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Financial information about Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc. and a copy of its license are available from the North Carolina Secretary of State, solicitation licensing section at 1888-830-4889. The license is not an endorsement by the State.
Charlotte Chapter of Hadassah 323 Sardis Pointe Rd., Matthews, NC 28105 PRESIDENT: Bunny Bramson
Hadassah Highlights is published by the Charlotte Chapter of Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc., for its membership.
August 22
In November of this year, critical legislative seats must be filled and key issues will be on the ballot in our state and local communities. We will be electing a President, the full U.S. House of Representatives, one-third of the U.S. Senate, eleven state governors, and many other local officials. With so much at stake, it is crucial that we reinvigorate our efforts to engage people in the democratic process by helping them make informed decisions in the election and by encouraging participation in meaningful civic action. With these goals in mind, the National American Affairs/Domestic Policy Department has launched Hadassah’s VOICE – Voter Impact through Community Education, a nonpartisan election-year campaign that challenges every Hadassah unit in the country to lead its community in a nonpartisan activity that educates voters on the electoral process and key issues – Israel, Iran, healthcare and energy and the environment. In case you haven’t already heard, Hadassah’s VOICE has its very own page on Facebook. The page provides an open forum for you to share ideas for and experiences with VOICE activities. To join, go to, and sign up as a member. Once you are logged in as a member, search under the "Groups" function for "Hadassah’s VOICE" and you will be able to join the group. The Charlotte Chapter has a new American Affairs Committee Chairperson, Sharon LachowBlumberg. Sharon recently relocated here from New York and is eager to re-energize our American Affairs activities. If you are interested in working on this committee or require additional information, please feel free to contact Sharon diNext Highlights Deadline rectly, 704-910-0115, or July-August 2008
Charlotte, North Carolina
American Affairs Committee
January 15 -- Young Women - Jewelology January 16 -- Lunch & Learn - tba - 11:45 January 17 -- Prime/Premier Event January 22 -- Education Event - All January 25 -- Maj Marathon, JCC Gorelick Hall 12:00-5:00 January 31 -- Tosco Music Party - All February 1 -- Bingo Event - All February 5 -- Bridge Marathon - Raintree CC - 10:30 February 9 -- JNF Event - Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden - All February 17 -- Health Event - TI - 7:00-9:00 - All February 20 -- Lunch & Learn - tba - 11:45 February 28 -- Jewish Film Festival Opening Night - All March 1-7 -- Jewish Film Festival - various times and locations-All March 8 -- Purim Carnival - Distribution of 2009 Directories March 18 -- American Affairs Date with the State - Raleigh March 20 -- Lunch & Learn - tba - 11:45 March 26 -- New Member Wine & Cheese April 2 -- Bridge Marathon - Raintree CC - 10:30 April 17 -- Lunch & Learn - tba - 11:45 May 7 -- Young Women's Event May 15 -- Lunch & Learn - tba - 11:45 May 17 -- Installation
August 17—JFS Meal Prep at Penny Krieger’s—10:30 August 27—Film Festival meeting—Lerner Center at LJCC—6:30 PM September 4 -- Bridge Marathon - Raintree CC - 10:30 September 19 -- Lunch & Learn - tba - 11:45 (Every 3rd Friday) September 22 -- Open Meeting - All - TBA September 25 -- Young Women - Polished (wine bar/nails) October 17 -- Lunch & Learn - tba - 11:45 October 23 -- New Member Dessert and coffee October 30 -- Education Event - All November 1 -- Young Women - Havdalah in the Park (Rabbi Cantor) November 2 – Donor Event – All November 21 -- Lunch & Learn - tba - 11:45 November 23 -- Simon Night of Giving - South Park Mall - 6:30 December 4 -- Bridge Marathon - Raintree CC - 10:30 December 7 -- Prime/Premier Event December 16 -- Chanukah Party - Adopt a Family - All December 19 -- Lunch & Learn - tba - 11:45
Charlotte Chapter of Hadassah Events Calendar 2008-2009
Page 2
