Chaminade Julienne High School Yearbook 1996

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16 46 64 106




a/Social Life

Social Life/9

Homecoming "The theme of Homecoming was 'Mardi Gras'

because we wanted to start off the year with a festive celebration. Gold masks, bead necklaces, and shiny balloons created that New Orleans atmosphere. II

.co-chairs of the Sodal Committee -Melissa Gressner and Amy Hickey '96

·~·~I~;~=!!~oiU~I'1~an~d Karen Ravisteln shared their first

Marching band member Nikki half time. Standing In line for and Sarah Jang time to relax .'~IiJ)·ttul'tlfIlW'._vepI.fQj; GeUlng dressed up Is Just pan of the ~=~;~~~~;:~ChriS )'.awn. Even if the football n~1J1 :iUJ~pUJ:l num Chris lennon, Chris GeolP c:atches the Mardi Gras the 1995 Homecoming court Pickrel, Micah Tolle, Alison ~ '7t=~~~~d~ Anzalone, Krissy Bilberry, Laniece :,oiOm• . JY1I1 .."" VVUItaf11IS. Chatting about dinner gave Nick Katie russ a break from the dandng.






Eagles Are District Champ Volleyball Continues Winning Traditio nother Sectional title and a trip to the District final capped an outstanding season for the Volleyball team . In earning a 21-5 record playing a demanding schedule, the Lady Eagles were ranked # 2 in the area. The team began the season by soundly defeating Wayne. After a tough loss to Carroll, the team bounced back, and posted ten consecutive wins. The team went on to beat arch rival Alter and perennial powerhouse Centerville. Next was the tournament. They won their first two sectional tournament games easily by beating Xenia and Fairmont. The next


Senior M ara Davis (right) displays her versatility during a pregame warm-up as she bumps the ball back to a teammate. This versatility along with her consistent hitting ea rned Davis All Area honors. Before a game, freshman Michele Berry focuses on the ball and uses the correct technique to set th e ball. This focus helped th e freshman team to a winning record.


match was the Sectional finals against Centerville whom they had already beaten once in the regular season. But they knew the Elks would be looking for revenge in this contest. The Lady Eagles prepared intensely and won a close match (15-12, 15-13). They then lost a thrilling match (7-15, 7-15) to Seton in the District finals . MVP senior jessica Pohl commented, flO ur success was due to working very hard in the pre-season and working as a team with a base of good individual talent towards a common goal." The Lady Eagles did work very hard . In the off-season the team won the

Kettering Indoor Summer League and North Coast Sand Tournament. The team was a mix of great talents that worked as a unit. Seniors Mara Davis, jessica Pohl, and Paris Mcintyre were named District Senior All-Stars, All District First Team, Dayton Daily News Athletes of the Week and All-Area Honors. julie Zwiesler, Robyn Dieker, Stacey Brand, Lisa Kuntz and Khristine Ambrose were awarded All-Area Honorable Mention s. This teamwork resulted in the team bei ng ranked as high as # 11 in the state poll.

Preparation is a vital aspect for sop homore Molly Flanagan and freshman Andrea Kuritar. Varsity player Mara Davis said, " The reserve team put much effort into their season."

Front row: Jennifer Turn er, Lisa Kuntz, Jessica Pohl, Mara Davis, Pari s Mcintyre, Khristine Ambrose, Teresa O'Neill. Back row: M egan Marrinan, Robyn Dieker; Julie Zwiesler, Stacey Brand, Erika Hahn, coac h A nn Meyers Front row: Renee Vogel, Molly Flanagan, Sarah Rarick. Row 2: Jennifer Johnson, Corie Schwendeman. Back row: coach Ann Meyers, Andrea Kuritar, Leah Shortal , Heath er Berry, Amanda Shock, Julie Gorman, coac h Paula Boch, Alli son Wetland Front row: coac h Susa n Carroll, coac h Nancy Egbers. Row 2: Shawna Sherman, Michele Berry, Jennifer Horn, Carrie McAtee, Amy Lynch, Amy Stahlman, A ndrea Boston. Back row: Katie Helldoerfer, Katie Mansfield, Lisa Joyce, Elizabeth M aga, Jess ie Boyer, Julia Clancy, Julie Sacksteder, coac h Ann Meyers


Pride and unity are hallmarks of a jim Place coached team. Matt Brackman and Mike Monaghan are examples of this character development.

Chris Yawn and Jason Lambright show no mercy towards a Northmont player during the season opener. Excellent teamwork helped C-j to its 2nd co nsecutive victory over the T-Bolts. Front row: Jermaine Wilkinson , Colin McCarthy, Damien Hardy, Ryan Sullivan, Matt Brackman, Tom Peirson, j oe Leik, Israel Tilk .Row 2: Ch ris Harri s, Jamar Toomer, Jason Baldwin, Demond Kennedy, M ike Monaghan, Matt Himes, Chri s Yawn, Matt Schierloh, jason Lambright. Row 3: Dan Vogel, Matt Flynn, Vincent Williams, Brent Whitl ey, Ryan Quigley, Ty Eddy, Andrew Schnell, Geoff Bardon, Mike Bunn. Row 4: Blaine Polston, Chri s Rush, Dan Plummer, Josh Horn, Anthony Brown, Justin Harris, M ike Budde, Josh Schierloh, Tim Lauer. Row 5: Kevin Anzalone, Dominick Wi se, Keenan Hutchin s, Kevin Nolan, Ben Woods, Trent Robinson, Charlie Szabo, Taylor Jones, Jim Burneka. Row 6: Paul Harker, Tyrell Combs, John King, Matt Burke, Aaron Jones, Tim Beeghly, Aaron Davis, Ryan Trimbach, Rudy Hayneswo rth, Taylor Hayden . Back row: trainers Tameka Jones and Amy Hickey, coac h Bob Young, coac h Dan Kosak, coach Jerry Puckett, coach Eric Gillespie, coach Jim Place, coach Frank Ambrose, coach Frank Bonza, coach Mike Flynn, trainers Sheila Gilbert and Kenny W oolard Front row : Paulo Ko ng, Kelly Spiker, Rick Rasor, Paul Hunt, Ty Griffin, Seth Adam, A nthony Thompson, Ben Kleinhenz, Shane Sherdf, Morgan Benning. Row 2: Corey Snyder, jason Trimbach, Joe Brow n, John Urban, Just in Iso m, Jimmy Bausman, Marcus Moles, Craig Gilbert. Row3: Thomas Cope, Peter Thaler, Richie Mitchell, Alton Croker, Paul Schreel, Justin Baldwin, jeronn Bowser, Andwar johnson, coac h Bob Young


Sullivan, Tilk Garner Awards pigskin Slippery in 3-7 Season 22-14 blasting of north Dayton rival, Northmont, opened the fall gridiron campaign. But, victories in the 3-7 season were few and far between after the exciting opener. lack of playing time experi ence in key positions showed in the close losses to Carroll (28-30), Purcell Marian (28-34) and Roger Bacon (27-30). The Eagles did register one shut-out, a 17-0 whitewashing of McNicholas . New players made this a season of growth. Like all growing teams, this year's squad experi enced its share of growing pains by suffering big defeats at the hands of state powers St. Xavier and Alter. A highlight of the seaso n was the tradition of playing


an out of state team. Grayson City, Ky. came north to visit the Eagles and went back across the river with a 27-6 defeat tagged on them. Reacting to the struggles of the season, coach Jim Place commented, "The season was disappointing record wise, but the players were good and worked hard. losing close games is what hurt us. I'm most disappointed that our seniors didn't end their high school career with a winning season. The summer will be used to review the season and to see what changes need to be made in our playing strategy." Top individual awards went to senior Ryan Sullivan who was named Greater Catholic league Defensive Player

of the Year and senior Israel Tilk honored as the GCl Academic Player of the Year. Returning players Jamar Toomer and Jason Baldwin felt "We had a good team, and we worked hard. We think the reasons why we didn't win more games were that we had a lot of bad luck and a lot of mishaps during the season." The team record didn't dampen crowd support as reflected by the comments of marching band member, Erica George. George, a junior, said that the games were fun and that she would have attended them even if she didn't have to play in the band.

Josh Schierloh breaks away to go for a touchdown in the Homecoming game against Roger Bacon . Scho ierloh's TO wasn't enough as the Eagles fell in the GCl contest. Eagle players attack their prey without hesitation or fear. Crowd attendance for this season opener was the highest of the year.

Football / 21

The all -sta r game for southern Ohio All-Area teams was played by three year varsity starter Anne Gorman (pictured) and Offensive Player of the Year Kate Sherman. With the homefield advantage, rookie Eagle Erika Drees ad van ces the ball against the undefeated Northmont T-bolts.

Bittersweet Season Seniors In Spotlight

ndividual awards rather than team accomplishments highlighted the 311 -3 soccer season . Five seniors ended the season with Ohio athletic awards. Maureen Rathweg and Leslie Keough were recognized for their academic performances as studentathletes. Tri-captain Angie Michel was awarded a sportsmanship certificate. Commenting on the season, coach Doug Lehman said, "Though we (the varsity) didn't have a glitzy record, look at the student athletes the C-J program churns out." Celeste Kline as goalkeeper.


22/Women's Soccer

Front row: Debi Stang, Sally Macleod Row 2: Colleen Barry, Katie Kelleher, Ellen W alker, Molly Kleinhenz, Candi Williams, Elizabeth Wead, jenny Applegate, jackie Mast, Katie Ly Back row: Maureen Rathweg, coach john Eckley, Angie Michel, Leslie Keough, Emily H eywood, Kate Sherman, Peggy Place, Anne Gorman, Ca rrie Robinson, Kate Lehman Front row: Katie Tuss, Alana Edwards, Ashley Dunsky, Allison Mahrer, Susie Vogel, Renee Brackett, Erin Govert, Min Kong, j ess ica Saluke Back row: Coach Doug Lehman, Nikki Soter, Natasha Mclean, Molly Rutherford, Nikki Snyder, Natalie Rutherford, julie Graham, Michelle Fecke, Anne Sullivan, Anne Beyer, Christy Maimone, Aimee Davis, coach Angela Ruffalo Front row: Emily Davis, julie Pickrel, Maureen McDermott, j amie Kenney, j essica Reid Row 2: Eileen Beyer, Brittany Eaton, Laura Sm ith, A mber Vincent, Amy Seitz, Veronica Overman, Celeste Kline Back row: Amy O'Hearn, Erika Drees, Lori Madlinger, j am i Clawson, Eli zabeth Willis, Amy Norman, julia Martin, Maria Gorman, coac h Tom Loges

With a record of 14-2, Reserve A team capta in Susie Vogel and fres hman A lana Edwards had reason to smi le. The squad, composed of 6 freshman, 11 sophomores, and 4 juniors, proved to be an effective combination.

Women 's Soccer/23

Front row: Zachary Grieshop, Mark Fecke, Chip Payne, Dennis Gorman, Adam Stachler, Greg Pickrel. Back row: Coach Luis Franca, Mike Overman, Andrew Sicnolf, Christopher Ki nzig, jeremy Chaney, jake Riordan, Matthew johnson, Ch ristopher Cyran, jason Hazelrigg, coach Alberto Mendez, coach Flavio Costas Front row: james Davis, Andy Halton, Paul Sullivan, Curt Mann, Anthony Keo ugh, Brian Vogel, Phillip Hurak, jonathan Gebhart, Chri stopher Edmonson. Back row: Coach Luis Franca, coach Flavio Costas, Nathaniel Brinkman, Steve Bannen, john Heywood, Paul McDonald, Matthew Mize, Anton Chikounov, Adam Flory, coach Alberto Mendez Curt Mann, Curtis Cyran, Mark Fecke, Matt johnson mentally prepare themselves before the game. Prior to every match, the players were encouraged with a quick prayer and pep talk in the team huddle.

Curtis Baldwin begins the season against Northmont with a keeper save. As a first y~ar keeper, he proved to be a va luable asset for the Reserve team.

24/Men's Soccer

Senior Jake Riordan lunges past a Wayne player to clear th e ball. Riordan is a member of th e National Honor Society and co-captain of the Men's Varsity team. Dave Reynolds, one of four so phomores on the Varsity team, refuses to take his eye off of the ball. Reynolds commented, "Being on the Varsity team has been a great experience for me, and I'm looking forward to a successful season next year."

Soccer Strikers Go for Goals Varsity Rips State Ranked McNicholas


ur Varsity soccer team had a hard season. We played strong teams and had disappointing results. But we never gave up. Even in the midst of our losing streak, we pl ayed competitively," Adam Stachler commented on the men 's season. The Varsity Soccer team began their season strongl y by reaching the finals of the Bethel Invitational. In the first round, the Eagles triumphed against Bellbrook, beco mi ng the only team to defeat them all season . In the finals, C-J tied Bethel 2

to 2, but lost in shoot-out 5 to 3. The Eagles then went on to beat Miamisburg and crush the Badin Rams. Next they tied St. Xavier, but then struggled through an eight game losing streak. This was a trying time for the Eagles, but they managed to keep their heads up and look ahead to the next challenge. The highlight of the season was the last game in which C-J beat state ranked McNicholas 3 to O. Senior striker Greg Pickrel remarked, "That game we played up to our potential, showing what we

could have done all season. We really worked as a team by communicating, hustling, and not being intimidated by third ranked McNicholas." In the first round of the tournament, the Eagles easily defeated Miami Valley 1 to O. In the second round, they lost a close game to Springboro 2 to 3. Junior Andrew Sicnolf said, " Our season didn' t quite end the way we would have liked to see it, and we will really miss the seniors next year. But, with the leadership of our juniors we hope to do extremely welL "

Men' s Soccer /25

LaSelle Threepeat

Women Qualify For Regionals With A Scoring Season


he 1995 Cross Country season ended with a bang as Nicole LaSelle won her 3rd straight Division I State title after winning both the District and Regional meets . Though the women's team was small with a total of 6 members, they fought their way through a challenging Division I field to finish 4th at the Districts and 10th at the Regionals. This was the second consecutive year in the history of the women's sport at C-J that they qualified for Regionals. They had returning seniors and talented recruits, Alicia Colvard and

Junior John Saluke utilizes hi s running technique by sw erving around opponents. Saluke's performance at the All Ohi o meet ensured his # 2 position on the men's team. The women's Cross Country team anxiously aw aits th e start as the offici al gives direction s. Despite th e small 6 member team, they placed 2nd to their ri vals Carroll.

26/Cross Country

Emily Roche, to help achi eve a strong showing in every meet. This resulted in placing 6th at the Greenville Inv., taking 2nd place at the All Ohio Catholic Inv ., placing 16th out of 44 teams at the Malone College Inv., winning the Oak Hills Inv., and achieving another 2nd place at the Bob Schul Inv. Not only did they improve their placing from the previous year, but the women were also ranked 20th in the State, another first for the team . The determined spirit of the men never failed, though they did not have enough runners to compete

officially as a team . The young squad lost many seniors and had to rely on the inexperience of recruits . Though they could not place or score in Division I races, the men gutted it out and returned each week. This persistence was beneficial as they achieved personal records and goals which the men found just as rewarding as trophies or plaques. Nicol e LaSelle and Ben Grillot received MVR awards and Erin Nealon was awarded the Bro. Grundish "Big Eagle" Award .

Two year member Sara Dalton kicks to the finish line in the last 800 meters of the race . Continually achieving personal records, Dalton had her best season yet.

Veterans Ben Grillot and Matthew Smith enjoy complimentary post race goodies. The #1 runner for the men's team, Grillot said, " This is my favorite part about racing." New runner Emily Roche quickens her turnover to lead a pack of runners up the hill. Though the youngest on the team, Roche's experience grew helping the women succeed. Front row: John Saluke, Matthew Smith, Ben Grillot. Back row: coach Chuck Bridgeman, Erin Nealon, Nicole LaSelle, Denise Dudley, Sara Dalton, Amy Kolakowski, coach Tom Quigely

Cross Country /27

The concession stand is one of the best places to hang out after playing a hard game of tennis. After a grueling match against Alter, Aliya Colvard decides to grab a snack, relax, and watch her teammates play.



.~ Senior varsity veteran Jeffrey Martin warms-up his swing before an important match at Miami Valley Golf Club. During this match Martin went on to fire a nine hole score of forty-three. Hard work in practice helps Junior Varsity player Amy Gaudion become a talented tennis player. Gaudion keeps her opponent on her toes by returning the ball swiftly . Front row: Terrence Williams, Michael Horvat, Jeffrey Martin, David Berry, N icholas Bell, Gregory Scott, Scott Sloan. Back row: Seth Shaman, Nathan Combs, Shawn Feltner, Donald O 'Connor, Ryan Eaton, Duncan Upp, P.J. Segi, coach Jim McElwain Front row: Katie Mitchell, Alicia Colvard, Julie Weckesser, Rori Sullivan, Ke ll y Fisher, Amy Sanderman, Erin Friel, Kate Hennessey, Leigh Summers. Back row: coac h Bridget Federspiel, Laura Berger, Amy Gaudion, Janan Sheri a, Mary Jo Rathweg, Aliya Colva rd, Amber Johnson, Tara Schnel, Caroline Deeters, coach Rory Korzan

28/Golf, Women's Tennis

Golfers Gain Respect Serve/ Volley/ Duece/ Love: The Ways of the Game r. Rory Korzan used his chemistry to periodically chart new combinations that resulted in the women ' s tennis team finishing in 7th place among all the area's Division I teams . Sophomores and juniors were the major elements of the large squad of 17 players with only one senior, Kelly Fi sher. Reflecting on the past season, A mber Johnson thought, "This year's tenn is team was young but we proved o urselves strong." Sophomores Kate Hennessey and Alicia Colvard were two of the top players on the team .

Hennessey, who qualified for Districts, was named to the Third Team All-Area for singles. Colvard played third singles and finished first in her position at the Carroll tournament. Reacting to the 8-9 campaign, coach Korzan said, "If I had to give a most valuable player award, I would give it to the whole team ."


im McElwain gave an impressive second year showing as coach guiding the team to a 16-8 season. This turn around was largely due to the installation of his summer clinic and

practice program helping varsity veterans Jeff Martin and captain Dave Berry sharpen their skills. The return of Greg Scott, and the addition of new varsity faces Don O 'Connor, Shawn Feltner, and "freshman phenom " Nathan Combs gave the struggling team a needed boost. The revitalized team proved their prowess by shooting a school record combined score of 158, defeating Wayne, a revered Division I opponent. In the words of McElwain, " Winning isn't everything, but improvement is, and this year's team did exactly that."

It's a busy fall season for sophomore Alicia Colvard wh o runs cross-country and plays on the tennis team . She ended her tennis campaign with an impressive record of 23-3 . Gregory Scott demonstrates excellent con centration when tapping in this putt. Later in the season Scott almost qualified as an individual for the Di strict tournament. Coach Jim M cElwain addresses the team before their first home match of the season against Northmont and Wayn e. C-J finish ed second, starting their season out with a bang.

Golf, Women's Tennis/29

joe Brown holds his head and arm high after winning a tough match. Brown, a freshman, was one of many young wrestlers on a young team.

Front row: Maggie Ryan, Ellen Walker, Susan Vogel , Amy O ' Hearn. Row 2:j anelle Buershen, Katie Tuss, Valerie Kimball, julia Libecap, Karen Ravenstein, Leslie Keough. Back row: Coach Isbrandt,jessica Martin, j enni fer Casey, julia Clancy, Elizabeth Maga, Matthew johnson, Mark Fecke, Melinda Sink, Kimberly Williams, Mary Premanandan. Front row: Michael Buol, j onathan Gebhart, Kevin Nolan, Tyrell Combs, jason Gilmore. Back row :CoachRobert Young, joseph Brown, john King, Ryan Trimbach, Taylor jones, jason Trimbach, Coach john Raiff. Members of the swim team are all smiles after a rough day of co mpetition. " All of the hours we spent in the water (at practice) really made th e meets challenging and enjoyable," according to senior swimmer Leslie Keough.

30/Wrestling & Swimming

On the Mats, Eagles to Districts In the Lanes/ Swimmers Soar Through the Water he wrestling team had a very competitive season that was highlighted by Mike Buol and Kevin Anzalone qualifying for Districts at Centerville. Buol, the more experienced of the two to advance, finished the regular season with a tough 13-12 record in the 152 lbs. wieght class. In the Sectionals at Lakota, Buol used his experience to quickly pin Scott Robison of Bellbrook in 2:07. This victory qualified Buol for the Districts where he was paired with Kieth Daniels from Kenton Ridge who had an oustanding regular season record of 24-3. Daniels pinned Buol, but Buol commented, "I was


proud to make it as far as I did." First year wrestler Kevin Anzalone aslo qualified for Districts by beating Dan Goeforth in 3:25 to place third in the 171 lbs. class at the Sectional Tournament. Anzalone was beaten in the Districts by Mike Moore. However, Coach Young commented, "Anzalone showed a lot of potential this season by qualifying for Districts. "


enior swimmer John Knight characterized the swim season as, "The most enjoyable yet challenging experience I have had in my swimming career." This can be

attributed to the relatively new teachings of second year coach B.J. Isbrandt. Junior swimmer Suzie Vogel commented, "Coach Isbrandt helped us be more competitive during meets this year." This new competitive spirit was displayed by the girls' first place finish in the tri-meet between Dayton Christian, Stebbins and Valleyview. Coach Isbrandt stated, "We showed a lot of potential this year and I am hopeful we will do well with a lot of returning swimmers next year." The swim team only graduates five of the more than twenty member team, which gives them a lot of confidence for next year.

Sophomore Kevin Anza lone displays his determination to win as an opponent tries to over power him during a home match. Although Anzalone was a first year wrestler, this determination carried him to a third place finish at sectionals. Brendan McCrate gasps for a breath of ai r as he practices for his freestyle event. McCrate, only a junior, co mm entted, " I enjoyed this sea~ on and look forward to next season."

Swimming & Wrestling/31

"I enjoy the challenge of tryi ng hard to help ou r team win. Every time we step onto the court, we give 100%," says frosh Greg Walker. Walker directs the offense against Northmont.

Varsity: Front row: jason Simmons, Denny Bolton, Bryan W all ace, Matthew Tolle. Back row: Terrance Raglin, justin Harris, Reuben Owens, Dan Mullins, Craig Bruner, Andrew Pratt, Charles Szabo, j erri ck Sumlin. Reserve: Front row: jeremy Goeke, Deshawn Benson, Nathan W endling, Michael Burkh olde r, Nicholas Keyes. Back row: Christopher Cordell, Tom Betz, Daniel O 'Connor, joshua W eaver, Timothy Beeghly. Freshman: Front row: Micah Toll e, j ustin Isom, Gregory W alker, Rick Rasor, Giovanni Castro, Corey Schneider. Back row: Kell y Spiker, Matthew Dahm, justin Baldwin, Evan Kloth , Chri s Kloth, Brian Frey, j ared Tanner, DeMar Pitman.

32/Men's Basketball


Hard Life on the Hardwood El der Victory Brightens Long Season mid cheers of "Here we go Eagles, here we go," five Eagle players stepped onto the U .D. Arena court on February 29, 1996. Reuben Owens, Denny Bolton, Dan Mullins, Bryan Wallace, and Springboro opponents joined the circle at center court around Jason Simmons and Springboro # 32 for the tip-off. The referee bent his knees, slowly lowered his arm with the ball, and quickly flung it straight up, causing a flury of activity. Simmon s ju mped for the ball, and C-J players drove to the basket. However, the first three-point shot of the game was


missed; and it was the beginning of the end . "A faltering start to the season had us digging a hole for ourselves, but the highlights included an upset at Elder and a big win over Xenia. We had an excellent tournament draw for the first round against Franklin, but it just didn't work out for us," states Dan Mullins. The men's team struggled through their season, finishing with a disappointing 319 record. After losing their first five games, they rallied to surprise and smash Elder by 12 points. The Eagles then lost to Roger Bacon, Purcell Marian, Holy Cross, and Patterson by an average of

only 2.6 points. Working hard, but getting no winning results, C-J lost five more games before knocking off Xenia 68-55. The Eagles lost the remaining games of the season, but stomped Franklin 64-44 in first round tournament play. Springboro capitalized on that missed opening three pointer to snare a victory ending the short tournament run in a long, long season. Coach Staley commended the team's hard work saying, "Our players remained positive, and their effort day in and day out was as good as any team to ever play here."

Transfering to C-J after tryouts, Terry Raglin, above, has been a sparkling addition to both the Reserve team and the Varsity team. From his point guard position, Raglin utilizes his offensive and defensive skills to help lead the Reserve tea m to victory over the Alter Knights at U.D. Arena. Senior co-captains Denny Bolton and Bryan Wallace act as inspirational leaders on and off the court. During a less-than-perfect seaso n, Bolton and W allace helped to keep the team focused on working hard at practice and trying th eir best in the games.

Men's Basketball/33

Number 34 utilizes her powerful legs to jump above her op ponents for the shot. Ta mika W illi ams, onl y a sophomore, is a tw o year va rsi ty center.

Front row: Tara Viney, M eghan Farrell, Tina Vehorn, A nn Ryder, Rebecca Brun . Back row: M ary Ryder, l aura Mullikin, l aniece Douglas, Tamika Willi ams, Carrie Robinso n, Sall y M acl eod, Tracie Chmiel. Front row: j ennie Poppaw , Eli se Ryd er, Sarah Bauer, Tracie Chmiel, Chri sty M onnin . row 2: Krissy Schutte, Carla Sanders, Brittney Whitl ey, julia M artin. Back row: N ichole Snyder, j essie Boyer, April Ghory, Li z Hansen, Erika Hahn, Coach Ryder. Front row: A llison M ahrer, Mali ka Daugherty, l aura Smith, Missy leonard, Renee Vogel, M ichele Berry, jenn y Horn, Amanda Patto n. Back row: Coach Douglas, Carl a Sanders, Katie H elldoerfer, Courtney M otley, Emil y Gottschlich, Katie M ansfield, j ami Clawson, A rrianne Ca ll oway, Coach Gillespi e.

34/Women's Basketball


Di strict Champs, Regional Runners-up

C-J Snaps B/creek Winning Streak ed by Dist. 15 Underclass Player of the Year, Tamika. Williams, the Lady Eagles put District Championsh ip and Regional Runners-up hardware in the trophy cases . Williams, a key figure in the Ron Russo coached squads that w ent 22-4 this year and 22-2 in '95, was named to the First Team All Ohio squ ad . Before the Eagles journeyed to Milwaukee during Christmas break to participate in the prestigious Optimist Charity Classic, the Eagles breezed through a 7-1 December campaign defeating Greenview, Dunbar, Trotwood, Northmont, Mt. Notre Dame, Patterson


and Carroll. After going 1-2 in the tourney against some of the nation' s finest, the ladies realized the importance of teamwork according to Tina Vehorn. "We wanted to be a success. To do this we learned from those three games that we couldn't depend on one or two people to get us there ." Returning to Ohio, the women ransacked the Valley from Kettering to Kenton Ridge, to capture the # 1 spot in the Dayton Daily News ratings . After losing a close home game to Beavercreek last year, C-J visited the homecourt of their nemesis on Feb. 5, and smashed the '95 State

champs, 63-46, ending the Creek' s 40 winning streak. The ladies romped through early tournament action and took home the District title, and some revenge, when they knocked off last year' s District champs, Lakota. In the Regional semifinal Sidney stumbled and fell before the Eagles, 40-53. A vengeful B'creek outfit waited in Vandalia at the Regional final for another shootout. When the smoke cleared, the Beavers had ended the Eagles' March Madness by intercepting a pass and scoring in the last 15 seconds to preserve a 52-47 victory.

