Chaminade Julienne High School Yearbook 2009

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The Marianists ~ROVI N C (



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David Schwendeman, Charlie Hallinan, and Bobby Richardson '09, diligently focus on their Algebra 3 lesson .


Jay Bryant and Paige Brun '12 take advantage of the free time in Ms. Egbers class to finish up their homework.

Steve Fuchs

Angela Hammerly

Kelly Lynch

Jenny Secor

Ann Meyers '73

Nancy Egbers Chair

Laura Eloe

Ms. Egbers patiently helps Megan Pierce '12 with her math homework.

Jasmine Myrick, Adrian Warfield, Chuck Dickens, and Kamal Shafeek '09 intently listen as Mr. Pierce teaches class.

Scott Pierce

•o • 21

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~'-'. . Education


and Consume



Cross Country -~---'

e e28 e e Spirit Week




e e e e 29

Football Soccer


o o o o 30

Above: Kurt Hess '09 scrambles for a big gain against Roger Bacon to set up a touchdown.

Above: Patrick Bruggeman '09 looks to step the Fenwick offense.

Seniors 109

Above: Dedrick Gcxklard '09 looks to make a big play against McNick.

Back row: Kurt Hess, Dedrick Goddard, Alex Kauth, Cory Adams, Mike Rail!, Patrick Bruggeman, Isaiah Cordell Front Row: Jesse Ward, Mike Ruff, Matt Miller, Adrian Warfield, Andy Heck

Left: Patrick Bruggeman '09 hold<; and Alex Kauth '09 kicks the game winning field goal agairnt McNick.

Right Matt Miller' 09 and J.T.Johnson '11 line up on defense against Roger Bacon.




Field goals and blocked kkks led the football team to three victories by the narrowest of margins, one point. It was senior night, the first ever orange out, and not to mention playing rival Carroll. With CJ holding on 14-7, Carroll scored with: 0:54 seconds left, and that is when it happened. With the focus on Laron Brown '10, Anthony Curtis '10 snuck through and blocked the extra p:>int, sealing the victory 14c 13. The Eagle; football team brought out a new look to the f~kI this season with brand nEW Adidas unifoITlli. Along with unifonns came a major schedule change. Instead of opening with long time foe and rival Northmont, the Eagles opene:l with a nEW foe, the Troy Trojarn. 1he Eagles were led by their quarterback Kurt Hess • 09 , who is entering his third year as the starter. Other key players who had big years were safety Patrick Bruggeman '09, kicker Alex Kauth '09, offensive linemen]esse Ward '09 and Andy Heck '09 and wide roceiver Luon Brown '10. All of these players made huge pJa)S to lead the team to victories this season. Although the Eagles ultimate goal was to make the playoffs, they ended up coming up short with a 6-4 reoord. In the high sight of it all, they did play one of the hardest schedules in Ohio. As Mike Ruff '09 said, "PRating Carroll tht; year made our season ba:arnewe haven't beat them in two years."

o o :: 1

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The cheerleaders at our school show

leadership and cheer on all the teams.

They get evelYone involved at the games, especially our varsity cheerleaders.


Our cheerleaders not only cheer at


football g ames, but at pep rallies and significant events like this year's bonfire. Tierra Smith II' states, "I like the bus rides to the away g ames. Everyone is pumped up for the g ame. All we do is -1 laugh and sing." All the cheerleaders spend a lot of their time at practice , two days a ~_... week, to make things perfect to ~ perform. They inspire the fans.

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=;;;;;;~~~;;~W~est~'~IO~,T~iarC~ra;~~c;:omer '11, Madcline Conroy '09,

Breonna DaneiLl Mrfllall '10 ," '

'10, Danheisha Harding 09, and &l\cmthaRaiff 'la, and


\ Paul Wittberg 09,

many Thomrron 09, Laura The!ing 09,

Camtfoo Ingram 09, and Sarah Marks W .

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I' 'il· I, Each class showed how unified they were as the Seniors wore orange, Juniors wore white, Sophomores wore gray, and Freshmen wore yellow. (Left) Monica Baker,Jose Arias, Carson Williams, Andy Heck, and Kate Cronin, all of '09, work on their peace flags.

•o o • 34

II, " I It was a blast from the past as everyone stepped back into time on this day. Styles fhat faded away wifh time were brought to life and students wore their outfits wifh similing faces. Poodle skirts, leather jackets, afra;, leggings and lots of other styles were represented. Emily Striebich '09 and Lauren Titus '09 (right) demonstrates the spirit of the 60s wifh peace sigus and tie-dye shirts .

Different shoes. Plaid bottoms with striooil~~:::-"''''''' went as students carelessly threw [ogether and looked their tackiest. (Left) 'U111~'lV1<JW crazy as they pose in their 1C11,'II'11

After having to dress crazy, it was now time to see the preppy side of everyone. Polos, sweaters, slacks, dress shirts, and ties could all be seen, and it looked as if any student could get into any country club they wanted to. (Left) Andy Heck, Zak Hadaway, and Katie Bush all of '09 present themselves very nicely in their preppy attire.

spirit day. Blue and green incfl of the hallways as knee high face paint covered the bodies , Counter Cjo,ckwiSe)-Bn'.Q!1l~Jnsorr, Prince, and Dan Perez, all WCd!tU1<JC and green in Mrs. Downer's

The teachers' unity i ~~~,&__-~ ~~:::in roo, and here Mr. Staehler shows off a superhero pose. (Right) jelSica Yaney '09 and Kat~ Bush '09 proudly wear their orange. ~;;;;;;t

(Left) Patrick Bruggeman '09 demonstrates his pre-game stretches in his old school basketball uniform.

1 1( '\ ( I . 1 1() \ \ 1)11 ')

(Below) Dan Marrinan, Sam Rose, and Charlie Ijaci<SOl1"all of '09, looked very mismatche:i :l'; they pose for a picture betwren classes.

(left) Emilyjackscn '09 and

Chkk '09 both know to slx)J1 their preppy (Right) Grace Pera '09 and . . t>.'~~J ;Mh~~;,y~;M;ill~,edffi~r'h09~saw;iaill~ . Week.


(left) Principal john Marshall never disappoints when it comes to school spirit.

(Right) Reboo:aRutt~, Madeline Quill, Zoe Lang, and Emily OlnNed, all of '09, have a ton of Eagle pride!

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Omecomlng 2008 1 '"





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•• •• 36





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Aaron TOI,l,H,'I 'f)) st:1nds hxk JnJ WJtcll<'S ,ever,ol'.: ( i hb SI,l,',l?,

"TIlE' OOcoralKfl5were £lin" an..t t~ pi.Jyed my [."" ite so"", I h::w a gooJ IUlk' d'-Iung \\-ldl lllY rrien!k too'" MdueIVarc.arl 'IO

Ad:wn ctO)" '10 showsewl'flKl" all of hi; dan.skilb

"I really liked going out to (>:l1l,l,itll :111 of my friends and d:1nring tilt' nig,l,t away. I really enjoyed darK'ing by my~1f to 'I Don't Wanllo Miss J Thing' by Aerosmith" Alex IIertke '10

•• 37

"Bright Lights, Big City" _thethemetor

SlI1lruh take p,rt in II" lang I.., 01 dancing.

the ~008 H:lmE('(lrrung Danc~ 8va[}'one d~ In their ~ atllN! and they

were ready to impres:: "The d~ratlons ware pretty niea and [really hk£!d the th8In~· asApnl Goetson 'tl quoW The ba".kground for pictu['65 ~t the scene of (\ dar ~ the park 10 one of the bIg elMS k the musir. was pla)'lng. halfwaylhrough the danct. a Iineslowly began to form A group dsrudf:flll deaded tartarl dancing around Iha grmn~IUm. and belOit long. m~ and fTXlf~ poople joined on IlntJille31Jy haH of the pt:.q:lle al thl!danoe had come together to form a huge congo lin ... PeJpJe went bact 10 Illncingwith their fmmdB to th'!lf f:n'onleson" as the line d~rslrl HlJT\U!coming eourtcame up and emyune got the c:wortunity tORt the 2008 HOlDI:!comJfigKin~ Manruo Patterson and QUllefi, Annie Haley5hate th :Jf~peml dance Once they were done, ItWl5 not long before the last soog tame cn whIm was Mrcro.llth'. "1 Don', Wan t to )Usa Thmg' EntYone was dancing and mCl!t Iikelr81d that such" fun erenfwas commg to <In ~nd The 2008 HOn::lOCl)ming Dance brought a lot ot' excitement to many (tud(!n~ and llrurely was a danCll that WlllleaYe' gJe:al roamoIl1IS Wllh them forovEr

Cr@I...oWllrygirbukelime [rom th.' J:IIK't> to gt't :1 group ~101

Antoo~ C::meron


CaIson WilhJfilS '09

• •

Back Row: Coach Money, Mil<e Sipe;, Todd Mam Telepak, Alex Bertl<e,]on Bonner, Michael SlajiJack, Jorrian Dant, Ben VuillllusjNathan Constable, Nick Michel, Coach Harrington Middle Row: Nate Rose, Eddie Ruff, Brendan Dillon, rem"" Chris Myton, Charlie Emmerich, Ben Trick, Joey Stocl<elman, Michael Varcarcel Front Row: Tim Holmes, Mall Menl<er


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( :hris Myton '09 and Ben Quinttus '09 have SO~1~~~~g:~Jl.~~~;~~~ their high school soccer careers on high notes by making "As a team we struggled, but it was nice to get some recognition individually," Chris said about his accomplishments. Chris and Ben both made First Team and also managed to be within the Top 9 offensive leaders in the GCL with 20 and 17 points respectively. Tim Holmes '09 along with Matt Menker '10 placed within the Top 12 defensive leaders in the GCL, having 2 and 3 shutouts respectively. Additionally Jon Bonner' 10 and Matt's efforts on the field earned them a spot on the Second Team. The Men's Soccer team as a whole finished with a record of 2-6-3 in the GCL North and 5-8-4 overall. In their only postseason game opponent, they came up short, losing 2-1.


• e•

This year has been a spectacular year for the women's soccer team. Varsity Coach Mary Raiff blew away expectations by leading the team to the District finals. the farthest the team has made it in years . The girls won the first two games with ease. but the third game was their biggest challenge. The game was tied at 0-0 the first two halves. Then. after double overtime. the game was still at 0-0 and had to be decided by an electrifying shoot out. The team won the game 4-2. not giving up for a second. They played with heart the entire game. They finished the season with an overall record of 9-10-1. finishing 3rd in the GGCL North. Kate Cronin '09 says. "I think Coach Raiff and Coach Chris showed us what we were capable of. I've never believed in my team this much and I never thought I would be at this point after last year. Those girls are what made me go out to Dogleg every day. They're my best friends through everything."

