January 2010

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Editor-in-chief: G. Sundararajan Editors: Y. R. Mahajan S. V. Joshi Publicity and Marketing: H. Purushotham Editorial Assistance: P. Nagaraju Rao – Technical Ravi Kiran Devalla – Visualization & Design Editorial Office: Centre for Knowledge Management of Nanoscience & Technology (CKMNT) 12-5-32/7, 1st Floor, Vijayapuri Colony Tarnaka, Secunderabad-500 017, A.P., India Telephone: +91 40 2700 0251, 2700 7032 Telefax: +91 40 2700 7031 Disclaimer: Opinions and statements expressed in Nanotech Insights are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of CKMNT or the editors and staff. Authors of articles in Nanotech Insights are generally experts in their respective fields and assume full responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of their contributions. No endorsements by CKMNT of programs or products should be inferred. Copyright: Single copies of articles in Nanotech Insights may be made for personal or educational use. Copies in quantity or for commercial purposes, regardless of media used or how reproduced or transmitted, is forbidden without prior written permission. Nanotech Insights is published quarterly by Dr. S.V. Joshi, Project Director on behalf of “Centre for Knowledge Management of Nanoscience & Technology”, 12-5-32/7, 1st Floor, Vijayapuri Colony, Tarnaka, Secunderabad-500 017, A.P., India Website: www.ckmnt.com Printed at Kala Jyothi Process Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad

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Editorial It is an immense pleasure to present to you this inaugural issue of Nanotech Insights, the official newsletter of the recently established Centre for Knowledge Management of Nanoscience and Technology (CKMNT). Intended to be a quarterly publication dedicated to the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology, we are hopeful that Nanotech Insights will evolve to become an invaluable resource for the entire spectrum of “nano” stake-holders. This issue merely represents the first baby-step in the above direction. At the outset, it would be apt to briefly share with you the motivation for creation of CKMNT and the ambitious plans that we harbour for this Centre. Given the rapid pace at which the field of nanoscience and technology has been growing in recent times, and the concomitant explosive growth in knowledge being generated and information being shared, we at the International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy & New Materials (ARCI) had been increasingly feeling the need for a comprehensive literature and patent database to aid formulation of meaningful programmes at our Centre for Nanomaterials. As some of our early programmes began to fructify and the vast canvas of their potential applications became apparent, information relevant to forging appropriate industry linkages, available standards, safety & health issues etc. became indispensable. Such mounting in-house requirements, and our struggle in culling out pertinent data from the sea of existing information, suggested that a capable centre to create, maintain, categorize and analyze the vast nanoscience and nanotechnology database could ideally serve the growing “nano” community. Thus, the idea of CKMNT was born! At about this time, the Government of India’s Department of Science and Technology (DST) launched a Mission on Nanoscience and Technology (NANO MISSION) steered by a Council under the chairmanship of Prof. C. N. R. Rao in May 2007, catalyzing a dramatic increase in nano-based R & D activities in national laboratories and universities in the country. Thanks to the NANO MISSION, the need for assimilation and segregation of information in the face of growing global research output was widely acknowledged. There was also a realization that, in order to translate research successes into viable technologies for societal benefit, awareness about the promise of this “enabling technology” among industries in particular, and the public in general, would have to be enhanced. This reinforced our view that CKMNT was now an idea whose time had come - and the support from the NANO MISSION has made this a reality. As outlined elsewhere in this issue, we are optimistic that CKMNT will be able to offer a host of services that would appropriately meet the diverse requirements of researchers, industries, policy makers, financial institutions and venture capitalists with a stake in “nano” and thus help in fulfilling the objectives of DST’s NANO MISSION. We have just begun the process of building Team CKMNT and this first issue of Nanotech Insights is only a start in our effort to regularly update you on key developments in the area of nanoscience and technology across the globe. We hope this inaugural issue reflects our commitment to showcase important multidisciplinary developments spanning diverse aspects of nanoscience and technology, and provide an effective forum to promote education, networking and dissemination of knowledge in the field. We very much hope you enjoy this first issue as much as we have enjoyed bringing it to you. Finally, we welcome your candid comments and suggestions so that we can tailor the scope and format of Nanotech Insights to completely meet the aspirations of all constituent segments of the vast “nano” community that we seek to serve.

About the Cover: Adopted from an image showing molecular structure of polymer/carbon nanotube composite. Provided by Dr. Meyya Meyyappan, Director, Centre for Nanotechnology, Ames Research Center, NASA.


