Cross promotion proposal

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CROSS PROMOTION PROPOSAL A cross promotion between Shutterfly and Modern Bride magazine. Featured on Lifetime and Lifetime movie networks.


Modern Bride Magazine is one of the most popular magazines in the bridal industry today and many young girls grow up flipping through the pages dreaming of their perfect wedding that they hope will come true one day. Shutterfly, is a growing online photography business that would like to give those now women the opportunity to show off their wedding albums in a crosspromotion with the magazine.


It is a leading Internet-based social expression and personal publishing service that enables consumers to share, print and preserve their memories by leveraging its technology-based platform and manufacturing processes. Its primary focus is helping consumers manage their memories through the powerful medium of photos. It provides full range of products and services that make it easy, convenient and fun for consumers to upload, edit, enhance, organize, find, share, create, print and preserve their digital photos in a creative and thoughtful manner.


Modern Bride would feature Shutterfly advertisements promoting the brand and giving information about where to find the Web site and what the brand is and does.

Shutterfly, would in turn, also give advertisement for Modern Bride on its Web site and encourage those past and future brides to subscribe and or continue to read the magazine.


Another portion of this cross-promotion will the be the advertisement of BOTH brands on the A&E Television Networks, more specifically Lifetime television network and Lifetime Movie network, because both of those programs specifically target women. The promotion will consist of advertisements on television during commercials as well as on the Lifetime and Lifetime Movie network Web sites. Commercials will be shown for the cross-promotion during the most popular Lifetime shows such as Army Wives and Project Runway as well as during feature presentations of new Lifetime movies.


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The major point of the cross-promotion would take place through a series of contests, which would take place in both Modern Bride magazine and the Shutterfly Web site. The point of the contest would be to get women to use Shutterfly and read Modern Bride. Shutterfly and Modern Bride, together, would hold a contest for brides planning their upcoming weddings or who have had weddings that recently have taken place. The brides would create a photo essay about their weddings, with any theme they chose, and create it on Shutterfly. The top wedding photo essays would be featured in Modern Bride. The time frame of the contest would be May through July, for the summer wedding season, and the winners would be published in the winter issue of Modern Bride. The contest would have two sections: low-budget weddings and highbudget weddings, so that brides of every type of wedding may enter.. Through this contest, awareness would be created for all media involved and Shutterfly would be able to show its creative ways users are allowed to edit and present their photo albums/essays.

BY CHELSEA JENSEN E*Media Advertising April 7, 2010


Proposal statement: Modern Bride Magazine is one of the most popular magazines in the bridal industry today and many young girls grow up flipping through the pages dreaming of their perfect wedding that they hope will come true one day. Shutterfly, is a growing online photography business that would like to give those now women the opportunity to show off their wedding albums in a cross-promotion with the magazine. What is Shutterfly? It is a leading Internet-based social expression and personal publishing service that enables consumers to share, print and preserve their memories by leveraging its technology-based platform and manufacturing processes. Its primary focus is helping consumers manage their memories through the powerful medium of photos. It provides full range of products and services that make it easy, convenient and fun for consumers to upload, edit, enhance, organize, find, share, create, print and preserve their digital photos in a creative and thoughtful manner.

Consumers use our products and services to stay connected to their friends and family, to organize their memories in a single location, to tell stories and to preserve their memories for themselves and their children. Its vision is to make the world a better place by helping people share life’s joy. Its mission is to build an unrivaled service that enables deeper, more personal relationships between our customers and those who matter most in their lives. It believes that people have an intrinsic desire for social expression, as they wish to capture and share their experiences and pass them on to future generations. Since the beginning of humankind, people have shared detailed stories of their lives through visual expression. Today, with the evolution of digital cameras and technology, millions of people around the world are capturing their memories and communicating in deeper, more meaningful ways.

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Creating value for its customers is the basis for its success. It offers customers easy, convenient and fun ways to: * share and preserve memories for family, friends and themselves; * organize all of their photos in a single, safe and easily accessible location; * maintain emotional connections to friends and family, despite being time-constrained, through thoughtful and personal photo-based communications and gifts; and * achieve satisfaction and self-expression through creativity and telling stories with photos.

HOW WOULD A CROSS-PROMOTION PARTNERSHIP WITH MODERN BRIDE MAGAZINE BENEFIT BOTH THE MAGAZINE AND SHUTTERFLY? Through this cross-promotion, both the Modern Bride magazine and Shutterfly would receive advertisements and promotion through each other’s media. The magazine would feature Shutterfly advertisements promoting the brand and giving information about where to find the Web site and what the brand is and does. This would be found in the section of the magazine that promotes photographers and photo albums. Also, the Modern Bride Web site will have advertisements for Shutterfly and links to its Web site. Shutterfly, would in turn, also give advertisement for Modern Bride on its Web site and encourage those past and future brides to subscribe and or continue to read the magazine. This would especially target those recently wed couples whom are creating wedding albums on Shutterfly. When the Web site recognizes the wedding format of the photo album an advertisement will pop up for Modern Bride magazine as well as a link to the Modern Bride Web site. Another portion of this cross-promotion will the be the advertisement of BOTH brands on the A&E Television Networks, more specifically Lifetime television network and Lifetime Movie network, because both of those programs specifically target women. The promotion will consist of advertisements on television during commercials as well as on the Lifetime and Lifetime Movie network Web sites. Commercials will be shown for the cross-promotion during the most popular Lifetime shows such as Army Wives and Project Runway as well as during feature presentations of new Lifetime movies. BOTH Modern Bride and Shutterfly would split the costs of the advertisements on the Lifetime networks television programs and Web sites. This would be beneficial because the only money either brand will spend will be on this advertising and the costs will be split. In turn, Lifetime will receive some advertisements in both Modern Bride as well as Shutterfly, which could give some discount on the prices of advertisement spots.

CROSS-PROMOTION THROUGH CONTESTS: The major point of the cross-promotion would take place through a series of contests, which would take place in both Modern Bride magazine and the Shutterfly Web site. The point of the contest would be to get women to use Shutterfly and read Modern Bride. Shutterfly and Modern Bride, together, would hold a contest for brides planning their upcoming weddings or who have had weddings that recently have taken place. The brides would create a photo essay about their weddings, with any theme they chose, and create it on Shutterfly. The top wedding photo essays would be featured in Modern Bride. The time frame of the contest would be May through July, for the summer wedding season, and the winners would be published in the winter issue of Modern Bride. The winners would also be candidates for possible features in the magazine. The contest would have two sections: low-budget weddings and highbudget weddings, so that brides of every type of wedding may enter. This way, brides who took their own pictures may utilize Shutterfly’s numerous photography editing options as well as brides who used costly professional photographers. The more imagination and utilization of Shutterfly’s options, the better. The professionals at Shutterfly and Modern Bride would decided the contest winners in each category and who would receive the honor of having their wedding featured in the magazine. Each winning photo essay would be featured in the magazine, on the Shutterfly Web site as well as the Lifetime network Web sites. Through this contest, awareness would be created for all media involved and Shutterfly would be able to show its creative ways users are allowed to edit and present their photo albums/essays.

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