City Weekend Shanghai - Issue 16, August

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Shanghai's only

READERPOWERED entertainment magazine and website


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Art Labor Mark 2

August 12-25





When a Billion Chinese Jump

hoF Hits Pudong

Wandering, baking, snoozing, creating– the little things that make us happy

Flair at the Ritz | Table No. 1 | Beer Fest | Hyatt Facials | Designer Duds


August 12-25

August 12-25



Aug. 12-Aug. 25 in Shanghai


9 Shanghaiology The South Bund’s impending makeover 16 Cover Story The little things in life that make us happy


22 Performance Picks “Prince of the Piano” Yundi Li and a dance performance re-enacting the life of singer Zhou Xuan


25 Art Review “2nd Impressions” at Art Labor 2.0

Books & Film


Plump and juicy xiaolongbao


28 Book Review When a Billion Chinese Jump by Jonathan Watts 28 Film Review Alex Law’s tear-jerker, Echoes of the Rainbow

Shonen Knife play Zhijiang Dream Factory


Hot looks for designer Jenny Xu

Nightlife 30 31 34 36

Big Pick Shonen Knife slice up Shanghai New Bars Flair at the Ritz and a Hengshan Lu bling box The Beat Dan shaves the ’stache The LGBeaT Great migrations

Wine & Dine

39 Find of the Week Amazing salmon rillettes at hoF’s new Lujiazui branch 40 New Eats A monthly menu at Kappo Yu, El Patio’s perfectly poached egg, swinging bites and super xiaolongbao 42 In the Kitchen Table No. 1’s Jason Atherton is in first place 43 The Dish Late-night eats for your summer stumble home 43 Theme Review Go loopy for the best donuts in Shanghai



Gaudy chaos at Phebe 3-D

Dragonfly plucks off


53 Get Involved Chinese Cooking Workshop’s Vicki Meyouhas


57 Family Matters It turns out the grass is greener on our side

Sports & Fitness

60 MVP Jason Bosch dives in and plays water polo

Health & Beauty 62 Health Matters Skip the sweats by treating hyperhidrosis 63 Beauty Picks A hydrating facial at Hyatt on The Bund’s Yuan Spa and an eyebrow wax at Dragonfly

Style 66 Fashionista Fashion designer and social butterfly Jenny Xu

Shopping 68 Cool Shops Grab the latest designer bags at the Peninsula Arcade and Josie Chen’s new lines of funky accessories




We’re giving away a stay at the Sofitel Sheshan, plus dinner for two at the property’s Vie restaurant. For full details, see p. 73


Win a ¥350 Sherpa’s voucher by dreaming up the wittiest caption in our caption the moment contest. See p. 38

71 Great Getaways Get soused: it’s the Qingdao Beer Festival

Home & Office

3 Find the Alien! Win gift vouchers from by finding the alien.

Email: shguide@

74 Expert Advice Joseph Siswanto of CEO Suite 75 Hot Property A garden office, a lane house and La Cite


76 Classifieds Check out ads from Shanghai’s incredible venues and services

Day in the Life

86 Teun Hanegraaf, the naked retreatist

August 12-25


CW Team


Illegal Alien Regular readers will be familiar with ↖¦◊¦⌃˚⌥ , the City Weekend alien. Every issue, we hide a picture of him in the magazine. If you find him, you can win gift vouchers from, which sells gourmet spirits and wine (details on the previous page). It’s quite a process, getting ↖¦◊¦⌃˚⌥ to lurk in the background when our photographers are out taking shots, but he’s been a solid member of the team and risen stoically to the challenges thrown up by being large, green and so far from home. Unfortunately, due to some visa issues, our alien now has to return to his home planet. However, we’ve managed to find another extraterrestrial who looks almost identical (they all look much the same to us, anyway), who will be taking his place. Look out for him in future issues. May ↖¦◊¦⌃˚⌥’s long journey be comfortable, and may he live long and prosper on his return home. Responsible Institution: Sponsor: Editor-in-Chief: Address:

China Publishing Group Encyclopedia of China Publishing House Xu Lijun No. 17, Fuchengmen, Beidajie, Beijing

Managing Editor: Lee Mack Editorial (BJ): Blake Stone-Banks, Sienna Parulis-Cook, Erica Chen, Laura Fitch, Feer Han Editorial (SH): Nick Taylor, Geoff Ng, Hailey Meng, Sophie Friedman, Elizabeth Dilts Regular Contributors: Dan Shapiro, Fiona Huang, Florence Chang, Meili Autumn, Phoenix Torrijos, Mark Hiew, Susie Gordon Interns: Qichen Zhang, Chelsea White, Michelle Ong, Chersy Miao, Tristan Revells Art Director: Molly Lee Art Designer (BJ): Gao Junqiang, Lu Lu Art Designer (SH): Hu Fangfang, Eric Chung Advertising Designer: He Yu Photo Editor: Joy Hua, July Liao Photographers: Tao Zi, Mao Dou

↖¦◊¦⌃˚⌥ Extraterrestrial


Shanghai Editor

What’s On The Web Shanghai Says

Production Manager: Julia Zhou Sales Director: Shell Liu ales & Advertising (BJ): Shell Liu, Nick Wei, Ivy Wang, Lena Zhang, S Cici Lu, Nadia Feng, Candy Tian, Vina Wei, Sales & Advertising (SH): Jenny Wu, Daisy Dong, Ricky Yao, Nancy Song, Cathy Xiao, Lorraine Hou Marketing: Jenny Rao, Yolanda Yan, Tom Lombardi Advertising: Beijing Office: Shanghai Office: Printing: Publishing Date: Price:

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narsfweasel on Find the Magic in Myanmar

Free Stuff

That’s a headline that always gets attention. Did you know that City Weekend gives away thousands of yuan worth of free stuff every two weeks? We’ve given away insane amounts of food, Lomo cameras, tickets to everything, round-trip international flights, luxury weekends at posh hotels and now, finally, we are giving away a job. That’s right, we are working with the new Langham Hotel Place Capital Airport in Beijing to give an up-and-coming DJ a gig worth an astonishing ¥255,000. After that, what’s left to give away? A person? Hmm...


Bund 5 Spa. We sold over 120 coupons for its signature Lomi Lomi massage. More amazing deals every week at shanghai.


August 12-25


Peace Hotel Bar. Is this iconic rooftop bar open to the public or not? User xanniex got the runaround from the doorman, which she described hilariously.

Perpetual revolution

Well, I can appreciate your insights and I think it sounds genuinely lovely. But on principle, I would not spend any money that might be used to legitimize despotism.

alphanu on Table No. 1 Wins Our Hearts

How can we be sure that you are neutral as a blogger for City Weekend when you are invited for free by the restaurant?

superdigg on Eating Healthy in Convenience Stores

Not all of us have kitchens or free time with which to prepare food cheaply and healthily. This article is much appreciated, I just wish it was a bit more fleshed out.

8620-87323316 ext.9119 Distribution Inquiries (BJ): Justin Liu 8610-65281840 ext.6346 | Distribution Inquiries (SH): Fairy Qu 8621-63620022 ext.8876 | 主管: 主办: 总编辑: 地址:

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Vol 10, Issue 23, No.16, 2010 国际刊号: ISSN 1009-4954 国内刊号: CN11-4475/GO

City Weekend is audited by BPA Worldwide. The average qualified circulation figure for the period January to June 2009 is 96,425. Publisher's statement: 100,000 copies for the June 2009 issue.

New Horizons

Further ambitious expansion plans for The Bund meet with groans from construction-weary Shanghailanders

New landmarks will soon re-orient the city as Shanghai sprouts an expanded Puxi skyline. The South Bund faces a massive redevelopment plan slated to end in 2020 that will grow The Bund by 2.6 square kilometers and add 35 new skyscrapers to the western bank of the river. But the real conundrum is this: are Shanghaiers ready for another endless construction project and is the waterfront’s newest facelift worth another 10-year headache? The current Bund only finished renovations this March, just in time for the Expo, but the 33-month, US$70 million affair was a nuisance for many business owners. Renata Roberts, general manager of The Glamour Bar, admits that: “The construction work affected the total number of people coming to The Bund and to us. However, the end product inevitably brings in lots of business–we had to wait three years but the day The Bund reopened we were packed to the gills.” This time, construction will be centered on four projects. First up is a pair of buildings that will serve as an international financial service center. Then comes a circular urban complex with more financial and commercial offices arranged around a massive garden that will be visible from across the river. The third project

will convert 169 historic buildings into commercial spaces, while the fourth will create an office park of green buildings and open spaces. But, as the South Bund gets built up, three-year Shanghai veteran Suda Kongpradist wonders if this development will destroy the dichotomy between the two sides of the river. “Looking at the Pudong skyline from Puxi, I feel like I’m sitting in history but looking at the future. More skyscrapers on The Bund– who is that for? Foreign companies like the Fairmont group have recently stepped in to preserve old buildings. I hope that happens more.” A n ne H a lverson, t he marketing manager at the Waterhouse Hotel in the South Bund, adds that “over-development is always a concern, and every growing metropolis must consider what this does for the character of a city.” She agrees that in the short term the construction “will be a pain,” but she’s on board “as long as it reinforces the community systems that are already here.” How can this project escape being seen by the wary people of Shanghai as another effacement of local culture in favor of so-called modernity? Halverson offers up a suggestion. “Keep the energy on the street level, interacting with the water, and do everything with integrity.” ■ Michelle Ong

“I feel like I’m sitting in history but looking at the future.”

August 12-25



Space Invaders

Spraymaster Stan brings a graffiti smackdown to Shanghai

Wall Lords: what is it? It’s a free event within Asia that’s been going on since 2008. We’re trying to build a platform for artists from Asian countries to battle it out in graffiti writing. This year’s final is on August 29 in Shanghai at the basketball courts next to Jiangwan Stadium. Contestants will spray on panels that we’re setting up and rappers, beatboxers and bboys will be performing. We’ll also have a wall where anyone can come and spray and we will be supplying all paint. What’s the legality of graffiti in Shanghai? It’s not widely accepted by the government, espe-

cially with the Olympics and now the Expo. However, there are districts, like M50 on Moganshan Lu, where you’re allowed to do it. Normally if you’re caught–if you’re trying to do graffiti in a scrapyard or an abandoned place–the police let you go. It’s not a serious offense. But if you’re caught painting a train or a government building, then it is possible they might take you down to the station and

Go to Moganshan Lu’s M50 to spray. We call it the “hall of fame.” possibly press charges. Generally though, they’ll just ask you to remove it and let you go. So where should people go do it? Moganshan Lu, if you want to be safe. We call it the “hall of fame.” You can go

Two Week planner Thu





Electric Indigo

Austrian techno maven plays MAO Livehouse with a gaggle of other female DJs. Fans of proper Berlin sounds will love it. → 32



Masterful Cinema Why is Werckmeister Harmonies the






A Shanghai Dream

VOID’s third birthday on Aug. 21, p. 33

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August 12-25

■ Sophie Friedman Wall Lords is on Aug. 29 at the basketball courts next to Jiangwan Stadium, 346 Guohe Lu 国和路346号, from 1-8pm.



A Future Perfect

Catch this This art show, amazing detailing how dance perfortechnology mance that will influence recreates the the design of renowned but future cities, troubled life of famous Shanghai- opens at the DCC. Don’t miss the nese singer Zhou Xuan. → 22 interactive robots. → 25



The Power of Dance

MAO Livehouse installs a dancefloor best black and that powwhite drama ers visuals in Hungarian through the film history? Head to Dada and kinetic energy of the dancers. find out for yourself. → 29 Sound like a green dream. → 32



there and paint over old pieces, but really cover them, not just partially, or do one of the walls in the parking lot. There’s much more space back there and it’s not visible to the public. Which cities in China have the best scene? Changsha, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Wuhan. Ouch, Shanghai’s not on there. Well it’s like I mentioned above. You’ve got the cops and there just aren’t too many people doing it. The most active writers in Shanghai are definitely foreigners, especially the French. I think local Chinese tend to go in other directions that are related to graffiti but less… out there. They get design jobs or become illustrators.





Goodbye, Men in Blue

Fourteen artists explore the uneasy relationship between women and the PRC police. This show closes today; be sure to catch it. → 26






Mine’s a Cornetto

Get to Atanu for another outdoor party at this lighthouse on The Bund. David Lin and his model friends will make you feel fabulous. → 32


All Aboard


2010 Shanghai by Festival Aug. Sat Today there’s Bus, the city’s an outdoor best little regmini-music gae and roots festival with soundsystem, Lions of Puxi throws its headlining summer bash. Expect resident DJs and ChaCha’s at Big Bamboo on Hongmei Lu Pedestrian Street. →34 lush and dreamy vocals. → 32









The Wicker Man

Watch Edward Woodward and Christopher Lee reveal a shocking secret hidden on a sex-obsessed Scottish island. → 29





Mario Cavolo

The last of four nights of jazz from one of Shanghai’s resident pianists. He teams up with drummer Ronnie Williams at Sound Blue. →35




The amount in yuan that China’s 200,000 sex shops bring in annually. A July 2010 article in China Daily claims China produces 70 percent of the world’s sex toys.


The distance in kilometers that a 56-year-old man from Wuhan is swimming to get to the Expo. Shanghai Daily reports that it has been his dream to swim to Shanghai for 44 years.


The percentage of Chinese men who suffer from erectile dysfunction, according to a July 2010 study by Peking University People’s Hospital. That’s about 178,977,950 dudes who can’t get it up.


The number of hours a trip on the Shanghai to Beijing high-speed railway will take once it’s completed in 2012. People’s Daily says the train will run 350km per hour and will pass through three municipalities and four provinces.


Teengirl Fantasy on Aug. 20 (p. 34)

2010 Aug.

Summer Loving

Chinese Valentine’s Day hits and there are parties at a few spots around town. Pick of the bunch is at VUE bar in the Hyatt on The Bund. →32


Be There

A month of treats

City Weekend ’s Gourmet Fest begins on Aug. 15. For the following four weeks, a clutch of the best restaurants in town are offering tailor-made set menus to our readers for a fraction of the usual price. Aberdeen Hot Pot, Hamilton House, Leonardo’s, Cristal and others are on board. For full details, head to our dining section. →44


2010 Aug.


August 12-25

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Pavilion of the Week

The EU Reporter

Better life at Houtan Park

European Union Expo reporter Zachary Franklin follows the World Fair’s every move Iran


While Mexico’s reputation in Shanghai is largely limited to tacos and burritos, the pavilion proves that the country has more than tasty food to offer the world. At first glance, the pavilion appears to be composed of little more than 135 colorful, plastic kites perched above a grassy knoll. But peek below the surface, literally, and you’ll find a fantastic display of Mexican culture. In addition to the typical videos and photos of people and landscapes, authentic artifacts from Mexico have been carefully transported across the Pacific to be shared with Expo visitors. You’ll also find an ancient piece of a Mayan wall covered with symbols and characters, which has left its home country for the first time, along with a gorgeous altarpiece called “Painful Virgins” from Mexico City. Art buffs should not skip this pavilion, as there are various installations on the walls. Highlights include a Frieda Kahlo self-portrait and a Javier Marin sculpture. The gift shop is massive and prices are surprisingly reasonable. Order takeaway from Mi Tierra on the way out and have a picnic on the grassy hill in the shade. Find it: Expo Zone C We have all the pavilions online with

at g maps shanghaiexpopavilions

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August 12-25


River Wild

hear you’ve been to every pavil• Iion? That’s right. I’ve been to every

pavilion at the Expo. The last two were the Iraq and Afghanistan pavilions. They opened in June, a month late. I didn’t realize that I had been to every pavilion until I read in the Shanghai Morning Post about some Chinese woman who had visited each one and I was like, “Hey, I did that last week!” Clearly you spend a lot of time at Expo. More time than I should. Usually four or five days a week from 8am-5pm. What are your favorite pavilions? When it comes to national pavilions I always say Spain, Chile and the United Arab Emirates. Spain holds

the rotating EU presidency and every time a visiting delegation comes to town they seem to go there. I’ve been to the Spain Pavilion enough times that I think I can mimic the flamenco dancer. Many funny stories? One time I almost walked right into the presi-

I’ve been to every pavilion at the Expo dent of Finland. It was their national day and I showed up a little late to the event. I saw this huge delegation coming through, so I figured I’d cut through the crowd and then suddenly there is a woman in a blue dress coming at me and everyone is photographing her and she stops right in front of me. I’m blocking her way apparent-

ly. Everything stops and the security was all, like, “What the...?” I stepped aside and said, “My apologies.” Then I walked over to the commissioner-general and asked, “Just so I’m clear, who is that?” “It’s our president,” he told me. What’s Expo like behind the scenes? I’ve seen first-hand that 12-15 countries are really taking the six months of the Expo as a serious business platform. That’s the part that most people don’t see. Anybody who is anybody in the business or political world has either been here or is coming here. Most memorable interview? I interviewed this special delegation from Europe that had come to China for a week specifically to reassure the Chinese that the EU currency was still viable. Here I am, a master’s degree candidate in economics at Fudan, sitting in the back room with these guys and we were talking economic policy. That floored me. ■ Interview by Lee Mack

Houtan Park is one of Expo’s genuine success stories

A lot of lip service has been paid to Expo’s “Better City, Better Life,” theme, but Houta n Park is one of its real green achievements. The 14-hectare landscape project running along the edge of the Huangpu River, Pudong side, was recently awarded the America n Society of L a ndscape A rchitects General Desig n Aw a rd of E xcel le nce . T he awards jury called Houta n Park “powerful and exquisite.” The narrow strip of land between the European pavilions and the Huangpu used to be riddled with pollution and devoid of life–a brown-field left over from Shanghai’s industrial times. These days, the riverbank provides a safe haven for wildlife, a natural flood control system and a space for urban agriculture. The park was designed by Turenscape, a Chinese firm headed by Dr. Yu Kongjian. Yu and his team tore down the concrete flood wall and replaced it with a riprap–a stack of loose, eco-friendly rocks that requires little maintenance for a highly effective means of protecting Shanghai from potential floods. “We wanted to use as many sustainable materials as possible,” Yu tells us. “The

boardwalk is made entirely of bamboo and bricks that were left over from the torn-down industrial buildings and were recycled and integrated into the various new structures that were built.” The water quality in the Huangpu River has a ranking of Lower Grade V, the lowest in China. By oxygenating water with natural processes such as cascades and terraces, and introducing species of lowmaintenance, fast-growing wetla nd pla nts like reeds, corn, rice and lotus, the water quality on the shore of Houtan Park is now Grade III. That means some 2,400 cubic meters of treated water can now be safely used throughout the Expo for non-potable usage. This natural method saves half a million dollars over conventional water treatment. The crops rotate seasonally and, currently, sunflowers are in bloom and rice stalks are peeping out of the ground. “It’s become a refuge for wild species,” says Dr. Yu. “Flocks of Chinese mandarin ducks and families of turtles now reside in the Huangpu River, and, as the activity from the Expo dies down, expect more biodiversity because the habitat will get better and grow.” ■ Angela Mou

It used to be riddled with pollution and devoid of life

August 12-25

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Shanghai huitai real estate 1/2 ad

August 12-25

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© CoverStory Flying a Kite

Simple Pleasures

Kite-flying is illegal outside designated areas, so, to make sure you don’t get in too much trouble enjoying yourselves, we scouted around for Shanghai's best kite-flying areas. Zhongshan Park, Fuxing Park, Century Park, The Bund walkway and the Science and Technology Museum all have open air space and kite-sellers nearby. The parks have the addition of walkable grass, perfect for the recreational use of tethered aircraft, and trees with spiky branches for sudden, anti-climactic, kiteshedding ends to the day. For purely aesthetic reasons, we recommend kites shaped like octopuses or dragons, though there’s much to say for the simple beauty of the classic quadrilateral. For something unique, head to Ru-Wa studio for a kite-making workshop held by appointment any day except Monday. You’ll be taught how to bend bamboo to make a lightweight frame, and then attach personally decorated paper for a kite to call your own. Materials and traditional patterns to copy are provided. Classes cost ¥150, including tea. ■ Chelsea White

Shanghai may be packed with gastro technology, pet cafés, laser discos and high-altitude nail bars, but sometimes you need to take a step back and remember the simple things in life. Here's a list of the stuff we get up to when no one else is looking.

Find it: Zhongshan Park, 780 Changning Lu 上海市长宁路 780号, Tel: 6211-7994; Fuxing Park, 105 Yandang Lu 雁荡路 105号, Tel: 5386-1069; Century Park, 1001 Jinxiu Lu 锦绣路 1001号, Tel: 3876-0588; Science and Technology Museum, 2000 Century Avenue 世纪大道2000号, Tel: 6862-2000; RuWa Studio, 81 Jing'an Villa, Lane 1025 Nanjing Xi Lu 南京西 路1025弄静安别墅81号, Tel: 6218-5859

Snoozing In 5,000 years of history, the Chinese have perfected the art of falling asleep anywhere and at any time of the day. Your China life should incorporate more nap-time than is the Western norm. Choose a set sleep time and, for less groggy wake-ups, limit naps to 45 minutes. Find somewhere to sleep. Set your alarm. Calm your body by breathing slowly. Relax your muscles. Repeat a mantra, count sheep, take a mental walk on a beach and let yourself go. Research has shown that taking a 20-minute nap can improve concentration, alertness, mood and motor skills. Longer naps boost creativity and productivity while reducing stress and lowering the risk of heart attacks. Mammals are programmed to have two dormancy periods (2-4am and 1-3pm), during which we experience intense sleepiness and diminished reaction times, so it’s only natural to spend the afternoon dozing at your desk. Resist the urge for black coffee. Give in to your natural tendency to pass out. With practice you’ll be sleeping in the streets with the pros. ■ Chelsea White Find it: Napping is a ubiquitous pleasure. Enjoy on any flat surface.

Dressing Up Girls have a thing for trying on outfits. For many, the dressing up part is much more fun than the date or the party we’re getting dolledup for. But when your closet has offered up every combination of clothes it contains, hit H&M or ZARA’s dressing rooms to try on their new arrivals. Admire yourself in all three mirrors. Take pictures. Make yourself at home. Nobody cares whether you buy anything, but pick a weekday morning or you’ll have to queue. There’s a seven item maximum, too, so if you hit a busy time, shun the changing room and switch garments behind a clothes rail. As long as you don’t get naked, who’s really going

to care? For a cheaper Chinese store with excellent dress up potential, Star Place has thrifty outfits and less of a crowd. The best dressing up involves becoming someone new. Snow Whites can transform into wicked witches at Yun Shi Ge, a costume-hire outlet near Shanghai Theatre Academy. Outfits cost ¥80-200 for a couple of days, so you can indulge in a little weekend cosplay if you get attached to your new identity. ■ Chersy Miao Find it: H&M, 645 Huaihai Zhong Lu 淮海中路 645-659号, Tel: 5383-8866; ZARA, 688 Huaihai Zhong Lu 淮海中路 688 号, Tel: 6387-2660; Star Place, 166 Tianyaoqiao Lu 天钥桥路 166号, Tel: 6438-4061; Yun Shi Ge, 199 Lianhua Lu 莲花路 199号, Tel: 3422-6653 August 12-25

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© CoverStory For prime climbing territory, head for the forest parks in the suburbs.

Cheap Thrills Busy Shanghai people let fly with their own simple pleasures: Abby Lavin

works for Split Works arranging for some of the hippest bands on earth to tour China. “One of my simple pleasures is purchasing something in a shop with exact change. It’s a bit OCD, but I find the precision satisfying. Plus, getting rid of all those coins lightens the load in my purse.”

Jasmine Chen

is a vocalist who specializes in jazz renditions of Chinese folk. She is currently working on her second album.

Painting Pictures From computer nerds to muscle-head basketball players, we all need a creative outlet. Whether dancing in a club (or on DDR for the geeky), singing in the shower or doodling on your notebook during a meeting, creativity bubbles out of us. But, for more structured sessions, spend a Saturday putting brush to canvas at a painting workshop. The Whale Town is hands down our favorite painting studio. Tucked in a small lane in the center of Jing’an, it offers oil and acrylic lessons for ¥100. The owner, Loli, is an amazing illustrator and eager to pass on her wicked ideas and mad painting skills to art newbies. If you are willing to grapple with a larger canvas, try Culture Matters in the same laneway. This retro shoe shop and painting studio offers lesson with bigger canvases at ¥160. Still think you are not the artistic type? MY Station has idiot-proof oil painting with pictures outlined and marked with numbers. ■ Hailey Meng Find it: The Whale Town, No.72, Lane 1025 Nanjing Xi Lu 南京西路1025弄72号, Tel: 158-0068-9662; Culture Matters, No.63, Lane 1025 Nanjing Xi Lu 南京西路1025弄63号 Tel: 5213-0889; MY Station, 202, Star City, Exit 4, line 3 Hongkou Stadium metro station地铁三号线虹口足球场站星城时尚中 心202室, Tel: 135-2424-5300

“My cat Lucky is my best simple pleasure but recently I’ve really enjoyed making yogurt with my new yogurt-making machine and then offering it with honey and sliced peaches to visiting friends.”

DJ Sacco

is one of Shanghai’s more ubiquitous DJs. He also helps Shanghai Studio promote events. “I like to make a fake CV and take it down to the marriage market in People’s Square to shop around for a potential bride. I spend time with the parents, let them tell me about how wonderful their daughter is, then I explain how much I cherish family and how I respect what they are doing.”

bEn Thriller

is a DJ and the man behind the Boing Boom Tschak and Future parties. He’s a Xingfu Lu regular. “I like to stay in, open a ¥20 bottle of Peakwall and dance to the TV. Television is full of the worst music in the world: jingles, theme songs, background music. To stay home alone and dance to it always makes me laugh (and my dogs freak out).”

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August 12-25

Climbing Trees Like bed-bouncing, climbing trees is an activity that belongs to the earliest stages of childhood rebellion. It takes you back to the days when you first became interested in the outside world, but you weren’t yet cutting class or shoplifting. Downtown parks are the obvious spot to hit, but be careful about which one because our lust for high branches only got us yelled at by bao’an in Jing’an Park. Fuxing Park at midnight, slightly tipsy, is a better bet. It has plenty of ripe branches perfect for wrapping your legs around. But for prime climbing territory, head to any of the big parks in the suburbs, such as Shanghai Gongqing Forest Park (¥15 entry), or to university campuses, where the trees are just as good and the security guards are used to people acting crazy. Beginners, pick a sturdy tree with

plenty of low branches. That gives climbing options and multiple roots of ascension. Think about how animals climb and look for gnarls, knots and bark holes that you can use as footholds. Use your legs more than your arms or you’ll tire out too quickly. Go slow and steady at first. You’ll be able to clamber up faster when you get used to it. Go as high as you ca n before t he branches get too thin and risk breaking. Move around in the crown and, once you’ve achieved your heights, spend a few minutes enjoying the view from the top. Descend slowly, facing the tree like a koala. Try not to end up seriously injured. ■ Chersy Miao Find it: Fuxing Park, 105 Yandang Lu 雁荡路105号, Tel: 5386-1069; Gongqing Forest Park, 2000 Jungong Lu 军 工路2000号, Tel: 6574-0586; Shanghai Normal University, 100 Guilin Lu 桂林路100号, Tel: 6432-2695; Fudan University, 220 Handan Lu 邯郸路220号, Tel: 6564-2222

August 12-25

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© CoverStory Boating

Baking Wonky Cakes Brutal sunlight and the humid plum rain season are certainly not a pleasant combination. So skip the sweat-soaked outdoor activities and spend an afternoon chillaxing at a do-it-yourself bakery and making your loved one a tasty sweet treat. There are plenty of DIY bakeries in town that will teach you how to make delicious cakes and cookies. For the nostalgia junkies, check out DIY Sweet 21. This small bakery and studio offers a variety of classic cakes from tiramisu to vanilla and chocolate cake to good old apple pie. No experience is necessary. In fact, it’s more fun if you don’t know what you’re doing and your treats come out a bit wonky. If you’re ambitious and fancy creating something that’s one-of-a-kind, Choice DIY Chocolate and Cake is a good pick. The friendly owner has more than 100 cake and chocolate

Tooling around the confines of the lakes at Century, Zhongshan and Gongqing Forest Parks is an easy escape from the grit and grime. Though none of the boats reach high speeds, with wind rustling the trees, sun shining on your face and pijiu hitting your lips, you can close your eyes and pretend you’re not trapped in a megalopolis of 20 million. At Century Park (9am-5pm), ¥30 nets you a four-seater and ¥50 a boat for six. You pay by the hour with a refundable deposit of ¥100. Zhongshan Park (9am-3pm) has the same type of boats but each only seats four. Pay ¥40 per hour for an older boat or ¥60 for a newer model. Lay down ¥40 for a deposit. A bit of a schlep but well worth the trek is Gongqing Forest Park (8:30am-5pm), which is in Yangpu, off the northernmost stop on Line 8. ¥15 gets you through the park’s gates where you’ll follow a winding dirt path to the lake. Four-seater row boats are available for ¥30 per hour with a ¥20 deposit. The lake here is the largest in the city and the one where you’re most likely to be drifting by your lonesome. ■ Sophie Friedman

moulds, so whatever is running wild in your imagination, he can teach you how to make it. Yes, we mean iPhone cakes, Louis Vuitton-print icing and jello shaped like babes in bikinis. If you’ve only got a couple of hours to spare, try creating half a dozen yummy cup cakes at C’est Cupcake or some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies at Aike DIY bakery. Decorating is where you can go wild, and everywhere has rainbow shades of frosting. Costs vary depending on the ingredients, style and size of the cakes and cookies, so phone up, reserve a place and tell them what you want to make. ■ Hailey Meng Find it: DIY Sweet 21, 21 Shengping Jie 升平街21号, Tel: 1592192-6873; Choice DIY Chocolate and Cake, Rm 133, 169 Wujiang Lu吴江路169号四季坊133室, Tel: 6217-9778; C’est Cupcake, Rm. 102 Bldg 11, 3911 Hongmei Lu 虹梅路3911号 11号楼102室, Tel: 6228-1205; Aike DIY bakery, Rm 215, 179 Guangji Lu 广纪路179号圣达商务楼215室 Tel: 5161-5657

Getting Lost The dark can make even the most banal streets beautiful.

Every foreigner who ends up in Shanghai must at some level love the idea of getting lost. That is part of the reason we came so far away, to somewhere so foreign. Even if you’ve been here years, this is a city in which it’s always possible to turn a corner and see something new, to wander down an alley into an enclave you’ve never seen before, to wake up on a Metro, stumble out of a station and lose yourself in utterly unfamiliar surroundings. Occasionally, this is a cause of panic. Often, it is a delight. Night is the best time to get lost because the dark can make even the most banal streets beautiful. The next time you leave a bar, ignore the taxi queue and walk home. The long way. Head for the Creek. Explore the voids and the places where the warehouses still remain. Shanghai is one of the safest metropolises in the world. You can walk anywhere at any time of the night without the slightest problem. Stumble on the city’s channels and rat runs, the hazy streets where curbside barbers shave shirtless gentlemen at four in the morning. In the daytime, walk in ever increasing circles. Treat Zhabei as a labyrinth and Yangpu as a puzzle. Life’s routines are the enemy. Taking the same route home from work every day renders the journey meaningless. Tomorrow, take the fire escape down, turn left out the door, stare at the floor and keep turning corners until you hit a wall. Then climb the wall and keep going. ■ Nick Taylor

Find it: Century Park, 1001 Jinxiu Lu 锦绣路1001号, Tel: 38760588; Zhongshan Park, 780 Changning Lu 上海市长宁路780号, Tel: 6211-7994; Gongqing Forest Park, 2000 Jungong Lu 军工 路2000号, Tel: 6574-0586

full listings of all the places mentioned g For here and maps to their locations, visit 20 |

August 12-25

August 12-25

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Friday, Aug. 13

Concert Celebrating Aaron Copland

Known as “the dean of American composers,” Aaron Copland was one of the most important composers to come out of the U.S. in the 20th century. His works achieve a balance between modern music and American folk styles. Conducted by Gao Jian, the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra performs his most popular ballet score, “Appalachian Spring.” ¥20-60. 7:30pm Shanghai Grand Theatre 6217-2426/3055,

Shanghai Quartet in Concert

Play it Again

Piano prince Yundi Li rocks the house with the best of Chopin

When 28-year-old Chongqing-born pianist Chopin Piano Competition at age 18, Li has certainly Yundi Li plays Chopin, it is with such expert made his parents proud. His talent has earned him a precision that the room fills with the aura of the de- contract with record label EMI and the title “Prince ceased composer himself, as if he has returned from of the Piano” in China. His Shanghai recital takes the grave. After tackling the accordion at age four, place at the MISA Pavilion (Music in the Summer Li moved on to his current instrument at age seven Air), a temporary space designed to host and promote and is now a rising star of the world’s classical music classical tunes. Li will be performing Chopin’s most scene. While his playing style tends toward muted well-known pieces including Nocturne No. 1 in B flat and low-key, his music is infused with grace and minor , Op. 9, No. 1 , and Andante Spianato et Grande charm. As both the youngest and first Chinese con- Polonaise Brillante, Op. 22 . ¥50-880 testant to win the prestigious International Fryderyk Yundi Li at the MISA Pavilion, 7:30pm, Aug. 17, Tel: 6468-7730 Rise and fall

Catch a Star

Hailed as one of China’s great stars of the ’40s, singer / actress Zhou Xuan was a true legend and cultural icon of old Shanghai. Composed of four acts, dance drama Zhou Xuan–A Shanghai Dream recreates the storied, troubled life of this Shanghai beauty, from innocent girl to renowned film star to her last sad years. Audiences will enjoy some of Zhou Xuan’s most popular songs like “Four Season Song” and “The Wondering Songstress.” The show is performed by members of the Shanghai Opera House Dance Troupe, many of whom also danced at the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics. ¥100-680 Zhou Xuan–A Shanghai Dream at Shanghai Grand Theatre, 7:15pm, Aug. 13-15, Tel: 136-3632-8980

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August 12-25

Established in 1983, the Shanghai Quartet–two violinists, a violist and a cellist–has earned a reputation as one of the best foursomes in the world. Over the past 20 years they’ve recorded a number of chamber music albums and toured the globe, with stops at New York’s Carnegie Hall and Sydney Opera House. ¥30-680. 7:30pm MISA Pavilion 6217-2426/3055,

Saturday, Aug. 14

Chinese Pipa– Interrupted Dream

Interrupted Dream is the most famous classic Chinese Kunqu opera. Composed by Liu Tianhua and presented by Dunhuang Xinyu folk music group, it makes a most romantic show to watch just two days before Chinese Valentine’s Day. ¥80-300. 7:30pm Shanghai Oriental Art Center 62172426/3055,

ZMACK! Improv

This improv group draws its inspiration from British TV show “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” and features a host of witty comedians who’ll have you in stitches. Audience suggestions and both willing and reluctant volunteers play heavily into the show, so bear this in mind when deciding on those front row seats. ¥50, reservations suggested. 9pm Sound Blue 151-0212-0041,

Saturday, Aug. 14-15

Ukrainian National Children’s Ballet

A troupe of 36 children ages 11-16 perform Snow White and Cinderella. Don’t let the age of these performers deceive you–the show is far from amateur and promises to impress. ¥80280. Noon

Shanghai City Theatre 136-3632-8980

China Philharmonic Orchestra Concert

Conducted by Yu Long and Xia Xiaotang, the China Philharmonic Orchestra teams up with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra to present a collection of Gustav Mahler’s best work. ¥60-1,580. 7:30pm MISA Pavilion 6217-2426/3055,

Trio Ismena

Formed in 2004, this Danish classical music trio–Ida Narholm on cello, Christine Raft on piano and Monika Malmquist on violin–have been praised as “playing as angels with elegance.” They perform Beethoven’s piano trio Op. 70 No. 2, Lange-Müller’s piano trio Op. 53 and a selection of Jesper Koch’s work. ¥60-300. 7:30pm Shanghai Oriental Art Center 62172426/3055,

Monday, Aug. 16

Shen Yang Vocal Recital

Shen Yang, said to have a “one-ina-million voice” by British conductor Antonio Pappano, presents the melodious works of Schubert, Schumann, Loewe, Mahler and Wulf. ¥50-880. 9:30pm MISA Pavilion 6217-2426/3055,

Thursday, Aug. 19

Jo Sumi Vocal Recital

Known for her interpretations of the bel canto repertoire, the beautiful singing voice of South Korean soprano Jo Sumi won her a Grammy Award in 2008. She also sang at the 2002 World Cup opening in Seoul and the Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony in 2008. ¥50-880. 7:30pm MISA Pavilion 6217-2426/3055,

Friday, Aug. 20

Chill-Out Night

Founded in 2006, Shanghai Hailin jazz band is known for its creativity. Together with Ji Xiaolan, one of Shanghai’s top singers, the group performs classics like “My Way,” and “Singing in the Rain.” ¥60-380. 7:30pm Shanghai Oriental Art Center 6217-3055,

The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Concert

The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra has been making great music since 1946 and has been hailed as one of the best orchestras in the world. Conducted by Chinese maestro Lin Daye, this famous orchestra brings Shanghai a top-notch

Through Tuesday, Aug. 31

The Chan Temple: Legend of Shaolin Warriors


MISA Pavilion 6217-2426/3055,

He Luting Concert Hall 6217-2426/3055,

MISA Pavilion 6217-2426/3055,

More than 50 Shaolin monks perform Shaolin boxing and qigong, making the belly or the top of the head invulnerable to knife and sword. Designed specially for Expo, the show presents the aesthetic and philosophical values of Chinese kung fu through a stage performance combining Shaolin martial arts and modern dance. Performances held daily at 1pm, 3pm, 4pm and 8pm.

Expo Entertainment Hall

Through Thursday, Sep. 30

Huangpu Sensation

This acrobatic spectacular is performed by the Shanghai Acrobatic Troupe. They carry out a variety of stunts from pole-climbing to dishtwirling and one-handed balancing acts. Bring your family for a night out with this well-known Chinese ensemble. ¥150-280. 7:30pm Shanghai Centre Theatre

Every Saturday

Saturday Brunch Concert

This weekly concert is a cheap choice if you want to enjoy classical masterpieces from Shanghai’s reputable ensembles. This year, musicians from Shanghai Opera House, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra and Shanghai Conservatory of Music play scores from 12 great composers including Beethoven and Brahms. ¥30-80. 10am

Shanghai Oriental Art Center 6854-1234,

Listings Find ALL Shanghai theaters at Below are those with the highest BUZZ.

Events at the Expo Site

Tenors Liao Chagyong and Wei Song, soprano Xu Xiaoying, pianist Xu zhong and conductor Yu Long will perform together at the opening concert of the MISA (Music in the Summer Air) festival. Expect classical tunes from Rossini, Puccini, Chopard and Resipighi. ¥60-1,580. 7:30pm

Chongqing-born pianist Wenyu Shen showcases his great talent as he cooperates with Hong Kong Children’s Orchestra, a professionally trained group that has performed in Bangkok, New York and a host of other cities worldwide. ¥30-180. 7:30pm

night of music. ¥80-1,880. 7:30pm

Online Ticketing

China Tickets 中国票务在线 MonFri 9am-8pm. Huangpu > Rm.801, Shenxin Building, 200 Ninghai Dong Lu(near Yongshou Lu)宁海东路200号申鑫大厦801室(近永寿路). Tel: 5150-9000, 400-810-3721. service@piao.

Multiple Locations

MISA Opening Concert

Wenyu Shen & Hong Kong Children Orchestra

Eticket 东方票务 8:30am-7:30pm. Xuhui > 888 Fanyu Lu(near Hongqiao Lu, Metro Line 3 & 4 Exit 2)番禺路888号(近虹桥路,地铁3,4 号线虹桥路2号口). Tel: 962388, 6448-2500. Mypiao 买票网 This website offers tickets

to major stage events including concerts, dramas and operas. You can also find tickets to large sporting and community events on the site. Using an online system, customers can view the position of their seats before making the purchase. Bilingual services available. 9am-8pm (order through phone); 24H (order online). Xujiahui > Rm.505, Hua Ding Building, 2368 Zhongshan Xi Lu(near Caoxi Bei Lu, Metro Line 1 Shanghai Stadium Station, Exit 7, Metro Line 3 Caoxi Lu Station) 中山西路2368号华鼎大厦505室(近漕溪北 路, 地铁1,4号线上海体育馆站7号口,地铁3号 线漕溪路站). Tel: 400-620-6006; 6126-0710.

Family Friendly

Choppin’ up Chopin

Thursday, Aug. 12

Sunday, Aug. 15

Editor's Pick


© Performance


Upload Your Event: Every issue we publish THE BEST events from our website. The next issue covers Aug. 26-Sep. 8. Upload events by Aug. 16.

August 12-25

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9am-11am, 1:30pm-5pm (box office). Xuhui > 643 Huashan Lu(near Wulumuqi Bei Lu, Metro Line 2 Jingan Temple Station or Metro Line 1 Changshu Lu Station)华山路643号(近乌鲁木 齐北路, 地铁2号线静安寺站或地铁1号线常 熟路站). Tel: 6249-7313(tickets), 6248-2928.

→ MISA Events

Dutch Culture Centre 荷兰文化馆



This 11-day classical music fest features top musicians like pianist Yundi Li and South Korean soprano Jo Sumi, from August 12-22.

→ Ukrainian National

Children’s Ballet

Indulge your inner child with Snow White and Cinderella , a ballet show by 36 little dancers on Aug. 14-15. Shanghai Cultural Information & Booking Center 上海文化信息票 务中心 This ticketing center covers a wide

range of up-to-date stage shows, including classical and pop music concerts, plays, musicals, dances shows, acrobatics and so on. Check out their bilingual listings and find your favorite event at your leisure. 9am-7pm. Jing An > 272 Fengxian Lu(near Nanjing Xi Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Xi Lu Station, Exit 1)奉贤路272号(近南京西路, 地铁2号线南京西路站1号口). Tel: 62172426,6217-3055. 上海票务 Mon-Fri 9-6pm,

Sat-Sun 9am-5pm. Luwan > Rm. 1107, Bldg B, 277 Dongtai Lu(near Xizang Nan Lu, Metro Line 8 Laoximen Station Exit 2 or 3)东台路 277号国际广场B座1107室(近西藏南路, 地 铁8号线老西门路站2,3号口). Tel: 400-8202426, 51082426. www. This company is

Multiple Locations Family Friendly

Expo Entertainment Hall 世博演艺 大厅 The red, irregular-shaped auditorium

is situated within polygon-styled glass lounges, resembling a red diamond shining in a crystal box. Designed for largescale exhibitions, the hall’s stages can change shapes depending on different performances. Expo Site > Expo Site Zone D.

He Luting Concert Hall 贺绿汀 音乐厅 Located inside the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, this 4,324 sq. meter theater has 700+ seats often filled with those who’ve come to watch performances and competitions of the school’s students. The shape and acoustic design is reminiscent of Vienna’s Golden Concert Hall. 9am-5pm. Wi-Fi internet. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 20 Fenyang Lu(near Fuxing Zhong Lu,Metro Line 1 Changshu Lu Station Exit 2)汾阳路20号(近复兴中路,地铁 1号线常熟路站2号口). Tel: 6431-1792, 64334348. Hongkou Soccer Stadium 虹口足 球场 Located in Hongkou, this 56,000

headquarter in Shanghai and has over four million registered online customers across the country. Choose online or call their hotline to get tickets for concerts, dances, circuses and sports games. Bilingual service is available. 9am-8:30pm (order through phone); 24H (order online). Xujiahui > 漕溪北路18号上海实业大厦16楼F室 (近虹桥路, 地铁1号线徐家汇站)Rm. F, 16/ F, Shanghai Industry Building, 18 Caoxi Bei Lu(near Hongqiao Lu, Metro Line 1 Xujiahui Station). Tel: 6111-5955. newtickets/english.

sq. meter stadium has been a very popular venue for singers and live music groups over the years. For half a century, the stadium has been the site of many concerts and, at capacity, can hold 35,000 screaming fans and 47 boxes stuffed with VIPs. 10am-8pm. Hongkou > 444 Jiangwandong Lu(near Huayuan Lu, Metro Line 3 or 8 Hongkou Football Stadium Station) 东江湾路444号(近花园路, 地铁3号,8号线虹 口足球场站). Tel: 6540-0009.

Tickets365 票务之星 Customer

Jin Mao Concert Hall 金茂音乐厅

service takes a special meaning at this ticket marketing agency, where attention to details and experience are clear in everything they do. Mon-Fri 10am-6pm, Sat 9:30am-5pm. Jing An > Rm.B, 23/F Heyi Building, 420 Jiangning Lu(near Nanjing Xi Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Xi Lu Station)江宁路 420号和一大厦23楼B座(近南京西路, 地铁 2号线南京西路站). Tel: 800-820-7910, 400820-7910, 6272-8333, 6272-7910. www.

Editor's Pick

This is the place to go to get a taste of the Expo in downtown Shanghai. Renovated from an old factory, the culture centre is equipped with a 500-sq. meter exhibition space and a 300-seat theatre hall. As an official part of Shanghai World Expo 2010, it supplements the Dutch Pavilion in showcasing a variety of exhibitions, film screenings and stage shows. Tue-Sun 11am-7pm. Jing An > 800 Changde Lu(near Changping Lu, Metro Line 7 Changping Lu Station)常德路800号(近昌平路, 地 铁7号线昌平路站). Tel: 150-2657-5312.

Tixone 一票通 This ticket provider

offers booking services to the whole country by utilizing a diverse range of methods including online and in person. Service is available in English and they also provide a free ticket delivery service in the downtown area for purchases of over ¥200. Mon-Fri 9am-8:30pm, Sat-Sun 9am-6pm. Xuhui > F Bldg 16, 18 Caoxi Bei Lu(near Zhaojiabang Lu, Metro Line 1 Xujiahui Station)漕溪北路18号实业大厦16楼F座(近 肇嘉浜路, 地铁1号线徐家汇站). Tel: 54590415, 800-820-1585.


Children’s Art Theatre of China Welfare Institute 中国福利会 儿童艺术剧院 This institute was the first professional troupe established for children in Shanghai. Since its foundation in 1947, it has implemented the policy set down by founder Soong Ching Ling to serve the children whole-heartedly through the performance of engaging experimental and demonstrative dramas.

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August 12-25

Located on the first floor of Jin Mao Tower Side Building, this 398-seat venue consists of a concert hall and an art corridor. Many famous chamber music groups have performed in the hall and you can relax and have drinks at the art corridor during intermissions. 10am-5pm. Lujiazui > 1/F annex of Jin Mao Tower, 88 Shiji Da Dao(near Lujiazui Dong Lu, Metro Line 2 Lujiazui Station Exit 1)世纪大道88号金茂大厦裙房 1楼(近陆家嘴东路, 地铁2号线陆家嘴站1 号口). Tel: 5047-2612, 5047-6688 ext.5209. www.

Lyceum Theatre 兰心大戏院 Built in

1930, this classic European style threefloor theater took on a new look by designers from Singapore in 2003. It has been entertaining audiences in the heart of Luwan district, producing a variety of musicals, dramas, operas and comedies and has become a historic landmark as one of Shanghai’s oldest theaters. 9am-7pm. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 57 Maoming Nan Lu(near Changle Lu,Metro Line 1 Shaan Xi Nan Lu Station and Metro Line 2 Nanjing Xi Lu Station)茂名南路57号(近长乐路, 地铁 1号线陕西南路站或2号线南京西路站). Tel: 6217-8530, 6256-5544(tickets).

Majestic Theatre 美琪大戏院

Founded in 1941, this well-known historic building is truly representative of artdeco architecture and features a crystal chandelier in the lobby. Able to seat 1,328 people, it is the home to large-scale opera, ballet and stage performances. 10am-9pm (box office). Nanjing Xi Lu > 66 Jiangning

Lu(near Fengxian Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Xi Lu Station, Exit 1)江宁路66号(近奉贤路, 地 铁二号线南京西路站1号口). Tel: 6217-3311.

MISA Pavilion 上海夏季音乐节音乐 厅 Short for “ Music In the Summer Air” , MISA Pavilion is a 1,500 sq. m temporary concert hall that specially designed for the 2010 Shanghai outdoor summer classical music festival. Xuhui > 20 Fenyang Lu near Huaihai Zhong Lu 汾阳路20号(近淮海中路). Tel: 962388 (tickets). en/misa/about_misa.asp Shanghai Art Theater 艺海剧院 Built in 2001, this eight-floor modern theater is equipped with top-of-theline stage, light and stereo systems. The revolving stage can be shifted up or down depending on the dictates of the performance. There are 721 seats downstairs and 278 up for grabs on the top level. Nanjing Xi Lu > 466 Jiangning Lu(near Kangding Lu)江宁路466号(近康 定路). Tel: 6256-8282(tickets), 6256-0606, 6256-0066. Shanghai Centre Theatre 上海商城 剧院 Based in the fully-serviced Shanghai

Center complex, this theater is located on Nanjing Xi Lu and is well-known for jazz concerts, chamber music, operas and acrobatic shows. 9:30am-10:30pm (box office). Nanjing Xi Lu > 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Xikang Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Xi Lu Station)南京西路1376号(近西康路, 地铁2 号线南京西路站). Tel: 6279-8663. theatre@

Shanghai Circus World 上海马 戏城 Acclaimed as “China’s No. 1 Circus World,” this venue can easily be spotted thanks to its conspicuous golden superdome. With top-notch acoustics, an advanced computer-controlled lighting system, 1,600 seats, a motorized, revolving stage and 1,500 sq. meters of stables for elephants, tigers and many other creatures, it’s fully equipped to put on a real show. 9am-8pm (box office). Zhabei > 2266 Gonghexin Lu(near Guangzhong Lu,Metro Line 1 Maxin Cheng Station Exit 3) 共和新路2266号(近广中路, 地铁1号线马戏 城站3号口). Tel: 6552-5468. Shanghai City Theatre 上海城市 剧院 This two-level 1,122-seat theater

is a cultural landmark of Minhang, neighboring the district’s library and archives. Equipped with an international quality lighting and audio system, the venue provides culture enthusiasts with plays, concerts and musicals in a stateof-the-art space. Located near Xinzhuang, it can be conveniently reached via public transportation and highway. Minhang > 4889 Dushi Lu(near Mingdu Lu, Metro Line 1 Xinzhuang Station)都市路4889号(近名都路, 地铁1号线莘庄站). Tel: 5415-2679.