&1ck Row (Left to ' 'la, Lynsay Strahor Micklle Row (Left to &:herer '09, Megm Front Row (Left to

Orris Clolli'â‚Ź, Erin Duffy '10, ~co &ua Webb '10, Kate Bills 'la, Taro : Bridgot McMonu; '09, Groce Cox '09, '10, Reb2cco &heid '10, Emma Cronin '09, Urmy Ruff '09, Erin

'09, Kaylo ~lky Coach Mary Raitf. '09, JOOe



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1. Dylan Aughe ' 10

2. [jam Rolfe' 11, George Spitzig '10, Danny Siebenthaler '12 3.Jere Arias '09

•o 42

Front (L-R) Kyle Foley, Liam Rolfe, Dylan Augre, DannySiet.:mthaler, Matt Piekenbrock, Antoree Dardin Back (L-R) Coach Spit'lig. Sam Mullins, George Spitzig. Btyan Care,Jo ~ Aria<;, David ~intimi[[a.Jrey Porter, Matt Byrd, Coach Bridgman

2009 Cross COlll1try Seniors Katie Bush,Jose Ari as, and Taylor Beyerle honor teammate Lucas pfander. All of the members of the team wore LP patches on their lll1ifonns in remembrance of Lucas.

- >-


1. Taylor Beyerle '0<)

2. Christina Chabali '10, Clarke Crawford '10, Alisha May ' 11, Mary Kate Carrigg' 12 3. Lizzie Gleason' 10

•o o • 43

Front (IrR) Coach Spitzig, Clarke Cra'llford, Jacque Horzer, Daniel\<o Johnson, Lizzie Gleason, Racr-el Collins, Mary Kate Carrigg, Caroline Plaopohl, Christina Chabali, Coach Ml)Oller Back (IrR) Anna W~rer, Jackie Ne"'1lort, Katie Bush, Taylor Beyerle, Mog I.efeld, Teresa Sparel

Women's Team Shines at League, While Men's Team Rebuilds This mon,OlQminaie Julienne hal their first CI(liS couniry an lrogue Champion, junior lizlie Qea;on Cther oo:omplmment indudOO senior Tajior ~erle making first team an and freshman Milly Kate Carri'll rOO!iving Honorable Mention Aproud moment for the ludy Ea<jes was when dl ",en vaoity runners rOO!ivoo l"rsonai remrds at the l.lstrtd M",t Both the mens and WOIl'Rris team had a ~t of new runners this yoor that improvoo throughout the moo and are ready tolood the team tosuaps; next yoor. The mens team ~st five senil~ last year, dl that were on vaoity. The teanJs only senior, J"" Artus, provid€d strong loodeciJip with the new poi of ~ After ayoor of rebuiltlng, the team will "' ready to take on the mmJ"lition next year.

Teresa Sp:mcl & Anna Wagner '10

Men's Q)lf

•o •o 11




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In his last season, the fourth timew:l') the ciunn as SamJandel '09 won the overall individual state tournament in dominant fashion! After a very accomplishe::l2007 season, the Men's Golf team looked for more this year, while being led by a strong group of seniors SamJandel, Zak Hadaway, Perm Sadd, and Marvin Scott. The team took their success all the way to a second place finish in the state tournament.

Women's Q)lf

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_ II



The Women's Golf team took off with another great season in XlO8. The women's golf team entered their third season as an official team. The golf team made their presence knovm throughout the area, fin~hing 23-10 overall and 6-2 in the GGCL Grey Division, goo:! for second place. The women's team took their greatness to the postseason, making it all the way to the district tournament, 100 by star players Michaela Cronin '10 and Madeline Kaminski' 10, who made 1st team GGCL. Cronin and Kamirnki also set school recordsfor9 holes with a score of 38. Among many other hoOOlS for the team, senior Elise Kaminski was named an Academic All-State golfer.

Left Becca '09 says "the first tournament was the m(})t exciting tournament 1::€cause we got 2nd out of 17 teams."

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Women's Volleylxilllmts Alter twice in one yEill

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opp St Henry Centerville Momt Notre Dame Minster Wayne Springboro Fenwick Bellbrook Alter Carroll Fairmont Lelunan Catholic Purcell Marian Roger Bacon Tippecanoe Greenville Badin McNicholas Butler Fenwick Alter Carroll Miamisburg Centerville



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cast and Scene Synopsis Betty Parris.... , .•..............Annie Brinkman Reverend Samuel Parris ....... .. .. , •. Jasmine Myrick Tiluba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cherith Scot! Abigail Williams . . ................Rebecca Ruttle Susanna WalcotUSlage Manager I.........Grace Para Mrs. Ann Putnam ............ . ..... Shanice Whitaker Thomas Putnam ........... . .... , .Maggie Ryan Mercy lewis ........ .. •.. , • .....Emily Jackson Mary Warren. . . . . . . . . . • • • • • . . . . .Cari Meixner John Proctor .... ... . . • •• • . , ... .. Joe Femeding Rebecca Nurse .......• .•. ... . ... Brianna Leddy Giles Corey .. .... . ..• . . . .......Sam Railf Reverend John Hale . . .....•. • ... . .. lauren Porter 8izabelh Proctor .......• • ..•. . . ... Maddie Flood Francis Nurse ......... •..•...... Casey Munn Ezekiel Cheever ...... . . .......... Anne Backaus John Willard ....... .. ..... • ..... Amanda Hayek Judge Hathorne .......... • ... . ... Tim Flinn Deputy Governor Danforth .... .. • • . .... Emily Olmsted Sarah GoodIAbigail's friend .... . .......Meredith Baird Hopkins ... .. ...... . ...... . ... Evan Mills Martha Corey/Abigail's friend ........... Mary Moore Stage manager III Backdrop artist .....•...Elizabeth Abell Light Manager ..... ... ... ........loretta Hayek Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .Mr. Anthony Davis Assistant Director ...... • ..........Mr. Joe Whatley Support and Assistance .... •. • ••.. . .. Mr. David Wood

o o o o 51

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Schaudon Herd


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Kevin Jackson

Nathan Jackson





McCorm ck

Nichele McCutchen




, McOerrrutt




•o •o 55


Megan Pierce

William Rake

Rebecca Reis


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Nathaniel Rose Reynolds



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Dance / Cheerlea

e e e e 59

Swimming Christmas Dance

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WINTER ___!,

r( CHEERLEADING Breonna Simmons' 10 watches the Eagles dominate the opposing team.

e e e e 6-1

The cheer squad performs during half time and has a friendly cheer off with the Fainnont Firebird's squad Laura West' 10 shows much enthusiasm during the game to get the crowd pumped up.

Tiarra Comer' 11 and Madeline Conroy '09 "Bring It" during a CJ pep rally.

Caroline Matis '09 leads the cheerleading squad during the boy's basketball game.

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CJ cheerleaders show off all of their hard work and definitely impress the crowd during a highly anticipated J:€p rally.

The cheer squad executes a J:€rlect perlormance at a CJ pep rally.

CJ cheerleaders ~owtheir

ocoresof a dunk they had ~enbya

men's basketball pia)"r.

•• •• 65

Danesa Marshall '10

Ana Cuellar '12

Sophomore cheerleaders do whatever they can to their fellow classmates filled with CJ spirit

CJ cheerleaders bust some moves during one of their many routines.

Christmas Dance 2009


•o • 66

Christmas Dance a Fun Way to Celebrate the Season "Mistletoe Kisses" was the theme for the dance, which was held on De::ember 12 at eleIYone's favorite place, The Greek Orthodox Church. The dance was an exciting night for the freshmen since it was their first dance at CJ. The Christmas Dance this year was a special night for eleIYone, especially the seniors. Midway through the dance, the song "Viva la Vida" came on, which led to the seniors circling up to honor classmate, Lucas Pfander. Nathan Constable '09 aod Patty Arnold '09 were crowned King and Queen of the dance, while Alex Talib and Kayla Sauve were the senior representatives.

Student Council's Social Committee Front row: Kristina Barcinas and Ashley Robison '09, Casey Munn'lO.

Back row: Emily Striebich and Lauren Tilm '09, Rachel Bridgman and Ally Flinn '10

"Mistletoe Kisses" Christmas Dance Court Freshmen: Dominic Genovesi and Morgan Coffey Sophomores: Cody Burke and Cannen Brooks Juniors: Scott Lambert and Meghan Lefeld Seniors: Alex Talib and Kayla Sauve King and Queen: Nathan Constable and Patty Arnold


•o • 67

Marie Freeman, '11, Mary Moore '10, Maggie Ryan '11, Kiersten Sargent '10, and Anne Reuter '11 take a moment to


Sacksteder '10 have a great time dancing together.

smile for the camera.


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Beau Smedley '12 surfs through the crowd.

Broonna Simmons '10 and Anlwone Cameron '09 take a break from dancing to pose with Santa.

Jose Arias, and Keenan Watson of '09 enjoy their last Christmas Dance together.

S \Vi fnfrlin _ _ _

o e o e 68

Back Row: Nathan Jackson, Coach William Mccuddy, Alex Treadway, Gina Harrington, Randy Leik 4th Row: cody Burke, Daniel Striebich, Chandani Harjani, Tori Kreitzer, Megan pierce, Mackenzie Aughe, Lauren Gough, KayJie Doman 3rd Row: Lauren Porter, Madeline Kaminski, Christina Chabali , Cora Harrison, Katheryne Austin, Brooke Place, Lizzie Gleason, Bridget McCormick 2nd Row: Dan Marrinan, chartes Jackson, Ben Quinttus, Becca Rougier, Jessica Yaney, Emily Striebich, Jose Mias, Emily Jackson Front Row: Penn sadd, Zak Hadaway, David Kracirtk, Jeff MCQuiston, Emily Olmsted, Taylor Beyerle, Alicia Gomez, Elizebeth Grigg, Lisa Treadway, Madeline Quill

Sophomore KatheI)'lle , ~ts ready to finish the 200 freestyle relay for another CJ

Senior Zak Hadaway leaps ahead to an early lead in his

Seniors Taylor Beyerle, Beem Rougier, Emily Jacskson and Junior wuren Porter JXfI' a big

Slayback shows some spirit in the water before

~niorNight Senior night was an emotional and exciting time for the CJ swim team. Every member of the swim team proudly wore orange, the color of their beloved teammate Lucas Pfander. The seniors were honored in front of family, friends, and spectators a reading of their achievements and college plans by Coach Alex Treadway. At end of the readings, Coch Treadway read a special bio, followed by a moment of , iI""nr.<=o to honor Lucas. Although the entire swim team felt a void of where Lucas' cheerful and smiling face was missing, his presence was felt at every swim meet. There was no doubt he was there behind every swimmer, watching every race, cheering on the Eagles.

Senior Becca Rougier shows good technique in the butterfly.

Senior David Kracirik gets a jump on the competition in the 200 free.


o e

Senior Ben Quinttus dives in with perfect form to finish the boys relay.

The Rood to State

Jackson, and Ben Quinttus pose for a pichrre of their 200 freestyle relay,

o e

There were many highlights over the 2008-2009 swimming season. Many records were broken, personal bests met, and many hard earned victories. But the biggest accornplishrnent of the season was the boys 200 freestyle relay rnaking it to the state charnpionship rneet. The relay conssted of seniors Charlie Jackson, Zak Hadaway, Ben Quinttus, and David Kracirik. This is the first relay tearn to rnake it to state in the history of CJ swirnrning. The first day back in the pool after GCl's, the relay tearn started a saying with the coaches,"The Road to State." Every day the tearn would corne in and write a big" Road to State" and the nurnber of the day on the practice board. When asked about the relay, senior Ben Quinttus said, "I'rn really proud of the tearn. We made it to state and had no club swirnrners on the relay, which is a huge a=ornplishrnent." Senior David Kracirik had this to say about the relay, "I'rn so proud of the guys, we rnade it to state! We never lost sight of our goal and practiced our hardest every day." The Girls tearn finished the year out strong by qualifying for distfcts in the 200 free relay, conssting of Taylor Beyerle '09, Katheryne Austin '11, Usa Treadway '09, and Ernily Jackson '09. Usa Treadway also qualified indivuidually in her 100 breaststroke.

