Car E en
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings CONTENTS Page ABlessed oral ………………………………………………….. 3 Doctors Packing ………………………………………………... 3 Standing in the snow …………………………..……………... 4 Hands washing ………………………………………………… 4 Doctors online .. ………………………………………………. 5/6 Blessed Blessed Doctors online……..………………………. 7 Putting out the fires ……………………………………… 8-15 Blessed ………………………………………………………….. 17 Washing out ……………….……………………………………. 13 Foe- cussing ……………………………………………………. 16 Financial Blessings …………………………………………… 18 My Bra …………………………………………………………… 20 Eye am ………………………………………………………… 21 My back is freezing …………………………………………… 22 Healing with The Holy Spirit ………………………………… 24 1
Carol Etienne asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work
Cover photograph and cover layout design © Carol Etienne photography
© Copyright 2022 Carol Etienne
All rights reserved. No part of this book/publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, reprographics, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publishers This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publishers prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including being imposed on the purchaser
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
All glory to Jehovah God for his presence, his love and for bringing me to this place
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
ABlessedoralcharacter ABlessedoralherb ABlessedoralhealer ABlessedoralhealerinthenight
Doctorspackingmyarmpitswithsnowdaily Doctorspackingmyarmpitswithsnow Doctorspackingmychildrenarmpitswithsnow SnowuponSiennaandUriahsbackdaily SnowuponUriahandSiennasbackdaily 3
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings Standinginthesnow SiennaandUriahstandinginthesnow
Handswashingatmybackdoor HandswashingdailyAmen Cleanhandsatmybackdoor BlessedCleanhandsatmybackdoor Cleanhandsofmyhairdresser BlessedCleanhandsatmyhairdressers JehovahGod'scleanandblessedhands 4
outtheFire$inmy$iennaandUriahsBlessedMouthsdailythroughChrist ourLordAmen
Doctor$onLine Living
Puttingout theFire$ inmy$iennaandUriah$
Puttingout theFire$
inmy$iennaandUriahsBlessedMouths,faceandback daily throughChristourLordAmen
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Doctorsonline dayandnight
inmy$iennaandUriahsBlessedBlessedMouths, faceandback daily throughChristourLordAmen ♢♢
Doctor$online dayandknight
inmy$iennaandUriahsBlessedBlessedanus’s, face,neckandback daily throughChristourLordAmen
Ble$$edDoctor$online dayandknight
theFire$inmy$iennaandUriahsBlessedBlessedthroats, face,neckandback Daily throughChristourLordAmen
Ble$$edBle$$edDoctors onlinedayandknight
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
inmy$iennaandUriahsBlessedMouths, face,neckandbackdailythroughChristourLordAmen
inmy$iennaandUriahsBlessed Meouts south face,neckandbackdailythroughChristourLordAmen
Ble$$edBle$$edDoctors online
inmy$iennaandUriahsBlessedMeoutshs, face,neckandbackdailythroughChristourLordAmen
PuttingouttheFire inme
PuttingouttheFires In
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
face,neckandback Daily
PuttingouttheFire$ inmy$ienna, PuttingouttheFire$in Uriah, PuttingouttheFire$inLeo, PuttingouttheFire$inLeahandAvasBlessedBlessedMouths, face,neckandbackdailythroughChristourLordAmen
PuttingouttheFire$ inmyBlessedMouthdaily
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Bl€€€€$$ED mouthsdailyAmen Bl€€€€$$ED anus’sdailyAmen
Bl€€€€$$ED mouthdailyAmen
Bl€€€€$$ED mouthdailyAmen
Bl€€€€$$ED 8
PuttingouttheFiresinAvasmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED mouthdailyAmen
PuttingouttheFiresinAvasmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED
PuttingouttheFiresinAvasmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED
PuttingouttheFiresinAvasmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED
PuttingouttheFiresinAvasmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED
PuttingouttheFiresinAvasmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED
PuttingouttheFiresinAvasmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Bl€€€€$$ED 9
PuttingouttheFiresinAvasmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED
PuttingouttheFiresinAvasmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED mouthdailythroughChristourLordAmen
PuttingouttheFiresinAvasmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED
PuttingouttheFiresinAvasmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED body,hipsandmouthdailythroughChristourLordAmen
PuttingouttheFiresinAvasmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED body,hips,bonesandmouth daily throughChristourLordAmen
PuttingouttheFiresinAvasmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED
tongue,bones,body,hipsandmouth dailythroughChristourLordAmen
PuttingouttheFiresinLeah'smintyand Bl€€€€$$ED body,hips,bonesandmouthdaily throughChristourLordAmen
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
PuttingouttheFiresinLeahsmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED body,hipsandmouthdailythroughChristourLordAmen
PuttingouttheFiresinLeahsmintyChest and Bl€€€€$$ED body, hipsandmouth dailythroughChristourLordAmen
PuttingouttheFiresinLeahsmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED back dailyAmen
PuttingouttheFiresinLeahsmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED backandbowels dailyAmen
Puttingout theFiresinLeahsmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED backandbowels dailyAmen
Puttingout theFiresinLeahsmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED backandbowels dailyAmen
Puttingout-the-Fires inLeahsmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
backandbowels dailyAmen
PuttingouttheFiresinLeahsmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED
backandbowels dailyAmen
Puttingout thefires inmyGrandchildren'sarmpits everydayandeverynightinYeshuaspreciousnameAmen
Puttingout theFires
Puttingout myDemons
Puttingout theFiresinmyGROUNDtruth
Puttingout theFiresinmyROOT$
Puttingout theFire$inmyTOOT$
theFIERCEconver$ations ₩a$hingout theFIERCEconversation$ atabar
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
theFIERCEconversation$ ataRiverbar MEDICATING
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings Puttingout thefiresinLeahsBle$$edandmintyoils Puttingout theFiresinLeahsmintyand Bl€€€€$$ED backbody,hipsandmouthdaily throughChristourLordAmen Puttingout theFiresuponmyblessedbackdaily Bl€€€€$$ED Bl€€€€$$ED Bl€€€€$$ED Hand$andHEalthyMouth ₩a$hing Bl€€€€$$ED Bl€€€€$$ED Hand$andHEalthyMouth ₩a$hing ₩ithLeah$iennaandUriahAvaandLeobythe€m€raldPoolinDominica Amen BlessedOralCarebythe€m€raldPoolinDominica Bl€€€€$$ED OralCaredailythroughChristourLordAmen BL€€€€$$ED OralCareforChildren daily 14
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings ThroughChristourLordAmen BL€€€€$$ED OralCare forChildren dailythroughChristourLordAmen Bl€€€€$$ED OralCare ForChildren Bl€€€€$$ED MintyOralCare forChildren's$houldersdailythroughChristourLordAmen Bl€€€€$$ED MintyOralCareforChildrens$houlders daily throughChristourLordAmen Bl€€€€$$ED DI€T$forBabiesandChildren Bl€€€€$$ED DI€T$forBAbiesandChildren throughChristourLordAmen Blessedarmpitcleanse BlessedarmpitcleansedailyAmen Blessedarmpitcleansedaily 15
onthesunlightandwarmthinmybackgarden Focussing
onthePrayersandsunlight Focussing
Fa$tingandDI€T$toProtectfromDi$ea$€$ throughChristourLordAmen
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings Fa$tingandDI€T$toProtectthePhysicalBodyandmind Fa$tingandDI€T$ to ProtecttheBodyandmindfromDi$ea$€$throughChristourLordAmen Fa$tingandDI€T$ to ProtecttheSpiritualBodyandmindfromDi$ea$€$anddeaththroughChrist ourLordAmen Bl€€€€$$ED OralCare Bl€€€€$$ED OralCareforChildrensbodiesdaily throughChristourLordAmen Bl€€€€$$ED OralCareforChildrensbodiesdaily throughChristourLordAmen Bl€€€€$$ED OralCareforChildrensbodiesdaily throughChristourLordAmen Bl€€€€$$ED OralCareforBabiesandChildrensbodies daily throughChristourLordAmen Bl€€€€$$ED 17
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings OralCareforChildrensbodies daily throughChristourLordAmen Bl€€€€$$ED OralCareforChildrendaily throughChristourLordAmen Financiall¥Bl€$$€€₫ FinancialBl€$$ING$ FinancialBl€$$ING$uponmymouthandFac€ FinancialBl€$$ING$uponmymouthandFac€Am€n FinancialBl€$$ING$uponmymouthandFac€ atWorkAm€n FinancialBl€$$ING$uponmymouthandFac€and€¥€$ Al₩A¥$Am€n FinancialBl€$$ING$ uponmymouthandFac€and€¥€$ al₩A¥$Am€n FinancialBl€$$ING$uponmymouthandFac€ inMORD€NPARKAm€n FinancialBl€$$ING$uponmymouthandFac€ inMORD€NPARKAm€n FinancialBl€$$ING$uponmymouthandFac€ inMORD€NPARKdail¥ Am€n 18
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings B€INGFinancial¥Bl€$$€€D B€INGFinanciall¥Bl€$$€€DandR€₩ARDED for MyWorks WORK$inMORD€NParkAm€n $iennaandUrijahB€INGFinanciall¥Bl€$$€€₫andR€₩ARDED for Services ServingJehovahGoddaily intheirWORK$ $iennaandUrjahB€INGFinanciall¥Bl€$$€€₫andR€₩ARDED for ServingJehovahGoddaily intheirWORK$ $iennaandUrjahB€INGFinanciall¥Bl€$$€€₫andR€₩ARDED For ServingJehovahGoddaily intheirWORK$ B€INGFInanciall¥Blessed Financially Blessed €yes upon my Blessed Work 19
My Blessed Bra
My Bra is Freezing day and night
My underwear is freezing
My underwears are frozen Bl€$$€€₫lydayandnight
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Amen 20
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings My€yesandhands MyhandsandeyesareBl€$$€€₫dayandnightAmen MyhandsandeyesareBl€$$€€₫dayandnightAmen Myhand$andeye$areBl€$$€€₫dayandnightAmen Myhand$andeye$areBl€$$€€₫dayandnightAmen Myhandsfaceandeye$are Bl€$$€€₫dayandnightAmen €ye am €yeam Bl€$$€€₫ withGoodHealthdayandnightAmen Siennasblessedhand$faceandeye$are Bl€$$€€₫ dayandnightAmen Siennasblessedhand$faceandeye$are Bl€$$€€₫ withGoodHealthdayandnightAmen SiennasHEadHandsandHeartis Bl€$$€€₫ withGoodHealthdayandnightAmen UriahsHEadHandsandHeartis Bl€$$€€₫ 21
withGoodHealthdayandnightthroughChristOurLordAmen LeosHEadHandsandHeartis
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Ava$HEadHandsandHeartis Bl€$$€€₫
Ava$HEadHandsandHeartis Bl€$$€€₫
LeosHEadHandsandHeartis Bl€$$€€₫
LEah$HEadHandsandHeartis Bl€$$€€₫ withGoodHealthdayandnightthroughChristOurLordAmen $iennaandUrijahB€INGFinanciall¥ Bl€$$€€DandR€₩ARDED forservingJehovahGoddaily intheirBlessedWORK$ My back is freezing My back is Freezing in the snow May back and lungs are frozen in the pool My heart and lungs 22
My back is freezing
My heart and lungs are blessed with Divine intervention
Avoid angry stressed out situations and spirits which do not build up Defend Your Body With a robust Immune System Back at Work Amen
Defend your Children's bodies with a Healthy Robust Immune System daily by what you eat and feed your Children
