Chaminade Julienne High School Yearbook 2010

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Volume 36 Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School 505 S. Ludlow SI. Dayton, Ohio 45402





The Morianists P~OVINCE


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44. •

• Mike Raiff '79

John Brothers

John Marshall '86

Dan Meixner '84

Charlene Wheeler '65

• Athletics


Welcome Center

Welcome Center

i Welcome Center


Cheryl Smith Business

Marsha Midlam Business

Sandy Elvin Business

Mike Lehner Development

Brian Campos Development

Ann Szabo '72 Development



Robin Schwabe Nurse


Ministry & Service

Not Pictured Charles Hollis James McDermott

Kelly Muhl Guidance

Susan Eichenauer Guidance

Judi MacLeod Cuvilly



Greg Mueller

Molly Bardine, Chair

Jim Brooks

Mike Kelly '87

"I have spent thirty plus years In these halls at Chaminade Jul1eIIDe, and have created many memories along the way

Karen Rinn

to last me a lifetime. Some of my top ones are watching my Women's Teru1is team battle their way to the state Championships multiple times, beginning in 2005. Other great memories include getting to know, date, marry,

Erin Ketch

raise Colleen and Carmen, and teach with Peg Regan. I have also enjoyed witnessing State Championships and near championships In boys track (1981) boys soccer (1982), boys basketball (3 times), girls volleyball, girls basketball (several trips), football (2002),11

Bridget Pierson

Beth Marshall

Ms. Ketch expJains an English

assignment to her class, while Paige



takes this

opportunity to smilefoJ the camera,


Mrs, MarshaJi heJps Cattij Parker '10 on one of the new computers in the new computer Jab,

Stacy Dues 197 Spanish

Jacob Browning German

(Top) Emily Groue '1 1 , Alyssa Mercuri '1 0, SCott Lambert '10, TIana Comer' 11, Jessica Lambert '11, Madame Euans, John Razauskas '1 1 , Boris Mug!sha '10, and Leui Koehl '11 take a brake from their French III class to demonstrate their uersion of La Tour de E!1feJ.

Peg Regan 73, Spanish, Chair

Ellen Euans French

"Some of my favorite memories span from 1978 to this past surruner, when my surruner Spanish IV students g ave a tour of CJ in Spanish to their visiting pen pals from Spain. Other great memories were from 1989 when my fellow teachers and I received the news that CJ had been awarded the title of National School of Excellence and when we all wathced the parade celebrating 100 years of education at 505 S. Ludlow Street. But one of my all time favorite memories was when my homeroom dressed me up for Halloween as the Grapes from the "Fruit of the Loom" commercials. I was covered with green balloons from my neck to my feet, with leaves on top of my head. II

Linda Colas Spanish and Latin

Latin I studerts Ca!tJin O'LougH. in '13, Emily Shira '13, and Courteney Muhl '13 study in smaJJ groups to help them master the Latin language just like Mrs. Colas.


William Hughett

!\my O'Loughlin '86


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Judy Johnston

"One of my favorite thing s to do with my Physics students is to figure out the velocity of cars driving past the school. We look at a marker on a telephone pole and can calculate the speed the cars are traveling . Kids get really excited when they can determine that a car went over


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!\manda Reeber

Bill Stachler

Steffany Thompson '13 and Josh MarshaJJ '11 compare results from their lab work.

Tyler Pauelka '13 works d!J!gently on his Biomedical worksheet, Mr, stachler and his c.p, Physics class always haue a good time,



"Principles of Biomedical Science is my favorite class because Mrs. 0 'Loughlin is an angel from above - Chris Poelking , 10

• Angela Ruffolo

Marcus Colv in

James Sparrow

Ellen Downer

Department Chair

"VVhen I was a student at CJ in the

'70S, there was one time when my buddies and I stole a fire extinguisher out of the auditoriwn, emptied it, then filled it with air, and

went dO'NI1town to spray people. Now as a teacher, one of my favorite things is making my World Cultures students dress up in clothes from Asia, learn an ethnic dance, bring in Chinese food, and even fly box kites." Joseph Staley '72

Tony Ricciuto '74

"Mr. Sparrow is my favorite teacher because he knows when to tell a good joke to keep us awake in class. II - Sam Auricchio '11 M s. Ruffolo lectures an attent!ue of A P GOLJemm en t students.

'12 in th e haJJ w ay.



Nancy Egbers Department Chair

Laura Eloe

Angela Hammerly

Steve Fuchs

J\nn Meyers '76


Jenny Secor

Bradley Kassner

"I distinctly remember two students from my period 5 class during my first year doing a rendition of "Sally O'Malley" from Saturday Night Live. I laughed so hard that I cried. They performed the entire period! ÂĽ/hUe we didn't learn much math that day, everyone in the class left in a better mood. II - Mr. Pierce

• J.';.1.'\ \ \.1


determined to flgure out a chaJJenging math problem.



the upcoming test in Mr. Fuch's Pre-Calc cJass.

Ra1iford, Erica Lunderman and Danesa MarshaJJ UJOrk together intently.

Tim Dillon

Mick Mominee

Euan M!JJs '1 1 listens intently while Mr. Mominee rrods a stOIY.

Laura Eloe Department Chair

Lisa Colbert

"During my years teaching at Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School, the level of dialogue, critical reflection, personal growth, and collaboration demonstrated during this year's Religion 1 1 circle discussions, have been the most memorable. Conversations about our Christian call to positive sportsmanship, the link between video games and moral decision-making, respect, and relationships reinforce the need to connect learning to students' lives. Working through class rules and expectations reflected how well students can apply course concepts to their daily classroom experiences. I appreciate their willingness to co-teach. Sharing insights with one another, we co-create knowledge, deconstruct unjust structures, and fabricate a more just system."

Mr. O!JJon shares a personal stOIY about his marriage whtJe troching Christian Lifestyles.

Karen Emmerich

Marilyn McCrate

Charity Pttts '10 sports her Kairos cross proudly on the way in to her exc!t!ng Religion cJass.


Enn W11wn ='A];::;mi!3:irr 'of

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"1 wjJJ neuer forget what J was doing on 9-11 .... 1 had been helping Doug Kondrath mat one of his pictures. (He was a student of mine that loued taking photos). The bell rang and as he started to put it away, J told him that J would finish it. He thanked me and left and in came Maggie Helldorfer who said "turn on the TV! A plane hit the twin towers!!" J was confused because the picture J was matting was of the Twin




au!! !co.

Towers and a superimposed picture of the Statue of Liberty. I didn't believe it and thought it was some kind of sick joke someone was hying to pull on me. Mrs. Lasley turned on her TV, and they saw the second plane hit. I'm glad that I didn't see it! The picture is hanging in my classroom. He had gone to New York and took the pictures that summer."


Debi Schutt , Music

Steve Rxhs, Business,



.Andy Helms, BL\siness


"One of my favorite memories happened four years ago in my Meal Planning class. Senior students, while preparing their religion project, asked me one day the cost of a wedding cake. When I gave them a market price range, I also quoted them a "home made/actual cost". They were shocked at the difference and wondered how difficult it really was to make a wedding cake for 350 people. Then they asked if I would teach them how to make one. John Zaiden, Physical Education


Bob Young, Technology


The rest is histOly! The class made a four-tiered wedding cake with a large side groom's cake, displayed it during the lunch times in the cafeteria for the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, and then selVed it to the seniors wring their lunch. By the way, two of the girls in that Meal Plarming class just graduated in October with a four-year degree from the CulinaJY Institute of .Amelica in New York; both as pastlY chefs!"

Mary Ann Bray, Conswner Lori Dozer Health




Class oj 2013

Brian Anderson








Clairessa Ciupak

Justin Clark

Keandrea Clark

Shavm Cobble

Brittany Coffman

Caitlin Colbert

Christian Coleman


Emily Draeger

Matthew Eisenhauer

Dominic Ekezie

Starla Ellis

Peter Evans

Cody Farmer

Kiera Fletcher


, Hadaway

Harring ton


Class of 2013


Tia Jones HUffman

Jalyn Kirk


Katlyn Knorreck

Anna Kroger

Annemarie Krug

Kristopher Lampkin

Stephanie Luckie

Matthew Miles

George Miller

Wesley Lumpkin Mahorney

Maya Manson

Kathryn Marshall




Eimile Martin

Myron McGuire

Caroline Meixner

i O'lou2hlin

Macy Pitts Fhillips

Emily Poock

Christopher Pyper

Patrick Railf

Julian Riley

Timothy Riley


Samantha Rains

Steve Ramos


Ja'mel Sanders

Brooke Sandridge

Dasia Satchell



Ashley Sattler

Thomas Redinger

Cole Retzloff



Fred Saucer

Jordan Scott

Roxanne Simon



Class of 2013







Krista White

Tiarah Wilcox

Not Pictured Erinn Bailey Amani Lewis Anna Pompilio Ja'Cole Tabor Anthony Williams

o Law Williams


Samuel Wittman


Sahara Woodruff


Thomas Yoshida

Taylor Zidaroff


Class of 201 2

Lakenya J\nderson


Class of 2012



John Chick

Allison Cleaver

Barbara Morgan Coffey

Alexandria Coleman

Joshua Conner

Cody Constable

Charles Emmerich

Gregory Evans

Patrick Gavin

Shannon Gavin


Travis Dwire



Simonne Gage Friedlander



Valerie Eifert

Jordan Fisher



Kevin Jackson

Nathan Jackson

Steven Jennison

Devante Johnson

Mitchell Jones

Victoria Kreitzer

Damion Lark

Aaron Lassalle

Randall Leik

Tremayne Leonard

Connor Kaminski

Peyton Keys

Rayte'a Long





William McKelvey


Class of 2012


Patrick McManus

Christine Meadors

Christopher Menart

Jonathan Meyer

Trevor Meyers

Emily Michael


Daniel Perez

Meg an Pierce

Breonna Pinson

William Plake

Jacob Porter

Joseph Porter

Clare Potyrala


Emily Robillard

Anna Roland

Alexander Screetch



Zachary Rougier

Edward Ruff

Justin Shells Shackelford

i Siebenthaler


Paul Stephens

Daniel Striebich

Emma Stumpf

Margaret Switzer

De'ja Taylor

Kristina Thompsen



• Samantha Weckesser

Jeremy Weisenberger

Lincoln Weizman

Lauren Wells

Blake Wilimitis

Catherine Wirrig

Thomas Wittmann

Not Pictured Rodney Gresham

Branden Hagan Malik Simon

Antonio Wood Unique Yancey

Kevin Wynn

Jordan Yaney


i Zumwald

Class of 2012



Class of 201 1

Aaron Bell


Carson Brubaker


John Euerschen



Jackson Cox

John Dau2herty

Logan Daugherty

Ametia Davis

Tevin Devoise

Lyndsey Diggs

Victoria Gray

April Grierson

Emily Grove

Christopher Hagan

Amanda Hall


Nicole Friedlander

Lauren Gough

Joseph Hangana

Kayla Hayes Hinders

• Theron Jackson Honious


Class of 2011


Kaitlyn Kreitzer


Donovan Layne

Shan tal Leon

Anna Little

Christopher Persons

Catherine Peterson

Courtney Potter

v II

Ricky Nelson

Nicholas Nolan



Jacob Oppy

Joseph Ostendorf

Liam Rolfe



• Adam Schmidt

Tiara Smith

Chelsea Voelkl

Lindsay Sraj

Nicole Steffan

Charles Switzer

Timothy Szabo

Diamond Walker

James Walker

Aaron Stokes

Michael Stovall

Lynsay Strahom

Connor Sullivan

Justin Vaughn

Krystal Watson

Molly Weckesser

Jasmine Williams

Elizabeth Wirrig

Not Pictured William Howard Rachel Leathers Cory Lett Breilun McCloe Peter Williams Laferris WriÂŁh t Zehenny ~---,

Class of 2011


seniors who achieved honor roll status for fifteen consecutive quarters: Rebecca Anthony Matthew Menker Oauid Baumgartner Emma Meyer MoJJy Bruggeman SteffanieMinnif!el.d wken Ethun Casey Munn TaJjJn Finey MaJjJ Nguyen Sara Yoder

Elizabeth Gleason Brooke Place Madel.ine Kaminski Sarah Shanks Romeo Kwihangana Janine Sejfan Brianna Leddy Elizabeth VanOOJpe Erica Lunderrnan Michael Manouich

National Metit Recognition: Lauren Clark Sarah Shanks.

Founders' Award: A senior who through her daily living of the Christian life exemplifies to all of us the unique and corrunon chatisms of the two religious orders: Christina Chaba1!

Mike Trainor Book Award for Intellectual Cutiosity and Spltitual Generosity: Rebecca AntholljJ

The National Association of Secondaty School Principals recognizes high school student leaders. Principal's Award: Moute Buerschen

Michel.leMartinek, Matthew Menker

Finalists for the National Metit Program: Rebecca Anthony Brianna Leddy Michael Manouich Janine Seffan.

The Hugh O'Btien Foundation sponsors an annual cOlTIpetition for sophotnores recognized for their outstanding leadership potential. He was selected for his conttibutions to the school, church and corrununity: Jay BJjJaIT

The National Merit Scholarship Reciever: Michael Manouich

Petfect attendance for four years: Joe Scupski

JCOWA: placed 16th out of 40 teams. Members: Jom Chick John Manouich Jon Meyer Sam MuJJ!ns

The following students corrpeted in the Science Fair at the district level: Kateri omon ArYlemarie Kmg Courtney MUH..

The following students corrpeted in the science fair at the state level: Kateri omon ArYlemarie Kmg

The Bausch & LorriJ Honoraty Science Award winner:

FUzzy Faust Award: Megan Plummer

Lynsay Strahom

The Kodak Young Leaders Award: Kyle Foley

Ann Will Scholarship for The University of Dayton: Michael. Noonan

Rachel Wade

The Fredetick DouglaslSusan B Anthony Award: Raymmond Hajj



MaJJory Hajj '10 (left) and Christina Chaba1! '10 (right) receiue their academic honor awards.

Freshtnen: Leah BlJ!d Tom Cox Emily Draeger Clare Geraghty Libby Huffman Kath!lJn MarshaU Courtney PhtJJ!ps Dasia Satchei.l Hanifah Shabazz


W!JJ Bonner Libby Burton Danien Howard Maya Manson EUen Poock Emily Poock Cole Retzloff


Madaiyn Newport

SoobQillQres; Emily Casey Christine Meadors Rebecca Reis Maggie Switzer Laura VanDorpe

SophOlTIores: Tim FlirYl MoUy Fitch Angei.ica Tomlinson AJJ!son Cleauer Tremayne Leonard Adam Fletcher Catherine Wirrig Donnie Fitzwater Dawn Friedlaooer Chandani Harjani Bridget McCormick Em!Jy Dannem!JJer


Cari Meixner Aspen Finch Megan Pierce Rebecca Coe Sean Prentice Joe Ferneding Dan Striebich Sam Auricchio Anna Rolaoo Jack Cox AJJ!e McMahon Emmar:uel Bei.l Emma Stumpf Jom Buerschen CoUeen Shei.ley Raymmond HaU Jonathan Meyer Joseph Hangana Caro1!ne Scheid Bridget McCormick Alexander Screetch

SoQbQillQm~; Peyton Keys HoJJ! Kossoudji Kaorin MarshaU Hannah Mayer Nichei.e McCutchen Teresa Nguyen Rachei. Stamper

JunjQrs: Alex Brm Carmen Brooks Monica Buress Tiarra Comer Angela Eme!lJ Cassie Zehenrlj


Liam Rolfe Matt Henne Jazmin Tate Lioosay Sra) Kayla Hayes Josh MarshaU Binm Ndefru Jordon Morrison

ArYle Reuter Lindsay Richard Maggie Ryan Michaei. StouaU Chei.sea Voei.kJ MoUy Weckesser Alexandria Boyer

Emily Jaudon Nicci Dresden Taylor Dufresne Christina Chaba1! Erin Duffy Jackie Herzer Daniei.le Johnson Marlena HoendoIj Romeo Kwihangana

steffani Minnif!eld Elizabeth Postigo Kiersten Sargent Mike Slayback Beth VanDorpe Dauid Veintim!JJa Angel Vestal Jossei.yn WiJJ!m!t!s Erica Lunderman

SenjQfs: Rachaei. Bridgman Brendan Chestr:ut Lauren Clark Brendan D!JJon Connor Dowd Lizzie Gleason Cora Harrison Brianna Leddy Caroline Meadors Nathan Rosenbauer

Jackie Newport Brooke Place Lauren Porter CaseyMunn sarah Shanks ArYlie Stoddard Ben Trick sara Webb Aujanae Wilkes

SenjQfs; Dauid Baumgartner Demetria Louei.ace Nick Michel Ma!lJ Nguyen Ariei. Scaccia Kayla Shei.ley Teresa Spanei. Courtney Wilbur

This year's recipient of the Sr, Ruth Ann Bange SeIUice Award is Cassie Zmenny,

Juniors: Kyle Foley

The senior this year who has accumulated the highest number of hours during the four years at CJ (628): Beth VanDorpe





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Michelle Martinek '10 2. Cassie Zeherney '11 3. Nice! '104. Brooke sandridge' 13 5. Em!Jy Shira' 13 6. Maute Buerschen '10



Junior Varsity "t:;t;fj,;t;i';E~m:!jjJ Michael,


, Em!JjJ Shira,

, JaJana GoJsen, , Lauren Clark, Ruby Fortsen, Libby Burton, Carmen Brooks



Women's Tennis Makes their Mark at State Again! In this year's State Termis Tournament, two of CJ's stellar athletes from the Women's Termis team participated, Nicci Dresden and Mollie Buerschen. They represented Chaminade Julienne well when they placed third, and brought home the bronze for the doubles division. Tennis kicked off the season with a win against Seton four to one. Through the season, the girls kept a wirming record with 14 wins and 7 losses. Coaching this remarkable Women's tennis team was Coach Brooks, A.K.A. 'Moondog' as the termis players know him, whose coaching skills earned him coach of the year.

