Chaminade Julienne High School Yearbook 1986

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'tl ~ Impressions

Contents Opening Clubs Seniors Social Sports Faculty Underclass Sponsors

Chaminade' -

Julienne -

505 S. Ludlow




16 28 52

66 104 120 146

Dayton, Ohio


Down Dixie Drive Eaglebration was the theme of the '85 Homecoming Parade. Starting at dusk, the spirited clowns to senior skateboarders paraded down Dixie Dr. to Northridge H.S. where Eaglebration saw the Eagles dump Dunbar 19-0. The winners of the banner and float contests were the freshmen and seniors, respectively. The sophomore's football goal post and the junior's "Time to Celebrate" clock were also highlights of the parade. Following the Drill team, band, and other entries, were the Homecoming Court and Student Council in corvettes' furnished by the Corvette Club of Dayton.


~ Swinging


From A Locker The hallways of C-J saw new friends, new attitudes, and new fads in '85. Sunglasses were needed, but not because of the sun . Neon had arrived! Laid back Eagles topped their oversized shirts (or Daddy's pajama tops} ¡ and baggy pants with heads that had short geometric designed hair, bobbed hair, or no hair at all! Girls wore their Forenza sportswear with a contrasting Swatch to tell time, and guys . wore Umbra shirts and shorts. Paisleys and old broaches were picked up shopping in Thrift stores . •

Opening /5

~ Lunching

6 / 0pening

Munching In 25! Only one piece of pizza in your mouth at a time. Stack those trays ~ can't you read? Stay out of the hallways! It's lunch time at C-J. With ARA now providing the food 路 service, Eagles enjoyed special menus, contests for free lunches, and costumed food servers. Whether they dressed as a football player, a flapper, a bumble bee or as a prisoner, the ladies and the student workers gave a new ambiance to the cafe'. Lunch became a time to exchang~ gossip or notes, cram for a test, or make a date. And remember, freshman, don't sit at the seniors: tables.



8 / 0pening

"He Ain't Heavy" Why do you go to C-J? What makes it so unique? Perhaps the answer is one word: caring . C-J is a community of students, teachers, parents, and friends working together to help each of us become the best person we can be. Seniors become Big Brothers and Big Sisters in the Adopt a Freshmen Program, students show their concern for each other in the SADD Program JCOWA helps them understand people from diverse backgrounds. FCA and Life strengthen friendship bonds through activities. Students seek help for problems in the Om buds Program. Liturgical celebrations give us the opportunity to share with the one who is at the center of our C-J community - God. With a smile to show we understand, or with a shoulder to cry on, Eagles reach out to carry their brothers.


flO% 50%

50% 50%+

~ Passing

10 / 0pening

Magic Numbers For some it was that magic ' number 93 % , For others it was the "Thanks, God" 70 %. But, for all it was the time honored routine of praying, passing, and pleasing (parents and • themselves). With the new ¡ academic policies (minimum of 6 courses and stricter graduation requirements) and a new 'daily schedule (periods instead of mods), many students ' dreamed of a "miraculous acceptance" from an accredited college.

Opening / 11

~ Breaking






Out: The Baby Eagles When will they ever learn? Oh! the cry of upperclassmen and teachers. The "they" could only refer to those Baby Eagles, the freshmen and sophomores. It was October, and some frosh were still lost. It was November, and some sophomores still could not believe they were not still freshmen. It was December, and all wondered if they would always be underclassmen. Yet, they knew CJ is a community and that they were part of it; learning the ropes, winning the Spirit stick, cheering at games, and dancing in the gym. "Just wait", they all mumbled. "Just wait. Someday we're going to learn to fly."


Opening / 13

~ Soaring

14 / 0pening

Into The Future After two years of struggling to fly, the junior and senior Eagles finally spread their wings and flew. Now they were the ones helping the lost, instead of being the lost. They were the ones wondering where the time went, not the ones wondering if it would ever come. PSAT, SAT, and ACT tests perfected their ability to fill in circles. Government class term papers and college application forms kept them up all night. It was dating, driving, dining, and dancing. Senior pictures, Grad night, Senior Nights in sports, all sent the Eagles flying. Juniors were eager to be seniors, and seniors were eager to be freshmen. The cycle ~ad come around; next year they would be back to breaking out - in college. -'





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. I


Student Council, a very active part of the C-J community, sponsored dances, Senior-Freshman day, and the annual blood drive activities, which encouraged intereaction between classes. Officers were President Tony Bouquot, Vice-President Amy Dudon, Secretary Laura Leo, and Treasurer Jay Hein. Bro. Buenger and Mr. Brooks supervised.

Junior Council on World Affairs, also known as JCOWA, began the year with 20 more members than the previous year . The group, supervised by Mrs. Barbara Hinkle, participated in a model United Nations held at Sinclair Community College. This year, officers were President Leslie Gaston, Vice-President Ron Gnau , Secretary Stephanie Fronista, and Treasurer Beth Ann George .


18 /C lubs



National Honors Society members, the cream of the crop in the C-J community, are chosen for membership by faculty members who recognize the students' academic ability and leadership performance. They have opportunities to act as tutors, to perform service projects, and to usher the Baccalaureate mass, graduation ceremony, and honors assembly. The group consisting of 27 members, was led by President Elaine Wendling, Vice-President Amy Buehrle, Secretary Rose Saluke, and Treasurer Jeff Bowling. Mrs. Martha Duffy was the group's moderator this year.

Om buds, under the supervision of Mrs. Barbara Hinkle, helps students, teachers, and staff members to solve problems before a crisis occurs. Officers were President Pam Smith and Vice-President Sue Strader.

Clubs/ 19

The Computer Club, new in '86, began making plans for '86-'87 activities and working with the computers. President Dave Hentrich, Vice President Jeff Stuckey, Secretary Julie Brinkman, Library Dave Zecchini. Mrs. McAdams moderated club meetings. The Science Club, comprised mostly of Honors Chemistry students, was a new organization begun in ' 86. Officers were: President Brad Bernier, Vice President Steve Fawley, Treasurer Jim Patterson, and Secretary Rob Wittman.

The Black Student Union provided an identity for mal'lY of C-J's students. Building price, building unity, developing and making students aware of Black accomplishments were goals for the Black Student Union. They sponsored an outstanding assembly featuring Dr. Herbert Martin in a poetry recital.

Language Club brought culture to CJ in many ways, including Language Week, April 14-18. Officers were: German Officer Elana Chapman, French Head Officer Shelly Webb and Second Officer Byron Bailey, and Spanish Officer Jennifer Pesch. Mrs. Pikell and Mrs. Zehring were moderators.

20 / CIubs

Spirit and Social committees are C-J's activity starters. Spirit committee gets the student body hyped-up for our sports teams by sponsoring spirit weeks and pep rallies. Social committee is responsible for the major dances, sockhops and their special activities. This means renting halls, arranging furniture, making favors and promot i ng the events.

I.O.E. Ladies of our C-J community are learning how and, what it takes to be a secretary. Paper work and adding machines keep these ladies busy. To help raise money for their enterprise, they make Christmas ornaments and other 'items to sell to our C-J community.

Clubs/ 21

S.A.D.D., Students Against Drunk Driving, is one of the many area high school chapters formed to create an awareness of the dangers of drunk driving. S.A.D.D. sponsored an assembly featuring local law enforcement officers who gave pointers on how to deal with the路 police. To help prevent students from driving drunk, S.A.D.D. asked the students to make a pledge with their parents.

Meeting at the Brothers' house, the Christian Life Community discussed problems, held happenings and planned masses. Making plans for retreats, they looked forward to meeting new friends.


Key Club is a service organization sponsored by a local Kiwanis Club for high school students. Its aim is the development of initiative, leadership ability and good citizenship practices. Bro. Brink headed the activities during the year. Office holders were: Elana Chapman, President; Mike Leik, Vice-President; Tricia Thomas, Secretary; Martha Kastner, Treasurer. Their motto was "Caring ... our way of life."

Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a mixture of our C-J athletes who work together in group activities. Working at U.D. home basketball games raises money for their special retreat and picnic which gives athletes from various sport teams an opportunity to intermingle.


Clubs / 23

Marching Band started the season off on the lett foot in August at band camp, held at Bergamo Center. Later they performed at football games, festivals, parades, and contests. Band Qfficers were Drum Major Andre Etienne, President Chris Watkins, Vice-President Paul Hicks, Secretary Mary Cotterman and Treasurer Melissa Kendall.

The Drill Team performed at contests, festivals, football games and basketball games throughout the year, smiling their way through a fun and exciting season. Officers were Monique Satchell, Patti Lotti, and Stacey Lewis.


Symphonic Band members, with a nucleus of fall Marching Band members, met the final period of each school day in the newly refurnished Music Room. At the OMEA District Band and Chorus contest, the Band received a II, or "excellent" rating. At the OMEA District Solo and Ensemble contest, at which every member is encouraged to attend, C-J took a total of 26 medals in Class A competition and 34 ribbons in Class B and Class C competition.

Chorus members meet every school morning at 7:30 in the Music Room . This year at the OMEA District Band and Chorus contest, both the Mixed Chorus and the Women's chorus received ratings of II, or "excellent." Officers were President Rose Saluke, Vice-President Gina Fuson, Secretary Leah St. John, and Treasurer Anita Lopez.


Clubs/ 25

Pep Band, under the direction of Mrs. Cynthia Anderson, is a small musical group formed exclusively to perform at basketball games and pep rallies. The group had a special opportunity this year to perform for Governor Dick Celeste and Mayor Paul Leonard.

Jazz Lab Band is a snappy-snazzy musical group that is yery popular with the audiences at music department functions. The group, under the direction of Bro. Todd Ridder, concentrates on jazz styles, improvisational techniques and performance skills. The band enjoys performing at concerts and festivals, which offer exposure and an opportunity for travel and excitement.

26 /C lubs

Liturgical Choir members lent their talents to religious ceremonies throughout the year. At Christmas, the music was enriched with a brass ensemble and an organ, creating an atmosphere of true Christmas spirit. This year's group was led by Ms. Schneider and Mrs. McCrab. The Gospel choir, supported by the B.S. U., made their debut in February. Alumnus Robert Florence returned to lend his leadership.

String Ensemble, consisting of nine members, practiced bowing techniques and other fundamentals of performance. These musicians, both beginners and more advanced players, perform with the rest of the Music Department at various concerts throughout the year.

Clubs / 27





•• .



Pam Baldasare

Susan Baldwin

Beth Bittner

Doug BoHman

Scott Balling

Michael Ballweg

Anthony Barwick


30 /Seniors

Patty Bohman

Robert Bohman

Marc Boroff

.. . . .


