. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Administration, Faculty , Curriculum. .
. 6
Chronological Order of Eve nts .
. 33
Senior Class .
. 49
Junior Class .
. . 79
Sophomore Class .
. . 88
Freshman Class .
. . 96
Clubs . . . . . .
Patrons and Ads .
I saw the people gather, I heard the music start; The song that they were singing Is ringing in my heart:
Pro min e n t in the field of teaching techniques is the movement towards the involvement of both teacher and student in the subject of study. New, improved t ext boo k s and an atmos p her e of independent thought are basic to the advancement of knowledge today.
An administration in touch with the ever -changing field of education and a fa c u 1t y whose aim it is to relate effectively to a class all combine to m a k e our f 0 u r years at Julienne a genuine learning process.
Administration An important part of any smoothrunning institution is the administration. The prime role undertaken by the supervisors is that of personal development and un de r s tan din g . Sister Juliana, the recently appointed Sister Sup e rio r , heads the Sister members of the faculty. Sister Rose Anna as Pr inc ip aI, and Sister Ann Christopher a s Vice -Principal correlate their ideas concerning school policy, discipline, and curriculum in an effective manner.
Sister Rose Anna
Sister Juliana
Sister Ann Christopher
Miss Roberta McMahon
Mrs. Howard Mutschler
Office Staff Miss Susan Lerch
Per for min g the many and varied tasks of the school office are three very com pet e n two men. Mrs. Howard Mutschler, Miss Roberta McMahon, and Miss Susan Lerch staff the "focal point" of much business and activity at Julienne .
Father David Lucas; Father Louis Funk
Religion Political, industrial, and religious upheavals all affect eve r yon e 's life in varying degrees. The most personal area of continual, evolving change is the new interpretations of Catholic doctrine and its adaptation relevant to the present times. Man is a partial being by himself ; therefore he needs 0 the r s to be whole. Religion provides the means through which man can find fulfillment in his fellow man and ultimately in God. This means these guidelines are the rudiments of Christian charity, brotherly love and respect. Fr. Fr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr.
Louis Funk David Lucas Alberta Mary Ann Margaret Ann Rose Edward
Sr. Mary Barbara Mrs. Harold Adams Mrs. Thomas Martin Miss Alma May Miss Kathleen Grom
Sister Rose Edward, Miss Kathleen Grom, Sister Bllrbara Mary, Sister Mary Ann
• Father Funk saying Mass
Sister Mary Ann
Sister Joanne, Sister Rose Loretta, Sister Mary Francesca, Sister Alberta
English Development of correct grammar is of great and vital importance to today' s modern student. Wit h 0 u t the ability to speak or write with grammatical accuracy, one loses all force in these two basic communicative tools.
In literature, great minds and objects of written art become familiar to the student. There is a sharing in the intellectual keenness of brilliant writers, and interpretation of works may yield much personal enrichment. An artist, whether he be American, English, Rus sian, As iatic, or European, 路owns the ability to mirror man as he really is. These expositions reveal to a student universal truths and faults of mankind, thus leading to a better understanding of self. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr.
Marie Emilie Teresa Rose Loretta Alberta Rose Edward Joanne Genevieve Marie
Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Miss
Harold Adams Joseph Kauflin Herbert Hinkle Michael Gorman Kathleen Grom Delores Ready
Mrs. Joseph Kauilin, Mrs. Michael Gorman, Mrs. Harold Adams
Miss Kathleen Grom
Sister Teresa 13
Miss Mary Marchal, Sister Ann Christopher, Miss Alma May
Social Studies Mandatory social studies classes are beneficial to the students. Through this knowledge of other peoples and places the artificial barriers between human beings can be removed. World Cultures has developed into a perceptive study of the his tor ical movements of the vast majority of nations. In the junior year, the American heritage is studied. Basic ideals and national trends of the United States must be clearly understood and appreciated to be an intelligent citizen.
The senior year acquaints the student with her contemporary world. Awareness of current affairs in our world is stressed, with special attention given to the necessity for the individual's involvement in her government. Miss Mrs. Mrs. Mrs .
Mary Marchal Herbert Hinkle William Patzig Thomas Martin
Sr . Ann Christopher Miss Wilma Reicher Miss Alma May
Mrs. Thomas Martin, Mrs. William Patzig, Mrs. Herbert Hinkle
P.O . D. ?
" ... and here they can expect heavy rainfall
Miss Gail Horvath, Sister Francis Xavier, Mrs. Sergio Teijelo, Mrs. Elmer Will
Languages Sr. Genevieve Marie
Communication brings p e 0 pIe and nations together. This exchange of ideas, however, can be greatly facilitated by knowledge of different languages. Two modern languages are offered at Julienne, Spanish and French. Stress is placed not only on grammar and fluency in speech, but also on the culture and the country of the foreign people. Classical Latin can prove very beneficial to the high school student. Ex pI 0 r i n g Rome and the works of Homer and Virgil highlight the third and fourth year classes of Latin. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr.
Genevieve Marie Julia Francis Francis Xavier Clotilda 16
Mrs. Elmer Will Mrs. Sergio Teijelo Miss Gail Horvath
Miss Gail Horvath
Mrs. Sergio Teijelo
Where each one faces herself
Sister Elise, Mrs. James Naughton
Business The r 0 1 e of the woman no longer ends in the home. The Julienne Business Department prepares the student for work in many fields of clerical duties. Shorthand, Typing, Clerical Office Practice, Recordkeeping, and Bookkeeping expand the potential of the young woman . Competent teachers try to instill the qualities of poise and e f f i c i en c y, thus preparing her for a pOSition in the business world. Sr. Elise
Mrs. James Naughton
An important part of bookkeeping - working with business machines.
Future Typists of America
Sister Rose Margaret, Mrs. Ross Cali, Sister Sarah Francis
Science Sci en c e is a field of ever -increasing importance in the world of today. Through science man unites himself with others of different nations and with past and future ages. The Science Department at Julienne offers courses that will be useful to the student after graduation, courses that will provide a bond of knowledge and unity for all mankind . Sr . Rose Margaret Sr. Sarah Francis
Sr. Marietta Mrs. Ross Cali
Mrs. Cali helps her students set up the microscope .
Sister Sarah Francis lectures her chemistry students .
Don't say we didn't warn you!
Sister Marietta, Mrs. John Ardner, Sister Mary Barbara
Mathematics In a scholarly revolution the "New Math" has fully made its appearance at Julienne. This includes revised texts and new teaching aids, such as the overhead projector. Geometry, Algebra I and II, and Mathe maties IV are all in vol v e d in this development. Interest in these subjects and the endless fields in which mathematical knowledge is required, have earned this subject a prominent position in the cirriculum. Sr. Marietta Sr. Julia Frances Sr. Mary Barbara
Mrs. John Ardner Mrs . William Duffy
Sister Mary Barbara illustrates Mathematics with an overhead projector.
Mrs. William Duffy
Miss Reicher shows her students journalism techniques.
And Speech A shared thought can be a bridge between men. Julienne speech students practice oral expression of their ideas so that the bridge is a polished, artistic construction. Journalism helps the student learn to comm u n i cat e her thoughts in clear, conc ise writing. In the journalism class all aspects of the subject are covered, including reporting, writing, and the purpose and planning of a newspaper. Mrs. Michael Gorman Miss Wilma Reicher
Mrs. Gorman and her speech class.
Bottoms up!
Home Economics As a counterpart to the Business Department there is the Home Economi c s De par t men t. Here, a gir 1 is trained to be a woman in the fullest sense, a wife and a mother. She acquires not 0 n 1 y rudimentary skills necessary to a s u c c e s sf u 1 homemaker, but she is also a b 1 e to incorporate into her training the important Christain ideals. Included in the course offerings are: Foods, Clothing' Home Management, and Christian Family Living, all of which help a student to fulfill her later domestic vocation. Sr. Clotilda Mrs. Joseph Seck Mrs . Joseph Umina
Are you sure you want to be a cook?
Miss Carole Roberts, Mrs. Arthur Wellman
Physical Education And Health An important factor in any student's ability to learn is her physicalfitness. Through sports such as volleyball, kickball, and basketball, stress is placed on agility, coordination, and good sportsmanship. The senior year offers the student an opportunity to express her imagination in creative dancing. Health classes introduce the student to the structures and functions of the body and help her form good grooming habits. Community health problems and their solutions offer these classes many points for important discussions. Mrs. Arthur Wellman Miss Carole Roberts
I've got it!
Now calm down and tell me all about it.
Art America has yet to produce an artist equal to Da Vinci or Michelangelo, but the Art Department of Julienne is stimulating the growth and development of such talent. This encouragement comes not only through regular art classes, but also t h r 0 ugh an art appreciation class. Sr. Anna Marie heads the department, instructing the girls in the fundamentals and techniques of art.
A Da Vinci may be blossoming under Sister Anna Marie's direction.
Sister Mildred Julie, Miss Rose Gysbers, Sister Virginia
Music For centuries, man has made music as an expression of joy, of grief, or as a teller of tales . Here at Julienne, every girl shares in exper i e nc i ng music in its various forms. There is the singing class, a weekly event attended by all students. A mus ic apprec iation class is scheduled biweekly for juniors. For further pursuit in the art of music , there are private, in d i vi d u a 1 piano and violin lessons . Sister Mildred Julie Sister Virginia
Miss Rose Gysbers
Sister Marie Emilie
College Counseling Sister Marie Emilie offers the collegebound student much needed guidance concerning her future career. Using her extensive knowledge of colleges and their requirements, Sister is able to advise the seniors in the taking of the ACT and the SAT, prerequisites for admission to schools of higher 1ear n in g and in the choice of the appropriate college. Seri0us consideration and consultation playa part in the happy results of scholarships won, of high rank achieved in National Merit Scholarship Tests, and in the joys of acceptance by the college.
But my SAT is only 15OO!
Sister Margaret Ann is in charge of the library.
Library Sister Margaret Ann, librarian, is eager to help each girl find the appropriate book or reference material required in her studies. The quiet atmosphere of the library provides students with the opportunity to study and read, or just browse among the recentlyacquired books.
I just can't get to sleep today!
Study Halls The study hall offers the student extra time to be used for her school work. Not to be underestimated, this free period g i v e s a girl the chance to do homework, extra reading, or-research work in the school library. Often this "bonus" time proves very beneficial to a student active in many organizations or working after school. She must, however, learn to budget her study hall time, making it a worthwhile period of her school day.
"The Pale Sky Promises Us Miracles.
- Hippius
Into The Midst
Of Things ... -Horace
"So Hallowed And So Is This Time."
Gracious - Shakespeare
Music In Our Long After It
Cast Of liThe Boyfriend" Hortense . Dulcie Maisie Nancy. Fay . . Polly Brown Alphonse . Pierre . . .
Marcel . . . Madame Dubonnet . Bobby Van Husen Percival Browne . Tony Brockhurst . Lord Brockhurst . Lady Brockhurst . Waiter Gendarme
· Juanita Huber · Teri Haney . Ruth Siewe . Patty Yates · Kate Lehmann · Judy Kronenberger .Greg Rau .Joey Caesar
.Keith Vacka · Teri Nichols .AI Bir · Charles McKay .Steve Bayer .Phil Mals .Sue Cochran · Tom Swindling
H earts We Bore Was Heard No More -
HAll Are Needed Nothing Is
By Each One; Fair Or Good Alone." - Emerson
liThe True Meaning Is Outliving, It Is Ever Growing
Of Living O ut Of Itself." -
UWe Spend Our Years As
A Tale That Is Told." - Psalms 90:9
Ring Out The Old, Ring In The New . .. The Year Is Going ... - Tennyson
liThe Beginning 01 Good Things Is Good, The Progress Better, The End Best." - St. Francis de Sales
HEAD : Jan Schmitz Becky Florea Linda Sims Ann Spinnato
HEAD: Ami O'Brien Elaine Gambill Cathy Brumbaugh Debbie Harmuth Sharon Hartley Diane Landis Cindy Rogerson
COPY STAFF EDITOR: Linda King Rosina Ferraro Nancy Lucente Alexis Nelson Andrea Platt Jill Trimmer
LAYOUT STAFF EDITOR: Debbie Dawicke Jenny Agnew Kathy Dittrich Sue Rench Judy Steigerwald
EDITOR: Barb Hickey Margaret Bachey Linda Condron Sue Klenke Mary Jo Magrath Judy Scott Jean Van Hook Ann Zimmerman
EDITOR : Jane Scarpelli Joan Hansen Brenda Hedgebeth Fran Kulhaneck Sue Mathes Marianne Pittl Joyce Ruschau
The Class Of 1968
Sister Ann Christopher and class officers (far left) Gimly Leibold, Pat Yates, Kathy He mpelman, Sharon Hartley. The Senior Christmas Tree (above left) Induction of Senior Cla ss officers and Fr. Funk: blessing rings (above right).
JENNIFER "MAR Y AGNEW ArtClub3 ,4,V. Pre s . 3, Pres. 4; GleeClub2;G . A.A. 3 ; Yearbook Staff. CHER Yl LEE ALLEN Honor Roll 1 , 2 , 3, 4; Yearbook Staff; Sodality 2 , 3 ,4 ; Gl ee Club 2,4; J. C . O. W . A. 4; C andy Striping 3 ,4 . FRANCES A DELE AMEND G.A. A . 1 , 2 ,3; Corr. Capt. 2 .