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•• •• 71


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R 1路 g womenlsOW In Men's

Trevor Meyers '12

Emanue Jones '10


Joe Swann '09


Men's Scoreboard g !4!!2

Bad<: Coodl Rich O1El111an, lustin Ovennan, Frtc Abney, Antwon Mdnto;h, Trevor Meyers Front: 1011 Owels, loe Swann, FmonuEllone;, lanar J)ul~on

Men Struggle for Winning Record

This se<ron the men strLqjkod to find a rythym as thEy were only able tofinish 7路11, gJing 7路7agDnst en teams. Amidst their seven wins, the men were able to beat Alter both time; thEy played

them. "Reg:rrdl!lis of what our rerord Wili," said loe Swann 'ff), '1 had to iJst go out, bowlmy bIlit arxl never let up." IUIlin Overman '10 phcro fourth in the en with an average of 206 pim arxl Fric AbnEy 'ff) phaed seventh in the en with an average of 2022 pim.

U R'9" Bocon & 8d2r U SI. Xavier & Badin

2197 2515 & 2489 2468 2850 & 2484 WAiter 2428 :lJ23 L Northmont 1997 2292 L CM~ ~48 m7 W F61wid< 2476 2222 WAiter m5 2125 W,W Moeller & PurmI Maim 2529 2482 & 2321 L Monroe 25'搂! 2560 L CM~ 2424 Z605 L Fronklin 2421 2698 W, L laIoI~ & MNichola; 2430 2556 & 2207 L Valdalia Butler 2299 2299 W F61wid< 2458 1926

An Eagle Soars to State! Shannon D;Witt '10 and her amazing bowling skills took her all the wrfj to the State Championship this year, where she finished in 11th piace. She also wrn able to grab the number one sJXll in Ga:L with an avera!f of 199.1 pins, making it the stl:ond straight year a Lady Engle wrn firit in the league. As a team, the ladies IJ'tformed to a 13-4 ra:ord and went 9-4 in the league. They were also able to finish 3rd out of the 8teams in the Ga:L tournament.

Back: Cooch Larry, Jessica Rendon, Chelsea Flohre, Emily Hoefler, Kristina Bardnrn Women's Scoreboard Middle: Shannon D;Witt, Kiersten Sargent Front Pai!f Brun, liz Willig g ~ L Roger IIooln 1643 1918 W Badin :!J02 1995 WAIter :!J04 1427 W Northmont 1736 1551 L Carroil 1JJ52 2382 W Fenwid< 1991 1802 73 WAIter 1918 1668 W PlIIujl Morton 1708 1433 ~ W Carroil & Alter 2767 2853 & 2059 W Fenwid< 2767 2400 W Monroe 2148 1946 L Carroil 2291 2117 W Franklin 2141 1744 W McNimoirn 1862 1376 W Voncblia Butler 2295 2267 W Feawid< 1767 1626


Chelsea Flohre '09 & Shannon DeWitt '10

Jessica Rendon '09

Emily Hoefler '09 A








8l o




and Queen of the IXmce


•o • 74

jessica Yaney '09 reads her essay alxlUt her dad, the King of the Dance, at the Father Daughter Dance.

Mike Raiff '09 and his mom share a dance after he read his emotional essay.

Parents "Decked Out" to Have a Good Time Parents came together to boogie down in their red and black attire at this year's dances with the casino theme, "Let the Good Times Roll." For the first time in many years, the Mother Son Dance outnumbered the attendance at the Father Daughter Dance. Senior Jessica Yaney's dad was crowned King of the Dance. In Jessica's essay, she talked about why her dad is superman. "Through my entire life, my dad has always been involved, the good times and the bad times, the achievements and the let downs, the smiles and the tears." Senior Mike Raiff's mom was Queen of the Dance. Mike's essay brought tears to everyone's eyes as he talked about how much he will miss his mom while he is at school next year.

ImeS o

•o • 75

Rachael Engle '09 with her dad.

Isaiah Cordell '09 enjoys a dance with his mom.

Greg Schwab '10, Jessica Rendon '09, Christian Knight' 12, and Abbey Kester '10, "boogie down" with their parents at Bainbridge Hall. ~


ophomore Class ()'' ' 2 of

o o76 o o






- J '-s;;;;;;:;e;---"



~=I i

Austin Ball


,---~~--,,---,,--- ~--~~~



a 1 1

Carm chael



o o o o i


Jack Cox



o 1




o o o o

Raymrrond Hall

ooop Hangana

Jarred Jones


o 1


KaiUyn Kreitzer

Jessica Larrb eri

Cory Lett

o o o o 79

• Jacob Oppy Ost8lldorf



Chayse Prince Persons


1 1

; Reynolds

o Adam Schmidt

o (l () --'



o 1


Dominique Smith-Bryant


Nicole Steffan

A'vion Stewart

Aaron Stokes

Mchael Stovall

L'y11say Strahorn

e o

Justin Vaughn


Kayla Wilkes

Dionte Cooley-Garrett Lee Hollis Ivory Jenkins Santino Kiir Donovan Layne Asia Smith LaFerris Wright


o 1 1



e e82 e e Men's Tennis


e e e e 83


and Field

Men's volleyball

Pitcher hlh Stdku' Sell';C)l1 -- r

L Marlena Hoendorl '10 fields the ball c~'rliy. 2 Pitcher L)fklsey Diggs' II leaps off the rubber. 3 Kat~ Eloe'~ steps up to the

• ••


Back Row; Coach Usa Martin, Coach Holly Zelnio, Katie Eloe, Dominique Younger, Jessica Williams, Jordan Brown, Lyndsey Diggs, Kiara Henderson, Allison Matthews, Tiffany Gifford, Coach Dee Bowling Front Row; Kyra Stepney, Brittany Ernst, April Grierson, Marlena Hoendorf, Sara Yoder, Shanice Reynolds , Tiffany Heard, Sharon Reynolds

• (Aoove) Catcher Sara Yooer '10 looks for the sign from Coach Dre Bowling.


Bowling examines Donainique,t ounger '10 after being hit by a pitch.


April Grierson '11 is called '---_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---" safe <l) she slides into second.



With 4 home runs on the season,

(Aoove) Patrick Bruggeman '09 slides ferociously into home plate.

Todd Barhorst '10 works well with his bat, which he named Kate.

•o o •

BElgmll Alter Carroll at McNichol33 at Troy at Tippecanoe at laSalle at Salem (MI) Salem (MI) Belmont at Badin at Purcell Marian

!J Jl!lI" 6 14 2 4 1 16 7 15 1 10 2 1 6 4 2


13 5 13

0 9 3

Elder at AI ler Fenwick at Fenwick Roger Bacon at Carroll



9 4 4 9


at Butler


(Extra Inning;)


at Thurgood Marshall'" 28 at Franklin'" 4

*Postseason Final Record: 7-11


3 1 3 2 0


~~;~~~a~b~OUi:tJthijiS~S€~a3~o:~n~as~~so~m~ef~1~:': f

made andofseveral oflhe playersteam werehave leaders 1categories. i ' Members the Eaglffi baseball a lotin won the GeL Player of the Year, making it the first time Along with his award, Mike also had some impressive slats with .513. Todd Barhorst '10 led the team with 4 home runs and Mike Raiff '09 W82 3. Ch ris Bruckman's '(J) impressive 58 strikeouts led the team and also landed him aspot on GCLFirst Team along with Mike Raiff '09, David Schwendeman '09, and Chris Poelking '10 . Todd and Bobby Richardson '09 made Second Team. k; for the season, the Eagles wen t 7-11, going 4-6 in the GCL. Although it was an improvement from last year, the team had some rough spots during the season. They lost their first five games and even lost both times to Alter. Things began to look up towards the end of the year when the Eagles won their first three games in May. Theyblew out Thurgood Marshall in the first postseaon game before losing to Franklin in the second game. WJ$

The teams huddles up before the


Matt Menker '10 attepmts to throw

a runner out at first. ~;;~~

Patrkk Bruggeman '09 and Mason Hkkey '10 d~llSS their strategy on the mound.

(Above) Bobby Richardson '09 makes a play on a ground ball at 3n1 ba'le.

David Schwendeman '09 prepares to show off his throwing skills.

•o o • (", i

Back Row: Coach Mike Barhcllst, Curt Hagan, Bobby Richardson, Chris Bruckman, Matt Menker, Todd Barhorst, Jrntin Marshall, Coach Stritty, Coach Joe Getty Front Row: Chris Poelking, Patrick Bruggeman, Alex Talib,Jennar Rayford, Mike Raiff, David Schwendeman, Mason Hkkey, Coach Mike Kelly

League Titles and State Appearances for Track Team Both the men's team and the women's team had great seasons this year The girls captured the GGCL title, which contributed to beating Alter for the All Sport Trophy, while the men were Divison II District Runners-Up. Both teams had runners compete at the State Meet. Lizzie Gleason' 10 and Heisha Hardings '09 qualified individually. The men had two relays qualify, consisting of Aaron Stokes' 11, Laron Brown' 10, Bryan Cain' 11 , Galen Curry' 10, Kamal Shafeek '09, and Darian Reynolds' 12. Bryan Cain qualified in the 300 hurdles and placed seventh in the state. Laron Brown qualified in the 400 and also placed seventh. It was a great season for C] Track & Field.

• Trae &k • FIeId •



Men's Team


Front Row: Corwin Pope,Jose Arias, Anthony Royster, Kamal Shafeek, Adrian Warfield Second Row: Galen Curry, Dylan Aughe, Josh Gamer, Laron Brown, Chris Boddie Third Row: Jordan Champion, Sam Mullins, Tyler McBeath, Darian Reynolds, Antonee Darden Fourth Row: Demarco Gresham, Da'kwan Frazier, Cory Jager, Matt Byrd, Rayshawn Cook, Austin Ball Filth Row: Tyler Coy, Jared Jones,Jererniah Sutton, Treyron Carter, Aaron Stokes Sixth Row: Coach John, Coach Kennedy, Coach Zach, Coach Pucket~ Coach Coleman, Coach Beyerle

•• •• \ \ I Ii III

I i '~,




I. I i


tennis team had its share of defeats (4-14 record; 3rd place in the GeL), seven of toose losses were by a margin of 3-2. This was the youngest men's varsity team in recent history. Andrav Bole '12was the team's most successful player at first singles, with a record of 17-14 Andrew finffied 3rd in the .,;tional tournament and reached the quarterfinals at r~~I',kt, and was named first team all-area in


o o 90

for CJwas '11 At

team partners, ~l~:~;~~~l~~~;ti Smedley'12, Miller'12, The;e as they grow in ~m ~~ if'


"Having a match eve



tough , but the

season goes by qUick and IS a lot of fun"

Men's Varsity Tennis


Front Row Stephen Matthews '10, Brendan Chestnut '1 0 Beau Smedley '12 Back Row: Coach Brooks, Matthew Henne '11 , Lucas Hangana '11 , Andrew Bole '12

ean Miller '12,



Back: Coach Meg an Marrinan, Coach Jess!ca Strader, Charl!e Jackson, David Kracirik, Ethan Klos terman , Mike Piekenbrock, Coach Dennis Hale Fron t: Nick Michel, Dan Marrinan, Christian Volk, Connor Sullivan


• •o 92

Gagka Dominate Smior

Charlie Jackson '09 flashes his signature smile as he catches a glimpse of theCJ crowd.