Iceland Highest life expectancy in the World
Praising Jehovah God
Praising Jehovah God in my bed daily
Praising Jehovah God
Praising Jehovah God with my whole mind Whole soul and whole strength daily
Praising God in my bedroom daily
Sanitised kitchen and bathroom floors daily
Sanitised pillows daily
Sanitised white pillows and bed sheets daily
Sanitize Childrens bedding daily in Yeshua's Most holy and Precious Name Amen
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Healing with the Holy Spirit
Healing the Stomach and guts with Jehovah God's Holy Spirit
Healing of the stomach and Guts daily through Christ our Lord Amen
Healing of the Stomach lining with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Healing of the Stomach and gut lining with the Presence of the Holy Spirit Amen
Healing of the Stomach and guts
Healing of the hands and hearts with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit Amen
Healing of the hands and hearts in Jesus name Amen
Healing of the body and blood with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit Amen
Healing of the body and blood
Healing of the body and blood
Blessed Blessed €yes
Blessed Blessed Thoughts on my Work
Blessed Blessed Thoughts of my Works
Blessed Blessed thoughts of my Works
Blessed Blessed Thoughts of my back works
Blessed Blessed Thoughts of my Workes
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Blessed €yes on my Children
Blessed Blessed hands upon my Grandchildren
Blessed Blessed hands upon my Grandchildrens lives through Christ
Blessed Blessed hands upon my Blessed Grandchildren
Blessed Blessed hands upon my Doctors fingers
My Doctors Vision
My Blessed Doctors Vision
My Blessed Blessed Doctors Vision and Mission Blessed
Blessed €yes upon my Grandchildren Amen
Blessed €yes on all my Childrens Works Amen
Blessed €yes upon all my Childrens Works Amen
Financial Recovery upon all of my works Amen
Financial Healing upon all my works Amen
Financial Healing on my back
Financial Recovery upon my back through Christ our Lord Amen
Financial recovery daily Amen
Protection from Financial curses
Protection from Financial curses Daily Amen
Shielding my Children from Financial curses
Shielding my Children from financial curses daily Amen Peace in the City
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
My Peace is Blessed
My Peace is Blessed with the Holy Spirit says Sienna and Uriah
My Peace is Blessed with the Holy $pirit
My Peace is Clean
My Peace is Cleansed with the Holy Spirit
My hands are cleansed with the Holy Spirit
My body is cleansed with the Holy Spirit
My body and hands are cleansed with the Holy Spirit
My body and fingers are cleansed with the Holy Spirit
My fingers and nails are cleansed with the Holy Spirit Amen
My Priests
My Priest is Blessed with The Holy Spirit
My Priest is Blessed with Jehovah God's Holy Spirit My Priests €¥€$ are Blessed
Mine €yes are shaped by Faith in Jehovah God and Peace
Mine Childrens Shoulders are shaped by Faith in Jehovah God and Peace Shaped by Faith Peace and Prosperity in all our doings
Peace and Power in all our doings through Christ our Lord Amen Peace Prosperity and Power at My Doors Daily Amen
Peace Prosperity and Power at my Blessed Doors Day and night Siennas Shaped by Faith Peace and Prosperity Amen
Rivers of Cleanliness
Rivers of Cleanliness in Spring
Rivers of Cleanliness in my pants
Rivers of Cleanliness
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Rivers of Clean Waters
Rivers of clean waters at the back of $iennas cool hut Amen
Rivers of clean waters at the back of $iennas cool hut Amen
Rivers of clean waters at the back of $iennas green hut Amen
Rivers of clean waters at the back of Uriahs cool greenhouse Amen
Rivers of clean waters at the back of $iennas cool greenhouse Amen
Rivers of Blessings
Rivers of Blessings in Siennas face daily
Rivers of Blessings in Sienna and Uriahs mouth daily
Rivers of Blessings in Sienna and Uriahs eyes daily Amen
Rivers of Blessings in Sienna and Uriahs face and mouth daily Amen
Rivers of Blessings in Sienna and Uriahs ears daily Amen
Rivers of clean waters at the back of Leos cool green hut daily Amen
Clean flowers in my mouth daily
Rivers of Clean waters at the back of Uriahs house Amen
Rivers of clean waters at the back of Uriahs neck Amen
Rivers of clean waters at the back of Uriahs green car
Rivers of financial healing and Blessings
Georges wife helps her husband
Georges wife is shaped by faith
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Shaped by Faith
Uriah is Shaped by Faith Peace and Prosperity Amen
Leo is Shaped by Faith Peace and Prosperity Amen
Leah is Shaped by Faith Peace and Prosperity Amen
Leo is Shaped by Faith Peace and Prosperity Amen
Ava is Shaped by Faith Peace and Prosperity Amen
Ava is Shaped by Faith Peace and Prosperity Amen
Sienna is Shaped by Faith Peace and Prosperity Amen
Daniel is Shaped by Faith Peace and Prosperity Amen
Levi is Shaped by Faith Peace and Prosperity Amen
My Wedding Planner
My Jamaican wedding Planner
Proverbs 16:3 Planning in the Bible
JEhovah God's plans over my life daily Amen
My Priest is Blessed with Jehovah God's Holy Spirit
My Priest is blessed with Peace
My Priest is clothed with Love
The Joy of The Lord is My Stronghold
My Blessed Blessed bottle neck
My king is key of knowledge Master of The Mighty
My king is Adonai My Lord
My ice cold bottlenecks
Restaurants inn Bluewater
Hips of snow in my underpants
Hips of snow in my underwears
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Thirst Responders
Thirst Responders Blessings
Blessing Thirst Responders
Thirst Responders Napier Road
Third Responders in The Rain
Third Responders in The snow
Third Responders inn the rain
Third Responders in the snow
Third Responders
Hips of snow in my underwears in €$$€X
Hips of snow in my bra
Blessed Restaurants in Bluewater Living Healthily Daily
Living Healthily daily walking with my Children
Living Healthily daily walking with Jehovah God
Living Healthily
Walking With Jehovah God daily in €ssex
Walking With Jehovah God daily
Avoiding Mycotoxins
Avoiding Mycotoxic Food
Avoiding Mycotoxic foods
Avoiding toxic foods daily
Avoiding toxic foods
Avoiding toxic foods in security
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Security inn
Blessed Restaurants in The Blessed Bluewater Security Inn
Security in Churches Security is Christ
Security in hear dressing
Security inn Preaching the Word of God Security in Preaching
Security in Playing Security in €$$€X
Security in Middlesex Security in £$$£X
Security inn Service to Jehovah God
Oils 4 My Pay Park
Oils 4 My Pay Park €AT £AT Oil$ 4 Ma PA¥
Oils 4 My Pay Park
Security in Pay Park Eat
Security in Park King Security inn
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
In bed with my green bottle
In bed with my big green bottle
In bed with my frozen bottles
In bed with my clean blue bottle Amen
In my bedroom with my bottle of disinfectant
In bed with $ienna’s bottlenecks
Bottles of Disinfectant under the bed
Clean white bed sheets daily Amen
Exercises in the Rivers of ice
Breastplates of Righteousness
Breastplates of righteousness in the snow
Breastplates of righteousness in the Rivers of ice
Breastplates of righteousness in the Rivers of blessings
Breastplates of righteousness at the rivers of blessings
Breastplates of righteousness in the rivers of ice
Breastplates of righteousness in the White River
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Exercises for maintaining good health
Exercises in my bed
Rivers of ice
The Rivers of ice in Jamaica
The Rivers of ice in Dominica
Rivers of ice in my armpit
My Blessed Blessed Bottlenecks
My Blessed Clean bottlenecks
My Blessed clean bottlenecks daily
My Blessed clean bottlenecks
My Blessed Bottlenecks
In bed with my blessed bottlenecks
My Blessed Blessed Bottlenecks of mustard seed oils
My Blessed Blessed bottlenecks of anti cancer oils
Jehovah Gods Hands
Jehovah Gods hands keep me from €very €vil Amen
Jehovah God's hands keep my knees from €very €vil Amen
Jehovah God's hands keep my knees from €very €vil Amen
Jehovah Gods hands keep me from €very €vil Amen
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
฿aht Thai Currency €uro ₳stral Sign ₡olon Ble$$ed $ign ₭ip Financial Blessings $ign ₤Lira Currency
Blessed Wok Inn
Wok inn 4 fun
Wok inn 4 ice
Wok Inn Bed with my Bottles
Wok Inn Bed
Wok Inn €¥€
Wok inn Cup$
Wok Inn hands
Wok inn Weddings
Wok Inn Wok with Chiĺli
Wok weed Chilli Oil
Wok Inn Chilli Oil
Wok Inn Clean Oils
Wok Inn Clean Hands
Wok Inn Green Streets
Wok Inn Gods Work
Wok Inn Jehovahs Jehovahs Sovereignty
Wok Inn Jehovahs Sovereign Blessings
Wok Inn Out Blessings
Wok inn Blessings Out
Wok Inn Gods Economy
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
The Underground €conomy Work Against Gods €conomy no Work Work Work Work Yes
Jehovah Gods hands
Jehovah Gods hands keep €¥€ from €very €vil bush Amen
Jehovah Gods hands keep eye from every evil bushwoman Amen
Jehovah's Gods hands keep €¥€ from £very £vil bushman Amen
Jehovah's Gods hands keep Sienna and Uriah Amen
Jehovahs Gods hands upon my head
Jehovah Gods hands upon eye
Jehovah's Gods hands upon my Blessed Grandchildrens
Jehovahs Gods hands upon eye
Jehovahs Gods hands within eye
Jehovahs Gods hands within Sienna
Jehovahs Gods hands within Uriah
Jehovahs Gods hands upon Uriahs ears
Jehovahs God's Healing hands upon eye
Ecclesiastes 3:14 Nothing can be added to what God does Nothing can be taken away
My Clean Clean Blessed Bottlenecks
My clean Clear Blessed Bottlenecks
My Clean Clear Blessed Bottlenecks under the bed
My clean Clear blessed bottlenecks beneath my beds beneath my beds beneath my beds
My clean Clear blessed bottlenecks beneath my beds
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
beneath my beds beneath my beds
My clean clear blessed green bottlenecks beneath my head beneath my beds beneath my beds
My Clean Universal Cloth
My Clean White Universal Cloth Amen
My Clean White Bottlenecks
Protecting my children from thorned bottlenecks
PRotecting my Grandchildren from thorned bottlenecks daily
Removal of thorns from Leo’s bush
Removal of thorns from my Grandchildrens bushes Amen
Removal of thorns from my Grandchildrens bushes
Cleaning Leos back passage
Leos iced back passage
Leos iced eyelids
Leos iced foreheads
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
A Thorn
A thorn in Leah’s bushes
A Thorn removed from my Grandchildren's bushes
Grandma is $trong in The Faith
A thorn is torn
A thorn is emotionally torn
A thorn is torn in the river
A thorn is loosed
A thorn in the corn
A thorn in the ...
