College of North West London Enrolment Pack

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2024 –2025 Enrolment Pack

CEO and Group Principal’s


Congratulations on being offered a place and enrolling at the College of North West London. I am writing to you as the CEO and Group Principal of United Colleges Group to ensure you know that we value and respect your decision to pursue your studies with us.

We have put in place what we believe are the very best arrangements to help you not only achieve the qualification you have enrolled for but also to make sure you do so in a safe and secure environment.

In order for us to deliver on those commitments to you we must also acknowledge that without your effort to achieve these outcomes then we will be unable to do so. This partnership arrangement where you are a co-creator of your own learning will be the only way we can, working together, achieve the best outcomes we possibly can for you.

So, what does that mean for your time at college? Working with peers and teachers to ensure you are not only successful at college but you enjoy your time with us.

Particularly crucial, as you would expect, will be your attendance and engagement in your studies which are so important in making sure you achieve your qualifications and full potential and can progress onto your next steps, whether that’s further study or employment.

However, we will not only offer you support in your studies but there is the opportunity for financial and pastoral support that as a college we take great pride in providing and more information on our other services are available within this pack and on our website.

Finally, I am extremely pleased to welcome you to our college family and I hope that your time with us will be one that you look back on with satisfaction in your achievements.

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term

Enrolment 2024 21 Aug 2024 – 31 Aug 2024

Part 1 2 Sep – 25 Oct 2024

Student Half Term Break 28 Oct – 1 Nov 2024

Part 2 4 Nov – 20 Dec 2024

Student Winter Break 23 Dec 2024 – 03 Jan 2025

Part 1 6 Jan – 14 Feb 2025

Student Half Term Break 17 – 21 Feb 2025 Part 2 24 Feb – 04 Apr 2025 Student Easter Break 7 – 21 Apr 2025

Part 1 22 Apr – 23 May 2025

Student Half Term Break

May 2025 – 30 May 2025 Part 2 2 Jun – 1 Jul 2025

Events / Deadlines

•Freshers Fair (Willesden) 17 Sep 2024

•Higher Education Fair (Paddington) 26 Sep 2024

•Oxbridge, dentistry, veterinary 15 Oct 2024 & medical UCAS deadline

•Internal UCAS deadline 16 Dec 2024

•UCAS national deadline 29 Jan 2025

•National Apprenticeship week 10 Feb 2025 - 16 Feb 2025

•National Careers Week 3 Mar 2025 - 7 Mar 2025

•Futures Fair (Willesden) 4 Mar 2025

Bank Holidays

•25 Dec 2024 to Tuesday 26 Dec 2024 (falls within the Student Winter Break)

•1 Jan 2025 (falls within the Student Winter Break)

•18 Apr 2025 and 21 Apr 2025 (falls within the Student Easter Break)

• 5 May 2025

• 26 May 2025 (falls within the Summer Half Term Break)

*All dates are correct at time of printing however are subject to change. For the latest updates please visit

Learning Behaviours for

We aim for you to have sense of belonging to the college community by enabling you to build positive relationships with your peer group and staff. We recognise that your time at college is an investment you have made in your future and our job is to support you to be successful. This is however a partnership and requires your commitment to our way of working.

We encourage students to be early for their classes, be outside 10 minutes before the class starts. Be ready for your lesson by having the resources you need, this will include pens and paper, for specialist subjects your teachers will provide a list of essential equipment and resources. Mobile phones should be turned to silent and along with headphones placed in your bag.

Once in the class take off your coat and have your pens and books on your desk. Everyone in a lesson should learn to adopt professional behaviour this includes talking quietly, using ‘good’ language, being respectful and engaging in the lesson. At the end of lesson, please leave the class tidy and welcoming for the next group.

Our way helps to make sure that you are treated fairly, calmly and with respect by all staff and students during your time at college. Forging positive relationships supports the well being of both staff and students.


Student Voice & The Students’ Union

Student Voice is the act of giving learners the opportunity to contribute to the decisions concerning your learning at College of North West London (CNWL). By putting learners ‘at the heart’ of college, the quality of your education and achievements are increased. With Student Voice, the college gives learners the opportunity to explore the importance of making your voice heard. It empowers and informs learners on how to collaborate and consult with each other on matters affecting your learning, and provides the opportunity to feedback to senior staff.

The Student Voice Officer’s objective is to ensure learners understand the colleges’ Student Voice process and what the Students’ Union do and who they represent.