KA TIILEEN ANN ARMSTRONG Hom e room Off. 1 , 2; J. C. O . W. A . 3; Spanish Club 2; Senior Class Pl ay; G .A . A. 1. MARGARET ANN BACHEY Yearbook Staff; G . A . A . 2 ,3, 4 ; Prom Committee 3; Senior Cl ass Pl ay; Corr. Capt. 2 ,3; H a ll Guard 2. JILL DARLENE BAKER Glee Club 2,4; Senior Class Pla y; G.A.A . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4;Ha ll Gua rd 2; Corr. Capt. 2. JOAN MARIE BA KER Sodality 2,3,4; Gl e e Club 2, 3, 4; C . S . M . C. 4; Sacred Heart 1 , Rep. 4; H a ll Guard 4; Corr. Capt. 4 . LA URA LEE BAKER Gl ee Club 2,3,4, Pres. 4; G. A.A . 3; Honor Roll 2,4; H a ll Guard 2,4 ; Corr . C apt. 4; Prom Committee 3 . BERNI CE ANN BAYER Home room O-ff. 4; Honor Roll 2,3,4; Red Cross 2 , 3, Rep . 2 , 3; M onogram Staff 4; Perfec t Attendance 2. CYNTIIIA ANN BA YHAM Sod a litY 2,3,4; Art Club 3, 4; Sa cred Heart 3,4, Rep . 3 , 4; Hall Guard 4; Prom Committee
3. KAREN ANN BERTKE F. N. C. 3; G.A . A. 1,2,3 ; Senior Class Play; Prom Committee 3 ; H a ll Guard 2. KAREN LEE BEUTLE Glee Club2 ;Senior Class Play; Prom Committe e 3; Corr. C a pt. 4 ; G . A.A . 2,3 ; Junior Achievement 2.
MARGARET ANNE BIRT G.A.A. 2 , 3 , 4 , Rep. 3; F. N . C. 3; Art Club 3; Homeroo m Off. 4. M ILDRED ANN BLACKFORD G . A . A . 2 , 3 , 4; Red Cross 2. CA THERINE CECELIA BOEHMER Senior Class Play; Carr. Capt. 4; G.A.A. 3,4; Perfect Atte ndance.
Hey, Look Us Over
"To be or not to b e ...
MARTHA ANN BOESCH N . F. L. 2,3 ,4, Point Keeper 4; Glee C 1 u b 2 , 3,4; Honor Roll 1 , 2 , 3,4; Senior Class Play; G . A.A .1,2,3. LOUISE ELAINE BOLLHEIMER G . A . A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Student C ouncil 1 , Rep . 1; Perfect A ttendance 2,3; Hall Guard 4; Red Cross 4. SUSAN ELIZABETH BORGER G.A.A.1,2,3,4, Sec. 4; H a ll G uard 2; Homeroom Off. 1; Prom Committee 3.
JUANNA ELAINE BOSTON C.D . l. 2,3 , 4;G.A . A. 1 ,2,3; F . N.C . 4; Red Cross 2; Hall Guard 2; Corr. Capt. 4. JUDITH ANN BRENNAN Perfect Attendance 1 ,2,3; G.A.A. 1 , 2; Senior Class Play. PHYLLIS LETIZIA BRINDISI Student Council 2, Rep. 2; Sodality4;F.N.C.3 , 4; F. T. A . 3; G . A.A . 1 ,2; Tutoring 3; Corr. Capt. ,2,3,4.
We're Feeling Great
Seniors attempt to tame the wild west
JUDITH DOLORES BRINKMAN G.A.A. 1,2,3, 4;Glee Club 2; Hall Guard 2; Corr. Capt. 2 . LOIS ANN BRINKMAN Student Council 4, Rep. 4; Homeroom Off. 3; Honor Roll 3; Sodality 4; Glee Club 2; G . A.A .1 ,2,3 . JOYCE ELLEN BROWN G.A.A. 1,2,3; Prom Committee 3; Senior Class Play; Corr. C a pt. 1,2,3.
CA TIfY ANN BRUMBAUGH N. H . S. 3,4; French Club 1 , 2 , 3, 4 ; F. N. C. 3,4, Point Keepe r 4; Honor Roll 1 , 2 , 3 , 4; Yearbook Staff. GRA CE ANTOINETTE BRUNO F. T.A.3,4;G.A . A . 1 , 2,3,4; Ha ll Guard 2; Corr. Capt. 3 , 4. MA RGARET SUE BUCKWALTER F. N . C. 3,4, Treas . 4; Homeroom Off. 3 ,4; Hall Guard 3, 4; Prom Committee 3; C andy Striping 3.
TERESA ANNE BUEDEL G.A . A . 3,4; Corr. Capt. 4. LINDA LOmSE CASEY St u d e n t Council 1 , Rep. 1; G.A . A. 1,2; Prom Committee
3. SHARON LOUISE CENKY Yea rbook Re p. 2, 3;Hall Guard 1,2; Corr. C a pt. 3.
KA REN LORRAINE CHAPPlE Perfe ct Attendance 1,3; C. S. M. C. 2 , 3,4, Rep. 2,3, 4; Senior Class Play. BA RBA RA JEAN CHMIEL Ho nor Roll 1 , 2,3 , 4; N.H.S. 3, 4, Treas . 4; Glee Club 2,3, 4 , Sec : Tre as . 2; Homeroom Off. 3; Corr. Capt. 2,3,4. PA MELA LYNN CHOICE Art 4; Prom Committee 3.
ELIZABETIf ANN CLAPP F. T.A. 3 , 4; G . A.A. 1,2,3, 4; Senior Class Play; Red Cross 4, Re p. 4. SUSAN MARIE COCHRAN Student Council 1,3, Pres . 4; N. H . S. 3, 4; Sodality 2,3,4; Ho nor Roll 1,2,3,4; Senior Class Play . MA RY ANN COLLINS G.A .A. 1 , 2,3; Hospital Voluntee r1, 2; Hall Guard 4; Spanish Club 1,4.
PATRICIA ANN COLLINS G.A.A. 1,2,3 , 4, Rep. 2 ; Corr. C a pt. 2,4; H a ll Guard 4; Senior Class Play . LINDA SUE CONDRbN C.D . L. 2,3,4, Point Keeper 3, Pres . 4; T u tori n g 2, 3, 4; Sacred He a rt2,3 , 4, Pres. 4 ; G.A.A. 2,3,4 ; F . T.A . 4 . VIRGINIA KATHLEEN CONDY G . A. A. 1, 2 ; Corr. Capt. 2.
SUSAN MARIE DAHLINGHAUS G.A.A . 1,2,3,4, Rep . 4; Glee Club 4; Junior Achieve ment 1. ELIZABETH DALEY Home room Off. 1,2; G.A.A . 1,2,3; J. C . O.W.A. 4 ; Junior Achie v em e nt 2,3,4 . DEBORAH ANNE DAWICKE Yearbook Staff-Layout Editor; F. T.A . 3,4; Honor Roll 2,3; Prom Committee 3; Tutoring 4.
ELIZABETH CLARE DEGER Stud e nt Council 2,3, V. Pres. 3 ; J.C . O . W . A . 2,3,4, Pres. 4; Se nior Class Play ; G.A.A. 1,3 . BONITA KA Y DESCHLER Gl ee Club 2,3,4 ; Art Club 3, 4; Se nior Cl ass Play; G . A.A. 1,2,3;Corr. Capt . 4; Prom Committee 3. PA TRICIA DARLENE DEWITT Senior Cl ass Play ; G.A . A . 4.
JIll VIRGINIA DIDIER Sodalit y 2,3; Art Club 3,4; Glee Club 4 ; Monog ram Staff 3,4 ; Prom Committee 3; G . A . A. 1; C a nd y Striper 2,3. KA THLEEN LOUISE DITTRICH Mono g ra m Sta ff 3,4, Editor 4; Spanish Club 2,3 ; J. C . O . W. A. 3,4, Treas . 4; Ye arbook Staff; G.A . A. 1,2. ANTONIA CHRISTINA DODARO G. A . A . 2 , 3,4 ; Junior Achi evem e nt 3 ; Se nior Class Play ; Sod a lity 1.
DEBORAH ANN DOLINSK I Re d Cross 1 ,2,3, Rep. 1 , 2 , 3, Pre s . 4; F.N.C. 3,4; Corr. Capt. 3,4; Senior Class Play; G . A.A . 1. ANN CECElIA DONOVAN Stud e nt Council 3, Rep . 3; Prom Committee 3; Senior Cl ass Play "; Corr. Capt . 3,4; H a ll Gua rd 2 . JANE ANN DUCKWALL G . A . A . 1,2,3; Corr . Capt. 2; Senior Class Play .
We Are The Senior
Class Of '68
Elaine, Ann a n d C athy; "They're closing up the place-We've got to get this wreath straight.
MARYANN DUPPS Yearbook Staff-Associate Ed itor;G . A . A. 1,2,3; Glee Club 3; SeniorCla ss Play; F.T . A . 4; H a ll Guard 4 . VICKIE ANN EPPLER G . A.A . 1,2,4; Hall Guard 3, 4; Prom Committee 3 . ROSINA FERRARO Spanish Club 2,3,4, Pres . 3; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Yea rbook Staff; Sodality 2, 3; Prom Committee 3.
JO ANNE FREIBERG ER G.A.A. 1,2 ,3,4; Homeroom Off. 1 ; Senior Class Play; Prom Com m i tte e 3; Junior Achievement 2; Corr . Capt. 2,3 . REBECCA SUE flOREA G.A . A. 1,2,3,4;Glee Club 2,3,4 ; Yearbook Staff 3,4; Corr. Capt. 3,4; F . N . C . 3; Hall Gu ard 2. CAROL ANN FORTUNATO Sodality 2 , 3, 4; J. C.O.W.A. 3,4, Pt. Kee pe r 4; Homeroom Off. 3 ; Corr . Capt. 3,4; Hall Guard 4.
We've Got lots Of Spirit
Latest news flash on the senior bulletin board
MICHELE ANN FRANKENBERG Student Council 1,2,3, Rep . 1,2, 3 ; Homeroom Off. 4; Glee Club 4; Yearbook Staff;N . F.L. 2;G . A.A . 2,3,4. ELIZABETH JEAN FRIES Sacred Heart 3,4, Rep . 3, Treas. 4; G.A.A. 2; N . F.L. 1; Hall Guard 4; Corr. Capt. 2,4. LOIS ANN GAEKE Sodality 2,3,4, Sec. 4; Sacred Heart 1,2,3, V. Pres. 3; C andy Striping 3; Senior Class Play ; Corr. Capt. 4.
ELAINE FRANCES GAMBILL HomeroomOff. 1,3,4; F. T. A . 4; Treas. 4; G.A . A . 1,3; Yearbook S t a f f; Senior Class Play; Tutoring 4 . KAREN SUE GEISLER G.A.A . 1,2,3,4, Rep . 3;Glee Club 3; Hall Guard 1,2. THERESE ROSE GERHARD H 0110 r Roll 1, 4; Homeroom Off. 1,4; Corr. Capt. 1,2; Glee Club 2; G.A.A. 1,2 ; Tutoring 2.
JACQUELINE ANN GUESS Senior Class Play; Sodality 3, 4; Glee Club 1,2,4; Prom Committee 3; C . C.D . Classes 1,2,3,4. KA THY LYNN GUESS F. T.A. 3; Tutoring 3; Senior Class Play; Prom Committee 3; Sodality 2,3,4; Glee Club 4; G.A.A . 2 . ANTONETTE MARY HAAS N .H.S . 3,4; Honor Roll 1,2, 3,4;A.M . S. 3,4; Rike's Teen Board 1,2, Sec. 1 , Pres. 2; Corr. Capt . 2,3,4 . JANE ELLEN HAEMMERLE Homeroom Off. 3; French Club 2,3; Sodality 4; Glee Club 2; Prom Committee 3; G . A.A. 1,2; Corr. Capt. 2,3,4. LINDA SUSAN HALEY Sodality 2,3,4, V. Pres. 4; Homeroom Off. 4; Student Council 3, Rep. 3; F. T . A. 3; F . N . C. 3; Tutoring 3. LAURA ANN HALVORSO N Homeroom Off. 3; Corr. Capt. 2, 3, 4; Prom Com mit tee 3; C.D.L. 2; G.A.A . 1. THERESA ANN HANEY Yearbook Staff; Monogram Staff 4; Honor Roll 2,3; Glee C I u b 2,4; Art Club 3,4; Red Cross 1 ,2 ,3 , Rep. 2. JOAN BARBARA HANSEN N.H .S. 3,4; J.C.O . W . A. 2, 3,4, Rep. 3, V. Pres. 4; N . F.L.1,2,3,4;G . A.A.1,2, 3,4; French Club 4. DEBRA ELA INE HARMUTH Glee Club 2,3,4, V. Pres. 4; G . A.A . 1,2,3,4, Rep . 2,3; F. T . A. 3; Yearbook Staff; Senior Class Play .
