13 minute read
Fall fun, winter wine
Fall and winter mark a shift to sweater and jacket weather, the changing colors and falling of the leaves, and the ever-presence of pumpkins, cider and general cozy feelings. It’s the perfect time to visit ThornCreek Winery & Gardens in Aurora, with its rustic yet comfortable, modern indoor spaces and its garden-centric outdoor scenery. Jstyle visited the winery to capture the moment with a rural and charming setting that’s so tting for the seasons.

Photography: Casey Rearick / Casey Rearick Photo Fashion: Jessica Simon Hair & makeup: Yvonne Shvartshteyn / The Perfect Veil
To view more photos and looks from the photoshoot, visit jstylemagazine.com/current-issue

David wears a multicolored check wool sport coat by Jack Victor, a blue check tech blend sport shirt by American Heritage Shirt Co. and off-white tech cloth chino pants by 7Diamonds, all from Ticknors Men’s Clothier in Beachwood. Brown boots by Aldo are his own.
Age: 25 City: Kent
Solon Chabad
Architecture student at Kent David Aronov State University

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Age: 26 City: Cleveland’s Edgewater neighborhood Synagogue: Jewish Family Experience Work: Incoming recruiter for Trusted Human Capital Olivia Setnik Lyndhurst Life • South Euclid • Beachwood Buzz • Menorah Park • Bnai Jeshurun • Launch Life • Bootstrap Bash • Legacy Gan Israel • Crescent City Jewish News • ICNext • JNF • Na’amat • Temple Emanu El • Beachwood Convention & Visitors Bureau • Lyndhurst Life • South Euclid • Beachwood Village • Press Club • Diversity Center • JCC • Workmen’s Circle • Montefi ore • Camp Village • Press Club • Diversity Center • JCC Village • Press Club • Diversity Center • JCC • Workmen’s Circle • Montefi ore • Camp
Village • Press Club • Diversity Center • JCC

Olivia wears a oral maxi dress by M.A.B.E from LADDER in Shaker Heights. Sneakers by Puma are her own.
Lyndhurst Life • South Euclid • Beachwood Buzz • Menorah Park • Bnai Jeshurun • Launch Life • Bootstrap Bash • Legacy Gan Israel • Crescent City Jewish News • ICNext • JNF • Na’amat • Temple Emanu El • Beachwood Convention & Visitors Bureau • Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation • Lyndhurst Life • South Euclid • Beachwood Buzz • Menorah Park • Bnai Jeshurun • Launch Life • Bootstrap Bash • Legacy Village • Press Club • Diversity Center • JCC • Workmen’s Circle • Montefi ore • Camp Gan Israel • Crescent City Jewish News • ICNext • JNF • Na’amat • Temple Emanu El • Beachwood Convention & Visitors Bureau • VIDEO SPONSOR: FAMILY 13 DINNER & CHUCK HEATON AWARD PRESENTATION NOVEMBER 2, 2017 CLEVELAND, OHIO HALL OF FAME CLASS OF 2017 HEATON AWARD RECIPIENT Russ Mitchell David Molyneaux Contact Paul Bram for more information 216-342-5192 · pbram@cjn.org Manage, Design, Write, Sell, Print, Mail Custom Publishing We wi ... ...so you don’t have to For your tribute event, anniversary, foundation and more! Village • Press Club • Diversity Center • JCC • Workmen’s Circle • Montefi ore • Camp April 2017 INSPIRING LYNDHURST IMPACTING OUR NATION e Boltons
Joe Frolik Janet Macoska THE PRESS CLUB OF CLEVELAND JOURNALISM Presort Std U.S. Postage PAID Cleveland, Ohio Permit No. 1
magazine Winter 2017
100 YEARS Special Centennial Section pages 12-16
Joe Mosbrook Carol Story

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FORGIVENESS vaINCLUSIONequality advocacy understanding fair multiculturalism respect support FORGIVENESS variety di erent respect multiculturalism community understanding fair multiculturalism respect support FORGIVENESS variety respect multiculturalism communityFORGIVENESS variety INCLUSION justice respect multiculturalism community equality advocacy understanding fair multiculturalism respect support INCLUSION respect multiculturalism FORGIVENESS variety INCLUSION FORGIVENESS advocacy understanding fair multiculturalism respect support advocacy understanding fair multiculturalism respect support variety respect multiculturalism community equality advocacy understanding fair variety variety di erent equality and acceptance assumptions inclusion jus advocacy understanding fair multiculturalism respect advocacy understanding fair multiculturalism respect support FORGIVENESS Center equality equality and acceptance assumptions INCLUSION respect multiculturalism community equality advocacy understanding fair multiculturalism respect support Diversity advocacy understanding fair multiculturalism respect equality equality and acceptanceassumptions inclusion justice NA’AMAT USA NA’AMAT USA 91st Anniversary Celebration Honoring 2017 Tikkun Olam Award Recipient Rabbi Rosette Barron Haim April 25, 2017 | Beechmont Country Club Celebration 2017 Tikkun Olam Award Recipient fair multiculturalism respect support Village • Press Club • Diversity Center • JCC variety multiculturalism community equality advocacy understanding fair multiculturalism respect support Humanitarian Award DinnerRenaissance Cleveland HotelRenai
variety di erentdi erent Village • Press Club • Diversity Center • JCC PLAat ThePLASunday, May 7, 2017 MandelJewish CommunityCenter A Gala for Grown-Ups LYNDHURST

