KEY GOALS The Connecting Cinemas project has established three approaches for cinemas to relate to their audiences, foster communities, set up events and explore the possibilities of the cinema as a cultural hub.
Engage (How are themes and issues explored and what content is created to draw in audiences?) The ‘Engage’ goal focuses on expanding the cinema-making process beyond theatres and into local neighbourhoods. This strand looks at what types of content could be used to engage these new audiences. In particular, it explores communication strategies related to urgent local issues such as solidarity, humanity and the social inclusion of minorities.
Connect (How to develop new relations and with whom do you connect?) This goal is focused on connecting audiences and facilitating cultural understanding through the exchange of perspectives among people, reaching out to the world beyond the local community, bringing in communities from outside the locality and bringing in new audiences across and within geographies.
Entertain (How can the aesthetic experience transform the cinema?) The ‘Entertain’ strand aims to transform the cinema into a centre for visual culture with many different types of events and playful interactions such as VR and AR storytelling, film festivals and educational cinema workshops and scenarios.