Back Bol.!,}- Em!Jy Jaudon, Moute Buersehen, Jaiana Goisen, and Nieei Dresden Bottom Martinek, Abby Busse, and Lauren Ciark



Mary Haiey, AJJ!eMcMahon, Brooke sandridge, Nieei Dresden, Miehe11e Martinek, Moute Buersehen, Cassie Zehenney, Carmen Brooks

Senior Nicci Dresden, who won player of the year in the GGCL, shared how she felt the season went from a captain's point of view. "Overall I feel like the season was a success, and the freshmen that came in were a positive addition to the team. The highlight of the season for me was definitely going to State for my third time, and having Mollie as my teammate there to support me and keep me laughing." Mollie and Nicci weren't the only ones this season to strike fear in their opponents. Senior Michelle Martinek and freshmen Brooke Sandridge also made their mark in the world of high school termis stars by making First Team Doubles.

Carmen Brooks '11, AJJ!eMcMahon '12, Brooke sandridge' 13, Ma11! Haiey '12, MojJ!e Buersehen '10.


Seniors Lead XC Team in '09 Rachel Collins' I I

Clarke Crawford' I

Lizzie Gleason' I

Coach Spttz1g Is encouraging Alex Reyes '1 1 during

an intense race. before 1 run an intense race ,Meg Lefeld ' 10

Top runner on the Women's Cross CountJY team, senior Lizzie Gleason, has achieved many accomplishments this season. She was two time GGCL RUmler of the Year ('08 & '09), District Champion, and she placed third at Regiona!s. Her biggest accomplishment was when she

ran at the State meet and finished 16th overall.

One of the early meets of the season included the Brookville Invite where Lizzie placed second overall, and junior Rachel Collins was the first girl to cross the finish line in her age group. Rachel says, "My most memorable part of the season was beating my personal record at my first meet,

and cheeling Liz on at Regionals." Lizzie Gleason had an amazing

Seniors and Captains Lizzle Gleason, Christina Chaba1! and Meg Lefel.d lead the team in prayer before euery race.

Lizzle Gleason' 1 0, Bachel. CoJJ!ns '11, Kitty Knorreck '13, Meg Lefeld '10, JackieHerzer'10,Alexwng'11, Mary Kate Carrigg '12



year. On top of winning six meets this year, she also received Academic All Ohio and All State honors. She was a captain along with seniors Meg Lefeld and Christina Chabali. Together they stepped up and were leaders for the team. Hosting our first tri-meet in Chaminade Julienne histOlY, the Women's team beat Carroll and Fenwick. At the Eaton meet, the Women's team grabbed hold of the first place team trophy. In one of the most competitive meets of the season, the CentelVille, Stampede, our girl's team placed fifth, which was a huge accomplishment.

Front Bow: Head Coach Greg MueJJer, Kitty Knorreck, Maria Chaba1!, Mary Kate Carrigg, Bachel. CoJJ!ns, Bebecca Bets, Alex Lang, Coach Ken Spitzig 2nd Bow: Clarke Crawford, Christina Chaba1!, Meg Lefeld, Jackie Herzer, Lizzle Gleason, Lauren Porter

Young Runners Help Rebuild Men's XC Team The Men's Cross CountlY team worked velY hard this season. Their long, strenuous workouts in the blazing heat really paid off this year. This was shown when they beat Fenwick to finish third at the GCL league race . .Another big accomplishment for them was when they upset many teams, and placed sixth at Districts.

1 George Spttz1g '10 2,Matt Piekenbrock '10 3,Oylan Aughe '10 4, Tony Vo '13, sam MuU!ns '12, WlJJ BonneJ'13

This year's Men's Cross CountlY team was unusually young. Senior cocaption Dylan Aughe says, 'This year we had an extremely young team, and it was a lot of fun seeing the freshmen and sophomores really getting into the sport. I can't wait to see them dominate in the coming years." Along with the inexperience came injulies. Two of the team's top young IUrmers, freshman Will Bormer, and sophomore Tony Vo struggled with injuries throughout the season. Vo fought to the end, and competed in the last few meets of the season. Our Men's Cross CountJY team worked hard the entire season. They started conditioning in the swnmer months of June and July, with 40 mile weeks. With their great determination and hard work, the team finished with positive attitudes.

Varsity & Reserve Bottom Bow- Dauid Ventimtua, George Spitz1g, Dylan Aughe, Matt Piekeoorock Middle Bow D'AJY]el.o Simmons, Llam Bolfe , sam Wittman, Sean McDermott, Sam MuJJ!ns Top Bow-Nathan Hanington, Danny Siebenthaler, Joey Porter, Matt BlJ!d, wtu Bonner, Coach Ken Spitz1g


Making CJ Golf History 2009 was the fourth season as an official team for Women's Golf as well as the best season in CJ history. The team finished 20-6 overall and were the GGCL Grey Division champions with a record of 9-0. The girls finished second at districts and qualified for state for the first time in CJ history. where they placed sixth. This year. seniors and co-captains Micaela Cronin and Madeline Kaminski scored top 4 in all 20 of their matches and were on the Southwest District All-Stars 2009- first team. They made it all the way to state. where Kaminski placed 13th. and Cronin placed 25th. When asked what her greatest accomplishment for the season was. Kaminski said. "Definitely making it to state as a team!" By coming together as a team. women's golf was able to make this their best season yet!

Kaminski '10 and Diann Bonner '12 work on their long games.


uery carefully as she takes her shot.

Left to Right: Mikaela Hadaway '13, Riuiere Duffy '1 1 , Maddi Marx '12 , and Diann Bonner '12


"""",,-'-7''''''"; Connor

'12, Marcus '12 , Piekenbrock '10, Daniel Wolff '1 1, Ricky Redinger '11 , Head Coach York Front Row: Christian Yolk '10, Jack Begley '13, Jonathan Besecker '12, Matt Shimp '10

A Year Of Improvement This year Men's Golf had a season of improvement. "We had a lot of guys basically new to the sport this year that have really developed into players that will help us next year," said Head Coach York, Seniors Christian Yolk and Matt Shimp led the team to success at sectionals and districts, Yolk made 1st team all GCL, followed by Shimp, who made 2nd team all GCL. "Making it to districts as a team was definitely the highlight of the season for me," said Shimp, The team finished fourth out of sixteen teams at sectionals and continued onto districts, Although no major titles were taken, it was a great finish to the season, CJ Men's Golf looks forward to a strong tee off in 201O!

Christian Yolk '10 carefully lines up his shot.

Connor Kaminski '12 and Jack Begely '13 practice their putting.

Left to Right: Matt Shimp '10, Marcus Thompson '12, and Jack Begely '13


Back Row (L to R): Stephanie Moore 113 (Mgr) , Camille Dickens 112 , Jordan Yaney 112, Maggie Cleary Ill, Angela Emery 11 1 , Molly Weckesser 11 1 , Coach Chris Clouse , Coach Mary Raiff 2nd Row: Caroline Scheid 112 , Sheridan Zumwald 112, Katie Berberich 112, Tara White 110, KaylaShelley 110, Sara Webb 110 1st Row: Erin Duffy 110, Megan Plummer 110, Rebecca Scheid 110, Emma Meyer 110, Kate Bills 110.

Rebecca Scheid 110 uolleys the ball up to the


Lady Eagles Score Off the Field This year's women's soccer team competed in one of the state's most challenging leagues. During the season, the girls put up a fierce fight against the area's two, top-ranked teams, Beavercreek and Centerville. They also managed to beat an undefeated Bellbrook, breaking Bellbrook's four-game winning streak. Team captains, seniors Rebecca Scheid and Kate Bills, received high honors for their stellar performances. Scheid was named first team all-area and first team GGCL North. Bills achieved second team all-area and second team GGCL North. Fellow senior Megan Plummer received third team all-area and the Kettering Sports Medicine Sportsmanship Award.



Off the field, not only did a majority of the team hold high academic status, but they also gave back to the community. The team wore pink socks during their October games in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. ''It felt good to give back and show our support as a team," said junior Molly Weckesser. The team also joined up with the Montgomery County Sheriff's department in the No Child Left Unfed Program. With over 30,000 kids living in poverty in the Dayton area, senior Megan Plummer and her dad, Sheriff Phil Plummer, felt the need to do something about this. High school

and elementary school students were admitted into home games free of charge if they brought a canned good. All proceeds were delivered by the women's soccer team to the Dayton Food Bank, bringing in over thirty boxes of donated canned goods. Plummer stated, "1 hope less kids go to bed hungry after our efforts." Even though the girls did not always come out on the winning side of the field, they managed to come together as a team and make a difference in their community.

1) Freshmen Couretney Muhl and Kathryn Marshall pump each other up before the game. 2) Erin Duffy 110 leads the teams I transition up the field. 3) The team huddles up for prayer before the game. 4) Katie Berberich 112 beats her opponent with ease. 5) Tara White 110 receiues the ball in the middle of the field.

defe~n~s~e~. ~2~)~~F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~F

1) Kate Bills' 10 cuts back to fake out the Emma Meyer 110 anticipates receiuing the ball. 3) The Eagles ' defense dominates the back line. 4) Camille Dickens 112 makes a run up the sideline. 5) Molly Weckesser III hustles down the field. 6) Jordan Yaney 112 prepares to throw the ball into play. 7) Sheridan Zumwald 112 holds off the Fairmont offense while Molly Weckesser runs to couer her back. 8) Coach Raijf and Clouse prepare the team for a second half of play.



Beavercreek 2-0 (L) Seton 3-2 (L) Bellbrook 2-1 (W) Mount NO 5-0 (L) MCNicholas 7-0 (L) McAuley 3-2 (L) Carroll 4-2 (L) Roger Bacon 5-1 (W) Fenwick 6-0 (L) Fairmont 1-1 (T) Purcell Marian 6-1 (W) Butler 5-1 (L) Centerville 5-2 (L) Alter 0-0 (T) Badin 6-0 (L) Postseason: Graham 3-0 (W) Beavercreek 8-0 (L)

The women1s soccer team joins hands as they listen to the playing of the National Anthem.

Back Row (L-R): Coach Cara Sayer, Christine Baumgartner 113, DonielleSteuenson 113, Cathy Wirrig 112, Alexas TUrner 113, EllenPoock 113, Kathryn Marshall 113, Emily Poock 113, Coach Rosalyn Craig 3rd Row: Colleen Shelley 112, Natalie Prince 112, Morgan Coffey 112, Caitlin OILoughlin 113, I\manda Bumeka 113, DeVanae Mitchell 113 2nd Row: Christian Coleman 113, Maddie Brown 113, Courteney Muhl 113, Elizabeth Rosenkranz 113 Front

Aboue: Rebecca Scheid 110 rushes past her opponent to capture the ball. Right: Sara Webb 110 prepares to clear the ball .


1. Alex Bertke '10 receiues the ball from the midfield, hoping to score a goal. 2. Matthew Menker '10 punts the ball after making a great saue. 3. Todd Barhorst '10 throws the ball back in play, trying to moue the Eagles down the field. 4. Jon Bonner '10 dribbles the ball through the weak defense. 5. Eddie Ruff '12 passes the ball up to the awaiting forwards. 6. Aaron Perkins '10 puts the moues on the Butler 7. Joey Stockelman '10 aduances the ball from the back of the field. 8. The team hun dIes together before the game to pray for a safe and uictorious game.

2009 Men's "A" Reserve Soccer Front Row: PJ Stephens' 12, Donnie Fitzwater '12 Second Row: Dan Striebich '12, Dan Barhorst '12, Christian Knight' 12, Quinn Corrado '13, Zach Rougier '12, Peter Skrobot '12, Tremayne Leonard' 12 Third Row: Head Coach Matt Money, Coach Gina Harrington, Greg Euans '12, Jon Meyer' 12, cody Constable' 12, Mike Anderson' 11, Corey Fogle' 11, cody Burke' 11, Kyle Shaw' 11 Chris Honious '11, Coach Jeff Woodson, Coach Bill Riej

Men'S Soccer

Reoord Yellow 5pmlIS Ookwood Belbrook Roger Bacon Butler Pwt:elIMarIen Carroll



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St. Xavier


break away up thefleJd.

Seniors Step Up and Deliver

McNIcholas Badin Fenwick La Salle SIOOey Moeller Elder Alter Ross

Competing in one of the state's most challenging leagues, this year's Men's Varsity Soccer Team battled their way through a difficult schedule, facing a few of top ranked teams in the state, including defending state champs Carroll. Their schedule pitted them against all-men's schools Moeller and Elder and cross town Iival Alter. A season highlight came when the Eagles prevailed over the Moeller Crusaders in a 2-1 victOlY thanks to a late, game wirming goal by senior forward Alex Bertke. "After going down early, our team was resilient and never lost sight of the task at hand. Without the help of our ruthless defense led by senior backs Joey Stockelman and Aaron Perkins, as well as the rest of the team, those goals would have meant nothing," said Alex after the big upset versus Moeller. Despite a tough loss to Ross in the post season, the Eagles' spirits were lifted at the news that seniors Jon Bormer and Joey Stockelman eamed the honors of First Team all GCL. Fellow seniors Alex Bertke and Matt Menker made Second Team GCL.

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-< > Front roW' sean Mtuer, Patlick Raiff, Nate Rose, Joey stockelman, Mart Menker, Aaron Perkins, Eddie Ruff, Robbie Hankey, sam Aulicchio B ack RoW' Head Coach Matt Money, Coach Gina Harling ton, CharlieEmmelich, RicklJ Nelson, Todd Barhorst, Alex Bertke, Jon Bonner, Michael Slayback, Matt Engle, Michael Varcarcel, Coach Roy Craig, Coach Jeff Woodson, Coach Btu Rief

2009 Men's "B" Reserue Soccer Front Row: Marcus Childs Taylor '13, Keagan PhjJJips '13, Thomas Cox '13, Michael Deak '13, Brian Anderson '13 Second Row: Coach Gina Harrington, Justin Clark '13, Ben Bouska '13, Harrison Smith '13, Jimmy Riazzi '13, Coach Jeff Woodson, Coach BjJJ Rief


s E

N 1

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1. Brooke Place '10 attacks the ball during warm ups, preparing to crush Carroll on Senior Night. 2. Annie Stoddard '10 penetrates the net, creating an obstacle for her hitter. 3. Rachel Bridgman '10 passes a free ball to target during the senior night game against Carroll. 4. Marlena Hoendotj '10 digs a kill during warm ups. 5. Katie BeyogJides '10 kills the ball against Wayne. 6. Maliol)' Hall '10 puts up a solid iron block, through which no ball can penetrate.

2009 Women's Reseme Volleuball Front row: Audrey Drewing '12 , Elizabeth Terzian '13 Second Row: Erin Warfield '12 , Anna Roland '12, Victoria Brown '12, Gretchen Bruggeman '13 Third Row: Coach Megan Marrinan, HoW Kossudji '12 , Paige Brun '12, Anna Kroger '13, Nicole Weckesser '12, Chelsea VoeJkl '11, Libby Huffman' 13, Manager Samantha Weckesser 112



Achievements MallOI)' Hall- Rrst team GGCL, Rrst Team All Area, senior Player of the Year, Team Award: Offensive Player of the Year Enma SturrJ)f- Second team GGCL, Rrst Team All Area, Team Award: Defensive Player of the Year Heidi Hess- second Team GGCL, Second Team All Area, Team Award: Newcomer Grace Kauth- Second Team GGCL, Second Team All Area, Team Award: Newcomer Katie Beyo21jdes- Honorable Mention All Area Rachel Brjdgman- Honorable Mention All Area Marlena Hoendorf- Honorable Mention All Area

Varsity District Champions The Varsity team puts on their game faces as they greet their opponerts

Front Row Lindsay Richard' 11, Alexandria Boyer' 11, Rachel Bridgman '10, MaI1ena Hoendorf' 10, Brooke Place' 1 Back Row: Sara Yoder' 1 0, NickMichel '10, MailoI]J Hajj '10, Katie BeyogJ!des '10, Emma Stumpf '12, Heidi Hess '13, Grace Kauth '13, Annie Stoddard '10, Coach Jessica Strader, Coach Dennis Hale

Heidi Hess' 13 sets up one of her hitters.