Shooting guard, Ann Ryder, searches for an escape from a wall of the opposing team . Recovering from shoulder surgery, Ryder returned this season even stronger. Freshman Sarah Bauer displays her deadly crossover as she speeds down the court. Techniques such as this ensured her a place on the reserve team. (Above) Signaling for the ball, April Chory is an open, safe shooter. Chory, a 6.0" junior, contributes to the Eagle program with her helpful height.

Women ' s Basketball/35

Soft Season for Softballer:

Splish/ Splash! Old Man Weather Wins Agai

t was to be expected. "Today's scheduled Reserve and Varsity softball games are canceled," announced Julie Raiff during 11 th period announcements. The Lady Eagles battled through a tough season when the cold and rainy weather permitted them to take to the diamond. Varsity coach Tom Cooper commented. "It was a shame to see all of the seniors not get to play too often. But, looking on to next year, I think by returning over half of our varsity team will give us a good combination of experience and youthful energy for a winning season."


Senior pitcher Tracy Dryer rockets a poorly hit ball to first for an easy out. Leah Medsker swings for the base hit. Front Row: Elizabeth Wead, Shelia Gilbert, Amber johnson, Emily Lucking, Keri Scot horn, Alison Wade, Tracy Dryer, Natalie Rinehart. Back Row: Coach Tom Cooper, Chri stina Miller, Cornelia Schwendeman, Kasey O'Neill, Mindy Cooper, Erika Hahn, coach T.T. Pucket. Front Row: jennifer Wenclewicz, j essica Reid, Katie Evans, Alex Murray, Carrie McAtee, Shannon Eder, Sarah Rarick. Back Row: Coach ZaidainDupler,Missy Will, Celeste Klien, jami Clawson, Leah Medsker, Karsyn DeVoise, Cheryl Shkane, Tan Vo, Amy Stuhlman, coach Knight.


Diamonds Beneath the Dust Young Team Works to Rebuild

he baseball team had a disappointing season with a final record of 4 - 16 and eight rainouts. Choosing a difficult schedule, the team began their season evenly with a loss to Roger Bacon and a win over Meadowdale. However, C-J then went on a crushing nine game losing streak to teams such as Alter, Moeller, PurcellMarion, Cleveland St. Ignatius, Hamilton Badin, and St. Xavier. Finally, after


"Playing state-ranked teams and gaining respect has made our team one of the best that C-j has seen in a long time," says Brian Popp. Here, Popp prepares to tag the baserunner.

sixteen hard days, the Eagles beat Stebbins. The team went on to lose to Roger Bacon, Elder, and LaSalle before crushing Colonel White. Losses to McNicholas and Alter closed out the regular season . In the first round of tournament play, the Eagles lost to Wilmington who scored nine runs in the last inning. "We always gave our best effort, even when we were behind. We look forward to a strong season next year with a large number of senior players," explained Dan Flanagan .

jason Simmons slides into homebase to help lead the Eagles to victory over the Meadowdale Lions. Simmons is a two-year Varsity member of both the baseball and basketball teams. Varsity: Front row: Matthew Spurlock, Brian Popp, Daniel Flanagan, Daniel Plummer, Nathan Libecap, Neal Huysman. Back row: Coach Greg Lord, Andrew Pratt, Tom Betz, Timothy Beeghly, jason joyce, jason Simmons, Andrew Shock, jake Riordan, Coach Bill Skelton. Reserve: Front row: Ryan Maurer, jonathan Gebhart, Steve Wenclewicz, james Moe, David Grant, Chad Cramer. Back row: Coach Mike Goldschmidt, Matthew Glass, jeremy Goecke, Lance Marshall, Kevin Kuntz, joseph Sickmann, Matthew Dahm, P.j. Segi.


Thi s soph omo re uses every meet to further her shot and discus throw . Allison Wentland worked on her fo rm this season, a key ingredient for success in field events.

Front row: Stacy Reynolds, Amy Kolakowski, Stacy Noreikas, Ad rienne Reed, Maggie Rya n, Tiffa ny W ingard, Tasha Brooks. Row two: Kia Charles, Min Kong, A llison W entland, A licia Colvard, Jaclyn Mast, Sara Dalto n, A liya Colva rd, Eboni Layne. Row three: Arianne Ca ll oway, Courtney M otley, Renee Vogel, Jess ie Boyer, Emil y Roche, Kristen Bu cher. Back row: Nicole LaSelle, Erin Nealon, Denise Dudley, Dena Willi ams, Colleen Klohe.

Front row:Damar Pittman, Terrance Wi lli ams, Peter Thaler, Paul Schreel. Row two:Jason Jewe ll, Curtis Baldwin, Shawn Abernath y, Phili p Hurak, Bri an Vogel, Adam Fl ory, Marcus Harvey . Row three: Tay lor Hayden, Chri stopher Harris, Matthew Smith, Vincent Williams, Mike Jergins, John Saluke, Rudy Hai nesworth . Back row: Geoffrey McCarth y, Jermaine W ilki nso n, Jamar Toomer. Front row: David Ki tchener, David Gebhart, M ichael Smith, John Stanislawski. Row two: Brian Morri son, Chri stopher M ucha, Scott Sloa n, Matthew W atren, Jeffrey Cloud . Row three: Phillip McConnell, Michael Budde, Steven Graham, Richard Islam, N icholas Ra ri ck, A ndrew Sicnolf. Back row: A ndrew Schnell, David Berry, Jerome Edwards, Chri stopher Kro nenberger, Jon Brytus, Jason Rawe, coac h Ro ry Korza n.

38/M en' s Tennis, Track

LaSelle Wins Sixth Title /Rocketless/ // but Still Soaring High

fter the tragic pre-season loss of Ras heed "The Rocket" Andrews and the graduation of va rsity seniors, the te nnis team seemed to lack the chemi stry and stability needed for a successful ca mpaign. Some believed that this was to be a season of rebuilding. But, the additi on of David Gebhart and Steven Graham, coupled with the return of five seniors, boosted the team's confidence and enabled them to post an 8-8 reco rd under the direction of coach Mr. Rory Ko rzan. The squad racked up a 2nd place finish in the GCl and netted a


4th at Sectionals . icole laSelle became one the most decorated runners in Ohio H.5. history when she won the 1600 meters race to capture her sixth individual state title. This outstanding accomplishment was also a record for any C-J athlete. laSelle ran the 4th fastest time for women in Ohio H.S. history for the 3,200 meters at the Roosevelt Meet. Three new coaches, Mrs . Bridget Federspiel, Mr. Barker, and Mr. Boyer, guided the women to a 4th place finish at Districts. A major win was scored in


the 22nd running of the prestigious Don Mitchell/Roosevelt Memorial track and field meet when C-J captured 3rd place in a very strong field of 42 girls' teams from Ohio, Michigan and Canada. The strength of the relay teams and laSelle brought the Eagles a trophy for the most points scored by a Montgomery County team . The Men's team led by Jermanine Wilkinson and Vincent Williams and the 4x400 relay team also found some success in the Districts and in a 7th place finish at the Franklin Invitational.

Versatil e second year sp rinter, Adam Fl ory stea ls the w inning place from a field of competitors at Stebbins. Eyeing an opening, Scott Sloan looks to place this cross court forehand out of his opponent's reach. With emphasis on form, David Gebhart stretches to punch a backhand volley past his opponent. Gebhart's concentration on form and hard work earned him a spot in the District tournament. Hurdling to the fini sh, Marcus Harvey balances a demanding high jump sc hedule and running events at each meet. With a fli ck of th e wrist, Matthew Watren fires the ball cross co urt.

Men's Tennis, Track/39

Front row: Amy Hickey, Sheila Gilbert, Jennifer Farm er, Tameka Williams.

Front row: Barbara Haruff, Libby Shilito, Rebecca Thien, Ellen Marrinan . Front row: Shawn a Brown . row 2: Kimberly Knueve, Tam iesha Stokes, Larrisa White. Back row: Ke lli Blaine, Carmen Merrit, Jewel Harden . Front row: Monique Freeman, Katie Bach. Row 2: Ca ndice Elder, Jennifer W enclewicz. Back row: Brooke Byrd, Patrice Hamlet, Teisha Lacy, Beandra Davis, Sarah Armstrong.

40/Cheerleaders & Trainers

Front row: Natasha Rhode, Jennifer Stafford. Rov 2: Shawna Brown, Dennee' Raimey, Natasha LeYi Back row: Tamiesha Stokes, Heather Edmonds, Lekeate Alexander.

Sideline Support Starts Athletes on Their Way to Success

Front row: Brett Richardson, Amanda Sprague, Kathryn Lorenz, Taneesha Reynolds, Mishika Woodall. Back row: Jasmin Young, Kimberlyn Smith, Deandra Williams, Erica Armstrong, Janelle Hoskins.

Senior cheerleaders Kristina Bilberry and Candi Williams put their hands together for the men 's basketball team at U.D . Arena. Bilberry who cheers for both basketball and football said, "I enjoy getting the fans and players excited during games." Front row: Kelli Blaine, Carmen Merritt, Jewel Harden. row 2: Kristina Bilberry, Melissa Gressner, Aquila Beach. Back row: Sandra Kneuve, Kelly Grieshop, Daneesha Knox. Front row: Amanda Spraque row 2: Kristina Bilberry, Kelli Blaine, Melissa Gressner, Aquila Beach. Back row: Erica Armstrong, Tiffany Wingard.

Trainers & Cheerleaders/41

Light Up the Scoreboards It/s Not Where We Start - It/s Where We Finis Cross




Varsity Alumni Meet Greenville Inv . 6th 2nd Carroll Trotwood (Men) All Ohio Catholic 2nd Malone 16th Oak Hills Inv. 1st Bob Schul Inv. 2nd GCl league Meet (Men) Tournament District Meet 4th Regional Meet 10th (laSelle 1st) State Meet

Opp. C-J 1 4 1 4 5 0 2 3 0 5 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 4 1 4 4 1 1 4 2 3 4 1 5 0 2 3 5 0 Final Record


Springboro Northmont Eaton M . Union V. Butler Tipp City Beavercreek Sic\ney lehman Fairmont Fairborn Carroll Alter Tipp City Brookville Centerville Miamisburg Wayne 8-9


GOlf C-J 22

28 14 14

28 17

27 13 27 7

Opp. 14 30 24 31 34 0 30 42

6 35

Final Record

Northmont Carroll Belmont Hamilton-Badin Purcell Marion McNicholas Roger Bacon St. Xavier Grayson City Alter 3-7



1 /4 2/ 3 1/3 3/3 2/3 3/4 1/3 1 /3 1/2 1/2 2/4

Bacon, Badin, Purcell Northmont, W ayne Northmont, Wayne Butler, Centerville Northmont, Wayne Alter, B'vercreek, Carroll B'vercreek, Miami Valley Northridge, Valley View Belmont Dayton Christian Alter, Miami Valley, Northridge

Tournament 40/80 4th

Hadley Classic Sect ion aIs

Final Record

42/Season Records


V"eYball C-J










1 1


o o



o o

2 7 4 2



1 2








o o

a 6

Tou rnament o 1 Final Record

Oakwood Carroll Greenon Troy Fairmont Bellbrook Centerville Milton Union Tipp City Alter Wayne Butler Miami East Miamisburg Fairborn Lemon-Monroe


Northmont Wayne a Miamisburg 2 Badin a a St. Xavier 1 4 Carroll 3 4 Elder a 3 Alter 1 4 Beavercreek 1 6 Moeller a 4 Purcell-Marian o 6 Roger Bacon o 4 LaSalle 3 a McNicholas Bethel Invitational 2 1 Bellbrook 2 2 Bethel Tournament 1 0 Miami Valley 2 3 Springboro Final Record 5-11-2 2 1 1 4

4 3


W L Wayne W Carroll L W L Beavercreek W L Lakota W L Fairborn W L Tipp City W L Butler W L Fairmont W L Princeton W L Holy Cross (KY) W L Brecksville W L Notre Dame Ac. (KY) W Magnificat L W L Eaton W L Brookville W L Urbana W L Dunbar W L Alter W Piqua L L Centerville W W L Hamilton W Ursula L Tournament W L Xenia W L Fairmont W L Centerville W Seton L 21-5 Final Record

Centerville 3-11-3

Season Records/43

Sometimes You Win-Sometimes You Los

and Sometimes You Hope


4 15 1 5 3 15 7 3 19


Ashland College TRI-Vandal ia Trotwood Relays GCL (m) TRI: @Stebbins/ Alter Toledo Invitational TRI-Franklin LaVonna Martin Invitational Edwin C. Moses Relays Franklin Inv. Roosevelt Memorial

Tournament Women Men 4th 1st

Rained Out


Track Women Men 4 13 2


Districts State (LaSelle)




Roger Bacon Meadowdale Hamilton Badin Franklin - R/ Dixie Alter Purcell-Marian West Carrollton Hamilton Badin Cleveland St. Ignatius St. Xavier Moeller Stebbins , Roger Bacon Elder LaSalle Colonel White McNicholas Northmont Alter McNicholas

Tournament L


Final Record 4-16

C-J 2 5 1 3 0 3 0 3 1 0 4 1 0 5 5 3


en's Tennis


3 Butler OCarroll 4 Northmont 2 Miamisburg 5 Beavercreek 2 McNicholas 5 Alter 2 Badin 4 Miami Valley 5 Troy 1 Sidney Lehman 4 Fairmont 5 Saint Xavier o Xenia o Milton Union 2 Princeton

Tournaments 5th 2nd 4th

Carroll Invitational GCL Tournament Sectionals

Final Record 8-8





.. .



omen's Basketball O pp.

70 37 Greenview 61 49 Dunbar 71 34 Trotwood 72 18 Northmont 56 4 1 Mt Notre Dame 48 38 Patterson 48 62 Columbus DeSales 57 30 Carroll Optimist Charity Classic 42 37 Osseo 42 62 Divine Savior Holy Angels 41 47 Pius XI 68 35 Fairmont 63 19 Valley View 81 22 Colonel White 78 44 Holycross, KY 63 54 Kenton Ridge 46 44 Springboro 59 28 Meadowdale 58 16 Alter 63 46 Beavercreek

73 44 50 52 35 32 60 54 37 46 47 39 40 49 52 37 68 45 46 54

Men's Basketball Opp. 79 61 68 61 50 69 48 48 40 47 52 63 54 63 73 49 55 54 59 57

Springfield North Wayne LaSalle McNicholas Alter Trotwood Roger Bacon Elder Purcell Holy Cross, KY Patterson Badin Moeller St. Xavier McNicholas Alter Xenia Purcell Roger Bacon Badin

Tournament 64 46

44 Franklin 57 Springboro Season Record 3-19

Tournament 74 70 35 53 35

36 43 28 40 42

Northmont Patterson Lakota Sidney Beavercreek Final Record 21-4

Sports/ 45





Caring, Helpers, Learners, Explorers, Listeners, Volunteers, Envi ron mentalists. listening! That is the job of these peer listeners . Ms. Cathy Joefreda explains to the members abou t their up coming events.

Environmental Committee: Row 1: Becky Brun, Molly Flanagan, Ann Ryder, Jessi Poppaw, Lee Gear, Erin Link, Jenny Clarke Row 2: Kelly Warniment, Kim William s, Josh Trimmer, Dave TriUschuh, Kevin Duffy JCOWA: Row 1: Chip Payn e, Jenny Arbagi Row 2: Monica Norman, Beth livensperger, Jeff Martin, Joe Mann Row 3: Jerome Edwards, Pat Smith, Jon Brytus, Ross Mikos Peer Listening: Row 1: Dena Williams, Ms. Joefreda Row 2: Emily Atkin, Angie Michel, Laura Findley, Jessica Saluke, Rhonda Amerson, Molly Flanagan Row 3: Candice Speaks, Valerie Kimball, Katlyn Wallace, Natasha Mclean, Maureen Rathweg, Beth Rawe, Andrea Kinzig Row 4: Megan Gaylor, Angela Keyes, Mara Davis, Monica Thaler, Alison Wade, Nichol Long, Monica Norman, Mike Darmanin



Key Club member, j enny Farmer introduces the guest speaker Ch ip Downs from the Ronald McDonald House. They are working with him on a spring project to help out children in need . Artistically inclined Angela Hartman puts her creativity to work as she draws her design for th e language week poster contest.

Key Club: Row 1: j enny Farmer, Beth Romie, Elizabeth Brooks, Shelia Gilbert Row 2: Colleen Klohe, Stacey Noriekas, Christina Maimone, Laura Keefe, Kelly Schaefer, Barbara Harruff Row 3: Nick Overman, Stephanie Budenz, Robyn Dieker, Beatrice Keeton, Cornelia Schwendeman, Matt Smith, Mrs. Kelli Kinnear Compaiierous . Freshman Renee Vogel and jessie Boyer are into the sp irit of language week. These girls and a few other students showed their sc hool spirit by dressing up in authentic clothes from other countries. Language Club: Row 1: Andrew Shock, Ardith Barrow, Mike Anza lone, jeannine Davis, Valerie Kimball Row 2: Mrs. Lind a Colas, Tamara Smith, Nadja Frank, Tabitha Bucker, Chris Kinzig, Zingela Bowman, j ake Riordan, james Leach


Guides, Strong, Friends, Spirited, Informers, Energetic, Designers.

Taking a break from their work are junior Student Council members Katie Lehm an, Angela Keyes, and Stacey Brand . Th ese members have put a lot of tim e into planning many dances and other acti vities for the C-J com munity.

These senior guys enjoy looki ng back in the yea rbook and reminiscing about how much they have changed over th e years. Jeff Martin and Chip Payne are involved in JCOWA, and Jon Brytu s is a Student Council member. Student Council: Row 1: Jason Lambright, Mike Monaghan Row 2: Bea Davis, Laura Smith, Katie Tuss, Andricka Thomas Row 3: Joe Leik, Andrea Kinzig, Amanda Hoffman, Anthony Keough, Wednesday Forest Row 4: Jason Linkh art, Kia Charles, Katie Lehman, Stacey Brand, Angela Keyes Row 5: Tina Vehorn, Brya n Wallace, Katatra Day, Angie Michel Social Committee: Row 1: Grechen Lorenz, Kristina Lehman, Maureen Rathweg, Melissa Gressner, Amy Hickey, Angie Michel, Beth Rawe


Spirit Committee member Tan Vo keeps the spirit alive by joining in on the fun at the Health Fair. Vo listens to the information the nurse had on body fat. Preparing signs for the Soc Hop are Katie Lehman, Angela Keyes, and Stacey Brand. The Soc Hop raised money for the mission collection for Peru .

Homeroom Representatives: Row 1: Katy Wallace, Katie Evans, jessica Saluke, Erin Friel, Eve Koors, Alison Mertzman, Erin Ulliman Row 2: john Gray, Tronica jones, Angela Miltenberger, Michel Berry, Denise Dudley, Deandra Williams, Maia Kirksey,Dawn DeThomas, Alison Wade Row 3: Ben Kleinhenz, Cory Ivory, Devin McDaniel, Deandra Finley, Stephen Boston, Constance Malone, Cassie Grant, Zingela Bowman Row 4: Leigh Somers, Tim Kelly, Andrew Pratt, Zachary Grieshop, Mike Budde, jermaine Wilkinson, Andrew Sicnolf, Nestor Colon Spirit Committee: Row 1: Susie Vogel, Mike Monaghan, Tan Vo, Adam jackson, Thy Vo, janan Sheria, Rebecca Thien

Waiting patiently in the counselor's office is jessica Saluke. Saluke is a freshman homeroom representative .


Actors, Artists, Writers, Builders, Learners, Inventors, Programmers.

Talking about their next performance in joseph is junior Emily Laubacher and senior Sarah jang. jang and Laubac her are actively involved in the Muse Machine and Drama Club.

:ling is SACRED for thos

Th e Engineering, Technology and Computer Club works with many different types of programs such as PC Logo. Fred Francis, james Bombok, and Steven Reznick help each other out during their computer programming class. ETC: Row 1: Jeff Gondeck, Gary Hartman, John Saluke, Kris Gay tko, Dan Wlodarski Row 2: j esse Talyor, Nadja Frank, Zi ngela Bowman, Matt Smith, Fred Francis, Dave Ipsaro, Shaun Guilerm in, james Bombok, Steven Reznick, Natasha Philpot Junior Achievement: Row 1: Monika Dudley, Thy Vo, Steve Grismer, Steve W enclewics, Ryan Eaton, Lucas Tilk Row 2: Raymond Martin, Shane Williams, Tamika Mason, jason Daw so n, Sarah Baker, james Davis, Chris Cyran Row 3: Mr. Robert Young, jason Bergman, Keenan Hutchins, Justin Pri ce, Paul Renolds, Daniel O 'Connor

52/C1ubs =

Newspaper Staff: Row 1: Angie Michel, Beth Rawe, Mary Scott, Sarah Jang Row 2: Sally Chaffin, Elizabeth jentleson, Mindy Cooper Row 3: Eva Rich, Daniel Stephen, Monica Thaler Row 4: Joe Mann, M rs. Becky Bleeke, Becky Brun Row 5: Eric Mahoney, Mike Monaghan Row 6: Thy Vo, Mike Harvey Even though writing is Ben Grillot's passion, he sti ll enjoys relaxing and talking to his friends Tony Francis and Greg Deems after a hard Drama practice.

Muse Machine: Officers: Penny Kearney, A licia Howard, Erin Link, Carey Kayser In the junior Achievement class Mr. Robert Young helps out senio rs Lucas Tilk and Justin Price on their proj ects . Creative Writing: Row 1: Mike Darmanin, Am anda Shoup, Liz Severyn, Rebecca Colas Row 2: Justin McClelland, jeremy Burks, Ben Grillot, Stephanie Budenz, Nick Overman, Mr. Gary McMillan •


Actors, Exotic, Musicians, Dancers, Creative, Talented, Presenters.

The Drama Club presented Joseph in March. josep h's brothers look very unhappy about the technicolor dreamcoat he received.

After a tremendous performance in Joseph, jacob Sacksteder, Tom Schneider, Rosemarie Connell y and Amanda Ames get ready to celebrate the ending of th e play. Drama Club members Erin Ulliman, Ana Roberts and Emily Laubacher had major roles in the performan ce of To Kill A Mocking Bird. Drama Club: Row 1: Elizabeth j entleson, Beth Barnhart, Ca rey Kayser, Sarah jang, Tina Brannon, Amber Vincent, Ann Sacksteder Row 2: Rob Signum, Dave Harewood, Rosie Connolly, Erin Ulliman, Erin Wastey, Carol Metzger, j acob Sacksteder Row 3: Nick Brown, john Saluke, Ben Grillot, jeremy Burks, jenny Clarke, Emily Laubacher, Amber Wilhelm, Rhonda Evans


Being Field Commander for the marching band is a difficult, time consumi ng task. At the football game against Carroll, senior Michelle Schoepper proudly leads the marching band. Playing the song "Forest Battle" on her flute at the Homecom ing game is freshman Heidi Macke. The band uniforms are as jazzy as th e selections the band plays.

Saluting at the end of their halftime performance at the Carroll game are Meghan Fox and Michelle Schoepper. Marching Band: Row 1: Michelle Schoepper, Michelle Flohre Row 2: joanna Sacksteder, Heather Goff, Brooke Lynch, Ama nda Patton, Tiffney Sanders, Malika Daugherty, Candice Reed, Mara Updyke, Tina Brannon, julia Cuppl es, j aq ui Carner, Heidi Macke Row 3: Donald Wagner, joe Duncan, Meghan Fox, Erin Patton, Rachael Banks, Mike Bryant, Tronica j ones, j acob Sacksteder, jenny Hurt Row 4: Fred Francis, Beth Romie, josh Wickersham, Kelly Sheets, To m Schneider, Mark McGregor, Angel George, Meredith Robinson Row 5: Amy Herbert, A nn Sacksteder, Chri s Cline, j enny Leach, DiAngelo jones,_Mr. Mike Perry, Ms. Frochauer Color Guard: Row 1: Keira Flinn, Tisha Burba, Rita Goubeaux, Carey Kayser, Melissa Nieport, Becky Nartker, Kim Linkhart, Laura McCreedy, Amber Wilhelm Color Guard member Carey Kayser carefu lly watches for directions as she and the band perform to " j esus Chri st Superstar" during the Alte r game.


Jazzy, Singers, Devoted, Faithful, Inspiring, Harmonious, Progressive.

Posing for a snapshot are junior Life members Liz Brooks, Kelly Schaefer, Amy Kolakowski, Brian Woerner, and Matt Smith . The five " Lifers" spent a week at UD with 1S0 other " Lifers" from across the U.S. to learn more about themselves over the summer.

Goofing around or just sitti ng down to enjoy a conversation wi th a friend are some of the things these Life members do on a " fu n night" . Angela Ruffulo, Kelly Schaefer, Rory Ko rza n, and Mike Darmanin were at Ben and jerry 's savoring their ice cream . junior Life member Matt Smith mimicks Fr. Chri s at the life retreat during the summer at UD. Smith even dressed up in Fr. Chris's clothing to make the scene even more hilarious . 1.I.F.E.: Row 1 : Karen Seitz, Kelly Schaefer, Amy Ko lakowski, Amy Seitz, Roni Overman Row 2: Angela Ruffulo, Liz Brooks, Mike Darmanin, jon Doerflein Row 3: joe Brown, Matt Sm ith, Tony Francis, Fred Francis, justin McClelland, Nick Brown


Black Student Union member Dena Williams crowns the Valentine's Day Queen Denise Dudley. Dudley who is also involved in the BSU was honored to be crowned. These BSU members are some of the individuals who were involved in the assembly on black history. They have worked hard at their meetings to coordinate their performance with the Gospel Choir.

