Together in Christ, we are the Body of Christ, and this is our Church
Spring Valley Presbyterian Church
125 Sparkleberry Lane, Columbia, SC 29229
ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CONGREGATION February 13, 2011 - 10:20 a.m. For year ending December 31, 2010 Call to Order for the Congregational Meeting
Statistical Report Report of Pastor Reports of MinistriesCommittees
Report of Church Treasurer Preview 2011 Budget Adjournment of Congregational Meeting
Statistical Report Total Church Membership as of December 31, 2009
Additions: Received by Profession of Faith Received by Reaffirmation of Faith Dear Members and Friends of Spring Valley Presbyterian Church, Received through Certificate of Transfer I am thankful to God for the life we have experienced together here at the Church in this past year. Even though we started out last Reinstatement January with some personal health challenges, I will always be Total Additions: appreciative of the care you shared with Jennie and me as we dealt with it. In the course of all that, Jennie was able to get the Rainbow Express together with the help and participation of so many of you. I Losses: Certificate of Transfer enjoyed being able to share in that experience as Noah’s Removed Conscience. It was a lot of fun and will always be a special memory. Deaths Last year flew by so quickly it seems. I am so proud of all the many Total Losses: things that you have done in the course of last year. The reports of the various divisions are just a glimpse of the wide array of activities and events that happened here. Some of the wonderful events I Total Church Membership as of December 31, 2010 note from last year were VBS, Dr. Potts preaching at Founder’s Day, the Poetry Café’s, the Joy Group lunches, youth groups and youth activities, the church weekend at Montreat, the youth summer local Baptisms: Gavin Bridges mission week, the Pre School, Rally Day, the production of Amen Kendall Collins Corner, ‘This is My Church’ stewardship emphasis and the films Gabriella Favenesi produced for stewardship, the joint worship service on World Megan Fletcher Communion Sunday, the Bazaar, Advent, the Cantata, ‘Little Bell’ Brian Hall and the Christmas Eve services. But what makes this place so Wellslee Hall special is more than a wide array of events and activities. The spirit Katherine Shah of caring, love, and commitment you have to the life and health of Alexander Uhall the church and to one another has been a joy to witness.
Pastor’s Report
In 2010 the preaching ministry started with a focus on the Beatitudes in Matthew 5. During the summer we focused on Paul’s letter to the Philippians. In the fall we explored texts that showed different images of what it means to be the church. This year I am offering a Bible Study on Tuesdays at lunch time. This study focuses on the text for the following Sunday. Anyone is welcome to come any time. I have found through the years that this is a helpful study. I look forward to this new year, and to the years ahead with great anticipation. I appreciate you prayers and encouragement. May God bless you and our church. In Christ, Jack
Inactive Funerals Marriages Weddings Average Worship Attendance
In loving memory Ken Sundby Tom Bates Jean woods
759 18 2 20 1 41
7 6 2 15
28 3 3 4 305
Community Achievements of 2010 Complete Server replacement and IT upgrade Replace several aging HVAC units. Consistently added to the Major Repairs Reserve Facilities Use has retained several new weekly use clients
Goals through June 2011 Get roof leaks repaired. Executed contract for most of the repairs using Baker roofing ($16,800). Must still come up with a way to replace the rotted window frames for the 10 small stained glass windows (Cost guessed at $500 per window so $5,000). Replace the burned out bulbs above the pulpit in sanctuary. Need to find a time, truck to haul 40 foot ladder, and a forty foot ladder. Replace mesh screen and then blow insulation above ceiling in 200 series hallway (preschool and Sunday school classrooms). Should recoup significant savings from energy savings. Price up replacement lamps for the outreach room. Should save operating costs and create a much quieter room. Put together a couple page Building and ground SOP that ties all the pieces together for the B&G Committee members and church staff We Facilities Use will be working on improving alarm use, church storage organization and ways to increase facility use income ACS Software upgrade
The Community Ministry is charged with all aspects of the care of our building & grounds that are made up of six acres of land and countless parts and pieces.
Building & Grounds Committee spent our year keeping Presbyterians warm and dry in well lit rooms. The plumbing works, the doors keep out weather, the grass is cut and flowers beautifully appoint the memorial garden. Our approximately seven regular committee members and close to one hundred volunteers have
put in at least 1,000 hours of building maintenance on projects and during our work days; saving the church at least $25,000 in an effort to maintain a warm inviting church -priceless. If you see a problem with the building or grounds please leave a note for Dawn Indovino our office manager.