SHARON KATHERINE HARTLEY C I ass Off. - Treas. 4; Homeroom 2, 3; Student Council 4, Rep. 4; Monogram Staff 4; Glee Club 3; Sodality 2. CAROLINE ANNE HAUSFELD Tutoring 3, 4; Library Club 3,4, Aide 2; G.A.A. 1,2 ,3; Corr. Capt. 3,4; C. C . D. Classes 2, 3,4. BRENDA KAY HEDGEBETH Yearbook Staff; Glee Club 2,4; G.A.A. 1,2,3,4, Rep. 1; Senior Class Play; Sacred Heart 4, Rep. 4. • SHARI LIN HEGGS Art Club 3,4, Treas. 4; G.A. A. 2,3 ,4; F.N.C . 3; Pro m Committee ~; Perfect Attendance 1; Hall G u a I'd 4. PAMELA HELEN HEILIG ENBERG N . H . S. 3,4; J.C.O.W.A. 3, 4, Sec. 40; Homeroom Off. 4; Sodality 2,3,4; F . N . C. 3, 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4. THERESA MARIE HEINDL Homeroom Off. 1; F. N. C. 3; Corr . Capt. 3,4; Red Cross 4, Rep. 4; Senior Class Play; Honor Roll 1 . JOYCE MARIE HEMMELGARN Glee Club2, 3; Junior Achievement 2,3, Sec . 2; F. T . A . 4; Corr. Capt. 3,4; Prom Committee 3. KA THLEEN ANNE HEMPELMAN Class Off. -S ec . 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Glee Club 2,3,4; H omeroom Off. 1 ; Spanish Club 2,3 . oorLA CORINA HERRMAN Honor Roll1,2,3,4;Senior Class Play; Corr. Capt. 4; Homeroom Off. 3,4; Exchange Student 4 . BARBARA ANN HICKEY Yea r boo k Staff-Photography Editor; Rep . 1, 3; Monogram R ep. 3; G . A . A . 1,2,3,4; F. T . A. 3,4; Corr. Capt. 3,4. MARY KIMBERLY HILTON Glee Club 3, 4; Homeroom Off. 2, 4; Honor Roll 1 , 3; F. N. C . 4; Corr. Capt. 3,4; Hall Guard 4; Sing Out. DEBORAH ANN HOCHWALT Monogram Staff 3,4, Rep . 3, 4 ; Art Club 3,4;G.A . A . 1,3 ; Corr. Capt. 4; Junior Achievement 3. 60
KATHRYN LOUISE HOFFMAN C.S .M.C. 1, Rep. 1; Glee Club 2; Honor Roll 3; Perfect Attendance 1,2,3; G.A.A. 1, 2,3,4. EVA MARIE HORVA THY Spanish Club 2,3,4; Monogram Staff 3,4; French Club 2; Glee Club 4; Corr. Capt. 2,4; Library Club 4 . DEBORAH SUZANNE HOSFELD Home roomOff. 1, 2;Glee Club 2,3; Senior Class Play; G. A . A. 1,2 ; Art Club 3 .
Tried, Trained, And True
Seniors offer songs at traditional Christmas assembly
JUANITA MA RG UERITE HUBER G.A.A . 1,2,3; Glee Club 2, 3,4; Library Club 4; Senior Class Play ; Prom Committee 3. SHIRLEY LOUISE HUTZEL Monogram Staff 3; Honor Roll 3;G.A.A. 1; HallGuard 2; Corr. Capt . 4; Cafeteria Work er 4. PAMELA MARY JACOBSON G.A . A. 2, 3,4; Sacred Heart 1, Rep . 1; Hall Guard 2; Prom Committee 3; C . S . M. C. 4.
BARBARA SUSAN JOBE F.T. A . 3,4, V . Pres. 4; Glee Club 4 ; G.A.A . 1 , 2,3; Latin A war d 2; Student Council 3, Rep. 3. PAMELA SUE JOHNSON Stu d e n t Council 1, Rep. 1; Monogram Staff 3,4, R e p. 3; G.A.A. 1 , 2 ,4; C.C.D. Class es 1 , 2. SUSAN KATHLEEN JOHNSON Sodality 2,3 ; Spanish Club 2, 3 ; N . F.L. 1 ; H all Guard 2,3,
We Figure That Going To Julienne
"Out of the mouths of babes ... "
CANDACE AMY JOLLIFF KAREN MARY KRAMMER Art Club 3,4; Soda lity 4; Glee Club 2 ; Corr. Capt. 3,4; Perfect Attendance 3 ; Senior Class Play . JA YNE CLAIRE KAUFHOLD Monogram Staff 3,4, Page Editor 4 ; Junior Achieveme nt 2 , 3,4; Library C 1 u b 4; Spanish Club 2,3,4.
MARY HONORE KFA TING Honor Roll 1,3; G.A.A. 1,2, 3,4, Treas. 4; C. D.l. 2,3,4, Sec. 4; Silver Medal--Piano 3. PA TRICIA MAR Y KElLY DARLYN CECELIA KETTLER F.N.C. 3; G.A.A. 2,3,4; Corr. Capt. 2,3,4; Jlillior Achievement 2.
KAREN JUNE KINDERMAN Art Club 3,4; G. A. A. 2,3,4; Corr. Capt. 2,3; Senior Class Play; Sodality 2. LINDA SUZANNE KING Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook Staff-Copy Editor; G.A.A. 1, 2,3,4; Monogram Staff; Glee Club 3,4; F. T. A. 3,4. SUSAN ELAINE KINZELER Honor Roll 1 , 3; Yearbook Staff; Perfect Attendance 1 , 2; Hall Guard 2,4; Corr. Capt. 4.
SUSAN JILL KLENKE Sen i 0 r Class Play; Yearbook Staff; F. T.A. 3,4; G.A.A. 1, 2,3,4; C. D.l. 3,4; Monogram Staff 4. MARY BETH KLOSTERMAN Sodality 2, 3; Perfect Attendance 1,3 ; G.A.A. 4, Rep. 4; Hall Guard 2,3. KAREN SUE KOERNER Sodality 2, 3; F. T.A. 3; Library Club 3,4; G.A.A. 1,2; Tutoring 1,2, 3; Perfect Attendance 1; Corr. Capt. 2,4. KA THLEEN ELLEN KOWALESla: Red Cross 3,4, Rep. 3, Sec. 4; C.D.l. 2,3,4, Treas. 4; Jlillior Achievement 2,3,4; Art Club 3,4. JUDITH ANN KRONENBERGER Sodality 3,4, Pres. 4; Senior Class Play; F. N. C. 3,4; Honor Roll; Corr. Capt. 4. FRANCES MARIE KULHANEK Glee Club 2,3,4; Sodality 2, 3,4; G.A.A. 1,2,3,4, Rep. 1; Yearbook Staff; Hall Guard 2,3; Corr. Capt. 3,4.
MICHELLE ANGELA KUNNEN Stude nt C Olmc i11, 2,3 , 4, R ep . 3 , 4; Hom e r oo m 0 ff. 1, 2; F. T.A. 3; Senior Class Play; G.A.A. 1,2. KA THLEEN FRANCES KUNTZ Perfect Attendance 1, 2, 3; Glee C I u b 2; Prom Committee 3; F.T . A. 4 ; C.D.L. 4; Sacred H eart 3, Rep . 3 . DIANNE JOSEPHINE LANDIS Senior Class Play; Glee Club 2, 3,4; Sod a lity 2,3,4; Yearbook Staff; Prom Committee 3 ; C orr. Capt. 4. • JULIE CHRISTINE LARKINS Honor Roll 1,2,3; C.S . M.C. 4; F . T . A . 3,4; Glee Club 2 ; G.A.A. 1,2; Tutoring 3; Hall Guard 2. PATRICIA ANN LAURICELLA Library Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Perfect Att e nd ance 1 , 2; Junior Achievement 3 , 4, Sec . 3, Pres . 4 ; Gl e e Club 2 . FABIENNE LAWSON Stu d en t Counc il 2; Perfect Attendance 2; G . A . A . 1,2; Gl ee Club 2,3,4; Hall Guard 2,3,4. CONSTANCE ELAINE LEHMAN Student Council 4, Head of Corr. C ap t s . ; N.H . S. 3,4; Sodality 2,3,4 ; Honor Roll 1, 2,3,4. JUDITH MARIE LEHMAN Pe rfe c t Attendance 1,2,3; Sodalit y 2,3,4; Homeroom Off. 3; G . A. A. 1 , 2 ; Sacred H ea rt 1, R ep . 1. CA THERINE ANN LEHMANN C. S. M. C. 4-, Treas . 4; Glee Club 4; H a ll Guard 2,4 ; Senior Cl ass Play, Prom Committee 3 . V IRGINIA CHRISTINE LEIBOLD C I ass Off. -S ec . 3 , Pres . 4; N. H. S. 3 , 4 ; Sodality 2,3,4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4; Stude nt Council 1,4, Rep. 1. NICOLE PIERRETTE LESIEUR Gle e Club 1,2 , 3;C.S.M.C. 1,2,4; 4 - H Club 1,2; French Club 3 ; Class Off. 1,2,3 . VERNA ALVER T A LEWIS Singing Strings 2 , 3, 4; Junior Philharmonic Orchestra 4 ; Art Club 3,4.
JANICE MARIE LOGES Library Club 3,4, V. Pres. 4; Perfect Attendance 1; Glee Club 2,4;Corr. Capt.3;G.A.A. 1,
2. MARIANNE JOYCE LONG Homeroom Off. 2, 3; Art Club 3, 4; F. T. A. 3; Hall Guard 4; Corr. Capt. 2,3; C. S. M. C. 4, Rep. 4. SUSAN ELAINE LOZAN Yearbook Staff-Business Manager; Homeroom Off. 4; Honor Roll 1,2; Glee Club 2,3,4; G . A.A. 1,2,3,4.
We've Gotta Do The Best WeCan
Cast puts forth their final effort in the closing scene of THE BOYFRIEND.
NANCY MARIE LUCENTE Tutoring 3, 4; Yearbook 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 2, 3; F .T .A. 3,4;G . A.A. 1,2. BARBARA JEAN LurGS Glee Club 2,3,4; Monogram Staff 4; G. A. A. 1,2; Corr. Capt. 2; Prom Committee 3. MARY JO MAGRATH G.A.A. 1,2,3,4, Rep. , l,2,3, Pres. 4; Gl e e Club 2; F. T. A. 3,4; Homeroom Off. 4; Hall Guard 3.
CAROL SUE MANTIA Hom eroom 0 ff. 1; Gle e Club 2 ; Sacred He art4;Rep. 4;Hall Guard 2 ; Corr. Capt. 4. SUSAN ANN MATHES Student Council 1,2,3,4, R ep. 1,4 ; Gle e Club 3 ; G.A.A. 1,2, 3,4 ; Sodality 2 ; Corr. Capt. 4. COLLEEN MARY McCAR TAN Glee Club 4 ; Spanish Club 2; F.N.C. 3 ; Corr. Capt. 2,3,4 ; G. A. A. 1.
So Up With Our Spirit Up With Our Pride
The costume committee has the situation all sewed up.
DEBORAH ANN McDERMOTT G. A. A. 1, 2 ; Prom Committee 3; Senior Class Play. JENNIFER LOUISE McGARRY F. N. C. 3,4 ; Sodality 2,3,4 ; G. A. A. 1, 2, 3; Corr. Capt. 2,3,4 ; P rom Commi tte e 3 ; Candy Striping 4. KATHLEEN MARIE MclAUGHLIN Homeroom Off. 1,2,3 ; Corr. Capt. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; F . N . C. 4 ; Senior Class Play.
TERESA LOUISE MEADE Homeroom Off. 1 ; N . F. 1. 1, 2; Library Club 4 ; J . C. O . W. A. 3; Corr . C apt. 2,3 . J ANI CE ANN MECHENBIER Sodality 2,3 ; Gl ee Club 2,3; Corr . Capt . 2,3,4; P e rfect Attendanc e 1,2 ; H o m e room Off. 3 . KRISTINA LYNN MERKLE Candy Striping 3 , 4 ; Hall Guard 2; G . A.A.2.
ELIZABETH ANN MERGLER Youth Forum 4; Teen Scene Pa nel 4; H all Guard 4; G. A. A. 1,2; Prom Committe e 3 . MARTHA LOUISE MESCHER Honor R o ll 2 , 3 , 4 ; F. T . A. 3, 4; Spani sh Club 2 , 3 ; G. A.A. 1, 2 ; C o r r. Cap t . 3, 4; Hall Guard 4 . T HERESA ANN METZGER G . A . A . 1, 2 , 3 , 4; Junior Achi eve m ent 2 , 3,4 ; Art Club 3, 4 .
CAROLYN ELIZABETH MEYER C. S. M.C . S e c. 4; Gl e e Club 4; G. A . A . 1,2 ; P erfe ct Attendanc e 1; J un i 0 r Achiev em ent 2; Corr. Capt. 4. DEBORAH ANN MEYER Gl ee Club 2,3,4 ; Fre nch Club 3, 4, Tre a s. 4 ; Home room Off. 3; Corr .. Capt. 2,3,4 ; Tutoring 2 . KATHLEEN ANN MICHEL HomeroomOff. 3; Sacre d H e art 1, R ep . 1 ; P e rfe ct Attendance 3; G.A . A . 1, 4; Hall Gu ard 4. VIRGINIA MARIE MONNIN G . A. A . 2,3,4, R ep. 4 ; Prom Committee 3; SeniorClass Play; Hall Guard 4. JULIE MARIE MOORE Gl e e Club2 ; Sodality2 ; F. N . C. 3, 4 ; Prom Committe e 3 ; G.A.A.
2. PATRICIA ANN MOOSBRUGGER G.A.A. 1,2 , 3,4, R e p. 3,4, Pt . Keep e r 4 ; C. D. 1. 2 , 3,4, V . Pre s. 4 ; Glee Club 4; Senior Class Play.
PAULETTE CRISELLE MOREHEAD Hom eroom Off. 3 ; G. A. A. 2, 3,4; Gle e Club 2; Junior Achievem ent 3. ALEXIS ANNE NELSON F.T.A. 3,4, Sec. 4; Homeroom Off. 4 ; Monogram Staff 4; Sodality 4; Yearbook Staff ; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4. MARY ANN NEU Senior Class Play; G. A. A. 1,2, 3,4 ; Prom Committee 3 ; Corr. Capt. 4; P erf e ct AttendVlce 3.
