Cris j Duncan
Cris is an award winning professional photographer based in Lubbock, Texas. He simply specializes in photography. Cris' passion and knowledge for the art of photography is contagious. Since turning pro in 2001, Cris has had the opportunity to photograph Presidents, Vice-Presidents, dignitaries, and countless other people who live extraordinary lives. Currently, CjDuncan Photography is one of the most sought after photographic artists in the area. Cris and his wife, Deanna, both believe that God has blessed them with a talent and a passion that needs to be shared with clients and professionals alike. This book is designed to inspire and motivate photographers to elevate their business and life.
Becoming the Photographer you want to be is a journey into the heart. Learn how to develop a mindset of abundance that will drive you to a life of success. This hand guide is an essential tool for any one who truly desires to be at the top of their game. Discover proven principles that will catapult you to a place of power and greatness. Become a leader, become a champion and become the photographer you want to be.
Without the support of so many, Cris would not be where he is today. This book is a means to support and encourage other photographers, both young and old, in their quest for great images and a life of abundance. CjDuncan Photography Find your Focus Photographic Experience 2402 Slide Rd. Lubbock, TX 79407 806-781-2747
Š2010 CjDuncan. All Images copyright protected. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA
“Find your Focus”
Becoming The Photographer you want to be!
The Photographer you want to be Cris j Duncan. CPP, Cr. Photog. 1
Where to Turn
One Simple Philosophy
The Mindset
The Pursuit
4 Steps to Success Farming
26 31
Confidence Resource Passion Notes
42 48 50 54
"I have often thought that if photography were difficult in the true sense of the term-meaning that the creation of a simple photograph would entail as much time and effort as the production of a good watercolor or etching-there would be a vast improvement in total output. The sheer ease with which we can produce a superficial image often leads to creative disaster." Ansel Adams
getting started Becoming the photographer you want to be sounds simple enough. There is profundity within the simplicity of that statement. Before a journey can be started, a destination must be set out. Observe, a destination, not necessarily a path. The way in which one will reach the end depends upon the choices that are made along the way. The biggest mistake one can make is to set a course, and plow through aimlessly. Likewise, if our plan encounters a roadblock, as it will, far too many will concede to the obstacle and return to the place they began, unwilling to try a different route. So, the question is posed again. Who is the photographer you want to be? What will that person look like? Below are some hard questions that need to be asked of yourself in an honest and sincere way. Search deep within your heart. Listen to what it says. Do not to take this task lightly. This is the definitive starting point to your great accomplishment. 1. Who is the photographer you want to be? What will that person look like? 2. What is your desire, your passion, your goal? What you desire is the definitive beginning to great things. Dare to dream so BIG that your heart comes alive with a passion and a commitment!! 3. Create an image of who you want to be. Ask yourself, who is that person? What is my purpose? 4. Take inventory of your heart, soul, will and passion. What practical steps can you take to get there?
Answer these questions in a journal. Refer back to them often.
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken
Congratulations on your commitment to invest in yourself, this great profession of photography and the people around you. To be the best you can possibly be, you must never stop learning. Education is not a one-time event. So many times we define our education by high school or college. Now while you cannot discount those experiences, your true education, the real learning, comes through your life experiences: the ups and downs of life, marriage, child rearing and business. These challenges are valuable lessons and serve as a catalyst to propel us into a greater position of power, leadership and greatness. This book is written with one sole purpose in mind- the same purpose that I embrace every day-"To create something of Value to serve others" That is it. No more, no less. Can you think of another profession where you are given such an opportunity as that? Create value! Wow!! It is in this purpose that true wealth can flourish. I am not speaking of wealth in terms of money and fame like we typically think. I am speaking of a wealth that no amount of riches can buy, and that, my friends, is knowing that you have given of yourself and served another human being. Of course, we are compensated for this service, but I ask you, did you first enter this profession as a means to be rich or did you come in wanting to fulfill a passion that you had deep inside? It is from that passion that we need to search. That is the definitive point at which we begin our day, every day. When we can rekindle that fire we had the very first time we pressed the shutter and begin to see ourselves as a means to
serve our client and create something that is of value to them, it is at that point that the wealth of this world will enter your life. Please, don't misunderstand and think that we should be doing this just to serve others and be happy all the time. That is not my intention for any of you. I strongly believe that you charge as much as you possibly can for your unique art. This is a business and a livelihood for myself and along with many others, it is the only way to support our families. My point is that when we have the mindset of creating something of value for others and approach our business with that mindset, there is no way you can lose. The essence of what you do is not in the equipment you have, the lighting you've perfected or your latest marketing piece. The essence is in the relationship. When a client feels that they are valuable to you, your service and product has now become valuable to them. On the following pages of this book, I hope you find inspiration, motivation and a desire to be great. In Genesis, God told Adam to be fruitful, multiply, replenish and subdue the Earth. This age old principle can be applied to our business. Be fruitful (Learn, grow and perfect your skills), Multiply (Expand, make change), Replenish (Restore yourself, reexamine), and finally Subdue (Be in a place of leadership and market control). It is my hope that each of you can find the passion within and a desire so big that your heart comes alive. There is nothing that can stop you from becoming the photographer you want to be!!!
Cris j Duncan 5
One Simple Philosophy Your Mindset has Great Power! Two Choices: The Scarcity Mindset: There is not enough, I am not enough, I can't People who operate out of a scarcity mindset wait for life to happen to them. They will believe that great things won't happen to them unless they somehow get lucky. Observe the Zebra, he is quietly laying in an open field of complacency unwilling to learn and grow. While portrayed only to make a point, in this example the Zebra has a scarcity mindset: maybe if I'm fortunate, I will survive. The fact is, the Zebra believes he will be devoured and sees no reason to be alert and rise above his circumstance.
An Abundance Mindset: There is an abundance, I am able, I will! In contrast, the proud Lion knows he is the king of his jungle. Notice how he stands proud and confident of the challenges before him. He is not simply looking for an opportunity, he is believing he will prevail. The Lion knows he is strong, knows he is able and knows he will conquer. To the Zebra, the Lion seems arrogant and cocky, and to the scarcity minded person the confident will appear so, but that is not the case. Confidence can not and will not flourish in a scarcity mindset. An abundance minded person believes in the victory and is poised in anticipation of its arrival.
The Mindset Your mind--It can be the most powerful ally or the fiercest enemy. All too often we forget the power of our mind and the effect it has upon us, our behaviors and our beliefs. First, our heart is where the true measure of our being flows. Sounds simple enough; however the problem lies in the fact that our heart is influenced by words, our mind and actions. Take for example a beautiful young bride who comes to your studio. You photograph her perfectly. Already, you can see wall samples, marketing pieces and new web galleries from this knockout session. Everything is perfect! Of course the bride can't wait to see these images and you are counting the days to reveal to her your masterpiece. The time comes and with much anticipation the images are unveiled..."I don't like myself".. are words that shatter the excitement. Now, while that may be extreme, at some point, we all have experienced a situation similar to this. The fact of the matter is she truly believes she is not beautiful. Did you tell her that? Of course not. Her fiance? I doubt it. A parent? Who then? Hard to say. Whoever and whenever may not be
known, but to her, the past wound is deep and real. The question now is, what do you think of yourself? What wound do you carry deep inside? Questions like these are painful to ask and dreadful to answer, but essential. The underlying issue is whatever we hear or think about ourselves, whether from our own mind or the careless words of others, will find its way into our heart. It is from this deep place that we begin to act and think upon those beliefs. Please, do not discount the words you speak as meaningless! Just as you would never tell that bride she is not beautiful, you should never tell yourself you are not good enough, capable, talented, smart, loved, beautiful, or successful. You have a special gift-a purpose only you can fulfill! Start today! Start speaking the words of life and not death, of blessing not curses, of success and not failure. Start today, and begin your journey into the place you are meant to be. Start today and believe you can get there. Start today, believe in yourself and your heart will soon follow.
There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why... I dream of things that never were, and ask why not? Robert F. Kennedy 7
Scarcity or abundance? How will you choose to live? To create? To react? To give ? To take? Somewhere deep inside each of us is a desire and a longing to be better than we are are, to rise above and be great. The problem does not lie in the desire; it typically is within the will to get there. Scarcity, the attitude of "I can't" is the enemy that will keep you down. While abundance is the mindset of "I will" and it continues to drive us to go beyond our comfort zone and strive for excellence. The Bible states that the devil is trying to steal, kill and destroy while Christ came to give us an abundant life. (John 10:10) I feel that this scripture is the perfect descriptor for these two mindsets. I firmly believe that this is a black and white issue, there is no gray. Each day we are faced with choices. These choices each have consequences that will effect our selves and those around us. These choices, decisions, will derive from one of these two mindsets. The scarcity minded person is typically thinking in terms of negativity. They will face each decision with the cons before the pros. Scarcity has a way of showing us doubt before belief. This mindset will trick, no convince, ones self of failure before success, defeat before triumph and will ultimately lead to a place with no reward. Scarcity, poverty, negativity, whatever one calls it, is a conscience choice made. Why then? Why would one set them self up for defeat? They are fearful of change, expect the worst and doubt in their own ability. Many will hold on to possessions that serve no purpose any more, irrelevant materials viewed as security. Typically, their garage is full of junk, their medicine cabinet has expired medication and their closets are full of out dated clothes that don't fit and won't be worn again. The scarcity mindset convinces us of a life of poverty. One will not release of things in the fear that they can not be replaced. Likewise, the same thought process is evident in decisions they are facing. One will doubt before they believe. To a scarcity minded person, "it is too good to be true " is the motto. Relate this mindset to a photographer. The camera room is
overflowing with old sets, props and material that will never be used. The wall samples are outdated and they market the same way they did years ago. A scarcity mindset will resist change. I recently visited a studio, and they still had a foam prop that said Senior 1997. Why? The idea of parting with this is frightening to them. Understand that the scarcity minded person will believe that there is not enough to go around. They will cling to all they have and rarely take a risk because of a fear of failure. This attitude of poverty prevents us from becoming better. It will counteract creativity and will prohibit real progress. I wish I could say that you can flip a switch and the mindset will change. That is rarely the case. Just as choosing to succumb shortfalls before triumph is a conscience conclusion, likewise the opposite is true. This fact is crucial. We all have choices. These choices shape our lives. Satan has a way of luring into this mindset of scarcity without us realizing it until it seems too late. We all have the ability to clearly see the difference on the big choices we make. Stealing, murder, adultery, abuse etc. The pitfall is rarely in these , it lies in the subtle compromises along the way. Following a number of those ‘little’ choices, where the consequence seems insignificant, one will wind up looking back wondering “How did I get here?” Understand that we all make mistakes, and all have regrets. However, also understand that there is grace and mercy and a change can be made. You were given the wonderful gift of free will. This will is what will empower you to put an end to the lies and tricks that scarcity will throw at you and move beyond to a place where you feel empowered and strong and abundant. If you find your self with this mindset of scarcity, know that there is something better for you. Your life was meant for more. Your life is meant to be abundant. Believe me, as one who traveled from both ends of the spectrum, God has done more with less.
