Student Organization Manual Student Development & Campus Activities Pleasantville
PACE UNIVERSITY August 1, 2013 Authored by: SDCA Office Professional Staff
Please Note: Student Organization is defined as both Greek and Non-Greek organizations.
Purpose To complement the academic experience To retain students by creating community To influence campus life by providing programs that enhance Opportunities for students to contribute to their own Pace Experience To encourage student development in areas such as spiritual, social, cognitive, diversity, professional, and leadership To intentionally empower our students and give them the resources and tools to adapt through change and develop into active problem solvers Values Ethical and Integrity Student development Continual growth Environment fostered by learning Excellence Accountability Citizenship Self-Awareness Consistency Innovation and creativity
1 Student Organization Manual
Table of Contents I.
SDCA Services 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Office Hours Mail Services Fax Request Email for your Organization Request Agency Account Requesting an OrgSync Account Flush Flash SDCA Webpage Leadership/Organization Workshops
Student Organization Privileges & Requirements 1.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
4. 5. 6. 7.
Depositing Funds Contracts Purchasing Policies Student Organization Purchasing & Financial Record Keeping 8. Credit Card Policy IV.
pg 16-20
Risk Management for Student Events
pg 20-22
Additional Policies for Student Organizations
pg 22-30
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
pg 12-15
Student Organization Agency Accounts Student Activity Fee Funding Sources a. Fundraisers b. Budget Allocation Committee (BAC) c. Other Funding Sources d. Event Admission Fees
Program Planning
1. Program Planning Process (Reserving Space & Consultation Meetings) 2. Types of Events 3. Food Services (Catering) 4. Outside Catering 5. Alcohol at Student Events 6. Publicity 7. Posting Policy
pg 5-12
Types of Organizations a. Student Government Recognized b. SDCA Recognized c. Greek Organizations General Organization Requirements for Recognition Officers Training Requirements Transitional Month and Elections Registration Process for Student Organizations New Organizations Advisors Pace Pride Awards
III. Financial Information & Planning 1. 2. 3.
pg 4-5
Policies Hazing Bias Related Crime Reporting Gambling Tailgating Parties Demonstrations & Rallies Solicitation Guidelines Gifts, Prizes, and Awards Gift Cards Raffles Fundraising Judicial Process
Additional Resources for Student Organizations
pg 30-33
1. OrgSync Please note: Student organization is defined as both Greek and Non-Greek student organizations. 2 Student Organization Manual
I. SDCA Services 1. Office Hours
SDCA’s regular office hours are from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
2. Mail Services
Recognized student organizations maintain mailboxes in the Student Government Association Office. Outgoing mail may be dropped off at SDCA. Bring your mail in properly addressed envelopes and correct postage with your organization’s name on the envelope in case any pieces of mail are returned.
3. Fax Use
Student organizations have access to use the fax machine in SDCA for business purposes.
4. Requesting E-mail for your Organization
Your organization’s address gives members and potential recruits an easy to remember address to use when communicating with you and your organization. To obtain an e-mail send a request to with: Name of your organization, name and contact information of your advisor, e-mail address name you would like (e.g.,, your name, position, and contact information plus your advisor’s contact information. Organization email accounts are set up in Outlook. To access an existing organization’s email account, submit a list of members including names and their email addresses to A help desk ticket will be created to grant you access. Once you have access to log into the email account, you will need to follow these steps: Log in directly to (replace with the departmental mailbox address you wish to access) - don’t forget the https:// because it will display an access denied error page.
Then log in with your personal Pace username and password.
Note: Emails sent from the organization email account will be saved in the “Sent Items” folder under the organization mailbox. Any replies to emails sent from the organization email account will be directed back to the organization’s mailbox and not to your own student email account.
5. Requesting an Agency Account for Organization Funds
An agency account is an on campus bank account for student organizations. Once an organization has been approved by Student Government Association and/or recognized by the Center for Student Development & Campus Activities, an agency account will be created. This account is used for the deposit of funds from organization fundraisers and activities for use by the organization for its operations.
6. Requesting an OrgSync Account for your Organization or Access Updates
An OrgSync account is an organization management software resource for students. Once an organization has been approved by Student Government Association and/or recognized by the Center for Student Development & Campus Activities, an OrgSync account will be created. This resource is used for communication, record keeping, budgeting, calendaring and organization registration. 3
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7. Flush Flash
The Flush Flash is a weekly events document posted in all the bathroom stalls across campus. This document is also posted on the SDCA Facebook page and SDCA website each week. The Flush Flash includes information on activities hosted by student organizations, academic departments, and administrative departments throughout campus. It also contains information on local events, University announcements, and helpful deadline reminders. If you have an activity or announcement your organization would like to have included in the Flush Flash, send an email to with “Flush Flash” in the subject line. Please provide as much information about your announcement as possible. All entries must be in the Wednesday BEFORE the week of your activity to be included in the Flush Flash. If space becomes an issue, not all submissions will be able to be included.
8. SDCA Webpage
On the official webpage of the office you can find a multitude of helpful information about leadership, deadlines, conferences, announcements and downloadable forms. Please visit
9. Leadership and Organization Development Workshops
The staff within SDCA will help design and/or provide leadership development workshops to support your organization’s development needs. Workshop topics might include time management, communication, ethics, goal setting, vision creation, teamwork, teambuilding activities, and much more. Contact for assistance. For information regarding required trainings, please see Section II.7.
II. Student Organization Privileges and Requirements 1. Types of Student Organizations
Student Organizations include the following types: Student Government Association Sponsored Student Organizations, SDCA Recognized Organizations, and Social Fraternities/Sororities. While we classify all of these types as “student organizations”, there are some particular privileges and requirements that differ between the types.
2. Student Government Association Sponsored Student Organizations
Student Government Association Sponsored Student Organizations are organizations that have been chartered by Pace University after meeting all Pace criteria for recognition by Student Government Association and SDCA. a. Student Government Association Sponsored Student Organizations are: i. Covered by Pace’s insurance and are eligible to receive legal counsel for advice and representation in legal disputes. ii. Eligible to receive up to 100% funding for Pace approved activities by the Budget Allocation Committee (BAC) through the Student Activity Fee funds for Pace approved activities which are open to all Pace full-time undergraduate students. iii. Eligible to receive the following services offered by SDCA. 1. Use of event planning services provided by SDCA staff (required to register and host activities) 4
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Use of Pace’s mailing address, except as an incorporation address. Use of mailbox, mailing service, posting service, and copier service on an expense reimbursement basis. 4. Use of Pace facilities for events, if available. 5. Assignment of a Pace Agency Account and OrgSync account. Required to complete the programming model set forth by the Student Government Association (See Student Government Association Constitution) Required to have all contracts negotiated by an SDCA professional staff member, reviewed and approved in advance by Pace University Counsel, and signed by a University signatory official. Required to maintain all organization funds in Pace accounts that are administered by SDCA. All off-campus bank accounts must be registered with SDCA so that staff are aware of off campus accounts. All off-campus bank accounts must use the SDCA office address as listed below: 2. 3.
iv. v. vi.
Organization Name SDCA Office – Suite 229 861 Bedford Road. Pleasantville, NY 10570
Required to comply with all of Pace's policies, rules and procedures in this handbook, the guiding principles, the student handbook and the Guide to Residential Living.
3. SDCA Recognized Organizations
(Currently under review - This section will address the requirements and privileges of Student Organizations such as honor societies, academic- or department-sponsored organizations, and non-SGA seeking organizations.)
4. Social Fraternities and Sororities at Pace University-Pleasantville
Note: Social Fraternities and Sororities at Pace University-Pleasantville are considered “Student Organizations”, thus the policies and procedures set forth for student organizations also apply to this type of organization, unless otherwise noted in this manual. Social fraternities and sororities are chartered independently of Pace; this also includes any local chapters. These organizations do not operate under Pace's corporate umbrella and are only permitted to conduct activities on campus and receive services if they ultimately comply with all requirements and expectations set forth in the Pace University Guiding Principles, Greek Life Relationship Statement, and, their respective governing council’s constitution. Pace University- Pleasantville fraternity & sorority community promotes leadership, scholarship, service, and unity in order to retain students, promote student success, leave legacies, and create unmatched campus traditions. Student Development and Campus Activities shall work to advance this purpose. Chapter members, alumni/ae advisors, faculty/staff advisors, and fraternity/sorority national headquarter representatives make up the Pace University- Pleasantville Greek Community. You may find more information on the Greek Life purpose, vision, and values in the 2011-2015 PACE UNIVERSITY- PLEASANTVILLE GREEK LIFE STRATEGIC PLAN. a. Requirements of Social Fraternities and Sororities at Pace University-Plesantville: i. Have at least 6 full-time, undergraduate, financially active members registered for courses at Pace University-Pleasantville each semester. 5
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ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii.
xiii. xiv.