Greg Bouquot

Tony Bouquot


Jeff Bowling

Kirsten Bozdech

Christine Brockman

Traci Brown

Michelle Brunson

Amy Buehrle

Kristina Burgmeier 31/Seniors

Felicia Campbell

Danielle Carlucci

Celia Castellano

Amy Cloyd

Lillard Combs

Melissa Common

Jacqueline Cordonnier

Donna Crick more

Charles Cross

John Dalley

Brian Daly

Sean Davidson

Philip Davis

Sheila Denny

Todd Donahue

Martha Downer

Gail Drummer

Linda Duckro

Amy Dudon

Chris Eckerle


. Jay Elam

Stephanie Fronista

Andre Etienne

Gina Fuson

Kathy Finkenstadt

John Fischer

Antoinette Gaston

Beth Ann George

Maria Gitzinger

Eric Goubeaux

Joann Goubeaux

Gail Faulkner

Ronald Gnau

Lisa Gondos

Anthony Gottschlich

Monica Hausfeld

Denise Hayes

Dennis Hayes

Jay Hein

Paul Hicks 33/Seni ors

Robert Hicks

Amy Johns 34/Seniors

Don Hobbs

Rodney Johnson

Michael Hodapp

Michelle Jones

Lisa Hoffman

Chris Hunter

Christine Joyce

Ken Kaskocsak



Julie Koussa


Thomas Kauth

Melissa Kendall

Yanko Krafka

Nancy Krimm

James King

Michael Koesters


Heather Kuczak

Stephanie Leon'ard

Jennifer Lunde

Joe Mantle 36/Seniors

Damon Lee

Kandis Lewis

Kathy Lynch

Christine Marinelli

Amy Lelak

Fred Linsenmeyer

James Madlinger

John Marshall

Scott Lennon

Bill Loffer

Theresa Magoto

Paul Marshall

Laura Leo

Anita Lopez

Marc Makley

Ann Marsico

John Masten

Vicki Maurer

Denise Mays

Steve Montanus

Jim Montavon

Adrianna Moore

David Moyler

Michael Mucha

John Munson

Christopher Murray

David Naas

Paula Neely

Gina O'Brien '

Efrem McAdoo

Cheryl McEldowney

Seniors/3 7

Michael Osterday

Joseph Patak

David Powers

Michael Richey

Kelly Russell

Kerry Russell


Melissa Pearson

Chris Plummer

Tammy Porter

Rose Saluke

. Matt Sanders

Monique Satchell


Theresa Shroyer

Debbie Smith

Greg Smith 39/Seniors

Matt Smith

Pamela Smith

Scott Smuzok

Steven Sprauer

Beth Staddon

Sue Strader

Tony Stritenberger

Charlanda Strozier

Tony Walendzak

Dianna Stieger'

Leah St. John

Carol Trentman

Andrew Trick

Dale Unroe

Katie Valaski

Chris Walker

Monica Walls

Shelly Waters

Chris Watkins

40 / Seniors

Thomas Weckesser


Shelly Weisenberger

Elaine Wendling

Paul West brock

Beverly White

Sonya Williams

Beth Wissman

Not Pictured: Peter Axt, Tina Bailey, Todd Bailey, Bloodsaw, Pat Cooper, Nicola Cortner, Mary r.nHpl'm ..,h Lisa Gemza, Eric Hamilton, Eunice Hayes, Aprile Horne, Stacey Lewis, Rodney Lowe, Andy Mann. Brian Moody. Noel Obach, Angie Parker, Victor Patrick. Mike Petkus, Paul Saunders, Vanessa Shepard, Rael Smith, Tina Tolliver, Dawn Williams.

Karla Zilinkas

Paula Zimmerman

Tonya Zinkiewicz Seniors/ 41

Honors Special Awards Anthony Bouquot Optimist Youth Service Award Ohio Board of Regents Award Fuzzy Faust Award Jeff Bowling 2nd in Class Award Perfect Attendance (4 years) Ohio Board of Regents Award Jacqueline Cordonnier Ohio Board of Regents Award Shelia Denny Kiwanis Youth Service Award Amy Dudon Honor Seminar Achievement Award Beth Anne George National Merit Semi-Finalist Denise Hayes Perfect Attendance Cheryl McEldowney Perfect Attendance

Mike Mucha National Merit Award Rose Saluke 1st in Class Award National Merit Award Paul Schneider Honor Seminar Achievement Award leah SI. John Optimist Youth Service Award National Merit Award Ohio Board of Regents Award Sue Strader la Sertoma Youth Service Award Christopher Walker National Merit Semi-Finalist Award Mark Woodyard U.S. National Science Award Winner Tom Weckesser U.S. National Science Award Winner

Director's Award Course Awards Anthony Bouquot Honors Physics Jeff Bowling Computer Programming Felicia Campbell Independent living Jacquie Cordonnier College Prep. U.S. Government Mary Cotterman Intensive Office Exp. II Philip Davis World Problems linda Duckro Meal Planning Amy Dudon Crafts Culinary Arts John Fischer Typing Tony Gottslich German IV Music Theory Monica Hausfeld Art III Jay Hein Graphic Communications I Mechanical Drawing I Paul Hicks General Psychology European Authors Nancy Krimm Art IV Efrem McAdoo Business law

David Minelli Physics Gina O'Brien Sociology Mike Oster day Mechanical Drawing II Melissa Pearson Advanced Woodworking Accounting II Kerry Russell Practical English II Rose Saluke Honors Physiology Honors U.S. Government Child Psychology Matt Sanders Graphic Communications II Stacy Scott Religion 12 Steve Sprauer Consumer Economics leah SI. John Spanish IV Diane Stieger General U.S. Government Chris Watkins Fundamental Algebra II' Tom Weckesser Computer literacy Elaine Wendling Advanced Mathematics Tim Wourms American Authors

Given to a student for a cummulative grade average of 90 % or above for 4 consecutive grading periods. Mary Cotterman Christopher Eckerle Maria Gitzinger Monica Hausfeld Jay Hein Paul Hicks Rose Saluke Stacy Scott Steven Sprauer leah SI. John Elaine Wendling

Director's Certificate Given to a senior who has maintained an average of 90 % or above for all 4 years. Gina O' Brien Meljssa Pearson Theresa Shroyer

Senior Honors/43

This was the consensus of the Senior class following the Senior Dinner Dance which took place .on May 22 at Bainbridge Hall. The evening began with a feast of chicken and roast beef, which was consumed by the seniors in between the chatter, laughter and quick candid snapshots. After dinner was finished, it was time to boogie down to the sounds of Mike the D-J. The seniors were joined on the dance floor by various members of the faculty and all jammed to such tunes as the "Hokey Pokey" (Bro. Habjan's ' favorite) , "Jailhouse Rock" (performed by Dave "swivels" Powers), and "The Bird." In closing the official social season, all joined hands and sang "We Are the World ." As exhausted seniors trailed out of the Hall around 11 :00, one could easily see the dance had been a smashing ,s.uccess.

44/Senior Dinner Dance


The Best Dance Ever!

Senior Dinner Dance / 45

46/ Baccalaureate Mass

A Time To Reflect The Baccalaureate Mass for the Class of 1986 was celebrated on June 5 in Emmanuel Church with the help of the newly formed Chaminade-Julienne Gospel Choir. Many of the members of the class of 1986 participated in the mass while others recollected the many memories that had been made in the past four years. All together they realized that one part of their life was ending, while another part was just to begin. Despite the dismal weather, the evening was a very joyful one, ending with the class of 1986 encircling the many guests in the traditional candlelight ceremony.



Baccalaureate Massi 47

48 / Graduation

On June 7, the class of 1986 celebrated their commencement exercises at Memorial Hall. Pamela Smith welcomed the 205 graduates and their family and friends. National Honor Society members assisted Mrs. Betty Naughton and Bro. John Habjan in awarding the diplomas. Executive Director, Mr. T.J. Wallace, addressed the class of '86 and acknowledged Mrs. Martha Duffy, Mrs'. Barbara Hinkle, Bro. Bill Grundish, and Mr. Donald Weimert for their 25 years or more of service in education. Celia Castellano gave the farewell address. Then, it was time for the class that loved to "dance the night away" to Jump into the future. .

Gradu ation / 49

Memories Of Yesterday Strengthen Our Tomorrows


Graduation / 51


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t .i< ~

. Social

_ _ _ _---l.......I


Story Book Romance

Though the damsels were fair, the weather was foul as Eaglebration concluded with the 1985 Homecoming Dance, "Cherish the Night" at Lakeview Palladium on a rainy Saturday, October 19. The knights and fair ladies were part of the backgwund of floating balloons, slippers, and a "castle in ruins" for the Homecoming court. The court consisted of: King, Scott Lennon; Queen, Anita Lopez; Senior Attendants, David Moyler and Missy Common; Junior Attendants, Mwema Ndirita and Angela Hale; Sophomore attendants, Scott Tribbey and Christy Mitchell; Freshman Attendants, Greg Conners and Beth Ernst.

54 1 Homecoming

Homecoming / 55

I /

56/Christmas Dance


"All I Want For Christmas " Is •

Breaking with tradition, the Christmas Dance was held, not on a Saturday, but on a Sunday night, Dec. 22. "Romance on the Snow", complete with a real sleigh under a starlit snowscape, was this year's theme. Dancers saw their reflections in the mirrored walls of Visions nightclub on No. Dixie Drive as a D.J. spun the hottest hits to warm the cold night.

Christmas Dance/57

On The Town With Daddy

The March 22nd sunrise promised a special day for C-J co-eds and their fathers. The annual Father-Daughter Dance would take place that night at Wegerzyn Garden Center. The night on the towr'l began with a day of preparations and anticipations. A candlelight dinner and quiet conversation added memories to this special event. Then, the music began to play, and Dad and his little girl danced their way into the night. !

Winners of the '86 say contest were: son, Sopohomore Freshman Stacey

58 / Father-Daughter Dance

Father-Daughter esJunior Lynne PeterJudi Jacobson, and Badders.


Father-Daughter Dance 159

60 / Play

Rest Assured

Drama returned to the C-J stage this year when Rest Assured was presented on March 14th & 15th. The comedy was under the direction of Mrs. Tracy and Mrs. Hermes. Otto Hohm was the stage manager. Being in the play was enjoyable for' Celia Castellano because of the many friends she made and all the precious memories she had. "It was one of the best experiences and a great way to enchance my senior year", said Celia. The cast of Rest Assured incluped: Seniors: M. Richey, C. Castellano. Juniors: M. Vera, Sophomores: A. Michel, d. Pesch, M. Evans, B. Reid, L. Ward, D. Brown, S. Turner, M. Ursa, B. Thade, C. An, S. Hieatt, M. Bolton. Lighting: J. Stukey, R. Sacksteder, B. Thomas.

Play/6 1

Under A Moonlit Sky

"Linder a Moonlit Sky" was the theme of this year's Junior-Senior Prom. The dance 'was held at Wampler's Silver Ball arena from 9-12:30 on May 3. Favors included light blue garters and long stemmed glasses. The 1986 Prom Court included King Brian Daly, Queen Sue Strader; Senior Attendants Karla Zilinkas, Beth Bittner, Chris Watkins, and Bill Laffer; Junior Attendants Lisa Kraska, Chris Lange, Mark Royer, and Shawn Ley.





1 64/Prom






Prom / 65

.. .. .

68/ Cheerleading

Check Us

Out The '85-'86 year was a busy one for the cheerleaders. Each of the four squads now has eight cheerleaders, and all have a new advisor, Ms. Lynda Ward. Besides practicing and cheering at games, the ladies participated in many competitions. In December the squads competed in the Wright State Univ. Spirit Competition. The Varsity won 1st place in dance and cheer routine, and the Freshmen won 1st place in dance. In February, the squads went to Springboro. The Reserves took 5th place and the Freshmen brought home a 4th place finish. In March they competed in the O.C.C.A. competition. The Varsity tied for 1st place, and the Reserve and Freshmen earned a 2nd place trophy. Tina Bailey and Vicki Maurer were named to the All Star Cheer Squad and received individual trophies. Varsity Football/Wres tling: v. Maurer, K. Valaski, M. Common, S. Caporal, J. McCormick, M. Vera, T. Wheeler. Varsity Soccer/Basketball: T. Bailey, A. Parker, K. McCurry, J. Koehler, J. Few, Y. Fields, S. Mayer, C. Ward. Reserve: A. Sims, C. Kirby, C. Austin, K. Westfall, B. Roirdan, C. Reese, Y. McLemore, A. Adam. Freshman: S. Ragland, J. Martin , E. Salvage, M. Lewis, B. Foster, A. Fecke, M. Berwanger, A. Gough.

