September 28, 2014

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living liturgy

SEPTEMBER 28, 2014

Welcome to Cityview Presbyterian Church


presby terian chu rch

To Our Guests: Visiting a church can be an intimidating experience. We are glad that you are here, and we hope to remove as much of that awkwardness as we can from your visit to Cityview. Our worship service usually lasts about 90 minutes. This worship guide will help you navigate the service. There are short paragraphs on the next page to explain each part of the service. The service is designed to be accessible to you, whether you’ve spent years in the church or you’ve never been to a church service in your life. During the service, we will try to help you understand how the message of Jesus can apply to your life today. If you are new to Cityview or just visiting, we would love to know that you were here. The Connection Cards, which can be found in this bulletin, are a place for you to let us know whatever information you might want us to know, and to request any information from us that you might need. You may put this in the offering when it is passed at the end of the service. Pastor Dan Adamson ( is always enthusiastic to meet you in person, as well.

For Children: Children of all ages are welcome in the worship service. Nursery is provided during the service for children 3 years of age and younger.

Community Life: After the Service Each week, we linger for fellowship with one another. Please join us for refreshments in the cafeteria. Community Groups Community Groups are the primary way to get to know people at Cityview. At a Community Group, you will be invited to deepen your spiritual involvement with others. You will find a weekly opportunity to study the scripture passage for the upcoming week’s sermon and pray together. When & Where Tuesday / 6:30 PM Dan Adamson 2154 West Superior St. Wednesday / 7:30 PM Joel Avila - 2455 West Ohio, Unit 16W Thursday / 7:00 PM Malissa Mackey - 123 South Green St. Apt 807-B Visit to see all upcoming events.

Children ages four through 5th grade are given the choice of attending Sunday school classes beginning during the greeting portion of the service.

All songs used by permission CCLI License #11041992

If you have any questions about children’s ministry at Cityivew, please contact Children’s Ministry Coordinator Lynda Adamson (

Scripture reprinted from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission.


The Liturgy Preparing in Stillness

We often come into worship tired, overwhelmed and distracted. If we are honest we are not prepared to worship God. Each week, we take a few moments to quiet our hearts to prepare to meet God in worship. Please take this time to read the reflections, look over the rest of the service or pray as we anticipate being called into worship.

Call to Worship

We need to be “called” to come and worship God because we default to thinking the world revolves around our needs and agendas- and also because we struggle to believe that God truly wants us to draw near to him. The call to worship focuses our attention on God and prepares us to meet him.

Confession of Sin

Because sin is so pervasive in both our individual and corporate lives, we are called to come before God with honesty and transparency, confessing our failures and brokenness and asking for both healing and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. We confess corporately to show our unity even in our brokenness.

Assurance of Grace

Christ has given the Church authority to declare forgiveness of sins in his name. Because of this, when the liturgist proclaims that your sins are forgiven, you can know that Christ agrees.

The Sermon

Some view the sermon as a way to get principles for “right” living. In reality, as we open the Scripture we corporately encounter Christ. Therefore, as you listen, pray to be open to the Spirit’s leading, exhortation, encouragement, and healing.


Communion, also called the Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist, is the family meal for Christians. We welcome all Christians - those who look to Christ alone for salvation, who are in good standing with his church, and who seek strength to live more faithfully to their Savior - to join in this sacrament.

Worship Through Giving

Because money is so powerfully tied to our hearts, this is a valuable expression of worship as we acknowledge that everything we have comes from God and belongs to him. If you are visiting with us, we are glad you are here- please do not feel obligated to give.

The Benediction

God always gets the last word in our encounter of worship. For Christians, it is always a word of blessing and sending to live our lives in the light of the reality of the Gospel of Christ.


