Ciurea Ioana Portfolio

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portfolio Ioana Ciurea

portfolio Ioana Ciurea

Š copyright Ioana Ciurea

2006-2012 - “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, Faculty of Architecture - integrated bachelor’s and master’s degree program - 6 years

Conte 2013







Dilploma project____[Hercule's Centre of integrative physiotherapy] [Sport Center] [Urban Hotel] [Special structure] [Dance center] [Studios for artists]


[Archangel’cloud__ passanger terminal] [Urban square Bucharest] [Universitary library in Cluj Napoca] [Let there be light_Velux pavilion] [Hostel for young people__Inspired competition] [Urban pavilion proposals]


[Organic architecture workshop__Dornach, Switzerland] [Reactive parametric surface__Bucharest, Romania] [Questionable traditions_parametric design and digital fabrications methods__Bucharest, Romania] [Digital Santa’s workshop]__ Bucharest, Romania [Urban ZA Pavilion]__Cluj-Napoca, Romania

product design [wood headphones] [share a chair] [Petru’s bed] [coffe table] [lucs lamp]

illustration/ grafic design article

[Present Architecture Diary with future aspiration]

My statement


Dilploma project____[Hercule's Centre of integrative physiotherapy]__2012 [individual project]

Bodies are not just bodies.They are an integer sum of forces which atracts or rejects each other, they are happiness, sadness, peace and disturbance. The healing power is not coming from the exterior, as well as the illness is not coming from outside.In the present world’s turbulence, where there are permanently new buildings and new demolisions, man is looking after a place. A place in himself, between others, in the world, outside the world. How does it look like? What rules does it follow? What form does the space of healing take?How does the body of architecture look when it covers the healing process? How does it look when nature touches it?

a simulation of changing space

shadow study

interior perspective -the thermal baths

interior perspective -the restaurant

object& site model

interior perspective -the restauran

[Sport Center____Bucharest__2011] [individual project] I saw the space destinated for the sport's show as a transparent organism which is covered by the moving of dynamic bodies.The skeleton support the entire body of this life form - when i say life form i mean in the first place the building as a component of the urban space, powered by the fluxes of the people who circulate, and also the nature of the happening, the presence of the sportiv show which is in the interior- cames up above the skin and define the move that is received by its own body.

situation plan

aerial views

ground floor plan

first floor plan

[Urban Hotel 4*____Bucharest__2010] [individual project] The project's subject requests creating a 4 star hotel on a site near the North Railstation in Bucharest. It is sugested to build an ample vertical space, an interior garden to visually connect all the housing units. On behalf of the height and orientation towards the city center I chose to create a main zone from glass to cover a panoramic elevator, a�belvedere� spot over the city.

[Special structure__urban observatory__Bucharest, Wien, Munich__2010] [individual project] Taking into consideration that every important city can be decomposed in two parts: activity and observation, I created an architectural object, which has the function of an urban observatory placed in historical downtowns; it will offer variant perspectives over city's plan, over the ones that configurate city life//

I'm an average person. I am alike you in the street, except I own a another trump: I'm free because I'm just passing by. Walking in the city turned me into one of them. But I don't go to work, I don't get home, I don't go meetings, I'm not in a hurry, I am an incognito, I don't understand the language I listen, this space isn't mine and still I'm living in this environment like everybody else. I'm thinking I would like to fly, to see everybody on their defined routes, to observe them underway their tumultuous life from somewhere above, to be with them and not to stay in front of their rush. Just pay attention to them, to smile when I see them like some ants invading their and everyone's environment. I am aware of me passing among them and leaving them behind. I'm departing and still I can see them better. I'm higher and I'm just starting to understand where I am. I understand what they do, why do they walk, why do they hurry, where do they hurry, how do they fit in the old portrait of the city. The observer as an eye of the city which picks the visitors from the amount of the population in which it roots it's feet, who finds common elements of the grand cities: public spaces in which they fit their shape. The public space as a defining and coagulant element of the urban life. Where evanescent people's life mix with the native's, where you prefer to take off in order to visualize everything as unit. The space seizes me. It throws me in the alternative world in which I can live their sensations without touching them. Within absolute silence I can taste from the uproar of the grand cities.