Hold an insurance policy valued at one million dollars. Only initiate Pace students who hold at least a 2.5 QPA. First year, first semester students may not join a chapter at Pace University. Submit a copy of the chapter’s charter to the University. Submit an updated roster including members from other campuses (i.e. city-wide charters) at the beginning of each semester. Submit a log of philanthropy and service efforts on a monthly basis (preferred). Have at least two advisors, one faculty/staff member at the University and one that is an alumni/ae member Not discriminate based on race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or ability in membership selection. Multicultural diversity is to be appreciated, encouraged, and embraced among all chapters. Maintain at least a 2.75 QPA each semester as a chapter to conduct new member education. Hold intake/new member education at least once within the calendar year (preferred, though not required). Abide by ALL new member policies set forth by SDCA including attendance at mandatory Anti-Hazing meetings for both active and new chapter members. Eligible to receive the following services offered by SDCA. i. Use of event planning services provided by SDCA staff (required to register and host activities) ii. Use of Pace’s mailing address, except as an incorporation address. iii. Use of mailbox, mailing service, posting service, and copier service on an expense reimbursement basis. iv. Use of Pace facilities for events, if available. v. Assignment of a Pace Agency Account and OrgSync account. Required to have all contracts negotiated by an SDCA professional staff member, reviewed and approved in advance by Pace University Counsel, and signed by a University signatory official. Required to maintain all organization funds in Pace accounts that are administered by SDCA. All off-campus bank accounts must be registered with SDCA so that staff are aware of off campus accounts. All off-campus bank accounts must use the SDCA office address as listed below: Organization Name SDCA Office – Suite 229 861 Bedford Road. Pleasantville, NY 10570
Required to comply with all of Pace's policies, rules and procedures in this handbook, the guiding principles, the student handbook and the Guide to Residential Living.
b. Fraternities and sororities ultimately abide by University policy and the policies and procedures communicated in their respective governing council. Student leaders, advisors, and national headquarter representatives should review the following documents: i. Relationship Statement for Greek Life- This policy communicates all expectations of individual chapters, advisors, national headquarters, and Pace University. ii. Minimum Membership for Individual Fraternities and Sororities- This policy communicates the minimum membership total each chapter should have each semester at Pace University. iii. Suspension and Re-Instatement terms for Individual Fraternities and Sororities- This policy communicates the process and procedure for University suspensions. iv. New Member Education for Individual Fraternities and Sororities- This policy 6 Student Organization Manual
v. vi. vii. viii.
communicates all new member education AND/OR intake expectations for chapters. Chapters should follow up with the Assistant Director for Greek Life, Student Development and Campus Activities with questions regarding this document. Interfraternity Constitution University Panhellenic Council Constitution National Pan-Hellenic Council Constitution National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations Constitution
5. General Organization Requirements for Recognition
Student organizations must maintain official recognition by the University in order to be eligible for the services and funding extended through SDCA. All recognized student organizations are expected to operate within University Policies and Procedures. Social fraternities and sororities must abide by their respective council’s constitution for all expansion endeavors. a. To be officially recognized, a student organization must provide SDCA with: i. A constitution (template provided), pending approval by Student Government Association and/or SDCA ii. A completed Membership Roster with at least 6 currently registered full time Pace University-Pleasantville undergraduate students with minimum Cumulative Quality Point Average (C.Q.P.A.s) of 2.0 1. Pace University Graduate students will only be recognized on a roster if they are full-time graduate students who also pay the Student Activity Fee, which will be confirmed as part of the semesterly student organization registration process with the assistance of OSA (Office of Student Assistance). 2. Graduate students will not be counted towards the requirement of 6 full time undergraduate students to remain an active organization unless they were full-time undergraduate students who have enrolled in a 5-year Bachelors/Masters program and are paying the Student Activity Fee. iii. Officers may only hold up to two executive board positions on campus iv. Officers must have a minimum 2.5 C.Q.P.A v. The contact information of its faculty/staff advisor (see the section “Advisors” for more information) vi. Completion of all SDCA required training for the fall and spring semesters vii. Adhere to any notices and or changes set forth by Pace University and SDCA viii. Complete semester registration process to remain an active student organization b. Organizations that are recognized by the Student Government Association & Student Development and Campus Activities must be primarily intended for undergraduate students, provided those students pay the Student Activity Fee (required for all full-time undergraduate students). c. All recognized student organizations are expected to operate within Pace University policies and procedures. d. Services offered by Pace to officially recognized student organizations include a license to use Pace University’s name to publicly identify their meetings and activities; to post and distribute meeting and activity notices; and to distribute or post organization informational materials on Pace’s premises and on Pace provided web pages. 7
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e. The only way that Pace students may reserve University space for a meeting or an activity (and, therefore, publicly announce that they are conducting a “Pace” organization meeting or activity in a Pace space) is under the sponsorship of a recognized student organization or a University academic or administrative Department. Individual students or unrecognized groups of students may not do so. The only exception is for membership recruitment meetings of groups who are in the process of seeking recognition. This exception is granted by SDCA Professional Staff. f. Pace University does not prohibit its students from identifying themselves as Pace students wherever they may be. However, the University does not license the use of its name to unrecognized organizations or permit Pace students who may be members of its unrecognized student organizations to represent that their organization is a “Pace” organization.
6. Officers
Officers are defined as all presidents, vice presidents, secretaries, treasurers and others as defined by a student organization constitution. For the student media organizations, this includes all editorial and managerial positions. Any student holding an elected or appointed office must have the following: a. Cumulative Quality Point Average (C.Q.P.A.) of 2.5 or better must be maintained by an undergraduate student holding an office or as stated in your organization's constitution. Students who fall below the minimum C.Q.P.A. will be asked to resign from their positions. b. Students who are elected or appointed to an office must be officially registered as a full time student for the semesters during their term of office. It is not recommended that students hold the same officer position for more than two years consecutively. c. A full-time faculty/staff member of the University may not hold an elected or appointed position.
7. Training Requirements
To ensure the continual development of Pace University-Pleasantville students and their organizations, the Center for Student Development & Campus Activities is committed to providing training that addresses the knowledge of policies, instills best practices for organization operations, and provides students with opportunities to grow. The following training requirements assist student and organizational growth: a. Fall semester – Leadership Training All University recognized student organizations are required to participate in this fall training. Participants must include five members of a student organization including at least one e-board member. The participants will experience team builders, discussion of specific topics related to student organization and event functions, and provided leadership tools to help in leading an organization. i. Student organizations may send a proxy (substitute) for training with notice in writing to the SDCA professional staff responsible for running the event. This must be done at least 5 working days in advance, unless otherwise communicated by SDCA professional staff. The proxy is then responsible for delivering training information to their peer(s) to ensure organizational success, transition, and leadership development. ii. Student organizations and their members that cannot or do not attend this required 8
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training will be responsible for make-up materials, as deemed appropriate by a professional staff member in SDCA.
b. Spring Semester – Transition Training All SGA recognized student organizations are required to participate in this training which will take place during the first week of April. Participants must include incoming President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Senator. The participants will experience discussion of e-board position, yearly goal setting and a comprehensive review of procedures relevant to the student organization manual. i. Student organizations may send a proxy (substitute) for training with notice in writing to the SDCA professional staff responsible for running the event. This must be done at least 5 working days in advance, unless otherwise communicated by SDCA professional staff. . The proxy is then responsible for delivering training information to their peer(s) to ensure organizational success, transition, and leadership development. ii. Student organizations and their members that cannot or do not attend this required training will be responsible for make-up materials, as deemed appropriate by a professional staff member in SDCA. c. Greek Life Training Requirements for Social Fraternities and Sororities i. New Member Retreat- Held towards the end of each fall and spring semester. Required for all new members joining a fraternity or sorority within that semester. The purpose of the Retreat is tri-fold: 1) To orientate new members into the Greek Community as a whole at Pace University; 2) To be a leadership and membership development opportunity where new members gain skills towards greater selfawareness; and, 3) To foster personal and professional relationships between Greeks from various councils and chapters. It is the responsibility of the chapter to send all new members to this Retreat. ii. Chapter President Meetings- Held either the first or second Friday of each full month in the fall and spring semesters. Required for all chapter presidents or a chapter leader designee. These Meetings provide an opportunity for chapter presidents to build positive relationships with each other, better understand University policies and procedures, interface with University administrators, and explore various leadership components. iii. Greek Council Trainings- Held towards the beginning of each fall and spring semesters since council officers are elected for the calendar year. Required for all leadership positions and advisors within the University Panhellenic Council, National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations, National Pan-Hellenic Council, and Interfraternity Council. The Training held in the spring semester focuses on positional officer training, group dynamics, and effective council operations. The Training held in the fall semester focuses on mentoring, updates within the Greek community, and effective operations to close out the calendar year. Councils who fail to send leaders to these Retreats may get accessed a donation to a local charitable organization.