THERESA ANN NICHOLS N.H.S. 3,4, Pres . 4;Yearbook Staff-Editor ; F.T.A. 3,4; G.A.A . 1,2,3; Se 路nior Class Play . MIRIAM CHRISTINE NOWLIN C.D . L. 2,3; Red Cross 2; G . A.A.3 . AMY O'BRIEN Yearbook Staff; Gle e Club 3, 4 ; Homeroom Off. 2,4; Prom Committee 3; Monogram Rep. 1; Sacre d Heart 2.
PATRICIA ANN OVERMAN F. N. C. 3,4 ; Prom Committe e 3 ; Senior Class Play; G. A. A. 4. MARY ELIZABETH PAPP Perfect Attendance 1,2,3; Junior A chi e v e men t 2, 3, 4; Senior Class Play ; Red Cross 3, R ep. 3. MARILYN PATRICIA PARKER Hom e roo m 0 ff. 4; Junior Achievement 4.
MARY ELIZABETH PENNEY JANE FRANCES PETERS Glee Cl ub 2,3,4 ; Homeroom Off. l;G.A.A. 1,2;PromCommittee 3 ; H a 11 Guard 2; Corr. Capt. 3. ANN DOLORES PETKEWICZ C. S. M. C. 2,3,4, Pres . 4 ; F . N. C. 3 , 4; G. A. A. 2,3; Homeroom Off. 2.
MARIANNE TERESA PITTL Yearbook S t a f f ; Senior Class Play; G.A. A. 2,3,4 ; F . T . A. 3, 4 ; Prom Committee 3; c'D . L. 3,4. ANDREA ELIZABETH PLATT Honor Roll 2, 3 ; Yearbook Staff ; M ono gram Staff 4; Senior Class Pl ay; F. T . A . 3 ; Fre nch Club 2. R ITA JANE PONICHTERA Honor Roll 1,2,3; P e rfe ct Attendance 1,2,3 ; G.A.A . 1,2,
We Know We'll Do It The RED Is Flying High
Smiling fac es and twanging banjo s added a special atmosphere to T HE BOYFRIEND .
PAMELA KAY PORUMB Hom e room Off. 1 , 3; H all Guard 2; G . A.A . 1,2 ; S e nior Cl ass Play. ELLEN CHRISTINE POWERS HonC'lr Roll 1,2; G . A . A. 1,2, 3; Sodality 1, 2 ; Candy Striping 3; La tin Club 1,2 . MARY ELAINE PRICE Glee Club 2 ; G . A . A. 1,2.
ROSEMARY CECELIA RATTERMAN N . H. S. 3,4; Home room Off. 3,4; Tutoring 3 , 4 ; Gl ee Club 2; Junior Achi eve m ent 3 ; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3 , 4 . TINA HELENE RAVESTEIN Library Club 3,4, Pr es . 4 ; Student Council 1, R e p . 1; R e d Cross 3, R e p. 3 ; Senior Class Play . MARY RAY F . T . A. 3 ; R e d Cross 2 , 3 ; Library Club 2, 3 ; H all G u a r d 2.
When We've Finished The Year
Putting on a play is not all stage work .
MARY SUSAN R ENCH Y e arbook Staff; Tutoring 2,3, 4; Art Club 3; Prom Committee 3 ; Corr. Capt. 4. KAY FRANCES RIDGLEY Glee Club 1,2 . CHRISTINE MARIE RIGGS G. A. A. 1; Spanish Club 1.
RIT A ANN RINEHART Mono gram St aff-Exchange Editor 3,4 ; G. A. A. 3,4; Corr. Capt. 4 ; Librar y Club 3,4 ; Candy Striping 1. ANNE MARIE ROALEF French Club 1,2,3,4, V. Pres . 3, Pres . 4 ; Sodality 2,3,4 ; N.H.S . 3,4, S e c . 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,"4. MICHELE ANN ROBERTS Glee Club 2,3,4; G.A.A. 1, 2 ; R e d Cross 1, Rep. 1; Prom Committee 3 ; Hall Guard 1; Corr . Capt. 2,3.
RIT A RAE ROCKAS Glee C 1u b 2 ; Homeroom Off.
3. CYNTHIA LOUISE ROGERSON F. T.A . 3,4, Pres. 4; Ye arbook Staff; Prom Committe e 3 ; Corr. C apt. 3,4; Hall Guard 2,4. JOY CE ANN RUSCHAU F . N. C. 3,4 ; Prom Committee 3 ; Y e arbook Staff; Perfect Att e ndance 1, 3.
DOLORES TERESA SAMMONS Home room Off. 3,4 ; G. A . A . 1,2,3, R ep. 2,3 ; Corr. Capt. 2,3 ; H all Guard 4 . RITA MARIE SAUNDERS Honor Roll 3; Glee Club 2, 3 , 4; Library Club 3 , 4 , Sec . 4; F . N.C . 3; Corr. Capt. 3 , 4; Sa cred Heart 3 . KA THLEEN JOAN SAYER C.S.M.C. 2,3,4, Rep. 2,3, V . Pre s. 4; Yearbook Staff ; F. N. C. 3,4; Tutoring 2,3,4 ; G.A . A. 1,2,3,4 .
JANE CARMELA SCARPELLI Yearbook Staff-Cl erical Editor, R ep . 1; Junior Achif!ve m ent 2,3. LOUISA CONCETT A SCARPELLI Y e arbook Staff ; Senior Class Play ; Pr o m Commi ttee 3; Libra ry Club 4 . NANCY JANE SCHIML P e rfe ct Attendance 1,2,3;Honor Roll 1.
JANE MARIE SCHMITZ Sodality 2,3,4 , Treas. 4; Honor Roll 1 , 2 , 3 , 4; F. T. A. 3, 4 ; G.A.A. 1,2,3; Corr. Capt. 2, 3,4. JANICE ELIZABETH SCHMITZ Yearbook Staff; Senior Class Play; Honor Roll 1,3; F . T. A. 4; G. A. A. 1,2,3; Prom Committee 3. MARY ESTHER SCHWENDEMAN F.N.C. 3,4;G.A.A. 2,3; Corr. Capt. 4; Pr om Comu{ittee 3.
DEBORAH CECILIA SCHRAM Monogram Staff 4, Rep . 3,4; Spanish Club 2,3,4, V. Pres. 4; F.T.A. 3,4; G路.A.A. 1,2, 3 ; Corr. Capt. 2,3. JUDITH ANNE SCOTT Cheerleader 3,4; G. A. A. 1, 2, 3,4, Jr. Rep. 3, V. Pres. 4 ; Yearbook Staff; Teen Club Pres. 3. RUTH ANN SIEWE Class Off. -Pres. 3; Homeroom Off. 1,2; Senior Class Play; Glee Club 2,3, Pres. 2 ; G. A. A. 1,2,3,4. LINDA DIANE SIMS Class Off. - Treas. 3; Homeroom Off. 2,4; Senior Class Play; Hall Guard 3; Prom Attendant 3 ; Corr. Capt. 4. MARIROSE SINDONI Student Council 3,4, Sec. 4; F. T. A. 3, 4; N. F . L. 1,2; Homeroom Off. 1,2 ; Tutoring 3;G.A.A.1,2. ANN CHRISTINE SKELTON Homeroom 0 f f. 2, 3; F. T. A. 3,4, Pt. Keeper 4; Student Council 4, Rep. 4; G. A. A. 1, 2,3,4.
LAURA LOUISE SLOVER G. A. A. 1,2,4; Glee Club 2,4. TERESA ANN SMITH G.A.A. 1,2,3,4, Rep. 2,3, 4; C.D.L. 2,3,4, Pt. Keeper 4; Senior Class Play; Prom Committee 3. CARLA LOUISE SPATZ G.A.A. 1,2,3, Rep. 1,2,3; Homeroom Off. 4; Senior Class Play; Corr. Capt. 3,4; Honor Roll 3.
ANN MARIA SPINNATO N.H. S. 3,4, V. Pre s. 4; Homeroom Off. 1,2,3 ; Student Counci14, R ep. 4 ; Glee Club 2,3,
4. MARY ANN SPOLRICH Home room Off. 4; Monogram Staff4 ; Prom Committ ee 3 . CHRISTINA MARIE ST AFFORD G. A. A. 2,3 ,4 ; Corr. Capt. 4; Teen Club 1,2.
And The Work Is Done
"What? Someone put eggs in the beer?!?"
SUSAN MARIE STANLEY Homeroom Off. 3; Honor Roll 2,3 ; Glee Club 2, 3,4 ; C.S .M.C . 1,2,3,4, R ep . 3; Red Cro ss 1, 2,3,4, Rep . 1. . JANE ELLEN STAUTZENBACH G. A. A . 1; Corr. Capt. 2; Red Cross 4; Prom Committe e 3. JUDITH ANN STEIGERWAID C. S. M . C. 3,4, R ep. 3, Corr. Sec. 4 ; F . N. C. 3,4, V . Pres . 4;G.A . A.2,3 .
CAROL JEAN STREIT G . A . A. 1,2 , 3,4 ; F.N.C. C. D. 1. 3.
MARY CAROL LAVERN STROBEL G . A. A. 1,2,3,4; Sp anish Club 3; Corr. Capt. 4. CONSTANCE JOA N STUEVE Student CotUlci14; Head of Hall Guards 4; Home room Off. 1 , 2, 3; F . N . C . 3 , 4; Corr. Capt 4; Tutoring 3 .
We Know That We'll Have Won
"I bet that' s the last tim e anyone ever tri es jumping off the balcony!" '
LYDIANN THEONE Sacre d 'He art 4, R ep. 4; COIT. C apt. 2,3; Juni 0 r Achieve m e nt 3. NANCY JEAN THICKEL Home room Off. 3 ; C.S.M.C. 4 , R e p. 4 ; Se nior Class Play ; G. A. A . 1,2,4; Prom Committ ee 3. ANN CATHERINE TOLLE G.A . A. 1, 2,3 , 4, R e p. 1,4; Senior Class Play; Corr. Capt. 4 ; Prom Committee 3; Library Aide 2.
JEAN MARIE TRICK R e d Cross 4, R ep. 4; C. C. D. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; H a 11 Guard 4; Corr. Capt. 4 ; Glee Club; T een Club 1,2,3,4. ANGELA LUCY TRIMBOLI Homeroom Off. 3; Tutoring 3, 4 ; Prom . Committ e e 3,4 ; C.S . M . C. 4, R ep . 4 ; F . T . A. 3 ; Hall Gua rd 3. JILL ANN TRIMMER Yearbook S t a ff ; Glee Club 4; Honor Roll 1,2,3,4 .
BEVERLY JEAN TRIPP G . A.A.1,2 ; ArtClub3,4 ; Corr. Capt. 3; Junior Achi evem ent 2 . BARBARA ELIZABETH TUSS Student Council 4, T r e a s . 4 ; N . H. S. 3,4 ; Honor Roll 1,2, 3,4; Gl ee Club 2,3; G . A . A . 1,2 ; Corr. Capt. 2,3. JEAN MARIE VAN HOOK Hall G u a r d 4 ; Corr. Capt. 4; Sacred H eart 2, R ep. 2; Senior Class Play; Monogram Staff 4.
MICHELE MARIE VAN OSS Red Cross Vol u n t ee r 2, 3,4 ; Sodality 4 ; Sacre dHe art4, R ep. 4 ; Corr . Capt. 4 ; Senior Class Play . NANCY MARIE YORE Glee Club 2, 3,4 ; Senior Class Play. CHERYL SUZANNE WAHL Homeroom Off. 1,2,3,4 ; Glee Club 4; Art Club 3,4 ; Hall Guard 4; C0rr. C apt. 4.
CAROL ANN WAKER Honor Roll 1,2, 3,4;F.N. C. 4; P erfe ct Att e ndanc e 1,2,3; G. A. A. 2,3 ; Sacre d Heart 1, R ep. 1. GERTRUDE MARIE WALLING Senior Class Play; Homeroom Off. 4; Prom Com mit t e e 3 ; F . T.A. 3 ; G.A.A. 1, 2 . LUCRETIA DARLENE WAYS Library Club 4; Homeroom Off. 1,3 ; G .A . A . 1,2,3;Corr. Capt.
PATRICIA LORRAINE WALSH F. T. A . 3,4 ; G. A. A. 3,4 ; C. D. L. 3,4 ; Prom Committee
3. HELEN LOUISE WAR TINGER Glee Club 2 ; Hall Guard 3 . JANE LEE WERNER G . A . A . 1,2,3,4; Corr. Capt.
3,4 ; Senior Class Play .
THOMASINE MAR I E WESSEL G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; F.T.A. 3,4 ;
Corr. Capt. 3,4. MARILYN KATHLEEN WIGGENHORN Student Council 2,3 , 4, R ep. 2,3, Co . Chrm. 4 ; Rike ' s T een Board 3, 4. MAURA ANN WILLHELM Home room Off. 1,2; Fre nch Club 2 ,3 , 4; Pe rfect Attendance 1,2 , 3; Art Club 3; G . A.A. 1; Hall Guard 4 .
CAROL ANN WILLIAMS 1,2 ; Prom Committee 3 ; Se nior Class Play.
MARY ALVINA WILLIAMS CATHERINE ANNE WISMER Glee Club 1,2; Sodality 2; T een Club 1,2,3,4 ; Corr. Capt. 4.