2009 Women's Freshmen Volleuball Front Bow Courtney

Phillips, McKenzie Johoson, Shay/ynn Green,

Btidgette Neuius Second Bow: Coach Bachel Bmn, Mada/yn Newport, Hanijah Shabazz, Emily Oreager, Toy/or ZidaroJj, Madison Voelk/, Coach Steue Montgomery


Keeping Spirits Up The football cheerleading squad worked extra hard this year to make sure that they were prepared for the football season ahead. Over the summer, they spent four grueling days at the Cheerleaders of J\merica (COA) cheer camp, where they leamed and practiced new cheers and dances to keep the football fans on their feet. When it came time for the Troy game, they were ecstatic to showcase their new and improved Eagle spirit. They didn't disappoint as they kept the fans pumped and helped cheer the football team on to a malVelous

~: Seniors Kour!ney Lewis, Smantha Raiff, Jalesa Atkinson, Bre'orna Simmons, Laura West, AJJ!son Durden, and Danesa MarshaU pose for a group shot on senior night, Below left: Danesa MarshaU liuens up the crowd, ~ ~: Ulura West' 10 admires the crowd during the Alma Mater, Below right: Jasmine \lV!JJ!ams practices her cheers before a game,

Girls of

Girls of 20 1 1


& 2012

ErontRow: Kiera Fletcher, Tiara Wilcox, Tonae Boddie Back Row: Charlene Austin, Claire Ciupak, ChareileMabry, Amani Lew!s,

Frort Row: Alyse Coles, TIffany Moody, Arna CueUur Back Row: AUexus Baker, Cour!ney Potter, Cierra Brown, Coach Misty MattheuJS



The pep band leads the crowd, footba11 players and cheeneaders with their rousing rendition of the National Anthem.

Born To Play Although the Eagles pep band is small in size, they never disappoint when it comes to giving the sports fans some energizing jams. They worked vel)' hard over the summer with their new band instructor, Mrs. Schutt, to make sure they had classic pep songs like 'Trotwood" and "September" memorized to perfection. wring the Troy game at Welcome Stadium, they played extra hard to set the bar high for the rest of the season.


Weizman '12 helps the rest of the band mairtain rhythn with his bass drum.

Aboue left: Beth VanDorpe '10 braues the ch!JJy weather and plays her jlutefor the enthusiastic crowd. Aboue rtght: Katie Beyoglides '1 plays her clarinet beautifu11y at the Ponitz game.

The Eagles Pep Band Erort Bow: WiJJ!am Howard '14, Jay B!lJart '12, Lincoln Weizman '12 2nd Bow: Katie BeyogJ!des '10, Jennifer Meier '14, PeterEuans '13, JoeScupski '10, Kath!lJn Marshail '13, Maddie Brown' 13, Mackenzie Aughe '12, Beth Van Darpe '10 3rd Bow: Band Director Debi Schutt, Grace Hoerner' 14, Michael Ho11oway '13, Ann Backhaus' 11, Ann Marte Krug '13, Anna Proietti' 12, Dauid Marsha11 '15, Judi McLeod


"i?=="""'~~-:'::::---::--;;;;~:-:;:-=;;:'];;;;;;:---'~: Coach Puckett gets the kick-off return team ready at the game against Troy.

Far lett: Frank 19ah '10 and the dejensiue line attack Troy with ferocious intensity.


Mike Simpson '12 looks for running room and an open


Back row: Galen CUrry , Greg Schwab, Jake Miller, Nathan Rosenbauer, Frank 19ah, Donald Issac Middle row: Josh Gamer, Laran Brown, Bobby Zidaroff, Andy Jomantas, Paul Sacksteder Front row: Ahmad Mack, Anthony CUrtis, Chris Poeiking, Jermar Rayford, Jeremy Johnson, Quayshaun Littlejohn Varsity / JV Not pictured: Donouan Layne, Jacob Porter, Dillon Lett, John Buerschen, Tyler Rohrer, Tim Szabo, Lee Hollis Jr., Tony Bishop, John Razauskas , Alex Breh , Teuin Deuois, Jake OPP!), Emmanuel Bell, Da'Kwan Frazier, Treuyon Carter, Justin Vaughn, J.T. Johnson, Jeremiah Sutton, Don Perez, Darian Reynolds, Aaron Bell, Lamar Gilbert, Jordan Champion, Lajerris Wright, Jarred Jones , Tre Simms, Darione McCleskey, Sam Spees

Win Together, Lose Together The 2009 season was a vel)' strong one for the Chaminade Julienne football team. With only two losses in the regular season,

the team experienced a huge accomplishment by making it to the playoffs. They played a tough playoff game against Monroe and lost by only five pOints with a score of 7-12. One of the major standouts of the season

to many of the players was their win against Carroll High School. Senior Jeremy Johnson said, "It was a great time. We made a touchdown after going into overtime to win

the game, and evelYone on the CJ side was cheering and going crazy." After finishing the year with an 8-3 record, various CJ players were also given the honor of making the Greater Catholic League's first and second teams. Seniors .Anthony Curtis, J\ndy Jomantas, and Jennar Rayford made it into first team, along with jilllior Aaron Stokes and freshman Darrien Howard. Those who made the second team were seniors Laron Brown and Josh Gamer, as well as juniors J.T. Johnson, Donovan Layne, and Tim Szabo and sophomores Mike Simpson and Marco Gresham.

Aboue left: AhTIad Mack'] 0 gains pos!t!ue yards towards a touchdOUXl. Below left: Jermar Rayford '] 0 makes a Troy defender miss as he carries the baJJ. Center: The team makes their way on thefleld at the Homecoming game against Femwick. Aboue riq n : Aaron Stokes ']] runs down the cerier for a touchdown. Below rigts: Mr. Intensity - Jake M!JJer'] O.


Coach Young, Coach Howard, Coach Pierce, Coach Reynolds E2J.!.!....:1: Zack Moreland, CinQuan Harry, Kris Ulmpkin, Chris Darden, Darian UttJe)om ~: JaMei sanders, Shawn Cobble, Brandon Payne, Isaiah In;Jram E2lJ.!...2.: Andre TomJ!nson, Patrick Steffan, Tommy Redinger, Zach Poelking, Caleb Weauer Front row: George M!JJer, SiJdnee Kosak, Anl'l-uan Persons, Wes Lumpkin, Tony W!JJiams, Kuentin Watson

Varsity I JV Not Pictued: Thomas YVlttmann, Brian BeaJJ, sean Vahldiek, Nick FarYleI]J, Tyler McBeath, Jeremy Weisenberger, Josh COrYler, COI]J Sager, Brandon Payne, DeVante Johnson, Alex Screetch, Keuin Wynn, Jr., Keuin Jackson, Mitchell Jones, DeMarco Gresham, Darrien Howard, Antomio Woods, Jr., W!JJ Plake, 57 Dominic Genouesi

How does the spirit affect your performance on Friday nights? "When I hear the students cheering, it energizes me and makes me want to perform to the best of my ability." - Josh Garner' 10

CJ Seniors Meg Lefeld. Mollie Buerschen. Caroline Plaspohl. Becky Anthony. Nick Michel , Colleen Brooks and Lauren Clark show pride in their country and in their school at the CJ us. Ponitz game on gill. Later that night a collection was taken for the VA Medical Center to support our ueterans .

"It almost brings tears to my eyes to know that I have such dedicated fans in the stands." -Nathan Rosenbauer '10

"It affects me greatly because when I hear the fans and see all of the green and blue, it feels like one hundred teammates out there with me." -Frank Igah '10

"Without the spirit, I would lack the passion." -Greg Schwab '10

Seniors Matthew Menker, Joey Stockelman and Euan Bartley get loud in the stands.



Seniors Micaela Cronin, Caroline Plaspohl, Madeline Kaminski, and Sara Webb get painted up before the C) us. Troy game.

Sophomores Morgan Coffey, Adrianne Marx, Mary Haley , Madison Brock, and Sheridan Zumwald are cheesin I while at the Ponitz game.

Spirit In The Stands "Fliday Night is Payday" is a phrase that we like to use

at Chaminacie Julierme to get the student body pumped and ready for the upcoming football game. It sums up the football team's hard work and dedication and how it pays off on Friday nights. This year's spirit in the stands at the football games has been phenomenal! In Mr. GregolY's words, "It renews a lot of the plide I have in my school and my students. Something as simple as spirit can have such an impact."

seniors Dominique Younger and Asha Gober get pumped before the BIG gamel

Spirit Committee along with the student body decided on themes for the games. These themes provided a sense of unity among the student body in the stands. One of the most spirited seniors in the stands, Connor Dowd '10, had this to say about the themed nights. "It helped the student body bond as a whole CJ community and increased the intensity of the spilit." Along with the unity came a great deal of school spirit. Coach Helms said, "It's definitely a huge advantage when the student section is going crazy." Helms continued to explain how the student section plays such a "key role" on Fliday nights in the stands. He believes that, "The fans can only make (us) play better."

seniors Brooke Place, Mar! Halu, Abbey Busse and Janine Steffan sport their neon for the Fenwick game.

seniors Becky Anthony, Sarah Shanks and MicaeJ.a Cronin cheer for the D-FENCE team I


_ _ _ _---,Clockwise from top left: I RacJiwel Jankauskas '1 and on Halloween day. 1.IIln.inrS Allexus Baker, Anna , Aaron Lassalle , Nicole Weckesser also on Halloween day. Senirs Elizabeth Postigo and Cora Harrison on

:1;~~;~,::~'~n Elizabeth day. Seniors Julie VanDorpe ,


, and Courtney Western day. Matt , Joseph Hang ana Rayford '10, and KOlJn,n"nHall'10 on Prep day. WJ,lollron


Veronica Collins and Tyler Dauis roaming the prarie on Western Day.

familiar book character Waldo on costume day.

Back row: Freshmen Kath11!n Marsha11, Elizabeth Rosenkrantz, Emma Bndgman, Jamai Alexander, Bnttany Cof.frnan, Carly Meixner, CoWin Peam, Maddie Voelkl, Sarlo Ems. Front row: Maya Manson, Macy Pitts, Stephanie Luckie

We Jumpin ' with Spirit Students, faculty, and staff flaunted their many different outfit ideas duling spirit week. A lot of students went all out to show off their creative sides. Making a tremendous comeback after being M.I.A. last year was Halloween costwne day. When asked what her favorite day was, senior Rachel Wade responded, "Definitely Halloween costwne day because evelYone looked completely ridiculous, and 1 got to wear my pink, sparkly wings." Senior Nick Michel also said, "Wednesday. Halloween costume day because it allowed me to dress up as my favolite fictional character, Dwight K. Schrute from The Office." Sophomore Wally Fisher dressed as the Joker. When asked how he felt about spirit week, Fisher

said, "It reminded me of who 1 am. Not a knight. Not a patliot. But an Eagle. But to be honest, Heath Ledger should be given the credit because without him, there is no me." On Friday the students dressed in their CJ blue and green spilit wear. The pep rally boosted evelYone's spilits for the Homecoming football game and dance. During musical chairs, senior Todd Baihorst took it all the way when he stole the wirming seat. Junior Michael Stovall said, "I enjoyed spirit week because it got me ready for the Homecoming weekend and game." Sophomore Elexus Renner said, "I liked spirit week because it was a good opening to the school year."

Ta11!n Finley' 10 scanng students as Sream from the we11-known mouie on Ha110ween costume day.

seniors Asha Gober and Jana Gray getting pepped up for the pep ra11y on Spint Day.

째and MmJena

Matt Menker' 1 HoendoIj'10

'10, OSbome '10, AJJ!son Durden '10, Antu}(:m Mclrtosh '10, Ryan Bass' 1 0, Geralynn Byrd' 11

CJ studerts rushed to the dancejloor when "You're a Jerk" by New Boyz started blasting throughout the gym,

, ApJil GJierson '11, Strahom '1 1, and '11

Right: Alexandra Tones' 12, Audrey Drewing '12, Chandani Harjan! '12, Kristina Thompsen' 12, and Camtue Dickens' 12





A Magical Night Arabian Nights was the theme for the 2009 homecoming dance. The gymnasium was transformed into a Middle Eastern paradise complete with palaces, twinkling lights, and magic lamps. Students enjoyed the theme and refreshments. Senior Ben Trick said, "It was wonderfully organized with the CJ tradition of excellence." Sophomore Christian Knight agreed saying, "Homecoming was a blast! The night was really ethnic , and I can't wait until next year." Halfway through the night, the students rushed to the dance floor when Miley Cyrus' "Party in the USA" came on. Shortly after, the music was cut off to announce the homecoming court. Seniors Connor Dowd and Annie Stoddard were crowned Homecoming King and Queen. The court included: sophomores Tiffany Moody and Marco Gresham, juniors Tiarra Comer and Aaron Stokes, and seniors Adina Seabrook and Laron Brown. The dance floor was always crowded and punch bowls were always drained. "Homecoming was Flawless!" senior Matt Vest said, and many students agreed. Overall, students had a great time and many memories were made.

Left: Rachel Leathers' 1 1, Veronica Collins' 10 , Rach el Wade ' 1 Sara Yoder' 10, and Elizabe th Postig o '10

Right: M att Piekenbrock '10, Josselyn Wilim!t!s '10, 'vV!JJ!am Howard' 11, Nicole Stefan '1 1 , Lindsay Sraj '11


Maggie Ryan '11 as Yenchna the Vender uses her expert merchant skiUs in order to t11l and ertice her feUow u!JJagers into buying her freshf!sh,


warm UJei come to neuJ schooJ teacher pJayed by Treuor Meyers '12, inform her husband of the neUJJy arriued teacher,


Brinkman '11 as they curse of KuJyenchikou,


Joe Femeding '11, Trevor Meyers '12, Meredith Baird' 1 0, and Rachel RuttJe '11 congregate on the couch to discuss the curse of KuJyenchikou,

racket, •

Fools Cast & Crew Leon Tolchinsky .......... Trevor Meyers Snetsky ..................... AAnie Blinkman Magistrate ..................... caleb Barber Slovitch .......................... Casey MUml Mishkin ............................... Sam Raiff Yenchna ........................ Maggie Ryan Dr. Zubritsky ................ Joe Femeding Lenya Zubritsky ............ Rachel Ruttle Sophia Zublitsky ......... Meredith Baird Gregor Yousekevitch ......... Evan Mills



Director ............................. Natalie Houliston Student Director ....................... Cari Meixner Stage Managers.. Laura West & Courtney Potter Sound Crew .......................... Carly Meixner Lighting Crew ...................... Marie Freeman Costume Crew ................ .Abby Cliaghead & Claire Potyrala Prop Crew ................................ Sam Mullins Running Crew .. Stephanie Moore, Alex Lang Brittany Coffman, Joe Ostendorf

Fresrrnen CarJy Meixner and Brittany Coffman work on constructing set pieces,

Euan M!JJs '11, as the eu!J u!JJain Count Gregor, whips open his cape as he makes his flrst

'12 share a passionate onstage

crowd around TreuorMeyers '12 as he reads from the Big Book of Curses,

1) Caleb Barber' 13, as the Magistrate, prances across the stage as he cries out, 'Nine o'clock and aU 1s weijl ' 2) Annie Brinkman '11 gets miked up before the show. 3) Sam Raiff '10 gets some one-onone attertionfrom director Natalie HouJ!ston. 4) Backstage, crew member Brittany Coffman' 13 heips Maggie Ryan '10 get dressed before going onstage,

while he reads an important document,

A Bunch of Fools This year, CJ hired a new Artistic Director Natalie Houliston. Miss Houliston is a professional actor who has appeared in over 100 productions. "I'm really excited I got the chance to work with such a talented cast this year. It's always a challenge to come in new to an established system, but I was lucky to meet students excited about the arts and ready to help me find my place," says Houliston. Her talent, expelience, and excitement truly

helped the cast develop their skills and create an undoubtedly memorable performance. Fools is a comedy that tells the StOlY of Leon Tolchinsky, played by first-time performer and sophomore, Trevor Meyers. Tolchinsky is an ambitious young teacher starting his career in the small village of Kulyenchikov. He learns the town is under a two hundred-year curse of stupidity and has one day to break it, or tum into a fool himself.

Senior Spotlight

' After the last performance, I had to just sit on the stage and take it all in, I'm sad about this being my last fall play, but I don't plan on leaving the theater anytime soon ,' -Sam Railf

' Hearing the audience out there on opening night is one of the most exciting feelings in the world, When our performance gets a good reaction out of the audience, it makes everything worthwhile ' - CaseyMunn

'I enjoy doing the play because it lets me become a different person for an hour or two, ' - Meredith Baird


Bowling for Victory

Shannon Dewitt 110, the GGCL player of the year award winner

Justin Ouerrnan 110, the GCL player of the year award winner

Emanuel Jones 110

This year, senior J.J . Ruppert stepped up and had a great season. He made it to state finals where he placed 5th in the individual competition out of 16 players and 32nd out of all 145 players that went to the state competition. Ruppert also won third in Districts for the men. Senior Shannon DeWitt placed 1st in Districts on March 1. She received the GGCL Gray North player of the year award, a great accomplishment for her senior year. Coach Dewitt was proud of Shannon. Coach Dewitt was asked how she felt about the overall season, and she responded, "The highlight of the season was seeing all the improvements the girls made. They all worked very hard and individually made great improvements." This season has been filled with many personal victories. When asked what his best accomplishment was this year, senior Justin Overman stated, "I won athlete of the year. Also 1 won first team GCL and third overall GCL." Senior Jamar Dunson was asked what his personal goal was, and he responded, "My highlight of the year was getting a 232 on our game against Carroll." The team has met many personal goals. The bowling teams made great improvements and hope to do even better next year.

The women IS team huddles to pep eueryone up.