8. Transition Month and Elections
March is Transition Month for student organizations. During this time, student organizations hold their election of officers. Student organizations are required to complete their election process by 9
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the end of March. Updated roster forms should be submitted to SDCA via OrgSync no later than the last day of March. Newly elected officers will be contacted by the first week of April for information regarding the Transition Training in April, to assist new leaders in learning the traditions and responsibilities they have accepted and the opportunities available for them.
9. Registration Process for Student Organizations
The registration process occurs once every Fall and Spring semester for registered Student Organizations. This process includes an update to officers, an updated organization roster (including U numbers), the advisor agreement and more. These are mandatory areas of compliance to remain recognized as Student Organizations and are upheld by the Center for Student Development & Campus Activities personnel in collaboration with the Student Government Association Executive Board.
10. New Student Organizations
SDCA welcomes the formation of new organizations each semester. All prospective organizations must complete the requirements to receive recognition listed in the General Organization Requirements for Recognition section. If organizations wish to be recognized by the Student Government Association please reference the SGA constitution. Visit the SDCA office to find out more information on how to create a new Student Organization.
11. Advisors
Education, the central goal of a university environment, takes place in many different ways. One way is through co-curricular involvement. Educators facilitate learning in different ways as well. Role modeling and mentoring are two very important modes of helping people learn. The advisor helps the student take full advantage of co-curricular learning and serves as a role model and mentor for members of student organizations. a. Requirements of Student Organization Advisors An advisor must be a full time employee of Pace University- Pleasantville, exceptions at the discretion of Student Development and Campus Activities. The advisor must sign the Pace University- Pleasantville Student Organization/Advisor agreement and attend one meeting per semester held for advisors by Student Development and Campus Activities (highly recommended). Advisors should be fully acquainted with the student organization manual. Note for Greek Student Organizations: See 4.a.vii on page 7 for the required number of advisors and their required qualifications. b. Responsibilities of Student Organization Advisors In assuming the role of student organization advisor, it is inherent that the advisor has accepted and agreed to fulfill these responsibilities in the manner listed below: i. Take an active role in advising the student organization. ii. Have knowledge of the student organization including but not limited to the following: 1. Know and understand the general purpose of the organization and be familiar with all provisions outlined in the organization’s constitution and by-laws. 2. Understand the goals of the organization, both outlined in the Constitution and those made by the e-board for the academic year. 3. Be familiar with the officers of the organizations. 4. Know the number of current members of the organization. 5. Become knowledgeable of the organization’s process for gaining new 10
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iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii.
members. Aid in the necessary requirements to remain a recognized student organization, if applicable. Meet with the organization’s e-board on a regular basis (at least once each month is recommended as the minimum requirement). Remain informed of all activities sponsored by and conducted by the student organization. Advisors are encouraged to attend the various functions of their student organization held after normal business hours. Establish with the student organization e-board the manner and frequency in which the advisor will participate in the organization’s activities; i.e., programs, social events and meetings. Offer guidance to the organization on goal setting, organization management, program planning, problem solving, and group evaluation. To be knowledgeable of and adhere to University policies and procedures which pertain to student organizations, and to inform the student organization president of his/her responsibility to do the same. Be knowledgeable of policies and procedures listed in the Guiding Principles (as listed in the Student Handbook). Refer questions concerning the Guiding Principles and Student Handbook to the appropriate department and where the case is not clearly discernible, to the Assistant Director of Student Development and Campus Activities. Report immediately to the Assistant Director of Student Development and Campus Activities any activities that may or will violate University policies.
12. Pace Pride Awards
At the conclusion of the academic year, Student Development and Campus Activities hosts the annual awards reception honoring the excellence and achievement of our campus community including student leaders and organizations. A special evening of awards, friendship and fun, the event is often considered the culminating highlight to a year of hard work and accomplishment. Award recipients are nominated by their peers, advisors and/or through self-nomination. A committee of faculty, staff and students will review and select the award recipients. For a full listing of awards and their descriptions please visit the Pace Pride Awards website.
III. Financial Information & Planning 1. Student Organization (Agency) Accounts
Each recognized student organization has an agency account. This money may be used for any responsible purpose deemed appropriate by the organization and SDCA. It is important to always deposit money from dues and fundraisers into the organization account. The funds in the organization account do not revert back to the university. This account carries over from one fiscal year to the next and is an organization’s central account. In order to use funds from your Agency Account you are required to fill out an Organization Agency Account Transaction Form and submit it to SDCA with all requests for funds.
2. Student Activity Fee
Student Organizations under the jurisdiction of the Student Government Association may submit 11
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a budget proposal using the Budget Management System on OrgSync to the Budget Allocation Committee (BAC) to request funds from the Student Activity Fee to fund their activities. Certain criteria apply to be eligible. Please see the Student Government Association Constitution for specifics.
3. Funding Sources
Student Organizations have multiple methods of raising funds for events/services and general student organization operations. These sources have different criteria and processes that are in place to ensure accountability and mitigate the risk of cash-handling. a. Fundraisers Fundraisers may include activities such as: bake sales, candy sales, charity sales and raffles. Make sure that any fundraisers your organization plan are consistent with University policies and procedures, specifically the raffle guidelines and fundraising policy listed within this manual (pages 25-26). If you are conducting a sale for charity, you must get the donation pre-approved. Please see the “solicitation� section regarding charity events. If you are unsure of any applicable policies, speak with a member of the SDCA staff. b. Budget Allocation Committee (BAC) The Budget Allocation Committee is comprised of student leaders who allocate the Student Activity Fee funds to the student organizations who wish to hold activities on campus. The Vice President of Finance of the Student Government Association (SGA) serves as the chairperson, the committee is open to the treasurer of all Student Government Association Sponsored Student Organizations. c. Other Funding Sources In addition to the Student Activity Fee fund through BAC and group fundraisers you may also obtain money for your events by participating in co-sponsorships with university offices, academic department, or others. If you prefer not to co-sponsor you can also get donated funds or services from these groups or from outside organizations. Before accepting outside funding or sponsorship please speak with an SDCA representative. d. Event Admission Fees Charging an admission fee at events is a great way to recoup some of the cost of sponsoring events. If you plan to charge an admission fee please contact a SDCA representative to establish an online registration and payment system at least two weeks before your event. No money should ever be collected at the door. Exceptions may be made with the approval of the Director of SDCA. In such cases, additional documentation and preparation will be necessary.
4. Depositing Funds
All funds collected from student organizations should be submitted to the SDCA office as soon as possible but no later than the next business day. Please keep all funds in an envelope clearly labeled with the student organization name, the origin of the funds, amount enclosed and signature of student organization representative.
