Personal Tutor All full-time students are allocated a personal tutor who will meet with you on a regular basis to monitor your progress and attendance and assist with other issues. They can explain and advise you on College rules, your learning programme, assessments, examinations and all aspects of your course.
Induction The College provides an Induction Programme for all students. This usually takes place at the start of a course. If you join a course late, please speak to your tutor to find out what was discussed at the induction. During your induction you will work with tutors to identify your target grades and agree actions to ensure you progress in your area of study. We know from student feedback that an induction is very useful. As well as finding out more about the course you have enrolled on, the induction helps you get to know your peers and also find out about support and facilities available in College.
Equal Opportunities We are totally committed to providing education and training for all, irrespective of ethnicity, gender, transgender, disability, religion, age or sexual orientation. Our Equal Opportunities Policy is monitored and reviewed regularly to make sure that it works for you.
LGBT Support City of Westminster College actively supports its lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered students and College staff members and has zero-tolerance towards homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and all forms of discrimination. Our LGBT+ group meet monthly to plan how LGBT+ equality can be promoted throughout the college, as well as supporting each other and planning exciting extra-curricular activities. The group encourages allies of LGBT+ people to join and values their support in helping to make the world a happier, safer and more equal place. If you’d like more information, please contact: