July 20, 2014

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JULY 20, 2014

Welcome to Cityview Presbyterian Church


presby terian chu rch

To Our Guests: Visiting a church can be an intimidating experience. We are glad that you are here, and we hope to remove as much of that awkwardness as we can from your visit to Cityview. Our worship service usually lasts about 90 minutes. This worship guide will help you navigate the service. There are short paragraphs on the next page to explain each part of the service. The service is designed to be accessible to you, whether you’ve spent years in the church or you’ve never been to a church service in your life. During the service, we will try to help you understand how the message of Jesus can apply to your life today. If you are new to Cityview or just visiting, we would love to know that you were here. The Connection Cards, which can be found in this bulletin, are a place for you to let us know whatever information you might want us to know, and to request any information from us that you might need. You may put this in the offering when it is passed at the end of the service. Pastor Dan Adamson (dadamson@cityviewchicago.org) is always enthusiastic to meet you in person, as well.

Community Life: After the Service Each week, we linger for fellowship with one another. Please join us for refreshments in the cafeteria. Community Groups Community Groups are the primary way to get to know people at Cityview. At a Community Group, you will be invited to deepen your spiritual involvement with others. You will find a weekly opportunity to study the scripture passage for the upcoming week’s sermon and pray together. Community Groups break for the summer months, but will resume in the Fall.

Children of all ages are welcome in the worship service.

Bi-Weekly Dinner and Discussion on Work & Faith June 10 & 24; July 8 & 22; Aug 12 & 26 / 7PM Join us as we discuss work and how it fits in with our faith and the kingdom of God. We will have 4 dinner/ discussions the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of June-August at the Adamson’s (1812 S Dearborn Unit 8). RSVP to Dan.

Nursery is provided during the service for children 2 years of age and younger.

Visit cityviewchicago.org/news to see all upcoming events.

Children ages three through 5th grade are given the choice of attending Sunday school classes beginning during the greeting portion of the service.

All songs used by permission CCLI License #11041992

If you have any questions about children’s ministry at Cityivew, please contact Interim Children’s Ministry Coordinator Lynda Adamson (lyndabadamson@gmail.com).

Scripture reprinted from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission.

For Children:


The Liturgy Preparing in Stillness

We often come into worship tired, overwhelmed and distracted. If we are honest we are not prepared to worship God. Each week, we take a few moments to quiet our hearts to prepare to meet God in worship. Please take this time to read the reflections, look over the rest of the service or pray as we anticipate being called into worship.

Call to Worship

We need to be “called” to come and worship God because we default to thinking the world revolves around our needs and agendas- and also because we struggle to believe that God truly wants us to draw near to him. The call to worship focuses our attention on God and prepares us to meet him.

Confession of Sin

Because sin is so pervasive in both our individual and corporate lives, we are called to come before God with honesty and transparency, confessing our failures and brokenness and asking for both healing and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. We confess corporately to show our unity even in our brokenness.

Assurance of Grace

Christ has given the Church authority to declare forgiveness of sins in his name. Because of this, when the liturgist proclaims that your sins are forgiven, you can know that Christ agrees.

The Sermon

Some view the sermon as a way to get principles for “right” living. In reality, as we open the Scripture we corporately encounter Christ. Therefore, as you listen, pray to be open to the Spirit’s leading, exhortation, encouragement, and healing.


Communion, also called the Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist, is the family meal for Christians. We welcome all Christians - those who look to Christ alone for salvation, who are in good standing with his church, and who seek strength to live more faithfully to their Savior - to join in this sacrament.

Worship Through Giving

Because money is so powerfully tied to our hearts, this is a valuable expression of worship as we acknowledge that everything we have comes from God and belongs to him. If you are visiting with us, we are glad you are here- please do not feel obligated to give.

The Benediction

God always gets the last word in our encounter of worship. For Christians, it is always a word of blessing and sending to live our lives in the light of the reality of the Gospel of Christ.