Cheerleading / 69

70 / Football

Team That Made History The '85 Eagles can look back on their glory days when they finished # 1 in the Journal Herald ratings, when they beat arch-rival Alter, and when they finished the season as State quarterfinalists. The Bahama Mama Club led varsity ran rough-shod over Dayton gridders in averaging 28 pts. per game while holding their opponents to 7 pts. per game during the regular season. In becoming the 1st C-J football team to win 10 games, the green and blue gave fans spectacular running by Outstanding Back, David Moyler (589 yds.), and Most Valuable Player, Mark Kosak (589 yds. and 96 solo tackles), and knock 'em out defense by the Marshall brothers (John & Paul) and Outstanding Defensive Back, Jim Mullins. Coach Amlin stressed that the season's success was a true effort that began with the summer running and strength programs. With an emphases on work and with strong parental support, the Eagles clawed their way into the C-J history book. Bottom Picture: Freshman: Top Ro w; L-R: Coach M. Ewald, F Ambrose, C. Crawford, E Shick, R. Palmer, C. Haddix, P. George, R. Hinders, H. Richardson, K. Linna, P. Yanfis, Coach J. Bochenre; 2nd Row; L-R: R. Powell, R. Wallace, T Camancho, W. Barner, P. Miller, G. Lawrence, M. Habel, M. Miller, J. Ligen; Bottom Row; L -R: R. Gipson, E Hutchinson, K. Habel, S. Douglas, C. Th omas, J. Gorman, T Walmsley, J. Wilkins, L. Yawn, B. Cooper.

Top Picture: Varsity & Reserve: Top Row: L-R: B. Beard, C. Roberts, B. Trentman, M. Coleman, J. Williams, D. Peters, T.Bosficco, J. Newton, M. Lawson, J. McDaniels, M. Zecchini, M. Murray; 2nd Row; L-R: D. Wright, M. Fisher, M. Worley, J. Stevens, G. Costner, B. Polston, T Loose, J. Castellano, L. Hill; 3rd Row; L-R: J. Lawrence, R. Settich, R. Dahm, T Cox, K. Quatman, S. Barwick, S. Dewitt, R. Bosficco, M. DeAloia, J. Mullins, B. Briggs, J. Miller, R. Priest, G. Boddie, D. Hayes, S. Billberry, P. Kieft,路 5th Row; LR: S. Montanus, D. Hobbs, M. Hodapp, D. Moyler, J. King, D. Boffman, B. Schons, B. Laffer, P. Westbrock, C. Naas; Bottom Row; L -R: M. Woodyard, G. Smith, P. Marshall, M. Kosak" J. Marshall, T Donahue, J. Munson, M. Makely.


33 32 27 48 49 34 21 21 7 7



Running A Rocky Road The highlights of the men's cross country season included their win in a dual meet against Oakwood and placing 3rd in both the Miamisburg and Eaton Invitationals. The team also placed 4th in the Dayton Christian Invitational. The men's season was weakened by the team's size, inexperience and injury. The women's season .highlights included winning their first dual meet ever run, which was against Grennon. Their best meet was at the Eaton Invitational where they placed 3rd. The team also ran well at the Catholic Invitational where four of the seven runners received trophies. Senior Shelly Weisenberger received her Four Year Varsity Award. Women's Cross-Country. Top Picture. Front row: L-R: J. Borges, C. Sauer, A. Sauer, S. Weisenberger. Back row: LR: M. Kelly, C. Zwolski, R. Mikula, Coach Bra. Grundish. Not Pictured: K. Sauer, J. Young. Men's Cross-Country. Bottom Picture. Front row: L -R: Coach Bro. Grundish, M. Sullivan, D. Schleich, B. Fletcher. Back row: L-R: R. Gnau, B. Bernier, S. Ley, K. Murray. Not Pictured: G. Bouquot, M. Evans, D. McGarry.

Catholic Beavercreek Miamisburg Dayton Christian Grennon-Dual Eaton Brookville Oakwood-Dual Fairmont Milton Union Sectional

72 / Cross Country

Men 7/7 .6/10 3/9 4/7 2/2 3/13 7/10 1/2 12/17 6/13 9/15

Women 6/7 5/5 7112

1/2 3/7 13/14 1/2 8/12 8/9

Cross Country173

Surf And

74 / Men's Tennis/Swimming '

Turf The C-J Men's Varsity Tennis Team began the season with the successive defeats of Dixie, Belmont, and Trotwood . In the Districts, the team defeated both Valley View and West Carrolton. Outstanding performances: Senior Derek Jackson, Most Valuable Player; junior Jim Patterson, Most Improved Player; junior Brian Dean, Coach's Spirit Award. The C-J swim team was composed of four swimmers who also compete with the Northwest YMCA's Pisces swim team. Colleen Sullivan set a team record in the 100-yard-backstroke with a 2: 18:2. Jeremy Humble was second in the nation in the 200-yard-breastroke with a 2: 17:6.

Tennis (Top Picture): Front Row; L-R; S. Castellari, J. Pizza, C. An, T. Wamsley, .s. Kleinman . Back Row: L-R: J. Patterson, S. Schindler, E. Shick, D. Jackson, J. Downer, S. Finley, B. Dean, P. Stefan. Not pictured is S. Hurt. Swimming (Bottom Picture): L-R; T. Mobley, C. Sullivan, S. Spees, J. Humble.

C-J C-J C-J C-J C-J C-J C-J C-J C-J C-J C-='J C-J C-J C-J C-J C-J C-J C-J C-J


4 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 3 5 4 0 4 0

a. 3 5


C-J 4 C-J 4


Dixie Belmont Trotwood Stebbins V. Butler Beavercreek Waynesville M. Valley Watterson 路 Worth. Christian Patterson W. Carrolton Fairmont Col. White Alter Milton-Union Nprthridge Belmont Carroll DISTRICTS Valley View W. Carrolton

0 1

2 4 4 4 4 4 5


2 0 1 5 1 5 5

2. 0 5 1 1

Season Record: 10-10

Men's Tennis/Swimming175

Track Team Hurdles To Victory The women's shuttle hurdle relay team put a special spark 路in this year's track season. Undefeated in four Invitationals, during the regular season the ladies set a new state record. Freshman Sherlese Taylor won four Invitationals, was District champ in the 100 meter low hurdles, and qualified for the State meet. Carla Austin, Mark Kosak, and Mike Hodapp also qualified for the regionals, with Mike winning the District discus and going on to State. Highlights of the season included a 2nd place finish at Bellbrook and a 3rd place finish at Wayne. Awards were won by Carla Austin, Most Valuable Female Performer; Most Valuable Male Performer, Mark Kosak; Most Improved Performers, Moira Vera and Dion Wright.

Trotwood Relays Centerville Relays Miamisburg Inv. Wayne Inv. Edwin Moses Relays Bellbrook Inv. Trotwood Inv. Roosevelt Inv. Sidney Inv. Dayton District





8125 9/25

7/15 11/15 12/22

3120 11/22 2/20

8/19 16th


10/16 9/14

7/16 9/14

Passing The Traps The C-J golf team capped off a successful season with a record of 11-8. Senior captain Mike Petkus shot a low score of 78 leading the team to a 2nd place standing at the Ridge Classic. Freshman Maurice Kilby held the 9 hole low score of the year with a 2 shot over par, 37. The Eagles set a new meet low score of 168, bettering last year' s low score of 183. Junior Scott Monaghan had an excellent showing at the Princeton Classic by shooting a 78 for an 8th place fin ish . Awesome showing Eagles! Varsity Golf. Top row: L-R: S. Monaghan, M. Petkus, C. Plummer, B. Daly. B. Bucklew, T. Weckesser. Bottom row: L-R: M. Kalt, W. Waters, M. Kilby, C. Nitz, G. Sedlock, Coach Bobby Williams.

C-J 189 C-J 176 C-J 170 C-J 170 C-J 170 C-J 170 C-J 159 C-J 159 C-J 169 C-J 169 C-J 176 C-J 197 C-J 197 C-J 197 C-J 187 C-J 189 C-J 189 C-J 191 C-J W

Stebbins Greenon Carroll Alter Beavercreek Beavercreek Milton Union Bethel V. Butler Northmont Patterson Dayton Christian V. Butler T. Madison W. Carrollton Stebbins Fairborn Springboro Belmont

201 175 197 163 166 176 172 193 170 180 225 239 196 185 182 194 168 _ 164 L

Go ll 179

Rambling On Neglected and often forgotten, the reserve squads fight for their place in the sun. They struggle and strive through hours of practices so that one day they can receive their varsity letter and the status that goes with it. This year the men's reserves went through some name changes. The junior varsity is now reserve " A" , the freshman team is now reserve " 8". Four freshmen made the reserve "A" squad and impressed the coaching staff with their excellent skills. These four freshmen were Chad 8rack, Chris Fraser, Kenny Hickman, and Jeff Martin. The reserve women kicked off the season with a strong start. The coach, Matt Money, led his women to the only winning record in women's soccer this year. The womens team ended the season with a 65-5 record . The men's "A" team ended with a 9-8. The men's "8" team ended with a 12-4 record. Reserve Men's A, Top picture, Top row: L-R: P. Bernard, C. Brack, R. Wittman, S. Fa wley, R. Jeckering, C. Vaughn, R. Eifert, D. Hoendorf, B. Dean, Coach Bill Richison Bottom row: L-R: J. Martin, C. Fraser, S. Tribbey, J. Luther, M. Drake, E. Sarabia, B. Reed, P. McCoy, K. Hickman. Reserve Women 's, Middle Pic ture. Top row: L-R: Coach M. Money, P. Brun, M. Vallo, M. Jeckering, M. Chadwick, L. Nicolini, A. Bohman, A. Newp ort. Middle row: L -R: A. Perretta, J. Buehl Ie, K. Hogg, J. Weckesser, M. Ramirez, M. Lahey, N. Harawq. Bottom row: L-R: K. Meixner, M. Petkus, A. Michell, A. Lahey, 0. Klohe, R. Morrisey, L. Borowick, S. Farrell. Reserve Men 's B, Bottom Pic ture: Top row: L -R: S. Schindler, D. Wolff, M. Pevvy, A. Sicard, J. Downer, Coach J. Eckley, Middle Row: L -R: K. Schroede, J. Pratty, A. Vaughn, M. Montanus, C. Heeter, A. Estas, B. Bush, R. Nelson. Bottom row: L-R: B. Menker, P. Schubert, C. Trimmer, M. Ruff, J. Chasteen. Missing from Pic ture: Coach Kunka, Coach Marrinan.

SO / Reserve Soccer

Reserve Soccer/81

82/Women's Soccer


Alive And Kicking The 1985 Lady Eagle soccer team started off the season on the wrong side of the field. With an 8-0 loss to Northmont, the Eagles were flying too close to the ground. They took off with a 5-1 victory over the Carroll Patriots. Determination and love for the sport would give the ladies the edge that would keep them flying. But, three losses in a row caged the Lady Eagles. The high point of the season was upsetting Wayne 2-0. The season came to an end when Fairborn brought the Eagles down in tournament action. Top Row: L-R: Coach M. Money, S. Mullins, K. Burgmeier,

J. Goubeaux, A. Dudon, S. Strader, A. Buerhle, K. Katcavage, Coach R. Russo. Middle Row: L-R: Manager N. Dichito, T. Thomas, V O'Neill, A. Pinkney, M. O'Neill, J. Dudon, J. Laffer, manager. Bottom Row: L-R: A. Campion, T. Russo, K. Hoff, T. T. Puckett, A. Burgmeier, B. Ernst, B. Schindler.