A thorn in Siennas bush
A thorn in Siennas blessed bushes
A thorn in the ice
A thorn removed from the eye
A thorn in Uriahs bush
A thorn in Uriahs blessed bush
On the beach
A Seed In the CROWN
A Seed in the Snow
A seed in the rivers of water
A Blessed Blessed Seed
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Leo’s shorts in the bush
Leos shorts in the river
Leos Blessed Blessed shorts
Blue Orchids in my windows
Oriental Blue Orchids in my windows
A Carer and A Lover
A Carer and a Learner
A Carer
Hands of Jesus upon my Shoulders
Hands of Yeshua
Hands of Jesus Hands of Jesus control my life
Hands of Jesus and Jehovah
Angels at my Doorways
Angel’s at my Daughters Doorways
Clean running waters
Blessed Clean running waters
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Angel’s at my Windows
Angels at my windows
Angels outside my windows
Angels at my doors
Iced running waters at my back doors
Iced running waters behind Sienna and Uriah
Iced running waters
Iced waters running down my back
The water running in my back door Running waters in €$$£X
The water running in €$$£X
The water running behind the Children
The water running behind Sienna
The Blessed waters running beneath my children's feet in Jamaica
The Blessed waters running beneath Sienna and Uriahs feet
Blessed Running waters in Middlesex
Siennas Eyes in Christ Amen
Christ is Sienna and Uriahs eyesight
Christ in Sienna and Uriah blessed eyesight
Christ in Sienna and Uriah's blessed blessed eyesight
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Christ is Sienna and Uriahs eyelash Amen
Christ is Leo’s eyesight
Christ in Leos blessed eyesight
Christ is Leo and Ava's eyelash Amen
Sienna’s Healing
Siennas and Uriahs healing in Jesus name
Sienna’s anticancer drugs
Siennas and Uriahs anticancer oils
Siennas anticancer foods Amen
Siennas anticancer foods
Sienna’s healing Amen
Uriahs anticancer foods
Friends of God
Genesis 18:17
Friends of God walking with God Gen 18:21 25
Genesis 18;26
Exodus 32: Jehovah Changes his mind
Psalm 107. Moses knows Jehovah Gods ways
Intimate relationships with Jehovah God
Friends of God have access to Jehovah God
Luke 11:5 Keep knocking, Keep knocking Persistence Pays
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Church of His Presence
My home flooded with Jehovah God's Holy Spirit
My Home flooded with Jehovah God's Holy and Loving Spirit
Protecting from dirty lips and hips Amen
Protection from dark dirty lips and hips through Christ Our Lord Amen
My Doorways flooded with Jehovah God's Holy Spirit
Eye Washing
Eye Washing , Eye Blessings
Eye and Mouthwashing
Jehovah be Siennas Father
Jehovah God be Siennas $strength
Jehovah God be Uriahs Father
Jehovah God be Uriahs Faith and $strength
Dental Oral Cleanse
Dental facial
Blessed Dental facial expressions
URIAHS Blessed mouthful
URIAHS Blessed mouthful of love
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Hand sanitisers upon my chest
Hand sanitisers in my face Amen
Hand sanitisers in my mouth
Hand sanitisers in my bathroom
Hand and nail sanitisers Amen
URIAHS face wash
URIAHS Blessed face wash
URIAHS Blessed face and body wash
Leos Blessed mouthwash
Leos Blessed face and body wash daily through Christ Our Lord Amen Leahs Blessed mouthwash
Leos Blessed FOOTWASH Faith in Jehovah God Faith and Grace Faith and Grace in hands Faith in Clean hands
Faith Faith Faith Amen
Faith and Religion
Faith in Cleanliness
Faith and Blessings
Faith and daily BLESSINGS Faith in Cleanliness
Faith and Clean Hands
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Faith and FAMILY in Christ Amen
Faith in Standing
Faith in Good skin
Faith in Blessed skins Amen
Eye wash
Eye wash with Jehovah's Holy and Loving Spirit
Jehovah friends
Red hats crowned with Rubies
Red huts full of Ice
Red huts covered in insect repellent
Siennas Blue $ea $alts
$iennas $ea $alt Baths
Sienna’s School bags Psalm 23
Sienna’s School bags Psalm 23:5
Sienna’s iced School bags Psalm 23
Sienna’s Blessed Bible School bags Amen
Oral Care in my bathroom Amen
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Black Weddings in Leyton
Protecting Sienna from dirty alleys fathers head. Amen
Protecting Sienna and Uriah from dirty alleys fathers head Amen
Protecting Sienna and Uriah from dirty alleys hands
Healing hands of God upon my daughters back
Running East African Rivers
November 2019
Happy Plants
Auntys blessed daily meals
Aunty eating under the table
Aunty Yvette Preys for the Children,
Aunty Yvette Preys for the Children’s food,
Aunty Yve preys for the children of Essex
Aunty preys for the Children of Middlesex
Aunty eating under the childrens tables
Aunty eating in the childrens huts
Aunty eating in the Church
Aunty eating outside
Aunty blessing in her Churches
Aunty Blessing her grandsons
Aunty Blessing her grandchildrens
Aunty Blessing Sienna
Aunty Blessing daily meals
Aunty Blessing daily meals Amen
Aunty Blessing her eyesight
Aunty Blessing her eyes
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Aunty Blessing her husbands eyesight
Aunty Blessing her eyesight
Aunty Blessing Gods Love daily
Aunty Blessing God Television Daily
Aunty Blessing every mouthful her infants take
Aunty Blessing every mouthful Daily
Aunty Blessing every mouthful and eyeful
Aunty Blessing every mouth and eyeful Amen
Aunty Blessing my Grandchildren through Christ our Lord Amen
Good Spirits Blessing
Good spirits blessing aunty
Good Spirits talking to aunty
Good Spirits talking
Good Spirits talking to aunty daily Amen
Good Spirits talking to aunty day and night
Good Spirits fill my aunt's mouth
Good Spirits fill my aunt's life
Good Spirits fill my aunt's life Amen
Good Spirits fill my aunt's life and wife Amen
Good Spirits fill my aunt's life in Christ
Good Spirits fill my aunt's life Amen
Good Spirits fill my aunts mouth
Good Spirits fill my aunts mouth with mints
Blessed Spirits Blessed Holy Spirits
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Hips of Cleanliness and Cleaning
Hips of Cleanliness and Cleaning in Eastham
Hips of Cleanliness and Cleaning in Essex €ssex
Hips of Cleanliness and Cleaning in Essex €ssex Hips
Hips of belly washing
Hips of body washing
Hips of body wash
Hips of Cleaning
Hips of underwears
Hips of Clean underwears in Eastham
Hips of handwashing in Eastham
Hips of hands and nail washing in Eastham
Hips of hands and footwashing in Eastham
Soul washing in Eastham
Healing hands in Eastham
Healing hands in Essex Amen
Healing hands daily Amen
Healing hands and elbows
Healing hands and elbows
Healing hands and elbows in the snow in Eastham
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Aunty Praying
Aunty Praying over the food why is the food so little bit, I want big food, I want big man food, food blessed by Jehovah God, I want Psalm 23:5 I want to live to Serve the Lord I want to live and serve the Lord, big man food in €ssex road, big man food in Cambridge
Big man food in Peterborough
Saint Peter’s blessed bra
Milk from my aunts fingers
My aunts fingers in Walthamstow Wetlands
Cleaning my aunties Disinfected FLOORING
Cleaning my aunties Disinfected Shoulders Amen
Central Intelligence Authority
Central Intelligence Authority €ssex
Central Intelligence Authority Middlesex
Big man food in Cambridgeshire
Happy Plants
Happy Plants daily
Happy Bushes
Happy bushes daily Amen
Lovely bushes
Lovely bushes daily
Lovely Plants
Lovely Plants daily
Happy bushes outside my windows
Daughter is a top Chef at a Restaurant in Waterloo
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Pink Tulips on my Doorstep
Blessed Tulips on my Doorstep
Blessed Tulips up in Boundaries Lane
Blessed Tulips in Boundaries Road
Blessed Tulips in Jamaica
Sienna to stay Hydrated Amen
Leah to stay Hydrated
Leo to stay Hydrated
Uriahs to stay Hydrated and Blessed
Ava to stay Hydrated and Clean in Jesus Name eye Praise Eye Praise
Eye Pray Eye Pray Amen
Eye Pray Eye wash Amen
Eye Pray Eye Wash Mouthwash Amen
Luke 15 Date of Birth 25 August 2017
Leo’s back on the Green Grass Leos back in the snow
Leos blue back
Leo’s back on ice Leos ice buckets
Leo’s back
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Leo’s ice pack back on the grass in South London
Leo’s ice pack in Roseau Dominica
Leos frozen ice pops
Leo’s iced buckets
Leo’s iced Doorposts
Leo’s Blessed Blue Doorposts Amen
Leos back in the rain
Leo's face in the rain
Levis Blessed Iced Waters
Levi’s blessed back waters in Essex
Levi’s blessed Bach wash daily
Levi’s iced buckets in Grays
Levi’s blessed iced buckets
Leos frozen nappy bags
Leo’s nappy bags in the freezer
Uriahs Blessed back on the Grass
Uriahs Blessed back on the Green Grass in Essex
Uriah back on Jah Blessed Grass
Levi’s Green back door
Levi’s Green bags of Sunshine
Levi’s Blessed Green Bags
Levi’s Blessed Green bags of Sunshine in Scotland
Jah Light up on SSamuel’s Green bag
Nappy washing in Luton daily
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Iced Buckets in Grays
Daniel’s Blessed iced buckets in Grays
Nappy washing in Luton daily
Nappy washing in Luton every morning
Black Lions on the corner
Birthing Pools in Essex daily
Black Lion inn ESSEX
Handwashing in Essex
Hands washing clothes in Essex daily Amen
Handwashing in Essex Arms
Luke 16:19
Levis Orange Socks inn Eastham
Bathing in the bushes in Essex
Praying in The bushes in Essex in Jesus Name Praying in The bushes in Grays
Blessings in the bushes in Grays Amen
Blessing in the bushes in Grays
Blessing in the bushes in Essex Amen
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Eye washing God TV
Eye washing infront of my TV
Eye washing for GodTV daily
Eye listening
Eye Blessings
Eye Blessings upon God TV daily Amen
Eye Blessings Jehovah Gods Word daily Amen
Eye Blessings Jehovah God's Presence daily Amen
Eye Blessings Jehovah Gods Word
Eye Blessings Jehovah Gods Light Amen
Eye Blessings Jehovah Gods Sovereignty Amen
Eyes Blessings Jehovah Gods Sovereignty daily Amen
Clean Armpits in Grays
Frozen armpits in Grays
Frozen armpits in Essex
Clean Armpits in Jesus Name we Pray Amen
Clean Armpits in Jesus Name EYE Pray Amen Amen
Clean Armpits in Jesus Name
Clean Armpits in September
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Sienna’s on the grass
Siennas oranges on the grass
Sienna’s on the grass in Sussex
Grass under Sienna’s bed in Sussex
Expressing my Love for Christ on Paper
Finding my Love for Christ
Funding my Love for Christ
Christ Standing at the Door of my Life
Christ Standing at the Door of Leo’s Life
Christ Standing at the Door of Uriahs Life
Christ Standing at the Door of Sienna’s Blessed Life
Christ Standing at the Door of Leah’s Life
Christ Standing at the Doorposts of my life
Christ Standing at the DoorPosts of Carol Etienne's life
Christ Standing at the Doorposts of Carol Etienne's life
Washing Levi’s Orange Socks Everyday inn Eastham
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Leo wants spilt milk
Leo’s wantssssss
Pushing Clean Waters
Leo’s mug of orange juice
Forest Gate Street workers do it with flowers
Leo’s mug on a Mango Tree
Leos Barber Psalm 23
Daniel’s barbar
Danielle’s bar
Daughters bowel controllers
Avas bowel cleansers
Avas blessed bowel cleansers
Watering baby Avas back in Jamaica
Watering Siennas back in Jamaica
Watering Leo’s back in Jamaica
Washing plates in Jamaica
Washing mugs of milk in Jamaica
Walking on Rivers of milk in Jamaica
Black Salts under my feet in Jamaica
Black Salts under my arms in Jamaica
Taking Leo to the Docks for lunch. Amen
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
A hut full
A hut full of Blessings
A hut full of CBD oils
Eyes at Blessed works Amen
Eye works
Good eyes at work Amen
Blessed iced neck backs Amen
Black Ice daily
Black salts in my armpits
A hut Black salts rocks under my Blessed arms daily
Black salts under my arms in Walthamstow
Black salt baths daily
Black salts in Blue water
Bathing at the Black River in Jamaica
Black salts in my daughters back in Jamaica