ORDER OF WORSHIP He asked for strength that he might achieve; he was made weak that he might obey. He asked for health that he might to greater things; he was given infirmity that he might do better things. He asked for riches that he might be happy; he was given poverty that he might be wise. He asked for power that he might have the praise of men; he was given weakness that he might feel the need of God. He asked for all things that he might enjoy life; he was given life that he might enjoy all things. He has received nothing that he asked for, all that he hoped for; his prayer is answered. - Anonymous It is obvious that Paul did not regard prayer as supplemental, but as fundamental—not something to be added to his work, but the very matrix out of which his work was born. He was a man of action because he was a man of prayer. It was probably his prayer even more than his preaching that produced the kind of leaders we meet in his letters. - J. Oswald Sanders

Call to Worship — based on Matthew 11:28-30 If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest. Take the yoke I give you. Put it on your shoulders and learn from me. I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest. This yoke is easy to bear, and this burden is light. Christ calls us to come to worship, to rest from the things that are troubling us, to learn what Christ can teach us, to realize what we can offer to others, and so to return into the world to serve. Let us worship our God.

Prayer of Adoration Everlasting God, in whom we live and move and have our being, You have made us for yourself, so that our hearts are restless until they rest in you. Give us purity of heart and strength of purpose, that no selfish passion may hinder us from knowing your will, no weakness keep us from doing it; that in your light we may see light clearly, and in your service find perfect freedom through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. 4

œ And Kingœ Traditional German Melody œ œOur God œ œ œ œ Words by St. Francis of Assisi

1.All crea- tures of our God and 2.Thou rush - ing wind that art so

Hymn of Praise 5 2

King, strong,

Trans. by liftWilliam up Draper your voice and with Traditional Germanthat Melody ye clouds sail in heav

All 44 Creatures of Our God42and ŒKing 3 Œ # # 4 4 œ œ # 3 4 œ #œ# # #& œ œ# œ œ Œ œ œ 2œ Œœ 3 œ œ œ œ œ & # 44 # 4 œ œ .œ œ œœ 42 œœ4 Œ œœ44œ . œ œ 4œ œ œ œ œ œ 4œ All crea- tures of our God andœ King, œ œ œ œliftœ up your voice and with œ œus œ sing

Thou rush - ing wind that art so

4 œ . œ œ & #4# # # œ# 43œ 5

lu - ia, aise him,

strong, al - le - lu ye- clouds sail in heav'n a - long, ia, that Thou 1.All crea- tures of our God and King, al- le- lulift- upia! your voice and withburnus ing sing sun with gold O praise him, ia, that sailThou 2.Thou rush - ing wind that art so strong, al- le- lu ye -clouds in heav'n ris a -- ing long,morn in praise

9 Œ œœ . œ œ#œ# œ#. # œ œ4 & # 4

2 Œ 44 4 œ œ œ œœ 2œ œ Œ 3 42 œ Œ 44 œ œ œ œ 4 œ œ œ. œ œ œwith œgold -œen 4 beam, Thou burn- ing sun with gold - en beam,

44œ œ œ œœ. œ Œœ œ œ œœœ œ

al- le- lu - ia! Thou burn- ing sun - le - lu - ia, al- le- lu - ia! al- le- al lu ia, Thou ris -- ing morn Thou in praise -reing -mornjoice, O praise him, thou al- le-sil lu ia, moon in praise re - Ojoice,praise - ver with soft ris - er gleam, ye lights of eve- ning, find a voice

## œ œ& œ# # #œ 44 œ13 œ# # # #œ 42 œ œ œ œ& # œ œ


3 42 Œ 43 4 œ œœ œ œœœ. œœ œ œ . œœ œœ œœ.. œœ œœ œ œ œ . œ œ j 44 œ œ œ œ œ Oœ praise œ . him, œ thou sil - ver moon with soft - er gleam, O praise him, sil - ver moon with soft er gleam, O praise him, O praise him, ye lights of eve- ning, find a voice 9

lights of


eve- ning, find



voice al - le - lu

& # œ œ œ. . œ œ œ œ œ . œ œ œœ al - le - lu



al - le - lu

Œœ œ.