Now, contrast this to a person with an abundance mindset-- the positive thinking individual. This person will see things around them as an opportunity to grow, achieve and bless. Like all individuals, there is a choice. The abundance minded person will simply choose the truth and life. Scripture also states, “I put before you blessing and curses, life and death. Choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:15) The abundance minded individual will choose life. We all know people like this. These are the people that people want to be around. We will discuss later in these pages how you will attract what you are. If you want to be around people who speak life and have an abundance that you must simply become one of those people. One difference between these two states is obviously their overall outlook upon life. They refuse to believe any thing other than the positive, than the blessing. Just as scarcity is a slow fade, abundance is no different, except by creating habits of this mindset, one will find themselves in a place and look back knowing how they got there, not wondering what went wrong. Another distinction on the two is that an abundance minded individual will donate their old stuff to help or bless someone else. They understand that when one thing is released your hands are open to receive more. Abundance is not a whore, it is willing to give before it takes. The key to this mindset is based upon love. The question will always be, “What can I do for someone else?” There is never a doubt in this approach. True abundance comes from the will to bless another. To the abundance minded person, the reward is always worth the risk. They do not fear failure because they do not doubt their ability. Each challenge is an opportunity to grow and learn. An abundance minded individual will realize that what they think and say has tremendous effects on how they act and succeed. This basic principle is the backbone to these mindsets. Either you maintain from a place of scarcity or you thrive in a world of abundance. Understand, do not confuse these mindsets with
monetary possession. Scarcity and abundance can surely be represented in material wealth, however, that is not the point. I sincerely want each of you to have fulfilling lives and careers, but if you begin to associate your mindset according to your wealth, you will end up deceiving yourself and falling into poverty and sadness and defeat. The monetary and material prosperity will come. Maybe, not immediately, but it will come. The first step, however lies between your ears. They key to this is not what surroundings you find yourself in, but rather how you view your surroundings. Beware the trap of letting your circumstances control your thoughts. All of us have been in situations or times where it was tough. I am the first to admit that sometimes you do not know where the next check is coming from, or how you will make ends meet. I have been there before. These challenges are the precipice at which either scarcity or abundance will prevail. Many people will have a scarcity mentality while living in a place of wealth and abundance. However, the opposite is true; It is quite possible to have a mindset of abundance while surrounded by poverty. Our culture and society has become so complacent that it is rare that one will strive beyond their mind to a place of greatness. It is sad. Yet, on the other hand is inspiration. The one who goes beyond their circumstance and lives the abundant life they were created to have will prosper.The prosperity minded man will believe in the blessing all while actively working to see to success. This brings me to my final point. The mindset is more than a belief. It is a faith, a confidence. Think of it this way: Two farmers are believing in rain, but only one plants his seeds. Which one of the farmers is acting on abundance and which scarcity. You see, the action will follow the belief. That is true faith and the true behavior of an abundant minded person. My friends, that place is one in which each and every one of us should be striving towards.
Meet Ivan. Ivan is a man I had the privilege of meeting recently. He truly was an inspiration as I could see his heart of abundance in all that he did and said. He lives a lifestyle of abundance. Ivan was raised in a Mayan village in Mexico that has no modern infrastructure. He was blessed when Mexico made his region a state and brought his village a school. He began school at the age of 7 and by the time he was 11 his education should have ended. In the Mayan community, you are married by 12, have children by 14 and your family is established while still a teenager. Ivan knew there was more. He traveled to Mexico City and attended a boarding school with sponsorships that he had received as a youth. Following his secondary education, for almost two years he sought a sponsor so he could attend a university. Eventually, the Nestle corporation agreed to sponsor him as an accountant. That was not his dream, but Ivan knew this was his only opportunity to attend college so he took it. While in college, Ivan studied everything that was offered; he wanted to soak up as much as he could while he had a chance. Fast forward several years. Ivan is now back in the small village where he was raised--a village that still does not have plumbing, a sewer system, mail, telephone or internet. Electricity was installed in 1984, yet few can afford items that run off of it. Some may doubt why he returned, but he views it as a way of helping his village and his people. He is fluent in five languages, is a CPA, a paramedic and a certified tour guide for Mexico. Ivan runs a major tour company that rivals that of international companies the major cruise lines have established in the port cities. This international company he owns and operates is located within his village--a place with no email, mail, internet or phone service. How? With great creativity, a blackberry and a "will do" attitude. The abundance mindset is evident. In 2007, hurricane Dean destroyed the port, the rain forrest and much of his village. He stayed and rebuilt. He rebuilt his home--a 10x20 hut with a hammock and a table. He eats what they grow in the village. Yet, his guests ride in top of the line vans. He utilizes his Ritz Carlton training to create the finest tour. He offers excellence in all he does. His abundance does not come from his possessions or environment. His abundance was birthed from a heart that dreamed, a mind that believed and a will that is unbreakable. Want to meet him? Visit 10
No athlete begins a game thinking they will lose. With every second of practice they are one step closer to victory. They understand that the time to perform is now and time is the enemy. There is but one shot to get it right and no repeats. A simple cliche, yet so many professionals can not understand the parallel. Too many now expect to have mediocre results and fix later. An athlete does not have this opportunity, why do we. As professional photographers we need to practice just as the athlete. Learn our skills, our plays, strengths and weaknesses and above all, realize that the effort is worth the reward and when it counts we will succeed. My family loves the Olympics. Every few years we anticipate its arrival and are captivated by its splendor. Men and women have trained for years for one moment, perhaps one milli second. There are no retakes and no second chances. We celebrate the success and mourn the defeats. Even as spectators, we can appreciate the circumstances of the competitors. I propose, that we as photographers approach our business as the Olympics. There is just one run, one event, it is all or nothing. I firmly believe that with this approach our industry would be elevated to that of such a high caliber that none would dare come in unprepared. It is game time. Just as the olympians , pursue excellence in all things, we too must match their attitude and determination. Shoot for Gold and you will be amazed at what you will accomplish..
Qualities of an Abundant Minded Person 1- Humility. An abundant minded person will not be prideful 2- They feel blessed. There is an understanding to give credit where credit is due. 3- They invest in others. 4- They are grateful. Begin each day with gratitude
Through the mind's eye The mindset we possess will do one of two things to our eyes' and hearts' view upon the circumstances that surround us. It will either give you a viewpoint of hope and creativity to face the challenge that face you, or conversely, it will cloud and distort the reality into a perception of defeat. Do you see the glass "half full" or "half empty?" This same age old truth applies to how you view the situation around you. This brings us to the point of asking the hard question--
How do you view what you are looking at? How do you view yourself? My friends and I have this saying we use every time one of us is going through something difficult. "There is always a silver lining." This simple phrase redirects our thinking to that of an abundance mindset. A simple way to look upon our life of one that is blessed and destined to succeed. I want to encourage each of you to look deep inside and think about your answers to the previous questions. The 'Abundance Mindset' evolves from a positive response to our circumstances rather than a negative reaction to them. When viewed through the eyes of an abundance mindset, theses challenges you face will give you the power to thrive. I hope that each of you can begin to look upon your world with eyes of prosperity, success and abundance.
For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use being anything else. Sir Winston Churchill 13
don't despise the pursuit Every great journey begins with a small step. Every adventure begins with an idea. Every dream begins with a leap of faith. Simple words that speak profoundly into our heart. Imagine, if you will, a young Spaniard setting to sail to the edge of the World, or two brothers discovering man was meant to fly, or an eager President who challenged brave men and women to reach for the stars. All stories we have heard before, all heroic in their own right, all teeming with challenges and trials that are often overlooked once the destination is achieved. It is in the journey of trials and obstacles that our true wealth and greatness is discovered. Every human being has a desire: a longing within them, a dream or picture of the place that they want to be, and the dreams they want consummated. However, when encountered by challenges in our business, our relationships and life in general, the tendency is to give up and assume that it wasn't meant to be. Refer back to our visionaries of the past. Columbus encountered tempest on the seas, death and actually came ashore hundreds of miles from his planned course. The Wright brothers were told constantly they could not achieve flight, and hundreds of failed attempts later finally proved it possible for a mere 97 seconds. The first manned Apollo mission ended in tragedy as three men burned to death before every leaving Earth. As you are reading these words, I assume you are using the light from an electric lamp and residing in the New World. I assume you have flown yourself for much longer than a few minutes and can recite by memory the words of Neil Armstrong as he set foot on the moon. All dreams, all challenged, all success. Obviously, there are countless other examples of men and women who faced burdens they conquered. My fear is that there are countless others who stopped short not realizing their destination was just around the corner; just within the grasp of triumph. The trials that rear their head are nothing more than 14
gifts sent to us to help deal with the issue at hand- gifts sent to increase your skills, knowledge and leadership. They are merely the catalyst that develop and release your power and greatness. A scarcity minded person will view these hardships as proof of inadequacy, another iceberg that sinks the ship. I urge you to embrace an abundance mindset!! Beware of beginning your journey with a naive attitude. Yes, you will encounter these trials. Yes, you will have failure. Yes, you will suffer disappointments. And yes, you will persevere. Learn from these tutors of commitment. Encounter each obstacle with an attitude of a learning experience that is a stepping stone on your journey rather than a stumbling block that causes you to fall. The failures and the dissapointments are not what defines you but rather what refines you. Every diamond begins as coal. It is the pressure and the heat that reveals the true value. Reaching your final destination will require skills and a mindset that you may not possess when you begin. It is within this journey that the skills and knowledge are developed. It will require a commitment that will attract both success and failure alike. Celebrate the pursuit!! It is in this mindset that you will find the destination all that more valuable.
Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, everascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb. Sir Winston Churchill
My journey is no different. I knew from a early age that I wanted to be a photographer. I wasn't sure what that looked like back then, but it was definitely my passion. I as told not to major in photography because I needed a "real major." After marriage I wanted to open a studio and was told, "don't do that, you need a real job." In discouragement, I put away the camera and didn't touch it for several years as I continued in the family business as an electrician. While not the career I choose nor enjoyed, I excelled. Slowly, I began to photograph again, awakening the passion that had been dormant. I began to work less as an electrician and build my photography business and an exit plan was in place to go full time and quit my 'real job.' Thirty-four days prior to my last, my father, who was my boss, fell from a 21' roof and broke his back. My dream would have to wait. For the following three years I ran my father's electrical contracting business. This incident slowed my dream but did not kill it. It just changed it. My wife came to the business as a full time employee handling orders and sales while I ran my father's business and photographed on evenings and weekends. It was in those three years that we truly discovered how to effectively operate a photography business. The skills learned in that time have been invaluable. I truly believe that if I had began when I wanted to, I would have severely struggled if not failed completely. The process of getting to the place I am now has been full of challenges and disappointments. However, each obstacle proved to be a valuable lesson. Continue to follow your dream. Do not give up on it. It will happen in its time. The experience of the journey makes the destination that more precious.
"The trials that rear their head are nothing more than gifts sent to us to help deal with the issue at hand- gifts sent to increase your skills, knowledge and leadership. They are merely the catalyst that develop and release your power and greatness."
This mindset is not solely based upon natural personality, attitude, value, strength or weakness. It is a learned discipline, an ability to achieve your goals
gratitude Abundance belongs to those who focus on an attitude of creating and giving rather than consuming. An inclination towards gratitude in everything will drive wealth in your business and life. Take for example an investor who purchases property in hopes to turn a profit. After a few years, the value of the property has increased. It has appreciated. Appreciation is a term used for increased value. When a person has an outlook of appreciation for their clients, family and people in general, value is created. I can guarantee that when you make your client feel valuable, your service and product has just become valuable to them. I firmly believe that your success will hinge on this fact. An abundance minded individual will look upon all things with a spirit of thankfulness and gratitude. While this may not change your situation, it will empower you to look upon it in a positive way. This attitude gives you the power to create, lead and bring forth positive change. Remember the adage?--"Treat others as you want to be treated" This age old principle is the essence of gratitude. If you desire to have others value you, you must begin with a spirit of appreciation and value others first. Start each day being thankful for all that you have been blessed with. If you really stop and think about it, the list would be endless. Living in this great country, we are blessed beyond measure. Most people reading this now are in the top 20% richest people on the planet. I, like so many others, find it too easy to fall into discontentment. That is absurd. It has taken effort and time to have a habit of being grateful each day. It seems that the most important things in our life are the ones in which we take for granted the most. Begin to list the things you are thankful for. After just a few items, you will begin to see how well off we really are. When we can focus our energy on our blessings the problems of our life seem less significant. If you approach the day with a spirit of gratitude and appreciation, you will begin to see positive change in your health, business, creativity, relationships and life. 16
One of the dangers I see occurring is a spirit of comparison. So many times we will compare ourselves and our situation to that of some one else. Comparisons will rob you of your joy. The standard is you. You must measure up to who you want to be--who you are called to be. I challenge you to attempt this exercise. As photographers, we are in a close community of other photographers. I have seen no other industry with the openness of this one. That aspect is a double edged sword. On one hand is countless sources of information for learning and education. Yet, by the same token the temptation to be like someone else is very great. Every program, speaker, photographer has a product, myself included. A piece of the pie that you must have. A new approach to adopt. A style to emulate. We are constantly being bombarded with something. The fact is, that we need very little of it. Please, do not mis understand my point. There are several products and ideas that are worth adopting and implementing. I am not saying we shouldn’t learn from those who have traveled before us. The problem lies in the fact that when we convince ourselves that we can not measure up to the person with the microphone. This comparison. first of all is usually unjust and an quick path to frustration. I have spoke at numerous photographic events and shared this information as well as other topics we instruct on and always will hear someone say, “that is great, but it won’t work for me” or “not in my market.” That is scarcity at its fullest. Too many photographers, some I know personally, will travel from convention to convention, seminar to seminar, compiling volumes of notes, and information only to go back to their studio and place it in the pile until the next speaker rolls through town. Why? They are fearful of the change, the effort and most of all, they believe that they are not as able as the one that presented the information.
Of course you must be wise in what you adopt and don’t. Not all the information is for you. There are variables to consider. However, the underlying thought for many of these is a belief of inadequacy. Sometimes I am reminded of Amway. My in-laws were a part of that for a while and I attended my fair share of events. Mind you, I was in love with their daughter, and it was an easy way to spend time with her. I digress. All of these Amway meetings were the same. Some super successful business person would speak and tell you that you needed to be like them. They would rarely inform you on what worked and didn’t. It was simply, do what i do and your golden. To an entry level person, you totally felt alone. The comparison would drown you in doubt. I see similar approaches sometimes in our profession. It isn’t about being like the others. It is about being who you are called to be. Others have good advice and tips to follow, but ultimately, you need to be who you are. You need to believe in who you are and be confident that is enough. If you can get past the comparison and focus on the message rather than the messenger you are one step closer. Continue to learn, to grow and sharpen your skills, but always be true to who you are. Remember the abundance comes from you and do not let the comparison rob you of your joy.
This is in our dressing room. A reminder to our clients and ourselves of what is important. 17
Inspiration Inspiration--having the mental stimulation to do something creative. What causes us to be inspired? Where does the inspiration come from? I believe the inspiration is within all of us just waiting for the right time to leap out in a creative release of power and greatness. The true self will not be displayed until met with a challenge-- and there is no greater challenge than the one in front of you right now! Presidents, artists, generals, leaders, pastors, teachers, athletes, coaches, parents, friends the list of inspirers is endless. At some point in each of our lives we have felt inspired. We have all felt the urge to do something that is beyond ourselves, felt the desire to be great. Take a look around. Inspiration is everywhere. You find it people, nature, movies and music. It is in books, magazines, art. Take note of everything that inspires you. I carry a journal with me every where I go. It is my 'brain book.' Whenever a thought comes to mind it goes in the book. I record struggles and achievements. I sketch scenes, designs, anything. Sometimes they are worthless but it is within the exercise that inspiration and creativity flourish. There are countless examples of inspiration that drive each of us to reach beyond our circumstance. Within all of us is a God given gift waiting to be opened and shared with the world. This gift is unique, selected just for you and is designed to raise you to greatness. I hope you find your inspiration, your true calling and you are able to stand above your circumstance on a high peak of excellence. 18
"All your life you are told the things you cannot do. All your life they will say you're not good enough or strong enough or talented enough; they will say you're the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or be this or achieve this. THEY WILL TELL YOU NO, a thousand times no, until all the no's become meaningless. All your life they will tell you no, quite firmly and very quickly. AND YOU WILL TELL THEM YES." Nike ad
Failure is not an option. Gene Krantz I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas Edison Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless Thomas Edison Somehow I can't believe that there are any heights that can't be scaled by a man who knows the secrets of making dreams come true. This special secret, it seems to me, can be summarized in four C s. They are curiosity, confidence, courage, and constancy. Walt Disney Success is a journey not a destination. The doing is usually more important than the outcome. Arthur Ashe "The only time you don't fail is the last time you try anything -- and it works." William Strong
Straight from the horse's mouth Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes. St. Clement of Alexandra
Thomas Jefferson
Keep steadily before you the fact that all true success depends at last upon yourself.
Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant, they is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks.
Theodore T. Hunger
Johann Gottfried Von Goethe
The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.
Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
Frank Loyd Wright
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.
Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt. William Shakespeare
Vince Lombardi
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King, Jr.
There is no impossibility to him who stands prepared to conquer every hazard. The fearful are the failing. Sarah J. Hale
IDEA: Create a design board. A place to put any thing that you find interesting. Mine has wallpaper swatches, clothing labels, advertisements and movie posters. When put in a prominent place. Inspiration is always close. 20
"Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. The joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits. These dark days will be worth all they cost us if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered unto but to minister to ourselves and to our fellow men." -Franklin D. Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address
Nothing is as real as a dream. The world can change around you, but your dream will not. Responsibilities need not erase it. Duties need not obscure it. Because the dream is within you, no one can take it away. Tom Clancy
Our greatest glory consist not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. Oliver Goldsmith
Sow an act, and you reap a habit; sow a habit, and you reap a character; sow a character, and you reap a destiny. George Dana Boardman
Look not mournfully into the past, it comes not back again. Wisely improve the present, it is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future without fear and with a manly heart. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant, they is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks. Johann Gottfried Von Herder 21
Leadership The biggest battle anyone faces is not on the outside in the form of work, health, finances or education. The biggest battle and the most dangerous threat lies within our own self. The battle of the heart rages on within each of us even when the our circumstances appear to prosper. Somewhere deep inside is a warrior ready for battle, a soldier trained for war, a child armed with just a stone awaiting to face the giant. Within the depths of your heart is a leader waiting to be called upon, waiting to be set free, waiting to rise against the forces surrounding and declare victory. The need is ever present. The time is now and the leader within you is anxious to answer the call and rise to the top of a mighty peak of creativity and abundance. Begin the journey to develop the leader within. Prepare to begin to make more than just a living. Make a difference. Inside your heart of hearts, you have provision to live by design and not default. The internal leader is poised ready to foster, form and forge a life of creativity, purpose and success. Release the warrior, call upon the soldier and sling the stone and then watch as your giant falls.