Shanghai Concert Hall 上海音 乐厅 Built in 1930 and originally called

the Nanking Theatre, this concert hall regularly hosts concerts from international music troupes. The theater’s classical European architecture makes it one of the most famous architectural and cultural heritages sites in Shanghai. 9am-7:30pm (box office). People’s Square > 523 Yan’an Dong Lu(near Longmen Lu, Metro Line 1, 2 & 8 People’s Square Station)延安东路523号(近 龙门路, 地铁8号线大世界站,或1号线黄陂南 路站). Tel: 5386-6666 (operator), 6386-2836 (tickets). asp.

Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center 上海话剧艺术中心 Housing two spacious

rehearsal halls set in an expansive building covering an area of 15,000 sq. meters; this modern theater has played home to many opera companies over the years. Currently this performance space provides a cultural center for both artists and their opera enthusiasts. 9am-8pm (box office). Changning > 288 Anfu Lu(near Wukang Lu, Metro Line 1 Changshu Lu Station)安福路 288号(近武康路, 地铁1号线常熟路站). Tel: 5465-6200,6473-0123(tickets). marketing@

Shanghai Gong Stage 上海共舞 台 A relic from Shanghai’s pre-war years, this used to be one of Shanghai’s four main opera theaters in the 1930s. Though perhaps lacking some of the glory it owned in yesteryear, its 1,207 seats are still occupied when operas and some big concerts put out the call from the stage. Huangpu > 433 Yan’an Dong Lu(near Xizang Zhong Lu, Metro Line 1 & 2 People’s Square Station)延安东路433号(近西藏中路, 地铁 1, 2号线人民广场站). Tel: 6328-5779, 63285089. Shanghai Grand Stage 上海大舞 台 The two-layer, 1250 sq. meter stage

is the first theater-style, multi-function indoor stadium in China. Acting also as a conference center, the venue can hold up to 10,000 attendees for performances and 12,000 people at sporting events. Xuhui > 1111 Caoxi Bei Lu(near Tianyaoqiao Lu, Metro Line 1 Shanghai Stadium Station)漕溪北路 1111号(近天钥桥路, 地铁1号线上海体育 馆站). Tel: 6426-5678(tickets), 6438-4952.

Shanghai Grand Theatre 上海 大剧院 With its unique location and beautiful views, this crystal palace is an emblem of the Shanghai cityscape. The 10-story structure houses three theaters that can hold nearly 4,000 people. 9am-7pm (box office). People’s Square > 300 Renmin Da Dao(near Huangpi Bei Lu, Metro Line 1, 2 & 8 People’s Square Station)人民大 道300号(近黄陂北路, 地铁1, 2, 8号线人民广 场站). Tel: 6386-8686(operator), 6372-8702(tickets). webmaster@shgtheatre. com. Shanghai Oriental Art Center 上 海东方艺术中心 Designed by famous

French architect Paul Andreu, this 40,000 square meters lotus-shapes building is one of the most well-known art and performance centers in China. It hosts opera, concerts, performances as well as art education lectures. 9am-8pm. Century Park > 425 Dingxiang Lu(near Yingchun Lu, Metro Line 2 Science and Technology Museum Station)丁香路425号(近迎春路, 地铁2号线上海科技馆站). Tel: 6854-1234.

Shanghai Puppet Theatre 上海 木偶剧团演展中心 Affiliated with the Shanghai Puppet Troupe, this conveniently located theater has 230 seats and specializes in family-friendly stage shows that include puppetry, dramatic productions and children’s ballet. Bring your family along for a night of fun in this fully equipped space. Nanjing Xi Lu > 5/F, Ciro’s Plaza, 388 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Huangpi Bei Lu, Metro Line 1, 2 & 8 People’s Square Station)南京西路388号仙乐斯广场5楼(近黄 陂北路, 地铁1, 2, 8号线人民广场站). Tel: 5169-1234(tickets), 6334-5200. Shanghai Stadium 上海体育场

This saddle-shaped stadium’s unique design makes movie-watching a grand experience. Covering a floor area of 190,000 sq. meters, the stadium can seat 80,000 film fanatics in one go. Large awnings can be spread overtop the crowd in the case of rain or blinding sun. 9am-5pm (box office). Xuhui > 666 Tianyaoqiao Lu(near Lingling Lu, Metro Line 1 or Line 4 Shanghai Stadium Station, Metro Line 3 Caoxi Lu Station)天钥桥路666号(近零 陵路, 地铁1号线和4号线上海体育馆站,地铁 3号线漕溪路站). Tel: 6426-6666 ext. 2567.

Shanghai Symphony Orchestra Hall(SSO Hall) 上海交响乐团演奏 厅 This concert hall plays host to the

musicians of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, serving as the site of their performances, rehearsals and get togethers. Small chamber music concerts are held almost every Friday which bring classical and contemporary masterpieces to the audience for an affordable price. Wi-Fi internet. Xuhui > 105 Hunan Lu(near Huaihai Xi Lu, Metro Line 1 Hengshan Lu Station)湖南路105号(近淮海西路,地铁 1号线衡山路). Tel: 6437-2735(tickets), 6431-3018(for chamber music only). club@

© Art

Opening Saturday, Aug. 14 A collection of Dutch and Chinese artists, architects and digital media specialists showcase their work in this exhibition. It highlights how media, art and technology can make a huge contribution towards the design of a future city. Look for a model “utopian” city with interactive robots and a 46-meter video installation of proposals for green cities. Dutch Culture Centre 150-2657-5312,

Saturday, Aug. 21

Light and Shadow Dance While referencing two styles separated by a century, Cheng Xiang and Xu Jiaying’s dual exhibition features jewelry designed to appeal to your sense of humor as well as your intellect. Cheng’s glasswork harks back to the familiar patterns of the Victorian era, while Xu’s points toward a sleek future. The opening reception is Saturday, August 21 from 4-6pm. twocities gallery 5252-1518,

Closing Through Saturday, Aug. 14

Wang Qifeng

Stop, Stereotypes

2nd Impressions reconsiders contemporary Chinese art

Art Labor’s “2nd Impressions” encourages viewers to take the tricky term “contemporary Chinese art,”–referenced by many but defined by few–and rethink its meaning. Canadian gallerist Martin Kemble dismisses the label as marginalizing. “We seek artists who are not so easily defined by any particular group, just as the gallery is not necessarily a space concerned with the actual [local] art scene,” he explains. Rejuvenation is an appropriate theme for the booming gallery’s new, larger space. Kimble’s resistance to clichés is a refreshing change from the prevalence of Chinese art catering to Western tastes. You will see no pop art pictures of Mao under McDonald’s golden arches. Instead, the artists showcase an eclectic range of styles representative of their diverse backgrounds. Danish artist Per Adolfsen’s Day of the Falling Planets ‘Oooooooo!’ offers a fantastical, dreamlike landscape populated by crashing celestial orbs. Swirling patterns rendered in sticky acrylic contrast with the strict linearity of the forest grounds and trees. Colors are jarring and painted with the frenetic energy of a Basquiat. The

effect induces claustrophobic anxiety and compelling disorientation. The sublime grey and white gradations of Chinese artist You Si’s How it All Got Started 1 are intuitively soothing. In this microscopic view of human conception, thousands of painstakingly detailed sperm bend towards a vulva by a centripetal pull. Si tells us that he “put[s] universal themes into a meticulous microcosm.” The most amusing piece is the video installation The Invisible Dog–Andy by Korean-American artist “Suitman,” né Young Kim. Filmed in Ethiopia and Buenos Aires, it features Kim strolling down the streets walking an invisible dog. His debonair attitude to the obviously absurd situation is a hilarious antithesis to the bewildered stares of passers-by. That Kemble rejects the politically fraught, identity-obsessed work of the ’90s and instead showcases this exhibition–an exemplary collection of ’00s work–is a potent symbol of the present and future state of an art scene that is far from burgeoning and very much near to explosion. ■ Michelle Ong 2nd Impressions at Art Labor 2.0, Bldg. 4, 570 Yongjia Lu 永嘉路570号 4号楼, through Aug. 25, Tel: 3460-5331,

“Zen in Daily Life” is a solo showcase of contemporary artist Wang Qifeng’s works, which are very Zen indeed. He draws inspiration from the idea of co-existing with nature and from his everyday life. Step in for a tranquil break from your daily hustle and bustle. Noeli Gallery 6431-9442,

Through Sunday, Aug. 15

New Nordic Landscapes This exhibition from Copenhagen’s Danish Architecture Centre shows visitors that landscape architecture is more than just “making things look pretty.” It can also promote healthier and better living conditions for people in cities and rural areas.

Nordic Lighthouse 136-5187-7467,

Canvas and Bronze

Artist Li Lei’s bronze sculpture series, “Fallen Angels.” highlights the ongoing “battle between light and dark, emotions and enlightenment, and between humanity and what lies beyond.” His newest series, “Shanghai Flowers,” is bright and full of raw energy. Elisabeth de Brabant Art Center 6466-7428,

Xing Xin: Meditation on Floating Ice

Xing Xin drove a truck and hiked to the source of the Yangtze River, schlepped up a Tibetan glacier, got a piece of ice and put it in his truck, then he drove to the mouth of the river and tried to jump off a bridge but was stopped by security guards. Check out a video of the escapade, photographs and an installation. Art Labor 6431-7782,

August 12-25

| 25


Per Adolfsen's Day of the Falling Planets ‘Oooooooo!’

Per Adolfsen’s Day of the Falling Planets ‘Oooooooo!’

Adaptation: Designing the Future City

A statement of the heterogeneity of globalized identities, the exhibition provides a controversial glimpse into the social effects of racial mixing in Doutheast Asia today. The “Live Another Thousand Years” collection is a must-see–personal projects that narrate the histories of multiple artists. Includes works of photographer Angki Purbandono, mask maker F.X. Harsono and abstract painter Christine Ay Tjoe. MoCA 6327-9900,

Through Friday, Aug. 20

Elementary Spectacle

This exhibition features Shi Qing and Shao Yi’s first collaborative installation. Both artists challenge the audience’s understanding of the physical world, as Shi Qing alters the shape of his construction material and Shao Yi approaches the subject of witchcraft.

Leo Gallery 5465-8785,

Expanding Horizons: Manufacturing New Landscapes

Ben Houge, Cindy Ng, Nial O’Connor and VIWA explore the way that landscapes, unlike the skyscrapers of a city, allow us to see realism, metaphor and abstraction. The exhibition includes paintings, photographs, video and sound art, and aims to represent four very diverse artists, all of whom live and work in China. Art+Shanghai 6248-4388,

Yun-Fei Ji

Beijing-born and Hangzhou-raised artist Yun-Fei Ji takes the symbols found in classical Chinese paintings and contemporizes them, drawing from his life experiences and his time as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Arkansas.

Shanghart Gallery 6359-3923,

James Cohan Gallery Shanghai 5466-0825,

Through Sunday, Aug. 22

Tibetan Woodcuts

Gas Station3–Soft Landing, Hard Landing

Get pumped for Gas Station’s third exhibition featuring the images, videos and installations of artists Cheng Ran, Li Ming, Li Wenqiang, Lu Jiawei, Xu Shijun and Ye Linghan. Unlike pieces in earlier exhibitions, the works of these young artists are typical of China’s post ’80s generation, placing a heavy emphasis on the role of the self in observation and inspection of society. Vanguard Gallery 5252-2551 / 6299-3523,


Each picture in this Beijing-born artist’s show was exposed directly onto a silver print with a large-format camera. Each shot is made up of eight or more separate prints that have been combined, making them completely original works. Don Gallery 6473-1533,

Police and Her

Fourteen artists explore the uneasy relationship between women and the police, a force that maintains a socioeconomic order that often discriminates against women. This collective response maintains coherence using a focused aesthetic theme: the juxtaposition of the female form with that of the uniformed policeman. ifa gallery 6256-0835,

Twelve Tibetan artists exhibit woodcuts in this show. In creating them, the artists take something ubiquitously found in nature and turn it into real works of art. The rich colors, mixed with the fine lines of the wood, bring to mind visions of North American totem poles. M50 Creative Space 6276-6306,

Here, There, Where?

Sim Chan and Sun Yu explore the relationship between architecture and human lives, humans and their inner selves and the nature of human existence. Yu does portraiture, working with neutral colors and a soft background. Chan paints skylines that feature distorted high-rise buildings. Both focus on humans who live in urban environments and how this affects their nature. FQ Projects 6466-2940,

Through Sunday, Sept. 12

Laurina Paperina

Young Italian artist Laurina Paperina unveils her first solo show in China. Her work is a series of animations featuring ironic protagonists and it synthesizes internet culture, TV, comic strips, video games, sci-fi and cartoons, and showcases her wit, sense of humor and immediacy. 18Gallery 6323-7066 ext. 3102,

Add Your Event: Every issue we publish THE BEST events from our website. The next issue covers Aug. 26-Sept. 8. Upload your event by Aug. 16. 26 | August 12-25

Galerie Beaugeste 6466-9012,

Through Sunday, Oct. 31

Open Wall

Coming straight from the 53rd Venice Biennale, Sheng Shan Shan’s “Open Wall” is a 20-meter glass installation that recreates the Great Wall. The transparency of Sheng’s chosen medium reinterprets the iconic monument–each of the 2208 glass bricks delivers a powerful message on contemporary China’s newfound openness. Temporality, permeability and the question of outsider / insider status are themes especially pertinent in the context of the Expo. Expo Zone E > UBPA Joint Pavilion B1

Hong Kong: Creative Ecologies

This exhibition showcases Hong Kong’s top designers in fashion, luxury goods and interior services. Fifty up-and-coming designers present creative solutions for 50 identical sculptures whose overarching theme is “a better tomorrow.” The installation contrasts the work of Hong Kong’s current design stars and those who will soon be shining bright. The Bridge 8 Phase III

Listings Galleries

18Gallery 外滩18号创意中心 Within the confines of the more experimental Creative Center at Bund 18 is this newly launched gallery. Aiming to live up to this new creative arts space’s motto, living with art, Danysz will bring in young, emerging, international artists with a focus on new media. There will be monthly shows and weekly events through the Creative Center such as book signings and art talks. 10am-midnight. Huangpu > Bldg 4, 18 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu(near Sichuan Zhong Lu)中山东一路18号4楼(近四川中路). Tel: 6323-7066 ext. 3102. 1918 ArtSPACE The gallery’s spacey,

quiet warehouse setting is ideal for viewing the progressive multimedia art produced by some of the most daring young artists in Shanghai. A showcase exhibition generally shares space with resident pieces. MonSun 10:30am-6:30pm. Putuo > 20 Moganshan Lu(near Xi Suzhou Lu)莫干山路20号(近苏州 西路). Tel: 62769100.

Andrew James Art 安杰当代艺术画 廊 This 300 sq. meter gallery is housed in period colonial mansion, making for a distinct environment for the Chinese contemporary art displayed. Regular monthly exhibitions in this gallery showcase contemporary art from China, Japan and Korea. Tue-Sun 11am-7pm. Nanjing Xi Lu > 39 Maoming Bei Lu(near Yan’ an Zhong Lu)茂名北路39号(近延安中路). Tel: 5228-7550.

Art Scene Warehouse 艺术景仓 库 One of Shanghai’s earliest established art galleries and a founder of M50, this sleek 1,800 sq. meter space aim to present a platform for Chinese contemporary artworks and to promote dialogue between Chinese and international artists. It also hosts an annual Chinese Art Prize competition juried by international museum directors. Tue-Sun 10am-6:30pm. Putuo > 2/F, Bldg 4, 50 Moganshan Lu(near Changhua Lu)莫干山路50号4号楼2楼(近昌化 路). Tel: 6277-4940. info@artscenewarehouse. com. Art+Shanghai 艺术+上海 The European founders aim to initiate greater contact between artists and the general Shanghai public through an impressive rotation of artworks by up-and-coming Chinese artists. This gallery also provides art consultations in addition to its contemporary exhibits. Tue-Sun 11pm-7pm or by appointment. Jing An > 22 Fumin Lu, House 2(Near Yanan Lu)富民路2弄22号 (近延安路). Tel: 6248-4388. contact@ www.artplusshanghai. com. Don Gallery This gallery located in the

heart of the former French Concession focuses on contemporary art from China and abroad. Don Gallery approaches art with the belief that art is not only an expression of ideas and emotions, but that it is inherently beautiful. Their motto: “There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all. So is art.”. TUESUN 11am-6pm. French Concession > 1863 Huaihai Zhong Lu(Huaihai Lu, near Xingguo Lu)淮海中路1863号. Tel: 6473-1533. info@

Elisabeth de Brabant Art Center

Two galleries, a cafe and offices combine to make this small but energetic art space. The programs include exhibitions, lectures, workshops, and symposiums, art competitions and art-film festivals, all of which aim to encourage intellectual collaboration between Contemporary artists and art enthusiasts both Chinese and foreign. Tues-Fri, 10am- 6:30 pm; SatSun, 1:30 pm-6:30 pm; closed Mondays. No. 299 Fuxing Xi Lu(near Huashan Lu)复 兴中路299号(近华山路). Tel: 6466-7428. www.

Fellini Gallery Located in a renovated three-story lane house in the middle of the French Concession, this gallery showcases international, as well as Chinese, contemporary art through the paintings, sculptures, and photography. Also an art salon, Fellini Gallery aims to provoke EastWest cultural exchange. Tue-Fri noon-8pm; Sat -Sun 11am-8pm, Closed Monday. French Concession > No.15, Lane 339 Changle Lu(near Xiangyang Lu)长乐路339弄15号(近襄阳路). Tel: 5404-7787. www. FQ Projects This tiny gallery tucked away in the famous cultural lane Huaihai Fang specializes in promoting young Chinese contemporary artists. This cozy space makes full use of every inch, with portable walls and exhibits sometimes extending into the mini-garden and office next door. 10am-6pm (Thu 10am-9pm). Huaihai Zhong Lu > No. 76, Lane 927 Huaihai Zhong Lu(near Maoming Nan Lu, Metro Line

Galerie Beaugeste 比极影像 This

gallery specializes in contemporary photography (mostly in black and white), showcasing major western and Chinese artists. Beaugeste aims to display meaningful photography for viewers to see and to appreciate photography both mentally and emotionally, and to stimulate curiosity and questions about the world. 10am-6pm. Fuxing Park > Space 519, Bldg 5, Lane 210 Taikang Lu(near Sinan Lu)泰康路210 弄5号楼519空间(近思南路). Tel: 6466-9012.

ifa gallery 艺法画廊 Housed in a

beautifully restored former British concession mansion, this venue is a colonial contrast to the contemporary art inside. ifa gallery showcases young and independent artists from around Asia, with a focus on China, yet they also believe in not forgetting the more established artists on the scene. Tue-Sun, 10am-7pm. Jing An > 621 Changde Lu(near Wuding Lu)621常德路(近武定路). Tel: 6256-0835.

island6 Arts Center Founded in 2006, this art center is an artist-founded, artist-run organization based in Shanghai. island6 Arts Center operates on a not-forprofit basis and is dedicated to supporting emerging artists and the initiation of risktaking programs that explore new curatorial models and to innovative site-specific projects. Daily 10am-7pm. Wi-Fi internet. Suzhou Creek > 2/F, Bldg 6, 50 Moganshan Lu莫 干山路50号6号楼2楼(近昌化路和西苏州路). Tel: 6227-7856. www. James Cohan Gallery Shanghai

This gallery from New York aims to cast itself as a place for progressive ideas from around the world to take shape. It seeks to showcase the most dynamic international artists, from those already well-known in China, such as American artist Bill Viola and Korean video pioneer Nam June Paik, to those who are just being introduced here, such as Nigerian-born artist, Yinka Shonibare. Tue-Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 12pm-6pm, Mon by appointment. Wi-Fi internet. French Concession > 1/F, Building 1, Lane 170 Yue Yang Road, Shanghai(between Jian Guo Xi Road and Yong Jia Road)岳阳路170弄1号楼1楼1 号(近建国西路). Tel: +86 (21) 5466 0825. lxu@

Leo Gallery Situated in the elegant, cozy nook of Ferguson lane, this renovated brick duplex house-cum-gallery presents contemporary artwork by young yet acclaimed international artists. This venue believes that fine arts is a part of lifestyle and integrated into everyday living as exemplified by their events with the other businesses in the Ferguson Lane community. Tues-Sun, 11am-7pm. French Concession > Red House 2, Ferguson Lane, 376 Wukang Lu(near Tai’an Lu)武康路376号红房子2楼(近湖南路). Tel: 5465-8785. m97 Gallery m97画廊 Located just steps away from the labyrinth of Moganshan Lu art galleries is this space, which is devoted to the subtleties of photography. Contemporary, experimental and traditional photos are all given exposure via the eclectic artists associated with the gallery. Tue-Sun 10:30am-6:30pm. Putuo > 2/F, 97 Moganshan Lu(near Aomen Lu)莫干山路97号2楼(近澳门 路). Tel: 6266-1597. www. Maison Gallery 蒙苏画廊 Red interiors and screaming Moulin Rouge décor is the perfect backdrop to splurge a little for a fanciful night out in Xiantindi. Bring a group of friends to partake in nightly cabaret shows befitting of the ambience coupled with quality French food and great desserts. Perfect for a courting courtesans. 10am-10pm. Xuhui > 2/F, 235 Hengshan Lu(near Yongjia Lu)衡山路235号2楼(近永嘉路). Tel: 6473-3015. www.

Minsheng Art Museum 民生现代美 术馆 This large art space in the Redtown Complex shows the work of contemporary Chinese artists represented by a range of galleries in Shanghai and beyond. Large installation pieces and video art dominate the first show and set a high benchmark for future exhibitions. 10am-6pm. Changning > Building F, No. 570 Huaihai West Rd(near Kaixuan Rd)淮海西路570号F座(近凯旋路). Tel: 6282-8729. Noeli Gallery A quaint courtyard greets

you behind the brick walls at the entrance, followed by the bright red exterior of this gallery in the former French Concession. Owner Noeli, influenced by professional artists in her family and her previous experience in Europe, opened this gallery to provide a platform for young emerging Chinese artists. M-S 11:30am-9:30pm. French Concession > 150B Yueyang Lu(near Yongjia Lu)岳阳路150B号(近永嘉路). Tel: 6431-9442.

Don't miss

Best 6 Shows 1


Contemporaneity: Contemporary Art of Indonesia

Leo Gallery has gotten its hands on the second floor of a lovely Ferguson Lane villa and the lofty space has been turned into an exhibition area. “Faces” is a group show of portraiture, composed of sculpture, oil paintings and works on paper from a handful of Chinese and international artists.

Inspired by an improbable chance encounter with her California-based cousin Tatjana Loh, Jean Loh began a photographic essay exploring her trans-Atlantic family. In 30 black and white prints, she captures both the mundane and the extraordinary moments in the lives of several generations of her multi-cultural clan.

1 Shaan Xi Nan Lu Station)淮海中路927弄 76号(近茂名南路, 地铁1号线陕西南路站). Tel: 6466-2940. www.

OFOTO Gallery Promoting Chinese contemporary photography, particularly focusing on discovering and developing new talents, this 300 sq. meter gallery is one of the earliest galleries in Shanghai that specializes in photography. They’ve held many exhibitions with a professional and enthusiastic approach towards film and photography. Suzhou Creek > 2/F, Bldg 13, 50 Moganshan Lu(near Changhua Lu)莫 干山路50号13号楼2楼(近昌化路). Tel: 62985194. Plum This fabulous little space is contained

in an old house down one of Shanghai’s most attractive lanes. Coffee and plum soda is served and you’re free to linger and use the Wifi surrounded by monthly changing exhibitions. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm. Wi-Fi internet. Nanjing Xi Lu > 1025 Nanjing Xi Lu, Lane 37(near Maoming Bei Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Xi Lu Station)南京西路1025弄37号一层(近 茂名北路, 地铁2号线南京西路站). Tel: 52136565.



ShanghART H-Space 香格纳画廊 Adjacent to its headquarters at Shanghart Gallery, this larger space often showcases expansive exhibitions or performance art that fully utilize the expansive 700 sq. meter space. 10am-6pm. Zhabei > Bldg 18, 50 Moganshan Lu(near Aomen Lu)莫干山路50号 18楼(近澳门路). Tel: 6359-3923, 6276-2818. Shoubai Art Gallery 上海守白艺术画 廊 The man behind this laneway gallery is one of the best-known Shanghai artists of shikumen housing. Opened on July 25, 2009, this 2 story 200sq. m gallery is located at the prime location at Tianzifang, Tai Kang Lu, an area of old Shanghai filled with old houses of the sort Shoubai Li loves to paint. 10:30am-8:00pm. Luwan > No. 4-2, Lane 210, Taikang Lu(near Ruijing Er Lu)泰康路(田子 坊)210弄4号-2(近瑞金二路). Tel: 6467-7607.

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Events at the Expo Site


Through Thursday, Aug. 19


My Cousin From America

Art Labor 2.0 Shanghai’s turbulent search for a new identity makes for great art at Canadian Director Martin Kemble’s French Concession gallery. An emphasis on free expression draws many artists trying to discard traditional notions of national and cultural identity. Submissions of artwork are accepted. Tue-Sat 11am-7pm; Sun 12-6pm. French Concession > Main Gallery: Bldg. 4, 570 Yongjia Lu & Art Labor Space: 36 Yongjia Lu #2(Main Gallery is near Yueyang Lu and A.L. Space is near Maoming Lu) Main Gallery: 永嘉路570号4号楼 Art Labor Space: 永嘉路36号(Main Gallery: 近岳 阳路 A.L. SPACE: 近茂名路). Tel: Main Gallery: 3460 5331 & Space: 6431-7782. info@

Multiple Locations

island6 Arts Center 6227-7856,

Through Sunday, Aug. 29

Through Friday, Sept. 17


Family Friendly

This exhibition of the artists of the Liu Dao collective is an ode to the unsolved mysteries of space and time. Making use of time-lapse videos and narrative LEDs, the works of these artists incorporate classical and modern physics into visual arts. Be sure to make some time this summer for it.


1. Yun-Fei Ji at James Cohan Gallery, through August 29 2. Wang Qi Feng at Noeli Gallery, through August 14 3. “Police and Her” at ifa gallery, through August 22 4. “Creative Ecologies” at Bridge 8 Phase III, though October 31 5. “Gas Station3” at Vanguard Gallery, through August 22 6. “Lost Way” at 1918ArtSPACE, 1918 ArtSPACE,through throughSeptember September99

August 12-25

Editor's Pick

Absolute 0:00

| 27

The final chapter in the Shrek tetralogy follows a domesticated, familyoriented Shrek who signs a pact with sneaky Rumpelstiltskin to get back to his dragon-challenging ways. After he’s tricked and sent to a backwards version of Far Far Away, where ogres are hunted, Rumpelstiltskin is king and Shrek and Fiona have never met, our hero must find a way to set things right. 3-D version is available. In English

Book Events Tuesday, Aug. 24-27

Café Amsterdam

Join prominent Dutch writers Cees Nooteboom on Aug. 27 (Rituals and All Souls’ Day), Margriet de Moor on Aug. 25 ( The Drowned), Anna Enquist on Aug. 26 ( The Masterpiece) and Leonard Blussé on Aug. 24 (Bitter Bonds) as they read excerpts from their work over four days. The authors will be joined by several Chinese writers. 7:30-9pm Dutch Culture Centre 150-2657-5312,

Art House Films

Time Warped

Tuesday, Aug. 17

Werckmeister Harmonies

Jonathan Watt’s book shows the price of China’s development

Director Alex Law’s new tear-jerker of a blockbuster, Echoes of the Rainbow, sends you back in time to ’60s Hong Kong

Development is a funny thing. On one hand, it is credited with lifting millions of Chinese out of poverty. On the other hand, it polluted the country. In his new book When a Billion Chinese Jump: How China Will Save Mankind – Or Destroy It , Jonathan Watts, The Guardian’s award-winning environmental correspondent, takes the reader on a journey through the country that reveals the extent of the damage done–and being done–to China’s vast natural resources and human population, from an interview with perhaps the best-known face of Chinese consumerism, cosmetics mogul and socialite Yue-Sai in Shanghai, to casual conversations with miners and villagers throughout the coal towns of Shanxi province, Watt’s extensive research is impressive in scope as well as geographical scale. Watts tries to balance the bad with the good, for example calling attention to China’s efforts towards building sustainable energy resources, but though he sews a few threads of hope throughout, the overall tapestry is a depressing one. ■ Laura Fitch

When a Billion Chinese Jump: How China Will Save Mankind – Or Destroy It by Jonathan Watts. Published by Faber and Faber and available with free shipping at for ¥139.

28 |

August 12-25

Based on his own experiences growing up in Hong Kong, Echoes of the Rainbow is Alex Law’s throwback to vintage Cantonese family dramas. It follows the triumphs and pitfalls of a close-knit family as they navigate economic difficulties, political turmoil and the caprices of fate. Their story is narrated by 8-year-old “Big Ears,” the younger of two sons, who charmingly mixes wide-eyed wonder with childish clarity. The film was propelled to the international spotlight after taking home the coveted Crystal Bear award for Best Film at this year’s Berlin Film Festival. In the same vein as Hong Kong cinema classics like Wong Kar-wai’s In the Mood for Love , Echoes of the Rainbow is heavy on the nostalgia. Although both movies fully romanticize a long lost era, Law’s Hong Kong is not the glamorous metropolis it is in Wong’s glittery opus. It is instead a community of concerned neighbors, full of simple pleasures and wholesome but rollicking humor. Setting plays an indispensable role here. Shot along historical Wing Lee Street, the movie captures the charm of old Hong Kong by featuring much of the city’s original architecture. Attention to anachronisms goes down to the smallest details: old sewing machines were bor-

rowed from actual residents of the neighborhood to ensure authenticity. The success of the film ultimately saved many of the buildings from demolition. And, although never at center stage, the social strife and political restlessness of that era is often referenced. While some teary choke-ups are inevitable in a film that pays homage to ’60s Cantonese dramas, Echoes seldom feels emotionally manipulative. The soundtrack, full of vocals from Cantonese singer Aarif Lee, is packed with mournful and moving tunes. Though it teeters on mawkishness, what with the tinkling of piano keys loud and clear during emotional apexes, its excessiveness is not a deal breaker. Performances by the entire cast are stellar, and renowned thespians Sandra Ng and Simon Yam bring to dramatic scenes a punch of authentic pluckiness designed to tug at heartstrings. Echoes of the Rainbow deserves a closer look. Peeling away the glassy faÇades of modern Hong Kong’s skyscrapers, it goes back five decades to gently probe a still-relevant reality. The title’s literal translation is “time, the thief,” and it would have been a better fit to describe the movie’s moving exploration of time’s passage and its inevitable brutalities. ■ Michelle Ong Echoes of the Rainbow (岁月神偷) is available on DVD, in Cantonese with English subtitles.

Based on the novel The Melancholy of Resistance by László Krasznahorkai and composed of only 39 shots, this black and white film tells the story of a provincial town in Hungary that falls under the influence of a sinister travelling circus. A young man named János tries to keep order even as he begins to lose faith in the world. In Hungarian with English subtitles. 9pm. Free Dada 150-0018-2212

Tuesday, Aug. 24

The Wicker Man

Based on David Pinner’s 1967 novel The Ritual, this film centers on police sergeant Neil Howie’s visit to the isolated island Summerisle in search of a missing girl. The problem is, locals claim she never existed. Howie, a devout Christian, becomes increasingly disturbed by the Celtic paganism practiced by the island’s inhabitants leading to a terrifying conclusion. In English with Chinese subtitles. 9pm. Free Dada 150-0018-2212

Every Wednesday

LGBT Movie Night

Get down to this lala bar and watch some great LGBT movies every Wednesday. It’s also their gays-andlesbians-meet-each-other night, so be prepared to make lots of friends. They have a selection of movies to choose from, but you are also welcome to

UME, Peace Cinema, Studio City

Monday, Aug. 23

The Last Airbender

Based on the hugely popular cartoon series of the same name, this teen action film follows the adventures of Aang, a young and lone avatar who has the power to manipulate the four elements. Along with his friends, Aang must defeat the wicked Fire Lord and restore balance and justice to their world. Studio City, UME, Peace Cinema

Still in Cinemas Through Saturday, Aug. 21


This is renowned director Feng Xiaogang’s flick about the Tangshan earthquake, which destroyed the city of Tangshan in 1976. The film starts from the big quake and follows its effects on different characters through one family’s experience. It was adapted from a true story. Chinese with English subtitles. UME, Studio City, Yonghua Cinema City

Through Thursday, Aug. 26

City Under Siege

In 2015, Hong Kong is overwhelmed by a series of strange crimes perpetrated by a supernaturally gifted group of four. The villains gained their powers after accidentally coming into contact with an unknown gas, and when the cops fail to keep order and pin them down, Sunny, a Z-list actor, has to step up and play the hero. UME, Studio City, Peace Cinema

Through Tuesday, Aug. 31

Les Aventures Extraordinaires d’Adèle Blanc-Sec

Adapted from Jacques Tardi’s ’70s comics and directed by Luc Besson, this film follows journalist Adèle BlancSec, a female Tintin-type hero. She heads to Egypt to chase a big scoop and ends up battling cops, mummies and other dangerous creatures as she tries to get her story. UME, Studio City, Peace Cinema

Add Your Event: Every issue we publish THE BEST events from our website. The next issue covers Aug. 26-Sep. 8. Upload your event by Aug. 16.

Chaterhouse 淮海中路 This Hong Kong-based chain of bookstores provides a comprehensive selection of Englishlanguage books including genres such as fiction, non-fiction, fantasy, biographies, travel guides, children / “tweens,” cookbooks, reference books and more. 10am-10pm. Luwan > Shop B1-K, Shanghai Times Square, 99 Huaihai Zhong Lu(near Pu’an Lu, Metro Line 1 Huangpi Nan Lu Station)淮海 中路99号大上海时代广场地库B1-K店(近普安 路, 地铁1号线黄陂南路站). Tel: 6391-8237. www. **9am-9pm. Nanjing Xi Lu > Shop 104, Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu (near Tongren Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Xi Lu Station)南京西路1376号上海商城104号店 (近铜仁路, 地铁2号线南京西路站). Tel: 62797633. www. Garden Books 韬奋西文书局 This two-story bookshop provides an extensive selection of English-language titles for all ages. The young reader’s section stocks over 2,200 titles for children and features a play area complete with easels and colored pencils. The café serves coffee, Italian ice cream and sandwiches. 10am-10pm. Jing An > 325 Changle Lu(near Shaanxi Nan Lu)长乐路 325号(近陕西南路). Tel: 5404-8728. www.

Art House Films

Goethe Institute Sponsored by the German Consulate in Shanghai, this culture section aims to extend cultural cooperation and dialogue between Germany and China. They host a series of discussions, symposiums, exhibitions and screen a variety of documentary and German films. Admission is free. 10am-6:30pm. Huangpu > 102A, Cross Tower, 318 Fuzhou Lu(near Shandong Zhong Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Dong Lu Station Exit 3 & 4)福州路318号高腾 大厦102A室(近山东中路, 地铁2号线南京东 路站3,4号口). Tel: 6391-2068 ext.600. info@

Movie Theaters

Hongqiao Century Cinema City 虹 桥世纪影城 Lying on the fifth floor the Hongqiao Parkson, this cinema house is equipped with all the modern comforts and conveniences necessary for enjoying a great film. 10:30am-10:20pm. Gubei/Hongqiao > 5/F Hongqiao Parksons, 100 Zunyi Lu(near Xiyun Lu, Metro Line 2 Loushanguan Lu Station)遵义路 100号虹桥上海城购物中心5楼(近紫云路, 地 铁2号线娄山关路站). Tel: 6237-2387. Metropol Cinema 世纪大上海电影 院 This new cinema right off People’s Square is one of the area’s best kept secrets. With low ticket prices, an expansive snack bar and a restaurant located feet from their new facilities, word of this theater will not stay quiet for long. Mon-Fri 10:45am-1pm; Sat-Sun 9:45am-1pm (June-July: Mon-Sun 9:45am-1pm). Wi-Fi internet. Nanjing Dong Lu > 8/F, 500 Xizang Zhong Lu(near Fengyang Lu, Metro Line 1, 2 & 8 People’s Square Station)西藏中路500 号第一百货商店新楼8楼(近凤阳路, 地铁1, 2, 8 号线人民广场站). Tel: 6361-6078 ext. 808. Peace Cinema 和平影都

Equipped with an IMAX screen imported from Canada, it’s one of the best places in town for catching CGI Hollywood blockbusters. The cinema’s 60 year history, unbeatable central location and welldesigned infrastructure set it apart from other cinemas in Shanghai. People’s Square > 290 Xizang Zhong Lu(near Hankou Lu, Metro Line 1, 2 & 8 People’s Square Station)西藏中路 290号(近汉口路, 地铁1, 2, 8号线人民广场站). Tel: 6322-5252,6361-2898. Default.aspx.

The Grand Cinema 大光明电影院

Built in 1928 by the German architect L.E. Hudec, this cinema’s 1,554 seats provide all the film-related luxuries one could need. The cinema uses Dolby digital stereoscopicsound handling and international megaphone equipment to provide the best soundtrack for your film experience. 8am-9pm. Huangpu > 216 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Xinchang Lu, Metro Line 1, 2 & 8 People’s Square Station)南京西路216号(近新昌路, 地 铁1, 2, 8号线人民广场站). Tel: 6327-3399, 6327-4260. one. 10am-9pm. Zhabei > 3/F, Bldg S1, 1878 Gonghexin Lu(near Daning Lu, Metro Line 1 Yanchang Lu Station) 共和新路1878号第2座(S1)3楼(近大宁路, 地铁 1号线延长路站). Tel: 5665-1212. www.sfgcgv. com.


→ The Wicker Man

Shrek Forever After


UME International Cineplex 新 天地国际影城 This 6-room Western standard movie theater screens Hollywood blockbusters, local favorites as well as films in other languages. Chinese and international documentaries by independent directors are shown every Monday. An English schedule follows the Chinese when you call the hotline for screening information. Mon-Fri 12pm-12am, Sat-Sun 10am-12am. Xintiandi > 5/F South Block Xintiandi, No.6, Lane 123 Xingye Lu(near Madang Lu, Metro Line 1 Huangpi Nan Lu Station)兴业路123弄6号新天地南里5楼(近马 当路, 地铁1号线黄陂南路站). Tel: 6373-3333 ext. 807, 6384-1122 ext. 807. movies@ume.

STREET DVDS → The Ghost Writer

Based on Robert Harris’ best selling novel The Ghost , this political thriller tells the story of a ghost writer who’s hired to pen a memoir for a former UK prime minister who’s living on an isolated island. The writer quickly finds, however, that there’s a huge secret hidden inside the first draft of the memoir.

→ Grown Ups

This comedy tells the story of five best friends and former high school basketball teammates who reunite for a holiday weekend in a lake house 30 years after graduation. If you’re still a fan of Adam Sandler, watch him making fun of the old, the fat and the ugly.

→ She’s Out of My League

Kirk is a 20-something average Joe working at an airport. His monotonous life ends when beautiful and sophisticated Molly asks him for a date. After making no effort in his relationship, things start to change after Kirk meets Molly’s parents and makes a big fool of himself.

August 12-25

| 29

Multiple Locations

Monday, Aug. 16

Watch Christopher Lee go to an isolated island populated by a group of scary pagans in this 1975 horror classic. Aug. 24

Developing Disaster

New in Cinemas

Find out how the ogre gains Fiona’s heart back after being tricking by a wicked dwarf. In 3-D from Aug. 16

equipment and amenities. The Shanghai International Film Festival is held here every year along with many governmental activities as well. 9am-10pm. Xuhui > 160 Xinhua Lu(near Panyu Lu)新华路160号(近番禺 路). Tel: 6280-4088.

Family Friendly

→ Shrek Forever After

Find ALL of Shanghai’s cinemas and bookstores online at www. Below are those with the highest BUZZ.

Shanghai Film Art Center 上海影 城 A large modern cinema with top-level

Editor's Pick


Focus Club 152-1685-7806,


2010 CW Reader's Choice Award Winner


© Books & Film


bring your own DVDs and share with the group. 8pm. Free

© Nightlife


House Party

Cuts like a Shonen Knife


Rena Nana is the creative director of Doll House, a collective of party-throwing cuties

Fatman Scoop

This U.S. rapper, remixer and sex columnist plays about once a year in China and usually it’s not really a big deal. But this time he’s going to be at No. 88, which is a venue as pimped-out and blinging as he is. With the rows of Chinese kids decked out in flawless clothes, the dancing girls and fireworks, the bar staff dressed up like cowboys and the club’s Back to the Future III décor, life will not get any more China-in-2010 than right here, tonight. Fatman Scoop plays No. 88, Fri., Aug. 20, 9:30pm, Tel: 6136-0288, ¥150

Dada 1-Year Birthday

Recently awarded Best New Bar by CW editors, Dada has been a brilliant addition to the local nightlife scene. From wild DJ parties to lectures, cult movie showings and indie fashion shows, Dada’s done it all in just a year. For its first birthday, Dada has invited a lineup of its favorite residents. Come help them celebrate. As usual, it’s all free. Dada 1-Year Birthday, Sat., Aug. 28, Tel: 150-0018-2212


The Sustainable Dancefloor

mariem: “This is the first dancefloor that captures the energy of dancing. The dancers’ kinetic energy is converted into electricity that is used to make the dance floor react to the dancer in an interact ive way. All visuals are a continuous real-time interact ion between the clubbers on the floor.” Moon Tyrant and Wegh ur play Yuyint ang, Sat., August 14, 9pm, Tel: 5237-8662


City Weekend gets its events from YOU. Let Shanghai know what’s going on by uploading your events to:

30 |

August 12-25


Samurai Swords

Japanese pop / punk madness with Shonen Knife

Despite approaching their 30th year in the business, Shonen Knife are still belting out their melodic mix of garage punk and J-pop. The band formed in 1981 when sisters Naoko and Atsuko Yamano, along with their friend Michie Nakatani, took their love of ’60s surf music and ’70s punk rock and rolled it into a stripped-down but catchy sound all their own. Their mix of kawaii lyrics (they sing about insect collecting, bike riding and sweets) bemused more audiences than it converted until the early ’90s, when Seattle record label Sub Pop released one of their tracks in the U.S. Label-mates Nirvana became huge fans, as did Sonic Youth. As Kurt Cobain said: “When I finally got to see them live, I was transformed into a hysterical 9-year-old girl at a Beatles concert.” Shonen Knife supported Sonic Youth in To-

J e f f L a n g s lets it slide

kyo, Fugazi in Osaka and Nirvana in the UK, and spent much of the ’90s touring the world. A few line-up changes later and they’re still at it. This year they put out a new album and were chosen by Matt Groening to perform at the All Tomorrow’s Parties festival in the UK. Their support act for the Shanghai date is just as hot. Teengirl Fantasy are Logan Takahashi and Nick Weiss, whose dreamy programmed music and hipster credentials slot them into the same bracket as Animal Collective, Delorean and other chill wave artists. Heavy reverbs, washedout delays and oceans of meticulously layered synths are the order of the day. Just check their cover of the 1978 Motown ballad “Love Don’t Live Here Anymore.” The Shonen Knife and Teengirl Fantasy play Zhijiang Dream Factory on Sat., Aug. 21, 9:30pm, ¥150 on the door, ¥100 in advance. Tel: 6438-5946

What is Doll House and who is involved? It’s is an international allfemale events company specializing in throwing parties and fashion shows, and managing guest lists and talent. We have an all-girl crew of DJs, dancers, singers, models, artists and performers. What’s the music policy? Do you have regular DJs or are you just there to bring in a crowd? We have three DJs so far: Tania Satori, who’s Russian, a Chinese girl called Asuka and S.C., who’s Japanese. They play electro, house, reggae, mash-up and hip-hop. What are you aiming for with your events? We want to create inclusive events where everyone gets together and has a good time. We want everyone at our shows to be smiling. We want the atmosphere to be like a house party, where everyone can talk to each other make friends. That’s the main aim. What’s the wildest thing that’s happened at a Doll House party? I don’t want to hurt your innocent mind. Come to the next party and you’ll see. How did you meet the other Dolls? Before I started Doll House I was promot-

I don’t want to hurt your innocent mind. ing other parties and I met so many talented girls but they never had anywhere to show off what they could do. So I started all this to polish up these diamond girls and help show them off. Find it: Doll House is at Node Lounge, A2-101, 570 Huaihai Xi Lu 淮海西路 570 号A2-101, every second Friday. Tel: 5230-7366, No cover



Window on the world

Flair at the Ritz-Carlton Pudong ★★★★✩

Higher States

This is the highest outdoor bar in Shanghai, and, with the Pearl Tower’s bulbous pink belly floating just before your eyes, it has the most spectacular view in town. The city has rarely looked better than from a sofa on this 58th-floor terrace. Tunes are provided by a DJ not a CD, and were surprisingly loungy and cool. Drinks are pricey, of course, but they always are at this elevation. Expect to pay ¥90 for a cocktail, plus that pesky 15 percent that hotels tack on for “service” (does it actually go to the service personnel?). But there’s no minimum spend, even at a table–just be sure to call and reserve a few days in advance if you want to sit outside. ■ Nick Taylor Find it: Shanghai IFC, 8 Century Avenue 世纪大道8号上海国金中心, Tel: 2020-1717

Phebe 3-D Club ★★✩✩✩

In Your Face Disorientation greets you at the doors of this new Hengshan Lu spot. You’ll be so dazzled by lights, blinded by bling, confused by computer games that you’ll think you’ve wandered into No. 88 by mistake. This is another import from the second-tier cities. The Phebe brand has done well in Suzhou and Hangzhou and has brought its bottles, chandeliers and hip-pop to Shanghai, along with a couple of novelties–massage chairs, iMacs to check your email and quiet rooms for taking important calls. Expect to drop ¥800 for low-end bottle brands and spend the night gazing at flashing lights and pretty rent-a-girls. ■ Chersy Miao

The new king of bling

Find it: 10 Hengshan Lu 衡山路10号, Tel: 6555-9998

MIXOLOGY Original Aviation (¥70) | Constellation 3

High Flyer A gin-based vintage classic found only in traditional bars, this Depression-era cocktail comes from an 1884 recipe.

