Julienne High School Yearbook 1964

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1964 MONOGRAM STAFF EDITORS Kathleen Grieshop Mary Russell Judith Sloan Margaret Finke Mary Jane Trey

Jane Ryder A nita Binkert Elaine Kelly Josephine Thacker Dianna Verrett



A view of the city of Dayton from the Art Institute hill--1849-1859.



Notre Dame Academy--1898 .

• 1849 Five Notre Dame sisters journeyed two days from Cincinnati to Dayton by canal boat to make the first foundation. • 1886 A permanent academy was opened, well known for its e xcellent music department and stress on the art of needlework. • 1899 The Golden Jubilee was celebrated in Dayton. On this occasion the Rev. M. P. Neville, a former chaplain ofthe Notre Dame Academy said: "An institution in which is cradled all that is best in pure womanhood, and where development of the mind and heart go hand in hand. Seeds sown in poverty, hardship, and deprivation have brought forth abundant harvests, and its ennobling influence now encircle s the entire city. " • 1964 The seventy -fifth graduating class became part of history. 3

Every school has its own distinctions and its own excellence. These are reflected in its history) life) spirit and traditions.

Julienne High School--1964


The modem skyline of Dayton

This is Julienne, where we walk in the ways

of a great tradition.




















Patrons and Ads

Our Lady of Julienne--Sisters' Chapel 6


THE FACULTY To the fac ulty of Juli enne High School, to the priests, the lay teachers, and especially to the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, we owe a debt which can never be repaid. Our education' our physical, mental, and spiritual development' our futures -how carefully they have fostered them over the years! Sr. Rose Anna, S.N.D.--Principal

Rev . John Seaman, Chaplain and head of Religion Department; Rev. Lawrence Wessel, religion instructor

Sr. Blandine, S.N.D.--Superior


BACK ROW: Sr. Anna Marie--Art; Mrs. Broerman--Gen . Science, English; Sr . Theresa- - English; Mrs. Duffy--Mathematics; Mrs. Didier-- World History; Miss Gysbers--Singing; Sr. Ann Louise- -Social Studies, Religion; Mrs. Noonan--Social Studies; Sr. Francis Xavier--Spanish; FRONT ROW: Mrs. Naughton-Business; Sr. Juli ana- - Religion, Biology; Sr. Martha - - Mathemat ics; Sr . Mary Victor - -Physics, Che mistry; Sr. Ann Christopher--Social Studies; Sr . Mary Leo--Chemistry, Math; Sr. Helen Therese--Social Studies


THE FACULTr What is more important' we gratefully acknowledge them as the exemplars of our high school years and the type of adults we hope to become.

Mrs. Ross and Miss McMahon--Office Personnel


BACK ROW: Mrs. Hinkle--Social Studies, English; Sr. Genevieve Marie--Latin, English; Sr. Loyola Marie-Music; Sr. Julia Frances--Latin, Mathematics; FRONT ROW: Sr. Mildred Julie--Religion, Music; Sr. Francis Margaret--French, English; Miss George--Home Economics; Sr. Elise--Business路; Sr. Olivia--Social Studies.

BACK ROW: Miss Stabler--Clothing; Sr. Cassilda, S.H.--Music; Sr . Jeanne Therese--Religion, Journalism; Miss Dickson--Biology; Miss Meyer--Religion, English; Miss Webster--Health, Physical Education; FRONT ROW: Sr. Ann Lucille - -Religion, English; Sr. Joseph Marian--Latin, French; Miss Vietor--Health, Physical Education; Sr. Gertrude--Social Studies, English; Miss Fugikawa--Mathematics; Sr . Cecilia, S.H.--Religion, Spanish; Sr. Margaret Ann--Religion, Eng lish .



THE SENIORS solemnity of our Ring Ceremony, the gaiety of the Senior Picnic, the challenge of the Senior Play, and the inspiration of the May Crowning. So it is with a feeling of pride and a thankful prayer, that we leave behind our hopes for the future of Julienne. As we go, we keep with us the echoes of our songs and our laughter, so much a part of the spirit of the Class of '64, to live with us in the years to corpe.

Standing at the threshold to womanhood, we, the seniors of 1964, not only anticipate our future, but also look back to the years so vital in the formation of our Christian character. We are grateful to Julienne for the excellent education it has afforded us, and for the high ideals it has fostered within each of us. Having been a part of the spirit and traditions of Julienne, we can recall the

SUZANNE EISMANN Class Pres . 4; Class See'y 3; Sodality 1,2; G.A.A. 1,2.

AMELIA BENNETT Class V-Pres . 4; Class Pres . 3; G.A.A. 2,3,4; F.N.C. 3.

VIRGINIA CHMIEL Class Treas. 4; Sodality 2,3,4; H.R. Pres. 2; C.S.M.C. Rep. 3 .


OF 1964


MARJORIE SMELSTOR Class See'y 4; Monogram Ass. Editor 4; Sodality 1,2,3,4; Yearbook Staff 4.

PAMELA ABREY N .F.L. 3; Bowling 2,4; Senior Play Com.

MARGARET AGNEW F.N.C. 3; Senior Play Cast; Bowling T e am 2; Candy Striper 3.

DOLORES ALMASY F.N.C. 3,4; Pe rf. Attend. 1.

DIANE ANDERSON Student Council 2; Glee Club 2,3,4; Red Cross Pres . 3; G.A.A . 1,2,3.

LINDA AUGAITIS H.R. Pres. 3; Yearbook Staff 4 ; C.S .M .C. Rep . 1,2; Jr . Prom Com. 3.

SHARON BACCUS Perf . Attend. 1,3; Red Cross 4; C.S.M.C . 4.

CHA RLENE BAILEY Isotopians 3,4; Music Honor Roll 1,2,3,4 .



SUSAN BARNHART F.N.C. 3; Corridor Capt . 2,3,4; G.A.A. 1,2; Sodality 1.


of 1964

GWENDOLYN BENJAMIN Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; H.R . Pr es. 1; Glee Club 2,3; N .F.L. 1,2.

ANITA BINKERT N.F.L. 1,2,3, Treas . 3; Ye arbook 4 ; Glee Club 2,3; Senior Play.

SUZANNE BEECROFT N.F .L. 2,3, Point. 4; J.C.O.W .A. 3, Pres . 4; Honor Roll 2,3,4; C.T. Reporte r 4.

JILL BEHRINGER Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; F.N .C. 3; G .A.A . 1, 2.

We "leaves" behind

SARA BETHEL Gle e Club 3,4; G.A.A. 1; F.N.C . 3,4; Cand y Stripers 3,4.

SUSAN BEHRINGER F.N.C. 3,4; F.T.A. 2; Perf. Attend. 1; G.A.A. 1.



CONSTANCE BOLL F.N.C. 3; Perf. Attend. 1,2 .


MARY BLUMENSTOCK H.R. Pres. 1; G .A.A. 1; Sacred Heart Rep. 1; Mission Day Com.

BEVERLY BRAUN F.N.C. 3,4; G.A.A. 1; Senior Class Play; Red Cross Rep. 3.

l KAREN BRENBERGER all our memories.

JANET BOHAC H .R . Pres. 1,4; Student Council Rep . 2; G.A.A. 1,2; Glee Club 2,3,4.

SUSAN BOHARDT Yearbook 4; G.A.A. 1,2; F.N.C . 3; Red Cross Rep . 1.

COLLEEN BRENNAN F.T.A. 2,3; J.C.O.W.A. 4; H.R. Sec'y 4.



CHERYL BRINKMAN G.A.A. 1,2,3; Corridor Capt. 3,4; Yearbook Rep . 1; Prom Com . 3.

MARGARET BRINKMAN Jr . Song Com. 3; Hall Guard 4; Sr. Song Com. 4; Corridor Capt. 3,4.

PATRICIA BRINKMAN Drill Team 1; Perf. Attend. 2; Bowling 1; Corridor Capt. 3.

PATRICIA BROGAN Student Council Rep . 1,2; Sodality 1; G.A.A . 1; F.N.C. 3.

NANCY BROOKS Student Council Rep. 1; G.A.A. 1,2; Music Honor 3; School Service 1,2,3,4.

NANCY BROWN Monogram Staff 4; Student Council Rep . 1,2; H.R. See'y 3.



MARGARET BROWNE H.R. Treas. 4; J.C.O.W.A. 3,4; Sr. Play Com.

J BONNIE BROWNSBERGER N .F.L. 1,2; Sr. Play; Corridor Capt. 3,4 .

MARIE BRUNO Red Cross Council 4; G.A.A. 1,2 ,3,4; F.N.C. 3,4; School Service .

CAROL BUDDE Silver Medal, Piano 2; Yearbook Staff 4; F.T.A . V-Pres. 4; N.F.L. 2,3,4.

JANE BUECHELE F.N.C. 3,4; Sodality 1,2; G .A.A. 1,2,3,4; Student Council Rep. 4.

JACQUELINE BURGER Glee Club 3,4; Yearbook 4; Corridor Capt. 3.

MARY BURNS Sodality 1,2,3,4; Science Club 3,4; Glee Club 2,3,4; H.R. Pres . 4.

SHARON BUTZ F.T.A. 2,3,4; G.A.A. 2,3,4; Sodality 3; Biology Award 1.

ANGELA BUSH H.R. V-Pres. 4; Sr. Play; Jr. Prom Com.; H.R. Treas. 3.

J 15

PATRICIA CALLAN Cayoda Council 1,3,4; J.C.O.W.A. 2; Corridor Capt. 3; Perf. Attend. 2,3.

KA THLEEN COMER KATHERINE CONDON Bowling 3,4; Red Cross Glee Club 2,3,4; H. Rep. 2; Glee Club 3; Jr. Treas. 3; G .A.A. 1,2,3 Dance Comm. Sacred Heart Rep. 1.

LORETTA CERMEL Y N .F.L. 1,2,3, Sec'y 4; Class Play 2,4; G .A.A. 1,2 , 3,4; F.N.C. 3,4.

HELEN CLARK C.S.M.C. 1,2,3,4; C.H.S. News 4; Corridor Capt. 4.

SHARON CONNERS SHARON COUVION H.R. Vice-Po 1,3; G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; Corrie J.C.O.W.A.2;RedCross 2. Capt. 4; Hall Guard Dance Com . 2,4 .

SARAH CLEMENTS Student Council Rep. 1; C .S.M.C . Rep. 3; G.A.A. 1,2,3; H.R. Vice-Po 4.

A little bit of genius , a few chemicals, a tau of impishness, and . . . poof! ! 16

CONSTANCE DALEY H.R. See'y 1; H.R . VPres. 2; Bowling 1, Mission Day Com. 2,3.

R. ,4;

LINDA COX Pe rf. Attend. 3; Corridor Capt . 1; Senior Play Com. 4.