begin with being a leader "A leader creates, rather than reacts"
Leadership? Many thoughts come to mind when such a trait is uttered. The essence of leadership is not being in charge, directing those around you or even being in a place of authority. The true measure of a leader is one who gives of themselves. A leader offers their healing and strength to the weak. Some are already doubting as they read. Some are questioning what this really has to do with photography. True, as photographers, we do not wield a sword on the battleground: we do not command legions on a course of war. True, but let's not forget the the true message of a leader, the significance of the calling--"To create something of value to serve others." A leader is a creator! The ingredients are within you to make it. However, the ingredients are not for yourself, they are stored within so you can season the ones around you. This is the greatest step to the creation of abundance. When one can offer of themselves for the purpose of helping others. Following that, the rest simply falls in place. Dick Hoyt exemplifies this true leadership. Dick has ran in over sixty marathons, 200 triathlons, trekked across the country and countless other endurance type races. In total, team Hoyt has competed in just under 1,000 events. He has finished every one--an accomplishment in its self. The competing is not what defines Dick as a leader. His leadership is displayed in the fact that he has competed in every race while pushing, pulling or carrying his son. Ricky, his son, has cerebral palsy and can not walk or talk. Dick completes because when he does, Ricky forgets about his handicap. This is true leadership. Dick Hoyt is creating value for his son. Ricky is now able to communicate using a computer and was asked what he would do first if he could walk. He simply stated, "I would push my dad in a race." There is so much love there. That is leadership--giving of yourself in love to serve another.
Read more about this incredible duo at Cliche as it may sound, you will reap what you sow. That is a law of nature that can not be denied. I always find it amazing that I still have people argue this principle with me as if it does not apply to them. The excuses made are endless, and often absurd, and yet almost all of them are birthed from a heart of scarcity. Does one walk the planet arguing with the law of gravity-- Thinking that it is not for them? I can guarantee one thing. Any one will fall from a rooftop whether they believe in gravity or not. The law of sowing and reaping is no different. One can not plant an apple seed and expect to harvest wheat. The relevance is simple--If you sow healing and value into others, value will be harvested in return. If you sow love into others, love will be reaped. If you plant creativity, ideas will blossom. If you spread seeds of leadership, followers will emerge. We all have heard, in fact we have all probably said such expressions as "What goes around, comes around" or "He got what he deserved." These define the law of sowing and reaping. The relevance of this is critical when viewed in terms of your business of photography. Our profession is built on a product where our service is to make someone or something look the best it possibly can. Our main job is to capture the beauty and the value of the subject in front of the lens. How, as professional photographers, can one deny the fact of this simple yet grueling creed? Our value [compensation] is directly related to how well the client feels valued!! Our success as photographers, our harvest, if you will, is determined by the seeds we plant into our clients and community. People want to feel valuable. That desires is in the heart of every man, woman and child.
The severest punishment in our judicial system, with the exception of death, is isolation. Why? Isolation is torture. When one is alone, they tend to feel unloved. Everybody needs to feel loved and valued. The human spirit thrives on this. Each one of us is longing for that love, encouragement, that healing that comes from being valued. The leadership you possess is the greatest tool you have in your photography business. This creative spirit of serving others far out weighs the quality of product you can offer. Please, do not misunderstand this point. You should always be aspiring to offer the highest quality product and service you can and charge well for it. A true leader will desire excellence in everything they do. The greatest leaders, the ones that make it, will plant, cultivate and then harvest with a passion and commitment in all aspects of the process. These leaders all have wisdom. They know when to say "Yes" and when to say "No" to opportunities as well as to clients. Whether people agree with your decision or not, they will respect you for making one and honoring it. I believe one of the greatest traits of leadership is honesty. You can guarantee success when you do what you said you will do when you said you would do it. Become the leader in your business. Be willing to do anything that you ask an employee to do. lest not forget the the true message of a leader, the significance of the calling--'To create value to serve others' , a leader is a creator! The ingredients are within to make it, however the ingredients are not for yourself, they are stored within so you can season the ones around you Being a leader is a difficult role to play. We have so many ideas and conceptions of what a leader is that it becomes overwhelming and seemingly insurmountable. I was no different than any other. I felt that my personality didn't 24
allow me the opportunity to be effective. I believed that I just wasn't cut out for that. I am the last of three brothers in my family and if you know anything on birth order, the firstborn typically is the natural born leader- the one who excels and prospers. Firstborns are mostly found as CEOs and Presidents, coaches and the like. They tend to be the ones we look up to and admire for their leadership ability. The baby of the family, like myself, usually plays the part of the class clown, searching for acceptance. He tends to be an artist, musician, actor, chef and such- expressing themselves in ways that seem intangible to "leadership." I knew deep inside what I wanted to do. Ever since I was a boy, I loved to create. I would china paint with my grandmother. I learned how to play piano and build furniture. I have learned to landscape, carve, build homes, write stories and books and capture images. The one constant through all of these activities is that I wanted to share them with other people. I would create till I physically could no longer go on and would work myself into sickness and exhaustion all to be able to share a creation with a friend or loved one. That, my friends, is not a healthy way to live. However, in all of those skills and projects I discovered what I actually was doing was wanting to bless someone with my creation. The more I poured of myself into my art, the more valuable it became. It was at that point that I realized my ability to lead was actually my ability to create. I would take on each new project with a sense of pride knowing that someone was seeking this creation. They were seeking me and I did not want to disappoint. Now, the skills took honing and practice to perfect, and each consecutive piece was better than the last. As I grow in my skills and leadership I challenge you to grow too. Become the creative leader you were called to be. Begin to create something of value. We are all created beings, created to serve others and to serve God. If God, being the ultimate leader, created
something of value in us, and ourselves being formed in His image, than it stands to reason what our purpose really is--to create. Leaders create rather than react. Begin to be a leader by looking upon your situation with a creative spirit. Take the initiative to serve and drive those around you to a place of power. Whatever the circumstance, whether good or bad, a leader is needed. That leader is you. A leader will be drawn to chaos. It is in that disorder that one will rise up and do the right thing. We were all created in that fashion. The world was void and full of darkness, and God spoke and created something of value out of the chaos. Your ability to lead is God given. It is within you waiting to be called upon to create. You can be that leader. You can be the one who brings strength to the weak. We all will encounter issues or situations that are difficult, painful and just plain ugly. Leaders are never established when things run smoothly. Think about who we consider the great leaders. Why do we consider them such? Because they all stood up and fought through adversity. The President inspiring a nation through times of war and desolation, a general raising the flag over a smoldering battlefield of victorious blood, a carpenter giving His life on a rugged cross. Three examples of valiant heroism and leadership, three examples of pain and suffering and three examples of absolute will, commitment and love. The essence of leadership is not being in charge, directing those around you or even being in a place of authority. The true measure of a leader is one who gives of themselves, a leader offers their healing and strength to the weak situation. Great leaders always arise in the times of the greatest turmoil. "Millions of men have lived to fight, build palaces and boundaries, shape destinies and societies; but the compelling force of all times has been the force of originality and creation profoundly affecting the roots of human spirit."
Ansel Adams
A leader will never arise on the sideline, they offer their power in the midst of the playing field. The true test of any heart, the true character of a man, is made known when encountered by chaos and disorder. The hardships and failures are amplifiers of the message deep within our hearts. Understand, that when the pressure is on, the values of the heart take over. The sub-conscience will emerge. That is why training yourself to have a heart of service, love and abundance is so critical. When these situations arise, will you react out of scarcity or create from abundance. I hope you are beginning to see how critical having the right mindset can be. Reflect upon the stories above, the leader, the hero was made known by they character of their heart during a time of disruption. In a divine paradox, leadership is attracted to disorder. This fact is the underlying issue that makes leadership such an admired trait and a rare one at that. Too many times the leader within is left deep inside, too afraid to emerge, believing the time is not right. I tell you the truth, the time has never been more right than now! There is never an incorrect time to offer your power and healing! Leadership truly is the greatest paradox--To effectively lead, you must first be willing to serve. I can promise you that what you sow will be harvested with a great abundance. One apple seed has the power to produce a tree that will yield thousands of seeds for years to come. Likewise, one person has the power to produce a crop that will affect future generations. This law is infallible. I hope you find the courage to believe and become what you are meant to be. A leader--A leader in your home, to your spouse, for your children, your employess and your community. A leader will always do what needs to be done, because it needs to be done, not necessarily because they want to. A leader will provide their power to a weak situation. 25
Four Steps to Success Be Fruitful Multiply Replenish Subdue Becoming the photographer you want to be is more than just theory and mindsets. All the right thinking and correct words will be useless without some work behind the belief. The foundation has been laid- An abundance mindset, leadership and the law of sowing and reaping. The one key component missing from these is the cultivation. A belief has no value if not put into practice. A leader can not lead without a plan and a seed will wither given no tending. Following the creation of Earth and man, God instructed Adam to be fruitful, multiply, replenish and subdue the Earth. This is practical instruction we shall adhere to when pursuing our purpose. First, we should be fruitful. Being fruitful is simply being able to measure our effort. It is something tangible coming from our skill and knowledge. Fruitfulness appears in the form of booking new clients, having consistent sales and becoming competitive within the market. Security and stability will be evidence of a fruitful business. Within the fruitful stage our skills are being honed and sharpened. We need to be willing to learn, perfect our skills and be proficient in the habits laid out previously on these pages. This stage is crucial. Many times we try to jump to the multiply phase and be so big so fast that we miss out on the lessons and the skills needed to be competent within our profession. The majority of the time when a business fails it 26
is due to neglecting this fruitful stage. It is in this time that we are learning what we need to know to be able to successfully grow and multiply. Knowledge is an essential key to being fruitful. Educate yourself, learn all that you can, practice and become proficient using your equipment, your lighting, your marketing and your sales techniques. As you begin to sow into your business, you begin to see the fruits of your labor. The investment of yourself is the greatest any one can offer. Be fruitful. Once the seed is planted, it can not be ignored until the buds of fruit appear in the harvest season. If it is, the fruit will often be inconsistent and of a poor quality. Once established, and well tended, new seeds are formed, ready to be planted again and growth and multiplication will soon follow. Your are the only farmer who can tend your crop. Cultivate carefully, water wisely, and fertilize frequently and the yield will be one of abundance.