5. Contracts
A contract is a written agreement created to inform two parties of their legal obligations to one another and to express in writing their mutual understanding. 12
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a. University Policies regarding the administration of contracts: i. Contracts may only be signed by a university official. Student(s) may not sign contracts. ii. Do not make any agreements with a speaker, artist, or performer without consulting with the SDCA staff. iii. University contracts contain a provision which requires the vendor to provide a certificate of insurance naming Pace University as additional insured; this is required for services rendered such as lecturers, performers, and comedians etc. who are contracted through an agency. iv. It takes at minimum 4 weeks to process the contract once all paperwork is submitted. However, some contracts may take more or less time. Please plan accordingly with the SDCA staff member assisting your organization in this process. v. You must include: APPROVED performance contracts, certificate of insurance, vendor request form. vi. Performance contracts must be fully executed between the performer and the university signatory official before the event can happen. If there is no fully executed contract on file, the event will be postponed until completed paperwork is handed in to the next available date. vii. Performance contracts filed after an event will not be paid. viii. Do not under any circumstance pay a performer with your own money. You will not be reimbursed! b. Steps in processing the contract include the following: i. It is the organization’s responsibility to submit the detailed contact information by the company’s representative or individual. ii. SDCA will coordinate the paperwork process with the artist/company. iii. Once completed, the contract is forwarded to the legal department for review. Once the contract is reviewed and approved by the university lawyer, it goes to the contracts administration office for signature. iv. The payment request is sent to the Accounts Payable department. In order to proceed with payment, the vendor must have provided the Tax ID or Social Security number (typically provided on a vendor request form and stored in the vendor system.) v. The organization receives one copy of the contract, one copy is given to the performer, and the original with one copy is kept by Student Development and Campus Activities. vi. Important Note: Contracts are NOT to be signed by students or Pace University faculty. Students are generally not permitted to personally profit from any university event, project or fundraiser, unless approved by the Director of SDCA. Any student found in violation of this policy will be subject to the disciplinary process.
6. Purchasing Policies
For more information on the University’s purchasing procedure please visit and click on Finance & Administration. a. All orders for equipment, supplies and services must be approved by the Student Development and Campus Activities department and the Purchasing department. If you are selecting a supplier the university has not worked with before, they must fill out a Vendor Request Form, which will add 4 weeks to the purchasing process. b. The Purchasing Department reserves the right to select a supplier in all circumstances. 13
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c. Bids are required for requisitions on negotiable services greater than $5000.00, Three (3) written and/or catalogue quotes from legitimate vendors are required. The purchasing department will assist with the bid process. d. Computer equipment purchases must be approved by Department of Information Technology Services. e. All items purchased with University funds are property of Pace University and must be returned to SDCA. If Student Activity Fee money is used then the supplies and/or equipment is property of Student Government Association and may be required to be stored by SDCA (when applicable and storage space available). Any items remaining in the SDCA storage will become the property of the department at the conclusion of each academic year.
7. Student Organizations Purchasing & Financial Record Keeping
Treasurers should be responsible for keeping accurate records of the organization’s financial records. Student Development and Campus Activities will forward to each organization periodic reports and account balance. If discrepancies arise, SDCA staff is available to help. The first step is to fill out a Discrepancy Report. a. No student(s) are permitted under any circumstances to personally make money from any event, project or fundraiser sponsored by a student organization unless approved by the Director of SDCA. Any student found in violation of this policy will be subject to the disciplinary process. b. Reimbursements always require original receipts or invoices as documentation of purchases. Both must include the full name and address of the vendor. Photocopies of receipts are not acceptable. c. Credit card statements are not accepted as receipts. Please request itemized receipts of all purchases. d. All reimbursements from restaurant receipts must be itemized by menu items. Verify that you can obtain an itemized bill before choosing a restaurant. Include the names of the parties served and describe the business transpired. Check stubs are unacceptable as receipts. e. Organizations will not be reimbursed for alcoholic beverages. Receipts that indicate the purchase of alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed in part or in full. f. For reimbursement of food expenses, you must include a description of the business conducted and a listing of the members and/or guests in attendance on your reimbursement form. g. Capital Purchases (large scale assets such as computers and other physical property) are not reimbursable. You must procure these types of items through the university’s purchase order system. h. Invoices presented by vendors for payment will not be processed unless a purchase order was processed and approved first.
8. Credit Card Policy
SDCA offers an option to use Pace University purchasing and/or travel credit card for the purchase of supplies for student programming. These cards can only be used in the presence of the individual card holder. Therefore the preferred method is to make online purchases using the SDCA credit cards while in the office during normal operating hours.
14 Student Organization Manual
IV. Program Planning
SDCA is your key to a successful event! SDCA will help guide you through the event planning process, including budget allocation, space registration, performer contract negotiations, catering, and other facilities requirements.
1. Program Planning Process
Student Organizations should consider the following fundamental steps when planning an event on campus: a. Designing the event The first step in event planning is to determine the who, what, where, when, how and most importantly, why of the event. Usually, organizations will assign members to an event committee to determine the purpose of holding the event, where and when it will take place, what will be the components of the event and what needs to get done to make it a reality. Pre-planning can happen at any time, but optimally occurs at least eight weeks prior to the event. The planning committee should consider what talent is needed, what decorations will set the right environment, how many people will be needed to run the event and how the event will be promoted to reach the appropriate target audience. b. Registering the event in R25 (and reserving space) All events need to be registered through the SDCA office. The reservation process includes the following steps: i. Visit to complete a reservation request. The form will require the following information: Description of your event Services that will be required (ie. food services, ed media, transportation, security) Possible alternative locations Set-up needs - how many chairs, tables, stage, podiums, etc. ii. Once you have registered your event, the scheduler will notify you via email with a confirmation of your event or any questions that have arisen based on your request. After the location is approved, all requests for food service, maintenance set-up and services must be finalized at least two weeks prior to the event. Last minute changes may not be possible. iii. If for any reason you decide to cancel/postpone an event that is registered, please notify SDCA in writing at least one week prior. Any expenses incurred for the cancellation/postponement will be the responsibility of the organization. In situations such as inclement weather and/or University closings, SDCA will assist student organizations in the most effective and fiscally responsible course of action. Nevertheless, if expenses are unavoidable due to contract or agreements, the organization will still be responsible for such expenses. iv. Room capacities are enforced by University schedulers based on the size and purpose of your intended program. Classrooms may be reserved for meetings however classrooms are not available during the first two weeks of each semester with the exception of common hours. A full list of rooms and their capacities can 15
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also be found on the Special Events webpage. c. Schedule a Programming Consultation meeting i. If funds are being taken out of your Agency Account: You must schedule an Execution Meeting with an SDCA Staff member to organize and prep for your event. Please make sure you have the necessary paperwork to use funds from an Agency Account, see the Organization (Agency) Accounts. ii. If funds are being requested from BAC: Once your BMS is filled out to the best of your ability please schedule a meeting with an SDCA staff member to review your request and formally approve the form to be sent to BAC committee for review. During this meeting all necessary paperwork will be reviewed pertaining to your budget request including the following: 1. Catering Order 2. Educational Media 3. Room Set-ups and any special requests 4. Contracts 5. Security 6. Transportation d. Once your BMS is approved (if applicable) If Budget Allocation committee (BAC) approves your requested budget, you must then schedule an Execution Meeting with an SDCA Staff member to complete the planning process to successfully prep for your event, within one week of approval to discuss the final details of your event including purchasing of items, contract, etc. e. Hosting the event The week prior to your event please check-in with the SDCA representative you have been working with to confirm details to ensure a smooth event. All food orders with Chartwells, Ed Media and room set-up requests must be completed at least two weeks in advance of your event. f. Evaluating the event Evaluation of your event is very important to the success of your organization and future events. After the conclusion of each event please take time with your organization to discuss evaluating the success of your event and note any changes to make for the following year. Please refer to your governing board constitutions (ie. Student Government Association, Greek Councils) regarding any required evaluation.
2. Types of Events
All student organization events are classified into the following categories. If you are unsure which category your event falls into please ask a Student Development and Campus Activities staff member. a. Pace Events Open to the Public Organizations planning events that are open to the external community (friends, family, community partners, etc.) must be registered in advance at The events classified in this category do not include parties, dances, concerts, etc. These events often include professional speakers, hired by contract and/or may require security, online registration for attendees, and so forth. Student Organizations should inform an SDCA staff member during their program consultation if these things are part of their program 16
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intentions. Trips/Travel Any organization planning a trip must register the trip at The organization must provide at least one ticket for a SDCA approved chaperone for all off campus activities and another ticket for every additional 20 spaces available. Pace Events (Not Open to Public) Organizations planning events that are for the Pace Community must be registered in advance at These events should be open to all of the Pace University community including students, staff and faculty and not be advertised externally of Pace. Conferences Any organization that wishes to sponsor a conference must have a SDCA approved chaperone. If the sponsoring organization is using funds from the Student Activity Fee (BAC Account), the conference must be open to all full-time undergraduate students to apply by hosting an application process in which a selection committee of student, faculty and staff will chose the students to attend based on their applications. Dance/Parties SDCA supports one party and/or late night event a month through the Fall and Spring semesters. These events are only scheduled on Friday or Saturday evenings from 10:00pm until 2:00am and can be publicized to outside guests. Student Organizations wishing to host a party on campus must submit a Party Request Form in conjunction with the Student Government Association guidelines for submission and approval. All other evening events must end by 12:00am. Concerts Student organizations may wish to sponsor a performance by a professional artist(s). These events require a large planning committee and planning checklists and therefore must be discussed well in advance (a semester in advance in required) with an SDCA staff member. Fundraisers/ Drives Student organizations are permitted to conduct fundraisers on or off campus in order to support organization activities. However, fundraisers that include the collection of cash donations must follow the procedures detailed in Section VI.12.a.iii (page 26). Please refer to our raffle and fundraising policies for further information. Movie Showings (On-Campus) Any student organization that would like to show a movie for an event needs to pay for licensing of the event. Please contact a member of SDCA to help you obtain the proper licensing necessary to show the movie. Demonstrations & Rallies Student organizations are permitted to hold demonstrations and rallies once they have completed the demonstration/rally authorization form and had it approved by the Dean for Students. Please see the Demonstration and Rallies policy for a further explanation.