Black salts at my Doorposts
Black ice in Essex
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Studying blue buds
Studying bluebelles
Studying blue flowers in Jamaica
The Church in Jamaica
Christ Church Jamaica
Christ Church Jamaica Blessings
Facing the Church in Jamaica
Face in the Church
Face in the Jamaica Church
Mans face in the church Mans blessed face in the church
Daughters Blessings
Daughters blessings
Daughters carrot oils
Daughters blessed oils
Daughters frigid oils
Daughters relaxing oils
Oils in Sienna’s face
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Blessed Oil Wells
Blessed oils in Siennas face
Good oils in Sienna’s skin
Blessed oils in Sienna’s skin Sienna’s bottles of oil
Siennas oil bottles Sienna’s eyes
Oil in Sienna’s face Oiling Siennas face
Daughters Orange Socks
Black salts in my daughters crutch in Jamaica Black Salts in my Caribbean Crushes Water Crushes River Crushes
Jamaica River bathing daily
Black salts Black salt Pools
Daughters woolly Orange Socks
Avas Orange Socks
Avas Clean White Orange socks Amen Leo’s blue socks
Leo’s clean foreskin
Uriahs Clean foreskin
Uriahs Blessed foreskin
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Avas wooley Orange Socks Sienna’s Orange Socks
Aunty drinking under the table in Stratford
Oiling Siennas Blessed face
Oiling Siennas Blessed face in Poplar
East meets West
East meets West Indies
The Ice between
The iced twin girls
Customer Service Staff Customer Serve Ice Staff
The Tweenies
The ice between my knees
My Green Cups
My Blessed Green Cups
My husband’s Green mug in Palmers Green
Good milk in Palmers Green
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Exotique Tickets
Exotique Oil Tea
Daniel’s Exotique Oil Teas
Pulp Eat
Green Mugs
Uriahs Green mugs of ice
Uriahs Green mugs of iced tea
Uriahs Blessed Green mugs
Uriahs Green Plates
Siennas Green mugs of ice
Siennas Green mugs of iced tea
Siennas Blessed Green mugs
Siennas Green Plates
Uriahs black mugs of ice juice
Siennas black mugs of iced juice
Siennas black mugs of orange juice
Siennas blessed black mug of orange juice
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Blessed Green Mugs
Uriahs blessed mugs of orange juice
Washing Levi’s Orange Socks Everywhere
Washing Levi’s Orange Socks Inn Peterborough
Washing Levi’s Orange Socks inn Palmers Green
Washing Leah’s Orange Socks in Leyton
Pushing Jehovah's Infinite Blessings
Sienna's Flower bags
Siennas Blessed Flower bags
Siennas minty Gardens
Siennas herb Gardens
Leah’s herb Gardens
Leah’s Blessed Herbs Gardens
Leo’s Blessed mint tea gardens
Uriahs Blessed minty Gardens
Wishing Well daily
Wishing Well upon the Women of God
Wishing Well upon the Word of God
Wishing Well upon the Wisdom of God
Wishing well upon the Word of God Amen
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Pushing Clean Waters inn Essex
Pushing Clean Waters in Sussex daily
Pushing inn tongues
Pushing 4 healing
Pushing 4 LEO
Jah Waters the Grass under Leo feet
Jah Waters the Grass under Leo’s bed
Jah waters the grass under Leo’s arms
WASHING Leo’s Orange Socks inn Palmers Green
Washing Leos Green socks in Palmers Green Everywhere
Washing Leo’s white underpants in Palmers Green
Washing Leos orange underpants daily
Pushing 4 Leo daily
Pulp Eat Inn The Trees
Pulp Eat Inn Jah Woods
Gayle the perverted dog
Gayles perverted husband
Gayles blessed daughter
Gayle walking in Dominique Leveson
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Levi’s Green leggings
Levi’s Blessed Long Leggings
My daughter is not from the underworld
My daughter is a Child of God
My Granddaughters is a child of God
My Granddaughters are gifts from Jehovah God
They say they are Praising Jehovah God Daughters from on high Daughter from the blue mountains of Jamaica Mikes washed dung at night
Gale likes to eat dung
Gale likes to eat dung stairs Mikes washed dung
Mr Moss washes dung daily
Mike’s washed dung daily
I would not like my children educated by a prostitute
Elaine the green hairdresser
Removing the blood sucking Zombies from Leo’s Shoulders
Removing the blood sucking Zombies from Orions Shoulders Praising Jehovah God
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Pushing for healing oils
Pushing for healing and protective oils
Pushing for Blessed Tongues
Pushing for Blessed minty tongues
Pushing inn Blessed minty tongue centres
Pushing Clean Waters in Essex daily
I’ve gut 2 back doors in Essex
I’ve gut 2 back doors in Middlesex
Working on my back in Wanstead flats
Uriahs bottleneck washers
Uriahs orange bottleneck washers
Uriahs blessed orange bottleneck washers
Uriahs bottlewasher
Uriahs bottled oils
Leos bottlewasher
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Siennas blessed kitchen
Plants in the corner of Sienna's kitchen
Plants in the corners of Uriahs kitchens
Plants in the corners of Uriahs bedrooms
Leo’s iced bottleneck washers
Uriahs iced bottleneck washers
Plants under LEOS tables
Grasses under Leos tables
Water beds in Stratford Olympic Park
Water inn Stratford Olympic Park
Waiter inn Stratford Olympic Park
Waiter inn Stratford Education
Waiter Inn Stratford Excellence
Waiter Inn Security Excellence
Waiters Inn Excellent Services
Waiters Out
Plants in my front room for eating
Plants inn Leo’s Front rooms
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Blessed Birthday Sienna
Happy birthday Sienna 9 years
Blessed 9 Years
Blessed 9 fruits of Jehovah's Spirit
Leo’s Blessed 6th birthday blessings
Putting Ava to bed with her mouthful of flaxseed oils
Putting Ava to blessed bed
Avas blessed iced bottlenecks
Avas Orange Wooden Stools
Leo’s Orange Wooden Stools
Babys blessed bottle full
Babys bottle full of milk
Babys bottle full of blessings
Babys bottle full of ice day and night
Babys bottle full of ice
Putting Leo to bed with his mouthful of flaxseed oils
Putting Uriahs to bed
Putting Sienna to bed in Orange Pyjamas
Putting Sienna to bed in Orange socks
Putting Available to bed in Orange socks
Protecting daughter from the heat
Protecting daughters from the heat of the night
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Protecting Leo from the heat
Protecting Leo from the heat of the night
Protecting Sienna from the hot stones
Protecting Sienna from the heat of Jah Sun
Daughters oral Blessings
Protecting Sienna from the heat of Jah Sun
Protecting Sienna from the heat of hoe Street
Protecting Sienna from the heat on the Street
Protecting Sienna from the heat on main street
Protecting Sienna from the heat
Protecting Sienna from the hut tongues
Protecting Sienna from the hut heat
Protecting Sienna from the hut tongues
Protecting Sienna from the hut tongue Centres
Protecting Sienna from the hut stones
Listen to the Sea
Listen to the waves
Listen to the salt water
Listen to the salt water pan the beach beach
€ach beach have salt
Each beach have salt pan e
€ach beach have salt pan
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Listen Always have Good Vibes to share with my Children and Grandchildrens
Always have Good Vibes to Share
Always have Good mental Health Vibes to share with Sienna
Sienna Jah Jah Positive
Uriah Jah Jah Positive
Jah light upon Uriah's back
Jah Jah light upon Uriah's back
Protecting my Grandchildren
Protecting my Grandchildren from emotional distress
Protecting my Children from Emotional distress
Protecting Leah from Emotional distress
Protecting my Children from Emotional Darkness
Daughters oral Blessings
Daughters oral Blessings daily
Eye wash at work
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Carols bottlewasher
Bottle washing in Wood Green
Bottle washing in Woodford Green
Bottle washing in Woodford
Bottle washing in Little Ilford
Bottle washing in Manor Park
Bottle washing in Blessed Manor Park
Face washing in Manor Park daily Amen
Eye washing in Manor Park daily Amen
Back washing daily
Back washing with ice
Back washing daily at school
Back washing daily in Jamaica
Bottle washing in Little Ilford school
Bottle washing in €ssex
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Leos bouche washer
Leos blessed bouche washer
Uriahs bouche washers
Uriahs blessed bouche washer
Siennas bouche washers
Siennas blessed bush washers
Levis bush washers
Leah's blessed bush washers
Leos bootwash
Avas shoe washes
Avas blessed ear wash
Avas eyewasher
Avas blessed eyewashers
Sheets of iced diamonds for Children Emeralds Pools
Blessed emerald pools
Blessed emeralds pools in Dominica
Emerald Roads fjords
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Levis blessed eyewasher
Elaine washing the childrens hair at the river
Elaine’s iced baths
Elaine's iced baths daily
Coconut shells filled with blessings
Hut coconut shells full of snow
Elaine's hut coconut shells filled with snow
Sheets of snow
Sheets of snow
Sheets of snow under the window
Sheets of ice
Sheets of ice under the window
Sheets of iced diamonds
Washing my black bed sheets
Washing my Red bed sheets
Washing my daughters red bed sheets
Washing Uriah's Blessed bed sheets
Washing Uriah's Blessed bed sheets
Washing Uriah's Blessed mugs daily
Washing Sienna’s Blessed bed sheets daily
Water under Sienna’s blessed bed
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Cool waters under Leahs bed
Cool waters under Leah’s Blessed Bed
Cool waters under Leo’s Blessed beds
Cool waters on Leo’s bedroom floor
Cool waters on Sienna’s Blessed bedroom floor
Cool waters under Uriah's Blessed bed
Cool waters on Uriah's Pillow slip
Uriah's Blessed orange Pillow slip
Clean waters on Uriah's Blessed Pillow Slip
Clean Cool Waters on Uriah's Blessed Pillow Slip Cool waters in Uriah's huts
Clean Cool waters up on Uriah's back on the beach
Clean Cool Waters on Uriah's back on the beach
Cool hands and eye washing Amen
Clean hands and eye washing
A Great Oral Blessing
A Great Oral Blessing in December
WASH out Levis back passage daily
Wash out Avas back passage daily
Water Blessing out AVAS back passage day and night
Orange juice out of Leah's back passage
Orange juice out of AVAS back passage
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
AVAS Blessed back passage
Levis Blessed back Passage day and night
Levis Blessed back Passage day
Washing Levi’s bowels daily
Washing Levi’s Blessed Bowels
Washing Daughters Blessed Bowels
Cooling Avas Blessed Bowels
Cooling Avas Blessed belly
Cooling Avas Blessed belly oils Blessed
Cooling Avas Blessed belly waters
Cooling and Cleaning Avas Blessed belly oils
Cooling and Cleaning Avas Blessed bowel oils
Cooling and Cleaning Avas Blessed belly oils
Cooling and Cleaning Avas Blessed bowel oils
Cooling and Cleaning Avas skin oils
Cooling and Cleaning Avas blessed skin oils Amen
Siennas BLESSED organic juices
Siennas blessed organic juices
Siennas BLESSED Orange juiced
Siennas BLESSED Mango juice
Siennas BLESSED pumpkin seeds
Siennas BLESSED Sunflower Seeds on the river banks
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
December's Organic Oranges
Uriah's Blessed Sunflower Seeds on JAH WATER beds
Levis Blessed Sunflower Seeds on JAH WATER beds
Levis Blessed Sunflower Oils
Avas BLESSED Sunflower Oils
Leos BLESSed Black Seed oils
Leos White underpants
Washing Leo’s white underpants
Leah's Blessed underpants
Daniels Blessed White underpants
Daniels Blessed Blessed Seeds
DANIELS BLESSED underbelly wash
DANIELS BLESSED underbelly oils
DANIELS BLESSED antiseptic oils
DANIELS healing oils
September's Oranges
Samuels handwash
Samuels elbow washes
Blessed elbow washes
Uriah's blessed hands and nail washes
Uriah's red handwash
Saving December's Oranges
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Leo's Daily mouthwash
Leos School Mouthwash
Uriah's daily mouthwash
Uriah's daily blessed mouthwash
Wash Uriah's neck daily
Wash Avas orange sucks
Wash Avas orange sucks
Wash Siennas orange sucks
Washing Uriah's Orange ice cups
Washing Uriah's Orange neck
Washing Uriah's Orange mouthwash
Mouth Washing in February
Avas footprints at work
Avas blessed footprints