C-J C-J 5 C-J 1 C-J 3 C-J 1 C-J 2 C-J 0 C-J C-J 1 C-J C-J 2 C-J 2 C-J 5 Tournament C-J 5 C-J 0

a a

Northmont Carroll Beavercreek Milton Union Greenon Trotwood Columbus Desales Vandalia Fairmont Alter Springboro Wayne Yellow Springs . Yellow Springs Fairborn

8 1 1 3

1 3 5 2 1 1 0

a 0 0 2

Season Record 4-5-4

Women's Soccer/83




Fight To The Finish After kicking off the 1985 season with a strong 5-1-1 record , the men's varsity soccer team hit a slump, winning only 3 of their last 11 games. Playing in the state's toughest soccer district, the Eagles held their own to finish with a 8-8-2 record. Upsetting Wayne, Fairmont, and tying perennial power Northmont highlighted the season for the team of 4 sophomores, 5 juniors, and 8 seniors. A rainy homecoming night saw the Eagles travel to Fairborn to clip the Skyhawks' wings 3-2. Cross-town rival Carroll brought the 1985 campaign to an end by stopping the Eagles 41. All-Area honors were earned by John Nugent; 1st team, Jim Woeste, 2nd team; and Ken Kaskosack, 3rd team. The Eagles finished their season ranked 8th in the Dayton Area Coaches Poll. Varsity Soccer. Top row: L-R: M. Eckley, A. Trick, P. Schneider, K. Kaskosack, K. McLaughlin, C. Eckerle, C. Sagasser, S. Hemmeter, coach Pat Marrinan, Bottom row: L-R: C. Cross, J. Nugent, J. Conners, S. Harlamert, N. Trick, B. Burris, J. Geragh ty.

C-J 5 C-J 1 C-J 2 C-J 2 C-J 5 C-J 1 C-J 0 C-J 1 C-J 1 C-J 0 C-J 0 C-J 0 C-J 5 C-J 1 C-J 4 C-J 4 C-J 3 Tournament C-J 1

84/Men's Soccer

Milton Union Carroll Northmont Alter Greenon Trotwood Centerville Troy DeSales Beavercreek Y. Springs Oakwood Belmont Hamilton Wayne Fairmont Fairborn

0 2 2 0 2 0 4 2 1 3 1 1 0 4 1 0 2

Carroll Season Record 8-8-2


Men' s Soccer/85

86/Women' s Tennis

Just Not My Racquet The 1985-86 Women's Tennis Team faced many challenges during the season. The team was under development with a new coach, six rookies, and four underclassmen on Varsity. Each opponent claimed victory, but not without C-J's best efforts. Captain Sue Bohman compiled consistent scores in the 1st singles spot, while Sarah Smith and Stephanie Leonard played the 2nd and 3rd singles slots. Freshmen Diane Bittner and Sarah Smith showed future potential in their first season as Eagles. Despite the great individual efforts, the netters finished the season with a 0-13 record. Women's Tennis. Top row: L-R: Sarah Smith, Michelle Brown, Martha Downer, Sue Bohman, Coach Dave Leonard. Bottom row: L -R: Stephanie Leonard, Sarah LaForsch, Shelly Webb, Chris Lang. Missing from picture: Kim Walendzak, Lisa Gondos, Diane Bittner.





Northmont Xenia Fairmont Centerville Trotwood West Milton Beavercreek Centerville Alter Oakwood Miami Valley Carroll ' Fairmont





Season Record 0-13

Women's Tennis/8?

Lady Might Led by five returning seniors, the Varsity Lady Eagles completed a successful '85 campaign with a 14-9 season record. They went into the Troy Tournament 5-3, and came out with a 2nd place finish . Their old enemies, Fairmont, stopped the Eagles in tournament play. Awards went to Cheryl McEldowney, Coach's Award and Maria Gitzinger, Most Valuable Player. District 15 All-Star Team recipients were Maria Gitzinger and Jill Zecchini. The Reserve team's record was 9-10 and the Freshmen began their career with a 2-5 season record. Varsity Team: Back Row; L-R; D. Martin, M. Gitzinger, L. Kremer, N. Krimm, C. McEldowney, Coach S. Beigel Front Row; B. Clawson, A. Cloyd, L. Ward (mgr.J, T. Lucente, J. Zecchini, M. Nitz, Not pictured: A. Bohmer. Reserve Team: Back Row; L-R; M. Irwin, L. Babal, R. Antonaros, C. Winner, L. Kraska, Coach D. Drasdak, Front Row: L-R: J. Platfoot, V Zaidain, J. Pesch, M. Pena, K. Tangeman, S. Allen. Freshman Team: Back Row: LR: J. Wenclwicz, R, Chromey, A. Faulkner, S. Turner, Coach T. Martin. Front Row: L -R: J. Ivory, M. C'Buins, B. Owens, A. Dix.


Carroll Beavercreek West Milton Centerville Wayne Dixie Fairmont Eaton


Troy Tournament 2nd Place


Oakwood Belmont Fairborn Meadowdale Brookville Alter . McAuley Northmont Xenia Roger Bacon Patterson




Tournament Fairmont


Season Record 14-9

SS/Women's Volleyball


Women' s Volleyball/89

gO/ Reserve Basketba ll

~ Reserve Teamwork was the key ingredient in the Lady Eagles 8-8 season record. The peak occurred when the Eagles came back to beat Jefferson by 14 pts. after having lost to the Broncos earlier in the season. The team was led by Junior Alana Campion and Freshman Janie Weckesser.

ยงj)Reserve Men's Reserve Eagles capped off their' 85'86 season with a record of 11-9. Key victories included a win over Meadowdale by 6 pts., and stomping Patterson by 15 pts. Dwight Peters led the team in offense, and Jared Camacho led in assists.

~Frosh The Freshmen Eagles had an outstanding campaign in posting an 11-3 season record . The team succeeded in beating arch-rivals Alter and Carroll twice. Coach Ricciuto said of the team, "They were a good group to work with. They really pushed one another." Top Picture, Women's Reserve: Back Ro w; L-R: M. Hoffman, K. Tangeman, J. Bell, P. Brun, S. Farrell, M. Robinson, J. Weckesser, J. Laffer, Front Row; L -R: V. Zaidain, A. Campion. Middle Picture, Men's Freshman; Back Ro w; L-R: L. Yawn, R. Palmer , R. Wallace, H. Richardson, T Newlin, F. Ambrose, A. Sicard, D. Schons, R. Jones, J. Ligon, T. Payne. Front Row; L-R: B. Henry, T. Ray, J. Wilkins, J. Bateman, C. Connors, S. Douglas, J. Mecuri, C. Nitz. Bottom Pic ture: Men 's Reserve: Back Row; L-R: L. White, P. Fisher, D: Peters, D. Monaghan, S. Ley, M. Coleman, D. Bailey. Frqnt Row; L -R: J. Lawsr;m , M. Patterson, J. Camacho, C. Sagasser.

Reserve Basketball / 91

The Best Is Yet To Come It was a long way down the court for the Lady Eagles as they struggled through a 314 season. Young and inexperienced, the Ladies tasted victory in wins over Centerville and Meadowdale. Journeying down Route 48, the Eagles brought home a 2nd place finish in the neighboring Oakwood Invitational. The special awards went to LaVonna Wilcox; Hustle Award, Theresa Russo: Spirit Award and JoAnn Goubeaux: Coach's Award. Front Row: L to R: T. Russo, J. Goubeaux, L. Wilcox. Back Row: L-R: S. Bohman, K. Katcavage, S. Mullins, M. Gitzinger, D. Martin, A. Bohman.

Meadowdale Beavercreek Centerville Fairborn Alter Oakwood Invitational Mt. Notre Dame Col. White Jefferson Patterson Milton-Union Meadowdale Wayne Valley View Jefferson Stebbins

92/Women's Basketball

L L W L L 2nd L L L L L W L L L L

Women's Basketball 93

94/Men's Varsity Basketball

A Power-ful Season! What an impression! The '85 Varsity brought the fans back to the stands in posting a fine 15-8 record before falling to powerful Dunbar in the District Finals. The men began their season by setting goals for themselves. With a new Head Coach, Mr. Joe Staley, at the helm, good discipline, hard work, and coaching led to the accomplishment of these goals: being seeded in the tournament (they were seeded fourth), holding opponents to 50 points (average 50.9), and most of all, gaining the respect of other area teams. Clearly, the teamwork and unselfish play of the team paid off. Highlights of the season included the Hamilton-Badin game (scoring four points in the final 18 seconds to win), the upset win over Meadowdale, and the stand out victory over Alter. The 56-50 win over the Knights was only the Eagle's second victory in this heated rivalry in C-J's history.

Roster: 1st row: L-R: C. Sagasser, M. Coleman, M. Williams, S. Ley, J. Munson, D. Peters, 2nd row: L -R: T. Weckesser, T. Stritenberger, C. Bass, D. Lee, D. Powers, R. Lowe, P. Cooper.

Dave Powers; Most Valuable Player, Mike Williams; Defense Player Award; Tom Weckesser, Luther Leigh Big Eagle Award; Dave Powers was 1st Team, All-Area selection. He was also chosen to play in the Indiana-Ohio All-Star Classic.

69 Carroll CJ 50 Stebbins CJ 53 Spnfld. Catholic CJ 44 West Milton CJ 90 Meadowdale CJ 59 Moeller CJ 55 Oakwood CJ 76 Jefferson CJ 52 Wayne CJ 66 Patterson CJ 47 Forest Park CJ 46 Trotwood CJ 47 Colonel White CJ 46 Mdletwn Madison CJ 57 Hamilton Badin CJ 66 Wayne CJ 66 Beavercreek CJ 55 Alter CJ 56 Belmont CJ TOURNAMENT: 86 Centerville CJ 72 Franklin CJ 55 Dunbar CJ

47 40 45 54 57 53 42 60 55 48 45 53 47 60 60 48 49 50 55 33 59 75

Men' s Varsity 8asketball / 95

Dream State Finishing a tough season with a dual meet record of 7 and 6 was not the highlight of the grappling season. The highlight was the realization of the "dream" . The first day of practice was the first day of beginning the "dream of " state." Developing individual and team strengths were the first steps toward a common goal to annihilate opponents and make it to state. This dream turned to reality when four members qualified. They were Jim Mullins 185, John Marshall 155, Paul Marshall 145, and Chris Plummer 138. The varsity squad , made up of 7 seniors, 1 junior, and 5 sophomores, placed 5th in the Journal Herald coaches' poll. This team also finished 3rd in the Regional Tournament. Awards received by our wrestlers were John Marshall 1st Team AI/Area, and Jim Mullins 3rd Team AI/-Area.

Fron t Row: L -R: T Booher, D. Schleich, J. Chasteen, W. Waters, D. Menkf!r, D. Lye. Second row: L-R: G. Gaier, J. Lake, D. Stockier, J. Aldredge, K. Seitz, M. Drake, R. Powell, R. Settich, G. Plummer, C. McLaughlin. Third row: L-R: M. Ross, J. King, T Stokes, M. Suda, M. Ndirtu, J. Miller, J. Walling, M. Smith, B. Wa lling, (Manager), B. Menker. Fourth ro w: L-R: B. Loffer, D. Hobbs, A. Trick, R. Priest, J. Marshall, P. Marshall, G. Drake (Coach), M. August (Coach), B. Jackson (Coach). Fifth row: L-R: P. Miller, J. Downer, J. Mullins, G. Smith, J. King, D. Stevens, M. Royer. Not Pictured: B. Fletcher, S. Dickenson, J. Hickman.

) C-J Fairborn C-J Franklin C-J Moeller Holiday Tournament C-J Trotwood Carroll Tournament Ohio Catholic Tournament C-J Invitational C-J Tipp City St. Joseph Invitational C-J Xenia District Tournament Regional Tournament

96/ Wreslling


W W 2nd Place

W 3rd Place 12th Place 2nd Place

L 3rd Place L 3rd Place 3rd Place




Diamonds Are A Man's _~ Best Friend ~ The Eagles came out roaring with the enthusiasm of an unleashed tiger destroying Meadowdale 13-2 and Centerville 11-3. The pitching arm of M. Mathile fired rockets past the men at the plate, allowing the defense the simple task of helping him out. Mathile, a junior, is already the all-time winningest pitcher in C-J history. He heads into his Senior year with a 24-1 career record and 247 strikeouts. R. Bosticco blistered his bat with a .595 batting average, with T. Stritenberger hitting .424. Awards received by individual members were 1st Team AI/-State: Stritenberger; 1st Team AI/Area: Bosticco, Mathile; 2nd Team AI/-Area: S. Lennon, Stritenberger; Honorable Mention: C. Naas.