Gin, maraschino liqueur and lemon juice are the standard ingredients, but a dash of liqueur de violette and a maraschino cherry give it frills. The violette liqueur adds a whiff of floral perfume, and the drink’s crystal blue tint reminds us of the summer sky. Find it: 251 Huangpi Bei Lu

黄陂北路251号, Tel: 5375-2712

August 12-25

| 31

g Parties Thursday, Aug. 12

Electric Indigo

Austrian techno DJ, remixer and producer Electric Indigo has been pounding out 303-heavy, Detroit-influenced bangers for more than 20 years. She worked at legendary Berlin vinyl shop Hardwax and in 1998 she created female:pressure, an international database for female DJs, producers, and visual artists who work in the fields of electronic music. ¥80 on the door or ¥50 in advance. 9:30pm MAO Livehouse Shanghai 5258-9999,

Friday, Aug. 13

My House

Doll House throws a barbecue and beers party. It’s free to get in and they have a grill in the spacious outside area out back. Get 10 drink tickets for ¥100 or try a cocktail in the shape of a crystal ball. There are rumors of a swimming pool. 10pm Node 150-0080-1040,

Housekeeping 2

Check out the second Housekeeping party, where underground house tunes will be playing the whole night. DJ Bing Ang and Slim Whipme will host. Dress like the classy housekeeper to get in. No cover. 10:30pm Not Me 189-6476-6247,

Saturday, Aug. 14

DJ Izzy + Mc NaNa

One of Taipei’s top DJs, DJ Izzy, will bring his skills to Shanghai and the beautiful MC NaNa will also be spitting

Nick Nightlife Editor

her rhymes. Get down for hip-hop and bottles, beautiful people and Park97’s swanky setting inside Fuxing Gong Yuan. No cover. 9pm Park97 5383-2328,

DJ Blackie

Voted City Weekend Beijing’s 2010 Best DJ of the Year, Blackie won’t disappoint at his headlining party. This DnB player, who’s been fronting the Syndicate for five years, will drench the crowd in mind-bending darkness. ¥40. 10pm The Shelter 6437-0400,

DJ Erok

So you watched Scarface for the eighth time and you keep dreaming about Miami sand but you used up all your leave. M1NT is here to save you. DJ Erok has dropped his Miami sounds for audiences from Chile to Monaco and Hong Kong, and tours the world with the F1 Red Bull Team. No cover. 9pm M1NT 6391-2811, club-shanghai

MoonWalker ’80s Nite

DJs Sacco and Ozone team up for the last ’80s night of the summer. The best and worst of ’80s music on the sound system, ’80s movies on the big screen, and ’80s cocktails on the cheap. 10pm Dada 150-0018-2212,

It’s Mutual

Club brand It’s Mutual is leaving America for the first time and will be landing in China. Half Shanghainese, half New Yorker, but all mutual. DJs Fish and Joshua will be pumping out house, disco, tech-house and minimal from 10pm till all hours of the morning. No cover. 10pm Not Me 189-6476-6247,

Add Your Event: Every issue we publish THE BEST events from our website. The next issue covers Aug. 26-Sept. 8. Upload events by Aug. 16. 32 |

August 12-25

Korean pop group The Flit make their Chinese debut at this upscale park venue in Luwan. Electrifying music, glaring lights and sexy dancing, plus costumes like the bastard children of Rocky Horror and Neo from The Matrix . Check out how the Koreans misbehave. No cover. 9pm

Not Me 6433-0760,

Toga Party

This high-end house brand throws parties in Japan and Beijing, and now they’re in Shanghai for a night of pounding, sexy house music at M2. DJs are the gorgeous resident of House Nation Japan, DJ neroDoll, and guest Tomoyuki Tanaka. Price TBD. 9pm

To all gods and goddesses, royal dancers, philosophers, gladiators, cowherds and drunks: Romans didn’t wear underwear–and neither will you at this Bacchanalian orgy of unparalleled extravagance. Don your Roman toga, laurel leaves, war chariot or other themed costume and come share a festive night in eternity. DJs in sheets: MauMau, The Uhhh, Trix and Empfab (Live set). No cover 10pm

VUE Bar 6393-1234 ext. 6348,

M2 6288-6222,

Dada 150-0018-2212,

Valentines Day


The three boys who make up DisoTech are mixing masters. They’ve got original tunes as well as remixes like Kanye’s “Homecoming,” The Police’s “Roxanne” and Stardust’s “Music Sounds Better With You.” 9:30pm


VUE Bar Chinese Valentine’s Ball

This Chinese Valentine’s Day, book your space at one of the most spectacular parties of the month, at Hyatt on The Bund’s VUE Bar. Join this glittering party with your sweetheart and make it a night you’ll never forget. Tickets are ¥200 and include two glasses of Champagne. 8pm

Whether you’re single or happily tucked up in a meaningless relationship, this is a night for lovers. Chinese Valentine’s Day takes place on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, and has long been an occasion for lovers to hook up and women to hunt down a husband. Park97 will have heart shaped fun and romantic frippery to celebrate. No cover. 9pm Park97 5383-2328,

Chinese Valentine’s Day Party

Love is most certainly in the air as this basement bar celebrates Chinese Valentine’s Day with hot Latin tunes from a live salsa band. Get some drinks and hit the dancefloor, or get cozy in one of the nooks and crannies of this Middle Eastern-themed spot. No cover. 8pm Mural 6433-5023,

Wednesday, Aug. 18

DJ Henry Relph

London’s DJ Henry Relph is a busy fellow. He’s played at St Tropez’s Nikki Beach, LA’s Chapter 8 Lounge, Zurich’s Indochine, and elsewhere. Right now he’s got his sights set on M1NT’s shark-infested waters. No cover. 9pm M1NT 6391-2811, club-shanghai

Thursday Aug. 19-20

Sustainable Dance Club

This party at MAO sees Shanghai’s first “sustainable dancefloor.” Sensors in the floor capture the energy produced by dancers and convert it into electricity that then powers lights inside the floor. The more people dance, the more the dancefloor freaks out and creates visuals. Sounds like an eco-blast. ¥50. 9:30pm MAO Livehouse Shanghai 6087-2300,

Friday, Aug. 20

Fatman Scoop

He’s a regular visitor to China, but this U.S. MC has never played such a fitting venue. No. 88 sings with ostentatious splendor and golden gewgaws. Fatman

Park97 5383-2328,

House Nation Sparkling Night

M1NT 6391-3191,

Shanghai by Bus Summer Session

Local reggae and roots outfit Shanghai by Bus get the whole crew out for a night of ragga, hip-hop, dancehall and everything else that will get you swaying. MC Webber comes down from Beijing, joined by DJ Jammin and Wesley, plus Rude Star HiFi’s DJ Maze from Hangzhou, plus regulars Drunk Monk, Deville, dji, ChaCha, Didje, Esia and Arminda. ¥40. 10pm

Austro-German techno crew Mushido are hitting MAO once a month from here on in, going for a German techno warehouse party vibe. Let’s hope they can bring enough of a crowd to this live venue so beloved of Shanghai’s young punks and make good use of the excellent sound system. The first event will feature DJ Boro Lo (AT/GER). ¥80. 10pm MAO Livehouse Shanghai 135-0177-5547,

Featuring a live show by Shanghai Ultra, the third birthday of local hard techno crew VOID will be a thumping hot night of Detroit beats, Chicagoinfluenced jacking house and strippeddown Shanghai tech beats. DJ support from MHP and Zammo Taylor. ¥30. 10pm

DON’T MISS Parties & Live Shows → Moon Tyrant

The Shelter, 6437-0400

Four rock bands from across China and headliners Moon Tyrant from Australia play Yuyintang, Aug. 14.

Wednesday Aug. 25-Sept. 5

→ Chinese Valentine’s

Kunshan International Beer Festival

This beer festival is now in its sixth year. It’s only a short train ride away and promises an Oktoberfest sort of atmosphere. There’s a popular German tent with Bavarian food and lots of pilsner, plus a range of Chinese beer makers use the event to showcase their brews. Full info at the website. 6pm Qianjin Road, Kunshan

Every Monday

We Want Hip-hop

This is a new weekly hip-hop party, aiming to return some credible beats to Shanghai. With the exception of the LAB parties, Shanghai sets a very low bar for hip-hop. DJ B-Kut and DJ Whatsmyname promise a night free from Lady GaGa and mash-ups–just old skool breaks, crunk, gangsta rap, new jack and dirty south. No cover. 9:30pm LOgO 6281-5646,

at VUE

like-minded. Bring your business card for verification of your status as an F&B insider. 7:30pm

The Apartment 6437-9478,

Every Wednesday

The Beat

Desert F. Eagle, Sacco and their lovely guests play this weekly night of ’60s rock, mod and northern soul. Expect a cool crowd, cheap beers and cocktails, and occasional hook-ups with local fashion brands shaping this into the best midweek party in town. No cover. 9pm

Celebrate with your loved one on Aug. 16.

Dada 150-0018-2212,,


The Shelter’s midweek party returns. This is a mad night featuring art, live graffiti, computer games on the big screen and a wide sweep of music from some of Shanghai’s best regulars on the nightlife scene, led by resident David Slackerton. This is a place for artistically minded folk to meet and swap ideas, possessions and stories. 10pm

It’s the third birthday of this local techno crew at The Shelter on Aug. 21.

→ Toga Party

Yup, we’re afraid so. It all happens at Dada on Aug. 21.

→ Absynthe Minded

Belgium’s “most successful alternative band” plays MAO Livehouse on Aug. 24.

Industry Night

If you’re a bartender, work in the F&B trade or anything else vaguely connected to the industry, get to this loftstyle bar every Monday night, get ¥30 standard drinks and hop-nob with the

The Swap Meet


Monday, Aug. 16

The Flit

VOID Third Birthday Party

The Shelter 136-8196-4253,

Every Thursday

Martini Night

This is one of the longest-running martini nights in Shanghai and sees Vault Bar’s excellent martinis on a twofor-one deal all night. Choose from a selection which includes lychee, apple and the extra dirty while a DJ drops R&B, disco and funk. 9pm Vault Bar 6321-9922,

Events at the Expo Site

Check out my Weekender post every Thursday for the city’s best parties and rock shows.

Atanu Bar 3313-0871,

No. 88 6136-0288,

After three months, SugarMamma’s team is finally back, and the line up is still as hot as ever. Get warmed up with Queen Siesta’s DnB and then get down n’ dirty with Yen’s mix of electro house and hip-hop and DJ Yoko’s funky tech house music. Gotta get more? Infamous VJ Yiki will also be displaying her hot video images on three sections of Not Me’s walls. ¥20. 9pm

The Shelter 6437-0400,

Saturday, Aug. 21

Multiple Locations

The people at the Dutch Culture Centre, who have been putting on some fantastic art and music events this summer, have booked two nights at MAO Livehouse on Aug. 19 and 20. They’re installing a dancefloor that absorbs the energy created by the people dancing on it and turns it into electricity. This “sustainable dancefloor” then powers visuals and light shows. The harder you dance, the more barmy the visuals get. And word is born. At the same venue earlier in August we have Electric Indigo, one of the grand dames of the Berlin techno scene (she’s Austrian, but part of that Berlin lot). That’s Aug. 12, so it’s either on tonight, or you’ve missed it, which would be a shame because she’s a banger. So are Shonen Knife, who are playing Zhijiang Dream Factory on Aug. 21, with support from Teengirl Fantasy. If you can’t make that, catch TGF at Yuyintang the day before. S.T.D. are the promoters behind that show, and they tell us they’ve also booked the colossal Boys Noize for a Shanghai date on Oct. 15. Meanwhile, Split Works are bringing over Jeff Lang on Sept. 4 and Denmark’s Choir of Young Believers on Sept. 9. Thing are getting busy again.

Mr Frosty returns to this lighthouse on The Bund for a series of crazy Sunday afternoon parties. Come, bring friends, listen to Maumau spinning party tunes and eat free ice cream with fabulous people while bemused Chinese tourists wander down below. The best outdoor parties of the 2010 summer in Shanghai, so far. 2pm

SugarMamma 2


It’s a night of house and hip-hop at the pounding club in Red Town. A great sound system and decent, well-mixed crowds make this worth the trip, but the lavish outside space really makes your night, especially in this summer hear. Tonight, DJs Akina, Nakazawa, Prince Hiro and Masa, plus VJ Kimito. ¥50. 9pm

Family Friendly


Consume Product

Scoop is a radio presenter, a sex columnist, has recorded with Missy Elliott and is an all-round thug. Perfect for 88. ¥150 on the door. 9pm

Node 5230-7366,

DON’T MISS Drink Deals

Editor's Pick

The Ice Cream Truck Party

→ The Apartment

Get two-for-one standard drinks 4-8pm every week day (p. 36).

→ Urban 18

All drinks are two for one from 5-8pm every night at this new golf simulator and lounge.

2010 CW Reader's Choice Award Winner

Sunday, Aug. 15


→ LAN Club

Every night from 5-9pm, it's buyone-get-one-free on six cocktails, house pours and local beers (p. 36).

August 12-25

| 33

Used to be, a crazy moustache would get you everywhere in these parts. Doormen at M1NT would let me cut the line, their counterparts at Sin would waive entry fees, and it definitely wasn’t u ncommon to score a free drink from time to time at Cantina Agave, Not Me or, of all places, Bukhara, where my handlebar was a staff favorite. While I was always very aware that my facialfollicle prowess was responsible for a fair amount of preferential treatment, I was curious whether my distinguishable upper lip was the sole reason bar and club owners were always so fr iend ly. My ’st ac he made me recognizable and t he ow ners of ba rs a nd clubs knew I wrote for this magazine. But were local establishments really so pretentious and vapid? So, on July 2 at 5pm, I did the unthinkable and shaved my beloved ’tache. My experiment in mere mortality began terribly, when the bouncer at MAO Livehouse (p. 36) wouldn’t allow me to enter my own show. The bar staff then denied my request for water backstage. Great room; sweet sound system; very little respect for the people who help make that place what it is. Conversely, down the road at LOgO (p. 36), the staff barely flinched, offering the same warm reception they always do: cold, large Tiger Beer waiting on the bar. A few days later at Yuyintang (p. 36) I had no problems securing my regular spot in the sound booth: pretension absent. Given that I’m somewhat a regular at all three of these venues, I decided to conduct a follow-up experiment and take a stab at some places where I may be a little more under the

radar, so I headed off to el CÓctel (p. 35), and was quickly cockblocked by the gate keeper. I have no issue with waiting for a table, but t he sta ff seemed insulted that I would consider drinking at their fancypants lounge while wearing a pair of Feiyue and a T-shirt. Exclusive? Perhaps. Lavish? Wouldn’t really know. Noses in the air? No doubt.

Boxing Cat was welcoming, comfortable and relaxing.

Girls can get free flow Champagne every Thursday at this plane-shaped bar in Datong Mill. Meanwhile, up in the cockpit, DJs spin uptempo hip-hop, R&B, pop, reggae and dancehall. If you haven’t checked this bar out, it has to be seen to be believed. Go down with your girlfriends and get on board. 9pm D10 Departure Lounge 158-0179-4214,

Every Friday

Blend Up Party

If you’ve always wondered how to throw a shindig as smashing as the ones at this spot, now’s your chance. Every week they’ll offer you the chance to learn how to mix music and drinks like a professional bartender / DJ / general party animal. ¥100. 9:30pm

Every Saturday

The Lost Society

One of our favorite new venues in town packs out most weekends but it’s worth it for the cool atmosphere and the gorgeous roof terrace. Every Saturday they also have a DJ / saxophonist and a dude on the bongos. In case that’s your cup of tea. If not, see you on the roof. No cover. 8pm The Apartment 6437-9478,

Wanting to distance myself from such blatant snobbery, I rounded the corner onto Fuxing Lu and strolled over to the Boxing Cat Brewery (p. 46). Unlike el CÓctel, Boxing Cat was welcoming, comfortable and relaxing, and while the bar staff aren’t exactly throwing around complimentary brews, their polite and attentive service made the ¥100 pitchers of IPA a straight up steal. Additionally, the atmosphere was the exact opposite of pompous–just regular folks enjoying some heady brew. It’s tough to say if t his experiment really proved anything about pretentiousness in the Shanghai bar and club scene, but it’s definitely out there, it certainly exists, and is indeed quite lame.

g August 12-25


Bar Rouge

Entry problems? Trouble getting past the moody man on the door? Prey tell, at The Beat blog at

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M1NT 138-1629-3224,

Dan Shapiro Still the Best

Expo on the Bund

Every Saturday night, Lounge 18 hosts Expo on the Bund, featuring complimentary drinks for Expo staff (bring your ID) as well as guest DJs and other deals. Runs 9pm till late, table bookings available. No cover. 9pm Lounge 18 136-6181-1818,

Every Sunday

Sunday Sessions

Every Sunday while the summer lasts, the terrace at Mesa l Manifesto heats up with a DJ, all-night happy hour and drink specials. Kick back with your friends and suck up loungy sounds plus quality drinks in one of Shanghai’s most pleasant terraces. No cover. 6pm Mesa | Manifesto 6289-9108,

Live Music Saturday, Aug. 14

Moon Tyrant & Weghur

This rock show sees five bands at Yuyintang for a tiny door price. Quarter Acre are an Australian punk act. Pink Elephant are from Wuhan and play synth punk. OCD are a five-piece outfit from Zhengzhou. Moon Tyrant and Weghur are both out of Shanghai. The first are a bunch of laowai playing hard

Teengirl Fantasy

Oberlin College hip kids Logan Takahashi and Nick Weiss bring their band, Teengirl Fantasy, to the mean streets of Shanghai. You’ll dig their cover of 1978 mournful love ballad “Love Don’t Live Here Anymore” as well as the rest of their sweet beats. 9:30pm Yuyintang 5237-8662,

Saturday, Aug. 21

Shonen Knife

This Japanese girl group–beloved of both teenaged girls in Nippon and U.S. grunge heroes–play Zhijiang Dream Factory at an S.T.D.-backed party. Support comes from Teengirl Fantasy, a two-piece melodic and spacey synth combo out of the U.S. ¥100 in advance, ¥150 on the door. 9:30pm Zhijiang Dream Factory 6438-5946,

Summer Love

Lions of Puxi, voted City Weekend Shanghai’s 2010 Best Live Act, and Studio 188 will play together with Dave Hewett, Steve Storm, and Lonestar Wild at this mini music festival. Held outdoors at Big Bamboo, enjoy a mellow day with local acts. No cover. Big Bamboo > Hongmei Lu 135-24506096,

Tuesday, Aug. 24

Absynthe Minded

Belgium’s most successful alternative band, Absynthe Minded, hits the city’s hottest live music venue to celebrate Ghent winning UNESCO’s Creative City of Music. The band takes the stage with Mo & Grazz, a collaboration between American soul singer Monique Harcum and one of Belgium’s finest DJs, DJ Grazhoppar. 9pm MAO Livehouse Shanghai 5258-9999,

Every Tuesday-Saturday


This latest band to take up the residency at LAN is like a mix between a cabaret act and a fashion show. the female-


Ladies' Nights → Summer on the Bund

Free house pour wines (red and white) for girls every Wednesday till midnight (p. 36).

LAN Club 159-2140-0855,

Every Thursday

Thursday Live

House music goes live every Thursday at this swank spot. First up is Anne Evenou, who sings a soul repertoire that covers James Brown, Aretha Franklin and the like. Later on, she teams up with the bar’s resident DJ, Damien Kay, for a mix of vocals and house. No cover, but reservations are recommended. 10pm Bar Rouge 6339-1199,

World of Sounds

Dada’s breaking out the summer jams. For all of this month, get down and get sweaty to tunes and beats from countries and regions near and far. Schedule includes: August 12, Japan night; August 19, India tunes and August 26, Brazilian. No cover. 9:30pm Dada 150-0018-2212,

LGBT Every Monday

Bourbon Street Jazz Mondays

This underground LGBT hole in the ground will be playing jazz every week with a mix of classic and contemporary sounds such as Thelonious Monk, Art Blakey, Dizzy Gillespie, Billy Holiday and more. Come down for a relaxing, smooth start to the week. No cover. Shanghai Studio 6283-1043,

Every Wednesday

Everybody Loves You When You’re Bi

Coming out, already proud, fluffing up or going down, whatever your pleasure, you’re welcome to stop by this friendly international bar for free-flow house spirits until 1am. Even if you’re straight and you just want to be twisted or teased, come down and join the game. OZNZ 150-0001-0275,

Every Friday

Fresh Every Friday

It’s already been a year since this underground LGBT venue opened up and they are celebrating in August with an open bar every Friday night. Come down with friends and pay ¥100 for all you can drink. 11pm The Box 6474-8558,

Every Sunday

→ Mural

Come get pampered with free cocktails and free manicures from 8pmmidnight every Wednesday. (p. 36).

→ Barbarossa

Every Wednesday, free selected cocktails from 9pm-midnight on the roof terrace (p. 35).


The rooftop restaurant and bar Fat Olive hosts a weekly gay party with drinks specials. Come down and get three drinks for ¥100 and meet Shanghai’s LGBT crowd in a relaxed, attractive environment. 6pm The Fat Olive 6334-3288,

Hang out at this wine bar and tapas restaurant every Sunday in August for LGBT friends and one of the nicest terraces in town. Live DJs mix happy beach house music and wine is offer at ¥100 for three glasses. 6pm The Fat Olive 150-0029-1900,


Friday, Aug. 20

Enjoy Music and Wine

Jazz Thursday, Aug. 19

Jiang Hanchao Saxophone Recital

Jiang Hanchao, one of the youngest saxophonists in China, will perform on his 22nd birthday, presenting Robert Bariller, Claude Pascal, Florent Schmitt, Alfred Desenclos and a host of other jazzmen playing “Epitaphe de Jean Harlow,” “Rhapsody in Blue” and other favorites. ¥80-240. 7:30pm He Luting Concert Hall 6217-2426,

Every Tuesday-Sunday

Mike Null and The Soulcasters

Boston’s ambassador of blues, Mike Null, returns to the House of Blues and Jazz with a new backing band, The Soulcasters. Expect electrified soul and deep grooves accompanied by soul-shaking vocals, cold and funky blues guitar, bourbon-soaked jazz piano and a house-rocking rhythm section to blow the roof off. No cover. 9:30pm House of Blues & Jazz 6323-2779

Every Wednesday

Mario Cavolo & Ronnie Williams

Communications trainer by day and jazz pianist by night, Shanghai’s Mario Cavolo brings you four nights of classic jazz at Sound Blue in August. He teams up again with drummer Ronnie Williams, who won the 2001 Emerging Jazz Artist Music Scholarship and has studied with master jazz drummers Michael Carvin and Sam Ulano. No cover. 9:30pm

> The Bund, 1 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu(near Yan’ an Lu)中山东二路外滩一号甲(近延安路). Tel: 3313-0871.

Bar Rouge Stunning views of the Bund from the Sky Lounge patio have helped make this the city’s most famous bar. It’s part of the “Best Bars in the World” contingent and makes a breathtaking spot for an afterwork drink, while, from about 9pm, the crowds arrive to make this one of the most packed party places in town. SunWed 6pm-3am; Thu-Sat 6pm-late. Y100-Y199. The Bund > 7/F, 18 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu(near Nanjing Dong Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Dong Lu Station)中山东一路18号外滩18号7楼(近南京 东路, 地铁2号线南京东路站). Tel: 6339-1199. Barbarossa Restaurant & Lounge

This oasis in People’s Park features vaulted Moroccan tents and offers style and comfort in the middle of the city. Attach yourself to a hookah, look out over the

lush greenery and marvel at the brightly lit cityscape rising up around you. 11am-2am. Y100-Y199. Wi-Fi internet. Huangpu > inside People’s Park, 231 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Huangpi Nan Lu, Metro Line 1, 2, 8 People’s Square Station)南京西路231号人民公园内(近黄陂 南路, 地铁1, 2, 8号线人民广场站). Tel: 63180220.

Dada Tucked away between LOgO and Anar up a back alley, this low-lit, graffiti scrawled bar gives us another reason for spending our nights on Xingfu Lu. Backed by one of the best party crews in Shanghai (Antidote) here you’re sure to hear consistently interesting music and meet the city’s in-the-know crowd. 9pm-late. Less than Y99. 115 Xingfu Lu(near Fahuazhen Lu)幸福路 115号(近法华镇路). Tel: 150-0018-2212. el Cóctel This place does just about everything right. Fabulous, comfy space with imaginative furnishings and



Sound Blue 6473-2688,

Listings Find ALL of Shanghai’s bars, nightclubs and live music venues at Below are those with the highest BUZZ. Anar 石榴 This cozy bar, lounge and dining spot supports both live show and DJ acts drawing everyone from rock and reggae fans to dub and electronic music heads. Stop in the front room to grab a bite before moving further inside for cheap drinks, singing, dancing and jamming. 10:30am-2am. Less than Y99. Wi-Fi internet. Changning > 129 Xingfu Lu(near Fahuazhen Lu) 幸福路129号(近法华镇路). Tel: 6280-9326, 159-2189-9392 (reservations), 138-1635-1255 (reservations). Atanu Bar 阿塔努酒吧 Walk up the spiral staircase of this old lighthouse and enter the main bar, and you will be made to feel instantly welcome. The third floor opens to reveal a beautiful terrace that incorporates the expansive, panoramic nightscape of the Bund. Here you can sit back, relax and enjoy a drink from the modest selection of cocktails. 12am-12pm. Y100-Y199. The Bund

Events at the Expo Site

Taking a load off for the summer

Yuyintang 5237-8662,

focused band has played all over the world and aims for a Las Vegas style, with lead vocalists Phoenyx Novelle and Carolina Jirado belting out top 40 hits, jazz, soul, Motown and R&B. No cover. 9:30pm

Multiple Locations


Strip Me

rock. Weghur need little introduction as they’ve been treating us to their psychedelic post punk in regular doses. All for just ¥40. 9pm

Family Friendly

City Moments and Red Lion have updated the hugely popular Freshm1nt night. Now Thursdays at M1NT are all about dressing up and trying to impress each other and the City Moments cameras. Music remains hiphop and electro stuff, but dropped by UK DJ Greg Leigh. No cover. No pesky men asking for your membership card on the door. 10pm

One on the House House Nation, one of the biggest names in Japanese clubbing, is coming to Shanghai as part of their latest international tour. They paddle in the sexy end of the house pool, throwing huge parties where the young and beautiful shake it for hours to progressive and vocal house. Top DJ on the night is the eyewatering DJ neroDoll (pictured). She’s joined by DJ and producer Tomoyuki Tanaka, better known as Fantastic Plastic Machine. Everyone through the door gets a free glass of Bingjie, a highend fizzy punch that’s got its sights on China’s young clubbers. House Nation at M2, Fri., Aug. 20, 9:30pm, Tel: 6288-6222, Price: TBD

August 12-25

| 35

Editor's Pick


2010 CW Reader's Choice Award Winner


August 12-25

Minjita Cartel A gay man trapped in a lala’s body

variety of dining experiences and along side an elegant lounge. The emphasis is on design and service with a lengthy list of cocktails and an impressive selection of wines from around the world. On weekday nights, it offers a relaxing atmosphere for after work drinks, while the weekend hosts parties late into the night. 10pm-2am. The Bund > 102 Guangdong Lu(near Sichuan Lu)广 东路102号(近四川路). Tel: 6323-8029. www.

LOgO 温馨酒吧 A mainstay of Shanghai’s alternative scene, this cozy venue promotes live and underground music from punk to electronica and techno. Catering to an artsy, young, underground local and expat crowd, this is a creative space for the city’s rising artists, DJs and local bands. LOgO remains one of the best bars in Shanghai for those who go out for music, rather than posing. 8:30pm-2:30am. Less than Y99. Changning > 13 Xingfu Lu(near Fahuazhen Lu)幸福路13号(近法华镇路). Tel: 6281-5646. MAO Livehouse Shanghai

Backed by the people from Soma records, this large live space is the best place to hear rock music in Shanghai. A spanking sound system and relatively cheap drinks combine with a cool crowd of Chinese kids and cutting edge live acts. 570 Huaihai Xi Lu(near Hongqiao Lu)淮海西路570号(近虹桥路). Tel: 5258-9999.

Summer on the Bund This bar consists entirely of a rooftop, so don’t go if it’s raining. But in nice weather it provides an excellent view of The Bund from a less crowded location. It’s inside the old park in one of the most ancient parts of Shanghai, which gives a nice view to the west, and over what’s left of the old town. Sun-Thu, 7pm-2am Fri-Sat, 7pm-4am. The Bund > 3/F, 333 Renmin Lu, near Fuyou Lu inside of the Old Town Park. Tel: 150-2175-2221. Mural 摩砚 All-you-can-drink nights, a rotating circuit of DJs, live music and its unique, cave-like interior make this

Kyle Fong

Ice Cream Truck throws a pool party

bill_greyskull: “ H a v e n’ t b e e n t o Donghu Lu in ages and was surprised to this great bar across stumble with a terrific beer selection, wonder ful decor, plus friendly and smartly dressed staff. Leffe Dark on tap–wh at a shockin g and fantastic find. I’m looking for an excuse to go back to this place.”

Kids rock out at the Suzhou Holisland Music Festival

Find it: 30 Donghu Lu 东湖路30号, Tel: 5403-8906


Leave a comment on your favorite bar or club at:

underground bar well-known among young expats. Although service can be slow and the quality of the cocktails can be patchy, the price is worth the wait. 7pm-2am. Less than Y99. French Concession > 697 Yongjia Lu(near Hengshan Lu, Metro Line 1 Hengshan Lu Station)永嘉路697号(近衡山路,地铁1号 线衡山路站). Tel: 6433-5023. postmaster@

The Apartment This is a stylish rooftop

bar above el Coctel in the same building as Rhumerie Bounty. It has a decent selection of food and a bright, airy space with a “loftstyle” vibe. Good cocktails and a decent outdoor space suggest this will be a summer favorite. 11am-late. Wi-Fi internet. French Concession > 3/F, 47 Yongfu Lu(near Fuxing Xi Lu)永福路47号3楼(近复兴西路). Tel: 64379478.

Yuyintang 育音堂 The newest incarnation of one of Shanghai’s oldest live music entities is arguably the best so far. A small stage and standing-room-only dance floor are complemented by video projectors and cheap beer. It’s definitely a place to go for surprising, original music–from rock to DJ-crossover acts–in a city that lacks quality live music venues. Wed-Sun 8pm-3am. Less than Y99. Changning > 851 Kaixuan Lu(near Yan’an Xilu)凯旋路851号. Tel: 5237-8662, 1391685-4531.

Events at the Expo Site

Events at the Expo Site Multiple Locations Family Friendly Editor's Pick 2010 CW Reader's Choice Award Winner

g 36 |


LAN Club This upscale lounge offers a

What other gay-friendly fun stuff is happening in our flaming city? Tell us at the LGBeaT blog:

rezi: “This bar is the best bar in town. Apart from playing darts or pool you can just chat with the best and nicest bartender, Bob, either in Chinese (if you can) or in English. You can meet a lot of expats here and just have a nice and fun evening. Select whatever music you like with the computerized system. Go there and have fun.” Find it: 33 Yongjia Lu 永嘉路33号, Tel: 5466-6066

The community welcomes you like a big, gay blanket.

find yourself a mong a g reat group of friends–some local, some foreigners, but all of them open and friendly. Sha ngha i is one of t he most multicultural cities in the world, and the people that are already here are used to welcoming newcomers who roll into town. In turn, after we graduate a nd become members of t his great metropolitan society, we also do our part and welcome those who come after us. Making close friends of course takes time, but these are the people that become your family and make you feel like Shanghai is your home. I love this city. Happy hunting.


City Diner, this is a two-floor bar that serves up inexpensive Western food and has a roster of party tunes to go with it. It’s popular with the expat crowd and the partying frequently goes on all night, with high tables and a stage downstairs and sofas and bottles upstairs. 5pm-5am. Less than ¥99. Nanjing Xi Lu > 142 Tong Ren Lu(near Nanjing Xi Lu, Metro Line 2 Jing’an Temple Station)铜仁路142号(近南京西 路, 地铁2号线静安寺站). Tel: 6289-3715.

Multiple Locations

these traditions and customs, the gays of Shanghai are just like gays all over the world, they still have the same dreams and desires in finding friendship, acceptance and love. This is what is so special about Shanghai. The gay community welcomes you like a big blanket. It wraps around you and makes you feel warm. If you step into its embrace, you instantly

Judy’s 杰迪 Taking over the spot that was

Family Friendly

Many of us gays arrived in Shanghai alone, with a one-way ticket, a suitcase and a dream. I still remember that sensation. It feels like the ultimate freedom to start a new life, in a new city, where you know no one and no one knows you. But this freedom can be quite lonely in the beginning. Moving into a new culture can be daunting. Living in another country forever changes your perspective and warps your vision of t he world. It shows you how little you understand and, at the same time, allows you to explore something about yourself you never knew you had. A r r iv i ng a s a la la in Shanghai, I did wonder what it would be like to continue my gay lifestyle in such a different culture. Would I be safe? Would t here tolerance for nontraditional lifestyles? I n C a li for n ia it is not uncommon to tell your boss you are gay, or see gay couples kissing and holding hands in the streets, or even men running around at Sunday brunch in dresses. But everything’s different here. When you travel, you understand how we all approach circumstances based on our customs, traditions and past experiences. And once you see this, you start to lose your fears, reject your assumptions and develop a greater tolerance for different ways of life. After living in Shanghai for a while, I realized the gay community was alive and thriving, even though it was not apparent at the surface. Chinese custom means that public displays of affection are rare in same-sex relationships and campaigning for gay equality goes on very much behind the scenes. But, beneath

On-on Kangaroo Bar


Bar Rouge throws away the key

Editor's Pick

Being gay makes moving to a new city so easy


Welcome to the Doll House, at Node Lounge August 12-25

| 37

2010 CW Reader's Choice Award Winner


Gay Migrations

decor, cool crowd, excellent service and a barman imported from Ginza making some of the best drinks in town. A short food menu is available serving cold cuts, oysters and sandwiches from el Willy. The food come at Western prices, but the cocktails are well worth the RMB68. One of the best bars in Shanghai. Y200-Y299. French Concession > 2/F, 47 Yongfu Lu(near Fuxing Xi Lu)永福路47号(近复兴西路). Tel: 6433-6511.

Jeffrey Xie


Kyle Fong

NIGHTLIFE S.T.D. hosts New Pants at MAO Livehouse

Witness the fitness at Velvet Lounge Caption This Moment!

Girl: “Shoot! Now they'll know we hooked up.” Boy: “Yes! I have proof.”

City Moments’ Icon party at M1NT


To win a ¥350 Sherpa's voucher, visit the "Win Stuff" section at

38 |

August 12-25


© Wine & Dine WINE & DINE

Dig into salmon rillettes

VUE’s baller brunch

European | VUE Restaurant lucipher: “I drank myself under the table at brunch here. The bloody Marys were so delicious that I lost count at three. The brunch here is cream of the crop with great views, great seating and great service. The fresh lobster tails, the tenderloin and the fresh oysters were perfect (from the POV of a Baltimore resident). The desserts were exceptional too; I’m sure that I had at least half a table’s worth of them.” Find it: 30-31/F, West Tower, Hyatt on the Bund, 199 Huangpu Lu 黄浦路199号外滩茂悦大酒店西楼30-31层, Tel: 6393-1234 ext. 6328

Mexican | Pistolera

bill_greyskull: “Great tacos–good fillings and the corn tortillas have the proper taste and texture. Very good margaritas, friendly service, nice atmosphere, plus an extra star for putting the joint in Pudong.” Find it: 777 Biyun Lu 碧云路777号, Tel: 5030-4228

Vegetarian | Wu Guan Tang

angmou: “Best vegetarian in Shanghai, hands down. The handmade noodles in mala mushroom broth, the potato in red bell pepper, the pumpkin with celery and lily bulb ... the veggies are all good. For dessert right now, there’s a durian ice pop that’s to dieeeeeeee for.” Find it: 349 Xinhua Lu 新华路349号, Tel: 6281-3695

Had a great experience at a Shanghai restaurant? A lousy one? Tell Shanghai by leaving a comment on the listing. Every issue we take the best comments and feature them in the magazine.



House of Rillettes

The new hoF’s salmon rillettes is a tangy spread to die for

Just about everyone who’s been in town more than a few months has heard of (and likely fallen in love with) hoF, the cozy dessert and drinks spot on Sinan Lu. What fewer know is that hoF only materialized after owner Brian Tan spent years refining his first spot, the House of Flour (p. 48). This year, he’s taken some of the best of each location and fused them to create hoF Bar and Brasserie, a Lujiazui wine lounge featuring desserts from the original hoF and new lunch and dinner menu items from French-trained House of Flour chef Chee Meng. One of the must-try additions is the salmon rillettes (¥68),

a pounded, grounded pâté-like spread that comes with a selection of breads from House of Flour. The spread is buttery-smooth and rich, with a touch of dill, a healthy lemon zest and tiny bits of green apple to give it a subtle, fresh crunch. It’s topped by a dollop of whipped cream to add a little volume. Put it all together and you’re off instantly, floating away on a cloud of heavenly creaminess. Rillettes are normally great to share, but you’re going to want hoF’s all to yourself. ■ Geoff Ng

You’re going to want hoF’s rillettes all to yourself.

Find it: 1318 Lujiazui Huan Lu 陆家嘴环路1318号, Tel: 5010-3113 August 12-25

| 39

Dinner and a show

Kaiseki Heaven

new eats



Japanese | Kappo Yu ★★★★

Succulently seared tuna

Oyama-san’s second eatery is as good as his first

A set of cream noren curtains and an unmarked redwood door mark Kappo Yu, Sushi Oyama’s new sister restaurant. And while there are two cozy, private rooms inside, the best seats in the house are at the counter, where chef Terada Yohei holds his dinner theater. A skillful master of ceremonies, Terada-san smoothly orchestrates a decadent show by putting every dish in this kaiseki omakase meal center stage. The menu changes monthly depending on what’s in season and the chef’s whim. It mixes traditional Japanese fare with a dash of fusion to create 12 immaculately arranged courses personally served up to counter diners by Terada-san. With bold and surprising combinations of textures and flavors, chef Terada ensures that almost every course is a show stopper. Robustly meaty abalone is paired with a delicate tomato-infused gelée. The sweet corn brulée is topped with fresh, creamy savory uni. The marbled kobe– one of the best bits of beef we’ve had in Shanghai–was juicy, melt-in-the-mouth and crusted with pepper. Even seemingly simple dishes like the cold tomato soup have depth and complexity. The grand finale was decadently seared foie gras over sushi rice. The dish was sprinkled liberally with salmon flakes and fresh roe, creating an agonizingly beautiful combination of buttery richness and seafood sweetness. Waitresses in kimonos glide around the restaurant keeping cups filled. So carefully thought out is the meal that different teas accompany each stage of dinner. However, there were two big stumbles. Most notable was the seared cod, which was overcooked, oily and chewy. Another miss was the green bean mochi dessert, which had an odd, unappetizing texture of chopped edamame and sticky rice cake. At ¥690 / person, expectations are high, magnifying the two misses despite the 10 other hits. But, if you’re coming for the show as well as a meal, you won’t be disappointed. ■ Dan Ouyang

Big, juicy xiaolongbao

Spanish | El Patio ★★

Situated in a beautiful three-story lanehouse in the former French Concession, this restaurant has a great location, elegant décor and extensive terrace seating, but, at this point, it is still lacking in the food department.

Super sashimi: yellow tail and tuna

Flipping for foie gras restaurantreviewprocess

40 |

August 12-25

Xiaolongbao Wars

Plain Patio

Find it: 33 Wuxing Lu 吴兴路33号, Tel: 6466-7855


Taiwanese | Chef’s Master 台北名厨 ★★★✩✩


City Weekend is the only magazine in Shanghai to review restaurants according to a transparent process vetted by local food & beverage professionals.

We started off with patatas bravas (¥48), a bowl of crispy potato chunks wading in a pool of mildly spicy chili oil and smothered by a mountain of mayonnaise. It’s a heavy dish perfect for mayonnaise lovers. But the goat cheese salad with honey vinaigrette and nuts (¥78) went back to the kitchen after one bite. Despite a well-balanced combination of goat cheese and nuts, it’s unbearably sweet and sticky. The Spanish omelette (¥52) didn’t fare much better–it was lacking in both flavor and texture. It looked like a few pieces of potato had been accidentally cooked into a greasy omelette. The ham croquettes (¥52) came in a group of four deep-fried, bite-sized nuggets that had a crispy crust on the outside and creamy potato filling on the inside. While the ham taste was present, we had trouble locating any actual pieces of meat in the croquettes. Our favorite dish of the night was the egg with truffle and potato cream (¥68). The perfectly poached egg sits on a smooth, garlicky, creamy potato throne and wears a crown of fragrant truffle oil. Overall, though, this was a disappointing meal that only redeemed itself with two bottles of the refreshing, affordable house white wine (¥160). Given the ownership’s good work with the nowdeceased Bonito, the comfy chairs and the well-priced wine might make it worth a visit, but it’s still very much a work in progress.

though the pork is more chewy than meltin-the-mouth. The braised pork zong zi (¥12) combines glutinous rice with smoky pork and smooth salty egg yolk and the cold noodles with fibrous braised beef (¥28) come with carrot, cucumber, bean sprouts, sliced omelets and do-it-yourself seasonings that include soy sauce, black vinegar, chili oil and peanut sauce. We finished with sweet, flaky black sesame paste puff pastries (¥16 for three). While it’s not quite ready to take the international xiaolongbao crown from Din Tai Fung, Chef’s Master is making good headway in Gubei. ■ Cristina Ng

new eats American | Urban 18 ★★★★✩ A Hole in One

■ Angela Mou

Find it: 110 Fenyang Lu 汾阳路110 号, Tel: 6437-5839

In Chef’s Master, we have another upstart Taiwanese restaurant boasting a former Din Tai Fung chef in the kitchen. This time it’s from the man who originally helped set up the first of the Taiwanese eateries in Shanghai, and it’s a solid, if unremarkable, entrant. The interior is modest and functional, though the dirty walls, heavy cigarette smoke and sometimes arrogant service are a bit of a turn-off. But back to the xiaolongbao . ¥48 for an order of eight is cheaper than you’ll get at the original chain, but the thin-skinned packages of juicy pork and pungent crab here certainly deliver. They’re ge nerously stuffed wit h crab,

Urban 18 is an inner-city homage to the sport of finesse. Their golf simulators are off to one side, and there’s a golf house lounge on the other. The menu has pints of Kilkenny and Guinness on draft (¥65) and a short, Laris-designed menu with sliders, salads and a handful of refined pub classics. The tapas starter (¥60) has six bite-sized, meticulously prepared eats–satay, tortilla and a goat cheese tart. It’s a cacophony of flavors. Similarly well presented was their fantastic fish and chips (¥90), a succulent, meaty fillet of snapper surrounded by light golden batter, potato wedges and homemade tartar sauce. The loaded club sandwich (¥55) drew similar applause. This is as close as you’ll get to a real clubhouse experience in town. ■ Drew Bates

Find it: 429 Guyang Lu 古羊路 429 号, Tel: 5108-6385

Crispy fish and chips

Find it: Unit 201A, 227 Huangpi Bei Lu 黄陂北路227号201A 室, Tel: 6375-9018

August 12-25

| 41

He’s No. 1

Table No. 1’s Jason Atherton dishes on his ambitions in Asia You've worked with big names like Gordon Ramsay. Who has had the most influence on your career? Ferran Adrià is my mentor. He gave me freedom of brain. Everything at his restaurant, El Bulli, is outside the box–he has a completely different way of looking at food. I'm forever in his debt. What lessons do you now try to pass on to those in your kitchen? I want them to be equipped to run their own businesses. Many chefs get lost in the romance of food–as they should do–but they have to wear two hats, as a businessman and a chef. You have to evolve constantly. Get the business going, then slowly, slowly, mould it and mould it and build trust, and then you can start to be adventurous– Ferran did this in his restaurant for 25 years before he became famous. Where is Table No. 1 now and how will it evolve? Well, I think the tapas-style really lends itself to the Chinese way of sharing food, so I wanted to show modern European food done that way. When Michelin comes to China, I think it could be a one-

Ferran Adrià gave me freedom of brain. star Michelin restaurant. It'll take some tightening up–the service needs more polish and the food needs to be slicker, but I think it's only a matter of time. Table No. 1 by Jason Atherton, 1-3 Maojiayuan Lu 毛家园路1-3号, Tel: 6080-2918

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August 12-25

THE Dish


Proper prawns

Shanghainese | Paul’s

In Infamy

The sun’s rearing its head and everything’s getting fuzzy. Where are all the city’s late night eats?

Chowing down on river prawns A superb meal years ago at this legendary spot had made it one of our favorite Shanghainese eateries, but a recent quality complaint filed by a friend spurred us to go back and check it out again. The menu here has expanded from strictly Shanghainese cuisine to include a huge selection of Chinese food including some typically Cantonese and Sichuan fare. Sticking to the restaurant’s signature food, we picked a few of the recommended Shanghainese dishes from the Bible-thick menu. Our favorite is the shuijing xiaren (¥58, 水晶虾仁), fresh and tender river prawns lightly wok fried with broad beans. The delicious combination of pink and green made it a treat for both mouth and eyes. The youtiao haixian juan (¥30, 油条海 鲜卷) is also a must-try. The owner Westernized this traditional Shanghainese dish to create a heavily sauced variation. The minced seafood stuffed in deep fried dough rolls come covered with thick Thousand Island dressing. The layers of sweet, sour, crunchy and soft explode on the tongue one after another. But, we were disappointed with the Swiss beef steak (¥38, 瑞士牛排) this time around. The black pepper sauce is too sweet

and the meat is chewy. We weren’t entirely sold on baoluo shengjian (¥24, 保罗生煎) either. Compared to the city’s many other shengjian offerings, the restaurant’s famed fried dumplings have overly thick skin and too little juice. There are notes all over the walls saying that the restaurant is still expanding. We don’t know how much bigger it’s going to get but here’s a polite message to the ambitious owner: fame might bring popularity, but quality is the key to continuous success. ■ Hailey Meng Find it: 271 Fumin Lu 富民路271号, Tel: 6279-2827

Check, Please Nepalese | Nepali Kitchen

No-Go Nepali

Nepali Kitchen

No.4, Lane 819 Julu Lu 巨鹿路819弄4号 Tel: 5404-6281 08/01/2010 8:01pm Invoice: 42263

Samosa: These filling vegetarian eats have a thicker crust than their Indian counterparts and are stuffed with peas, potato and peanuts. They’re the restaurant’s strongest offering.

It’s Past Bedtime

Say d’oh at Krispy Kreme






Chicken Chili


Beef Curry


Mango Lassi


Grand Total


Mango Lassi: Thick and slightly sour from its yogurt base, it lacked the fresh mango zest that we were looking for. Worst of all, they serve it warm even in the heat of summer.

Beef Curry: We’ve had their curries before and have never really been impressed. This was no exception, and that’s not a good sign for a restaurant of this type. It’s meaty but much too small for the price. It lacks the punch that is promised by the “Nepali spices” on the menu. The chili chicken was much better, but the best main at a central Asian restaurant shouldn’t be a Chinese one.

I t hought I would ta ke a favorite Cha’s (p. 48) takes guests week off from my general until 1am, too. ranting to celebrate summer in So we’ve got some options Shanghai. As you can imagine, I here, but in the U.S., 24-hour resfinish work late. And then come taurants are a much more interestthe drinks. So many drinks. You’ve ing and savory experience. After been there. Alcohol and late nights the whole City Diner fiasco, there often create an insatiable desire for hasn’t yet been another 24-hour many things, chief among them diner experience. No one seems to being for food. W hen it’s late, want to step into that arena again. in the still (or the unstill) of the Besides the crappy hours, the fact night, it’s munch time. I generally shy away from McDonald’s, where MSG-laden wings and bubble guts are made to order. For your local food fix, I like Fangbang Lu near Renmin Lu, where great frog legs and mounds of spicy, now-inseason crayfish await. The food streets are where you will find, in my humble opinion, t he finest late night drunk food. Skewers and other grilled items are aplenty. I’ll warn you ahead of time about the oysters though–they aren’t J. Rodman Jr. for the faint of stomach. Craving pizza? Melrose Pizza delivers all night. that a quarter of your inventory Are you out on the town? Velvet may go missing if there isn’t an Lounge serves slices and pies into honest local manager present, the the wee hours and, over on Yongfu constant smorgasbord of scary Lu (p. 36), my spot, The Apart- situations provided by disorderly ment, has followed suit and is now and sketchy customers and the serving pie as well. Feeling a bit potential police issues, it’s an easy more upscale? Newly arrived El gig. Patio (p. 41) is serving what is late T he best idea my friends night food for most of us, but the and I have come up with: driveSpanish call it “dinner” and it’s through breakfast restaurants, available until 12-1am. available for walking or driving A nadolu on Hengshan Lu customers. Pull up, slip the monisn’t much to look at, but at 3:35am, ey through a slot and out comes what is? The lamb kebabs, hum- that 4am grease that your system mus and pita are tasty and cheap. needs to get you into bed. The As long as you’re on the street, market is calling. Who (or what) there is also Hengshan Café, serv- will answer? ing Hong Kong-style comfort food Until then, all night. There is a bounty of I’m just gonna go Chinese eateries open late, but Bel- grab some “meat” lagio and Charmant are my picks skewers and call for Taiwanese grub. Cantonese it a night.

The food streets are where you’ll find the finest late-night drunk food.

For expanded versions of all my columns and exclusive web-only updates, check out the Dish blog at


Sean Jorgensen This chef loves the hot summer nights

Best donuts

Lord of the Rings Russian | Ponchiki This tiny pierogi stand has the best homestyle donuts in town and, at ¥3 a pop, they’re cheaper than the other options on this list. They have a great, chewy bite to them and are available plain or dressed to your liking. You can get them covered in powdered sugar and your choice of one or more of the “gooey sweet” condensed milk, chocolate syrup and honey sauces upon request. We’re suckers for the condensed milk topping, but you can’t really go wrong here. Bonus: the early morning deliveries just improved your 8am meetings tenfold. Find it: 612 Changle Lu 长乐路 612号, Tel: 137-0173-1700

American | Krispy Kreme The American staple made its way to Shanghai last year and, though the donuts here aren’t quite as fatteningly decadent as they are in America, they’ve still got 16 melt-in-your-mouth, diabetes-welcoming flavors made in the shop’s glass walled “donut theater.” The regular glazed (¥7) is more than enough for us, but gluttons can go for the New York cheesecake (¥9) or Hershey’s Kookies & Kreme (¥8) options. Best of all? The store regularly hands out free samples and it’s right next to a Metro entrance. Find it: 169 Wujiang Lu 吴江路169号, Tel: 5228-9727

Cafés | Baker & Spice The donut selection here is infinitesimal but delectable. Head over for two to three flavors of berliner, a German and Central European treat filled with vanilla custard or raspberry marmalade (both ¥12) and coated in sugar that’ll come off on your finger and leave you licking them. We love the way the rich fillings ooze out as your teeth tear into the soft, fleshy, fried dough, but neat freaks may not, so for them we recommend using your index finger to poke a hole in the top and sucking out every last bit of the creamy goodness that’s inside. ■ Geoff Ng and Sophie Friedman Find it: 1/F, 195 Anfu Lu 安福路195号1楼

Sophie Friedman Did we miss your favorite place for donuts? Leave ■ a comment at


August 12-25

| 43


Geoff Dining Editor

Thursday, Aug. 19

Chefs on Fire

This wine dinner will have Adam Liston, T8’s acclaimed chef, creating alongside Ryan Clift, the co-owner and chef from Singapore’s Tippling Club. Every one of the six courses they cook up will be paired with vino from Eden Hall, an Australian winery based in the renowned Barossa Valley. Book early to get a seat at the Twisted Table, where you’ll get a chance to interact with the chefs while they work their magic. ¥788. 7pm T8 6355-8999

Every Friday

Friday Wine Tasting


Shandong | Dong Lai Hai Shang 东莱海上

Shandong Delights

Shandong province isn’t just famous for Tsingtao beer. It also has killer seafood, and this small restaura nt serves fresh and authentic seafood imported from Shandong itself. The most popular dish on the menu is the chili wok fried purple clams or la bao tian e dan (¥58, 辣爆天鹅蛋 ). Sautéed with peppers and chili, the clams are extremely tender. Shandong locals call these clams “swan eggs” because they just melt in the mouth. But our favorite is pao shan ji men ge li, free-range chicken stewed with clams (¥58, 跑 山鸡焖蛤蜊 ), a hearty stew that perfectly combine s tender chicken, delicious clams, sweet chestnuts, taro and pungent peppers. The fish dumplings or ba yu shui jiao (¥16,鲅鱼水饺 ) are a must-try as well. They’re just like dongbei dumplings just bigger and tastier.