LOUISE CRAMER Corridor Capt . 2; Monogram 4; Hall Guard 4; Missi on Day Com. 3. NANCY DAVID Monogram 4; S .H. Rep . 3; F.N.C.3.

lor 4;

JANET DAVIS N.F.L. 2,3,4; Student Council Rep. 2; Red Cross V - Pres. 4; Glee Club 2,3,4.

ELAINE CREAGER MARY CUNNINGHAM F. N.C. 3,4; G.A.A. 1,2; F.T.A . 3,4; G.A.A. 1,2; Student Council Rep. 2; Sodality 1, 2 . Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

SUZANNE DE ALOIA Senior Play 4; Student Council Rep. 3; H . R. Treas. 2; Prom Com . 3 .


But Amy, orange and purple clash!



MARY ANN DINEEN Class V-Pres . 3; H.R. Pres. 4; Glee Club 2, Pres. 3,4.

ELAINE DE MAREY G .A.A . 1,2,4; N.F .L. 3; F.N . C . 3.

DIANE DOLL F.T.A. 2; Glee Club 2,3,4; H.R. Secly 1; G.A .A. 1,2 ,3.

KATHLEEN DICKMAN F.N.C . 3, Treas . 4; H.R. Of- . ficer 3,4; G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; Prom Com. 3.

CAREN DONCASTER Glee Club 3,4; Song Com. 4; Yearbook 4; Drill Team 1,2 .

THERESA DIETZ Sodality 1; G.A.A. 1,2; Senior Class Play 4; F.T.A. 2.

MARGUERITE DONNELLAN N.F.L. 1,3; G.A.A . 1,2; Soph. Play 2; Yearbook 2,4.



GAIL DOORLEY G.A.A. 1,2; Red Cross 3; Corridor Capt . 4.

ASTA DYSAS N .F.L. 1,2,3; F.N.C. 3; Glee Club 2,3; Isotopi ans 3.

DlANEDUDON Glee Club 2,3; School Service 2; Corridor Capt. 2; Prom Com. 3.

LEEDA ECK G .A.A. 1; H.R. Pres. 4; H.R. V.-Pres. 2; Yearbook 3 .

DIANE DUES Song Com. 4.

ELIZABETH ECKERT J.C.O.W.A. Sec . 4; Isotopians 4; Glee Club 2; Drill Team 1,2.

MAR THA DUNCAN G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; J . C.O.W.A. 4; Student Council Rep. 3; Perf.

Attend. 1,2.

BARBARA EDWARDS H.R. Pres. 3,4; F.N.C. 3,4; 3,4; Senior Class Play; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.


.~ CONSTANCE EIFERT C .S.M.C. Sec. 4; Class Play 4; Gle e Club 2,3,4; Honor Roll 1,2 ,3,4.

JOANNE EISENHAUER F.N.C. 3,4; C.S.M.C. 1,2,3,4; G.A.A. 1,2; School Service 1,2,3,4 .

CAROL EMMETT H.R. Pres. 4; G.A.A. 1,2,3; F.N.C. 4; Drill Te a m 1,2.

MADELYN ESKEN H.R. Treas. 1; G.A.A. 1; F.N.C. 3; Class Play 1.

GAIL EVISTON Class Play 4; Yearbook 4; Glee Club 2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4 .

PHYLLIS FEDERSPIEL Glee Club 2; Drill Team 2; N .F.L. 3.

MAR Y BETH FENELON G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; F.N.C . 3.


MARGARET FINKE Yearbook Business Ed. 4; Student Council Rep. 4; N.F.L. 2; Sodality 1,2.

NANCY FISCHER C.S.M.C. Rep. 2; Isotopians 3; Pres. 4; Sodality 1,4; Honor Roll 1,2.

VIRGINIA FISHER N.F.L. 1; Sacred Heart 1,2,3,4; F.N.C. 4; Senior Play 4.

JOAN FOLLIC K Student Council Board 1; Student Council Rep. 1; G.A.A. 3; School Service 2 .

CAROLYN FORTMAN F.N.C . 3, Pres. 4; Yearbook 4; G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; Tennis 3,4 .

VICKI FRAZER Student Council 2,3, Treas. 4; F. T.A. 2,3; Glee Club 2; G.A.A. 1,2,3,4 .

JUDITH FUSSNER Glee Club 2,3,4; Jr . Song Com. 3; Sr. Farewell 3; Sr. Song Com. 4 .

SUZANNE GASPER C.S.M.C. 1,2,3,4; N.F.L. 2; C.S.M.C. V-Pres. 4; Sodality 1,2,3.


DOROTHY GEBHART H . R. Pres. 1; Corridor Capt. 3; Hall Guard 4; Monogram 4.

CAROL GLASS N.F.L. 1,2,3,4; H.R . Sec' y 3 ; Monogram 3; Yearbook St aff 4 . JO ANN GERRITZEN G.A.A. 1,2; Art Award 3; Sr. Play 4; Candy Striper 3,4. ROSALYN GEORGE Corridor C apt . 3,4; G.A.A. 1; Sacred Heart Rep. 2; H.R. Sec'y 4.

JANE GMAZ F.N.C. 3,4; G.A .A. 1,2,3; N .F.L. 1,2,3,4; Monogram 3, Co-ed, 4.

MARGARET GOTTSCHALL G.A.A. 1,2, 3,4; Monogram 4 ; Ye arbook 4; Sodality 1,2 .

MARSHA GRAESER F.N.C. 3,4; F.A.A. 1,2; Gingham Girl 3,4; H . R. Off. 1.

ROSEMARY GRAY Cheerle ader 3,4; Stud ent Council Off. 4; G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; Class Pla y 4.

KAREN GRESS G.A.A. V. Pres. 4; H.G. 3,4; G.A.A. Rep . 2; Typing Award 3.


KA THLEEN GRIESHOP Sodality 1,2,3 Sec. 4; Yearbook Ed.-in-Chief4; N.F.L. 2,3; National Merit Final. 4 .

, CASSANDRA GROOMS N.O.M.A. Award 3; Red Cross 1,2,3. ELIZABETH GROSS G .A.A. 1,2,3,4; H.R. Pres. 3; F.T .A. 2,4 V-Pres. 3; Sr. Play Com.

DIANNE GUDORF G.A;A. 3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; N.F.L. 2; H.R. VPres . 3.

VICTORIA GULLEY Monogram 4; Yearbook 4; Sr . Play Com. 4; H.R. Treas. 1. CHRISTINE HALEY Student Council 4; F.N. C. 3; Sodality 1; Class Play 4.

DEIDRE HALL Music Certificate 3; Student Council Rep. 2; Honor Roll 2,3,4; H.R. Treas. 4.

JUDITH HALEY Student Council 2,3,4; G.A.A. 1,2 ; Monogram 4; Prom Com. 3.


KAREN HALL Glee Club 2,3,4; Sodality 1,2; G.A.A. 1,2,3; Corridor Capt. 3,4.

CAROL ANN HA RRIS G.A.A. 2,3,4; Senior Play Cast 4; S.H.L. 2; Sodality 2.

SUSAN HART Senior Play cast 4; G.A.A . 1,2; Glee Club 2,3; Monogram Staff 4.

SUSAN HALL G.A.A. 2; S.H.L. 3; Latin Award 2; Bowling League 1,2,3.

ALaNA HAMRICK G.A.A. 3,4; Monogram 4; 4-H Achievement Award 3.

We don't make them,

JA YNE HELMIG IRENE HARTINGS Monogram 3; F.T.A.2,3; Sodality 2; Red Cross 4; Latin Award 2; Biology N.F.L. 1,2,3; H.R. Pres. 2. Award 1.

KRIS TIE HANSON Sodality 3,4; C.S.M.C. Board 4; Isotopians 4; Latin Award 3.

BETTY ANN HEYNE Sodality 1,2,3,4; Debate 2,3,4; Student Council Off. 4; F.T.A. 2,3.

JANE HERGO DONNA HENRY Sen. Play Com . 4; Honor H.R. Sec . 4; Typing Award Roll 1,2,3,4; Dis, State 3; Shorthand Award 3; Scholarship 3 . Honor Roll 2,3,4. KATHLEEN HIGGINS J . C.O.W.A. 2; Carr. Capt. 4; Play Com. 2.

DIANNE HINES Sodality 1; Prom Com. 3; Bowling 3; Class Play 4.

just collect them.

MARCIA HESS J.C.O.W.A. 4 Treas. 3; F.T.A. 4; H.R . Pres. 3; 3; Yearbook 4.

SHARON HESS Red Cross 1; G.A .A. 1,2, 3,4; School Service 1,2, 3,4 .

CLAUDIA HOLTZCLAW Sodality 1,2,3,4; F. T .A. 3,4; N.F.L. 1,2,3,4; Red Cross 1,2,3,4.


DIANE HOLYCROSS G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; Sacred Heart Rep . 1; G.A.A. Rep. 2; Tennis Team 3,4.


PATRICIA HOPKINS Mission Day Com. 2; Bowling Team 3.

MARILYN HOYING H.R. V.-Pres. 1; H.R. Secly 2; Drill T eam 1,2; Student Council Rep . 4.

LINDA HUBER G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; Monogram Staff 4; Glee Club 2,3,4; G.A.A. Rep. 1,4.

PATRICIA HUGHES Senior Play Cast 4; H . R. Officer 2; C.S.M.C. Rep. 1; G.A.A. 1,2,3,4.

ROBERTA HUNTER Voice of Democ. 4; Honor Roll 4; G .A.A. 1; Corridor Capt. 2,3.

MARLENE HURWITZ Glee Club 3,4; Drill Team 1,2; Monogram 4; Candy Striper 1,2,3.

BARBARA HUTZEL J.C.O.W .A. 4; Sodality 1; Perf. Attend. 1,2,3,4; School Service 1,2,3,4 .



JACQUELINE HYLAND N.F .L. 2; C.S.M.C. Rep. 2,3; Student Council Rep . 4; Sacred Heart Rep. 1.

BARBARA HYLE Sodality 3,4; Monogram 4; G .A.A. 1,2,3,4; Stud ent Council Sec'y 4.

JANICE ISS ENMANN H.R. Officer 1,3,4; Senior Pla y Cast 4; F .N.C. 3,4; Hospital Volunteer 3,4 .

JEANETTE JACKSON N .F.L. 1,2; G.A.A. 1,2,3; Glee Club 2; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4 .

ROSE ANN JACOBSON Hall Guard 4; N .F.L. 2,3; G .A.A. 1; H.R. Officer 1.

MARY JANNING Red Cross Rep . 4; Latin Award 2.

SUSAN JANNING N.F.L. 1; Hall Guard 2; Bowling 1,2,3.

JUDITH JEHN H .R. See' y 3; G.A.A. 1,2,3; Corridor Capt . 2,3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4 .


BRENDA JENKINS G.A.A. 1,2; Hall Guard 4 .

Eyes on the r~ad, Jackie

CHRIS TINA KA VY PATRICIA KAIN Yearbook 2,4; Glee Club Monogram 4; G.A.A. 2,3 ,4; F.N.C. 3,4; G.A .A. 2,3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4. 1,2 ,3.