œ œ œ. œ œ

al - le - lu


jœ œ44 œ .


al - le - lu

44 j Óœ ˙

3. And all ye men of tender heart, Forgiving others, take your part, al - le - lu ia, O sing al -ye, le alleluia! - lu ia! Ye who long pain and sorrow bear, al - le - lu ia! on him cast your care, Praise God and 3. And all ye men of tender heart,

œ œ œ.





Forgiving others, take your part,

3. And all ye men of tender heart, O sing ye, alleluia! 4. Let all things their Creator bless, Ye who long pain and sorrow Forgiving others, take your part, And bear, worship him in humbleness Praise God and on him cast your care, O sing ye, alleluia! O praise him, alleluia! Ye who long pain and sorrow bear, Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son, 4. Let all things their Creator bless, Praise God and on him cast your care, And praise the Spirit, three in one, And worship him in humbleness O praise him, alleluia!

4. Let all things their CreatorPraise, bless, praise the Father, praise the Son, Words: St. Francis of Assisi, trans. by William Draper And praise the Spirit, three in one, And worship him in humbleness Music: Traditional German Melody O praise him, alleluia! Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son, And praise the Spirit, three in one,

Public Domain


Public Domain

Come, Thou Everlasting Spirit Hymn of Praise

 



1.Come 2.True 3.Let

thank faith pierced,

 

   

the Sav re - veal re - ceive

   

for to blood

Come, re - mem - bran - cer

Christ to

   

 

Bring to Now the Look on

dy great grace

 

di - vine

    Wit



       Let us

        

ev' - ry

ev' - ry li - ving Him we

ing mer - it, sal - va - tion; a - ton - ing,

Come, Thou

    

   

pow'r ap - ply - ing

ior's His the

man - kind! our heart. re - ceive

    

of his dy - ing


 

All No All

All His suf - f'rings Preach His Gos - pel All the sprink - led

   


Thou e ver - last - ing Spi - rit Re - cor - der of His pas - sion us groan Thine in - ward groan - ing

   


Come, Thou Everlasting Spirit

 

ful mind im - part and grieve;

T: charles wesley, 1745 M: bruce bendict, 2010

soul and



  

mine. Words: Charles Wesley Music: Bruce Benedict

God Cleanses Us Prayer of Confession

Merciful God, you made us in your image with a mind to know you, a heart to love you, and a will to serve you, but our knowledge is imperfect, our love inconstant, and our obedience incomplete. Day by day, we fail to grow into your likeness. In your tender love, forgive us through Jesus Christ, our Lord. 6

© 2011 Cardiphonia

God Be Merciful To Me by Richard Redhead Hymn of Confession God Be Merciful To Me Words Music by Christopher Miner (ps. 51) ## œ. & # c œ œœ œ œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ œ œ ### Œ & 3





Plen I Thou Let

### Π& 9

### Π& 11


be trans am ken,








teous have a my






rest soul truth judge








trans thee dom ness


Cleanse, O cleanse me thy I Speech - less, whit - er Wash me in out Blot them

sion thy iour re


gres to to hear


œ œ

sions thy my thy


œ œ

pure with - in, judge - ment just, grace be stow, hide thy face,



my from mer - cy the than bound - less

plea; press; in. just,




thou, grace art, joice





œ œ

œ. -

me, fess, sin; dust


my op with - ment


pas gainst Sav heart


œ œ


me thy thy O

Make me, con - fess pure, me sins my


I my est and


my out pro - voked wis thy glad in

Blot And Teach And


com a my trite

to con in the

ful I born to



œ in sinned lone con -



Wash I Make From

mer - ci gres - sions e - vil, hum - bled


grace On thy guilt Grief and Thou de - sir wrath thy By

## & # Π7

1. God, 2. My 3. I 4. Bro

j œ œ. ˙


now; face; heart; voice;

œ #

F m




œ D

’ ’ ’ ’ ..

sin. trust. snow. grace. Words: Richard Redhead Music: Christopher Miner

Silent Confession


© 1997Christopher Miner Music Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Assurance of Grace — Acts 13:38; Ephesians 1:7 Through Jesus Christ forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. In Christ we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace. Thanks be to God! Brothers and Sisters, you have heard God’s holy demands and have confessed your sins to him. Do you believe that Jesus Christ, by his perfect life, sacrificial death, and glorious resurrection has atoned for your sins and satisfied the wrath of God for you?