■ Hailey Meng

Find it: 94 Fujian Zhong Lu 福建中路94, Tel: 6311-580 0

Chicken stewed with clams

Start your weekend off with a free glass of wine at Napa Reserve’s weekly wine tasting. This month they’re featuring the Whitehall Lane Winery, Peju Winery, Hall Winery and Honig Vineyards. Every tasting will feature two bottles (one red and one white) from the week’s highlighted wine producer. The shop is also offering 20 percent off all Sauvignon Blancs during the month of August. 5:30-8pm Napa Reserve 6340-0493


Wine Spectator Award Set Dinner

To celebrate its second Best of Award of Excellence from American magazine Wine Spectator, Napa Wine Bar & Kitchen is offering specially priced three- and four-course dinners. The set meals are paired with one glass of wine per course and will include dishes like chef Matthew Ona’s codfish with XO salt, beef tenderloin from Australia and a tasting dessert plate featuring crème brûlée, a fruit tart and chocolate cake. ¥380 for three courses, ¥480 for four. 6-11pm Napa Wine Bar & Kitchen 6318-0057

City Weekend Gourmet Fest August 15-September 15

Hamilton House Menu

This French restaurant is offering City Weekend readers a great deal this month, so head out near The Bund and check it out. The three-course set menu features a choice of two starters, including a French onion soup, and main options that range from pan-fried snapper to rack of lamb. End the meal with a chocolate and praline torte or

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August 12-25

Cristal Restaurant and Bar 6136-1388

Mi Tierra Menu

Aberdeen Hotpot Restaurant 5465-2220

Head down to this popular Mexican joint for a set meal which kicks off with an icy margarita, then features roasted chicken in chocolate sauce, chicken jalapeño tostaditas, shrimp bicentenario enchiladas and a strawberry or mango roll for dessert. ¥299 per person.

Tanya Matabei Menu

Check out one of Shanghai’s best yakitori spots for this tasty set menu. Every diner gets a house salad, miso soup, chicken-egg fried rice, a spicy tuna roll and a selection of meats including U.S. black angus tenderloin beef, minced chicken and pork neck meat. ¥199 per person.

Mi Tierra Mexican Restaurant & Taco Bar > Yongjia Lu 5465-5837

Tanya Matabei 6473-4901

Dining Deals

Bistro Burger Menu

This classy, Vargas-run burger joint will be dishing up a special deal for City Weekend readers from Aug. 15-Sept. 15. This ¥199 set menu feeds two and includes a farmer salad, a super burger, a chocolate brownie and a classic milkshake (or a glass of Tsingtao draft) for each diner. Bistro Burger 6170-1315

Nougatine Menu

Nougatine is the bistro part of Jean Georges, and it’s treating City Weekend readers to one of the best Bund-side deals you’ll ever get. This three course menu features a foie gras brûlée to start, a grilled Australian beef tenderloin entrée and Jean Georges’s signature chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream to finish. ¥299 (plus 10 percent surcharge). Nougatine 6321-7733,

Leonardo’s Menu

Head down to the Hilton to sample this specially priced four-course menu at Leonardo’s. You’ll start with a chilled terrine of goose foie gras starter before moving on to a creamy green asparagus soup and the main, a panroasted Wagyu rib cap with tomato béarnaise sauce. The dinner will end on a sweet note with a thyme and honey crème brûlée that’s served with a chocolate madeleine. ¥399 per person. Leonardo’s 6248-0000 ext. 1850


Dining Deals → Chefs on Fire

This dinner sees Adam Liston of T8 going up against Ryan Clift from the Tippling Club on Aug. 19.

→ CW Gourmet Fest

Some of the best restaurants in town offer up huge discounts on set meals through Sept. 15.

→ Indonesian

Independence Day

Celebrate at Bali Bistro with a range of items reduced to just ¥17 from Aug. 16-18.


Allure 3318-9999 ext. 7022

This upscale hot pot restaurant is offering a special set menu from Aug. 15-Sept. 15. Start off with the spicy Sichuan soup, then proceed to cook up some of the seafood catch of the day, Australian Wagyu beef, dumplings and assorted vegetables. Top it all off with some ice cream. ¥199 for two

The winner of this year’s Readers’ Choice Award for “Best Mediterranean Restaurant” will be offering a four course set menu, including a selection of five starters, two soups and six desserts, for this year’s Gourmet Fest. We especially like the king fish tartar to start, followed by squid ink linguini and a seafood main. Finish sweet with the Guanaja chocolate souffle. ¥299 per person.

Monday, Aug. 16-18

Indonesian Independence Day

A+ Aussie Wines Ten of Australia’s best winemakers were in town recently for the launch of their A+ Australian Wine campaign at the Shanghai World Expo. Admittedly, Australia produces a lot of reasonably priced wines. However, that does not mean all Australian wines taste the same. The vastly different characters in wines are due to Australia’s great diversity of climate. Here are a few wines worth looking for. The Brokenwood Semillon Hunter Valley 2008 (¥180 from Jebsen, Tel: 2306-4888) is a low alcohol, dry white wine made from Semillon grapes. It’s an Australian specialty that can be enjoyed young or cellared for 10 years. The Yering Station Chardonnay Yarring Valley 2006 (¥254 from The Wine Republic, Tel: 5466-1907) is made in elegant style, with vibrant citrus aromas and a light nutty finish. The Peter Lehman Art Series Shiraz Barossa Valley 2008 (¥224 from ASC, Tel: 6445-3214) is a textbook South Australian Shiraz and has a spicy, peppery nose, rounded vanilla and cherry flavors and a fullbodied finish. ■ Paul Wong Creator of

Celebrate Indonesian Independence Day at Bali Bistro. For three days, the glass-walled lakeside restaurant is offering eight different items for just ¥17 each, including some of its most popular curries. RSVP not required but recommended.

Bali Bistro 6288-5778,

Every Saturday and Sunday

Events at the Expo Site

Need a dinner recommendation? Looking for more gossip? Check out the Shanghai Dining blog at

Celebrate Chinese Valentine’s Day at Allure, Le Meridien’s 64th-floor French restaurant. This six-course set menu starts with king crab tartar, seared goose liver and a cappuccino of black truffle and white bean soup before the dry-aged black angus beef tenderloin main. Finish with a specially created strawberry dessert. ¥1,288 for two, add ¥600 for a bottle of Champagne. 6-10pm

Aberdeen Hot Pot Menu

Cristal Menu

Saturday & Sunday All You Can Eat

Stuff yourself silly with all-you-can-eat Italian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese and more. A wide variety of food makes this the ideal spot for a large group or for families. Lunch runs from 11am3pm and dinner from 5-10pm and, on the weekends, kids can monkey around in their own playground while Mom and Dad kick back. ¥88 kids ages 4 to 11, ¥158 for adults.

Multiple Locations


The big-name, big-budget IFC Mall is now just about fully open. It’s anchored by the Apple store, a host of high-fashion outlets and a Ritz-Carlton Hotel next door, but a couple of big names in dining are also setting up shop. For all you carnivores, Chicago-based Morton’s Steakhouse will open its biggest ever restaurant. The 200seat venue is the upscale chain’s first location on the Chinese Mainland and will feature its signature 48-ounce Porterhouse steaks. For chocophiles, high-end French chocolate manufacturer Jean-Paul Hevin is coming to China after opening three successful shops in Hong Kong. He’ll be running against China veteran Godiva, which is also in the mall. Back in Puxi, Maison Pourcel has opened in the historic Hong Fangzi (the “Red House”), serving “authentic Mediterranean-inspired French cuisine with a contemporary twist” in a three-floor space that’s big enough to include a terrace and a wine cellar with 3,000 bottles. The twin Michelin-starred Pourcel brothers’ Sens & Bund met a premature end a few years ago and their restaurant in the France Pavilion, 6 Sens, has received mixed reviews. Here’s hoping the third time’s the charm.

Romantic Dining on the Night of Sevens


Y’s Table 6877-6865,


Blue King Prawn Buffet

Head to the JC Mandarin for their Blue Water king prawn buffet. They’ll be dishing up enormous king prawn dishes composed of the tasty grilled seafood and a multitude of sauces, including a lobster and crab oil vinaigrette and a paprika, parmesan and anchovy butter sauce. Other buffet options include king crab, sashimi, sushi and a range of other Asian and Western dishes. Top it all off by dipping into the chocolate fountain for dessert. 6-9:30pm

Family Friendly

Monday, Aug. 16

Name Recognition

Hamilton House 6321-0586,

Editor's Pick


their signature tarte tatin. ¥299.

JC Mandarin 6279-1888,

Spanish Gastronomy Fiesta

Get down to the Gran Melia Shanghai for a meal created by Michelin-starred chefs. The Spain Pavilion is bringing in a star-studded and rotating cast of culinary experts; every week will feature a chef from a different part of the country cooking with a chef from another cuisine. ¥878.

2010 CW Reader's Choice Award Winner

Wine Tastings

Acqua 136-2198-7226,

August 12-25

| 45

Sashay down to the Spain Pavilion for a five-course dinner and a dance performance. The dinner will feature a tempting range of tapas, including Manchego D.O. cheese with walnut and carbracho fish pudding, and will be accompanied by a flamenco dance show that changes every five weeks. There are two sessions daily at 6pm and 8pm. ¥298 (excluding Expo ticket). Spain Pavilion 136-3660-7215,

Dine with MichelinStarred Belgian Chefs

The Belgium Pavilion is bringing in 12 Michelin-starred chefs over the course of the Expo to prepare specially-designed menus. They’re led by Kobe Desramaults, Belgium’s youngest-ever Michelin-starred gourmant, though each chef has been drawn from a different region of the country. ¥320 for the three-course lunch set, ¥480 for the four-course dinner option. Belgium Pavilion 5198-3644,

Free Champagne with Dinner

Enjoy a free glass of Champagne with every order of Cristal’s four-course set dinner. Menu options include everything from its signature lobster bisque to Australian beef tenderloin, and it’s all prepared in fine French fashion. Top it all off with its pistachio crème brûlée. ¥398. 6-10:30pm Cristal Restaurant and Bar 6136-1388,

Brunches Former French Concession

Mexican Patio Brunch

Make your way to Mi Tierra and enjoy its glass-covered indoor patio for a brunch featuring the homestyle cuisine of Mexican-born chef Gabriela Fernandez. They’ve worked up a special brunch menu featuring a selection of tacos, burritos and gorditas, so head down to the mansion for a taste. 11am-4pm Mi Tierra Mexican Restaurant & Taco Bar 5465-5837,

Gubei / Hongqiao

Weekend Brunch at the Belgian Beer Garden

Kaiba’s long had a solid little menu, and now its expanding into brunch as well. Build your own Belgian waffle (¥40) with sauces, ice cream and a selection of fresh fruit and kick back on its cozy, enclosed patio. There are also sandwiches (¥35) and a seasonal soup and salad deal (¥35). It’s a great, cheap alternative to some of the fancier Sunday brunches in town. 11am-4pm Kaiba 6280-5688,

Set Lunches Huaihai Zhong Lu

Special Set Lunch

This set lunch starts off at a very affordable ¥38, and comes with a myriad of options. Take your pick from a selection of grilled mackerel, sashimi, sushi, pork and chicken options and get an appetizer, dessert and coffee or tea as well. Starting from ¥38. 11:30am-2pm Ninsei 150-2150-9039,

Nanjing Xi Lu

Salad Lunch Combo

Eat healthily this summer with this lunch salad combo. zest express gets its veggies delivered every morning from their Shanghai Organics farm, making this a meal you can feel good about. Get one of its 12 salads with a soup or freshly squeezed juice for just ¥58. zest express 6218-3199,


A Gracious Spring Lunch

Danieli’s is the five-star St. Regis’ Hotel’s top restaurant (both literally and figuratively), and is now offering a new lunch menu alongside its usual fantastic views of Pudong and the Nanpu bridge. Expect to see new additions like salmon carpaccio and braised pork cheek. ¥120 (plus 15 percent surcharge) for the three-course menu includes coffee, tea or a drink. 11:30am-2pm Danieli’s Italian Restaurant 5050-4567,

Add Your Event: Every issue we publish THE BEST events from our website. The next issue covers Aug. 26-Sept. 8. Upload your event by Aug. 16. 46 |

August 12-25

Element Fresh 新元素 If you’re feeling a little worse for wear after scoffing down too many deep-fried dumplings, head here for a healthy antidote. As the name implies, you’ll enjoy an array of potent shakes, leafy salads and fresh-grilled sandwiches. Revel in the Revel in the homemade hummus and you’ll instantly feel redeemed. They’ve also got a great kids menu for the munchkins. Delivery available. Sun-Thu 7am-11pm, FriSat 7am-12am. ¥100-¥199. Wi-Fi internet. Lujiazui > 1/F Super Brand Mall, 168 Lujiazui Xi Lu(near Fucheng Lu, Metro Line 2 Lujiazui Station)陆家嘴西路168号正大广场西门1楼 (近富城路, 地铁2号线陆家嘴站). Tel: 50472060. ••Mon-Fri 7am-11pm; Sat-Sun 7am-12midnight. ¥100¥199. Wi-Fi internet. Nanjing Xi Lu > Rm.112, Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Xikang Lu, Metro Line 2 Jing’an Temple Station)南京西路1376号上海商城112室(近西 康路, 地铁2号线静安寺站 ). Tel: 6279-8682.••Sun-Thu 7am-11pm, Fri-Sat 7am-12am. ¥100-¥199. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 4/F, Kwah Restaurant Centre, 1028 Huaihai Zhong Lu(near Xiangyang Lu, Metro Line 1 Shaanxi Nan Lu Station)淮海中路1028 号嘉华中心4楼(近襄阳路, 地铁1号线陕西南 路站). Tel: 5403-8865. www.elementfresh. com••Sun-Thu 7am-11pm, Fri-Sat 7am-12am. ¥100-¥199. Wi-Fi internet. Jinqiao > Green City, 331 Hongfeng Lu(near Biyun Lu)浦东碧云社 区红枫路331号(靠近碧云路). Tel: 3382-1700.


Kakadu 卡卡图 Head Down Under

at this establishment which offers adventurous diners a true taste of the Outback. Emu, kangaroo and crocodile make strange yet interesting plate-fellows while a mix of aboriginal ingredients and indigenous fruits and spices heighten the experience. Don’t forget to grab a “wattleccino” on your way out. 10-1am. ¥200-¥299. Fuxing Park > 8 Jianguo Zhong Lu(near Chongqing Lu)建国中路8号(近重庆 路). Tel: 5468-0118.


Baker & Spice This Wagas-owned bakery pumps out all the bread for its parent company, but it’s got a great selection of baked treats as well. Drop by for a taste of everything from baguettes to specialty loaves of bread to cupcakes and desserts. 7am-9pm. Less than ¥99. Changning > 1/F, 195 Anfu Lu(near Wulumuqi Lu)安福路195号1楼(近乌鲁木齐路). Tel: 5404-2733.

PAUL 保罗贝香 This authentic Parisian

boulangerie turns out fresh baked goods on-site at several glamorous locations around town. Serving a tempting array of breads, tarts, cakes, pastries, sandwiches and special occasion treats, this spot entices visitors to take home a baker’s dozen. 8:30am-10pm. ¥100-¥199. Wi-Fi internet. Gubei/Hongqiao > 1/F, 268 Shuicheng Nan Lu(near Yan’an Xi Lu)水城南 路268号1楼(近延安西路). Tel: 6295-6951. china. ••8am-10pm . Less than ¥99. Jinqiao > 2/F, 555 Biyun Lu(near Lan’an Lu)碧云路555 号2楼(近蓝桉路). Tel: 3382-1457. www.paul. fr/paul_china

Wagas 沃歌斯 Crowds congregate at this hip joint for hearty servings of paninis, burgers, wraps, salads and desserts. It’s a friendly place that features free Wi-Fi and quality food at good prices. Go during breakfast and dinner for the morning and evening specials and to avoid the lunch rush. 7am-10pm. ¥100-¥199. Wi-Fi internet. Nanjing Xi Lu > Citic Square: 1168 Nanjing Xi Lu, LG11A(near Jiangning Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Xi Lu Station)南京西路 1168号(近江宁路, 地铁2号线南京西路站). Tel: 5292-5228. ••7am-10pm. ¥100-¥199. Wi-Fi internet. Pudong > Big Thumb Plaza : G31, 199 Fangdian Lu(near Dingxiang Lu)芳甸路199弄 大拇指广场31号(近丁香路). Tel: 5033-6277. ••7am-10:30pm. ¥100-¥199. Wi-Fi internet. Huaihai Zhong Lu > Hong Kong World Plaza: 300 Huaihai Zhong Lu, G107(near Madang Lu, Metro Line 1 Huangpi Nan Lu Station Exit 3)淮 海中路300号香港新世界广场G107(近马当 路, 地铁1号线黄陂南路站3号口 ). Tel: 63353739.

Cha’s Restaurant This Cantonese “cha canting” is a throwback to the 1950s, boasting dishes from crispy roast chicken to macaroni and spam in broth and fishball soup. The tiled floor, cafeteria ambiance and straightforward menu of skillfully recreated classic canto diner hits draws many curious expats and locals. Daily 11am-2am. ¥100¥199. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 1/F, 30 Sinan Lu(near Huaihai Zhong Lu)思南路30号1楼(近淮海中 路). Tel: 6093-2062. Ming Tang Organic Dining Wine & Bar 名唐有机餐厅 This is one of the few

Chinese restaurants in town that focuses on using organic products (all sourced from China’s northeast) in its dishes. It’s also MSG-free. They’re still able to prepare the full range of Cantonese dishes by using special quick wok-frying and steaming techniques. 11am-9:30pm. ¥100-¥199. The Bund > Rm. 102, Bldg. 2, 505 Zhongshan Nan Lu(near Xinmatou Lu)中山南路505号,2号楼,102 室(近新码头路). Tel: 6152-6668. alanxu1111@

Contemporary Chinese

Lynn Modern Shanghai Cuisine 琳 怡中餐厅 This stylish eatery serves up a modern version of sultry, pre-revolutionary Shanghai, complete with an Art Decoinspired ambiance. The clean flavors and light-handed preparation of contemporary Shanghainese fare provide a welcome contrast to the heavy decor. This eatery successfully combines competent cuisine, plush quarters, and efficient service at nonsignature prices. 11:30am-2:30pm, 6-10:30pm. ¥200-¥299. Nanjing Xi Lu > 99-1 Xikang Lu(near Nanjing Xi Lu)西康路99-1号(近南京西 路). Tel: 6247-0101.

Citta Espresso Club 长宁路 This

growing espresso club chain is a great spot to curl up with a book. Inhale the rich charcoal aroma of real Italian coffee and strong dark espresso brews with a bitter after-taste. Decent bistro-style sandwiches, salads, pastas and desserts offer a light repast. 7:30am-11:30pm. ¥100¥199. Wi-Fi internet. Zhongshan Park > 1/ F, No. 1, Metrotown, 890 Changning Lu(near Yuyuan Lu)长宁路890号玫瑰坊1楼1号(近 愚园路). Tel: 5241-1881.

hoF Brian Tan’s Puxi venue, a dessert slash wine lounge, offers House of Flour’s amazing chocolate cake, and a few new utterly delicious creations like Chocolate Sinan Lu (we’ll leave you to find the surprise), and a heavenly chocolate mousse cake with buttery crunchies inside. If you’re in a salty mood, go for bacon wrapped prune tapas or the scrumptious ¥98 cheese plate. HoF offers wine, tapas, gelato, coffee, tasty designer cocktails and truffles in addition to dessert. Tue-Thu 11am-12am, Fri-Sun 11am-1am. ¥100-¥199. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 30 Sinan Lu(Near Huaihai Zhong Lu)思南路30号(近淮海中路). Tel: 60932058, 6093-2052.


Dining Room (in the Park Hyatt) No expense is spared in the Park

Hyatt’s lobby-level restaurant where truly epicurean European Provincial cuisine marries with an extensive wine list of organic and biodynamic wines. Swoon over delicious seared scallops, oven-roasted black cod or grain-fed Australian lamb rather than the fact that you’re 87 floors up. 11:30am-2:30pm, 5:30pm-10:30pm. More than ¥400. Lujiazui > 87/F, Shanghai World Financial Center, 100 Century Avenue(near Dongtai Lu)世 纪大道100号环球金融中心87楼(近东泰路). Tel: 6888-1234.

The Terrace An open show kitchen allows diners to watch the action unfold as their selected local and international dishes are skilfully prepared by the chefs. Those wanting a broader selection can also opt to feast from the buffet. Fill up your plate and then hit the terrace for a touch of outdoor relaxation. 24H. ¥100-¥199. Wi-Fi internet. Putuo > 1/F, Radisson Hotel Shanghai Hongquan, 210 Taopu Lu(near Daduhe Lu)桃浦 路210号上海宏泉丽笙酒店1楼(近大渡河路). Tel: 5355-9999. www.


Whisk Choco Café This lunch and

dessert café exudes a preference for the sinful. After polishing off a panini or pizza, flirt over gorgeous mugs of hot chocolate paired with molten chocolate cake. TuesSun, 10:30am-11:30pm. Less than ¥99. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 1250 Huaihai Lu(near Huating Lu, Metro Line 1 Changshu Lu Station) 淮海路1250号(近华亭路, 地铁1号线常熟路 站). Tel: 5404-7770.


Ginger Continue along Taikang Lu to find this member of the Ginger chain, serving up the same delicious fusion fare but with a twist. This time, the Ginger crew brings you their normal fusion menu as well as a broader selection of Vietnamese and Southeast Asian delights to satiate your palate. 10am-10pm. ¥100-¥199. Wi-Fi internet. Luwan > No. 34, Lane 248 Taikang Lu(near Sinan Lu)泰康路248弄34号(近思 南路). Tel: 5465-9069.

Gourmet Shop 美食店 This hotel deli makes a wide range of homestyle cakes and pastries fresh daily. They have some solid pralines, and they also offer up fresh cold cuts, cheese and a small selection of wine and liquor. 6:30am-9:30pm. ¥100¥199. Wi-Fi internet. Gubei/Hongqiao > 1/ F Marriot Hongqiao, 2270 Hongqiao Lu(near Jianhe Lu)虹桥路2270号万豪虹桥大酒店1楼 (近剑河路). Tel: 6237-6000 ext. 6764. www.

Events at the Expo Site

Flamenco FiveCourse Dinner

啤酒屋 This three-floor microbrewery has some of the best beers in Puxi. They’ve got good American pub grub, bar games and at least three of their micro-brews on tap at all times. Check out their patio in the summer when they get the barbecue going outdoors. Mon-Thurs 5pm-2am, Fri 3pm-2am, Sat-Sun 11am-3am. ¥200-¥299. Wi-Fi internet. French Concession > 82 Fuxing Xi Lu(near Yongfu Lu, Metro Line 1 Changshu Lu Station)复兴西路82号(近永福路,地铁1号 线常熟路站). Tel: 6431-2091 ext. 801. info@ www.

Canton 粤珍轩 Fancy tuxedo-ed leather chairs and Chinese screens of glass and gold leaf characterizes this venue’s rich for the rich atmosphere. Diners can enjoy a 360 degree view of the Shanghai lights from the 55th floor of the dizzingly vertical Grand Hyatt Hotel, while imported Hong Kong chefs dish up classic Cantonese dishes. 11:30am-2:30pm, 5:30-10pm. ¥300-¥399. Wi-Fi internet. Lujiazui > 88 Century Boulevard, Jin Mao Tower, Grand Hyatt Shanghai(near Huayuanshiqiao Lu, Metro Line 2 Lujiazui Station)上海世纪大道88号55楼(近花园石 桥路,地铁2号线陆家嘴站). Tel: 5047-1234 ext. 8778 / 8779.

those with a cocoa addiction. Indulge in a cup of decadently rich chocolate ice cream or sample the other chocolate treats availabe. Sun-Thu 10am-9pm, Fri-Sat 10am-10pm. ¥100¥199. French Concession > 174 Xiangyang Nan Lu(near Fuxing Zhong Lu, Metro Line 1 Shaan Xi Nan Lu Exit 1)襄阳南路174号(近复兴中路,地铁 一号线陕西南路1号口). Tel: 6474-5336. www.

Multiple Locations

Boxing Cat Brewery 拳击猫

Cantonese & Dim Sum

Shanghai Tang Café Opened as a

nearby extension of the Shanghai Tang flagship store, this eatery and bar is much more than just a café. The menu, featuring Southeast Asian influenced Chinese food, was designed by Whampoa Club chef Jereme Leung. The sumptuous, decadent, second floor bar serves classic cocktails with a twist, and is furnished in silky, chromatic colors and stylized birdcage lanterns. Sun-Thu 11am–12am, Fri-Sat 11am–2am. ¥300-¥399. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 2F/3F, 333 Huangpi Nan Lu(Near Taicang Lu)黄 陂南路333号2-3楼(近太仓路). Tel: 6377-3333.

Luneta Shanghai’s first Filipino eatery offers a cafe-style environment, friendly service and inexpensive and tasty meals. Check it out on the weekends for their coconut blossom wine-fueled karaoke events till 4am. Order up the chicken and pork adobo, which has delicious crispy edges and flavorful, tender meat. 11am-12am. Less than ¥99. Wi-Fi internet. Jing An > 758-2 Julu Lu(near Fumin Lu)巨鹿路758-2号(近富民路). Tel: 6289-2689.

Family Friendly


start your morning routine with coffee supplied from Costa’s Roastery in Central London. The inviting scent of morning coffee will get you ready and rejuvenated for your day in no time. Grab breakfast, a chicken bacon sandwich or opt for their dessert list of cheesecake, chocolate truffle and tiramisu. 8am-11pm. Less than ¥99. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 638 Huaihai Zhong Lu(near Pu’an Lu)淮海中路638号(近普安路). Tel: 5306-5231. ••8am-11:30pm. ¥100-¥199. Jing An > 269 Wujiang Lu吴江路269号. Tel: 6136-1403.••7am-11pm. Less than ¥99. 3196 Hongmei Lu(near Huaguang Lu)虹梅路3196 号(近华光路). Tel: 6406-5909. cn••7:30am-10:30pm. Less than ¥99. Xuhui > 238 Zhaojiabang Lu(near Shaanxi Nan Lu)肇嘉 滨路238号(近陕西南路). Tel: 6466-8081.

Editor's Pick


Find ALL of Shanghai’s restaurants online at www. Below are those with the highest BUZZ.

Costa Coffee Refresh your mind and

2010 CW Reader's Choice Award Winner



Awfully Chocolate Creamy cakes imply more than an outrageous use of whipped cream at this chocolate specialty store where moist double-layered chocolate cakes await

August 12-25

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French Master Chef at the helm, this 36th-floor jewel flaunts more than striking views of the Bund. In the kitchen, Chef Fabrice Giraud prepares French food that is exquisitely subtle and tastefully modern. Choose from two set menus focusing on meat or seafood, or simply order a la carte. We’re thoroughly addicted to their foie gras terrine and pisto soup. 6pm-10pm. More than ¥400. Pudong > 36/F, Tower 2, Pudong ShangriLa Hotel, 33 Fucheng Lu(near Lujiazui Xi Lu, Metro Line 2 Lujiazui Station)富城路33号浦东 香格里拉大酒店2座36楼(近陆家嘴西路, 地铁 2号线陆家嘴站). Tel: 6882-3636.

Le Bouchon 勃逊 This is a charming French bistro with a mom and pop feel in a family and friends-friendly environment. Postcards from Bordeaux and Cote d’Azur lend a romantic feel. Menu includes crêpes, salads, pastas, paninis, homemade desserts served a la carte or in menu sets. 6:3010:30pm. ¥200-¥299. Zhongshan Park > 1455 Wuding Xi Lu(near Jiangsu Lu)武定西路1455号 (近江苏路). Tel: 6225-7088. Mosaic Restaurant 莫塞克餐厅 This

casual concept restaurant with views of Nanjing Lu offers an eclectic mix of modern Western and Asian cuisines. In the open kitchen, chefs make cooked-to-order steaks, teppanyaki and noodle soups. The seafood, salad and meat bars overflow with pate, roasted vegetables, cheese, fresh shrimps and oysters. If you’ve room left, finish up with the bakery and dessert buffets. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner with buffet and a la carte menus. 6am-12am. ¥100-¥199. People’s Square > 2/F, Sofitel Hyland Hotel, 505 Nanjing Dong Lu(near Fujian Lu)南京东路505 号海仑宾馆2楼(近福建路). Tel: 6351-5888 ext. 4281.

Mr & Mrs Bund This modern

eatery by Paul Pairet serves up global French fare with family-style service in a dining room with a twist. With 250 classic dishes and 32 wines by the glass to chose from on the menu, there’s something delicious for everyone. Lunch-Mon to Fri 11:30-14:00; Dinner-Mon & Sun 18:3022:30(last order) / Tues-Sat 18:30-04:00. More than ¥400. Wi-Fi internet. The Bund > 6/F, Bund 18, 18 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu(near Nanjing Dong Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Dong Lu Exit 2) 中山东一路18号6楼(近南京东路,地铁二号线 南京东路2号口). Tel: 6323-9898. info@

Nice 里思 This fare at this cosmopolitan

cafe ranges from pasta, fish and chips, frozen yogurt and espresso drinks. The comforting ambiance and decor (copper hightlights offset the stark black and white) is made all the more cozy by light tunes. 11am-2am. ¥300-¥399. Xintiandi > No. 3 North Block Xintiandi, 181 Taicang Lu(near Madang Lu, Metro Line 1 Huangpi Nan Lu Station)太仓 路181号吸天地3铺(近马当路, 地铁1号线黄陂 南路站). Tel: 6387-8123.

48 |

August 12-25

opened by former ASC VP Howard Quan and features 150 wines and the culinary talents of Hilary Ambrose Jr, formerly of Jean George’s Spice Kitchen in New York. Unlike most other Western-style eateries though, they’ve also got a tank featuring fresh fish for the grill. Wed-Mon 11am-3pm, 6-11pm. More than ¥400. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 2/F, Unit 19, 139 Changle Lu(near Ruijin Yi Lu)长乐路 139号19室2楼(近瑞金一路). Tel: 5382-0862. cn.

Bistrow by Wagas This concept from the Wagas chain offers a more upscale bistro dining experience. The aptly named venue offers a variety of fare that splits the time between breakfast, lunch and dinner. Drop by for a hearty start to your morning, a nice piece of cake and a cup of tea in the afternoon, or a finer evening affair. 7:30am-1am. ¥200-¥299. Xujiahui > No. 151153A, Grand Gateway, 1 Hongqiao Lu(near Huashan Lu, Metro Line 1 Xujiahui Station Exit 12)虹桥路1号港汇广场1楼151-153A室(近华山 路,地铁1号线徐家汇站12号口). Tel: 64482852. Table No. 1 by Jason Atherton

This restaurant is housed in the boutique, 19-room Waterhouse Hotel. It’s got a hip industrial decor with lots of glass and exposed rust, and an innovative fusion menu to match. Jason Atherton, the former Executive Chef at Gordon Ramsay’s Michelin-starred Maze restaurant in London, is the man behind the project, but the kitchen is run by former Maze sous chef Scott Melvin. Be sure to give the cod with squid ink risotto a try. 10am-1am. ¥300¥399. The Bund > 1-3 Maojiayuan Lu(near Zhongshan Dong Er Lu)毛家园路1-3号(近中山 东二路). Tel: 6080-2918.

The Spot 欧风咖啡馆 With a revamped

interior and a menu featuring German specialties, laffa bread sandwiches and barbecued ribs, this bar has become a favorite lunch stop for those working near the Portman area. During the summer bet that it will be difficult to find a seat on the outdoor deck at happy hour. 11am-2am. ¥200-¥299. Jing An > 331 Tongren Lu(near Beijing Xi Lu, Metro Line 2 Jing’an Temple Station)铜仁路331号(近北京西路, 地铁2号线 静安寺站). Tel: 6247-3579.

Chor Bazaar 乔布拉印度餐厅 This Changning area restaurant offers affordable, classic Indian favorites. The food is so inviting, that this venue seems to be filled with feasting Indian families. We recommend the Baigan Bharta (creamy smoked eggplant) and Hara Bhara vegetable kebabs. 10:30am-12midnight. Less than ¥99. Gubei/Hongqiao > Bldg 9, 530 Jianhe Lu(near Xijiao Bailian, Century Mart)剑河路530 号9号楼(近仙霞路). Tel: 139-1613-1209. Dera This restaurant serves up authentic

Indian cuisine and is headed up by Sunny Sudan, an Indian restaurateur and 10-year veteran of the dining scene in Shanghai. Be sure to try their lamb rogan josh and check out their shisha room in the back. 11:30am-2:30pm, 5:30-10:30pm. ¥200-¥299. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 2/F, 1 Xiangyang Bei Lu(near Julu Lu)襄阳北路1号2楼(近巨鹿路). Tel: 6190-6366.

Hot Pot

Aberdeen Hotpot Restaurant

This Hong Kong hot pot joint is open until early morning, serving up plates of beef and seafood for your steaming MSG-free soup pot. A selection of 10 sauces, an extravagant menu that includes foie gras and truffles, and a view from an old Shanghai mansion make this an intriguing new way of enjoying hot pot. 6pm-4am. ¥200-¥299. Luwan > 579 Fuxing Zhong Lu(near Ruijin Er Lu)复兴中路579号(近瑞金二路). Tel: 5465-2220.

Dolar Shop 豆捞坊 Hot pot meets haute couture at this steamy eatery. The chic, crimson-laden Dolar Shop is all about individual style; each patron gets their very own (mini) steamboat, plus a choice of soup base and the opportunity to concoct their own dip or create their own fish or chicken leg balls. 11am-11pm. ¥100-¥199. Wi-Fi internet. Pudong > 9/F Pudong International Food Centre, 601 Zhangyang Lu(near Laoshan Xi Lu, Metro Line 2 Dongchang Lu Station Exit 3)张杨路601号浦东国际美食城9楼(近崂山西 路口,地铁2号线东昌路3号口). Tel: 5836-1886. Good Hot Pot 锅德港式极品肥牛海鲜 火锅 This is one of the most expensive hot

pot places in town. They’ve got great beef and abalone, but one of their specialties is their ice cream hot pot. Give it a try if you’re looking for a quirky Chinese meal. 11am-12am. More than ¥400. Gubei/Hongqiao > 3911 Hongmei Rd(near Yan’an Xi Lu)虹梅路 3911号(近延安西路). Tel: 6242-3949.


Gu Yi 古意湘味浓 This sophisticated Hunan restaurant has become somewhat of an institution among foreigners thanks to its exquisitely prepared dishes. Electrify your tongue with the chili-sprinkled ribs and open-faced fish. Finish with sweet, sticky banana balls. Milder eaters gravitate toward the equally delicious non-spicy menu offerings. Mon-Sun 11:30am-10:30pm. Less than ¥99. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 87 Fumin Lu(near Julu Lu, Metro Line 2 JingAn Temple Station Exit 3 or 4)富民路87号(近巨鹿路, 地铁二号线静安 寺站3�4号口). Tel: 6249-5628. ••11:30am-10:30pm. Jing An > F/8 City Plaza, No.1618 Nanjing Xi Lu(Metro Line2 Jinan Temple Station)南京西路1618号久光百货8楼 (地铁2号线静安寺站).


Bukhara Grill 布卡拉 At this

Northwest Indian restaurant, chefs serve

Indian Kitchen 印度小厨 An extensive menu covers northern meats and spicy southern style veggies. Diners can select their level of spiciness or leave their fate in the hands of the kitchen gods who deftly prepare decent dishes with a flourish in the open concept cooking area. 11am-2:30pm, 5pm-11pm. ¥100-¥199. Pudong > 480 Minsheng Lu(near Zhangyang Lu, Metro Line 2 Dongfang Lu Station)民生路480号(近 张扬路, 地铁2号线东方路站). Tel: 5821-9875. ••11:30am-2:30pm, 5pm-11pm. ¥100-¥199. Wi-Fi internet. Gubei/ Hongqiao > Bldg 8, 3911 Hongmei Lu(near Yan’ an Xi Lu)虹梅路3911号8号楼(近延安西路). Tel: 6261-0377.••11am2:30pm, 5pm-11pm. ¥100-¥199. Pudong > Green Sports and Leisure Center, 600 Lantian Lu(near Biyun Lu)蓝天路600号碧云体育休闲 中心内(近碧云路). Tel: 5030-2005 . www. Kebabs on the Grille 克比餐饮 Contemporary and traditional combine to bring a taste of India to the South Bund. A clean decor and gentle lighting create a cozy ambiance punctuated by Indian art and artifacts. Kebabs are grilled right on your table as you chow down on delicious tandoori dishes, creamy gravies rice, dal and traditional Indian dessert. 11:30am-10:30pm. ¥200-¥299. Wi-Fi internet. Huangpu > The Cool Docks, 479 Zhongshan Nan Lu(near Fuxing Dong Lu, Metro Line 4 Nanpu Bridge Station Exit 2)中山南路479号(近复兴东路,地铁4号线 南浦大桥站2号口). Tel: 6152-6567. www. Vedas 维达斯饭店 This elegant gold and red wood dining room houses a fantastic open kitchen that doesn’t hold back any secrets. Chefs bustle about marinating tandoori and kneading naan. Your taste buds will worship a bite of their creamy spinach with homemade cheese. These busy chefs are clearly doing something right. 11:30am-2:30pm, 5:30pm-11:30pm. ¥100¥199. French Concession > 550 Jianguo Xi Lu(near Wulumuqi Lu, Metro Line 1, Hengshan Lu Station)建国西路550号(近乌鲁木齐 路, 地铁1号线衡山路站). Tel: 6445-8100, 6445-3670. www.


Briccocafe Pasta & Pizza Lounge 倍可意意大利餐厅 Sink into the

couches or grab a bite to go at the deli counter downstairs or, for a more formal feel, head upstairs where you can also watch the chefs making the pizzas in the open kitchen. Books on the different regions of Italy let you brush up on your knowledge of Italia while enjoying your antipasti. MonSun 9am-midnight. ¥100-¥199. Wi-Fi internet. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 158 Chengdu Nan Lu(near

Da Marco 大马可意大利餐厅 The bright and cheery palette of citrus hues welcomes you before even taking a seat in this comfortable and classic restaurant. Decadent desserts, plentiful pastas, pizzas, carne and gnocchi galore will make for a bella noche in jovial, convivial surroundings. Set lunches are also available. Mon-Thu 12pm-11pm; Fri-Sun 12pm-12midnight. ¥200¥299. Wi-Fi internet. Zhongshan Park > 103 Dongzhu’anbang Lu(near Zhenning Lu, Metro Line 2 Jiangsu Lu Station)东诸安浜路103号(近 镇宁路, 地铁2号线江苏路站). Tel: 6210-4495. www.darmarco. ••10am-10pm. ¥300-¥399. Xujiahui > 1/ F, Grand Gateway, 1 Hongqiao Lu (near Caoxi Bei Lu, Metro Line 1 Xujiahui Station)虹桥路1号 港汇广场1楼(近漕溪北路, 地铁1号线徐家汇 站). Tel: 6447-7577.••12-10pm. ¥200-¥299. Century Park > 350 Yushan Lu(near Taolin Lu)羽 山路350号(近桃林路). Tel: 5860-8170. Dolce Vita A go-to destination for fine

Italian cuisine, this warmly decorated restaurant is adorned with snapshots of the 1960s movie for which it is named. Complimentary bread and pate are followed by your selections from a menu of authentic fare including classic lasagna, thin-crust pizzas, delicious appetizers and the best tiramisu this side of Milan. 12noon-2:30pm, 6-10:30pm, ends 11pm on weekends. ¥300¥399. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 291 Fumin Lu(near Changle Lu, Metro Line 1 Changshu Lu Station) 富民路291号(近长乐路,地铁1号线常熟路站). Tel: 6170-1318. ristorante@dolcevitashanghai. com.

Favola Ristorante, Pizzeria & Wine Bar 法沃莱意大利餐厅 Housed in

the lobby of Le Royal Meridien Hotel, this restaurant specializes in fresh, seasonal cuisine. The space holds three private dining areas and one exclusive cellar dining room. Buttoned-up types can unwind a bit in the wine bar and lounge, or get their juices flowing with espresso drinks from the oldfashioned coffee machine. They’ve also got wood-oven pizzas–a rarity in Shanghai. 11:30am-2:30pm, 6pm-10:30pm. ¥300-¥399. Nanjing Dong Lu > 8/F Le Royal Meridien Shanghai, 789 Nanjing Dong Lu(near Jiujiang Lu)南京东路789号上海世茂皇家艾美酒店大 堂(近九江路). Tel: 3318-9999 ext. 7786. www.

La Piazzetta Italian Restaurant 意炉 Italian pies and pastas have found a

new posh home on the basement floor of Pudong’s Shanghai Bay. This restaurant features two whole menu pages of baked to order thin-crust pizzas and a homemade chili sauce to drizzle atop them. Not in the mood for pizza? Fill your stomach with tasty antipasti, lasagna, and tiramisu. 11am-11pm. ¥200-¥299. Wi-Fi internet. Pudong > Rm. B02, Shanghai Bay, 1138 Pudong Nan Lu(near Zhangyang Lu, Metro Line 2 Dongchang Lu Station Exit 4)浦东南路1138号,上海湾,B02 室(近张扬路,地铁2号线东昌路站4号口). Tel: 6888-2993.

Osteria Start the night with some wine and a few raw oysters from the crudo bar before settling into the cozy second floor dining room for simple (and simply delectable) Italian fare. The standard set offers diners bottomless antipasti and pastas in addition to one main entree. MonSat 11am-11pm, Sun 11am-10:30pm. ¥200¥299. Wi-Fi internet. Luwan > 226 Jinxian Lu(near Shaanxi Nan Lu, Metro Line 1 Shaanxi Nan Lu Station Exit 2)进贤路226号(近陕西南 路, 地铁1号线陕西南路站2号口). Tel: 62568998. www. Pasta Fresca Da Salvatore 沙华 多利意大利餐厅 Salvatore Carecci has been churning out Italian cuisine for the

Listings on the Go

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Shanghai masses since 1993. While the menu includes mains and desserts, freshly made pasta is the main draw for those seeking a traditional taste of Italia in a warm, homey atmosphere. Ask the chefs for recommendations or mix and match your own pasta and sauce. Mon-Fri 11am-2:30pm, 5:30pm-10:30pm; Sat-Sun 12pm-11pm. ¥200¥299. Xuhui > 4 Hengshan Lu(near Wulumuqi Lu, Metro Line 1 Hengshan Lu Station)衡 山路4号(近乌鲁木齐路, 地铁1号线衡山路 站). Tel: 6473-0789. ••11am-2:30pm, 5:30pm-10:30pm. ¥200-¥299. Gubei/Hongqiao > 3896 Hongmei Lu(near Yan’ an Xi Lu)虹梅路3896号(近延安西路). Tel: 6262-5620.••11am2:30pm, 5pm-10:30pm. ¥200-¥299. Century Park > Rm.14, 2/F, The Thumb Plaza, 185 Fangdian Lu(near Yanggao Zhong Lu)芳甸路 185号大拇指广场2楼14室(近杨高中路). Tel: 5033-9001.


Avalon This “wood grill and wine bar” was

This German heavyweight is perpetually bustling with an easy-going crowd. Sit upstairs next to the cozy fireplace or plant yourself downstairs if the brew pub atmosphere is more to your liking. Imposing portions of gravy-soaked meats and potatoes, homemade breads, sausages and well-poured beers aim to please. Mon-Fri 10:30am-12midnight, Sat-Sun 9:30am-1midnight. ¥100-¥199. Wi-Fi internet. Gubei/Hongqiao > 22-24 Hongmei Pedestrian Street, Lane 3338 Hongmei Lu(near Yan’an Xi Lu)虹梅路3338弄, 虹梅休闲街22-24号(近延 安西路). Tel: 6465-8880, 6465-9987. papas. www.papas-bierstube. com.

the Barbie Store, Metro Line 1 Huangpi Nan Lu Station Exit 1)成都南路158号(近淮海路,地铁1 号线黄陂南路站一号口). Tel: 6387-9188.

Prego 帕戈意大利餐厅 This gourmet eatery’s award-winning chefs buzz about preparing home-style Italian dishes in an open kitchen, from which enticing aromas waft to greet expectant diners. The woodfired pizza oven bakes mouth-watering pies, and the bar features an impressive selection of Grappas. The contemporary decor, friendly faces and excellent fare make it a dining experience to savor. 11am-11pm. Wi-Fi internet. Huangpu > 2/F, The Westin Bund Center Shanghai, 88 Henan Zhong Lu(near Guangdong Lu, Metro 2 Nanjing Dong Lu Station)河南中路88号上海威斯汀2楼(近延安 中路, 地铁1号线南京东路站). Tel: 6335-1786. Pronto Shanghai’s only Italian-American

eatery has a menu that features everything you’d expect, from spaghetti with meatballs to potato gnocchi with Gorgonzola and spinach sauce. The portions are a little bigger than normal, but save room for their creme brulee. 11am-2pm, 5:30-10:30pm. ¥100-¥199. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 1/F, 1 Xiangyang Bei Lu(near Julu Lu)襄阳北路1号1楼 (近巨鹿路). Tel: 6190-6366.

The Kitchen Salvatore Cuomo This sleek eatery has a penchant for the dark and mysterious. The establishment caters to the upscale diner who doesn’t mind paying higher prices for laud-worthy steaks and wood-fired pizzas and the riverside locale is perfect for breezy outdoor dining in the summer. 11am-2:30pm,6pm-10pm. ¥300¥399. Lujiazui > 2967 Lujiazui Xi Lu(near Fenghe Lu, Metro Line 2 Lujiazui Station Exit 1) 陆家嘴西路2967号(近丰和路, 地铁2号线陆家 嘴站一号口). Tel: 5054-1265.

Events at the Expo Site

Jade on 36 Restaurant With a new


Papa’s Bierstube 德国乡村餐厅

only the real deal. Scrumptious classic renditions of chicken tikka, lobster tandoori, and a good vegetarian options (including a smoky, tumeric spiced eggplant dish and the best vegetable samosas in town!) make this venue a perennial favorite. 11am-3pm, 6pm-11pm. ¥200-¥299. Wi-Fi internet. Gubei/ Hongqiao > 3729 Hongmei Lu(near Yan’an Xi Lu)虹梅路3729号(近延安西路). Tel: 64468800.

TIMA Harbour TIMA - 镇宁店 This restaurant features a menu of Italian mainstays (including 18 different pastas) plus a few French and Asian additions as well as specialty cocktails. Choose from entrees like sun-dried tomato bruschetta, seared tuna with Italian-style salsa, lasagna, French cheesecake, chocolate mousse and more. 7am-1am. ¥100-¥199. Wi-Fi internet. Changning > 11 Zhenning Lu(near Huashan Lu)镇宁路11号(近华山路). Tel: 6225-8684. ••MonFri 8am-11pm, Sat-Sun 9am-11pm. Less than ¥99. Wi-Fi internet. Changning > Shop 134137, 100 Zunyi Lu(near Xianxia Lu, Metro Line 2 Loushanguan Lu Station)遵义路100号虹 桥上海城裙房134-137单元(近仙霞路, 地铁 2号线娄山关路站). Tel: 6237-1063. info@

Multiple Locations

Hamilton House 汉弥尔敦餐厅 Serving la cuisine de France in the traditional way, this restaurant’s stylish art deco interior adds a touch of modern class to a historic corner. Oyster naige and Duck done Two Ways are some of the chef’s favorites and the creme caramel is a family recipe. 9am-10pm. ¥300-¥399. Wi-Fi internet. The Bund > 137 Fuzhou Lu(near Jiangxi Zhong Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Dong Lu Station Exit 3) 福州路137号(近江西中路,地铁2号线南京东 路3号口). Tel: 6321-0586. www.hamiltonhouse.


Family Friendly

window sits on the first level tempting passers-by. The chalkboard menu mix of homestyle veal, quiche and croque monsieurs is best enjoyed in the upstairs glass terrace. With twilight in the background, sip coffee and soothe your soul with tiramisu or chocolate mousse. 11am-12am. ¥200-¥299. French Concession > 66-68 Wulumuqi Lu(near Changle Lu)乌鲁木齐 路66-68号(近长乐路). Tel: 5158-9377.

bistro concept from New York to Shanghai. Guests are pampered with impeccable service and a crafted selection of highquality comfort foods in a casual yet sophisticated atmosphere. We recommend the succulent chicken breast, slow-cooked salmon and truffle pizza. Don’t leave without trying the fantastic Caesar salad. 6pm-11pm. ¥200-¥299. Wi-Fi internet. The Bund > 4/F, 3 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu(near Guangdong Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Dong Lu Station)中山东一路3号4楼(近中山东 一路, 地铁2号线南京东路站). Tel: 63217733. www.

Y’s Table Twelve dining concepts unite to form the basis of this international dining station. Live cooking stations provide Italian cuisine courtesy of the Pizza Salvatore Cuomo and Grill as well as five varieties of Japanese cuisine, Cantonese and Korean, a bakery & delicatessen and The Bar. 11am-3pm, 5pm-10pm. ¥200-¥299. Wi-Fi internet. Lujiazui > B2/F, Shanghai World Financial Center, 100 Century Avenue(near Dongtai Lu)世纪大道100号环球金融中心B2楼 (近东泰路). Tel: 6877-6865.

Editor's Pick


Cafe Montmartre 梦曼特 A creperie

Nougatine Jean-Georges imports its

2010 CW Reader's Choice Award Winner



Haiku by Hatsune 隐泉之语 “Itadakimasu!” never resonated like it does at this chic bistro. The first Shanghai branch of this popular Beijing restaurant attracts an enthusiastic expat and yuppie crowd that loves their California rolls as much as they August 12-25

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Brick Restaurant & Wine Lounge

This Mediterranean eatery features a selection of 130 wines and jazz performance on the weekends. With a convenient location on Sinan Lu, this is a nice little restaurant to enjoy some fusion food, a glass or two of vino and perhaps, even a good cigar afterward while drifting away with the music. 11am - 2am. ¥100-¥199. Wi-Fi internet. Huaihai Zhong Lu > No.30 Sinan Rd(close to Central Huaihai Rd)思南路30号(近 淮海中路). Tel: 6093-2005. brick.judy@gmail. com.

Kagen Teppanyaki 隐泉源 Brought to

you courtesy of the folks behind Haiku by Hatsune and Sushi Inc., this venue provides a more upscale teppanyaki experience. Find all your favorites including fine quality meat from filet mignon to seared foie gras

Cristal Restaurant and Bar

Tanya Matabei This Japanese spot offers two floors of meaty goodness. Floor one is yakitori, aka skewered meat, seafood and veggies cooked over a charcoal fire. Floor two is yakiniku, which is barbecued beef. The menu is rounded out by an extensive selection of alcohol, including sake, shōchū and wine. Mon-Sun 11am-4am. ¥100-¥199. Luwan > 581 Fuxing Zhong Lu(near Ruijin Er Lu)复兴中路581号(近瑞金二路). Tel: 6473-4901.