About the Nano Mission Genesis and Overview: In recent times, there has been increased awareness and recognition amongst the scientific community, government agencies and policymakers concerning the immense potential of nanoscience and nanotechnology in solving astounding problems being faced by India in the areas of clean water supply, renewable energy, affordable health care, environment, national security etc. With a view to address these issues, the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, launched the Nano Science and Technology Initiative (NSTI) in October 2001. As on date, a total investment of US $169.7 million has been made. Buoyed by the overwhelming success of NSTI, DST took up another major initiative and launched, during 2007-08, a national Nano Mission to foster, promote and develop all aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The Government of India made an upfront investment of Rs. 10 billion (US $254 million) for the initial period of 5 years to create and sustain the Nano Mission. This is an umbrella programme for capacity building, which envisages the overall development of this field of research aiming at enhancing public welfare and economic development of the country. DST is the nodal agency for implementing the Nano Mission. At the apex level, it is steered by a Nano Mission Council (NMC). Two advisory groups, namely, the Nano Science Advisory Group (NSAG) and the Nano Applications and Technology Advisory Group (NATAG), are guiding the technical programmes of the Nano Mission. The mission will strive for the development of products and processes that will benefit the masses; this includes areas of national relevance, such as safe drinking water, materials development, sensors development, drug delivery etc. To accomplish these tasks, it will forge linkages between educational & research institutions and industry, and promote public-private partnerships. DST has recently established the Institute of Nanoscience and Technology at Mohali, Chandigarh. This is an autonomous registered society fully funded by DST. Under the purview of this mission, research on fundamental aspects of nanoscience and human resource development is being given the highest priority so that India emerges as a global knowledge hub in this field. In this connection, about 180 research projects on the synthesis and assembly of ceramic nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, nanowires, nanostructured alloys etc. are being supported. On the applications front, projects on nanolithography, nanostructured high strength materials, targeted drug delivery systems, DNA chips etc. have been supported. For optimal use of expensive and sophisticated characterization facilities, a chain of shared facilities is being established across the country. This includes, the Ultra High Resolution Aberration corrected Transmission Electron Microscope

facility at JNCASR Bangalore. This will be one of only 25-30 such facilities in the world. Under this mission, as on date, the following 7 Centres for Nanotechnology Research and 12 Units for Nanoscience Research have been established to promote research activities in a decentralised fashion:

Units for Nano Science Research • IIT Madras, Chennai • IACS, Kolkata • University of Pune • S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata • NCL, Pune • JNCASR, Bangalore • BHU, Varanasi • IIT Kanpur, Kanpur • IISc, Bangalore • IIT Delhi, New Delhi • SINP, Kolkata • IISER, Pune

Centres for Nano Technology Research • Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi, Kerala (Implants, Tissue Engineering, Stem Cell Research) • S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata (NEMS & MEMS / Nano products) • NCBS, TIFR, Bangalore (Nanoscale phenomena in biological systems & materials) • IIT-Bombay, Mumbai (Nanoelectronics, polymer nanosensors, nanobiotechnology) • Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (Nanodevices, Nanocomposites, Nanobiosensors) • IIT, Kanpur (Printable Electronics, Nanopatterning) • Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (Photovoltaics & Sensor Devices) In addition to the above, a Centre for Computational Materials Science at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, has also been funded by the Nano Mission. In order to translate the existing knowledge available at the R & D institutes and universities into product development of direct interest to industry, the Nano Mission has also promoted joint institute-industry linked projects. In some of these projects, the industrial partners have also provided financial support. Six such projects have received financial support so far. A number of initiatives have been already undertaken to train and nurture human resource in the area of nanoscience and nanotechnology. This includes organization of national and international conferences, national review meetings and advanced schools and support for post-doctoral fellowships through JNCASR, Bangalore. M.Sc./M.Tech. programmes in nanoscience and technology have been launched in 15 institutes. International collaborative programmes are being undertaken under the auspices of the Nano Mission with Russia & Canada. Joint R & D activities are already taking place with several countries. An Indo-Japan beam line is being established at the Photon Factory, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan for nanomaterials research. Efforts are also on to gain access to all the beam lines of PETRA III synchrotron radiation and FLASH facilities at DESY, Hamburg, Germany. Being a high energy photon source with nano size beams, PETRA III will be of special significance for carrying out research in nano science and technology. 1