Men's varsity Bowling

Too: Coach Ouerman, 5teuen Pauelka 110, Justin Ouerman 110, Jan Owens 110, Jamar Dunson 110 Bottom: Mason Hickey 110, and JJ Ruppert 110, NOtPiCtured: I\ntwon McIntosh 110, Emanuel Jones 110

Women1s varsity Bowling

JJ Ruppert 110 bowls at Poelking Lanes against an opposing team. Ruppert had a uery successful season qfter bowling for his high school career. This year made a good conclusion. He made it to state and placed 5th in the indiuidual competition and 32nd ouerall. Ruppert also won third place in Districts. "This year was a good year for me, II Ruppert commented, "Jlm happy I made it that for. As a team we were not the best, but we were pretty good. II

Too: Shannon Dewitt 110, Coach Dewitt, Jorio Gray 110 Bottom: Jaymi Smith 110, Rachel Stamper 112, Elizabeth Wirrig Ill, Paige Brun 11 1, Kiersten Sargent 110


--. New Team, New Success After losing a good amount of the team last year to graduation, the 2010 Swim Team had a lot to make up for from last year. With

a new coaching staff and new underclassmen, the seniors really stepped up and led the team to sUiprising success. Senior Madeline Kaminski says, "Our season went sUiprisingly well after losing almost twenty seniors from last year and our coaches. Our team was pretty young but the

new coaches were great and our team improved greatly throughout the season.

front Bow' Alex Bertke '10, Michael VarCQrcel '10, Madeline Kaminski '10, Brooke Place' 10, Christina Chabali '10, Cora Harrison '10, GeorgeSpttztg '10, Lauren Porter' 1 0, Mike Slayback '10. Second Bow: Dylan Aughe '10, Tori Kreitzer' 12, Cody Burke' 11, Kate Austin' 11, Lauren Gough' 11, Sheridan Zumwald '12, Quinn Corrado '13. mro Bow: Megan Pierce '12, MacKenzteAughe '12, KaorinMarshaJJ '12, Bridget McCormick '12, Chandan! Harjani '12, AdriaITle Marx' 12, Morgan Coffey' 12, Cathy Wirrig '12. Fourth Bow: Nathan Jackson '12, Jimmy Biazzi '13, Emily Poock '13, CaitJin O'Loug H. in '13, MerI1J Austin '12, Maria Chabali '13, EJJen Pooke '13, Heidi Hess '13, Grace Kauth '13, F![th Bow: Bandy Le!k '12, Tony Vo '12, Jon Meyer '12, Dan Striebich '12, DanDd Slebenthaler '12, Claire Ciupak '13, Amanda Bumeka '13, Back Bow: Amy O'loughlin, Kate Corrado, Gina Harrington, Paul Bierman



The next few years the team will be really good especially after our relays already making districts." After a long season of hard work, the Men's and Women's 200 Medley, 200 Freestyle, and 400 Freestyle made it to districts. Junior KathlYn Austin continued individually to districts in 100 and 200 Freestyle. Senior Mike Slayback (pictured above) finished second in the 100 Breast stroke at the GCL race. Overall, the girls finished fourth in the GGCL and the men finished third in the GCL.

Alex Bertke I 10 "One thing that I will take with me anywhere I go is the commoradOlY that started evelY day before and after practice in the steam room. Going to Miami University for districts was also velY memorable." Coach Corrado instructs the swimmers as the begin their meet.

Tony Vo 112 is determined while coming up for a breath in his intense race.

Morgan Coffey I 12

Kaorin Marshall 112, Heidi Hess 11 1, and Bridget McCormick 112 get ready to swim their races.

Cora Harrison 110 is looking fierce as she swims her race with much fortitude.

liMy favorite memolY from this swimming season would probably be getting closer with all my swimming friends and all the fun times we had together. II

SenIOrs Seniors George Spitzig, Lauren Porter, Madeline Kaminski, Alex Bertke, Mike Slayback, Lizzie Gleason, Brooke Place, Cora Harrison, Christina Chabali, and Dylan Aughe (Michael Varcarcel not pictured) celebrate thier successful season on senior night. The seniors were a core part in the success of the swim team this year not only with talent but were great role models also. "When some people think of Iseniors l they think of someone older, wiser, exclusiue. The seniors on the swim team this year were older and wiser, but they became some of our uery best friends and Jill cherish that foreuer. II says Bridget McCormick 112 .



Mike stoermer' 1 0 pins his opponent down at the Eaton Dual,

team tradition to

B1.Qb1: Jake MiJJer '10 was one of the most prized wrestlers this season. He jlnished his career at CJ with an amazing 92 wins,

l.&ff: Matt Piekenbrock '10 is ready to rumble ,

B1.Qb1: Patrick McManus '11 locks eyes with his opponent in an irtense moment from the &:iton Dual,

Can't Hold Us Down Through the course of the 2009-2010 winter season, the CJ wrestlers worked their way through struggles and hardships in order to find their own strengths. Things were difficult at first; at the beginning of the season, they placed ninth out of ten teams at the Franklin Invitational. But instead of letting this rough start get them down, the wrestlers just continued working harder to improve themselves. By the time they made it to the Madeira

Invitational on January 8, the team made so much improvement that they ended up taking third place. They then moved on to the Catholic Invitational Tournament (CIT), where they saw seniors Matt Piekenbrock and Jake Miller earn fourth and fifth place, respectively. When asked what his favolite part of this season was, Piekenbrock responded,"Our weekend at the CIT was the best moment in the season for me. lt was great to be able to qualify for districts again."

With the success of the CIT behind them, the wrestlers went on to compete at the Sectional tournament. This competition proved the team's strength, with Miller placing second , Piekenbrock and junior Nick Muhl placing fourth. In addition, junior Josh Marshall placed fifth, and freshman Justin Momhinweg, sophomore Jacob Porter and junior Patrick McManus placed sixth. The team then went on to distrtcts, where Miller and Piekenbrock were both one match away from making the state tournament. Miller finished out his career at CJ with 92 wins, and Piekenbrock ended up garnering 90 wins. Overall, the team enjoyed a velY good run this winter, with evelY varsity wrestler placing in a tournament. Though things were difficult in the beginning, the wrestlers worked hard and proved themselves in the end.

1 Mart Piekeoorock ' 1 0 holds his opponent down in a pOU!erjUl lock. 2. Nick Muhl '11 giues the customaIY handshake before a match. 3. Stat girts Tam White '10, Lindsay Sm) '11 am Josselyn W!JJim!t!s '10 kept the wrestlers'spirtts up throughout the season.

Back Row: George Miller '13, TYler McBeath' 12, Justin Vaughn '1 1 , Charlie Switzer' 1 1 , Lee Hollis' 1 1 , Bobby Zidaroff '10, Nick MUhl '1 1, Mike Stoermer' 10, Donovan Layne' 11 , Josh Marshall' 1 1 Third Row: Jacob Miller' 10, William Howard' 1 1, Beau Smedley' 12, Dominic Genovesi' 12, Tommy Redinger' 13, Matt Piekenbrock' 10, Alex Scree tch '12, Patrick McManus '12 , Coach Bill HU2hett Sec ond Row: Andre Tomlinson' 13, Caleb Weaver' 13, Sal Hollan' 12, Lincoln Wiezman '12 , Jacob Porter' 12 , Josh Landes' 1 1, Justin Morhinweg , 13 Ront Row: Kevin Wynn' 12 , Shawn Cobble' 13, Donnie Fitzwater' 12 , Bl)'an Thompson' 13 , Sam Wittman' 13 , Patrick Steffan '13



Allison Durden 110

Jalesa Atkinson 110

Breonna Simmons 110

Laura West 110

Spirit Supports the Eagles

Jasmine Williams 11 1

Led by seven seniors, the cheerleaders inspired the student section and motivated the Men's Basketball team to play its hardest and never give up. With cheers like "Do It!", "Work Harder," and "BRICK!", the cheerleaders inspired the students, motivated the team, and distracted CJ's opponents. Looking over this very successful season, the cheerleaders remember some of their favorite games. "The Moeller game was the ultimate," said senior OaNesa Marshall. The cheerleaders brought a ton of spirit and energy to this basketball season, bringing the 2010 cheerleading year to the perfect end.

Courtney Myers 110

The cheerleaders cheer on the Men IS Basketball team, reminding them and CJls opponents that "Welre # 1 I"

DaNesa Marshall 110

110, Kourtney Lewis 110, Coutmey Myers 110, Tiarra Comer 11 1 , Allison Durden 110 Middle- Ametia Dauis Ill, Laura West 110 Front RowJalesa Atkinson 110, Geralynn Byrd 11 1 , Jasmine Williams 11 1


Right: The uarsity cheerleaders rally around the Men IS Basketball team before a big game.

Demetria Louelace 110

Abbey Kester 110

Aujanae l Wilkes 110

Eagle Sensation Entertains All

Ariel Scaccia 110

Eagle Sensation lit up the court and entertained the crowd during the numerous half-time shows at the Men's Basketball games. Six seniors led the team and set the bar high for the underclassmen during all of their performances. From the elaborate costumes to the intricate dance routines, the girls of Eagle Sensation gave it their all with award winning smiles. "My favorite performance was our tribute to Michael Jackson," said senior Abbey Kester. "I love his music and it was a nice way to honor a man who changed pop culture, music and dance forever." Their performance at the Students of Diversity Talent Show was no exception. Eagle Sensation hit every step as hard as they did in their earlier shows. It was the perfect performance to bring an end to a perfect season.

.Angel Vestal 110

.Angelica Tomlinson 112

Left: Members of the Eagle Sensation Dance Team strut their stuff at the Students of Diuersity Talent Show.

Monique Satchell, Charity Pitts 110, Jamai Alexander 113, Victoria Gray 11 1, .Ariel Scaccia 110, Demetria Louelace 110, DezJiarma Baker 113 Front Row: Aujanae l Wilkes 110, .Angel Vestal 110, Maya Manson 113, Mariah Manson 113, Abbey Kester 110, Dosia

Satchell 113

113 and Ariel Scaccia 110 L&tt. Demetria Louelace '10 finds the spotlight and hits her dance moue with ~MayaManson



;:::::::::=--------------------------------------------------, BaCkROW(Lto B.t D'Angelo Thompson, Blake Sutherland, Chris McGuire, Jordan Pierce, Dominic Ekezie, Cin'Quan Haney, Harrison Smith, Kris Lampkin, Julian Riley Front Row: Justin Clark, Wesley Lumpkin, Tony Willjams, Law Willjams, Kuentin Watson, Tim Riley

patiently awaiting the other team IS defense, 2) Joe Staley 110 couers his man to preuent him from driuing the lane .

Setting Records and Taking Names The Men's Basketball team started off their stellar season with a record for lowest pOints allowed in thier

opening game against Beavercreek, ending the game with a 79-23 score. After a close, but disappointing, second game loss to Dunbar, the team redeemed themselves with an incredible eleven-game winning streak. This #2 state-ranked team graced the cover of the Dayton Daily News mrrnerous times throughout the season, keeping all eyes in the city on them. Senior Matt Vest attributes the team's success on how "unselfish we all played." Perhaps the most exciting win for the team was their defeat against state-ranked Cincinnati Moeller. This was the first time in 15 years that the Eagles were able to pull out a victOlY over the Crusaders , a true victOlY for Eagle alumni everywhere. Coach Staley said, "We won this game for about 250 CJ players who busted their butt against Moeller and couldn't come out with one." The team was led by a strong senior class, consisting of GCL North Player of the Year Joe Staley and future Wlight State Raider Matt Vest. Both Staley and Vest were named first team GCL. Fellow senior Jon Bibbs and junior Tim Szabo were named second team. With Staley's lay-ups, Bibbs' 3-pointers, and Vest's always-anticipated slam dunks, these boys kept the fans on their feet all season long. "We had something vel)' hard to come by this year - a team," stated Joe Staley. Their hard work and team-playing earned them a share of the GCL North title along with Fenwick.

B ack Bow IL to BI: Brejlun McCloe ' 11, John Staley '12, Logan Daugherty' 11, DeVante Carmichael' 11, Tim S=bo '11 front Bow: Anthony Moody' 1 0, Matt Vest' 1 0, Joe staley '10, Jon Bibbs' 1 0, Dauid Cordonnier' 10, Mike ;,...'l~O:....• •

1) Logan Daugherty' 11 distributes the baJJ ofJto a teammate. 2) The team huddles up during a time ou r to hear what Coach Staley has to so!). 3) Tim S=bo '11 carries the baJJ up the court to start the Eagles' offense. 4 ) The Eagles' defense is strong against the boards.

Back Bow (L to Bl;,Marcus Thompson' 12, Aaron LOSaJJe '12, Mike Simpson' 12, Michael BusseJJ '11, Sam Spees '12, Tremayne LeorKlrd '12 front Bow: chases after the baJJ for an Eagles' steal. 2) Mike Pyper' 1 goes up for the dunk against Beauercreek.

° '-='-L--"

Besecker '12, Greg Euans '12, Andrew Bole '12, Phiu!p K!dd '12, PJ

EAGLES SOAR TO SUCCESSFUL SEASON From winning Districts to becoming Regional qualifiers, the Lady Eagles proved their strength as a team. This year's women's basketball team had a successful season, especially for this year's starting five. Seniors Sierra Gage and Samarie Walker led this year's starting five, along with sophomores Emily Michael, Simonne Gage, and Raytea Long. Captains Samarie Walker, Sierra Gage and Emily Michael also proved their leadership on the team by getting the girls pumped up before the game with a pre-game talk, and leading the team in prayer. One of the most memorable nights for senior Jackie Newport was senior night versus Carroll High school. "Our team worked so well together, and it really showed on the court," says Newport. With emotions running high on senior night, the Lady Eagles kicked Carroll right back into their place with another close win. Freshman Jacole Tabor said of the game, "I tried my best not to cryan senior night ... I'm going to miss the seniors so much next year. They became like sisters to me, each and everyone of them." Another memorable moment for the team was presenting Mr. CJ with a picture of the team that had all of the girls' signatures on it. Mr. CJ has shown his support for the women's basketball team by attending every game in and out of town. This year's team was composed of award winning players including senior Samarie Walker who won the McDonald's All American award, along with many other awards including the number one player in the GGCL, and number one player in the District 15. She also signed to play for Division I school, The University of conneticut. Senior Mileah Walker signed with a Division I school, Howard University. Hands down, next year's women's varsity basketball team is definitely going to have some big shoes to fill.

Froot Bow路 Brittaney Jefferson '13 , Riuiere Duffy '11, Cassie Zehenoy '11, Victoria Brown I I 2 Back Bow: Coach Mandy Myers , SchauDon Herd '12 , Krista White '13 , JaCale Tabor '13




Nlcky Disbrow' 1

--, Third row: Head Coach Duane WiJJ!ams, Coach AJ CUJIY, Madison Brock '12, Ray tea Long' 12, Breanna Peterson' 11, Manager Apr!l Grierson' 12, Coach Mandy Myers, Coach Hoskins Second row: JackieNewport '10, Ta11!n Anley '10, Mileah Walker' 1 0, Samarie Walker '10, Sierra Gage '10, Nicky Disbow '10, front row Em!ly Michael' 12, Lynsay S(rahom '11, Simonne Gage' 12

front Row: Manager Lauren Smith, Maddie Newport, Emily Shira, Steph::mie Luckie, ChaI1ene Austin, Scorekeeper Chyna Porter Back Row: Tla Jones, Maria Wade, Takia M!Uer, Lydia Schmitt, Erinn Ba!Jey , Coach AJ Cur11!



Wha t m ak e s Eagle spirit so important to you? "I think it's very important to support our team and show everyone how SUJeet and exdted we are to be there. " -Patrick Raif/ ' 13

Andy JomarJ tas '10 roots on rheE ag/es.

"/ lJke to foIIow the theme/color of the game. Wear a uest, 1YX1ke Q sign, whatever.. .H'S fun to gel jnuoluedl It shows that we care" -Abbey Busse ' 10

"Having spirit gives the players more motivation to win and please their fans. Also it creates more pressure for the other

team." -Josh Landes ' 11

Je.rmor Rayford ' 10 represents h!s c lass ar (h e winter pep roily .

Vi CJ is numbe r one whe n It comes to spirit . If there's one thing the w o m e n's a nd m e n's teams can count on , it's ou r ability to se t! out g ames and pack into the s ta nds . "When o ur fans get lo ud and show a lot of spirit, it r eally pumps m e up and motivates me to play that much h arder . The spirit h elps to remind me that I'm not only playing fo r myself and my team, but the fans also , "say s senior Nicky Disbrow. This year has b een on e o f th e m ost exhilarating for the students w at c hing. T h e gam e b etween our CJ boys and Moeller w as am ong the m ost exciting. After fifteen y ears o f losing to th e M oeller Crusaders, the Eagles proved that hard w o rk and patience payoff

w h en they won the gam e 54-50 this y ear. Dozens o f fan s j o ined in the "sea of green~ to come out and s upport o ur boys. With many o ther close g ames and exciting w ins, the ten s ion In the stand:; hasn't s topped! From the "Do It" cheer to the ever classic sp elling o f the word "EAGLES," s tudents have not disappo inted. They m ak e sure to b ring their loud voices, energetic spirit , an d good sportsm anship wherever they go! We h av e m an aged to receive the Harold A. Meyer Sp ortsm anship award fo r the past eleven years , and fully expect to h ave 11 fo r years to comel CJ's spirit is cont agiou s, on e that many schools w ill b e fo rced to com pete w lth f o r many more years.