[Dance center in Bucharest__2011] [individual project]

[Studio for artists__Bucharest]__2009 [individual project] The cultural unit build by studios for artists, expositional spaces and a museum of art, is proposed to be located in Bucharest downtown.The spaces for creation are floating over the expositional spaces, where the product of artist's imagination are showed.

the acces for the artist is separates from the public one

the studios are elevated from the ground and are floating above the expositional area


[Archangel’s cloud___competition for passenger terminal in Riga, Letonia]__2011 [team project: with Yuliyan Mikov] the airport represents the gate towards the city for the ones that enter as well as for the ones that leave ; the form brings together the massiveness of the terestrial plan but also the characteristic disintegration for the celestial plan//

[Universitary library__competition for extension of the central library in Cluj-Napoca, Romania] 2011 [team: with Yuliyan Mikov and Adrian Mitu] The library is a testimony of the passing of time, which means evolution, that can also be seen in the alining of the three different buildings from different periods, representing the same program.The new building isn't just an architectural object, but the progressive storage of information along the time.

[Light pavilion __competition for VELUX Pavilion -2010] [team: with Yuliyan Mikov] The project proposes an interactive space with a skin that modifies its consistance and can be open or closed depending on the number of people that enters the space. I created a new type of material that reveals a space: metalic powder that is maintained on the z axis with the help of a magnetic field. The pavilion's motto is :”Let there be light!”, where each person can create its own guiding light through its own presence.

Genesis 1:3 And God said: “Let there be light”

The man carries within itself the primordial substance of light, the shape of the first creator gesture .architecture can overtake this human component and make it visible in its own form.In a dark space where a man feels lost, alone, blind and helpless, light plays back the hope and the joy of living. On the dark road a line of light catch a soul who wants to wear the place where the waves of darkness became frightening, a ray of light which has its roots in man passes through fear, suspense and revive the area. From this point of view, architecture is the bearer of shadow and light and has the ability to be shaped according to every person entering this space.At the entering in the proposed space, architecture recalls the first light creation wonder .today man wears in himself the first light as read from life; and living space can decode the life from people and transpose and implementate it, modelling its own shape from the vibration that feels alive.

[Hostel for young people___Inspired Competition - 2012] [individual project] The city begins to be invaded by the visitors, by feet which are formicating in all directions, by brains which get drunk from culture, which are enjoing architecture, by souls who startle at city's beauty - beauty saw among cars wheels, among wires which dont want to be eaten bt wireless, which braid the silhouette of town, among life's beat that lays on sidewalk. The carriage with tourists was droped down in Bucharest, where the young people just arrived guided by the fresh smell of a promising city. And they have to be sheltered, they have to be brought in the same place, because they want to be together, but individual.They all want to be under the same roof.

[Design of the ground public space University Parking in Bucharest__International Project Competition-20 [team: with Bogdan Gotia] The cognitive memory is the one which can be heritable, in which the receiver isn't directly involved. Ex: The historic past can be known by way of the documents which talk about what used to be__ The place where the University Square is, belonged to the Sf Sava Monastery and the national college having the same name also. These assignments establish the cognitive memory of the place. The affective memory is the living memory which crosses the body, the one being around people nowadays__ The place is known today as a public space where people speak out, where people are noticed and observe.


[Urban pavilions - proposals -2013] [team: with Tatiana Ciurea, Ilinca Moraru Ciurea, Radu Moraru Ciurea]

In the context of permanent changing of the urban space, the project propose pavilions for expositional spaces, for coffee shops and for public shows, where the community of city can interact.


[Santa’s digital workshop]__12-18 December 2011__ Bucharest, Romania [Tutors: Andrei Raducanu, Madalin Gheorghe, Andrei Ivanescu, Paul Popescu, Horia Spirescu] “Santa’s Digital Workshop took place in Bucharest, Romania between 12 and 18 December and was held in the University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu”. The workshop exploited the possibilities of advanced algorithmic design introducing at the same time elements of interactive design. The purpose was to design geometrically complex ornaments for the Christmas tree and interactive light installations.”