GAIL ELIZABETH WISSMAN G.A.A . 1,2,4 ; P e rfect Atten-
dance 3. KATHLEEN MARIE WOERNER French Club 2,3,4; Honor Roll
3. VIRGINIA SUZANNE WOLF Senior Class Play ; H all Guard 3.
I 76
SUSAN JANE WYSINSKI N. H. S. 3,4; A.M.S. 3,4; G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; Honor Roll 1,3;J.C.O.W.A. 3; Hall Guard
4. KATHLEEN A G N E S WYSONG Libaray Club 2; Sp ani sh Club 2, 3,4; Glee Club 2,3,4; G .A.A. 2, 3,4; Sodality 2,3; Corr. Capt. 2,3 . PATRICIA ANNE YATES ClassOff.-V . Pres. 3,4; Glee Club 2,3,4, V. Pres. 2; Senior Class Play; Violin Choir 2, 3,4.
Then look O'ut World
Suzi Wolf displays the talent that made her choreogr apher. LINDA DIANE ZAJBEL F . N. C. 4; Homeroom Off. 4; Hall Guard 4; Cor r. Capt. 4. ANN CATHERINE ZIMMERMAN Honor Roll 1,2; Art Club 2,3, 4 , Sec. 4; Glee Club 2,3,4; Ye arbook Staff; G. A. A. 1,2,3, 4; Corr. Capt. 3. GAIL BEATRICE ZIMMERMAN Ho mero 0 m Off. 2; Student Council 1, Rep. 1; Red Cross Volunteer 2, 3; G. A. A. 2,3; Library Club 1.
MAR y KATHRYN ZIMMERMAN Honor Roll1,2,3,4 ; Gle e Club 2,3,4 ; G. A.A. 1, 2,3,4; French Club 4 ; Prom Com mit t ee 3 ; Hall Guard 4. JACQUELINE ZITT Orchestra 2,3,4; Glee Club 2, 3 ; Hom e room Off. 2,3; J. C . O . W . A. 2; Prom Committ ee 3 ; C.S.M.C. 1, R e p. 2. MALINDA CATHERINE ZOTKIEWICZ R e d Cross 1,2,3,4, R ep. 3, 4; N. F. L. 1,2,3,4, Sec. Treas.
Here We Cornel
R ed "spirits" toast the Class of '68 .
CHRISTINE ANN ZWOLSKI G.A . A. 1,2,3; R e d Cross 1; Sa cre d H e art 2; T e en Club; Senior Class Play .
Doro thy Boch e n ek M ary H el en Boston Vicki Lee Cook Colle tte Cousins Molly Fitzger ald Jo an Fleck K athl een Frey Sheila Gross R ozann Grump Lucre ti a Guy Mary Hallor an Linda H artk e Jan et Hi ckey Lorna Isaac Arme M ari e Kertesz Arme Kro ger Karen Langerich Jane t M es cher Judi th Mills Karen Niles Rob e rta Pitman Jane t R e gulinski Ja cqueline Ri chi e d Marga re t Rindl er V e roniqu e Schiffman Eileen She rry Dolores Slac k Sue Spilke r Loui se Strob el Diana Wilson
Kathl een Zimmer
Abse nt: Joanne Swen son
"Tw o bits, four bits, six bits. .
.. , ... ..
"649. . .73. . .999. . . Hike!"
Carol A. Baccus Mary L. Brown Karen Cull Deborah K. Disken Rosemary E. Eifert Patricia Green Ellen M. Gysin Monica Haas Ginny Himes Mary T. Keily Karen E. Kelley Eileen King
Gayle Klawonn Barbara L. McGill Terryln P. Meyers Doris Peoppelman Helen M. Pomuti Deborah J. Salter Marilyn R. Sitzman Charion L. Smiley Julie M. Stemley Mary Strutton Jane B. Weaver Mary F. Wenclewicz
Shirley K. Wiggins A. Sharon Wolff Martha Wright Peggy L. Yeager Rita M. Zimmerman Frances Saunders
Joyce Bailey R ebecca Biga Nancy Broadstone D awn Chambers Jane Chmiel Rose Chmiel Patricia Connors Kathy Dempsey Mary Dorsey T eri Ford Paulette Gauthier Mary Sue Gmeimer Jeanne Helmer Catherine Hochwal t P eg Kingston Gail Kuritar Brigitte Kuzujamakis Leslie Maloney Kathleen 0' Connell Kathleen O'Hearn Karen Overman Jeanne Pavuk Mary Jc Peck Patricia Sanders Paula Schumacher Mary Shearer Carman Streud Mary Anne Werner Mane Woeste Kathy Zwiesler
II-C "You're kidding me . .
"It's okay . . . I've tamed him."
Victoria Buscher Colleen Carr
Roanna Dabney Ellen Diener Dywanna Few Rosemarie Geiger Susan Hagan Gail Hendrickson
Jennifer Hinders Karen Kinnison Shirley Kiss Virginia Knight Deborah Kraska Helen Luckett Susan Perkins Janet Ponichtera Vicky Redick Colleen Sherry Jean Simmerman Christine Skapik
Margaret Stephen Teresa Tokarsky Madonna Tritschler Karen Van Hook Barbara Wendling Cheryl Wilson
Donna Agee C arol Andrews Sandra Baccus Judi th Bertke Charmaine Burns Ida C aldwell Darle ne Callaway Mary D eWitt Janice Eldridge Loretta Gist Cynthia Hagemeyer Jean Harris Barbara Hill Janice Hocfbaum Roseann Kielbaso Sharon Kramer Polly Leist Kar en Mahl e Giovanna Mobley Theresa M orri s Linda Placke Sherry Podoyak Sandra Pope Kathleen R eich ert
Jane Staton Patricia Walker Jani s Wissel Victoria Zimmer Mary Zotkiewicz
II-E "On, Dancer and Prancer. .
11-F Roscoe Lee Browne, actor and poet, enhances the Julienne cultural circle.
Janice Anderson Charlene BaUmann Sandra Bayham Bonita Beall Kathleen Beatty Rebecca Beutle Mary Cristofaro Deborah Dean Rosemarie DeCarlo Paula Durrum Kathleen Ernst
Ann Marie Griffith Karen Harris Jane Harrow Mary Howell Cheryl Hutson Letha Jones Mary Kroger Pamela Marke r Judith Martinson Rita Mattes Marianne McCracken Barbara Metzger Margaret Miller Mary Therese Mumma Johnsye Penix Pauline Roll Julie Sears Amelia Sheets Julie Smith Eileen Thiel Janice Van Marter Cynthia Vehorn Fay Weber Bonita Zimmer
Marta Beckman Karen Bernard Mary Blake Dorothy Borchers Kathle e n Christ en sen Kathryn Comboy Deborah Deni se Susan Di etsch Christine Fitzgerald Kathl een Fletch e r R eb e cca Harr Barbara H e itbrink Karen Hodge Catherine Karl Kyle Kowale ski Louise Le ibold Catherine Lowery Diane Monro e
Nancy North Constance O sterf eld Judith Patterson Reb ecca Pfe iffe r Patricia Piekutowski Louise Ratterman Diane Robinson Jane Schrei er Pamela Seitz Miriam Sell Ruth Wagner Jane Ann W e nning Jean Williamson Barbara Wolf
II-G "Hmm. . . I never t.hought of that. "
"Head and Shoulders" above the crowd in Spirit Week.
Absent: Laura Zimmerman
Deborah Alberts Teresa Carson Joan Dix Jacqueline Drew Debra Eifert Susan Fischer Anne Flanigan
Patricia Greger Karen Grewe Cathy Ann Hockwalt Christine Hoying Patricia Huels Nancy Koerner Roberta Kroger Patricia Larkins Monica Lehmann Barbara McGill Regina Mecuri Cynthia Morgan Jane Parenti Frances Quinn Lynn Rickard Renee Roberts Ann Sayer Pamela Schmitz Kathryn Ann Schwab Susan Sprecher Barbara Szabo Donna Thome Annette Topp Jane Wendling
' ''~~ '----..../ . ~'. t¡ I
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SOPHOMORES IO-A Martha Armstrong Marcia Beach Elaine Buchenroth Teresa Burns Mary Collins Sheila Crimmins Jean Die munsch Cynthia Dineen Christina Grismer Ann Grusenmeyer Arlene Halvorson Barbara Harless Joy Harris Conni e Hartings Diana Hoagland Mary Hochade l Patricia Hochwalt Mary Keferl Cheryl Krue1zman Joyce Kunkel Diane Miller Patsy Molnar Mary Oberlander Kathi O'Connell Stephanie Pridmore Lawanda Prince Nina Regulinski Esther Ruiz Barbara Schwab Ann Seibert Alice Share Kristine Shull Rosemary Stoermer Janet Vocke Irene Wehner Susan We nzel
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned . "
Mary Jo Berg Cynthia Budenz Karen Clark Julie Donahue
Sara Drummer Karen Hutson Kathy Kirchmer Connie Krug Joanna Malagrida Mariam Manzanares Kathleen Maughan Molly McGarry Mary McNulty Kathleen 0' Shea Kathy Parenti Patricia Smith Anne Somsel Joi Stoffregen Linda Trick Holly Tucker Charlene Wade Nancy Zwiesler
Kathleen Bayer Victoria Bochenek Jeanette Broering Terry Bruns Angela Byrd Ani ta Cunningham
Ann Duffley Denise Glover Alice Grusenmeyer Marilyn Gyori Barbara Hampel Shawn Hickey Pamela Hockwalt Janet Hoffman Bonnie Johnson Susan Keller Sandra Kleismi t Patricia Loomis Eileen Magrath Elizabeth Mahrt Martha Mergler Mary Pflanz Virginia Platt Paulette Pleiman Sally Priske Virginia Pummill Wilhe lmina Ravestein Janice Reeves Kathryn Ridgley Deborah Scherack
Pamela Sims Julie Stropko Nancy Welsh Mary Ann Wourms Donna Yarema
10-C "And on the left hand we have the index finger . .
"Okay, when do they bring out the go- go girls 7"
Toni Allison Carol Bauer Constance Borger Elizabeth Boston Elma Brenman Victoria Carr
Karen Casey JoAnn Colosimo Margaret D eardorf Barbara Dix Maryanne Dorsten Laura Downing Jane Duffy Mary Duncan Jo Ellen Green Marcia Kemp Dolores Kulhanek Mary Jane Larger Jeanne Liebold Donna Lovelace Mary Kay Newton Marigrace Platt Marilyn Rock Martha Rougier
Carla Sakosky Jeanne Schwendeman Carolyn Smith Regina Stang Joy Stitts Mary Tolle Nadine VanOss Mary Wardron Rita Wells Anna Williams Celia Wollenhaupt Lisa Clements
Theresa Ahlers Joy Bailey Patricia Bertke Mary Jo Carlin Carol Chappie Deborah Clark
Patricia Demaree Roseanne Desando Mary Clare Dwyer Kathleen Galt Paula Gomer Theresa Gonsoroski Linda Grewe Elizabeth Hager Nina Hickey Christine Huxtable De Vorah James Jean Jandel Patricia Kiley Ro se mary Kleinman Mary Kroger Janet Kunnen Mary Kathleen Maloney Julie Miskimen
Judy Mi tchell Sheryl Mutschler Monica Oliver Frances Rosenberger Linda Schuman Theresa Swank Catherine Thompson Rosalie Yore Cynthia Watson Patricia Woeste Patricia Young Debra Strebel
IO-E "No man is an island.
Absent: Geraldine Arnold Kathleen Ballman Christine Bonnano
"And would you believe I took a course in Projector-Threading?" Amy Behringer Karen Braunlin Donna Burkhardt
Celeste Choice Linda Dembski Debra Doll Viola Ernst MaryBeth Garlock Susan Grogean
Floy Johnson Ann Kelleher Victoria Kincaid Brenda Mertzman Judith Plevelich Yvonne Robinson Marilou Roll Roxann Ryan Cheryl Schmitz Bonnie Shea Christine Shock Bonnie Simmerman
Kathleen Standish Marylynn Stueve Rita Swank Freda Turney Gwendolyn Van Mook Connie Vehorn
Jane Vescio Belinda Wiley Patricia Wood Catherine Clark Barbara Brown Moira Rankin
Cheryl Berger Mary Beth Boksza Ann Brinkman Peggy Burkhardt June Carr Marilyn Fulwiler Kristine Go e cke Beverly Grilliot Diane Hall Rita Hamman Ann Harting T e re sa Harbnann Janice Hochwalt Jan e t Kerkhoff Victoria Knipp e r Frances Kondrotas Mary Korff Frances Kuntz Bonnie Lowery Louise M eehan Mary M enker Tere sa Michel Shelia Newlin Marian Plevelich Gertrude Sebold Lorita Seitz Maureen Sheehan Eme linda Steinke Mary Strukamp Jill Tatem Patricia Tolle Elizabeth Turner Mary Vocke M e lissa Walter Judy Zitt Geraldine Parris
IO-G The students take time from academic pursuit to unite in prayer.