Gospel Choir: Row 1: Dena Williams, jamila Buxton, Katatra Day, Tameka jones, Taneesha Reynolds, Unique Robinson Row 2: Mike Edwards, Tameisha Stokes, Danielle Croker, Taneesha Bridles, Dashawn Bridges, Tiffany Wingard, Alicia Harden, jasmine Buxton Row 3: Deshawn Benson, joe Brown, Terrance White, Curtis Baldwin, Alton Croker, Lekeata Alexander, joy Mills, Nickie Ogundale Mass Choir: Row 1: jenny Kessler, jenny Leach, jenny Hurt, Amber Vincent, Amiee Olds Row 2: jacob Sacksteder, Erin Stevens, Tiffany Wingard, Amber Wilhelm, Leann Wysong, Heather Goff Row 3: john Saluke, Shaun Guillermin, Terrance White Black Student Union: Row 1: Melissa Sarders Row 2: Erica Armstrong, Candi Williams, Dena Williams, Tameka jones, Taherra Shabazz Row 3: Roclande White, Kia Charles, Denise Dudley, Mishika Woodall, Unique Robinson Row 4: Demond Kennedy, Damien Hardy, Danielle Croker, Da' Nesha Knox, Monique Freeman, Troy Smith Row 5: Jamar Toomer, jason Baldwin, jermaine Wilkinson, jason Dawson, Charles Harden, Patrice Searcy, james Lampkins, Lekeata Alexander, Stacey Reynolds Row 6: justin Price


Fun, Sisters, Brothers, Winners, Truthful, Dedicated, Companions . Enjoying the nice weather and a two period lunch break during the Winners Club all school pi cnic are a group of sophomore gi rl s. There was a dunk booth that soaked many teachers and a OJ who provided hip music for the students to dance to at the picnic. Co •

" '

Waiting to be dunked by the students is Fr. Ch ris Whitman . Fr. Chri s was plunged into the freezing water a few times too man y. Winners Club: Row 1: Corne li a Schwendeman, Jennifer Sydor, Leah Sturm , Milissa Leonard, Erin Ulliman Row 2: Charles Harden, Jennifer Hurt, Sarah Bolton, Emi ly Winfield, Renee Vogel, Kara Hicks Row 3: Jenny Arbagi, Natalie Rinehart, Monica Norman, Jim Bausman, Amber Vincent, Tony Miltenberger, Ron i Boggs, A lex Horbert, Jessie Boyer, Liz H ansen Winners Club: Row 1: Amy Kolakowski, Kell y Warniment Row 2: Becky Thien, Ta meka Jones, Deni se Dudley, Mishika Woodall, Stacy Reynolds, Taneesha Reynolds, Natas ha Philpot Row 3: Jenny Hurt, Jenn y Leach, Liz Brooks, Ke lli Blaine, Amiee Olds, Natasha Burks, Kimberly Williams, Leah Shortal Row 4: Amber Wilhelm, Beatrice Keaton, Jennifer Wilson, Justin McClelland, Dave Ipsaro, Keira Flinn Row 5: Ryan Trimbach, Justin Harris, Charli e Sabo, Keenan Hutchin s, Ben Woods

S8/Cl ubs

Big Broth er, Brian Popp, and little brother Alex Kil gore are best buddies now because of the Big Broth ers and Bi g Sisters program . Th ey spend every Thursday pl aying games and keeping each oth er co mpany. Big Brothers and Big Sisters: Row 1: G retchen Lorenz, Colleen Klohe, Erin Link, Tasha Th omas, Khristine A mbrose Row 2: Dami en Reichert, A ndrew Sicnolf, Brian Popp

Having fun at their Easter Party are so me of th e Big Brothers and Sisters. Th ey love making th e kids happy, and th ey plan different activiti es to do w ith them every wee k. Munching on th eir chips and delicious hamburgers are DeMar Pitm an, Jamar Higgin s and Byron Oliver. Thi s yea r's picnic was successful , and Mr. Pl ace plans to have one next year. Art Club: Row 1: Jeff M cCa rth y, Bri an Vogel, A licia Wag ner, Jessica W agner Row 2: Jos h Trimmer, Nick Rari ck, A liya Colva rd, A ngela Hartman, Sarah Jang, Am y Hickey, Paris Mc intyre Row 3: Stephanie Bud enz, Jeremy Burks, Beth Livensperger, Brendan M cCrate, Jayme Perry, Jeremy Chaney


Honor, Diverse, Generous, Committed, Excellence, Intell igence, Achievement. Many NHS members participated in Christmas in April, a project designed to fix up a house for a needy family. The students' jobs were to chip paint, clean up debris, and paint. About 100 students showed up to help out.

junior NHS members Carol Metzger, Natalie Rinehart and Stephanie Budenz clean up the rubble in the backyard of the NHS house located on W. Grand Ave. Natalie Rinehart said, "It was a great learning experience, and we were actually able to see our progress which gave us motivation to keep goi ng." Sophomores: Row 1: Robin Gros, Susan Reboulet, Beatrice Keeton, Molly Flanagan, Beth Coy, Katlyn Wallace, Laura Berger, jess ica Martin, Mary Premanaden Row 2: Anita Schmaltz, ju stin McClelland, james Davis, Caroline Deters, Christina Maimone, Katie Lorenz, Andrea Kinzig Row 3: Dave Ipsa ro, Mr. Theodore Wallace, Brother Ed Brink, Wednesday Forest, Melissa Will, Kim Williams

Juniors: Row 1: Kate Kelleher, Nicole Holbrook, Amy Kolakowski, Monica Thaler, Katie Lehman, Emily Heywood, Colleen Barry, Geny Bardon, Susie Vogel, Angela Keyes, Ellen Walker, Sally MacCLeod, jewel Harden, Sarah Bolton, Kristen Autry Row 2: Aliya Colvard, Carol Metzger, Amanda Shock, Anne Beyer, Stacey Brand, Lisa Kuntz, josh Schierloh, Molly Kleinhenz, Stacey Noriekas, Stephanie Budenz, Natalie Rinehart Row 3: Liz Brooks, Kathe rin e Vuketich, Khristina Ambrose, julie Zwiesler, Peggy Place, Mr. Theodore Wallace, Brother Ed Brink, Andrew Sicno lf, Kasey O'Neill, jenny Applegate, jennifer Turner Row 4: Mark Fecke, Brian Popp, Nick Klosterman, Mike Budde, Matt johnson, Greg Brinkman, jason H azelri gg


Lighting his ca ndle at the NHS induction ceremony is the President of the National Honors Society, Andrew Islam. Islam also gave the opening co mmentary on what it means to be a NHS member. Sen iors Dave Berry, Mike Anza lone and Laura Keefe listen to instruction s from th e house owner. They made good progress on the house for th e small amount of time they had .

Principal Brother Ed Brink presents senior Re ne Boston with her NHS stole. Boston was one of th e new inductees along with forty other students. Making major repairs on the NHS house was one thing Shau n Guillermin did. Guillermin worked hard to make the house look like new again. Seniors: Row 1: Tiffany Tomczak, Anne Gutendorf, Dave Berry, Amy Hickey, Maureen Rathweg, Rene Boston, Kell y Fisher, Denise Dudley, Erin Nealon, j ack Riordan, Meghan Farrell, Ann Ryder, A licia Howard, Laura Keefe Row 2: jessica Pohl, Andrew Islam, Paris Mcintyre, Beth Romi e, Ardith Barrow, Colleen Klohe, jenny Leach, Kerry Ann Walker, Roxanne Taylor, Les lie Keough, Becky Brun, Mike Anzalone, Barbara Harruff, jason Kesler, Corinna Baldukas, Chri s Kinzig LRow 3: Matt Temple, Nadja Frank, Tabitha Bucher, Ellen Marrinan, Nicole LaSelle, Pat Smith, Theodore Wallace, Brother Ed Brink, Tarra Bayn i, Khristina Lehman, Zingela Bowman, Megan Gaylor, Shaun Guillermin Row 4: Andrew Shock, Bryan W all ace, Gretchen Lorenz

Clubs / 61



Abound, About, And, Around, Town.

Hanging out wi th th eir friends before their meeting are so me of BSU members. The BSU meets every week to discuss important topics and to plan activiti es.

Taking a break from an exhausting day of work on the NH S Christmas in Ap ril house are juniors Jason Hazelrigg and Katie Lehman. These creative D rama Club members are performing the functions of a typew riter for one of their theater game activiti es. The Dram a Club's theater games are filled wit h fun activiti es th at bring out the wild and creative side of everyone. C-J Eagles are known for helping each other out. Sophomore Ryan Eaton helps junior Steve Wenclewicz with his woodworki ng project.


MEC club member jeff Gondeck is dedicated to hi s interest in computers. During the NHS induction ca ndle ceremony, sophomore justin McClell and receives the light that the sociey offers by lighti ng his ca ndl e.

During L.I.F.E. Week the C-j L.I .F.E. group had to perform a skit to the audience of " Lifers " . Matt Sm ith and Karen Seitz explained w hat are th e true " life skills" wh il e "Stud Puppy" and A ngela Ruffo lo demonstrate th e difference between a guy and a girl. Making harmonous tunes with her flute is junior marching band member Nikki j omantas. The band had a good showing at the Grand Nationals band competiti on at the RCA Dome in Indiana this yea r.


faces ,


Seniors Look To Futur Get organized! Prioritize! Keep a planner. Some senior planners had not a trace of homework assignments. Yet, some dates and obligations were importantly written in bold red ink. The deadlines for college applications, the SAT and ACT tests, work schedules and college visits,

Kairos, Sr. trip and Sr. Dinner Dance, grad night and prom were duly noted . THE highlighted day on every senior's calendar, June 2nd, gave a sparkle of hope to a year full of serious responsibilities and lifechanging decisions. Concerns included voter and draft

registrations, choosing a college or finding a job. The class of 1996 was elevated to the level of "higher beings" with the privileges of standing on the floor for the singing of the Alma Mater at pep rallies, being exempted from finals if they had an "A" average, having long lockers, getting

Michelle Andrade

Michael Anzalone

Emily Atkin

Jason Baldwin

Geoffrey Bardon

Ardith Barrow

Andrew Bauer


out of school a week earlier and enjoying the "bug" Senioritus! These privileges were reminders of the senior status before their ventures into the "great world beyond high school. I

Corinna Baldukas

1st day. Jeff Martin, Jero me Edwards. Amy Goodrich, Sally Chaffin

David Berry

Kristina Bilberry

Matt hew Schierloh . Jessica Poppaw. Jonathan Brytus, Chip Payne

Melissa Brock

Rebecca Brun

Kelli Blaine

Dennis Bolton

Rene Boston

Zingela Bowman

Matthew Brackman

JannRonn Bradford

Jonathan Brytus

Tabitha Bucher Seniors/67

Janelle Buerschen

Tisha Burba

Jamila Buxton

Sally Chaffin

Jeremy Chaney

Jennifer Clarke

Jennifer Con ley

Michelle Cooper

Mindy Cooper

Mary Cowan

Danielle Croker

Jea nnin e Dani s

Mara Davis

Pamela Davis

Katatra Day

68/Sen iors

David Deems

Kelly Fisher

Anita Demosthenous

Adam Dierkers

Tracy Dryer

Kevin Duffy

Carrie Dunsky

Tracy Ebbing

Jerome Edwards

Jennifer Farmer

Meghan Farrell

Michelle Flohre

Amanda Flory

Anthony Francis Seniors/69

Nadja Frank

Megan Gaylor

Karry Geer

Sheila Gilbert

Andrew Gill

Anne Gorman

Rita Goubeaux

William Grant

Melissa Gressner

Kelly Grieshop

Stephen Grismer

Jeffrey Grzymajlo

Shaun Guillermin

Anne Gutendorf

Kevin Hallum

Matthew Hamilton


Charles Harden

Damien Hardy

Barbara Harruff

Michael Harvey

Hilary Hensler

Paul Hentrich

Matthew Himes

Sherry-Ann Hoilette

Donald Horn

C-J vice. Anne Gutendorf, Anita Demosthenous. Damien Reichart

Amy Hickey


Michael Horvat

Alicia Howard

Brandi Huguely

Andrew Islam

Sarah jang

Christina jones

Matthew jones

Tameka jones

Stephanie Karl

Penny Kearney

Laura Keefe

Sarah Keihl

Timothy Kelly

Demond Kennedy

Leslie Keough

jason Kesler



Memories Fill Senior Thoughts Kairos and the ' 95 B' creek women 's basketball game were twO of the most often remem bered events for th is class of seniors. Roxie Taylor remem bered, " Standing in a long line at the Winner's Club picnic, on ly to be told they had run out of food!" The positive and negative

experiences of making new fri ends was a recollection of Kevin Duffy, while Jessica Poppaw recalled writing notes constantly during fr / soph years: "I have kept every note, in two huge bags, that anyone has given me." Keri Scothorn thought of the "crazy times in ReI. 11 with

Bryan Wallace, Josh Lucas, and a bunch of clowns." Corinna Baldukas shuddered and smiled when she thought of the day when Angela Hartman left the Bunsen Burner on for five minutes. "Some one stopped her right before she was ready to strike a match!" Memories away

from C-J included Amy Hickey's trip to Italy and Rita Goubeaux will take with her the thrill of having performed with the band and guard in the Hoosier Dome in Indianapolis. 1992-1996: Four years of memories in the lives of the class of '96.

Kevin Kier

Christopher Kinzig

Colleen Klohe

Anthony Knight

Jonathan Knight

Sandra Knueve

Christopher Kronenberger

Jason Lambright

Brya n Wallace, Bro. Ed Brink. Leslie Keough . Kerry-Ann W alker



Nicole LaSelle

Jennifer Leach

Jeffrey Leen

Joseph Leik

William Libecap

Erin Link

Nichol Long

Gretchen Lorenz

Eric Mahoney

Jeffrey Martin

Colin McCarthy

Geoffrey McCarthy

Kristina Lehman

Melissa McDaniel





Stephan McDole

Paris Mcintyre

Angela Michel

Andrew Mikalauskas

Christina Miller

Michael Monaghan

Erin Nealon

Donald O ' Connor

M ichael Overman

Charles Payne

Tommy Peirson

julie Pendell

Rickell Perry

jaqueline Petrae

Gregory Pickrel

jessica Pohl Seniors/75

jessica Pop paw

justin Price

Maureen Rathweg

Matthew Reynolds

jeremiah Riordan

Beth Romie

jason Rawe

Matthew Schierloh

Angela Michel, Matthew Schierloh. Colin McCarthy. Spirit week

Andrew Schnell

Michelle Schoepper






Keri Scothorn

Kate Sherman

Andrew Shock

Melinda Sink

Ch ristopher Siwecki

Dionna Smith

Kelly Smith

Patrick Smith

Candice Speaks

Daniel Stefan

Erin Stevens

Shannon Stuhlemmer

Ryan Sullivan

Bradley Swank

John Storck


Roxanne Taylor

M atthew Temple

Tiffany Tomczak

Leslie Toomer

Andrew Trimbach

Ata ul Usman

Tina Vehorn

Daniel Vogel

Alison Wade

Alicia W agner

78/Sen iors

Talking after class . Julie Pendell. Katatra Day, Deandra Williams

Kerry-Ann Walker


Brya n Wallace

Ca ndi Williams

Deandra Williams

Amy Hickey. Shaun Guiilerman, Erin Stevens. Rene Boston

Cramming for A natomy. Jeffrey Grzymajlo, Tom Grismer. Patrick Smith

Dena Williams

Michael Williams

Mary Wilmes

Kerri Wysong Seniors/79

Sorting it Out A Cluttered Vision What should I do with my life? What college should I attend? How can I accomplish all the goals I have? Questions! But, answering questions was not the only concern of the eleventh graders: jobs, friends, cars, PSA T, SAT and ACT were factors cluttering their vision during this, the toughest year at C-J . Amidst the academic stress, was also a lot of fun . "Parties, dances, and friends made junior year rock," said Amy Kolakowski. Perhaps junior year was summed-up best by Jennifer Applegate, "Struggling through challenging courses makes this year difficult, but it's worth it."

Lekeate Alexander Anton Alves Khristine Ambrose Jesse Anderson Jennifer Applegate Jeanette Arbagi Erica Armstrong Kristen Autrey Genylynn Bardon Ronald Barrow Colleen Barry Anne Beyer Shauna Boeke Sarah Boian Sarah Bolton Eric Boston Stacy Brand Dashawn Bridges Gregory Brinkman Elizabeth Brooks Anthony Brown Craig Bruner Stephanie Budenz Michael Bunn Michael Buol Jeremy Burks Natasha Burks Shana Byrd


Julia Cupples (above), and Natasha Mclean (r) spirit in the new school year.

Kia Charles Clare Collins Aliya Colvard Rosemarie Connolly Ryan Cornell Becky Rae Cox Julia Cupples Aimee Davis Amanda Davis Tehran Davis Robyn Dieker Brandy Dix Laniece Douglas Tina Drake Heather Edmonds Michael Edwards Leia Faith Eller Lisa England Mark Fecke Robert Feltner Lara Findlay Jason Fisher Daniel Flanagan Heather Fleck Keira Flinn Matthew Flynn Erin Friel Erica George April Ghory Corey Gilson Danielle Godale Christopher Govert Stephen Graham Benjamin Grillot Justin Hackenberg Junior powder puff "teamers " Kristen Autrey, Amber Johnson, Jennifer Applegate, Amanda Shock, and Khristine Ambrose cheer their team to victory . Interrupted by the camera Adam Stachler, and Jennifer Turner enjoy the Homecoming dance.


Marcea Hagans Jewel Harden Christopher Harris Justin Harris Lamont Harris Sarah Harris Anthony Hartke Marcus Harvey Jessica Haught Jason Hazelrigg William Heckman Thomas Hesselbrock Emily Heywood Ned Hibbard Nichole Holbrook Janelle Hoskins Neal Huysman Richard Islam Elizabeth Jentleson Michael Jergins Jason Jewell Amber Johnson Matthew Johnson Tamala Johnson Nikki Jomantas Jason Joyce Erin Kanak Carey Kayser Katherine Kelleher Holly Kessler Jennifer Kessler Angela Keyes Maia Kirksey Molly Kleinhenz Nicholas Klosterman Amy Kolakowski Lisa Kuntz James Lampkins Emily Laubacher Timothy Lauer Stephen Lawson Eboni Layne Joanna Lee Katherine Lehman Bryan Ligon Sarah Lillevig Jason Linkhart Elizabeth Livensperger Emily Lucking Tinesha Mack Sally Macleod Bryan Madden David Mann Tanieka Mason Latoya Masterson Maureen McCartan


Friendships "blossom" between Susan Vogel, Elizabeth Rawe, and Genylynn Bardon at the Father / Daughter dance. Earlier in the year this trio also participated in the powder-puff game. Phillip McConnell Brendan McCrate Devin McDaniel Kathleen McDermott Matthew McElory Natasha Mclean Angela McSherry Anthony Menker Carmen Meritt Carol Metzger Ross Mikos Davon Miller Angela Miltenberger Laura Mullikin Daniel Mullins Phillip Netherton Melissa Nieport Stacy Noreikas Monica Norman Kasey O'Neill Teresa O'Neill Nicholas Overman Reuben Owens Anthony Padgett Sen ita Pennington Beth Perry jayme Perry Natasha Philpot jessica Pietrzak Margaret Place Daniel Plummer Blane Polston Brian Popp Andrew Pratt Ryan Quigley


Nicholas Rarick Elizabeth Rawe Eva Rich Brett Richardson Natalie Rinehart Ana Roberts Carrie Robinson Meredith Robinson Raymond Rush laid Rutledge Mary Ryder Jacob Sacksteder Kristi Sacksteder John Saluke Michael Salyer Amy Sanderman Kelly Schaefer Joshua Schierloh Thomas Schneider Nichole Schroeder Gregory Scott Jennifer Scott Mary Scott Danielle Sears Amanda Shock Joseph Sichman Andrew Sicnolf Matthew Sikora Jason Simmons Arthur Smith Matthew Smith Jenelle Spencer Matt Spurlock Adam Stachler Stefan Stahlhofen Deborah Stang Brandi Stephens Tameisha Stokes Emily Styles Jerrick Sumlin Shirtor Taylor Tamarra Teague Suzanne Temple Monica Thaler Tasha Thomas Paul Thorstenson Matthew Tolle Terri Trigg Mandy Trimmer David Trittschuh Jennifer Turner Christie Vecchio Susan Vogel Katherine Vuketich Donald Wagner Emilee Waldron



Ellen Walker Amy Watkins Megan Weitzel Stephan Wenclewicz Lance Westendorf George Wharton John White Brent Whitley Michael Williams Vincent Williams Tiffany Wingard Brian Woerner Heather Wood Charla Woodall Mishika Woodall Courtney Wright Julie Zwiesler

Varsity standout Khristine Ambrose twists the night away. Ambrose' s volleyball skills also earned her a spot on the Junior Olympic team .

On the hardcourt, Jason Simmons, with a quick crossover, eludes a Knight for an easy two . Simmons also plays hardball as a member of the varsity baseball team.



The Middle Kids Looking for a Place '''I'm not a freshman anymore,' was the jubilant cry of many Sophs until they realized Sophomore life was even tougher," commented Elisha Kong. Perhaps she was right; coupled with the critical eye of the upperclass were the pressures of setting an example for the wide-eyed Frosh, increasing workload, and dealing with the responsibilities that accompany a driver's license. This year was truly an ordeal, but the "middle kids" gained respect by confirming their place at C-J through their fiery school spirit. This newly earned respect allowed them to stroll the halls with greater ease.

Shawn Abernathy Dominique Abney Kathryn Allen Rhonda Amerson Amanda Ames Edward Anthony Kevin Anzalone Sarah Baker Benjamin Baldukas Curtis Baldwin Rachael Banks Stephen Bannen Charles Barnes Elizabeth Barnhart Aquila Beach Timothy Beeghly Erin Bell Nicholas Belle Deshawn Benson Laura Berger Jason Bergman Heather Berry Thomas Betz Amanda Black Timothy Boesch James Bombok Jeffrey Bonner Bradley Borchers

86/ Sophomores

Zachary Grieshop, Jennifer Poppaw, and Christina Monnin root C-J on to victory .





Tongue wagging, Philip Hurak and Nathan Wendling "kick it" at the Mother/Son Dance. On the field, these two also " kicked it" with the soccer team . Stephen Boston Renee Brackett Tina Brannon Maria Bremer Eric Brenneman Nathaniel Brinkman Tasha Brooks Shawna Brown Jeffrey Bruce Jamie Burba Jessica Burba Matthew Burke Michael Burkholder James Burneka Lawrence Carter Amanda Cheers Nicholas Chestnut Tracie Chmiel Jeffrey Cloud Nestor Colon Alicia Colvard Tyrell Combs Sara Conrad Susan Conrad Christopher Cordell Elizabeth Coy Janelle Criner Christopher Cyran Sara Dalton Michael Darmanin Aaron Davis Emily Davis James Davis Caroline Deters Jennifer Dodson


Scott Douglass Monika Dudley Erin Duffy Gerald Dugas Ashley Dunsky Ryan Eaton Christopher Edmondson Troy Emmons Catherine Evans Michelle Fecke Colleen Finnegan Molly Flanagan Adam Flory Wednesday Forest Meghan Fox Fredric Francis Amy Gaudion Kristopher Gaytko Susan Geel Sarita Geisel james Ghory jason Gilmore Matthew Glass jeremy Goecke Heather Goff jeffrey Gondek Dennis Gorman julie Gorman julie Graham David Grant Christopher Gregory Zachary Grieshop Robin Gros Robert Gutendorf Ericka Hahn Paul Harker David Hartman Gary Hartman Rudolph Haynesworth Mary Hennessey john Heywood Aisha Higgins jessica Hill Timothy Hirt Amanda Hoffman Kory Huggins Phillip Hurak jennifer Hurt Andrea Hutchins Keenan Hutchins David Ipsaro Adam jackson Aaron jones Crystal jones DiAngelo jones Taylor jones

88/ Sophomores

Beatrice Keeton Anthony Keough Nicholas Keyes Gillian Kiffle Valerie Kimball John King Andrea Kinzig Jeffery Kleismit Da'Nesha Knox Kimberly Knueve Elisa Kong Eve Koors Michael Kuritar Ian Lawson Cynthia Lay Jamie Layton Elizabeth Leen Angela Lemp Christopher Lennon Sarah Lester Natasha Leyes Julia Libecap Jennifer Long Ronald Long Kathryn Lorenz Catherine Ly Angela Maas Devon Mack Christina Maimone Constance Malone Denny Gorman Megan Marrinan Jessica Martin Jaclyn Mast Matthew Matlock With a heavy boot Denny Gorman leads the charge down field.


Justin McClelland Paul McDonald Marcus McNeely Patrick Mergler Sarah Mertzman Bianca Miller Kelly Miller Troy Miller Katie Mitchell Matthew Mize Christina Monnin Brian Morrison Christopher Mucha Adam Muehlenbruch Rebecca Nartker Jay Nerlinger Kevin Nolan Heather Nooks Amy Norman Daniel O'Connor Shannon Oborne

Pals Valerie Kimball, Natalie Rutherford, and Katlyn Wallace squeeze together for a close up.

90/ Sophomores

With a tug of his suspenders Brian Vogel struts his stuff. Vogel also strutted across many finish lines as a member of the track team.

路 ....

Rhyan Odister Amiee aids Meghan Olinger Tiffany Pegues Timothy Pendell Rachel Perretta Rodriquezs Perry Stephanie Pestke Jennifer Poppaw Mary Premanandan Terrance Raglin Denee Raimey Sarah Rarick Karen Ravestein Adrienne Reed David Reynolds Stacy Reynolds Taneesha Reynolds Steven Reznick Mark Riddlebarger Max Roberts Trenton Robinson Natasha Roode Natalie Rutherford Elizabeth Ryan Margaret Ryan Jessica Saluke David Scarpelli Andrew Schieltz Anita Schmaltz Tara Schnell Nicole Schulte Cornelia Schwendeman Peter Segi Seth Shaman Kelly Sheets Cheryl Shkane Leah Shortal Melissa Silverman Scott Sloan Kimerlyn Smith Tamara Smith Troy Smith Nichole Snyder Leigh Somers Nicole Soter Amanda Sprague Jennifer Stafford Anne Sullivan Brennan Sullivan Paul Sullivan Rori Sullivan Andrea Swartzbaugh Brian Sweeney Jennifer Sydor Charles Szabo


Rebecca Thien Brandon Thornton Bridget Tinney Erin Tolle Nicole Tolliver Andrew Trick Ryan Trimbach Tan Vo Brian Vogel Jessica Wagner Katlyn Wallace Kelly Warniment Alicia Watras Matthew Watren Jessica Watson Elizabeth Wead Joshua Weaver Julie Weckesser Nathan Wendling Allison Wentland Larrisa White Roclande White Terrance White Bradd Whitley Joshua Wickersham Melissa Will Kimberly Williams Shane Williams Tamika Williams Tara Williams Jennifer Wilson Emily Winfield Dominick Wise Daniel Wlodarski Anthony Wolters

~ .....-------,


Benjamin Woods Jasmin Young

Eyeing the ball Scott Sloan lines up this putt. Sloan's steady eye also earned him a spot on the varsity tennis squad.

92/ Sophomores


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Big Bookbags Below, Lisa Joyce; left, Carla Sanders take time to support C-J in the stands as well as on the court.

The bothersome nudge from an overstuffed gargantuan bookbag let the rest of the C-J community know that the class of '99 had arrived . But, who wouldn't need a big

bookbag to carry such weighty questions as friendship, grades, and the "other" third floor? These pressures would have crushed the average Frosh, but at C-J the load was lightened through involvement. "I was a little wide-eyed at first, but getting involved in extracurriculars helped me meet new people which made all this less scary," said Michele Berry. Yes, the last class of the century weathered the storm of uncertainty and reached the best part of Freshman year, the end.

Desta Abraham Seth Adam Brooke Adams Regina Adamson Christopher Allen Shelle' Alves Joseph Applegate Pamela Applegate Sarah Armstrong Kathleen Bach Justyn Baldwin Geremy Bardon Jasmine Barnette Sarah Bauer James Bausman Morgan Benning Kathryn Berry Michele Berry Eileen Beyer William Bilbrey Damian Black Amanda Boeckerman Ronald Boggs Rebecca Bole Andrea Boston Jeronn Bowser Jessie Boyer Mackenzie Brads


Joeseph Brown Nicholas Brown Michael Bryant Kristen Bucher Christa Buerschen Joshua Bussen Jasmine Buxton Brooke Byrd Destiny Byrd Arrianne Calloway Jennifer Casey Giovanni Castro Julia Clancy Jami Clawson Christopher Cline Rebecca Colas Amber Cole Nathan Combs Jennifer Conley Thomas Cope Chad Cramer James Croker Matthew Dahm Stephon Daniels Malika Daugherty Angela Davis Beandrea Davis Gregory Deems Maggie Dempsey Dawn DeThomas Karsyn Devoise Tanya Dixon Jon Doerflein Shaun Donohue Lauren Doyle Erika Drees Joseph Duncan Eric Durr Brittany Eaton Alana Edwards Candice Elder Shannon Etter Rhonda Evans Michelle Farris Erica Fields Deandrea Finley Justin Frasure Monique Freeman Brian Frey Kidane Frezgi Jason Frost Ryan Gallagher Mary Gaytko David Gebhart Jonathan Gebhart Jacob Giesige



Craig Gilbert Peter Gill Kevin Gilson Tammy Gist Maria Gorman Emily Gottschlich Erin Govert Jonathan Gray Ty Griffin Na'Vetta Grimes Monique Hall Andrew Halton Patrice Hamlet Suzanne Hamric Angela Hanneken Elizabeth Hansen Alicia Harden Shavon Harris Ryan Hart Lisa Hartke Kyle Hartlage Alexander Haubert Katie Helldoerfer Rebecca Henseler Kara Hicks Jennifer Horn Elizabeth Horvat Janiera Howard Jason Howe-Vachon Paul Hunt Brandy Huchinson Melissa Hyer Cory Ivory Lisa Japs Matthew Jergens Getting into the spirit Jill Pietrzak and Erin Woeste decorate the inside of the halls. Outside of the halls, these two demonstrated their spirit as community servants.