Come join our Students’ Union and be a Class Representative! This is a great way to be a proactive member of your tutor group and have the opportunity to make decisions related to your learning, support needs or extra-curricular activities.

Being a Class Rep will also add a great boost to your CV.

All students who are enrolled at CNWL automatically become members of the Union, but may give up their membership in accordance with the ‘Opting Out’ regulations set out in the Students’ Union Constitution.

CNWL has a Student Voice system in place to support and maintain an on-going dialogue with students as an avenue to hear the views of learners and offer feedback.

The Class Rep enables each learner in class to contribute to the shaping of their learning provision, needs and experience at the college.

The Students’ Union exists to maintain an ongoing dialogue between students and the college. It strives to increase learners’ awareness and inspire others to get involved in the college decision making process.

Have your say and get involved!

Support Student

Mental Health & Wellbeing Support

If you are experiencing any form of mental health problems, you are finding it challenging or are finding it hard to cope at any time during your course, we will be able to support you.

We try our utmost to support and make reasonable adjustments to meet your individual needs, as well as respecting the confidentiality of all our students.

At the College of North West London, we take a practical approach in supporting and meeting the needs of all our students, making sure that students mental health and wellbeing stability is our first priority.

We have a mental health and wellbeing team, to provide both practical and emotional support to students as required. The team has a wide variety of expertise and are equipped to help and support students, with both practical and academic concerns.

Managing your mental wellbeing and academic studies is our priority and focus. We believe this will enable you to get the most out of your time at college.

If you are experiencing any form of mental health concerns during your academic year, we take this seriously. You may consider what you’re feeling to be insignificant and try to cope on your own, but we will always be there to listen and help you in whatever way we can.

Please email or visit to complete the online referral form and a mental health & wellbeing officer will contact you to arrange an appointment to assess your needs and offer the appropriate support.

Students with Medical Conditions

If you have a medical condition that you may need support with, please email



Student Support

The Student Support Officers offer impartial advice and guidance on:

• Financial support for students: 16-19 Bursary, Care to Learn applications, Discretionary Learner Support Funds, 19+ Advanced Learning Loan Bursary Fund and the HE Hardship Fund

• Financial support for help with childcare costs

• Referrals to Emergency Housing Advice and Information

• Personal/emotional support and referrals to longer term support, including the Mental Health Support Workers in college

• Sexual health signposting, including issuing free condoms

If you are a Looked After child, a young person leaving care or a young person estranged from family, please do come and see a Student Support Officer. We can check that you are aware of the support we offer and have applied for the nominated bursary. When we meet with you, we can make contact with your Social Worker or Personal Advisor: having contact with your professional network will help us to help you to succeed on your course.

If you are a young carer, please speak to a Student Support Officer. We appreciate that studying and caring can be difficult, and can offer support and speak with academic staff if you would like us to.

If you are a young parent, please speak to a Student Support Officer for support with applying for Care to Learn or once you have applied for Care to Learn. You will need to contact a Student Support Officer to complete the Education part of the application.

If you are an Asylum Seeker on NASS support, please speak to a Student Support Officer. They can discuss alternative support to help you on your course.

Welfare support

The Student Support Officers have emergency food parcels available for learners. There is a food and clothes bank available to students. They can also distribute Period Poverty packs to young people.

Support Student


We are committed to ensuring all of our learners are in a safe and secure environment. We have a dedicated team of staff that you can contact at any time no matter how big or small the matter that you wish to speak about.

The Student Support Officers are all members of the Safeguarding team. If you are concerned about your own safety or the safety of a young person/vulnerable adult, please speak to a member of the Safeguarding Team (see safeguarding posters around the building), your tutor or any member of staff. All college staff have been trained in safeguarding and will take appropriate action. You can also email or call 020 8208 5445

If the college believes a young person or a vulnerable adult is at risk of harm, they may need to share this information with statutory services.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

Commitment: We are committed to fair treatment and opportunity for all, and offer resources and learning support to empower every student to succeed, regardless of their background

Community: The College of North West London experience is enriched by the diversity of our students and staff, who come from a range of backgrounds and experiences.

Celebration: We host events, awareness days, and workshops to challenge discrimination and celebrate diversity in our community.

Collaboration: We regularly collect student feedback through surveys – we want your input on how to make College of North West London a more inclusive and vibrant place.