"Red Hot Christmas" The 2009 Chlistmas season came and CJ students were getting ready for the "Red Hot Christmas." December 12,2009 was the night freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors went to the Greek Orthodox Church for the theme of "Red Hot Chlistmas!" For the freshmen, this was the first dance they could attend Freshman Maddie Newport says, "My fliends and I were so excited for our first dance, because we had so much fun! We are excited for more to come." The social committee brought great decorations to the dance. There was red evelYwhere with red gifts and red table covers. There was a Chlistmas tree for couples and singles pictures and lights hanging from the ceiling all for the Christmas spirit. The dance floor was never empty, with the students shoulder to shoulder dancing the night away. It was time for the King and Queen to be armounced, so the OJ cut the music and the court was armounced. Nick Michel said, "Being crowned King was a real honor. It even made the last senior Christmas Dance more special!" Snowflake of the dance senior Lauren Clark said, "Being crowned was a big sUiprise to me but made the dance even better!"

1 Fnends ClarePotyrala '12, Carne Meixner '12, and Abigail Craighead '12 take a break from d ancing to take a picture together. 2. Jonathan Besecker' 12 and his date Rebecca Scheid' 10 get a picture while slow dancing. 3. Courtney Wilbur' 10 has fun dancing with her date. 4. Renecha Dudley' 10 and fliend De~a Tayor '12 pose for a picture. 5. Jackie Newport' 10 and Sara Yoder' 1 0 take a picture with their fliend Josh Gamer '10 for their last Chnstmas dance.

King of the darxe Nick Michel. '10 stand with his snowflake of the darxe Lauren Clark '10.



Caroline Plaspohl 110 says, "WOw! The Christmas Dance was so awesome because 1 got to be with my friends and dance the night away. WOw!" along with her two friends Erin Duffy '10 and Madeline Kaminski 110.

Matt Smith III said, IIChristmas Dance! FUN! Can't wait for more to cornel II

lilt was our first dance with each other, so it was uery sweet, II says Blake Wilimitis 112 and his date Anna Proietti 112.

Mallory Hall '10 and Ahmad Mack' 1 a get red hot on the dance floor.

"They said that urn. we twins!! II Aujanae Wilkes 110 and her little sister Dosia Satchell 113.

Tyler Dauis 110 and his date pose for a picture with their friends Laura West 110 and Bineh Ndefru 111

Donald Isaac 110, Tanisha House 110, and Nikkole Woodard 110

Kaorin Marshall 112


Destiny Tatum' j 0 and her dad boogie down at the Father Daughter Dance!

Kate Bills 'j 0 and her dad strike a pose while dancing.

Jackie Newport 'j 0, her dad and Meg Lefeld 'j 0 take a break from their intense dancing to smile for the camera.

Sam Ralff 'j 0 and her dad, the "King of the Dance," dance the night away.

Kaorin Marshall 'j2 dances with her dad.

LC'ULIUl1路 'j 0

cheese for a picture.



Lauren Smith


0 and her dad check out

a picture.

Rebecca Scheid 'j 0, Sara Webb 'j 0 and Erin Duffy '10 celebrate their last Father Daughter Dance with fake guitars.

away with his mom, 2, Jonathan Bibbs' 1 0 dances with his mom, 3, Joe Staley' 10 and his mom, the "<Queen of the Dance," take a moment to smile at the joy of being cJOw~d,

Boogying Down with the 'Rents! Growing up doesn't mean growing apart here at Chaminacie Julierme. For many years now, CJ has held the Father Daughter! Mother Son Dances for parents to bust a move with their children. This year was nothing shy of just that. For the second year in a row, CJ has held the Parent Dances at Bainbridge Hall. Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors all enjoyed a nice night spent dancing with their parents and dressing up like they were from the fifties, following the theme "Happy Days are Here to Stay!" Many students even said it was one of their favolite dances! Senior Joey Stockleman said, "It was by far the best dance yet!!!" CJ carried on the tradition of crowning a "King

of the dance" for the Father Daughter Dance and a "Queen of the dance" for the Mother Son Dance. These were awarded based on the essays the students wrote about their parents. This year's "King of the dance" was senior Sam Raiffs dad, Mike Raiff. The "Queen of the dance" was senior Joe Staley's mom, Micky Staley. Many students wrote essays about their parents and are just so proud of them ... even some of their dance moves. "It was sooo much fun having a date with the best guy I've ever met! aka my dad! It was great watching evelYone breakout their um ... interesting dance moves! I had a wonderful flash back to the 50s with my dad and sister! It was a great time," said senior Kayla Shelly when reflecting on the great time she had at the Father Daughter Dance.

Da'Kwan Frazier '12 and his mom embrace each other with loue, Mason Hickey '10 and his mom gJOoue to the music.


Abbey Kester '10 and the dance team go hard.

Dasia Satchell '13 does a toe touch.



John Buerschen '1 1 performs "Daylight" by Matt and Kim.

Jack Cox '11 of the Stegosauruses as lead guitar and singer.

Greg Schwab '10 takes the role of lead singer for the Stegosauruses.

The crowd goes crazy during "Hey Ya."

Poctry Out Loud Statc Champion LjJnsojJ Strahom '1 1

u}(:m the PoetI1J Out Loud competition at C), which qualjfled her to compete in the state compditton. At state, she u}(:m jlrst place by recitiru "Walking Down Park, " by Nikki G!ouann!; "1 Am, " by Jom Clare; and "For Laue," by Robert CreeiejJ. She earned

a trip to represent


at the national JeueJ on Apr!l 26 in Washington, D, C.

Caitlin Pearn' 13 and carty Meixner' 13 perform "Homecoming " by Hey Monday.

Rockin' Around CJ with Diversity This year's Students of Diversity assembly returned with a bang. The show featured various musical acts, poetry readings, and dance routines. The students were entertained by covers performed by Dangerously Hot, which included junior Jack Cox, sophomore Patrick Miles, and freshmen Thomas Cox and Matthew Miles. They petiormed covers of "Wake Up" by Arcade Fire and the memorable "Hey Ya" by Outkast. Greg Schwab joined the group to sing lead for "Hey Ya." Once the song began, the entire audience jumped up and started to dance. Senior Laken Ethun loved the petiormance, "I loved how Greg got the entire student body involved." Patrick Miles loved being on stage with his friends petiorming for his classmates. "I was surprised how well the show turned out. People seemed to really enjoy it, which is what we wanted to happen." Junior Lindsay Strahorn recited "For Love" by Robert Frost. She was selected to represent

Chaminade Julienne at the Poetty Out Loud State Competition. She placed first and qualified to petiorm at the national competion. Other recitations were petiormed by juniors Maggie Cleary and Kayla Hayes, sophomore Sam Mullins, and freshmen Kathtyn Marshall and Emma Bridgman. After the audience danced to "Hey Ya," they got to watch the CJ dance team show off its dance routine. Senior Aujane Wilkes and her sister, freshman Dasia Satchell showed off their dance skills as well. CJ was was visited by dancers from Maty Queen of Peace. Students were excited to see their teachers dance to "Rock Around the Clock," which included Mr. Brooks, Mr. Colvin, Mr. Dillon, Mr. Gregoty, Mr. Kelly, Cali and Mr. Marshall. Overall, the Students of Diversity assembly was a success. Students enjoyed watching their classmates petiorm.

Mr Kelly '87, Mr, Gregory '02, Cali, Mr, Coluin, Mr, Dtuon, Mr, MarshaJJ '86, and Mr, Brooks perform 'Rock Around the Clock. '