The Reserve baseball team started out their year with a four game winning streak, including a double header against Carroll. Another highlight of the season was their long, hard battle over Beavercreek. They also posted wins over Wayne, West Carrollton, Troy, Miamisburg, and Bethel in completing a 9-11 season . Top Picture. Varsity. L-R: C. Ward, K. Meixner, S. Augaitis, D. Peters, G. Smith, M. Eckley, J. Mullins, T. Bosficco, T. Stritenberger, R. Bosficco, M. Mathile, S. Marchal, M. Cheslock (coach). Mr. Wise (coach), Bottom row. L.-R.: R. Wallace, B. Schons, J. Cahill, M. Zecchini, T. Goubeaux, R. Dahm, S.Lennon, C. Naas, D. Hoendorf. Bottom Picture. Reserves. L.-R. : S. Trentman (coach), M. Ross, M. Habel, B. Folan, P. Walsh, C. Roberts, J. Roderer, M. Berwanger, B. Ernst. Bottom row. L. -R: J. Parisi, J. Camacho, S. Douglass, J. Duckro, C. Nitz, B. Foote.

Baseball /99

Champs Again! The men in green added hardware to the jammed trophy cases this year as they brought home the District Championship and Regional Runner-Up trophies. In posting a fine 24-9 record, the Eagles reaffirmed their position as a baseball powerhouse in Southwest Ohio. This young team (only five seniors) psyched for the big boys as they ran past Belmont, Lebanon, Miamisburg, and defending state champ Fairfield in tournament games. Powerful Western Hills stopped the Eagles' bid for a trip to Columbus.


Meadowdale 2 Centerville 3 16 Northmont Wayne 3 7 V. Butler 5 6 Carroll 3 3 Beavercreek 6 2 7 Oakwood 12 Oakwood 10 11 Northmont 9 5 Trotwood 8 14 Trotwood 5 12 Fairborn 0 1 7 Northridge 3 Sidney 1 1 3 Sidney 2 Alter 5 2 Northridge 5 6 Alter 2 4 7 Xenia 2 1 Troy 9 Troy 4 4 12 Stebbins 2 Wayne 3 1 5 Miamisburg 12 Patterson 0 7 Carroll 4 14 4 Carroll 13 11 6 6

C-J 7 C-J 13 C-J 6 C-J 4 C-J 4 C-J 3

100 / Varsity Baseball

Belmont Lebanon Miamisburg Franklin Fairfield W. Hills

2 0

5 2 3 17


Va rsity Baseball / 101

102/Women's Softball

Hot Hitters Highlighted by an early season 9 game winning streak, the Girl's Varsity Softball team ended up with a record of 14-10. Laura Leo threw a no-hitter against Carroll in a 15-1 win and a 1-hitter against Cincinnati Princeton in a 0-1 loss. She also threw a shut-out against Wayne in a 3-0 win. In the District Tournament, Vicki Walendzak threw a no-hitter against Meadowdale in a 8- 1 win and a 1-hitter against Belmont in a 33-0 win. Hitting a grand slam home run with two outs, in the last inning of a game with Springboro, T.T. Puckett led the Eagles to a come back 11-10 victory. Sue Bohman made the Channel 22 Highlights with a triple and a great head-first slide into home in a 8- 1 District Tournament win over Meadowdale.

Varsity: Back Row: L-R: Coach Ms. Meyers, L. Leo, C. Trentman, S. Bohman, A. Bohman, V. Wa lendzak, K Ka tcavage, Front Ro w: L-R: B. Owens, T. Lucente, T. Puckett, V. Zaiden, S. Caporal. Reserve: Back Row: L-R: Coach Mr. Puckett, L. Davidson, J. Craig, A. Faulkner, K Hahn, T. Neilson, A. Newport, C. Schubert, A. Mercuri, C. Zinkiewicz, J. Wenclewicz, Coach Deacon T. Huff, Front Row: L-R: R. Morrissey, J. Ivory, J. Pesch. R. Woodie, J. Osterfeld, T. Harris, J. Weckesser, S. lannarino. Softball A wards: Most Improved: Carol Trentman, Most Valuable Defensive Player: Laura Leo, Most Valuable Offensive Player: T. T. Puckett.


2 0 17 15 33 11

9 20 11 7 10 7

4 16 3 2

8 2 0 2 2


Brookville Miamisburg Northridge Carroll Belmont V. Butler Alter Beavercreek Springboro Springboro W. Milton Troy Carlisle Carroll Wayne Fairmont Centerville Centerville Princeton Stebbins Northmont Northmont

3 7 2 0 0

9 5 11 10 3 2 11

9 3 0 5

4 4 1 3 10 1

AAA District . 8 Meadowdale

C-J C-J 0


1 1


Season Record 14-10

Women 's Softball / 103


104 / Faculty




. .. .

v, ... W{;l6~jfjl ... ~

Fa cu Ity

Faculty / 105



English WHA T? How many times per day was a teacher approached with this plaintive cry? What was the assignment? What did you say? What? What? What?

What's The Most Common Excuse For Not Having Homework Done? "I Didn't Know What You Wanted," Mr. T. Andrassy English: Front Row: L-R: Mrs. R. Meyer, Mr. T. Andrassy, Ms. M. Distefano, Bros. W. Grundish, Mr. S. Whiting. Top Row: L-R: Mr. J. Brooks, Mrs. J. Hermes, Mrs. R. Pikell, Mr. D. Thomas

Foreign Language What's The Most Enjoyable Part Of Your Job? "Working With Students." Ms. P. Regan


What's The Most Difficult Aspect Of Teaching A Foreign Language? ','The Culture." Mrs. R. Pikell Foreign Language: L-R; Ms. L. Colas, Mrs. A. Adcock, Mrs. R. Pikell, Ms. P. Regan, Ms. J . Zehring.

Religion What Part Of Yourself Do You See Reflected Most Often In The Students? " . .. A Real Love Of Life, An Enthusiasm In Living It, A Joy In Sharing It And Finally A Deep Belief That God Is Behind All Of It" Fr. D. Gatto Religion: Front Row; L-R; Mrs. C. McCrabb, Sr. B. Weilbacher, Ms. L. Schneider, Sr. K. Dalgarn. Top Row; Deacon T. Huff, Fr. D. Gatto, Fr. M. Lisbeth, Mr. P. Marrinan, Mr. T. Dillon .

Music What Is The Hardest Part Of Your Job? "I Can't Think Of Anything. My Job Is Fun." Bro. T. Ridder What Part Of Yourself Do You See Reflected Most Often In The Students? "Obstinance, Lying, And Cheating (Just Kidding About The Lying And Cheating.)" Mrs. R. Gilley Music: L-R; Bro. T. Ridder, Ms. R. Gilley, Mrs. J. Janning, Mrs. C. Anderson, Mr. R. Chadwick.


Science What's Your Most Embarrassing Moment This Year? "I Can't Think Of Anything Too Embarrassing. (This Is Not A Challenge )" Ms. Ruther "The Students Performed The "Human Wave" Behind My Back." Bro. E. Brink





Science: L-R; Sr. B. Weilbacher, Mrs. C. Cheslock, Bro. E. Brink, Ms. C. Ruther, Mrs. C. Tracy.

111,' \\ "rld

Health/Phys. Ed What's The Most Memorable Event From Your Class This Year?


~o:".;. ~



"After Saying That Most Burn Victims Are Intoxicated, Being Asked, How Alcohol Could Burri Anyone." Ms. S. Beigel Health l Phys. Ed: Mr. K. Amlin (Athletic Director), Ms. S. Beigel, Mr. W. Cheslock.

Art/Industrial Arts What's The Hardest Part Of Your Job? " .. . Between August And June." Ms. D. Wanicek What's The Most Involved Creation A Student Ever Made? "A Grandfather Clock." Bro. J. Sullivan Art: Front Row: L-R; Ms. D. Wanicek, Ms. B. Holyoke. Industrial Arts: Top Row: L-R; Mr. J. Wise, Bro. J . Sullivan.


Business/Home Ec. What Complaint Do You Hear Most Often From Students? "The Seniors Do Not Have Any Privileges" Mrs. B. Naughton What's The Most Unusual Creation A Student Ever Made? "A Pumpkin Pie With 1 Cup Salt Instead Of 1 Cup Sugar." Mrs. P. Beach Business: L-R; Bro. J. Brown, Mr. J. Davis, Mrs. P. Beach, Mrs. B. Naughton. Home Economics: Mrs. P. Beach.



Social Studies What's Your Best Class Memory This Year? "Open Forum Discussion Period" Mr. D. Weimert What Was Your Most Embarassing Moment Teaching? "Giving A Quiz With The Notes On The Board." Bro. M. Buenger Social Studies: Front Row; L-R; Mrs. B. Hinkle, Mr. D. Weimert. Top Row; Bro. M. Buenger, Bro. J. Habjan, Mr. J. Zaidain, Mr. A. Ricciuto, Sr. D. Grismer.

Math What's The Most Enjoyable Part Of Your Job? "Watching The Excitement When Students Use New Computers And Printers." Mrs. A. McAdams What's The Most Common Excuse For Not Having Homework? "I Had To Work" Ms. A. Meyers Math: Front Row; L-R; Mrs. M. Duffy, Mrs. A. McAdams, Ms. C. Ruther. Middle Row; Ms. L. Schneider, Ms. M. Gebhart. Top Row; Mrs. R. Schindel, Mrs. A. Adcock, Ms. A. Meyers.

Administrative Team What's The Most Enjoyable Part Of Your Job? "Daily Contact Of All Students And Staff." Mr. Kavanaugh Administrative Team: L-R; Mr. K. Kavanaugh (Director of Student Services). Sr. P. Knopp (Director of Community Relations). Bro. J. Habjan (Director of Academics). Mrs. H. Anthe (Business Manager). Mr. T.J. Wallace (Executive Director).

Office/Special Services What's The Most Positive Comment You Have Ever Had On Your Food? 'Students And Staff Both, Seem To Find More Variety." Mrs. M. Fritsch Office/Special Services - Front Row; L-R; Mrs. R. Ellis, (Nurse), Mrs. L. Zecchini (Business Office), Mrs. M. Craig (Main Office), Top Row; Mrs. L. lannarino (Attendance), Mrs. M. Fritsch (ARA Services), Mrs. A. Ware (Business Office), Mrs. Marge Heinz (Main Office), Mrs. M. Goode (Attendance), Mrs. M. Kramer (Main Office).

Development What Do You Consider Your Greatest Contribution To The School? "Keeping The Older Alumni In Touch With The New Students Of C.J." Mrs. G. Holmes "The School Has Contributed Far More To Me Than I Have To The School." Mr. G. Early Development: Mr. E. Marrinan (Director of Development), Mrs. G. Holmes, Mr. G. Early (Alumni Director).

Guidancel Auxiliary What's The Most Unusual Excuse Used For Dropping A Class? "I Want Out Of Chemistry Because I'm Better At English." Bro. W. Grundish Guidance: Front Row; L-R; Mrs. M. Duffy, Bro. W. Grundish. Auxiliary Services: Front Row; Mrs. C. Wheeler (Counselor); Top Row: L-R; Ms. M. Long, Mrs. M. Edwards (Counselor), Mrs. M. Wayman.

Faculty 1119



. .. ...