Gloria Patri

We do.

Hymn of Assurance

Gloria Patri

              Glo - ry be

   



   



to the

Fa - ther

    

As it


with - out



 end!




   

be - gin - ning


 -




   

Son, and


   

now and


e - ver





  

shall be

   -


Words by Martin Luther Music by Christopher Miner

Psalm 130 (From Depths of Woe) Hymn of Assurance

   

Psalm 130

         

      

1.From the 2.To

depths of woe I raise to thee a voice wash a-way thecrim - son stain, Grace, grace

tion eth

turn agra- cious ear works, alas! Are all

of lam-en - ta a - lone a- vail -

                          5

Lord Our

         9

tion eth;

if thou No man

         13

deeds dark O who thy mightAnd live

 cy        18

Who live

to me and hear in vain; In much

my supp - li - ca the best life fail -

dost mark thy se Thy sight, All must

cret sins and mis a - like con-fess

                 

in-i - qui- ties can glo-ry in

 shall a -

live a            Echo:

stand be lone by

fore thee? mer - cy


 a - lone  by mer  - cy             live

mer    



O And

shall stand be- fore thee? a - lone by mer - cy

4. Though great our sins and sore our woes His grace much more aboundeth; His helping love no limit knows, Our upmost need it soundeth. Our shepherd good and true is He, Who will at last His people free From all their sin and sorrow (echo) From all their sin and sorrow (echo)

3. Therefore my trust is in the Lord, And not in mine own merit; On Him my soul shall rest, His word Upholds my fainting spirit; His promised mercy is my fort, My comfort and my sweet support; I wait for it with patience (echo) I wait for it with patience (echo) 9

© 1997 Christopher Miner Music Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Passing of the Peace — from John 13:34 Hear the teaching of Christ: “A new command I give you, that you love one another as I have loved you.” The peace of Christ be with you all.

Psalm 69 And also with you!- Our Souls in Stillness Wait Psalm 69 -- Our Wait Opportunities Psalmand 69Concerns Our Souls Souls in in Stillness Stillness Wait Marty Haugen, 1953 Marty Marty Haugen, Haugen, 1953 1953 Hymn  ofIllumination 

                 

55 5 5

  

           glo  glo

Psalm 69 - Our Souls inStillness Wait                                 our souls  in still  ness  hope For  OO Lord,  wait;  Tru  isisis ininin You! For You, Lord, our souls in still -- ness wait; Tru our hope  You,  --- lylyly our You! For You, O Lord, our souls in still - ness wait; Tru our hope  You! For You, O Lord, our souls in still - ness wait; Tru - ly our hope is in You!                      1. O Lord   ofof  of Light, ou  onon -- lyly hope 1. O Lord of Light, ou hope 2. 1. 2. 3. 2. 1. 3. 4. 3. 2. 4. 4. 3. 4.

77 7 7

spi glo spi in spi in glo jour in jour spi jour in jour

           You.  You.

99 9 9

Word. You. Word. You! Word. You. You! main. You! Word. main. main. You! main.


 ry,ry,


rits, ry, rits, us; rits, us; ry, ney; us; ney; rits, ney; us; ney;

Spring Lord Spring Root Spring Lord Root Key Root Spring Key Key Root Key

 