Brian Johnson Jennifer Johnson Kelli Jones Tronica Jones Lisa Joyce Adam Keezer Michael Keferl Jamie Kenney Chantel Kinney David Kitchener Ben Kleinhenz Celeste Kline Christopher Kloth Evan Kloth Paulo Kong Kevin Kuntz Andrea Kuritar Kathryn Kurpiel Teisa Lacy James Leach Melissa Leonard

After pulling down a rebound, Allison Mahrer "slides" past a Bolt defender. Mahrer also pulled up dirt on the soccer field sliding the ball past Eagle rivals.


At Homecoming, Maralena Updyke and Mark McGregor dance to the music. These two also made music of their own as members of the Marching Band .

96/Freshmen c

Stacey Lewis Kacy Loyd Hillary Lucking Scott Lunce Amy Lynch Brooke Lynch Heidi Macke Lori Madlinger Elizabeth Maga Allison Mahrer Daniel Mann Kate Mansfield Andrea Martin julia Martin Ryan Maurer Carrie McAtee Karen McCarty Maureen McDermott Sherry McGlinch Mark McGregor Steven McGuire Tom Meininger Allison Mertzman julie Mervar joy Mills Anthony Miltenberger Richard Mitchell james Moe Marcus Moles Garrett Moore Courtney Motley Chad Murphy Alexandra Murray Katie Nankivell Karen O'Brien Amy O'Hearn Sarah O'Hearn Omolola Ogunduyile Byron Oliver Tanya Osborne Veronica Overman Ryan Owens Matthew Page Brigid Palmer Amanda Patton Nick Phelps julie Pickrel jilian Pietrzak DeMar Pitman jason Ponds Richard Rasor Mary Rathweg jessica Reid jessica Rhoads Taryn Richardson Unique Robirrson


Keeping his eye on the ball Terrence Williams smashes a drive down the fairway . As a member of the Wrestling team, Williams also smashed many opponents to the mat during the course of the season . Emily Roche Karma Ross Molly Rutherford Elise Ryder Ann Sacksteder julie Sacksteder Carla Sanders Melissa Sanders Tiffney Sanders Shane Scherpf Matthew Schommer Edward Schopler Paul Schreel Kristina Schutte Patrice Searcy Amy Seitz Alisha Serrer Elizabeth Severyn Taherra Shabazz Nicholas Shade Anne Sharp janan Sheria Shawna Sherman Elizabeth Shillito Amanda Shoup Ryan Sickmann Nadia Sievering Robert Signom Deanne Simonson Danielle Simpson jameel Sinkfield Angela Siwecki Lance Smith Laura Smith Sharon Smith



Michael Smith Tenisha Smith Cory Snyder Andrew Sokolnicki Jessica South Kelly Spiker John Stanislawski Amy Stuhlman Leah Sturm Jennifer Styles Jajuan Sylvan Alana Takacs James Taylor Jesse Taylor Peter Thaler Andricka Thomas Anthony Thompson Starlain Thompson Donna Tobey Micah Tolle Tiffany Toomey Jason Trimbach Katie Tuss Erin Ulliman Maralena Updyke Duncan Upp John Urban Amber Vincent Amy Vogel Renee Vogel Gregory Walker Jennifer Wenclewicz Brittney Whitley Amber Wilhelm Terrence Williams Elizabeth Willis Cathrine Winarchick Erin Woeste Tene Woods Priscilla Wright Leann Wysong Francisca Yates

Sarah Yates

In practice Amy Stuhlman concentrates on each shot. This hard work earned Stuhlman a spot on the Gem City volleyball team .


A Special Part of C-J Montgomery County Faculty and Students Steve Back Carlton Candy Brendan Cannell Peter Collins Debbie Evans Janie Gehman Steve Grooms Jan Sweat Sharon Hoying Tim Hughes Chris Johnson Rose Messmer Jamie Miles Beth Noyes Doug Ross Candi Shepherd Derrick Starling Marlyn Stekli Vashti Veasley

Learning is made fun for Rose Messmer and Steve Back by Ms. Debbie Evans.

The daily paper helps Peter Collins and Ms. Marlyn Stekli keep abreast of current issues .

100/ Montgomery County E



Using a computer at the worksite, Derrick Starling keeps the world at the touch of his fingertips.

Notice of a possible job opportunity comes to Candi Shepherd by way of Mrs. Marlyn Stekli.

Taking notes and listening intently, Beth Noyes sharpens her skills for the real world .

With the help of Mrs. Marlyn Stekli, Nikki Conners meets the challenge of classwork .

Before heading out to deliver pizzas, Tim Hughes takes a moment to deliver a smile to the camera.

Montgomery County /10 1

Teaching Lessons Inside and Outside of the Classroom It has been said that the best lessons are taught through example. If this is true, then the students of C-j must have had the finest teaching in the world because of the values demonstrated by the faculty both inside and outside of the classroom. The faculty of C-j have been ready to provide the guiding hand necessary to push students to their absolute potential. Teaching the important les-

sons of respect and self discipline, as well as providing the skills needed to succeed later in life, has always been a full time job. But, according to Mr. Ron Russo, "The difference between a C-J faculty member and any other is that C-j faculty are always there for you." Through hardwork, dedication, and care, the faculty of C-j have always displayed values for a lifetime.

Form er C-J graduate Mr . Frank Ambrose became a part time German teacher for the fourth quarter. "Being a teacher after being a student is weird, because teachers I used to be sca red of are now on an equal level with me."

Sr. Marie Abmayr Mrs. Arlene Adcock Ms . janice Anderson Mrs. Nancy Ark Mrs . Molly Bardine Mrs. Diana Barr Mrs . Paula Beach Mrs. Mary Berger Ms. Lisa Beringer Mr. Douglas Bice Ms. Rebecca Bleeke Mrs . MaryAnn Bray Bro. Edward Brink Mr. james Brooks Mrs. Cindy Budde Mrs. Maria Burkett Mr. Edmund Cichanowicz Mrs. Linda Colas Mrs. Lisa Colbert Ms . Kathleen Crosby Sr. Kim Dalgarn Mr. james Davis Mrs . joyce Detzel Mrs. julie Dill Mr. Timothy Dillon Ms. Ellen Downer Ms. Nancy Egbers Mrs . Laura Eloe

102/ Faculty

Ms . Bridget Federspiel Mr. Antonio Ferraro Mr. JoAnne Flynn Mrs. Lynn Ford Mr. Rick Friedline Ms. Carolina Froschauer Mr. Quintin Gaddis Ms. Lisa Gallagher Mrs. Nancy Grillot Sr. Dami enne Grismer Mrs. Barbara Groene Mrs. Debi Hoersting Mr. Charlie Hollis Mrs. Virginia Holmes Mr. Brian Isbrant Mrs. Marian jensen Ms . Catherine joefreda Mrs. Cheryl Kayser Mrs. Kelli Kinnear Mr. Rory Korzan Mrs. Shirley Kuchta Mrs. Gail Logan Bro. Edward Longbottom Mrs. Loi s Mann Mr. john McDermott Mr. Gary McMillin Ms. Ann M eyers Mrs. Molly Milligan M s. Amy M yers Mrs. Elizabeth Naughton Mrs. Amy O'Connor Mr. Michael Perry Mr. james Pl ace Mi ss julie Raiff M s. Marguerite Regan Whatever needs to be don e, Mr. Charlie Hollis ca n do it. Mr. Hollis is a valuable member of the support staff that sees to it that C-J is good working order. H e often co mes in during the weekend just to check up on things around the building.


Ms. Angela Ruffolo Mr. Ron Russo Mrs. Debra Schenk Mrs. Connie Scherpf Mr. Michael Schierloh Ms. Karen Seitz Mr. Philip Sikorski Ms. Cheryln Smith Mrs. Teresa Sorrell Mrs. Tannis Soter Mr. Joseph Staley Mrs. Bette Sullivan Mr. Dennis Thomas Mrs. Kathleen Turner Mrs . Lyn Velte Dr. T.J. Wallace Mrs. Marcia Wayman Mr. Charles Wiemert Mr. Donald Wiemert Mrs . Charlene Wheeler Bro . Robert Wiethorn

Mrs. Marian jen sen, the librari an and frequent substitute teacher, Mrs. Kathy Menker, catch up on the morning's activities during their 25 minute lunch break.


Ms. Cathy joefreda cou nsels senior Mara Davis about her future co ll ege plans. Ms. joe's office is famous for its sen ior picture door and her collection of trolls .


Fr. Christopher Wittmann Mr. Robert Young Mr. John Zaidain

School nurse Mrs. Nancy Grillot engineers the faculty health challenge and uses fat-free dressing on a salad at an impromptu luncheon pot luck. Head volleyball coach Ms. Ann Meyers coaches her students through tough problems on the court and in her algebra, trig, and honors math classroom.

Mr. Brian Bardine is surrounded by a bouquet of faculty roses (Ms. Angela Ruffolo, Ms. Kathleen Crosby, Ms. janice Anderson, Ms. Nancy Egbers, Mrs. Molly Bardine) at the Prom. Mr. james Davis is a "fixture" in the Business Department teaching everything from accounting principles to aspects of business law .

After nine years at C-j and thirty at Belmont, Mr. c., the physics teacher with a dry sense of humor, is retiring from teaching. English instructor Mrs. Molly Milligan and soc/psych teacher Sr. Damienne Grismer sample the goodies at the Lang. Club's International Tea.


8tudent Life

106/ Student Life



Heather Berry, Ellen Marrinan, Meghan Fox, Caroline Deters, and Jenny A rbagi make up the bridal party for the French wedding.

The Humanities Courses from the English, Music, Language, Religion, and Art depa rtments expose students to foreign co ncepts through familiar practices. While ea rning credits, students participate in external lea rnin g experiences such as retreats, trips ab road, performances, and natio nal contests.

Creative w riters of C-J, Carroll, and Fenw ick gather in the libra ry for a w riting marath on. The four hr. event included prompt w riting, free w riting, and sharing. Th e C-J alma mater is perform ed by trumpeter Jason Jewell at a pep rall y.

As an open ing tru st-building exercise, Matt Tolle falls into a support web of fellow juni or retreatants.

108/ Academics

Costum ed as the grim reaper, Tom Schneider di stributes a H alloween treat to hi s Honors English classmate Stacy Noreikas. Kairos student leader Geoff Bardon stresses th e importance of sc ripture to retreat part icipants Rene Boston and Tiffany Tom zcak.



Advanced A rt students Jayme Perry and Jess ica W agner receive first place honors from th e Congress ional A rt Competition for th eir entries, " Urban Gothic" and "Self Portrait. " O ne down, six wo nders of the wo rld to go fo r A my Hickey and Melissa Gressner w ho stop at The Leaning Tower of Pisa . M rs. Colas and th e Latin stud ents studied Roman culture on a summer tour of Italy.

Academi cs/l09

M s. Bridget Federspi el's World Cultures class keeps Tiffney Sanders busy w ith notes of the ancient Incas and Aztecs.

With State Science Fair fast approaching, Susie Vogel spends aftersc hool hours in the lab. C-J's own computer w hi z Bro . Bob W eithorn assists A manda Hoffman w ith her programm ing ass ignment.

With bl eachers full of bright-eyed freshman, M r. Ron Ru sso goes over the ropes of gym cl ass.

110/ Academi cs

Lab Work The natural science departments at C-J take a " hands on" approach to learning. The food, computer, woodworking, math, and chemistry labs are constantly bustling with activity. The aroma of cinnamon rolls and the hum of printers inform passersby that students are fast at work. The science fair, JETS co mpetition, and junior achievement convention are three co ntests in which C-J students annually compete, utilizing their lab experience.

Goggles are essential for Th y Vo and other members of Mr. Robert You ng's woodwork ing team that use industrial machinery and high -tech equipment. Health instructo r Mr. Phil Sikorski observes Mackenzie Brads ' resusc itation technique . With the help of the school nurse, Mrs. Nancy Grillot, each health student becomes certified in CPR.

Mesmerized by the capab ilities of the modern computer, sophomore Terry Raglin stares at the C-J homepage on the world wide web that Bro. Bob and members of the MECC created. Lab partners A nita Schmaltz and Jewell Harden discuss the results from their empirical formula experim ent in first period chemistry.


Student Stars Individual Awards #1Shaun Guillermin # 2 Chris Kinzig Brooke Adams Art I World Cultures CP English 9 Khristine Ambrose Am . Authors German III Kristin Autrey Computer Topics Andrew Bauer Accounting David Berry Graphic Com . I European Authors Kathryn Berry General English 9 Michele Berry Honor Alg/Geometry

Work Rewards On May 15 members of the student body were honored for their outstandi ng accomplishments. Parents, friends, faculty and administration saw students receive awards for academic, service and spirit achievements. After the program, which was under the direction of Mrs. Charlene Wheeler, a reception was held in the cafeteria.

Religion 9 German I Rene Boston Humqn Anatomy Tina Brannon Winds/ Percussion Rebecca Brun Print Media Stephanie Budenz Chemistry Rebecca Colas Latin I Alicia Colvard Fashion in 90's Jeannine Danis Advanced Aigli/Trig Aaron Davis Physical Ed 10 Caroline Deters French II Joseph Duncan World History

Academic Class Achievers Tracy Ebbing Family Living Shannon Etter Fine Arts-Music Health Nadja Frank AP Calculus Jeff Gondek Computer Programming Dennis Gorman Mech Drawing I Robyn Gros CP English 10 Shaun Guillermin Honors Spanish 5 AP English 12 Angela Hartman Latin 10 Alex Heckman Religion 11 Michael Horvat Mech Drawing II Adv. Computer Programming Jennifer Hurt General English 10

David Ipsaro Honors Biology Andrew IsiamCP Physics CP US Government Economics Sarah Jang Honors Art IV Creative Writing Matt Johson Honors Chemistry Honors Pre Calculus Sarah Keihl Graphic Comm. II Leslie Keough Sociology Andrea Kinzig Spanish I Honors English 10 Keyboarding/Computer Physical Ed 10 Honors Geo/ Alg II Christopher Kirizig English Literature Honors Physics I\P Government Honors Spanish 4

Jeff Kleismit Fine Arts-Music Microbiology / Environmental Science Anthony Knight Adv . Computer Programming Paulo Kong Physical Ed 9 Emily Laubacher Honors English II French III Joseph Leik Business Law Beth Livensperger Art III Nichol Long Child Psychology Gretchen Lorenz Religion 12 AP Government Lori Madlinger CP Algebra 1 A Elizabeth Maga Algebra 1 B

112/ Academic Awards



.... .

Special Awards Ann Will Scholarship Laura Keefe Barrett Robinson Scholarship Katie Lehman Bausch & Lomb Science Award Jennifer Turner W estinghouse Science Award Nadja Frank (semi-finalist) O hio H.S.A.A . Scholars Nicole La Selle Jake Riordan LaSertoma Service Award M ichelle Schoepper Hugh O ' Brien Leadership Award W ednesday Forest Ki w anis Club Outstanding Senior Jennifer Farmer Sr. Ruth Ann Bange Service Award Matt Johnson Geo rge Early Service Award Ben Baldukas Gerard "Fuzzy" Faust Award Angie Michel Michael Monaghan

Founders ' Award Leslie Keough Ohio Board of Regent Scholars Nadja Frank Shaun Guillermin Andrew Islam Andrew Shock Bryan Wallace National Merit Letters of Commendation Sally Chaffin Nadja Frank Anne Gutendorf Erin Stevens Am. H .S. Mathematics Exam Matt Johson Optimist Speech Contest Nick Keyes (2nd in State) Environmental Com . Service Award Becky Brun Holocaust Writing Contest Maureen Rathweg Sinclair CC Writing Contest Mary Wilmes

Scholar Athletes Kh ristine Ambrose Jen nifer Applegate Co lleen Barry David Berry Stacey Brand M ichael Budde M atthew Burke Sally Chaffin Robyn Dieker Lan iece Douglas Meghan Farrell Dennis Gorman Eri cka Hahn Marcus Harvey Jaso n Hazelrigg Kate Hennessey Emily Heywood Matt Johnson Lau ra Keefe Mo lly Kleinhenz Co lleen Klohe Amy Kolakowski Lisa Kuntz Nicole LaSelle


Katie Lehman Ellen Marrinan Megan Marrinan Jessica Martin Paris Mcintyre Stacy Noreikas Jessica Pohl Mary Premanandan Maureen Rathweg David Reynolds Natalie Rinehart Carrie Robinson Andrew Shock Andrew Sicnolf Matt Spurlock Rebecca Thien Katie Tuss Brian Vogel Susan Vogel Ellen Walker Bryan Wallace Kim Williams Julie Zwiesler

Katie Tuss Honors English 9 Honors World Cultures Thy Vo Cabinet Making I Ellen Walker Microcomputer / Keyboarding French IV Katlyn Wallace Spanish II Kelly Warniment Art II Amy Watkins CP Algebra II John White Latin II Kimberly Williams Geometry A Culinary Arts Julie Zwiesler AP American Studies

Scholars Christine Maimone Honors Biology Cabinet Making II Religion 10 German II Justin McClelland Concert Band Patrick Mergler Computer Programming Christina Miller Parenting Garrett Moore Experiences in Math Amy Norman General Biology Daniel Plummer Acad . Computer Programming Jessica Pohl Graphic Comm . II AP Biology Jessica Poppaw Trans . to College Math Mary Premanandan Ceramics Ryan Quigley CP Am. Studies Maureen Raathweg

German IV Natalie Rinehart General Psychology Spanish 3 Jacob Sacksteder Latin III Cornelius Schwendeman Computer Topics Kerri Scothorn Meal Planning Chris Siwecki Cabinet Making II Patrick Smith Life Management Deborah Stang French I Erin Stevens Pre Calculus Leah Sturm Pre Algebra Jennifer Sydor Geometry B Matt Temple Indep . Acad. Computer • Programming Monica Thaler AP ALg II/Trig A

Academic Awards/113

Working at her fam il y owned tailoring shop w ith her mother is how Catherine Ly makes extra spe nding cash.

An organi zed sc hedule is a must for, Tiffany Wingard, who balances cheerleading and a job at the shoe store, Wi ld Pair. Dairy Queen, a frequent Eagle hangou t, is where Amanda Davis serves ice cream many days aftersc hool.

" .. Workin' Hard for the Money ... " M any students know about "workin ' hard for the money" because they have jobs . Balancing academics, extra curriculars and a job is not an easy task. Many work so they can buy a car, in cluding Ned Hibbard, w ho works at Bill Knapps. H ibbard sa id " I got a j ob because 1 was tired of asking for rides and needed money for a car."

Showing off suave styles, Dan Vogel, Jason Lambright, Paul Harker, Michael Monaghan, And rew Mikalauskas, and Kevin Hallum, model prom attire for President's Tuxedo at the Salem Mall.


Outside the Nest Spring Break and Summer vacation are words that sound like music to students and teachers. As both grow near people become more anxious because they know what awaits them once they leave the Eagle's nest ... sleeping in on Monday mornings, and no homework or papers to grade. The ways people spend their vacations can vary from playing softball to just curling up with'a good book.

A favorite pass time of longtime buddies Matt Reynolds and Jake Riordan is listening to music at Gem City Records. Mixing fun with environment concerns at a nationwide convention in California is how Becky Brun spent vacation time.


Visiting the Padre Islands in Texas, art teacher, Mrs. Diana Barr, takes time to enjoy the exotic desert scenery. Softball all-stars, Amber Johnson and Alison Wade played in the su mmer league's regional game in Notre Dame, Indiana .


Retreaters group together at Pleasa nt Hills. Juniors can choose from three retreat dates in November, December, or March.



Th e religion dep<;l rtment and pastoral services work tirelessly to strengthen the spiritual awareness here at C-J. Freshmen and sophomores break fr9m the monotony of daily schedules for a day of activities aimed at building class unity, while optional retreats for upper classmen include an overnighter and Kairos for seniors.

Gospel choir members Amber Vincent and Amy Olds sing at the Ash Wednesday service. During Lent, the C-J community attends masses and skips meat in the cafeteria on Fridays and on Holy Days. " Retreat was an enjoyabl e experience that I will always remember. I bonded w ith my fellow classmates like I never had before," com ments Scott Douglass on sophomore retreat.

Teresa O'Nei ll pours water for Sandra Knueve at the Ka iros retreat. Seniors termed Kairos as an indescribable experience.

11 6/ Retreats

Nikki Soter and Amanda Cheers pool their puzzle pieces in an attempt to form a square without speaking. Each member of the small group recieves an envelope with puzzle pieces that, when matched with pieces from other group members, will form a sq uare. Josh Horn and Matt Flynn exchange a sign of peace during Ash W ednesday mass. Masses, an important aspect of the C-J community, provide an opportunity for students to practice their faith during a normal school day.

Are Treats! "When preparing for my Kairos retreat, 1 didn' t know what to be ready for or what 1 would be finding. Afterwards, 1 realized that 1 had found myself." -Sandra Knueve

"I felt that the retreat provided the juniors with the opportunity to get to know their fellow classmates better." -Jason Linkhart

While making a point to Mr. Gary McMillan, sophomore Fred Francis is distracted by the camera. During retreats, sophomores often break into small groups to di~cuss various topics. Bestowing her trust on fellow junior classmates, Janelle Hoskins prepares to fall backwards into their waiting arms. Retreat activities are aimed at building trust and friendships among people a person may not see during the average schoolday.


"Eagle fans yell ... " co mes from cheerl eaders, Angie M ichael, A manda Sprague, Kristina Billberry, Candi Wi lli ams, Melissa Gressner and Aquila Beach

E-A-G-L-E-S At each pep rally the spirit stick was passed to the class that had the most enthusiasm . This year the spirit staff had a face lift. The covering was replaced with glitter and metallic paper .. Unfortunately, the spirit symbol was destroyed during a rally. Michael Monaghan sa id, "The spirit stick served its duty .. . getting the crowd hyped . A new spirit stick is a job I'm passing on to next year's committee."

After a win, Fr. Chri s Whittman, Ms . Ann Meyers, M s. Bridget Federspiel, Mr. James Brooks, M s. Karen Seitz and Mr. M ike Joyce relax. The juniors including, Natasha McLean, Latoya Masterson, Matthew Sikora and Christophe r Rush support the athletes . Showing sc hool spirit gain ed them the spirit sti ck. It's tournament time!


With deco rating almost done, Mike Keferl, Nadia Sivering, Emil y Gottschlich and Mary Kayko, put on the finishing tou ches . Decorating was not all work and no play for Jillian Pi etrzak, Peter Thaler, Kevin Gilson, Rene Vogel, Erin Ullman and Erin Woeste.

Undisputed Champs The junior class used old Homecoming decorations to create the winning hallway entry in the grand finale of Spirit Week, the hall decorating contest. The participants used blue and green gossamer paper to cover th e lockers and lights which gave the hallway a dark and mystical appearance. The class was given an out of uniform day for their repeat win .

Before hanging decorations, M eli ssa Gressner, Alison W ade, Mara Davis and Katatra Day, show off one of their signs. As hall enhancing co mes to an end, Tara Vinn ey and Timothy Kelly are all smiles. Vinney helped the Lad y Eagles' basketball team to the Region al Finals.

Spirit! 119

After break, Brian Madden, Jenn y Conley and Jeff Leen head to class. The start was delayed due to bad roads .

Snow is Wicked! "The closings for the day are ... ",These words brought five days that expanded the Christmas break. Mishika Woodall got stuck in the winter drifts. "I knew all the main roads were clear, but it didn' t mean parking lots were clear. I was stranded for twenty minutes waiting for someone to dig me out."

The cleared streets made travel to math class easier for Jason Fisher and An nie Sullivan. Warmer temperatures and salt trucks made the snow melt easily. As snow falls and the temperature drops, Amie aids begins her day by checki ng homework in Mrs. Ark's Spanish I class.

Math students felt the " deep freeze" of 96' when going from Emmanuel to C-J. The temperature high was in the




Pl owing through the snow, Corey Gil so n and Colin M cCarth y travel to M r. Perry's A lgebra II class. The Emmanuel buil ding has become th e center for th e growing math emati cs departm ent.

Snow Days - What Did You Do? Freshm en 1. Sleep 2. W atch talk shows 3. Talk on the telephone Sophomores 1. Sl eep 2. Talk on Teleph one 3. Study for exa ms Juniors 1. Sleep 2. Work 3. Stud y for exa ms Seniors 1. Sleep 2. Party 3. Study for exams

Sid ewalks clea ned of snow and ice, made travel sa fer for students w ho ride the RTA buses. Salt had to be dumped to ensure non-slick pathways. Th e snowfa ll in so me pa rts of O hi o reached ten in ches. Th e custodial staff worked extra hard to make sure the " pathway to learning" was cl ear for students returning from Chri stm as Break.

Snow Days/121

En route to the dirt lot, transfer students Geoff McCarth y and Israel Tilk show off thei r new best bud, Erin Link.

Make New

Friends Cross-town rivals become downtown friends as the school zone increases from paris h neighborhoods to the greater Miami Valley. Draw ing from over 15 schools, C-J is the idea l setting for meeting new peopl e and getting reacq uainted with fami li ar faces. From this new pool of classmates, students develop relationships and find new best frie nd s.

Distance does not keep laniece Douglas, Sally Macleod, and l aura Mullikin who live North, South, and East of Dayton from having a close relationship. Erica Fields and Karsyn Devois e cuddle li ke old friends in World Cultures class after meeting on ly five months ago.

Over Chunky Monkey and Cherry Garcia, best friends Caty l y and Jackie Mast catch up on th e w eek's events at Ben & Jerry's.

122/New Friends


This " flas hback" photo captures Mary Cowan and Jeannine Danis in the ea rl y years of their friendship. Cowan com mented, " We've been best friends since third grade. " Former Stivers students Katatra Day and Mara Davis express th ei r friendship with a hug at the Kairos retreat.

But Keep the Old Though most students change their circle of friends in high school, some friendships stand the test of time. "It's been hard, " said soph. Jennie Pop paw, "but w ell worth it." Friend ships ca rrying over from grade school are a source of strength for students faci ng the unfamiliar territory of high school. Of Cowan, Danis said, " She's my rock ."

The fri endship of Tracie Chmiel and Jennie Poppaw stemmed from their involvement in basketball. The SI. A nthony alumni have continued both basketball and their • friendship here at C-J. Reuben Owens and hi s priceless pal, Davon Miller, keep in cl ose co ntact despite participating in different extracurriculars at C-J. Dayton Catholic was the meeting ground for the two juni ors.

Old Friends!1 23

Freshm an trio, jenn y W enclewicz, Liz Hansen, and j en john so n wa rm up to the music and dancing on th e co ldest night of the year.