Kracirik '09 ferociously spikes the ball at the

Nigbt, Qualify for State Crowds roared and spirts were high, as the CJ Eagles Men's Volleyball Team

walked onto the court on senior night . Both fans and players were clad head to toe in orange in support of their fallen Eagle, Lucas pfander. The game was one of the most exciting of the season. The Eagles took on the Fairmont Firebirds. Both teams

played extremely well. The Eagles lost the first game, then came back to win the next two. CJ lost in the fourth game, but after an exciting pep talk from the

coaches in the huddle before the fifth game, the Eagles played hard with emotion and ferocity and came back to win the fifth game. After the final point , the team went crazy and collapsed into a well deserved huddle of celebration. Senior David Kracirik remembers senior Dan Marrinan telling him on the bench, "Come on, let's do this one for Lucas!" The Eagles continued on with an outstanding season and fought their way into the state volleyball tournament. The Eagles played the defending state champions Hoban High School in the semi-finals and never gave up, but were defeated after battling for 5 games. The team was upset after losing a very close match, but every team member played their hardest, so there were no regrets.

Marrinan '09 focuses on the ball




• •o ,



• •o (11

Greg Schwab' 10 proposes to Rachel Ruttle '11 asking to make him "More Than I Am"

The band takes a break during a scene change of the play.

Sam Railf '10, Rachel Ruttle '11 & Grace Pera '09 say goodbye to Marmee as she leaves to take care of their sick father.

Joe Femeding '11 sings "T ake a Chance on Me"

Sam Raiff '10 sham; her talent on the piano. "Which one of the dreadful little March girls are you?" "I'm dreadful Beth."

Grace Pera '09, Sam Raul '10, and Rebecca Ruttle '09 get ready to take the stage together as Amy March, Beth March, and Jo March.

The CJ sk:q2 willl1€ver be the f£ll1le ~ to the cast of ''Uttle Women" 00:alli'e of all the Jremories shamI. The cast of "little Women" was a group of out5tanding talent. HI have never in my life seen such amazing determination and hard work in a cas~ Director Mr. Davis said. "The girls had such great H

chemistry together and you would think they might actually be sisters. Well, two of them were." REbecca Ruttle playoo Jo March, the second o[de5~ a tomboy and very opinionatOO sister, while Rachel Ruttle playoo Meg March, the hopeless romantic who finds her perfect match in John Brook playoo by Greg Schwab. Next in the order comes Beth March played by Saman tha Raiff. Beth is the moot caring and

sweet of the sisters and the mest mother-like to them. Amy (playoo by Graoo Pera) \VanlS fine things and wants to be high in society - everything that her rich, upstanding Aunt March (played by Carrie Meixner) wants JOto 00 , Their sof~ understanding mother is played by Maggie Ryan, Marmee March, whose hmband is off at war, misses him dearly while she is "Here Alone," Wh en Theodore Laurence the 3rd (played by Joe Ferneding) moves in with his hard old grandfather (played by Trevon Carter), he tells Jo that he loves that she is differen t and insists that she take a chance on me, The story begins with Jo March in 1866 wanting to be a published writer, When she receives criticism from Professor Bhaer, played by Anthony Royster, she has a flashback of her old life in Concord, Her flashback includes memories of her mother, her friend Laurie, and her three sisters Meg, Beth, and Arrr/. They promise to be together forever, but that changes when Meg gets engaged through the song of "More Than I Am" sung to say that MegmakesJohn Brook more than he could ever be alone. Amy travels the world. She goes to New York to become a writer and soon has to retum because her sister Beth is deathly ill. They say their tearful good byes when Beth sings asong about how "Some Things Are Meant to Be" Beth tells Jo that she's lived her whole life 10YingJo, and it's time to let her go. The death of her sister was devastating, but the memories of her sisters inspired her to write "Little Women." Mriy comes home and JO learns that she and Laurie are engaged. To Amy and Laurie it was "The Most Amazing Thing" When the profe.;:sor comes to see Jo, he tells her he loves her and our story ends with his propoo:al. The story, however, did not end for the CJ cast. After the show, cast member SamRaiffwas taken aside by a director from Dayton Playhouse and asked to audition for "Bye Bye Birdie," and she recievoo the lead role. Raiff says, "I will never forget Little Women, The best memories I have of CJ are from this show. I grew closer to a lot of peep Ie and now they're some ofmyb85t friends," The ending is nowhere near for Rooeoca Ruttle who will be attending Northwestern to study musical theatre, The r85t of the cast has many more sho\W to perform on the CJ stage and hopes that next year will 00 as good as this year, k> director) 00 Watley says, "The talent in this show was amazing, I' ve seen many shows at CJ, and there has never been a ootter show than Little Women, Period, "

Rachel RuUle '11 prepares for her first ball. "What will I do if someone asks me to danCB?" 'Just smile and say, ']' d be delightED. '"

•o o

Anthony Royster

'09 takes stage in the opening scene

Greg Schwab & Rachel Ruttle as Braxton and Clarissa

• o •o










': -i'-'

, ., 1._,

. -


, "


-- .









ill i




e o


Right: Seniors Brenna DaughtelY, India Huguely, Kyra Stepney, Monica Baker, Jade Scherer, Taylor Williams, Lacy O'Lalde and Areli Ramirez take a break from dancing for a picture .


.Above: Trent Amold '10 OIOOking fresh in his tux.

o o o

Chelsea Flohre ·09, Emily Hoefler ·09, and Kristina Barcinas ·09

Katie Thompson '09

Laken Ethun ·10.

Katie Pleiman ·09 and India Huguely ·09

Taylor Cubble '09 and Tara White' 10 pose for the camara

1. Lindsay Ruff '09 and Sam Raiff 110 smile for a picture.

2. Madeline '09 and her date ';;~«r:'f~u~n;il prom.

C:otwlln Pon e 109 and Ariel


•o •o lprom took off with a capturing danced,

Prom Court (Left to right): Laur: Cameron Ingram '09, Matt Shi Pa",lka '10, and Prom Queen]e Prom King Nate Will'






Min, Seabrod:. ' 10 & hlNKtle

c.m.m '0)

MidJOO V(]f(DJ"(pj '10 & McrIeIi", Krullirm '10

•• Radld <llle!jJie \J9 & liz WoIker09

RaV)'l CocbiU 09




Rebecca Anthony

Trent Arnold


Dylan Aughe

Emity Axt

Meredith Baird


o o

Casey Barber

Evan Bartley Baumgartner

I Beyoglides


o 1



Br8!ldan Chestnut

David Cordonnier

Nicole Disbrow

Connor Dowd

o o o o


; Ernst


2 ; Greathouse

a 1 a

J iii

Kiara Henderson

u Herzer



o o I o o

Jeremy Johnson


o Johnson

Andrew Jomantas


R 2

a 1 a




i I j











MorB and

o o o o




2 Parker



a 1 a

Charity Pitts

Christopher Reap er

Jerel Ross Rosenbau er

o o


O ~---

o -Michael Slayback



a 1 a

Sydney stidham

Joseph stockelman



Anna Wagn er Varcarcel

; Walker

o o o o


Julie Wittmann

Nikkole Woodard

Sara Yoder

Do m nique Younger

Michael Youngerman

Robert Zidaroff

Not Pictured: Christopher Boddie Dymond Callen Clifton Coleman Dayne Craig Gal8ll Curry Austin Dabney Quinn Leibold Anhvon Mcintosh Chyna Porter Angelica Robinson Adina Seabrook Lauren Sm th Destiny Tatum Rachel Tyson

Senior Trip Powder Puff

o o e e


Senior Candids



o o e e


Sr. Damienne Dedication Dinner Dance







o o o



Mariah deWeaver and Chenth Scott

Il ~I .i<


o o


o o o

Katie Eloe '09 and Kelly Kinsey '09 standing in front of the White House.


o • White House 116 fF"l"l====

Cat Anderson '09 and Cecely Blalock '09 smile on senior trip.



senic)[ class poses in

of the National Shrine

Right: Lauren Titus '09, Kelly Kinsey '09, Andy Heck '09, and I ""Villi Kracirik '09 at the wreath laying ceremony.

'09, '09

\"'"Ih~ ,'

Right: Charlie Jackson '09, Ben Quinttus '09, and Mike Raiff '09 acting silly.

Senion The Last Dance


o• o o •

Senior Dinner Dance was the start of the last few memories for the Class of 2009. According to Katie Eloe, "It was really fun to come together for one last time as a class." Jesse Ward thought that "the food was great, the cake was even better!" The night wrapped up with a slideshow put on by Bobby Richardson and a final sway to "Viva la Vida."

•o o •




• •o


Dan Marrinan receives his award for being class valedictorian.


• •o


•• ••


•• ••


•• ••


•• ••


•• ••


•• ••


•• ••


•• ••


•• ••


•• ••


e e e e


•• ••


•• ••


•• ••


•• ••


•• ••


•• ••


•• ••


•• ••


•• ••


•• ••


•• ••


Sf. Damienne Grismer was a very important part of the CJ community. Selving this school for 33 years, Sf. Damienne embodies everything CJ stands for. We at CJ would like to thank her for all her years of service and wish her well in the future. She will always be a part of C], no matter where she is.

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~~ '~".<loi.1I!

IwtMIIuIM _ .ttnkr _ • .,.,

Soaring with the Eagles for 35 years and supporting the CJ Spirit. You are the future of Daytonl

Soaring with

You 've become a

FLYER Congratulations Zakl Love Mom, Dad and Mikaela

CONGRATULATIONS Senior Linebackers Isaiah Cordell, Matt Miller, Mike Ruff, Adrian Warfield

Men of Chaminade

Elizabeth B. Grigg "My wish for you , is that th IS lije becomes all that you want it to.-

You'll always be our princess. - We love you to the moon. Mom & Daddy Emily and Daniel

Class of 2009

... and

the best big sister In the world 1 Mom, p.d ,

Joh n ( lu s ol lOU) • ( ..... 010 ...

(a. u

li t l O'S)

Loretta. we

re\'entlve, Restorative Cosmetic Dentistry fur Children & Adults Stephen M. Joseph. D.D.s. Kenneth II. ManIfold. DDS 16S4 S Smithville Rrt. Oll)'ton. OH 454 10 (931) 251¡8551

rrnud or,\'ho ~- UU havt! bt!cuml;." & "hal tUU arc ycr to rio. \\lth.1I our 10\1\ UatJ. \1um &.'\m;mtil'l HI"C lOU

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p,tlen1swith gflelt Qrt -ttle-t , re<iedl.:,ted todelNffi "ll oomp.;l$sl¢";rt~.M"l"I:hYI ooln s ( , te UIII\! sophIstic,tN te;:h""loKf~nd..dvJ ......d di ",al pr.>eli<e, TIl<! )oInt ComrrII..oo fu. Mo" notKe;on.;!

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We Love YOli


and We Are SQ

Proud of You I Mom and Dad

Meet the Eagles, , , past, present, & future Kate '09





Congratulations And the Ctass of '09

God be on your road



A/AllTNA/oIEY. S'bl~ IlUAN, 1)USTlN. • ... ~ AUNT $V:srE. fINaL ",U..: ,~ Jl'".MMY, WSlCI'; St7HIE. • '" SHAJIOIoI. ROD, J8'f'7lEY. • JMW f'AM.l1..Y RUENOs



3 Generations ... It's a beautiful thing! ~路 "ftl!lolW fI_ ,"

Ed It ,t"" '40


nrno ~.路 Tl

r ..... Z'~_"'"Y ' II

Past, Present, & Future • • • • • •

• • • • • • •

Looo!I A. ca..w 'U(CHS) Itln (nn .... ~ CIMotItI " S (Itt!;) ~""l "_ 'OO(JHS)

R.... R,_ ' $6 «."5) (.....Ioy (a....I) """". 6.J (lIIS) Lhllloi (~L) :o.'"-...... '''' (lHS) ~bj, (Cbrukl) 8lull' \II ';;1 (SMS) ~

• • • • • •

• •

'Thoo_~) """" .... (CJHS) nr.-><I1me< '-;l(cnlS)

M.,J.d\e;O«-) 5cW1 'til fClHSI .10010.(_1.....,....... (e... '" SaIcI Chri!;

_"' I I: Bwtms

'1j (eJltS) 'OJ (elliS)

Mi<:bol FIlIl&JW 115 (CIH$) ~c~F~

'OS (CJniS)

• •

BrM Ma)..


M ich.1<1 R.>,ff '09 (OilS)

II"" ""•.on)T ' .11(!J 1I:.1

• •

Hi", (11.""""1 Stn ....,b.:I)p 'I l (eJHS)

(ClwaloI) W "",," '6' pHSI

T.."." Cbm~lII' ... nklln



Rh. <'_.1) M I)" '1<\ l'q (C' ~II . .I ) "" ,," 'TM

M.. ~

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~-. 'O~


s"n,.n,M R,Itt" 1\1 ((;.I l lS)

t-'.I<rio.:I< K.oill' •J3 (CJHSI M;' Raia 'U




,,~.,. - ~

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, ~_".~~ .

'" , <> ' .,.

,, - ~~

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Kate '09 and Micaela '10


"'1I"""" 1:. dV....} 'b!b.d.. !1M.



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• 0.. Rqioool 1_ ,", c... l 'lII. is ... ~ .......... 11'I 1iudIl, r...:....1aw ""'-' . ;,1 ll/ol lr ... ;s, doe _ flf .....floJln ....... """"I'" >nd _ >II hIfp nIIIflIIl¥ ~ t:.ot.e hell fUm. • lk rqloa .. ..aI1 p.:Oi.ouk "",,,,,H.fO ~ .... wiII ""''I!:._ ...r.... .. dtkI ... O"J'll'l Uoiloko:a\ i:1 oooelll .. ...,.,. N.k' .......... ,f ,..,cMd om!s ""' ...... INdm pit ...ublroooh .. O' ...... Child ....·~ • [~_ ~ """""'- .... ~ ,,,- tl,OIII ... ']I:<.... _ ...,........~,,~ ,...

• .... .... tII'

lot childtt:ft """"'- cLot....... ·..,..,;,. ..111 ""'"

perio ....... ... ~ ,.,." tid! w:fh •

GOOD L UCK EAGLES GOOD L UCK BOBBY' 09, BRENNA '09 AND LOGAN 'll H.obert RJ c h lt n.l:fOO ( C -J " "et!fl er " -QQlb f,1I Cuu {: h 1979- 1995) R ll l' b a r a S t a n g Ri e h ard son ( 1 954) R obe rt " Bute h " Ri c hardso n (1 976) David Ri c h ard ~o n ( 1977) a nd son :

B o bhy


(2009) C l llr~ D c~ Ric hardso n ( 1978) CI ~ t ~ Richa rdso n (1980) A n a:ci a

Rl c h . rd ~o n

M a .. n .. ( 1 9 81 ) .lllld c h il dre ,, :

DlIlIg l , ' c:r : IJ''''''1(I DUflg l,,,rfy (2fJ0 9) SOil : 1-"g(lIJ Oaugl. ",路,J' (2 (J 1 I )

M a r g arill t Ri c hards on Baber (1982) L l'm ra Ri c bllrt.lson ( 1 9 83) J ea nn e Rl c h a r d901l E rlin g ( 19~5) and Karl Erling ( 1982 ) H e n ry Ri c h a rd 80 n ( 1 989) a nd T rici a Cox Ri c h l....路d s un ( 199U) .Jo hn R ic ha r d so n ( 19 94) "g r o n C olle tt (W:a. nn.llb c)

I,. " "" ;nc M.m", "y .if n "ru/hy Sfang S i"D (19<19)

JJ8 S PaUClWII Bh"d u-Icd w the o.~ ~iCl. li!lhr Ileal CJ .l23路 1 6 1~


0 1)('11 101111 CJ sllldl'uh. fAm ily lind r::U:' IIII~' ~

Congratulations ANDY

on a great 4 ,\Ve are-





of you. Love.. Mom~

Dad '70 and Chris '01

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Proudly serving this community of n e i g h bo rs. f<Jmilles a nd frl endf

Congratulations to the Eagles Class of 2009 MLcaugh often , figtJt fa irly. give



deeply, belleyc in


Way to


lucas , we love you and we Ol"e very proud of your Mom!, Papl , Matfa. (,00) • .... lcJandl"(l ('04), .... buelito and Chaska

Congratulations Andrew, You made it! Love Mom, Eric and Olivia

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Congratulations Rebecca!

Best of Luck Lucy & Cluss of 2009 Love. Your Fumi ly

Love, Mom.. Dad. Aaron, & Carolifle

Congratulations Tommy Razauskas "lVh,o we (H'e is God's Rift to


Who we become is our gifllo God. Love, Mom, Dad, ami John

Congratulations Class of 2009!


• •i


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GENERAL DENTISTRY Preventive, Restorative Cosmetic Dentistry (0, Children & Adults Stephen M Joseph. D.D.s. Kenneth H. Manifold, D.D.s. 1654 S. SmlU,vlll", Rd. Dayton,OH 4S41Q

(9J7) 251 6551

Congratulations Justin! We're so proud 01 you!

Love. Mom. Dad. SydneY.

• , K -.p (HI HI. . . . "!!!; • .1IrU/gd ./IIr:.,"-"

CJ ClIUlJtqJ'2fJOlJ!

GO E ,\GI..ES!! LoY_, Mom (Marie), Dad rMI~e l '64, Patrick ' 12

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In Loving Memory Of

Stevie C. S ipos Class of 1994 July 8, 1975 - February 2, 2008 We will never forget you and what you meant to us, Stevie Thanks to everyone who atunded the fir-st annual Stew Sipos Sl~"'~

M emorial Golf Oudn9 and Pig ROQst


lJQu s Van

Don' t/or-get

to at't<'!nd next



Ki lCh~t"'r


Ikn N,.",,,,

John Richa rd$<>:I




29J.3179 CENTERVJI ,





•• •• Chaminade Julienne c:.q} 100Ie


..,.r ~


The Marionists



o o

o o 203 o


Yeamook staff: Taylor Beyerle, Mary Clark, Katie Eloe, India Huguely, Bri uanee lies, Abbey Kester, David Kracirik, Ahmad Mack, Jacob Pitts, Ashley Robison,Joe Swann,Jesse Ward, Moderator Katie LeMaire, Moderator Greg Mueller

Bishop, William 76, 180 Bizimana, Albiffi 34, 102 Blalock, Cecely 126, 152, 175 M:€1l, Eliz:J1:€th 115, 120, 125, 170, 183 Boddie, Chris 88 .Abney, Eric 72,125 Adams, COl)' 2, 30, 110, 111, 119, 123, 125, Bo)o, Andrew 52, 90, 91 BonIlOr, Diann 45, 52 182 BonIlOr, Jonathan 37, 39, 102 Allen, Ch::€lyn 9, 32, 76 Booker, kh)oy 37,102 Anrlo rson, Catrerine 5,125 Bostock, Tiara 32, 76 AnrlolSon, Lakenya 52 Boston, Johr£SSa 52, 89 AnrlolSon, Mich::.ol 25, 76 Boyer, A)oxandria 76, 161 Andre'l1S, Erin 2, 3, 17,40,41,110,115, Bramlage, Logan 44, 52,169,176,185 119,125,192,199 Bray, Mary Ann 14 Anthony, Ret€rxa5, 102, 168, 174 Breh, Akanrior 76 Arias, Jose 5, 34, 42, 67, 63, 69, 88,125, Bridgman, Rach::€166, 102 148,161,196 Brinkman, Anffi 50, 51, 76, 181 Arnold, Alexis 125 Brock, Madison 52 Arnold, Patricia2, 67, 97, 110, 119, 125, Broob, Ariel)o 76, 1)8, 162 157,159,190 Brooks, Br€auna 102 Arnold, Trent 102 Broob, Carmen 67, 76 Arquilla, David 110, 126, 167, 196, 198 Broob, Coleon 102 Atkimon,Jalela32, 102, 165 Broob, Jim 47, 91, 154 Augre, Dylan42, 88,102 Broob, John 91 Augre, Mackenzie 52, 180 Brotrers,John 11 Auricchio, Samaol 76 Brown, Ahmad 52 Austin, KatreryIlO 25, 76, 153 Brown, Cierra 52, 89 Avricchio, Sam 25 Brown, Ella 52, 181 Ax!, Aaron 52 Brown,James 126 kd, Emily 102 Brown,Jordan 2,110,114,117,126,159 Brown, Laton 88, 102, 161, 177 Brown, Ta>wn 52,154 Brown, Victoria 52 Backhaus, Anne 76, 181 Brubaker, Carson 76,161 Baird, Meredith 102 Baker, AllenlS 52 Bruckman, Christop rer 17, 66, 115, 126 Bruggeman, Molly 36, 96, 97, 102 Baker, Monica34, 89, 98, 126, 161 Bruggeman, Patrick 30, 35, 100, 110, 115, Baldwin, Nathan 76 Ball, Austin 25, 76, 88, 148, 156 119,127,169, 173, 190, 195 Brun, Emily 76, 77, 89, 179 Batt€t, Cwoy 102, 182 Brun, Paige 20, 52, 73 Barcinas, Kristina66, 73, 126 Brun, Rachel 60, 112, 127 Barhorst, Dan~l 52, 151 Brum,John 127, 191 Barhorst, Mich::€1102 Bl)'an~Jay 20, 52 Barhorst, Todd 39, 190 Baorschen,John 76 Barret~ Cl)'Stal 76 Baorschen, Mollie 3, 5, 46, 47, 102, 114 Bartley, EY31l102, 156, 188 Buress, Monica 76,148 Bass, Ryan 3, 62, 102, 165, 166 Burke, Cody 67,76 Baumgartner, David 102, 170 Beach, Samaol52 Bush, Katie 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 34, 35, 37, 42, 43, 110,114,127, 167, 188, 192 Beall, Brian 52 Beckham, C' ~ rra 102 Bush, Namron 52 Bell, Aaron 76,163 BllS&, Abigail 2, 9, 102, 169 Byrd, Goralynn 9, 25, 32, 64, 76, 156, 186 Bell, Emmanaol 76 Byrd, Mattrew42, 52,88,197 Benedict, POj:€ 174 Bertke, Alexanrior 39,102,159,190 Byrd, Shannon 52 Berwa, Gilbert 118 Besecker, Jonathan 52 Beyerle, Taylor 2, 3, 37, 42, 43, 68, 69, 89, 98, 111, 120, 122, 126, 172, 190, 198, 202, Cain, Bryan 42, 76 203 Calhoun,Jacob 52 Beyoglires, Kathleen 33, 102, 172 Cameron, Anhvone 37, 67, 111, 115, 127 Bibbs,Jonathan 102 Campt€ll, Nicole 97, 114, 127, 172, 194, Bills, KaElyn40, 102, 177 195,199




