knelt down and prayed with them all. 37 And there was much weeping on the part of all; they embraced Paul and kissed him, 38 being sorrowful most of all because of the word he had spoken, that they would not see his face again. And they accompanied him to the ship. 17


Sermon — Shepherding One Another Acts: Living Out God’s Mission Reverend Dan Adamson

God Strengthens Us Confession of Faith — Heidelberg Catechism Question #1 What is your only comfort in life and in death? That I am not my own, but belong with body and soul, both in life and in death, to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ. He has fully paid for all my sins with his precious blood, and has set me free from all the power of the devil. He also preserves me in such a way that without the will of my heavenly Father, not a hair can fall from my head; Indeed, all things must work together for my salvation. Therefore, by his Holy Spirit he also assures me of eternal life and makes me heartily willing and ready from now on to live for him.

Invitation to the Lord’s Table Prayer of Thanksgiving and Consecration The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give him thanks and praise.

Sanctus Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest! 13

Words of Institution We break bread in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and proclaim the mystery of the faith: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us; Therefore, let us keep the feast.

Distribution of the Bread and the Cup Prayers for Reflection Prayer for those searching for truth Lord Jesus, you claim to be the way, the truth, and the life. As I consider the reasons for doing so, grant that I might be undaunted by the cost of following you. If what you claim is true, please guide me, teach me, and open to me the reality of who you are. Give me an understanding of you that is coherent, convincing, and that leads to the life that you promise. Amen.

Prayer for those struggling with sin Lord Jesus, grant that I may see in you the fulfillment of all my need, and may turn from every false satisfaction to feed on you, the true and living bread. Enable me to lay aside the sin that clings so closely, and faithfully follow you in life. Amen. Prayer of commitment Lord Jesus, you have called us to follow you in baptism and in a life of committed discipleship in your church. Grant that I may take the necessary steps to be one with your people, and live in the fullness of your Spirit. Amen.

Prayer of belief Lord Jesus, I admit that I am weaker and more sinful than I ever before believed, but through you I am more loved and accepted than I ever dared hope. I thank you for paying my debt, bearing my punishment on the cross, and offering forgiveness and new life. Knowing that you have been raised from the dead, I turn from my sins and receive you as Savior and Lord. Amen.

Communion Prayer Lord God, you have renewed us with the living bread from heaven; by it you nourish our faith, increase our hope, and strengthen our love. Teach us always to hunger for him who is the true and living bread, and enable us to live by every word that proceeds from out of your mouth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Pastoral Prayer Worship Through Giving Doxology Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.


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Words by William Gadsby Music by by Sandra McCracken Words William Gadsby Music by Sandra McCracken Words by William Gadsby Words William Gadsby Music by by Sandra McCracken Music by by Sandra McCracken Words William Gadsby Words by William Gadsby Music by Sandra McCracken Music by Sandra McCracken