SUSANNA JOHNSTON Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Perf. Attend . 1,2,3,4; Tennis Team 2,3 ,4; Red Cross Pres. 4.

JUDITH JONES Senior Play Com . 4; G.A.A. 1,2; Sacred Heart Rep . 2,3,4; Monogram 4 . PATRICIA KEATON F. T .A. 3, Treas. 4; Yearbook 4; G.A .A. 1,2 ,3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3 ,4 .

KA THLEEN KEEFE Isotopians 4; S.H.L. 4; F.N.C. 3; Parish Sodality 1,2,3,4 .

LANA JORDAN Senior Play Com . 4; G.A.A. 1; Honor Roll 1,2, 3,4.



FRANCIS KLEISMIT Tennis 2; Monogram 4; S.H.L. Rep . 4; Sr . Play 4.

路 . . or is it Jill?

MARY LYNN KEMPER ELAINE KELLY G .A.A . Pres . 4; Glee Club H.R. V-Pres. 4; F.N.C. 3; 2,3; Isotopians 3,4; SodalIsotopians 3; Yearbook 4 . ity.

MARY KLEIS MIT G.A.A. 1; French Club 2; Red Cross 2; Student Council Rep. 3,4.

MAR Y ANN KLOHE F. T.A. 3,4; Isotopians 3; Student Council Rep . 2; G .A .A. 1. NANCY KING S.H.L. See'y 4; Candy SELENE KIRCHMER Striper 3,4; Sr. Play 4; G.A.A. 1,2; F.N.C. 3; Sr. Honor Roll 1,2,3,4. Play 4.

ELIZABETH KNOPP Corr. Capt . 4; Yearbook 2; Song Com. 3; Drill Team 1,2.


REBECCA KOEHL C.S.M.C. Rep. 1; G.A.A. 2; Yearbook 4; School Service 1,2,3,4.

Three o'clock decisions--homework

BARBARA KUNNEN F.N.C. 3, Sec'y 4; H.R. VPres . 2,4; Honor Roll 1,2, 3,4; H.R. Sec'y 3.

PAULA LAAKE Yearbook 4; Jr. Prom Com. 3; Senior Play Com. 4; Sacred Heart Rep. 1.

MARIANNA LANG G.A.A. 1, 2,3,4; Glee Club 2,3,4; Stud ent Council 4; Jr. Prom 3.

KAREN C. LAUX N.F.L. 3,4; Red Cross 1; S.H.L. 2,3; V-Pres. 4; Drill Team 1,2.

MAR Y ANN KOORS Sodality 1, 2,3,4; G.A.A. 1,2; Glee Club School Service 1,2,3,4.

KA THLEEN KUENLE G.A.A. 1,2; Prom Com. 3; Drill Team 1,2; H.R. Pres.


DIANE KULP G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 4; G.A.A. Rep. 4; F .N.C. 3.


JACQUELINE L1LL Mission Day Com.; French Club 2; Bowling 1,2,3; Corridor Capt. 2.

in Physics, Math and French . . . oh, well !

JO ANN LA YFORD BARBARA LEACH Yearbook 4; Senior Play Bowling 2,3; S.H.L. 1,2, Cast 4; H.R. See'y 3; Stu- 3,4; C.S.M.C. 1,2,3,4; dent Council Rep. 4. School Service 4 .

JUDY C. LINDEMAN Bowling 1,2,3,4; G .A.A. 1,2; Red Cross Rep. 2; School Service 4.

MAURA LOUGHRAN Sodality 1,2,3,4; N.F.L. 2, 3,4; Senior Play Cast 4; Yearbook 4. MARY ANN LEIBOLD C.S.M.C. Pres. 3,4; Glee Club 2,3,4; Sodality 1,2, 3,4; G.A.A. 1,2,3,4.

MARILYN LEITSCHUH Latin Award 2; School Service 4; Isotopians 4.

MARY LUCID J . C.O.W.A.4; G.A.A. 1,2; Glee Club 2; Sodalit y 1.


HARRIET MADER F.N.C. 3,4; Yearbook 4; G.A.A. 2; Senior Play Com. 4.

CHARLENE MARTIN Piano Recital 1,2,3,4 .

AGNES MAJERLE Senior Play 4; Locker Capt. 3,4; Glee Club 2; F.N.C. 3,4 .

ELLEN MAR TIN Assoc . Ed. Monogram 4; G.A.A. Rep. 3; Yearbook 4.

MARY MAKLEY G.A.A. 1; Honor Roll 2; Monogram Rep . 4.

MARLENE MARTIN G.A.A. 2,3,4; Piano 1,2,3.


LINDA MANSOR F.N.C. 3,4; C.S.M.C. 1,2,3,4; S.H.L. 1,2,3,4; Bowling 3.

PHYLLIS MASCIO Glee Club 2,3; F.N.C. 3; G.A.A. 1,2; Perf. Attend. 3,4.


路r MARY MASTBAUM G.A.A. 1,2; F.N.C. 3,4; Glee Club 2,3,4; H.R. V-Pres. 4.

KA THLEEN McCLAIN F.T.A. 3,4, (Seely); Senior Play 4; H.R. Officer 3.

MARGARET MATOUSEK Sodality 1; G.A.A. 1; School Service 3,4; H.R. V-Pres. 4.

JUDITH MERKLE Sodality 1,2,3,4, (Pref.); H.R. Pres. 3; Class Pres. 2; G.A.A. 1,2,3,4.

LINDA MATTES G.A.A. 1,2; F.N.C. 3,4; Teen Club 1,2; Red Cross Volunteer 1,2,3,4.

BARBARA MEYER G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; F.T.A. School Service 1,2,3,4.


MARY ANN McCARTHY Sodality 1,2,3,4; Monogram 4; Glee Club 2,3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

CAROLYNN MICHELS F.N.C. 3; Science Award 1,2; H. R. V-Pres. 3; H. R. See'y



CHARLEAN MILLER C.S.M.C.l; G.A.A. 1,2,3, 4; Hall Guard 1.

BARBARA MOORE Sr. Play 4; F.N.C. 3,4; G.A.A. 3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

MARY KATHLEEN MOORE Monogram 4; Sr. Play 4; Yearbook 4; J.C.O.W.A. 3,4.

MARY YVONNE MILLER F.N.C. 3; Perf. Attend. 3; Jr. Dance Com. 3; School Service 3.

PAULA MOORMAN C.S.M.C . 1,2; H.R. See'y 3; School Service 3; Bowling 1,2,3,4.

KAYLE MITCHELL Sr. Play 4; H.R. See'y 3; Corridor Capt. 2,3,4; Jr. Prom Com. 3.


RITA MONNIG F.N.C. 3,4; G.A.A. 1,2,3,



KATHLEEN MURPHY Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Latin Award 2; F.N.C. 3,4; Candy Striper 3,4.

PATRICIA MURRAY G.A.A. Rep. 1,2,3; Yearbook 4; Jr. Prom Com. 3; School Service 4.

PAULA NORDHOL T F.N.C. 3,4; Candy Striper 3; G.A.A. 1,2; Sr. Play Com. 4.

RITA NAAS G.A.A. 1; Monogram 4; Red Cross Rep. 3; F.T.A. 3,4.

SUSAN NORRIS G.A.A. 1,2; Soph. Play Com • . 3; Corridor Capt. 2,3,4; Honor Roll 1.

MARY ANNE NATHE Glee Club 4; Yearbook 4; Corridor Capt. 4; Honor Roll 4.

PATRICIA O'CONNELL Student Council Pres. 4; G.A.A. 1,2; Monogram 3; Candy Striper 3,4.

JULIE NEFF Yearbook4; Jr. Prom Com. 3; Sr. Play Com. 4; F.N.C. 3,4.

CAROLYN PANFILE Sodality 1,2,3,4; Jr. Retreat League 2,3,4; C.S.M.C. Sec'y 4; Red Cross 3,4.


PATRICIA PATTERSON G.A.A.1,2,3, Point Chair-

man4;Yearbook4; Monogram 4; Sr. Play Com. 4.

JANIDE POTTER Sodality 1,2,3,4; F.T.A. 3,4;N.F.L.1,2,3, V. Pres.; Student Council 4.

MARTHA PURPUS H.R. Secly 3; G.A.A. 1.

LORIEL PAVLIK Yearbook 4; Latin Award 1,2; Prom Com. 4; G.A.A.


HELEN PETKEWICZ F.T .A. 3,4; G.A.A. 1 ; Red Cross 3; Honor Rolll,2,3,4.

MARILYN PYTEL Sodality 1,2; F.N.C. 3,4; G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; Yearbook Staff 4.

KATHLEEN QUIDLAN G.A.A. 4; Corridor Capt.

3,4; PromCom.; F.N.C. 3.

KATHLEEN PLEIMAN Drill Team 1,2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; School Service 4; Hall guard 3,4.

Our contribution to Carnegie Hall, 36

-MARJORIE REINHARD Glee Club 2,3,4; G.A.A. Rep. 3; H.R. Sec'y 1; G.A.A. 2,3,4.


MARGARET RAUCH Senior Play Com. G.A.A. 4; Yearbook H.R. Sec'y 1.

4; 4;

MARY SHARON REPETTY G.A.A. 2,3; H.R. V-Pres. 3; Corridor Capt. 3; H.R. r Treas.4.

BARBARA REDDEN Sodality . 1,2,3,4; School Service 3,4; F.T.A. 2,3,4; C . S.M.C.4.

KATHLEEN RILEY Monogram 3,4; G.A.A. 1, 2; Senior Play 4; School Service 3,4.

NANCY REICHERT H.R. Officer 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Sodality 1,2,4; F.N.C.3.


~ SANDRA ROMIE G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; NOMA Award; Bowling Pin 2.

but why must they always practice during my study hall! 37

CARYL ROUNDS G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; F.N.C. 3; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Senior Play Com. 4.

LOIS RUDZIENSKI Isotopians 3, V-Pres .. 4; Glee Club 2,3,4; Student Council Rep. 1; Latin Award 2,3 .

MARY RUSSELL Yearbook Asst. Ed. 4; N.F.L. 1,2; Student Council Rep. 3; Senior Play 4.

JANE RYDER LatinAward2;F.N.C. 3; Yearbook Asst. Ed. 4; Senior Play Com. 4 .

ARLENE SAETTEL F.N .C. 3,4; Senior Play 4; G.A.A.1,2,3,4; Corridor Capt. 2,3,4.

CAROL SAETTEL G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; Glee Club 2,3,4; Perf. Attend. 3; Area Girl Scout Leader 4.

MARY BETH SCHIML G.A.A.1,2,3,4.; Senior Play 4.


RITA C. SCHIRTZINGER G.A.A. Sec'y 4; Glee Club 2,3,4; 2,3,4; Latin Award 3; Gold Medal, Piano 4.