ORDER OF WORSHIP Every service is a structure of acts and words through which we receive a sacrament, or repent, or supplicate, or adore. And it enables us to do those things best – if you like it, it ‘works’ best–when, through long familiarity, we don’t have to think about it. As long as you notice, and have to count, the steps, you are not yet dancing but only learning to dance. A good shoe is a shoe you don’t notice. The perfect church service would be the one we were most unaware of; our attention would have been on God. - C.S. Lewis The knitting of an embodied theology happens whenever Christian congregations sing, even though they do so in a great variety of ways from one culture to another. It has been happening since the earliest Christians extemporized variations of praise to God in the new images of Jesus’ teaching and ministry, and above all in images of the mystery of his death and resurrection. The Trinitarian character of faith was sung long before it was put into the language of doctrinal theology. Indeed, the church’s theology was embodied in its liturgical and singing practices before more formal theology developed. - Don Saliers

Question for Reflection and Discussion What do you count on for your sense of “personal credibility” (validity, acceptance, good standing)?

God Calls Us Call to Worship — From Psalm 66:5-9 Come and see what God has done, his awesome deeds for mankind! He turned the sea into dry land, they passed through the waters on foot. Come, let us rejoice in him. He rules forever by his power, his eyes watch the nations— let not the rebellious rise up against him. Praise our God, all peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard; he has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping. 4

Prayer of Adoration — 1 Chronicles 29: 10-13 Praise be to You, O Lord, God of our father Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is Yours. Yours, O Lord, is the kingdom, Matt Redman, 2010 You are exalted as head over all. Wealth and honor come from You; You are the ruler Matt Redman, 2010 of all things. In Your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. Matt Redman, 2010 Now, our God, we give You thanks, and praise Your glorious name. Amen.

Ten Thousand Reasons Ten Thousand Reasons Ten Thousand Reasons

    Hymnof Praise    4 4  4   

 10,000        (Bless the  Lord)    Reasons                  O Wor - ship His Ho  the Lord, O my soul,    Bless    my soul!    Bless the Lord, O my soul, O mysoul! Wor - ship His Ho      O  my soul!  Wor - ship His Ho  Bless the Lord, O my soul,                       O, my soul! Sing - ship His ho    I  wor   like ne - ver be - fore,     Sing like Sing like

ne - ver be - fore, ne - 1.ver be - fore,

O, my O, my

soul! soul!


wor - ship His ho wor - ship His ho

    name ly   ly name ly name   - ly name  - ly name -

ly name

1.        1.                                           1. The  sun comes up, its a new day dawn - ing    comes  up,  its a new  dawn  - ing  itsits time  toto sing  your   2. You're 12  1. The sun day time sing your 3. And 2. You're 12  1. And The - ing to sing  your 3.    up,   sun comes     its a  new day dawn  its time 2. You're       12  3. And                           and  song  a - gain  what   me  what  - e - ver may pass  - e - ver lies be - fore 15  To Chorus song a - gain what - e - ver may pass and what - e - ver lies be - fore me 15  a - gain   Chorus    song     what - e -ver may  what  - e - ver lies be - fore meTo  pass and 15 To Chorus                   - ing when the   let me be sing   eve - ning   comes!     let me be sing - ing when the eve - ning comes! 8 8 8

  2,2, 3.3.                  19                    rich in love and you're slow an - ger your name is great and your  On  name  in love  when  ing  draws is great  and  my  totois fail day my strength the end near  you're    your 22  rich that and slow an -- ger and your On that day when my strength is fail ing the end draws near and my  22 you're slow your name is great  and your rich in love and to an - ger               On that day when my strength is fail ing the end draws near and my     22                         heart all your good will keep   for still  - ness  - ing  time  is kind  I your   praise  on - sing   soul - ness will sing end -- ing 25 heart has is come kind for all my your good I will keep un on sing ing time still my soul will sing your praise end - ing 25  hasis come  unon - sing heart kind for all your good - ness I will keep - ing          time has come still my soul will sing your praise un        end - ing   25                    - and rea - sons for my find e - verto  more!   ten  - heart ten thous       ten thous and years and then for thous - and rea - sons for my heart to find 19 19

2, 3.



be sing - ing when the

ten thous - and years and then for5 ten thous - and rea - sons for my ten thous - and years and then for ©

eve - ning

e - ver heart to e - ver


more! Words & Music: Matt Redman find more!

Words by Reginald Heber Music by John Dykes

Hymn of Praise

&c œ

1.Ho 2.Ho 3.Ho 4.Ho


j œ œ


& œ.