Qinghuilou 庆会楼 This contemporary dining venue combines traditional Korean cuisine and Japanese seafood dishes, though

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August 12-25

Wujiang Lu is still a thriving food street, as Cristal restaurant proves. This new eatery offers exquisite part modern French part Mediterranean food made with a host of premium ingredients. With a glittering view of Nanjing Xi Lu, a killer wet lobster risotto and desserts, this hard to find restaurant is a hidden gem. M-S 7:30am to 12 midnight. ¥300-¥399. Nanjing Xi Lu > 4/F, 175 Taixing Rd(near Wujiang Lu, Metro Line 2, Nanjing Xi Lu Station, exit 4)泰兴路175号4楼(近吴江路地铁 2号线南京西路站4号出口). Tel: 6136-1388.

Mr Willis Craig Willis, former executive chef at Wagas, is the man behind this airy restaurant that serves up simply prepared modern Australian dishes with high-quality ingredients. Soft leather chairs, furniture and decor from Willis’ own home and a romantic ambiance make this a destination. Mon-Fri 5pm-Midnight, Sat-Sun 11am-4pm, 5pm-Midnight. ¥200-¥299. Jing An > 3/F, 195 Anfu Lu(near Wulumuqi Lu)安福路 195号3楼(近乌鲁木齐路). Tel: 5404-0200. Wine Bar & Grill 藏丞坊红酒牛排扒房

Housed in the JC Mandarin, this restaurant offers a selection of tasty tapas and Mediterranean dishes that caters to both hearty and lighter repasts. Enjoy a meal grilled over charcoal while savoring a glass of fine wine accompanied by live music. 6-10pm. ¥300-¥399. Nanjing Xi Lu > 3/F, Shanghai JC Mandarin, 1225 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Xikang Lu)南京西路1225号上海锦沧文华大 酒店3层(近西康路). Tel: 6279-1888 ext. 5306.

Mexico Lindo 墨西哥灵得 Sunny yellow walls and red brick detailing make this cheerful hacienda-style restaurant an ideal place to fill your boca with authentic Mexican favorites. The menu features a spicy selection of fajitas, burritos, tacos and enchiladas accompanied by a huge selection of frosty margaritas and gigantic tequila shots. 4pm-2am (kitchen closes at 10:30pm). ¥100-¥199. Wi-Fi internet. Gubei/Hongqiao > No.39, 3338 Hongmei Lu(near Hong Xu Road & Yan’an Road)虹梅路3338弄39号(近延安西路). Tel: 6465-9336. cn. Mi Tierra Mexican Restaurant & Taco Bar This upscale restaurant

occupies an entire three-story building in the French Concession and serves up authentic Mexican cuisine. They’ve got huge entrees for the table to share and some of the best beef coyotas in town. Mon to Friday, 5 -10:30pm, Saturday 11am - 10.30pm Sun 11am-4pm, Taco Bar opens till 10.30pm. ¥200¥299. Wi-Fi internet. Luwan > 17 Yongjia Lu(near Maoming Lu)永嘉路17号(近茂名路). Tel: 5465-5837.

Mythos Adorned in classic bright white

and blue hues, this Cool Docks restaurant offers a modest selection of Greek items mixed in with Mediterranean and Europeaninspired dishes. Order your souvlaki or mousaka and then add a little Australian poultry or Canadian lobster on the side. Mon-Sun 10am-12am. ¥300-¥399. The Bund > The Cool Docks, Bldg 6, 505 Zhongshan Nan Lu(near Fuxing Zhong Lu)中山南路505弄6号楼 (近复兴东路). Tel: 6152-6755.

Elia Greek Restaurant, Bar & Cafe 艾利娅希腊餐厅 This Mediterranean restaurant charms with its Greek-style hospitality. The food is deliciously straightforward but subtle, while great

New York Style Pizza Practically teleported from the streets of NYC, satisfy your craving for cheese and carbs by indulging in a greasy slice that’s light on the wallet but heavy on the satisfaction. Entertaining a crowd? Whole pizzas can be made and delivered if you’re in the area. On the go? You can also grab pizza by the slice. 11am-10:30pm. Less than ¥99. Expo Site > Rm. 201 1139 Xueye Lu(near Expo Boulevard)雪野 路1139号201室(近世博大道). Tel: 3872-6606. ••11am-10:30pm. Less than ¥99. Jinqiao > 336 Hongfeng Lu(near Biyun Lu)红枫路336号(近碧 云路). Tel: 3872-6606.


Greek Taverna 希腊餐厅 This may be as close to the real deal that Greek dining in Shanghai has to offer. Lovers of authentic Greek fare will be thrilled to discover the variety of gyros available alongside traditional moussaka. Favorites like Greek salad and spanakopita served amidst the familiar blue and white colored decor may just entice you to unleash your inner opa! 8:30am-10:30pm. ¥100-¥199. Century Park > Unit 41 Thumb Plaza, 199 Fangdian Lu(near Dingxiang Lu)芳甸路199号大拇指广场41铺(近 丁香路). Tel: 5033-7500. ••¥100-¥199. Gubei/ Hongqiao > Villa 1, 3911 Hongmei Lu(near Yan’ an Xi Lu)虹梅路3911号1号别墅(近延安西路). Tel: 6262-5011.


Sandwiches & Delis

City Deli Bountiful, meat-packed sandwiches are what expat dreams are made of—and this deli does a good job making them. They’ve moved to a new location in Shaanxi Bei Lu’s Golden Eagle Square, and continue to pump out sandwich after delicious sandwich for delivery and dine-in. We recommend the reuben and the spicy Vietnamese banh mi. 11am-8:30pm(delivery),11am-9pm(shopper). ¥100-¥199. Wi-Fi internet. Nanjing Xi Lu > 6/F, Golden Eagle Square, 278 Shaanxi Bei Lu(near Nanjing Xi Lu, next to Plaza 66, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Xi Lu Station Exit 4)陕西北路278号6楼 上海金鹰国际购物广场(近南京西路, 恒隆广 场,地铁2号线南京西路4号口). Tel: 6288-3912.

Events at the Expo Site


sure you try the blackened wonton fish tacos. Mon-Sat 11am-10:30pm; Sun 11am-9:30pm. ¥200-¥299. Wi-Fi internet. Jing An > 2/F, Club House, Shanghai Grand Plaza, 568 Julu Lu(near Shaanxi Nan Lu)巨鹿路568号 四方新城俱乐部2楼(近陕西南路). Tel: 62896889. www.

Urban Soup Kitchen This casual eatery

is an NYC-style soup, salad and sandwich place that features a menu of colorful international food. It’s affordable and a nice option if you’re looking to take your meal on the go. 10:30am- 10:00pm. Less than ¥99. Xintiandi > 280 Madang Lu(near Zizhong Lu)马 当路280号(近自忠路). Tel: 5382-2978. info@ www.urbansoupkitchen. com.

Multiple Locations

Gintei Teppanyaki Sushi 银亭铁板 烧 This spacious all-you-can-eat sushi and teppanyaki establishment serves up staple Japanese dishes in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Fresh sushi, sashimi, hand rolls, tempura and steaks are swiftly delivered by attentive staff who top off the occasion with complimentary melt-in-your-mouth green tea ice cream, ensuring you leave happy and well-fed. Mon-Sat 11:30am-2pm, 5:30pm-10pm,Sun 5:30pm-10pm. ¥200-¥299. Nanjing Xi Lu > 75 Nanhui Lu(near Beijing Xi Lu,Metro Line 2 Nanjing Xi Lu Station)南汇路 75号(近北京西路,地铁2号线南京西路站). Tel: 6218-1932.

service and a welcoming atmosphere make this a real boon for Pudong residents. Be sure to try the baked saganaki feta cheese or the chef’s perfectly spiced pork fillets. M-S 11am-2:30pm, 6pm-10:30pm; Bar 11am-12 midnight. ¥200-¥299. Century Park > 2/F, Crowne Plaza Hotel Century Park, 1433 Minsheng Lu上海浦东新区民生路1433号(近迎 春路)世纪皇冠假日酒店二层. Tel: 5190-8838, 135-2476-3091.


Jade Garden 苏浙汇 This popular

Mexican & Tex-Mex

El Mexicano 墨可思 The sombrero marks the spot at this restaurant. While it’s a little out of the way, their delicious handmade tacos, sopes and gorditas make the sojourn worth it. Unbelievably low prices make feasting (read: gorging) easy on the wallet and, frankly, you won’t be able to help yourself. If you’re really jonesing, you can also order delivery from their delivery spot in Xuhui. Mon-Fri 10am-9pm, Sat-Sun 11am-10pm; Mon-Sun 10:30am-10pm(delivery). Less than ¥99. Wi-Fi internet. Yangpu > No. 10, 100 Handan Lu(near Yunguang Lu)邯郸路100 号10号商铺(近运光路,地铁一号线大柏树站). Tel: 400-820-1336. ••Less than ¥99. Wi-Fi internet. Gubei/Hongqiao > 3213 Hongmei Lu(near Chengjiaqiao Lu)虹梅路3213号(近程家 桥路). Tel: 400-820-1336. www.elmexicano. MAYA Revel in the fresh, healthy and delicious Mexi-Cali comida at the 2009 and 2010 CW Reader’s Choice Restaurant of the Year. The restaurant is a little more upscale than most others in its category, but the fare here has some authentic flavor. Make

Peter’s Tex-Mex Grill 彼德西餐厅

With a menu that includes everything from Tex-Mex cuisine to sandwiches, burgers and salads, there’s something for everyone coming off this grill. A family-friendly environment is conducive for scarfing down chimichangas and quesadillas full of spicy and well-seasoned meats. Throw in a round of margaritas if you’re there with some friends. 7:30am-11:30pm. ¥100-¥199. Gubei/ Hongqiao > Unit 7, Lane 3911 Hongmei Lu(near Yan’an Xi Lu)虹梅路3911弄7单元(近延安西路). Tel: 6261-2505.

Listings on the Go

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Shanghai eatery has captured the hearts of many with its high-class decor, great service and graceful atmosphere, as well as its delectable Shanghainese dishes. Sauteed shrimp, eggplant with fish sauce and crab meat buns are part of an extensive menu that will leave your taste buds fully satisfied. 11am-11pm. ¥200-¥299. Xuhui > 1/ F, Huatai Building, 388 Zhaojiabang Lu(near Taiyuan Lu)肇嘉浜路388号华泰大厦1楼(近太 原路). Tel: 6415-9918. ••11am-10:45pm. ¥200¥299. Pudong > 877 Dongfang Lu(near Weifang Lu, Metro Line 2 Shiji Da Dao Station)东方路 877号(近潍坊路, 地铁2号线世纪大道站). Tel: 5058-6088.••11am-11pm. ¥200-¥299. Hongkou > 895 Dalian Lu(near Feihong Lu)大连路895号 (近飞虹路). Tel: 5595-5385.••11am-11pm. ¥200¥299. Jing An > 1121 Yan’an Zhong Lu(near Huashan Lu, Metro Line 2 Jingan Temple Station)延安中路1121号(近华山路, 地铁2号线 静安寺站). Tel: 6248-5155.

Family Friendly

and tastebuds at this lush Bund eatery, complete with an open kitchen and a shark aquarium. Chefs dish up Tokyo-style cuisine integrating Japanese and Western flavors, including delicate sushi and sashimi, crispy tempura and masterfully prepared teppanyaki. 11:30am-2:30pm, 6-11pm, bar from 6pm-1am. ¥300-¥399. The Bund > 2/F, 6 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu(near Guangdong Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Dong Lu Station)中山东 一路外滩6号2楼(近广东路,地铁2号线南京东 路). Tel: 6339-2779.

Sushi Inc. The sister restaurant to Haiku by Hatsune serves a good selection of creative and tasty Japanese food including sushi rolls as well as sashimi, tempura and noodles. A conveniently situation and decent value lunch sets make it an ideal business lunch choice for those seeking an escape from the daily grind in busy Lujiazui. 11am-10pm. ¥300-¥399. Wi-Fi internet. Lujiazui > 2/F, Citigroup Tower, 33 Huayuanshiqiao Lu(near Fucheng Lu, Metro Line 2 Lujiazui Station)花园石桥路33号2楼(近 富城路, 地铁2号线陆家嘴路站). Tel: 58776551.

the focus remains primarily on Korean fare. The menu’s selections range from the classic kimchi pancake and stone pot rice to an array of meats and veggies ready to be grilled and devoured. 10am-10pm. ¥100-¥199. The Bund > 479 Zhongshan Nan Lu(near Baidu Lu)中山南路479号(近白渡路). Tel: 6152-6588. ••11am-10pm. ¥100-¥199. Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park > 2/F, 635 Bibo Lu(near Zuchongzhi Lu, Metro line 2, Zhangjiang High Tech Station)碧波 路635号2楼(近祖冲之路, 地铁2号线张江高科 站). Tel: 5027-3400.••10am-10pm. ¥100-¥199. Pudong > No.166, Lujiazui Huan Lu(near Metro Line 2 Lujiazui Station)陆家嘴环路166号未来 资产大厦裙楼(近地铁2号线陆家嘴站). Tel: 3135-2010.

Editor's Pick

SUN with AQUA Japanese Dining & Bar 东京和食 Find a feast for both eyes

and enormous tiger prawns, fresh veggies, and all the requisite condiments required for a well-grilled and delicious meal. 11:30am-2pm, 6:00-11:30pm. More than ¥400. French Concession > 28D Taojiang Lu(near Hengshan Lu)桃江路28D号(近衡山路). Tel: 6433-3232.

2010 CW Reader's Choice Award Winner


love looking good against the minimalist decor. For love at first bite try the Moto-rollah and Clayton rolls. Mon-Fri 11:30-2pm; 5:30pm-10pm; Sat-Sun 11:30-2pm; 5:30pm-10:30pm. ¥300-¥399. Xuhui > 28B Taojiang Lu(near Hengshan Lu, Metro Line 1 Hengshan Lu Exit 3)桃江路28B号(近衡山路,地 铁一号线衡山路站3号口). Tel: 6445-0021.

Jesse Stepping into this cozy, perpetually crowded dining room is like stepping into a Shanghailander’s house during a rowdy game of transcontinental mahjong--the delectable local fare attract expats, local and tourists alike (all with cameras to document their crowded, but delectable dinner). Whether you’re craving August 12-25

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Sandwiches & Delis 1. City Deli

2. zest express 3. Urban Soup Kitchen 4. Sarnies 5. Slice Restaurant


El Willy 迪雅居 Rustic mansion

architecture and swathes of semitransparent fabric hanging from the dining room ceiling create a sense of intimacy in which to devour decadently fatty foie gras, delicious angel hair pasta paellas and meltin-your-mouth morsels of lamb. The modern Iberian menu is fairly divided between tapas and appetizers, rice, pasta and desserts, with several wines by the glass. Mon-Sat 11am-2:30pm, 6pm-10:30pm, closed Sundays. More than ¥400. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 20 Donghu Lu(near Huaihai Lu, Metro Line 1 Shaanxi Nan Lu Station)东湖路20号(近淮海路, 地铁一号线陕西南路站). Tel: 5404-5757

Highest BUZZ listings at


Ye Shanghai 夜上海 Situated just a leisurely stroll away from the Huangpu lies this temple to Shanghai cuisine. Flickering lights, warm interiors, live jazz music on weekend nights and an old wooden door make this a find for first dates or wining and dining visitors on xiaolongbao, mango pudding and sweet and sour pork. Don’t miss their weekend dim sum brunch. 11:30am-2:30pm, 5:30pm-10:30pm. More than ¥400. Xintiandi > 338 Huangpi Nan Lu(near Xintiandi, Metro Line 1 Huangpi Nan Lu Station) 黄陂南路338号(近新天地, 地铁1号线黄陂南 路站). Tel: 6311-2323.


100 Century Avenue This Park Hyatt palace covering floors 91 through 93 of the towering World Financial Center creates a redoubt of sophistication and substance in the clouds. Floor 91 is a restaurant specializing in steak and seafood (the sushi is flown in from Tokyo fish markets), floor 92 houses an upbeat lounge and a chill bar, while floor 93 boasts a posh private dining area with Nordic decor and an open kitchen. 11:30am-11:00pm. More than ¥400. Lujiazui > 91/F, 93/F, Shanghai World Financial Center, 100 Century Avenue(near Yincheng Lu)上海环球金融中心, 世纪大道100 号91楼和93楼(近银城路). Tel: 6888-1234. Lawry’s The Prime Rib Mobster chic with deep reds and dark woods, high ceilings and white tablecloths, this prime rib destination is “steaking” its claim on the Xintiandi strip. Feast on two-inch steaks wheeled to your table and cut from the stainless steel prime rib station as you enjoy a multitude of side dishes.. Mon - Thu: 5:00pm – 11:00pm,Fri – Sun / Eve of Public Holidays: 11:30am – 11:00pm. More than ¥400. Xintiandi > Unit 1, No. 22-23, North Block Xintiandi, 181 Taicang Lu(near Madang Lu, Metro Line 1 Huangpi Nan Lu Station)太仓路 181号新天地北里22-23号1单元(近马当路, 地 铁1号线黄陂南路站). Tel: 6387-0096, 63870097 Manhattan Steakhouse 曼哈顿扒 房 Tue-Sat 5pm-10:30pm. More than ¥400. Wi-Fi internet. Gubei/Hongqiao > 2/F Shanghai Marriott Hotel Hongqiao, 2270 Hongqiao Lu(near Jianhe Lu)虹桥路2270号上海万豪虹 桥大酒店2楼(近剑河路). Tel: 6237 6000 ext. 6633.


Pin Chuan 品川 This restaurant offers a comfortable environment and wide range of unique Sichuan dishes, complete with a helpful chili rating system. Spicy Chengdustyle chicken, poached sliced beef and the customer favorite, “old nanny fish,” are delicious but hardcore chili lovers may need to ask the waitstaff to kick it up a notch. 11am-2pm, 5-11pm. ¥100-¥199. French Concession > 47 Taojiang Lu(near Wulumuqi Nan Lu, Metro Line 1 Hengshan Lu Station)桃 江路47号(近乌鲁木齐南路, 地铁1号线衡山路 站). Tel: 6437-9361

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August 12-25

Pinnacle Peak This affordable steakhouse cooks up mesquite seared steaks and mixes a real Caesar salad with your choice of crispy bacon or chicken. A variety of classic American foods, including apple cobbler and BBQ ribs, are served in American-sized portions. Fun-loving diners will appreciate the untamed mechanical bull and hospitable staff at this ranch-house style eatery. 6pm-10:30pm. ¥300-¥399. Jing An > 5/F, City Hotel, 5-7 Shaanxi Nan Lu(near Julu Lu)陕西南路5-7号城市酒店5楼(近巨鹿 路). Tel: 6256-1211


the eight treasure roast duck, complex wine marinated crab, or the heavenly sweet, sticky red dates filled with glutinous rice, this restaurant has it, and does it better than (almost) everyone else in town. 11am-4pm; 5:30pm-12am. ¥300-¥399. Xuhui > 41 Tianping Lu(near Huaihai Lu, Metro Line 1 Xujiahui Station)天平路41号(近淮海路, 地铁1 号线徐家汇站). Tel: 6282-9260. www.xinjishi. com.

Whampoa Club 黄浦会 Perhaps Shanghai’s best example of haute Chinese cuisine paired with spectacular design and views, this venue’s museumlike entrance will stop you in your tracks. The Shanghainese dishes here exemplify Chinese classics with a contemporary twist for upscale diners. 11:30am-2pm, 5:30pm-10pm. More than ¥400. The Bund > 5/ F, 3 on the Bund, 3 Zhongshandong Yi Lu(near Guangdong Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Dong Lu Station)中山东一路3号外滩三号5楼(近广东 路,地铁2号线南京东路站). Tel: 6321-3737.

wall. Staff are attentive and there are lots of them. 11am-2am. ¥100-¥199. Xintiandi > Unit 5, 1/F, Rm.5, South Block Xintiandi, Lane 123 Xingye Lu(near Madang Lu, Metro Line 1 Huangpi Nan Lu Station)兴业路123弄新天地 南里5号一楼5单元(近马当路, 地铁1号线黄陂 南路站). Tel: 6387-7818

Monty’s Steakhouse 满迪牛排 Despite the Asian decor and live Filipino band, this refined restaurant doles out hearty portions of American steaks from Montana and all the accompanying accessories (think potatoes and good red wine). The prices and mood attract both low-key business-types and hungry expat couples. Mon-Sun 6pm-10pm. ¥300-¥399. Luwan > 69 Yandang Lu(near Nanchang Lu, Metro Line 1 Huangpi Nan Lu Station Exit 1)雁 荡路69-71号(近南昌路,地铁一号线黄陂南路 站1号口). Tel: 6385-0777. www. Paradise 乐园 From the privileged confines of Paradise’s outdoor seating, watch swarms of Xintiandi tourists pass by, or just sip an exotic cocktail in the sleek bar inside, complete with cool blue lighting and a massive TV screen covering one

Black Canyon This Thai restaurant is part of one of the largest cafe chains in Southeast Asia and is the brand’s China flagship store. It serves up a range of contemporary and traditional dishes; they have everything from pasta with tom yum tuna to a pad Thai that the Thai government called the “Best Pad Thai in the World” in 2009. 10:00am-10:00pm every day. Less than ¥99. Nanjing Dong Lu > 1/F, The Bund Plaza, 233 Nanjing Dong Lu(near Henan Zhong Lu, Metro Line 2 & 10 Nanjing Dong Lu)南京东路 233号,外滩名店,1楼(近河南路,地铁2,10号线 南京东路站). Tel: 6321-0679. ken_c_wu@

Royal Thai Kitchen 皇家泰厨 A

tasteful green interior with burnished wood tables and chairs reminiscent of Balinese beauty. The outdoor deck is a great place to enjoy a fiery papaya salad followed by rich red curries. Don’t forget to try the shrimp, which is a house specialty, and a culinary joy no matter what your attitude toward spice. 10:30am-10:30pm. ¥200-¥299. Xuhui > Villa 3, 3911 Hongmei Lu(near Hongqiao Lu)虹梅 路3911号3号别墅(近虹桥路). Tel: 6242-3023.

Simply Thai 天泰餐厅 Feast on Thai cuisine after a long day of exploring the city at this warmly lit and inviting eatery. You’ll feel rejuvenated by a robust selection of foreign wines, golden fish cakes, rich, coconutty curries, lemongrasslaced pork and piquantly-seasoned prawns. The papaya and glass noodle salads are great starters. Delivery is available for orders over ¥50. Mon-Sun: 11am-11pm. ¥100¥199. Jinqiao > A6, Jinqiao Pudong Green Sports & Leisure Center, 600 Lan Tian Lu蓝天路600 号金桥浦东碧云体育休闲中心A6(近碧云路, 地铁4号线龙阳路站). Tel: 400 880 7729. ••Sun-Thurs: 11am to 12am; Fri & Sat: 11am-1am. ¥100-¥199. Xintiandi > 159 Ma Dang Road, near Xing Ye Road马当路159号(近 兴业路,地铁1号线黄陂南路站 ). Tel: 400 880 7729. ••Sun-Thurs: 11am to 11pm; Fri & Sat: 11am-12am. ¥100-¥199. Gubei/Hongqiao > No.28, Lane 3338 Hongmei Entertainment Street虹梅路3338弄虹梅休闲街28号(近延安 路高架). Tel: 400 880 7729. enquiry@ www.simplythai-sh. com••11am-11pm. ¥100-¥199. French Concession > 5C Dongping Lu(near Yueyang Lu) 东平路5号C座(近岳阳路). Tel: 400-880-7729


Aniseed 古羊路 Reasonably priced Vietnamese fare at this restaurant includes a range of traditional dishes from fried spring rolls to the noodle and rice dishes, though the flavors have been adapted to suit local palates. The pho here is particularly of note and is one of the tastiest we’ve found around town. 11am-11pm. ¥100-¥199. Gubei/Hongqiao > No. 451, 1 Guyang Lu(near Yaohong Lu)古羊路1号 451号(近姚虹路). Tel: 159-0057-1177, 54777178.


Lost Heaven Yunnan Folk Cuisine 花马天堂云南餐厅 The owners of

Coconut Paradise Thai Cuisine 椰 香天堂泰国料理 This cozy, Thai-style house

offers indoor or outdoor dining with lots of attention to Southeast Asian detail with soft lights, dark teak wood and a faint hint of incense. The spicy beef lettuce wraps sprinkled with fresh mint make a perfect starter for the shrimp Pad Thai and red curry chicken. 11am-2pm, 5-11pm. ¥100-¥199. Jing An > 38 Fumin Lu(near Julu Lu)富民路38 号(近巨鹿路, 地铁2号线静安寺站). Tel: 62481998.

Mithai This “modern Thai” restaurant resides within the three-floor Wagas concept and is dressed similarly to its upstairs neighbor Mr Willis. They serve up the normal range of Thai favorites, from spring rolls to pad Thai to curry, but they’ve also got a more innovative list of mains that fuse non-traditional Thai ingredients with authentic Thai flavor. Make sure you try the salted cod. 6-11pm. ¥200-¥299. Jing An > 2/ F 195 Anfu Lu(near Wulumuqi Lu)安福路195号 2楼(近乌鲁木齐路). Tel: 5403-9209. mithai@ Naam Thai Restaurant 纳摩餐厅 This all-day dining restaurant, pioneered by Walter Zahner of T8, serves up all your (Pad) Thai favorites and a few new ones, plus a fusion dish or two, in a slick and modern environment. The service is commendable and a pricey but well-chosen wine list round out the experience. Make sure to try the Issan sausages. Sun-Thu, 11am-10pm; Fri-Sat, 11am-11pm. ¥100-¥199. Xuhui > Shop 11071108, Highstreet Loft, No. 508 Jiashan Lu(near Zhaojiabang Lu)嘉善路508号尚街1107-1108商 铺(近肇嘉浜路). Tel: 5465-6005. www.

Coconut Paradise have worked their magic again. Though there are a few bland dishes on the menu, most of the Yunnanese specialties here are simultaneously exotic and delicious. The dark, rich décor and romantic spotlighting provide the perfect atmosphere for hip, young culinary anthropologists. 11:30am-2pm, 5:30-10:30pm; bar from 5:00pm-1:00am. ¥200-¥299. Xuhui > 38 Gaoyou Lu(near Fuxing Xi Lu, Metro Line 1 Changshu Lu Exit 1)高邮路38号(近复兴西路, 地铁一号线常熟路站1号口). Tel: 6433-5126 www.lostheaven. ••12:00am-2pm, 5:30pm-10:30pm; bar from 18:00pm-2:00am. ¥200-¥299. The Bund > 17 Yan’an Dong Lu(near Sichuan Nan Lu)延安 东路17号(近四川南路). Tel: 6330-0967. www.lostheaven.

Southern Barbarian 南蛮子云南烧 烤吧 You can’t go wrong with Yunnanese classics like chicken wings and extra spicy soups, but take a walk on the wild side and try some lesser-known dishes like eel and mint noodles. Then wash it all down with a beer—they’ve got one of the best selections of imported microbrews in town. Mon-Fri 11am-2pm,5pm-11pm; Sat-Sun 11:30am-2pm, 5pm-11:30pm. ¥100-¥199. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 2/F, Area E, Ju’Roshine Life Art Space, 169 Jinxian Lu(near Maoming Nanlu)进贤路169号 生活艺术空间E区2楼(近茂名南路). Tel: 51575510.

Listings on the Go

Access all CW listings from your mobile for free, yes, free at


Who’s Top Chef?

Vicki Meyouhas tears up the kitchen with Chinese Cooking Workshop How’d you end up in a cooking class? I’m visiting my boyfriend who’s working here at the Expo. I wanted something to do during the day and, actually, it was after looking through City Weekend that I found this. So, what are you cooking? Each class has a different specialty cuisine, mostly Chinese–like Sichuan, Shanghainese and Cantonese–but also Thai, Indian and Indonesian. I just happened to have enrolled in the dim sum classes. Last week we had a party and made six dishes, including really good lemon chicken Vicki digs and sweet and sour pineapple pork. jiaozi Mmm, sounds tasty. What’s been your favorite dish so far? For the last couple of classes I have been opting for the vegetarian, so my favorite is the vegetarian pear-shaped dumplings. They’re made from corn starch and potato, and filled with a mixture of bamboo shoots, mushroom and carrot. They are both healthy and so delicious. Any kitchen disasters? Not yet. The cooking is really fun; I love it. A lot of my food looks disgraceful compared to the teachers’, but they’re all really encouraging. Sometimes there aren’t any translators on hand but, apart from that, the cooking isn’t too hard. What’s the best thing about your class? The food. But, also, I’ve been to five classes so far and everyone is really nice. It’s been an excellent way to meet people. Last class I met a woman from New York and the previous time I made friends with a few locals, which was great. It’s a really fun experience, teaches a useful skill and the recipes are generally very easy.

My favorite is the vegetarian pear-shaped dumplings.

■ Chelsea White Tel: 5404-3181, 134-8277-1529

Events Thursday, Aug. 12


Toss ’em back and help support the charity Heart to Heart, which funds open heart surgery for children in need in China’s rural areas. ¥30 gets you tasty bites and an excellent selection of booze at both beer bar Kaiba and wine spot Cuvée. All proceeds go to Heart to Heart. 7-10pm Kaiba > Kangding Lu 139-0188-8313,

The Sundowner

Head over to this virtual-golf club where you can send balls flying into walls and tuck into toothsome plates like sliders and mini falafel from a Laris-run kitchen. You’ll mingle with fellow Brits and those who wish they had the accent, get schooled by golf pros and enjoy the bar’s excellent cocktails. ¥120 for members, ¥150 for non-members, includes two drinks and canapés. 6:30-9:30pm Urban 18 6218-5022,

Saturday, Aug. 14

Charity Flea Market

Check out handmade crafts, books, clothes, kitchenware, toys, pet items, appliances and more at this beautifully restored abattoir. ¥1 or any donation accepted; proceeds go towards supporting migrant schools. This is also a good opportunity to clean out your apartment; tables are available for ¥40 and ¥80. 10:30am 1933 137-6199-3866,

Saturday, Aug. 14-15

Wedding Fair

Bridezillas will dig this event, which showcases a wide swathe of vendors and wedding professionals. Look for booths from photographers, videographers, bakers, florists, caterers, DJs, salons and travel agencies. There will also be a fashion show, makeovers and a selection of hors d’oeuvres, entrées and desserts for you to try. The hotel is giving away a wedding valued at more than ¥80,000 including food, cake, reception, honeymoon suite and discounted hotel rooms for wedding guests. 2-5pm Hyatt on the Bund 6393-1234 ext. 6237,

Sunday, Aug. 15

Volunteer: Abandoned Animals

BEAN has teamed up with Second Chance Animal Aid (SCAA) to help groom, play with and give some TLC to abandoned cats and dogs. The home is 45 minutes outside of Shanghai, so volunteers will meet at 9:40am to board the bus. ¥40 for transportation. BEAN Shanghai,

DON’T MISS Community Events

→ Charity Flea Market

Support migrant schools and check out homemade crafts, books and clothes on Aug. 14.

→ Chinese Chat

Abbey Road and yuppies team up to practice Mandarin. Aug. 25

Tuesday, Aug. 17

Life Coach Session

Join life coach Jeff Tan for this two-hour workshop, which aims to help you figure out how to get the life you want. Tan will share the tools of neuro linguistic programming, which claims to help you “program” your mind to achieve your goals through patterns of excellence. Tan is a licensed NLP trainer and clinical hypnotherapist who holds a master’s of social science in counseling from the University of South Australia. Free. 7-9pm Pacific Ladoll International Building 6267-2782,

Friday, Aug. 20

World-Class Customer Service

Good service is good business and, as China’s economy continues to grow, service standards must grow apace. Management training consultant Ben Keher of Communications Consulting Ltd. joins this BritCham workshop, which addresses the challenges of defining customer expectations, the importance of setting service standards and moments of truth in customer interactions. ¥650 for members, ¥850 for non-members. RSVP by Aug. 19. 8:30am-12:30pm Langham Yangtze Hotel 6080-0800,

Saturday, Aug. 21

Board Games With Sunshine

Join BEAN in heading to Sunshine Disabled Home where you’ll bask in the aircon while playing board games with the residents. After teaching them how to play a selection of beloved Western board games, they may share with you how to own a game of mahjong and Chinese chess (weiqi). Please RSVP as space is limited to 16. 2-3:45pm BEAN Shanghai,

Wednesday, Aug. 25

Chinese Cooking for Expats

Chef Amy will school you in how to prepare pork in ketchup sauce, fried

Add Your Event: Every issue we publish THE BEST events from our website. The next issue covers Aug. 26-Sept. 8. Upload your event before Aug. 16.

August 12-25

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© Community

Kobe hangs with China’s A-listers


Kobe Bryant

The Black Mamba was in Shanghai in late July promoting a ton of stuff–charities, Nike and his weird new book Kobe 24 . In the book (which is only in Chinese), Kobe talks about how the Chinese mystical concept of qi inspires his basketball. In the book he also reveals that he practices taiji quan to keep in shape. At one point he even told fans at a book signing, “To me [Bruce Lee] has everything to do with basketball.” Real or not, his millions of Chinese fans ate it up. He’s pictured here with Zhang Ziyi at an Expo charity event.

Gavin Newsom The Mayor of San Fran (left) shook up Shanghai in June, attending San Francisco Week at the Expo, then taking a look at his multibillion dollar Bay Bridge, which is being built in Shanghai. He’s here with Portman Ritz-Carlton GM Manfred Weber.

Multiple Locations

Tony Blair We caught the former British prime minister just before he attacked actress Li Bingbing with laser beam eyes. Just kidding. This unlikely pair is spearheading the Million Tree Campaign, which aims to solve all of China’s environmental problems. They drummed up support in Shanghai in July. pork tenderloin, lotus blossom shredded meat, loquats (a relative of the apple) bean curd and fried shiitake mushrooms. ¥1,000, ¥1,100 at the door. 1-3pm

Editor's Pick

Family Friendly

Community Center Shanghai 3382-1770,

Chinese Chat for Serious Mandarin Learners Come along to this busy group of young professionals and polish up your Mandarin. We know, we know, it’s what we’ve been meaning to do for so long. But let yourself be tempted down to this language session with the promise of happy hour drink prices all afternoon, a raffle and a superpositive vibe. ¥20 to get in. 3:30-6pm Abbey Road 136-1167-0409,

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August 12-25

Every Monday, Tuesday and friday

Shanghai Museum Tour

Be baffled no longer by the esoteric subtleties of art now that Shanghai Museum offers guided tours through its nationally acclaimed collection. To get this enriched experience, sign up for a group led by a knowledgeable expert. ¥150, students ¥120, children under 16 ¥90. 3:30-5:30pm

Outside North exit of Shanghai Museum 138-1777-0229,

Every friday

CanCham’s Canuck Connection

Join Canadians and friends of Canada at CanCham’s weekly mixer. Meet, make and connect with friends. ¥10

On the hunt for a hookup? There’s no better or more efficient way to pick up a potential soul mate than speed dating at Datong Mill, wine glass in hand. (OK, there could be.) Ten foreign and local single males and females (25-35 years old) will each get eight minutes of chit-chat per person. Dress code: business casual. ¥100, includes two drinks. 8-10pm Asha Wine Bar 138-1682-1852.

Listings Find ALL Shanghai community groups and organizations online at Below are those with the highest BUZZ.

Chambers & Councils

Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China Bencham, or the Benelux Chamber

of Commerce in China, aims to strengthen the business, government and community ties between Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg and China. Bencham represents both small, medium and large companies and provides a broad range of services to assist its members in their business endeavors. Mon-Fri 9am-12:30pm, 1:30pm-6pm. Putuo > Rm. 1505, Shanghai Silver Centre, 1388 Shanxi Bei Lu(near Changshou Lu)东湖路20号大班商务中心201 室(近淮海中路). Tel: 6149-8312. shanghai@

Canadian Chamber of Commerce Shanghai Serving the Canadian business

community in Shanghai for over 10 years, the locally-founded non-profit CANCHAM encourages the development of crossfunctional leadership through practical work experience. It is the core of the Canadian business community in the Shanghai area and operates across many diverse industries in the region. Mon-Fri 9am-5:30pm. Nanjing Xi Lu > Suite 356 (East Tower), Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Xikang Lu)南京西路1376号上海商城 西峰605室(近西康路). Tel: 6289-8670. info@

European Union Chamber of Commerce in China 中国欧盟商会

Operating across all of Mainland China, this Chamber acts as the independent voice of European business in China. Their goal is to provide European businesses with an effective communication and lobbying channel for business associations and media with both the European and Chinese authorities and to help European companies expand their networks of European and Chinese contacts. Xintiandi > Rm.2204, Shui On Plaza, 333 Huaihai Zhong Lu(near Madang Lu, Metro Line 1 Huangpi Nan Lu Station)淮海中路333号瑞安广场2204 室(近马当路, 地铁1号线黄陂南路站). Tel: 6385-2023, 6385-2133. cn.

Korean Culture Center Shanghai 大 韩民国驻上海总领事馆文化处 This center

provides a variety of seminars, courses and lectures on Korean culture. Sign up for the Tae Kwon Do course and Korean cooking course, try on the traditional Korean costumes and watch some of the best Korean films and performances. Xujiahui > 2-3/F, 396 Caoxi Bei Lu(near Ciyun Jie)漕溪北路396号裙楼2, 3楼(近慈云街). Tel: 5108-3533. shanghai.

Clubs & Organizations American Women’s Club This non-

profit social organization for American women expatriates hosts monthly meet and greet events, luncheons, special events, charity events and a welcome-toShanghai Huan Ying program. Participation in most events is for members only but new members are always welcome. First Wednesday of every month. . membership@

arthub This non-profit foundation serves as a collaborative production and research platform for the Chinese and Asian-wide contemporary visual arts and new media community to network and share ideas, projects and dialogue. Providing structural support for projects through production, exhibition and dissemination, arthub’s extensive reach includes publications, research projects, symposiums, exhibitions, and workshops, with a focus on educational initiatives. Suzhou Creek > Unit 201, Building 7, 50 Moganshan Lu(near Changhua Lu)莫干山路 50号7号楼201室(近昌化路). Australia China Alumni Association 澳中同学联谊会 Launched

in Shanghai in 2007, the Australia China Alumni Association (ACAA) runs monthly activities and is open to Alumni from all Australian Universities, either recent or past graduates, who are living in China. The group holds monthly networking and professional development events and volunteer activities. . Tel: 6445-4879. info@

Australian Women’s Social Group

This women’s social group meets regularly for monthly social events. Membership also includes the chance for mother’s to bring their children to participate in Koala Kids (formerly Piccininnies), a weekly playgroup for children between the ages of 1 and 3. Contact . Tel: 1352448-1646, 136-6189-1524. awsgshanghai@

BEAN Connecting young professionals

with opportunities to network and volunteer within the community, this organization hosts regular social events and implements short-term projects. The latter aim to realize the philanthropic goals of its members and are ideal for busy professionals seeking ways to get involved. .

Brits Abroad Join these Brits for a jolt

of caffeine or a pint at various locations around the city. The group holds regular social networking activities throughout the month for members and welcomes new members to drop by regularly as well to take part. Contact for exact times and locations. . www.

Caribbean Association in China

This non-profit group provides a support network for the local Caribbean community. Social events with an island flare are open to anyone with an interest in the Caribbean. The Association fosters a stronger understanding and appreciation of the region’s culture while strengthening SinoCaribbean ties. Tel: 5481-2851. caribbean.

Cercle Francophone de Shanghai 中国法国工商会 Time to brush up your bonjour. A non-profit group that welcomes people from all walks of life whose language of understanding, learning

Chamber Music Society Musicians,

here’s your chance to pick up your instrument, whether it be a fiddle, flute or triangle, and join others to play the chamber works of great classical composers. All standards and instruments are welcome. Bring your music stand. Ensemble works to be played are up to you. To join, simply email Nicola with your name, instrument, last piece played and pieces that you’re interested in playing, and this friendly, passionate organizer will sort you out. First Saturday of the month,. . Tel: 137-7423-8985.

China Culture Center 中国文化中 心 This club organizes tours, classes,

events and long distance travel aiming to provide a deeper understanding of Chinese history, language and tradition. The club offers a wide range of classes in martial arts, cooking, foot reflexology, music and mahjong and guest lectures on a variety of topics. All activities are geared toward expats. Mon-Fri 9am-6pm. . Tel: (010) 64329341 (working hours), (010) 6432-1041 (after hours). www.

China Entrepreneurs This Beijing-

based non-profit organization has established a branch in Shanghai, aiming to foster the growth of entrepreneurship in China by bringing together domestic and foreign business people with a wide range of experience and resources to support each other. Tailored events include presentations and discussions on various businessoriented topics. . Tel: (010) 6569-1321.

China Single Club Why choose between a work life and a love life? This social club for single professionals helps meld the two at their events designed to help you connect with friends and business contacts old and new. Look forward to happy hour mixers, dance parties and more. . Tel: 5119-6992. Chinese Box Club 中国盒子俱乐部

This club meets once a week to discuss Chinese cultural topics in English and Chinese. Members also take part in Mandarin lessons at the Kai Li Training Center where they enjoy discounted prices. A great way to link the learning of both language and culture. Sat 2-4pm. Gubei/ Hongqiao > Rm. 904, No. 120, Zhaocheng Tower, Tianshan Xi Lu(near Zhenbei Lu, Metro Line 2 Beixinjing Station)天山西路120号长宁 馥邦兆城大厦904室(近真北路, 地铁2号线北 新泾站). Tel: 5217-5981.

Chinese Conversation Club 中文 俱乐部 Improve your Chinese listening and speaking skills at this conversation club hosted by native Chinese speakers. The first hour is reserved for pair chats in Chinese where you’ll find partners willing to patiently correct (and decipher) your attempts at proper pronunciation. 12pm-8pm. Luwan > Rm.109, 2 Dongping Lu(near Hengshan Lu)东平路2号甲109室 (近衡山路). Tel: 5465-0730, 137-0187-3243. shuozhongwen. Community Center Shanghai 虹许路 Connecting international residents through social, educational and charitable programs, the Center offers a variety of resources for newly arrived expats and old Shanghai hands including cross-cultural orientation and training, professional counseling and coaching, adult education, charity programs and social connections for youth. Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Gubei/Hongqiao > 5/F, No. 201, Lane 3215 Hongmei Lu(near Hongsong Dong Lu)虹梅路3215弄201号 5楼(近红松东路). Tel: 6406-4276. www. **Century Park > 2/F

E.O. Shanghai The Entrepreneurs


Asha Wine-Themed Speed Dating

Green Hill Clubhouse, Lane 418 Jinxiu Dong Lu(near Luoshan Lu)锦绣东路418弄2楼(近罗 山路). Tel: 3382-1770. www.communitycenter. cn**Minhang > 3/F, Bldg 1, Huacao Town, 318 Mingjia Lu(near Lianyou Lu)华漕镇鸣 嘉路318号1栋3楼(近联友路). Tel: 52263717. www. Organization Shanghai (E.O.) organizes monthly learning events, socials and retreats designed to give its members a greater insight into the business world of Shanghai. Events include seminars, social activities and retreats. Members only, contact the organization for details. . eoshanghai. cn.

East West Theater Group This non-profit community theater group is a collaboration between Chinese and foreign actors, aiming to bridge Western theater with the Shanghai arts and culture community. Performances feature professional as well as amateur acting talents from around the world. . east.west. Expatriate Professional Women’s Society An informal, non-

profit, membership-based organization that provides a professional, social and cultural network for expatriate working women in Shanghai. Events include regular social activities, volunteer and charity work and established events such as the Businesswoman of the Year Awards. . info@

Factory 意工场 Comprised of six open-

plan inter-connected sections, this ubercreative space boasts a gallery, retail store, lounge, fusion restaurant, digital studio and recording studio. All about the process of creativity, The Factory hosts workshops and a resident ‘creative’ every month to collaborate with local talent on a new project. Look forward to large scale parties, performances, workshops and anything they deem compatible with their creative vision. 8am-12 midnight. Wi-Fi internet. Hongkou > 1933 Creative Complex, 1/F, Bldg 4, 29 Shajing Lu(near Liyang Lu, Metro Line 4 Hailun Lu Station)沙泾路29号4号楼1层(近溧 阳路, 4号线海伦路站). Tel: 6563-3393. info@

Fortune Connection Club (FC Club)

This networking organization is dedicated to bringing together professionals from all industries, from business managers, media and entrepreneurs to HRs and headhunters for its monthly career development social networking events and business and finance and media industry events. . event@fcclub. com.

German Centre Shanghai 上海德国 中心 Offering serviced apartments and leasing office, exhibition and commercial space, this German hub is the go-to venue for international companies seeking entry into China. Don’t miss their weekly events, varying from movie nights to “Business in China” seminars. Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park > 88 Keyuan Lu(near Long Dong Avenue)科苑 路88号(近龙东大道). Tel: 2898-6888. info@ en.germancentreshanghai. com. German Club Shanghai These Deutschlanders organize a wide range of events including trips and monthly meetings and even the publication of a monthly members magazine. A non-profit organization, the group offers help to newcomers and a means for Germans in Shanghai to share experiences and build friendships. . Indian Association in Shanghai

Connecting the Indian community of Shanghai. The Indian Association holds regular social events and networking activities for members of the Indian community living and working in Shanghai. Bringing a Bollywood-esque excitement to many of their activities, this community knows how to have fun. Jing An > Rm.1008, International Trade Center, 220 Yan’an Xi Lu(near Wulumuqi Bei Lu)延安西路220号国

际贸易中心1008室(近乌鲁木齐北路). Tel: Vivek Arora: 2201-0650, 138-0178-4265; Vinisha Daryanani: 6209-6836, 136-0192-9851. www.

Jaiya’s Animal Rescue (JAR)

Looking to foster or adopt a furry friend? Head to JAR’s monthly adoption days at Papa’s Bierstube. Both those interested in fostering and those who are sure they want to adopt are welcome, and if you just want to come down and play with the animals, that’s okay too. Gubei/Hongqiao > 22-24 Hongmei Pedestrian Street, Lane 3338 Hongmei Lu(near Yan’an Xi Lu)虹梅路3338弄, 虹梅休闲街22-24号(近延安西路). Tel: 1363662-4300.

Micro Readers United This reading group focuses solely on short stories of no more than 20 pages. Stories are generally chosen by the founding members, but anyone can make suggestions. They read various genres from authors of different nationalities, including non-Englishspeaking countries, all in English. Past picks have included Jorge Luis Borges. Each session discusses several stories. Tel: 1582149-7407 (Anna). NextStep Mix together drinks, a great view and some entrepreneurs and watch the business grow. Providing a forum for likeminded entrepreneurs to collaborate and build new business, this organization’s social events, held twice a month on Tuesdays, help establish the support networks needed to achieve success. 172 Jinxian Lu(near Maoming Lu)进贤路172号(近茂名路). Tel: 3126-3780.

Listings on the Go

Access all CW listings from your mobile for free, yes, free at

Professional Speakers Association in China This non-profit,

non-commercial association caters both to professional and aspiring professional speakers, holding monthly events and providing its members with access to resources and networks that enable them to learn as well as share their experiences and expertise. Contact for detail on meeting locations. 7pm-9pm. Jing An > . Tel: 1391786-7502. www.

Pudong Toastmasters Club An international non-profit organization focusing on development of communication and leadership skills. They provide a supportive and positive learning environment for members who wish to gain self-confidence and personal growth through learning how to speak in public, participate in debates, and use leadership skills. Sun 10am-12am. Pudong > 2/F, Motel 268, 166 Yushan Lu羽山路166号2楼. president. Robotics Society of Shanghai

Steven Speilberg’s “A.I.” might not be that far off as this group dedicates itself to the promotion and advancement of robotic technologies. The group hosts periodic meetings and events as well as participating in robotics competitions and workshops. . robotics_society_shanghai@ group/robotics_society_shanghai.

Green Drinks Shanghai Join this

monthly meet-up to mingle with others also interested in environmental issues, sustainable development and CSR over drinks and light snacks. Each meeting features two or three five-minute talks by various speakers at 7:30pm, followed by an easy green-living take-home message from Arc8X Design. Free. BAU Architecture Space, No.17, Lane 1252 Fuxing Zhong Lu(near Xiangyang Nan Lu)复兴中路1252弄17号(近 襄阳南路). Tel: 5466-6969. irvingsteel@gmail. com. August 12-25

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Multiple Locations

Every Saturday

Established in 2000, Spain’s Shanghai chapter is a member-driven, non-profit business organization that works to develop commercial relations between Spain and China. Services range from helping members promote their businesses and encouraging commercial and cultural relationships between China and Spain to acting as one of the hubs for the Spanish community via events. Mon-Fri 10am-5pm. Huangpu > Huaihai Zhonghua Tower, 885 Renmin Lu(near Huaihai Dong Lu)人民路885号淮海中华大厦(近淮海东 路). Tel: 6326-4177.

and expression is French. This French community group hosts regular gettogethers and social activities for the French-speaking community and their friends. Bienvenue! Mon-Fri 9am-1pm. Jing An > Rm.19, 2/F, Mayfair Tower, 83 Fumin Lu(near Julu Lu)富民路83号巨富大厦2楼(近巨鹿路). Tel: 6132-7100. cercle@ www.