3. Food Service
Food and beverages on campus must be provided by Dining Services unless a waiver is provided by Dining Services prior to the purchase of any external product. a. To plan for a catered event, the procedure is as follows: i. Consult the Student Catering Guide for the appropriate dining options, if there are any specifics not included in the catering guide, please consult the catering manager for an accurate quote. ii. At minimum two weeks prior to your event please inform Student Development 17
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and Campus Activities representative of your food request so they can fill out the appropriate paperwork to confirm your food order and provide payment.
4. Outside Catering
All Student Organizations must use the university contracted food service. The only exception is when the food provider cannot supply or prepare the food desired. All groups will be responsible for the cost and consequences for any outside food ordered without prior approval. Donated food must also be approved in writing. Exceptions for outside catering need to be submitted Chartwells General Manager directly prior to your BMS request or at least two weeks prior to the event in question for non BMS funded events.
5. Alcohol
Even though its possession or consumption may otherwise be lawful, alcohol, except in limited circumstances, is not permitted on University property or at University sponsored programs and activities. Any student organization reserving University facilities will be held responsible for the University policies on alcohol contained in the Student Handbook, and any of its supplements. Pace University has a strong commitment to a healthy and safe environment for all members of the University community. Any use of alcohol and drugs that is illegal or violates this Policy will not be tolerated. It is the policy of the University that the unlawful use, possession, sale, distribution, or manufacture of controlled substances and alcohol on University property or at University sponsored programs and activities are prohibited.
6. Publicity
Publicity is important for the livelihood of your organization. Please be sure to follow the general guidelines below to ensure the most effective use of campus promotion. Even the most spectacular, well-organized event can fail if nobody knows about it! Getting the word out is critical to success! As you begin preparing your publicity strategy and budget, ask:
Who, What, Where, When, and Why?: Why are you planning this event? Who is responsible for the program, event or series in planning stages? Who will be responsible for carrying out the publicity? To whom are you targeting the program? Is your information accurate and complete?
7. Posting Policy
When posting an advertisement for an event or campus offering, please read all of the information below as and follow the appropriate guidelines. a. All postings should reflect only activities of recognized student organizations or academic/administrative departments. b. The distribution of all flyers must be approved by SDCA. If student organizations wish to have their materials distributed in the Residence Halls, publicity materials should be brought to SDCA for stamping. SDCA will deliver the materials to the Office of Residential Life for distribution. Flyers may never be slipped under resident doors. 18
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c. For approval of postings, Student Organizations should bring one hard copy or electronic copy of the publicity material(s) to the Student Development and Campus Activities office for approval and authorization by stamp. Once stamped, Student Organizations may request an SDCA staff member to process a request for copies through Document Services, and providing BAC approval or proper agency account paperwork. d. The following guidelines should be observed for all postings: i. Clearly state the individual’s name or the official name of the organization/ department and sponsors including the Student Activity Fee (when applicable). ii. Represent a student organization or individual student in a positive way, as they are a reflection of the individual or group as a whole. The postings must reflect the values of the University as embodied in the Student Handbook. No signs may be derogatory towards any person (regardless of affiliation), group, college department or entity on the basis of age gender, religion, ethnic background or sexual orientation. The signs must not contain any profane, vulgar, or inappropriate content. iii. Use the University’s logos and the University Seal (Opportunitas), colors (royal blue and gold), mascot (Pace Setter) with permission through the SDCA office and in the logos proper format. iv. Be no larger than 18 x 24. v. Leaflets and handbills are prohibited. Student organizations, university departments, and administrative offices may only distribute leaflets or handbills from behind a table. Table spaces may be reserved through the SDCA by going to vi. Non-University approved/sponsored events may not be posted on any university premises, if found in violation of this policy the student/organization responsible will be subject to disciplinary processing. e. Please observe the following guidelines when posting your approved materials: i. When hanging Postings you may post your flyers throughout the campus after it has been stamped but ONLY in approved buildings which include Kessel, Willcox, Leinhard and Miller Hall. ii. Due to observation of fire code, you are NOT permitted to post a flyer on any part of the glass doors or glass windows of any building. iii. No posting should be taped, glued or otherwise posted on a painted wall. Postings are limited to designated posting areas and tacking strips located throughout campus. iv. Postings, chalk, tape, etc must be removed within 3 days after the completion of your event.
V. Risk Management for Student Events 1. Why is risk management important?
Risk management is a topic that truly means "finding ways to safely run our events". There is risk in everything we do, but it is how we manage the risks that counts. Some events are simply too risky to host (legal obligations, state/local/federal laws, university policy), but we can often lower the risk of an event to make it safe to host the event. Some proposals for events we receive require 19
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additional planning to ensure the safety of organizers/participants and minimize the risk of damage to facilities/equipment. Risk management also focuses on legal obligations and the reputation of Pace University. It all depends on the event.
2. Why should students care about risk management?
As a university we are bound to certain laws and obligations regarding student and staff safety. That responsibility also extends to student leaders and student organizations. Risk management is tied directly to YOU when hosting events. Here are a few things to consider: a. NEGLIGENCE Occurs when someone has a duty to another person, breaches that duty, and the other person suffers harm as a result. Example: You host an event, someone is injured, and it can be proved that the injury was due to your failure to plan and mitigate for any known safety risks associated with the activity. b. LIABILITY Refers to legal responsibility. Liability can be assumed by you (as an individual), your members, your advisor(s), your organization, University staff/faculty, and the University. Your risk management planning affects many areas within Pace University. c. WHAT CAN YOU DO TO MINIMIZE RISKS? Take great care (and document as much as you can) when you host the event. Note all the preparation and action you took to minimize risks.
3. How do we manage risk in Student Development & Campus Activities?
As part of the event planning process, students conduct a program consultation with one of our staff members. If, during that program consultation, there is some concern about the safety to organizers/participants or possible damage to facilities, staff members will use the charts below to assist students in minimizing risk during their event. This also serves as excellent program planning tool which will help to reduce risk during your event.
4. How do we assign risk levels to activities?
The following chart (from Texas A&M's Risk Management Office) is a helpful standard in assigning levels of risk to activities during the planning phases:
20 Student Organization Manual
RISK MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET Completed as part of the program consultation when activities are identified as higher potential risk. A copy of this will be available at your program consultation meeting by an SDCA staff member, as the intention is to complete this worksheet together as part of the event planning process. Event:
What could go wrong?
Initial Risk Level
What can be done to mitigate what could go wrong?
Who will take these steps? By when?
Remaini ng Risk Level
List of activities that will occur at the event
Risk management is about anticipating all the possibilities of something going wrong regardless of whether you think they will happen (injuries, equipment damage, safety concerns, etc). It is far better to prepare for the "what if" than to be unprepared to respond to the "oh no".
On a scale from 1-5, how likely is this to happen? (1-low, 5high)
Great planning opportunity what could possibly be done to prepare for the "what if"? Remember, as an event host, the safety of the event is your responsibility and will also fall back to the institution!
This ensures After you accountability of your minimize organization members your to take the right steps foreseen to minimize foreseen risks, what do you risks. think the risk level is now? If it's still too high, you may be advised against this particular activity.
21 Student Organization Manual
Prepared By: Student planning the event
Reviewed By: Staff member who reviewed the process/form with student
VI. Additional Policies for Student Organizations All student events are subject to the policies and regulations set forth in this Student Organization Manual, the Pace University Student Handbook, and any of its supplements.