Ho Ho Ho Ho

ly, ly, ly, ly,

Holy, Holy, Holy



the Ear - ly in Cast - ing down their of the eye Though Thyworks shall All



œ œ œ


ly, ly, ly, ly,

Ho Ho Ho Ho







Ho Cher On Ho




Ho ly, u - bim ly Thou Ho ly,




ly, and art ly,


God Who Per God





ly! Ho ser - a - phim ly; ho ly! Ho -




in wert, fect in

three and in three

per art, pow'r, Per


Mer fall There Merc -



sons, and in sons,

rise glass may sky,

song shall round the glo - ry earth, and

j œ œ

bless - ed ev - er and love, bless - ed

to y not and


ci - ful ing down is none i - ful




Tri more pur Tri


Thee; sea; see, sea;


and migh be - fore be - side and migh


ty! Thee Thee, - ty! -

j œ w

ni shall i - ni -


ty! Thee, Thee, - ty! -

j œ ˙




Our a Thy In




Al - migh God Lord a - dore All the saints Though the dark - ness hide Al - migh God Lord

ly! ly! ly! ly!

ing morn gol - den crowns sin - ful man praise Thy name


ty! be. ty. ty.

Words: Reginald Heber Music: John Dykes

God Cleanses Us Call to Confession — Based on Romans 8:39 We know that nothing is able to separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ. Let us in freedom confess the wrong we have done.

Public Domain


Prayer and Hymn of Confession

              Ky - ri - e (Lord Have





i - son,

Kyrie Eleison

        

Ky - ri - e





i - son



Kyrie Eleison Gracious God, Our sins are too heavy to carry, Too real to hide, And too deep to undo. Forgive what our lips tremble to name, What our heart can no longer bear, And what has become for us a consuming fire of judgment. Kyrie Eleison You have called us to be the church, to continue the mission of Jesus Christ to our lonely and confused world. Yet we acknowledge we are more apathetic than active, isolated than involved, callous than compassionate, obstinate than obedient, legalistic than loving. Kyrie Eleison Awaken our hearts to the promised gift of your indwelling Spirit. Set us free from a past that we cannot change; open to us a future in which we can be changed. Grant us grace to grow more and more in your likeness and image; through Jesus Christ, the light of the world. Amen.

Hymn of Confession

Lord, I Need You

Lord, I come, I confess Bowing here, I find my rest Without You, I fall apart You’re the One that guides my heart Refrain: Lord, I need You, Oh I need You Every hour I need You My one defense, my righteousness Oh, God, how I need You

Where sin runs deep Your grace is more Where grace is found is where You are And where You are, Lord, I am free Holiness is Christ in me (repeat)

© 7

Words & Music: Christy Nockels, Matt Maher, Daniel Carson, Jesse Reeves, Kristian Stanfill

Silent Confession Assurance of Grace — 1 John 1:5-7 This is the message we have heard from the Lord and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. In Christ, we are loved and forgiven. Thanks be to God! Brothers and Sisters, you have heard God’s holy demands and have confessed your sins to him. Do you believe that Jesus Christ, by his perfect life, sacrificial death, and glorious resurrection has atoned for your sins and satisfied the wrath of God for you?

Gloria Patri

We do.

Hymn of Assurance

Gloria Patri

              Glo - ry be

   



   



to the

Fa - ther

    

As it


with - out



 end!




   

be - gin - ning


 -




   

Son, and


   

now and


e - ver





  

shall be

   -


Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners Words: J. Wilbur Chapman, Music: "Hyfryrdol"

Hymn of Assurance

   

Jes Jes Jes


   

us us, us

     

what what I


of self Him

my in I

a a do

  

   

friend for strength in now a -

soul! Him! Find

Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners

Friends may Temp - ted, He has

 

 

       

Sa - vior, strength, my His and


   

makes vic He

Hal - le - lu


     





me whole tory wins is mine!


sin - ners, Jes - us, weak - ness, let me dore Him, more than


    




lo hide all

ver my in

He, He, I

my my am


   

jah, what





        


    

Hal - le - lu


fail me, foes as - sail me tried and some - times fail - ing, gran - ted me for - give - ness,

 




 me

ving, help





keep - ing,



Words: J. Wilbur Chapman Music: Hyfryrdol



Hymn of Assurance

Psalm 96

Words & Music: Paul van der Bijl

Passing of the Peace — from John 13:34 Hear the teaching of Christ: “A new command I give you, that you love one another as I have loved you.” The peace of Christ be with you all. And also with you!