MARY ROSE SCHLORMAN Perf. Attend. 1,2,3,4; F.N.C. 3; Glee Club 2,3; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

CAROLE SCHMIDT N.F.L.l,2,3,4; Glee Club 2,3, 4; F.N.C. 3,4; G.A.A. 1,2.

MARILYN SCHROEDER F.T.A. 3,4; G.A.A. C.S.M.C. 1,2,3,4.

GAIL SCHNEBLE H. R. Treas. 1; G.A.A. 1,2; Yearbook 4; F.N.C. 3,4.


PATRICIA SCHULKER Senior Play 4; Sacred Heart League 3, Treas. 4; F.T.A. 3, Point Keeper 4; Glee Club 2.

KARLA SCOTT F.T.A •. 3; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; S.H. Rep. 2,3, Pres. 4; Yearbook 4.

LINDA SCOTT Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; H.R. Treas. 3,4; Senior Play Cast 4; Glee Club 2,3.


BARBARA SEmERT Alg. I Award 1; Sodality 1; J.C.O.W.A. 3; School Service 4.

MARY KAY SHANE G.A.A. 1 ; Monogram 4; N.F.L. 1; School Service 3,4.

JUDITH SLOAN Yearbook layout Ed. 4; Glee Club 2,3; H.R. Treas. 4; G.A.A. 1,3,4.

lUANN SlOUFFMAN C.S.M.C. 1,2,3,4; Hall Guard 2,3,4.

CHRISTINE SHEEHAN Music Student 1,2,3,4; Honor 2; C.Y.O. Teen Council 3,4; Sodality 1,2, 3; Treas. 4; Honor Roll 2,3,4 .

SALLY SMITH Monogram 4, Co- Ed.-inChief; Monogram 3, AssociateEd.; G.A.A. 1,2,3; World Affairs Inst. 4.

BARBARA SHOCK G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; Sodality 1,2; Glee Club 2,3,4; Gold Medal, Piano 4 .

SARA SOMSEl Glee Club Pres. 4; C.S.M.C. Treas. 4; Glee Club 2,3,4; G.A.A. 1,2,3.

JOAN SLAYBACK G.A.A. Treas. 4; Drill Team Capt. 1,2; School Service 4; Senior Play Com. 4.

, 40

SUSAN SOVONICK Glee Club 2,3,4; National Merit Finalist 4; Istopians 3,4; C.S.M.C. Officer 4.

LINDA SPILKER F.T.A. 2,3,4; Yearbook 4; Senior Play Com. 4; H.R. Seely 3.

CAROL SPITZMILLER N.F.L. 1,2,3, Pres. 4; Senior Play 4; Glee Club 2,3,4; Yearbook 4.

KA THLEEN STAMM G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; H.R. V-Pres. 1; Yearbook 4; Corridor Capt.


MARIANNE STANLEY Sodality 1,2,3,4; Glee Club ' 2,3,4; G.A.A. 1,2,3; Youth 路 Forum 4.

ELIZABETH STAUB G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; F.N.C. 3,4; Sodality 1,2; Candy Striper 3,4.

KATHLEEN STEGEMAN Perf. Attend. 1,2,3; Noma Award 3; G.A.A. 1; Senior Play Com. 4.

CAROL STEINKE Glee Club 2,3,4; F.N.C. 3,4; Red Cross Rep. 2; Yearbook



LYNNE SUCHY G.A.A. 1; School Service 2; Bowling 1,2.

JEAN SUTTON F.T.A. 2,3; Pres. 4; H.R. V-Pres. 3; O.S.T. Span. I Honors 2; O.S. T. Span. II Honors 3.

MARY ELAINE TOENNESEN Soph. Play 2; News-Tribune Reporter 4; Monogram 4; Student Council Rep. 4.

VIRGINIA TRAINOR G . A. A. 1,2,3,4; J.C.O.W.A. 4; Yearbook 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

MARY JANE TREY F.T.A. 2,4, Treas. 3;Yearbook Typing Ed. 4; H.R. Pres. 3; Student Council Rep. 4.

KATHLEEN TURNER H.R. Sec'y 4; H.R. Treas. 2; F.N.C. 3,4; G.A.A. Rep. 1,2.

PAULETTE TATONE 1,2,3,4; Student Council Rep. 3.


MARGARET THUM Sil ver Medal (Pi ano) 2; G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; F.N.C. 3, 4; Yearbook 4.

MARGARET TIERNEY 1,2,3, Rep. 4; Isotopians 3; Sodality 2,3; Yearbook 4. G.A.A.

Constructive 42

DIANNA VERRETT Senior Play 4; Yearbook 4; G.A.A. 3; Red Cross 4.

JANE UHRIG Sodalityl,2,3,4; Isotopians 3, Sec'y-Treas. 4; F.T.A. 3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

ELIZABETH V ACCHIANO G.A.A. 1; Sacred Heart Sub. 1; Dance Com. 3; Perf. Attend. 1,2,3. NANCY VOGEL H.R. Officer 1,2,3; Yearbook 4; Song Com . 3,4; Senior Play.

JULIANA V AN BERKUM Senior Play 4; J.C.O.W.A. 4; Volleyball Team 4; Honor Roll 4.

SUSAN WALLING Sodalityl,2,3,4;F.T.A.3, 4; G.A.A. 1,2; Drill Team 1,2.

PATRICIA VARI Perf. Attend. 2; Student Council Rep. 3; F.N.C. 3; Head of Hallguards 4.

BARBARA WALTERS G.A.A. 2; Latin Award 2; Noma Award 3; C.S.M.C. 1,2,3,4.

detention. 43

WANDA WALTERS Sodality 1,2,3,4; F.T.A. 2,3; Chairman 4; C.S.M.C. 1,2; Senior Play Cast 4.

KA THLEEN WEHRMAN Monogram 4; C.S.M.C. 3,4, Publicity; F.N.C. 3,4; Sodality 2.

JUDITH WEIGEL F.T.A. 3,4; Hall Guard 2; Sr. Class Play 4; Jr. Red Cross 1,2.

ANITA WARD Cheerleader 3,4; C.S.M.C. Rep. 1; H.R. Pres. 2; G.A.A. Rep. 3.

MARGARET WASSENICH G.A.A. 1; Prom Com. 3; Drill Team 1.

Eleven referees for one

RITA WELLMEIER Yearbook Staff 4; Sophomore Play 2; G.A.A. 3; School Service 4.

SUSAN WAYMAN H.R. Pres. 4; F.T.A. 3,4; G.A.A. 1,2,4; Student Council Rep. 1.

SARAH WENZEL N.F.L. 1,2,3, Treas. 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Class Treas. 3; Sr. Class Play 4.

PHYLLIS WHITE Glee Club 2,3,4; G.A.A. 1,3,4; Tennis Team 2; Mission Day Com.

KAREN WENZLER G.A.A. 1,2; Teen Club Off. 3; H.R. Off. 4; Corridor Capt. 4.

KAROLYN WETHINGTON Monogram 4; Y earbook 4; G.A.A. 1,2; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4. TERESA WILL Sacred Heart Rep. 1,3; Ye arbook 4 ; F.N.C. 3,4; Senior Play 4.

AMELIA WILLIAMS Corridor Capt. 3,4; G.A.A. 1,2; Jr. Prom Com.

volleyball game?

VICTORIA WHITACRE G.A.A. 1,2; Yearbook 4; Prom Com. 3; Mission Day 1,2,3.

MARILYN WHITE G.A.A. 1; Sodality 1,2,3; F.T.A. 3,4; Yearbook Staff


DONNA WILLIAMS Gold Medal, Piano 4; Silver Medal, Piano 2; Glee Club, Ace. 2,3,4; Glee Club, Seely, Treas . 4.


JACQUELYN WISSEL Isotopians 3; Yearbook 4; Perfect Attendance 3; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

JUDITH WISSEL Isotopians 3; Latin Pin 2; Yearbook 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4.

ELAmE WOERNER H.R. V-Pres. 4; Soph. Class Play 2; F.N.C. 3,4; Yearbook 4.

SUSAN WOLF Glee Club 3,4; NOMA Award 3,4; Perfect Attendance 1.

MARY K. WOLFF Glee Club 2,3, Librarian 4; J.C.O.W.A. 3; V-Pres. 4; G.A.A. 2,3; Song Com. 3.

J JOAN WURST Glee Club 2,3,4; H.R. Sec. 4; H.R. Treas. 2; Drill Team 1,2.

NANCY YOCHIM Honor Roll 4; G.A.A. Bowling 3;G.A.A. 1,2,3; Student Council Rep. 3.


KAREN YOUNG G.A.A. 1,2; F.N.C. 3,4; Silver Medal, Piano 3.

MARY YOUNG Student Council 2; N.F.L. 3; 3; Re d Cross Rep. 1; Senior Play 4.

THERESA ZIMMER Mission Day Com. 1; Class Assembly 3; Prom Com. 4.

RITA ZIMMERLE Glee Club 2,3,4; J.C.O.W.A. 3,4; G.A.A. 1; Student Council 1.

"A good time was had by all."

BARBARA ZIMMERMAN Senior Play 4; Glee Club 3,4; G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; Isotopians 3,4.

CAROLYN ZIMMERMAN G.A.A. 4; H.R. Pres. 1; Perf. Attend. 2,3; H.R. V. Pres. 2.


SUE ZIMMERMAN G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; H.R. Seely 1; School Service 4; Bowling 3.

JOHN F. KENNEDY (1917-1963)


As the class of 1964 has become part of history, so has this great man, our President, passed into the hearts and history of our nation.

"Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans. "


this is a time for cour age and time of challenge. " Strong, spirited, enthusiastic-This was our friend.

"Justice requires us to insure the blessings of liberty for all Americans Zealous, impartial, dedicated -This was our brother. here on earth God's work must truly be our own." Devout, humble, religious -This was our exemplar. "America's leadership must be guided by the lights of learning and reason Realistic. intelligent, objective - This was our leader. "United, there is little we cannot do Confident, constant, courageous -This was our PRESIDENT. 43


JUNIORS A deepening appreciation of the values of scholarship becomes apparent in the activities of the Junior Class. The PSAT and the National Merit Scholarship Tests emphasize the importance of scholarly achievement in college and vocational careers. Studious but also gay, the Juniors set a fine example of loyalty and spirit

with their seemingly boundless vitality and energy. With the arrival of Spring, came an evening of enchantment in the longawaited Junior Prom. Then, in the words of music and song, the Juniors said farewell to the Seniors and took their places as the leader s of the school . . . The Senior Class of 1965.