Worship & Congregation Brought to you by the hundreds of members who fill the church full of life: Standing ovations for the 4
Drama Productions "Ex-tolling" Bell Choir performances Lip-licking and tummy rubbing increased at Thursday morning breakfast, Lunch Bunches, and Wednesday night suppers Pomped and Circumstanced the Baccalaureate service Maximized congregation of 680 on Christmas Eve (runner up of 537 on Easter) Spotlights shined on Preschool Sunday, Scout
Sunday, Youth Sunday, Women's Sunday, Founders Sunday Yule-licious Choir Cantata Full-Foliage appreciation at Montreat Retreat 864 Poinsettia waterings, 300 luminary lightings, ~ 4000 hosts intincted Many Baptisms, several weddings, and a few funerals Meetings by the dozens for WOC, Painting groups, JOY, Circles, Christcare, Salt Shakers, Book club
Poetry Café
Many more groups, and "behind the scenes" efforts, that maintain the traditions and vitality of our congregation.
Christian Education Leadership: The Christian Education Ministry (CEM) has had a very busy and active year. The CEM was chaired by Dody Imhoff, Elder from Jan-May, 2010 and by Ruth Seigler, Elder from June-December, 2010. Christian Education Ministry Highlights: Youth present a Spring Outdoor
Advent Devotional Booklet
Concert to benefit Thornwell Children’s Presbyterian HomeApril 2010 Successful completion of 9 month Confirmation Series for Confirmands-May 2010; new group of Confirmands began in September with a trip to Montreat
published by CEM and distributed November 2010 to all Church Families and visitors Advent wreath making and Advent Festival well attended and successful Advent wreath lighting and family readings in worship well coordinatedDecember 2010
Vacation Bible School-very
successful with over 100 children learning about Jesus through the SonForce curriculum-June 2010 Youth to Montreat -27 youth attended-June 2010 Senior High Youth participated in Salkehatchie Mission TripJuly 2010 Junior High Youth participated
in a Midlands Area Mission TripJuly 2010 Preschool Year launched with parents meeting at Church-Pastor Jack Heinsohn and Elaine Horton welcomed families-August 2010 “Faith Beneath our Feet”-Rally Day for the new Sunday School year-a very successful combined Sunday School and Revelations and Traditional Church program in Potts Hall-new CE Directory published-September 2010 Youth Kickoff Picnic with 100+
participants and Youth Council Retreat are successfully launched Wednesday night Bible Study for youth reestablished in Fall 2010 Youth sponsor and staffed a garage sale at Fun FestivAll Sunday evening activities-
Strikers, and Junior and Senior High have well established and planned programs
The Mission of the CEM is to provide a Christian learning environment and to create programs and services that nurture spiritual growth for all members and visitors of the Church.
Planning for special series
called Equipping the Saints initiated, promotional communications prepared, faculty recruited and series is set to begin January 2011 Plans initiated for Nursery Worker Retreat led by Elaine Horton and Peggy Ley set for January, 2011 All staff under the purview of CEM have had annual evaluations
Sunday School offerings have
been designated for Heifer International, the Souper Bowl of Caring, and God’s Storehouse The reestablishment of the Cradle Roll for new babies born during the church year is underway with plans for recognition in church set for January, 2011 Youth launch responsibility for Service Blitz for Super Bowl of Caring Church Library is nicely
organized and resources available for checkout Sunday School Superintendents have new guidelines
Appreciation is given for the help and support of the Christian Education staff: Peggy Ley-Director of Children’s Ministry-employed February, 2010; Jon Keyser-Youth Director-employed in Aug. 2010 (prior Youth Director Kelly McLaren March-July, 2010); Elaine HortonP r e s c ho o l D i re c to r - em p lo ye d January, 2010; and Jessica Inbody, Nursery Coordinator. Also thanks to the Rev. Dr. Jack Heinsohn for his guidance and assistance, to Cathy Reisch for all her communications support, to all the wonderful staff and volunteers and to the members of the CEM committee-Joanne Haywood, Ann Canary, W es Anderson, Michael Hogue, Linda Brown, Virginia Lacy, Alex St. Onge, and Carol Beaty.
Missions & Outreach The Mission and Outreach Ministry was formed in March 2010. Our mandate was to 1) educate and inform the congregation about the mission and outreach ministries of the church 2) develop and promote new opportunities for mission and outreach in the congregation, and 3) to be the place where new mission ideas from members are received for study and development.
Mission and Outreach Ministry Highlights:
Organized, recruited, and formed subcommittees to support each of SVPC’s core mission projects.
Helped coordinate meaningful, fun youth mission trips for Jr. and Sr. Highs in July 2010.
Revitalized the Green Committee and implemented magazine and media recycling
Created a Military Mission in response to members’ concern for and appreciation of service members.
Angel Tree for God’s Storehouse provided Christmas gifts to 158 (record number!) individuals in our community.