1. Policies
Any member of the University community who violates the University’s rules, policies or practices, including, among others, the Guiding Principles of Conduct and Guide for Residence Living, may be subject to disciplinary action (including without limitation immediate ejection from University premises and/or University-sponsored events) and/or to legal actions. Similarly, any recognized organization that violates its constitution and/or by-laws, or authorizes conduct prohibited by the University’s rules, policies or practices may be subject to disciplinary action (including without limitation rescission of approval for that organization to operate on University premises or at University-sponsored events, whether on or off University premises). As may be necessary, the University may request the assistance of law enforcement agencies to maintain order and/or may seek injunctive relief.
2. Hazing
Any action or situation involving physical or mental abuse such as harassment, intimidation or hazing (defined as subjecting a person to treatment intended to put him/her in a humiliating or disconcerting position), the forced consumption of liquor, drugs or other liquid or solid substance for the purpose of initiation into or affiliation with any organization, or other conduct which recklessly or intentionally endangers or threatens the health, safety or welfare of any person on University owned or operated property or at University sponsored activities is expressly prohibited.
3. Bias Related Crime Reporting:
As a member of the Pace University community if you are to witness or be a victim of a hate/bias related crime as a University sponsored event, by a University community member or as a result of your affiliation with the University you should immediately call our affirmative action office at 914773-3856.
4. Gambling
Gambling is not permitted on University premises or at any event sponsored by a student group or organization.
5. Tailgating
The University has created a tailgating policy for organizations wishing to participate in such an activity. Students are invited to participate in the full day of activities surrounding football game day. To ensure an enjoyable family-friendly atmosphere, the following guidelines will be enforced by the Pace Athletic Department and by the Pace University Department of Safety and Security. More information regarding Tailgating can be found on the Pace Athletic Department website. 22
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6. Party Policy
The Student Development and Campus Activities Office in conjunction with Safety and Security Office require all students to adhere to the party policy. a. All SDCA approved late night functions allowing the general public to attend are to be held on Friday or Saturday evening from 10pm-2am (No exceptions). b. Student Organizations wishing to host a party on campus must submit a Party Request Form via OrgSync in conjunction with the Student Government Association guidelines for submission and approval. All sponsoring organizations are to have a program consultation meeting, in advance of any financial requests to discuss the scope of the event. c. The organization sponsoring the party is expected to arrive no later than 1.5 hours before the party begins. SDCA staff and security will arrive one hour prior to the party for setup. d. All attendees of the party will enter through the side door of Willcox, not the front doors. In fact all doors in Willcox besides the one we use should be locked. e. Guests MUST be pre-registered in order to enter the party. No registering guests will be permitted at the check-in table. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization to communicate this to organization members and anyone promoting the event. f. There is no re-entry of students or guests once their ID is scanned for the party. g. All guests must be registered on Pace students can sponsor no more than 2 guests per student. It is the responsibility of the Pace students to escort their guest and be with them at all times throughout the event. h. SDCA will have staff to support you at the party. However, note it is the responsibility of the organization(s) to work the check-in table throughout the event. i. The doors will close no later than 1:00am or 60 minutes before the end of the party, whichever is earlier. No one will be permitted to enter once the doors are “closed�.
7. Demonstrations and Rallies
Pace University believes that members or groups within the Pace community have the right to express their views on a particular issue or cause. Since one of the missions of the University is the search for truth, demonstrations and rallies have legitimate place. Demonstration and rallies, however, should not interfere with the operation of the institution. Please refer to the full policy at
8. Solicitation Guidelines
Solicitation is any active attempt to raise funds through direct sale of merchandise, services, or donations, with or without products or services rendered. Also, any method of communication intended to induce support of a service, organization, business activity, issue, cause, etc. Solicitation on University property as a form of commercial speech is strictly prohibited without authorization from the University. Evidence of such authorization shall be displayed at all times while vendors are on campus (i.e., copy of reservation and/ or reservation forms with the approved signatures). Any authorized solicitations by vendors or student organizations are subject to applicable University regulations, and local, state and federal laws. Solicitations may be approved for a specific area on campus. No solicitation shall interfere or conflict with the mission of the University or its occupants. Pace University reserves the right to limit or restrict time, location and functional of its facilities.
9. Gifts, Prizes and Awards Policy
Student organizations are eligible to offer prizes during a student organization activity upon obtaining approval from SDCA prior to the purchase of any gift, prize, or award for any student organization event including monetary awards and non-monetary items. It is the responsibility of 23
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the student organization to provide SDCA with the name, address and phone number of the recipient of the gift, prize, or award no later than 48 hours after the event occurs. All gifts, prizes and awards should be collected at the SDCA office by the winner of with proper ID. Any gifts, prizes, and awards remaining in the SDCA office or storage will become the property of the department at the conclusion of each academic year.
10. Gift Card Policy: Request, Approval, Purchase and Distribution
The Center for Student Development & Campus Activities reserves the right to uphold and enforce the following policies and procedures in relation to the use and distribution of gift cards as an element to student organization sponsored or affiliated events, hosted on or off University premises as provided by the University Guiding Principles of Conduct. Please note that the reporting of gift card recipient information policy is in place at the request of the University to remain compliant with IRS and federal standards. a. Requests, Approvals and Purchase: Student organizations recognized by the Center for Student Development & Campus Activities office must adhere to the following policies when requesting the purchase of gift cards either through the use of Student Activity Fees or university agency accounts: i. Gifts, or values of gifts, may not exceed $100 per individual. ii. Costs for the gift cards, upon request for use of either BMS or agency account funds, must include the required card activation fees. iii. Gift cards may not be purchased with the University Purchasing Cards for any means iv. Original receipts and a travel and expense reimbursement form and the purchased gift cards all must be presented to the SDCA staff member within 24 hours of purchase. b. Distribution Award recipients will receive their award after the event, with proper photo ID, in the SDCA office, but only when the following conditions are met: i. Within 24 hours of the conclusion of the sponsored event, or the next business day (whichever comes first) the host student organization is solely responsible to deliver an email with the full names, and award amounts, to the office email so that the awardees may receive their gifts. ii. Gift card recipients will be presented with the Gift Card Recipient Form at their time of visit to the SDCA office to receive their gift card. They will be required to show ID and verify, by signing the Recipient Form, that they have received their gift card(s). iii. A copy of the Gift Card Recipient Form must be attached to the documents reconciling all approvals for individual and organizational reimbursement or for use of the Student Activity Fee. iv. No exceptions will be made. v. Any gifts cards remaining in the SDCA office or storage will become the property of the department at the conclusion of each academic year.
11. Raffle Guidelines
If you plan on conducting a raffle as part of a student organization campus event you are required to do the following in order to comply with New York State Law. A raffle is defined as a game(s) of chance in which a participant pays money in return for a ticket or other receipt and in which a 24
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prize is awarded on the basis of a winning designated on the ticket or receipt, determined by chance as a result of a drawing from among those tickets or receipts previously sold. FOUR WEEKS PRIOR TO THE RAFFLE, the sponsoring organization must meet with the Director of SDCA to review procedures as set by New York State. Failure to provide a quick turn-around with paperwork will delay the date of your raffle/event at the expense of the organization’s planning. Pace University does hold an active Game of Change License. The Organization will be responsible for all fees associated with the registration of the raffle with the local clerk’s office.