1st R.--H. Makiewicz, C . Westendorf, N. Smith, C. Weser, J. Satalia, J. Biersack, J. Finch, C. Ballweg, S. Cousins, J. Wolbers, L. Vehorn. 2nd R.--B. Crisler, B. Whitman, C. Stem ley, L. Millonig, L. Olekas, B. Osterloh, C. Trautman, P. Kirk, J. A. Kiefer, L. Lakotos. 3rd R.--P. Lagenhorst, S. Pfeiffer, T . Ciallombardo, J. Thirkield, S. Schleman, D . Hurst, L. Doctor, J . Kenison, S. Clark, L. Zweisler. TOP R.--M. Craighead, J. Foos~, M. A. Oster, J. Senecal, M. Scheffer, C. Weber, P. Kelly, R. Hoertt, A. Clark, S. Placke.



1st R.--P. DeAngulo, C. Detmer, M. E. Gall, S. Armstrong, J. Staley, M. J. Martin, N. Riley, T. Loges, C. DiMatteo. 2nd R.- - L. Winter, M. McDonald, M. Hetzler, K. Berry, M. Aveyard, M. Sherry, J. Thacker, C. Asztalos, K. Barga, P. Ivory. 3rd R.--M. Cash, E. Pitman, R . Concannon, B. Musselman, M. West, A. Rose, K. Klosterman,A. Ziehler, P. Brodbeck. TOP R .- -M. S. Miller, K. Edmondson, J. Isreal, J. Meyer, V. Waldo, L. Wagner, M. Meyer, K. Beckman, J. Freiberger, M. S. Dittrich . ABS. J. Strozdas, C. Burns.

1st R.--N. G am bill, L. Gudorf, M. P. Halpin, J. Besanceny, M. A. Burns, R. Kleibecher, M. Gaub, J. Ksziepoloski, M. B. Schultz, D. Minham. 2nd R.--M. Huber, M. Chmielewski, B. Markus, K. O'Connell, D. Kammer, N. Butler, C. West, C. Stowe, M. Sparks, M. A. Buerschen, J . Gisclard. 3rd R.--M. A. Ries, N . Brademeyer, D. Reboulet, V. Eckert, J. Hausfeld, J. Weckesser, M. Rickman, K. Lafferty, J. Neff, J. Schim!. TOP R.--M. Santa-Maria, R. MacNealy, Y. Ruschau, J. Ernst, J. Rohl, D . Kuntz, K. Biersack, R. Wueste, K. Burchett, C. Wiggenhorn.


1st R.--S. Gibson, A. Lichenstein, J. Ferraro, R. Nylan, C. Bucklew, J. Backscheider, K. Perkins, C. Springman, D. Kuntz, C . Kussman, K. Schroe der. 2nd R.-B. Gowe r, N . Russel, C. Mantia, P. Huart, P. Serfin, C. Rudzinski, M. McCabe, M . L. Hullent, H . Brooks. 3rd R.--D. Harris, P. Sorelle, B. Brown, R. Lehman, C . Florea, M. Beck, K. Loeber, C. Silbereis, C. Nemecek, D. Kammer. TOP R.- - J. Schiffel, K. Connel, A. Harsac ky, C. Kettler, C . Small, A. Masilionis, D. Deschle r, J . Noonan, B. Cox, C. Keyes.



1st R.--J. Berg, P. Orf, N. Wenzler, B. Beigel, S. Wallace, M. Spurgeon, H. Pope, S. Mitchell, J. Weckesser. 2nd R.--E. Daniels, D. Zajbel, K. Kroger, R. O'Reilly, M. McCray, C. Boy le, R. Wyen, P. Keller, G. Lauterbach, L. Greene. 3rd R.--B. Benner, M. Wendeln, J. A . Cascardo, M. Donovan, N. Berger, B. Fortner, N. Griliot, M. Keane. TOP R.--C. Pohl, J. Chavez, M. Metzer n J. Hafner, K. Perry, J. Bush.



1st R.- - R . Jacobson, M . Bollheimer, L. Koogler, M. Leibold, Sec'y, L. Gerhard, V. Pres ., L. Nick, Pres ., B. Koemer, Treas ., S. Henz, B. Miller, M. A. Yore. 2nd R. - -J. Hemmelgarn, R. Stanislo, J. Hamant, S. Griffith, B. Allen, S. Podoyok, R. Monnin, K. Disken, L. Shmiel, V. Kender. 3rd R.- - R. Hill, K. Fleck, D. Krewdl, S. Shepherd, L. Pabst, J. Hungling, C. Lingard, T. Ryan, M. Dunning, K. O'Neill. TOP R.--P. Tomczak, M. Phillips, C . Hrachovina, E. Lauricella, D. Huelsman, S. Walkup, R~ Hecht, M. Zimmerman, C. Haas, M. Gallico . Abs.--C . Stevens.

1st R.--S. Loy, A. Benner, H. Dudzinski, J. Burkhardt, P. Taylor, M. Van Dame, B. Staretz, T. Slonaker, J. Keller, V. Piekutowski. 2nd R.--D. Ward, M. O'Connell, P. Cruise, M . Grooms, S. Fischer, M. Ruf, J. Loomis, S. Winegar, M. Sullivan. 3rd R.--F. Stockert, P. Boston, A. Dow, C. Claffey, H. Wagner, M. Tiefert, D. Roche, B. Charles, F. Shay, A. Kester. TOP R.--J. Boehmer, B. Reiling, C. Meyer, P. Rettish, P. Gummer, S. Newcome, M. Kimble, C. Loney, A. Dahlinghouse, J. Christy, M. Rolfes. Abs. C. Olson.



1st R. - -K. Saettel, C. Beckmore, M. Dickman, Treas., V. Keys, Pres., A. Westendorf, V. Pres., J. Reiling, Secly, T. Raponi, L. Thien. 2nd R .--A. Acton, R. Pleimann, L. Riller, B. Beard, B. Vescio, C. Carroll, E. Evans, R. Grilliot. 3rd R.-M . Trimbach, M. West, M. Sullivan, E. Helldoerfer, B. Hatton, M. Morin, M. Baker, J. Sti~krath. TOP R. --P. Lewis, D . Cristofaro, J. Mahle, A. Kronenberger, N. Dwyer, M. Beckman, D. McCormick, E. Bart. ABS. --E. Powers, F. Strobhar, C. Wahl.



Junior Class officers are: 1. to r. Margaret West, V. Pres., CeCe Dimatteo, Pres., Mary Sparks, See'y, and Aldana Masilionis, Treasurer.



SOPHOMORES Full of life, laughter and enthusiasm, the Sophomores have set out to make their class an outstanding one at Julienne. Their spirit and initiative have been felt throughout the the school as evidenced by their many activitie s. Much effort and cooperation on the part of each sophomore resulted in the very successful "Spring Fling." By their friendly competition in athletic s and earnest support of school projects, they have achieved a class unity of which they can be proud. The class of '66 will be remembered as one whose "high hopes" set the tone for a successful and happy future.

1st R ..--C. L. Wade, M. L. Bond, M. A. Weaver, P. Dix, C. Zieba, M. J. Steger, C . Kinzeler, J. Stegman . 2nd R.- - P. Clark, L. Carey, J. Jeckering, M. Phalen, D. Schirtzinger, E. Pavuk, L. Krainz, D. Lehman. 3rd R.--J. Gregory, D. Hagedorn, M. Browning, P. Rismiller, R. Vales, B. Kulkanik, G. Riffle, R. Hollo. TOP R.--L. Hedgebeth, V. Whitehead, C. Noonan, N. Keyes, K. Lowry, N. Meixner, V. Mitchell, D. Szabo, M. Stoddard, P. Budde.




1st R.--L. Lee, C. Madden, K. Johnson, P. Brown, M. Davis, G. Focke, M. Baker, J. McGuire, S. Murray. 2nd R.--M. Chmiel, C . Fliehman, J. Staretz, G. Borgert, M. Stem ley, N. Boesch, V. Bahret, C. Vocke, J. Lauer. 3rd R.--R. J. Kiss, V. Coyle, T. Hill, M . DeCarlo, C. Caserta, J. Hudson, S. VanAusdal, L. Bertke, L. Augsburger. TOP R.--R. R. Wolanczyk, P. Moorman, S. Higgins, S. Stebrel, K. Fisk, D. Kash, Z. Adams , P. Simmerman, P. Roth.

IstR.--S. Fortunato, N. Neubauer, M. Zitt, E. Ri egle, O. Sheehan, M. Marko, S. Sullivan, C. Hicke y. 2nd R.--P. Beck, N. DeBrosse , A. VanZant, A. Vaugn, P. Brown, T . Killian, R . Morgann, M. Kostoff, B. Wollenhaupt. 3rd R.--C. Kleiner, J. Fisher, L. Schiffman, G. David, S. Herbert, A. Spatz, M. Laux, M. Pope, M. Baumgartner. TOP R.--E . Gyori, D. Neu, S. Walters, K. Mancz, A. Pumillia, S. Craighead, P. Spilker, M. Platt, L. Goldschm idt.



1st R.--C. Carlin, D. Grump, G. Strukamp, P. Walters, Treas., V. Koester, A. man, V. Pres., K. McCartan, A. Knapp. 2nd R.--J . Clements, J. Clements, A. A. Musselman, See ly, S. Lawson, C. Kleismet, C. Orf, C. Esken. 3rd R.--M. Wolf, H. Daley, C. Glas er, B. East, B. Goode, M. J. Heel, S. Thoma, J . Hejer. --A. Brockman, L. Ruschau, C. Ireton, F. Hewitt, E. Jurick, S. Voit, D. Flaugher, terson, D. Monnin, R. Shively.


MusselBerardi, Doll, S. TOP R. K. Pat-


1st R.--L. Carson, B. Wildenhaus, K. Wolf, Pres ., M. Williamson, V. Pres., A. Magato, Treas., K. Schoenlein, See'y, J. Somsel, B. Schweller, L. Duffy. 2nd R.--M. Mescher, M. Pfieffer, M. Wade, B. Tobe, C. Amato, M. Strozdas, C. Sitzman, M. Plassenthal, G. Wartinger, M. Lehmann, M. Lauber. 3rd R.--C. Wicinski, C. Paull, S. Loy, S. Wolff, J. Brown, J. Hyle, S. Schliesser, P. Stockert. TOP R .- -B. Clume, A. Rastikis, L. Lawhorn, L. Guess, C. Goecke, J . H anson, C. Thomas, S. Hempelman, P. Helker, M. Martinson.

1st R .--S. Walker, K. Keller, K. Grooms, K. Hoagland, P. Deger, M . McGuire , D. Dutzy, C.Fitzmartin, M . Zapatony . 2nd R.--M. Hill, M . Pickerel, M. Cla rk, M.Veg, C. Schmitz, S. Hoffman, J. Puchalski, K. West. 3rd R.--C. Harpe r, 1<:. Hafke, P. Deschler, S. Gre wer, C. Kambitsch, M . Staddon , 1<:. Colosimo, J. Rodgers, M. LaForsch . TOP R.-C.Hochwalt,P.Magrath, A. Nartke r , M . Miskimen, N. Wagner, B. Dineen, F. Laneford, J . Dineen. Abs.--J. Mitchell.