Supported our Sr. High youth’s concert project raising funds for Souper Bowl and Camp Kemo.
Organized school supply drive for God’s Storehouse.
Migrant Ministry dinner provided a delicious meal for over 100 migrant workers in July 2010. All meal items were donated and prepared by members. Jr. High youth took the food to Batesburg-Leesville and helped serve it.
The Fall FestivAll was a great success, raising money for Habitat for Humanity (road race and bike race) and our other Core Missions.
79 pints of blood were collected for the American Red Cross.
Partnered with area churches to build a Habitat House in summer 2010. SVPC provided volunteers for the build and we contributed $10,000 towards the expenses.
“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” I Peter 4:10
Stewardship Leadership: The Stewardship Ministry has had a very busy and active year. The Stewardship Committee was chaired by Ron Swinson. Other members of the ministry from the session were Ken Sundby and Terry Wade. Del Rosebrock is chairman of the Finance Committee
Appreciation is given for the help and support of the Terry Valentino - Finance Director. Also thanks to the Rev. Dr. Jack Heinsohn for his guidance and assistance. None of this would be possible without the volunteers that serve on the Finance Committee, Year Round Stewardship Committee and the Time and Talent CommitteeJoanne Haywood, Ann Canary, Beth Brown, Jamie Gordon, Dodie Vine, Lee Trawick, Mark Bower, Holly Walker and Carol Beaty. And last but certainly not least, none of what we accomplished could have happened had we not been blessed by having Cathy Reisch – Director of Communications. Her enthusiasm and energy helped tremendously in all we did and we are eternally grateful to her.
The Mission of the Stewardship Ministry is to provide a leadership and guidance toward Church’s use of the gifts given to the service of God whether they time, talent, or monetary gifts. Accomplishments: Developed the “This Is My Church”; pledge campaign which included multiple videos of members expressing what being a member of our Church has meant to them and their families. Created a new Ministry – Missions – separate from Stewardship to specifically
focus on our outreach efforts Del Rosebrock became the new chairman of the Finance Committee replacing
Hobson Busby. Del is doing a great job as Hobson did before him. Completed the Time and Talent identification process to match those who want to
serve with areas needing volunteers Began the Year Round Stewardship Committee which is designed to remind us that
stewardship is something to be practiced continually. This group is also focused on how we not only foster a giving attitude, but how we use what we have to reach more people.
Green Committee Annual Report Nominating Committee Annual Report On Sunday, April 11, 2010, the following people were nominated for the office of elder and deacon, class of 2013. A unanimous ballot was cast for their election. Elders Tim Bostick, Jim Hollis, Bob Ley, Edward Rutledge, Ruth Seigler, Johnna Young, Deacons Ruth Adams, Wes Anderson, Keith Benggio, Beth Brown, Noel Chamberlain, Caroline Duff, Jane Richardson, Jane Staines This year’s nominating committee consisted of Lang Kohel and Ted Rausch (elders) and members at large are Susan Kirby, Doug Caviness, and David Gordon.
Recycling of bulletins, batteries and cell phones, cans,
bottles and cardboard. Green Committee and staff implemented an office paper
recycling program with Sonoco Recycling. Assisted Missions and Outreach in plans to continue and
increase the recycling of magazines to be taken to the Women's Prison and several other community groups. Introduced the theme of "Recycle, Reuse and Repurpose" Promoted the use of washable dishes and etc. rather than disposables whenever possible Worked to implement recommendations from the energy audit done in 2008 to save money and make better use of our resources Created Christmas bookmarks to share ideas for "greening Christmas" for both homes and our church Goals for 2011 - Began planning and recommendations for the type, design, and placement of recycling containers and centers as budgets and space allow Pat Alexander
2011 Operating Budget All Ministries Worship & Congregation Community 5% Administration, Building & Grounds
Christian Education
3% Missions & Outreach Stewardship
7% Community Fixed Expenses
Community Personnel
Income Contributions CafĂŠ Flowers 2011 Bazaar Income Sunday School Income Missions' Funding Subtotal - Operating Budget Income
Expenses Community Ministry 1. Fixed Expense (utilities, ins, janitorial/grounds) 2. Admin plus Other Bldg/Grounds 3. Personnel Expenses Christian Education Ministry Stewardship Ministry Missions and Outreach Worship and Congregation Ministry Subtotal - Operating Budget Expenses Variance 2010 Results Total Income Total Expenses Net Income 2010
2011 Budget 609,077 12,000 6,000 13,000 2,500 12,500 655,077
2011 Budget 163,569 41,050 348,094 21,300 10,100 45,000 29,940 659,053 -3,976
636,977 588,157 48,820