Campos, Brian 12 Candler, Ak 149 Carmich::€l, CeY31lE' 76, 148 Carrigg, Mary 43, 52, 169, 180 CarEr, Tamaya 76 CarEr, Treyvon 76, 88,163 Casey, Daniel 8, 9, 119, 127 Casey, Emily 45, 52 Cataldi, wminic 102 Chabali, Christina 9, 37, 43, 68, 102, 150, 163,164,168,175,177 Champion, Jordan 52, 88 Chandlar, Alexandria 118 C re m ~ l, Bret 1)8 Ct-estnu~ Brendan 37,90,91,103 Chick, John 52, 54 Chick,Julia35,46, 47, 120, 127, 149, 184, 190,198 Chm ~ l, Brett 13,154 Clark, Lauren 103, 175, 190 Clark, Mary 111, 117, 118, 120, 128, 151, 160,170,177,182,184,202,203 Class, Senior 201 Clay, T~ra 76 C)oary, Margaret 36, 77 C)oawr, Allison 53 C)oment, Shar'na 114,128,149 CC€, Ret€cca 77, 157 Coffey, Morgan 53,178 Coffman, Brandon 103 Colbert, Lisa22, 23 Co)oman, Akandria 52, 53, 88,178 Cokl, Alyce 3, 77, 162 Collim, Rachel 43, 77, 89 Collim, Veronica 103,181 Colvin, Marcus 16, 120, 191 Comer, Tiarra32, 64, 77, 79, 164, 167, 175, 189 Conant, Ian 53, 178, 180 ConIlOr,Joshua53, 57, 178 Conroy, Marioliffi 9, 32, 64, 111, 120, 121, 128,1)8,164,170 Comtab)o, Cody 53 Comtab)o, Nathan 9,:.s, 39, 67, 119, 128, 155,172,179 Cook, Rashawn 53, 57, 88 Corbit!, RaVin 114, 128 Corrioll, Isaiah 17, 30, 31, 36, 128 Cordonnier, David 103, 163, 188, 190 Comin, Katrerine 129 Cottrell, Al)on 77 Cottrell, Heatl-er 123, 128, 155, 181 Cox, Grace 8, 40, 41,128,164,192 Cox,Jack 77,189 Coy, Tyler53, 57, 88,185 Craighead, Abigail 53 Cra1ltford, Clarke 34, 37, 43, 103 Cromartie, Elizat€th 77,177 Cronin, Katrerine 34, 40, 41,60,110,112, 129,148,153 Cronin, Micaola8, 45, 60, 103, 190

Cubbie, Taylor 4, 8, 9, 70, 98, 123, 129 Caollar, Ana 53, 65 Curry, Galen 88, 113, 148 Curtis, Anthony 103, 177

o DabIlOY, Austin 107 DamienIlO, SiSEr 6, 7, 146 Dannemil)or, Emily 53 Dant,Jordan:.s, 39, 115, 123, 129, 161, 167,195 Darrion, Antonee 42, 77, 88 Daugherty, Brenna 5, 6, 9, 60, 98, 112, 114, 129,129,148,162,165, 168, 199 Daugherty, John 77 Daugherty, Logan 77, 150 Davis, Anthony 33 Davis, Ametia 77, 186 Davis, Ty)or 103, 181 CevoiOlO, Tevin 77 CeWeawr, Kiara23, 103 CeWeawr, Mariah 5, 36 , 112, 115, 118, 129, 129 CeWitt, Shannon 3, 6, 7, 73, 103 Dickem, Cameron 53 Dickem, Camille 53, 89,178 Dickem, Chuck 3, 21, 129, 156, 167 Diggs, Lyndsey 77, 175, 189 Dillon, Brendan 39,103 Dillon, KaEri 53 Dillon, Tim 22 Di±lrow, NiOJle 60, 61, 103, 163, 182 Ditto, Keely 53, 178 Dixon, I.ennette 77, 89 wman, Kaylie 53 wrman,Jenna 129,160,171,199 w'lld, Connor3, 103 wwner, Ellen 16, 17 wzer, Lori 27 Dre&ien, NiOJle 3, 46, 47, 68, 103, 153, 156 Dre'lling, Audrey 52, 53, 185 Dudley, Renecha89, 103, 107, 149 Duffy, Erin40, 103, 163, 168, 169, 181, 183, 190 Duffy, Riviere 6, 45, 77 Dufresne, Taylor 3,103 Dumon,Jamar 72,103,152 Dumon, Sydreo 53 Durrio n, Allison 32, 64, 103 [);vire, Travis 2, 53

E Early, Micreal110, 129, 170, 182 Egt€rs, Nancy 21 Eichenaaor, Susan 12 Eifer~ Va10rie 53, 181 Elliott, Jennifer 12 Eloe, Kat~ 8,100,110,130, 148, 157, 162, 175,179,193,198,202,203 Eloe, Laura21, 23,149

Emery, Angela 77 Emmerich, Charles 39, 53 Emmerich, Karen 18 Engel, Matlrew 77 Engel, Rach::.o1130, 171 Ernst, Brittany 103 Ernst, Christoprer 103, 165, 166 Ethun, Laken 103 Evans, Brittany 89, 103 Evans, Gregory 53, 1%

Grea'lel, Levon 114, 118, 119, 123, 131, 198 Grren, Edward 131, 167 Grrent:€rg, Marc 60 Gregory,John Paul 11 Gre;ham, Cemarco 82 Gre;ham, RodffiY 53 Gr~fSon, AtJril78 Grigg, Elizat:€th68, 69,131 Grismer, Damienffi 146, 149 Gto'>lO, Emily 32, 78, 179



Homan, Kelsey40,41, 110, 112, 122, 133, 155,177,189 HoniollS, Christoprer 78 Hopkins, Crelsey 34,104,107 Hoskins, Allen 60 House, Tanisha 104 Ho'lfatd, William 77, 78, 80 Hugl)Oly, India98, 117, 133, 151, 160, 196, 202,203

Kinsey, Kelly 97, 110, 111, 117, 134, 152, 160,162,165,167,182, 199 Klosterman, Ethan 2, 3, 7, 98, 110, 114, 134,156,167,182,194,200 Klosterman, Sylvia 79 Knight, Christian 54 Knorreck, Mich::.ol104, 107 Koch, Andrew 54 KC€hl, Levi 79 Kohek, Josephiffi 54 Koob, Timothy 4, 39, 104, 152, 153, 172, 185 It:€rico, Lucas 9, 17, 91, 119, 133, 159, 171, Kossoudji, Holli 54 Fan, David 103 Hadamy, Zachary 8, 44, 68, 69, 110, 131, 176,196,198 Kossoudji, Tiffani 79, 80 Fans, unriofined 31 149,151,168, 175, 177, 192 Igah, Frank 104,149,165,166 Kracirik, David 4, 8,68,69,134, 149, 152, Fears, Cesmon 103 Haddaway, Zachary 69 Iles, Brintt:J.rbO 133, 199,202,203 173,175,192,202,203 Ferr.oding, Joseph 51, 77, 94, 95 H:Jf';an, Branrion 53 Ingram, Cameron 17, 119, 120, 133, 156, Kreitzer, Joshua 54 Finch,~n 77 H:Jf';an, Christoprer 78 170, 174 Kreitzer, Kaitlyn 79 Finley, Taryn 103, 113 H:Jf';an, Curt17, 165, 195 Isaac, Donald 104 Kreitzer, Victoria 54 Fisrer, Jordan 53, 176 Hailu, Mari 103, 152, 172 Krug, Sarah 115, 122, 135, 156, 183 Fitch, Molly 53 Ha1oY, Anffi 17, 36, 96, 97, 112, 119, 131, K'llihangana, Romeo 104 FilZ\liater, Donald 53, 57 149,150,153,160,162,174,190,191 Jachlon, Chare, 8, 35, 68, 69, 115, 118, Flannery, Nicholas 8, 9, 53 HaJoY, Mary 46, 47, 53, 178 133,150,158,192 Fleming, Sreffi' 3, 60, 122, 130, 155 Hall, Amanda 78, 154 Jachlon, Emily 35, 51, 68, 69, 133, 150, 195 La, Brenda4, 5, 66, 114, 135, 162, 166, 176 Fletcher, Adam 53 Hall, Anthony 103 Laage, Paul 79 Flinn, Alexandra66, 96, 97, 103 Hall, Mallory 103, 164, 169, 174, 182, 194, Jachlon, Kevin 54 Jachlon, Nathan 54,68,177 Laan, Shant 181 Flinn, Timothy 53 195 Jachlon, Treton 78, 80 Lamt:€rt, Jessica 79, 80 Flohre, Cheboa8, 9, 73, 130, 194, 201 Hall, Raymmond 6, 7, 78 Lamt:€rt, Scott 6, 9, 67, 102, 104, 114, 150, Flood, Marioleine 50, 130, 183 Hallinan, Chare, 20, 110, 115, 132, 155, Jachlon, Tynisa 133,199 J~r, Cory 82 163,164,168,175,177, 180, 194, 195 Foley, Kyle 42, 77 161,162,167,195 Jancauskas, Rach::.ol104 Lanres,Joshua 79,173 Foley, Sean 53 Hammerly, Angela 20 Jandel, Samuel 44, 110, 115, 119, 134, 168, !.Mg, We 35, 135, 160 Fon E no~ Stepren 103 Hamj:€l, Hannah 103 171,173 Lark, Damion 54 Fortson, Ruby 53 Hampton, Christian 104 Jaudon, Emily 104, 107, 148 I.3s&Jlle, Aaron 54 Frazier, Da'kwan 53, 82 Handorf, Philip 104 Jenkins, Levin 54 LaYffi, wnovan 36 Freeman, Ann 54, 67, 78 Hangana, Joseph 4, 78, 90, 91, 170 Jenkins, Mark 104 Leathers, Racrel 79, 80,151 Friedlanrior, Dawn 53, 185 Hankey, Rot:€rt 36, 78 Leddy, Brianna51, 104, 107 Frost, Ron 17 Harding, Danreisha 32, 82, 89, 112, 114, Jennison, Ste'>lOn 54, 179 Johnson, Dan~lle 37, 43, 89,104,159,165 Lee, Nola 104 Frost, Ronda 6, 182 132,164,167, 194 Johnson, CevanE 54 Lefeld, Meghan 3, 37, 43, 67, 104, 150, 153, Fuchs, SE'>IO 20, 26, 156 Harington, Mrs. 179 Johnson,Jack30,78 163,164,168,182,195, 196 Harjani, Chandani 54,185 Johnson,Jeremy 104, 113 ( Leik, Randall 54 Harrington, Gina 12, 39 leMaire, Kat~ 194, 202, 203 Harrison, Cora 5, 6, 9, 104, 168, 169, 170, Johnson, Nicolette 80,104, 165 Gago, Sierra 5, 60, 103 Johnson, Rachel 67, 114, 134 Leon, Jamel54 172 G~, Simonffi 53, 60 Jomantas, Andrew 104, 181 Leon, Shantal 79 Harrison, Ernest 104 JOM, Brian 78 Gamb)o, Aneisha 53 Leonard, TremaYffi 54 Hausmann, Lauren 12 Gardffir, Col ~ta 103 JOM, Emanl)Ol 72, 104, 165, 166 Lett, Cory 79 Hayek, Amanda 54 Garffir,Joshua 34, 82, 89, 103, 162, 182 Leviffi, Andrew 135, 166 Hayek, wretta98, 114, 122, 132, 169, 182 JOM,Jarred 78,80,82,161,177,178 JOM,Jasmine 78, 89 Garrison, Sha'llll17, 66, 122, 130 Leviffi, Eric 54 Hayes, Kayla 78 JOM, Mitcrell54 Gavin, Patrick 53 Le'llis, KourtffiY 32,104,200 Head, E:Jf';le 155 Gavin, Shannon 53 JOM, Tyesha 60,118,134,160,166,195 Liggett, Thomas 54, 56 Heard, Tiffany 2, 78, 80 Geg)oin, Thomas 103 Jun ~wicz-Fogle, Corey 3, 78 Litl)o, Anna 79 Heck, Andrew 4, 14, 30, 34, 66, 110, 115, Gehres, Edmund 53 Litl)ojohn, Quayshaun 104, 149, 159 117,119,132, 148, 153, 162, 167, 171, 192, Geno'RSi, Dominic 6, 7, 53, 177 wng, RaYE'a54 197 Gerhard, Lindsey 114, 130, 172, 198 wnffiman, Tara8, 9, 17, 110, 135, 183 Held, Sara 54 Kactloy, Crelsy 79, 1% Gifford, Tiffany 115, 130, 161, 167, 171, w'>lOlace, Dometria32, 104, 113, 161 Helms, Andy 26,153,156,160,179 Kaminski, Connor 54 176,184 Lunriorman, Erica 104 HenriofSon, Kiara 104 Kaminski, Elise 8, 45, 45,114,134,150, Gilt:€r~ Lamar53 Lynch, Kelly 20,164 Henffi, Matthe;v 78, 90, 91 172,197 Gile,pie, Rachel 112, 131 Herd, Schaudon 54 Kaminski, Marioline 8, 45,104,190 G)oason, Elizat:€th 37, 43, 89,103 Herzer, Jacql)Oline 23, 37, 43,104,169 Kassner, Brad 18 Got:€r, kha 103,113 Hess, Kurt30, 62, 63, 110, 114, 118, 119, Kauth, Alexanrior 17, 30, 62, 63, 134, 189 Mack, Ahmad 31,105,149,153, 162,202, Goddard, Cedrick4, 17, 30, 118, 131 132, 153 Kern,Joanna 102,104,148,174 203 Golson,Jalana33,103 Hickey, Mason 36,104,166, 170 Kester, Abt:€y 104, 107, 151, 160, 161, 163, Macleod, Judi 12 Gomez, Alicia 7,68,69,110,120,131,155, Higgins, Kalila 132 175,202,203 Manovich, John 54 1%,160,166,171,174,184,193 HC€fler, Emily 8, 9, 73, 132 Keys, Peyton 54, 179 Manovich, Mich::.ol105 Gough, Lauren 78 HC€ndorf, Marlena 2, 37, 104 Kidd, Phillip 54, 62 Manl)Ol, Andre 118 Gray, Jaria 103 Hollan, Salvatore 54 King, Bruce 104 Manl)Ol, Andrea 135 Gray, Victoria 78,150 Hollis, Lee 78, 80, 179 King, Taylor 54 Marando, Nicholas 54 Greathouse, Quinton 103 Holmes, Timothy 39,110,132,173 Kinffiar, Kelli 11