'ti "" Underclass


Wendi Allison Frank Ambrose Charlie An Marjorie Atkins Stacy Badders Erica Baker Walter Barner Cindy Barnes Noelle Bartlam Michelle Barton Jeffrey Bateman Eric Baumgardner Jeffrey Bensman Michelle Berwanger Diane Bittner Vanessa Blackmon Lawrence Bohman Amy Bole Michael Bolton Gerry Borgerding Jennifer Borges Scott Bowles Chad Brack Brian Brackman Michael Brennan Glen Brich Julie Brinkman Tina Brooks

122/ Freshmen

Matthew Brown Michelle Brown Kelly Brubaker William Buechly Jennifer Buehrle Angela Burgmeier Anissa Burns


Brad Bush Joanne Bussinger Tiffani Byrd Ty Camacho Kimberly Campbell Dana Capps Donald Carruth Stephen Castellari Mary Cboins Wandarose Chapman Jawn Chasteen Brooke Chavez Pietro Chirco Renee Chromey Nicole Coleman Lisa Confer Gregory Conner Brian Cooper Monica Cordonnier Catherine Cotterman Thomas Cotterman Michael Coyle Charles Crawford Carolyn Cummings Alisa Dagostino Samuel Daniels ' Melanie Davenport Leslie Davidson Cherie Davis Nancy Davis Laura Delaney Crystal Demolet Nicole Dichito Vanessa Dill Angela Dix

Freshman / 123

Lori Doerflein Stephen Douglas John Downer Anita Dudley Jacqueline Dudon Derek Eby Kyle Ellis Beth Ernst Michael Espedal Andrew Estes David Estes Angela Faulkner Gregory Faulkner Amy Fecke

David Fissel Brian Foote Rebecca Foster Christopher Fraser India Frasier John Froschauer Monica Gambert William Garlow Lisa Garrison Sergio Genovesi Paul George Robert Gipson Joanna Glover Jeffrey Gorman

124 / Freshman

Leo Goubeaux Ann Gough Anthony Greene Sheila Greene Roxanne Grillot John Habel Mark .Habel

Aaron Hackett Charles Haddix Eric Hale Wendy Hanselman Thora Harn Demarus Harris Derrick Harris Tonya Harris Brian Harvey Kimberly Harvey Christopher Heeter Stephenie Hendrickson Byron Henry Tara Henry

Howard Hensley Julie Hentrich Shannon Herick John Hickman Kenneth 'Hickman Michelle Hickman ' Steven Hieatt Bruce Hill Randy Hinders Kimberly Hobbs Shereece Holman . Jeremy Humble Shrone Hurt Eric Hutchison Jennifer Ivory Jeffrey Jacobson Camille James Candi Jenkins Candace Jeter Stephanie Johnson Julie Jones

Fres hm an 1125

Rodney Jones Michael Kalt Kerri Keeley Steven Keller Lisa Kelley Lawrence Kertesz Patrick Keyes Fereshte Khavari Maurice Kilby Crystal King Scott Kleinman Sherry Kleismit Connie Klohe Christine Kolakowski Kelly Kompar Cortney Kovar Joseph Kowal Anthony Krimm Nicole Lafong Marianne Lahey Jeffrey Lake Cristal Lakin Brian Lawrence Gregory Lawrence William Lawry Anthony Lawson Theresa Lehmann Robert Leik Bridget Leo Monica' Lewis Gerald Ligon Gordon Link Kenneth Linna Richard Long Sheila Long




James Loveall Nghi (Jenny) Lu Daniel Ly Kerry Lynch Lisa Mahle Jennifer Mantle Edgar Martin Jeffrey Martin Jennifer Martin Diane McCarthy Patrice McDaniel Kevin McEldowney Kevin Mebane Mary Meixner Brian Menker Christian Meranda Joseph Mercuri Wendy Merritt Julie Michael Michael Miller Patrick Miller Todd Mobley Lisa Moell Aaron Moles Marc Montanus Robin Morrisey Brian Murphy James Neff Robert Nelson Timothy Newlin Angela Newport Christopher Nitz Erica Orr Julie Osterfeld Beth Owens

Christine Owens Robert Palmer Miguel Paulet Scott Paxton Thomas Payne Julie Pearson Lori Pedicord Lisa Pendell Janet Perry Amanda Petkus Kelley Pickrel Randy Powell Yolanda Price Camiko Ragland Rochelle Ragland Tyrone Ray Henry Richardson Matthew Rieser Judith Ritchie Missie Robinson Maurice Rodgers Tina Roesle Luke Rosati Michael Ross Laura Roth Michael Ruff Rachel Sacksteder Marcus Sampson Earnest Sanders Melanie Sanders Beth Schindler Jeffrey Schmieding Eric Schneider Melissa Schneider Daniel Schons

128/ Freshman


Kevin Schroedel Paul Schubert Debra Schulker Kelly Scott Emrick Selvage Chanel Shells Eric Shick Alfred Sicard Carole Sills Alexander Silva Jessica Smith Sara Smith Jay Soper Thomas Stasio Peter Stefan Scott Stemley Jennifer Storck Harold Strickland Heather Strong Mark Sullivan Janet Tangeman Sherlese Taylor John Terrell Barbara Tesarz Chad Thomas Julie Thomas Veronica Thompson Christopher Trimmer . Scott Tucker Douglas Van Dyke Aaron Vaughn Sherry Wade Ronnie Wallace Brian Walling Thomas Wamsley Freshman / 129

Chermagne Watkins Jane Weckesser Julie Wenciewicz Travis Westendorf Gene Whitaker Letisha Whitmore Jerry Wilkins Athena Wilson Edward Wilson Karma Winburn Karen Woerner Darren Wolff Renee Woodie Jamele Wright

Not Pictured : Steven Bucholtz, Douglas Grable, Sarah Martin, Steve Neal, Tracie Neilson, Sam Nelson, Daniel Repperger, Michael Schindler, Jennifer Sutera, Katrina Taylor, Susan Turner, Patricia Yantis.

Lori Wysong Lawrence Yawn Christina Zinkiewicz



Amy Adam Jetrrey Aldredge Sarah Allen Michanda Anthony Robyn Antonaros Melanie Arnold Sheila Augaitis

130 /Sophomores

Linda Babal Byron Bailey David Bailey Sarah Baldwin Lisa Bardonaro Deana Barone Hilario Barrios

Bret Beard Jennifer Bell Melissa Bell Michael Berry Ann Bohman Susan Bohman Heather Boland Anthony Booher Timothy Borgert Louisa Borowick Thomas Bosticco Laurie Bouffiou x Thomas Bowling Patrick Brackman Casondra Brewer Christopher Brewer David Brown Patricia Brun Michael Burdett Bruce Butt John Cahill

Diana Camacho Jared Camacho Frederick Campbell James Campion Robert Carruth . Lawralea Carter Joe Castellano Mindy Chadwick Brenda Clawson Brian Clemens Jeanne Cloyd Michael Col.eman Noel Coleman Jason Connors Soph omores/ 13 1

Nicole Connors George Costner Julie Craig Mark Cramer Nicholia Davenport Tami Davis Angela Decamp Shannon Dickenson Diana Dixon Mark Drake James Duckro Joanne Duckro Anthony Eckley Mark Evans Todd Farmer Shannon Farrell Mark Fasick Michael Faulkner Suzanne Fila James Fisher Paul Fisher William Flanagan Brian Fletcher James Flynn Robert Folan Angela Forti Pamela Frei Greg Gaier Jennifer Garrison Roderick 0athings Michelle Godsey Robert Gondos Krista Hahn Michelle Haines Nina Harawa




Steve Harlamert Kendra Hayes Oreana Hill Sharon Hodson Melissa Hoffman Otto Hohm Michelle Honious Nelson Hooks Jennifer Horning Marc Huelsman Robert Huxtable Keith Hyer Sandra lannarino Frederick Inscho Mindy Irwin Paula Ivory Melissa Jablonski Chanda Jackson Judith Jacobson Maria Jeckering Tracie Johnson Cheryl Jones Dionne Jones Suzanne Jones Greta Jordan Karen Katcavage Lamarcia Keeton Maura Kelly Jason King Mark Kramer Jon Kreitzer Erika Lacey Gail Lafong Thomas Lange Matthew Lawson


Emily Lelak Jeannette Lincoln Tim Loose James Luther Kecia Lynch Bartholomew Madlinger Erica Mahone Maria Mann Anthony Mantle Mark Mariscalco Paul Marshall Craig McLaughlin Yolonda McLemore Paula McLeod Katherine Meixner Fernando Mejia James Melton William Menker Amy Mercuri Amy Michel Juanita Miller Kristine Mitchell Daniel Monaghan Angela Monnin Jason Mosser Johanna Mueller Michelle Mullins Kevin Murray Mark Murray Michael Myers Melinda Naas Geone Neria John Ness Jimmie Newton Lisa Nicolini 134/ Sophomores

Patricia Norvell Lorena Nutt Michele 0 ' Brien Vicki 0' Neill Timothy Osterday Maureen Pardue Joseph Parisi Mannin Patterson Angela Perretta Michael Perry Jennifer Pesch Dwight Peters Jason Piatt Timothy Pickrel Aletha Pinkney Joyce Platfoot John Pisek BrandQn Polston Amy Pratt Jason Pratt Carlton Preston Maria Ramirez Leonard Reed Caprist Reese Brian Reid Sheila Reid Bridget Riordan Christopher Roberts John Roderer David Ruffin Vincent Sacksteder Carl Saga~ser Kari Sanger Edgar Sarabia Catherine Sauer Sophomores/ 135

David Schleich Stephanie Schneider Brian Schoenharl Christine Schubert Amy Seibert Kevin Seitz Zubin Sethna Tara Shaw Eric Shiverdecker Adrienne Sims Deborah Simson Elizabeth Sleight Emily Smith Kenneth Smith

Linda Smith Nancy Smith Douglas Sollenberger Christopher Staas Michael Stang Catherine Stebel Douglas Steven~ John Stevens Alexis Stokes Tiffany Styles Marc Suda Jill Swintek Lara Szmaj Kelly Tangeman William Thade Bryan Thomas Sharon Thorndike Brian Trentman Scott Tribbey Nicholas Trick Sonya Turner 136/ Sophomores

--Deborah Ullmer Maria Urso Melinda Vallo Ethan Voss John Walling Patrick Walsh Michael Walters Leslie Ward Lisa Ward Michael Ward William Waters Barbie Watkins Michelle Webb Stacey Westendorf

Kara Westfall Kevin Westgerdes Meredith Wheeler Tahirih Wheeler Teresa Wilcox Anthony Williams Wendall Williams Kelly Wilson Maria Wilson Cheryl Winner Michael Wittman . Dion Wright Valerie Zaidain Michael Zecchini

Kimberly Zeller

Not Pictured: Valerie Burba, Luther Ellison, Nicholas Ganey, Lambert Jones, Tamara Moehl, Kathy Olinger, Philip Stulpin.


Carla Austin Anita Babal Raina Bajpai Arvela Baldwin Scott Barwick Christopher Bass Pamela Becker Charles Belcher Brian Bergman Paul Bernard Bradford Bernier Stephon Bilberry Edward Bohman Amy Bohmer Joel Borchers Robert Bosticco Brian Briggs Eric Brinkman Monica Brown Mark Brubaker Bryan Bucklew Jeffrey Burgmeier Brian Burris Lisa Buschur Penny Campbell Alana Campion Sarah Caporal Elana Chapman Haley. Chavez Brian Clawson Camille Clements Natalie Coleman Douglas Cooper Elizabeth Corrado Todd Cox



..-----......., ..--------, ...