Opportunities and Concerns


  

1.Take my Take life and let it and be Let it con Be - se - cra - ted My Life  2.Take     my hands and let them move at  theBe im - pulse    Illumination  voice   and   Take Hymn of3.Take My Life my let me sing and Let al - Itways, on - ly

 


1.Take my life and let it be con - se - cra - ted my will and make it Thine, it shall be  5.Take  my hands and  let them at the im - no pulse  move       2.Take      3.Take my voice and let me sing al - ways, on - ly my - ver  and  my gold, not a  mite would  1.Take my life and let it  be   con - se - cra - ted  4.Take silwill 5.Take  my and make it Thine, it shall be no 4.Take my

2.Take my Lord, 3.Take to my of 4.TakeThymy for 5.Takemymy ILord, with to long er of Thy

 




hands Thee voice love sil King will hold Thee mine love






and let them move - ments and Take let my me mo sing ver Take and my my feet gold, and and Take makemy it lipsThine, and Take my in -- tell Take my mo ments Take my heart it Take my feet and




at the im - pulse my on days aland - ways, - ly notlet athem mitebe would them be be it let shall no ect and use and my days is Thine own, let them be and let them be tell ect and use ments and my days it is Thine own, and let them be and flow let them be praise them in cease - less tell ect and use Thee and beau - ti - ful for it own, Thee with mes - is sa - Thine ges from

 

  for my King  - Thee hold  with  to   ILord, long - er mine of Thy love

                  

    

  

4 7

Take my lips Take my in Take my mo Take my heart Take my feet 7 for my King Take my let them flow in cease - less praise lips let Iswift and withbeau my in swift - hold for Thee - ti - ful Take long with my heart - er mes mine filled from Thee filled - sa - ges Take 7 e'v ry pow er as You choose ev' -them ry flow pow - in er as - You let them flow in cease - less praise let cease less itswift shall be Thy roy al throne it shall be Thy roy al and beau - ti - ful for Thee swift and beau - ti - ful for God Speaks To Us filled with mes - sa - ges from Thee filled with mes - sa - ges from e'v - ry pow - er as You choose ev' - ry pow - er as You let them — flow in cease - less praise let them flow in cease - less Sermon 96 it Text shall be Psalm Thy roy - al throne it shall be Thy roy al swift and beau - ti - ful for Thee swift and beau - ti - ful for 1 Oh sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth! filled with mes - sa - ges from Thee filled with mes - sa - ges from 2 Sing to the LORD, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day. 3 e'vhis- glory ry among pow - er as You choose works ev'among pow er - ry all as You Declare the nations, his marvelous the- peoples! 4 it is the shallLORD, be and Thygreatly royto-bealpraised; throne it feared shall above be Thy roy al For great he is to be all gods.

    

  

           

choose. praise throne. Thee

Thee choose. praise throne. Thee Thee choose. throne.

For all the gods of the peoples are worthless idols, but the LORD made the heavens. Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. 7 Ascribe to the LORD, O families of the peoples, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength! 8 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts! 9 Worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness; tremble before him, all the earth! 10 Say among the nations, “The LORD reigns! Yes, the world is established; it shall never be moved; he will judge the peoples with equity.” 11 Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; let the sea roar, and all that fills it; 12 let the field exult, and everything in it! Then shall all the trees of the forest sing for joy 13 before the LORD, for he comes, for he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness, and the peoples in his faithfulness. 5 6

Sermon — Song: Living Liturgy


Reverend Dan Adamson © 11


God Strengthens Us Profession of Faith — The Apostles’ Creed Christian, what do you believe? I believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from there He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.

Invitation to the Lord’s Table Prayer of Thanksgiving and Consecration The Lord be with you. And also with you.

Sanctus Sanctus We lift them up to the Lord. Sanctus Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. Lift up your hearts.