Turn the Dance

Around It was turn around and get down for the ann ual "Turn About Christmas Dance. " Th e women arranged, drove, and paid for the evening in a role reversa l situation . For some, this was awkward and difficult. But decisions were made, obstacles overcome, and a merry ole time was had by all. " It was a bigger turn-out than expected," ca rol ed senior Amy Hickey.

In line for a heavenly pi cture, Tiffan y Bouldin, Ca rla Sanders, and Chantel Kinney echo the theme w ith their angelic sm il es. The them e for th e dance was, " You A re My Angel. " Social co mmittee chairperson Melissa Gressner smiles, approving the decor. Her crew of helpers finished the backdrop just two hours prior to the dance.

Theresa Galli and Dan Flanagan dance arm in arm 10 Eric Claplon's, "Wo nderful Tonight."

124/Christmas Dance

Paul Hunt wears the prize from his date Laura Smith 's Happy Meal. The couple dined on burgers and fries at the neighboring Main SI. McDonald's before attending the Valentine's dance. Though the dance is for sweeties, Arrianne Calloway and Karsyn Devoise find tim e to sociali ze with other fri ends before returning to their dates.

Received as a Valentine







,.,.. ~ ofher"



Black Stud ent Union members Jewel Harden and Brett Richardson enjoy the Valentine's dance theme, "Love You For Life ." The BSU sponsored dance is you ng in term s of tradition, but the response is growing, "We had more students than last year," commented Tamika Jones. Despite the theme song , a ballad by Jodeci, Cathy Winarchick and Julie Sacksteder dance to an upbeat tempo.

Valentine's Dance/125

" Some Say Love" was a fitting them e for good friends/sweethea rts Jason Hazelrigg and Carrie Robinson.

Philip McConnel is at th e Dayton Convention center with his date Jewel Harden waiting for the next dance to begin . As the prom co mes to an end, Dena William s and Kerry-Ann Walker share memori es of other dances and other dates.

//Some Say L ove ... // Lyrics from the song "The Rose" was the prom theme . The song inspired the social comittee to use roses in the picture background and on the prom invitations. The prom was especially memorable for Ann Ryder, the queen . "I was thankul to my friends for voting for me and making this prom an unforgettable experience. "

Looking regal is th e roya l court: Angela Keyes, Craig Bruner, Ann Ryder, Tim Kelly, Ricky Perry and Maureen Rathweg.


And Some Say .. .

As the dance gets into full gear, so does Demond Kennedy and Katatra Day who cut a rug on th e dance floor. Before heading out to change cloth es for After-Prom, An n Beyer and Nathan Libeca p enjoy the last few mom ents of th e dance.

Prom was special to me because it was my last dance before graduation . -Demond Kennedy Being on prom court was fun, but friends made prom special. -Angela Keyes

Sibling rivalry is no where to be found as Dee Williams gives her little brother M ichael Williams a big hug. Freshmen class officers Andrika Thomas, Laura Smith and Katie Tuss help out with all the details of preparing the evening.


Holding the white ca rnation given to her by the social committee, Kellie Snider and her dad prepare to share the last dance.

My Girl The Father/Daughter dance was a night for daddies and their little girls . The winner of the essay contest was Mindy Cooper who wrote, " ... When I was little you used to take naps on the couch . I'd climb up and sit on your stomach and stare at you until you woke up. I felt like I was protecting you for a change, saving you from the Boogey Monster . .. "

Cutting a rug on the dance floor, Emily Gottsclich and her father dance to " YM CA", a C-J favorite. Getting into th e sw ing of things, Jess ie Boyer participates in the conga line. Boyer is one of the few freshmen to play on the Lady Eagles Reserve team. Afte r reading her winning essay, Mindy Cooper and her father share a dance. Th e w inning essay was chosen by the social committee.

128/Father/Daughter Dance

Showing off their smooth dancing ski lls, Jerron Bowser and his mother cut loose on the dance floor. While dancing to "Shout", a C-J spirit raiser, John Heywood and Patrick Mergler get into th e swing of things.

Ladies Night Besides Mother's Day, the Mother ISon Dance was an opportunity for sons to take the lady of their life out dancing. The dance was held at the Greek Orthodox Center and the theme, " My Girl", was identical to the Father I Daughter Dance. Ryan Quigley said, " The dance was fun because I got to spend time with my mom and my friends at the same time."

After enjoying an evening of dinner and dancing together, junior Ryan Quigley and hi s mom call it a night. When arriving at the dance, longtime friends Ryan Sullivan, Tim Boesch and Charles Szabo greet each other,

Mother ISon Dance/129

"I've looked forward to playing powder puff to show my stuff to the seniors ." -Natasha McLean

Out of school, Rene Boston, Anne Gutendorf, Shannon Stuhlemmer, and Tiffany Tomczack change their uniform rugbi es into hats. Breaking from the action, Teresa O ' Neill, Molly Kleinhenz, Co lleen Barry, and Natasha McLean huddle on th e sid elines. Shirtless, but sp irited, Thy Vo and Jonathon Knight brave the frigid temperature to support their senior classmates . Coordinator Brent Wh itley coaches the juni ors to victory.

130/Powder Puff

, Two defensive tackles for the seni or sq uad, Sall y Chaffin and Erin Nealon, limber up before the rumbl e. Form ulating a game-pl an for next yea r, sophomores jessica Saluke, Katie Hennessey, julie Gorman, and Ash ley Dun sky scout the junior players.

Goosebumps & PigSkin On a co ld November day, two teams, totaling more than 50 upperclassman females, took to th e practice field for the annual Powder Puff game. The teams drew quite a crowd despite the winter storm advisory. Though the srs. had quite a rally, th ey were no match for the jrs .. The class of '97 scored the game's only touchdown in shutting o ut '96, 6-0.

The shut-out wi n is the reason for jennifer Turner, jenny Applegate, and julie Zwies ler's celebration. Th e thr ill of victory was nothing new for the three fall sport athletes. Anxious to start the game, Kelly Gri es hop, leading the pack of hungry seniors across the field, tears through the seni or banner.

Powd er Puff /1 31

Ohio Senator Mike DeWine entertains questions from JannRonn Bradford in his office during the tour of Capitol Hill.

On the spring senior trip to W ashington, D.C., Tam eka Jones and Dionna Smith pose in the drizzle beside the inspiring Women's Vietnam Memorial. Basketball, movies, food, and door prizes exhausts Adam Dierkers and his friend, " Teddy", at the senior sleepover.

Senior Perks Senior year is a time that students dream about. Even though there are major decisions to be made, it is not a year of all work and no play . Senior sleepover, trip and dinner dance, are just a few perks of the year. "Senior year is great because you're in charge and the student body looks up to you," says student council president Michael Monaghan .

Matt Brackman, Mike Horvat, Andy Mikalauskas, and Dan Vogel get a kick out of the Senior Dinner Dance at the KC Bainbridge Center.

132/Senior Activities

//Count on


During Baccalaurate se rvices Kevi n Hallum and Geoffrey Bardon celebrate the euchari st before the ca ndle/ bl essing ceremon y.

The graduation committee selected, "Count On Me", to show how the class felt about each other. Vowing to always be th ere for one another, the seniors received their diplomas on June 2. "I thought thi s day would never come, but once it did I didn 't know where all the time went," says Jennifer Conley.

While giving her Farewell speech, Sally Chaffin talks about people and events that shaped her and her classmates' last four yea rs..

The gloomy, rain y Sunday does n't dampen th e sp irits of Tiffany Tomczak, Rene Boston and Keri Scothorn before th e exercises. After graduation services come to an end, Jason Willis and his family bask in the glow of hi s achievement.



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Katie Lehnlan J...~"'opholnores (?tficers: \V ~dnesday For~s1 ; A.1uanJa I Iotll1la 11 , Anthclll) Ke~)ug,h. AnJrea KillZig

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Drs. Gersh, German & Burke Dr. Giovanni M. Bonds Dr. & Mrs. James C. Binski Dr. Thomas Mazer Emmanuel Parish Englewood Florist & Gift Shoppe Estridge Groc. The Flanagan Family Gowler Printing Services Free Pike Medical Center INC Fretware Guitars Fr. Freddy Washington, C.SSp. From a Friend Gary & Julie Gregory The Gaudion Family George & Cookie Moore The George Family George & Jeannette Gregory Georgette & Rick Rasor Golden Nugget Pancake House Good Luck Class of '96 Hammerman, Graf, Hughes Arp Co. Hanken Imports Co.-Anne & Joe Hoover Skate Arena Huber Heights Medical Center Information System In Memory of Norbert Karl James P. Kirkland James Stang Realtor James & Susan Ghory Janis L. Anderson The O'Connor Family Jennifer Reynolds J. Fred & Nora Schreel Jim Brooks & Peg Regan Jim Buerschen Family Jim Place John & Linda Cloud & Family John M. Gorman Co. John Schutte John Pickrel Johnson Controls Joseph & Patricia Gill Judge Barbara P. Gorman Good Luck Julie & Scuba! The Kanak Family Karen Casey Metro '70 Kathleen Turner The Kayser Family Kelly Schnefer . Ken's Plumbing Kevin Kier Kincaid Forsthoefel CPAs INC T,he Klosterman Men Kroger Gettysburg Ave

.. . .


ope John Paul II visits New Jersey, New York and Maryland , and addresses th e United Nations. He speaks ou t on social, economic, political and moral themes.

rench transportation workers strike against their government throughout the month of December, shutting down the airlines and the metro system, after France increases the retirement age from 50 to 55 and lengthens the work week from 37 to 39 hours in efforts to cut spending .


AP/Wide World

rap artist Christo creates "Wrapped Reichstag " for the city of Berlin by covering the former home of the German parliament with one million square feet of silver fabric in June.


In late May, a doctor performs emergency surgery aboard British Airways flight 32 uSing a coat hanger, a knife and fork, and a scissors sterilized in brandy to save a woman whose life isthreatened by a collapsed lung.

eads of many of the 186 H member nations gather in New York to celebrate the 50th


anniversary of the United Nations in October.

Philippe Giraud, Sygma

In a powerful address to the U.N.'s Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China, attended by 30,000 women from 180 countries, U.S. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton declares, "Women 's rights are human rights," to a desk-thumping, applauding audience.

Shock waves hit the Middle East when Israeli Prime Minister . Yilzhak Rabin is shot and killed while leaving a peace rally in Tel Aviv November 4. His murderer, Jewish extremist Yigal Amir, fanatically opposes peace negotiations with the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Marxist Cuban PresidAnt Fidel Castro abandons his Havana cigar and military fatigues for a suit and tie on a diplomatic visit to New York in October, where he tries to convince the U.S. to lift its 33-year-old trade embargo on still-communist Cuba.

Madman Shoko Asahara, leader of the Japanese apocalyptic religious cult, Aum Shinrikyo, is arrested on May 16 and charged with the Tokyo subway nerve-gas attack that left 12 people dead and injured 5,500 more in March.

ahitian protests escalate into riots after France detonates a nuclear test device 750 miles from the South Pacific island . France's September resumption of tests after a three-year moratorium brings global condemnation.

Fifty years after the end of World War II, Japan remembers those killed by the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. A solitary building left standing after the blast, now a memorial called the Atomic Bomb Dome, symbolizes the horrors of war and the price of peace.

--; The first U.S. president to visit Northern Ire land , President Clinton receives a warm Christmas welcome for his show of support for peace between Irish Protestants and Catholics.

n earthquake kills 51 people on the resort-studded Pacific coast of Mexico. The quake measures 7.5 on the Richter scale and is felt 330 miles away in Mexico City.


urricane Marilyn inflicts millions of dollars of damage in the Virgin Islands in September. Winds up to 127 miles per hour severely damage half the homes on St. Thomas.


flash In November, the Republic of Ireland narrowly passes a referendum calling for an end to the country's 1937 constitutional ban on divorce. While competing in an international balloon race in September, two hot air balloonists , one English and one American , are shot down when their balloon floats off course over Belarus. The Belarussian army sees the balloon as a security threat and fires without warning. The balloonists fall to their death . More than four years after Desert Storm , Iraq 's President Saddam Hussein remains in power, though two of his sons-in-law defect to Jordan on AugustS and call for Hussein's overthrow.

ope blooms for peace in Bosnia when Bosnia's President Izetbegovic (left) shakes hands with Serbia's President Milosevic on tile opening day of the November cease-fire talks in Dayton, Ohio. Croatia's President Tudjman looks on . The ensuing Paris peace agreement of December sends 60,000 NATO peacekeeping troops to the war-torn country.

H APlWide World

Quebec, Canada's largely Frenchspeaking province, defeats an October referendum on Quebec independence by a margin of less than one percent.

In July, without public explanations, Burma's military rulers free the country's most famous political prisoner, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of the pro-democracy movement and Nobel peace laureate, after six years of house arrest.

Russian figure skater Sergei Grinkov, 28, collapses and dies from a heart attack during practice with his wife-partner Ekaterina Gordeeva on November 20. The pair won two Olympic gold medals and four world pairs titles.

Great Britain's Princess Diana shocks Buckingham Palace with a tell-all BBC interview. Defying royal protocol, she discusses her marriage to unfaithful husband, Prince Charles, her struggle with depression and bulimia, and an extramarital affair. The majority of English people express their support and sympathy.

Securities trader Nicholas Leeson is arrested in Germany in March 1995 for fraud , forgery, and breach-of-trust. Leeson racked up a $1.32 billion loss that caused the collapse of Barings PLC, the 233-year-old British bank.


new hree days of drenching rains in th ~ Pacific Northwest swell rivers to overflowing, causing severe flooding in Washington in December. In the town of Carnation, a pastor conveys a woman to dry land with a wheelbarrow.


san Francisco sewer line bursts under pressure from battering rain storms, creating a monster sinkhole that swallows a $2-million house in the Sea Cliff district. One-hundred-mile-per-hour winds knock out power to tens of thousands of homes and nearly blow a tru ck off the Bay Bridge.


The federa l government repeals the national 55-!T1i1e-per-hour highway speed limit, enacted in 1974 during the oil embargo. The legislation allows states to set their own limits. On Montana highways, speed limits are eliminated completely.

frican-American men from across the country converge A on Washington, D.C., for the

ir Force Captain Scott O'Grady (right) is rescued A from pursuing Bosnian Serb

Million Man March on October 16. The march, led by Nation-ofIslam minister Louis Farrakhan , promotes African-American unity, dignity, and family values.

forces by U.S. Marines on June 8, six days after his plane is shot down over Bosnia. O'Grady survived on insects, plants, and rainwater.

u.S. Senator Bob Packwood of Oregon resigns on September 7, the day after the Senate Ethics Committee voted unanimously to expel him for sexual misconduct, embarrassingly detailed in his diaries, which were made public.

The nation comes to a standstill on October 3 as more than 150 million people watch live 1V coverage of the outcome of the nine-month-Iong trial of the century. After less than four hours of deliberation, the jury finds former football star O.J. Simpson not guilty of the murders of his ex-wife Nicole and her friend Ronald Goldman.

Illinois suffers a record heat wave in July, with temperatures as high as 104째. The heat takes the lives of 457 people statewide. At Wrigley Stadium, Jaime Navarro helps faithful Chicago Cubs fans stay cool.

After a year of fame as a conservative revolutionary, Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich slumps in popularity, tainted by the government shutdown, his stalled Contract With America, and investigations into his political action com mittee and his financial affairs.

Two-thousand volunteer firefighters battle a raging wildfire in eastern Long Island, New York, for three days in August. The fire, following a 21 -day drought, consumes 5,500 acres of pine barrens and damages a dozen homes. There are no injuries or fatalities.

r he image of firefighter Chris Fields holding one-year-old Baylee Almon , who later dies, comes to symbolize the horror of the April 19 bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building that killed 150 adults and 19 children.


As more Americans invest, Wall Street enjoys a bull market. In November, the Dow-Jones Industri al

flash n April 30, the adoptive parents of four-year-old "Baby Richard" comply with an Illinois court order to turn the child over to his biological parents.


Area Closed Area c/

to lack of a o~ed due PP1 opnario ll S .

Despite Americans' doubts and fears, U.S. troops head tor Bosnia in December. The 20,000 U.S. forces, serving under NATO command beside 40,000 European allies, face the task of keeping peace among the country's warring Serbs, Croats and Muslims. The State of South Carolina sentences Susan Smith to life in prison for the drowning murder of her two young sons in 1994. An anonymous donor sends SI. Jude's Children's Research Hospital in Memphis $1 million in the form of a winning ticket from McDonald's November " Monopoly" sweepstakes game . In the wake of a growing number of random attacks from assailants with knives and guns, White House security is forced to close Pennsylvania Avenue to trallic.

T Charles H. Porter. IV. Sygma

A record snowfall paralyzes the East Coast in January 1996, stranding travelers and killing 100 people. Seven states, from Virginia to Massachusetts, declare emergencies. Philadelphia gets 30.7 inches of snow.

Warren E. Burger, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court from 1969 to 1986, dies in June at age 87. Though appointed by President Richard Nixon, he ordered Nixon to turn over tapes in the Watergate hearings that effectively ended the president's career.

he government shuts down for six days in November after the President and Congress fail to agree on how to balance the federal budget. The shutdown affects non-essential federal services, including the National Park Service. A longer shutdown follows in December.

The Washington Post publishes a manifesto written by the unidentified killer known as "The Unabomber," at large since 1978 and wanted for 16 mail bombs that have killed 3 and injured 23. FBI agents scrutinize the article for clues to the bomber's identity.

A Chicago commuter train slams into the back end of a loaded school bus. The accident, allegedly caused by a poorly timed stoplight placed too near the tracks, kills 7 students and injures 28 on October 25.

After allegedly ignoring federal pollution regulations for years, General Motors agrees under threat of an $11-million fine to recall 500,000 Cadillacs at a cost of $45 million.

American women celebrate the 75th anniversary of the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which granted women the right to vote. Women 's suffrage leader Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906) first organized the fight for suffrage in 1848.



ce Wubbo De Jong/Het ParoDI from Sygma

s the result of an improperly cleaned test tube at a fertility clinic, a woman in the Netherlands gives birth to twin boys, each from a different father.


In March, the Federal Drug Administration approves a chickenpox vaccine. Rarely fatal, chicken -pox affects 3.7 million Americans annually. rchaeologists discover a 3,000-year-old tomb in May that is believed to hold the remains of 52 sons of Ramses II, Pharaoh of Egypt.

A APJWide World

esearchers annou nce that they have isolated a gene in mice linked to obesity. Mice with a mutated OB gene are injected with the hormone leplin, resu lting in dramatic weight loss. The public is tantalized at th e prospect of leptin as a slimming treatment for use in humans.



stunnin g photograph from the Hubble Space Telescope captures a mo ent in the birth of a star in the Eagle Nebula, 7,000 light years from Earth. Light from the young star's nuclear furnace lifts towering pillars of hydrogen gas and interstellar dust.


Or. Jeffrey fried. Gamma/liaison

The world's first test-tube gorilla is born at the Cincinnati Zoo in October as part of an effort to save the western lowland gorilla, an endangered species that numbers fewer than 450 animals.

Fossils of a jawbone (left) and leg bone (right) found in Kenya in August reveal a previously unknown species of upright hominid that lived four million years ago, pushing the emergence of bipedalism back half a million years. Walking upright is a key adaptation that separates humans from apes.

Media attention focuses on melatonin, a naturally occurring hormone used to induce sleep and slow the effects of aging . Lauded as a wonder drug, a kilogram of synthetic melatonin sells for as much as $10,000.

In a procedure known as tissue engineering, scientists grow a human ear under the skin of a laboratory mouse. Researchers hope the procedure will play an important role in the future of transplant surgery.

As a protective measure against counterfeiting in the era of digital publishing, the Treasury Department redesigns U.S. currency bills, to be issu'ed over the next five years, starting early 1996 with the new $100 bill.

ormer rivals in space become comrades in space after the historic docking of the U.S. space shuttle Atlantis and Russia's Mir space station on June 29. Astronaut Robert Gibson (in red) greets cosmonaut Vladimir Oezhurov.


n June, volcanic eruptions give birth to a baby Iemerges island. A new member of the Tonga Islands near New Zealand , 900 feet high and 140 feet wide.

flash Aller a decade-long search, scientists isolate what may be the most important cancerrelated gene. The defective gene known as ATM is associated with cancers of the breast, colon, lung , stomach , pancreas and skin , and may be carried by two million Americans. Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope observe new moons orbiting the planet Saturn, adding at least 2 moons and possibly 4 to Saturn's previously known total of 18.

uyers ru sh to stores for the new computer operating system Windows 95, spurred by Microsoft Corp.'s $700-million publicity barrage and the pro mise of a friendlier intertace.



he movie Apollo 13 opens in the summer after fil ming many of its scenes inside NASA's "zero gravity" plane, which mimics the weightlessness astronauts experience in space by diving into a 23-second freefall.

A. Tannenbau m, Sygma

In November, Visa introduces a cash-storage card that eliminates a pocketful of loose change. A chip in th e plasti c card tracks the amount of available cash, which is accessed with a reader at the place of purchase. The card can be taken to the bank and reloaded.

Now virtual reality comes in a handy travel size with Nintendo's latest, Virtual Boy, a portable 3-0 video-game system with stereophonic sound.

New research shows that the meat-eating Tyrannosaurus rex did not loom upright, but stalked along lower to th e gro und . The discovery is reflected in the reopened exhibits of the famed dinosaur halls of New York's Am erican Museum of Natural History after three years of redesign.

A team of French and British explorers believe they have found an ancient breed of horse previously unknown to scientists. In November, the four-foot high horse with a triangular head , which resembles the vanished horses of European Stone Age drawings , is named Riwoche for its home region in Tibet. October satellite photographs show the recent rapid deterioration of the earth's ozone layer above Antarctica . Pollutants produced moslly by the U.S. cause the hole in the atmosphere's protective layer to increase to the size of Europe.

in the

news ith $150,000 saved during her 75 hardworking years as a washerwoman, Oseola McCarty establishes a scholarship fund for AfricanAm erican students at th e University of Southern Mississippi. For her selflessness, she is awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal.


amela Lee of "Baywatch " fame and husband Tommy Lee, Motley Crue drummer, are th e life of the party this year, frequently caught by the press engaging in public displays of affection.


lready well known for her appearances in Aerosmith music videos, 19-year-old Alicia Silverstone achieves stardom with the 1995 summer movie hit Clueless.



railblazer Shannon Faulkner (hand to head) withdraws from the Citadel after collapsing during "hell week." Faulkner singlehandedly attempted to bust the gender barrier at th e all-male South Carolina military institution.

Bill Jordan, Charleston Post Courier from Sipa Press

Millions of American s tune in to Martha Stewart's TV show, subscribe to her magazine, and read her books. The popular cooking and home-decorating entrepreneur builds an empire by packaging a distinctive American nostalgic style.

Bill Gates, founder and chairman of the computer giant Microsoft, becomes the wealthiest man in the world on the success of his company's software. His book The Road Ahead hits The New York Times best-seller list.

Hot actor Antonio Banderas falls in love with another screen sexsymbol Melanie Griffith during the filming of Two Much. Banderas will co-star with Madonna in the film version of Evita and will star in Steven Spielberg-produced Zarro.

Seventies superstar John Travolta's motion-picture comeback in the 1994 hit Pulp Fiction continues with starring roles in Get Shorty and Broken Arrow.

Sandra Bullock follows up her star-making role in Speed with the gentle romance While You Were Sleeping. Bullock's fresh, wholesome image earns her an "Entertainer of the Year" nomination from Entertainment Weekly magazine.

merica is disappointed in its high hopes for Colin Powell's 1996 presidential candidacy. At the close of hisw hirlwind book tour for My American Journey, the General and his Wife Alma announce In November that he will not seek the Republican nomination.


tand-up comic and sitcom star Ellen DeGeneres makes the best-seller list with her book My Point... And I Do Have One.


fJash Calvin Klein 's provocative CK Jeans campaign causes an uproar in August, bringing nasty headlines, threats of retailer boycotts and an FBI investigation. The scandal only seems to help sales. Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley announce their divorce almost a year after their surprise marriage. The tabloids have a field day speculating about the reasons for the marriage (was it a coldhearted career move?) as well as the causes for the break-up (was he after Elvis' fortune?). Breaking the Surface, the autobiography of Greg Louganis, former U.S. Olympic gold-medal diver who revealed earlier that he has AIDS, debuts at No.2 on the best-seller list.

hristopher Reeve, in a wheelchair and hooked up to a portable respirator, appears with his wife, Dana, at the American Paralysis Association's annual gala on November 9, less than five months after a fall from a horse left him almost totally paralyzed.


10-year-Old SI. Louis schoolboy, Larry Champagne III, becomes a hero by taking control of his school bus after the driver suffered a stroke. Champagne is later awarded a $10,000 scholarship by th e bus company.


Actress Demi Moore becomes the highest paid woman in Hollywood, able to command S1 2.5 million per movie , even after this year's flop at the box office The Scarlet Letter, loosely based on Hawthorne's classic.


Favorite of America's heartland for his You Might Be A Redneck If... jokes, Georgia-born stand-Up comic and author Jeff Foxworthy gets his own ABC sitcom in which he plays himself.

Model Beckford Tyson, singled out by Ralph Lauren for his allAmerican looks, signs an exclusive contract with the fashion designer in 1995.

Miss Oklahoma Shawntel Smith is crowned Miss America on September 16. During the broadcast of the 75th pageant, viewers phone in their votes to retain the swimsuit competition .

Popcorn magnate Orville Redenbacher, who transformed popping corn into a gourmet item , dies on September 19 from heart failure. Two Chinese women set a new Guiness world record in November by living in a room for 12 days with 888 poisonous snakes. The previous world record , set in Singapore in 1987, was 10 days with 200 snakes.

John F. Kennedy, Jr., is cofounder and editor-in-chief of George, a glossy new magazine covering American politics. Hounded all his life by the press, Kennedy joins their ranks, contributing a feature interview to each issue.


he fifth actor to play 007 in the enduring film series begun in the 1960s, Pierce Brosnan abandons his Aston Martin for a BMW Z3 Roadster in Goldeneye, the latest and, some say, best James !3ond movie.


hree 1995 movies bring Jane Austen classics to the silver screen: Clueless, based on Austen's novel Emma, and Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion.

isney Pictures continues its D line of animated blockbusters with the Native

atman Forever, with Val Kilmer in the title role and Chris O'Donnell as Robin , becomes the third Batman movie and the summer's topgrossing film .


American legend Pocahontas. The picture previews in New York's Central Park to an outdoor audience of 200,000. Disney PiclUles from Shooting Slar

After an unpromising start, Conan O'Brien quietly gains popularity as host of NBC's "Late Night," a slot previously filled by David Letterman. Letterman's current show on CBS slowly loses viewers.

Whitney Houston stars in the December film release, Waiting to Exhale, adapted from Terry McMillan's best-selling novel about the lives of four middleclass African-American women. Houston sings the title song for the movie soundtrack, which enjoys brisk sales.

Denzel Washington, criti ~ally acclaimed for his performances in films Crimson Tide and Devil in a Blue Dress, receives highest praise from the City of Los Angeles, which honors him with the Martin Luther King , Jr., Award for his philanthropic work on behalf of children.

Although ABC cancels her TV series "My So-Called Life," 17-year-old Claire Danes hits the big screen in How to Make an American Quilt, To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday, and Romeo and Juliet with Leonardo DiCaprio as her co-star.

In the suspense-thriller Seven, heartthrob Brad Pitt attracts a wide male audience with his performance as a detective on the trail of a serial killer whose murders are based on the seven deadly sins.