...- - - - - , r - - - - - - - - , .....------, .....------,

Lori Crosby Richard Dahm Jennifer Danielewicz Emily Davis Michael Dealoia Brian Dean Maureen Denny Sherman Dewitt Matthew Eckley Michelle Edmonds Randy Eifert Stephen Fawley Elizabeth Fay Julie Few Yvette Fields Stanton Finley Ann Fischer Michael Folan Renee Francis Cole Fredenburgh Thomas Gardner Leslie Gaston Amy George John Geraghty Michael Godsey Michele Gorman Todd Goubeaux Angela Graham Angela Hale Vincent Hansford Derrick Hardin Shirelle Hayes Elaine Healy Samuel Hemmeter David Hentrich

Juniors/ 139

Lawrence Hill Susan Hodapp Dave H.oendorf Karen Hoft Kelly Hogg James Honious Benjamin Hopkins Roger Hudepohl Angela Huether Mary Jablonski John Jansen Robert Jeckering Brian Johns Arthur Johnson Lisa Johnson Eti Jones Martha Kastner Martin Kelly Cameron Kirby Pierre Kieft Sue Kleinschnitz Tarla Klepper Dion Knox Joan Koehler Thomas Koesters Susan Kosak Ricahrd Kowal Holly Kramer Kimberly Kramer Lisa Kraska Lynette Kremer Danielle Lacey Sarah Laforsch Amy Lahey Christine Lange 140 / Juniors


John Lawrence Joe Lawry Jesse Lawson Michael Leik Shawn Ley Darryl Lingg Jackie Laffer Patricia Lofty Teresa Lucente Jujlie Magoteaux Steven Marchal Denise Martin Michael Mathile Stephanie Mayer Jill McCormick Patrick McCoy Kathleen McCurry Julie McDermott Dennis McGarry Angie Mehall Daniel Menker Robin Mikula Colleen Miller Jeffrey Miller Scott Monaghan . Christopher Morri& Sara Moser Jacquelyn Mosley Michael Muhl Jennifer Mullin James Mullins Mwema Ndiritu Laura Nicolini Michelle Nitz Patrick Noonan Juniors/ 141

John Nugent Timothy O'Grady Christopher Olinger Amanda 0' Neill James Papp James Patterson Jeffrey Pearson Monica Pena Lynne Peterson Melissa Pingleton Joseph Pizza Kelly Poelking Robyn Porter Robert Priest

John Prikkel Katrekia Puckett Kenneth Quatman Tamra Ragland Karen Reidy Lora Reif Mary Retter Jill Revere John Roach Raymond Rodgers Angela Ross Mark Royer Michelle Ruf Erin Russell Theresa Russo Amy Sauer Constance Sauer Kimberly Schindler Marianne Schlangen Sean Scott Gregory Sedlock 142/ Juniors

Ronald Settich Annette Shepherd Ann Silverman Nicole Simmons Joann Smith Scott Spees l Kathryn Sprauer Amy Steiner Darren Stockier Thomas Stokes Jeffrey Stukey Colleen Sullivan Stephen Sweat Keith Thomas

Kevin Thomas Michaele Thomas Tricia Thomas Jerry Timmer Robert Turner Teresa Upthegrove Craig Vaughn Moira Vera Amber Vogel Kimberly Walendzak Vicki Walendzak Paula Walters . David Weckesser 路 Martina Westfall Leroy White Katherine Wiedeman Lavonna Wilcox Karen Williams Michael Williams Kelly Winner Robert Wittman Juniors/ 143

Daniel Woeste Mark Worley Jennifer Young Tanya Young David Zecchini John Zimmer Carolyn Zwolski

Awards! Awards! Freshmen Jennifer Boehrle World Cultures Rosie Chapman German I Angie Dix Honors English 9 Jacquie Dudon Honors Algebra I and Geometry Michael Kalt Religion 9 Fereshte Khavari World History Experiences in Math Health Sherry Kleismit English 9 ~Igebra I Monica Lewis . Spanish I Chris Nitz Art I Erica Orr Fundamental Algebra I Scott Stem ley General English 9 Karen Woerner Ceramics

Sophomores Sheila Augaitis Art II Mike Burdett Earth Science Julie Craig General Biology Tony Eckley General English 10 Shannon Farrell Spanish II Todd Farmer General Business Bill Flanagan Fundamental Geometry Pam Frei Religion 10 French II Marc Huelsman Geometry German II Cheryl Jones French I Katie Meixner Fashion in the 80's Kristy Mitchell Consumer Mathematics Geone Neria Honors English 10 Honors Geometry / Algebra II and Trigonometry Honors Biology Lisa Nicolini Biology I John Pisek Woodworking Michelle Webb Honors World Cultures Biology II Kara Westfall English 10 Valerie Zaidain Personal Typing

Not Pictured: Terra Ecton, Jamie Elder, Noel Holt, Nathan Hunter, Patricia Jackson, Rodney Kosak, James Ly, Juliette Reising, Anna Reynolds, David Rodgers, Natassha Roundtree, Nick Schindler, Susie Setchell, Gary Smith, Pat Smith.

Juniors Pam Becker Honors American Studies German II Forms of Composition Amy Bohmer Geometry Rob Bosticco Algebra II and Trigonometry Elana Chapman Honors Algebra II/Trigonometry and Advanced Mathematics Honors Chemistry Bausch & Lomb Science Award Brian Dean United States History Michael Dealoia Creative Writing Steve Fawley English Literature Elizabeth Fay Honors English III Leslie Gaston Chorus Roger Hudepohl Practical English I Popular Literature Mary Joblonski American Studies Chemistry . Spanish III Religion 11 Pete Kleff Accounting I Kim Kramer ? Intensive Office Experience I Shawn Ley Communications Media Julie McDermott Symphonic Band Laura Nicolini Biology I Amy Sauer Meal Planning

Underclass Awards/145




" .







(pllection :Ji1t2k_~ ~.:t!!fe Q:.1ts

Gifts For Any Occasion Weaving • Stained Glass Pottery • Woodworking • Toys Soft Sculpture Crocheting • Water Colors Hours: 10-9 Monday Through Friday 10-9 Saturday 12-5 Sunday

5425 N. Main St. Dayton, Ohio 45415 277-2633 Directly Across Form The Barnsider Restaurant


AmberLynns Hair Designs Creative Cuts and Perms

635 Huffman Avenue Daytoft. Ohio 45403

Lynn 253-6747 Phone



.61 · 5960 WHOLESALE




.61 ·5960 SUPPLIES

901 SOUTH PERRY STREET • DAYTON. OHIO .5.02 HOURS , DAILY 9 To 7 SAT . 700 . 4 . 30

Congratulations Class Of '86

PHONE 277 ·9061

. ' COME 8< SEE us·· AT S415 N MAIN . DAYTON . OHIO


BestWishes C.J. Class Of '86


DAYTON 5470 N. Main St. Dayton, Ohio 45415 Ph. 277-8974 Real Estate Appraisals Ray Gunn, Jr. Servicing Your Residential Commercial & Industrial Real Estate Needs

Fresh Dough • 100 % Dairy Cheese • Fresh Deli Meats

ROMANO'S PIZZA & SUBS 1400 Wyoming Ave Dayton, Ohio 45410 Sue Turner


TOOL & DIE, INC. Charles L. Brinkman - Class Of '30 Robert J. Brinkman - Class Of '38 Leonard A. Nartker - Class Of '39 Richard J. Pohl - Class Of '53 William H. Beigel - Class Of '58 Chuck Brinkman - Class Of '59 John R. Brinkman - Class Of'62 Daniel C. Post - Class Of '67 Robert L. Esken - Class Of '67 George A. Ballmann - Class Of '37 Deceased - 1984

To Learn To Drive Call 278-5883: Be Ready For Driver's Test In Four Days

Go To D & D DRIVING SCHOOL Owned & Operated By Former High School Teacher, Don Austin . 3 Locations To Serve You Better 6656 Brandt Pike (Huber Heights) • Behind Grismer Firestone Store 1867 Salem Ave • 4722 S. Dixie - Rear of J & J Grocery We Issue Certificates Necessary For Licence For 16 & 17 Year Olds • Licensed By State Of Ohio • Approved By Ins. Co. For Discount • We Give Instructions For Written Test & Drive You Over T 0 Take It • Classroom - Films - Slides - Lectures • Defensive Driving Course With Newest Techniques • 4 Days To Driver's Test Or Take As Long As You Want • Phones Answered Electronically - After Hours

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5320 North Main Street Dayton, Ohio 45415




~ ~ ~

I CorrparieS'youknowus. Mctorists nsu-ance


Phone: 278-9131



Congratulations Class Of 1986 From Beckman Meats

They that hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar as with eagles' wings. Is. 40:31

Congrat ul ations Seniors The Co - Educators

Congratulations Class Of '86 Especially Amy Dudon


MUTUAL TOOL & DIE INC. 725 Lilac Ave. Dayton, Ohio 268-6713


Compliments Of

S"Q(NE~ Q(ÂťJ)

DAYTC>I. 01<10 45419

/5131 294-1001

Dr. John, Graduate '69 Good Luck Eagles


Specializing In Congratulations Seniors From Your Neighbor Next Door

LAVER ELECTRIC 6003 S. Ludlow 224-9608

Commercial And Industrial Work Only 1907 E. 5th Dayton, Ohio 254-6211

Congratulations Graduates

M.L. DUNN CO. Bucher Brothers -Printers 1

Flooring & Wall Specialists - Serving The Dayton Area Since 1945



TELE PHONE- 116-2012

' I{!I.- . .,%••,.9':"" 1m

~1erers flowers



70 Walnut St. 222-5591

Dick Oberer


1504 troy street. dayton, ohio. 45404

i .

CHIC CHIQUE 1538 N. Keowee 2932 S. Dixie 3651 Salem


116 Poplar Street Dayton, Ohio 45415 275-5582

7970 W. Third Street Dayton, Ohio 45427 Phones 835-5633/837-2333 " 10 Yrs. After"


." ~"JU'


( ,1'1"U

' ( ' .'


• .n ~" I '

(HJ .I"

/fln"JlfI/('d~/, ('/,,.~, 'i ,i ,i{l/ 513·323·4904 SPRINGFIELD 513·1164-1911 DATTON 614 • 221·3088 COLUMBUS

~ ~

Authorized Distributor

~ ..


Have Your Special Occasion ORGANized by ...





"Fabric Care Specialists" 2023 N. Main Robert E. Matejovsky Dayton, OH 45405 "10 Yrs. After"

TIMBRE Music With Quality TIM SCHLANGEN (513) 258-8292

Class Of '86

(513) 256-6806


TIMWOURMS ' (513) 278-6196

Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.

DOUG McDERMOTT INSURANCE Auto. Home. Life & Business

2920 Wayne Ave. Dayton . Ohio 45420 COMICS

8640 N. Main Street (Randolph Twp.) Dayton. Ohio 45415 Off.: -(513) 890·8484 Res .: (513) 890·8786




278-4410 Residence




277-9313 Office


JERRY X. HEIN, CRB Realtor - Broker In Shiloh since 1953 Dayton, Ohio 45415

" Everything We Touch Turns To Sold" 5417 N. Main SI.

• i





I. PRE'5IDt:tJT 2. <S0C\AL 3. \} \CE rRCc;.

lot. S R. P~1G5. S. JR. rf(E$.

DOWN ~. 5 .E CR t: TA~Y 1 . TREA.,SuR,ER ~ . "50 C>\-t. PR.eS . q. S PI R \T .

MEYER & BOEHMER "Since 1922" Funeral Home 1733 Brown St. At Sawmill Rd Frederick H. Boehmer John A. Buechler Harold B Lammert Dale W. Filbrun John H. Babb Donald L. Simson "Serving Your Needs At The Miracle Of Death"

6 Y~-()7¥ I!l'~ fi)"1 ~~ !l'D


A .011l1510N OF BE .... ERAGE M ... N.A.GEMENT . • INC .


313\ TRAN SPORTATION RD • OAVT O N . O H 4540" .{~



FLOWERS & GIFTS AC~~~~.Ts~':~,

~ -i'· '·\I' /

1(?" ,/


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22~..7,~~1 ,~ ' 25~;-~47 8



~~ S ~l'W: rt , l t l,

"""·~.:l ..