Being fruitful. This concept is based on work. A farmer will never see a crop if he does not tend it. To truly experience a fruitful season, there are three key phases that exist: Knowledge, wisdom and understanding. First, knowledge is the foundation. Knowledge is quite simply, just the facts. The rules. Without this your efforts are futile and will lead to frustration which in turn leads to a feeling of inadequacy and scarcity. This knowing starts with the basics and is expanded as time elapses. Take the farmer for example. He knows that a seed must be planted and must be watered. That is the facts. You must know your exposure, your lighting, your composition, your equipment, your software, the list goes on.I believe that there are many photographers, in fact many professionals in all industries that this as far as it goes. Think of the photographers in the discount studios that have tape on the floor and strings to measure the distance between the lights. All they know is this is what I need to get an image. No matter the subject, the lights, the subject position and the exposure is always the same. Knowledge is important, but there is so much more beyond simply knowing. That my friends is the application of your knowledge. Wisdom. Wisdom is knowing how to make decisions based upon what you know. What is the best way to use my lighting, my software, my equipment. This step is crucial to have a fruitful career. It is easy to recite the law of inverse squares but if you can’t apply it to your work, you knowledge is of no value. Take the guy with the tape and strings mentioned above. If he had wisdom, he would understand that for different situations, he would need to change his setup. What if the subject is heavy, or wearing white, or has bad skin? The proper use of the facts is what begins to make you a better photographer than you were yesterday. This is a critical point in our growth- making the correct decision with the knowledge we have been given. The farmer knows to plant and water the seed however it is much more than that. When should he plant? What amount of water will he need? Does the soil have the right balance? Well, it depends on the seed, and the conditions surrounding him. Just knowing to plant and water will not guarantee results. B
Finally, come understanding. Understanding is the why? Knowing why you are doing what you are doing. This is the pinnacle of being fruitful. Taking the facts, making the correct application and knowing why you are doing so. This takes time, practice and asking others why? If someone tells you to do it a certain way, ask why? Why is the light source where it is? Why did you use that technique? In todays’ age, it is easy to use auto settings and shoot at will in effort to get a decent result. However, when you invest the time in knowing all the technical science of our craft, your harvest, results, will be that much better. The farmer must know why he does what he does if he wants to have a bountiful crop. Your clients will see the difference. You have become a value to them. Likewise, your confidence level will increase which gives you the tools to go into any situation and be in control. This will simply fuel the abundance mindset. That is the point at which you will see the fruit of your labor and begin the multiplication process. 27
Multiply: There will come a time in any organization where a plateau is reached and things seem to level off. This moment in time is when multiplication or division will most likely occur. Be careful not to confuse multiplication with being fruitful. Being fruitful is your learning and business building in which growth is obviously occurring. When we speak of the multiply principle, we are referring to the proposition of expansion and radical change within your business. When the plateau is reached you will be faced with two choices. You go along the way you always have and more than likely find yourself slowly sliding or just simply sustaining. The alternative is to re-examine your goals, purpose and plan to institute growth and change which in turn will result in an increase. A key to this season is that the fruitfulness stage must still exist. One should be very careful when approaching this stage. Usually a calculated risk will be associated with this process. I believe that if one has truly been fruitful, he will have no doubt in expanding and multiplying. This stage is not always associated with expanding to a larger studio, hiring more employees or moving into new markets. It often times is as simple as re-examining your business strategy and method. Many times it is just offering a new product or service. Whichever way you choose, choose wisely. These growing pains will be difficult but worth the effort in order to reach the place you are striving for. Perhaps the most critical point is not to multiply before you are fruitful. Prove yourself responsible with little and you will be given much. Too many business have failed due to approaching this step before the time was right.
Replenish: Although I love visiting Disneyland and soak up all I can while I am there, you can't help but come home exhausted. It is not the experience that tires me, I am tired simply because when you are there, you are in a constant state of excitement and joy and wonder. My friends, any one would wind up needing rest after a day at Disneyland. We have all experienced times where we are going and going and everything is so new and exciting that we just can not get enough! We strive and search for more, we become inspired and motivated and stop at nothing until we complete what was set out to accomplish. While the work ethic of an abundance minded individual will be strong and committed, you must understand this principle--You must take time to rest, to replenish and restore. I have mentioned before that I would work and work until I was physically exhausted. There were times where I would not sleep, barely eat, and then eventually crash and not been seen for a couple of days. The toll on my health, my
relationships and on my efficiency was severe. I agree that there are seasons when longer hours are necessary to fulfill commitments. I also know from experience that if you deny yourself this replenish step, the chance of long term success is drastically reduced. Replenish simply means to restore to the former level or condition. Imagine going to the supermarket or gas station that had not been replenished. The supply is low and with high demand, the cost goes up. Your body and business is no different. If you fail to replenish, the same holds true, the demand increases, the supply is dwindled and the physical cost increases. Take time to rest, to restore yourself, to replenish your business. The small amount of time that is required to refresh will be multiplied in your health, productivity and relationships. Following the replenish stage, the cycle continues to be fruitful, multiply and replenish until we are at a point where we can subdue.
This profession will take anything and everything you are willing to give it. Allow the life and passion you have create a life for you that you have dreamed of. Julia Woods 29
Subdue The final step...the conclusion in this business philosophy is a point at which the market is subdued. To subdue, means to have overcome, to be in a state of control. When one subdues, he is no longer a slave to whatever he was before. He will be in a place of security, authority and domination. When we hear subdue, I am not speaking in terms of the entire field of photography is under your control. I am speaking in terms of you are in control of your studio and business and life. It is easy to think that we are in control at all times, but I ask you, do you work when you want for who you want or are you working to fulfill a commitment--to meet a lifestyle you established? There is a difference. Yes, we are fortunate to live in a country that we are free to choose. We are not slaves in the normal sense of the word as people who are not free. However, we find ourselves being slaves to debt, our clients, our work, our lifestyle, our wealth, etc. My friends that is not a place of control. When God spoke this over Adam in the garden, He told Adam to be fruitful, multiply, replenish and then subdue. This is a natural order to this process. I find so many, like myself, confused this order and wanted to subdue before I was fruitful. That mistake has been costly. Fortunately, we are in a land of second chances and are under the grace of a merciful God. For the first five years of my business, I was a slave to debt. Every penny that I earned was going to support a lifestyle that I jumped to instead of worked towards. As the debt is decreasing, I now have much more freedom in the choices I make concerning my business and life. It never ceases to amaze me what can be accomplished when one will operate within this freedom. While I have not fully reached the subdue level--that is many years down the road, I do believe that the order is divine and when followed under an abundance mindset, achieving that goal is most definitely within reach for you. 30
I truly want what is best for this wonderful profession of photography. My wish is that all of us can achieve the heights of success and control in the industry. Be aware that the road is full of obstacles, hardships and failures. Only the one with the will and commitment can pass through. It is your responsibility to see to that. 'Responsibility' has been defined as your ability to respond. How will you respond when the rain clouds approach? How will you choose to survive? Will you react to an obstacle or create a way around it? Will you look upon this adventure from a place of scarcity or abundance? You have a choice! You always have a choice, a choice to react or create, a choice in your ability to respond. The responsibility is yours, I truly desire that you find yourself fruitful, multiplying and arriving at a place of control.
Farming practical steps of action Five steps to Success The Purpose The Offering The Audience The Method The Water
All the theory is useless without a practical application to back it up. To become the best we can be we need to determine just exactly who we want to become. There are five major points of interest that need to be established before setting out on our journey. Take time to discuss these points with your partner or spouse. To fully achieve success there shall be agreement. 1. What is your purpose? Why do you want to be a photographer? What do you want to accomplish? This is the umbrella that all aspects of your business and life will fall under. All other aspects should support this purpose. 2. What will you offer? The products and service we provide should be invaluable to our client. What product can you offer that is unique to you? What product will help promote your purpose? 3. Who will you offer your service to? This is a critical question. By first determining who you want as a client, you can better assess our products and services. More than likely your audience will be one that is interested in your purpose. You will attract people who have the same values as you do. 4. How is your studio different than the others? The method in which you perform is your competitive advantage. What can you do to create a "Wow" experience for your client? What can you do to create loyalty among your clients? 5. All crops need water. All projects need a superintendent. You can not just simply establish the previous four steps and sit back and do nothing. The water is the most critical ingredient for all of life. Without it, there is death. Water often and with good water. You will need to revisit this often. This is not a one time event. As seasons change so do the ways in which one will tend his crop. Record this in your journal or in the back of this book. If it is not written down it will be easily forgotten. Familiarity will breed contempt. Take hold of your new found abundance and create an environment of transformation and success. The field is there--It is waiting for a seed to be planted. 31
The Purpose What is your Vision, Mission Statement? Your purpose is why you are working. You must know who you are and what your desire is to define this motivation. The purpose is the driving force behind your business. It serves as the standard that every thing else shall be measured against. Examine the purpose in which you work. You will have to decide this for yourself, I am not telling you what your purpose should be but rather to inform you that one must be established. Once a vision is formed, one may begin to determine an offering, audience and method in which to manifest the mantra. Remember, this is why you are doing what you are doing. Things to consider: 1. What do you want to achieve? 2. What are you desires and passions? 3. What are your expectations? 4. The purpose must be consistent throughout your organization. Make sure employees embrace your vision. Any kind of division in this area will destroy your business!! This purpose is the core of your business. Search your heart. You can not move on from this point until a purpose has been established. Once you understand and have a vision set, you will find a peace and ease in establishing the other aspects of your studio. Do not be confused. The purpose is not one thing. It is a broad brush that will define your company. The point is this foundation that everything else is to be built upon.