Family Friendly


Big Bamboo > Nanyang Lu 6289-8670,

Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China, Shanghai Chapter

Editor's Pick

for CanCham members, ¥20 for nonmembers. Enjoy happy hour till 9pm, 15 percent off all food and one free drink. 5:30-9pm

Family Fun Saturday, Aug. 14

Charity Flea Market

The weekend flea market is back at 1933. Browse through piles of stuff, some of it quite decent. The best of the lots tend to be handicrafts made by local creative types. ¥1 entrance (or any donation to charity). 11am 1933 137-6199-3866,

Day-long Pottery Workshop

A night cruise on the Huangpu

Young ones are given a bit of clay and turn it into beautiful bowls and pots. The pottery of accomplished artists decorates the studio, providing inspiration for students and a momentary diversion for parents otherwise fixated on their child’s masterpiece. ¥299 for one child and one parent, plus a free picture book. 1pm

A River Runs Through It Feel the breeze as you cruise the mighty Huangpu Researchers in the UK have found that merely living near water helps brighten your mood. And, if there is one thing that Shanghai has in spades, it’s water. So round up the kids and take them on a Hunagpu River Cruise. With The Bund promenade now shipshape, it makes a great trip. Even better, the cruise boats are all stroller-friendly. The cruise runs out of the dock south of Shiliupu (South Bund). The hour-long trips (¥50) take you down

to Yangpu Bridge and back. They leave at 9:30am, 10:45am, 1pm, 2:30pm, 3:15pm, 4pm and 4:30pm. Or opt for a night cruise (¥70-100) that leaves every half hour from 7-8:30pm. Cruises are long enough for kids to enjoy, but not so long as to be boring. You’ll be amazed how the fresh air quickly puts them to sleep and puts a smile on your face. Find it: 219 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu 中山东二路 219 号, Tel: 6326-3693

Let's Go Fly a Kite

fun picks

For something unique, head to Ru-Wa Studio for a kite-making workshop (held by appointment any day except Monday). You’ll be taught how to bend bamboo to make a lightweight frame, and then attach personally decorated paper. Materials and traditional patterns to copy are provided. Classes cost ¥150 and include tea. Find it: 81 Jing’an Villa, Lane 1025 Nanjing Xi Lu 南京西路1025 弄静安别墅81号, Tel: 6218-5859

Digital Magazine Even though Shanghai’s new Apple store doesn't carry the iPad yet (you can easily pick one up at Metro City in Xujiahui, address below), the craze has most definitely arrived here. One of iPad’s coolest apps is called Flipboard. With it you can make your own personalized magazine. The program gets its content from your social networking sites and posts it into cool-looking templates. It’s a great tool for creating snapshots of moments in your life. Find it: Metro City, 1111 Zhaojiabang Lu 肇嘉浜路 1111号,

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August 12-25

The Pottery Workshop 150-0176-2895,

Kids Through Friday, Aug. 20

Letterland Classes

Letterland is a unique, phonics-based approach to learning to read and write. It’s also fun since it builds in a multisensory experience. This new program is now available at The Activity Box (Puxi). It’s geared toward kids 3-7 years old. 4pm The Activity Box > Puxi 6888-1913,

Through Friday, Aug. 27

Childrens’ Technology Workshop

Doing creative things with Lego is a great way to get a child enthusiastic about engineering. This program runs


Family Events → Pottery Workshop

Let your kids get their hands dirty, really dirty, at this fun pottery workshop on Aug. 14.

→ Orchestra Auditions

The Shanghai International Youth Orchestra is one of the best. Audition before Aug. 31.

→ Teletubbies Tour

These weird alien things that kids love come to the Expo Sept. 1-3.

Wednesday, SeptEmber 1-3

Teletubbies Dance Tour

Britain’s most popular children’s show comes to life at the Expo. Laa-Laa, Po, Dipsy and Tinky-Winky dance for your children in this performance made possible by the BBC and the British consulate general. Expo Zone C > Europe Square

Through Friday, Oct. 8

Sesame Street Magic Map Adventure

Characters from “Sesame Street” get together with none other than Haibao himself for some hijinx. The whole thing is sponsored by BASF and was produced by the people who did the original TV show. Expo Zone D > Dock 1 and Dock 3

Every Monday-Friday

Junior and Senior Summer iCamps

Kids with a bent for engineering and technology will enjoy these summer iCamps. Run annually, the senior iCamp introduces students ages 7-14 to engineering, robotics, architecture, digital arts, animation, graphic design and video game design concepts. Junior iCamps for children ages 4-6 are available as well. One-week camps run through August 27. ¥2,900 for senior iCamp; ¥2,400 for junior iCamp. Childrens Technology Workshop

Arts & Crafts Summer Program

Well-known for running fun art workshops, Kids’ Gallery also has summer camps. The goal? Enrichment through art. In a variety of classes for children ages 16 months though 12 years, students will explore a range of arts and crafts from painting, drawing and pasting to food art, fashion design, puppet-making, clay sculpture, musical theater and much more. ¥875 for five one-hour lessons, ¥1,880 for five halfday lessons. 9:30am Kids’ Gallery

Every Tuesday

Mommy & Me

Every Tuesday, bring your child (18 months-5 years) to The Nest, which offers a Mommy & Me program in the afternoon from 3-4pm. The group uses Reggio Emilia’s approach to learning. Your child will be entertained with music, games, stories, artwork, puppets and exercise. There is time during each session to share opinions and questions with each other. 3pm The Nest Creative Children’s House 5403-4102,

Dance Studio ARTIST Shanghai 5196-1120,

Every Saturday

Sketching and Cartooning Class

This ongoing class sponsored by the Kai Kou Language Center (across from the Gubei Carrefour) holds introductory cartooning lessons for kids. Lessons are in Chinese, but a translator can be provided upon request. Classes run through Sept. 14. 3pm Room 302, No.18, Lane 51 Shuicheng Nan Lu

Every Tuesday-Sunday

Paint Your Rattle Drum

Drop by the Ru-Wa Studio where kids can get creative by painting whatever image they like on a blank, hand-made rattle drum. No painting (or drumming) experience required. ¥50 (work days), ¥60 (weekends and holidays); price includes drum, paint and Chinese tea. Midday-9pm

Ru-Wa Studio 6218-5859,

Parents Saturday, Aug. 14

Chinese Dumpling Making

Register by August 12 to attend Dana Qiu’s one-day class on making Chinese dumplings. Use your new-found knowledge to broaden the horizons of the family dinner. Plus, dumplings are great fun to make as a family. The session is ¥300. Midday Community Center Shanghai 5226-3717,

Wednesday, Aug. 25

Bumps and Babes: Birth Complications

This installment invites Dr. Jenny Chang, M.D, Ob / Gyn practitioner with 20 years of experience and current member of WorldPath Clinic International. She will discuss common labor and birth complications and measures to remedy them. 9:45am Bumps & Babes 135-6433-5442,

Saturday, Aug. 28

Shanghai Orientation

This free half-day session introduces newbies to the ins and outs of expat family life in Shanghai. Bring all your questions because these experts have the answers. Register in advance. Breakfast and light lunch are included. 9am Community Center Shanghai 5226-3717,

Add Your Event: Every issue we publish THE BEST events from our website. The next issue covers Aug. 26-Sept. 8. Upload your event before Aug. 16.

Shanghai vs Home Is the grass really greener on the other side?

Like many foreigners living in Shanghai, our family decided to spend the summer back in the U.S. The thought of the 24-hour door-to-door trip wit h 2-year-old Tanner a nd 4 -mont h-old Natalie in tow scared me for months. As the big day came, t hough, I took a deep breath, boarded the plane and took it hour by hour until we finally arrived home. This was the first time I’d been home with my k id s a nd I wa s excited to finally get my fill of the quintessential “ k id - f r ie nd ly ” e x p e r ience we often complain that Shanghai is lacking. However, what I fou nd is that, in terms of children’s offerings, Shanghai is actually comparable to the U.S. We v i sit e d a fe w children’s museums back home. While the places were definitely cleaner and the air conditioning much better, the activities were quite similar to those found at t he Science a nd Tec h nolog y Museum in Pudong (www.sstm. as well as various indoor play spots like E-Kids Island (locations around the city with a new branch at the mall on Jinhui and Hongsong Lu) and Lollipop (not to be mistaken with the children’s clothing boutique) in the Laya Mall across from Thumb Plaza. We also took Tanner to his first Chuck E. Cheese play experience. For those not familiar with this American staple, it’s a play space that has carnival type games while serving every kid’s favorite–pizza. Shanghai has its own version–Tom’s World–which has popular branches around t he city (Superbrand Mall in Lujiazui and Brilliance Mall in Hongqiao).

When it comes to clothes shopping, prices back home in the U.S. are definitely cheaper t h a n t ho s e a t t he b out ique shops here in Shanghai. To find

Shanghai has its own version of Chuck E. Cheese–it’s called Tom’s World

clothes in a comparable price range in Shanghai, you have to dig deep at either the Pu’An Lu Childrens’ Market or the market on Wuyi Lu and Zhongshan Lu. It takes some searching, but you will find your Carters, Baby Gap and Children’s Place brands. Just be prepared to haggle over prices. W hen it comes to missing the comforts of home, food is the biggest factor. However, Sha nghai combats t hat wit h the Hongmei Pedestrian Street. These days there is an abundance of kid-friendly dining and lots of Western favorites. Our family choices are Big Bamboo and Bastiaan Bakery. While Shanghai will never surpass the comforts of home, there are plenty of options here that make coming back a h o m e coming all its own.

Raising kids in Shanghai isn’t easy. Follow our family’s adventures on the Family Matters blog:


Kathy Lawn Mother of two

August 12-25

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iLanguage 139-1776-4283,

Children’s Technology Workshop 6446-6766,

family matters

Events at the Expo Site


Is your child learning Chinese or brushing up on their English? On August 14, put some of those language lessons to work in a fun way at a bilingual party to celebrate summer. There will be a whole slate of activities, all designed to get your kids using their language skills. And it’s only ¥18. 3pm

Dance improves long-term flexibility and coordination, not to mention mastery of rhythm. This group offers a range of classes covering every imaginable style for kids 3-15 years old. Classes are small and bilingual. Classes start at ¥650 for a series of eight. 3pm

Multiple Locations

Summer Bilingual Party

Summer Dance Course

Family Friendly

Saturday, Aug. 14

Every Tues. and Thurs.

Editor's Pick

© Family


every weekday from 10am-midday. Junior & Senior Engineer Workshops (ages 3-14) are still available August 16-20 and 23-27. Classes meet for two hours a day, morning or afternoon sessions available.

Last chance of the summer to get your kid his or her sea legs. The final installment of the sailing camp goes down August 16-20. The sailing takes place on the sea (no lakes) and kids who finish the week-long class will get a certificate from the Chinese Yachting Association. 9am Shanghai Real Sailing Yacht Club 138-1678-7065,

Through Tuesday, Aug. 31

Shanghai International Youth Orchestra Auditions

The acclaimed Shanghai International Youth Orchestra is preparing for its fourth season. Auditions are ongoing this summer through August 31. Young musicians ages 13-18 should email to arrange an audition. The fall performance season starts in September.

Shanghai International Youth Orchestra 137-6102-0546,


Akari from Japan and Mei from France are best buds.

Through Thursday, Sept. 30

Toddler Learning Program Line up! The parade of nations is about to begin.

Every weekend morning a bunch of toddlers get together for Fantasy Playtime. They sing, dance, listen to stories and do arts & crafts. It’s a great option if you just don’t have time to chase the little ball of energy around all the time. ¥100 for one session, packages available. 10am FUN4KIDS 138-1616-5704,

Every Tuesday-Saturday

Jitterbugs Movement and Music Classes School administrators Zhang Hong and Roger Sinnett deliver speeches.

These three hear t each other.

For a fun mix of music, dance and physical movement, drop into these 45-minute sessions that will help encourage your child’s creative and physical development at the same time. Classes cater to children ages 0-3 years old. ¥50 per family per class if you book in advance, ¥60 on the day.

Multiple Locations

Jitterbugs 137-6104-4006,

Listings Find ALL of Shanghai's family essentials listed online at www. Below are those with the highest BUZZ.

Editor's Pick

Family Friendly

Family Fun

Primary school students introduce

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August 12-25

themselves at the reception.

Animal Factory Kids can choose from a selection of 40 animals and then make their own furry friends at this shop. Every part of the process is participatory, from choosing the animal’s outfit right down to filling ‘er up with stuffing. Prices vary depending on the animal and outfits chosen. Luwan > No. 3-15, Lane 210 Taikang Lu(near Sinan Lu)泰康路210弄3-15号(近思南 路). Tel: 6466-8296. •• Lujiazui > 6/F, Super Brand Mall, 168 Lujiazui Xi Lu(near Fucheng Lu, Metro Line 2 Lujiazui Station)正大广场陆家嘴 西路168号6楼(近富城路, 地铁2号线陆家嘴 站). Tel: 5047-0669.

Children’s Palace 浦东新区少年宫

Founded in 1953 by Soong Ching Ling, this center is designed for children to express their creativity through theater, wushu, ballet, music, dancing, singing and other forms of performance and arts. Wed-Sun 9am-5pm. Pudong > 318 Yingchun Lu(near Dingxiang Lu, Metro Line 2 Science and Technology Museum Station)迎春路318号(近 丁香路, 地铁2号线上海科技馆站). Tel: 68567762.

Flying Start 小飞俱乐部 Mobile creative classes and exploratory art courses for children ages 6 months to 12 years old can be coordinated at the most convenient location through this organization. Give the little ones an early start to the world of art, music and drama with special sessions for siblings as well as holiday and seasonal oriented activities. Mon-Sun 10am-7pm. . Tel: 150-0032-6887. www. FunTime Music Experienced Western

music teachers lead music classes for parents with babies and toddlers that include activities such as singing, recognizing rhythm, playing musical instruments and other games such as playing with a parachute, bubbles, balls and hoops. Mon-Thurs 9am-12pm. Qingpu > Western International School of Shanghai, 555 Lianmin Lu, Xujing Town(near Huqingping Highway)徐泾镇联民路555号(近沪青平公路). Tel: 137-0161-9422. funtime_music@yahoo. com.

Happy Valley Amusement Park

Thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies have a new destination. This amusement park boasts a selection of impressive roller rollercoasters including the “Skydrop,” “Fireball,” and “Wave Swinger.” Marketed as a destination for families, there’s also a selection of smaller kid-friendly rides. KFC and Pizza Hut are the only food on the grounds and the site tends to be packed on weekends. Songjiang > 18 Linying Dadao林荫 大道18号. Tel: 3355-2222. cn.

JT Kids Party JT儿童派对 This party

planning agency just for kids features fun and educational themes include kid’s cooking, arts & crafts, Harry Potter, painting, tea and zoo parties. Parents sit back and relax while an expert team ensures you throw a fun-tastic party all the way from pre-party planning to post-party follow-up. 10am-4pm. Pudong > Rm. 2004, Bldg 2, 188 Dujuan Lu(near Yulan Lu)杜鹃路 188弄2号2004室. Tel: 5169-2146. service@

Julia Gabriel Centre for Learning 上海徐汇区民办嘉宝幼儿园 This

international speech and drama school for children that encourages your child to “express your best self” through activities that promote individuality, creativity and self-confidence. The center aims to bring a sense of community by recognizing value and supporting cross-cultural communication. Tue-Sat 9am-6pm. French Concession > 75 Wuxing Lu(near Hengshan Lu) 吴兴路75号(近衡山路). Tel: 6437-3773. www.

JZ Kids–JZ School 爵士学校 This popular venue for musical extra-curriculars brings performing arts to little learners with music, choir, ballet, instrumental classes and band camps. Their play-based pedagogy and professional educators aim at building a child’s creative and productive potential with music. Classes are offered for children age 2-12. Mon-Fri 9am-6pm; Sat-Sun 10am-6pm. Wi-Fi internet. French Concession > No. 12, Lane 280, Wukang Lu(near Hunan Lu)武 康路280弄12号(近湖南路). Tel: 5403-6475.

Lollipop Great play spaces are hard to

come by in Pudong. If in need, drop by Lollipop on the third floor of the Laya Plaza, across the street from Thumb Plaza. The play space is equipped with trampolines and other fun, original games and tops. Our personal favorite is the enormous ball pit. Whip down the slide at lightning speed and plunge right in. Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park > 3/F, Laya Plaza, 300 Fangdian Lu(near Yingchun Lu) 芳甸路300号联洋广场3楼(近迎春路).

MamaMeya Children ages 0-6 can enjoy

blowing off some steam running around this playground and learning center. Sessions encourage the development kiddos’ imagination and social skills through the incorporation of storytelling, music, movement and even some select fun classes. 9:30am-6pm. Wi-Fi internet. Gubei/ Hongqiao > 4/F, 3211 Hongmei Lu(near Luchun Lu)虹梅路3211号4楼(近陆春路). Tel: 64051538. www.

MultiSport Run by a Hong Kong company with 20 years experience, this sports fitness center has promoted positive attitudes toward sports and physical activity through its guided kid’s coaching classes in swimming, gymnastics, trampoline, soccer, basketball and tennis. Promote a healthy lifestyle early by signing your kids up for a class conducted in English by qualified physical education instructors. Classes are held at many different sports venues and hotels in Pudong and Puxi. . Tel: 5465-5715. www.multisport. Music Together Parent and child music

classes run by this organization incorporate singing, chanting, movement and the playing of instruments into a fun, non-performance based curriculum designed to teach children about melody, tone, rhythm and free expression. Enrollment includes two CDs and a songbook. Courses are held in multiple locations around town. Register online. .

Planet Laser Tag 普兰尼镭射 The virtual war that is laser tag is ideal for birthday parties and other celebrations. Players strap on sensory vests and pick up their laser guns before heading into the battleground. Different types of guns perform different functions, adding a touch of strategy for more competitive players. Tue-Fri 1pm-10pm; Sat-Sun & holidays 9am-10pm. Y100-Y199. Hongkou > 4/F, 4th Stand, Hongkou Football Stadium, 444 Dongjiang Wan Lu(near Dalian Xi Lu)东江湾路444号虹口足球场4看台4楼(近 大连西路). Tel: 5560-0658, 159-2130-4376. Ruby’s Party This venue’s experienced

staff creates fun theme parties for almost any occasion. A variety of party suppliers are offered and you can find everything from balloons and confetti to stuffed animals and costume. They also run regular play groups, summer camp programs and a variety of other on-site activities and classes. 9am-9pm. Wi-Fi internet. Gubei/Hongqiao > 3333 Hongmei Road, Hongqiao(Entrance on Huaguang Lu, walking distance to Pearl City and City Shop)虹梅路3333-A号(近华光路,大门位于 华光路). Tel: 6401-6323, 13816005794. party@

Science and Technology Museum 上 海科技馆 This space-age building is worth a trip to see. Once inside, visitors can participate in hands-on science experiments, sit back and watch an IMAX movie or brave the earthquake simulator, just one

of the museum’s simulator rides. Tue-Sun 9am-4:15pm. Pudong > J-06 Yataishenghui Nan Jie, 2000 Shiji Da Dao(Metro Line 2 Science and Technology Museum Station)世纪大道2000号 科技馆亚太盛汇南街J-06(地铁2号线科技馆 站). Tel: 6862-2000.

Shanghai Animation & Comics Museum 上海动漫博物馆 This three-story

animation museum offers interactive exhibits where families and adults can design short animation films, from the first drawings to putting the graphic stills in motion on state-of-the-art computers. The first floor houses a 7,000 piece collection of priceless cartoon stills and life-size models of animation icons from films like “Avatar”, “Transformers” and “The Incredibles”. The third floor has a 3D movie theater to view guests’ in-house designs on the big-screen. A bit outside the city, subway line 2 makes this an easy destination. ¥30 (kids under 1.2 meters are free). Tues-Sun 10am-5pm. Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park > 69 Zhangjiang Lu(Cab ride from Jinke station on Subway Line 2) 上海张江路69号(做地铁二号岛金科站, 然后 做出租车). Tel: 5895-7998.

Shanghai Ocean Aquarium 上海海洋水 族馆 One of Asia’s largest aquariums has underwater glass tunnels allow which you to immerse yourself in a wide variety of aquatic creatures from Asia to Africa without actually getting wet. The large shark tank is a particular treat. Stick around the fish feeding during the live performances. ¥120 for an adult ticket. 9am-6pm. Pudong > 1388 Lujiazui Huan Lu(near Oriental Pearl Tower)陆 家嘴环路1388号(近东方明珠). Tel: 5877-9988. The Shanghai Kids Museum 上海儿 童博物馆 An interactive children’s play land at the Shanghai Discovery Children’s Museum including a climbing tree house, a kid’s supermarket area, children’s hospital exhibit and a submarine room. ¥20 per person (adults and children). 8:30am-3:45pm. Changning > 61 Songyuan Lu(near Hongqiao Lu) 宋园路61号(近虹桥路). Tel: 6278-3130. www.

Family Photography

Barefootportraits 贝儿福 This professional photography studio focuses on personalized photo shoots high on fun and playfulness to make the subjects, soon-tobe moms, families and children, feel comfortable and cooperative. The studio offers a variety of services from artistic Andy Worhol-like prints to more traditional coffee table photo albums. Pets are also welcome. 9am-6pm. Wi-Fi internet. Jing An > 4/F, 668 Huaian Lu(near Xisuzhouhe Lu)淮安路 668号4楼(近西苏州河路). Tel: 6083-1066, 136-3649-9378. King’s Production Founded in Hong Kong in 1987, this photography studio specializes in capturing the pivotal moments in people’s lives. Their primary services include pre-wedding and wedding photography, pre-natal portraits and child, family and pet photos. They’re also able to photograph corporate events. 10:30-19:00 Monday-Sunday. Xintiandi > Rm. 101-103, Block 5, 10 Jianguo Zhong Lu(near Chongqing Lu)建 国中路10号5号楼101-103室(近重庆路). Tel: 6466-8700.

Learning Centers

Schools: Pre-K

European International Preschool, NO.260 Jinyan Road, Pudong District 浦东锦延路260号 中欧国际早教中心; 六合路98号港陆黄浦中心 214-215室; 临平路133弄瑞虹新城二期会所(3 locations in Shanghai: People’s Square人民广 场; Pudong浦东; Hongkou虹口临平路站). Tel: 61710150. www.

10 Cangwu Lu(near Tianlin Lu)苍梧路10号 3幢2楼(近田林路). Tel: 6451-7908. www.

JJ Treehouse English Learning Centre Mon-Sun. Century Park > Sino

Parent Groups

Peas and Pods Established in 2000, this community of international parents and children boasts 400 members. They offer a lending library with parenting books, occasional guest speakers, mommie groups and children’s play dates in Puxi and Pudong. Different locations decided and announced each week. The baby group meets every third Friday while the toddler group meets every second and fourth Friday of the month. Gubei/Hongqiao > . Tel: 6856-4758. Shanghai Mamas 上海妈妈 A web

site for mothers in Shanghai, this viral community is all about discussing parental issues in Shanghai, sharing tips and advice and providing encouragement and support for parents from other parents. This online forum features updated discussion boards, a photo gallery and an activity calendar for its nearly 2,000 members. Visit their web site to sign up for the weekly newsletter. .

Bright Start Academy 启星早教中 心 Mon-Fri 8am-7pm. Xuhui > 2/F, Bldg 3,

Etonkids 伊顿慧智双语幼儿园 Mon-Fri

8:30am-4:30pm. Minhang > 2055 Longming Lu(near Caobao Lu)龙茗路2055号(近漕宝路). Tel: 5478-0831 (Chinese), Hotline: 400-8189098 (English & Chinese). stephanie@etonkids. com.

Fortune Kindergarten 海富幼儿园 8am-5pm. Pudong > 1361 Dongfang Lu(near Lancun Lu)东方路1361号(近蓝村路). Tel: 58751212. •• 8am-5pm. Minhang > 2151 Lianhua Lu(near Hongqiao Lu)莲花路2151号(近虹桥路). Tel: 5458-0508. •• 8am-5pm. Pudong > 201 Donghuanlong Lu(near Pujian Lu) 东环龙路201号(近浦建路). Tel: 5039-8797.


Students at SUIS show off their national cultures on International Day

Sailing Camp

Kids’ Gallery 碧云路 This leading children’s art center has locations across Asia and specializes in teaching visual and performing arts to children age 2-16. Courses focus on specific areas like art education, art skills, music and movement, storytelling and structured and free play, helping your child to develop a sound foundation in creativity and arts appreciation earlier than is taught public schools. Mon-Thu 9am - 6pm; Sat-Sun 9am-5pm. Jinqiao > No. 5-9, Lane 650 Biyun Lu(near Yunshan Lu)碧云路650弄5-9号(近云 山路). Tel: 6105-9336. infoshanghai@

Happy Marian Xinlei Kindergarten 快乐玛丽安新蕾幼儿园

8:30am-4:30pm. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 692 Changle Lu(near Fumin Lu)长乐路692号(近富 民路). Tel: 5403-0603 ext. 12, 5403-8040.

Hills International Kindergarten

No. 31, Lane 356, Yongjia Lu. Tel: 6472-0200.

Pet Care

Z.E. Pet Clinic 9am-7pm. Gubei/ Hongqiao > 453-1 Wuzhong Lu(Near Yaohong Lu). Tel: 152-2181-3418 (English), 150-26893-620(Japanese), 5477-0543 (Chinese). www.

Schools: K-12

Concordia International School 协和国际学校 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Jinqiao > 999 Mingyue Lu, Jinqiao(near Huangyang Lu)金 桥明月路999号(近黄杨路). Tel: 5899-0380. Dulwich College Shanghai 上海 德威英国国际学校 Mon-Fri 8am-4:45pm.

Jinqiao > 266 Lan’an Lu(near Biyun Lu)蓝桉路 266号(近碧云路). Tel: 5899-9910 ext. 204. www.

Livingston American School Shanghai 上海李文斯顿美国学校

8:30am-3:30pm. Changning > 580 Ganxi Lu(near Xiehe Lu)甘溪路580号(近协和路). Tel: 6238-3511, 5218-8372, 136-6153-9097. info@

Rainbow Bridge International School 上海虹桥国际学校 Mon-Fri

8am-3:15pm. Changning > 2381 Hongqiao Lu(near Hami Lu)虹桥路2381号上海动物园内 (近哈密路). Tel: 6268-9773, 6268-4081, 62682074.

Shanghai United International School 上海协和双语学校 Mon-Fri

8:20am-4:30pm. Minhang > 185 Longming Lu(near Baochun Lu)龙茗路185号(近报春路). Tel: 5417-8143. www. •• Mon-Fri 9am-4pm. Gubei/ Hongqiao > 999 Hongquan Lu(near Wuzhong Lu)虹泉路999号(近吴中路). Tel: 3431-6027, 3431-0090 ext.1003. cn. •• Mon-Fri 9am-4pm. Pudong > 48 Xueye Lu(near Yuntai Lu)雪野路 48号(近云台路). Tel: 5886-9990. suischool@ •• Mon-Fri 9am-4pm. Gubei/Hongqiao > 248 Hongsong Dong Lu(near Wuzhong Lu)红松东路248号(近 吴中路). Tel: 5175-3030. suischool@gmail. com.

YK Pao School 包玉刚实验学校 MonFri 8am-5pm. Changning > June 1st Building, 155 Jiangsu Lu(near Yuyuan Lu)江苏路155号 六一楼(近愚园路). Tel: 5237-8400. contactus@

Little Eton Bilingual Kindergarten 小伊顿双语幼稚园

8:30am-5pm. Xuhui > 592 Wanping Nan Lu(near Lingling Lu)宛平南路592号(近零陵路). Tel: 6486-4250, 6469-0445, 6486-6755.

Montessori Children’s House 上 海蒙台梭利儿童之家 8:30am-4:30pm. Jinqiao > No.56, Lane 2000 Lingshan Lu(near Yunshan Lu)灵山路2000弄56号(近云山路). Tel: 5075-5472. Montessori School of Shanghai 上海 私立蒙特梭利幼儿园 9am-3:30pm. Qingpu > 1258 Zhuguang Lu(near Huqingping Lu)诸光路 1258号(近沪青平公路). Tel: 5988-6688. info. www.montessorisos. com. •• 8am-5pm. Xuhui > 21 Donghu Lu(near Changle Lu)东湖路21号(近长乐路). Tel: 54037699. Shanghai Utsukushigaoka Montessori Kindergarten 上海美丘 第一幼儿园 9am-3pm. Minhang > 22

Mandarine City, 788 Hongxu Lu(near Guyang Lu)虹许路788号名都城22号(近古羊路). Tel: 6405-6318. huangyong05@montessori-sh-u. com. •• 9am-3pm. Gubei/Hongqiao > No. 200, Lane 2489 Hongqiao Lu(near Yingbin Er Lu)虹桥路2489弄 200号(近迎宾二路). Tel: 6269-4979. www.

Shanghai Weihai Kindergarten - Montessori International Class 上海市威海路幼儿园蒙特梭利国际班

8am-4:30pm. Jing An > 730 Weihai Lu(near Shaanxi Bei Lu)威海路730号(近陕西北路). Tel: 6272-7877.

Sino European International

Preschool 中欧国际早教中心 Century Park > 260 Jinyan Lu(near Dongxiu Lu)锦延路 260号(近东绣路). Tel: 5045-8668. August 12-25

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Multiple Locations



Through Sunday, Aug. 15

American themed aquarium - a great place for children’s birthday parties and sleepovers. Regular beluga whale shows and glass-bottom boat rides (¥30 adults/¥25 children). Entrance: ¥110 adults/¥80 kids. 8:30am-5pm. Putuo > Gate 4, Changfeng Park, 451 Daduhe Lu(near Jinshajiang Lu)大渡河路 451号,长风公园4号门(近金沙江路). Tel: 62235280.

Family Friendly


Aquaria 21 Dive Club Massive South

Editor's Pick


Water polo player Jason Bosch tells us why treading water isn’t so bad after all Take us through the basics of water polo. You need a swimming pool, two teams of seven and one net for each side. The aim is to get the ball into the opposition’s net and stop them from getting the ball into yours. Sounds tiring. It’s a lot tougher than it looks. The game involves a lot of swimming and treading water. You can’t touch the bottom or sides, so you’ll be moving for extended periods of time. It can get really tiring for your Jason Bosch lungs, arms and gets wet with balls legs. But that’s why it’s a great way to stay in shape–you’re basically using your whole body. Is there a women’s team? Not in Shanghai, though elsewhere there definitely are. We played a women’s team in a tournament once and we were pretty even. They had amazing stamina, which our team couldn’t keep up with, but we had better ball skills. We played two games, winning one each. Right now, though, the club’s trying to get more female players for a female team. What would you tell those interested in joining? The club welcomes newcomers. You don’t have to know how to play, but it’s important that you’re a strong swimmer. Water polo is a great sport. It’s challenging, fun and it’ll definitely keep you fit.

It’s a lot tougher than it looks

Shanghai Sea Dragons Tel: 138-1706-9684,

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August 12-25


Shanghai Shenhua Football

→ Shanghai Shenhua

Keep your blood pumping and energy going by following Shanghai’s Shenhua Football Club. They finished 5th in the national league last season and are looking to move up this year. They’ll be battling their rivals from nearby Hangzhou at 7:30pm. ¥50-200. Hongkou Soccer Stadium 400-810-1887,

Biking Saturday, Aug. 21

Dianshan Lake Biking Adventure

Go biking at Dianshan Lake, the biggest freshwater lake in Shanghai. The ride takes you through two local semi-abandoned lakeside parks, bamboo groves and temples before you head south through some local fishing villages and lunch. ¥500 includes transportation, bike and helmet rental, guide and lunch. BOHDI Adventures 5266-9013,

Songjiang Overnighter

Take some time to check out Songjiang, formerly one of the richest towns in the region. Trip includes a guided trip out to Fenqing Old Town and accommodation. ¥500 covers transportation, food, accommodation and bike rental. China Outside Adventure 138-1882-1602,

Saturday, Aug. 21-22

Tianmu Lake Biking & Hiking Adventure

Tianmu Lake sits near the border of Anhui Province, just three hours outside Shanghai. It’s well known for its tea, but it’s also great terrain for cruising around on your bike. Bust up and down the rolling hills and wind your way through valleys and villages. ¥1,350 includes transportation, bike and helmet rental, guide and lunch. BOHDI Adventures 5266-9013,

Two-Day Cycling Holiday in Hangzhou

Escape smoggy Shanghai for the hills of Hangzhou, the spot Marco Polo once called “the most beautiful and elegant place in the world.” This two-day trip will take you out past West Lake and have you bombing past temples and down tea-covered mountains. ¥1,300 includes transportation, one night’s accommodation and meals. ¥100 extra for bike and helmet rental. China Cycle Tours 137-6111-5050,


The Deep End

Saturday, Aug. 14

Sports Events Football

Local soccer boys play their rivals from nearby Hangzhou on Aug. 14.

→ Tianmu Lake Biking

& Hiking Adventure

Only three hours from this megacity, find ideal terrain for hiking and biking on Aug. 21-22.

→ Open Swim

Three open water races in Moganshan will have your arms and legs aching on Aug. 22.


Get an introduction to general medical concepts and basic life support skills in just two days. The course is taught by professional instructors with significant patient care and back-country experience and will be useful for the outdoorsy type. ¥1,300 includes an international CPR certificate. Prodigy Outdoor Base 138-1789-8642,


China’s Original Bootcamp

Get up early and work it out with Eternity Fitness. They’re bringing back their bootcamp workouts for the spring, so join them and enjoy some fresh morning air alongside a tough workout. 6:30-7:30am

Eternity Fitness 6215-1519,

Water Activities Sunday, Aug. 22

The Open Swim

Every Thursday

Adult Ballet Pointe Lesson (Intermediate)

Know some pirouettes but getting a little rusty? This one-and-a-half hour class is suitable for an adult who has ballet and pointe experience as it runs through classic ballet pointe barre works, center pointe exercises and other center exercises and techniques. Mention City Weekend and get the first class free. 8-9:30pm DanceRepublic 5465-5371,


Wedding Dance Choreography

On the way down the aisle? Don’t go unprepared. Surprise your guests at the reception with a fancy-pants dance routine. Latin Grooves can help you get your moves in order, whether you want to perform the tango Argentino, the rumba, a little jive or a classy waltz. The dance group’s instructors run classes out of several locations, so call ahead to book lessons. 10am-10pm Various Locations 135-2465-8373,

Martial Arts Sunday, Aug. 15

Free Self-Defense Seminar

Martial arts don’t have to be used for aggression. Step up and learn how to defend yourself for free with the big bad boys from the Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu club and take home some self-defense skills that will last a lifetime. 2-3pm Shanghai Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 150-21135476,

Add Your Event: Every issue we publish THE BEST events from our website. The next issue covers Aug. 26-Sept. 8. Upload your event before Aug. 16.

Head out to Moganshan and discover the joys of open water swimming. This event will have three races at different distances, so any intermediate swimmer should be able to participate. Fifteen percent of race fee proceeds will go to the Green Watershed water project. Sign up with a team or contact the organizers to enter as an individual. ¥825 includes two nights accommodation, return transport, race fee and barbecue. Prodigy Outdoor Base 138-1789-8642,

Listings Find ALL of Shanghai’s sports clubs and organizations online at Below are those with the highest BUZZ.


Shanghai Boat and Yacht Club This club offers boat-junkies a chance to get out on the water. The club maintains its own fleet and warmly welcomes first-timers; they also offer open days for those interested in checking out the scene. A single membership is ¥2,500 with an ¥500 joining fee; a family membership has the same joining fee and runs ¥3,750. 9am-9pm. Qingpu > 708 Jin Shang Road(near Grand View Garden)金商公路 708号 邮编. Tel: 139-1724-8350. sycr@syclub. net.


Jin Bao long Ballet Studio 金宝龙芭蕾舞工 作室 This ballet school has a variety of adult, teen and children’s ballet classes throughout the day. Classes are taught in a relaxed, professional environment with accomplished instructors ready to help students from the basics through to public performances. Changning > A303 Shang-Mira Commercial Center, No.2633 Yanan Xi Lu(Shui Cheng Nan Lu)延安西路 2633号美丽华商务中心A303(水城南路). Tel: 62781361.

Bar Sports

The Camel-Sports Bar This bar does almost everything right for the sports fan. Multiple huge TVs showing whatever game you ask, each with its own sound system, so different areas of the bar can enjoy different


Martial Arts

Black Tiger Muay Thai Club Hero

Get instruction from foreign martial arts experts in a range of fighting skills from MMA to women’s bodyshape and combat workouts, plus Muay Thai boxing, Filipino Arnis and children’s fitness classes. In a city with a surprising lack of martial arts schools and teachers, this is a solid bet for expats and locals alike. Gubei / Hongqiao > B104 Red Town, No.570 Huaihai Xi Lu(near Kaixuan Lu)淮海西路570号(近凯旋路). Tel: 134-8236-6895.

Racquet Sports

Pudong Tennis Center 浦东网球中心 Take

Health Haven


The Shanghai Marriott Hongqiao recently underwent a multimillion yuan renovation, and now includes a top-notch indoor swimming pool, tennis court and recovery spa. The facilities feature all-new treadmills, elliptical trainers and weight machines. The gym is open to all and they’re giving new sign-ups a gift package that includes Nike gear and restaurant deals. Find It: 3/F, 2270 Hongqiao Lu 虹桥路2270号, Tel: 6237-6000

advantage of this tennis facility’s professional courts when you’re in need of a good volley. If you want to improve your swing, contact one of the venue’s certified instructors who will show you exactly what you need to do to take on Nadal next time he’s in town. 7am-10pm. Pudong > 9 Yushan Lu(near Zhangyang Lu)羽山路9号(近张杨路). Tel: 5821-5850.

Water Activities

Mandarin City Pool Located inside the Mandarin City complex, this popular pool offers facilities for the whole family. Adults shouldn’t pass up this chance to cool down and enjoy the swim-up bar and pizza. Well-priced day passes (¥80 for adults/¥50 for kids) make this an affordable way to escape the heat. 7:30am-9pm. Gubei/ Hongqiao > 788 Hongxu Lu(near Huaguang Lu)虹许路788号(近华光路). Tel: 6405-0404.


Red Door Yoga Try out ashtanga, flow, hatha and mysore yoga, with a focus on ashtanga and flow. Instructor Rob Lucas offers small, personalized sessions with a maximum of 11 students per class. Students are allowed to bring and leave their own mats at the studio, or rent one for ¥10. Mon-Fri 7am-9pm, Sat-Sun 10am-12:30pm, 4-7pm. Jing An > Rm. 903, 69 Yanping Lu(near Xinzha Lu)延平路69 号903室(近新闸路). Tel: 135-2416-2501.

Multiple Locations


Wilderness First Aid Course

Family Friendly


Saturday, Aug. 14-15

sports. Decent pub food and a happy hour that sees pints of Carlsberg for ¥25. Currently 11am till late. Wi-Fi internet. Luwan > 1 Yueyang Lu(Near Fenyang Lu)岳阳路1号. Tel: 6437-9446.

Y+ Yoga Center Cool down at the villastyle Fuxing studio or push yourself with the young and hip at the Xintiandi location. More than 80 classes every week are offered at both locations for people of all levels. Don’t forget to take advantage of the juice bar inside. 9am-10:30pm. Luwan > 2/F, 202 Hubin Lu(near Shunchang Lu)湖 滨路202号2楼(近顺昌路). Tel: 6340-6161. www.yplus. ••9am-11pm. Xuhui > 2/F, Bldg 2, 299 Fuxing Xi Lu(near Huashan Lu)复兴西路299号 2号楼2楼(近华山路). Tel: 6433-4330 . fxlcs@

Editor's Pick


© Sports & Fitness

Other Activities

August 12-25

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Shell out ¥1,380 and enjoy an invigorating 30-minute body scrub, a 60-minute massage whose focus is on the yin / yang energies and a 45-minute facial with oil, herbs and massage. Chi, The Spa 6882-8888 ext. 460,

APSARA August Cooler

Take a break from sweating and enjoy 50 percent off a full-body oil massage (¥140, normally ¥280) with the purchase of any facial. APSARA’s skilled technicians will leave your mind and body feeling better than they have since before the mercury hit 30°C. This promo cannot be combined with any other discount.

Bronze Bodies Tanning & Pro Shop 古 铜日晒中心 Keep the color in your skin with regular visits to the do-it-yourself sunshine stalls at this venue. Advanced tanning equipment and suncare products will keep your skin glowing. Hop into one of the Megasun, Ergoline, Tansun or Dr. Kern solariums and bask in the heat of an artificial sun. 10am-9pm. Luwan > B112, Hong Kong New World Tower, 300 Huaihai Zhong Lu(near Huangpi Nan Lu, Metro Line 1 Huangpi Nan Lu Station)淮海中路300号香 港新世界大厦B112(近黄陂南路, 地铁1号线黄陂 南路站). Tel: 6335-3091. www.bronzebodiesclub. com. •• 10am-930pm. Jing An > 1/F Silver Tower, Jiu’an Plaza, 258 Tongren Lu(near Nanjing Xi Lu, Metro Line 2 Jing’an Temple Station)铜仁路258号 九安广场银座1FB(近南京西路, 地铁2号线静安 寺站). Tel: 6247-7377.

APSARA > All Locations 5059-0301 (Jinyan Lu), 6258-5580 (Shaanxi Bei Lu),

Bring a Friend, Get 20 Percent Off

Getting a handle on hyperhidrosis is no sweat

Perspiration is an inevitable part of summer in Shanghai. Just stepping out of your air conditioned apartment is enough to bring on the drippage. And for an estimated 28 million people worldwide, excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, is a year-round problem. Primary hyperhidrosis is hereditary and starts to appear in early adolescence. Secondary hyperhidrosis can begin at any time and is caused by thyroid and pituitary glands, diabetes and even menopause. With both types, sweating can be triggered by external stimulants like caffeine, or emotional reactions like excitement and anxiety. Excessive sweating most frequently occurs in the armpits (axillary hyperhidrosis). It’s also very common in parts of the body with a high concentration of sweat glands, such as the hands, feet and groin. Aluminium chloride antiperspirants can combat hyperhidrosis. Roll-on Driclor is available on (¥168 / 160ml) and should be applied to problem areas nightly for a week, then once or twice a week as required. Dr. Tim Johnson, a family practitioner at Shanghai East International Medical Center (p.65), suggests the prescription drug propantheline bromide, though he warns about side

effects that include mouth dryness, constipation and light sensitivity. Botox is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and “works by paralyzing the smooth muscle that controls sweating,” says Dr. Sheena Burnell of ParkwayHealth (p.65). Most people choose Botox to treat underarm hyperhidrosis, as armpits are less sensitive than palms. There are no side effects and the treatment can last up to a year. At-home remedies can also tone down the sweats. Dr. Johnson recommends “pine or deodorant soap and ask[ing] your doctor for phisohex surgical scrub, choos[ing] garments made from natural fibers and shaving underarm hair.” He also advocates avoiding garlic, fish, curry, onions and asparagus and reducing caffeine intake. The only way to stop hyperhidrosis permanently is surgery. Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy cuts the nerves along the spine that cause excessive sweating in the armpits, hands and feet. The operation has an 80 percent success rate, but can sometimes relocate hyperhidrosis to other parts of the body. Excessive sweating can be awkward and embarrassing but, with a handful of ways to control it, you can make the drips a thing of the past.

The only way to stop hyperhidrosis permanently is surgery.

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August 12-25

The headline says it all. When you and a friend go in for any dermologica facial from Tuesday to Friday, you’ll both get 20 percent off the bill. Facials run ¥450-¥1,060 and include the gentleman’s special (¥530 / 70-80 minutes)–which hydrates the skin and helps to prevent ingrown hairs and irritation from shaving–and the MediBac clearing treatment (¥680 / 70-80 minutes), which deep-cleanses and unclogs pores. Shui Urban Spa 6126-7800,

Through Thursday, Sept. 30

Implants and Orthodontics Promo

If you’ve been holding off on tooth implants because of the cost, get to Byer Dental for ¥7,000 Korean implants with alloy-bonded porcelain crowns. ¥15,000 gets you German Ankylos implants. If orthodontics are what you need, ¥3,000 covers “invisible” ceramic brackets and a one-time free fluoride treatment.

Sunpoint Tanning Bake your skin into a warm bronze with this UV solarium and UV-free tanning spray. Dr. Kern and Ergoline will turn your pale pasty pallor into a bodacious bronze. If you’re not a fan of the self-bake, the salon’s spray-on tanning option uses a natural tan made of sugarcane that’s water-soluble and free of harsh chemicals. 10am-9:30pm. Jing An > 607 Chengdu Bei Lu(near Beijing Xi Lu)成都北路607号(近北京西 路). Tel: 6272-2090.

Blind Massage/Spas

APSARA Spa This Cambodian-themed spa

Perfect Tan This friendly indoor tanning

salon next to Carrefour Gubei is equipped by Sportarredo machines—both vertical booths and lying beds. They also boast Shanghai’s only high pressure tanning bed. Beyond bronzing, the salon provides eye covers, moisturizer, towel, drinks and use of the bathing facilities. All newbies get their first session free. Noon-8pm. Gubei/Hongqiao > Unit 102, Block 2, Lane 19 Rong Hua Xi Dao(near Shuicheng Nan Lu). 荣华西道19弄2号楼102 单元(近水城南路). Tel: 6219-2225. perfecttan.

is a City Weekend favorite. After getting oiled up and rubbed down by some of the best therapists in the city, you’ll feel as relaxed as a ball of putty. A variety of treatments employ oils and products imported directly from Cambodia. Treatments are also available through their at-home spa service. 10am-10pm. Century Park > 290 Jinyan Lu(near Jingxiu Lu, Metro Line 2 Science & Technology Musuem Station)锦延路290号(近锦绣路, 地铁 2号线科技馆站). Tel: 5059-0301. info@apsara. •• 11am–12am Midnight. Jing An > 457 Shanxi Bei Lu(near Beijing Xi Lu)陕西北路457号(近北京西路). Tel: 62585580.

Goodbye, Dry Let your skin drink it in at Yuan Spa

A soft robe, a cup of sweet cha and a warm foot bath in one of 12 private treatment rooms kicked off our 60-minute hydrating facial (¥800) at Hyatt on The Bund’s Yuan Spa. After the soak cooled our heels, the therapist gave our feet and calves a firm massage, using small jade mallets to improve circulation. She then conducted a series of gentle pats and strokes to determine the best treatment for our skin type before embarking on a deep cleanse and applying a moisturizing face mask and a separate eye mask formulated to treat dark under-eye circles, both from Clarins. As the masks did their work, we enjoyed an expert massaging of our scalp and arms. When we emerged from the lush confines of the spa, our formerly dull, tired skin looked and felt dewy and fresh. Bonus: They have an iPod dock so you can bring the tunes of your choice.

Find it: 1/F, Hyatt on the Bund, 199 Huangpu Lu 黄浦路199号外滩茂悦大酒店1楼, Tel: 6393-1234

Multiple Locations

The Best of Chi

Cool, Man



Through Tuesday, Aug. 31

health matters

beauty picks

Byer Dental > All Locations 5108-7766,

Revitalize Spa Package

Dragonfly Retreat 悠庭保健会所 This

Head down to Ritz-Carlton Pudong’s swank, ESPA-managed spa for its revitalize spa package, 45 minutes of back, shoulder and scalp massage bliss. You’ll melt into the hands of its expertly trained technicians as your upper-body tension is kneaded away. ¥399, available Monday-Friday from 9:30am-6pm.

The Ritz-Carlton Spa by ESPA 2020-1818,

Listings on the Go

Access all CW listings from your mobile for free, yes, free at

■ Susie Gordon

CHARME Hair Sculpture Aside from the

usual shampoo, color, cut and style, this French-owned hair salon also offers scalp care, nutritional rituals and Japanese hair straightening, among other styling services.

tranquil retreat has locations all over the city, providing busy urbanites with a nearby escape whenever needed. Services include a variety of massage style including oil, Chinese, Japanese and foot massage, facials, nails and gentle waxing. Sip some tea and relax as the therapists lull you into total relaxation. 11am-11pm, massage till 2am. Jing An > 458 Dagu Lu(near Shimen Yi Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Xi Lu Station)大沽路458号(近 石门一路, 地铁2号线南京西路站). Tel: 63271193. •• 10am - 2am. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 20 Donghu Lu(near Huaihai Zhong Lu, Metro Line 1 Shaanxi Nan Lu Station) 东湖路20号(近淮海中路, 地铁1号线陕西南

Add Your Event: Every issue we publish THE BEST events from our website. The next issue covers Aug. 26-Sept. 8. Upload your event before Aug. 16.

Wax On, Wax Off We’re a bit squeamish when it comes having hair ripped off our face, but in the experienced hands of Dragonfly Retreat’s technician Celine, our messy eyebrows went from stray-haired to smooth with just a few flicks of her wrists. The eyebrow waxing (¥115) took 15 minutes during which we lay back on the comfortable table in the private treatment room, our head propped on a cool, silk pillow and our eyes turned upward towards the glittery starfish-shaped chandelier. Celine applied hot wax and paper strips to our brows then trimmed, plucked and brushed them with a cool aloe gel before sending us on our way with lovely, clean arches. Find it: 206 Xinle Lu 新乐路206号, Tel: 5403-9982 August 12-25

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Family Friendly


Find ALL of Shanghai’s spas, salons and health clinics online at Below are those with the highest BUZZ.

Their internationally trained hair stylists treat your locks with Kerastase products in a modern, black and white, art deco environment. Their VIP cards are an especially good deal. 10am-10pm. French Concession > Rm. 101, 47 Yongfu Lu(near Fuxing Xi Lu)永福路47号 101室(近复兴西路). Tel: 6433-9929.

Editor's Pick


© Health & Beauty


Chinese Medicine

Set in an old French house, this luxury spa with an Asian flair specializes in Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments, including moxibustion, a traditional therapy that draws its strength from the mugwort herb (aka moxa). Their in-house therapists have completed TCM training supervised by professional doctors. Mon-Sun 10am-10pm. French Concession > 2/F, 6 Dongping Lu(near Hengshan Lu)东平路6号2楼(近衡山路). Tel: 5465-9120.

Dental Care

CAD Dental Clinic Mon-Sat 9am-6pm.

Ubud SPA With experienced masseuses from

Thailand and China, Ubud SPA offers plenty of services to relax, including foot massages, full body kneads and facials. A full body Thai aroma oil massages will run you ¥298 for an hour while those on a tighter budget can get a Chinese foot massage for just ¥97. 11am-2am. Fuxing Park > Bldg. 1, 88 Sinan Lu(near Taikang Lu). 思南路88弄1号(近泰康路). Tel: 5465-8068.