Avas salty footwash
Leos salty footwash
Siennas Salty footwash
Uriah's salty footwash
Leah's Salty footwash
Levis Salty footwash
Levis salty foot soak
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Mouthwash in the bible
Blessed mouthwash in the bible
Blessed Baby boy mouthwash
Blessed baby girl mouthwash
Snow on the hut bathroom floor
Snow on Siennas hut floor
My ankle socks
Snow on Siennas bathroom floor
Bata Shoes and Socks
Bata Shoes Dominica
Siennas knee high socks
Daniel at Glastonbury
Sienna at Glastonbury 2016
Uriah's knee high socks
Snow around my Children
Snow around my Grandchildren
Snow around Uriah's ears
Snow under Uriah's feet
Snow on top of Uriah's head
Snow on top of Siena's head
Snow on top of Leos head
Snow on top of Avas head
Avas blessed head snow
Snow cool around Leos ankles
A Very Blessed Door
A Very Very Blessed Door
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
A Very Very Blessed Door Frame
The Church is The Bride of CHRIST AMEN Healing in my Mouth Daily
My Prosperity Plan
Jehovah God's
Jehovah God's
Jehovah God's
Uriahs Blessed Oranges
Uriah's oranges inn Woodgreen
Uriah's Blessed School bags
Uriah's Blessed oranges
Uriah's Satsumas
Uriah's Gums
Uriah's clean Boots
Washing my neck
Wash my neck daily
Wash my back door daily
Massaging my shoulders
Massaging my shoulders daily
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Jah leeks
Jah Leeks butter
Jah leeks butter door
Jah Leeks butter doors
Wash the back of Uriahs neck
Daniels Good eye
Protecting Daniels skin from Pollutants
Protecting Daniels skin from Pollution
Protecting Daniels face
Protecting Daniels face from dirty waters
Protecting Daniels face from Madness
Protecting Daniels lungs from madness
Protecting Uriah's lungs from madness
Protecting Uriah's lungs from madness
Protecting Uriah's lungs from madness
Protecting Siennas face
Protecting Siennas face from madness
Protecting Siennas face from madness and badness through Christ our Lord Amen
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
My Lung Clean backwaters
My Daily Ice baths
My daily iced Chests
My Daily Iced Chesterfields
My Long Washing Daily
My Clean Long Washing
Carol’s Long Washing daily
Carol’s Long washing
Dr Bill Weans Tongue
Dr Carol Weans Tongue
Let Lowlife Go
International Faith Conference 2019
Sing king filling
Sing king filling in the mouth
Sing king filling in the bushes
Sing king filling on The Grass
Sink king Blessing
Sing king Blessing Daily
Sing king Blessing Daily Amen
Thank Yah Dear Jehovah God
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
International Faith Conference
Thank Yah Dear Jehovah God for my Lung Clean Waters
Thank you Dear Jehovah God for my Lung Clean backwaters
Thank you Dear Jehovah God for my Lung Clean backwaters
Thank you Dear Jehovah God for my Lung Clean backwaters
Thank you Dear Jehovah God for my Lung Clean backwaters
Thank you Dear Jehovah God for my Lung Clean backwaters
Thank you Dear Jehovah God for my Lung Clean backdoors
Thank Yah Dearest JEHOVAHS for my Lung Lemon back scrub
Thank Yah Dear Jehovah God for my lemon belly wash
Thanking Jehovah God for my lung Lemon iced back scrub in Essex
Thanking Dear Jehovah God for my long clean backwaters in Middlesex
Thank Yah Dear JEHOVAH GOD for my lung and kidney daily wash
Thank Yah Dear JEHOVAH GOD
Socks on the table
Socks on the table in Eastham
Washing the socks under the table in €$$€X
Socks on my tables in Essex
Socks on my tables at the Essex Arms
Good Health upon my tables
Good Health upon my tables daily
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
My Bathroom Corners
My Clean Jamaican Bathroom Corners
Long Limon washing daily
Lung Line washing
Lung Lemon washing daily
Lung Lemon washing at my back Doorsteps
Lung Lemon washing in my kitchen
Lung Lemon washing in my face
Limon mouthwash
Limon mouthwashing online
Blessed Limon and lime mouthwash for children
Lung Lemon washing for my pores
Daughters Wembley Wedding dress
Daughters Middlesex wedding dressage
Daughters Wimbledon Wedding festivals
Daughters Catering Company
Daughter the Wedding Events Organiser
Socks OnLine Centre
Blessed socks online
Ma Jaw Eat Tea Blessings
Ma Jaw Eat Tea Blessings
Ma Jaw Eat Tea Healings Amen
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Blessed Socks Online
Reducing pain online
Knee high Socks Online
Handwashing in Jamaica
Handwashing lnn Jamaica
Blessed Backhands Washing daily
Back Foot washing
Back Foot Blessings
Back Foot Blessings and washings
Back Foot Blessings and washings Amen
Back neck washing
Back neck washing
Back neck Cleansers
Back neck Cleansing oils
Back neck Blessings
Blessed Backhand Washing
Blessed Backhands Oiling
Blessed Back Foot Oiling Heeling Oiling
Children of Manager
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Healing Oiling
Children of Management oils
Children of Good Principles
Children of Blessed Principles
The Cleaners in my face
The Cleaners in my kitchen
The Cleaners on my kitchen table
The Cleaners on Uriah's mouth at the river
The Cleaners on Uriah's kitchen table
The Cleaners on Uriah's kitchen
Wrist training
Jehovah Control my Children’s Blessed Emotions
Jehovah Protect the emotional Child
Jehovah Protect the Children’s Emotions
Jehovah God Protect our internal organs
Jehovah God Protect Pablos internal organs
Jehovah God Protect Pablos external organs
Jehovah God Protect my children’s internal organs daily
Jehovah God Protect my children’s internal organs daily
Jehovah God Protect my children’s internal organs daily
Jehovah God Protect my husbands internal organ daily
Jehovah God Protect my children’s internal organs daily
Jehovah God Protect Uriah's internal organs daily
Jehovah God Protect Uriah's internal organs daily
Jehovah God Protect Leah's internal organs daily
Jehovah God Protect Leah's internal organs daily
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
1 Samuel 24 80
Psalm 19:10 - Psalm 19:14
May every word that comes from Siennas mouth bring glory to Jehovah's name
Blessing my Children at the back
Blessing my Children's back on the beach
Blessing my daughters back on the beach daily
Blessing my Children’s back on the beach daily
Psalm 19:14
Jehovah Control Siennas tongue
Jehovah Control Siennas tongue
Jehovah Control Siennas tongue
Jehovah Control Sienna the Leader
May Luke 4:18,19
Thank you Dear Jehovah for this food you have provided for my children and grandchildren daily Isaiah 61:1 3
May Jehovah God comfort Mr Powell’s organs
Jah Light Mr Powell's Path
Jah Light Mr Powell's Paths
Jehovah Protect Mr Powell internally
May Jehovah's Love Comfort Mr Powell internally
Dirty Alley crying African blood on the street corner
May Jehovah's Love Comfort Mr Powell internally
May Jehovah's Love Comfort Mr Powell internally
May Jehovahs Love Comfort Mr Powell internally
Jah Light upon Manchester Weigh
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Jah Light upon Manchester Weight
Jah Light internally
Jah Light internally
Jah Light internally
May Jehovah God Protect Mr Powell heartically
May Jehovah God Protect the youth heartically
May Jehovah God Protect the Youth Arts and Crafts
May Jehovah God Protect Jah Youth Arts
May Jehovah’s Love Comfort Mr Powell internally
May Jehovah’s Love Comfort Mr Powell externally
May the Power of the Holy Spirit be upon Mr Powell daily
Siennas Philippino Gardens
Man selling baby milk on the bus
Selling baby foods on the bus
The baby sita on the bus
My baby Gita on the bus www.holyspirit tv
Siennas blessed back in the shower
Siennas shoulders in the bath
Washing Sienna’s bowels daily
Washing Sienna’s belly daily in Yeshua's Mighty Name
Washing Sienna’s belly daily
Washing Sienna’s Armpits daily
Washing Sienna’s Blessed Armpits daily in Yeshua's Mighty Name Amen
Washing Sienna’s face daily in Yeshua's Mighty Name Amen
Washing Sienna’s Blessed face daily in Yeshua's Mighty Name Amen
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Uriah's face wash daily in Jesus Precious Name
Uriah's face wash daily
Uriah's Mouthwash daily in Yeshua's Mighty Name
Psalm23 5 Uriah's Blessed Mouthwash Daily
Uriah's Blessed Mouthwash
Uriah's Blessed Mouthwash and Belly wash
Uriah's blessed mouth and belly wash
Uriah's Blessed belly oils
Uriah's Blessed skin oils
Uriah's Cool skin oils
Siennas back in the Shower of rain
Siennas blessed back in the showers of rain
Siennas back in the shower of rain daily
Uriah's back in the shower of rain daily
Uriah's blessed showers of rain
Avas bottle of mint tea
Leo’s blessed showers of rain
Levi’s blessed back in the shower
Levi’s blessed shower of rain
Leah’s blessed shower of rain
Daniel’s Blessed shower of rain
Daniel’s minty shower gel
Daniel’s Blessed minty shower gel
My daughter's green knee pads
My daughters Blessed Green knee pads
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
1 Samuel 25
Jehovah God Protect Siennas internal organs daily Amen
Jehovah God Protect Siennas internal organs daily
Jah Love around Sienna
Jah Love Around Sienna
Jah Love Around Siennas Eyes
Jah Love Around Siennas Eyes
Jah Love Around Siennas Eyes
Jah Love washes Uriah's back
Jah Love washes Uriah's back
Jah Love washes Uriah's back
Lip reading on the train
Jah Guide eye teen Yah All
Sing king filling inn Eastham
Jah Love eye teen Yah Alli
Jah Live eye teen Yah Ally
You can wean your health back
Lip reading in the rain
Wean my health back
Weaning my Healthy Bach flowers
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Healthy back institute
Healthy back Institute four Children
Healthy back institute four Jehovahs Children
Healthy back institute four Jah Light
My undercover cops
My underwater cups
Personal items Blessed Public Space
Blessed Personal Items Public Space
Green Spaces
Green spaces weaning good minds
Green spaces weaning wise minds
Weaning Good Minds
Weaning Good Mints
What does Blessed feel like
What does Blessed look like Weaning my health back Weaning my belly
Weaning my Blessed Belly in Christ
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
The rains beating on my face
Wash my mouth
Wash my face
Wash my ears
Wash my mouth
Wash my skin
Wash my face
Wash my ears
Wash my bra kit
My clean bra kit in the snow
My clean white bra kit
Ma turn eat tea bra in the snow
Ma Blessed ma turn eat tea bra
Matt £ern €arn
Ma turn eat tea towels
Matt £arn £at T£A centre
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Ma clean black bra
Ma clean orange bra
Ma blessed orange bras
My blessed clean bones
Feel tea
Feel tea cups
Feel tea Green Cups
Feel tea black cups
Feel tea Mugs
Feel tea Cocoa mugs
Feel tea Cocoa Mugs
Feel tea Cocoa and mint Mugs
Feel tea Mugs
Feel tea Clean Mugs
The rains washing
The rains washing upon my Children's Shoulders
The rains washing Sienna’s Shoulders
The rains washing Uriahs shoulders
The rains washing Leos shoulders
The rains washing Avas shoulders through Christ our Lord Amen
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Medicated lips
Medicated and Blessed lips
Medicated lips and hips four children
Wash my back door
1 Thessalonians 5. 17 Pray Constantly
Siennas Blessed School bag
Siennas Blessed School bags
Siennas Organic Foods
Uriah's Blessed School bags
Uriah's organic foods
Uriah's Positive Organic Foods
Wrist training Daily in Jehovahs Wrist training Daily
Walking with Clean hands Uriah walking with clean hands
Daniel walking with Clean hands daily Amen
Proverbs 17.22 Joyful hearts good for health
Do not crush the Spirit of Jehovah God
Do not crush the spirit of Jehovah God
Proverbs 24.10
Hebrews 6. Hope an Anchor to keep us safe
Isaiah 48:17 The one teaching us, teaching me
Isaiah 41 Jehovah God will keep hold of me
Jehovah will keep hope to my Son’s Jeremiah 29:11 Hope or the future from Jehovah
Isaiah 59 21 Days of Jehovah's people 22 Not take advantage of each other
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Siennas blessed eye washes
Siennas Blessed €yewashes
Siennas daily eyewash
