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A Kid Again
A Kid Again - Northern Ohio
Our Mission: We exist to foster hope, happiness, and healing for children with life-threatening conditions and their families.
What’s New:
On, Friday, July 15th, the Northern Ohio Chapter will be hosting an Adventure Under the Stars at Canal Park, home of the Rubber Ducks in Akron. What will make this Adventure unique is that it is not just for enrolled families, but it will also be open to the community. 100% of ticket sales will go to A Kid Again as will 10% of all concessions. The evening will include an exclusive opportunity to watch a big screen family friendly movie (to be announced shortly) at the park! Also included will be pre-movie fun and games, and more! For more information, follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AKidAgainNorthernOhio or contact Christine Bucknell at cbucknell@akidagain.org We hope you will come out and enjoy a beautiful summer night with family and friends while supporting the Northern Ohio Chapter of A Kid Again. A Kid Again fosters hope, happiness, and healing for families raising children with life-threatening conditions through year-round, cost-free, group events that we call Adventures. Adventures are designed to help keep these families social, active and positive as they face the daily challenges that come from critical illness. Brothers, sisters and parents are always included, because when a critical illness diagnosis is delivered, the lives of the entire family are changed forever. Adventures, provide these special families with happy memories that will last forever.
Interested in Helping?
For more information on A Kid Again, how to become an Adventure Guide, enroll a family, or donate, please go to www.akidagain.org or call 330.405.5437 Contact: Christine Bucknell | 234.380.2170
330.405.5437 www.akidagain.org
Top Leadership
Christine Bucknell Executive Director