President’s Message
Hello Charlotte Hadassah! This message is actually a copy of the remarks I made at the installation. I hope it inspires you to step up to the plate and get involved. Raising money is very important but not nearly as important as your involvement in our Chapter activities. To Heidi Rotberg: On behalf of the Charlotte Chapter of Hadassah, I present a gift of appreciation and admiration for the leadership and generosity you’ve shown during your tenure as President over the past two years. To you we say todah rabah – thank-you. You’ve served us proudly. (Heidi was presented with a Tzadakah Box designed by an Israeli artist.) Hadassah Members, Associates and Guests: Thank you so much for sharing this special occasion with me. Understand only Hadassah or bad weather could keep me off the golf course on a Sunday morning. I especially want to thank Shari Marcus, Ellie Bantit and Debby Rosenberger for all they’ve done in making this such a classy event. If you’ll indulge me, I’d like to present my thoughts for the upcoming year. Politically correct would have me say: we need to reduce gas and food prices, we need to bring our soldiers home, we need a health insurance plan for all Americans, we need change. You’ve heard all this for the past six months and will continue to hear it for the next three months. Although important, this is not my message. My spin is a bit different. I’d like to share a secret with you. For those who don’t know, my way of relaxing after a hard day is to click my pen, sit down in a comfortable chair to create or solve a juicy crossword puzzle. To me, nothing is more challenging than to complete a puzzle, no matter how challenging it may seem. As a matter of fact I am not above asking for help from someone who is knowledgeable about the parts that need to be resolved. What I’d like you to do is to consider creating and completing a Hadassah themed crossword puzzle. Step one is to go the center and write Hadassah both vertically and horizontally. Once that’s done, we need to randomly add words like: President, Immediate Past President, Treasurer, Secretaries, Membership, Education, Fundraising, Programming, Communication, Parliamentarian, pretty long and important words not unlike an executive committee. Next let’s throw in Zionist Affairs, American Affairs, Community Affairs, Young Judea, Film Festival, Health, Young Leaders, Prime and Premier Members, Donor, Directory, Cards, Trees, Certificates, Jewish National Fund, Website, and Emails, also important, sort of like Hadassah’s committee positions. But something is still missing, too many blanks. Needed are the connectors, the small but crucial words that make sense of the puzzle. Relate this to you, the everyday dues paying members without whom the crossword could not be complete. Words in themselves are important but not as important as the whole. You’ve read in the Hadassah Highlights bulletin about the newly elected officers and appointed committee chairs for 2008-2009. Today’s installation affirms those elected to executive positions. Now I’m asking the connectors to get involved and commit to making the puzzle complete. This is not a one day task but an ongoing commitment. You, the connectors have so much experience and so much to add to the puzzle. Be the connector who volunteers to do what’s necessary and reap the reward of knowing that your part was vital to completing the puzzle. More than once during the past month I’ve heard, “I want to get involved but I can’t chair an event.” I say, that’s OK. When you get your newsletter or e-blast write on your personal calendar when events are being held and commit to attend. This is how your connection works, asking for a little bit of time while filling in the puzzle blanks. Daytime or nighttime, anytime is puzzle time. Past successes of the Charlotte Hadassah puts us in the Region and National spotlight. As a chapter, we’ve consistently exceeded assigned quotas for membership and fundraising and I expect nothing less for this coming year. We will continue to exceed financial and membership quotas by working together and completing puzzle after puzzle. Thank-you and have a wonderful day. I know I will.
Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem Sarah Wetsman Davidson Tower
Tower Campaign
Page 7
The FUNd raising committee of the Charlotte Chapter of Hadassah is seeking volunteers. This is your chance to join in at the grassroots level of raising money for the extraordinary work that Hadassah does. We aren’t going to ask you to do anything you are not comfortable doing, like calling people and asking for donations. We need people who are willing to take a project of limited scope, with minimal time commitment. Interested? Call Janice Bernstein at 704-846-9290 or Sandy Hoagland at 704-543-6338. At this time, we are looking for someone to be in charge of tickets for the Simon Night of Giving ticket sales. (The event is in November.) This involves giving tickets to our members who think they can sell them, and keeping track of who has them, collecting the money from the volunteers, and submitting it to our treasurer. Pretty simple, but you really need to be organized. We are also looking for a Hadassah Heroines Chair. It’s a year long position, but is not very taxing. You would have to promote the program, which is mostly speaking up at meeting you are attending, and meeting bulletin deadlines with a little blurb. You’d have to send bills once during the year to established Heroines (there are seven!), and order pins as needed. We need to expand this program, so if you think you can help, speak up. Interested in selling ads for the directory? Contact Ivy Saul, 704-321-2565. We are looking for a volunteer to chair the Bingo we hold every year. This year it will be on February 1. You’d be in charge of the event from beginning to end. A great way to “get your feet wet” with Hadassah. Don’t be shy … Give Hadassah a try!
50 West 58th Street New York, NY 10019
The Hadassah Tower Campaign is the largest and most exciting endeavor in Hadassah history. Your gift to the Annual Donor Campaign is around the Tower Campaign will be a part of the legacy Hadassah is creating in the Middle East. We are not waiting for the future, we’re corner … In August you will receive our once a year request building it. There are dozens of distinguished giving and namfor donations to our annual campaign. We do not ask our ing opportunities available. Contact Janice Bernstein at 704members to be on phone committees, because we no longer 846-9290 for details regarding the purchase of rooms, stations bother you with phone calls to interrupt your day or evening. and large equipment for the new tower. We don’t put you on the spot by having your friends ask you $25,000 Centennial Founders gift (payable over three years) increase your donation. We ask only that you read our letter, Founders will receive permanent recognition in the new tower, with a personalized certificate and a 14-karat gold Centennial fill out the card and mail it back to us. If you send your Founders Pin. (The pin has a fair market value of $400.) check with the card, you won’t even get an invoice. How $18,000 Benefactors Gift (payable up to three years) easy is that? Benefactors will receive permanent recognition in the new Matching Gifts tower and an inscribed certificate. Multiply Your Donation with Hadassah’s Matching Gift $5,000 Hadassah Chaverim (Friends of Hadassah) A mezuzah will be permanently affixed to honor the donor Program who will also receive a replica of the mezuzah as a commemoMany companies will match or double match the rative gift (the mezuzah has a fair market value of $150) and amount of a contribution. Example: a $500 donation berecognition at a special computer kiosk in the new tower. comes $1,000 when the company matches the donation. A $1,800 Donors will receive a commemorative pendant (the $350 donation becomes $1,050 when the company double pendant has a fair market value of $100) with Hadassah’s matches your gift. motto, Aruchat Bat Ami, The Healing of the Daughter of My Here’s how to participate: People and recognition at a special computer kiosk in the new Contact the personnel office at your place of emtower. ployment to determine whether the company participates in $180 Donors will receive a commemorative pin with Hadassah’s motto, Aruchat Bat Ami, The Healing of the Daughter a Charitable Gift matching program, and ask how to get of My People (the pin has a fair market value of $25) started. Once you have obtained, and filled out the form, Donors making gifts at other levels will receive an acknowlsend it and the check made out to Hadassah to: edgement from National Hadassah. Hadassah Matching Gifts
Please mark your calendars for the Hadassah Donor, Sunday, November 2. Details will be coming your way very soon.
