2 minute read
Editor’s Note
Each year, Canvas and its sister publications at the Cleveland Jewish Publication Company submit entries to a few di erent statewide journalism competitions.
The contests consider submissions for all kinds of work that goes into publishing media, with categories like feature writing, page layout and website design.
Amanda Koehn editor@canvascle.com
Design Manager
Stephen Valentine
Alyssa Schmitt, Carlo Wol
President, Publisher & CEO
Kevin S. Adelstein
Vice President of Sales
Adam Mandell
CJPC Editor
Bob Jacob
Tracy Singer
Canvas staff celebrates their wins at the Press Club of Cleveland’s All Ohio Excellence in Journalism Awards in June.

This awards season – which considered content created during 2022 – is shaping up to be a good one for Canvas and the CJPC. In the Press Club of Cleveland’s 2023 All Ohio Excellence in Journalism Awards in June, we received several awards. Notably, our design manager Stephen Valentine won best general circulation magazine cover design in Ohio for Canvas’ Spring 2022 cover, showing a sculpture by artist Diane Therese Pinchot. Additional awards went to our senior designer Jessica Simon and Valentine for page designs that included Canvas, and to me for the cover story about Pinchot.
In addition, Canvas won several awards from the Society of Professional Journalists Ohio’s Best Journalism Contest. We also won best cover design, best website for a trade publication and best personality profile in this contest. Our sta also received awards in categories like best arts reporting and best trade publication news story.
To read more about the CJPC’s awards and the stories that received them, visit bit.ly/3DlMq3h.
My colleagues and I take so much pride in our work for Canvas, and receiving awards is a very fun and validating part. We always feel honored to tell the stories of artists and arts organizations in our community, and any awards we may win are thanks to them being willing to share their stories with us.
And of course we wouldn’t be here without our readers. Whether you are a loyal Canvas follower or this is your first time picking up the magazine, we greatly appreciate your interest and support.
As is typical for our fall magazine, this issue hones in on Northeast Ohio’s stages. New this year, we profile three dancers rising in professional dance, including Ahna Bonnette, who you see with Teagan Reed on the magazine cover. Dance is a uniquely challenging profession, physically, mentally and creatively, and it was a delight to speak with these dancers and share their stories.
For the stage section, we also check in with Karamu House – the 108-year-old theater that continues to nurture the talents of Black artists and serve as a cultural center toward a more inclusive, equitable society.
Also in this issue, we profile Lori Kella – a Cleveland artist who constructs scenes inspired by Lake Erie’s shoreline, lending to a unique and experimental photographic style. We also visit a local exhibition highlighting Israeli street artists, and an exhibit focused on large-scale artwork that is being shown across four area venues. And, we look at how AI has a ected some local creators and how it’s shifting the way all of us interact with technology.
As always, I hope you enjoy this issue. And, if you have any story pitches or ideas for Canvas to cover either here or in our e-newsletter, send me a note at editor@canvascle.com.
Amanda Koehn Editor
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, @CanvasCLE. Sign up for Canvas’ free e-newsletter at canvascle.com/signup.
Lifestyles Editor
Amanda Koehn
Design Manager
Stephen Valentine
Custom Publishing Manager
Paul Bram
Sales & Marketing Manager
Andy Isaacs
Events Manager
Gina Lloyd
Digital Marketing Manager
Cheryl Sadler
Courtney Byrnes, Alexandra Golden, Abigail Preiszig, Becky Raspe, Meghan Walsh
Marilyn Evans, Ron Greenbaum, Adam Jacob, Nell V. Kirman, Sherry Tilson, Danielle Zwick
Senior Designer Jessica Simon
Bella Bendo, Ricki Urban
Digital Content Producers
DeAnna MacKeigan, Megan Roth
Business & Circulation
Amanda LaLonde, Julie Palkovitz, Abby Royer
Grace Salter, Zoe Krantz, Nora Igelnik
Subscriber Services
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Canvas is published by the Cleveland Jewish Publication Company, 23880 Commerce Park, Suite 1, Beachwood, OH 44122. For general questions, call 216-454-8300 or email info@cjn.org.