12. Fundraising Policy
For purposes of this policy, fundraising is defined as the collection of money through donations, sales, and/or event programming for the purposes of charitable donation or organizational budget enhancement. The following guidelines are applicable to all fundraising activities by recognized student organizations of Pace University: a. General Guidelines i. The fundraising activity is required to offer a benefit to the University community that is consistent with the University's mission. ii. The purpose for which the funds will be raised should be consistent with the purpose of the recognized student organization and the Guiding Principles and other applicable policies of Pace University. Further, the fundraising activity must not violate legal, tax, or corporate restraints upon the University. iii. Fundraisers that include accepting cash donations must occur during SDCA’s business hours. An accounting of any funds raised must be provided to SDCA immediately following the event BEFORE SDCA closes for the day. 1. Any fundraisers that include accepting cash donations outside of the business hours of SDCA must be approved by the Director of SDCA. The organization will be required to return all the required documents, goods/products, and monies the following business day. Failure to do so may result in future denial of fundraising requests outside of SDCA business hours. iv. A currently enrolled undergraduate student member(s) of the sponsoring recognized student organization must be present during the entire time of the event. v. Event sponsors are responsible for ensuring that proposed activities comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations. vi. Neither individuals (regardless of affiliations with Pace University) nor private, commercial organizations may sell or promote the sale of products or services on Pace University owned, operated, or controlled property except: individuals or organizations with whom/which Pace University has entered into a written contract. vii. Commercial or corporate sponsorship of programs or events is permissible provided that no products and/or services are sold at the event, unless otherwise noted in a written agreement/contract approved by the University. viii. Pace University reserves the right to require third parties participating in or conducting fundraising activities to meet additional requirements, including but not limited to proof of insurance and naming Pace University as additionally insured and holder of the general certificate of insurance document. 25
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b. Fundraising for Non-University affiliated Charitable Organizations Fundraising for non-profit, charitable organizations (e.g., The Red Cross, Relay for Life, March of Dimes, etc.) having no direct affiliation with Pace University is permissible provided that the above guidelines are followed, and: i. The University, or designee of the Center for Student Development & Campus Activities, reserves the right to request proof that the charitable organization is registered with the Secretary of State of the State of New York as a not-for-profit, charitable organization, that it has received an Internal Revenue Service exemption letter, and that its proposed use of University owned, operated, or controlled property is in furtherance of its tax-exempt, charitable purpose(s). ii. Educational information about the agency and the services it provides is made available at the event. iii. Notwithstanding paragraph B(6) above, in the absence of an available exemption, the charitable organization is responsible for the collection and reporting of all applicable New York State Sales and Use Taxes. iv. The charitable organization is responsible for ensuring that its activities comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations and those listed in the Pace University Guiding Principles. v. Please see Section VI.12.a.iii for fundraisers that include cash donations (pg. 26). c. Fundraising with the use of Student Activities Fees In the case that recognized student organizations wish to apply and use Student Activity Fee (BAC funds) money in order to support the effort (s) of a fundraising initiative the following additional requirements must be followed. i.
ii. iii.
iv. v.
The University requires that all non-profit, or charitable organizations of which recognized student organizations are fundraising for must be also registered with the University using the Vendor Request Form. This process must be done in advance of the fundraising effort. Prior to the event, the event sponsor is to obtain the Fundraising Inventory Form, along with any goods/ products intended for sale from the Center for Student Development & Campus Activities. If the event takes place during business hours while the Center for Student Development & Campus Activities is open, the event sponsor is responsible for returning the unsold goods/projects, a completed Fundraising Inventory Form, and all monies collected to a staff member within SDCA immediately following the conclusion of the event. Goods/ products and monies should never remain in the possession of the host sponsor(s), but instead be deposited by a member of Student Development and Campus Activities staff. Any fundraisers that include accepting cash donations outside of the business hours of SDCA must be approved by the Director of SDCA. The organization will be required to return all the aforementioned documents, goods/products, and monies the following business day. Failure to do so may result in future denial of fundraising requests outside of SDCA business hours.
d. Fundraising Examples: Pace University provides the following as general examples of items that may be used to raise funds. Please note that the University reserves the right to review and approve all items. i. Items for sale that have been produced by the organization (e.g., crafts, baked goods) 26 Student Organization Manual
ii. iii. iv. v. vi.
Cash donations (please see the requirements above in Section VI.12.a.iii regarding the approval of handling and returning of cash donations) Donations of items of value (e.g., baskets, gift cards, food vouchers, donated prizes) Items for sale that are directly related to the student organization's mission or goals (e.g., wristbands sold) Items that promote school spirit (e.g., clothing apparel) but do not conflict with University trademark policies Entry & Admission fees (e.g., donation at the door for Talent Show – please see Section III.3.d regarding Admission Fees and refer to Section VI.12.a.iii regarding the approval of handling and returning cash donations/fees)
e. Prohibitions Pace University reserves the right to restrict all fundraising activities must be reserved at . The following activities are specifically prohibited: i. Solicitation by credit card companies ii. Door-to-door fundraising on Pace University owned, operated, or controlled property (e.g., Residence Hall “Dorm Storming”) iii. Fundraising for political gain (ie. candidate for political office) iv. Fundraising, of any kind, within a Residence Hall or Academic Area (e.g., classrooms, study lounges, library) v. Sale or distribution of items that violate University trademark rights or existing contracts vi. Individuals who would receive a personal gain as a contributor to the fundraising activity, or in partnership with a charitable organization, without permission from the Director of SDCA. vii. Raffles of any kind, without permission from the Director of SDCA … refer to the Raffle Policy in Section VI.11 on page 25. f. Additional Restrictions and Requirements Pace University acknowledges that a policy of this nature may not anticipate every possible issue that may arise with respect to fundraising activities. As a result, the University reserves the right to impose reasonable restrictions and/or requirements with respect to the time, place, and manner of fundraising activities. These restrictions may be in addition to, or in lieu of, those set forth in the policy. g. Enforcement Failure to obtain permission to engage in or sponsor sales or fundraising, or failure to adhere to University policy regarding activities for which permission has been granted, will result in the curtailment and/or cancellation of the event by the Center for Student Development & Campus Activities or other appropriate University official. i.
The University Judicial System has jurisdiction over complaints against any student or recognized student organization(s) alleged to have violated this policy.
h. Sanctions Sanctions for violation of this policy by students and/or recognized student organizations include, but are not limited to, fines, loss of the right to use University property or facilities for activities, loss of recognition for recognized student organizations, other disciplinary sanctions, and other educational sanctions appropriate to the circumstances. 27 Student Organization Manual
Reservation of Rights Pace University reserves the right to amend this policy at any time.
Accepting Donations Please see VI.12.a – VI.12.e regarding the handling of cash donations.
13. Judicial Process
This section outlines the judicial process as it is related to the operations of a student organization. Some incidents may result in the judicial process pertaining to individuals from an organization, address violations by an entire organization, or a mixture of both. a. The Center for Student Development & Campus Activities’ Philosophy of Student/Organization Conduct is based on a commitment to providing an educational environment where students, faculty, and staff are safe, property is secure, and the individual rights of all persons are respected. b. Pace University’s Guiding Principles of Conduct, which outline student behavior, provide SDCA with the responsibility to govern its own expectations of student behavior. These expectations are in regards to the regulation of operational procedures and policies related to SDCA in addition to how it relates to the operations of the University. These procedures and policies are noted in the SDCA Manual. c. Violations of the SDCA Manual and policies related to SDCA’s operations will be adjudicated by the office or its designee. Some SDCA policies violations may also be violations of the Guiding Principles and federal, state, and local law. In this case, the case may be adjudicated by the University’s Conduct System. The conduct processes are designed to reflect and to support the educational mission of the institution and to ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all individuals, or organizations, charged with student misconduct. SDCA will work with all organizations to help adjudicate charges for violations in direct conduct with their local or nation Constitutions. d. SDCA intends the judicial process to be a learning experience resulting in the growth and personal understanding of for students and organizations. We will strive to ensure our conduct process is timely and efficient, while providing a fair party hearing for each particular case. SDCA will seek to involve all stakeholders in the process, when deemed necessary, which could include campus advisors, alumni advisors, and national organizations. e. After the conduct process, we hope students will understand: i. The conduct process within SDCA and also the University ii. Their right to appeal decisions iii. That this process encourages organizations to hold individual members accountable for the organization’s success iv. There are consequences for individual and group behavior v. How their organization’s violations may be incongruent with the organization’s mission, values, and/or constitution vi. how the organization’s behavior caused the conduct process to be initiated f. There is no substitute for fairness, objectivity, and good judgment. The success of students and organizations is contingent upon the conviction of the University community and its members to maintain a nurturing, academic environment while affording students personal freedom within institutional guidelines. g. Violations by Individuals 28
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Individuals cited for violations of University Policy and Procedure as stated in the Code of Conduct during campus sponsored events (on or off campus) will be subject to the University disciplinary process as outlined in the Student Handbook. h. Violations by Organizations All student organizations and their individual members are subject to University jurisdiction. i. Organizations are governed by the policies set forth by the Center for Student Development and Campus Activities regarding the registration of activities, the production of programs, publicity, fund raising, and overall purpose. These policies are outlined in the Student Organization Manual. ii. Organizations in violation of University policy are subject to consequences as decided by the Center for Student Development & Campus Activities through the office’s judicial process. Individual violators within the organizations are subject to the University’s disciplinary process as outlined in the Student Handbook. Organizations have the right of appeal to the Director of SDCA. iii. The Greek sub-governing Councils (Interfraternity Council (IFC), University Panhellenic Council (UPC), NPHC, and NALFO) exercise jurisdiction only over their own established policies. Fraternities and sororities are subject to the regulations of the respective council, as well as the regulations and policies established for University-recognized organizations. In discipline cases involving Greek fraternity and sorority chapters, SDCA may determine when to contact and involve national offices regarding violations of University policies, Student Code of Conduct, governing council constitution, and SDCA policies. This practice helps to ensure open communication between the University and the national organization. For organizations without a national office, an alumni board or alumni members/advisors may be contacted for similar reasons listed in the previous statement.