Yu Massage 愉庭保健会所 Step into a tranquil

Family Friendly

Multiple Locations

dynastic setting when you cross the threshold of this spa, adorned in antique Chinese-style decorations. Matching the decor, the services are primarily Chinese, offering Chinese massage, aroma oil massage and foot massage. Some freshly-made Chinese tea leaves guests with a refreshing final taste. 11am-2am. Changning > 366 Wuyuan Lu(near Wukang Lu)五原 路366号(近武康路). Tel: 5403-9931.

Editor's Pick

day with a treatment at this relaxing spa which specializes in therapeutic massage. Professional therapists provide a range of services including traditional Chinese massage, Japanese shiatsu finger pressure, aromatherapy, foot reflexology and even oriental scalp massage. 10:30am-2am. Xujiahui > 88 Xingeng Lu(near Tianyaoqiao Lu)辛耕路 88号(近天钥桥路). Tel: 6468-7076. green@

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August 12-25

Huaihai Zhong Lu > Block G, Zhonglian Villa, 1720 Huaihai Zhong Lu(near Wuxing Lu)淮 海中路1720号众联别墅G栋(近吴兴路). Tel: 6437-7100, 6437-5911 (24H Emergency). www.

DDS Dental Care 上海缔浦口腔门诊 部 Mon-Sun 10am-6pm. Pudong > B1-F POS Plaza, 1600 Shiji Da Dao(near Pudian Lu)世 纪大道1600号浦项大厦B1-F座(近浦电路). Tel: 6876-0409, 6876-0447. info@dds-dental. com. •• Mon-Sat 10am-6pm. Huaihai Zhong Lu > B1-05 Evergo Tower, 1325 HuaiHai Zhong Lu(near Baoqing Lu)淮海中路1325号爱美高大厦B1-05座(近宝 庆路). Tel: 5465-2678, 5465-5766. French Dental Clinic 法国牙科诊 所 Mon-Sat, 8am-8pm. Gubei/Hongqiao > 96 Ronghua Dong Dao(near Gubei Lu)荣华 东道96号(近古北路). Tel: 5169-9696. www. •• Mon-Sat, 8am-8pm. Lujiazui > Jin Mao Tower, 88 Shiji Da Dao(near Lujiazui Dong Lu)世纪大道88号金茂大 厦(近陆家嘴东路). Tel: 5169-9696. www. •• Mon-Sat, 8am-8pm. Xintiandi > Rm. 201, 119 Madang Lu(near Taicang Lu)马当路119号201室(近太仓路). Tel: 5169-9696. Kowa Dental Clinic 9am-8:30pm. Jing An > 11/F, Honi International Plaza, 199 Chengdu Bei Lu(near Weihai Lu)成都北路199号恒利国际大 厦11楼(近威海路). Tel: 400-6060-222. service@ •• 9am-8:30pm. Lujiazui > 3N1-3N3, Jin Mao Tower, 88 Shiji Da Dao(near Lujiazui Dong Lu, Metro Line 2 Lujiazui Station)世纪大道88号金茂大厦 时尚生活中心3N1-3N3(近陆家嘴东路, 地铁2号 线陆家嘴站). Tel: 400-6969-222.

Green Massage Ease into (or out of) your

New Vision Eye Clinic 瑞视眼科 An affiliate of Rui Jin Hospital providing comprehensive eye care and specializing in treating common eye diseases and visual problems. Created by New Vision Holdings LLC, USA in 1996, the clinic is dedicated to providing the most current and comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services in ophthalmology. MonFri 8am-4pm. French Concession > 12/F New Out-patient Building, Rui Jin Hospital, 197 Ruijin Er Lu(near Shaoxing Lu)瑞金二路197号瑞金医 院门诊大楼12楼(近绍兴路). Tel: 6437-7445. American-Sino OB/GYN/Pediatrics Services 华山路 Mon-Fri 9am-8pm; Sat-

Body Talk Traditional Chinese Medicine Spa 玄香馆中式养生养颜会所

Golden Resort Massage If you can’t head to Bali, head to this spa, or aptly named “resort,” for a luxurious escape sans flight. Chinese classical style massage techniques use aroma oils from Australia to lull you into relaxation. An oriental foot massage is sure to set your chi right and a selection of complimentary drinks will make you feel welcome. 12pm-2am. Jing An > 678 Shanxi Bei Lu(near Wuding Lu)陕西北路678号 (近武定路). Tel: 6217-8628.

Eye Care

Health Clinics

Subconscious dayspa This eco-conscious

spa uses only pure organic products imported from the U.S. for its massages, facials and other skincare related treatments. It also offers mani and pedis with OPI nail polish, waxing and, in light of its commitment to wellness, both personal and group workshop yoga courses. Private suites, complimentary baths and a gift are available with half day spa packages. 9am-11pm. Jinqiao > B1720, Green Sports & Leisure Center, 633 Biyun Lu(near Yunshan Lu)碧云路633号碧云体育休闲 中心B17-20座(近云山路). Tel: 5030-7382. www.

Lane 650 Biyun Lu(near Yunshan Lu)碧云路 650弄2-4号(近云山路). Tel: 6105-9400. •• Gubei / Hongqiao > 2281 Hongqiao Lu(near Jianhe Lu). 虹桥路2281号(近剑河路). Tel: 1882101-2188.

Sun 9am-5pm. Jing An > 3/F, Block 6, Clove Apartment Building, 800 Huashan Lu(near Zhenning Lu)华山路800弄丁香公寓6号裙 楼3楼(近镇宁路). Tel: 6210-2299. service@ www.americanobgyn. com. •• 24H. Xuhui > 14/F, Complex Building in Huashan Hospital, 12 Wulumuqi Zhong Lu(near Changle Lu)乌鲁木齐中路12号华山医院住院 部综合楼14楼(近长乐路). Tel: 6249-3246(24H), 5288-7240.

Global HealthCare Medical Center 全康医疗 Mon–Fri 8am-7pm; Sat–Sun

9am-5pm. Jing An > Rm.301, Kerry Center, 1515 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Tongren Lu, Metro Line 2 Jing’an Temple Station)南京西路1515号嘉里中 心301室(近铜仁路, 地铁2号线静安寺站). Tel: 5298-6339, 136-8188-8833. info@ghcchina. com. •• M-F 8-7, S-S 9-5. Lujiazui > Shanghai World Financial Center, Shop 212, 100 Century Avenue, PuDong New Area, Shanghai 200120 . Tel: 6877-5093.

Healthway Medical China Mon,

Wed, Fri 8am-6pm; Tues, Thurs 8am-8pm; Sat 9am-12:30pm. Jinqiao > Healthway Medical Center, 1228 Biyun Lu(near Hongfeng Lu)上海 威瑞门诊部碧云路1228号(近红枫路). Tel: 800-988-1105. chinaenquiries@ www.healthwaychina. com. •• 8:30am-5:30pm. Putuo > Healthway Nobel Hospital, 371 Xinzha Lu(near Xinchang Lu)上海诺美尔眼耳鼻喉科医院新闸路371号 (近新昌路). Tel: 400-885-8200. hmgchina@ www.healthwaychina. com

Huashan Worldwide Medical Center Huashan Hospital 华山医院

8am-10pm. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 15/F, No.12, Wulumuqi Zhong Lu(near Changle Lu)乌鲁木齐 中路12号15楼(近长乐路). Tel: 6248-9999.

ParkwayHealth 24-Hour 金桥 MonSat 9am-5pm. Pudong > Jinqiao Medical and Dental Center, 51 Hongfeng Lu, Jinqiao(near Yanggao Zhong Lu)瑞新医科及齿科中心, 金 桥红枫路51号(近杨高中路). Tel: 5032-8288. •• Mon-Sat 8:30am-6:30pm. Jing An > Shanghai Centre Dental Center. 204 West Retail Plaza, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Tongren Lu, Metro Line 2 Jing’an Temple Station)瑞新齿科中心, 南 京西路1376号上海商城西峰204(近铜仁路, 地铁2号线静安寺站). Tel: 6279-8318. www.

Lu)上海瑞祥门诊部, 虹桥路2258号(近剑河 路). Tel: 6445-5999. services@parkwayhealth. cn. •• Mon-Fri 9am-6pm; Sat 9am-5pm. Huangpu > Tomorrow Square Gleneagles Medical and Surgical Center, 4/ F, Tomorrow Square, 389 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Huangpi Lu)上海百汇华鹰门诊部, 南京西路 389号明天广场4楼(近黄陂路). Tel: 63755588. www.


Lotos Spa 莲泉 Fusion isn’t restricted to the culinary domain. This spa provides a fusion of Asian and Western therapeutic massage, skin care and body enhancements that will fire up your beauty routine. Enjoy a variety of treatments that offer relaxation and comfort, combining the best techniques of East and West. 10am-12am. Luwan > 2F, West Tower of No.8 Jinan Lu(near Taicang Lu)济 南路8号西座2楼(近太仓路). Tel: 3308-0088.

Puresmile Orthodontics and Dentistry 10am-6:30pm. Jinqiao > No. 2-4,

Shanghai East International

Medical Center 上海东方联合医院 Mon-Fri 9am-8pm; Sat-Sun 9am-6pm. Wi-Fi internet. Lujiazui > 551 South Pudong Road(near Pudong Ave.)浦东南路551号(近浦东 大道). Tel: (86 21) 5879-9999 / (86) 150-00190899. Shanghai International Hospital

8:30am-7pm. Jinqiao > 525 Hongfeng Lu(near Mingyue Lu)红枫路525号(近明月路). Tel: 5030-9907.

Shanghai Renai Hospital International Patient Center & Vaccination Clinic 上海仁爱国际患者 中心 8am-5pm. Xujiahui > 133 Caoxi Lu(near

Tianlin Dong Lu)漕溪路133号(近田林东路). Tel: 5489-3781.

Shanghai United Family Hospital & Clinics 上海和睦家医院 Mon-Sat,

8:30am-5:30pm. Changning > 1139 Xianxia Lu(near Linquan Lu)仙霞路1139号(近林泉路). Tel: 2216-3922, 2216-3936 (Appointments); 24H ER hotline: 2216-3999. cn. •• Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Minhang > Shanghai Racquet Club, Ground Floor Clubhouse, Lane 555, Jinfeng Lu Huacao Town(near Beiqing Highway)华漕镇金丰 路555弄上海网球俱乐部内(近北青公路). Tel: 2201-0995.

WorldPath Clinic International 上 海沃德医疗中心 Mon-Fri 9am-8pm, Sat-Sun

9am-4pm. Lujiazui > 777 Century Avenue(near Rushan Lu)世纪大道777号(近乳山路). Tel: 2020-7888.

Nail Salons

Jane Nails Head here for reasonably-priced manis and pedis with tasteful nail art to boot. The experienced technicians will trim and shape your nails, exfoliate your dry skin and slough your heels to baby-soft smoothness. Select from a wide variety of polish colors from brands like OPI and, if nail art is your thing, watch as your nails are transformed into tiny flower paintings that’s actually not gaudy. Seriously. A manicure runs ¥58, a pedicure ¥98 and nail art is ¥10 per nail. Noon-10pm. 1/F, 22 Xinle Lu(near Shanxi Nan Lu) 新乐路22号1楼(近陕西南路). Tel: 5404-1623.

Health Items

IQAir Offering effective and affordable air

purifiers for over 47 years, this brand focuses on removing as many pollutants as possible from the air we breath. In cooperation with a number of industries as well as individual users, they’re committed to providing cutting-edge clean air technology to the mass market and will even perform free air quality assessments of your home or office. 9am-6pm. Minhang > Rm. 310, Bldg B, Hongqiao Flourish Lotus Plaza, 1050 Wuzhong Lu(near Lianhua Lu)吴中路1050号虹桥盛世莲花广场B 楼310室(近莲花路). Tel: 6126-5435, 6126-5436.

Multiple Locations

Zeta Spa This Hong Kong based spa opened its first Shanghai branch in 2008 and now has three locations. They offer massages, facials, hair removal, and slimming treatments. Try the basalt hot stone massage (¥480 / 60 minutes) to help loosen up tense muscles or go for the Microdermabrasion facial (¥580) and shed your dry winter skin. Mon-Fri 11am-11pm, SatSun 10am-10pm. Y300-Y399. Xintiandi > Block 1, No. 9, Lane 181 Taicang Lu(near Madang Lu)太仓路181弄9号1座(近马当路). Tel: 63401580.

Family Friendly

Diva Life Nail & Beauty Lounge 德国中 心店 This nail and beauty lounge observes international hygiene standards and aims to offer its clients innovative beauty and hair services in a convenient, fun and affordable manner. English-friendly staff offer service with a smile and attention to detail. 9am-9pm. Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park > Tower 3, German Centre, 88 Keyuan Lu(near Longdong Da Dao)科苑路88号德国中心3号楼(近龙东 大道). Tel: 2898-6078. •• 10am-10pm. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 66 Nanchang Lu(near Yandang Lu)南昌路66号(近雁荡路). Tel: 6384-2033. •• 10am-10pm. Luwan > 266 Ruijin Er Lu(near Taikang Lu) 瑞金二路266号(近泰康路). Tel: 5465-7291. www.greenmassage. •• 10:30am-2am. Xintiandi > 58 Taicang Lu(near Jinan Lu)太仓路58号(近济南路). Tel: 5386-0222. www. •• 10:30am-2am. Rm. 202, West Tower, Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Xikang Lu )南京西路1376号上海商城西 峰西峰202室(近西康路). Tel: 6289-7776. green@ cn •• 10:30am-midnight. Lujiazui > Unit 304, 3/ F, Shanghai World Financial Center, 100 Century Avenue (near Dongtai Lu) 世纪大道100号上海环 球金融中心3楼商场&餐厅304室(近东泰路). Tel: 6877-8188. www.

ParkwayHealth China 24H. Xintiandi > Specialty and Inpatient Center (Women’s Health & Birthing Center), 2-3/F, 170 Danshui Lu(near Xintiandi)上海新瑞医疗中心(女性健康及生 产中心), 淡水路170号2, 3楼(近新天地). Tel: 6445-5999. www. •• Medical: Mon-Fri 9am-7pm; Sat-Sun 9am-5pm Dental: Mon-Fri 9am-7pm, Sat 9am-5pm. Pudong > Jinqiao Medical and Dental Center, 51 Hongfeng Lu, Jinqiao(near Xinqiao Lu)上海瑞浦门诊部, 金桥红枫路 51号(近新桥路). Tel: 6445-5999. services@ •• Mon-Fri 9am-7pm; SatSun 9am-5pm. Gubei/Hongqiao > Hong Qiao Medical Center, 2258 Hongqiao Lu(near Jianhe

Editor's Pick


路站). Tel: 5405-0008 . •• 9am - 2am. Changning > Villa 5, Lane 3911, Hongmei Lu(near Hongxu Lu)虹梅路3911弄 5号别墅(近虹许路). Tel: 6242-4328. www. •• Sun-Thu 10am-10:30pm; Fri-Sat 10am-11:30pm. Minhang > 555 Jinfeng Lu, Huacao Town(near Baole Lu)华漕镇金丰 路555弄(近宝乐路). Tel: 2201-0866 (hair), 2201-0899 (massage). cn •• 11am - 2am. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 84 Nanchang Lu(near Yandang Lu)南昌路84号 (近雁荡路). Tel: 5386-0060. www.dragonfly. •• 10am-1am. Jing An > Shanghai Kerry Center, 1515 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Tongren Lu, Metro Line 2 Jing’an Temple Station)南京西路 1515号嘉里中心(近铜仁路, 地铁2号线静安 寺站). Tel: 5298-5688. •• 10am-2am. Xuhui > 206 Xinle Lu(near Donghu Lu )新乐路206号(近东湖路). Tel: 5403-9982.

August 12-25

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66 | August 12-25 August 12-25

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Editor's Pick

Family Friendly

Multiple Locations

See a slideshow of photos from this shoot at


Produced and written by Florence Chang For a beauty and style consultation, contact Florence, the Gracious Tai Tai, at 137-6454-4582 or Make-up: Guo Jingjing Tel: 134-0213-5519 Hair: Junnans Tel: 134-8234-6595 Photographer: Mao Dou Studio: Ringier China

All over the Shanghai club scene is where you’ll find Jenny, a graduate of London’s hip-kid art school, Central St. Martin’s. Decked out in one of her own eye-catching cocktail dresses, she’s constantly on the lookout for design elements from her favorite decades–the roaring ’20s and Happy Days ’50s–to incorporate into her splashy pieces. Taking in the collection at her Jinxian Lu boutique, Vanity Dress, I also notice sexy but subdued Victorian touches like lace and corsetry. This bold designer manages to combine inspiration from the past and present for a look that is glamorous, elegant and effortlessly sexy. Though Jenny's got a closet packed full of selfdesigned duds, when she's running around town she clads herself in comfortable vintage pieces rummaged for while shopping abroad. She's also never without her favorite accessory: a golden bronze tan which she hones while on vacation. It’s the first layer in her summer look. Jenny knows she was born with a flare for fashion, but adds, “Most people can learn to be stylish from celebrity photos or friends who have great taste.” Here, this welltraveled local designer is primped for a night out in an asymmetrical silk white dress and cocktail ring by Jenny Xu at Vanity Dress and standing tall in a pair of Guess peep-toe heels.

History Lessons


© Style


Name: Jenny Xu Occupation: Fashion designer, owner of boutique Vanity Dress Nationality: Chinese

1. Walk this way 2. Pretty in pink 3. Where’s her other earring?





© Shopping

In celebration of the Qixi Festival, Plaza 353 is holding a lucky draw for customers who spend more than ¥200 in a single day. Prizes include iPod Shuffles, Nokia mobile phones, food and drink tokens, Plaza 353-branded mobile phone cases, Expo maps and ¥50 vouchers for the be·u store. Plaza 353 6353-5353,

Wednesday, Aug. 18-25

Czech Fashion Week

Bund 18 is hosting a cutting edge Czech fashion week. The event kicks off with a runway show and an opening party on the evening of the 18th, followed by six days of haute looks from the Czech Republic’s top five fashion designers, including rising stars Liběna Rochová and Pavel Ivančic. For those who are more keen on models than the clothes they’re wearing, you’ll get to watch gorgeous creatures strut down the catwalk.

Cash rules everything at the Peninsula Arcade

T he newly opened Peninsula A rcade– ensconced in the cool, luxurious confines of the renowned five-star Peninsula Hotel–offers Shanghai’s label-conscious stylistas a place to burn some serious cash while they enjoy a clean, quiet and airconditioned shopping emporium. The two-story mall features more than 20 international luxury designer brands including the flagship store of Parisian fashion house Chanel and haute men’s footwear brand Berluti. Graff, one of London’s top diamond dealers, has opened its first China outlet here. The spacious, scintillating space rubs elbows with neighbors Giorgio Armani, Prada, Ralph Lauren, Ro-

berto Botticelli and Valentino. Be sure to check out long-time designer Sonia Rykiel’s boutique, where the chic Frenchwoman is selling a huge selection of funky knit dresses and accessories fresh off the runway. Rounding out a collection of French and Italian shops are high-end Chinese fashion brands Tang Yun and Shanghai Tang, which have also taken up residence in the Arcade. Clothes-weary shoppers can switch it up at the Peninsula Boutique, which offers Peninsula-branded gifts like chocolate, tea and wine–perfect for post-shopping indulgence. Find it: B1-1/F, 32 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu 中山东一路32号外滩半岛 酒店1楼及地下一楼, Tel: 2327-2888

Glitz & Glam Head down to Plaza 353 shop be•u for the newest pieces from accessories line Josie Chen’s. The Black collection consists of tasseled necklaces (¥200-350) and bracelets (¥90), perfect for pairing with a timeless white tank. The Gold line experiments with a sophisticated version of chain mail and is terribly hip. We would not recommend it for the stylistically timid. If you find this joint to be more for that über-funky friend of yours than you, get your bauble elegantly gift wrapped and parceled up in a chic black Josie Chen bag. ■ Chelsea White Tassels and pearls

68 |

August 12-25

Find it: 4/F, 353 Nanjing Dong Lu 南京东路353号4 楼,

Every Friday

FlashBuy Deal

City Weekend is offering an incredible FlashBuy deal every Friday. Previous deals have included a half-priced set meal at Vedas, a 60 percent discounted steak dinner at Bistro Latitude and 75 percent off a Hawaiian oil massage at the Bund 5 Spa. Check out our website and find out what’s on offer right now. FlashBuy

Through Tuesday, Aug. 31


European fashion boutique GRISS BCN is offering up to 50 percent off the shop’s 2010 spring / summer collection. Check out the beautiful dresses and accessories from Spanish brands Kleymac and Sita Murt and French designer label IKKS and Bleu Blanc Rouge.

YOUNIK 6323-7066,

GRISS BCN 6247-2964,

Through Tuesday, Aug. 31

Through wednesday, sepT. 15

Soak Swim New Collection

Game On


Head to Current Concept for Soak Swim’s newest bathing suits. The ¥280 butterfly halter and ¥298 ruffled bandeau are available in two and three eye-popping colors, respectively, and the ¥298 halter and ¥308 drape bandeau are both ready in four bright shades, perfect for poolside lounging. Current Concept 138-1774-1243

Through SUNday, sept. 19

Double-park & MLB 10 Year Collection

After collaborating with trendy skatewear brands XLARGE and Zoo York, Fingercroxx by Double-park is launching a brand new collection with popular American sports label MLB. Look for black and white baseball-inspired tees (¥459) and baseball caps with golden embroidered DPTY logos (¥499). Double-park 6407-8138


New Collection at Plastered

Funky T-shirt shop Plastered just launched its new collection of women’s tees. The fabric is lighter and softer, and this new collection is available in charcoal grey, ash pink and many more feminine colors. Match it with the brand’s new line of retro-looking tote bags, featuring new and classic Plastered designs. Plastered 187-2153-9477,

Yu Fashion Garden Opening

Situated in the heart of the Bund CBD and the City God Temple area, this newly opened five-story shopping mall offers some of the city’s most popular high-street brands such as H&M , Bershka and ZARA, as well as Spanish fashion brand Pull & Bear’s first China store. The second branch

Mayumi Sato Sale

Head to Shanghai-based Japanese fashion boutique Mayumi Sato and take advantage of up to 30 percent off selected spring and summer items. All the items are created in limited edition– some are even one of a kind. Mayumi Sato 5403 3903,

Listings Find ALL of Shanghai’s essential shops online at www.cityweekend. Below are those with the highest BUZZ.

ia Art Studio Hidden down a graffiticovered lane, this vintage shop is stocked up with hard-to-find flight jackets from WWII and retro Levis. While perusing the vintage items, stay on the look out for new Vans sneakers and one-of-a-kind leather wallets hand-made by the owner. 10am-11pm. Huaihai Zhong Lu > No.1, Lane 93 Ruijin Yi Lu(near Julu Lu)瑞金一路93弄1号(近巨鹿路). Tel: 137-6452-0517. Les Lucioles 萤火虫 This stylish French concept store offers a line of clothing, artistic photos, wall paper and jewelry that are designed by up-and-coming European designers and artists. Most brands are exclusively offered in China. 11am-9pm. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 203 Jinxian Lu(near Shaanxi Nan Lu, Metro Line 1 Shaanxi Nan Lu)进贤路203号(近陕西南路, 地铁1号线 陕西南路站). Tel: 6513-5110. Motherwear This cozy boutique is worth the attention of stylish mothers and mothers-to-be. Head over to find a variety of maternity and nursing wear for all sorts of occasions. With sizes stretching from XS to XXL, everyone can find the perfect fit. In addition, the shop also offers more than 15 styles of nursing / maternity bras and a free bra-tailoring service. 10am-6pm. Gubei/ Hongqiao > Rm. 405, 3211 Hongmei Lu (near Hongsong Dong Lu )虹梅路3211号405室(近虹 松东路). Tel: 138-1669-2121. 10am-10pm. Pudong > Rm. 305, Zone A, Laya Plaza, 300 Fangdian Lu(near Yingchun Lu) 芳甸路300号联 洋广场A幢3楼305室 (近迎春路). Tel: 1381669-2121

meter children’s fashion boutique offers a selection of imported products from popular labels such as Skiphop, Trumpette, Medela, Grobag and Bambinomio. There is also a cozy play area complete with cars, books and puzzles. 9am-6pm. Gubei/Hongqiao > 6/F, Suite 606, 3211 Hongmei Lu(near Luchun Lu)虹 梅路3211号606室(近陆春路). Tel: 6406-8220. shanghailollipop. com.

Clothing & Accessories

European-styled and sized women’s clothing from Dutch designer Jolie van Beek as well as a selection of imported men’s and children’s footwear from a few other highend Dutch labels. 10am-6pm Monday-Friday

The Villa Featuring a blend of modern and vintage decor, this sleek retail space is an oasis for Shanghai’s fashion victims. Covering high-end fashion labels as well as up-andcoming designers, it sells exclusive brands mainly from the U.S., many of them sold in Shanghai for the first time. Tue-Sun 11am-9pm. French Concession > No. 1 Taojiang Lu(at Yueyang Lu, entrance on Dongping Lu)桃江路1号(近岳 阳路, 大门在东平路). Tel: 6466-9322. info@


Lomography Gallery Store The six-story Shanghai-style building is Lomography’s flagship in China. The highlight is the Lomowall. There is also a wide selection of Lomo cameras, T-shirts and accessories. Share the up-to-date information and techniques in their workshops or check out cutting-edge exhibitions at the gallery. Tue-Sun 12pm-8pm. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 126 Jinxian Lu(near Maoming Nan Lu, Metro Line 1 Shaan Xi Nan Lu Station)进贤路126号(近茂名南路, 地铁1号 线陕西南路站). Tel: 6256-1054. shanghai@ Artdecotek 上海柚创家居 This studio offers ornaments and furniture from Europe and Southeast Asia. Their signature pieces include teak furniture from Indonesia and vinyl wall stickers from France. We’re sure that a look around the space will inspire a home decoration binge. Mon-Fri 10am-7pm, Sat-Sun 10:30am-5pm. Changning > 868 Hongjing Lu(near Yan’an Xi Lu)虹井路868号(近 延安西路). Tel: 6268-5137. sandra@artdecotek. com.

Lollipop 棒棒糖 This 200 square

Dutch Items Shanghai – D.I.S 武 康亭 This chic fashion boutique offers

the tees, bags, caps, accessories are simple, but cleverly stylish. Sporties can pick up hoodies, T-shirts, jeans and various accessories. 11am-10pm. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 276 Changle Lu(near Ruijin Yi Lu)长乐路276号 (瑞金一路). Tel: 6384-9229.


Children’s Items

American Apparel This U.S-based clothing manufacturer offers a wide selection from stylish coats and clothes to brightly colored underwear, all made in downtown L.A. Menswear, womenswear and unisex wear can be found here with the average price of ¥500. 11am-9pm. Hongkou > Rm 103, 1933 Complex, 10 Shajing Lu(near Jiulong Hotel)沙泾路10号1933老场坊103室(近 九龙宾馆). Tel: 6563-8907. sh1store@



Pure luxe

Chinese Valentine’s Day Lucky Draw

Yu Fashion Garden 6335-6556,

Revoltage This is the place for loyal rock

supporters to find their fashion. Browse through their whimsical and alternative T-shirts, wild leopard-print pants and sleek shirts with unique twist, all designed by real rockers. Drum set, electric guitars and hardcore rock posters give the space an attitude. 12pm-10pm. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 157B Jinxian Lu(near Maoming Nan Lu, Metro Line 1 Shaan Xi Nan Lu Station)进贤 路157B号(近茂名南路, 地铁1号线陕西南路 站). www.revolness. com/cn.

The Thing This stylish shop is

specializes in edgy casual wear for the funky fashion-conscious urbanite. The graphics on

Add Your Event: Every issue we publish THE BEST events from our website. The next issue covers Aug. 26-Sept. 8. Upload your event by Aug. 16.

Category of 1 Interiors 壹己空间 This 2,135 sq. meter space carries an eclectic mix of furniture and accessories designed by a in-house expat design team. While browsing through their grand showroom, make sure to check out their design and décor services and decorating workshops. 9:30am-6pm. Minhang > 318 Mingjia Lu(near Jinfeng Lu)鸣嘉 路318号(近金丰路). Tel: 5466-0222. bpatzner@ Chunzai 春在 Using a variety of high quality woods in traditional Chinese patterns and colors, this store offers customers Chinese antique-style furniture, such as tea tables, couches, cabinets and screens. Its decor follows the layout of a traditional Chinese garden but with a modern pulse. Pop by sometime for its delicate afternoon tea menu.9:30am-6pm. Jing’an > Rm. 102, Bldg 1, 1107 Yuyuan Lu(near Jiangsu Lu)愚园路1107号 1号楼102室(近江苏路). Tel: 3430-7266. www. Tue-Sun 8:30am-5:30pm. Minghang > 1780 Fanghe Lu(near Lianhua Nan Lu)放鹤路1780号(近莲花南路). Tel: 3430-6117.

Kava Kava 虹古路 Offering Chinese furniture for the modern home, the Kava Kava home collection features pieces that are both functional and stylish. These collections aim to create harmony between classical Chinese wood furniture and the requirements of a modern home. 9:30am-6pm. Gubei/Hongqiao > 639 Honggu Lu(near Qingxi Lu)虹古路639号(近青溪路). Tel: 6270-9798. kavakavahome@hotmail. com. ••9:30am-5:30pm. French Concession > No.167 Anfu Lu(near Wulumuqi Nan Lu) 安福路167号(近乌鲁木齐南路). Tel: 54043873. www. Kenas Furniture This Dutch brand offers a total solution for home owners who desire a sophisticated, green living space. Find sofas, tables, beds, wardrobes, carpets and flooring, much of it made from recycled wood from around China. Mon-Wed 10am-7pm; Thu-Sun 10am-9pm. > Hongkou(Unit 1-104, Bldg. 1, 1933 Complex, 10 Shajing Lu)near Liyang Lu, next to Jiulong Hotel(沙泾路10号1933老场坊 1号楼1-104单元). Tel: 6513-9316. Lily Rose Flower Shop This cozy flower shop offers bouquets, potted plants, creative flower containers, decorative ornaments and paintings. Imported from France, the ornaments are offered in limited numbers. Seasoned French florist Benjamin Renard is on-hand to help you choose flowers and stylish bouquets. Delivery is free to most parts of downtown. Tue-Sun 10am-9pm. Luwan > 71 Mengzi Dong Lu(near Mengzi Lu)蒙自东路71号(近蒙自路). Tel: 53021081. www. Madame Mao’s Dowry 毛太设计 This boutique offers a selection of highquality antique furniture, creative decorated pieces that inspired by propaganda photographs and posters from Mao period. Check out their “golden bricks” table series and ironically designed t-shirts, as well as the giant wooden Mao totems in the front hall. 10am-7pm. Jing An > 207 Fumin Lu(near Julu Lu)富民路207号(近巨鹿路). Tel: 54033551. Mu Gallery 木 Pay a visit to this store if you fancy giving your home both classic and modern touches. The store features antique and new furniture pieces. Also find a selection of paintings, lamps and other home accessories. Custommade service available. Free delivery within Middle Ring Road. 10am-6:30pm. > Minhang(Unit C, 1/F, 3213 Hongmei Lu)entrance on Chengjiaqiao Zhi Lu(虹梅路3213号1楼C单元). Tel: 6405-1135. Nest 巢 This 100 sq. meter loft space offers homewear, clothing and accessories from a range of nine brands. The designers follow a “design with a conscience” concept and make the product creation process as environment-friendly as possible. 10am-6pm. Luwan > Rm. 201, 2/F, Bldg 3, 210 Taikang Lu(near Sinan Lu)泰康路 210号3号楼201室(近思南路). Tel: 6466-9524. August 12-25

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Multiple Locations

Through monday, Aug. 16

and Sunday, 10am-7pm Saturday. Xuhui > Rm.111, Block K, Ferguson Lane, 376 Wukang Lu(near Hunan Lu)武康路376号武康亭K号 楼111室(近湖南路). Tel: 6126-7661. info@ •• Mon-Fri & Sun 10am-6pm, Sat 10am-7pm. French Concession > B1, Ferguson Lane, 376 Wukang Lu(near Hunan Lu)武康路376号武康 亭地下1楼(近湖南路). Tel: 6126-7610. info@ •• 10am-6pm . Gubei/Hongqiao > Rm. B, 1/F, Bldg 201, Saint Laurent Building, 3215 Hongmei Lu(Gate on Hongsong Lu)虹梅路3215弄201 号圣伦兰商务1楼B室(大门在虹松路上). Tel: 6406-3661. www. •• 10am-6pm. Jinqiao > 616 Biyun Lu(near Lan’an Lu, opposite to Carrefour) 碧云路616号(近蓝桉路). Tel: 6105-9433.

Family Friendly

of UK retailer Marks & Spencer can also be found in the mall.

Editor's Pick

© Shopping


Pantry Magic 品厨 Offering over 2,000 items for serious chefs from the basics to silicone and traditional metal bake ware, this store can satisfy even the most demanding chef’s needs. Sun-Thu 10am-9pm; Fri-Sat 10am-10pm. > French Concession(1 Taojiang Lu)near Dongping Lu(桃 江路1号). . Tel: 6466-9099.


Simply Life 逸居生活 Providing funky

Villa Lifestyles 别墅生活方式 This

company focuses on homeware and lifestyle equipments, including BBQ tools, mosquito magnets, trampolines and advanced air purifiers by IQAir. Make sure to get some grill tips and party guides from their professional staff when you stop by. 10am-8:30pm. www.villalifestyles. cn > Qingpu(618 Gaojing Lu)near Huqingping Highway(高泾路618号). Tel: 5119-1310. info@

urban pieces for the hip house decorator, this store carries everything from handpainted porcelain from Asianera to wine glasses from Riedel and 70s inspired throw pillows and fun bubblegum-colored wine bottle openers. Sun-Thu 10:30am-10:30pm; Fri-Sat 10:30am-11:30pm. Xintiandi > Unit 101, Xintiandi, 159 Madang Lu(near Taicang Lu, Metro Line 1 Huangpi Nan Lu Station)马 当路159号新天地101单元(近太仓路, 地铁 1号线黄陂南路站). Tel: 6387-5100. mma@ www.simplylife-sh. com. •• Sun-Thu 10:30am-10:30pm; Fri-Sat 10:30am-11:30pm . French Concession > 9 Dongping Lu (near Hengshan Lu, Metro Line 1 Hengshan Lu Station)东平路9号(近衡山路, 地铁1号线衡山路站). Tel: 3406-0509. mma@

Studio FH A shopping destination for music lovers and hi-fi enthusiasts, this 250 sq. meter store sells hi-fi and AV equipment, designer furniture, lighting and other homeimprovement products all under one roof. Mon-Fri 9:30am-6pm. > Changning(4/F, No.121, Lane 1520 Huashan Lu)near Xingfu Lu(华山路1520弄121号4 楼).Tel: 6280-2388.

Listings on the Go

Access all CW listings from your mobile for free, yes, free at


Honey Time 阳光桔子 This small, subterranean condom shop offers a line of condoms under its own brand name, all attractively and creatively packaged. Other condom-inspired accessories can also be found there, such as earrings, key rings and

Lingerie & Me Offering sexy, beautiful and chic designer lingerie brands from Europe and U.S., Lingerie & Me’s mission is to make every woman feel beautiful from the inside out. The luxurious selective lingerie boutique carries a range of designer brands including Argentovivo, Adea, Beau Bra, Borner, Christine Vancouver, Chasney Beauty, Christian Lacroix, just to name a few. 11am-8pm. Jing An > Rm.28, Bldg 5, Lane 1173 Nanjing Xi Lu(opposite Citic Square)南京西路1173弄5号楼28室(中信泰富商 场对面). Tel: 6253-3076. service@lingerieandme. com. Scarlet’s This shop provides a wide range of local and imported shoes and lingerie in various style and sizes. Reasonable prices and personal pampering service are offered alongside women’s shoe sizes through size 43 and bras from sizes 32A to 48F. 9am-8pm. Jing An > Shop 101, 1/F, 343 Jiaozhou Lu(near Wuding Lu)胶州路343号1楼101 室(近武定路). Tel: 52286225 or 135-0180-4908. scarletshanghai@gmail. com.

Party Supplies

Party Box Managed by expatriates, this company offers party planning and management service for families. They help you to find whatever you need from magicians and face painting to personalized cakes and more to make sure you’re able to enjoy your little one’s special day. . Tel: 1582128-8477. www. Ruby’s Party 乐贝派对 Party Supplies 9am-9pm. Wi-Fi internet. > Gubei/Hongqiao(3333-A Hongmei Lu)near Huaguang Lu, entrance on Huaguang Lu(虹梅路 3333-A号). This venue’s experienced staff creates

fun theme parties for almost any occasion. A variety of party suppliers are offered and you can find everything from balloons and confetti to stuffed animals and costume. Wireless Internet and monitoring cameras are available throughout the party room so that parents can keep an eye on the kids while relaxing away from the party commotion. Tel: 6401-6323, 138-1600-5794.


Culture Matters 飞跃回力国货专售 This is a real haven for lovers of Chinese sneakers. With more than 50 different designs available, this shop is Shanghai’s main distributor of Feiyue and Warrior sneakers. The selection ranges from old-school styles to the latest collections. Chip in an extra ¥50 to have your own design painted on your sneakers. 1pm-9pm. French Concession > Shop 2, 15 Dongping Lu(near Hengshan Lu, Metro Line 1 Hengshan Lu Station)东 平路15号2临(近衡山路, 地铁1号线衡山路站). Tel: 136-7188-2040. www. •• 12pm-9pm. Nanjing Xi Lu > No.63, Jing’An Villa, Lane 1025 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Maoming Bei Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Xi Lu Station)南京西路1025弄静安别墅63号(近茂名北 路, 地铁2号线南京西路地铁站). Tel: 5213-0889. Jack Peng Book an appointment with this seasoned shoemaker for some made-to-measure footwear. With over 30 years experience in the industry, this shoemaker offers quality hand-made shoes for men and women using genuine leather. Bags and small accessories are also available upon request. 10am-10pm. > French Concession(No.2, Lane 85 Wulumuqi Nan Lu)near Yongjia Lu(乌鲁木齐南路85弄2号). Tel: 5466-1610. Mr Billy’s Handmade Shoes Take advantage of this custom shoemaking service at a reasonable price. If you can wait a few weeks, you’ll be rewarded with a beautiful pair of handmade shoes crafted with consideration and care. 10am-9pm. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 1238 Changle Lu(near Wulumuqi Lu)长乐路1238号(近乌 鲁木齐路). Tel: 130-6167-0957. billywang09@21cn. com.

Editor's Pick

Family Friendly

Multiple Locations

Secret Garden Florist 暗香花房 This affordable flower shop offers high qualities flowers as well as one-hour classes three times per week on flower arranging. The store also provides free delivery along with home, office and fashion show decoration services. 8am-6pm. Pudong > 33 Wanhangdu Hou Lu(near Changshou Lu)万航渡后路33号(近长寿路). Tel: 6240-2593.

more, most ready-to use. 10am-10pm. People’s Square > Shop EB-006, Huasheng Metro Shopping Mall, 19 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Xizang Zhong Lu, Metro Line 2 People’s Square Station Exit 7)南京西路19号华盛街EB-006(近 西藏中路, 地铁2号线人民广场站7号出口). Tel: 6327-6020.

70 |

August 12-25

Wanna party with this guy?


© Travel The magnificent Astor Hotel

Tianjin One of Asia’s most storied hotels re-opens in August–The Astor Hotel, Tianjin. The original structure was built in 1863 and a second building was added in 1924. Last year an extensive renovation restored the property’s original glory. Herbert Hoover stayed there, Emperor Puyi used it as a ballroom and Sun Yat-sen basically ran the country from one of the suites. The hotel has so much history, the owners have assembled a team to compile all its stories into a book. To celebrate, they have a special opening offer of ¥1,863 (plus tax) for two nights in the original wing. Astor Hotel Tianjin,

Sink a Cold One Get loaded with the locals at the Qingdao Beer Festival

• Chill out on Wuxi River

Zhejiang The OK, Deal! Club heads to Lishui in south Zhejiang for a three-day rafting trip. Lishui is just a city and what you’re really after is the Wuxi River where you’ll cruise the notso-rapid rapids and do a little swimming as well. Hiking at nearby Nanjian Mountain is also on the agenda as well as their usual night-time barbecue. These budget trips attract a mixed crowd of locals and laowai. ¥780, Aug. 20-22. OK, Deal! Club, Tel: 138-1812-0752,

Qingdao goes nuts starting August 13 as China’s biggest and best beer festival kicks off. It’s two weeks of beaches, babes and, of course, lots of Tsingtao pijiu . North China’s premier seaside resort city is jam-packed through the summer months and things get even worse when the beer festival hits town. Beer City, the epicenter of the action, is a sea of people. But it’s also a ton of fun. The Old Tsingtao Beer Factory is just down the street, which is still lined with quaint colonialstyle architecture. It may be Qingdao’s beer festival, but a number of international brands like Pabst Blue Ribbon and Heineken put in appearances. There’s also plenty of music and entertainment on various stages well into the night. Shilaoren Beach is within walking distance, but it’ll be more people than particles of sand until the sun sets. We recommend heading to Beach No. 1 instead. Accommodation used to be the big worry,

but with the opening last year of the InterContinental Qingdao and the DoubleTree by Hilton, the high end has become more affordable. Rooms at the Shangri-La start at ¥1,100 (plus tax). DoubleTree is half that. For an unusual experience, stay at the Castle Qingdao (www., ¥880 plus tax). It’s housed in a collection of Bavarian mansions in the old quarter. Qingdao’s other musts include a trip up the Daoist mountain Laoshan, known for its pure waters, where mysterious temples nestle in verdant green forests. Or settle for an evening stroll through the Badaguan neighborhood. In the middle ages it was a strategic naval defense, but now it’s all gorgeous colonial homes on tree-lined streets. For activities beyond beer, call up Qingdao Shanshui Adventures (www.qingdaossadventures. com). They can arrange boat trips to offshore islands, exploration of World War II-era tunnels or rock climbing excursions. August 12-25

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Central China Zhangjiajie Budget Trip

Zhangjiajie is a stunning national park in western Hunan full of misty forests and towering karst rock cliffs. ¥3,780 gets you three nights’ accommodation, round-trip airfare and a much-needed guide to point you in the right direction. Valid through Aug. 31. Charming Trip

Laos October Holiday in Luang Prabang

This October holiday, head to this quaint village in the uplands of Laos. Even though it’s very much on the tourist map now, its unique combination of cafés, colonial architecture, Buddhist culture and abundant nature make it one of Southeast Asia’s top draws. Go elephant trekking, kayak down the Mekong and relax with a fantastic coffee. ¥12,590, Oct. 2-7. Country Holidays 3222-0616,

North China

Editor's Pick

Family Friendly

Multiple Locations

Heilongjiang Northern Lights Trip

Who knew you could see the Northern Lights in China? Apparently you can. Country Holidays is rolling out a new tour which takes you way up north to Heilongjiang Province. It’s got mad amounts of natural scenery like the volcanic lakes of Wudalianchi, the Zhalong Nature Reserve and a little village where–wait for it–you can see the famed Northern Lights in autumn. ¥11,600, Sept. 22-27. Country Holidays 3222-0616,

Inner Mongolia by Horseback

OK, so this five-day tour isn’t all on horseback, but it remains one of CNAdventure’s most popular offerings. You’ll spend the better part of three days trekking by horseback to the Bayincagang Grasslands, where you’ll chill with herders and feast under the stars. US$1,272 (excludes airfare). Departs Aug. 25 and Sept. 15, 25. CNAdventure

Xpats Travel

South Pacific National Holiday in Bora Bora

You’ve got a few days left to book yourself into an October holiday to the most exotic-sounding place in the world: Bora Bora. This gem of the South Pacific is everything you think it is, minus the cannibals. Shack up in the magnificent St. Regis Hotel for five nights with a stop-over night in Tahiti for ¥35,900 (includes round-trip flight). Book before Aug. 20, trip departs Oct. 2-9. Xpats Travel

Taiwan Three Nights in Taipei

When you touch down in Taipei, you realize that China is a just a little bigger than you thought. Dig the contrast between nostalgic street scenes and towering skyscrapers. Fill your belly with delicious street snacks from the famous night markets. Rejuvenate in the hot springs just outside of town. See priceless objects of Chinese art at the National Museum. ¥11,880, valid through Aug. 31. Country Holidays 3222-0616,

Thailand Four Nights in Hua Hin

The Rest Detail Hotel may sound like it was named by a Chinese bureaucrat, but it’s actually a gorgeous resort perched on the Bay of Siam and this fall they’ve got a killer deal. For ¥4,840 get four nights in the hotel plus roundtrip airfare. Valid through Oct. 30. Great West Travel 5212-2065/6,

Vietnam Northern Vietnam for October Holiday

Northern Vietnam is an increasingly popular destination in Southeast Asia. People come for the laid-back charms of the Hanoi old quarter and the ethnic encounters in the hill country. The highlight is an excursion to Sapa in the far northwest of the country. They call the area the “Tonkinese Alps.” It may not be that grand, but it’s still a great getaway. ¥13,500, Sept. 30-Oct. 6. Country Holidays 3222-0616,

Add Your Event: Every issue we publish THE BEST events from our website. The next issue covers Aug. 26-Sept. 8. Upload your event by Aug. 16. 72 |

August 12-25

“Taklamakan” means “sea of death” and the Taklamakan Desert is one of the world’s most forbidding places. That’s why riding a camel through it is so much fun. This is a five-day trek in a camel caravan. Overnight in tents. ¥11,015, valid through Oct. 31. Travel Stone (10) 8565-8008,

Yunnan Kunming Golf Vacation

Kunming has a handful of pretty decent golf courses and you’ll tackle two of them on this four-day trip. Spring City Golf & Lake Resort was once ranked tops in China by Golf Digest and you’ll play it three times. When you’re not on the links, see quaint minority villages, visit the famed Stone Forest and see some temples. US$1,300 (includes accommodation, airfare and greens fees). Valid through December.

Yunnan Adventure (888) 888-0200,

Zhejiang Weekend in Shaoxing

Shaoxing is a real gem, just a few minutes down the railroad tracks from Hangzhou. It’s got great culture, great wine, great literature, history and hills on the outskirts of town. For ¥1,500, get two days of guided travel around this small city. See the rambling home where Lu Xun grew up, visit the wonderful Shen Garden, and then get soused on fabulous yellow wine. ¥1,500 (includes accommodation, transport and guide), August 21-22. Vintage Shaoxing 135-6467-0795,

Anji Bamboo Forest Getaway

Anji, in the bamboo forests beyond Moganshan, is the new hip area and Xcape Shanghai has spent years perfecting the experience down there. For ¥1,900 per person get two nights in a secluded chalet with tons of extras like breakfast, a barbecue pool party and round-trip transport. Valid through Aug. 27. Xcape Shanghai

Moganshan Retreat Package

Moganshan has yet another retreat where Shanghailanders can become one with nature without sacrificing a decent cup of coffee or a fluffed pillow. Shambhala sleeps 26 people in a bunch of rooms and was renovated out of an existing farmhouse. Bamboo, hiking, there’s even barbecue on offer if you want. ¥400 on weekends, cheaper during the week and now they are giving an extra 20 percent off the top to celebrate their opening. Valid through Oct. 31.

Shambhala Residential Retreat, Moganshan 135-2428-5258,

Listings on the Go

Access all CW listings from your mobile for free, yes, free at

Travel Deals → Four Nights in

People’s Square > 399 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Huangpi Bei Lu)南京西路399号(近黄陂北路). Tel: 5359-4969.

Le Méridien Sheshan Shanghai 上海世茂佘山艾美酒店 Songjiang > 1288

Shack up in a luxury hotel on the Gulf of Siam for ¥4,840.

Linyinxin Lu, Sheshan(near Shenzhuanjiasong Lu, Metro Line 9 Sheshan Station)佘山林荫 新路1288号(近沈砖嘉松公路, 地铁9号线佘 山站). Tel: 5779-9999. reservations.sheshan@

→ Camel Trekking in

Le Royal Meridien Shanghai 上海 世茂皇家艾美酒店 People’s Square > 789

Hua Hin

Taklamakan Desert

Do the desert the way nomads do for ¥11,015.

Nanjing Dong Lu(near People’s Square)南京 东路789号(近人民广场). Tel: 3318-9999. www.

→ Weekend in Shaoxing

Pudong Shangri-La, Shanghai 浦东 香格里拉大酒店 Wi-Fi internet. Lujiazui > 33

Spend two days in one of Zhejiang’s nicest cities–Shaoxing.

Listings Find ALL of Shanghai’s travel agencies and hotels at www. Below are those with the highest BUZZ.


Dragon Airlines 港龙航空 Mon-Sat

9am-5pm. Huaihai Zhong Lu > Rm.2101-2104, 138 Huaihai Zhong Lu(near Pu’an Lu)淮海中路 138号上海大厦2101-1204室(近普安路). Tel: 6375-6375, 400-8810-288.

Scandinavian Airlines 北欧航空公 司 9am-5pm. Jing An > Suite 3901, Nanzheng

Plaza, 580 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Chengdu Nan Lu) 南京西路580号3901单元(近成都北路). Tel: 5228-5001.

Hotels & Resorts

Eton Hotel 裕景大饭店 Lujiazui > 535

Fucheng Lu(near Yincheng Nan Lu)富城路33 号(近银城南路). Tel: 6882-8888 ext. 21. www.

Shanghai Marriott Hotel Hongqiao 上海虹桥万豪大酒店 Gubei/

Hongqiao > 2270 Hongqiao Lu(near Jianhe Lu) 虹桥路2270号(近剑河路). Tel: 6237-6000.

Sheraton Shanghai Hotel & Residences, Pudong 上海浦东喜来登 由由酒店及公寓 Pudong > 38 Pujian Lu(near

Pudong Nan Lu)浦建路38号(近浦东南路). Tel: 5089-9999.