1st R.--M. Scarpelli , B. Ernst, J. Rougier, Secly, D . Olekas, Pres ., R. Fisher, V. Pres ., S. Sm e debush, Treas ., C. McSemek, R. Dietz. 2nd R .-- C. Andrews, M. Greschl, M. Coleman, L. Vescio, D. Turner, C. Biga, S. Brown, B. Elsass , S. Makiewic z. 3rd R.--C . Maier, K. Harper, M. Brumbaugh, P. Magrath, C . Buechele, J. Lengerich, C. Zirles, K. Fletcher. TOP . R.--D. Burgess, P. Zinkiewicz, J . Tischler, A. Lamborsld, C. Guilfoil, M. J. Flynn, B. Richied, D. Patterson, C. Long. Abs.--R. Massie.



FRESHMEN Freshman year is, above all, a time for getting acquainted, for making new friends, and laying the foundation for a successful student career. It wasn't long before the Freshmen made Julienne truly their own. Through inter -homeroom parties they met with the other girls in their class, and by enthusiastically participating in the BigLittle Sister program, they found the friendships of upperclassmen rich and rewarding. A display of initiative was shown by their organizing a very active and progressive Latin Club. Alive tothe spirit of the liturgy, the Freshmen produced an Advent play characterizing the beauty of the season. With their refreshing eagerness, enthusiasm, and determination, the class of '67 proved to be a vital part of the student body.

1st R .--E. Hansman, J. Smith, E. Williamson, Pres., M. E. Broadstone, V. Pres., V. Ta bet, Treas., M . Somsel, M. Quinn, V. Todd, P. McGreevy. 2nd R.--L. Pohl, D. alwine, C . Regulinski, J. McCrink, J. Couture, P. Modras, V. Olding, M. Moore, J. Westbrock. 3rd R.- - P. Sears, D. Koesters, D. Heggs, C. Varley , P. Marlow, D. Parenti, M . L. Mechenbier, R. Clapp, M . Meltz. TOP R.- - R. L. LaVielle, S. Kronenberger, M. D. Suttmiller, M. Smith, M . Keres zi, B. Wabler, K. Stanley, P. Sutter . Abs .--M. A. Dix , Secly, M. Moran, D. Schmidt.



1st R.--A. Bauer, J. Wartinger, C. Noreikas, T. Hoying, M. Westendorf, C. Staas, T . Kuhn, C. Vehorn, C. Finke. 2nd R.--M . Fiorita, B. Browning, C. Nye, S. Meyer, N. Barringer, M. Haley, M. Schumacher, D. Grusenmeyer, A. Carone. 3rd R.--V. Ernst, R. Blatz, J. Borchers, P. Sears, L. Deis, B. Williams, G. Wourms, M. Miller, K .. Logan. TOP R.--R. Leibold, K. Hochadel, J. Burns, P. Hampel, M. Wagner, J . Monroe, P. Miskimen, L. Egan, C. Stiplitus, C. Harsacky. Abs. K. Fleming, M. Sheets, A. Hanson.



1st R.-- T. Spang, B. Dahlinghaus, Pres. 2, J . Tarjan, Sec'y 2, G. Frazer, Pres. 1, B. Minham, V. Pres. 1, A. SchIemann, Sec'y 1, L. Eads, Treas. 1, K. Share, Treas. 2, S. Brun, V. Pres. 2, L. Linck. 2nd R.--A. Piekutowski, B. Lozan, T. Grilliot, K. Brandenburg, K. Bundenz, B. Stevens, S. Gorman, T. Nevius, L. Pavuk. 3rd R.--S. Staton, M. Foster, 1. Rench, E. Mudd, F. Dorsey, B. Carlin, R. D'Amico, D. Flohre, 1. Greene, C. Hartenstein, C. Ziehler. TOP R.--M. Concannon, M. 1. Fussner, C. Houston, R. Leibold, R. M. Kuntz, J. Rammel, N. Schuster, J. Hafer, C. Cooney.

1st R.--L. Deis, K. Rafferty, D. Belton, Treas ., P. Wagner, V. Pres., S. Mitchell, Pres ., C. Hoying, Sec 'y, M. Lehmann, M. Powers, D. McSemek. 2nd R.--J . Knight, D. Zug, D. Phelan, M. J. Quatman, C. Stukenborg, D. Howell, S. Duffy, N. Ramey, C. Sweigart, 3rd R.--P. Cherpeski, J. Doll, J. Redick, C. Condy, S. Brun, F. Flynn, M. Donovan, S. Beall, B. Wehrman, M. Chmiel. TOP R.--E. Marshall, S. Miller, C. Bertke, J . Schmidt, R.Shafer,B. Bernard, M. Eifert, D. Sheehan, S. Francis, C . Steinbrunner. Abs.--T. Dix .



1st R.--C. Bernard, P. O'Connell, B. Wimsatt, P. Pumilia, D. Quinlivan, K. Gmeiner, M. McCray, E. Quinter, M. Sweigart. 2nd R. - -K. Beck, J. Griffin, D. Lange, J. Miller, B. Davis, M. Richison, K. Haller, L. Biga, J. Wachdorf. 3rd R.--M. Rado, P. Winters, K.Haley, S.Moosbrugger, M. Mescher, C. Niekamp, K. Keller, S. Randall, S. Hairston, J. Schweller. TOP R.--M. Dunsky, A. Thiel, M. Broker, M. Robinson, M. Scheper, J. Fitzgerald, K. Boston, S. McDonald, J. Sullivan. Abs .--C. Vittitow.


1st R.--S. Fitzharris, L. Hoop, B. Caeke, K. Albers, C. Riggs, C. Hageman, M. Davy, P. Cenky, M. Sherry, -C. Wysong. 2nd R.--C. Leo, S. Price, M . Dichits, P. Light, N. Engleman, K. Murphy, E. Van Schaik, R. Zwiesler, L. Burkhart, S. Moorman. 3rd R.--M. Talle, C. Kisor, C. Crogean, V. Dudon, M. Brockman, R . Ruef, J. Chappie, P. Codzik, M. Carson, M. Kastner. TOP R. - -L. Berthe, S. Schreier, B. Paule, C. McGatha, S. Williams, M. Hagen, J. Priske, L. Tray, M. Rankin, B. Sheets .



1st R. - -J. Schulze, K. Battisti, M. Hafer, Treas., R. Aveyard, Pres., S . Reeder, V. Pres., B. Fischer, See'y, T. Roberts, L. Holtvoigt. 2nd R.--S. Wendling, M. Shillito, J. Drummer, E. Mazzota, S. Desando, C. Anderson, J. Amann, P. Herman, K. lmwalle. 3rd R. --B. Wassenich, J. Locke, S. Wuebben, B. Brown, J. Boston, E. Smith, M . Bruns, B. Roth. TOP R.--J. Simonton, R. Schelcher, S. Green, P. Kraska, 1<. Boyd, A. Mals, P. Cibulka, M. Rieger, E. McKeon, O. Cousins.


1st R.--E. Wenzel, A. Bella, L. Coriell, M. Loges, K. Meschke, J. Dunn, M . Roche, S. Fast. 2nd R.--D. Thomas, R. Moosbrugger, M. Balazs, V. Deis, N. Steffano, C. Wuerstl, L. Long, B. Leple y. 3rd R.--S. Zwiesler, R. Hunter, B. Laux, T. Sherman, C. Hutchinson, R. Seibert, K. Roof, M. Svellinger . TOP R . - -P . Smiley, J. Plassenthal, M. Beatty, C. Steinbach, M. Walling, C. Huist, S. Yore, S. Strutton.

IstR.--E. Reid, M. Snyder, B. Mays, Pres., S. Frieberger, Treas ., L. Barnhart, V. Pres., S. Le wis, See'y, M. Lehmann, M. Schaff. 2nd R .--R. Elix, J. Otto, D. Lukacs, K. Seitz, D . Streacker, B. Smith, C. Parlett, J. Colosimo, T. Weaver. 3rd R.--S. Holden, R. Pomuti, J. Longman, S. Roberts, M. Fenelon, B. Fisher, E. Frye, T. Harlett. TOP R. --D . Dial, S. Ritter, R. Zimmerman, J. Rosenbeck, B. Hofele, M. Luckett, L. Foose,C. Kiser.




CLASSES Religion - -Providing a basic cour se in the fundamental doctrines of our faith, the religion department aids in the formation of genuine, loyal, and articulate Catholics and of truly apostolic Catholic leaders.

Science and Mathematics--The Science and Mathematics departments present the challenge of the future - -a future that will be characterized by technological and mathematics advancements never dreamed possible until the present century .

. English--Oral and written communication, the appreciation of literature as a necessary cultural background, as well as the basic rudiments of grammar, are all stressed in the four year English course.

Business- -To prepare the graduate for a place in the business world, typing, bookkeeping, shorthand and clerical office practice are available to an increasingly large number of students.

Languages - -Speaking ability in one or more foreign languages is now believed to be the mark of a well-educated individual. Julienne contributes to this development with its French, Spanish, and Latin program s.

Home Economics--The modern woman must be a homemaker as well as a housewife. To achieve this end, the Julienne Home Economics department attempts to give students a fundamental knowledge of the basic homemaking skills in food preparation, home management, and decoration, fabrics and clothing design.

Social Studies--To mold the citizens of tomorrow, the Social Studies course develops in the student a keen awareness of history, pastandpresent, andof the vital role of a citizen oftoday ' s world.

Art - -That there is a rich potential of talent in the Art Department is attested by our students winning several first and second prizes this year in city, county, and in one national competition.

Women are the heart of the home, the parish, the community, and the nation. To train her graduates to fulfill this role, Julienne offers an extensive and varied curriculum.



Father Seaman is explaining a point of doctrine to his apparently accepting class. Who will forget the discussions, the wit and humor of this period of the day?

Father Wessels' avid students are always eager to explain a bit of theology to him. Here, Mary Burns and Diane Dudon are vying for the honors of the day.


EveninSisterAnn Lucille's English classes there is a touch of Paul Bunyan and John Henry. Here Sister explains to Jo Cascardo and Julie Noonan the influence of American folklore.


What bit of theatrical know-how has Miss Sally Partin just offered to her eager Speech I class?


These four girls, Mary Ann Leibold, Judith Merkle, Dianne Gudorf and Kathleen Pleiman, persevered through Latin for four years and rightfully can be called Julienne's outstanding classical scholars.

Sister Francis Xavier's Spanish II classes listen intently to the Spanish tapes while trying to "conquer" the seemingly diff~cult pronunciation and grammar.


Eagerly discussing French life and customs are members of Sister Francis Margaret's French III class.

World Geography Cl ass--Barbara Redden enumerates the topography of the African Continent while the rest of the class tries to catch any mistakes.. Sister Helen Therese looks on sympathetically.

SOCIAL STUDIES Discussions in Sister Ann Christopher's Problems of Democracy class are considered vital of learning, ESPECIALLY to Cathy Stegman, Linda Cox, Elaine Kelly, Martha Purpus, Karen Brenberger, and Peggy Rauch.