  Your Your

our Your our Come our Come Your we Come we our we Come we

      Come  light  Come light  make Come, Come light Come, make Come, Come Come, Re Come, Come, Re -Re Come, Re -

of of of of of of of of of

give make light give veal give make veal veal give veal

  the the us the us us the us to us us to to us to

Marty Haugen, 1953

Joy, Light, Joy, Life, Joy, Light, Life, Know Life, Joy, Know Know Life, Know

    dience ra ra -- dience


shines shines hearts shines hearts -- shines in hearts in seek, in - hearts seek, in - seek, seek,

thirst yy ra - dience thirst --with dwell thirst - with y dwell ra dience ee -- - with ver dwell ver thirst y e - with ver dwell e - ver

    hearts hearts

whole; hearts whole; life, whole; hearts life, us life, whole; us us life, us

  

rain ou rain im rain ou im -ledge, im rain ledge, ledge, im ledge,

   of of

be of be and be of and the and be the the and the


  all all

 in  in com all - fort in

com --- fort ov er com fort all in -ov er glo ry ov er com glo - fort ry glo ov -- ry er glo - ry

down nn on - up ly -- hope down up plant Your seed down up n - hope on ly plant Your seed guide us in plant Your down up n guide us - seed in guide us in plant Your seed guide us in

  in  in are in are

  all

  who

  look look

our of our with our of with our with our our with our

all - who yearn ing for all - who look yearn ing hearts for and draw our are yearn - who ing hearts for and draw our in all look yet un ful filled and draw yet yearn un -- our ful - hearts filled are ing for yet draw un - our ful - hearts filled and yet un - ful - filled

 dark dark  to dark to

come to dark come of come to of of come of

 and and  our and our our

 sha sha sha --hearts. hearts.

   dow. dow.  dow.

  to to

Your to Your to Your to re to re Your re to re



ness. dark hearts. our dow. sha --- sence. and ness. dark our pre Your ness. dark our hearts. our pre - sence. Your pre Your ness. dark - - sence. our Words and Marty Haugen preMusic: - sence. Your

God Speaks To Us Sermon Text — Romans 1:8-13, 15:30-32 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is proclaimed in all the world. 9 For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I mention you 10 always in my prayers, asking that somehow by God’s will I may now at last succeed in coming to you. 11 For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you—12 that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine. 13 I do not want you to be unaware, brothers, that I have often intended to come to you (but thus far have been prevented), in order that I may reap some harvest among you as well as among the rest of the Gentiles. 8

I appeal to you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God on my behalf, 31 that I may be delivered from the unbelievers in Judea, and that my service for Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints, 32 so that by God’s will I may come to you with joy and be refreshed in your company. 30

Sermon — Praying to Know What is God’s Will Praying for God’s Glory and Our Good Reverend Dan Adamson


God Strengthens Us Confession of Faith — The Apostles’ Creed Christian, what do you believe? I believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from there He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.

Communion Prayer Lord, we have broken your bread and received your life. By the power of your Spirit keep us always in your love, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Pastoral Prayer The Lord’s Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

Invitation to the Lord’s Table Prayer of Thanksgiving and Consecration The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give him thanks and praise. 12


&C œ œ œ œ œ œ ú œ œ œ œ w œ œ œ œ C & Hoœ - ly,œ hoœ - lyœ hoœ - lyœ Lord, œ œ œ and œ might. w ú God of power œ earth œ Hea œ - venœ and C & Hoœ - ly,œ hoœ - lyœ hoœ - lyœ Lord, œ ofœ power œ and œ might. Hea ú God w œ earth œ œ - venœ and 6 Ho - ly, ho - ly and might. Hea - ven and earth 6 ‰ œjof power ‰ ‰ho -jly úLord, œ God j œ œ ú j ú & . œ j ú œ œ œ . ú œ œ œ ‰ j ú œ ‰œ ú œ ‰ j jœ œ œ ú œ 6& full ofyour glo ry Ho san na, Ho san na, Ho san na j ú ú . œ œ ú œ ‰ œj œj œ . œj inœ the high - est! ‰ ‰ & fullú . ofyour ú - na, œ Hoœ - san - œna, Hoœ - sanœ . - naœ inœ theœ high œ - est! ú glo - ry Ho - san 12 œœ ú œ œ full ofyour glo - ry Ho - san - na, Ho - san - na, Ho - san -j na in the high - est! 12 ‰ j &œ œ œœ œ œ ú . œ œ œ œ œ œj œ . œj œ œ œ œ ú ‰ œ 12 & Bles œ - sedœ œis heœ œwhoœ comes ú . ‰ Hoœ - sanœ . - naœj inœ œthe œ high œ inœ theœ name œ ofœ theœ Lord, œ - est! ú j & Bles sed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Ho san na in the high est! œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ú. œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ ú Words of Institution


Bles - sed is he


comes in the name of the Lord,

Ho - san - na in


high - est!