Objectives of the Nano Mission The Government of India’s Department of Science & Technology launched a Mission on Nano Science & Technology (NANO MISSION) in May 2007 to foster, promote and develop all aspects of nanoscale and nanotechnology which have the potential to benefit the country. The Nano Mission is an umbrella programme for capacity building which envisages the overall development of this field of research in the country and to tap some of its applied potential for nation’s development. In brief, the objectives of the Nano Mission are: Basic Research Promotion – Funding of basic research by individual scientists and/or groups of scientists and creation of centres of excellence for pursuing studies leading to fundamental understanding of matter that enables control and manipulation at the nanoscale. Infrastructure Development for Nano Science & Technology Research – For optimal use of expensive and sophisticated facilities, like Optical Tweezer, Nano Indentor, TEM, SEM, STM, AFM, Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer (MALDI TOF MS), Microarray Spotter & Scanner, the Ultra High Resolution Aberation corrected Transmission Electron Microscope etc., it is proposed to establish a chain of shared facilities across the country. Nano Applications and Technology Development Programmes – To catalyze applications and development programmes leading to products and devices the Mission proposes to promote application-oriented R & D Projects, establish nano applications and technology development centres, etc. Special effort will be made to involve the industrial sector into nanotechnology R & D directly or through Public Private Partnership (PPP) ventures. Human Resource Development – The Mission shall focus on providing effective education and training to researchers and professionals in diversified fields so that a genuine interdisciplinary culture for nanoscale science, engineering and technology can emerge. International Collaborations – Apart from exploratory visits of scientists, organization of joint workshops and conferences and joint research projects, it is also planned to facilitate access to sophisticated research facilities abroad, establish joint centres of excellence and forge academiaindustry partnerships at the international level wherever required and desirable. Source: http://nanomission.gov.in/

INVITATION FOR PROJECT PROPOSALS UNDER NANO MISSION The Government of India launched a mission-mode R & D programme on Nano Science and Technology (henceforth called Nano Mission) on May 3, 2007 with a budgetary allocation of Rs1000 Crores over 5 years, steered by Nano Mission Council (NMC). The technical programmes of the Nano Mission are being guided by two advisory groups, viz., the Nano Science Advisory Group (NSAG) and the Nano Applications and Technology Advisory Group (NATAG) with an objective to encourage implementation of industry-centric and application-driven projects in the area of nano science and technology. The Nano Mission aims at funding research projects and programmes to promote growth of R & D in this area in the country. For further details regarding programmes, research areas, thrust areas, prescribed formats, guidelines for formatting / submission of projects and for other information relating to the Nano Mission, visit http://nanomission.gov.in.

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Hydrogenation Properties of Pd Nanoparticles


B.R. Mehta Thin Film Laboratory, Physics Department, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi - 110016, India. Pd is probably the best known material for its selectivity and catalytic activity for hydrogen and is, thus, employed in large number of applications like hydrogen sensing, storage, switching etc.1-6 On hydrogenation of bulk Pd, palladium hydride is formed, which exists in two phases: α-PdHx (low hydrogen concentration hydride phase, x < 0.03) and β-PdHx (high hydrogen concentration hydride phase, x > 0.6).7 The lattice parameter of Pd changes from 0.3889 nm to 0.3893 nm for α-PdHx and to 0.4023 nm for β-PdHx.7 Due to size and surface enhancement, it is expected that Pd-H interaction will be largely modified in case of Pd nanoparticles. We have carried out a detailed investigation on Pd-H interaction by studying the hydrogen induced changes in structural and electrical properties. In our laboratory, we have developed a deposition technique for preparing size-selected Pd nanoparticles with a controllable size and a narrow size-distribution using an integrated synthesis approach as shown in Fig. 1.8,9 The set up consists of a high temperature furnace for the formation of agglomerates in an inert background, an ultra-violet charger for efficiently charging the particles with a unit positive or negative charge, differential mobility analyzer (DMA) for size classification, a sintering furnace for crystallization and converting agglomerates into spherical nanoparticles

and a unit for deposition of nanoparticles onto a substrate. The DMA selects the particles on the basis of electrical mobility, which depends on the size, charge level and shape of the agglomerates. Figure 2 shows a typical transmission electron micrograph of Pd nanoparticles of sizes 15.4 (P15) and 20.3 (P20) nm, having standard deviation (σ) equal to 1.08. and 1.05, respectively. These were deposited by keeping DMA voltage at 450.0 and 970.9 V, respectively.6 The small value of σ (≤ 1.10) confirms the monodispersity of the deposited Pd nanoparticle samples. Hydrogenation properties of Pd thin films, Pd nanoparticle layers and size-selected Pd nanoparticles have been studied. Detailed in situ x-ray diffraction studies have been carried out on Pd nanoparticle layers (NP) and thin film (TF) samples as a function of H2 concentration (Hc) ranging from 2 to 10% as shown in Fig. 3.7 Hydrogen adsorption causes lattice expansion leading to shift of the Pd (111) peak. In case of the TF sample, the XRD peak becomes asymmetric, indicating the presence of two hydride phases: α-PdHx (α phase) and β-PdHx (β phase). It is observed that the extent of β phase formation increases with increase in Hc from 2% to 5%. In case of the NP sample, the gradual shift in peak position corresponding to the β phase is observed with increasing hydrogen concentration from 2 to 10 % which is attributed to increased hydrogen incorporation. It is important to note that only high hydrogen concentration β phase is observed in NP sample in the hydrogen concentration range of 2-10%. These results show enhanced hydrogenation of Pd nanoparticles in comparison to the thin film sample. This can be explained on the basis of size-induced electronic and surface effects.2-4,10,11 In nanoparticles, due to enhanced surface to volume ratio, additional