Patricia Gummer and Constance Claffey dem onstrate their genius at math explaining one of Sr. Martha's stupendous algebra problems to Julie Neff, Janet Berg, and Patricia Orf.


Ever seem to be going around in circles? Actually, it's only a complicated little geometry problem that Jane Somsel, Mary Lauber, Sandy Lay, Mary Jo Strozdas and Ann Tam borski are intent on solving.


Learning to weigh masses on an equal-arm balance in chemistry class are Jill Israel, Marcia Ruf, Alice Rose, and Janice Kenison.


Mary Beth Schiml, Julie Van Berkum and Sister Mary Leo demonstrate how not to win the Nobel Prize for "A Study of the Physics of Ripple Tanks . "


New clothes are much more exciting when you m ake them yourself. At l eas t so say the girls in Miss Stabler's clothing class. Here Senior Vicki Fraze r marks the hemline on Sue Zimmerman's sh eath.


Futurehomemakers of America learn the fine art of baking in the foods lab . Their cake certainly looks deliCious, doesn't it? Left to right the chefs are: Kathy Carlin, (hidden, Kathy Patterson), Sharon Wolf, Janet. Clements, Linda Payne, Pat Walters, Julia Clements, Francis H ewitt, Christie Kleismet.

BUSINESS The Dayton business world rif tomorrow will be made up of many rif the Julienne students rif today-

Sister Elise, head of the Business department, checks the progress of Jean Fryberger, Joyce Ksiezopolski, and Susan Wolf in business machines.

Ah! How nim ble one I S fingers become when one learns to type under Mrs. Naughton! With things running so smoothly, there should be no possibility of mistakes.


It is going to be another "Mona Lisa" or a typical Picasso? Sister Anna Marie appears undecided as she watches the promising artists--S. Janning, J. E. Stickrath, J. Weigel, and J. Hyland.

ART Award Winning Art Students B. Brownsberger, B. Gower, M. Trimbach, S. Eismann, and M. Baker practice their silk screening technique in preparation for the Notre Dame Fine Arts Day.



Sophomore rope artists and senior gymnasts, under the guidance of Miss Webster, thoroughly enjoy performing their athletic feats.


Education is not confined to the

practical. Field trips) discussions)

classroom only) but to the realm of ac-

projects) and talks sponsored by the

tual experience where it becomes some-

clubs give the student an opportunity

thing living and vital. Extra and

to arrive at a greater understanding qf

co-curricular clubs and organiz ations

the subjects in which she is most

provide the means whereby the student


can make her knowledge concrete and

Sophomore Glee Club

Junior-Senior Glee Club

Since the development of the studenes personality through leadership and service is one


the prime objectives of Notre

Dame teaching) the students are encouraged not only to participate in the various clubs) but to assume responsibility for their efficient management.


We are all proud of our own student snack bar, "The Emblem," but none are more so than these members of Student Council who worked for it "above and beyond the call of duty." They are: l. to r. Betty Heyne, Rosem ary Gray,. Barbara Hyle, Vicki Frazer, Pat O'Connell, Sr. Mary Leo, Moderator, Judy Weckesser, and Pat Vari.


Taking a few minutes to rest from a whirlwind of pre-election activities to display their slogan posters are, Top to bottom: Mary P. Halpin, Josie Thacker, Pat Orf, Linda Vehorn, Deann Ward, Gretchen Trautman, and Mary Sullivan.


F.TA. F.T.A. officers Wanda Walters, Pat Shulker, Pat Keaton, Kathy McClain, Carol Budde, Jean Sutton, and Moderator Sister Mary Eugene take a little time to relax on our beautiful campus before conferring over their next meeting.

A wide view of the teaching field is open to juniors and seniors through the Future Teachers Club. Highlights of this year's work were visits to the University of Dayton and WLW-D, participation in discussions at Vandalia Butler High School, a teacher observation day by Chaminade F . T.A. members, and a guest speaker, Sister Genevieve Marie. The purpose of the Future Nurses Club is to provide its members with information concerning careers open to women in the field of medicine. This is achieved by hearing speakers qualified in these matters and by actual experience of the members as volunteers in local hospitals.

F.N.C. F.N.C. officers Kathy Dickman, Barbara Kunnen, Carolyn Fortman, examine "Brigit" the visual anatomy model in the biology laboratory.

C.S.M.C. Let our banner cover the earth "that all may know the truth." Standing with Sister Julie Louise, Moderator, are 1. to r.: Barb Redden, Connie Eifert, Sally Somsel, CarolynPanfile, Mary A. Leibold, Christine Hanson. FRONT: Sue Savonick and 'Kathy Wehrman.

Actively functioning at Julienne and in many other Catholic high schools in the nation is the Catholic Students Mission Crusade, an international organization of prayer, study, and sacrifice for the Church s missions throughout the world. I

The Sodality of Our Lady is a Catholic action leadership group whose chief purpose is to select, inspire, train, and form exemplary Catholics to be dedicated Christian social leaders . Under the patronage of Mary, aided by specific daily spiritual duties, and prompted by the need of apostolic work, our Sodality attempts to train Catholic young women to be leaders of the school, the Church, and the community.

SODALITr OfficersMarianne Stanley, Vice-Prefect, Christine Sheehan, Treasurer, Judith Merkle, Prefect, and Kathleen Grieshop, Secretary, in action during the weekly Sodality meeting.


TEENS IN ACTION The teens in action, Ann Horsacky, Jackie Hausfeld, Lois Winter, and Charlene Ziras, along with their Moderator, Miss Fujikawa, are very busy with plans to combat osbscene literature.

A primary aim of Teens in Action is to help combat one of the community's biggest problems, obscene and indecent literature. This year T. I. A. typed and addressed C .D.L.bulletins each month, distributed questionnaires on community moral standards, and wrote letters to newspapers concerning bad movie ads. Formed to promote devotion to the Sacred Heart, this school-wide organization has two main objectives: encouragement of frequent confession and Communion, especially on first Fridays, and the daily recitation of the Morning Offering. Homeroom representatives inform the girls of the Apostleship of Prayer IS monthly intention by distributing the leaflets and sell the Sacred Heart Messenger.

Karen Laux, Nancy King, and Patricia Schulker prepare activities for the next general meeting with Moderator, Sr. Francis Xavier.



N.F.L. N.F .L. enthusiasts, TOP ROW: Sue Beecroft, Miss Sally Partin, Moderator, Carol Spitzmiller; FRONT ROW: Loretta Cermely, Janine Potter, and Sally Wenzel had a busy yearof competition in speech tournaments with other groups and schools for coverted trophies and medals.

JR.-SR. GLEE CLUB The success of our Glee Clubs is a pertinent example of the Julienne student's interest in the fine arts. The long hours of practice result in excellent performances such as the Julienne -Chaminade Spring Concert and the Fine Arts Day at Reading, Ohio. These concerts provide not only personal satisfaction but stimulate cultural interests in the school and in the community. Here, Miss Gysbers and Glee Club officers Alice Buerchen, Donna Williams, Sally Somsel, Barbara Musselman, Hanka Makiewicz, and Mary Wolf gather about the piano performing their individual duties.


SOPHOMORE GLEE CLUB Left to right: Director Miss Rose Gysbers, Michele Laux, Ann Tamborski, Elaine Gyori, Mary Staddon, Dianna Grump, Julie Rougier, and Cynthia Paull.

Julienne's Latin Club members delve into such topics as mythology, Roman life, culture and government. Another activity of the group is active promotion of Latin for enjoyment. This was done with the presentation of various skits depicting Roman life and customs and the sponsoring of a Latin Week, April 20-24.


Latin Club officers and Mary Kereszi, and Peggy Marlow marvel over the modern aspects of ancient Roman homes while Paula Sears, Maribeth Quinn, and Phyllis Modras point out to Sister Joseph Marian that this model even has a chariot port!

TOP ROW--Carolyn Wethington, Nancy David, Judith Haley, Julie Noonan. FRONT ROW --Ellen Martin, Margie Smelstor, Sally Smith, Jane Gmaz, Barb Hyle.

"Strength in a Word" - -a fitting motto for the successful publication of the Monogram! Due to the diligent work and ingenuity of the staff, their moderator, Sister Jeanne Therese, and the Journalism class, the "new look" in school newspaper publication was introduced and enthusiastically received by the faculty and student body.

THE MONOGRAMS The production of a larger, more attractive yearbook sums up the work of the 1964 Monogram Yearbook Staff. Combining their talents in the various tasks entailed, the members gave generously of their time and effort. New tenns such as multiples, point sizes, and caps and lower case became increasingly familiar as deadlines were anticipated and met. Shown are L. to R.-Jane Ryder, Judy Sloan, Josie Thacker, Elaine Kelly, Kathy Grieshop, Mary Russell, Mary Jane Trey, and Anita Binkert.

7 Julierme 's ' Chapter of the Red Cross is recognized as the most outstanding volunteer program in the Dayton area.

Marie Bruno and Sue Johnston received a special pin for five years of service in Red Cross. Shown at right are the 1963 - 64 officers: Darlene Turner, Sarah Griffith, Marie Bruno, Sue Johnston, Pres., Sue Gibson, Sec'y, and Janet Davis, V . Pres .

].G.D. W.A. The Julienne Chapter of the Junior Council on World Affairs is dedicated to promoting knowledge of current events. This year's members participated in panel discussions on the Middle East and also took part in many interschool activities. The model General Assembly and United Nations Week with its costumes, movies and posters, were high points of the 1963-64 schedule. JCOWA officers Arm Acton, Treas .; Mary Wolff, V. Pres.; Suzanne Beecroft, Pres.; Elizabeth Eckert, Sec 'y; with their moderator Miss Dickson, solve the world's problems.

1st ROW: Rose Grilliot, CarolynFortman, Julie Staley, Sue Johnston, Diane Holycross, Kathy Mancy, Peggy Plassanthal, Dianna Ward. 2nd ROW: Debbie Lange , Nancy DeBrosse, Sue Hempleman, Marilyn Luckett, Sandy Grewe, Phyllis Beck, Miss Vietor, Loriel Pavlik

Charlene Carroll, Rosemary Gray, Ward, Lynda Gudorf.


The G.A.A.officers for this year were: TOP ROW - -Pat Patterson, Rita Schirtzinger. MIDDLE ROW - -Karen Gess, J oni Slayback, andMissWebster. FRONT ROW--MaryLynn Kemper, Miss Vietor.

ISO TOPIANS An avid interest in science and mathematics characterizes members of the Science Club, whose aim is to foster the advancement of science and to encourage future careers in this field. Scientists Lois Rudzinski, Jane Uhrig, Gretchen Trautman, Jennifer Rohl, Maura Loughran, and Nancy Fisher dream of outer space as they examine Jenny Rohl's Mariner II projects.