Siennas mouthwash art work
Siennas profitable eyebrows
Siennas profitable eyewash
Siennas school faces
Siennas school facewash
Siennas handwash
Siennas hand wash in the snow in Essex
Siennas hand wash in Peterborough
Uriah's handwash inn Peterborough
Uriah's handwashing inn Essex
Uriah's hands wash at Little Ilford School
Little ilford School in the Snow
Playing out in the snow with Leo and Uriah
Playing out in the snow with my Grandchildren through Christ our Lord Amen
Playing out in the snow with Sienna daily
Hands washing in the snow with Sienna and Ava Hands and foot washing in snow in Eastham Amen
Hands washing in Silvertown Amen
Hands washing in Beckton Amen
Yeshua - A source of Wellbeing
Jesus A Source of Wellbeing Amen
Source of Agriculture
Source of Divine BLESSINGS
Source of Divine BLESSINGS Amen
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Source of Wisdom and Courage
Source of Jehovah's Rich Blessings Always
Source of Jehovah's Divine Wealth
Source of Jehovah's Divine Love Amen
Uriah's Blessed orange mug washing at school
Daniel’s Blessed mugwashing at School
Mugwashing art School
Siennas Blessed minty mug wash daily
Siennas Blessed minty daily mugwash
Sienna's minty mugwash day inn day out
Avas Blessed minty mugwash day inn day out
Avas Blessed minty mugwash day inn day inn early Rose’s
Leah’s Blessed minty mugwash day inn day international early Rose’s
Uriah's Blessed minty mugwash day inn day international early rising
Leo’s Blessed minty mugwash day inn day international early rising
Siennas Blessed minty mugwash day inn day international excellent Rose’s Sienna’s Blessed minty mugwash day inn Dominica international excellency Rights
Avas Blessed minty mugwash inn Peterborough
Avas Blessed orange and minty mugwash
Siennas blessed hands washing in November Amen
Uriah's blessed hand wash in November
Uriah's red Trainers
Uriah's blessed window cleaners
Siennas blessed window cleaners daily Amen
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Hips of oranges
Hips of cooling
Hips of confidence
Hips of Wellness
Hips of Rosewater for Leah
Hips of Rosewater
Hips of Blessed Rose waters daily
Hips of Blessed Rose waters 4 Leah
Hips of Blessed Rose waters for Ava
Hips of Blessed Rose waters for Ava
Hips of Blessed Rose waters for Children Amen
Iced Diamonds
Iced Diamonds inn the fridge
Iced Diamonds inn high cross
Iced Diamonds on my Chest
Iced Diamonds 4 Siennah
Iced stones 4 Sienna Stoned Washed Jeans
Stones washed Jeans in the White River Dominica
Iced Stones 4 Babys Blessings
Iced Stones 4 Daniel’s Blessed event
Iced Stones 4 Daniel
Blessed Iced Stones International
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
My Blue Bra in my Fridge
My Blessed Blue eyes are Clean
My Blessed Blue Bra
My Blue Bra upon the green hills
My Blue Bra in the Sunshine
My Blessed Blue underwear
My Blessed Blue underwear in Orange Road
The Bricklayers Arms inn Orange Road
The water running in the Bricklayers Arms
The waters running under the tongue
Waters running under the tongue centres daily
Waters running under the blessed tongue centres in Jesus name
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Hips of Blessings
Uriah's blessed bottlewasher
Uriah's blessed bottle wash
Uriah's Blessed bottle wash Amen
Jehovah God Guide Uriah
Jehovah Guide Uriah's mouth
Heaps of Eternal Blessings
Jehovah Guide Uriah's hands
Jehovah Protect Uriah's backwaters
Jehovah Protect Uriah's backwaters
Jehovah Protect Uriah's backwaters
Jehovah Protect Uriah's backwaters
Jehovah Protect Urijah's backwaters
Jehovah Protect Uriah's lung backwaters
Jehovah Protect Uriah's lungs
Jehovah ProtectUriah from toxic lungs
Jehovah Protect Uriah from toxic lungs
Jehovah Protect Uriah from toxic lungs
Jehovah Protect Uriah from Toxic organs
Jehovah Protect Uriah from Toxic organ eyes
Jehovah Protect Sienna from toxic organ eyes
Jehovah Protect Sienna from Toxic organ eyes
Jehovah Protect Sienna from Toxic tongues
Jehovah Protect Leah's body
Jehovah Protect Leah's body
Jehovah Protect Leah's mind
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Unblocking my Healing Chakras
Unblocking ma Healing Chakras
Leo to play in Clean blessed waters
Ava to play in Clean blessed Waters
Leo to play with blessed water
Leo to play in Blessed Clean waters
Uriah to play in Blessed Clean flowing waters Amen
Leo to play with Clean Cool waters
Dominicas Organic Oranges
Ava to Play with Clean Cool Blessed waters
My daughters bottle of Clean Clear Waters
My Daughters Blessed Blessed Water Bottles
Come Bright
Come Bright baby girl, Come Bright
Come Bright baby girl, Come Bright
Come Bright baby girl, Come Bright
Come Clean Babygirl, Come Clean
Come Cool Baby girl Come Cool
Come Well Babygirl Come Well
Come Blessed Baby girl Come Blessed
Come shining baby girl come shining
A GREAT Jehovah Protect my opticians
My optical views of Dominica
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Romans 1:1
Stress free foods Amen
Stress free foods
Stress free boobs
Stress free life Amen
● Stress free waters Amen
● Stress free waters in Walthamstow Wetlands Amen
Things to do with my daughters hair
They keep rushing the food
They keep rushing my Jamaican foods
Rushing the Greens
Rushing everyone Rush Rush Rush
Crush crush crush
Put a carrot in eat Make Clothes for Leo
I Lined my Coat
Make Ava some Clothing and Some dresses Make Seaenah some blue dresses
Make Leah some Clothing
Siennahs Clean blue dress
Siennah to play in Clean blessed Water
Siennah to play in Clean Waters
Siennah to play in cool waters
Siennah to play in cool waters
Siennahs blue trousers
Siennahs Clean hands
Siennahs Clean hands
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Siennahs Clean face
The Asian toilet at the river
Black seed oils downstairs
Black seeds oils in Dominica
The Opticians Orange Juice
The Opticians Orange flowers Washing under the eyes Washing under the table
Table Cleaning
Table Washing
Siennahs Orange Mouthwash
Siennahs Orange table
Siennahs Orange Bellywash
The Opticians Orange eyewash
Siennahs Clean mouth
Siennahs Blessed mouth
Uriahs Blessed mouth
Uriahs Blessed mouth
Uriahs Blessed face
Uriahs Blessed face
Uriahs Blessed body
Uriahs Blessed Bodywash
Make Leo some Clean Trousers
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Make Leah
Make Leah and instrument of thy peace
Dear Jehovah God
Make my Grandchildren instruments of thy peace daily
Dear Jehovah God
Make Sienna an instrument of thy Peace
Dear Jehovah God
Make Leo an instrument of thy Peace
Dear Jehovah God
Make Urijah and instrument of thy Peace
Dear Jehovah God
Make Ava and instrument of thy Peace
Through Christ our Lord Amen
Make Leah some Cool Clean Clothing
Make Leah some Blessed Clothing Siennahs Orange underwear
Levis belly rub
Levis Blessed Belly rub
Controlling Siennas voice
Controlling Uriahs Blessed voice
Speak Blessings over your bodies Dear Children
Speak Blessings over your bodies
Speak Blessings over every organ of your body
Speak Blessings over every organ of you body
Speak Blessings over your life
Speak Blessings over thy childrens heads
Speak Blessings over thine Childrens heads
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
My Feet
My feet got wet in the rain
Seaenahs feet got wet in the rain
Leos feet got washed in the rain
Leos feet got washed in rain water
Uriahs feet got washed in rain water
Leahs feet got washed in rain water
Levis feet got washed in rain water
Levis feet got washed in rain water
Avas feet got washed in the rain water
Jehovah Protect Daniel Dan
Jehovah Keep Daniel Dan
Jehovah Keep Daniel's Vision
Jehovah Keep Daniel's Vision
Protect Uriah from heavy toxic metals Dear Jehovah God
Protect Uriah from heavy toxic metals daily Dearest Jehovah God
Protect Leah from heavy
Jah light upon Daniels belly
My feet in the storms of life
My feet got washed in the rain storm
Daniels Blessed Belly washing
Daniels Blessed Belly Wash
Daniels blessed daily belly wash
Daniels Beautiful Bellywash
My belly keeps feeling up fast
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
PEople looking
People look at me and they want to get from me
whatever they imagine is holding them back it could be themselves, it could be they enemy's
People looking at my organic foods, foods for tomorrow
People looking organically
People Cleaning Organically
People Cooling Organically
People looking at my flowers
Belly full of Onions
The Heart of the Onions
Positive Eyes
Positive Eyes Around Eye
Positive Health Around Eye
Good Health Around Eye Positive Visions
Positive Visions Around €ye
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Positive gut flora Positive gut blessings
Provisional eyes washing
We are influenced by the environments we are familiar with, in life we might come across different people who have different perspectives on life and how we live and how we should live
Do not let badmind
Don’t let badmind get you
Don’t let badmind blind you
Don’t let badmind blind your children
Don’t let badmind feed your children
Don’t let badmind corrupt you Children
Don’t let badmind corrupt you
Don’t let bad mind come in you face little children
Don’t let badmind come in you face
Don’t let badmind come in you mouth little Children
Don’t let badmind come in you mouth
Don’t let badmind Blind you little children
Don’t let badmind blind Yah vision
Protect Seaenah from badmind Dear Jehovah
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Protect Seaenah from blindmen Dear Jehovah
Protect Seaenah from Blindmen
Protect Seaenah from Blindmen
Protect Seaenah from Deafmen Dear Jehovah
Protect Seaneah from Deafmen
Protect Leah from blindmen Dear Jehovah
Protect Leah from blindmen
Protect Leo from Rats droppings Dear Jehovah
Protect Leah from Rats droppings Dear Jehovah
Protect Leah from Rats droppings
Protect Seaenah from Rats droppings Dear Jehovah
Protect Seaenah from Rats droppings
Protect Uriah from Rats Droppings Dear Jehovah
Protect Uriah from mice droppings Dear Jehovah
Mum breaks her generational curses Amen
Mum breaks his generational curses
Mum breaks $iennas generational curses Amen
Mum breaks Uriahs generational curses
The Leytonstore Chiller
Mum breaks Leo's generational curses
Mum breaks Leo's ge ti cu s A
Aun r Le 's e r i l u s Jes e
Aun b e s L o's e r i l u s h u h C is Lor A n
Aun b e s L o's e r i l u s A n
Aun b e s L o's e r i l u s Pla w
Protect Ava from mice droppings Dear Jehovah God
Protect Uriah from Rats droppings
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Protect Seaenah from Deafmen
Protect Seaenah from Death Men
Protect Uriah from badmind dear Jehovah Emotionally
Emotionally I want to be my sister
Emotionally I want to be my sisters husband
Protecting Leah from Badmind Dear Jehovah God
Protect Leah from badmind Dear Jehovah God
Protect Leah from badmind Dearest Jehovah God
Protect Seaenah from badmind dear JEhovah
Removing the mucus from Avas back passage
Removing the mucus from Leos back passage
Removing the mucus from Leos back passage
Removing the mucus from Leos back passage
Removing the mucus from Leahs back passage
Removing the mucus from Leahs Shoulders
Removing the mucus from Leos shoulders
Removing the mucus from Seaenahs Shoulder’s Amen
Hearing Good News
Hearing Good News for All Nations on TV
Emotionally Blessed Children
Proverbs 3, 21 22 Give Praises Give Praises Give Praises
Emotionally I want to be my sisters boyfriend Green Tea Victory
Emotionally I want to be my sisters boyfriends beautiful clean eyes
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Emotionally I want to be my sisters boyfriends good organic foods
Environmental Sciences
Emotionally Clean Hebrews 24.
Emotionally I want to be my sisters boyfriends tv
The spirit which lights up my life
Jah, fruits of the Spirit
Just, fruits of the spirit
Juicy fruits o the spirits
Alis fingers in Eastham
Alis Clean fingers Green Tea Victory
The eyes on those toys at Blue Water
The Beautiful Eyes on the toys Green Tea Victory