&C œ œ œ œ Sanctus & C Hoœ - ly,œ hoœ - lyœ & C Hoœ - ly,œ hoœ - lyœ 6 Ho - ly, ho - ly 6 & . ú œœ ú œ 6& full ú . ofyour œ œ gloú - œry & full. ofyour glo - ry ú 12 œœ ú œ full ofyour glo - ry 12 &œ œ œœ œ œ œ 12 & Bles œ - sedœ œis heœ œwhoœ comes œ & Bles œ - sedœ œis heœ œwhoœ comes œ

œ œ œ œ w œ œ ú œ œ œ œ œ œ œ - lyœ Lord, œ and œ might. ú God of power w œ earth œ ho Hea œ - venœ and œ ofœ power œ - lyœ Lord, œ and œ might. ho Hea ú God w œ earth œ œ - venœ and Hea - ven and earth ‰might. ‰ œjof power ‰ho -jly úLord, œ God j œ œ ú j ú and œ j œ œ . œ œ ‰ j ú œ ‰œ ú œ ‰ j jœ œ œ ú œj- san - na, ‰ Hoj- sanú - na, ‰ Hoœj- sanœ . - naœj inœ the high - est! ‰ Ho ú - na, œ Hoœ - san - œna, Ho - sanœ . - naœ inœ theœ high œ - est! ú Ho - san œ œ Ho - san - na, Ho - san - na, Ho - san -j na in the high - est! ‰ j œ œ œ œ œ ú . ‰ œj œ . œj œ œ œ œ ú in ú . ‰ Hoœ - sanœ . - naœj inœ œthe œ high œ theœ name œ ofœ theœ Lord, œ - est! ú j in the Ho - san ú. œ œ name œ ofœ theœ Lord, œ œ . - naœ inœ œthe œ high œ - est! ú

It is right to give him thanks and praise.

Bles - sed is he


comes in the name of the Lord, 12

Ho - san - na in


high - est!

œ œ œare œ are œ œ are Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ

Words of Institution We break bread in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and proclaim the mystery of the faith: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us; Therefore, let us keep the feast.

Distribution of the Bread and the Cup Communion Hymn

Narrow Little Road

I believe in the love of God It is an orphan’s wildest dream It is a narrow little road It is an ever-widening desert stream

Refrain The love of God is the hymn of hope Let the needy join the throng Let the widow hear and cope Let the crippled rise to sing this song

Refrain: Oh I, and I, I will leave this road For the narrow


It is portrayed in the bread and wine Let it fortify my bones It is more than just a sign It is the fountain from that desert stone

Words & Music: David Leonard & Leslie Jordan


Prayers for Reflection Prayer for those searching for truth Lord Jesus, you claim to be the way, the truth, and the life. As I consider the reasons for doing so, grant that I might be undaunted by the cost of following you. If what you claim is true, please guide me, teach me, and open to me the reality of who you are. Give me an understanding of you that is coherent, convincing, and that leads to the life that you promise. Amen. Prayer of belief Lord Jesus, I admit that I am weaker and more sinful than I ever before believed, but through you I am more loved and accepted than I ever dared hope. I thank you for paying my debt, bearing my punishment on the cross, and offering forgiveness and new life. Knowing that you have been raised from the dead, I turn from my sins and receive you as Savior and Lord. Amen.

Prayer for those struggling with sin Lord Jesus, grant that I may see in you the fulfillment of all my need, and may turn from every false satisfaction to feed on you, the true and living bread. Enable me to lay aside the sin that clings so closely, and faithfully follow you in life. Amen. Prayer of commitment Lord Jesus, you have called us to follow you in baptism and in a life of committed discipleship in your church. Grant that I may take the necessary steps to be one with your people, and live in the fullness of your Spirit. Amen.

Communion Prayer God of kindness, in your holy mysteries
you have graciously fed us with the body and blood of your dear Son, and in baptism have made us one with him.
Send us out in the assurance of your love,
and by your Spirit, use us to bring healing and renewal to Chicago; through Christ our Lord we pray. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

Worship Through Giving Doxology#

&# &

# &# œ & œ

5 5

44 œ 4 œ

Doxology Doxology

U œ U œ œ œœ œ œ

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Praise God from who all Praise God from who

œ œœ œ œœ

Praise Him a-bove, Praise Him a-bove,

bless - ings flow. all bless - ings flow.