BC's hospital drama "E.R." continues to N draw high ratings throughout 1995 thanks to its dramatic realism and the appeal of handsome George Clooney (middle right) , supermodel Cindy Crawford's latest date. Disney Entertainment spends Disney Pictures from Shooling Star

S19 billion to purchase the ABC television network in July.


oy Story is the world's first entirely computer-animated film . Released by Disney during the Christmas season, it features the voices of Tom Hanks, Tim Allen , and Don Rickles.

MTV introduces "Singled Out," an over-the-lop dating game show where contestants ask random, poinlless questions of a crowd of suitors, sight unseen, until the zany answers have eliminated all but that one perfect love match. According to a Roper Youth Poll, the two holiest TV shows among teens this season are the daytime soap " Days of Our Lives" and the evening soap " Melrose Place. "

im Carrey earns $20 million for the starring JNature role in the comedy Ace Ventura: When Calls, a sequel to the extraordinarily

"The Jon Stewart Show," a late-night talk show aimed at Generation X, fails to catch on . During the final taping , host Stewart says, "To all those people who said my show wouldn 't last, I have only one thing to say. Good call. "

popular Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.


he popular NBC TV series "Friends" returns for a second highly rated season. Its runaway success inspires less successful imitations by other networks.

Devoted fans will not be denied another season of NBC's sitcom "Seinfeld" after all. Creator Jerry Seinfeld decides to keep his "show about nothing" going for an eighth season.

Ten years after creating the popular comic strip "Calvin and Hobbes," cartoonist Bill Watterson retires in December.

Horror-fiction author Stephen King signs a deal with Signet books to release his upcoming story, The Green Mile, as a paperback series.

Fox TV's "The X Files" stars David Duchovny as an FBI agent who investigates supernatural phenomena. The show becomes a surprise hit, giving millions of viewers reason to look forward to staying home on a Friday night.




lues Traveler emerge from B the underground scene to widespread popularity with their album Four and the single "Run-Around."

leveland-based rap group Bone Thu gs-n-Harmony vault to th e top of the charts with some old-fashioned harmonizing on the album E. 1999 Eternal.


heir down-to-earth style and soulful pop songs make Hootie and the Blowfish popular favorites. Their debut album Cracked Rear View sells over 5 million, and th e gro up is named Best New Artist at the MTV Music Award s in September.



ocker Melissa Etheridge follows topselling Yes, I Am with her fifth album , R Your Little Secret.

OkO Ono and Little Richard join a host of celebrities at the opening of the glitzy Rockand-Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland on September 1.

John Bellissimo, l GI

Twenty-year-old Canadian newcomer Alanis Morissette raises some eyebrows with her up-front, aggressive lyrics and attitudes. Nevertheless, her album Jagged Little Pill goes double platinum.

Sixties icon Jerry Garcia, gUitarist of The Grateful Dead, dies of a heart attack on August 9 at age 53. Garcia's musical roots in blues, country and folk are apparent in hits like "Truckin'." Legions of Deadheads mourn his passing.

Brandy, whose self-titled platinum album and single "I Wanna Be Down" hit high on the R&B charts, sweeps the first Soul Train Music Awards in August. The 16-year-old singer wins Best New Artist, among other awards.

Beatlemania returns in 1995 with ABC's six-hour documentary The Beat/es Anthology, the video releases of A Hard Day's Night and Help! and the album collection Anthology, featuring previously unreleased material.

The chart-topping movie soundtrack Dangerous Minds features Coolio's rap anthem "Gangsta's Paradise," the number-one single of the year according to Billboard magazine.



he Chicago-based rock band Smashing Pumpkins release their epic double album Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness to critical and public acclaim .

ive dedicate their single "Lightning Crashes" to L victims of the Oklahoma City bombing. The rock band's Thro wing Copper album yields th ree hit singles; Billboard Music Awards names them Rock Artist of the Year.


ariah Carey's Daydream sells over 5 million copies, taking number-one spot on the Billboard album chart. Carey performs with Boyz II Men on the hit single "One Sweet Day."

fj R.E.M. 's summer tour is interrupted by me ical emergencies fOl"three of the band's four membe s. :rhe tour, their first in five years, is eventually completed with all members in good health.

Mark Hauser, lGI

In October, David Bowie and Nine Inch Nails wrap up the U.S. portion of Bowie's world tour. At each show, Bowie and Trent Reznor's band playa set together. In December, Bowie tours Europe with Morrissey as his opening act. The Red Hot Chili Peppers tone down their trademark bawdiness in their newest album, One Hot Minute.

tlanta's TLC is honored at the Billboard Music Awards for providing two of the year's biggest hits. "Creep" and "Waterfalls" both lead the Hot 100 singles charts for weeks.


ormer Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl plays a new sound as guitarist and lead singer in the Faa Fighters, an alternative rock band that enjoys three singles off their self-titled debut album in 1995.


Jeffrey Scales, lGI

Ahard-luck story turns into overnight success in the case of Canadian Shania Twain, born in poverty to an Irish mother and an Ojibway Indian father. Twain 's 1995 hits include "Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under?," "Any Man of Mine" and the title tune to her 3-million-selling album The Woman In Me.


Success doesn't mellow the style of alternative rock band Green Day, who release their anxiously awaited fourth album Insomniac, their fastest and darkest album to date.

Seal's hit off the Batman Forever movie soundtrack, "Kiss From a Rose," is all over the summer playlists. The single propels the artist's self-titled album to the double-platinum mark.

With the record-setting sales of his album Fresh Horses, only three musical acts in U.S. history outsell country music icon Garth Brooks: the Beaties, the Eagles, and Billy Joel.

Selena, the 23-year-old Tejano music queen, is gunned down in Corpus Christi in March 1995 by Yolanda Saldivar, former president of her fan club. The July release of a collection of Selena's hits, Dreaming of You, sees some of the fastest sales in music history.

n ws

he New Jersey Devils win the National Hockey League's Stanley Cup, beating the heavily favored Detroit Red Wing s in four straight games.


. The most controversial movesare off the field this season as the Cleveland Browns NFL franchise announces its move to Baltimore and the Houston Oilers announce th eir move to Nashville.

n May 1995, Peter Blake's Team New Zealand in "Black IMagic 1" defeats Dennis

nternational soccer star Iwornan Michelle Akers, world's top player, leads the U.S. women's soccer team to a 2-1 sudden-death victory over Norway in the U.S. Cup title game in Augu st.

Clark Campbell, 5ipa Press

Conner's team in "Young America" in the first 5-0 sweep in the 144-year history of the Am erica's Cup.

n Super Bowl XXX, tile heavily favored Dallas Cowboys beat the Pittsburgh ISteelers 27-17. Dallas cornerback Larry Brown ices the game for the Cowboys Witll the second of his two interceptions, and is named MVP for his heroics.

Jeff Gordon, 24, dominates the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing's Winston Cup, winning 7 of NASCAR's 31 races and earning $4.3 million in 1995, a record for the sport.

The University of Nebraska demolishes the University of Florida, 62-24, in the 1996 Fiesta Bowl to win their second consecutive national college football title and cap Cornhuskers coach Tom Osborne's 23rd season.

The Houston Rockets, led by center Hakeem Olajuwon , win their second consecutive National Basketball Association championship in June, sweeping the series with the Orlando Magic in four games.

Twenty-one-year-old tennis champ Monica Seles, returning to competitive play two years after being stabbed at a tournament in Germany, wins the 1995 Australian Open.

Hall-of-Famer Mickey Mantle, a switch-hitter and one of the great sluggers in baseball history, dies of cancer on August 13. Mantle hit 536 home runs in his 18-year career and compiled a lifetime batting average of .298.


he National Basketball Association fines the Chicago Bulls $25,000 when Michael Jordan wears his previously retired number 23 jersey for luck during championship playoffs against the Orlando Magic in May 1995.

flash Former L.A. Lakers point guard Earvin "Magic" Johnson announces a return to basketball in January 1996. Johnson retired in 1991 when he discovered he was HIV positive .

he Atlanta Braves edge the Cleveland Indians 1-0 in game six to win the World Series on October 28. Closing pitcher Mark Wohlers leaps for joy.


erman tennis star Steffi Graf, G who won three of five Grand Slam titles in 1995, ends the professional tennis season ranked number one in the world .

National Basketball Association referees strike against the lea gue for much of th eautumn. Fill-in officialsspark compl aintsof substandard refereeing. o


The Northwestern University Wildcats-long a gridiron laughingstock-pile up ten victories in 1995 and go to the Rose Bowl for the first time since 1949. In his first fight in four years, former world heavyweight champ Mike Tyson disposes of challenger Peter McNeeley in 89 seconds. Tyson, who in March finished a three-year jail term for a rape conviction, earns $25 million for the August boxing match. Pete Sampras, winner of the 1995 men's singles championships at Wimbledon and the U.S. Open, ends the professional tennis season with a number-one world ranking.

n September, Baltimore Orioles shortstop Cal Ripken, Jr., a record-setting 2,131 consecutive games. Iachieves Master of the sinking fastball and still learning to speak English, L.A. Dodgers pitcher Hideo Nomo, formerly with the Kintetsu Buffaloes in Japan, is named Rookie of the Year. Nomo is the second Japanese-born player to join the U.S. rnajor leagues, and the , !irst All-Star.

Ric Stw art, Alisport

Known for his temperamental personality, his many tattoos and his aggressive playing style, basketball center Dennis Rodman (91) debuts with the Chicago Bulls after his trade fro m the San Antonio Spurs .


For a record fifth straight time, Miguel fndurain of Spain wins the 22-day, 2,270-mile Tour de France, the world's premier bicycle race. On the 15th day of the race, Italian road-race champ Fabio Casartelli is killed in a seven-man crash.

Betsy King wins her 30th tournament on June 25 and gains entry to the Ladies' Professional Golf Association 's Hall of Fame, one of the most difficult attainments in sports.

Quarterback Dan Marino of the Miami Dolphins sets four lifetime passing records during the 1995 football season: 47,003 yards, 342 touchdowns, 3,686 completion s and 6,467 attempts.



new iners are treated to variations on theme cafes, as Hard D Rock Cafe is joined by Fashion Cafe, Planet Hollywood, HarleyDavidson Cafe, and London's Cyberia Cafe where patrons sip coffee and surf the • Internet.

Young peoplecontinue to followthe wide-legjeanstrend, forsakingtight


he most recent fad in purses takes the fo rm of small backpacks.

jeans for aloose baggy fit.

esigner water D spreads to the pet world . Doting

firstin. the long, A popular history of

pet owners buy tuna-flavored bottled water for Fluffy and beefflavored bottled water for Spot.

M&M's candies: a new blue M&M joins th e colorful candycoated mix. The tattoo craze leads tosomeregrets, :.,;

but recent laser developmentskeep people from being marked for life. Pulsed laser light, adifferent

mericans consume culture and history as attendance at Am erica's 8,000 A museums climbs to 600 million people per year, more than movie, th eater, and sports attendance combin ed.

wavelength for each color in the ogo-wear reaches a new level of sophistication. Among the reigning makers of athletic wear, only Nike can spark recognition without the use of its name.


tattoo, removes pigment without leaving scars.

Reuters/Archive Photos

Girly things enjoy a surge in popularity with young women, who wear baby barrettes, knee socks, tiny t-shirts, little jumpers, and funky Maryjanes, and kid around with "Hello Kitty" accessories.


Taking her place among controversial talk-show hosts as the "Oprah for the junior set," Ricki Lake speaks to such concerns as, "Mom, when my boyfriend gets out of jail, I'm taking him back."

The angel message of "fear not" strikes a deep chord with Americans' yearning for spiritual growth and comfort in a stressful time. People enjoy angel collectibles, angel sites on the Internet, and angel books and magazines.

"Some pretty cool people drink milk" is the message carried by a high-profile ad campaign featuring a raft of popular celebrities sporting a white upper lip on behalf of th e healthy beverage. The milk-moustache effect is created with latex, a rubber-based paint.






ILabosky's Auto Service Larry Deters, Realtor Larry & loretta Stauffer '65 Larry '55 & Ruth '57 O'Neal Lawrence & Mary Beth Woeste Lemi ng Family '73, '74, '95 Leo & Patti Budenz Loi s & Tom Mann Lower Valley Furniture ILT. Col. & Mrs. George Forest Ludlow Cellular & Paging Lui s & Linda Colas Management Software Solutions Maria Kirksey Mark & Judy Hennessey Mary Bremer Marty & Mary Walker & Family Mary lou Zweisler MD . Master Home Improvement INC Matthew L. Sprowl, M .D. Mau reen McCartan MD Hair Designs by Fields Memory of Robert E. Dahm Mercy Siena Woods Merrel & Marylou Baker Jones Mich ael F. Gallagher, CPA Mich ael L. Ortman DD.s. Mi ch ael J. Whitley Mi cro Tyme Computers & Software Midwest Traffic Accident Reconstruction Company Mi ke & Marilyn Stall Mi ke & Peg Snyder MJM Electric INC Mr. & Mrs. Ed Limbert Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fogarty Mr. & Mrs. Elvin L. Taylor Mr. & Mrs . Motley & Family Ms. Jackie & Eboni layne Ms. Cathy Joe Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Oborne Mr. & Mrs . Kuchta & Family Mr. Michael Perry Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Matlock Mrs. Paula Beach & Family Mr. & Mrs. Paul Riddlebarger Mr. S. Doug Bice Mr. & Mrs. William lacy & Fam Mu rr, Compton, Claypoole & MacBeth Mutual Electric Co.




NANA's Daycare Center Nancy Roberson, Attorney at Law Nick & Nancy Ark Old Hickory Bar BQ (N. Main) Pam, Greg, & Jennifer Dodson Pat & Marianne Gray Patrick langford Finley Paul Tegenkamp Peg & Ed Regan Penncorp Financial Phil's Barber Shop Pope & Mayerson Orthodontics Precious Blood & Latch Key The Perry Family Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Colin Barrow Rev . Ted & Cheryl Willis The Rhonda Evans Family Rick, Jill, Jess & Jamie Pohl Robert Hand PlB64 & HT6 INC Rockhill Baptist Church The Samuel Freeman Family Second Time Around Sheila Gilbert The Sherman Family Shirley, Lisa & Jason Joyce The Shortal Family Siebenthaler Nursery sister Kim Dalgarn SND st. Anthony Parish St. Anthony School st. James Parish- Dayton Strategic Visioning INC Tangy & Mike Williams Teeters Chiropractic The Theodore Rucker C. D. The Timothy Nealon Family T.J. & Molly Wallace & Family Tom & Cathy Harruff Trotwood's Dugout Drive-thru - Vera & Marian Schierloh Vladimir Katovic & A . Adcock The Vuketich Family Weber's Automotive Service Wendell Smith Realty Wendling Patterns, INC West Cotts .05 to $1 .00 Store The Whitley Family The Wilhelm Family W . Hilt, Licensed School Psych Zingela Bowman


-The Yearbook Staff Thanks:

Darrel Neff & Easterling Studios Charles Miller The Main Office Staff The Business Office Staff Charles Hollis John McDermot

Congratulations Mishika! Love, Dad, Mom, Kishia And Grandma



Broyhill· La-Z-Boy • Simmons • Berkline • Serta • Pulaski • Lane Sbannon Farrell Bridget Farrell Sara Sullivan Kevin Sullivan Mark Farrell Colin Sullivan

'88 '90 '90 '91 '92 '92

Rian Sullivan Todd Sullivan Colleen Scbnell Erin Sullivan Megban Farrell Nicole LaSelle


'92 '93 '95 '96 '96

Andrew Scbnell Tara Scbnell Anne Sullivan Brennan Sullivan Rori Sullivan

'96 '98 '98 '98 '98











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Chaminade - Julienne Athletic Hall Of Fame



In appreciation to the dedicated men and women who have made C-J

what it is today. \Vrn & Mary Saluke






FAX 223-9404


1 SO/Ads



Compliments of

TECHMETALS, INC. A Family of Engineering .Metal Finishes Dayton, Ohio - - - - - - -

of Adventure

Wilh Besl Cornplimenl s frorn I~oj es h C. rol el, M.D. & Rojesh 1 <' AgrcJw(]I, M.D. I'ulrnonory, Crilical Core ond Sleep Medicine

FVVS ,~.-:



1500 Humphrey Ave . Dayton, Ohio 45410

Phone 513 路253 路3342 Fax 513路253 路2306

Ads/ 151




NATIONAL DISTRIBUTOR SCHOOL UNIFORMS SHIRTS ... PANTS'" SHORTS'" SWEATERS ... SKIRTS Free Catalog 228-2993 1-800-788-1599 1 025 North Keowee Street Dayton, OH 45404

.. School Uniforms for Elementary, Middle and High School Students .. Items stocked year round .. Never a need to pre-order .. Also Uniforms for Police, Fire, Postal and Health Care





SEAFOOD HOUSE & RAW BAR Featuring Our 30 Stool Cement Raw Bar Catering, Banquet & Party Facilities ·Complete Seafood Menu· . Including Mesqulle Gtilled Fresh Fish Steaks, Chicken & Chops Carry Out Service

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333 S. Brown School Rd. Vandalia, Ohio 45377 Tues. 1 st Session 12 Noon 2nd Session 7 pm


274 3335


1441 Wilmington Pike Dayton, OH 45420 293-1080 Good Luck Eagles! Open 24 Hours Mon.-Sat. Sundays Close at 1 pm


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Full Color Drum Scanning' Digital Photo Retouching Digital :\rt\\ork' Process Color &. ~latch Color Proots Large Format PostSClipt Film Output (l·p to .)2" x~()")

General Contractors

274 ·6667 Charles M. Waldron . Jr .. P·es,o~r.1

j('I"/illg //1£'.11'('(/ :' Dec/milic /'1'('-/'1'('.1".1" .\('('d, 11.1' 247 Marlay Road Daylon . On,o '5405



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Phone: (800) 227-8325 Local: (513) 222-0062 Fax: (513) 222-6666



8815 N. Dixie Dr. (at the corner of little York & Dixie)



WAT-KEM MECHANICAL, INC. 1900 E SECOND ST., P. O. BOX 1264 DA YTON, OHIO 45401 TELEPHONE : (513) 252-{)377 FAX: (513) 258-2020

Compliments of:



711 E Second SI.


Dayton Ohio

Good Job Charles & Jewel Best Wishes Charles On Your Graduation! Jewel You're Almost Finished We Love You Both, Good Luck! Mom, Dad, Pat & Jay Robert & Angie, Uncle Jimmy, Grandma

THOMAS O. WILLIAMS, D.D.s, Class Of " 65" Phone: 890-4820

6800 N. Dixie Dr. Dayton, Ohio 45414





Scott Bruns '70




rG-Y-s-;- Callvy1) s,



L, Pe. H a z a ro\

1-75 Off Little York Exit 7400 Miller Ln . 5un-Thurs 6AMTo 10PM Fri. & 5at. 6AM To 11 :30 PM Or Call For Carryout 890-5333


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Moe's Htg . and A/C 277-5232

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Ed's Htg. and Cig. 845-0277


41 East First st. • Dayton, Ohio 45402 Phone (513) 222-8410 7416 North Main St.· Dayton, Ohio 45415 Phone (513) 274-3030

~ettingthe trend in senior portraits Easterling Studios is the place for your Senior Pictures. Come and Share the Experience!

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WE DO IT ALL! ... Traditional ... Casual Location B&WGlamour OutdoorslUptown Family Portraits




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Off.: (513) 277-6700 Home: (513) 848-3267


Oeloitte & ToucheLLP




Light Commercial


Accounting and Auditing, Tax and Consulting Services

'P~e~e~ General Contractors 3200 Shiloh Springs Rd. Trotwood, Ohio 45426

BESTER PETERSON 837-0595 Fax 837-5082 Bonded

Dave Berry Tom Mann


1700 Courthouse Plaza Northeast, Dayton, Ohio 45402-1788

Congratulations Damien Love, Mom, Dad, & Lamont

WQy to <]0 DGvid We're proud of you. Lo"~.

MoM,Oad, Gtd Mi~he~ ',.,



ROYALZ DAYTON BOWL 1301 Keowee St. Dayton, Ohio 224-7685

Congratulations Matt '96

Congratulations, Megan!

We Love You!

Love, Mom Dad ('68)

Mom And Dad Mike, Spike, And Matilda

Buy 1 Game And Receive 1 Game Free (With This Ad)

Jeff Bud ('33)





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TO MY HAIR LINE 714 Soulh Dixie Drive Vandalia 01-145377 Meml>er



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280 1For Hills Avenue Suite 316 DOl/ton. OhiO 454 19

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31<15 Far lIi11s





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6656 Orandl rk


056 S Union OIvd"

S13/298-04 S2


COLONIAL FLOWERS 3183 W . Siebenthaler Dayton, OH 45406 277-4251

Hand Rolled Pizza Atlantic City Style Subs 1820 Brown St



Compliments of:





DFIIIB qJ'a~f,faus



1', .........



P.o. BOX 808 • MIAMISBURG,OH 45343

Congratulations Butterball!!

Best Of Luck To The Best Of The Class




What can Gregory Publishing do for you ... ? We work with most major software programs. You can download to us via email. Close deadlines are a specialty. We work closely with associate vendors who want your business. We'll be there when you need us. You can expect high quality using the latest technology available.

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Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Parish ... extends its sincerest wishes to the Eagles successful

Join the Athletic Department fo r Super Bowl Sunday! Call 252-9919 for details!

Best Wishes fora Successful Vear from the Chaminade-Julienne Co-Educators Ads/163


Parts Express is your source for high quality electronic parts. We carry a wide selection of car audio equipment, loudspeakers, subwoofers, speaker wire, gold plated connectors, in-wall speaker systems, video heads, components for electronic repair, and much more. Do-it-yourself and SA VE literally hundreds of dollars! Stop by and meet our knowledgable staff and pick up a copy of our free 228 catalog.

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340 E. First St., Dayton, OH • Phone: 222-0173

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Monaghan, Thein &. Associates 803 ~t Fifth Street Suite A . Dayton, Ohio 45402 513-228-0019



Service & Products

Business Planning

Monaghan. Thein &: Associates offers many opportunities far finmcial security ID both individuals and business owners:

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These parmers have built a strong tradition of savice {or their many clients and policy holders. This service is being continued at Monaghsn. Ilu:in and Associates by marlceting lOp qwlity insurance and annui ty Jroducts through select broker representatives am career agents. Invesanen1





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Salutes the Eagles! !! 2306 ONTARIO AVENUE DAYTON, OHIO 45414 PHONE: (513) 277-6579 FAX: (513) 277-4536 Ads/165








COMPANY Congratulations Eagles! Ad s/16 7


















Jim Meixner, Max Schneider and the team at Schneider Meixner and Company, Inc. are proud to provide innovative solutions for your personal and business financial planning needs. • Financial Counseling • Employee Benefits • 401(k) • Mutual Funds F01' more information about how 'Zpe can be of sel'7Jice, call us today.

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John M. Gorman Co., Inc. P.O. BOX 14148 NORTHRIDGE STATION 2844 KEENAN AVE. DAYTON, OH 45414 TELEPHONE: 513/278-0836

GOODLDCK! Julie, Denny & Maria Mike '61 - Patty GHS) '63 - Tim '65 Denny '66 - Janie (S. JHS) '66 Terry '69 - Bridget GHS) '72 Michelle '87 - Jeff '89 - Jill'92 Colleen '93 - Jude '95 - Anne '96 Julie '98 - Denny '98 Maria - '99












Die Ed . b






5732 SprinQboro Nu Davton. Ohio 45449-2842 (513) 293-2022 fAX:

(613) 293-9697


P.p., rts

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11(()11t, 1)/I'D


f!II.L1 &, 1'&7&, 1)A'l!&


Compliments of:


Drug Free Programs




. ..










241 N. MAIN ST.
















SUPPt 210 WAYNE AVE. P. O. BOX 636 DAYTON, OH 45401 (513) 222-1111



Keep Smiling, Anne.

Congratulations. Love, Mom, Dad, Colleen, Julie, and Denny.




(513) 258-1929

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CD's· Tapes· Records Posters· T-Shirts· Incense· Jewery

G .E .



Open 7 Days (513) 223-1333

Thomas R. Keihl


~®1l'OD®'~ RECORDS





路 .. . . .






Congra tula tions Anne Celeste!

Bus.: (513) 878-8722




45 N. Broad Street Fairborn, OH 45324

Beverly Byrd Ames, A.S.I.D. Interior Design (513) 299路5005 ASID Professional member Commercial and residential space planning Consulting services Fine F~rniture Unique accessories Carpeting and Flooring (wood & ceramic) Custom draperies and Window Treatments Custom Reupholstery Wallcoverings

910 Harman Ave.


Love, Mom, Dad, Lisa Bobby & John

Dayton, Ohio 45419-3434

Kimberly F. Bethel-Murray, MD Alexis Parks Myton, MD

Internal Medicine Trotwood Physician Center 38 North Olive Road, Trotwood, Ohio 45426 513/208-7050,513/208-6208 - Prescription Line

RIM Painting Hand.ling all your painting needs. Ralph MCLean

(513) 274-'1421





Independent Sales Director .'

Englewood, Ohio ::'.--...,


(513) 83~-6078 ,




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J.B .'s Finally Out!


Start your own home based telecommunications business, savings up to 30% Simple, Fair & Inexpensive Long Distance Servi ce Long term residual income & everyone is a prospectresidential and business Call W.Ray Bridges (513) 837-3192

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Congratu lations Tony! Love Mom, Dad, Timothy, Fredric & Gina Love Grandma & Grandpa Oborne

Best Excuses .. . 1. I didn't feel like it 2. I'm too stressed out 3. I wanted to save the trees 4. I left it in my locker 5. My dog ate it!


Dear Les, Sweet, Sweet Brown-Eyed Girl

Keep Smiling ...

We Love You Congra tula tions Your Family

Our Lady of the Rosary Church Bingo 22 Notre Dame Avenue

224-5643 Early Birds 1:00 p.m. • • • • ••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• • • •








A Friend Of The Eagles!

Adam Dierkers

Greg Dierkers

C-J 1991

Joe Dierkers Chaminade '63

C-J 1993

Barb (Beard) Dierkers Julienne '65

Come on out to where the fun times roll.

Quality Products And Service For Over 22 Years

• Bowling

3091 S. DIXIE

DAYTON 293-9911 TIRE SALES & More Than A Tire Store We Offer Complete SERVICE Automotive Services

Just South Of Dorothy Lane

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298-7 411

Emily Dierkers

C-J 1996

AN 11 IlL

~~ LANES 2727 South Dixie


OPEN : 7:30 AM - 6 PM M-F 7:30 AM - 4 PM SAT.






Home Buyers Warranty





Clothing & misc. for all ages. Gifts for all occasions. Donations needed.


34 Pierce St.

"Proud Supporters Of Chaminade-Julienne High School


TEL: (SIl) ')5·3000 FAX: (513) 435·8328

(off Wayne Ave.)

252-5491 Will Pick Up


James P. Orrill




.f:&04'ta!td !J?


6700 Homestretch Road, Dayton, Ohio 45414 (513) 454-5555 • FAX (513) 454-5599 • (800) 322-3975

$"1. .


r!lJ. @. 9!