Our Brand New Location: 6140 N. Main St. 2 Blocks North Of Shiloh Springs Rd.


278-2692 4830 SALEM AV. CAll FOR FREE BROCHURE .


Robert E. Hale PRESIDENT

Direct Mail Consullanls; Graphic Services; Mailing list: Broker. Manager. Com. piler. lisl Maintenance; Production: Labeling. Inserting. Folding. Hand Assembly. Fulfillment. Complete Mailing Services.

513-222-5056 100 S. Keowee St. Dayton, Ohio 45402

Good Luck & Best Wishes Seniors

THE YELLOW BIRD FLORIST & BOUTIQUE 2266 Patterson 256-8020

Congratulations Andrew'86 Tina '79 Patti '77 .Judi '56 - St. Joes and Laurie '95 Tony '84 Sharon '78 Louis '50 Abner Orick's

.'.. . . \ •1; .-




.... . . ' "





I Trophy Co. I 717 Watervliet


4725 North Main Street Dayton. OhiO 45405 274 ·7401

Flowers For All Occasions Weddings A Specialty

Congratulations Amy! Love, Grandpa & Grar:-dma , Buehrle


M 8uns mAS'I.


路tt};ADQUARTERS tLPC, Inc. 1580 Grand Avenue Baldwin, NY 11510 , 16-623-6295

FIELD OPERATIONS LPPC, Inc., Dayton Operations LPPC, Inc., Commercial Systems LPPC, Inc., Realty

233-8328 6430 Chambersburg Huber Heights, OH Buns, Rolls, Bread, Cakes, Pies, N.Y. Cheese Cakes, And Much More.

Dr. Tbo_ V. Sobcull, Pralckat Mu7 Aaa 8ollezak, VIce l'nIIckat

1985 Small Business AdministratoD Innovation Award

Keep The Tradition

ALIVE! Keep The Parties

GOING! Kristy, Celia, Kristina

Dave Buehrle (Class Of '66) And 1 BUEHRLE ELECTRIC Congratulates And Wishes Success To The Class Of 1986!!!


fA"" CIt,itfi D,g',n Fed",1 e"di, Uni,n 200 Homewood Dayton. OH 45405 Phone: 223.2483






700 Troy St. Dayton, Ohio 45404 Phone 228-4151

Williamsburg Colors Young's Paint & Decorating 3805 N. o;k~ Driw Dayton, Ohio 45414 Store


Jim Young



4600 NO R T H MAIN S T REE T. DAYTON O H 'J 4 'S':


~ s

~ ~

Good Luck Yanko And The Class Of 1986. Erik '78 Krista '83 Jock '85 Yanko '86

Love, Mom & Dad

CORPUS CHRISTI GRADUATES Patricia Bohman Phil Davis Kathy Finkenstadt Tony Gottsclich Erik Hamilton Paul Hicks Ken Kaskocsak James Kauflin

Scott Lennon Theresa Magato Andy Mann John Marshall Paul Marshall Tammy Porter Mike Richey Sarah Wourms




•• • •

Compliments Of

Congratulations Class Of '86


MAIN LINE SUPPLY CO. 905 E. Third St. Dayton, Ohio 45402 461-5544

3832 S. Kettering Blvd. Dayton, Ohio 45439 (513) 298-7579

JOHN HANCOCK FINANCIAL SERVICES Donald E. Buehrle Agent Sp~cializing

In All Types Of:

Life Insurance Mutual Funds Investments Retirement Plans Business Insurance Home And Auto Insurance

521 Leo St.

BALLWEG HARDWARE 630 Waterviliet 253-9331 8051 N. Main St. 898-3585

Congratulations Elainell All of your hard work paid luck in Florida."



We all love you, ?

Mom, Dad, Russ, Rhonda, Karen, Emily, Laura and Scott, Ralph, Mike and David, Joe and Max too!! We Buy Eslales One Piece or A Household


"GRANDMA 'S ATTIC" Antiques, Quality Used Furniture Oak Reproductions, Accessories Colleclibles


4117 N. Main SI. Daylon, OH 45405

Happy Graduation Nancy 1986 And The Best Always To You. Tony, Only 3 More Years to Go.

Congratulations To The Class Of 1986

Love, Mom & Dad


GOOD LUCK EAGLES! Compliments of


President Vice President Rec. Sec. Corres. Sec. Treasurer

Carl Bohman Janet McDermott Mary Saluke Harriet Ashbrook Ed Geraghty

PRECIOUS BLOOD Congratulates Its Seniors Peter Axt Cecelia Castellano Amy Dudon Tom Kauth Melissa Kendall Mike Koesters

James Madlinger John Masten David Menker Kristy Michael Katie Valaski julie Koussa

Residential Commercial Free Estimates

Co'. 3305 Linden Ave. Dayton, Ohio 45410 Phone: 258-1406 258-1407

Complete Line Of Quality Carpet

Best Of Luck From Carl And Lewis


Congratulations Monica!

Best Wishes From Members


And Staff Of

Stained And Leaded Art Glass Eric Hausfeld Phone 278-2560

Congratulations And Best Wishes Class Of '86


Congratulations To The Seniors From Holy Trinity_

DOEBLER'S BAKERY Takashi Konishi 501 Xenia Ave.

Pauline Neely

Dayton, Ohio

Melissa Pearson

OUR LADY OF MERCY Congratulates

Pam Baldasare Andrew Bernier Tony Bouquot Greg Bouquot Jeff Bowling Amy Cloyd Sean Davidson

Gina Fuson Elizabeth George Lisa Gondos Monica Hausfeld Mike Hodapp Stephanie Leonard Victoria Maurer Keane McLaughlin Jacqueline Cordonnier

Stephen Montanus James Montavon Mike Mucha Steve Spraurer Tony Walendzak Shelly Weisenberger Paul West brock Tonya Zinklewicz

Best wishes class of 1986, especially Shelly Weisenberger. From a teammate.

Congratulations Celia. We are proud of you. Love, Mom and Dad.

Good Luck to the Cross Country and Track teams!

We're proud of you Donna! Love, Mom, Dad, Delmar, Darryl, and Louise.

Good luck class of 1986. -

The Wiedemans. Buena Suerte Ann Marsico! Love, Mom .

Congratulations and best of luck to Yank buddy. Love, Frank and Linda.


Congratulations Adrianna Moore. You are the pride of my life. Love, Mom .

Best wishes Class of '86! Mr. Weimert. When all the others are dead and gone ... '87 will party on. Dr. Herb Campbell. Good luck Chris in the future and much success! Congratulations Jeff! We're proud of you! Love, Mom and Dad.

Best wishes Maria, for happiness and success. Love, Mom, Dad, and Andy. Congratulations Mark Woodyard. We are proud of you. Love, Mom and Dad. Congratulations Susan Baldwin! Love, Mom and Dad. We're very 'proud of you Lisa! Love, the Jenkins, . Clays, Walkers, Izells.

~--------------------------------------------_. ~I



, I

Graduating Seniors From St. Anthony's Mike Ballweg Bill Batin Kim Bauer Gary Berning Danielle Carlucci Donna Crickmore Brian Daly Linda Duckro Gail Faulkner Jo Ann Goubeaux Donald Hobbs Lisa Hoffman

Bill Loffer NoelObach Mike Osterday Tim Schlangen Theresa Shroyer Matt Smith Tom Weckesser Beth Wissman

Hector P. Malone Lives!!

Congratulations To Katie Valaski From




@1~ DOYl~

Miami\hlleyInsurnnceA,ssociates M~




I :D.]

Spouting Com pany

3635 Ark


• Dayton, Ohio 45416

Congratulations Seniors Of 1986!! $oar As An Eagle.! The Gastons Bendell, Frances, Kellie, Le'slie


DA YTON ART GLASS CO. Chulth ... Resid.nli.1 • Comm!lci.1 Lud.d A,I Gins Gins Pointi ng Etching Sindblosting Gim Enrrnin, Gim Bending FKeted Gim .Ba.tJin, ..

Rep.i, & Re.l.rolion Approi .. l. Consultolion • . Outside P,oletli,e Core,in, Removal' In.toll.tion


Amy -


1819 Wyoming SI.

We're So Proud Of You!!

Daylon, Ohio 45410

(513) 256·8975

With Love From Your Whole Family -

~ :S ,; Ron Henne. C.P.CU

(Dad) Wm. H. Buehrle III - '60 (Mom) Sheila McLaughlin Buehrle - '61 Jennifer Buehrle - '89 Bethy

299 E. 61h SI. Day1C1n , Ohio 45402

· S

Office: 223-'3100

Attorney General


. __ :.. _ ' . Anthony J. Celebrezze, Jr. ..

C. J . Bartley Reg lo n;}1 L l il ,\OIl

Program Development Dis tri ct Seven OHlce P.O . Box 589 FoteSI P ark Si alion Dayton. Oh,o 45405·0589

15 13) 274· 11 06



850 N.Main

. 5115 Old Troy Pike Huber Heights, OH 45424 Phone 233-1500 Choice Meats Fresh Produce Everyday Low Prices Fresh Bakery Delicatessen Catering




THE FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES , Congratulates The Senior Class Of 1986

President: Greg Bouquot Vice-President: Sarah Caporal Treasurer: Andrew Trick Communications Coordinator: Beth Ann George

American Home Magazine Award Winning Homes By

ZENGEL Custom Built Homes In Centerville

"' - ---

And Miami Township Washington Township

ZENGEL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 433-1748 Sales Model John "48"


2101 Vienna Parkway Karl "50"

George "53"


Congratulations To Seniors Of 1986!!

t)i/t4 SuftIdtI



Industrial Supplies and Contractors' Equipment Phone 228·3201

Pres. V.P. Treas. Sales Mgr. Gen. Mgr.

Leslie Gaston Class Of '87

242 Leo Street Dayton, Ohio 45404

Bill Miller Don Miller Sharon Miller Hoerner Jerry Kronenberger John GoWo

'49 '52 '58 '73

A-1 TROPHY COMPANY Ph. 254-6246 717 Watervliet Ave. Dayton, Ohio 45420

Congratulations Seniors!

TWENTIG INC. Success Is At The Top Of The Ladder Continue To Climb . ..




. . .. .



Congratulations To Seniors From ST. MARY'S CHURCH


.J!'. " Jo<.-

DR .

~ ·lr ••: .·. ' • .'. . "• • :"":- ', • . ~


.I •

. . .•.







, -</.

·; . · .~ I

" ~~~'.:."~':." .;.

~Ek'pri~fing For •• rl, Ir. lim Prllllil


Resumes Books Brochures Business Cards Bumper Stickers Business Forms • • • • • V' V'

• • • • • •

Letterheads Carbon less Forms Carbon Forms Announcements Circulars Envelopes

• • • • • •

Flyers Invitations Labels Stationery Manuals Laminating

• • • • • •

Photostats Newsletters GBC Binding Price Lists Programs Catalogs

Fully Computerized Typesetting Automated Offset Printing Colored Inks Available An Enormous Variety Of Paper & Sizes Copies While You Wait

Folding V' Assembling PunchingV' Book Binding

V' V'

Cutting Padding

OPEN 5 DAYS 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.

7 EAST SECOND ST. (Opposite Kettering Tower)

KRAMER PARTY SUPPLIES 1018 Irving Avenue We Deliver!


Final Impressions No more pizza! No more cokes or subs! No more, #5 "Do It Over!" This book has been put to bed. We've spent this year gathering our impressions of the '85-' 86 CJ school year. The pictures and copy in this book, added to your impressions, will help keep the memories alive. The Impressions staff: Matt Sanders, editor; Bill Batin, Amy Buehrle, Leslie Gaston, Monica Hausfeld, Jay Hein, Yanko Krafka, Nancy Krimm, Stephanie Mayer, Connie Sauer, Andrew Trick, Katie Valaski, Carolyn Zwolski.

184 /Yea rbook






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