Mariah and Maya Manson' 13 sing their uersion of 'Successful' by Drake, 87



Buerschen, and Joseph Hangana

~~~~ no=-- . V arsi ty and Reserve C==:;~=:;;;;:::;="ti!iiL:;;;;;;;;;;;;;iIiI 2010 Front BoW' Head Coach J1m Brooks, Matt Smith, John Buerschen, John Manou1ch, Logan Bramlage 2nd Bow: Andrew Bole, Sean-Douglas M!JJer, B eau Smedley, Dam Bolfe, Nathan Hanington Back Bow: stephen Matthews, Joseph Hangana, Matt HerYle, Giles Hinders

Makin'Some Racket Bouncing back from their '09 season, the men's tennis team stepped it up in 2010. The men's termis team had its best record in recent decades-JS-3-and took the GeL championship in convincing fashion. Sophmore .Andrew Bole and Junior John Buerschen were a big help to this season's success. Both John and .Andrew went to districts and won their first round of matches, with the scores of 6-1,6-3 and 6-4,6-0 respectively. .Andrew Bole qualified for state, the first time in 20 years for the men's termis program, by winning the second round with the scores of 64,2-6, and 6-4. The termis team's hard work really payed off when juniors Matt Herme and Joseph Hangana made first team in doubles and senior Stephen Matthews along with junior Giles Hinders made 3rd team. Junior Beau Smedley worked hard, and did his best and made honorable mention. CJ's termis team is looking up at another successful season.

1 Joseph Hangana, 2. Beau Smedley, 3. Giles Hinders, 4. Matt Herne, 5. Andrew Bole, 6. Mr. Brooks, 7. John Buerschen, 8. Giles Hinders

>'I!~l i;;;;;;l

--f "'~

Andrew Bole Oeft) ux:m 6-4, 2-6, 6-4 in the qualifying round for state. He was the third seed at the state meet, where he lost to the number one seed, 7-6,6-4 in htsf!rst round.



1) Nick Michel I 10 concentrates as he prepares to serve up another ace. 2) Chris Honious III puts up a big block. 3) Connor Kaminski I 12 steps up and passes the ball to target. 4) Connor Dowd 110, Kyle Foley Ill, Chris Honious Ill, and Joe Ostendoif 111 watch from the bench. 5) Matt Shimp 110 sets the ball to target. 6) Connor Sullivan I 11 attacks the ball.

Back Row: Coach Ben Rosenbauer, Jack Begley 113, Jacob Porter 112, Trauis Dwire 112, Coach Greg Meyers Middle Row: Blake Wilimitis 112, Thomas Cox 113, Sam Beach , 12

Front Row: Matthew Miles 113, Kyle Foley 11 1 , Donnie Fitzwater 112, Sean Foley 112



Mike Fiekenbrock 110 takes no prisoners as he attacks the ball and puts down another kill in the stat book.

Regional Showdown with Rival Alter After an impressive tournament run last season making it to the State Final Four for the first time in school history, this year's Men's Yolleyball team had high hopes to repeat this great achievement. But with losing five seniors and facing a challenging schedule that pitted them against multiple Division J teams, the Eagles knew that it would take hard work and perseverance to achieve this goal. Coming into the season, it was predicted that it would be a rebuilding year, having only five returning varsity players and a few players new to the game. Setter and senior captain Nick Michel ran the offense along with senior captain Mike Piekenbrock as outside hitter. Senior captain Christian Yolk headed up the defense as libero. Seniors Matt Shimp and newcomer Matthew Menker and juniors Connor Sullivan and Chris Honious all stepped up and played big roles for the team. "We started off strong then hit a rough patch in our schedule when we played Moeller, St. Xavier, St. Edwards, and Centerville , all of Christian Yolk: First Team All Ohio, First whom are ranked in the top five in D-J Team All West Region, First Team volleyball. But we really began to All GCL, Most Outstanding Player- CJ click towards the end of the regular Nick Michel: Second Team All West season, just in time for the Region, First Team All GCL, Most tournament," said Michel. Outstanding Player- CJ The Eagles started the tournament Matthew Menker: Second Team All West off strong, defeating Fenwick, which Region, Second Team All GCL, led them to their third consecutive Newcomer Award- CJ regional championship game, where Mike Piekenbrock: Honorable Mention All they lost a close match to rival Alter. West Region, Second Team All GCL Connor Dowd: Coaches Award- CJ


Back Row: Joe OstemdoIj Ill, Connor Sulliuan 11 1, Chris Honious 11 1, Kyle Foley 11 1, Coach Megan Marrinan Middle Row: Connor Kaminski 112, Mike Fiekenbrock 110, Connor Dowd 110 Front Row: Matthew Menker 110, Christian Yolk 110, MattShimp 110, Nick Michel 110


First Time Champs The Dayton Boat Club crew team medaled at

each regatta they competed at this year. At the Midwest Junior Rowing Championship regatta on May 15 - 16, the varisty four, which included seniors Molly Bruggeman and Ally Flinn and junior Emily Dannemiller, placed first in their race. They moved on to the US Rowing Youth National Championship on June 12 where they placed sixth in the nation. The varsity lightweight boat which included seniors Laken Ethun, Janine Steffan, and Sarah Shanks took twelfth in the


nation. The season was full of many wins for the both the varsity and novice teams. This was a huge

victory for the Dayton Boat Club and all CJ

prepares to dock.



. -~-

----: - .-


. -~--~ --


--- ~


M idwest Junior

Rowing Championships




-~ .

.. <II.... , ...

• Varsity Ughtweights compete at the 201 a Midwest Junior Rowing Championship


Varsity women at the Midwest Junior Rowing Championships.

-.Varsity lightweight rowers: Laken Ethun 'la, Kristin Reitzel, Sarah Shanks '10 and Janine Steffan '10.

Julie Wittmann '10, Sarah Held' 12, Nandini Sriniuasan, Anna Rowland '12, and Keely Ditto '12




hc'mos",n '12, Kateri '12, A,sh.leu SGlttl,,, '13, Julie Wittmann '10, Maggie Switzer '12, Grace Wannemacher, Erin Wilson 'la, and Becky Anthony '10 hold their coxswain Katie Pshang and show their medals.

Varsity Women Molly Bruggeman '10, Erin Wilson '10, Julie Wittmann '10, Maggie Switzer '12, Michaela Pendergrass, Ashley Sottler '13, Kateri OjJJon '12, Kristina Thomspen '12

Molly Bruggeman '10, Ally Flinn '10, Jami Montesano , Kim Reitzel, and Emily OannemjJJer '12 pose with their tiaras and medals.

women's li~~~'~~~~~~ Shanks '10, Janine '10, Laken ,,,nun Kim Reitzel, and coxswain Katie 95 Pshang show off their gold medals

Senior track members Galen Cuny, Jake Miller, Josh Gamer, Dylan Aughe, Lizzy Gleason, and Chris Boddie 2. Erin Warfield' 12 3 Darian Reynolds' 12 4. Dylan Aughe '10. 5. Allie Coleman' 12. 6. Matt Piekenbrock' 10. 7. Rachel Collins' 1 1

Back Row (L to R): Mary Kate Carigg '12, )1=:']=:']' Lizzy Gleason' 10, Kathryn Marshall' 13 , Katheryne Austin' 1 1, Camille Dickens' 12 Middle Row (L to R): Natialie Prince' 12, Erin Warfield' 12, Adi Marx' 12, Tia Jones' 13, DeVanae Mitchell' 13, BryttaniMiller' 12 Front Row (L to R): Monica Buress '11, Collins' 11, Nicolette Johnson' 1 1, Jasmine Williams '11 Floor (L to R): Allie Coleman '12, Cierra Bro'NI1 ~~~:j~~

96 Spring

A Successful Year for

CJ Track The Chaminade Julienne track and field program should be very proud of this year's accomplishments Both the men's and women's team worked very hard this season, putting in long hours and extra practices, but in the end, it all paid off. Lizzie Gleason '10 was not only named GGCL runner of the year 20 10, but also made it to the state competition held on June 5 at the Jesse Owens Memorial Stadium Gleason competed in the 1600 meter race, and with a half lap left, found herself in the lead. In the final 100 meters of the race, Gleason found herself neck in neck with another runner, and ended up coming in 2nd place, 1 1-hundredths of a second behind the 1st place winner. "I didn't expect to be there, I just wanted to get to the podium," says Gleason Cierra Brown '12 joined Gleason at the State competition, finishing 3rd in the 100 hurdles The GGCL also named Cierra Brown' 12, Alexandria Coleman '12 , Camille Dickens' 12, Lizzie Gleason' 10, Devanae Mitchell' 13, Breanna Peterson' 1 1, and Natialie Prince' 12 first team, as well as Rachel Collins' 1 1, Tia Jones' 13, Kathryn Marshall' 13, Emma Meyers' 10, Erin Warfield' 12, Jasmine Williams' 1 1 second team. The GCL named Laron Brown' 1 and Darrien Howard' 13 athletes of the year this year. F1rst team included: Laron Brown '10, Bryan Cain' 1 1, Galen Curry' 10, Aaron Stokes' 1 1, Darian Reynolds' 12, Chris Boddie' 10 , and Darrien Howard' 13 Josh Garner' 1 was named to the second team GCL. Overall, it was a very successful season, one that will be looked upon positively for years to come


BeJJbrook meet.

participates in a relay race.

Back Row (L to R): Tevon Ademu-john' 13, Cameron Rohrer' 13, TYler MccBeath' 12, Darrien Howard' 13 Third Row (L to R): Bryan Cain' 1 1, Jordan Champion' 12, Antv.ran Persons' 13, Ja'mel Sanders' 13, Brandon Payne' 13 Second Row (L to R): Darian Reynolds' 12, Samuel Mullins' 12, Sam Wittman' 13, Tony Yo' 12, Will Bonner' 13, Tyler Coy '12 Front Row (L to R): Josh Garner' 10, Galen Curry' 10, Dylan Au2he '10 , Jake Miller' 10, Chris Boddie' 1


SCOREBOARD Xenia McAuley MCNicholas @ Roger Bacon Wayne Carroll @Fenwick Little Miami Alter @ Carlisle @ Mount Notre Dame Belmont West Carrollton Stivers @Badin Purcell Marian Fairborn @ Carroll Fenwick @Aiter

Talawanda Bellbrook Valley View


Sara Yoder 110

5 t---1~




Front Row Sara Yoder' I 0, Marlena Hoendorf '10, Kiara Henderson '10, Miesha Russell' 1 Middle Row: Sharon Reynolds' 12, April Grierson '1 1, Lyndsey Diggs' 1 1, Seanice Reynolds' 1 I Back Row' Danielle Gerhard-Scott' 13, Emily Mahomey '13, Anne Marie Krug' 13, Hannah Mahomey' 13, Nikki Northem' 13, Maddie Voelki' 13 Coaches: Dee Bowling, Lisa Martin

Sen 1Ors Show their Leadership After Four Years The CJ softball program had three seniors that had been a big part of the program for four years. Kiara Henderson, Marlena Hoendorf, and Sara Yoder were leaders on and off the field. The three seniors which all were captains worked hard on the offseason in the winter to get the team ready for the season This year's softball team was very young The team had four seniors, three juniors, one sophomore, and six freshmen After graduating five seniors last year, the freshmen really had to step up Every game there was at least three freshmen that started Hannah Mahorney '13 and Anne Maria Krug '13 took very big roles and played every inning of every game Having a winning record of 13 and 8 in the regular season, the team got ready for the postseason After beating Bellbrook, the girls made it to sectional finals The softball team had a tough lost to Valley View to end their year. Although they were done, they had two g irls voted to play in the District All Star Game June 8 at West Carrollton Marlena Hoendorf '10 and Sara Yoder' 10 both represented the CJ softball team that day to play with the other Division 2 All Stars in the area.

Varsity Awards April Grierson' 11- Coaches Award Hannah Mahomey '13- Second Team GGCL Kiara Henderson' I 0- Second Team GGCL, Four Year Varsity Player Lyndsey Diggs' 11 - First Team GGCL, Honorable Mention All-Area, Most Valuable Player Marlena Hoendorf' 10- First Team GGCL, Honorable Mention All-Area, Most Valuable Player, Four Year Varsity Player, Voted to play in the District All Star Game Sara Yoder' 10- First Team GGCL, Honorable Mention All-Area, Best Defensive Player, Four Year Varsity Player, Voted to play in the District All Star Game

Thefour captains MaI1ena HoendoIj '1 0, SOm Yoder '10, Lyndsey Diggs' 12, and Kiam Henderson '1 sit with Coach Dee Bowiing before they go help with the KABC C1!nic. gg



B..Q:tl.: i Koehl' 1 1 , 1 1 , Chris P~~'~~~~;:;'A Barhorst' 10, Sam Spees' 12 Back Row: Thomas '12, A dam

Schmidt '1 1, TYler Rohrer' 11 , James Walker' 1 1, Rick Nelson' 1 1, Patrick Raif!' 13, Zach Poelking ' 13 Not Pictured: Dillon Lett '11 : Joe Aron and Head Coach Mike Barhorst

third after rece1u!ng the ban at flrst.


Todd Barhorst' 1 0 gets in his stance to get ready to hit the baJJ.

'13, PoytonHoyes '13, PotJickMcManu5 '12, sal HoJian '12, Dan Smith '12 Middle Bow: W!JJ McKeJuey '12, Cameron Dickens' 12, Aaron Ax! '12, Andy Koch '12,

Dante!. Strteb!ch' 12 Back Bow: Coach Mike Kelly, Nick FJanneIlJ '12, patrick Steffan '13, Dantel Perez' 12



-o ~

'13, and Sam Spees '12 go and line up to shake the other

ream's hand after their game.

Player of the Year Second Year Straight

Erort Bow: Mason Hickey, ),) Ruppert ~ Bow: Mike PiJpeJ, Chris PoeJking Todd Barhorst

Only having three Varsity retumers back for this season, the Eagles had to start new. In his first year as head coach, Mike Barhorst wanted to work hard on the off

season to get his young team ready for their very challenging schech.JJe in the GeL

league. The Eagles had shoes to fill after their GeL player of the year graduated last

year. With a lot of hard work and a lot of hours dedicated to make him and the team better, Todd Baihorst '10 was

honored at the end of the year as GeL player of the year. With a batting average of .508 and three home runs, Todd Barhorst was in the top 4 of the whole GeL with his batting average. Todd also tied the school record with the most triples. Although, the team had a rough year, they still had three players make 1st team GCL North and 2nd team GCL North. A three year starter for the varsity team Chris Poelking '10 still had a good season to end his four years at CJ. Chris only had a earned run average of 2.35 and led the GCL North with 45 strikeouts. Patrick Raiff also had a good year with making 1st team. Mason Hickey '10, Josh Marshall '11, and Sam Spees' 12, all made 2nd team GCL North.

~0 ~0



@ Carroll @ Alter Troy Christian Fenwick Salem Salem McNicholas @Roger Bacon @Greenville @Triad LaSalle


@indian Lake @Badin @Bellbrook Purcell Marian @Dixie Alter Bellbrook Carroll Fenwick Elder @Oakwood


@St.Mary's Stivers Stivers Postseason @Talawanda



'10, '10,

C'ierra Beckham '10 perform a closing song.

stumbles across the stage as the town drunk.

asa Seymour as he looks ouer a contract for the Audrey ll.

102 Spring

Mushnik searches for his new found riches, the Audrey II gobbles him up.

The Audrey II preys on its next uictim, Audrey.

After losing the laue of his life and his ''father'', Seymour sacrifices himself to Audrey ll.

Little Shop of Horrors The spling musical this year was "Little Shop of Horrors", wlitten by Alan Menken. The cast of Little Shop was a vel)' diverse and dedicated group. The lead roles of Seymour and

Audrey were played by Rachel Ruttle 'I 1 and Joe Femeding 'I 1. Their tragic love stOlY is one that captured the hearts and minds of evelYone in the audience. "With each performance, I feel like we did better and better. All of our hard work and practice really paid off," said newcomer to the stage, Josh Landes 'II. There were also many other fresh faces to the stage this spJing, including C'ierra Beckham '10, Jeniece Tucker '10, and Mal)' Haley '12. The new mix of cast made for one of the

greatest performances ever to grace the CJ stage!

B!neh Ndefru '11 awakens from a drunken slumber to participate in a

r::;!;::=-~jm ,USiCal number,

Seymour rushes to help Audrey when she drops thejlower pots, 1 }alana Golson '10 entices Semourto sell her the Audrey II 2. }oshwndes '11 and Mwy Moore '10 perform the jlrst of tUJO dacnes numbers,

The d00-UJOp girls strike a pose,

Seymour prepares Dr. Scrivello's body for the feeding of Audrey II,

The doo-wop girjs and Mr, Musmik J!sten as Audrey 11 becomes famous,


Girls Just Warma Play Ball

Jasmine \lV!JJ!ams '11 carries the baJJ downfleld as TaI]Jn Finley' 1 0 and Asha Gober' 10 foJJow close behind,

The senior girls suffered a disappointing 6-2 loss to the juniors in the annual junior-senior powderpuff game. However, Student Council President, Mollie Buerschen, gave the seniors a chance to redeem themselves. Buerschen proposed the idea of organzing a GGCL North powdeipuff toumament. "I wanted to find a way to bling seniors from the catholic high schools together for a common good." Alter, being the only school to accept the challenge, met the girls at West carrolton Sr. High School Football Field on April 17, 2010. This "Kick-Off For Kids" event was able to raise $420 for the Children's Medical Center. Not only did this event raise money for a good cause , but it gave the girls a chance to accomplish a feat that the boys could not: beating an Alter football team with a

1) Senior quarterback Jackie Newport looks downfleld for an open receiuer, 2) Seniors Teresa Spanel, Sarah Shanks, and Christina Chaba1! put their game faces on. 3) MtJeah Walker' 1 0 and Catherine Pderson '11 coU!de while going after the baJJ.



Senior coach JakeM!JJer strategizes with the team at half time,

The junior defensiue line awaits the snap of the ba11.

First Annual CJ vs. Alter


Plummer loses

her Alter defender, 2) Sierra Gage runs the baU to the sideline. 3) Coach Helms congratulates the team after their u!ctOI1J. 4) The offens!ue J!ne gets set for the snap. 5) The

offense wddJes up to Jearn the next play . 6) Quarterback Jackte Newport prepares to throw the baU down fleld, 7) Kate Bms carries tfr baU fOJ one of her

three touchdowns.

B ack Bow IL to BI: Coach Hams, Coach Chmiel, Senior Coach Jermar Rayford, Mome Buerschen, BrittoJij Euans, Madeline Kaminski, CaroJ!ne PJaspohJ, Bachael BrIdgman, EmyJee Wetzel 2nd Bow: Sara Webb, Sierra Gage, Nice! Dresden , Ml'woa Cronin, Kate Bms, game, Buerschen, runs out on the jleld as her

name Is announced.


rom Senfors Clarke Crawford BobbY' Zldarojf

Jl.Ul1ors Mlcooel sroua// QI1d JazmIn Tate

Juniors Lee HaWs and Lyndsey D1995


Senior Ian Owens and hIs dale

Senior Abbey Kesler and her dare

SenIors Jalesa Arkfnsotl and O'Andre Osbome

Senior ArthotlV MoodV and his dare

Sen!or TQJ)"Itl FltlJey atld her dare

Seniors M o JJI,) Bruggematl and N!ck M!chel.

sen!ors::::~~:~~p atld M;r1 ena

A Masquerade to Remember The elaborate, golden, glittering masks that were handed out to the masses on May 24 as they first entered their 201 0 Prom at the Dayton Convention Center set the tone for the rest of the night - elegant, flashy, and intriguing! The dance floor was alive from start to 108

finish with the energetic spirit of people dancing the night away to the eclectic mix of music thumping from the OJ's booth. As the night began to wind down , Seniors Antwon McIntosh and Bre'auna Brooks were pleased to find out that they had been voted as Prom King and Queen.

Once the dance ended and the dance

floor was deserted, couples piled into their stretch limos and other assorted vehicles and headed to After Prom, hosted at SL Peter. Among the entertainment options available were a mechanical bull, a colossal inflatable slide , and a money-grabbing booth. Spectators could watch the action while chowing down on the complimentary