Practice Limited To ORTHODONTICS Adults and Children

3706 Germantown Street Dayton, Ohio 45418·2218 (513) 263·0001

6000 Sycamore Woods Blvd. TrotWOOd, Ohio 45426-3877 (513) 854-0999

Kellie Nicole Congratu lations! We Are Very Proud Of You Love, Aunt Birch & Ann Bannister

Call for Appointment

Compliments of:



Dayton (513) 854-3073 Cincinnati (513) 625-1600 P.O. Box 26220 • 5596 Wolfcreek Pike. Dayton. Ohio 45426 P.O . Box 40223' 548 Northland Blvd . • Cinc innati. Oh io 45240


Ptumbing. Heating. Air Conditioning . Sheet Metat






Eileen Flynn , RNC, BSN, OCN


HOlll c Care Spccialists

(513) 461-LAWN (5296)

513'226'9703 P.O. Box 5964

Daylon, Ohio 45405

1347 E. 3rd Street P.O. Box 764 Dayton, Ohio 45401 Fax 461-5296

FAX 513'226'9869

serv Ice area




{:~{I':i":'fli!I :':l: l:;:~: :~l: : ~:':,:I: : ~: ;':~:tiilll~~- Frid Street, Ohio (513) ay: Dayton, Noon until 5:00 p.m.226-1917


Sunday : I :00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m . p tours by appointment Admission - $3.00 Scniors/Studcnts - $1.50


oayton catholic Elemenlary School

R.E. DUNCAN & COMPANY Certified Public Accountant Your Accounting and Tax Solution 2826 Philadelphia Dr. Dayton , Ohio 45405-1911


(513) 275-3992 FAX 275-3772



Jenn:e ' 98

"p'rt'p" OD.~GE


DON ELLER - President MARK ELLER - V. Pres .


011 ~llter

ave 'f H,


3864 S. Kettering Blvd. Dayton, Ohio 45439 294-2511

~~.u¥.lJ 'e



....... ~-


; - ~~ 1~i.'1'40 N. Springboro Pike _

439-1755 2 99~955

31 00 E. Dorothy Lane 112 mi . W. of Hi75 973 Patterson Road at Wilmington N. Main SI. 1/2 mi . S. of Forest Park

1 A.I.M. Benefit Every Tuesday




David Waibel District Manager

~ 5J-u:: 7 -h ~~. ~ ~



~ :

Nol Your AYcri!gcAmcrican Diner




• Outdoor patio I Open 7 days _ • Full 'ood £ Beve, ,.ge Menu .. I Brunch hi. " Sun .






Dayton Trane Commercial Factory Authorized SeNice PO Box 670 815 Falls Creek Drive Vandalia Ohio 453770670 TEL 5 132644343 FAX 5 132644360

~ ~ "'i,.".~~~~o!#(li-~~

A ttorlley nt Law PH (513) 278-2484 FAX (513) 278-2486







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11:00 AM · Z :)O AM

'," .JJ

• Dally bJye plate specl... • Located In downtown Neon District


(513) 228-2201

_TrRr.rK - -------------- -



-alii• .,

EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR Industrial and Commercial Sitework


A Legnl Professiollnl Assoc.

6937 N. Mnill Street Dny/oll , Ohio 45415

Joseph R. Kanak Attomey at Law 105 Valley Street Dayton, Ohio 45404 513-228-1732

1280 Brandt Pike Dayton, OH 45404

(513) 233-3081 FAX (513) 233-2075

First Street Design Group Mary Kessler -Esthetician 112 W.First St.


"Class of 1965"



E:j upp/y co.

2600 N. JAMES McGEE BLVD. P.O. BOX 129 DAYTON, OHIO 45417 PHONE (513) 268-6541 FAX (513) 268-3315 11459 N. MAIN ST. at Old Salem Rd.

Steve Howard

(Studebaker Electric Uldg. )

Sales Represenlalive

Dayton, OH 45415






National City Bank


PHONE (513) 278-7921

DAYTON - 51 J-461-5544 FAX - 513-461-2J5J


2900 Acosta Drive Kettering, Ohio



Special Orders Welcom

(513) 890-2105



DAVID R. LORENZ Fine Art Photographer .lliark Seitz

8930 Swinging Gate Drive Davton, Ohio 45424 513-667 -5266

51 Wcst Bruce .-h e. Dm1:oll. Ohio 45404 Landsca~ ~rYI~

(51;,) 278-4042





St. Mary Cliurcli Xenia and !ll{fen Streets llJayton ali 45410 256-5633

St. Mary's Church has been in active service to this area since August,1859. The current structure was completed in 1906 and was placed on the National Register of Histo;;c Places by the U. S. Department of the Interior on June 8, 1983.

Our mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ and to lead each other to salvation. We are committed to praying and caring for each other and for all of God's creation in order to serve as a sign of God's living presence in accordance with the Roman Catholic tradition.


THURSDAY NIGHTS Doors open 5:00 p.m Early Birds 6:45 p.m. Main Series 7:30 p.m. Full Concessions - Air conditioned Lighted Parking - Security - Clean Restrooms No One Under 18 Admitted

Instants Proceeds SUppOlt St. Mary Parish and the St. MalY Development Corporation


Congratulations Pamela!

We Love You ...

Dad, Mom, Becky, Jim, Chelsea & Bear

Marl< T. Williams, D.C. Chiropractor

268 -2/02

836- 6/60

dl!(ouUnt:/IW£1.t {!a'Lwi1ton cII'Lt:a {!'t£ailfJ t: lWufdln91.

(513) 256-2292

121 9 Watervliet Avenu e Dayton, Ohio 45420-270 5


Steve Wells Mailing Address : P. O. Box 449 Dayton, Ohio 45405

Well s Electric Service 4008 N . Di xie Drive Dayton, Ohio 45414 DAVID DUTTON (MGR.)

Residential· Commercial


Phone (513) 274-7351

254- 111 2


IJlS~an e

j\s~t S

Developmental Toys. Books and Games For All Ages

Annum", liE. H..lth. Dis3I»Hty, Long T~m C>re

• Home Demonstrations • Catalog & Phone Orders • Part-Time & Full-Time Opportunities • THE NEW BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE Encyclopedia Set

Dennis M. Marlow, RHU

CAROLYN SINK 5637 MOUNT OLIVE CT. DAYTON,OH 45426-1309 (513) 837-7265



(513) 278-0060 FAX: (513) 274-5100

7030 N. Main Street Dayton, Ohio 45415









513 - 275-2622 513 - 836-7388 HOME OFFICE 513 - 275-1129 FAX

800- 223 -0644 FAX 513-445·0896


Ohio Watts 1-S00-S21-4446 Fax 513-461-12S0


PICKREL BROS. INC. Wholesale Plumbing and Heating Supplies 901 South Perry Street. Dayton, Ohio 45402 Janet Meyer Pickrel'37 Ann Westbrock Pickrel'60 Elaine Riegle Pickrel' 66 Mary Anne Pickrel' 66 Dick Pickrel' 60 John S. Pickrel'63 Tom Pickrel' 65 Jim Pickrel'69 Jim Rohl'69

Mike Meixner '71 Tim Pickrel'SS Kelley Pickrel'S9 Jeff Pickrel'90 Joe Pickrel'91 Debbie Pickrel'93 Greg Pickrel'96 Bob Kurpiel'SO Mark Franz 'SO Julie Pickrel'99



Over 70 Years of Service


Licensed Funeral Diroctrxs

293-4137 Oakwood Chapel 6 Oakwood Ave .

Kenering Chapel 2100 E. Stroop Rd.

Centerville Chapel 81 N. Main SI.

Rock on, Jake! Love, Mom & Dad

Congratulations to our brother Jake for following the family tradition. We are all proud to be CJ grads! Bridget Riordan Fiore '1515

SPECIALIZING IN • Diamonds & Colored Gemslones • Remounis • Fine Jewelry For All Occasions • Jewelry Repair & Appraisals

RAPP JEWELERS, INC. SINCE 1954 7 W . Nalional Rd. Englewood, Ohio 45322 (513) 836·6243

1 88/Ads


Congratulations Andrew Love, Dad, Mom, Amanda Gretchen , & Peter

. ... .


Vit:.a Marie Sa~uJre



Silk Screen Banners" Signs • Shirts for teams. parties. family reunions. special occasions. eLc.

Compliments Of: Dr. Joseph A . and Debra M . Schenk




TELEF'HONE 837-2722


FRE Inc., dba







Rufus E. Eller, CPTC

(513) 293-4105

Procurement Transplant Coordinator

'.1. C. ,e''''9-SteetN




D. H. LONGSTRETH President

P.O. BOX 1585 DAYTON . OHIO 45401


Life Connection Of Oh 10


Sharing Life.. . Organ & Tissue Donation


Fax 513/223-8955

Dayton Regional Office 1100 S. Main St., Suite 204 Dayton, OH 45409-2615

HAIR RJDESIGNERS Located in Latino's Plaza 5082 Brandt Pike at Kitridge Rd. Huber Heights

Tille Service Notary Boats

Drivers License Automobiles Trucks

East'Dayton License Bu reau 1028 S. Smithville Rd.

Precision Cuts' Creative Styling

Ron & JoAnn Rohling


Pinewood Plaza


PATRICIA C. RAIFF Deputy Registrar SJCH- /11957/1





4830 Salem Avenue Dayton, Ohio 45416 (513) 278-2692




I. G.

Local Area Network Specialist: Design-Installation-Support 277-1857 Certified Novell Engineer Lee Rogers Hank Kline

DISTRIBUTING Papu • Plastic· Foil Disposablts • Bags. Sacks· Bons Cwps • Containus • COMilMlIlS • Conts • Toppings Towtls • TisslLts • Sanitary Maintt1lOnct Swppliu



Schools· Col/tgtS • Univtrsitits -------.::.......:..:....::- Hospuals· Htalth Cart Ctntus Supt,ma,uts • Bu/chtr Shops' Cattrus RtStaurallls • Dtli's • la Crtam • Pizza Shops HOllis· Mottls • Offia Buildings. IMustrits Cu_,....."

P. O. BOX 1739 • 1255 SPANGUR RD . • FAlRBORN. OH 45324 (5/3) 878·5240 • (800) 837. 7759· FAX (5/3) 878·9236 1944 to 1994 ·50 Yta,s T,adition of Ezetl/inet

Gary jones Photography 5217 WADSWORTH ROAD

DAYTON, OH 45414

Specialist in orthodontics and facial orthopedics Adults & Children 1654 South Smithville Road Dayton, Ohio 45410


With each new genera lion fresh . innovative and exciting ideas emerge. Now is a time of many far·reaehing changes. which hold promise and provide challenges . We will be with you - helping you to fulfill your dreams . All of us at the .lack Huelsman Auto Mall wish you success and encourage you to he the best you ean be . We wish you the rewards that come with hard work and dedication. YOU, OllR f-=UTURE ... Sincerely. Jack Huelsman. Class of '54

The Alternative Photography Studio Portraits In Studio or On Location





UPS Authorized Shipping Outlet

2312 Far HiIlI A'W:IDIe o.kwood, Ohio 4s.t 19 (513) 294-08008

'14' SUem AWIDJD

o.ya.. Ohio 4SC26 (513) 1S4-2&43


IT's NOT WHAT WE Do. IT's How WE Do IT.'" p!III\






NIAIL. O NI!t!: .~ ~ s~ i'S4tl~· -


OVERlllGKT IWilsupPlJl:S.

o 1992 f,CiI ~ Bot es Elc.



Compliments Of: Congratu lations Shannon Class Of 1996


We Love You!

855 Union Road Englewood, Ohio 45322 836-9907


EAGLES! ! Craig

Zimmers Clerk of Courts 'PaId ~ b~: S;Uends o~ 00lg '3u.nllM, u4.~Oft Cf>tp~ftgPA, CDlytoft, ~SJ 4541 g路0685

~ 'P,~, qjox 14685,

Mom, Heather & Brandon

~3RlfJf1~ ~Q133JJf1~ (513)223-80"11

Good Luck Eagles!

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The Crew Yearbook has been fun because I met a lot of new people, improved my writing skills, and got to see a whole lot of pictures! -Tasha Thomas '95 Clockwise L-R: During the annual Kris Kringle gift exchange, David Berry's Kris Kringle knew just what he needed for Christmas; golf tees. NHS officer and soccer player Leslie Keough managed her time so not only did she complete her yearbook pages but she remained tops in her classes and planned the Kairos retreat. The Crew of 1995-96 consisting of Greg Pickrel, David Berry, Erin Nealon, Leslie Keough, Sarah Keihl, jessica Pohl, Amy Kolakowski, Mr.Thomas, jenny Applegate, and Tasha Thomas was caught on camera dressed for Halloween and worked hard to make all those ' yearbook deadlines.' Underclass picture day is always hectic but seniors Sarah Keihl and Erin Nealon make the best of it and take a break to. pose for the photographer. First year staffers jenny Applegate and Amy Kolakowski perform one of the many duties of yearbook; alphabetizing Christmas Dance pictures so that the lines in the basement for the afterschool pick-up will run smoothly.


Greg Pickrel

Amy Kolakowski

jess ica Pohl

Erin Nea lon

Tas ha Thom as

David Berry

j enny App legate

Sarah Keihl

Leslie Keough

M r. Thom as

j essica Pohl

Greg Pickrel


Index Abernathy, Shawn 38, 86 Abmayr, Marie, Sr. 102 Abney, Dominique 86 Abraham, Desta 93 Adam, Seth 20, 93 Adams, Brooke 93 Adamson, Regina 93 Adcock, Arlene 102 Alexander, Lekeate 9, 40, 57, 80 Allen, Christopher 93 Allen, Kathryn 86 Alves, Anton 80 Alves, Shelle' 93 Ambrose, Frank 20, 102 Ambrose, Khristine 13, 19, 59, 60,80,81,85 Amerson, Rhonda 48, 86 Ames, Amanda 54, 86 Anderson, Janice 102 Anderson, Jesse 80 Andrade, Michelle 66 Anthony, Edward 86 Anzalone, Kevin 14, 20, 31, 86 Anzalone, Michael 9, 10,49,6, 66 Applegate, Jennifer 2,3 60, 80, 81, 131, 198, 199 Applegate, Joseph 93 Applegate, Pamela 93 Arbagi, Jeanette 48, 58, 80, 108 Ark, Nancy 102 Armstrong, Erica 41, 57, 80 Armstrong, Sarah 40, 93 Atkin, Emily 48,66 Autrey, Kristen 60, 80, 81

Bach, Kathleen 40, 93 Back, Steve 100 Baker, Sarah 52, 86 Baldukas, Benjamin 86 Baldukas, Corinna 61, 66 Baldwin, Curtis 16, 24, 38, 57, 86 Baldwin, Jason 20, 57, 66 Baldwin , Justin 20, 32, 93 Bank~ Rachael 55, 86 Bannen, Stephen 24, 86 Bardine, Brian 105 Bardine, Molly 102, 105 Bardon, Genylynn 60, 80, 83 Bardon, Geoffrey 20,66, 109, 133 Bardon, Geremy 93 Barnes, Charles 86 Barnette, Jasmine 93 Barnhart, Elizabeth 54, 86 Barr, Diana 102, 115 Barrow, Ardith 49,61,66 Barrow, Ronald 80 Barry, Colleen 14, 23, 60, 80, 130 Barry, Heather 108

Bauer, Andrew 66 Bauer, Sarah 34, 35, 93 Bausman, James 20, 58, 93 Bayni, Tarra 61 Beach, Aquila 41,86 Beach , Paula 102 Beeghly, Timothy 20,32,37,86 Bell, Erin 86 Belle, Nicholas 28, 86 Benning, Morgan 20, 93 Benson, Deshawn 32, 57, 86 Berger, Laura 28, 60, 86 Berger, Mary 13 102 Bergman, Jason 52, 86 Beri nger, Lisa 5, 102 Berry, David 28, 38, 61 67, 198, 199 Berry, Heather 19, 86 Berry, Kathryn 93 Berry, Michele 13, 18, 19,34,51, 98 Betz, Thomas 32, 37, 86 Beyer, Anne 23, 60, 80, 127 Beyer, Eileen 93 Bice, Douglas 102 Bilberry, Kristina 10,41,67, 118 Bilbrey, William 93 Black, Amanda 86 Black, Damian 93 Blaine, Kelli 14,40,4 1, 58, 67 Bleeke, Rebecca 53, 102 Boch, Paula 19 Boeckerman, Amanda 93 Boeke, Shauna 80 Boesch, Timothy 2,9,86 Boggs, Ronald 58, 93 Boian, Sarah 80 Bole, Rebecca 93 Bolton, Dennis 32, 33, 65, 67 Bolton, Rachel 14 Bolton, Sarah 58, 60, 80 Bombok, James 52, 86 Bonner, Jeffrey 86 Bonza, Frank 20 Borchers, Bradley 86 Boston , Andrea 19, 93 Boston, Eric 80 Boston, Rene61, 67, 79, 109, 130, 133 Boston, Stephen 2, 51, 87 Bouldin, Tiffany 124 Bowman, Zingela 49, 51, 52, 61, 67 Bowser, Jeronn 2, 20, 93 Boyer, Jessie 19, 34, 38, 49, 58, 93,128 Brackett, Renee 23,87 Brackman, Matthew 20, 67, 132 Bradford, JannRonn 67, 132 Brads, Mackenzie 93, 111 Brand, Stacey 19, 50, 51, 60, 80 Brannon, Tina 54, 55, 87 Bray, MaryAnn 102 Bremer, Maria 87

Bridgeman, Chuck 27 Bridges, Deshawn 57,80 Bridles, Taneesha 57 Brink, Edward, Bro. 60, 61, 73, 102 Brinkman, Gregory 60, 80 Brinkman, Nathaniel 24, 87 Brock, Melissa 67 Brooks, Elizabeth 49,56,58,60, 80 Brooks, James 102, 118 Brooks, Tasha 38,87 Brown, Anthony 20, 80 Brown, Joseph 20, 30, 56, 57, 94 Brown, Nicholas 54, 56, 94 Brown, Shawna 40, 87 Bruce, Jeffrey 87 Brun, Rebecca 34, 48, 53, 61, 67, 115 Brun er, Craig 32 80, 126 Bryant, Michael 55,94, 134 Brytus, Jonathan 2, 38, 48, 50, 67 Bucher, Kristen 38, 94 Bucher, Tabitha 49,61 67 Budde, Cindy 102 Budd~Michae120,38 ,5 1,60

Budenz, Stephanie 49,53,59,60, 80 Buerschen, Christa 94 Buerschen, Janelle 9, 30,68 Bunn, Michael 20, 80 Buol, Michael 30, 80 Burba, Jamie 87 Burba, Jessica 87 Burba, Tisha 6, 55, 68 Burke, Matthew 20, 87 Burkett, Maria 102 Burkholder, Michael 32, 87 Burks, Jeremy 53,54,59,80 Burks, Natasha 58, 80 Bumeka, James 20, 87 Bussen, Joshua 94 Buxton, Jamila 57, 68 Buxton, Jasmine 57, 94 Byrd, Brooke 40, 94 Byrd, Destiny 94 Byrd, Shana 80

Calloway, Arrianne 34, 38, 94, 125 Candy, Carlton 100 Cannell, Brendan 100 Carner, Jaque31ne 55, 68 Carroll, Susan 19 Carter, Lawrence 87 Casey, Jennifer 30,94 Castro, Giovanni 32, 64, 94 Chaffin, Sally 53, 66, 68, 131, 133 Chaney, Jeremy,24, 59, 68 Charles, Kia 38, 50, 57, 81 Cheers, Amanda 87, 117 Chestnut, Nicholas 87 Chikounov, Anton 14, 24 Chmi~I, Tracie 34, 87, 123

Cichanowicz, Edmund 102, 104 Clancy, Julia 19, 30, 94 Clarke, Jennifer 2, 48, 54, 68 Clawson, Jami 23, 34, 36, 94 Cline, Christopher 55 ,94 Cloud, Jeffrey 38, 87 Colas, Linda 49, 102 Colas, Rebecca 53, 94 Colbert, Lisa 102 Cole, Amber 94 Collins, Clare 81 Collins, Peter 100 Colon, Nestor 51,87 Colvard, Alicia 28,29,38,87 Colvard, Aliya 28, 38, 59, 60, 81 Combs, Nathan 28, 94 Combs, Tyrell 20, 30, 87 Conley, Jennifer 68, 94 Conners, Nikki 101 Connolly, Rosemarie 54,81 Conrad, Sara 87 Conrad, Susan 87 Cooper, Michelle 68 Cooper, Mindy 36, 53, 68, 128 Cooper, Tom 36 Cope, Thomas 20, 94 Cordell, Christopher 32, 87 Cornell, Ryan 81 Costas, Flavio 24 Cowan, Mary 68, 123 Cox, Becky Rae 81 Coy, Elizabeth 46, 60, 87 Cramer, Chad 37, 94 Criner, Janelle 87 Croker, Alton 20, 57 Croker, Danielle 57,768 Croker, James 94 Crosby Kathleen 14, 102, 105 Cupples, Julia 55, 80, 81 Cyran, Christopher 24, 46, 52, 87 Cyran, Curtis 24

Dahm, Matthew 32, 37, 94 Dalgam, Kim, Sr. 102 Dalton, Sara 27,38,87 Daniels, Stephen 94 Danis, Jeannine 49,68, 123 Darmanin, Michael 48, 53, 56, 87 Daugherty, Malika 34, 55, 94 Davis, Aaron 20, 87 Davis, Aimee 23,81 Davis, Amanda 114 Davis, Bea 50 Davis, James 102, 105 Davis, Jim 52, 60, 87 Davis, Mara 18,48, 119, 123 Dawson, Jason 52, 57 Day, Katatra 50, 57, 119, 123, 127 Deems, Gregory 53 Demosthenous, Anita 69, 71 Dempsey, Maggie 94 Deters, Caroline 28, 60, 87,108 DeThomas, Dawn 51, 94



Detzel, joyce 102 Devoise, Karsyn 36, 94, 122, 125 D ieker, Robyn 19,49,81 D ierkers, Adam 69, 132 D ill, julie 102 D illon, Timothy 102 D ix, Brandy 81 D ixon, Tanya 94 Dodson, jennifer 87 Doerflein, jon 56, 94 Donohue, Shawn 94 Douglas, Laniece 10, 34,'81,122 Douglas, Steve 34 Douglass, Scott 88, 116 Downer, Ellen 102 Downs, Chip 49 Doyle, Lauren 6, 94 Drake, Tina 81 Drees, Erika 22, 23, 94 Dryer, Tracy 36, 69 Dudley, Denise 27, 38, 51,57, 58,61,69 Dudley, Monika 52, 88 Duffy, Erin 88 Duffy, Kevin 13, 48, 69 Dugas, Gerald 88 Duncan, joseph 55, 94 Dunsky, Ashley 9, 23, 88,131 Dunsky, Carrie 69,78 Durr, Eric 10, 94

Eaton, Brittany 23, 94 Eaton, Ryan 28, 52 62, 88 Ebbing, Tracy 69 Eckley, john 23 Eddy, Ty 20, 69 Eder, Shannon 36 Edmonds, Heather 9, 40, 81 Edmonson, Christopher 24, 88 Edwards, Alana 23, 94 Edwards, jerome 38, 48, 66, 69 Edwards, Michael 57, 81 Egbers, Nancy 19, 102, 105 Elder, Candice 40, 94 Eller, Leia Faith 81 Eloe, Laura 102 Emmons, Troy 88 England, Lisa 81 Etter, Shannon 94 Evans, Catherine 36,51,88 Evans, Debbie 100 Evans, Rhonda 54, 94

Farmer, Jennifer 14, 40, 49, 69 Farrell, Meghan 34, 61, 69 Farri s, Michelle 94 Fecke, Mark 24,30,60,81 Fecke, Michelle 23, 88 Federspiel, Bridget 28, 103, 118 Feltner, Robert 81 Feltner, Shawn 28 Ferraro, Antonio 103 Fields, Erica 94, 122 Findlay, Lara 48, 81 Finley, Deandra 2, 51,94 Finnegan, Colleen 88

Fisher, jason 81 Fisher, Kelly 28, 61 , 69 Flanagan, Daniel 37, 81, 124 Flanagan, Molly 19, 48, 60, 88 Fleck, Heather 81 Flinn, Keira 55,58,81 Flohre, Michelle 55, 69 Florence, Robert 5 Flory, Adam 24, 38, 39, 88 Flory, Amanda 69 Flynn, JoAnne 103 Flynn, Matthew 14, 20, 81, 117 Flynn, Mike 20 Ford, Lynn 103 Forest, Wednesday 50, 60, 88 Fox, Meghan 55, 88, 108 Franca, Luis 24 Francis, Anthony 53, 56, 69 Francis, Fredric 52, 55, 56, 88, 117 Frank, Nadja 49,52,61,70 Frasure, justin 94 Freeman, Monique 40, 57, 94 Frey, Brian 32, 94 Frezgi, Kidane 94 Friedline, Rick 103 Friel, Erin 28, 51,81 Froschauer, Carolina 55, 103 Frost, jason 94

Gaddis, Quintin 103 Gallagher, Lisa 103 Gal lagher, Ryan 134 Galli, Theresa 124 Gaudion, Amy 28, 88 Gaylor, Megan 48, 61, 70 Gay tko, Kristopher 52, 88 Gay tko, Mary 94 Gebhart, David 38, 39, 94 Gebhart, jonathan 24, 30, 37, 94 Geel, Susan 88 Geer, Karry 48, 70 Gehman, janie 100 Geisel, Sarita 88 George, Erica 10, 13,55,81 Ghory, April 34, 35, 81 Ghory, james 88 Giesige, jacob 94 Gilbert, Craig 20, 95 Gilbert Sheila 14, 20, 36, 40, 49, 70 Gill, Andrew 70 Gill, Peter 95 Gillespie, Eric 20, 34 Gilmore, jason 30, 88 Gilson, Corey 81 Gilson, Kevin 95, 119 Gist, Tammy 2, 95 Glass, Matthew 37,88 Godale, Danielle 81 Goecke, jeremy 32, 37,88 Goff, Heather 55,57,88 Goldschmidt, Michael 37 Gondek, jeffrey 6, 52, 63, 88 Goodrich, Amy 66

Gorman, Anne 22, 23, 70 Gorman, Dennis 24, 88 Gorman, julie 19, 88, 131 Gorman, Maria 23, 95 Gottschlich, Emily 34,95, 119, 128 Goubeaux, Rita 55, 70 Govert, Christopher 81 Govert, Erin 23, 64, 95 Graham, julie 23,88 Graham, Stephen 38, 81 Grant, Cassie 51 Grant, David 2,37,88 Grant, William 70 Gray, jonathan 51,95 Gregory, Christopher 10, 88 Gressner, Mel issa 41 , 50, 70, 109, 118,119,124 Grey, john 64 Grieshop, Kelly 1,41,66,70, 131 Grieshop, Zachary 24, 51 , 86, 88, 106 Griffin, Ty 20, 95 Grillot, Benjamin 27, 53, 54,81 Grillot, Nancy 103, 105 Grimes, NaVetta 95 Grismer, Damienne, Sr. 103, 105 Grismer, Stephen 52 , 70, 79 Groene, Barbara 103 Grooms, Steve 100 Gros, Robin 60, 88 Grzymaj lo, jeffrey 70, 79 Guillermin, Shaun 47, 52, 57, 61 , 70,79 Gutendorf, Anne 61 , 70, 71, 130 Gutendorf, Robert 88