Donor Event November 2, 2008
Page 6
New Idea for Cards - Create your own account! Simply send me a check for$25.00, $50.00 or however much you would like, and just call when you want a card sent ($5.00 charged against your account). No need to send a check each time - I'll keep track of it for you. Now you can remember any life cycle event without having to do anything more than a phone call. We at Hadassah will be happy to take care of it for you. Please call me at 704-541-0430 for any of your card needs. To purchase individual cards to keep on hand, the price is $2.00 per card. For certificates, call Madeline Aron at 704-442-8234. She has beautiful certificates to honor or memorialize any occasion ranging from $15.00 to thousands. We can take care of everything. Shalom, Ellie Bantit
Cards and Certificates
Charlotte Hadassahʹs first bridge marathon culminated with a fabulous bridge/luncheon at Firethorne Country Club. The food was scrumptious, the play exciting, and the company scintillating. Kudos to our cash prize win‐ ners: First place: Evelyn and Larry Nameroff Second place: Roz and Marty Husney Third place: Kim Martin and Sandy Hoagland Fourth place: Margie Goldstein and Paula Musler If you missed out this year, do not despair. You have a second chance to contribute to Hadassah, meet new people, and play exciting bridge. We have made some changes to the structure of the tournament and will now be playing duplicate bridge/lunch four times a year at Raintree Country Club: 9/4, 12/4, 2/5, and 4/2. Fortunately, Michael Starr has volunteered to be our director. Please e‐mail or call Sandy Hoagland if you want to be part of this very popular event: tze‐, or 704‐543‐6338.
Maj Marathon -January 25, 2009 Gorelick Hall
Mark Your Calendar
Save the Date –
The amount of stimulation and discussion is awesome. We invite you to be a part of it. Watch your Hadassah Bulletin for more details over the next few months.
September 19, October 17, November 21, December 19, January 16, February 20, March 20, April 17, May 15, June 19.
Please mark your calendars now for the 2008-2009 Lunch & Learn Series to be held from 11:45 AM-1 PM the 3rd Friday of every month, location TBA:
Hadassah’s Lunch & Learn (open to everyone)
Young Women’s Division
Open Play Mah Jongg
Young Women’s Division
Page 3
The Charlotte Jewish Film Festival will celebrate its 5th anniversary in 2009. Mark your calendars for February 28- March 8 when the Festival will return with more terrific films from the world of Jewish cinema. The Film Festival has grown over the years thanks to the hard work of our dedicated volunteers. To help make the 5th edition the biggest and best yet, we are in search of more helping hands. Marketing, fundraising, ushering, ticketing and hospitality are just some of the areas where you can contribute to this highly anticipated event. If you are interested in volunteering or finding out more about this opportunity, please join us for an informative meeting on August 27, 6:30 PM, in the Sam Lerner Cultural Center at the Levine JCC. Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP to Ellyn Gross at
5th Annual Charlotte Jewish Film Festival
Hadassah and the JCC have Open Maj Nights at the LJCC. Bring your sets, cards and quarters every Wednesday night for Open Play Mah Jongg. All ages and levels of play are welcome. Wednesdays at 6-9 PM in the Levinson Family Place. Free. Call Jodi Valenstein 704-944-6730, Jodi.valenstein
contribution towards costs of cheese, fruit, and vegetable platters.
Cost: Cost of your service (manicure or pedicure), plus $5 voluntary
count for the evening.)
(Please RSVP by September 20, so I can give Polished an accurate
RSVP: Stacy Baum – 704-544-9897 –
28203 (
Place: Polished Nail Bar & Spa, 2041-F South Blvd., Charlotte
Time: 6 PM for wine, cheese, manicures, and pedicures
Date: Thursday, September 25
dassah style.
Join us at Polished Nail Bar and Spa (in South End) for Manicures, Pedicures, and some fun, Ha-
Help Us Kick Off a New Year of Young Women’s Programming in Style
Page 4
Upper left: New president Bunny Bramson (right) with her sister, Chickie. Above: Nancy Kerstein is installed by Debby Rosenberger. Left: Roz Cooper (left) presents the Rosalie Ashendorf Award to Janice Bernstein.