Support Student

Events and Opportunities

We celebrate Awareness Days with events for both students and staff. We work hard to provide students with a full experience beyond their academic studies, and offer learning opportunities such as British Sign Language classes.


Most of the Enrichment programme activities are FREE to all our students. The New Enrichment Hub at the Willesden campus is located on the ground floor (room DG10) offering table tennis, boards games, chess and cards.

The Enrichment programme is here to support you at CNWL: it is the platform for the student voice and extra-curriculum activities. The programme includes a variety of sports and wellbeing activities, as well as events, and it provides an excellent way to socialise with students not from your tutor group to give you the opportunity to make new friends.

What else do we have?

You will have the opportunity to join the college football, basketball and other group sports activities. We have an on-site gym, recording studio, dance and music programmes.

We have Peer Mentors ready to support you in adjusting to and settling into CNWL life.

We always strive to offer enrichment options that students request, and in the past, this has included activities such as our lunchtime five-a-side football and badminton, or off-site leisure centre sporting activities. We welcome new suggestions, so please get involved!

Work Experience Careers and

Being a College of North West London Volunteer or a Student Ambassador is a great way to add to your CV and UCAS statement. Enrichment facilitates the creative and social space for you to meet other students and have the best possible CNWL experience.


The college have a team of highly qualified careers advisers that offer impartial information, advice and guidance (IAG) to all students on their career choices and options.

We also work closely with curriculum staff, parents, carers and professionals working with young people, including social workers and youth offending teams, to ensure the best possible outcome for students.

The college careers programme has embedded the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks:

1. Having a stable careers programme

2. Learning from career and labour market information

3. Addressing the needs of each learner

4. Linking curriculum learning (your study programme) to careers

5. Encounters with employers and employees

6. Experiences of workplaces

7. Encounters with further and higher education

8. Personal guidance

This is a statutory requirement for secondary schools and colleges. Providing high-quality career guidance in schools and colleges is vital to young people so they can make well-informed decisions for their future.

Our student careers offer includes:

• Progression after you have completed your course

• Drop-in sessions and 1:1 appointments

• Assistance in completing your UCAS application including the registration process

• Apprenticeship and other training courses opportunities

• Help with looking for employment, (for example part time jobs), and including assisting with application forms, creating or changes to CVs and interview tips

We also arrange career related events, such as Higher Education or apprenticeship fairs, and employer sessions. We work closely with our Work Experience team on all employer related activities.

Work Experience Careers and

What is Work Experience?

Work experience is a mandatory part of our 16-18 study programme courses. It will be in the form of a placement of at least 36 hours, supervised and usually in a specific role. Your work experience activities and/or placement will take place when you are not on timetable for your study programme, including weekends and/or holidays. Those who are already working part time in an industry related to their study programme can count this towards their work placements, but please let your tutor and the work experience team know so we can record the details.

Students are encouraged to identify their own work experience placements associated to their chosen field of study, this can help ensure placements are local.

We work with a range of different employers that includes a wide variety of organisations and employers including hotels, football clubs, large multi nationals, hospitals, nurseries, banks, charity shops and many, many more. All placements will be risk and health & safety assessed. Parent or guardian consent is required for students aged 16-18 to undertake work experience.

If you are completing one of our T Level courses, your work placement will be spread over two years and be a minimum of 315 hours or 45 days. Students who are part of our SuperWex work placements will complete a minimum of 315 hours, extended work experience activity helps significantly towards future employment opportunities and career prospects.

Why do Work Experience?

Completing work placements and taking part in related work experience activities will broaden your depth of knowledge in your chosen career path. It can increase your self confidence and your skill set, and could increase your chances of gaining meaningful future employment. It can also be good for your physical and mental health.


You are representing the college but you are also representing yourself; you could end up receiving a job offer as a result. You never know who you might meet or what opportunities you might unearth.

Support Additional Learning

At the College of North West London, we provide a safe and welcoming learning environment for all our learners whilst recognising that learning differences are an integral part of our learning community. If you have a physical, mental health or sensory impairment and/or learning disability then the Additional Learning Support (ALS) Department are on hand to support you on your learning journey.

You can request additional support at any time during your programme of study. To make a request, please ask your tutor to refer you, or call in and see the Learning Support Team.