Ioana Ciurea’s proposal for the Christmas decoration.

[Reactive parametric surface - 2010]__ Bucharest, Romania [Tutors: Dimitrie Stefanescu, Tudor Cosmatu, Ionut Anton] [team: with Dan Nutu, Alexandru Sescioreanu] A parametric experiment The project is the teamwork result of the Parametric Design Workshop that lasted for 3 days, and the final concept was materialized in a model. The purpose was to create a pavilion that could receive a multitude of functions that depend on its position. When the pavilion is in the concave or convex position from the ground line, it can be used as a park signal-pavilion, it can become a performance stage or an outdoor amphitheater, a gathering place and, using the geometry of the pavilion elements, sittings for the visitors or, simply, a shelter.

Ioana Ciurea’s proposal for the urban pavilion.

product design

[Wood Headphones___product design - 2012] [team: with Bogdan Gotia]

A long time ago there was a man in the woods. And he listened to music.

[Share a chair] [team: with Bogdan Gotia ] Once upon a time a boy was sitting alone but comfortable on his minimal chair. He had no friends when an idea hit him: he took away a part of his comfort (the seat back) and offered it to someone to sit. Thanks to the chair, they became best friends

[Petru’s bed] [team: with Bogdan Gotia and Paul Dan] We try to design and build a modular bed which can change its shape after a period of time, so that it can be used by a child with the age between 0- 10 years old.

[Coffee house table] [team: with Bogdan Gotia, Paul Dan, Ghita] A table symbolizes a spiritual centre, that’s why sitting around a table represents the attending on a colective reality, a unifing principle. Our purpose was to create a graphic on the surface of the tables and to give the visual illusion of connection between the people in the whole space.

[Petru’s bed] [team: with Bogdan Gotia and Paul Dan] We try to design and build a modular bed which can change its shape after a period of time, so that it can be used by a child with the age between 0- 10 years old.

[Volume Clothing__ fashion design project_2012]

Autor- jewerelly and design affair- Bucharest, Romania April 2013

photo by ostra berdo

Exhibition at B1 Design Center in Prague ,Czech Republic June 2013


illustration/ grafic design

[Graphic design for a poetry book__2012]

Present Architecture Diary With Future Aspirations It inspires me how people fasten their houses after their own soul, in the existent brick shells, with doors, windows, handles and strict dimensions. How do the souls of those who sleep, work, eat escape from this spaces. How the spirit of their own beliefs, freedoms, memories, tales, drill through concrete, break through building's porosity, landing in the street with shapes more or less aestetically for our eyes, us, being the ones who judge the small gods, identifying with them afterwards. I see people as small creators of the world I roam in, just as small gods with colorful worlds, made of shaormas, green fences, from love memories of the beaches. And I see from my tram just like small Budhas, with round bellys who walk near the chess tables, near the ecliectic stuccos of this late Paris, where the creation flows through yards, from the walls, getting in the tram with me, pinching my retina with his alert pulse. It is the the art we see born from the spreading souls in architecture, on architecture, through architecture, which appears in lazy shapes, on streets, through windows, in the whole town, just like a town full

article Bucharest's windows are not just holes through the walls where the light enters, there are eyes of the houses where the souls come from. I like to stag inside, at the god-citizens, who keep aromatic candles near the curtains given from their grandmothers, who make love under the aromatic car fresheners suspended from the crystal chandelier. The boulevard is the string that connects all the pervert thoughts, the soup steam, all of the heels that step on it every day; it is the window's mirros and the alley of each habitant in Bucharest. The tall walls of the buildings, of the houses, all the facades that spread along the streets become pixels of the emotions, with eyelids closed just like the shutters, with small laces on the borders, with the dotted underwear exposed towards the neighbour's yard. A town of the lived emotions and exposed at the same time, with a gallery that advances the development: the city. Published in Formaje Artfiles Magazine__2010

Contact Ciurea Ioana 004 0727 146 591

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