VII. Additional Resources for Student Organizations 1. OrgSync
OrgSync is an organization management software that assists our recognized student organizations and University administration communicate more efficiently and effectively thus improving performance, enhancing the student learning curriculum and advancing student leadership proficiency on the Pleasantville campus. For students, OrgSync is a great way to stay connected with peers, find out what’s happening around campus and begin your research in joining one of our 55+ student organizations. OrgSync is a required resource for all recognized student organizations, and gains students’ access to online applications and polls alike, but not limited to, Orientation Leader applications, Associate Justice applications and campus life polls. Things all Users should know: 29
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Getting Started Proceed to Click on top right of screen log in. Find Pace University – Pleasantville or click here - Click the green button “sign in with your campus ID” (sign in with your portal username and password) Set up your profile- answer the basic questions- come back later to update your personal information, interest and add a profile pic! Connect on the Go & to Facebook! OrgSync is smartphone enabled. Just visit on our mobile device to stay in touch wherever you go! Link your Facebook and OrgSync pages so that everyone in your circle can follow your every leadership move! For more information please visit: New Users should know how to: Add ribbon on community page: Check out the latest news, highlights and programs happening in and around campus! The banner ribbon will flash across the top of your home page of the Pleasantville- Briarcliff community as soon as all users log on! Click the ribbon and see it interact- learn more and learn often! Access site: Browse organizations: From the Community Home page you can browse through the Organization list or use the search function and request to join. The executive board members of the Organization will accept and grant you access to their Org page. Form there- stay in touch and informed. Access site: How to Join an Organization: After meeting an organization in the Café or at the annual Involvement Fair why not do some more research on OrgSync and then request to join one or two! To do so, select the JOIN Now button on the right hand side of the Browse Organization screen and make sure to tell the officers of the organization why you want to join! Access site: Calendar of Events – Campus Wide Programming: Stay out the dark and be informed. Visit your homepage and click on My Tools- Calendar. Here you have an interactive calendar, you can filter if you choose, and even export an event to your Ical or Outlook. Don’t forget to RSVP to your favorite events and post to Facebook to let your friends in on the action as well. Access the calendar here: Active Members should be aware of the following: Events – Creating and Attendance: Student organizations are invited to create their events on OrgSync to assist in their event promotion much alike many of you do with Facebook events. Creating an event is as easy as filling out a web-based form that then appears for all of the community participants to view. For a tutorial on how to create events visit here: You can also begin to play with tracking attendance at your events. In this tool bar located under the Events tab, organization officers can invite attendees, track attendees and then actually assign credit for attendance. For more information schedule training with the Vice 30 Student Organization Manual
President of Administration or one of the SDCA staff members. You can also read more here: Files: One of OrgSync greatest attributes is that it creates a place to store pertinent organization information for all current, past and future members. In the effort to ease the means for member communication and provide ample transition materials for your incoming officers we strongly suggest that organizations post agendas, minutes, applications and other organization documents inclusive of your organization’s constitution, planning notes, event documents (contracts, quotes, etc.) here in one centralized fashion. For a tutorial on creating and managing the storage of files for your organization visit here: Forms: generally used when you wish to obtain information from others about a program or service or to have other members of our community vote on or apply for an application process. Since there are so many examples of its use it is best to begin utilizing the forms in your own way as you develop cohesion within your organization. For a tutorial on creating forms and accessing the reports visit here:
People tab and functions: OrgSync enables the officers of an organization to assume titles to their various members in a way to organize and streamline both communication and organization involvement. You may wish for general members only to be able to view, and want your officers to be able to create and edit. All of these functions are assigned to user rights (a security feature built into OrgSync) and are associated with the titles you create in your People tab. The standard user groups set for each organization currently are Officers, Members, Alumni and Advisors. The creation and individualization is endless- not all organizations have the same needs. It is highly recommended that you setup an appointment to discuss this prior to taking action with a member of the SGA Executive Board or an SDCA staff member. But before, please familiarize yourself with the following: Communication tab and functions: One cannot stress enough that communication is the essential backbone to an effectively run organization. You all have busy schedules, other obligations, school and work so keeping your members informed is the best way to engage and retain those members long term. The communications function in OrgSync is one great way to improve constant communication within your membership and to the outside community about all the great initiatives your organization is working towards. For a detailed overview and how –to visit here: Discussion Boards- need a central location for brainstorming? Use the discussion board feature- post a topic and utilize an online brainstorming session. This is a great tool for keeping general members motivated and engaged in the organization’s daily business. Polls- Sometimes discussions are lengthy and you need to make a decision. By utilizing OrgSync’s polls function you can setup an online questionnaire. Not only will OrgSync only allow your members to cast a vote once and only once but they have some nice reporting features that conveniently produce a report for you and your offices to review. Contact books- You are always wondering if a certain vendor is in our system already. This helps alleviate much of the administrative pains that our office personnel go through in processing your payments. In the contact books function you can, by category of service or product, get an up to date listing of University approved vendors. In addition, OrgSync permits users to leave notes (good or bad) about their interactions with the vendor so we can 31 Student Organization Manual
create healthy, long-term relationships with clients that support student growth and budgetary constraints. News- This feature permits students to broadcast a message to its members or to the general community. This does not violate the University IT policies because users are free to select whether or not they obtain information via OrgSync. Make sure you include all of your details to ensure other students, staff and faculty respond!
Officers should utilize the following: Minutes, agendas and all files Forms, Polls and News posts People function (assigning new roles to members, officers, etc.) Treasury functions (budget and agency accounts) Registration process (advisor agreement, constitution, roster, and updates) To learn more about the role of an officer please schedule a meeting with an SGA Executive Board member or SDCA staff. Registration Process for Student Organizations The registration process occurs once every Fall and Spring semester for registered student organizations. This process includes an update to your officers, an updated organization roster, the advisor agreement and more. These are mandatory areas of compliance to stay recognized as student organizations and are upheld by the Center for Student Development & Campus Activities personnel in collaboration with the Student Government Association Executive Board.
Treasury The Treasury function hosts home to major aspects of our recognized student organizations. This includes each organization agency account as well as access to the Budget Management System (BMS) of which is the budgeting tool used by organizations that are sponsored and funded by the Student Government Association. It is important to note that all organizations are eligible for an agency account but only recognized student organizations, sponsored and funded by the Student Government Association are eligible for BMS funding.
Checkbooks: Agency accounts are tracked through the feature of the Treasury tab. Student organizations reserve the right to fundraise for use of funds that are solely used for the purpose of that student organization. Refer to the Fundraising policy for further details and regulations. Inquiries relative to the agency account activity; any discrepancies and discussions should be directed to the Finance Intern of the SDCA office or to one of the SDCA staff. BMS requests are located under the Budgets feature. This resource is utilized to request, allocate and track spending of all student organizations. This is managed by the Vice President for Finance of the Student Government Association, and under consultation of the BMS committee, which is charged with upholding the Bylaws, Constitution and other regulations of the Student Government Association, and all adhere to the SDCA Handbook and University Guiding Principles. For a detailed overview on the request process for BMS funds please visit here:
Website, welcome page 32 Student Organization Manual
Each organization is eligible to create their very own OrgSync website which can be sent to external viewers and is posted to the SDCA webpage, located at Websites are unique but carry a variety of template layouts offered to us through our partnership with OrgSync. If you require specific assistance with building your website you should make an appointment with a staff member in SDCA. For a tutorial and guide please visit: Additional Training Opportunities For additional training and support please visit or contact one of the staff members working in Student Development & Campus Activities. They can be reached at either or by phone at 914-773-3767.
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