3 œ œ œ œ God Commissions & 43 ‰ j œ œ Usœ . œ Jœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œ & 43 1.ej love œof Christ œ œ . œ J œ œ œ œ œ - nalœ is rich and free; Fixed on His own e ter œ œ œ Hymn & of 43Benediction The Love blood; of Christ œœ will ‰‰ 3.Love j has re - deemed His sheep with And love bring them safe to œ œ œ œ œ . œœ . JJ end œœ beofœ - Christ œœ free; œœe - own 1.e love rich and Fixed on - His own ter nal œœ He’ll œœ - shall œ bliss, & 43 5.At œ œ them yond the love; In less His œœj death, œœis grave, œœ has re - deemed His sheep with blood; And will bring safe to œ love œ 3 ‰‰ 3.Love j œ œ & 4 œ œ œ 1.e love of Christ is rich and free; Fixed on His own e ter nal 5.At death, be yond the grave, He’ll love; In end less bliss, His own shall 5 œ . œ. J love œœ ofreœ - Christ œœ free; œe - safe & 4 3.Love œ œ bring œ them œœ with œ - naltoœœ -1.e rich and Fixed on will His own ter œœis sheep œœj love has deemed His blood; And œ J œ œ 5 œ 3.Love has re deemed His sheep with blood; And love will bring them safe to Œdeath, yond the grave, He’ll love;œ In œ end less bliss, His j 5.At 1.e love œbe of - Christ is rich and free; Fixed on - His own e - own ter - shall nal œ Fixed œlove & œ. . 5.At death, be yond the grave, He’ll love; In end less œ bliss, His œ œ 1.e of Christ is œ rich and J free; on œ- will His own œ œ e œ - úown ter - shall nal œ œ 3.Love has re deemed His sheep with blood; And love bring them safe to œ œ œ Œ5 j œ œ & œ œ 3.Love has re deemed His sheep with blood; And love will bring them safe to 5.At death, be - yond the œ grave, love; In end œ- less œ bliss,œ œHis own shall 5 œ . He’ll Jœ love; œ nor œ ly;œ . Nor earth, can itthe re - move; as He Inlives,endHis ownbliss,He’ll Hisœ love. œ œ ú 5.At death, hell, be - yond grave, He’llLong less own shall œœ will ŒŒ j calls Love all death to life;. And fin ish all strife. 5&God; œœ could œœ hell, œœ - from œœ - from œœ . Which JœJ love œœ -them œœ - move; œœ them Nor nor can re Long as lives, His own He’ll love. 5&ly; œœit that œœ œœtheir prove e blaz ing glo ry of love ne ver re œ - œ move. - He œœ .. Love œœj earth, œœ death ú God; calls them all from to life; And love will fin ish all their strife. œ- œ move. œœ neasœœ - He ú ŒŒ œœ hell, & œœ - can œœ from ly; Nor nor it that re Long lives, His own love. prove ej blaz ing glo ry of love. Which ver 10 œœ could j earth, œœ -them œœ -- move; œœ them œœreHe’ll œ J & œ œ ly;œ . Nor earth, nor hell, can it to re move; Long as will He lives, His own He’llœ love. œ œ œ úú . God; Love calls all from death life; And love fin ish all their strife. œ J œ œ œ 10 God; œ ‰ earth, œœ death œtheir calls all - from to life; And love - will fin - ish them all Œœ . Love e blaz -them ing glo ry of love Which ver could re move. - œœ strife. j ly; Nor nor hell, can it œthat re - move; Long ne as - He lives,. from His them own He’ll love. œ &prove prove e blaz ing glo ry of that love Which ne ver could from re move. œ œ œ J Nor‰ earth, hell, can it to re - move; Long as will He lives, He’ll love. œtheir Love calls œthem all from death life; œ And œlove fin - His ish own all œ strife. Œ 10 God; jnor &ly;prove Love all - from death to life; And love finœ .- from ish them all their strife. e calls blaz -them ing glo ryœ of œthat love Which ne - will ver could re move. œ 10 God; œ œ J œ 2.His lov -- ry ing heart en - gaged to be from them eir ev move. er œ œ prove e blaz ing glo of that love Which ne ver could re œ œœ - from Œ ‰‰ 4.Hej loves ev chang - ing Nor 10 & œœ œœ - ery œœ œœ - through œœ scene, œœ .. JJœ aught 2.His lov ing heart en - gaged to be eir ev - er j 10 œ &Œ œ œ 4.He loves through ev ery chang - ing scene, Nor aught from œ œ œ œ œ Œ ‰ j & œœ œœ lov - ing heart en - gaged to be eir ev 13 œ - ererœœ -‰ 2.His œœ scene, œœ .. 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JJœ make œ hand, And love main to the end. 16 œ œ &heart œ ú œ œ œ - œ - œ - part. heart Can His love de œ make ú œœ main ‰‰ ‰‰ Refrain & œœ -- tains œœ forœitit her love to the end. .. vs 2 and 4) And œœafter JJœ make œœ - œœ - œ - part. (sung &hand, œ hand, And love main tains to the end. ú Refrain heart Can His love for her de œ œ ú heart Can make His love for her de - œ - part. (sung after vs 2 and 4) And 19 hand, love main - tains it to the end. Refrain hand, love main - tains it to the end. Refrain (sung after vsAnd 2 and 4)make heart Can His love for her de part. 19 Refrain jvs 2 and 4) (sung ‰after ‰ j &heart (sung after œjvs 2 and 4) Canœ œmake œ His œlove œ for ú her ‰ œdej - œ - œ - part. Refrain œ œ œ œ ‰ 19 Refrain & afterœ vs 2 and 4) œ œ œ œ œ œ ú (sung 19 œ œ œ œ norœ sin,œ norœ (sung‰ after jj death, nor hell, jjvs 2 and 4) can - not from itsœ post with - draw; Love Nor ‰ 19 & ‰ Nor œ œœ - notœ from œœ - draw; úú œœ death, œœ norœ hell, 19 œœ with & ‰ Love can œœ norœ sin,œœ norœœ j œ œœ itsœœ post œ ‰‰ œjj ‰ 23 j & œ sin,œ norœœ œœ œ - not from œœ -- draw; úú œœ death, œœ nor can & Love œœ with j‰ Nor œœ itsitsœ post œœ hell, œœ nor 23 post with draw; Nor death, nor hell, nor ‰ ‰ œj œcanœ - notœœ from œœ sin,œ nor & Love œ œ œ œ postœ withú - draw; ‰ j Nor death, ú . nor j Love can - œnot œfrom its nor hell,œ nor œ œ ‰ 23 & ú Love œj Nor œ death, nor œ hell, norœ sin, can - not fromœ its post withú - draw; sin, 23 œ œ œ œ ú . nor œ œ œ end jj turn theœ Surœ - ety’s œ - lessœ day. ‰ ‰‰ Can law, heart a - way; He’ll love His own to j ú œ 23 & œ œ ‰ He’ll œœ turn œœ theœ Surœ - ety’s heart úú 23 œœ œœa - way; úú ..McCracken & law, œjj love œWilliam œœ own œœ toœ Music: Can His end day. œœ - lessœœSandra Words: Gadsby; j ú œ œ œ ‰ ‰ j & œ œ ‰ ‰ ú œ œ œ œ œ ú Can turn the heart He’ll & law, œ love œ His œœ œaa -- way; úú .. œœ -- ety’s œœ own œœ totoœ end œœ day. œ& turn œ theœœ Sur ú œœ -- less Benediction Dismissal law, Can Sur ety’s way; He’ll love His own less day. úú œœ heart œ end Can those turn therescued Sur - ety’s from heart futility a - way; and now He’llreborn love His own Maylaw, you live as law, Can turn the Sur - ety’s heart Same a -Old way; love His own © 2001 Dress MusicHe’ll (ASCAP) in the lasting hope of the resurrected Jesus, Used bySame permission. AllMusic rights (ASCAP) reserved. © 2001 Old Dress Used by permission. All rights reserved. and the blessing of God almighty, Son, and (ASCAP) Holy Spirit, © 2001 Father, Same Old Dress Music © 2001 Old Dress Used bySame permission. AllMusic rights (ASCAP) reserved. be among you, and remain with you always.


