ALI Brochure

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The dissection table companion




Catalouge PDF and Video content to a dedicated database and server

Admin area for content administration

Complies with HTA requirements

Can be used with enterprise mobility management software and standalone management systems for content and applications

Access to knowledge “easy to navigate” “3D app to see structures”


Unmet expectations

“Get to revise whilst other members of the group are working”


“can zoom in on images”

“would like to be able to make own notes on the iPad” “could integrate more”

“cannot access Google”

Practical problems: whilst dissecting” “gets messy” “Can’t look at more than 1 page at a time”

“iPads don’t have pages that can detach”

T h e i Pa d a p p a l l o w s st u d e n ts to v i e w a co m p re h e n s i v e pat h o l o g y p ot co l l e ct i o n

Safe, Secure and Flexible way to study Anatomy dissection

In order to comply with Human Tissue Authority legislation, lab-dedicated iPads are restricted to display only the Anatomy Laboratory Interface app and selected anatomy apps. All sensitive material is administered and housed behind appropriate firewall security.

Students access diverse collection of learning resources during dissection exercises, including the dissection workbook, lectures, video explanations, and full session notes.

The App is designed for both iOS and Android platforms and can be downloaded from Apple’s App Store and the Google Play Store

Anatomy Lab Interface

To find out how your lab and and your students can benefit from ALI contact or call +44 (0)1273 644501

All Content is Š Brighton and Sussex Medical School and CJ Taylor. All rights reserved Platform and Design Š CJ Taylor

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