Marks, Sarah 114, 135 Marrinan, Dan ~ 19 , 35, 68, 69, 114, 122,

135,156 Marrinan, Elise 105, 163, 180, 191 Marshall, D:J1"£Sa32, 64, 65, 105 Marshall.John 11, 35, 121, 122, 179 Marshall.Joshua 71, 79, 179, 189 Marshall,Jmtin 136, 151, 162, 192, 198 Marshall, Kaorin 54, 168, 179 Martirek, Micrel)o 3, 9, 46, 47, 105,160, 163,171,175,180,190,195 Marx, Adrianre 45, 54,89 Marx, Maddi 45, 54 Mason, Angela 13,146 Matre'ITS, Allison 136 Matre'ITS, Stepren 163 Matis, Carolire 9, 32, 64, 110, 136, 155,


Mikl, MaJoline 2, 3, 6, 36, 110, 137, 150, 160,167,171, 177, 192 Mikl, Patrick 55 Miller, Bryttani 55, 181 Miller, Holly 79 MIller.Jacob 70, 105 Miller, Mattrew 30, 66, 137, 1)8, 163, 182 Miller, Mike 11 Miller, Monica 114, 137 Miller, Sean 55,90,91 Milller, Matt 137 Mills, Evan 79,180 Milton, Brooke 79 Minnifield, Steffanie 105 Momiree, Mickey 22,23,151 Morey, Matt 39 Moody, Anthony 34,105,165,171 Moody, Tiffany 55 Moon, Kennyqua 79 Moore, Mary 51, 67, 105 Morales, Isaiah 77,79,180 Moreland, Lamicah 105 Morris, Kat 22 Morrison, Jordon 79 Maoller, Greg 43,146,158,168,194,202 Mugisha, Boris 105, 158 Muhl, Kelly 12 Muhl,Nicholas 79, 161, 169, 170, 173, 174 Mullins, Samuel42, 55, 88 Munn, Casey 50, 66, 105, 180 Murphy, Elinor 110, 137, 176 Myers, Courtrey 105 Myrick, Jasmire 21, 50, 114, 183 Myton, Christian 2,:)S, 39, 111, 119, 137, 169,171

Matthe;vs,Allison 110, 170, 171, 175, 196 Matthe;vs, Sttv ren 90, 91, 105 Mattis, Caroline 148, 152 May, Alisha 43, 79, 1)8 Mayer, Hannah 54 Mays, Amanda2, 5, 111, 114, 136, 173 McBeath, Tyler 55, 88 McCleskey, Dariore 55, 57 McCIC€, Breilun 62, 79, 148, 167, 178 McCormick, Bridget 55 McCormick, William 105, 163, 190 McCrate, Marilyn 22 McCutcren, Niche)o 55 McCermot~ Sean 55 McGarry, Monica 105 McGinnis, Margaret 5, 46, 47, 111, 136 McIntosh, Antwon 72 McKelwy, William 55 McKinrey, Khayriyyah 55 McMahon, Allison 55 McManm, Bridget 8, 40, 41, 112, 136, 153, Nartker, Cam 137, 154 Ndacaybonga, Ange-Mar~ 198 154,160,169,182,195 NMru, Bineh 79 McManm, Patrick 55 Nelson, Ricky 79 McPeek, Kathleen 136, 155 McQ 't J ff 1768 69 136 136 159 Ne"'1lort,JalXjaolyne 37,43, 60, 105, 113, UlSon,erey", , , '177182190 164 176 ' , Me~ors Caroline 105 Nguyen, Mary 105 Meadors' Christire 55 Nguyen, Teresa 55 M' ' C tre' 55 Nicholson, }onnifer 2, 3, 60, 115, 137 elXrer, a nne Nolan, Nicholas 79 MelXrer, Dan 11 Noonan, Mich::€1105, 154 Menart, Chnstopher55 Nsenga, Rosette 105, 164, 172 Menker, Mattl-ew 39,105, 190 Ntvali Cedric 3 105 155 Mercun, Alyssa 105 ' ',' Meyer, Emma40, 105, 163, 183 NllSSbaum, Mar1ah 114, 1:)S, 180,201 Meyer, Jonathan 55 Meyers, Abby 35, 96, 97, 110, 115, 137, 161, 166,167,195 o'Lalrio, LaC)' 5, 98, 1:)S, 191 Meyers, Ann 21 okoye, Adam 37, 79 Meyers, Courtney 32, 34, 107, 157 Olmsted, Emily 35, 68, 69, 110, 115, 1:)S, Meyers, Trevor 55, 72 168,171,193, 195 Mich::€l, Emily 55, 61 Onyia, Brooke 1:)S Micrel, Nicholas 39, 105, 169, 172 Oppy, Jacob 79 Osborre, D'Andre 34, 105, 107, 153



OSEndOlf,Joseph 79 OSErday, Drew 79 OSErday, Ginny 122, 1:)S Owrman.Jmtin44, 72, 105, 157 Owrman, Rich 72 Owons, Alexa 55 Owons, Ian 44, 105, 157, 188


P Parker, Catrerire 105 Parker, Davashawn 23,105 Parrish, Alexis 55 Patterson, Mannin4, 8, 9, 36, 118, 123, 1:)S,160 Pawlka, kh)oy 2,105 Pawlka, SEwn 105 Payre, Chrysalis 118, 1:)S, 149, 161, 166 Pem, Grace 6, 35, 51, 95, 110, 114, 121,

Q Quill, MaJoline 2, 3, 5, 35, 68, 69, 111, 115,

139,164,166,167,168, 194, 195 Quinttus, Benjamin8,:)S, 39, 68, 69, 118, 140,162,173.175,183,192