The Snow in Seaenahs Chest
Avas Stools
Seaenahs Stools
Siennas Orange Stools
Leo’s November
Seaenahs Stools in November
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Blessed Blessed Stools
Blessed Blessed Stools
Uriahs Stools in November
Leos Stools in November
Avas Stools in November
Leahs Stools in November
The Beauty
The beauty that surrounds me
The beauty which surrounds my Children YOUR FACE SAYS IT ALL Yah face says Bless all Yah face says Yah face says Green Teas in Southend
Green tea victory
Blessed Green Teas in Southend on Sea
Blessed Green Tea Mugs in Southend
Blessed Green Dishes in Southend
Green Tea Victory in Elderton Road
Keeping A Cool Heart in Elderton Road
Keeping A Cool Belly
Keeping Clean Cool intestines
Keeping my baby’s intestines Clean and Cool in Jehovah’s Service
Keeping my baby’s belly full of Ginger tea
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Keeping my baby’s belly warm with Ginger tea
Keeping my Children’s belly warm with Jah Love
Keeping my Children’s belly full with Jah Love
Keeping my Children’s belly full with Jah Love
Keeping my Children’s belly full with Jah Love
Siennahs Clean fingertips
Removing the heat from SIennas plates
Removing the heat from Uriahs back door
Removing the heat from Uriahs blue doors
Removing the Pandemic from my home Amen
Pearls and Roses
Pearls and Roses in Southend
Pearls and Roses in the Essex Gardens
Pearls and white Roses in the Essex Gardens
Pearls and white Carnations in the Essex Gardens
Pearls and Roses in Middlesex Pearls and Roses Cold Breakfasts Uncooked Breakfasts
Removing the heat from Siennas blessed and clean face Amen
Removing the heat from Leahs Blessed and clean plate
Removing the heat from Dirty Alleys plate
Removing the heat from Leahs shoulders
Removing the heat from Dirty Alleys shoulders
Removing the heat from Leahs foods
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Removing the heat from my Foods, mmm
Cold Breakfasts
$IENNAS Analyst
$IENNAS Financial Analyst
URIAHS Alphabet
No blind Rasta man to lead me
No blind Rastafarian to leaD eye Amen
They Love Right
They Love Clean They Love
Leo enjoys the hearty meals Prepared by his mother daily
They Love writing to me
Right inn my own books
Right inn my Blessed Books
Right in the wall
Mint Tea 4 LEAH
Water Weaning
Water Cleansing
Water Washing
Water Cleansing
Water hip cleansing
Water hip oiling
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Water hip Cooling
Mint Tea in Cambridgeshire
Water Cover Water Cleavage
Water Blessed Cleavage in Cambridgeshire
Water Cleansing Cleavage in Cambridgeshire
Water Blessing in Cambridgeshire
Water Healing in Walthamstow
Water Training
Water training in tongues
Water Blessed training in tongues
Washing Tongues
Waiters Inn Services Excellence
Waiters Inn Essex
Washing Tongues of the sea Washing Tongues The Sea Gen knee fur Quiche Training
Mouth Washing Lip Smacking
Mouth Water ring foods
Water Eye
Water Blessed €ye
Water Blessed €ye
Water Blessed €ye
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Water Blessed €ye Psalm 42
Eyeball training for two
Water Eye Training
Water Eye Training
Water Eye Leading in Cambridgeshire
Water Eye Leading Love in Dominica
DANIELS Oranges Love Limes
DOMINICAN on Love Lime
Blessed Dominicans on Love Lines
Her Bed
Herb beds
Herb Salts
Herb baths
Lavender Beds
Her bed steeped in Disinfectant
Removing the Weight of darkness from Leahs Chest
Removing the Weight of Darkness
Removing the Weight of evil from Daniels Eyes
Eye Leading on Walthamstow 9 Eye Healing in Walthamstow
Pushing Eye water in Walthamstow
Music Machine in Walthamstow
Water Leading in Leyton Green
Water Leading in Edmonton Green
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Water Leading in Wood Green
Water Cooling in Palmers Green
Lung Cool Clear Crystal Waters
Lung Cool Clear Crystal Waters Water Cooling in Grays Water Cooling in Leyton Water Blessing in Leyton Sea under Uriah Mint Tea 4 LEAH
LEAHs Green head
LEAH TEA and coffee making facilities
Jehovah God be with my Leah
Leah to Grow Strong Daily
Leah to get Stronger and Stronger
Leah to Grow in Confidence and prominence
Leah to outsmart her enemies
Leah 2 Rule Over Darkness
Leah 2 Rule in Confidence
Leah to Rule Over Darkness
Uriah Pushing with Jah Spirit
Pushing with JEHOVAH GODS Holy Spirit
Pushing with JEHOVAH GODS Holy Spirit daily
Pushing with the Spirit in Walthamstow
Pushing with Jah Spirit in Wood Street
Pushing with Jah Spirit in Wood Green
Pushing with Jah Spirit on the Green
Pushing with Jah Spirit in the bushes
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Pushing with Jah Spirit
Pushing with Jah Spirit Daily
Pushing with the Blessed Water Spirits
Removing every curse from my body through Christ our Lord Amen
Removing every curse from my GrandChildren's lives and lips through Christ our Lord Amen
Leah to Rule
Leah to Rule Over Destruction
Leah 2 Rule Over the Destructive One
Leah 2 Rule Over her Enemies
Leah to Rule Over Hades
Leah to Rule Over the Destructive forces
Leah to Rule Over the Destructive forces of Darkness
Removing all filth from my Lungs
Removing all mucus from my Lungs
Removing all mucus from my Belly
Removing all mucus from my Childrens bones
Removing all mucus from my Childrens feet
Removing all mucus from my Childrens feet
Removing all mucus from my childrens milk
Removing all mucus from my Childrens Milks
Removing all mucus from my childrens mlkshakes
Removing all mucus from my Childrens bushes
Removing all mucus from my Childrens eyes
Removing all mucus from my Childrens eyesight
Removing all mucus from my Childrens eyesight
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Removing all mucus from my Childrens eyesight
Removing all mucus from Avas eyesight
Leah to Stand Over Her Enemies
Leah to Stand Over Her Enemies
Enjoying the fish foods in Gidea Park
Clean skin in my face
Cool skin in my face
Clean shin in the river
My Childrens Clean Chins and shins at the White River
My Childrens jelly shoes
My Childrens foot Gels
My Grandsons FootGels
Cooling footgels for the Summer Schools
Summer Schools for my Grandchildrens Summer $chools for my Grandparent$
$summer $schools for my GrandParents in Dominica
Siennah to stand Strong With her Soldier Boy
Siennah to Stand Strong with her Soldier Boys
Stand Strong in Jah Army
Leo 2 Stand Cool
Removing the heat from Leos shoulders
Clean Armpits behind my back
Cool Armpits in Jesus Name
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Protecting Sienna
Protect Siennah from the Darkness Dear Jehovah Guard
Protecting $ienna from the darkness at the back of the Kennels
Skipping $Vienna from the darkness at the back of the Kennels
$iennas Viennese Cakes
$iennas Rainbow Cakes
$iennas Cake Suppliers
$iennas Food Suppliers
$iennas FOOD $TOCKI$T$
SIennas Online Florists Archives
Protecting Sienna from the heat and rage of Darkness
Protecting Sienna from the Cross Dear Jehovah
Protecting Sienna from the Cross of Death
Removing the Cross from Siennahs back Removing the Cross from Siennahs Chest through
Christ our Lord Amen
River Walking
River Walking daily River Washing
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
River Washing those eyes
Take Uriah River Walking Bodywash for Leo BLESSED Bodywash Bodywash for Leah Blessed Bodywash
Protect Uriah from the Cross Dearest Jehovah God
Protect Uriah from the Prostitutes Cross Dear Jehovah
Protect Uriah from the Cross of Deaf
Protect Siennah from the Cross of Deaf Dear Jehovah
Protect Leo from the Cross of Death Dear Jehovah
Protect Leo from the Cross of Death
Removing the heat from Uriahs back
Removing the heat from Uriahs bowels
Removing the heat from Uriahs towels
Protect Leah from the Cross Dear Jehovah
Protect Leah from the Cross of Death
Protect Leah from the Cross of Death
Protect Leahs Chest from the Cross of Death Dear Jehovah
Protect Leahs Chest from the Cross of Deaf
Removing the heat from Leahs towels
Protect Leahs face from the Darkness Dearest Jehovah
Protect Leahs mouth from the Darkness Dearest Jehovah
Protect Leahs Eyes from the Darkness Dearest Jehovah
Protect Avas face from the Darkness Dearest Jehovah
Protect Avas mouth from the Darkness Dearest Jehovah
Protect Ava Chest from the Cross of Deaf Dear Jehovah
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
He wants
He wants to be The Head in my Crutch
The face in my daughters Crutch
He wants to be The head in my daughters Crutch
He wants to be a head in my daughters Crutch
She wants to be a tongue on my daughters hips
She wants to be a tongue on my daughters lips
A tongue on my daughters lips
A tongue on my daughters lips
A tongue on my daughters lips
A Blessing on my daughters lips
A Blessing on my daughters hips
A Blessing on my daughters hips
She wants to be the tongue in my daughters Crutch
The tongue on soles of my grandsons shoes
The tongues on the soles of my grandsons tennis shoes
She wants to be the dish in my babys crotch
The dish on my baby’s hips
The dish on my babys plate
The dish on my babys back
My babys bottle water
My Babys Blessings
My Baby's Blessings in €$$£X
$€A under me Daughters
$€A Under me Sons
$¥AH Beneath
She wants to be a tongue in my baby's Chest
A tongue in my baby's Chest
A Clean Blessed tongue in my baby's Sobering thoughts Amen
My baby's Sobering Thoughts
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
The Blessed Tongue Cleansers in my Daughters Crutch
Wash my baby’s eyes in burnt oak, Burnt Oak E13 27V
My Fireproof Place of work for Childcare. Childcare in Jehovah Gods House
Childcare in €$$€X,
Childcare for young men and boys , A $chool for boys and girls who look to Jehovah God for Guidance and $trength , A $school for Good Oils, Hips of Gooooooood Oiiiiiil$$$$$$$$$
Protect Ava Chest from the Cross of Death
Protect Avas Chest from the Cross of Deaf
Protect Leos Chest from the Cross of the Deaf Dearest Jehovah
Protect Leos Chest from the Cross of Death
Protect Leos Chest from the Cross of Death
Protect Leos Chest from the Cross of Deaf
Protect Leos Chest from the Cross of Darkness
Protect Leah from the Cross of Deaf
Protect Leah from Emotional Darkness Dearest Jehovah God
Protect Leah from Emotional wickedness Dear Jehovah God
Protect Leah from Emotional wickedness Dear Jehovah God
Protect Leah from Emotional wickedness Dearest Jehovah God
Protect Leah from Emotional Darkness
Protect Leah from Emotional Traps Dearest Jehovah
Protect Leah from the weight of Emotional Traps
Protect Leah from the weight of Emotional Sadness
Protect Leah from Yves Dark Pit
Protect Leah from Yves Dark Pit
Protect Leah from Yves emotionally Dark Crutches
Protect Leah from Dark Emotional Traps
Protect Leahs bed Dear Jehovah God
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Protect Sienna from disrespectful evil traps Dearest Jehovah God
Protect Sienna from disrespectful evil thoughts Dear Jehovah
Protect Uriah from disrespectful evil thoughts Dear Jehovah God
Protect Leah from Emotional Traps Dearest Jehovah Getting emotional at bathtime
Emotional bathing moments
Protect Ava from the Cross of Death Dear Jehovah
Protect Ava from the Cross of Death
Protect Leah from the Cross of Death Dear Jehovah
Protect Leah from the Cross of Death
Leah to carry Cross for no one Leo The Blessed
Leo to Carry Evil for no one
Leo to carry no Cross for no one
Leo to Carry Evil for no One
Leo to Live Long and Prosper
The Palm Trees in Leyton Green
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Siennah Bathing at the River
Clearing Siennahs Back passage
Leah to take some food to Walthamstow
Leo to take some foods to Chingford
Water dripping from my Chin
Water to wash Uriahs bowels
Water Cooling Uriah
Water Cooling Uriahs bowels
Water Cooling my daughters bowels
Water dripping on my
Water dripping between my legs
Water dripping on my thighs Water dripping
Praying for food in Walthamstow
Heat Generators in Walthamstow Colleagues and Visitors
Oranges make a Great ...