Hackenberg, Justin 81 Hagans, Marcea 82 Hahn, Ericka 19, 34, 36, 88 Hainesworth, Rudy 38 Hall, Monique 5, 95 Hallum, Kevin 70, 114, 133 Halton, Andrew 24, 95 Hamilton, Matthew 6, 70 Hamlet, Patrice 40, 95 Hammontree, Kevin 71 Hamric, Suzanne 95 Hanneken, Angela 95 Hansen, Elizabeth 34, 58,95, 124 Harden, Alicia 9,57,95 Harden, Charles 57,58,71, 106 Harden, jewel 9, 14, 40,41 , 60, 82, 111, 125 Hardy, Damien 57, 134 Harewood, David 5, 54 Harker, Paul 20, 88, 114 Harris, Christopher 20, 38, 82 Harris, justin 20, 32, 58, 82 Harris, Lamont 82 Harris, Sarah 82 Harris, Shavon 95 Harruff, Barbara 49, 61,71 Hart, Ryan 95 Hartke, Lisa 95

Hartlage, Kyle 95 Hartman, Angela 49, 59, 71 Hartman, David 88 Hartman, Gary 13, 52 , 88 Haruff, Barbara 40 Harvey, Marcus 6,38,39,82 Harvey, Michael 53 , 71 Hatke, Anthony 82 Haubert, Alexander 95 Haught, jessica 82 Hayden, Taylor 20,38 Haynesworth, Rudolph 20, 88 Hazelrigg, jason 24, 60, 62, 82, 126 Heckman, William 82 Helldoerfer, Katie 19, 34, 95 Hennessey, Mary 28, 88, 131 Henseler, Rebecca 95 Hensler, Hilary 71 Hentrich, Paul 71 Herbert, Amy 55 Hesselbrock, Thomas 82 Heywood, Emily 2, 23, 60, 82 Heywood, john 24, 88 Hibbard, Ned 82 Hickey, Amy 20,40,50, 59, 61, 71 , 79,109 Hicks, Kara 58, 95 Higgins, Alisha 88 Higgins, jamar 59 Higgins, Kory 88 Higgins, Marcia 9 Hill, jessica 88 Himes, Matthew 20,71 Hirt, Timothy 88 Hoersting, Debi 103 Hoffman, Amanda 50, 88 Hoilette, Sherry-Ann 71 Holbrook, Nichole 60, 82 Hollis, Chalie 103 Holmes, Virgina 103 'Horbert, Alex 58 Hom, Donald 71 Hom, jennifer 19, 34, 95 Hom, joshua 14, 20, 117 Horvat, Elizabeth 95 Horvat, Michael 9, 28, 72 , 132 Hoskins, janelle 41, 82, 117 Howard, Alicia 53, 61, 72 Howard, janiera 95 Howe-Vachon, jason 95 Hoying, Sharon 100 Huchinson, Brandy 95 Hughes, Tim 100, 101 Huguely, Brandi 72 Hunt, Paul 20, 95 , 125 Hurak, Philip 24,38,87, 88 Hurt, jennifer 55,57,58,88 Hutchins, Andrea 88 Hutchins, Keenan 20-, 52, 58, 88 Huysman, Neal 37, 82 Hyer, Melissa 95


Ipsaro, David 52, 58, 60, 88

jang, Sarah 10,52,53,54,59,72 japs, Lisa 9, 95 jensen, Marian 103 jentleson, Elizabeth 53, 54, 82 jergens, Matthew 95 jergins, Michael 38, 82 jewell , jason 38, 82, 108 joefreda, Catherine 2, 48, 103 johnson, Amber 36, 134 johnson, Andwar 20 johnson, Brian 96 johnson, Chris 100 johnson, jennifer 19, 64, 96, 124 johnson, Matthew 13, 24, 30, 60, 82 johnson, Tamala 82 jomantas, Nikki 10,63,82 jones, Aaron 20, 88 jones, Christina 72 jones, Crystal 88 jones, DiAngelo 55, 88 jones, Kelli 96 jones, Matthew 10, 72 jones, Tameka 2,20,57,58, 72, 132 jones, Taylor 20, 30, 88 jones, Tronica 9,51,55,96 joyce, jason 37, 82 joyce, Lisa 2, 19,93,96 joyce, Michael 118

Kilgore, Alex 59 Kimball, Valerie 30, 48,49, 89, 90 King, john 20, 30, 89 Kinnear, Kelli 49, 103 Kinney, Chantel 96, 124 Kinzig, Andrea 48, 50, 60, 89 Kinzig, Christopher 24, 49, 61,73 Kirksey, Maia 10,51 ,82 Kitchener, Oavid 38, 96 Kleinhenz, Ben 20, 51, 96 Kleinhenz, Molly 23, 6yO, 82, 130 Kleismit, jeffery 89 Kline, Celeste 22,23,36,96 Klohe, Colleen 38, 49, 59, 61, 73 Klosterman, Nicholas 60,82 Kloth, Christopher 32, 96 Kloth, Evan 32, 96 Knight, Anthony 73 Knight, jonathan 73, 130 Knox, Da'Nesha 41 ,57,89 Knueve, Kimberly 40, 89 Knueve, Sandra 41, 73, 116 Kolakowski, Amy 27,38,56,58, 60,82,198,199 Kong, Elisa 23,38,89 Kong, Paulo 20, 96 Koors, Eve 14, 51, 89 Korzan , Rory 28, 38, 56, 103, 104 Kosak, Dan 20 Kronenberger, Christopher 38, 73 Kuchta, Shirley 103 Kuntz, Kevin 37, 96 Kuntz, Lisa 19, 60, 82 Kuritar, Andrea 19,96 Kuritar, Michael 89 Kurpie, Kathryn 96

Kanak, Erin 82

Lacy, Teisa 40, 96

Karl, Stephanie 72 Kayko, Mary 119 Kayser, Carey 53,54,55,82 Kayser, Cheryl 103 Keamey, Penny 53,72 Keefe, Laura 49, 61, 72 Keeton Beatrice 49,58,60,89 Keezer, Adam 96 Keferl, Michael 96, 119 Keihl, Sarah 72, 198, 199 Kelleher, Katherine 23,60,82, 118 Kelly, Timothy 51, 72, 119, 126 Kennedy Demond 20, 57, 72, 127 Kenney, Jamie 23, 96 Keough, Anthony 9,24,50,89 Keough, Leslie 23,30,61,72,73, 198, 199 Kesler, Jason 61, 72 Kessler, Holly 82 Kessler, jennifer 57,82 Keyes, Angela 48,50,51,60,82, 126 Keyes, Nicholas 10,32,89 Kier, Kevin 73 Kiffle, Gillian 89

Lambright, jason 2, 20, 50, 73, 114 Lampkins, james 57,82 LaSelle, Nicole 27,38,61,74 Laubacher, Emily 52,54,82 Lauer, Timothy 6, 20, 82 Lawson, Ian 89 Lawson, Stephen 82 Lay, Cynthia 89 Layne, Eboni 9, 38, 82 Layton, Jamie 89 Leach, james 49, 96 Leach, jennifer 55,57,58,61,74 Lee, joanna 82 Leen, Elizabeth 6, 89 Leen , jeffrey 74 Lehman, Katherine 2, 23, 46, 50, 51,60,62,82 Lehman, Kristina 50,61,74 Leik, joseph 20, 50, 74 Lemp, Angela 89 Lennon , Christopher 10, 89 Leonard, Melissa 34, 58, 96 Lester, Sarah 89 Lewis, Stacey 97 Leyes, Natasha 40, 89

Isbrant, Brain 103 Islam, Andrew 61,72 Islam, Richard 38, 82 Isom, justin 20, 32 Ivory, Cory 51, 95

Jackson, Adam 51, 88


Libecap, julia 30, 89 Libecap, William 37, 74, 127 Ligon, Bryan 82 Lillevig, Sarah 82 Link, Erin 48, 53, 59, 74, 122 Linkhart, j ason 50, 82 Linkhart, Kim 55 Livensperger, Elizabeth 48, 59, 82 Livingston, jessica 74 Logan, Gail1 03 Loges, Tom 23 Long, jennifer 89 Long, Nichol 48, 74 Long, Ronald 89 Longbottom, Edward, Bro . 103 Lord , Greg 37 Lorenz, Gretchen 50, 59, 61, 74 Lorenz, Kathryn 41, 60, 89 Loyd, Kacy 97 Lucking, Emily 36, 82 Lucking, Hillary 97 Lunce, Scott 97 Ly, Catherine 23,89, 114, 122 Lynch, Amy 19,97 Lynch, Brooke 55, 97

Maas, Angela 89 Mack, Devon 89 Mack, Tinesha 82 Macke, Heidi 55, 97 MacLeod, Sally 23, 34, 60, 82, 122 Madden, Bryan 82 Madlinger, Lori 23, 97 Maga, Elizabeth 19, 30, 97 Mahoney, Eric 74 Mahoney, Michael 53 Mahrer, Allison 23, 34, 96, 97 Maimone, Christina 23, 49, 60, 89 Malone, Constance 51, 89 Mann, Curtis 24, 89 Mann, Daniel 97 Mann, David 48, 82 Mann, joseph 53 Mann, Lois 103 Mansfield, Katie 19, 34, 97 Marrinan, Ellen 40, 61, 74, 108 Marrinan, Megan 19,89 Marshall, Lance, 37 Martin, Andrea 97 Martin, jeffrey 16, 28, 48, 50, 66, 74 Martin, jessica 30, 60, 89 Martin, Julia 6, 23, 34, 97 Martin, Raymond 52 Mason, Tanieka 9, 52, 82 Mast, jaclyn 5, 9, 23, 38, 89, 122 Masterson, Latoya 9,82, 118 Matlock, M attbew 89 Maurer, Ryan 37, 97 . McAtee, Carrie 6, 19, 36, 97 McCarten, Maureen 82 McCarthy, Colin 20, 74, 76 Mcc:'arthy, Geoffrey 38,59, 74, 122

McCarty, Karwen 97 McClelland, justin 53, 56, 58, 60, 63,90 McConnell, Phillip 38, 83, 126 McCrate, Brendan 31, 59, 83 McCreedy, Laura 55 McDaniel, Devin 51, 64, 83 M cDaniel , Melissa 9, 74 McDermott, john 103 McDermott, Kathleen 134 McDermott, Maureen 23, 97 McDole, Stephan 75 McDonald, Paul 24, 90 McElroy, Matthew 64, 83 McElwain, jim 28, 29 McGlinch, Sherry 97 McGregor, Mark 55, 96, 97 McGuire, Steven 97 Mcintyre, Paris 19, 59, 61,75 McLean, Natasha 23, 48, 64, 80, 83, 118, 130 McMillin, Gary 53, 103, 117 McNeely, Marcus 90 McSherry, Angela 83 Medsker, Leah 36 M eininger, Tom 97 Mendez, Alberto 24 Menker, Anthony 83, 106 Mergler, Patrick 90 Meritt, Carmen 40, 41 , 83 Merzman, Allison 51, 97 Mertzman, Sarah 90 Mervar, julie 97 Messmer, Rose 100 Metzger, Carol 54, 60, 83 Meyers, Ann 19, 103, 105, 11 8 Michel, Angela 5, 23, 48, 50, 53 , 75,76,118 Mikalauskas, Andrew 75,114, 132 Mikos, Ross 48,83 Miles, Jamie 100 Miller, Bi anca 90 Miller, Christina 36, 75 Miller, Davon 83, 123 Miller, Kelly 90 Miller, Troy 90 Milligan, Molly 105 Mills, joy 57, 97 Miltenberger, Angela 51,83 Miltenberger, Anthony 58,97 Mitchell, Katie 28, 90 Mitchell, Richard 20, 97 Mize, Matthew 24, 90 Moe, james 37, 97 Moles, Marcus 20, 97 Monaghan, MichaelS, 20, 50, 51, 53,75,114 Monnin, Christina 34, 86, 90 Moore, Garrett 97 Morrison, Brian 38, 90 Motley, Courtney 34, 38, 97 Mucha, Christopher 38, 90

Muehlenbruch, Adam 90 Mullikin, Laura 34, 83, 122 Mullins, Daniel 32, 83 Murphy, Chad 97 Murray, Alexandria 36, 97 Nankivell, Katie 97 Nartker, Rebecca 55, 90 Naughton, Elizabeth 103 Nealon, Erin 9, 27, 38, 61,75, 131,198,199 Nerlinger, jay 90 Netherton, Phillip 83 Nieport, Melissa 55 , 83 Nolan, Kevin 6, 20, 30, 90 Nooks, H eather 90, 107 Noreikas, Stacy 38, 49, 760,83, 109 Norman, Amy 23, 90 Norman, Monica 48,58,83 Norman, Rani 56 Noyes, Beth 100, 101 O'Brien, Karen 97 O'Conner, Donald 9 O'Connor, Amy 103 O'Connor, Daniel 32, 52, 90 O'Connor, Donald 28, 75 O'Heam, Amy 23,30,97 O'Heam, Sarah 97 O'Neill, Kasey 36,60,83 O'Neill, Teresa 19, 83, 116, 130 Oborne, Shannon 90 Odister, Rhyan 91 Ogunduyile, Omolola 57, 97 Olds, Amiee 57,58,91, 116 Olinger, Meghan 91 Oliver, Byron 59, 97 Osborne, Tanya 97 Overman , Michael 24, 75 Overman , Nicholas 49,53,83 Overman, Veronica 23, 97 Owens, Reuben 32, 83, 123 Owens, Ryan 97 Padgett, Anthony 83 Page, Matthew 97 Palmer, Brigid 97 Patton, Amanda 34, 55, 97 Patton, Erin 55 Payne, Charles 24,48,50,67,75 Pegues, Tiffany 91 Peirson , Tommy 20,75 Pendell, julie 75, 78 Pendell, Timothy 91 Pennington, Sen ita 83 Perretta, Rachel 91 Perry, Beth 83, 118 Perry, jayme 59,83, 109 Perry, Michael 55 , 103 Perry, Rickell 75, 126 Perry, Rodriquezs 91 Pestke, Stephanie 91 Petrae, jacqueline 75

Phelps, Nick 97 Philpot, Natasha 52,58,83 Pickrel, Gregory 24,75, 198, 199 Pickrel , julie 10,23,97 Pietrzak, jessica 83 Pietrzak, jillian 2, 95, 97, 119 Pitman, DeMar 32,38,59,97 Place, james 20, 103 Place, Margaret 23 , 60, 83 Plummer, Daniel 20, 37, 83 Pohl,jessica 1319, 61, 75, 198, 199 Polston, Blane 20, 83 Ponds, jason 97 Popp, Brian 6,13,37,59,60,83 Pop paw, jennifer 14, 34,86,91, 123 Pop paw, jessica 48,67, 76 Pratt, Andrew 32,37,51,83 Premanandan, Mary 30, 60, 91 Price, justin 6, 52, 53, 57, 76 Pucket, jerry 20 Pucket, T.T. 36 Quigely, Tom 27 Quigley, Ryan 20, 83 Raglin, Terrance 14, 32, 33, 91 Raiff, john 30 Raiff, julie 103 Raimey, Denee 40, 91 Rarick, Nicholas 38, 59, 84 Rarick, Sarah 17, 19, 36,91 Rasor, Richard 20, 32, 97 Rathweg, Mary josephine 16, 28, 97 Rathweg, Maureen 23 48, 50, 61, 76,126 Ravestein, Karen 10, 30, 91 Rawe, Elizabeth 6, 48, 50, 53, 83, 84 Rawe, jason 38, 76 Reboulet, Susan 60 Reed, Adrienne 38,91 Reed, Candice 55 Regan, Marguerite 103 Reichert, Damien 59, 71 Reid, jessica 23, 36, 97 Reynolds, David 25, 91 Reynolds, Matthew 134 Reynolds, Paul 52 Reynolds, Stacy 14, 38, 57, 58, 64,91 Reynolds, Taneesha 41,57,58, 64,91 Reznick, Steven 52, 91 Rhoades, jessica 97 Rhode, Natasha 40 Rich, Eva 53, 84 Richardson , Brett 9,41,84, 125 Richardson, Taryn 97 Riddlebarger, Mark 91 Rinehart, Natalie 36,58,60,84

Riordan, jeremiah 24, 25, 37, 49, 61,76,115 Roberts, Ana 54, 84 Roberts, Max 91 Robinson, Carrie 16, 23, 34, 46, 84,126 Robinson, Meredith 55, 84 Robinson, Trenton 20, 91 Robinson, Unique 57,97 Roche, Emily 27,38,98 Ramie, Beth 49, 55, 61, 76 Roode, Natasha 91 Ross, Doug 100 Ross, Karma 98 Ruffolo, Angela 23, 56, 63, 104, 105 Rush, Christopher 20, 118 Rush, Raymond 84 Russo, Ronald 104 Rutherford, Molly 23,98 Rutherford, Natalie 23, 90, 91 Rutledge, Zaid 84 Ryan, Elizabeth 90, 91 Ryan, Margaret 30, 38, 91 Ryder, Ann 14, 34, 35, 48, 61, 76, 126 Ryder, Barry 34 Ryder, Elise, 34, 64, 98 Ryder, Mary 34, 84 Sacksteder, Ann 9, 13, 54, 55, 98 Sacksteder, jacob 54,55,57,84 Sacksteder, joanna 55 Sacksteder, julie 19, 98, 125 Sacksteder, Kristi 84 Saluke, jessica 14, 23,48,51,91, 131 Saluke, john 26, 27 38, 52, 54, 57,84 Salyer, Michael 84 Sandeman, Amy 134 Sanders, Carla 34, 93, 98, 124 Sanders, Mel issa 98 Sanders, Tiffney 2,55,98 Scarpelli, David 91 Schaefer, Kelly 46,49,56,84 Schenk, Debra 104 Scherpf, Connie 104 Scherpf, Shane 98 Schieltz, Andrew 91 Schierloh, joshua 20, 21,60,84 Schierloh, Matthew 20,65,67,76 Schierloh, Michael 104 Schiml , Michelle 76 Schmaltz, Anita 91, 111 Schneider, Corey 32 Schneider, Thomas 13, 54, 55, 84,109 Schnell, Andrew 20,38,76 Schnell, Tara 28, 91 Schoepper, Michelle 55,76 Schommer, Matthew 98

Schopler, Edward 98 Schreel, Paul 20, 38, 98 Schroeder, Nichole 84 Schulte, Nicole 91 Schutte, Kristina 9,34,98 Schwendeman, Cornelia 19, 36, 49,58,91 Scmaltz, Anita 60 Scothom, Keri 36, 77, 133 Scott, Gregory 28,29,84 Scott, jennifer 84 Scott, Mary 53, 84 Searcy, Patrice 57, 98 Sea rs, Danielle 84 Seg i, Peter 28, 135 Se itz, Amy 23, 56, 98 Seitz, Karen 2, 13,56,63, 104, 118 Serrer, Alisha 9, 98 Severyn , Elizabeth 53, 98 Shabazz, Taherra 57, 98 Shade, Nicholas 98 Shaman, Seth 28, 91 Sharp, Anne 98 Sheets, Ke lly 55, 134 Shepherd, Cand i 100, 101 Sherdf, Shane 20 Sheria, j ana n 16, 28, 51,98 Sherman, Kate 23, 77 Sherman, Shawna 19, 98 Shilito, Libby 40 Shillito, Elizabeth 98 Shkane, Cheryl 36, 91 Shock, Amanda 14, 19,60, 81, 84 Shock, Andrew 9,13,37,49, 61, 77 Shortal, Leah 19,58,9 1 Shoup, Amanda 53, 98 Schman, joseph 37, 84 Sickmann, Ryan 98 Sicnolf, Andrew 13, 24, 38, 51, 59,60,84 Sievering, Nad ia 98 Signom, Robert 54, 98 Sikora, Matthew 84, 118 Sikorski, Phil 104, 111 Silverman, Melissa 91 Simmons, jason 32, 37, 84, 85 Simonson, Deanne 98 Simpson, Danielle 98 Sink, Melinda 30, 77 Sinkfield, jameel 5, 98 Sivering, Nadia 119 Siwecki , Angela 98 Siwecki , Christopher 6, 77 Skelton, Bill 37 Sloan, Scott 28,38,39,91,92, 106 Smith , Arthur 84 Smith, Cheryln 104


Smith, Dionna 77, 132 Smith, Kelly 66, 77 Smith, Kimerlyn 10,41, 91 Smith, Lance 98 Smith, Laura 23, 34, 50, 98, 125, 127 Smith, Matthew 27,38,49,52, 56,63,84 Smith, Michael 99 Smith, Patrick 48, 61, 77, 79 Smith, Sharon 98 Smith, Tamara 49, 91 Smith, Tenisha 99 Smith, Troy 57, 91 Snyder, Corey 20, 99 Snyder, Kellie 77, 128 Snyder, Nichole 23,34,91 Sokolnicki, Andrew 99 Somers, Leigh 28, 51, 91 Sorrell, Teresa 104 Soter, Nicole 23, 91, 117 Soter, Tannis 104 South, Jessica 99 Speaks, Candice 48, 77 Spencer, Jenelle 84 Spiker, Kelly 20, 32, 99 Sprague, Amanda 41, 91, 118 Spurlock Matthew 37, 84 Stachler, Adam 24, 81, 84 Stafford, Jennifer 40, 91 Stahlhofen, Stefan 84 Stahlman, Amy 19 Stahlohoofen, Stefan 13 Staley, Joseph 104 Stang, Deborah 23, 84 Stanislawski, John 38, 99 Starling, Derrick 100, 101 Stefan, Daniel 77 Stekli, Marlyn lOa, 101 Stephen, Daniel 53 Stephens, Brandi 84 Stevens, Erin 57, 77, 79 . Stokes, Tameisha 40, 57, 84 Storck, John 14, 77 Stuhlemmer, Shannon 77, 130 Stuhlman, Amy 36, 99 Sturm, Leah 58, 99 Styles, Emily 84 Styles, Jennifer 99 Sullivan, Anne 23,91 Sullivan, Bette 103, 104 Sullivan, Brennan 91 Sullivan, Paul 24, 91 Sullivan, Rori 28, 91 Sullivan, Ryan 10, 20, 77 Sumlin, Jerrick 32, 84 Swank, Bradley 9, 77 Swartzbaugh, Andrea 91 Sweat, Jan 100 Sweeny, Brian 91 Sydor, Jennifer 58, 91


Sylvan, Jajuan 99 Szabo, Charles 20,32,58,91

Takacs, Alana 99 Tanner, Jared 32 Taylor, James 99 Taylor, Jesse 52, 99 Taylor, Roxanne 61, 78 Taylor, Shirtor 84 Teague, Tamarra 84 Temple, Matthew 61, 78 Temple, Suzanne 84 Thaler, Monica 14,48, 53, 60, 84 Thaler, Peter 20,38,99, 119 Thien, Rebecca 40,51,58,92 Thomas, Andricka 50, 99, 127 Thomas, Dennis 104, 198, 199 Thomas, Tasha 59, 84, 198, 199 Thompson, Anthony 20, 99 Thompson, Starlain 99 Thornton, Brandon 92 Thorstenson, Paul 84 Tilk, Lucas 20, 52, 53, 122 Tinney, Bridget Ann 16, 92 Tobey, Donna 99 Tolle, Erin 92 Tolle, Matthew 32,84, 108 Tolle, Micah 10, 32, 99 Tolliver, Nicole 92 Tomczak, Tiffany 61,78,109, 130, 133 Toomer, Leslie 20,38,57,78 Toomey, Tiffany 13, 99 Trick, Andrew 92 Trigg, Terri 84 Trimbach, Andrew 78 Trimbach, Jason 20, 30, 99 Trimbach, Ryan 20, 30, 58, 92 Trimmer, Joshua 48, 59 Trimmer, Mandy 84 Trittschuh, David 48, 84 Turner, Jennifer 19, 60, 81, 84, 131 Turner, Kathleen 104 Tuss, Katie 10,23,30,50,99, 127

Ulliman, Erin 51,54, 58, 99, 119 Updyke, Maralena 55, 96, 99 Upp, Duncan 28, 99 Urban, John 20, 99 Usman, Ataul 78

Veasley, Vashti 100 Vecchio, Christie 84 Vehorn, Tina 34, 50, 78 Velte, Lyn 104 Vincent, Amber 5,23,54,58,99, 116 Viney, Tara 34, 78, 119 Vo, Tan 2, 36, 51, 92 Vo, Thy 51,52,53, 130 Vogel, Amy 99 Vogel, Brian 24, 38, 59, 90, 92

Vogel, Daniel 20, 78, 114, 132 Vogel, Renee 19, 34 38, 49,58, 99, 119 Vogel, Susan 14,2330,51,60, 83,84 Vuketich, Katherine 60, 84

Wade, Alison 9, 10, 13, 36, 48, 51,78,115,119 Wagner, Alicia 9,59,78 Wagner, Donald 55, 84 Wagner, Jessica 59, 92, t09 Waldron, Emilee 84 Walker, Ellen 23, 30, 60, 85 Walker, Gregory 32 99 Walker, Kerry-Ann 61, 73, 78, 106, 126 Wallace, Bryan 9, 32, 33, 50, 61, 73, 79 Wallace, Katlyn 48, 51, 60, 90, 92 Wallace, Theodore, Dr. 60, 61, 104 Warner, Brian 46 Warniment, Kelly 48,58,92 Wastey, Erin 54 Watkins, Amy 85 Watras, Alicia 92 Watren, Matthew 38,39,92 Watson, Jessica 92 Wayman, Marcia 104 Wead, Elizabeth 23, 36, 92 Weaver, Joshua 32, 92 Weckesser, Julie 16, 28, 92 Weimert, Charles 104 Weimert, Donald 6, 104 Weitzel, Megan 85 Wenclewicz, Jennifer 36, 40,99, 124 Wenclewicz, Stephen 37, 52, 62, 85 Wendling, Nathan 9, 32, 87,92 Wentland, Allison 19, 38, 92 Westendorf, Lance 85 Wharton, George 85 Wheeler, Charlene 2, 104 White, John 85 White, Larrisa 40, 92 White, Roclande 57, 92 White, Terrance 57, 92 Whitley, Bradd 92 Whitley, Brent 20, 85, 130 Whitley, Brittney 34, 99 Wickersham, Joshua 55, 92 Wiethorn, Robert, Bro. 104 Wilhelm, Amber 54, 55, 57, 58, 99 Wilkinson, Jermaine 20,38,51, 57, 79 Will, Melissa 36, 60, 92 Williams, Candi 23,41, 57,79, 118

Williams, Deandra 41,51,78,79, 127 Williams, Dena 38, 48, 57, 79, 126 Williams, Kimberly 30, 48, 58, 60,92 Williams, Michael 1 0,79,85, 127 Williams, Shane 52, 92 Williams, Tamika 34, 40, 92 Williams, Tara 92 Williams, Terrence 28,38,98,99 Williams, Vincent 20,38,85 Willis, Elizabeth 23, 99 Willis, Jason 133 Wilmes, Mary 79 Wilson, Jennifer 58,92 Winarchick, Cathrine 99, 125 Winfield, Emily 5, 58, 90, 92 Wingard, Tiffany 38, 41 57,85, 114 Wise, Dominick 20, 92 Wittman, Christopher, Fr. 5, 56, 105,118 Wlodarski, Daniel 52, 92 Woemer, Brian 56, 85 Woeste, Erin 95, 99, 119 Wolters, Anthony 92 Wood, Heather 85 Woodall, Charla 85 Woodall, Mishika 41,57,58,85 Woods, Benjamin 20, 58, 92 Woods Tene 99 Woolard, Kenny 20 Wright, Courtney 85 Wright, Priscilla 99 Wysong, Kerri 79 Wysong, Leann 57, 99

Yates, Francisca 99 Yates, Sarah 99 Yawn, Christopher 10, 20 Young, Jasmin 41, 64, 92 Young, Robert 20,30,46,52,53, 105

Zaidan, John 105 Zwiesler, Julie 14,19,60,85,131

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