chocolate fountain and walking tacos. At the end of the night , many prizes were given out, ranging from Target and Chipotle gift cards to a TV and a DVD player. This special night left us with a legacy of enchantment , countless memories to be cherished , and plenty of masks, 109

FreshMan Club

1 12

Student Life

Student Council

Junior Council on World Affairs

Student Council

Junior Council on World Affairs


Art Club

Seniors: Abbey Busse, Veronica Collins, Tyler Dauis, Elizabeth Postigo, Sarah Shanks, Erin Wilson Junior: Maggie Cleary Freshman: Nikki Northern

Freshmen: Gretchen Bruggeman , Clare Geraughty, Shaylynn Green, Libbey Huffman , Anna Kroger, Bridget Neuius , Tyler Pauelka, Jasiris Tapia, Elizabeth Terzian Soohomore: Maragaret Switzer Juniors: Raymmond Hall, Lindsay Richard, Cassie Zehenny Seniors: Becky Anthony, Emily Axt, Molly Bruggeman, Laken Ethun, Ally Flinn, Lizzie Gleason, Mason Hickey, Michelle Martinek, Steuen Pauelka, Jasmine Rogers, Kayla Shelley, Janine Steffan , Anna Stoddard, Ben Trick


Freshmen: Maria Auricchio, Tyler Flohre, Tyler Pauelka, Elizabeth Terzian Juniors: Mike Anderson, Sam Aurricchio, Carmen Brooks, Rebecca Cae, Raymmond Hall , Paul Loage, Cassie Zehenny Seniors: Abbey Busse, Nicci Dresden, Hannah Hampel , 5teuen Pauelka, Dauid Veintimilla

Freshmen: Leah Byrd, Peter Farmer, Kitty Knorreck, Eimile Martin, Carly Meixner, Steue Ramos, Cole Retzloff, A.shley Sattler, Steffany Thompson, Madison Voelkl Soohomores: Ella Brown , Kateri Dillon, Syclnee Dunson , Donald Fitzwater, Hannah Mayer, Elexus Renner, Margaret Switzer Juniors: Anne Backhaus, Rebecca Coe, Ann Freeman, Nick Gauin, Raymmond Hall, Amanda Hall, Michael Knorreck, Alex Lang , Erin Martin, Annie Reuter, Maggie Ryan Seniors: Connor Dowd, Erin Duffy, Taylor Dufresne, Briarma Leddy, Caroline Plaspohl

Sophomore: Tim Flinn Seniors: Dylan Aughe, Abbey BlIsse, Lizzie Gleason, MaTi HaiJu, Cora Harrison, Tim Koob, Meg Lefeld, Elise Marrinan , Mike Noonan, Steuen Pauelka, Lauren Porter, Kayla Shelley, Janine Steffan , Anna Stoddard, Ben Trick

Freshmen: Annemarie Krug, Lydia Schmitt Sophomores: Kateri Dillon, Sara Held, Christine Meadors, Lauren Wells Junior: Rebecca Coe Seniors: Colleen Brooks, Christina Chabali, Thomas Geglein, Cora Harrison, Meg Lefeld, Caroline Meadors, Nick Michel, Steuen Pauelka, Lauren Porter, Teresa Spanel , Sara Yoder

Quiz Bowl

Seniors: Dylan Aughe , Brianna Leddy, Mike Manouich Juniors: Katheryne Austin, John Daugherty, Joe Femeding, Raymmond Hall, Matthew Henne, Giles Hinders, John Henry Hinders, Leui Koehl, Arthur Siwecki, Sam Wittman Sophomores: John Chick, Tim Flinn, John Manouich

National Honor Society



Student Life

Standing: Veronica CoJJ!ns, Rachel Wade, Casey Munn, Caroline Plaspohl, Nick Michel, Marlena Hoendorf, Teresa Spanel, Laura West, Nikkole Woodard. Sitting: Rachael Jancauskas, Rebecca SCheid, Tyler Dauis, Meg Lefeld, Jackie Newport.

What was your most memorable moment in Yearbook?

"My favorite memory is coming back to school to work on the yearbook after graduation." - Meg Lefeld '10

"My favorite memory is when me and Nick started dancing in class and Mr. Mueller joined in!" - Marlena Hoendorf '10

"My favorite memory is when we went to Easterling and had a photo shoot where I got to sit on the motorcycle!" - Nick Michel '10

"My favorite memory is getting caught texting in class every day by Mr. Mueller. (y.Iow.)" - CarolinePlaspohl '10



Connor Douxi, Nick Michel, Joseph Hangana, Teresa Spanel, Emily Jaudon, Casey Munn, MJ..Q..Q.k Kayla Hayes, Chelsea Yokel Angela EmeIY, Front Josselyn WijJ!m!t!s, Lindsay Sraj

I was a little nelVous about going at first because I didn't know what to expect, but I was still looking forward to it. The first day was spent getting to know evel)'one, since Moeller students were there too. The next day , we split off into our small groups and went to different sites for volunteer work. The whole week, we spent our days going to different sites putting up insulation, installing plwnbing pipes, putting up siding, installing blinds, and anything else that needed to be done. We spent our aftemoons hanging out at the retreat center. The last night at Solsberl)' would have to be my favolite memol)'. We all got done at our sites early and went to a local pool. There, we went swimming and had a picnic, then we went to an ice cream shop. Back at the retreat center, we had our final prayer selVice. It was so sad to know that the next day, I would be leaving all the people that I had grown close to in the past five days. The night dim't end after the prayer selVice. Some of the group stayed up until the early hours of the morning talking in the kitchen and enjoying each other's company. We wanted to get evel)'thing we could out of our last night together. It was so sad having to leave the next day, but I'm glad I went through the expelience. Going on a mission trip was one of the highlights of my high school years. I got to use my gifts to help others, meet some really inspiring people, and make friends that I hope to keep for a long time after high school. -Josselyn Willimitis ' 10 (Solsberl)')

Cincinnati We stayed at the brothers house in Cincinnati and did selVice evel)' day with a different organization. One of our favorite memolies was the night we got our groove on Salsa Dancing in Downtown Cincirmati. We were some loco chicas helping the poorl -Bineh Ndefru and Jordan Morlison ' 11 (Cincinnati) Kiersten SOrgent, Ms. Egbers, Maggie Switzer, Mr. Walworth, Dauid Veirtim!JJa, Bineh Ndefru, Jordan Morrison, Cora Harrison, Liz Postigo, Becky AntholllJ

Williamsburg We went to this place called The Wine and Cheese Shop ... the sandwiches were really good and we made some war reenacted friends who were dressed up as sailors. -Bridget McCormick' 12 Williamsburg

Belize My favorite part about going on the Belize Mission trip was building a schoolhouse. We didn't just build a building. We were able to see who this building was benefitting and just how much it meant to

them and would help them. The cool thing about going on this mission trip was that we did selVice, but we had an amazing time hanging out with the kids. It was so much fun to play soccer

with them and to see how much it meant to them to have us there. It's unbeliezeable how incredible the experience was. I LOVE BELIEZE! -KayJa Shelley '10 (Belize) Annie stoddard, KoyJa Shelley, Alicia Gomez

France We went to France last June

Casey Munn, Sara Webb, Beclqj Anothny, AUy FJirY]

and there were only 8 of us from CJ so it was a pretty small group. We stayed mostly aroLU1d Paris and North of France. We went to the Louvre, saw the Eiffel Tour, went on a boat Cruise on the Seine, saw lots of chateaus in the Loire Valle and had a dance party in a cave. We visited Chartres and Notre Dame cathedral and went to Mt. st. Michel- a really cool village built on a rocky island. We also went to

Spain My favorite memolY of Spain was the Barcelona Soccer game. The stadiwn was massive- it was Iidiculous! -Michael.Anderson 'I 1 (Spain) EIQillLindsay Sraj, Cassie ZeherYlY, Lindsay Richard, Chelsea Voelkl, Carmen Brooks, Maggie Cleary, M..t.Q..Qk...Isaiah Morales, S:::lm Aurtcchio, Robbie Hankey, Tyler Rohrer, Josh MarshaJJ, Josh Landes, Michael Anderson, John Henry Hinder, Jack Cox, Mart Henne, Alex Bre{], Corey Fogle, Kyle Shaw, Cody Burke, Adam SChnidt, Giles Hinder

Normandy and a few little coastal towns. By far the best night there was when we were in Tours. EvelY year during the swnmer solstice, all of France had the Fete de la MusiqLIe. Bands set up in restaurants outside in houses and evelYone stays out really late. We got to stay out later that night and just hang out. But, we got to the meeting place to find out our chaperones weren't there. We couldn't find them in the swarms of people so we just decided to all walk back to the hotel. It turned out to be fine and we laughed about it for the rest of the trip. -Becky .Anthony" 10 (France)


retreat group with Junior leader Ke'Darea Young' 1 1 explores how their faith J!u es impact their eueI]Jday J!ues .

.l&l.t A sophomore retreat group tangles themselves in 'The Human Knot" as a fun and exciting ice breaker to help get to know each other better on their retreat based on trust.

'11, Matt Hene '11, and Nick Muhl '11 create their image of God.

120 Life

group express their thoughts on respec t in their J!ues.

'11, Cae '11 rejlect on a mouie they saw which shoUJed them that it is not alwajJS about the destination, more about thejoumey.

smiles for Elizabeth Terzian' 13 on her jlrst high school retreat. Alisha May' 1 1 and Alyce Cole' 1 1 tI]J to hold on for dear life as they do the low ropes course. B.1.Q.bL Tim Flinn' 12 and his classmates J!sten to talks about trust.

Lett: It


1 Ana CueJler '12 guides a classmate on a blind trust walk through the woods of Bergamo as they explore trust in their J!ues. 2. Maggie Ryan '11 and Jarred Jones' 11 talk to their freshmen retreat group about how to respect others, themseJues, and God. 3 . Jonathan M eyer' 12 rejlects on a his retreat, remembering aU the lessons on trust that he leamed.


Jordan Yaney 112, Samantha Wecekesser 112, .Andrew Bole 112, Rodney Gresham 112, senior retreat leader Breonna Simmons 110, and Darione McCleskey 112 enjoy afun group bonding actiuity while at Sophomore Retreat.

Finding God and Finding Ourselves It can be difficult for teens to take time out of their busy and hectic lives, but our freshmen, sophomores, and juniors were eager to take these breaks. From leaming lessons that are "Beyond Respect" and "Trust in Our Lives" to understanding that "It's the Joumey, Not the Destination," CJ's underclassmen leamed a lot about themselves and how God can be an integral part of their lives. Freshmen spent their first high school retreat in various parts of CJ's campus, moving from the auditorium, to the gym, to the chapel, and even to the historic Packard Museum. They discussed how they come into contact with respect in their day to day

A freshman retreat group takes


break from their "Respecfi l discussion to smile for a picture.

lives. Sophomores spent their retreat day at the site of their future Kairos retreat: Bergamo. Here the class of 2012 participated in activities that strengthened their trust levels with their closest friends and complete strangers. The class of 201 1 traveled to Woodland Lakes Retreat Center to understand the important lesson that it's not necessarily about the destination in life, but the joumey that we take in life to get there. Taking a day or two out of their lives may have had some short term consequences with missing school, but the lessons that they leamed will last a lifetime, and they will all build upon each other as they reach their senior retreat: KAlROS!

!.&tJ.:. Kyle Foley' 11 image of God.

molds his

Aboue: Keldarea Young 11 1 and Nicolette Johnson III do an icebreaker before taking on the low ropes course.

A sophomore retreat group does the "Lap Sit" game.


1. Andy Jomantas 2. Antwon McIntosh 3. Caroline Plaspohl 4. Becky Anthony 5. Allison Durden 6. Christopher Poelking 7. Jamar Dunson 8. Dauashawn Parker 9. Brianna Leddy 10. Brooke Place 11. Courtney Wilbur 12. Caroline Meadors 13. D'Andre Osborne 14. Dauid Veintimilla15. Euan Bartley 16. Ashley Pauelka 17. Jaymi Smith 18. Ahmad Mack 19. Laura West 20. Anthony Moody 21. Scott Lambert 22. Samarie Walker 23. Sydney Stidham 24. Asha Gober 25. Bruce King 26. Ben Trick 27. Connor Dowd 28. Alex Bertke 29. Demetria Louelace 30. Jonathan Bibbs 31. Taryn Finley 32. Angel Vestel 33. Erin Duffy 34. Kourtney Lewis 35. Matt Piekenbrock 36. Christian Yolk 37. Cora Harrison 38. Micaela Cronin 39. Ian Owens 40. Erica Lunderman 41. Cathy Parker 42. Matt Vest 43. Ally Flinn 44. Casey Munn 45. Brendan Dillon 46. Steuen Pauelka 47. Colieta Gardner 48. Robert Zidaroff 49. Matthew Menker 50. Desmon Fears 51 . ./\riel Scaccia 52. Gregory Schwab 53. Breonna Simmons 54. Shannon DeWitt 55. Courtney Myers 56. Josselyn Wilimitis



57. Jermar Rayford 58. Laken Ethun 59. Nathaniel Rosenbauer 60. Marlena Hoendorf 61. Emma Meyer 62. Miesha Russell 63. Quinton Greathouse 64. Steffanie Minnifield 65. George Spitzig 66. Julie Wittmann 67. Melissa Sponarski 68. Nicci Dresden 69. Danesa Marshall 70. Michael Stoermer 71. Rachael Bridgman 72. Shannon Walder 73. Rebecca Scheid 74. Katelyn Bills 75. Lauren Porter 76. Charity Pitts 77. Katie BeyogJides 78. Tanisha House 79. Michael Knorreck 80. Jessica Williams 81. Meghan Lefeld 82. Mary Moore 83. Lauren Smith 84. Renecha Dudley 85. Emanuel Jones 86. Elise Marrinan 87. Kiara Henderson 88. Abbey Kester 89. Tara White 00. Justin Ouerman 91. Meredith Baird 92 . .!Vex HandOlj 93. Joanna Kern 94. Kiersten Sargent 95. Jacob Miller 96. Christopher Boddie 97. Teresa Spanel 98. Jerel Ross 99. Trent Arnold 100. Megan PlLU11mer 101. Elizabeth Postigo 102. Brittany Euans 103. Dauid Baumgartner 104. Adina Seabrook 105. Abbey Busse 106. Joshua Garner 107. Rachel Tyson 108. Bre'auna Brooks 109. Nikkole Woodard 110. Emylee Wetzel 111. Emily Axt 1 12. Jacqueline Herzer


11 3 Veronica Collins 114, Tyler Dauis 11 5, C'ierra Beckham 11 6, Chdsey Hopkins 11 7, Chyna Porter 11 8, Hannah Hampel 119, Joe Staley 120, Tony Hall 121 Frank Jgah 122 Rachd Wade 123 Janine S teffan 124, Jeremy Johnson 125, Jon Bonner 126, Sierra Gage 127, Erin Wilson 128, Madeline KQ1Ylinski 129, Tim Koob 130, Matt Shimp 13 1 Michelle Martinek 132 Mike Pi ekmbrock 133 Sara Webb 134, Mike Pyper 135 Jalesa Atkinson 136, Molly Bruggeman 137, JJ Ruppert 138, Jasmine Rogers 139 Dymond Callm 140, Dylan Aughe 141 Chris Emst 142 Sha'Rae Row/and 143 Laurm Clark 144, Quayshaun Uttlejohn 145 Thomas Geglein 146, Elizabeth V anDorpe 147, Todd B arhors t 148, Christina Chabali 149, Joe Scupski 150, Joey S tockelman 15 1 Sam Yoder 152 Mari Hailu 153 Bill McCormick 154, Mike Slayback 155, Taylor Dufresne 156, Aujanae Wilkes 157, Nick Michel 158, Dominique Younger 159, Emily Jaudon 160, Lizzie Gleason 161 Nicky Disbrow 162 Emest Harrison 163 Kayla Shelley 164, Mason Hickey 1 65, Ashley Booker 166, Sarah Shanks 167, Bri ttany Ems t 168, Michael Varcarcd 169, Aaron Perkins 170, Jaria Gray 171 Rachad Jancauskas 172 Jacquelyne Newport 173 Colleen Brooks 174, Jalana Golson 175, Galen Curry 176, .Annie Stoddard



and Nick Michel 2 . .Abbey Kester, Katie Kreitzer 'I 1, and Chelsey Hopkins 3. Jamar Rayford and Thomas Geglein 4. Danesa Marshall and Brendan DjJJon 5. Anthony Curtis


"Kairos was such a powerful experience! It gave me a new perspective of life and was the highlight of my high chaol years! and I et my BFF, Rachel Wadel" - Taryn Finley

Jake MjJJer 2. Dylan Aughe. 3. Quinton Greathouse and C'ierra Beckham 4. Rosette Nsenga and Chris Poelking

5. Erin Duffy and Mike Piekenbrock

"Kairos was amazing! I had such an awesome time growing closer to my small group and fellow classmates. I was very skeptical about going at first, and 1'm definitely glad I did! I encourage everyone to go on it!" - JJ Rupert

"Kairos was absolutely fabulous! I had one of the best experiences of my life, I learned a lot about myself and others, and had a great time!" - Nicky Disbrow

1) senior girls gather together in front of a wateIfa11 at the Franklin Rooseuelt Memor!aJ. 2) Senior girls show off their best outflts outside of the Kennedy Center before the play 'Shear Madness ' 3) Nathan Rosenbauer and Mr, Coluin belt out 'Baby Got Back' for a captiue audience on the night cruise, 4) Taylor Dufresne, Mar! HatJu, Rachel Wade, and Abbey Busse are a11 dressed up in front of the 0, C. skyJ!ne, 5) Rebecca Scheid and Joe Staley wait outside Union station for Keuin the bus dr!uer, 6) Teresa Spanel, TOflj Hajj, Chr!stina Chabali, and Nick Michel stand at attention before they lay the wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,

1) Micaela Cronin and Madeline Kaminski smile for a photo at the new memor!al in of those who died at the Pentagon on September 11th, 2) MichelleMartinek and Chr!stina _ _ _~'-""'''''''''_ __ --' Chabali go souuenir shopping at Union Station 3) Dauid Veintim!JJa, Cedr!c NtwaJ!, and L Romeo Kwihangana look sharp in their formal wear, 4) Taylor Dufresne, Liz Postigo, JuJ!e Wittmann eIlioy the Wuminated night tour of 0, C. 5) Euan Bartley and Er!n Duffy 146 Seniors represent Ohio at the World War II Memor!al,

Run This Town Tonight One hundred members of this year's senior class traveled to Washington, D.C. for the annual senior trip. Tours were taken of the Holocaust Museum , the Lincoln Memorial , the Capitol Building, the VVhite House, and the Newseum, among many others. The group spent their evenings play ing games at the ESPN Zone and attending the play "Shear Madness" at the Kennedy Center.The highlight for many was the night cruise on our very own party y acht on the Potomac River. Students were able to karaoke the night away , healing a lovely rendition of Sir Mixalot's "Baby Gol Back"', pertormed b y Nathan Rosenbauer and Mr. Colvin. Among these other events , four seniors had the honor of being a part of the wreath-lay ing ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National CemetelY. Of the experience , Christina Chabali said, "Laying the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier g ave me chills . It, such an honor and an expertence :nnntIr I will never forgel.;"",,~\':"'!I11~ This awesome week ih our nation's capital was definitely a memorable experience for the seniors who attended and will staV with


, sam Rosenbauer, and Ma tthewMenker button up jar the ESPN Zone.


Rachae/ Jancausk as snap a picture in fWIT of the YklJte House



Strike A Posel Senior dinner dance, a time and place \/\/here high school dances come to an end. A perfect w ay to end senior y ear, eating dinner with all of your friends and enjoying a good s ong here and there. Watching every girl walk into the dance passing MS. Rullolo and th e other teachers, wondering If their dress w as too short started all the evening with a great laugh, As the girls passed with re llef, they would pull out their camer as and get in as many pictures as the y COUld . Senior Mike Steormer talks about h ow m emorable his experien ce was at senior dinner dance. He said, "I wish ev ery CJ dance was l1ke that. PIctures . friends. food .. awards! Whats n ot to l1ke!?" It w as fun to see all the different p eople that won the awards, watching ev eryon e cheer wh en names w ere called, whether the awards were for b est smile o r b est hug . Th e night was coming to a close and the senior s lide sh ow by Connor Dow d w as shown to remember the days wh en w e were Just beginning our Joum ey at C ). A ll our little freshmen pictures w ere in flow, We heard eve rything from the "Oh look how cute" to ÂŤoh gosh that was me?!" It was a great night where numerous hugs were given and some tears were shed, Good luck on all your future endeavors seniors, and ke ep in contact with all your high school friends.