Oranges make a Great Cleanser A Great healer
A Great Oral Tradition
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Clearing my back passage
Cleaning my back passage
Cleaning my Daughters ankles
Blessing my Daughters ankles Amen
Cleaning Leahs back passage
Cleaning Leahs backfoot
Cleaning my daughters backfoot
Cleaning my daughters backfoot in Eastham
Cleaning my daughters backed at work
Blessing the soles of my daughters feet
The River at the back of my daughters house
Clean Waters at the back of the house
Cool waters at the back of the house
Cool washers at the back of the house
Cool waters at the back of the chair
When you belong to you then you must love yourself
When you’re the only one who seems to like you
You learn to Love who you are
When people around you cannot build you up but only tear you down
Then Jehovah God will build you up
Then you are gonna build yourself up
When the people around you only seem to try to crush you
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Ridicule you, make you feel like you’re nothing to them
Then Jehovah God’s light is gonna shine upon you
You have everything to smile about, laugh about and be happy about Cool Emotions
Blessed Emotions
Cool emotions free from toxic relatives
Cool emotions at the back of the house
Cool emotions at the back of the house
Cool emotions at the back of the hut
My girlfriends when they look at me they look at the foods
My Girlfriends when they look at me they think of foods
Protect my children from toxic relatives Dear Jehovah
Protect Sienna from toxic relatives Dear Jehovah
Protect Daniel from toxic relatives Dear Jehovah
Protect Leah from toxic relatives Dear Jehovah
Protect Leah from toxic relatives
Protect Levi from toxic relatives Dear Jehovah
Protect Levi from toxic relatives Dear Jehovah
Protect Ava from toxic relatives Dear Jehovah God
Protect Ava from toxic relatives
Tropical €yes
Plates free from evil
Faces and mouths free from evil Lives free from evil
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Removing the Weight of evil against my Legs
Removing the Weight of evil against Leah
Removing the evil eye against Leah
Removing the evil eye against the Blessed Leah
Removing the evil eyes against Leo
Removing the evil eyes against Uriah
Removing the evil eye against Siennah
Removing the evil eye against Siennah
Removing the evil eye against Siennah
Removing the evil eyes against Siennah
Removing the evil eyes against the Blessed Child
Removing the evil eyes against the Blessed Children
Removing the evil eyes against the Blessed Children
Removing the evil eyes against the Blessed One
Removing the evil eye against the Blessed Ones
Removing the evil eye against the Blessed Leah
Removing the evil eye against Ava
Removing the evil eye against Ava
Protect Ava from toxic relatives Dear Jehovah
Protect Ava from toxic relatives
Women who hunt for women
Removing the evil eyes against Ava
Removing the evil eye against eye
Create in Leah a Cool Spirit Dear Jehovah
Create in Leah a Super Cool Spirit
Create in Leah a Cool Spirit Dear Jehovah
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Create in Leah a Super Cool Spirit Dear Jehovah
Create in Leah a Super Cool Jamaica Blessing
Create in Leah a Super Cool Jamaican Spirit
Jehovah Protect
Jehovah Protect Leahs back Passage
Jehovah Protect Leahs Blue Bag
Jehovah Protect Leahs Blue Bags
Jehovah Blesses Leahs back passage
Jehovah Protect Avas back passage
Jehovah Protect Avas back passage
Jehovah Protect Avas mouth
Jehovah Protect Avas face
Jehovah Protect Leahs mouth
Go Rough
Psalm 23:1 6
Go Rough fall low aunt
Go Rough Do not fall Go Rough aunty low
Go Rough all Low Go Rough
Jehovah God Protects
Jehovah Protect Leahs face
Jehovah Protect Leahs face
Jehovah Protect Levis Eyes
Jehovah Protect Levis Eyes
Jehovah Protect Levis face
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Jehovah Protect Uriahs back Passage
Jehovah Blesses Uriahs Back Passage
In the backyard in Walthamstow
Inn my Back garden in Walthamstow with my Pea Seas
In my back Garden in Walthamstow with my smoked pork
In my back Garden in Maypen
In my back Garden in Maypen, Jamaica, Jam Eye Care
The Rivers in my Back Garden in Maypen
The Rivers in the back gardens of Maypen
Brighton Fringe
Dining at the Brighton fringe with my daughter Look
Look at the fabric of her existence
Look at the fabric of her being Her father was a Water Spirit
A water Spirit
A Clean Blessed water Spirit
A Clean Lung Water
A BLESSed Clean Lung water
A Cool water Spirit
A Blessed Clean Lung WATER
A Clean water Spirit
A Clear water Spirit
A Great water Spirit
A Cool water Spirit
A Divine water spirit
His father was a Spirit
Oh what a wonderful spirit, he was
What a wonderful spirit
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Her father was a spirit
A wonderful spirit
A wonderful, wonderful spirit
A nurturing spirit
A calming spirit, A Healing spirit
Her father was a spirit A water spirit
He came to Remove
He came to Remove every living disease from my body
He came to Remove every dead weight from my body
He came to remove every dead weight from my childrens bodies
She came to remove every dead weight from my children’s heads
She came to remove every evil from my shoulders
He came to remove every evil disease from my families shoulders
She came to remove every evil disease from my daughters shoulders
She came to remove every evil disease from my grand daughters face
She came to remove every evil from my shoulders
She came to remove every evil from my shoulders in my back Garden
She came to remove every disease from my Garden bouches
She came to remove every evil disease from my Garden flowers
She came to remove every evil from my back
He came
He came to remove every evil from my back Amen
He came to remove every evil from my Childrens back
He came to remove every evil from my sons back
He came to remove every evil from my body Amen
He came to remove every evil from my Childrens bodies Amen
He came to remove every evil from my Childrens bodies
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He came to remove every evil from my Childrens thighs
He came to remove every evil from my Childrens minds
He came
He came to brush every evil aside
He came to remove every evil from my eyes
He came to curse the cancer from my body
He came to curse every Diseases from my body and my life through Christ our Lord Amen
He came to curse every Diseases and defilement from my Childrens bodies and lives through the Precious Blood of Christ our Lord Amen
He came to remove every evil disease from my Garden Roses
She Came
eShe came to remove every disease from my key bodies
She came to suck out every disease from my childrens face
She came to suck out every pimple from my Childrens face
She came to suck out every disease from my childrens mouth
She came to suck out every disease from my childrens tongue
She came to suck out every disease from my Siennahs bowels
She came to suck out every disease from Uriahs bowels
She came to suck out every disease from my childrens eyes
She came to suck out every disease from my childrens crutch
She came to suck out every disease from my childrens crutch
She came to suck out every disease from Siennahs crutch
She came to suck out every disease from Siennahs mind
She came to suck out every disease from Siennahs eyes
She came to suck out every disease from Siennahs weeping eyes
She came to suck out every disease from Siennahs weeping wounds
She came to suck out every disease from my mouth
She came to remove every disease from my childrens face
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She came to remove every disease from my family tree
She came to remove every disease from my family tree
He came
He came to remove every disease from my family tree
He came to remove every disease from my apex
He came to remove every disease from my leaves
He came to remove every disease from my leaves
He came to remove every disease from my leaves
He came to remove every evil disease from my stamen
He came to remove every evil disease from my veins
He came to remove every evil disease from the veins of my leaves
He came to remove every disease from my scrotum
He came to remove every disease from my family
He came to remove every disease from my family tree
He came to remove every disease from my scrotum
He came to release me from his evil Demonic thoughts
He came to release me from his evil Demonic African tribe
He came to release my children from his evil Demonic African children
He came to release my children from his Evil wicked African Demons
He came to release my children from his African evildoers
He came to release my children from his evil African Plans
He came to release my children from her evil African Plans x3
He came to release my children from his evil African woodland
He came to release my children from his evil African Wood
He came to release my children from his evil African Centre
He came to release my children from his evil African Demonic peers
He came to release my children from his evil Demonic African children
He came to release my children from his evil Demonic African childhood
He came to release my children from her evil Demonic African childhood
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She came to release my children from his evil Demonic African site
He came to release my children from his evil Demonic African shite
She came to release my children from her evil wicked African Spirits
She came to release my children from her Dark evil African rooms
She came to release my children from her Dark Evil Mouth
She came to release my children from her Dark Evil mountain
She came to release my children from her Dark Evil African motives
She came to release my children from the Dirty African Mothers
She came to release my children from the Dirty African Virgins
She came to release my children from Dirty African Dogs
She came to release my children from the filth of the Dirty African Dogs
She came to release my children from the filth of the Filthy Dirty African Dogs
She came to release my children from the pits of the Dirty filthy African Dogs
She came to release my crutch from the filthy Dirty African Dogs
She came to release my crutch from the pits of the filthy Dirty African Dogs
She came to release my Mother from the chains of bondage
She came to release my Mother from the pits of he’ll
She came to release my Mother from the pits of hale
She came to release my children from the pits of hale
She came to release my children from the Cancers of hale
She came to release my children from her Dark Evil African rums ( x3)
She Came
She came to release my children from her Darkness
She came to release my children from her Dark Evil African drums
She came to release my children from her Dark Evil African drums
She came to release my children from her Darkness
She came to release my children from her Darkness
She came to release my children from her Dark waters
She came to release my children from her Dark waters
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
She came to release my children from her Dark waters
Removing the Weight of Water Set Against Siennah
Removing the hearts of filth set against Siennah
Removing the Words of filth set against Siennah Removing the Works of filth set against Siennah
Removing the Works of filth set against Uriah Removing the Works of filth set against Leo Removing the works of filth set against Leo
Removing the works of filth set against Leo
Removing the works of filth set against Leo Amen
He came to set eye free from the Obeah maa
He came to set eye free from the Obeah Chains
He came to set eye free from the Obeah Chains
He came to set eye free from the Obeah Chains
She’s Cum to release my children from her Dark underbelly
He’s Cum to release my children from her Dark underbelly
He’s Cum to release my children from the Antichrist
He Came
He came to set me free
Set eye free from the African Voodoo
He came to set eye free from the Voodoo Woman
Set eye free from the African Spirits
Set eye free from African Woods
Free EYE up franchise AFRICAN EYE
Free Me Free Eye Free my
8(22 Blessed Daily Blessings
Set eye free from African Eve
Free my face from African Eve
Free my mouth from African Eve
Free my tongue from African Eve
Free my lips from African Eve
Free my hips from African Eve
Free my Organs from African Eve
Free my Organs from African Eve
Free my internal from African Eve
Free my Internal from African Eve
Free my Internal mind from African Eve
Free my Internal body from African Eve
Free my Foods from African Eve
Free my Foods from African Eve
Free my face from African Eve
Free my face from African Eve
Free my face from African Eve
Free my oils from African Eve
Free my oils from African Eve
Free my oils from African Eve
Free my oils from African Eve
Free my oils African Eve
Free my eyes from African Eve
Free my mind from African Eve
Free my Face from African Eve
Free my Face from African Eve
Free my face from African Eve
Free my Back from African Eve
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Free my Back from African Eve
Free my Baby from African Eve
Free my Baby through African Eve
Free my Baby through African Eve
Protect Levis from Yves Dutty blood
Protect Leah from Yves Dutty Dag
Protect Leah from Yves Dutty blood cloth
Protect Leah from Yes Dutty dishes
Protect Leah from Yves Dutty fish
Protect Leah from Yves Rotting fish
Protect Leah from Yves Rotting fish
Free my Baby through African EYE Dear Jehovah
Senna leaf tea
Siennahs bush tea
Siennahs Rose tea
Eve gaping hole in the ground
She walks around with a gaping hole
An empty gaping hole
A sea pin gaping empty hole
Free my Granny’s Body from African Eve
Free my Granny’s body from African evil
Free my Granny’s mind from
Bought Some jewellery MANOR HOUSE
Bought Some Jewellery
Free my body from African Eve
Free my body from African Eve
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Free my Granny’s ions PROTECT EYE
Oranges in Beckton
He came to set eye free
He came to set eye free from the chains of bondage and slavery
He came to set me free
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He came to set me free from the pits of hell
He came to set me free from his oil
He came to set me free from his oil
He came to set me free from his oil
He came to set me free
His mother did not agree that I should be free
His mother wanted a wife for him
His mother wanted grandchildren or maybe she didn’t
Maybe she wanted a submissive wife who would want nothing
So she introduced her son to a girl and the girl refused her plan the girl refused
Mother despised those African bites she called them witches, she caught them with cheese was sick of those old black men
The Spirits Come
The spirits are Clean
The spirits are cool
The spirits drinking ice water in the woods
The spirits come for the food The Spirits come Clean
The clean spirits Love footwash
The Clesn Spirits Love Mint Tea
The Clean Spirits Love Minty food
The Clean Spirits Love Organic Foods
A Blessed Base for any Dish especially with fish and some meats
Enjoy working with Black Swans and Chia Seeds Chia seeds
Bisi enjoys playing in the snow at the back of the hut
She enjoys playing in the snow at the bark of the bar
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At the bark of the wolves
She enjoys playing in the snow at the bark of the hinds
Those African Spirits on the hot sand
These African Spirits have no Emotions
Jobs Centre pulls the snow
The African Spirits at the Job Centre
Those African Spirits in the pond
Those hut African Spirits in the pond
The hut African Spirits
Those hut African Spirits in Bow
Those hut African Spirits in the Bowls
Those hut African Spirits in the Bowels
Those hut African Spirits in the fish pond
The hut African Spirits pull the snow
Pull the snow up to the chest
Pull the snow up to the lips
Pull the snow up to the Crown
Up to the Crown of the head
Up to the Priests Garments
Those hut African Spirits have no water
Those Dark African Spirits
The eyes on those Dark African Spirits
Letting the acid on her tongue cool
Cooling the acid on her tongue
Those Evil Dark African Spirits
The snow at the back of the hut in winter
The snow in the crutch in January
Lips full of snow in January
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Eyes full of snow in the Garden
The snow in the back oh the crutch
The snow at the back of the hut in January
The pool of the snow
The pool of the snow in January
The pool of the snow in winter
The snow on the corner
The snow in the village
The snow in the city
A bird in the hand
A bird in the city
Keeping Uriahs back cool Keeping Uriahs back Clean
Keeping Uriahs head back Clean Keeping Uriahs Blessed neck Keeping Uriahs Neck Back
Keeping Uriahs Neck Back Clean
I had a mystery caller today, a woman, a woman searching for a playmate, a toy, a plastic toy which he could poke fun at and finger with delight, he never had a husband but she enjoyed fun with her playmates, her dolls, dolls of different sizes, Enjoying fun drinks with his dolls. She had dolls clothes and dolls houses and dolly foods all for playing with. He would stay indoors with his dolls all day
A blue water room
A blue water SPIRITS
A Blessed water Spirit
A Blessed Water Sport Water Sports Water Sports 4 Leahs Water Sports 4 Leo
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Water Sports 4 AVA
Water sports for Ava Room
Water sports 4 Leahs bed
Water blessing for Leahs bed
Water Blessing for Leahs face
Water sports 4 Leahs bedroom
B clean hear oil
Clean hear oil in Leahs bedroom
Blessed hear oil in Leahs bed
Cool hear oil for baby’s skin
Bags of Clean hear oil for Leo
Bags of Clean hear oil for Avs
Bags of Clean hear oil 4 Siennah
Bags of Clean hear oil 4 Uriah
Bags of Clean hear oil for Uriah
Bags of Clean hear oil for Uriah
Bags of Blessings 4 Uriah
Bags of Blessings for Uriah
Bags of Blessings for Uriah
Bags of Blessings for Uriah
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He wants
He wants to go under he is unhappy with life he lives beneath the feet of his enemies he lives beneath the feet of the spirits beneath the feet of the spirits is where he resides the emotional spirits he lives with emotional spirits emotional African Spirits Hut emotional African spirits
Emotional spirits full of expression full of remorse emotional spirits searching for a crutch searching for a crutch to lean on
Imagine never having known friendship Never having experienced friendship Only knowing Only referring to a bunch of drunks as friends
Imagine An Independent Spirit
A happy spirit
A Clean Spirit
A happy spirit
A Blessed Spirit
An Independent Spirit
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A happy spirit
A Clean Spirit
A happy Spirit
A Blessed Spirit
A Freeeee Spirit
A Spirit to fly
A Spirit to Grow
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