empower photographers to reach their full potential, the goal is to provide clarity and enjoyment while liberating the reader to defy their circumstances and unleash their unique power and potential to create an environment of transformation
Purpose. A single word with such a profound definition. It took us several years to finally determine what our purpose should be. We knew we wanted to have a niche. something that was unique. We knew we wanted to do a certain style of photography and tried to make that the purpose. Finally, it hit us. What we wanted our clients to feel when they used us. We wanted them to feel valued. We wanted them to feel like the product was worth the price. We wanted them to have love displayed in the portrait they purchase. Within this growing process we established our purpose: “Create something of value to serve others.” That’ it. Those seven words are the brush that we began to paint everything we do. Notice it is a very broad statement but with direct parameters. Create. Value. Service. That statement we feel fits our goals and what we want our studio to be. Our products, service, price, all of it is geared to serve our client and present them with something that is of value to them. We will discuss that on the coming pages. When we want to branch out, try something new or different, we have to decide if that will support our purpose or deviate from it. One thing we have also done is implemented some tag lines or mottos that enforce the purpose but are unique in their own right. For example, for our family and portrait clients “We capture your love and connection and preserve that for generations” and our weddings are based upon “Faith, Family and Friends”. No different for my commercial shoots. My job is to make a product appear valuable to a particular audience. When I can achieve that, the client thinks I am valuable to them. The key is doing for others first, then they will do for you. We do not pursue this in a manipulative way, it is simply being passionate about what we do and working hard to meet our clients’ needs before our own. So now what? Once these have been established, we work under the guidelines that our purpose sets up. Our wedding service and imagery is designed and styled to show the faith, family and relationships that the couple has. Likewise, a family session is geared to showing connection between the members. The products we will over our clients now must support that connection and have value to them. The value comes into play in the way we treat our clients. I have said it before and will again, but once your client feels valued, you have become valuable to them. Now, let us expand on this. 33
The Offering: Once a purpose is established, one needs to investigate what they will offer to the client and the community. An offering is your unique product and service. Within the offering is the opportunity to fulfill your purpose that has been set forth. What product can you create that is different? What service can you offer that is special? It is important to consider how these products and services line up with your purpose. In the introduction, I mentioned that the purpose laid out for my studio is "create something of value to serve others". For my business, we developed a signature product line that focuses on what our clients are seeking. Within the purpose is a tag line of "Faith, Family, Friends." Three words that within themselves portray value and when coupled with a portrait they create exceptional value. The essence of the offering is in the relationship with the client. The client is considered family, they feel like family, they feel valued. Once a client feels that they are of value to you, your product, whatever the price, is valuable to them. Remember, the leader is one who creates, and when paired with an abundance mindset, client value is easily manifest within your business. Open any phone book, do any web search, ask your friends for a photographer and you will find no shortage of professionals, not to mention those who are not professionals, that desire to photograph a client. There is no distinction in what you do. More than likely, you have attended a workshop or a school full of other photographers, each one seeking the same thing. I shoot football games for Texas Tech University. Any given week there are at least 50 photographers on the sideline all competing for the same job. As a spectator in the stands, you can look upon the field and see a sea of photographers. At that point there is no distinction within the group. All of us have cameras, lenses, credentials and are all focused on the same game at the same time. When the final whistle blows, thousands of images will 34
have been taken and all the client needs is one. So, where is the difference in what we do? There is none. The difference is how it is done. That is the competitive advantage. How you do what you do. This fact is an important aspect of developing the offering. The way to become what you want to be does not solely rely upon what you do, but more upon how and why you do. Why you do what you do is the 'WOW!' experience that creates the value within your offering. This Wow experience reflects within all aspects of your business. This is the determining factor to differentiate you from the competition. The offering is not your product, but your entire presentation. It includes your marketing pieces, client information and packaging. All elements come together to create a product that is valuable. If your passions is birthed from an abundance mindset, the wow experience is already there. That leadership ability will be evident in the fruit of how you speak, interact, present, market and sell to your client. Likewise, if one operates from a scarce heart, a small shriveled fruit will be evident. I hope you are beginning to see how all of the principles are a chain linked together, if one link fails, the whole system is compromised.
You must ask yourself, will my offerings support or contradict my purpose. We have discussed some general ideas and techniques, however I wish to get more detailed. One thing we have tried very to hard to do is set our studio up in the community as one that is unique, professional and quality. Along those same lines we want the public to know that we are not the cheapest on the block, but we are the best choice because you will be given a valuable product. Remember, that value is not dollars and cents. Value is giving the client more than they expect. When it comes down to it, only 10% of consumers put price as their only factor when choosing an product or service. If this principle were false, than Starbucks would not be in business. There are several places that sell coffee. McDonalds and other fast food chains now offer this product. So why is Starbucks leading the way. They understand that the coffee is a small part of the equation. Yes, it begins with a quality product but goes way beyond that. When you enter a Starbucks, what do you notice. It is clean. The furnishings are nice. The lighting and music set an atmosphere of a fine hotel or restaurant. The staff is courteous. The product is unique and tailored to your taste, your desires, your needs. They call you by name, not a number. The list continues. You understand when you enter that you will pay more here, however, you also understand that the product will be superior and worth the money before you even order. Every aspect comes together to create that feeling within the client. Your decision is based upon emotion, not logic. Our business model as photographers should be no different. When you consider the product we offer, it is completely purchased upon emotion not logic. As photographers, business people and artist we offer more than a finished product. We should desire to offer an experience and in turn build a relationship that goes beyond the camera. I am reminded of the stories most of us have only seen
on reruns of old TV classics. The men hanging out at the barbershop, not for a haircut, but for the latest tales from their friends, or the grandfather taking his grandson to the local hardware store his father took him to when it was time for the boy’s first project. The diner where the waitress knows your name. Whatever the case may be, all of these are not based upon the product being offered. The backbone, the essence of this, is the relationship and the connection they had with other individuals. Today, the concept is easily lost in the world of ProCuts, Home Depot and drive thru restaurants. Even our industry has embraced this “run them in” campaign. Studio franchises are everywhere offering 5 minute sessions and prints in 15 minutes. Are these things wrong? The answer is no. However, somewhere along the way, the idea of stopping to actually discover the client and put them first had moved aside to the automated telephone systems and the self checkout lanes. I am willing to guess that a large majority, if not all the readers of this text are nodding there head in agreement with the frustration of this. There is a parallel here that can’t go by without mention. I for one have noticed that the ‘Self help’ section at the bookstore has gotten larger ever since the ‘Self serve’ signs have gained in numbers. We can not forget to be human to each other. That is the reason for existence on this planet. I for one, still support local business, even if I pay more. Eat at the same diner every week and actually enjoy it when the shopkeeper knows my name. This is the concept I hope more of us can embrace. It is unfortunate when we become so busy that the human interaction of our lives is the least important. Today, let us all decide as individuals, as an industry to take the time to not only offer superior products, but be a friend, and taking from a quote we all know. “Ask not what people can do for me, but rather what can I do for others” 35
The Audience Who is your audience? Who are you attracting to you? Once again, the audience facet will line up with your purpose and your offering. The audience is simply the type of client you want to have. This qualification goes beyond just simply the wealth of the client. A common misconception is that if I grab the wealthy clients, I have it made. There is a little truth in that. Granted a wealthy client may be able to spend more, but a poor client will spend just as much or more if the offering is valuable to them. Determine who your audience will be, or should be. This will require introspection. Throughout this whole process, the recurring theme is operating from your heart. What is important to your heart? People are drawn to others who have a similar value system. This is why Rotarians will do business with other Rotarians, and Christians support Christians and so on. Your audience should consist of you--meaning people like you who share your heart. Be careful of the trap presented from scarcity. Too many will discount themselves by saying "I wouldn't buy this, so why would any one else?" That statement is a dangerous place that will keep you from fully achieving what you set out to accomplish. When you as a photographer can operate from the abundance of your heart, that passion will show in your work. That passion and value is what makes you attractive to your audience. Your work will attract the audience. Your relationship will drive the sales and retain them for life. In turn they will become your biggest advocate.
When trying to target your audience, keep in mind some pertinent data: Where do you clients shop? What kind of clothes do the wear? What kind of car do they drive? Do they collect art, antiques? What are their hobbies? These questions may seem vain, and irrelevant, but remember, they will typically purchase from places that they feel comfortable and valuable. The biggest mistake a studio can make is to fall into a place where they are everything to everyone. Your audience will be directly related to your purpose and your offering. There is a need in the marketplace for all types of photographers at every type of market level. Your success will suffer if you spend your resources trying to reach an audience that doesn't fit with your style. I fought the same issues so many studios struggle with, most of all how to determine my price point for my offerings. Whenever I encounter a situation that makes me question my business, I try to relate it to another profession that my audience also buys from. When my wife and I were shopping for a new vehicle, so instantly I began to do what any wise consumer would do and that was research. I began to watch the commercials I would have otherwise skipped with a press of my finger. I noticed that each model and manufacture target a specific audience. The mini van ads featured families at soccer practice and drive-thrus. They are all together in a suburb lined with trees and children playing outside. All of these commercials are in a daytime setting with bright bold happy colors. Contrast that to the sports car, it is night, there are no kids, no trees, but rather clubs and night life as the car owns the road on a Friday night. We have all see this before, and maybe you noticed maybe you
didn't. However, when you are in the market, all of this becomes perfectly clear and it hit me. The company selling the mini van does not worry themselves with the sports car and vice versa. I truly doubt that Porsche worries about what Ford is doing. Yet so often, I talk to photographers who are concentrating their energies on what another studio is doing that has no relevance in their market level. Remember, comparisons will rob you of your joy. Focus your efforts on your audience, select your offering based upon your purpose and the audience. Within this collaboration you will find success.