9-A Margo Anderson Marilyn Bayham Patricia Brown Madonna Burns Donna Campbell
Pamela Chmiel Pamela Clark Joanne Cockerham Kathleen Condy Jo Ann Dix Sharon Dorsey Anne Foose Victoria Goecke Bridget Gross Susan Krach Donna Knipper Mary Kay Kussman Mary Lampkin Kevin Lawson Pamela McSemek Teresa Omlor Mary Perry Susan Pfander Judith Voss Mary Walling Regina Williams Carol Zimmerman Martha Zimmerman Patricia Zirt
LASS OF 1971
Miss Reedy
Katherine Aneshansley Belinda Black Karen Borgert Joann Boston Judith Broadstone
Phyllis Brzozowski Linda Carr Mary Caspar Judi th Evans 路 Teresa Goode Julianna Hager Rebecca Harless Suzanne Harper Ann Hinker Pamela Hoffman Sharon Huels Karen Kozlowski Barbara Kramer Deborah Kulp Judith Logan Christine Lowery Mollie Maloney Nancy Mauch Kathleen Nichols Laima Rastikis Mary Helen Santa Maria Susan Shine Wanda Siwecki Mary Ann Stockert
Jo Ann Taylor Marianne Trentman Mary Utterback Marilyn Unroe Kathleen Will Rita Zooker
Barbara Armstrong Susan Beatty Donna Bratton Anne Brindisi Bre nd a Burton D eborah Bush er
Peggy Davidson Carol D eWitt Carol Jean Dunkl eman Jean ette Eckert Loren e Fink Kar en Frison Susan Fuerst Joy c e Fulwiler Lillian Giles Audrey Hayes Rene e Hicks Donna Huxtable Rita Loper Molly Madden Pame la Mobley Dorothy P etkewicz Barbara Pfeiffer Karen Plassenth al Alexandra Pomuti Mary Schommer Anne Seipel Kathl een Serrer Bonnie Sinkfield Sheila Watkins
Ramona Williams Patricia Huff The pane l of distinguish e d judges vi ews the contestants' qualifications.
9-D "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. "
Constance Boltz
Gail Brooke Barbara Buerschen Patricia Collins D eborah Dillman Mary Gustin Ly nn Hochwalt Jami e How ell Barbara Keeble Jacque line Lay n e Mary McCartan Sheila McNulty Adele Malagrida Darcel Molina D ebra Mudd Diana Musselman Sharon Orr Mary Orris Juanita Poole Rita Quinter Rita Rankin D eborah R e dick Delore s Rowland Pamela Sanders Deborah Santner
Suzanne Sepe sy Jeannine Smiley Kathy Stitts Mary T esno Elizabeth W e b er R eb ec ca Yeager
Karen Battigaglia Catherine Beall Susan Bleicher Mora Boland Maria Burkhardt Margaret Dabney Karen Davis Patricia Deschaine Anita Dillon Deborah Dugan Ellen Foley Angela Fox Julie Freiberger Carola Gitzinger Ann Gysin Kimberly Hocfbaum Monique Jackson Margaret Jewett Linda Krzan Janada Lewis Cynthia Lingg Colette Loges Kathleen McNulty Sandra Morgan Magdalene Neiger Linda 0 'Rourke Rebecca Priske Kathleen Schwieterman Krista Sears Joanne Thiel
Lynette Turney Ann Vogel Victoria Wood
Chemistry class CAN be exciting!
Mary Lou Anderson Lois Alexander Catherine Atkin Out for a breath of air. Kathleen Brinkman Barbara Bryan Sandra COIWin Beverly Davidson Carmelita Del Real Anna Fiori ta Sandra Goubeaux Jacqueline Gremling Mary Lou Haney Victoria Hemmelgarn Monica Hentrich Cynthia Hinkle
Mary Ann Howes Jeri Jones Cynthia Karl Patricia Kreitzer Kathleen Lee Cheryl Loomis Janet Mergler Patricia Montgomery Karen Nicholas Susan Reindl Victoria Sherry Carolyn Smith Mary Spang Diane Swaney Mary Sweeney Lynette Taylor Christine Williams Catherine Zimmerman
Mary Andrews Carol Buddendeck Maureen Carroll Kathryn Costa Amy Danis Estelle Davidson Martha Dunsky Barbara Evans Eileen Flanagan Mary Kiacz Kathl ee n Kiefer Sharon King Christine Kolmstedder Jean M cHal e Alice M aki ewicz Mary Maloney Elizab e th M esch e r Mary Meyers
Christina Moorman Melinda Muth Mary O'Connell Patricia Puthoff T erry Quinn R eb ecca Seitz Mary Singer C e cilia Smith Francis Smith Katherine Spinnato Paula Tremblay Marian Trick
Pamela W est Mary Wilbur Mary Wism er
"Who, m e? I can hardly b eli eve it!"
Sr. Mary Theodosia
Celia Armstrong Kathleen Ballmann Maureen Barlow Kristine Bertke
Mary Biersack Kathleen Cleary Janet Edmondson Charlene Ernst Joanne Foley Collette Furin Trudy Haley Pamela Hill Leticia Harmon LeAnn Killian Janice Kroger Julie Leist Cheryl Link Susan Litrner Anne Martin Margaret Mayer Mary Menker Cynthia Monnin
I ,'
Helen Moore Shelia Niles Ann O'Bryan Mary Ridenour Linda Scherack Deborah Siegel
Paulette Taylor Sharon Thoma Jacqueline Thompson Diane Tokarsky Nancy Trick Mary Wellmeier
SEATED, 1. to r. : Teri Ford, Sue Cochra n , Barb Tuss . STANDING: Marirose Sindoni, M arilyn Wiggenhorn, Connie Stueve, Connie Lehm a n.
Dads and daughters prepare 路to sing out.
Student Council provides an invaluable service to both students and faculty - -t hat of unifying the efforts and attempts at mutual communication and understanding. Through Student Council it is possible for the student body to voice opinions about desired changes. Conversely , the administration is able to inform the students of their motives, and consequently promote better student -faculty relations. This year Student Council has initiated man y student-faculty activities which serve to maintain a general spirit of good will throughout the school. The 路 p e p of Spirit W e ek r eigns supreme in the cafete ria.
The dynamic duo--Sr. "Rob e rt s " and Sr. Mary Spirit!
Moderator, Sr. Marietta ; Officers, L. TO R. : Jane Schmitz, Treas.; Linda Haley, V . P. ; Lois Gaeke, Sec.; Judy Kronenberger, Pres.
Sodality Members of Sodality strive to encounter Christ in their everyday lives, not only at Julienne but in the community. Through teaching C. C. D. classes, Red Cross work, and other volunteer activities, the girls seek to fulfill the needs of others and so achieve the goals of Sodality.
Procession and crowning of Our Lady on the first day of May.
C. S. M . C. officers finalize Mission Day Plans.
CSMC Catholic Students Mission Crusade is an organization which, t h r 0 ugh its mission activities, brings the students to realization and recognition of other peoples in the world. The collection of stamps, an annual Christmas dance, and Mission Day are some of the activities which C. S. M. C. sponsors in its support of the missions. I
Janet Scarpelli and Saint Nick get acquainted at the Christmas dance.
Moonlight, mistletoe, and Santa complemented the festivities of C. S. M. C . 's annual dance.
Mrs. McMillin speaks to the F. T. A.
Future Teachers Of America Practicality marks the activities of the Julienne chapter of the Future Teachers Club. The overall aim is to present to its members each facet of the teaching career. Through services rendered' the girls themselves provide the activities that will be essential in their chosen profession. The Club as a whole unifies the services through discussion, movies, and meetings.
Officers-Cindy Rogerson, Barb Jobe, Alexis Nelson, Elaine Gambill, Ann Skelton, Debbie Dawicke. Mrs. Patzigmoderator.
A pleasant smile is essential for a good speaker.
NFL The Nat ion a 1 Forensic League attempts to for m its me m b e r s into poised and polished speakers.Participation in high school speech tournaments throughout the state enables the girls to demonstrate their speaking skill in the categories of drama, declamation, and comedy.
Officers-Roberts Pitman, Marty Boesch, Sue Hagen, Polly Leist.
Officers-Ann Petkewicz, Judy Ste igerwald, Kathy Lowery, P e ggy Buckwalter, Cathy Brumbaugh, Mrs. Martinmoderator.
Chaminade cheerleaders- He l en Pomuti, Barb Tuss, Judy Scott, Gail Kuritar.
Future Nurses Club The Future Nurses Club is an organization which fulfills the needs and interests of girls who plan a possible future in a medical career. Through the use of films, guest speakers, and tours of local hospitals, F. N. C. attempts to .provide club members with information and ideas concerning the possibilities within the field of medicine.
Cheerleaders Julienne provides the Eagles of Chaminade with four vivacious girls to lend vocal support and lead fan spirit. Chosen as sophomores, these girls attend regular sessions to practice the cheers used at games.
Pres. B. Deger, V . P. J. Hansen, Sec . P. Heiligenberg, Treas. K. Dittxich, Pt. Keeper C. Fortunato, Moderator Miss May.
JCOWA Our surrounding world forces on us an awareness of daily world happenings, a stimulation of interest in current events, and a desire to delve into an understanding of other cultures. The Junior Council on World Affairs at Julienne b r in g s together girls inte r este d in pursuing the tremendous goal of bringing peace to the world b y a deeper under standing of its people.
"Just wait a minute, I'll get it . .. "
Pres. , C. Hockwalt; V. P. , D. Schram; Sec., T. Meyers; Treas. , P. Huels; Moderators , Mrs. Teijelo, Sr. Francis Xavier.
Spanish Club To SUp P 1 em en t classroom learning, membership in El Club Latinoamericano is a means of achieving a more natural command of the Spanish language. Through interesting speakers, national games , and folk customs, this club has steadily progressed since its inception three years ago. Pres . A . Ro a lef , V . P. R. Schiffm a n , Sec. Tre as . D. Meyer, Modera tor Miss Horvath.
M a rtinson ,
French Club French Club endeavors to give the more practical and social aspects of the 1 ang u ag e, not to be found in a textbook. Les Parisiennes offers a wide range of experiences to the student: speakers, films , a visit to a French bake shop.
Smile, Scholars, Smile !
My n am e h as go t t o be on h er e somewh e r e ...
National Honor Society The cha r ac te r exe mplifie d in t he m e mbe r s of the Nationa l Honor Soc ie ty i s t he to r c h whic h c a rries the light of sc hola r s hip , service , a nd leade r s hip to a ll Julie nne s tude nts. Eac h m e m ber of t he soc iety s trives to b e the e mbodime nt of its ideal-to satisfy be tte r t he demands of a soc ie t y b y m.ee ting fir s t t he nee d s of its own sc hool co mmunity. Pres . T . N ichol s, V . P. A . Spinna t o , Sec . A . Roal ef, Treas. B. Chmie l , M odera tors Mrs . Duffy, Sr. A nn Christoph e r .
Junior-Senior Glee Club
Communication through songjan age-old end e avor of man.
Members of the Junior-Senior Glee Club obtain a sense of achievement and enjoyment through their participation in various concerts during the year. Miss Rose Gysbers directs the JuniorSenior Glee Club in long hours of rehearsal which culminate in a praiseworthy pe rformance.
Pres. L. Baker, V. P. D. Harmuth, Sec. -Treas. L. Sims, Librarians D . Sammons, D. Landis , M. Zimmerman .
Sophomore Glee Club
"Ah, ah, ... "
The Sophomore Glee Club provides an opportunity for the younger girls to acquire experience in choral singing before joining the Junior -Senior Glee Club . Members of the Sophomore Glee Club also have a chance to perform in public at the Christmas and spring concerts given by the Glee Clubs under the direction of Miss Rose Gysbers. Pres. B. Hampel, V.P. J. Kerkhoff, Sec.-Treas. K. Clark, LibrariansL . Downing, C. Wohlenha u pt , D. Hoag land, Moderator Miss Gyspers.
"If we sold 300 brownies we sho uld have . . . "
Pres. D . Dolinski, V.P . C. Cousins, Sec . K. Kowaleski, Moderator Sr. R ose Margar et .
League Of The Sacred Heart
Red Cross The purpose of the Junior Re d Cross at Julienne, which is in affiliation with local and national Red Cross chapters , is to inte r est the students in he lping m a nkind through various projec ts concerned with welfare . The girls are given opportuni ties to ass ist in local ho s pital s, and take part in other charitable activities.
The League of the Sacred Heart has a high ideal, that of spreading de votion to the Sac red Heart among the students. Through the work of homeroom representatives the Leagu e s ponsors monthly projects which are connected with the purpose of the League.
Pres . L. Condron, V . P. P. Gree n, Se c. M.S . Gmeiner, Treas . B. Frie s, Moderator Sr . Francis Xav ier .
Pres. L. Condron, V . P. P. Moosbrugger, Sec. M. Keating, Treas . K. Kowaleski, Pt. Keeper T. Smith.
CDl library Club The members of the Citizens for Decent Lite rature are concerned young people who care a b out the nlOral and spiritual welfare of their com.l11unit y . By writing letters to bu s inessm e n and city officials with r ega rd to obsce ne literature, CDL takes act ion in a n effo rt to create a better world . The Library Club attem pt s to encourage and acquaint students concerning the use of the sc hool library , and mernbers of the club serve as library aides . One librarian for every book !
Pres . T. R a v est e in, V. P. J. Loges, Sec. R. S a unders, Pt. Kee per D . C alloway.
Pres. J. A g n e 'IV, V. P . E. Thiel, Sec. A. Zimme rm an ( Absent), Treas. S . Heggs .
Art Club The Art Club provides an important and vital stimulus to girls who are seeking a medium for creative ex -
pression. Agains t a background of fr iendliness and innovation, the members help, understand, and communicate with one another. The girls receive recognition for talent through prizes a nd honors awarde d in various contests. Sister Anna Marie, the art teacher for the past several years, moderates the club . "This happens to be an original by none other than the DaVinci of Julienne ... "
Pres. J. Magrath, V. P. J . Scott , Sec . S. Borger, Treas. M. Ke ating, Pt . Keeper P . Moosbrugger, Jr . Rep. J. Helmer, Moderators lvirs. Wellman, Miss Roberts.