Southpark's Maggiano's Little Italy was the lovely setting for our 2008-2009 Hadassah Installation Officers on May 18, 2008. New President Bunny Bramson and her Board were duly installed by Past President Debby Rosenberger, after thanking and honoring our previous Board, led so ably by Heidi Rotberg. We thank her and her board for carrying on our Hadassah tradition in such a shining way. The 2008 Charlotte Chapter of Hadassah Awards were presented during the Installation. Please join us in congratulating our terrific volunteer leaders. to Janice Bernstein by a past honoree, Roz CooThe Rosalie Ashendorf Award was presented per, for her passion, dedication and many years of service to the Charlotte Chapter of Hadassah. Janice was selected by past recipients as well as input from the general membership. Heidi Rotberg presented the following distinguished awards: Penny Krieger, a VP of Membership, is the 2008 winner of the Crown of Hadassah Award. Mazel tov Penny. Dana Kapustin and Stacy Baum are this year's recipients of the National Service award for their work on Programming and Young Women's Programming. Ivy Saul and Judy Kaufmann, our intrepid Directory Co-Chairs, are awarded a Special Certificate of Merit. Sandy Hoagland is also a Certificate of Merit award winner, for her Fundraising work for our Chapter. The Charlotte Chapter Love of a Lifetime Award winner for 2008 is Lynda White, who has been the backbone of the annual Donor fundraising campaign as Donor Treasurer. We wish Bunny and her new Board a continuation of the same success in fundraising, education and community leadership. We are so lucky to continually find the caliber of women needed to keep Hadassah strong. Thank you. To add to our roster of terrific women, please call Bunny Bramson at 704-341-8322 to jump on board. We'd love to have you. Thank you to all of our Hadassah members, volunteers, and donors for making this such a great year for the Charlotte Chapter.
Installation 2008
Page 5
Never worry about paying annual dues again. If you put just one dollar a day away in an envelope, you will have saved enough to become a Hadassah Life Member by this time next year. Please contact Renee Schreibman 704-443-7253 or Penny Krieger 704-542-9402 for further information on this lifetime commitment to a remarkable organization.
A Dollar a Day
If you have forgotten to renew your annual membership, please keep Hadassah strong and do so now. If you are not sure, please call Penny Krieger, 704-542-9402. For those who are current, please send in your dues as soon as you receive your next payment notice. If you have recently received a notice and cannot find it, please call for a new one or just send your check to Penny Krieger, 12030 Summerberry Ct., Charlotte NC 28277.
Just a Reminder
This year we will be listing and coordinating volunteer efforts for those of our members who have requested to do “hands on” volunteering. We need help for the opening night of the Jewish Film Festival, February 28, 2009. We will update with details when they are made available. Also, the Hadassah Directory Committee will need help at the Purim Carnival, March 9, 2009 to sell and distribute directories. Keep these dates in mind. This year, we are initiating a meal preparation program for those in need of ready-to-eat meals which will be distributed through JFS. It is fun to work in small groups on these. The first informational and prep day will be at Penny Krieger’s home at 10:30 on Sunday, August 17. If you are interested in attending, or in providing this service on your own, please call Penny at 704-542-9402.
Volunteer Opportunities
Hadassah is going to communicate via e-mail more and more this coming year so we really need your current e-mail address. If you have changed your e-mail address in the last few months or do not seem to get Hadassah e-mails, please send it to Make sure you enable your computer to receive Hadassah e-mails.
Updating e-mails
We are pleased to welcome the following members new to the Charlotte Chapter of Hadassah: Ellen Bottner, Karen Brodsky, Laurie Gersh, Linda Greenfield, Sari Hochberg, Karen Knox, Sharon Lachow-Blumberg, Claire Nathan, Stephanie Starr and Joyce Stoll. The newest members to make a commitment to life membership are: Denise Abadi and Joyce Stoll.
Our Most Precious Asset
Mark your calendars for Thursday, October 23, 7 PM for a Dessert and Coffee Reception to find out what Hadassah is all about and what we have in store for you this year. All new members of all ages are encouraged to attend. Take a friend and make a friend. If you know any prospective members, call us with their names so we can personally invite them. Look for details in the next issue of Hadassah Highlights. Call Penny Krieger, 704-542-9402 or Renee Schreibman, 704-443-7253 with any questions.
New Member Dessert and Coffee Reception