Members, 1964: S. Beecroft, B. Bires, C. Budde, M. Burns, V. Chmiel, E. Eckert, B. Edwards, V. Frazer,J. Fussner, J. Gmaz, R. Gray, K. Grieshop, D . Hall, D. Henry, B.A. Heyne, S.Johnston, P. Kain, M. Loughran, M. A. Leibold, M. A. McCarthy, J. Merkle, M. A. Nathe, C. Paniile, L. Pavlik, N. Reichert, J. Ryder, C. Saettel, R. Schirtzinger, 1. Scott, C . Sheehan, M. Smelstor, S. Smith, S. Sovonick, C. Spitzmiller, M. Stanley, J. Uhrig, J. Van Berkum, S . W enze 1, E. Woerner, M. Wolff.

N. H. S.








Feb. 8 and 9 will always hold fond memories for the Senior class of 1964. These days were the climax of strenuous months of preparation for the cast and crew of "One With the Flame." Under the capable direction of Sister Adrian, S. N . D. the actors of Chaminade and actresses of Julienne were able to present the life of Joan of Arc in completely new form. The play was a series of flashbacks from Joan's trial to her youth, to her time at court, and to the battleground. The stage and lighting crews combined talents to effectively carry out the abstract form of the play.

Maura Loughran and Wanda Walters struggle for possession of the holy relics.

The companions of Joan's youth gaily celebrate "Beau Mai."

Dianna Verrett as Joan is brought before the Church's tribunal.

Janine Potter, as Joan of Are, pleads with the Heavenly Voices.

Ladies of the Court, Carol Spitzmiller, Linda Scott, Sally Wenzel, Julia Van Berkum, Anita Binkert and Mary Beth Schiml voice their contempt of the Warrior Maid.


Dad and his "little" girl enjoy their fabulous date.

These smiling faces represent the newest additions to the Notre Dame Alumnae.

Junior hostess serves Seniors and their mothers at Mother-Daughter Tea.

Fathers and daughters bounce to the burmy hop at the annual Father-Daughter Dance.


The Forum leads a lively discussion on the pros and cons of college education for women.

Father Setter asks the girls to join verbally their intentions with his during the retreat.

Father Seaman is shown here blessing the rings of the Seniors.

Camera-shy Seniors gather for the traditional sing-along in the court yard.

Beginning of solemn May Procession honoring Our Lady on her day.


"Once Upon a Time" a queen named Christine Sheehan reigned over the seniors and their dates at the 1964 Commencement Ball.

The queen's subjects enjoy the evening's first dance.


Some of the senior girls enter the enchanted courtyard with their dates at the Senior Commencement Ball.

During a break in the dancing, groups of juniors take advantage of the beautiful courtyard.



Monsignor Connaughton presents the diplomas to the 299 graduates.

Final adjustments are made and reminders given in the lobby before the Commencement exercises.

-:r:he Seniors await the final march down the aisles of the N.C.R. Auditorium.

• (

Sue Eismann, Class President

Peacefulness and serenity are captured in the faces of the graduates.

MAr 31) 1964 This is the Class of 1964.


-~!. ~-



PATRONS A. Scott, Assoc. - -J. Petkus Realty-222-0285 Best Wishes! The Future Nurses Club Congratulations from the Juniors of llD! Compliments of llF Congratulations from the Sophomores of 10E

Best Wishes Seniors! Freshmen of 9C John R. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Benjamin Herman Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Lester C. Besanceney Mr. and Mrs. Victor Boll Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Braun Mrs. John T. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brinkman Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bruno Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Budde Mr. and Mrs. Herman Buerschen Mr. and Mrs. John M. Buerschen Mr. and Mrs. Herman W. Burger Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burns Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Bush Mrs. J. K. Carlin Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cermely Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chmiel Mr. and Mrs. John A. Creager Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Dominic A. DeAloia, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dietz Mrs. Kathryn A. Dineen Mr. and Mrs. Carlton W. Doncaster Mr. and Mrs. Frank J . Doorley Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Dudon Dave Dudon- -Class of '67 Col. and Mrs. John C. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Eisenhauer Mr. and Mrs. Leo H. Eismann Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fisher and Family Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Fortman Mr. and Mrs. Alban L. Gebhart Mr. and Mrs. Marion J. Glass Mr. and Mrs. William S. Gmaz Mr. and Mrs. William Gottschall Mr. and Mrs. Russel Graeser Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Grieshop Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Grooms Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gross Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Grusenmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Don Haley


Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hall Mr. and Mrs. William Hess Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Heyne Mrs. J. B. Holtzclaw Mr. and Mrs. Norbert B. Hunter, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Janning Mr. and Mrs. J. Farrell Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kavy Mr. and Mrs. John Keaton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Kelly Major and Mrs. James D. King Mrs. Eleanore A. Kleismit Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Klohe, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Koors Dr. and Mrs. Albert Kunnen Miss Alma M. Kuntz Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Leibold Mr. and Mrs. C. Don Leitschuh . Mr. and Mrs. Nestor J. Mader Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Mastbaum Mr. and Mrs. John A. Matousek Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mattes Colonel and Mrs. Robert W. Michels Mr. and Mrs. Albert Monning Mr. and Mrs. Jack Merritt Moore Mr. and Mrs. U. C. Pleiman Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Pytel Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Quilan Mr. and Mrs. Ray Romie Dr. and Mrs. Roy C. Rounds Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Ryder Mr. and Mrs. David L. Scott Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Shane Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Sloan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leon P. Smelstor Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Smith Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Somscl Mr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Stamm Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Staub Mr. and Mrs. Ned A. Thacker Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thurn Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Vogel Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Walling, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wayman Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Weigel

PATRONS-ADS AI's Used Cars--222-4253 1050 Valley Street (Stanley and Valley)

Good luck to the Class of '64 Patterson's Floral Gardens

Best Wishes to the Class of '64 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Finke

Harold Lyle Chas. Wuchet, Sheet Metal Co.

Bill's Washer Service 1627 Hearthstone Dr. --252-9034

Merle Norman Cosmetic Studio 223 North Main Street, Dayton 2, Ohio

Catholic Order of Foresters Insurance Arthur J. Huber, Field Representative CL 2-2756

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kuenle, Jr. Best Wishes to the Class of '64 Ohmer Park Service 1820 Wyoming Street CL 3-2631

Christy's Pizza House, Marian Meadows Shopping Center, 6155 Brandt Pike, Huber Heights BE 3-1881

Phil and Jerry's Foodarama Super Market--Pharmacy

Compli ments of Townvue Restaurant

Riverdale Ice and Beer 3413 N. Mairi Street, Dayton, Ohio

Congratulations and best wishes to the Seniors, St. Albert the Great Teen Club

Trainor Shoes Knott Building 228-8561

Congratulations to the Class of '64 Class 12-G

Furst the Florist 1306 Troy Street

Congratulations to the Seniors of 1964 From a Friend

Wally's Shell Service--229-6031 6001 Far Hills at Whipp Road, Dayton, Ohio

Congratulations to the Class of '64 From a Friend

Weckesser Electric Co. 1831 Tacoma Street

Congratulations to the Class of '64 From the Seniors of 229, 120

Zenith Pattern Products, Inc. 821 Hall Avenue

Congratulations to the Class of '64 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Eck

May God be with you always From 12-A

Congratulations to the Class of '64 Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Lucid

Congratulations from The Four Hasses

Congratulations to the Class of '64 from St. Anthony Teen Club

Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. White Mr. and Mrs. J. F . Wissel Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wurst

Eva Majerle, Associate--Joe Petkus Realty, 516 Troy Street, Dayton, Ohio 45404



- --






2901 S. Dixie

"The Best Deal in Town"

Congratulations & Best Wishes to the Seniors of 1964



Dayton 3, Ohio

117 Hollier Ave.

Precision Jig and Fixture Parts T-Nut and Stud Sets--Step Blocks

Gene Thomeczek, President



Free! (Offer expires December 31, 1964)

, \ ,0

DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT "There's a Parkmoor Drive-In near you"

Congratulations to the Class of 1964

Congratulations to the Class of 1964


2217 N. Western Ave .

Miamisburg, Ohio



Dayton, Ohio


Best Wishes to the Class of 1964

FRUITS & VEGETABLES A FRIEND 2159 Valley St. Dayton, Ohio

Compl iments of

"Gifts for All Occasions"


116 N. Main Street

Dayton, Ohio Centervi lie, Ohio Phone 252 -4211


Compliments of the HOUSER'S PHARMACY Spin-Kemp Shopping Center CLASS OF 1946 5428 Burkhardt Ave. Phone CL 3- 9148

Dayton, Ohio

Congratulations to the Class of 1964

CA rODA COUNCIL Congratulations from




PHOTOGRAPHER 3235 Va Iley Street Phone BE 3-4175 All Types of Roofing Portraits Formal Bridal Candid Wedding Albums Commercial 629 Kennelworth Ave.

Aluminum & Asbestos Siding Storm Doors Storm Wi ndows Seamless Spouting Awnings and Canopies

274-6446 Good Luck 1964 Graduates

Time to Remember with Portraits

Congratu lations and Best Wishes to the Senior Class of 1964


725 Li lac Avenue

Dayton 17, Ohio


Phone 228-5181

1235 N. Main St.

Congratulations to the Class of 1964

BRINKMAN TOOL AND DIE) INC. 325 Kiser Street Dayton 4, Ohio

Phone BA 2-1171


Congratu lations Seniors

The Best in Portable Typewriters

WEBER--DURBIN --STOERMER, INC. 2503 Far Hills Ave.

Dayton 19, Ohio

Underwood Sm i th -Corona Alpina Remington-Rand Olivetti Also Rebui It Manual Standard Typewri ters

228- 2850



3505 Va II ey Street Dayton 24, Ohio

3934 Salem Ave.

Managers: Mr. and Mrs. George Schamel for Wedding Receptions, Private Parties, Picnics Catering Service Available

CR 7-9397 Open 8 to 6

Congratu lations Class of 1964



432 Lookout Ridge

Comp Ii ments to the Class of 1964


THANKrou *Mr. Friedman for the fine photographs in our yearbook. *Mr. Carl Vorpe, the company representative, for his help fu I suggestions. *The Editorial Staff: Vicki Gulley, Marcia Hess, Diane Hines, Paula Laake, Harriet Mader, Julie Neff, Janine Potter, Peggy Rausch, Margie Smelstor, Carol Spitzmi Iler, Nancy Vogel, Carol Weth ington. *The Layout Staff: Carolyn Fortman, Mari Iyn Pytel, Ginny Trainor, Gai I Schne ble, Kathy Stamm. *The Typing Staff: Sue Haas, Pat Patterson, Rita Schirt zinger. *The American Yearbook Company, our publisher. *Sister Rose Anna, our prin . cipal, for allowing us to bui Id a bigger and better yearbook . * Sister Francis Margaret, our advisor, for her patience and hard work, without whom it would have been impossible to produce this cherished volume.


Let us remember these paths) for we may seldom walk this way again.


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