Girls Athletic Association The Girl's Athletic Association at Julie nne provides much for the student in the field of sports . Through tourna ments in kickball, v 0 11 e y baIl , and basketball , the club strive s to promote not only coordination and agility, but also an important spirit of true sportsn'lan ship . Outside activities , such as bowling at McCook's Lanes and the telmis team , help to improve reI a t ion s with other schools.
Point for our side !
C apt. Mary Shearer , Co-capts . Be cky Biga, Jeanne H e lme r.
Drill Team History c han ge d its course this year to include Julienne's first drill teanl . Under the d ire c t ion of Miss Cheryl Kelly , nineteen sophomores and juniors marched and danced at several Chaminade games. Highlights of this group's activities included a special performance in U. D. 's Homecoming parade.
An exact formation requires long hours of dedicated practice.
It's over! Another deadline met.
Monogram -
MONOGRAM, the newspaper of Julienne, i s a nother means of cOlTlmunicati on in our school. Under the direction of Mis s Wilm.a Reicher , the publication a p pe a r s six times a year. Through varied and stimulat ing articles , cartoons, school news, a nd e ditoria l s the student community is kept informed . The "Lette rs to the E ditor" column gives stude nts the opportunity to voice their opinions on the ne'w s, making the paper a means of true conl.municati on .
Editor K. Dittrich , Page Editors L. King, E. Horvathy, Platt, R. Rinehart , Moderator Miss R eich er.
Kau fhold , P . Schmitz, Ass 't. Editors A. Skelton , A.
Ye al'book Staff Editors : B . Hickey , A. 0 'Brien, S . Lozan, D. Dawicke , ] . Scarpelli, T. Nichols, L. King, M. Dupps, J. Schmitz.
Business, Cl erical , and Photogr aphy Staffs.
Monogram -
The mernbe rs of the Monogram Yearbook staff have devoted the ir time, effort, enthusiasm, and ideas to the united e ndeavor of capturing on paper prec iou s memories of the 1967 -68 schoo I year . For the staff, a sense of acc omplishment exi sts in the knowle dg e that the result of tireles s effo rt is an exceptional production, appreciated by students and faculty .
Copy and Layouts Staffs.
Most Reve rend Archbishop Karl J. Alter Rt. Rev . Msgr. Martin T. Gilligan Rt . Rev . Msgr. J ames L. Krusling Rt. Rev . Msgr. Jos eph McFarland Rt. Rev . Msgr. R aymond Schroeder Rt. Rev . Msgr. Jam es E. Sherman Rev. Walter C . Ahr Rev . Edwin Aufderheide R ev . Raymond H . Backhus Rev. Robert J . Bastian Rev. Cornelius Berning Rev. Paul Buehler, C . PP. S. R ev . James O. Byrne R ev. Gerard Evers R ev. Francis 1. FraneI' Rev. Francis Fritz Rev . Carl J. Geers Rev . Urban J. Koenig
Rev . Rev. Rev . Rev. Rev . Rev . Re v. Rev. Rev. Rev . Rev . Rev . Rev. Rev . Rev. Rev.
Paul J. Lippert, C.S. Sp. Robert Lux, C.PP. S. Robert Maher James Minch Titus N arbutas Francis B . Pilliod Richard F . R e dman J.D. S auter Robert W. Schutte Leander A. Schweitzer George J. Stenz Walter J. Sterwerf George H. Trimb ac h Walter Welebil Arnold F. Witzman Joseph L. Zimmer
BUSINESS PATRONS King Cole R estaurant 34 West 2nd StJ:eet Cong r a tulations, Senior Class Kinzeler Realty 277-5511 Kuntz 's Food Se rvice Inc. LarlY Cooper Sohio Service Phone 222-0111 1471 W. 3rd St. Logan Appliance Service Lowes ' Lovers - -Come one Come all Congratulations to Class of ' 68 Tom Mackey--Mackey's Minit Mart Mary's Beauty Shop-M ary T arte r Max's Shoe Store 729 Watervliet Ave . McLaughlin 's Hub Pharm acy 6175 Brandt Pike Best Wishes from Mexican Foods of Ohio 2703 Linden Avenue Miami Cigar & Tob acco C ompany 18 76 Radio Rd . 252-9901 Congratul ations from Moritz Flowers Northridge Plbg. Co. Gale T. Demaree 254- 8392 Northtown Te xaco Ne ighbors Market 900 W . Fifth St . O akvvood Plumbing Co . Ohmer Park Upholstering 1029 Wayne Ave. 228-9331 Overlook Auction 98 N. Smithville Rd . Phone-256- 3961 Auctions - - Wednesdays Salem Lane Jewelers Compliments of Shiloh Barbers 4 Barbers Smiths ' Carry Out and Bargain Center 1000 W. 3rd St . Phone -222-8022 Smithville Humble Service Center Frank Collins, Owner
Ace Moving and Hauling 278-3073 Reasonable Rates 815 N. Broadway Adam Ballmann 's Sons Produce 2159 Valley StJ:eet 233- 5022 Allegheny Window Cle aning Compliments of Allen's Pharm acy 3036 Far Hills--2916 Linden Ave . Aloha Flowers 4618 Nor th Dixie 274- 1687 Amatulli 's IGA Linden Ave. Am a tulli 's Market 1400 Linden Congratul ations Cla ss of 1968 Andy's Cany Out 6439 W . 3rd St . Ashburn 's Furniture Store 222-9948 Compliments Ayeone Machine & Grinding Co . , Inc . Bill Hoffman Shell Service Birmingham 's Pharmacy C . Oscar Beigel & Sons Jewel e rs 505 Xenia Ave. 252 - 2631 Chuck Wagon Inn 111 Valley St . Colosimo Tool Co. D ayton, Ohio Current 's Pharmacy Main & Hel ena DeHart R emodeling 878-5038 Delview Market 305 Delaware Fresh Meats and Vegetables 275-5611 Dillingham Real ty 3500 Hoover Avenu e 263- 7201 Doebler 's Bakery Xenia Ave. Don Mauch 's Ohmer Park Service Congratulations--Donenfeld's Ed Murphys Delivery--253-4181
Steve's Flll'11ihll'e Stor e 103 Valley St. Stop-N-Go Foods Ope n 7 am . t o 11 pm . Landscaping? Strobe l N ursery Thompson Tire Company 36 VanCl eve StJ:eet 223- 4302 P & R Communic ations Paulett 's Be auty S alon Inc. The Pe t e r Kuntz Lumbe r C ompany Lumber and Millwork Pete's Lunch 18 13W . 3rdSt . Fine fo od & ice cream Puthoff Ins . Agy. 898- 5527 8724 N. Di xie Dr. D ayton , O. R. and R. Radio & T V Service O. Re e d O wner Ph. 254- 4777 R. J. Madden Tile C o. Compliments of R e li able T e l evision Serv. Rita's Beauty Shop 2869 N. LutIleran Ch . Rd. Riverdale Ice and Bee r Co. 3513 N . Main Congr a ullations S eniors of ' 68 Rudy's Lawn C enter 700 Brandt. St . 22 8-9107 Rusty's Pharmacy 625 Xe ni a Ave. 252-4301 Valle y View Grove Caterers lv!r. and Mrs. Geo . Scha mel Washerette Launde r e rs and CleallerS, Inc. Wendling Patte rns, Inc .
Ed's C afe 1100 Valley St. Great opporumiti es unfold! With Emmons Jewel ers 277-9684 Compliments of Five O aks Market Congraullations--Fred's 30 8 T avern 308 Xenia Avenue 252-42 9 1 Gille Mobile Hom e S al es Goody Goody Re st aur ant Hal:ris FWleral H ome 49 Linden Ave. 253-3129 Pm of the Good Life Hot Shoppes--Salem Ma ll House of Fabrics The Hyland Machine Company 1900 Kuntz Rd. 233-8600 "Quality i s our Busin ess " Congraullations Seniors Industrial Electric Motors J . A. Kielbasco-Contr actor J.E. Weikert Pa intin g & D eco . Our Best Wishes J acque's Flowers To all outstanding school Jimmy 's Record Shop 711 N . Broadway Jim's Mobile H ome Supply Congratulations to the Senior Cl ass of '6 8 The Jolm L. Macbeth Insur ance Company Hulman Bldg. 461 - 4745 Kalmas Cafe Kelly 's 736 Wyoming
FRIENDS & RELATIVES Fr. Louis J. Guntzelman-"Alter" says "Hi" 3-G Chaminade H igh School Good Luck -Holy Angels School Congratul ations- Holy Trinity Que en of Martyrs Church Fr . G eers-Fr. Schae per Good Luck-St . Agnes School Congratulations to the Class of "6 8 " From Saint J ames Parish Council Mr . &Mrs. Michael Alexinas Congratulations ! Great '6 8 Mr. & Mrs. H oward Amend The C. H . Aneshansley F a mily Best Wishes Ausr a & Dick Mr . & Mrs. Willi am Azbill M r. & Mrs . Jolm Bachey Congr a tulati ons Seniors Mr . & M rs . E. J . Baker , Jr. Mr . & Mrs . Joseph D. Baker and Famil y The Charles Ballmann Family Rita Ballmann-1933 Mr . & Mrs. Vincent Bauer Mr. & Mrs . Robert J . Bayh am & Family Mr . & Mrs . P aul Beutle Dorothy Blackford (Stomps ) 1928 Gr ad. Mr . &Mrs. Alex Bochenek & Family
Best of Luc k The FitzpatJ:ick Family Dr . & Mrs . Rob ert B. Ford Major & Mrs. Arthor L. Fox Cong ratulations Mrs. Tom Fox J ames W. Freem an , DDS. A Friend From a dear Friend Mr . & Mrs. Louis Fries Mr . & Mrs . Edwin Fritz Cong r atulations Seniors! Dr. Harry Fronista Mary Ann Furay Cong r atulations Clas~ of '6 8 Mr . & Mrs. William Furst M r. & Mrs. Willi am L. Gerhard Charles E. Gitzinger Dr . & Mrs. Louis J. Goetz Good Luck 68'ers-the Goode 's Good Luck from a graduate Mr . &Mrs. Norb ert Gre en Mr. & Mrs . KennetIl F. H alvorson Mr. & M rs . Martin HarmutIl Mr . & M rs. K. L. Harper Mrs. Charles E. Hartzell Mr. & Mrs. C. E. He ggs
Mr . G Mrs. Fr,ll1k Bochenek G Family Mr. Ralph Bochenek Mr . G Mrs . Edward M. Boland Mr. G Mrs . Lavern Bollheimer Mr . G Mrs. Bernard J. Borger Mr. G Mrs . Jo1m Boston Mr. G M rs. Elwood Bowser Congrats, Seniors-Brenda and Dan Mr. G Mrs. Vincent J. Brinkman Mr. G Mrs . Leander A . Broering Mr . G Mrs . Anthony Bruno Mr . G Mrs. Kennedy L. Bryan Peter Brzozowski Family Mr . G M rs . Robert O. Buckwalter Mr . G Mrs. Herman Buerschen Mr. G Mrs. Thomas Bmkhardt M i ss R ose Carey Congratulations, Judge G Mrs. Russell L. Carter Mr. G Mrs . Charles Clapp Mr. G Mrs. Richard J . Cochran Mr. G Mrs . William Comboy Mr. G Mrs . Robert J. Condron Congratulations, Marcella, Sharon G Mary Congratulations to the Class of 68 Congratulations! '68 Seniors Mr . G Mrs. D. J. Crest Good Luck! Davey and Angie Patricia Marie Dawicke Dr. G Mrs. Robert J . Deger Best Wishes from Debbie Dillman Mr. G Mrs. C. J. Dittrich Mr. G Mrs. Fr ank Dix Mr. G Mrs . Jose Dodaro Congratulations, Graduates Mr . G Mrs . Louis D. Dorn Mr. G Mrs. William L. Duffy Mr . Wm. J. Edwards, Jr. Mrs . Mary Elking MaryaI111 Evers "56" Mr . G Mrs . William Fahrig M r . G Mrs . Herbert Finke Mr. G Mrs. Michael P. Fiorita M.r . G Mrs . Clarence J. Fischer Congratulations, N ancy--Maggot Mr . G Mrs . Jo1m Magnus--Good Luck Best of Luck--Fr. Robert A . Maher M r. G Mrs . Louis R. Mahrt Mr . GMrs . Jacob F. Mayer Sr. M r . G Mrs. Thom as Martin Mr. G Mrs. Arthur Martinson M r. G Mrs. Paul L. Maughan M r. G Mrs. Clifford McCoy Mrs. Edna McGhee Mr. G M rs. John J. McNulty Mr . G Mrs. J ack A. Mergler Mr. G Mrs. George E . Mescher Mr . G Mrs. Norman L. Miller Congratulations, Mr . G Mrs. Cletus Monnin Mr. GMrs . Paul E. Monroe M r. G Mrs . George H . Montgomery Mr. GMrs . E. C. Moorman Mr . G Mrs. Paul Moosbrugger In memory of Roger C . Morgan M r. G M rs. Emmett Munger