Sofitel Shanghai Hyland 海仑宾馆

24H. The Bund > 505 Nanjing Dong Lu(near Fujian Lu)南京东路505号(近福建路). Tel: 6351-5888.

The St. Regis Shanghai 上海瑞吉 红塔大酒店 Wi-Fi internet. Pudong > 889

Lu(near Tangqiaoxin Lu)浦东南路2111号(近塘 桥新路). Tel: 5089-9999.

Grand Hyatt Shanghai 上海金茂 君悦大酒店 Lujiazui > Jinmao Tower, 88 Shiji Da Dao(near Yincheng Zhonglu)世纪大道88号 金茂大厦(近银城中路). Tel: 5049-1234. wendy. hyatt/hotels/index.jsp.

Shangri-la Suzhou Wi-Fi internet. 168 Tayuan Lu, Suzhou National New & Hi-Tech Industrial Devt Zone, Suzhou苏州高新区塔园路 168号. Tel: (512) 6808-0168. www.shangri-la. com/en/property/suzhou/shangrila.

Travel Agencies

Country Holidays This full service travel outfitter based in Singapore features all the classic China trips along with a number of excellent trips throughout Asia. Their focus on family travel and very small groups sets them apart, as well as their extensive knowledge of what makes traveling fun. They cater to a more wellheeled crowd. Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Jing An > Rm.5A, 5/F Silver Block, Jiu’an Plaza, 258 Tongren Lu(near Nanjing Xi Lu, Metro Line 2 Jing’an Temple Station)铜仁路258号九安广场 银座5A室(近南京西路, 地铁2号线静安寺站). Tel: 3222-0616. enquiries@countryholidays.

You deserve a night in a five-star hotel. CW has teamed up with the Sofitel Sheshan to give one lucky reader a one-night weekend stay in a Luxury Room at this palatial Mediterraneanthemed hotel. You’ll also get a buffet lunch or dinner for two at Vie Restaurant (which includes free-flow wine–for real) plus access to the 3,400 sq. foot outdoor swimming pool and beach.

To win, go to “Win Stuff” online and enter before August 30.

g A domestically run,

English-language website from which you can book hotels in major cities throughout China. They provide a convenient portal to many Chinese hotels which would ordinarily be difficult for foreigners to access. 24H. . Tel: 866-652-2041, (010) 5905-9011. sales@

Dongfang Lu(near Weifang Lu)东方路889号 (近潍坊路). Tel: 5050-4567. stregis.shanghai@

booking service aims to outdo its competitors with an extremely easy English interface. Use it to comparison shop and book hotels in major Chinese cities. The prices quoted come with no hidden charges, and you can search by star rating and region. .

Shanghai Four Seas Travel Locallybased travel provider has good deals on air tickets, especially for travel within Asia. Jing An > Suite 309, 68 Changping Road昌平路68 号309室 200041. Tel: 6135-6705. ad.sha@ This Beijingbased company does just about everything in terms of Greek-Chinese relations, including a few theme trips in Greece. A decent option if you’re looking to cruise the Greek isles. Mon-Fri 9am-6pm. . Tel: (10) 5820-6376. aurorabeijing@

Weekend Trips

The Moganshan Lodge 莫干山酒吧 From a vantage point beside the heart of Moganshan Village, enjoy fresh coffee in the snug and stylish bar of the Lodge or a cold drink on the terrace. The Lodge serves good breakfasts, home-cooked Western dinners to order and can point you in the right direction. Songliang Shanzhuang, Yin Shan Jie(Moganshan) 莫干山路荫山街(莫干山). Tel: (0572) 803-3011.

Hilton Shanghai 上海希尔顿酒店 24H.

Xuhui > 250 Huashan Lu(near Changshu Lu)华 山路250号(近常熟路). Tel: 6248-0000. www.

Hyatt on the Bund 外滩茂悦大酒店 The Bund > 199 Huangpu Lu(near Wuchang Lu) 黄浦路199号(近武昌路). Tel: 6393-1234. www. InterContinental Shanghai Pudong 上海锦江汤臣洲际大酒店 Pudong

Xcape Shanghai Out in the bamboo-clad

> 777 Zhangyang Lu浦东张扬路777号. www.

JC Mandarin 上海锦沧文华大酒 店 Nanjing Xi Lu > 1225 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Jiangning Lu)南京西路1225号(近江宁路). Tel: 6279-1888.

internet. Zhongshan Park > Room 301, Bldg 14, Summit Center (Ju Xian Mansion), 1030 Yan’an Xi Lu(near Jiangsu Lu)延安西路1030弄, 长峰中 心-聚贤阁14号楼, 502B室(近江苏路). Tel: 6439-2985. www. This online flight and hotel

Moganshan Hotels

naked Retreats This country inn operator gives you exactly what you’re after: a stress free authentic country experience. But don’t for a second think these renovated villas on the quiet side of the mountain are primitive though, they feature modern conveniences and can sleep from two to 20 people. Wi-Fi internet. Shanghai Office: 1/F, 62 Gao’an Road(near Jianguo Xi Road)高安路62号1 楼(近建国西路). Tel: (21) 6431-8901. info@

A Night at the Sofitel

Find it: Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental, Lane 3388 Sichen Gong Lu, Sijing Town, 上海市松江区泗泾镇泗陈公路3388弄, Tel: 3761-8888

The Portman Ritz-Carlton, Shanghai 上海波特曼丽嘉大酒店 Jing

Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai Daning 上海大宁福朋喜 来登集团酒店 Zhabei > 1928 Gonghexin

Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Pudong 上海福朋喜来登由 由酒店 All Day. Pudong > 2111 Pudong Nan

Kempinski Suzhou Wi-Fi internet. 1 Guobin Lu, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou苏州 工业园区国宾路168号. Tel: (512) 6289-7888. www.

Songjiang > Lane 3388 Sichen Gong Lu, Sijing Town(near Jiasong Lu)上海市松江区泗泾镇 泗陈公路3388弄(近嘉松路). Tel: 3761-8888.

Pudong Da Dao(near Dongfang Lu)浦东大道 535号(近东方路). Tel: 3878-9888.

Lu(near Daning Life Hub, Metro Line 1 Yanchang Lu Station)共和新路1928号(位 于大宁国际商业广场, 近地铁一号线延长 路站). Tel: 2602-2222. reservation.daning@

Suzhou Hotels

Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental 上海东方佘山索菲特大酒店

An > 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Xikang Lu)南京 西路1376号(近西康路). Tel: 6279-8888. www.


sustainable living and a whole lot of outdoor fun are the name of the game here. Stay overnight in one of the double rooms. Weekdays Mon-Thurs, Weekend Fri-Sun. Wi-Fi internet. Houwu village, Moganshan, Deqing County, Zhejiang Province(For directions, please ask when booking or check our website). Tel: 138-1789-8642. bookings@prodigyoutdoor. com.


Great West Travel 5212-2065/6,

It’s never too early to start thinking October holiday travel. If you book before Aug. 20, you can score spots on this six-night Boracay trip. It sets you up in a deluxe room at the Red Coconut Resort and includes round-trip airfare. ¥8,500 per person.

Camel Trekking in Taklamakan Desert


JW Marriott Shanghai Tomorrow Square 上海明天广场JW万豪酒店 24H.

Multiple Locations

Bali is Southeast Asia’s island paradise and the Four Seasons is one of the world’s top hotel chains. Together they make a remarkable holiday. Now you can do it for less. This year you can get a free night when you book a multiplenight stay. That adds up to ¥10,150 for four nights plus round-trip tickets on Singapore Airlines. Valid through December.

Boracay for October Holiday


Family Friendly


Four Nights at the Four Seasons


Prodigy Outdoor Base This compound is both a mini-hostel and a maxibase for for all outdoor sports enthusiasts. It budget priced and run by the Prodigy mountain biking club. Local food,

Xpats Travel This multi-lingual travel service is aimed squarely at the expat travel market. They specialize in beach holidays in destinations from Sanya to Southeast Asia and beyond. Mon-Fri 9am-6:30pm. Wi-Fi

hills beyond Moganshan is Anji and out in Anji there is a cluster of wooden chalets in a secluded location where you can get away from it all. Two day weekend packages are very reasonably priced at ¥1,900 which includes accommodation, food and transport to and from. Wi-Fi internet. Tel: 139-16342649. www. August 12-25

| 73

Editor's Pick


What does CEO SUITE do? My company provides serviced offices for clients who need a workspace in China but would like to avoid the hassles that set-up often entails. We offer short or long term options. If you need an office for as little as a day, we can provide you with a telecommunications suite, furniture and experienced staff. Or, if your company needs help with business registration or wants to hire accountants or IT staff, we can give you what you want. What makes CEO SUITE different from the competition? We want to be known as the go-to company in this industry. We work to satisfy every client requirement. We often have repeat customers and, because we provide excellent service, clients are happy to refer others to us. In addition, we offer reasonable rates competitive with the rest of the industry. Maybe most important is our emphasis on providing excellent locations. For example, in Shanghai we provide offices in the Hong Kong New World Tower on Huaihai Zhong Lu as well as in the Bank of Shanghai building in Pudong. What’s the secret to your success? Staff. We work to hire highly educated employees who will be able to ease our

Most important is our emphasis on providing excellent locations.

Joseph Siswanto Managing Director,CEO SUITE SHANGHAI

74 |

August 12-25

clients’ transition into China. At the same time, our managers pay attention to the happiness of employees, because they are the most important part of our service. We try to meet their needs, and it pays off because they leave our clients happy with the efficiency and quality of their work. CEO SUITE Tel: 5116-2888

Business Centers

AnkenWarehouse Mondays thru Fridays,

9am-6pm. Wi-Fi internet. Jing An > 668 Huai’ an Lu(near West Suzhou Creek Lu)淮安路668 号(近苏州河路). Tel: 136-2167-2421. info@ www.ankenwarehouse. com.

Apollo Business Center 阿波罗商 务中心 Pudong > 22/F Tomson Commercial

Building, 710 Dongfang Lu(near Shiji Da Dao) 东方路710号汤臣金融中心22楼(近世纪大 道). Tel: 6165-2288. •• 9am-6pm. Jing An > 3-7/ F, 1440 Yan’an Zhong Lu(near Changshu Lu) 延安中路1440号3-7楼(近常熟路). Tel: 61331888 .

Artenoo Creative Office Space

Wi-Fi internet. Changning > No. 9, 949 Yanan Xi Lu(near Jiangsu Lu, Metro Line 2 Jiangsu Lu Station)延安西路949弄9号(近江苏路, 地 铁2号线江苏路站). Tel: 6281-3098. gallery@

Asian-Biz Center 上海艾比森商务咨询 有限公司 24H. Xuhui > 26/F Ascendas Plaza,

333 Tianyaoqiao Lu(near Nandan Dong Lu)天 钥桥路333号腾飞大厦26楼(近南丹东路). Tel: 6121-3658. •• 9am-6pm. Pudong > 14/F, Suncome Cimic Tower, 1090 Shiji Da Dao(near Pudong Nan Lu)世纪大道1090号斯米克大厦 14楼(近浦东南路). Tel: 5836-0858.

Bund Center 外滩中心 8am-8pm. The

Mirae Asset Tower 未来资产大厦 Lujiazui > 166 Lujiazuihuan Lu(near Shijia Da Dao, Metro Line 2 Lujiazui Station)陆家嘴环路 166号(近世纪大道, 地铁2号线陆家嘴站). Tel: 6271-0991. Mind Offices Luwan > 172 Jinxian Lu(near

Maoming Nan Lu, Metro Line 1 Shanxi Nan Lu) 进贤路172号(近茂名南路路, 地铁一号线陕西 南路站) Tel: 6171-1688

MLS Business Centres Mon-Fri

9am-6pm. Wi-Fi internet. Lujiazui > 16/F Bldg. A, Eton Place, 69 Dongfang Lu(near Pudong Da Dao, Metro Line 4 Pudong Da Dao Station)东 方路69号裕景商务广场A座16楼(近浦东大 道, 地铁4号线浦东大道站). Tel: 6106-1555. www.

OASIS Boutique Executive Offices

Luwan > 2/F, 58 Taicang Lu(near Songshan Lu, Metro Line 1 Huangpi Nan Lu)太仓路58号 2楼(近嵩山路, 地铁一号线黄陂南路站). Tel: 6103-6888. •• French Concession > 10 Baoqing Lu(near Fuxing Zhong Lu)宝庆路10号(近复兴 中路). Tel: 6103-6888. info@theoasisoffices. com.

One Corporate Avenue 企业天地一号

Xin Tian Di > 222 Hubin Lu(near Huangpi Nan Lu, Metro Line 1 Huangpi Nan Lu Station)湖滨 路222号(近黄陂南路, 地铁1号线黄陂南路站).

Bund > 222 Yan’an Dong Lu(near Henan Zhong Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Dong Lu Station)延安 东路222号(近河南中路, 地铁2号线南京东路 站). Tel: 6335-0000.

One Lujiazui 陆家嘴时代金融中心 Lujiazui > 68 Yincheng Zhong Lu(near Pudong Nan Lu, Metro Line 2 Lujiazui Station)银城中路 68号(近浦东南路, 地铁2号线陆家嘴站).

Connections Business Hub

Park Place 越洋广场 9am-5pm. Jing An >

9am-6pm. Nanjing Xi Lu > Rm. 808, 818 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Shimen Yi Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Xi Lu Station)南京西路818号 长春藤大厦808室(近石门一路, 地铁2号 线南京西路站). Tel: 6193-2988. general@ •• Nanjing Xi Lu > Rm. 808, 818 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Shimen Yi Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Xi Lu Station)南京西路818号长春藤大厦808 室(近石门一路, 地铁2号线南京西路站). Tel: 6193-2988.

Highstreet LOFT 尚街 10am-10pm.

Luwan > 508 Jiashan Lu(near Jianguo Xi Lu) 嘉善路508号(近建国西路). Tel: 6471-5665.

Hongyi Plaza 宏伊国际广场 People’s Square > 288 Jiujiang Lu(near Hennan Zhong Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Dong Lu Station)九江 路288号(近河南中路, 地铁2号线南京东路站). Tel: 6322-1599. Huaihai Plaza 淮海国际广场

9am-5:30pm. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 1045 Huaihai Zhong Lu(near Xiangyang Lu)淮海中路1045号 (近襄阳路). Tel: 6433-5566.

Jin Mao Tower 金茂大厦 Lujiazui > 88

Shiji Da Dao(near Lujiazui Dong Lu, Metro Line 2 Lujiazui Station)世纪大道88号(近陆家嘴东 路, 地铁2号线陆家嘴站). Tel: 5047-6688.

Lister Investment & Management Co,. Ltd 上海利仕达投资管理有限公司

24H. Huaihai Zhong Lu > 26/F Hongkong Plaza, 283 Huaihai Zhong Lu(nnear Madang Lu, Metro Line 1 Huangpi Nan Lu Station)淮海中路283 号香港广场26F(近马当路, 地铁1号线黄陂 南路站). Tel: 6103-5888, 6103-5788. info@ •• 24H. Nanjing Xi Lu > Block 1, 457 Shaanxi Bei Lu(near Beijing Xi Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Xi Lu Station)

1601 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Xinzha Lu)南京西路 1601号(近新闸路).

Shanghai Kerry Center 嘉里中心 Appointment for 1 day in advance 9am-12:30pm 1:30-6pm. Jing An > 1515 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Tongren Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Xi Lu Station)南京西路1515号(近铜仁 路, 地铁2号线南京西路站). Tel: 6279-1515. Shui On Plaza 瑞安广场 Mon-Fri

8:30am-5:30pm. Luwan > 333 Huaihai Zhong Lu(near Madang Lu, Metro Line 1 Huangpi Nan Lu Station)淮海中路333号(近马当路, 地铁1号 线黄陂南路站). Tel: 6386-1818.

Starts real Estate Consultants (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 世达志不动产 投资顾问(上海)有限公司 Wi-Fi internet.

Xujiahui > 6/F, 789 Zhaojiabang Lu(near Gao’an Lu)肇家浜789号均瑶国际广场6F(近高安路). Tel: 6125-6888. www.

The Center 世纪商贸广场 French

Concession > 989 Changle Lu(near Changshu Lu)长乐路989号(近常熟路).

The Executive Center 德事商务咨询 24H. Jing An > 12/F, 288 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Xinchang Lu)南京西路288号12楼(近新昌 路). Tel: 6133-7888. •• 24H. Nanjing Xi Lu > 35/ F, 1168 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Xikang Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Xi Lu Station)南京西路1168号 35楼(近西康路, 地铁2号线南京西路站). Tel: 5252-4618. •• 8:30am-6pm. Xuhui > 20/F, 989 Changle Lu(near Changshu Lu)长乐路989号 20楼(近常熟路). Tel: 5116-6888. •• 24H. Xin Tian Di > 5/F,159 Madang Lu(near Taicang Lu, Metro Line 1 Huangpi Nan Lu Station)马当路 159号5楼(近太仓路, 地铁1号线黄陂南路站). Tel: 6135-7188.

FALSE. FALSE. Xujiahui > 1089 Zhongshan Nan Er Lu(near Tianyaoqiao Lu)中山南二路1089号 (近天钥桥路).

Serviced Apartments Ascott Huai Hai road Shanghai

Huaihai Zhong Lu > 282 Huaihai Zhong Lu(near Songshan Lu)淮海中路282号(近嵩山路). Tel: 400-820-1028, 6763-1020.

Arcadia Serviced Apartments

名仕苑 Xuhui > 88 Guangyuan Xi Lu(near Huashan Lu)广元西路88号(近华山路). Tel: 6407-9111.

Belvedere Service Apartments

柏华丽豪华公寓 Changning > 833 Changning Lu(near Dingxi Lu, Metro Line 2, 3 & 4 Zhongshan Park Station)长宁路833号(近 定西路, 地铁2, 3, 4号线中山公园站). Tel: 6213-2222. www.

Celebrity Hotel & Apartment 鼎园 公寓酒店 Luwan > 1077 Xietu Lu(near Ruijin

Nan Lu)斜土路1077号(近瑞金南路). Tel: 54078088.

Central residence II 嘉里华庭 二期 9am-6pm. Jing An > No.116, Lane 1038

Huashan Lu(near Jiangsu Lu, Metro Line 2 Jing’ an Temple Station)华山路1038弄116号(近江苏 路, 地铁2号线静安寺站). Tel: 6226-6633.

Chevalier Place 亦园 Xuhui > 168 Anfu

Lu(near Wulumuqi Zhong Lu)安福路168号(近 乌鲁木齐中路). Tel: 6433-8599.

Citadines Shanghai Biyun 上海 馨乐庭碧云服务公寓 Jinqiao > 450 Hongfeng Lu(near Biyun Lu)红枫路450弄(近碧云路). Tel: 400-820-1028 (local toll-free), 3860-2288. Citadines Shanghai Jinqiao 上海馨乐庭金桥服务公寓 24H. People’s Square > 55 Beijng Xi Lu(near Changsha Lu)北 京西路55号(近长沙路). Tel: 2308-6666. Citylife Investment Company 逸耘居投资有限公司 9am-6:30pm. Nanjing

Xi Lu > 13/F Yunhai Building, 118 Qinghai Lu(near Nanjing Xi Lu)青海路118号云海大厦 13楼(近南京西路). Tel: 6288-7555, 6288-7055. www.citylifechina. com.

Crystal Pavilion Serviced residence 经典茂名公寓 Nanjing Xi Lu >

318 Maoming Bei Lu(near Nanjing Xi Lu)茂名北 路318号(近南京西路). Tel: 6272-6677.

Donghu Service Apartment 东湖公寓酒店 24H. Wi-Fi internet. Gubei/

Hongqiao > 619 Honggu Lu(near Qingxi Lu)虹 古路619号(近青溪路). Tel: 6270-5858. jerry_

Fraser Suites Top glory Shanghai 上海鹏利辉盛阁公寓 24 hours.

Lujiazui > No 1, Lane 600 Central Yincheng Road(near Huangpu River)银城中路600弄1号 (近世纪大道). Tel: 6378-8888. sales. www.

grand gateway Service Apartment 港汇广场服务式公寓 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.

Xujiahui > 1 Hongqiao Lu(near Huashan Lu, Metro Line 1 Xujiahui Station)虹桥路1号(近华 山路, 地铁1号线徐家汇站). Tel: 6407-0111.

Highsure Serviced Apartment 恒硕 酒店公寓 24H. Minhang > 368 Hongxu Lu(near Hongsong Lu)虹许路368号(近红松路). Tel: 5158-2288.

Huntington Terrace Service Apartment 虹桥衡园服务式公寓


Joseph Siswanto,Managing Director of CEO SUITE, puts the service in serviced offices

Find ALL of Shanghai’s essential property listings online at www. Below are those with the highest BUZZ.

陕西北路457号1号楼(近北京西路, 地铁2号 线南京西路站). Tel: 6141-8484. mansioninfo@ •• 24H. Nanjing Xi Lu > 14/F, Jinjiang Xiangyang Tower, 993 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Maoming Nan Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Xi Lu Station)南京西路993号14 楼(近茂名南路, 地铁2号线南京西路站). Tel: 6103-5888, 6103-5788. towerinfo@officelister. com.

> 920 Dalian Lu(near Feihong Lu)大连路920 号(近飞虹路). Tel: 5596-8888. hi_shanghai@

Minhang > 728 Hongjin Road(near Yan’an Xi Lu) 虹井路728号(近延安西路). Tel: 6402-0345.

Jing An residence 8 静安8号 Jing An > 8 Changshu Lu(near Julu Lu)常熟路8号(近巨鹿 路). Tel: 6207-8000. Lakeville regency 翠湖天地御苑 Xin Tian Di > Lane 168 Shunchang Lu(near Zizhong Lu, Metro Line 1 Huangpi Nan Lu Station)顺昌路168弄18号楼近自忠路(地 铁1号线黄陂南路站). Tel: 6386-1818. www. Lanson Place 逸兰服务公寓 9am-5pm.

Xin Tian Di > No.3, Lane 168 Xinye Lu(near Huangpi Nan Lu)兴业路168弄3号(近黄陂南 路). Tel: 2306-1888. sales.lpsh@lansonplace. com.


Lanson Place Jin Qiao residences 逸兰金桥服务式公寓 24H. Jinqiao > No. 18,

Lane 399 Zaozhuang Lu(near Boshan Dong Lu) 枣庄路399弄18号(近博山东路). Tel: 50133888. www.

Marriott Executive Apartments Union Square-Shanghai Pudong 上海新梅万豪行政公寓 Pudong > 506

Shangcheng Lu(near Pudong Nan LU)商城路 506号(近浦东南路). Tel: 2899-8899.

royal Pavilion 华山公寓

24H. Jingan > 688 Huashan Lu(near Zhenning Lu) 华山路688号(近镇宁路). Tel: 6226-3316 ext. 218, 6249-9878. www.royalpavilion-shanghai. com.

Shama Century Park 莎玛世纪公园

8am-8pm. Century Park > 99 Dongxiu Lu(near Huamu Lu)东绣路99号(近花木路). Tel: 50453009.

Shama Huashan 莎玛华山 Changning > Bldg 1 & 2, 211 Xingfu Road(near Fahua Zhen Lu)幸福路211号(近法华镇路). Tel: 2211-9208.


Zhangjiang Runhe Int’l Office Garden

LOCATION: No. 9, Lane 1000 Zhangheng Lu, Pudong Layout: 48 buildings, 620-1,900 sq. meter / building Price: ¥2.5-3.5 / sq. meter / day Selling Points: There are many well-known enterprises surrounding the park, like Dow Chemical, Rohm and Haas and Dupont. In addition to the existing bus and tram lines, rail transportation will reach People’s Square, Lujiazui, Century Boulevard, Huaihai Lu and Zhongshan Park. contact: 5855-9528,

Shama Luxe at Xintiandi 莎玛新天 地 Mon-Sat 9am-6pm. Wi-Fi internet. Xin Tian Di > Tower 18 Lakeville Regency, Lane 168 Shunchang Lu(near Zizhong Lu, Metro Line 1 Huangpi Nan Lu Station)顺昌路168弄18号楼 (近自忠路, 地铁1号线黄陂南路站). Tel: 23206688. www.shama. com. Shama Xujiahui 莎玛徐家汇 9am-6pm. Xujiahui > Tower 11&12, Lane 81 Xingent Lu(near Tianyaoqiao Lu)辛耕路81号11, 12号楼 (近天钥桥路). Tel: 2411-8886. info.shanghai@ Shanghai Centre 上海商城 10am-10pm. Jing An > 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu(near Tongren Lu, Metro Line 2 Nanjing Xi Lu Station)南京西路 1376号(近铜仁路, 地铁2号线南京西路站). Tel: 6279-8600.

Multiple Locations

At Your Service


Xuhui yuan Building 徐汇苑大厦

Hi-Shanghai 海上海 9am-5pm. Hongkou

Shanghai racquet Club & Apartments 上海西庭网球俱乐部和 公寓 Minhang > Lane 555 Jinfeng Lu, Huacao

Fantastic Old House

La Cite Apartment

Shanghai Times Square 大上海时代广场 9am-12pm,1:30pm-10pm.

Location: Wulumuqi Lu, close to Huashan Lu Layout: 409 sq. meters, six bedrooms Price: ¥66,000 / month Selling Points: Renovated by expat designers. Beautiful views, especially in the evening. contact: 136-8163-9899, mar

Location: Hunan Lu and Xingguo Lu Layout: 4 bedrooms, 288 sq. meters, 4 bathrooms Price: ¥55,000 / month Selling Points: Spacious living room, Italian appliances, imported Italian dining table, sofa and other furnishings. contact: 136-6199-9922

Town(near Beiqing Highway)华漕镇金丰路555 弄(近北青公路). Tel: 2201-0077. lifestyle@src.

Huaihai Zhong Lu > 99 Huaihai Zhong Lu(near Pu’an Lu, Metro Line 1 Huangpi Nan Lu Station) 淮海中路99号(近普安路, 地铁1号线黄陂南路 站). Tel: 6391-0691.

Somerset Xu Hui, Shanghai 上海徐汇盛捷服务公寓 24H. Xuhui > 888

Shaanxi Nan Lu(near Zhaojiabang Lu)陕西南 路888号(近肇嘉浜路). Tel: 400-820-1028 (local toll-free), 6466-0888. enquiry.china@

August 12-25

| 75

Family Friendly


Wi-Fi internet. Lujiazui > 22/F, One Lujiazui, 68 Yincheng Zhong Lu(near Huayuanshiqiao Lu, Metro Line 2 Luljiazui Station)银城中路68号时 代金融大厦22楼(近花园石桥路, 地铁2号线 陆家嘴站). Tel: 6194-6686 or 136-0177-5662.

Editor's Pick


© Home & Office

The One Center Mon-Fri 9am-6pm.


© Classifieds Visit to add classifieds online.To include in print, please call or email Jenny Rao at 63620022-8822, jenny.rao@ringier. cn before August.17th

Housing Housing For Rent Wellington Garden 2 years new apt. Located on W. Huaihai Road, close to Jiaotong University. Spacious 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 190 sq.m, with good taste touches. Fully furnished, Monthly rent RMB20000. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 100 sq.m, on high floor level, RMB12000. 2. Lakeville phase 1 at Xintiandi area. Well managed complex with green spaces. Bright and clean. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 163 sq.m, 3 balconies. Fully furnished, SPECIAL RENT at RMB18000. Please contact Hunter Realtor at 5456 0007 / 1582 111 6207 or House for Rent Lane house 2 mins away from Hengshan Road. Nice and clean lane. 4 storeys, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, family area. 280 sq.m + 30 sq.m cute yard. Partially furnished. Monthly rent RMB35000. 2. Luoshan Oasis Villas, located close to Pudong SCIS and BISS. Good management. 2 storey villa, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, high ceiling living room, private 300 sq.m garden. Fully furnished. Monthly rent at RMB22000. Please contact Hunter Realtor at 5456 0007 / 1582 111 6207 or inquiry@ Old houses for rent in Old French Concession RMB11000 per month, old apartment, art deco, located at Fuxing Middle Rd, Walking distance to Changshu Rd subway, Sasha’s, Paul Bakery, O’Malley’s Irish Pub, La Casbah 160m2, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, wooden floor, central heating, modern kitchen with oven, flexible furniture, high ceiling. RMB47000 per month, old lane house, by Fuxing Park,Tiandifang, Bridge 8, Huaihai Rd CBD around. 3Floor, art deco, 285m2,4bdrm, 3bth,terrace: 15m2,high ceiling, spacious living, dining, kitchen, modern kitchen: oven, dishwasher, big fridge, central AC, wooden floor, partially furnished. Call agent Michael Ding@ 1391-658-4035, or check website: www.reddragonproperty. com for more housing options in Old French Concession. Charming 2nd floor old apartment with 120sqm terrace on South Shanxi Rd, nearby Middle Huaihai Rd, walking distance to metro station, modern interior and appliances,non furniture, 2bedrooms,120sqm,22000RMB/Month. More picture and information please contact us 13621797847 Email: Website: www.

Office / Commercial

Coffee Space RMB35000 per month, 100m2, Anfu Rd, near The Center, bar + alcohol retail license available. Textile Factory Converted Office & Home Space Shanxi South Rd subway, Huaihai Rd CBD, Highsure Loft, Fuxing Park, Bridge 8, Tianzifang around. RMB5-6m2 / day, sizes from 90m2 – 192m2.. Spacious, 3.9M high ceiling. Modern deco, radiator, double glaze. kitchen, bathroom, WIFI, satellite.. Good property management. Please contact Red Dragon Property agent Michael Ding at 1391-6584-035 for detail and more questions. Or see our website at for more information. Creative Park in Jing An district Close to Nanjing West Rd, in Jing An District. Average Rental: RMB4.5 day m2. Various sizes available from 100m2 – 5000m2, high ceiling, wooden floor, this new retro-fitted space is ideal for creative companies. Please contact Red Dragon Property agent Michael Ding at 1391-6584-035 for detail and more questions. Or see our website at for more information.

Housing For Sale / Wanted Others Property for sale RMB5million, old apartment, in Jing An district, walking distance to Nanjing West Rd CBD, Huaihai Middle Rd CBD, subways. Deed size: 113m2, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, outdoor balcony: 6m2, high ceiling, central heating, modern kitchen. RMB8.5million, old apartment, in Jing An

district, walking distance to Nanjing West Rd CBD, Huaihai Middle Rd CBD, subways. Deed size: 162m2, 3bedrooms, 2 bathroom, outdoor balcony: 6m2, high ceiling, original deco. RMB10million, old lane house, in Luwan district, nearby Xintiandi, Fuxing Park. Deed size: 163m2, 3 bedrooms, 3bathroom, front garden: 15m2, terrace: 8m2, high ceiling, nice old wooden floor, old style deco, central heating, opened kitchen. RMB40milion, old garden house, at Yongfu Rdin Xuhui district. deed size is 339m2, 3floor, 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, garden: 175m2, prime location. Art deco renovation. Please contact sale agent Michael Ding at 1391-6584-035 Email: michaelding@ www.

Real Estate Service Ark International-Orientation and Housing for Expats 9:30am-6pm. 3/F, No.12, Lane 25, Shaanxi Nan Lu(near Julu Lu). Tel:6248-8464 ext. 16 www.ark-shanghai. com FullHome Real Estate Co., Ltd Unit 21GH, Cross Region Plaza, 899 Lingling Lu. Tel: 5115-0666, 138-0197-0295 info@ Homelink Real Estate Room608, 500 Xiangyang south Lu, Shanghai Tel: 3406-0310 Fax: 3406-0316, 13901671358 sherry. www.

JRE 76 | August 12-25



August 12-25

| 77



78 | August 12-25


August 12-25

| 79

CLASSIFIEDS 80 | August 12-25

CLASSIFIEDS Replus Real Estate Co., Ltd Replus Investment Consulting Co., Ltd RM. 702, Wise Logic International Center, 66 Shanxi Bei Lu , Jinan District Tel: 5153-1318, 136-8163-9899, www.

Fax: 5465-2275, 1391-658-4035 www.reddragonproperty.comVia Realty Rm. 306,Building 10, 546 Yuyuan Lu, Tel: 5404-3176, 136-0175-8557,

Employment Jobs Available

Home88 Property Consulting (Shanghai) 17E, DaTong Business Center, 369 FuXing Zhong Lu, Shanghai 200025 P.R.China (near Xin Tian Di) Tel:6326-7776 Fax:6326-7775 Mobile:130-0322-5855 E-mail:richard@ Hunter Shanghai Real Estate Agency Rm.802,500 Xiangyang Nan Lu (near Jianguo Xi Lu) Tel:5456-0285, 54560007,158-2111-6207 inquiry@ www.huntershanghai. com JRE Corporate 9am-6pm. Rm. 1103 Nanzheng Plaza, Bldg A, 580 Najing Xi Lu(near Chengdu Beilu). Tel:5228-6628, 139-1857-9555 Joanna@ www.jrecorporate. com LandIn Shanghai Property Agency

Room 25E, Tower B, Jia Fa Mansion, No 57, Lane 605, West Beijing Lu T: +86 21 5228 2652 | F: +86 21 2680 7818 info@ www.landinshanghai. com Maxview Realty (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Room 3606, 36F SOHO Plaza, 299 Tong Ren Road (1486 Nan Jing West Road), Jingan District Tel:3360-7080 Fax:3360-7190 NewPort Real Estate 18B, 188 Wujiang Lu, Jingan District (near Nanjing Xi Lu) , Shanghai Tel:5528-1669 Fax:6218-7810 NOW Property Services (Shanghai) Ltd. Rm 4101 Nanzheng Bldg, 580 West Nanjing Lu, Shanghai Tel : 021-5119 6833, 15800 377230 Fax : 021-5119 6837 now@nowsh. com

Foreign Leasing Agent Well-established Relocation and Housing Consultancy is seeking a Foreign Leasing Agent to conduct property viewings and occasional orientation tours for expats moving to Shanghai. Suitable candidates need to have a solid knowledge of the Shanghai real estate market, be fluent in Chinese and English, and preferably another European language. Full-time legal employment, basic salary, excellent bonus structure, and a great working environment provided. Interested candidates should submit their resume to:

Livingland International 80 Yanqing Lu (near Donghu Lu). Tel:64712665, 158-2181-8886 info@livingland Phoenix Property Agency 9am-6pm. Rm.G-H, 11/F Yujia Building, 1336 Huashan Lu(Near Pingwu Lu). Tel:?6240-4052, 6437-9891, 1300-3240411 www. Red Dragon Property Agency 1F.,289 Fuxing West Rd.,Xuhui District, Shanghai Tel: 6431-0757,

Relocation Consultant Wanted Fast expanding relocation agency is looking for a dedicated relocation consultant to act as key contact in Beijing. The consultant will be asked to coordinate orientation, home and school searches for our assignees, create and update an information database, and assist with the expansion of the overall business in Beijing. Native English/French or German speaker with basic knowledge of Chinese preferred. Needs to have good contacts in the expatriate community, and have a solid understanding of the city’s expat infrastructure (schools, hospitals, supermarkets). Initially this role would be on a consultancy basis, later on leading to full time employment. Basic bay plus daily compensation, work and residence permit provided. Interested candidates to send their CV and cover letter to: hire@asia-

August 12-25

| 81

Domestic Help / Ayi


Le Yu Home Services Co.Ltd is an advanced home services provider, locating in Shanghai and Beijing. We provide: Household services, Baby-sitter, Filipino maids, Driver, etc. Contact us: Tel: 021-58796646 58794546 Website: Email: services@

RM.903, XinZha Mansion, 1851, XinZha RD (Near JiaoZhou RD) GuBei Campus: 2103 Rm, MingZhu Mansion, No.59 The South ShuiCheng RD.(Opposite GuBei Carrefour) Fu Dan Campus: No.4 Building, No. 28 WuDong RD (TongHe International Student Center), Near Fu Dan University Dormitory

Sarah Home Service Co., Ltd Professional Ayi Service Western Trained Ayi (Housekeepers and baby-sitters), 24 hours supporting service, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Please feel free to contact us for a GOOD AYI. Tel: 021-62330955 Cell: 13524810281

Language Schools


in Shanghai ** 24/7 customer service hotline reachable

Creative Services Find designers,photographers,And more Find 100s of design, event, photo, video, and Web development creative services providers just a click or a call away! Visit or call 21-63281926, and let us help you find the best freelancers, creative and marketing service providers for your project.

Miracle Mandarin Language School Learn Chinese Faster --Guaranteed! Free Trial available Everyday. New classes start every Monday at all levels. Student Visa is offered. Xuhui Campus: 5466 5585 1195 Middle Fuxing road (near South Shanxi road metro) Jing An Campus: 6247 6388 Room 2111, 319 Changde road Hongqiao & Gubei Campus: 6219 8030 Room 1103, 59 Shuicheng road (opposite to Gubei Carrefour) Pudong Campus: 5888 8755 Room504, Building 2, 300 Laoshan road (near Dongchang road metro) www.

Relocation/Movers DHL Global Forwarding Provides professional Door to Door international, domestic, local household goods and office moving services, as well as warehousing and record management. Tel: 2306-8047 2306-8049 Allied Pickfords-the Careful Movers One of the world’s largest moving company. We carry the load. Unit 801, 268 Zhongshan Nan Lu, New Resources Plaza, Tel: 021-6332-0088 enquiries@ www.alliedpickfords. Santa Fe Relocation Services International relocation company, specializing in international ,domestic local & office moving , home search, visa & immigration and records management. Tel: 6233-9700 Email: cn Seven Seas Worldwide If you pay the moving yourself, WE ARE ABSOLUTELY YOUR BEST CHOICE. Within 3m³(=24 large boxes) unbeatable price and safe service quality. More than 20,000 happy customers a year. PLUS: 1 month free storage in China. 24h hotline: 400 881 6698. More lovely price, More safety, More flexibility. Links Relocations Links Relocations has invested and continues to invest in our core business – moving. We have buying power, global contracts, a great business model & above all else a Friendly approach to moving that makes us the Smart choice for our clients. So wherever you are going – Call, Email or Skype. 021 5882 2282 or or skypeID links.relocation King’s mover: ** FIDI FAIM certified ** over 15 years of worldwide moving history ** full licences & furnished worldwide mover ** full trained operation & customer service staffs ** household goods international & domestic move ** exhibition & artwork packing & moving ** Headquater in Beijing with branch

82 | August 12-25

Accent Mandarin Professional, experienced teachers providing customized and practical courses. Daily living, business, and culture focused classes. FREE introductory lessons. Various culture events. FREE Chinese Corner Thursdays. Add: Room 1, 185 South Chong Qing Rd. Tel: 54035609 Email: www.

Car Services DCH Motor Leasing DCH Motor Leasing, the largest car rental company in Hong Kong and a member of DCH Holdings has come to Shanghai to bring your thoughtful car rental service. With extensive network coverage, rich model selection, excellent security and high-quality chauffeur team we provide you company car rental, personal car hire, commercial vehicles, VIP transfers (Bentley available), wedding cars, driving services, group activities, a full range of car fleet management services. DCH Motor Leasing (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Hotline: 02151863085

ChineseVie School Relaxed, friendly, but professional atmosphere. Responsible, qualified & experienced teachers. Small-size group class minimum 2 persons. Tailor-made courses. Flexible schedule. Every week free activities. Every day free course. Tel: 31357086/31357075 Email: Add: Room905, Super Ocean Finance Center, NO.2067 West Yan’an Rd(NO.8Xianxia Rd),Shanghai

Mandarin House Focusing only on Mandarin training, the internationally accredited Mandarin House offers full range of Chinese courses to expat families, language travelers and corporate clients. Http://; Email:; Please contact: People’s Square 61371987; Puxi Plaza 66 62882308; Pudong Jinqiao 61059350; Beijing 52036550 goMandarin Insist on only provide the best quality Keep Chinese simple and fun to learn Special designed courses for working adult students who have limited time Flexible time and location Tel:(021) 3770-8776 Email: I Mandarin A dedicated team of professional and enthusiastic teachers, tailor made courses, flexible time, central location, comfortable environment, makes learning Mandarin a well worthwhile experience in iMandarin. Shanghai Centre Campus: 3222-1028, Suite 720-721, 1376 Nanjing West Rd; Xujiahui Campus: 5451-0234, Suite 1108, Grand Gateway Tower 2, 3 Hongqiao Rd; Xintiandi Campus: 3308-0508, Suite 1708, Shui On Plaza, 333 Huaihai Middle Rd; Gubei Campus: 3223-1046, Suite C207, Shang-Mi Ra Commercial Centre, 2633 Yan’an West Rd; LujIiazui :5037-2711, Suite 3501, Bank of China Tower, 200 Yincheng Middle Rd; Jinqiao Campus: 6165-2807, Suite 3006, UC18 Building, Block 4, 18 Huangyan Rd. New Wave Chinese New Wave Chinese offers variety of language courses, including General course, Crash course, Business courses in private or group class, which meet all of your expectations, Prices vary from 45-85rmb per hour. Rm B, Floor 19, Bldg A, No. 605 West Beijing Rd Near the West Nanjing Road metro station of Line 2 Email: Tel: 52280708

. KongHan Chinese Language & Culture Training Center One of the best Mandarin training center in Shanghai. Professional, experienced teachers providing customized and practical courses for students at all levels. Our programs include Daily living, Business, HSK, and Culture classes. One to one private courses or group classes; Corporation training. Affordable prices, modern, convenient facilities. Jing’ An Campus:

Modern Mandarin A professional Mandarin school-Modern Mandarin provides Chinese language and culture courses to both individuals and groups. We make learning Mandarin personal, practical, flexible and FUN! Currently our students include many Fortune 500 executives and diplomats in eight different foreign Consulates. Our school was also the featured cover story in <Biz Shanghai> magazine Nov.2004. English for expat’s driver offered. Please call for FREE trial lesson! Tel: 6437-4808, 13501774308 Email: info@ www.

com (Xuhui Hongqiao areas) Panda Chinese Language & Culture Training Centre E-mail: Web: Tel: 62376298 Hongqiao Campus: Suite E, 26F, Ziyun Mansion, near 299 Ziyun Rd. (near Hongqiao Parkson stores) Jing’an Campus: Suite 311-313, 3/F, Bldg 3, 28 Yuyuan Dong Rd. (near Jing’an metro station) Pudong Campus: 14B, Regal Tower, 15 Xiang Cheng Rd. (near Century Ave metro station) Shanghai Zoo Campus: Suite 1001, 10F, Block 4, Hongqiao Central Garden, 1999 Hami Rd(near Hongqiao Rd)

St.John’s Mandarin Talk is simple Two-hour Free Trial Lesson Tel: 4006-258-123 Web: Add:15F,No.2088,Huashan Road,Huiyin Building 22F,No.1688,North Sichuan Road,Fude Building 4F,No.1900,Shangcheng Road,Jintao Building MandarinGarden language training school This is how we guarantee our quality, care and service. • Standard Courses, Expo Intensive Courses, Summer Camp. • 8 years, 6000 students, 1000 teachers, 5 centers • Largest Mandarin teacher training Orgaization in the world • Free Culture Activities, Quality Control System, Effective & Efficient Teaching System We are looking for Overseas business partner who will be able to participate in sending students to China for Chinese study from your country. Email: Hot Line: 400-600-2922 Mandarin City Mandarin City is dedicated to providing high quality Chinese courses for foreigners. It has a good reputation for achieving results through excellent teaching and considerate service. Mandarin City also can send the teachers to your office or home for your convenience. Address: No.40, Lane 56, Yandang Road (Close to Central Huaihai Road) Tel: 53062960, 53060968 E-mail: www.mandarincity. cn Sunshine Chinese Sunshine Chinese is conveniently located in 2 RM 402, No 688 Zhaojiabang Road, near to metro Line 1 (Hengshan Road station ) and Line 7 (Zhaojiabang Road station). Various Chinese learning programes and professional teacher will definitely ensure you an effective Chinese learning. Variours Free Chinese culture events will provide you the opportunityt to know more about this city. E-mai: Tel: +86-21-64371259

New Concept Mandarin Discover how effective and enjoyable Mandarin language learning can be. Proven methodology specially developed for Western Expats. Full-time professional trainers. In-house developed training materials. A range of courses to meet the needs and schedules of all learners. Email: Tel: 5228 2950



Mandarin Family An established language school offers the busy expat the best way to learn not just Mandarin, but the whole China experience as well. - Fit for family - Innovative Offerings - Deep local knowledge - Understanding of expat tastes and needs Mandarin Family is your one stop shop for immersion. Try out our trial class today! Contact Us Telephone: 021-50309916 Website: E-mail: Location: Rm.302, No.40, Lane 199,BiYun Road, Pudong. Talking China Mandarin & Calligraphy Just so easy! Within 40-hour crash course, you could learn 500 new words, 50 sentences and 5 situational dialogues. From 3-to 30 hours you could write amazing Chinese Calligraphy or Painting works by your own. Hard to believe? Just call for a free trial Class and witness the magic here. 1) Mandarin Fast-track Course: just 40 hours! 2) Chinese Calligraphy, Painting, Papercutting Fast-track Course: just 3-30 hours! Tel.:021-2281 6332/ 6279 3177/ 6279 3016 E-mail: talkingchina@talkingchina. com Website: www.; www. Address: Rm. 8B, Xin’an Building (East), No.200, Zhenning Rd., Shanghai

Beauty/Fitness Salsashanghai Salsa School/Event/Performance offers LA salsa, Cuba salsa, Rueda de Casino, Bachata, Jazz,Latin, Flamenco,Belly Dance,Private Lesson and More. Experienced international instructors. Convenient PEOPLE SQUARE STUDIO@ Unit 2110, No.618 Hankou Rd. GUBEI STUDIO@B1 No.772 Golden Avenue Gubei. Hotline 40088-17335,1350 164 9523 Dancemanbob

Others PICJOY Printing and Design English- and Chinese-speaking printing gurus since 2000! Picjoy provides printing services—at local Shanghai prices—for international clients. Catalogues, brochures, flyers, cards, menus, event graphics: banners, posters, backdrops. And more. Print:, m: (English) 133 860 755 58, t: (021) 5169 5356-21 Design:, m: (English) 138 167 749 13

August 12-25

| 83

CLASSIFIEDS 84 | August 12-25



August 12-25

| 85

Day in the Life

The Nudist

06:30 Jamie Lidell’s “Multiply” blasts from my phone. Shouldn’t have had that second bottle of wine last night. Snooze once and then I’ll get up. 07:15 Those nine minutes turned into 45, as per usual. Run downstairs for granola and end up having breakfast under the shower once again.

naked Retreats corporate sales manager and mountain man Teun Hanegraaf digs granola, email and getting back to nature


Big presentation today, so no flip-flops and shorts. Don my new tailor-made suit and a new shirt. No shaving, no tie.

08:00 Step outside into hot, humid Shanghai and fight for a taxi with my old Shanghainese neighbors. 08:06

On my way to the office. Send a text to my friend Jon congratulating him on the great breakfast: “Granola made my day–I’m sure it will be hot selling. Might have to add it to the naked menu.”

Boozing, stealing cabs from little old Shangh ainese ladies, telling dirty jokes and basking in the fresh mountain air. Ahhh, ’tis the life when you work for a nature resort. Want in? We hear they’re hiring. Tell Teun what you think of his day at:

www.cityweekend. 86 |

August 12-25

15:20 Running an artjamming session, in which we lead a visiting group in creating one big painting by having each person paint a single canvas.


Delivering the presentation about the events that are possible at naked Retreats. I end with the line “and I hope you will be getting naked with us soon.” Some smiles and laughter ensue, which is good; this joke is always a bit tricky with a Chinese audience.


07:20 Thinking over the day that is to come. Meeting–check. Pac k ba gs for Mog a nsha n– check. Wow, this redbean-blueberry flavor granola is surprisingly good.


and head off to an HR demo we’re sponsoring today. Finishing up last-minute presentation changes in the cab makes me wish I had some more German planning in me.

08:15 Catch up on emails, which I should have done in the 45 minutes I was snoozing. Inquiry for an outing in October– must be from a German company; one next weekend–sorry, fully booked; one from a Dutch group–it will be good to have some fellow countrymen out at Moganshan. 08:45

Coffee? Yes, please. Our brand manager Glenn knows how to get my attention. We have a quick chat about web design for one of our projects, naked Stables.


Throw bamboo, folders and promo material in the taxi

Enjoying a beer by the little stream next to our resort and sending out some emails on my phone. Sales prospects for the coming six months look fantastic; we’re going to be able to hire another team member.


Go over the itinerary for tomorrow. Thankfully the weather looks good; one of the groups is going to build a raft.

11:00 Coffee break. Judy from IK E A , Carie from A X A a nd Cherry from a corporate training company are interested in an outing to Moganshan. I’m glad the presentation (and the joke) paid off.


Join a group of my friends who are spending the weekend at Bamboo Bungalow, one of our houses. Tired and incredibly hungry, I devour our ayi’s delicious rosemary roast chicken.

11:20 Grab a taxi back to the office to pick up my stuff before heading off to the train. This driver makes me feel like I’m on a boat in the ocean during a hurricane–accelerate, slow down, accelerate, slow down. 12:35

Hop on the train and a n s we r s ome e m a i l s f r om friends at home. Makes me miss my good mates, but they’re visiting soon.

14:03 Arrive in Hangzhou and

search for my driver, Mr. Zhu. He’s waving enthusiastically and I spot him in the crowd of people. Stuck in gridlock, I immediately conk out.


We move outside for a drink around the bonfire and I realize how nice it is to have great conversation instead of the normal Friday night clubbing.


Walking back to naked Home while gazing at all the incredible stars.

14:44 Wake up surrounded by a bamboo forest. We’re nearly there 00:45 Tac k le some more so I open the window: fresh air . emails from job applica nts. The screen of my computer is 15:00 Walk into naked Home, the only light that disturbs the where I stay, and greet hotel man- darkness of Sanjiuwu village. ager Doug before sneaking up to the balcony for coffee and freshly 01:15 Complete and utter sibaked banana bread with a moun- lence. I fall asleep to the sound tain view. Have to love my job. of nothing.

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