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Poet & Speaker
Poet, singer, inspirational speaker, yogini, massage therapist, and mother—Kimbi Tiez is many things.
“I was born and bred in the South but buttered and jellied in New York,” she says, laughing. Pursuing the NYC fashion scene during college, Tiez discovered tai chi and yoga as stress relievers. “My heart was always in healing arts,” she says.
Music and poetry carried Tiez during the many changes. “Throughout all that time, my whole family background is singing and music,” she says. Her grandmother plays piano at church, and her mother was once in a funkadelic-style band.
Even as a child, Tiez wrote poetry. But, she regained her voice after moving back to Greenville. “This was flourishing and growing from there, and it was just something that I always did—sang and wrote poetry and expressed myself.” Later, she combined her talents into one experience.
A “spiritual entertainment performance artist” is how Tiez describes herself. “I’m giving a healing experience through the use of music, poetry, yoga, and everything that I’ve learned,” she says. “Basically there’s a lot of hurt and unhealed people out there.”
Through her own transparency, Tiez helps others discover the greatest versions of themselves. "No matter where you are in life, just go for your dreams,” Tiez says. “Dream, then go for it.”
Her dreams are possible thanks to those who’ve dreamed before her. “History is important for me—that’s been a big motivation for me and a big force for why I do what I do,” Tiez says. “I’ll always be black history because I’ll always be me.”
Tiez wants to see a diverse arts community thrive in Greenville. “The people need to feed their local brilliant people,” she says.
“From the Heart,” Tiez’s musical project, and “When Silence Speaks, Listen,” her poetry book, will be out this year. Learn more at kimbithegoddess.com.