Congratul ations Seniors of ' 68 Nlr. G Mrs . S. Heiligenberg Mr. G Mrs. Thomas C. Hochwalt Mr . G Nlrs. I\lbert Hoffman Mr . G Mrs. H arold Hollman Congratulations Seniors! Dr. Thomas Honingford Robert E. Ivory G Family Dr . G Mrs . Frederick D. Jackson Mrs . Edward G. Johnson Mr. G Mrs. Richard G . Jobe Congratulations Seniors Jo1m Bain Rick Wail' Pour Moi Congrat's to Class of 68; KK Mr . G Mrs. Thomas A. Keating Mr . G Mrs . Jos . G . Kiefer Congratulations Graduates! Mr . G Mrs . Charl es G . Kinze l er Miss Dorothy M. Kinzel er Mr. G Mrs . Edward L . Kleinman Mr . G Mrs . Marvin J. Klenke Mr . G Mrs. Hemy S . Klimaske Olga Knaak Mr. G Mrs. Richard A . Koerner Best Wishes The Kosater Family Dr. G M rs. Norbert L . Kosater Mr. G Mrs. Walter Kozlowski Y ocko Kozlowski Congratulations to all M r . G Mrs. E. J. Krach Mr. G Mrs. A. J . Kronenberger Mr . G Mrs . Louis W. Muth Mr. G Mrs. Donald Kussman M r . G Mrs. William Lee Mr . G Mrs . Joseph A. Lehmann Miss Ruth Lehmann Congra tula tions Seniors Mr. G Mrs. Richard]. Leibold Fa mily G. E. "ED" Loges Dr. G M rs . Peter Long Best of Luck in the Future Mr . G Mrs. Jo1m G. Lozan M r. G Mrs . Anthony J . Lucente Lotsaluck! Murk y Lui tz G Puma Best Wishes to the Class of '68 M r. G M rs . Sanford B. Searles Mr. G Mrs . Joseph Seck Jr. Mr . G Mrs. Robert Seitz Seniors ! Seniors! Go! Fight! Win! Mr. G Mrs. Emmett Sherry Shalom! BGJMMDRKPLDY Luv ! Mr . GMrs. B. C. Singer Congratulations from Mr. G Mrs. Hugh M. Stanley Mr. G Mrs. Woodrow F. Sitzman Mr. G Mrs. C . Earle Smith G Dannetta Mr. G Mrs. Hugh M. Smith Dr. G M rs . C. P. Somsel Good Luck D ianne from Sondi Mr. G Mrs. Joseph Spinnato G Family M r. G Mrs. Donald E . Stafford Harold and Marie Stiver John J. Stropko Mr. G Mrs. Charles A. Szabo
Mr . & Mrs. Jolm L. Nich ol s Mr. & Mrs. G en e North Wm . L. O 'Brien Family Mr. & Mrs. John Papp & Family Mr. &Mrs. Tiliner Patterson Sandy L. Pat1:on C a pt. &Mrs . W.D . Patzi g Congratulations , Mr. & Mrs . Paul F . Peters Mrs. B. A. Pfeiffer Mr. & Mrs. Virgil R . Pummill Good Luck--Mr. & Mrs. R astikis. Mr. & M rs . H arold J. Reindl M r. & Mrs. Elbert Rench Congratul ations, Seniors ! Mr. & Mrs . Rob e rt Ro alef Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Ro esch Mrs. Edward Rogerson Mr . & Mrs. Paul J. Ruschau Good Luck and Best Wish es--Rick S. Mr . &Mrs . D anie l T. S ammons The George S a w1ders Fa mily Mr. & Mrs. Frank Scarpelli Mr. & Mrs . Goffre do Sc arpelli Congratulations from Marie Scarpelli M r. & Mrs. Bent Schmitz Mr. & Mrs. Cletus E. Schmitz Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Schuman Mr. & Mrs . J . L. Schwendeman Mr. & Mrs. Jolm P . Scott
M r. & Mrs . Edward B. T ay lor Mr. &Mrs . Norm an E . T ayl or Major and Mrs . Thornhill The James Tobin Family C on gr atul ation s to K at from Tom Mr. & M rs. Ale x G. Tuss Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Umin a Mr . & Mrs. Ge rard Unverfe rth Charles V an g as Mr . & Mrs . C. L. V e horn Congr a tula tions--Mr . & Mrs . J. Vyszenski Mr . & Mrs . Thom as W allin g Congr atulations Seniors ! Rob ert L. W alter Congr atulations--W artingers Congr atul ations--G ail We aver - -1962 Congr atul ations from Mr . & Mrs. Rob ert D. Weaver Good Luck to the Class of '68 from Irene Wehner Eugene U . Westendorf Family Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Willi am son Miss Corliss Winters Mr. & Mrs. Martin Woerner Cong r a tulations Seniors Mr. William Wysinski Mr. & Mrs . D ennis J. York Mr. & Mrs. Jolm Zabel Congratul ations to the Cl ass of "6 8 " Press on--Michael Zimmerman Mr . & Mrs . E. J . Zwiesl er Good Luck- Mr . & Mrs. Zukaitis
Classmates Congr atul ations, Seniors Jolm E. Searl es Congr at s from the Art Club Congr at s from French Club Cong r atul ations from F. T . A . Congr atulations from JCOW A Congr atulations from 9A Congratulations from 9B To the Class of 6 8 From 9C Cellarbugs-- Congratul ation Com pliments of 9D C ong r atul ations from 9E Exo tics Congra tula ti o n Seniors From 9G Grenouille 9H "H.!. S . " Class of "71" Congr atulations from lOB The lOG Ten-Gerines Congratul ations from ll A C on gr atul ations Seniors Congr atulations, Vickie Congr atulations Cl ass of ' 68 From The "Arb )' '' Lo vers Dracul a and all the gang Look out world here we come!
Congr atulations! --lIC Congratulations to the Class of 68 lID Dentore Droppers lIF Fem Frat s say Congrats Congratulations, Seniors--lIG Congr atulations Seniors - - 11 H ASBCE2GH8J3K3L 6M2N3PRS3T 12A Go R e d --12B Cong r atulations Seniors of "68" Fr om 12D's Dazzling D aisies Table 24-4A-M. Mj M. K jS. C jC. L jA . SjJ. S 4A-T. 3 1-K. KjS . KjD.MjJ.MjM . D jP. WjWe made it!! ! Look out world, here we come! Table 18-4A Mom said we made it! --16B 31 -B , T anks but no tanks JEANROSDEBRONBARBJEAN 43-4A Hi from table 34, 4 - C Class of " 71" D,K , C,G,J,M . --4A Table 32--We made it! FranJudyRitaRosieJeanPat--T2 7 Congrats to us T able 28 4A Congr ats to us Table 27 4C Congr ats to us. We made it ! 26- 4C So Sorry to Leave Ha! Ha! 4A 26
Margi e [;. Mary P拢l an z--"Tin Knights" Success to Us ! T e rry S uz-Jos -Arm~Barb-Ang i e -K athy
Yea, T . L. Sen iors--Terri Haney You finally m ade it Sims ! W e m ade it ! JKJGJLKGDLTMCBJHBL
Congr atulati on s fr om T able 24- - 4B 4C Lw,c h--D . A .D . A. F . T . Bes t wish es to the Fresh ma n Class of 68 Chris [;. Spot
Congratula tions From
Modeling Can Be Fun and Rewarding Call Now 836 - 1004 or 836-2326
Open Year 'Round
5601 N. Dixie Drive ' 2826 N. Dixie Dr.
BERGER'S SERVICE STATION Motor Tuning Brake Service
OHIO FENCE AND REMODELING 1208 North Main Street Dayton, Ohio Phone 224 -7449 Day or Night
Phone 274 -3882
Aluminum Siding Steel Siding Storm Windows Fences
1413 North Main Street
Expert Remodeling
at Forest Avenue
Free Estimates
PARTY LANE CARRY OUT Compliments of Beer - Wine - Champagne Ice - Mixes - Party Supplies
3917 Wilmington Pike Near Stroop Road Kettering, Ohio Phone 298 -3272
Congratulations Class of ..
BURGER CHEF 6 South Smithville Rd. Home of the world's greatest hamburgers.
Da yton 31, Ohio
Congratulations to the Class of '68
"Don't forget us, we need you . "
If you like the very best, always reach for the package with the picture of the little Miami Maid Indian Girl.
Mlaml MaId Better Bread Dayton's Only Locally Owned Bakery
WILLIAMS BROS. ROOFING CO. INC. Roofing - Aluminum Siding - Awnings Seamless Aluminum Spouting Storm Windows Da yton, Ohio
3600 Valley Street Phone 233 -4175
Congratulations Flowers For
Class of '68
All Occasions
" Sa y it with flower s ,
Imperial House North - South
say it with ours. " 1306 Troy Street
"Where every guest
is a king. "
Congratulations, Seniors
SPEE-DEE AUTO WASH 4121 Prescott Ave. at Gettsburg Ave. Doris Feltz, Mgr.
A. N. HEILIGENBERG & SONS, INC. General Building Contractors Residential - Commercial - Industrial - Remodeling - Alterations In Business Since 1920
Dayton 4, Ohio
110 Brandt St. 223-9581 -- 253-2201 -- 275-9393
Congratulations Class of '68 Your Personalized Cakes Decorated in SIG HT by our SPECIALISTS in WHITE
Graduation - Wedding - Birthday 924 West Fairview Just off Catalpa
3150 S. Dixie Drive Dayton, Ohio 299-6351
Air Conditioned
We have complete facilities for your wedding reception.
Phone 274 -1311 Free Parking Across Street
THE PET AND GARDEN SHOP Presents The Finest In Kennel Accessories - Grooming Supplies - Leather & Link Supplies Birds - Cages - Hamsters - Guinea Pigs and Other Small Animals 450 Patterson Rd.
Da yton, Ohio
salttes 16.
" 1\ ".s-
., .ID
,g, -3'-
Compliments of
44 Lanes
Ope n 'Til 2:30 A. M. Specializing in Prime Steaks Entertainment & Dancing Private Parties Up To 100 2932 Linden & Smithville For Reservations 253 -8969
Keowee At Leo 224-7686
DeCLARK'S Card & Gift Shop featuring
MEYER & BOEHMER FUNERAL HOME When you care enough to send the very best
Since 1922 Ambulance Service 223-9 11 9
Cards , Stationery, Party Papers , and Be a utiful Gifts For a ll Occas ions
convenie ntly located t o se rve yo u 1733 Brown Street at Sawrnill Road
Eastown Shopping Center
521 Leo St. - Dayton Complete Carry Out Service Dining Room Open All Year 222-7771
CO. 275-7771 Your Business is Appreciated Thank You
R . R . Daugherty New -
Band and Orchestra Instruments Le Blanc. Bach. Dabico . King路 Dabico French Horns and Oboe s Violins- Violas-Cellos-Bass Viols Espana. Goya. Kent Guitars Mosrite & Baldwin Guita rs & Amplifiers Finest Imports 4523 N. Main St. - Dayton, Ohio Sales - Service - Rentals
Plus all your needs in sheet music the latest hits plus the standards you love We have the only guaranteed finish for brass instruments. Vibralux your horn!
"You have worked so hard these last twelve years, Now stand and accept our hearty cheers. " Congratulations to the Class of '68 from the
FR. WM. P. O'CONNOR COUNCIL NO.3730 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Our Council Home Is Known As The K of C Hall Dayton, Ohio 4704 Burkhardt Ave. Available for That Graduation Reception - Group Meetings Dances - Celebrations - Private Parties For Information Call 253 -5555
Best Wishes to Class of '68
TALL TIMBERS SUPPER CLUB 5785 Troy Pike Dayton, Ohio
(Hube r Heights) Phone
GUY J. MAGETTI FUNERAL HOME 1508 Valley St. Dayton, Ohio 223-2962
233 -1661
TJUt#Wc, Contact Lens Service Inc. 104 N. Main Street BA 4-4782
Robert C. Snyder
Realtor 2334 Catalpa Dr. 277 -9311
"Your family Realtor" To Buy , or Sell Call We nde ll
Congratulations to the Class of '68
1712 Wayne Ave. 253-6161
11,-C (O.t ... e,,+CI's
SCHOENBERGERS PHARMACY 555 Salem Ave. , at North Ave . Phone 275-1147 Since 1909 Prescriptions, Crutches, Walkers & Canes
for all your office needs ... Stationery ... Loose Leaf ... Office Supplies ... Wllod & Steel Desks & Chairs . . . Visible Filing Equipment . . . Shelving & Factory Supplies . . . l')rafting Room Supplies & Equipment . . . Office Furniture & Equipment . . . new, used, lease . . . OFFICE PLANNING SERVICE
111-113 E. THIRD ST. PHONE 228-6175
Qne of the nation's largest suppliers of fine office furniture, stationery and equipment. FREE DRNE-IN PARKING NEXT DOOR AT DAVID'S
"Machine Tools Rescraped and Reconditioned" Precision Accuracy Guaranteed 2401 Valley Street
719 Watervliet Ave. Dayton, Ohio
New Cars Wedding Receptions
Sales and Service
Value Rated Used Cars
839 N. Main St.
Best Wishes to the Senior Class of 1968
"Specialized Lubricants For Heavy Service"
P. O. Box 676 Da yton, Ohio .Moly Products .Multi -Purpose Gear Lubes .Heavy Duty Motor Oils
45404 .Non-Melting Waterproof Greases .Chemical Cleaners .Coolants - Cutting Oils
Quality Lubrications for Industry, Trucking, Construction - - -All Heavy Mobile and Stationary Machinery
We Beat Alter
Come In And See
Our Beautiful & Elegant Formals
Engineering Land Planning Surveying 1073 Linden Ave. Dayton 10, Ohio
1944 N. Main St.
Mr. Brown
Photographers Miracle Lane Shopping Center 277-1719
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mr. Friedman & Associates Mr. Richard Cunnien, Adviser American Yearbook Co. Sister Rose Anna, Principal Sister Ann Christopher, V. Principal Sister Alberta, Moderator Faculty and Students