We break bread in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and proclaim the mystery of the faith: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us; Therefore, let us keep the feast.

Distribution of the Bread and the Cup Communion Hymn

Narrow Little Road

I believe in the love of God It is an orphan’s wildest dream It is a narrow little road It is an ever-widening desert stream

The love of God is the hymn of hope Let the needy join the throng Let the widow hear and cope Let the crippled rise to sing this song

Refrain: Oh I, and I, I will leave this road For the narrow


It is portrayed in the bread and wine Let it fortify my bones It is more than just a sign It is the fountain from that desert stone Refrain 13

œ œ œare œ are œ œ are Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ

Prayers for Reflection Prayer for those searching for truth Lord Jesus, you claim to be the way, the truth, and the life. As I consider the reasons for doing so, grant that I might be undaunted by the cost of following you. If what you claim is true, please guide me, teach me, and open to me the reality of who you are. Give me an understanding of you that is coherent, convincing, and that leads to the life that you promise. Amen.

Prayer for those struggling with sin Lord Jesus, grant that I may see in you the fulfillment of all my need, and may turn from every false satisfaction to feed on you, the true and living bread. Enable me to lay aside the sin that clings so closely, and faithfully follow you in life. Amen. Prayer of commitment Lord Jesus, you have called us to follow you in baptism and in a life of committed discipleship in your church. Grant that I may take the necessary steps to be one with your people, and live in the fullness of your Spirit. Amen.

Prayer of belief Lord Jesus, I admit that I am weaker and more sinful than I ever before believed, but through you I am more loved and accepted than I ever dared hope. I thank you for paying my debt, bearing my punishment on the cross, and offering forgiveness and new life. Knowing that you have been raised from the dead, I turn from my sins and receive you as Savior and Lord. Amen.

Worship Through Giving Doxology#

& # 44 œ & 4 œ

# &# œ & œ

5 5

Doxology Doxology

U œ U œ œœ œœ œ

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Praise God from who all Praise God from who

œ œœ œ œœ

Praise Him a-bove, Praise Him a-bove,

bless - ings flow. all bless - ings flow.

U U œ

œ œ œ œ œ œœ ye heav'n - ly host; ye heav'n - ly host;

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

œ œ œ œ œ œ



Praise Him, all creat - ures, here be - low; Praise Him, all creat - ures, here be - low;

Praise Fa - ther,Son, Praise Fa - ther,Son,


œ œ

U U œ œœ œœ œ


œ œ œ Uœ œ œ œ œ. . and Ho - lyGhost. and Ho - lyGhost.

w w



w w

men. men.

To To God God be be the the Glory Glory God Commissions To Us God be the Glory  of Hymn  Benediction   

     1.To  1.To

 God  God per

2.Oh 2.Oh per - fect re - taught demp the 3.Great things He us, 1.To God be has the glo -- tion, ry great 3.Great things He has taught us, great 2.Oh per - fect re - demp - tion, the 3.Great things He has taught us, great

     6     that  He  world  world that He 6 6

lieves, lieves, be Sin be lieves, be

  and

and That That Our and Our That Our

pur things thing things pur things

chase of He has He has chase of He has

blood, done. done, done. blood,

To ev' - our ry the be And great re -So loved He And great our re -To ev' - ry be And great our re -

           done.      yield  for  - ed His life our a - tone  us His Son,  Who  - ment gave     yield  -- ested His  whoa - tone  forbe gave us His Son, Who pro - mise of God; The vil off - life en - our der tru --ment ly

lieve - er the lieve er through the pro of joic -- that ing Je -- mise sus the world He gave us His joic ing through Je sus the lieve - er the pro - mise of joic - ing through Je - sus the