Used bySame permission. AllMusic rights (ASCAP) reserved. 2001 Old Dress © © 2001 Same Old Dress Music (ASCAP) Used by permission. All rights reserved. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

to to

end - less end - less

day. day.

Let us go forth to serve the world as those who love our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God!


Around Cityview





Sound Danny Sammudio Greeters Drew Lanphear & Jim Richardson Snacks Karen Lee Nursery George Ball Sunday School Nick Lake

Each week a group meets at the Adamson home (1539 West Jackson) from 6-7pm on Sundays to pray for one another, the church, the city and the world. Contact Dan for more information.


This morning begins our 5 week Christology class from 9-9:50 a.m. at Merit. We will examine the biblical roots and classical formulation of the doctrine of Christology. Childcare will be provided. For more information about the class contact Craig Hefner at


April 25-27 in Lake Geneva, WI Pastor Aaron Baker will be leading a discussion on our work and the gospel. The cost is $160 per person. Talk to Dan Adamson for more informationhe will be collecting RSVPs for the next few weeks.


For those interested in membership at Cityview, a Mission and Values Night, which can be followed by formal membership, is coming up on Saturday, March 29th from 5-8:30 pm at the Adamson home (1539 West Jackson). Contact Dan Adamson for more information and to RSVP. Bring $5 for Pizza. Snacks and drinks will be provided.


Covenant Presbyterian Church’s Preschool Co-op is accepting applications for the 2014-2015 school year. The Co-op is a reformed Christian preschool with Montessori elements that serves families with children ages 3-5. It meets on Tuesday and Thursday mornings during the school year. For more information or for an application, email preschool@

Newer to Cityview? Go out to eat with a small group of regular attenders for lunch after the Sunday service. Today’s hosts are Ben and Dan Adamson.

Sign up for weekly emails at

SERVING NEXT WEEK Sound Gary Vargas Greeters Paul Leo & Malissa Mackey Snacks David & Lauren Mathues Nursery Malissa Mackey Sunday School Aaron Veldheer

CONTACTS Dan Adamson, Pastor Jenny Avila, Administrative Coordinator Herb Bowsher, Financial Administrator Lynda Adamson, Interim Children’s Ministry Coordinator Paul-David Young, Music Coordinator Bonnie Beach, Communications Coordinator

CONGREGATIONAL GIVING* FEB 2014 Actual Monthly Giving

$ 13,057

Budgeted Monthly Giving

$ 12,250


$ +807

Actual YTD Giving

$ 22,888

Budgeted YTD Giving

$ 24,500


$ -1,612

*In addition to congregational giving, 25% of our overall operating budget is currently comprised of financial support from other churches and individuals. Our budgeted congregational giving represents 75% of the overall operating budget.

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