R Raiff, Mich::€15, 8, 30, 110, 114, 140, 164,

173 Raiff, Mike 11, 148, 180 Raiff, Samantha 9, 32, 50, 64, 95, 106, 157,


Rains, Rebecca 79 Rainwater, Zachary 79 Ramirez, Areli 98 Ramirez, Mayra 79, 80 Rayford,}ormar2, 3, 31, 37, 106, 161, 177 138,160,166,195 Razamkas, John 80 Perez, Daniel 34, 55 Razamkas, Thomas 140, 192 Perkins, Aaron 39, 105, 161 Reagan, Peg 25 Perkins, Susan 45, 55 Regper, Christoprer 106 Persons, Christoprer 79, 88 Redinger, Richard 80 PeErs, Dalynn 5, 111, 115, 119, 139, 149, Reis. Rebecca 55 161,167,173,174,176,199 Rendon,pica 73,119,140,159,166,199 PeErson, Breanna 150 Renrer, Elexm 55, 89 PeErson, Catl-erire 3, 79, 88, 89 Reuter, Anre 67, 80 Pezo, Aimee 118, 139, 177, 182, 197 Reyes-Lang, Alexandra80 Pfanrior, Lucas 139 Reynolds, Darian 55, 88, 89 Prelps, Amy 13 Reynolds, Seanice 78, 80 hkenbrock, Mattrew 23, 42, 105 Reynolds, Sharon 55 hkenbrock, Mich::€l 70, 105, 181, 197 Ricciuto, Tony 16, 17 hrce, Megan 21, 55 Richard, Lindsay 80 h rce, Scott 21 Richardson, Bobby 5, 20, 111, 149, 171, Pinson, Breonna 34, 55 173,176,180,192 Pitts, Charity 106, 165 Richardson, Robert 8, 9, 66, 140, 195 Pitts.Jacob 123, 139, 149, 165, 202, 203 Robillard, Emily 55 Place, Brooke 106, 151 Robinson, Angelica 113 Plake, William 55 Robison, khley47, 66, 120, 140, 149, 167, Plaspohl, Carolire 3, 43,106,190 190,198,202,203 P)oiman, Kathleen 14, 46, 47, 98, 115, 121, Rogers,Jasmire 106 139,168,174 Rogier, Rebecca 191 Plummer, Megan40, 106, 163, 183 Rohrer, Tyler 80 PC€lking, Christoprer 105, 106, 181, 190, Roland, Anna 55 197 Rolfe, Liam 42, 80,196 Pollard, Brittanie 89,139,149,161, 191 Rose, Nathan ~ 139, 55 POj:€, Corwin 5, 88,114,139,172 Rose, Samaol8, 9, 17, 35, 115, 119, 140, PorEr, Chyna 102,113,175 163,188 PorEr.Jacob 55 Rosenbauer, Nathaniel 106 PorEr, Joseph 8, 9, 34, 42, 55, 196 Ross,}orel106 PorEr, Lauren 50, 106, 157, 160 Ross, Kevin 80 Postigo, Elizabeth 106 Rougier, Rebecca8, 45, 68, 69, 114, 140 Potter, Courtrey 79 Rougier, Zachary 55 Potts, Eric 55 Rowland, Shar::€ 23, 106 Potyrala, Clare 55 ROYSEr, Anthony88, 89, 95, 110, 141, 152, Pred ~ ri, Kevin 12 164,166,194,200 Prentice, Sean 55 Ruby, Julius 80 Prince, Chayse 79, 148 Ruff, llim.rd 39, 56 Prince, Natalie 34, 55, 185 Ruff, Linrhoy 8, 40, 41, 114, 141, 171, 173. P)'f€r, Mich::€1106 174, 183

Ruff, Mich::€117, 30, 66, 110, 119, 141, 182 Ruffolo, Angela 16, 17, 151 RUPf€r~ John 106 RllS&ll, Mich::€l80 RllS&ll, Miesha 106,157 Ruttle, Racrel80, 94, 95 Ruttle, Ret€cca35, 51, 95, 121, 122, 141, 160,166,193 Ryan, M:Jf':gie 50, 67, 80

Sp:J1)Ol, Tere;a4, 5, 9, 37, 43,105,106,174 Sparrow,Jim 16 Spres, Samuel 56 Spitzig, Goorge 42,106 Sponarski, Melissa 106,148,165 Sraj, Lindsay 2, 81, 148 Stachler, Bill 35 Staley,JC€ 16, 17, 60, 63, 190 Staley, John 56 Staley,Joseph 62, 63, 106, 110, 163, 181 Stamf€r, Rachel 2, 3, 56 Stark;, Micah 56 Saad, Penn44, 68, 69, 111, 121, 141, 160, Steffan,Janine 106 179,191 Steffan, Nico)o 81 Sack;terior, Paul 106 Steprens, Paul 56 S:Jf':er, Co!)'56 Steprey, Kyra5, 6, 15, 98, 110, 115, 122, Sargen~ Hayrion80 6 142,149,154,166,182,191 Sargen~ KiersEn 67,73,10 Stepp,Janina47, 114, 118, 180 Scaccia, Ariel 106, 201 Stewm, Brandon 15, 18, 143 Screid, Carolire 56 Stemrt, A'vion 81,162 Screid, Ret€cca40, 106 Stidham, Sydney45, 106, 181 Screrer,Jare 5, 40, 41, 98, 141, 168 Stockelman,Joseph 39,106,190 Schmedly, Beau 91 Stoddard, Anna 106,191 Schmidt, Adam 80 StC€rmer, Mich::€14, 8, 71, 106, 164, 181 Schwab, Grego!)' 37, 94, 95, 106, 156 Stokes, Aaron 77, 78, 81, 82 Schwenrioman, David 8, 20, 114, 141, 149, Stovall, Mich::€12, 77, 81,180 174,182 Strahorn, Lynsay40, 81 Scott, Mxis 23, 106 Str~bich, Daniel 57 Scott, Chandlor80; 167 Str~bich, Emily 7, 34, 66, 68, 69, 119, 120, Scott, Crerith 5, 3<.), 50, 112, 118, 141, 194 121,143,149, 166 Scott, Marvin 44, 111, 123, 142, 149, 1)8, Stumpf, Emma 57


~~;~~, Alexanrior 56 '66 Scupski, Josep h 33, 10 6,157, 1<J3, 1 Scupski, Megan 56 Seabrook, Adina 107 ~:J~~~J,~arlon 56 Shrue€k, Kamal 88, 115 Shank;, Sarah 106 Shaw, Kyle 80 Shelley, Coleon 56 Shelley, Kayla40, 41, 68, 106, 163, 183 ' 56 SheIIs, Justm Shimp, Matthew44, 106 Siet€nthaler, Daniel 42, 56, 178 Siipes, Mic h::€ I 39 Simmom, Breonna32, 64, 65, 67, 106, 161, 200 Simms, Tre' Iavon 80 Simpson, Mich::€156, 154 Sims, Emily 80 Sipes, LayIa 123, 142, 154 ,181 Sipes, Michael 142, 149, 162, 193 Sipple, Kyle 122, 142, 155 Skrobo~ Peter 56 Slayback, Mich::€137, 39, 68, 106, 175 0, 56 , 67, 91 Sme dl ey,,,,,au Smith, Dan~156 Smith,Jaymi 3, 106 Smith, Lauren 102, 175 Smith, Mattrew 80 Smith, Tiara 32, 78, 80 Smith, Timothy 114, 118, 123, 142, 149 Smith-Bryan~ wminiqao 80, 81 L 6 SneII , Lin~y 5 I 66 4 i~~~'9~ay a5, 3 , 7,89,119,1 2, 157,

Sullivan, Connor 81 Sutton, Jeremiah 81,82, 160 Swann, Joseph 8, 72, 123, 143, 202, 203 Switzer, Charles 81, 179 Switzer, Margaret 57 Szabo, Ann 13 Szabo, Timothy 36, 63, 81,159,179

Talib, Alexanrior 5, 36, 67, 111, 123, 143, 166,172 T'E,Jazmin 77, 81, 158 Taylor, Do'ja57 Te)opak, Adam:.s, 39, 143, 160, 175 Tt-es' La 17 119 120 143 156 170 mg, ura, , , , , , 174,183 Thompsen, Katie 123, 143, 160, 183 Th ompsen, Kns'" ma 57 Thompson, Marcm 44, 57 Thompson, Tiffany 120, 143, 150, 170, 183, 199 , Thornt€rry, EmIly 110, 150, 155, 164, 168, 170,193,196 Thornton, Joshua 17, 123, 144 Thront€rry, Emily 144 T'1mlJtr~, " I'" Jusm " 15 i~~m, Lauren 2, 4, 5, 34, 66, 117, 118, 144, " Tomhmon, Angehca 57, 181 Torres, Alexandra 57, 178 Towns, Aaron 23, 37, 62, 115, 123, 144, 198 Treadmy, Lisa4, 5, 17, 68, 69, 121, 144, 156 184 182 T ' 'I; !}~', '38 39 106 nc", ""njamm , , T'I;J b57 T~~n,~an 115, 144, 194

Troutman, Nia45, 81 Tucker,}on ~ ce 106 Tumor, Chynna 57 Turrer, Lauren 77, 81 Tyson, Rachel 34

u v

Unger, Jason 11

Vahld~k, Sean 57 Vandotj:€, Elizat€th 33, 106 Vandotj:€, Laura 57 Vann, Milana 114 Varcarcel, Michael 39, 107, 159, 190 Vaughn, Jmtin 36, 71, 78, 81 Veintimilla, David 42, 107, 197 Vest, Mattrew 3,107,163,190 Vestal, Angel 107 VC€lkl, Chelsea81 Yolk, Christian 7, 44,107,163,190

w Ware, Racrel107 W:Jf':ner, Anna 37, 43, 107 W:Jf':oner, Tina 11 Walrior, Shannon 107 Walker, Channing 107 Walker, Diamond 81 Walker, Elizareth 114, 118, 120, 144, 151, 171,176,177,184,193 Walker,Jarm 81, 184, 182 Walker, Li)ona 161, 175 Walker, Mileah 60,107,154 Walker, Samar~ 3, 60, 61, 107, 148, 155, 159 Walmis, Adam 121, 144, 1)8 Walmis, Mark81 Wal'l1Orth,Jim 11 W d J 30 31 111 145 157 202 203 ar,es&" , , , , Warf~ld, Adrian 21, 30, 31, 82, 89,121, 145,182 Warf~ld, Erin 57, 89,178 6 Watson, Ke€nan8, 9, 7,70,111,182 Watson, Kennan 200 Watson, Krystal81, 148 6 64 Webb,Sara8,40,41,107,159,13,1, 168 169 182 183 W '~ M' 11 81 wec,.~~~~r'No ;~ 57 ec=r, lOJ ~ Wed~r, Samantha 57 W' t€ J 57 e1sen rger, eremy We1zman, Lmcoln 9, 57 Wells, Lauren 57 West, W tz ILaura E I9, 32, 10764, 107, 162 W~el~r, ~~~ere 11, 12 Whitaker, Shanice 107 White, Tara40, 98, 107, 170, 200 Wilbur, Courtrey 107 Wl1am C 200 W'1 ti" Eruel ''"57 11m1 S, ~I 1 W11m1tis,Josse yn 107 W'lk A' , 107 1 es, Ujan3E Wilkes, Kayla32, 81, 89

Williams, Carson 2, 3, 34, 37, 89,110,111, 119,122,145,150,166, 167, 171, 192, 201 Williams, Jasmire 32, 64, 81, 186 Williams,pica 107 Williams, Nathaniel 145 Williams, PeEr 81 Williams, Taylor 98,145 Wilson, Erin 34, 107, 153 Wirtig, Catherire 57 Wirtig, Elizareth 73, 81, 182 Witlt:€rg, Paul 6, 9, 123, 145, 145, 156, 200 Wittmann,Julie 107 Wittmann, Thomas 57 Wolff, Daniel81, 182 Woodard, Nikkole 107 Wooliwr, Jmtin 81 Wynn, Kevin 57

y Yancey, Unique 57 Y:J1)Oy, Jessica 2, 3, 9, 35, 40, 41, 68, 69, 89, 114,119,120,121,145, 159, 172, 182 Y:J1)Oy, Jordan 57 Yorior, Sara 102,107 Yoshida, Goorge 17, 145, 156, 199 Yoshida, Misako 81 Young, Bob 26, 152 Young, Ke'darea81, 1)8 Younger, Dominiqao 107, 159 Youngerman, Amanda 57, 181 Youngerman, Mich::€1107

Z 2-Me,176 Zaidain, John 27 Zerenny, Cassandra81 Zidaroff, Rot€rt4, 70, 107 Zimmerman, Samantha46, 47,110,111, 119,146,182 Zummld, Sheridan 57

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