J.&tLMatt Vest' 10 and Andy Jomantas '10 rem!n!se Que! aU the memories from C). B1.illJL Abbey Busse' 10 and Sara Webb' 1 0 anxiously await the ceremonial lighting of their candles . ~Ej!zabeth


'10, Courtney MlJers '10, JuJ!e Wittmann' 1 0, KOjJla Shelley '1 0, Sarah Shanks '10, and Jasmine Rogers '1 0 prepare themseJues to sing "Carry I •

Left: Ian OUJens '10 and Mike Noonan' 1 0 are aU smiles as the class jlame comes closer and ciose! to their candles. Aboue: Dylan Aughe '10, Joey StockeJman '10, Nick Michel. '10, Alex Bertke '10 and Matthew Menke! '10 pose for a picture after Baccalaureate remembering aU the good rimes they had together at CJ, as weil as in grade school.

1) CJ Seniors giue each other the sign of peace, in true Kairos form, at their last mass together as the class of 2010.

2) Mike Pyper' 1 0, Dauid CordorYlier '10, Tyler Dwis '10, Dauid Baumgartner '10, and Lauren Porter '10 hold out their candles as they sing along with the rest of the congregation. 3) Nicci Dresden' 1 0 offers up a pet!tion of lifelong happiness and success for the Class of201O. 4) Paul Sacksteder' 10 proudly holds up his candle for aU to see, letting aU peoples know that the Class of 201 0 is ready to embark on UIe's next great aduenture.

Joanna Kern '10 embrace each other at the sign of peace, hcdding on tight for they know that their time together at Chaminade JuJienne wtu aU too soon run out.

'g ~



ti 8 0 ~

1i sg 1'!


Todd Barhorst, Marlena HoendoIj,

Jackie Newport, Sara Yoder, and TaI]Jn Finey

Michael Knorreck raises his diploma up in celebrat!onl

SOra Webb, CaroJ!ne Plaspohl, Micaela Cronin, and Rebecca Scheid

Miesha RusseJljlxes Jon Bibbs' hat before the Qraduat!on walk

A+ Year Ricky! Gma, Gpa, Mom, Dad, David & Nicki Aaron, I am very proud of you, Love Mom Abbey Busse Class of 20 I 0 Aim High Nick Nolans, Richards, Campbells, Blakes Ainnan Alex Gavin Baron USAF 2007 GradProud Mom God Bless Alyce, Congrats on making Cheerleading! Love Mom Amber Rose Restaw-ant - Go Eagles, Joe Castellano '88 Angela M, Ruffolo Angels Soar v.1th the Eagles MGA Inc, Anthony Williams Attorney Carol J, Holm - Family, Juvenile, Education lAW Best of Luck Anthony, The Family Best of Luck Class of 2010! The SChwab Family Best of Luck Kiera L Fletcher dass of 201 3! Love Mommy Best of Luck Madeline Frances MGA Inc, Best of Luck Matthew! Love Mom & Dad Best of Luck Men's Soccer! The Ruff Family Best of Luck Rachel Wade! The Settich Family Best of Luck Schaudon, Manson Photography Best of Luck TIa Jones 2013, Love Mom & Keith Best Wishes Julian Riley c/o 2013 Love yOlli Family Best v.1shes Steffanie, Love Mom, Dad, Stayde, 2010 Best Wishes TIara, Love Grandma ShIrley Leav, KS Best Wishes, Class of 2010 - The Baumgarmers Bill and Bridget Casey and Family Blessings to Olli Eagles Mike' 10 and Kitty '13 Bouska Family BIian and Julie Dannemiller and Family BIianna, Class of20IO, You are the Best, Love Mom Bl)'an & Molly Bardine Buck RlU1 Doors & Hardware Byrd Family Caleb Barber; Good Luck, Many SUccesses! Love Mom & Frank Can and Carly; We Love You! Grandma & Grandpa Carson Brubaker Family CatheIine Lawler, DDS Family Dentistry Charlene & Bill Wheeler Chenaulte Dancers Chris Axt Residential Painting Chuck & Roberta Allen Chuck Grove - Law Office of the Public Defender Church of the Holy Angels CinQuan Haney and Family CJ Eagles Go Fight Win! Pearn Family Clarita Hollis Clayton R. Luckie Clean City Janitor Service Cleal)' a-eative Portraits Colbert Family Come and see us at ShIloh Barbers Congrats & Best of Luck Jamar DW1Son



Congrats Breonna & The CIO 2012 Congrats Jerel Ross & CJ Class of2010! Love Mom & Dad Congrats Mary Nguyen, Class of 2010! Congrats Mary Nguyen, Class of 2010! Congrats to the cast! Go, Joe! Love, Mom, Dad, daire, & Peter Congratulations and in support of Starla Ellis from Cooper, Gentile & Washington Congratulations Can & Carly! Love Mom and Dad Congratulations Class of 2010! - From the Porter family Congratulations Desmon & Class of 2010! Love Mom & Dad Congratulations Erica! Love, M01lll1Y and Daddy Congratulations Jana Gray 2010 from Jonathan & Jewel Congratulations Jamai Alexander We are all proud of you, Congratulations Joe! Love Mom, Dad, Emily & Danielle Congratulations Michael Varcarcel, Love Mom&Dad Congratulations Mike - May God Guide YOlli Life Congratulations seniors! The Pavelka Family Congratulations to the Class of2010 from EMS

Constables CorradolWhistler Cynthia Pearson & Family D&D Driving SChools; Congrats Seniors! Dan Kosak '59, Mark '86, suzt '87, Steve '93, Sydnee '13 Dark Star Marble and Granite Dave, SUe, and Maggie Ryan Dayton Fellowship Club Inc, Dayton TIre Sales Dayton Vacuum Display Dynamics, Inc, Design.13uJ.l dlServlce Dixon Formal WearlWishing Well E&Es Garage Earl SUtherland & Family EmmeIich Family Englewood Valerol DIive Thru Erin, Love You More, Grandma Schwendetnan Family Dentistry Dr, Bryan Dodd, Beavercreek Finch Rental Inc, For YOlli Health! Stidham Family Frantz Barber Shop FredZoz Audio and Video Recording Gamm Phi Delta SoroIity, Inc, Cavaliers Gal)' & Tanya M, dark Gem City Striderz Skate Club Global Gauge Corporation Go BIidgette - Class of 201 3! Love Emilie, Kate & Anna Go Eagles! - From the Ditro Family Go Eagles! Alice & Maw-een Cox Go Eagles! Go Ashley! Aeon Systems, LLC Go Eagles! st. Rita Catholic Chu-ch Go Eagles! The Johnson Family Go Eagles! The Pavelka Family Go Eagles! John '81, Jackie '83, Lau-en '10, Jacob '12

Go Eagles! Pyper, Alexander & Nordstrom, LLe

Go Eagles! The Mills Family Evan' I I, Emma '13 Go Eagles! Tom, Lois, Cw-t '98, KeIi '03 Ma~

Go Eagles, Erin Warfield '12 Adrian Warfield '00 Go Eagles, God Bless Evel)'one! Go Fred Saucer Go Krista! Ball it up on the COllit, You're an Eagle for life, Go Maria! Go Lady Eagles SOccer! Go Michael 201 I Go Nick! Class of 201 I We are proud of you! The Muhl.'s Go Travis! 201 2! a-alg & The Huber Family God Bless CJ; Mike & Jenny Yoder - Sara '10 & Amy '07 God Bless Michael & Class of 201 3, Love Brenda & Ron Good Cuvilly Program Good Luck Alexandria! Class of 20 I I - Bill Miller Good Luck Anna Roland, Love Mom & Dad Good Luck Brian Jones Good Luck Cameron Dickens - Love, Mom &Dad Good Luck Class of 20 I I Good Luck Class of201 I, Love yaBig Ape, Mom & Dad Good Luck Dava! Love Gama, Dad, AlU1t Sandy & Ghimana Good Luck Eagles - Dahm Bros, Roofing Co Good Luck Eagles - Natural Foods Plus Good Luck Eagles - The Kem Family Good Luck Eagles - The Shaw Family Good Luck Eagles! - Dyer Family Good Luck Eagles! The Skrobot Family Good Luck Elizabeth We Love U! Mom, Dad, Alexis & Popcom Good Luck from Poelking Lanes Good Luck Jacob TIick and the Class of 2012 Good Luck Jeremy, from the Weisenberger Family Good Luck Katie - Class of 20 10, The Beyoglides Family Good Luck Kyle & Sean - YOlli Grammy Eagle Good Luck Lady Eagles Basketball! The Brock Family Good Luck Levi 201 1 Good Luck Mary Moore' 10 Good Luck McKenzie! Love Dad, Mom, Sophie and Ben Good Luck Nicolette Johnson - Love Ya, Mom &Dad Good Luck Quayshatn! I Love You! Mom Good Luck Renecha Dudley Class of 2010Mom, Dad & Reanna Good Luck Sierra We Love You! Papa & Tonya Good Luck TIera Clay and The Class of 201 I!!! Good Luck to Class of 20 13 - Go Eagles! Good Luck, Christina! Love, The Chabali Family Great Job Treyvon Carter Keep up the Good Wcrk

Grub Steak Restaurant I West Carrollton Hairris House of Styles Hammerman, Graf, Hughes & Co CPA's Harold Conner & Family Heidi Clarke LMT Holly Miller, Be my prom date! Love, Shia LaBeouf HomeHelpLink I Peterson Huffman Cottage Rental Indian Lake, Ohio I Made It, Class of '13 - Christian Coleman In Loving MemolY of my Grandfather, Asia Class of 2013 Insurance Works for You! Isaiah, We Love You!!! Mom, Dad and carolyn J.T. Johnson 'II Congratulations Love Mom, Dad, Kelsey Jacqueline Moody, AVON Representative James Deis (1972) and Sharon Deis (Drewing) 1979 Go Eagles! James M. Shepler, DDS Family DentistlY Jeff Davis Insurance Agency Jeff Slayback Jeffrey Eifert '74 Valerie Eifert '12 Joe Logan '61, Mike Logan '59, HVAC Experts Joe, Donna, Sam & Alex '08 Beach Joe's Painting John & Carolyn Krug & Family Judge Frances E. McGee Judith L. Burch Counseling Judo, Jujitsu & Self Defense American KodoKwan Institute Kamal's Gold Center Katherine Reynolds Katie's Hallmark Salem Ave. Keep Pushing Simonne - I Love You, Mom Kenneth A. Coe and Family Kettering-Oakwood Automotive Kim Bramlage King Orthodontics Konrad Kuczak Attorney at Law '61 Kramer's Party Supply KTC Quail Tennis Club Larry, Lenise,Christian & Mitchell Knight Laura and Dan Meixner Leo's II Libby, Nancy & Mike Burton Go Eagles Tennis Linda M. Colas and Family Lovett- Williams Family Magetti Gavin Funeral Home Manovich Family Manson Family Maria Cristina Tapia Marlyn Jewelers - Family Owned Since 1948 Marrinan Family Mary Burns McManus Family Mike '64, Marie, Bridget '09, Patrick '12 Meg and Robin Begley Meyer Financial Management LLC Michael & Patricia McGarry Michael Darden Family Michael V. Leibold Sr. Mike, Maja, Caitlin, and Jacob FlannelY Mo and Kay Spees Monica L. Newby, D.D.S., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Kolvek

Mr. and Mrs. Chrisopher W. Carrigg Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Sims III 1 l\1s. Betsy Friedlander Munyakazi Family Muskopf Senior Portraits Nancy Egbers Nancy J. Smith D.O. Norman and Michelle Bush and Family One More Soul Our Stars, David '10 & Christine '13 - The Baumgartner's P.J. - U.R my heart and sunshine. Always be your best! U.RL. Mom Parents Advancing Choice in Education (PACE) Paul Moody, Real Living Realtor Percy L. Frasier, M.D. Poelking Lanes 299-5573 Pr oTree Trim Service - Call Lee 609-8831 Pro Vita Advisors Proforma CNR Marketing - Ron Muzechuk Class of '70 RL. Fender Construction Co. Inc. Ramirez Razauskas Retina Physicians & Surgeons Rhonda Bass, N.P., Inc. Riazzi Family Richard Mitchell Painting Richard, Cindy, Alyssa & Ashley Pavelka Ritter's Frozen Custard - Kettering ROBBMusic Robert Brinkman Family Robert L. Davis Jr., D.D.s. General DentistlY Robert L. Shumaker Family Rod, Laura, Giles & John HenlY Hinders Go Eagles! ROG's Barbershop 3974 Salem Ave. (937) 274-ROG1 RPM Property Management Schmitt Family SCLC Scott Family Scott, catie, Zak, and Mikaela Hadaway Shimp Family Allison 2008, Matt 2010 St. Rita Catholic School Steffan Family Steve, Linda & Katelyn Berberich Stewart and Marylnn Goldfarb Strategy3lnc. Stuart & Amy Meyers & Family T&F Athletes: Great Records. Go Far! Taft, Stettinius & Hollister Taylor TCES - Engineering Services Teachers Pet supports Jordon Morrison all the way TerlY L. Lewis, Attorney at Law The Anderson Family The Anthony Family The Bailey Family The Baird - Proulx Family The Baird-Proube Family The Bonner Family The Chick Family The Cobble Family The Coleman Family

The Dannin Family The Daugherty Family The DeVoiselBratchette Family The Eisenhauer Family The Fan Family The Hallinan Family The Howard Family The Kroger Family The Lee Family The Lumpkin's - Loving Family of Wesley Lumpkin Go CJ The Martin Family The Marx Family The Noonan Family The Peerless Group The Pine Club The Rented Pencil@62(}-8132 The Sargent Family The Stockelman's The Stoddard Family The Stoermer Family Congratulates the Class of 2010 The Striebich Family The Vest Family The Wells Family - Lauren '12 & Jake '13 The Yaney's - Jeff, Jodi, Jenna '06, Jessica '09, Jordan '12 This ad got me free babysitting from Sean Foley Tim & Ann Marie McCormick Family Tim and Mary Ellen Dillon Tim Horton's - Huber Heights Tony Boddie Sr. and Family Tracy & Leilani Myers Tremayne, Keep up the Great Work, Love Mom, R-Jay & Vicki Truman L. Martin, D.D.S. twitter/putyocityon U-Learn Academy - ReadingJMath Tutoring Unity Real Estate University of Dayton - Residence Education Vincent Monico W.E. Bilbey General Contractor Wade Family Walder, Bonner, Ford, Yeldell, and Adams Families Way to go Jalana, Love Mom and Chris We are proud of you Galen, Love Mom, Dad, Angel & Trace We Love You Ahmad Brown '12! Love Mom, dad, Ahliya & Ahkeem We love you Ella! May God bless you in all that you do. We Love You Paige - Mom & Dad We love you Weezy! Mom & Dad We're Proud of you Brendan! Mom & Dad Wessley, Kathy, Mallory & Raymmond Hall William Pittman Office Graphics You look toward your future in life. Brittany, good luck and keep smiling, Your Family Young's Charity Ice Cream Bike Ride


Good Luck Madeline & Micaela!

We are proud of all that

you accomplished.

Much love from your parents ... Doug & Connie and Dave &Joanne Forget your opponents; always play against par. -Sam Snead

3 Generations ... It's a beautiful thing! Dorothy Kell hofer Brooks '33 Ed Regan ' 40

Dorothy Minniman Regan '44 Peg Regan ' 73 Co11ee n Brooks ' I 0 Carm en Brooks ' II

Cassie Zehenny ' I I


Congratulations Nick and the Class of 201 01 We are 50 proud ofyou and how faryou have comel Love, Dad '64. Mom. Amy '8&. Shelley '91, Jeff '94. AngiB'96 "I guess the atmosphere that live tried to create here Is that 11m afriend first and a170ss second, and prol7al7ly an entertainer third."-Michael Scott




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Bunkers Sports Bar and Grill ,,\l) ,

I 1,1

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Congratulations Joseph &'91& (,70..,.. ,0/'2010 • We re very proud of

Mom Chns Megan Nethan

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Congratulations! We love you

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We are very proud of you all and your accomplishments. Remember .. ..

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Go CJ Eagles


Three Generations

of gPorter" Graduates! GeDe (CHS) '48 Mark '76 Jim '79 Jeanne '82 Joanne '85 Sarah '05 '12

Mary Jo (lHS) '72 '77 Marty JohD '81 Jackie '83 Matt '03 Lauren '10 Jacob '12

Welcome to CJ Clare Geraghty, Class of 2013! From Your Family: Geraghty Edward '47 Ed & Maureen '77, '78 Mary '78 Peggy '8D Mike '81 Dad '83 John '87

Sayer William & Winifred '43 Kathleen '68 Ann '69 Bill & Barbaran TIm & Cathy '78 Margie '79 Mom'82

WeAre Marshall pool ~o~rl '46 Chominod~ ~ulh '57Julil'lm~ John '86 C) pr~~nl

l(olhryn '13 fulufll 'Ilovid '15, William '19, Carolyn '21

Go Eagles!

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EAGLES! Compliments of

Zumwald &: Company strategy I internal communications external communications I speechwrlting

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Sheridan Zumwald CJ ' 12 Marin Zumwo/d CJ ' 14

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ALPHA&OMEGA BUILDING SERVICES lill Cl.lfiRl~" llllffiUl:, OK ,lilt

Alpha &Omega BuildingServices is a full service ianitorial and facility maintenancecompany From ,. Btsinnilg 10 Congratulations Emylee We are all very Proud

n.. fJ 0I)\!Uf Foc~ MointtIlCln(f SoMonl

llil p!VI'>lf lC,,'ieu 10. wi&! "''''101 kaw_ • Sch:dI · lrWIII~ · ~ rwJiIg '$roll [' f l l f~ hcqli..:lIIICtll_ Sen", U kl"nl'" .1.11,i d.lyu """~

Lov. Mom, Dad & Amy

EdlClUonl1 FlclllUu' AIlIU Ind Stl4luml' CUlTUrel,I' Iidullill

John M. Gorman Co., Inc. P.o. BOX 11141 NORllIRIDGE STATION ~KEENANAVl' OAYTON,OH41411 TElfPHOIlf: IJ1nTUlJ6

GOOD LUCK EAGLES! Mike'61' Pat1y (JHS) '63 ' TIm'65 Denny '66 ,Janie ISJHSl'66 Terry '69, Bridget jJHSl72 Michelle '87 ,Jeff '89 ,Jill '92 Colleen '93 •Jude '95 •Anne '96 Julie '98 . Denny '98. Maria '99 John Patrick '01


MARLENA HOENDORF!! Continue to lead the way! Bless you in all that you do, Marlena!!!

CJ Women's Crew




Congratulationslaken! Best wishes lor the future. We are very proud olyou! Dad, Mom, Meredit h, Jared, Justin, Lindsey and Brandon

DAYJQN 299-5573 CENTERVILLE 435-3855


Precious Blood Athletic Association

The Precious Blood Athletic Board would like to COllgratulate the followillg fonller Precious Blood studellt athlete's 1I0W attelldillg Chamillade Juliellnd High School. Thank You for your athletic dedication & commitment as former studellt athletes.

Ollce again, you've provell yourselves to be winllers in the classroom alld in the commullities we serve. Best Wishes & Future Success to All! Daniel Barhorst Todd Barhorst J01lathall Bibbs Alldrew Bole JUStill Clark Quilln Corrado Cameroll Dickells Camille Dickens Gregory Evalls

Aaron Lasalle Quayshaun Littlejohll Tyler Pavelka Aaroll Perkills Jacob Porter Madison Rosettbauer Nathan Rosenbauer Lydia Schmitt Harrison Smith

P.J. Stephens Blake Sutherland Sahara Woodruff


Dr. Ross Shira and Staff Wish the Chaminade-Julienne Eagles


Congratulations, Emily!

Class of20IO It's been ajoy and a blessing to watch you grow and blossom into the wonderful young woman you have become. We are so proud of you!

Three (;el/eratiolls







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W,,'re as surprised as you

(only kidding) Our congratulations and Kenny, Denny, Lisa & John

CONGRATULATIONS GEORGE SPITZIG CLASS OF 2010 We're proud of you George! With love, Dad & Mom Kenny, Denny, Lisa & John

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. - (Ralph Waldo Emerson)






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Bless you, Proud of you Mom; Aunt Robin

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We are very proud of you Love, Your Family

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D'm B~ockm<ln '64 Gail (Kuritar) Brockman '69 Christine (Brockman) Evans '86 nna Marie (Brockman) Zukley '92 Jeanine (Brockman) Pa,,1 '94 Philip Brockman '95

Congratulations Mallory Hall & all of the 2010 graduates We are very proud of VIJ"L


Love Dad, Mom, Kaneesha, Jeff, Geoffrey, Raymmond, Wess & Wonda

hat's NextZ cOJ!.

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God Bless Yo u Jeremiah in all that you do! We love yo u! Grandma &. Grandpa, Mamaw, Mom &. J elf





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Go Eagles!



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"If what you did yesterday seems big, you haven't done anything today,"

Congratulations William McKelvey

Itt, ~.

Lou Holtz


Congratulations 2010 Graduates!


Class of 2013 Go Eagles Baseball Love, Sarah Willhelm Greathouse '93

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Immaculate Conception School

From the Falcons to the Eagles have a great year in the classroom and on the playing field!

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Congratulations Kayla and Todd! We love you and we are so proud of you . Good Luck.

Dad , Mom, Colleen '12, Kristin '17 Mom '85, Daniel '12, Mark '17


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Good Luck!

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$ arah and the qla,,6 of 20 1 0 Love, and Molly




Clarzryg u77lf:; em/{) new ot(9Znnzryg

OO?l26fcftom ,fome olilel ot(9Znnzryg',f end'. ..

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