The Method: The point has come to where we must put legs under our dreams. The practice and effective aspect of becoming the photographer you want to be is contained within the method. The method is the way you will present yourself and your business to the community. This encompasses almost every aspect of your business and ignoring this step would result in a catastrophic outcome. To begin this process, I want you to take an objective and honest look at your photography business as an outsider coming in for the first time. What impression is made, what perception is there? In my mind's eye, the method is marketing. Now, not just marketing in the sense that most people tend to think of advertising, promotions and blogs. All of those aspects are important, but what marketing truly is encompasses much more:
Marketing is the management of perception! That's it. What perception does the public have about your business, yourself and your products? Be careful not to confuse this with the reality of your business. Remember, perception is greater than reality! Be honest with yourself. Ask existing clients. Ask friends. You need to understand what the perception is. Ask potential clients so you can prepare your method to either re-enforce that perception or institute a shift in the publics mind. As you begin, reflect upon the purpose you have established. The method you possess will need to re-enforce your purpose. There is a distinctive order in this process. When handled in a correct procedure, you can expect maximum results. I urge you not to establish a purpose to fit your method but rather operate the method to align with your purpose. Be certain that your method is also supporting your offering and audience.
This method, this way of doing things includes but is not limited to the way we dress, the colors we use, the music we play, our studio atmosphere, how we answer the phone, respond to emails, our pricing, our promotions, our service, the way we talk and interact and so on. What impression do you send when people look upon you? Ask yourself, is my method coming from a scarcity or abundance mentality? You can convince yourself till you are blue in the face but your mindset, your heart, will be seen by others. It will be evident in your speech, your studio atmosphere, your posture, your clothing choice, your music, etc. Becoming who you want to be is not a simple flick of a switch. It is a complex puzzle that requires every piece to fully see the image of who you will become. In the previous section, we searched to define who our audience will be and established that the how and why of what you do is the distinction and competitive advantage in the marketplace. How and why are portrayed through the method. Whenever I reflect upon this subject, I can't help thinking of Walt Disney. Walt Disney is a prime example of how this approach to our photography can and will work. He operated from a mind and heart of abundance. His purpose was clear, his offering was unique, his audience was defined and his method is still unmatched to this day. "To all who come to this happy place; welcome. Disneyland is your land. . .Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams and the hard facts that have created America. . .with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to the world." Walt Disney, Disneyland opening ceremony
Walt Disney's approach to everything he did was excellence! We as photographers and business people we should adopt the philosophy of excellence in everything. Keep in mind that excellence is not having the best of everything; it is doing the best with what you have. His goal for his guest was for them to leave happier than when they arrived. His purpose was to provide joy and happiness to families; he desired to create something of value! I firmly think that the method that pushed his dream and purpose is the most inspiring. If any of you have not been to a Disney Park, than this may be hard to grasp, but if you have, you understand what I speak of. The service, the detail, the atmosphere, the costumes, the cleanliness it goes on and on. One can not walk into Disneyland and just look around and not just say wow! When you are there, you truly feel magical and valued!! Walt Disney understood the practice of making people feel valued and in turn his product is valuable. The Wow!! That experience is what each of us should aspire to in our own business. Our clients should leave our studio smiling--the experience having exceeding their expectations They should leave feeling valued and anticipating the time they will return. I have yet to leave Disneyland without pre-planning another trip. Disneyland is a biannual trip for my family. The value created there is just awesome. I find so much inspiration at that place. I, like Walt Disney, have a dream, a purpose, an image of what I want my business to be. I hope that your dream is coming alive within you. You can achieve all that you set forth to accomplish and you can make all of your dreams come true! Begin to manage the perception of your studio and yourself as an owner and photographer. Just as Disney is an inspiration to me, find one for yourself. Begin to observe these aspects in other businesses in your community. Do
you sense a difference in the kid who takes your order at the drive thru compared to waiter at your favorite restaurant? Do you sense more value at Lexus dealer than you do at the used car lot? When you truly begin to see the way other people act, talk and present themselves, ask yourself, is that the way I do it? This exercise is truly eye opening. I have discovered that some of the things that frustrate me about other businesses are the exact things I do in my business. That for me was a motivating factor to change my method. This is a building process; it can not happen overnight. The encouraging thing is that with each step we take, a new opportunity is there, a chance for fruitfulness and multiplication. I hope you will begin to start the journey, saddle up your horse for this is truly a great adventure!
This motto is what Walt Disney Imagineers use for every project. Excellence in all things.
The water One of the most important, if not the most crucial stage of a successful harvest is the water. The seed has potential to blossom, but without careful cultivating and wise watering the seed will wither and be consumed by the ravens. When effective watering is applied, the potential of the seed is released and a sprout begins to appear--the first sight of a new era of change and growth. In efforts to maintain the life of the seedling, it is nourished, and cared for, protected against the elements that stand to destroy. The farmer understands the return of a mature seed, all of his efforts are directed to ensuring that the seed is soon a tree that bears much fruit, a guarantee of an abundant harvest. The water stage is the practical application of caring for your business, the nuturing. This aspect is not seasonal, but constant. If the water supply is shut off, than a drought and fire is likely. Currently, there is uncertainity within the 40
economy. Storm clouds loom around and it seems that people are battening down the hatches just hoping to survive the storm. I tell you the truth, that is a action brought from scarcity. True, the storm clouds are there, however, I choose to open the window, go outside and shout "bring on the rain!" Imagine a world with no rain. The rain is what the Earth needs to survive. The water is the essential ingredient in all growth. A world with no rain will enter a drought. I assure you that these are just seasons that occur naturally, just as there is a time for sowing and a time for reaping, the winter has its puropse as well. It is in the winter, within the coldness of the night, that the roots are are growing, storing up and preparing for the time to burst open with new growth, new fruit and a multiplication of creation. I have stated before and I will again, that in a time of choas is when the true leaders, the creators, will arise. Take this time to grow your roots.
Practical steps to water your business Read: The Bible, find business books, magazines, how-to articles and web sites. Refer to this guide frequently. Reading is the gateway to the mind.
Gratitude: Develop a heart of gratitude. This is essential
and ideas that come to you. Journal your week, reflect upon what you experienced. Write down you goals (see following pages) brainstorm ideas. Even if you do not implement them, the process will lead to greater creativity. Can't write? Use a voice recorder.
to creating value with your customers and within the community. Gratitude promotes appreciation--an increase in value. Gratitude goes beyond thanking your clients for their business; it is a whole mindset of being thankful for everything. We are so blessed!! Express your abundance mindset with gratitude. I think Arthur Ashe , the tennis legend said it best: " If I were to say, "God, why me?" about the bad things, then I should have said, "God, why me?" about the good things that happened in my life."
Listen: Find a mentor, someone who you admire and look
Action Plan: Develop an action plan. A statement of
Write: Keep a note pad with you. Write down thoughts
up too. Choose an individual who can relate to your situation. Be very careful when selecting this person, they need to be someone you can trust completely. I have seen too many people get hurt because they confided in the wrong person. It is also wise to choose a mentor of the same sex. You do not want to put yourself in a compromising situation.
Give: You reap what you sow. Generosity is one of the
best things for your business. Donate services for charity auctions, sponsor events and volunteer! Remember that you will attract what you are. When you give you will attract people who also give. This is has been the best marketing for my studio! I firmly believe that what you give will be given back unto you running over. The law of reaping what you sow works in all aspects of life. Prepare your heart to give before you receive. Your greatness comes when you offer of yourself. The leader will offer their strength to a weak situation. Create that trait within you!
intentions rather than commitments. This plan should be able to be revisited and revised when each success creates a new opportunity. Have a system in place that you can check your results with your expectations. Draft the plan based upon what needs to be done, not just what you want to do. An effective plan will consist of actions from all aspects of your business. Ask yourself how does the plan fit within my purpose, improve my offering, reach my audience and make the method effective.
Own It: Every decision, whether good or bad needs to
have an owner. Be willing to own or take responsibility for the results, positive or negative. Owning the plan will further your commitment and resolve in seeing it through. When one is invested, one will pursue a positive result. Some of the greatest achievements were discovered by accepting an unexpected response.
Confidence Confidence-Operating from an abundance Mindset
'con' -- with 'fid'-- faith 'ence'-- state of The state of being with faith Confidence is the evidence of an abundance mindset. Confidence is simply "the state of being with faith." An abundance minded individual will have faith of ensuing success. They will believe that they can and will prosper. They know that a great reward follows confidence. That is confidence at its highest level. However, with all things there is a work that comes along with confidence. I do not endorse the idea of sitting around and not working and believing good things will come to you. You must put forth an effort. Confidence grows as your skills improve--as your become fruitful. Take the farmer as an illustration. I love using a farming parallel to make a point because the farmer is dependent upon himself and nature to have a successful harvest. It is not a one man show but rather a codependent relationship. A farmer can have confidence in a good crop. He may say he has ‘faith’ that the harvest will be abundant. I ask you this. Which farmer has more faith, more confidence? The one who plants the seed and does nothing or the one who plants the seed, tills the ground and nurtures his crop? The latter of course. Your confidence lies in the promise you have. Once you begin to gain knowledge, wisdom and understanding you can approach any situation with confidence that the result will be excellent. This confidence will and can be seen by your clients and they will honor you for it, either directly or indirectly. If you do not place a high value on yourself, do not expect anyone else to raise the price. Stand tall, speak proud, believe A great reward will follow confidence.
You can not fulfill your assignment without confidence.