   12    Sin Sin 12 12

To God be the Glory                    thing  He the  So loved  He has done, be the glo - ry great     be   be the glo ry great thing He has done, So loved fect re - demp - tion, the pur - chase of blood, To ev' - He ry the

     o - pened  the

the o -- pened ment from mo from ment mo our der, won the o - - pened our der, from won mo -- ment our won - der,

God; Son; Son, Son; God;

The vil -- est off But yield pur er and Who ed His But pur er and The vil - est off But pur - er and

    life life -- gate   that gate that


Je Je --trans life trans Je -trans -

a sus a sus when port that gate when port a sus port when

- high en --our der er life high er - en - der

 high -er  All may  go

All par par Je All Je par Je


may don don sus may sus don sus

who and a and who

 inin


go re re we go we re we

tru ---ment ly great er tone great er tru - ly great - er

cieves. cieves. see. in see. cieves. see.

be will for will be will

   

Praise the Praise the Praise the

                                         Lord! Praise the Lord! Let the earth  hear His voice, Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Let the

17 17 17

Lord! Praise the Lord!

Let the earth hear His

voice, Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

Let the

Praise the Lord! Let the earth hear His voice, Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Let the  Lord!        23                            Peo - ple re - joice;    to the Fa - ther and  the Son,  OO Come  through JeJe -- sus Peo - ple re - joice; Come to the Fa - ther through sus the Son, and 29 Je - sus the Son, and  Peo - ple re - joice; O Come to the Fa - ther through 29            29            He has   give Him the  - ry; great  things  glo done. give Him the glo - ry; great things He has done. 23 23

give Him the glo - ry; things He Benediction & Dismissal — basedgreat on Philippians 4:7has


The grace of Christ attend you, the love of God surround you, The Holy Spirit keep you know and forevermore. Amen.

Let us go forth to serve the world as those who love our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God!


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Around Cityview





Sound Danny Samudio Greeters Malissa Mackey & Jim Richardson Snacks David & Lauren Mathues Nursery TBA Sunday School TBA

Each week a group meets at the Adamson home (1812 S Dearborn Unit 8) from 6-7pm on Sundays to pray for one another, the church, the city and the world. Contact Dan for more information.


Join us as we discuss work and how it fits in with our faith and the kingdom of God. We will have 4 dinner/discussions the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of June-August at the Adamson home (1812 S Dearborn Unit 8). Please RSVP to Dan.


Come enjoy a roof deck outdoor movie experience of the classic movie, Ghostbusters. We will start grilling at 4:00pm and begin the movie at 7:30pm. Kids are welcome. Please bring sides to share and whatever beverage you wish to consume. Movie night will be held at Jim Richardson’s place: 400 N. Racine Ave #203. Please RSVP to Jim (tgrtrdr@aol.com).

SERVING NEXT WEEK Sound Gary Vargas Greeters Matt & Whitney Covalle Snacks TBA Nursery TBA Sunday School TBA

CONTACTS Dan Adamson, Pastor dadamson@cityviewchicago.org Carolyn Koonce, Church Administrator carolyn.groenewold@gmail.com Lynda Adamson, Children’s Ministry Coordinator lyndabadamson@gmail.com Peter Schamp, Music Director pschamp@gmail.com Bonnie Beach, Communications Coordinator bonnie.e.beach@gmail.com

CONGREGATIONAL GIVING* MAY 2014 Actual Monthly Giving


Online Giving If you would like to set-up online giving (one-time or recurring), please visit cityviewchicago.org/giving. If you would like to give via your phone, text (312) 697-1144. Newer to Cityview? Go out to eat with a small group of regular attenders for lunch after the Sunday service. Today’s hosts are TBA.

$ 9,811

Budgeted Monthly Giving

$ 12,250


$ -2,439

Actual YTD Giving

$ 58,293

Budgeted YTD Giving

$ 61,250


$ -2,957

*In addition to congregational giving, 25% of our overall operating budget is currently comprised of financial support from other churches and individuals. Our budgeted congregational giving represents 75% of the overall operating budget.

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