U U œ

œ œ œ œ œ œœ ye heav'n - ly host; ye heav'n - ly host;

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

œ œ

œ œ œ œ œ œ

U U œ œœ œœ œ



Praise Him, all creat - ures, here be - low; Praise Him, all creat - ures, here be - low;

Praise Fa - ther,Son, Praise 14 Fa - ther,Son,


œ œ œ Uœ œ œ œ œ. . and Ho - lyGhost. and Ho - lyGhost.

w w



w w

men. men.

Take My Life and Let it Be

God Commissions Us

Hymn of Benediction

   

 

1.Take 2.Take 3.Take 4.Take 5.Take


my my my my my

    

life hands voice sil will

Lord, to Thee of Thy love for my King I with - hold long - er mine

    


let swift filled e'v it

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flow beau mes pow be

Take My Life and Let it Be

in - ti - sa - er Thy

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Take Take Take Take Take

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my my my my my

less for from You al

mo feet lips in heart

praise Thee Thee choose throne

be move sing gold, Thine,

  

cease ful ges as roy -

con - se at the al - ways, not a it shall

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let them swift and filled with ev' - ry it shall

ted pulse ly would no

flow in cease - less praise beau - ti - ful for Thee mes - sa - ges from Thee pow - er as You choose. be Thy roy al throne.

Benediction & Sending Grant us, Lord God, the vision of your kingdom, forgiveness and new life, and the stirring of your Spirit, so that we may share your vision, proclaim your love, and change this world. Amen. Thanks be to God!

Postlude There are women and men available to pray for your needs after the service in the front of the hall near the communion table. 15

Around Cityview





Sound Gary Vargas Greeters Paul Leo & Danny Kim Snacks Lynda Adamson Nursery Malissa Mackey Sunday School TBA

Each week a group meets at the Adamson home (1812 S Dearborn Unit 8) from 6-7pm on Sundays to pray for one another, the church, the city and the world. Contact Dan ( for more information.


Join us for an introduction to the theological discipline of apologetics. We will examine the intellectual or rational acceptability of Christian belief. For more information contact Craig Hefner (


SERVING NEXT WEEK Sound Josh Koonce Greeters Nick & Janelle Lake Snacks TBA Nursery Janelle Lake Sunday School TBA

Sound and Technology are aids in our weekly Worship. We’d like to grow our team of dedicated volunteers of sound technicians. If you are interested in joining, or curious about how sound works, stay after the service on Sunday, September 28th for a brief training session. If you are already a regular volunteer, please attend this refresher training and be prepared to ask whatever questions you have had about our technology. RSVP and/or send questions to Peter Schamp (Worship Director) pschamp@gmail. com.



Lynda Adamson, Children’s Ministry Director

Dan Adamson, Senior Pastor Peter Schamp, Worship Director

If you are interested in joining in the groups of volunteers feeding homeless individuals at Breakthrough Urban Ministries in October, November or December, you are asked to first attend the Breakthrough Behind the Scenes Tour. On the tour you will learn about Breakthrough Urban Ministries, the neighborhood and the community we will be serving. RSVP by October 1 to Lela Saffle ( or via Evite.

Carolyn Koonce, Administrative Coordinator



Join Cityview in celebrating autumn on a fun, family-friendly outing to the County Line Orchard! We’ll meet at the orchard at 10:30 and enjoy attractions such as the kid’s farm, corn maze, observation bee hives, a picnic lunch and possibly a light hike. The orchard is located at 200 S. County Line Rd., Hobart, IN 46342. Email Karen Lee ( for more details.

Newer to Cityview? Go out to eat with a small group of regular attenders for lunch after the Sunday service. Today’s hosts are Jim and Peggy Adamson.

Craig Hefner, Theological Education Coordinator Bonnie Beach, Communications Coordinator

Actual Monthly Giving

$ 12,120

Budgeted Monthly Giving

$ 12,250


$ -130

Actual YTD Giving

$ 90,119

Budgeted YTD Giving

$ 98,000


$ -7,881

YTD Fundraising Revenue:

$ 75,090

*In addition to congregational giving, we receive fundraising support from other churches and individuals to help cover operating costs.

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