This confidence may appear as arrogance to a scarcity minded person only because they do not understand or have the faith needed to prosper. Remember an abundance minded person is working towards something good and believing it will occur. You can simply not sit back and wait. Confidence is an action verb. It will require effort. Remember, you will reap what you sow. That natural law is a foundation we must always acknowledge. To completely fulfill the mission laid out before us, we must carry a certain level of confidence with us. You can not and will not fulfill your assignment without this crucial ingredient. Confidence entails more than just believing in yourself. Confidence is the first product you sell when you encounter others. This is an important part of the method. Your total body alignment shall come together with this mindset to produce a person of stature and strength and sell-ability. Your body alignment is coupled together with your tone in which you speak and the posture in which you hold yourself. This complete package will help drive your focus, and whatever we focus on becomes magnified. This is why our mindset is so
critical. It is our focus. We all have a choice to manage this focus out of abundance or scarcity and whichever way we choose our focus and confidence level will respond accordingly. I want to encourage you to dream big. Dream so big that your heart come alive with a passion and a desire you can not contain. You can not let any take this from you. Each of you have a purpose. A purpose that is great, worthy and excellent. You have to believe in yourself and the promise of who you are. The promise of you are meant to be. Along the way, you will encounter people who will tell you you can’t, you are crazy, you are foolish. It may hurt and be discouraging, however, in a mind of abundance you begin to realize what the truth is. The truth is you were designed for abundance and prosperity. It is easy to always associate this with wealth and money and sometimes that is the case. However, don not forget what has got us here. Gratitude, humility, service. Knowing these truth are basis of confidence. Be yourself, be encouraging and face each situation you face with abundance. Scarcity has no place anymore. I believe in you and hope you make your dreams come alive.
There is no limit to your dreams. Dream so big your heart comes alive!
Within the journey of becoming the photographer you want to be, many decisions must be made, many of thoughts must be processed and many a question need to be answered. To firmly put a destination with the journey, one must first establish who the person you want to be will look like. Discovering this target starts with setting goals, both personal and professional. The goal, or aim, is a tangible place you want to reach. Keep in mind the difference between your goals and your purpose. Remember, the purpose is a broader brush that covers all aspects of your business, the goal falls under this stroke and will need to be aligned with your purpose. You must ask yourself, will this goal support or contradict my purpose? The key to goal setting is not thinking, wishing or even planning these events. The key to seeing fruition within these goals is writing them down. When you write something down, it is made concrete. It is real. If an idea only lives in your mind it will likely die there. Do not be afraid to set goals that will stretch you and allow for growth. That is the primary purpose. The inherit quality within the goal is instituting fruitfulness. On the opposite page is a place for you to write down your own goals. Give this thought, discuss with your partner, spouse and friends. When your goals are made know to those around us, accountability is established. This accountability will push you to reach the destination that you have set out in front of you. This is an exercise that I avoided doing for a long time because I was afraid of failure. That fear was born from a scarcity mindset. Once I adopted the abundance mindset, the fear of failure was no longer relevant. It had been replaced with the opportunity for growth and success. I was able to learn that through those failures and my leadership ability was strengthen as I learned to be creative throughout the process. I encourage each of your to embrace this philosophy and begin planning for your success, begin striving for excellence and begin to become the photographer you want to be. 44
Establish S.M.A.R.T Goals Specific- What, Why and How? Be careful not to generalize your goal. Be specific in what you want to achieve. The more detailed you can be, the better you will be in reaching the end. Measurable- Expectation v. Results Have a system in place to measure your results against your expectations. This will help you in evaluating the effectiveness of your plan and the success of your labor. Attainable- Realistic that will require growth Be careful of setting goals that are not attainable. If you want to make a million dollars but currently make fifty thousand, that goal probably won't happen soon. You are better off to set a goal that you can reach in order to continue to build the abundance mindset within you. Risky- Greatness follows the challenge. Although we need to be aware of setting goals that are out of reach, we need to be aware that a goal that challenges us will reinforce our ability and build confidence within. Following the previous example, maybe making $100,000 is attainable and risky. You will have to decide. However the reward is best when worked for! Time Activated- When will I reach it. Set a time limit to your goal. This date can be adjusted as you begin to make progress, but a date must be established to truly benefit from the process. Without a deadline, we are less likely to see the task through to completion.
My Smart Goals For Today: For the week: For the month:
For the year:
For three years:
For five years:
You are well on your way to becoming the photographer you want to be. It is a journey with lots of adventure along the way. I want to encourage you to stay the course and persevere. This book is not intended as a once and done lesson. I believe you will need to revisit these pages to be encouraged, inspired and stay confident along the way. This was a tough journey for myself and I am not finished yet. God continually is teaching me new and exciting things as He molds me into the man I am to be. Sometimes it feels like a canyon is between me and the destination. A canyon that can’t be crossed, yet with every step I am learning how to better climb and avoid the big cliffs. Once inside, I realize the canyon acts as a guide for direction on how to emerge on the other side. It is not until you are among the walls that you can see the path. This process reminds me of going to a ballgame. You start out just hearing about the game and all that happens within the gates. Then you may get close enough to hear the 46
crowd, or maybe attend one yourself but you sit so far away the action seems removed. As you move closer to the field and attend more games, the rules and plays and the players become familiar. Your excitement for each game is elevated and you begin to have a connection with the team. Before you know it, the game engulfs you, you are now a part of the event. The process in your life and career is similar to the game. Over time, you learn more, become excited, and eventually are part of the action, pulling for victory with every play. I hope you begin to leave scarcity behind and embrace the life you are meant to have. One of abundance, faith and confidence that you can do what you want to do. Do not let anything or anyone stand in your way of becoming the Photographer you want to be. It is your turn to knock it out of the park. May God bless you in all your ways. Cris j Duncan
If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price. Author Unknown
Whether you think you can or think you can't - you are right. Henry Ford
Dress For Success. The way we dress speaks volumes about our ourselves and our business. This is a key ingredient within the method. From left to right: Wedding and corporate events; Outdoor weddings and business lunches; Day to day studio attire. I always wear a collar and long pants. I will try to dress according to the type of client I am meeting that day. I adopted a dress code similar to Country Clubs. That is the type of client I have. It is what they expect.
Studio Atsmosphere. As mentioned the studio will need to support your purpose. The purpose we have is tagged with "Family, Faith, Friends." This image is in our gallery of a family relating to each other. Above the portrait is stenciling that states: "The family is one of God's masterpieces" We feel that supports our purpose, offering and method. 48
This is from our dressing room. We have all of the products one would need to be prepared for their portrait session. In addition to this quote you see is another: "Yes, you are the fairest of them all" One final affirmation before the client gets their portrait taken. This falls in line with our purpose.
Resource Ideas
Some of our signature offerings that once again support our purpose to 'Create something of value to serve others'. Upper Right: A Family Faith Piece, these portraits begin at 20x24 and feature a relational type setting accompanied by a scripture or life verse important to the family. These portraits are part of our Textured Luxury portrait line. Imagine the lasting value this has for a family. To them it is priceless! Bottom Right: Black label, a lifestyle portait setting that tells the story of the family through images. The experience is set-up similiar to a commercial editorial shoot. Bottom Left: While not a Faith piece per say, this custom designed art piece holds lasting value. The father in this portrait owns a crane company and has a famous print in his office of workers eating lunch on a beam over looking New York city in the 1930s. This portrait was created in that same manner with his family. Value is created when we can offer exactly what the client is wanting.
My Passion This business of photography is one that is constantly demanding something from us. While I truly have a passion for this art, there are times that I feel strained. It is important to return to the passion that was birthed in your heart. Take time to shoot for yourself. There is no pressure to perform, but just to rekindle the passion you have for your craft. You will find freedom in this exercise and a new found creativity and re-ignited love for photography as a result. I have found that when I embark on such a journey, away from the pressure of business and apart from the busyness of life my finest images are created. If you have read this entire book and are just now to this point, than you must now my intentions for our business as well as our lives. We have a God given gift to create value and serve others. This is an imitation of the love that was shown to us by Christ as he gave His life on death's brutal cross. Recently, I felt called to use my talents and gifts of photography to honor this sacrifice. On the following pages you will see some of the images that made up the book "The Carpenter's Masterpiece." I created an album from a series of 16 images that depict Christ during his crucifixion and ultimate resurrection. This collaboration was awarded a perfect score of 100 and won the Album of the Year award for the Texas Professional Photographer Association. While I have not included all of the images, I hope you will be inspired to create what you are called to do and I pray that you are moved in seeing what a gift was given for you. May God bless each and every one of you, Cris j Duncan
Final Thoughts I truly hope you have found yourself inspired, encouraged and motivated to not only become the photographer you want to be but the person you are meant to be as well. This book has been a labor of love for me and is very close to my heart. I have lived on both sides of the fence. I have experienced the defeat and failures within scarcity and have experienced the joy within abundance. After experiencing both, I can honestly tell you there is only one way to live. You will be amazed how much a change in your attitude and outlook will change your life, your business, your marriage, you family, your confidence, the list goes on and on. To be blunt, there is no other way. I encourage you to choose abundance, to choose blessing and to choose joy. It breaks my heart to see talent, passion and a commitment die because of the wrong mindset. I am saddened by the fact that so many quit on the one yard line, not willing to push and fight for the touchdown. In closing, I can’t help but think of when we were children. Our ignorance was bliss. I can remember wanting to be an astronaut, the President, a superstar. There was no limit to our imagination and our dreams for life. However, somewhere along the line our dreams of grandeur shrink without notice and we find ourselves old wondering what happened to our life. Each and everyone of us has experienced that at sometime. That is a natural response. Yet, we all know now that ignorance is not bliss and naivety is dangerous. It is with knowledge that the real power and strength lie. I hope you find your strength in the knowledge of discovering you you are called to be. Be advised the process is a journey and along the way you will discover things that will challenge and stretch you, but a great reward will follow. My sincere hope is that you will put scarcity aside and begin to walk in abundance. As one that has had that
transformation and witnessed it first hand, I can truly say that your life will not be the same. I acknowledge that change is hard and some habits are difficult to kill. It will be a daily choice. The choice will be hard, yet it is in the within the battle that true leaders emerge. There are so many resources for you. This book is just another tool. The concepts are nothing new, it is just in a different package. Find mentors, join groups, do research, attend workshops, read books, read blogs, in a word--be fruitful. The choice is yours. You can and will be great. Start today to choose abundance. Start today and kill scarcity. Start today with confidence. Today, your new life begins and you become the photographer you want to be. Today, you are who you are meant to be. May God Bless each of you.