launch LifeEntrepreneurial culture + fun in Cleveland Issue 1 August 2017 Entrepreneurs who get up and ask "what's next" after suffering a failed venture are the ones who are resilient and who go on to launch something new again. p.4 Startup Obituaries p.3 life after DEATH Life • Workmen’s Circle • Montefi ore • Camp equality advocacy understanding fair multiculturalism respect support and acceptance assumptions inclusion justice DERSTANDING fair multiculturalism respect support assumptions inclusion justice FORGIVENESSFORGIVENESS variety di erent multiculturalism community equality advocacy understanding fair multiculturalism respect support McShepard equality and acceptance assumptions inclusion justice respect multiculturalism community equality advocacy FORGIVENESS respect multiculturalism community equality advocacy understanding fair respect multiculturalism community equality advocacy understanding fair multiculturalism respect Moreno a failed venture are the ones who are resilient and who go on to launch something new again. p.4 Obituaries culture + fun in Cleveland B TSTRAP BASH the launchhouse present ... & Honoring Steve Potash Founder, President & CEO OverDrive Inc. Visionary Entrepreneur AwardPresenting Sponsor: RED SPACE Saturday, January 20, 20187:30 p.m. 2400 Superior Avenue Cleveland, OH Cleveland's premier party celebrating entrepreneurship
Jordan wears a wool navy button-down knit sweater by Garnet, a gray stretch cotton sport shirt with blue polygon pattern by Bugatchi and mid-wash denim blue jeans with multicolored contrast stitching by Alberto, all from Ticknors Men’s Clothier in Beachwood.
Age: 27 City: Downtown Cleveland
Temple Emanu El Work: Real estate agent at Howard Hanna

Jordan Roth

Leslie Leikin

Age: 29 City: Downtown Cleveland Synagogue: Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple Work: Manager at Eyezone

Leslie wears a long sleeve oral dress with ru es by Desigual from Knuth’s in Pepper Pike.
Jordan wears a red tech cloth quarter zip shirt with long sleeves, a red stretch cotton sport shirt with black paisley pattern by Robert Graham and mid-wash denim blue jeans with multicolored contrast stitching by Alberto, all from Ticknors Men’s Clothier. Brown loafers by T9 are his own.
David wears a light gray tech cloth quarter zip shirt with black stitching by Fundamental Coast, a black eight-way stretch cotton sport shirt by Bugatchi and gray tech cloth stretch pants by J. Braxx, all from Ticknors Men’s Clothier. Black sneakers from Nordstrom are his own.

Olivia wears a striped button-down shirt by Loup and high-rise skinny jeans in ink by Outland Denim, both from LADDER.
Jordan wears a navy and cognac full-zip cotton knit shirt by Garnet, a sky blue eight-way stretch cotton sport shirt with brown oral pattern by Bugatchi and khaki stretch denim jeans by Alberto, all from Ticknors Men’s Clothier.

Olivia wears a utility jumpsuit in army green by HarperSage from LADDER. Brown boots from Amazon are her own.
Leslie wears a camel sleeveless knit vest by French Connection, coated straight-leg black pants by Blank NYC, a plaid ribbed-cu coat by BB Dakota and long triangle necklace, all from Knuth’s. Black sandals by Caslon are her own.

David wears a cognac leather jacket by Scully Leather, a sky blue and brown window pane pattern shirt in eight-way stretch cotton by Bugatchi and dark wash denim jeans with angle weave by Bottega, all from Ticknors Men’s Clothier.
Olivia wears a silk wrap dress by Natalie Martin Collection from LADDER.
Leslie wears a long sleeve long vienna multicolored dress by Desigual and a 3-layer necklace by Nakamol, all from Knuth’s. Black heels by A New Day are her own.
Jordan wears a sport coat and a soft construction shirt from Ticknors Men’s Clothier and khaki stretch denim jeans by Alberto from Ticknors Men’s Clothier. Brown boots by Thursday Boot Co. are his own.

David wears a multicolored poly blend houndstooth sport shirt, gray tech cloth quarter-zip vest by Robert Graham and o -white tech cloth chino pants by 7Diamonds, all from Ticknors Men’s Clothier. Gray shoes by Seven 91 are his own.
Leslie wears high-rise straight crop jeans by AGOLDE, Brie oral top by TART Collections and a black distressed moto jacket by Mauritius, all from Knuth’s. Mules by Sam Edelman are her own.
A softly rustic winery with gardens throughout, ThornCreek is popular for special events or simply anyone looking to explore a more rural setting with delicious wine and food. The Aurora property was purchased by owner and founder David Thorn in 2005, renovated over two years and opened its doors in October 2007. “Our spaces were designed to be this beautiful background that would allow any event to be the showcase,” Thorn says. ThornCreek With an earthy and elegant backdrop, ThornCreek is a “true winery,” meaning all the wines served are produced there, he says. It partners with vintners and wineries across the country to buy produce, and then wine-making processes Winery like fermentation, blending and aging are done by ThornCreek. “We’ve been nationally recognized for some of our wines, and regionally & Gardens recognized for most,” Thorn adds. ThornCreek’s dining menu provides a similar idyllic country touch to match the space’s feel; entrees and sharable plates are designed to pair well with the wine. It is also known for its annual Harvest Dinner, a farm-to-table ve-course meal that hosts 80 people and which Thorn describes as “magical.” After a second round of renovations that began in February 2020, ThornCreek now has an indoor ballroom with a new entrance, bathrooms and bar. Outside, a new perennial pavilion was added, which hosts wedding ceremonies and o ers an additional covered dining space. That’s in addition to more newly created gardens, Thorn says. “Sitting in that (ballroom) space and looking out into the fountain garden is one of my favorite spaces,” he says, adding another favorite is a private perennial garden, which boasts tables and seating among about 1,500 perennials in a secluded setting. “It is ever-blooming, all season.”