Support that may be available to you during your time at CNWL:

• In class support from a Learning Support Assistant (LSA)

• Out-of-class support from an LSA or Inclusive Learning Educator

• Assistive Technology Workshops and Tutorials

• Reasonable adjustments made to your classrooms and learning resources where applicable

• Learning Support Hub Drop-in sessions for support with assignments, English and Maths

• Study Skills Workshops and Tutorials

• Learning Support Plan and Strategies for learners with learning difficulties and disabilities.

Exam Access Arrangements

Exam Access Arrangements are awarded after a student has been assessed as having a specific learning need that requires adjustments to be made during an exam. If you have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) a member of the ALS department will contact you after you have enrolled in order to make arrangements for any exams you may have.

Support Additional Learning

If you do not have an EHCP then you must provide the ALS department with the evidence required in order to be assessed for exam access arrangements. You must demonstrate that you have had exam access arrangements at your previous education setting (please contact them to request proof) or provide medical evidence from a consultant which establishes your entitlement to exam access arrangements. If exam access arrangements are granted this needs to be the student’s normal way of working.

ALS department Contacts:

If you have any queries or would like any further information regarding Additional Learning Support, please come and see us or contact us using the details below.

EHCP and Annual Review Queries 020 7258 5636

ALS Referral and General Queries 020 8208 5473 0207 258 5530


Bursary and Financial Support

Financial support payments are provided to support you to attend college and are paid in instalments. All payments are dependent on you meeting the attendance criteria set. If you do not attend your timetabled classes, you may miss out on financial support.

Enhanced Bursary:: If you are aged 16-18 and being supported by Social Services or are estranged from family and in receipt of a means tested benefit on your own right, you may be entitled to the Nominated bursary to help with the cost of attending college.

Mainstream Bursary: If you are aged 16-18 and living at home with family on benefits or a low income, you may be entitled to the Mainstream bursary to help with the cost of attending college.

Free meals at college: If you are eligible for the Mainstream bursary, you may also be entitled to a free meal on days when you are in college. Eligibility for free meals will be assessed on the online bursary application form.

Discretionary Learner Support Funds: If you are aged 19+ and in receipt of benefits or on a low income, you may be entitled to the discretionary Learner Support Funds. This offers small grants towards the costs associated with studying, such as books, travel, equipment, childcare and fees.

Advanced Learner loan bursary: If you are aged 19+ on a Level 3 course and in receipt of the Advanced Learner Loan, you may be entitled to the Advanced Learner loan bursary. This offers small grants to help towards the cost associated with studying, such as books, travel, equipment and childcare.


Higher Education Financial Support: If you are in receipt of a full fee assessed Student maintenance loan from Student Finance England, you may be entitled to a small grant towards the costs associated with studying.

All applications for financial support must be made using the online link that will be sent to you.

Please note: if you are in receipt of benefits, you are required to declare any financial support to the benefits agency.

Please contact the Student Support Team if you have a question about bursaries, including help with childcare for adults and Student Oyster applications. Please email us at from your college email account.

The team can help you with a range of queries and guide you to others for support.

The Bursary Team will provide you with the details of where to log your student information.

Advance Learning Loan (ALL) - how to apply:

1. Check with your college or training provider that the course qualifies.

2. Ask Reception for a ‘Learning and Funding Information’ letter - you need this to complete the application. It contains the details about your course.

3. Apply online - you’ll need to register first. You can apply by post if you cannot apply online.

4. You’ll get a letter confirming your loan - usually within 2 weeks if you apply online (postal applications take longer).


What you need to know

• You cannot apply until you get a ‘Learning and Funding Information letter’ from your college or training provider.

• You can apply for a loan without a National Insurance number but you must have one before the loan can be paid.

Proof of identity

• If you’re a UK national, include your UK passport details in your application as proof of identity. If you forget, use the ‘UK passport details form’.

• If you do not have a UK passport (or it has expired), send your original birth or adoption certificate to Student Finance England.

• Include your name and address. You should also include your customer reference number if you have one. This is an 11-digit number. You can find it on letters or emails you’ve had from Student Finance England.

• If you’re from an EU country, send your EU passport or identity card the first time you apply.

Supporting information

Use the ‘Evidence return form’ if you need to send extra information to support your application, such as proof of residency status.

Willesden Campus, Denzil Road, Dudden Hill Lane, London NW10 2XD

Wembley Park Campus, Wembley Park Drive, Middlesex, HA9 8HP

Euston Campus, Euston Skills Centre, Starcross Street, NW1 2HR 020 8208 5000 • •

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