HV Aerosol N2



Sheath Gas

(Polydisperse) HT Furnace


(a) P15

(b) P20

UV Charger


Critical Orifice

Aerosol Flow Excess N 2

Low-Pressure Substrate Impactor Vacuum Pumps

30 nm

30 nm

(Monodisperse) Sintering Furnace

Fig. 1: Schematic diagram of the nanoparticle deposition set-up

Fig. 2: TEM images of monodispersed Pd nanoparticles (a) P15 and (b) P20.



β Phase

β Phase

(a) TF

(b) NP



Intensity (normalized)

α Phase




Hc=2% Pd (111)

Pd (111)








42 37

2θ (degree)






2θ (degree)

Fig. 3: In situ X-ray diffractograms of (a) thin film (TF) sample and (b) nanoparticle (NP) sample in vacuum and at hydrogen concentration (Hc) = 2%, 5% and 10% and Tm = 250C. The intensity of these peaks has been normalized.

surface and sub-surface adsorption sites for hydrogen adsorption are present, in addition to the regular interstitial and grain boundary sites.7 We have also observed a shift of the Pd 4d centroid position away from the Fermi level in case of Pd nanoparticles as shown in Fig. 4.4 According to the d-band model, this results in increased Pd-H interaction due to increased overlap of H (1s) and Pd (4d) electronic wavefunctions. A cross-sectional TEM micrograph of the Pd nanoparticle layer showing the presence of voids is shown in Fig. 5.6 These voids provide the suitable space required for expansion during Pd to PdH formation. The above results show that the enhanced hydrogenation properties of Pd are due to (i) increased Pd-H interaction due to increased overlap Pd 4d and

Fig. 5: A cross-sectional TEM micrograph of the sample P15 showing Pd nanoparticle/glass interface. The Pt support layer is deposited during sample preparation for cross-sectional analysis.

H 1s orbitals (ii) presence of surface and subsurface sites and (3) the availability of void space for lattice expansion during PdH formation.4-7 The size-induced modification in the hydrogenation properties of Pd results in a pulse-like hydrogen sensing response in Pd nanoparticles.5,6 In a pulse-like response, resistance first increases due to electronic effect (EE), followed by a sudden decrease due to geometric effect (GE). EE arises due to hydrogen acting as scattering centre in Pd lattice and GE arises due to decrease in interparticle gaps due to ~4% lattice expansion during Pd to PdH conversion. Thus, a pulse-like hydrogen sensing response has the attractive features of both fast response time due to EE and high sensitivity due to GE. It is interesting to note that pulse-like hydrogen sensing response is a strong function of hydrogen concentration (Hc) and measurement temperature (Tm). At 20ºC, pulsed response is observed at Hc ≥ 2.5 % and saturated response is observed at Hc ≤ 2.0 %, in case of sample P15. At 40ºC, pulsed response is observed at

5.1 EF 2.3 εd

2.9 5.0

εđ εH

Pd 4d

Resistance Change (%)


Time (s)

Fig. 4: A schematic energy level diagram of H-Pd system showing increased overlap of H 1s and Pd 4d level due to size induced shift of d-band centroid (εd - εđ)


Fig. 6: Sensing response for sample P15 at 400C for different concentrations of H2. Solid and dotted lines represent H2 ‘on’ and ‘off’ states, respectively.


Fig. 7: Sensing response for sample P15 at 400C for different concentrations of H2. Solid and dotted lines represent H2 ‘on’ and ‘off’ states, respectively.

Hc ≥ 4.0% and saturated response is observed at Hc < 4 % as shown in Fig. 6. The observed increase in threshold concentration, with increase in the measurement temperature of Pd nanoparticle samples P15 and P20, is shown in Fig. 7.6 The observed dependence of threshold concentration on temperature is quite useful from the application point of view. A measurement of the temperature at which the saturated response changes to a pulsed response can give important information about the H2 concentration level.1 Variation of lattice parameter with temperature for TF and NP samples at Hc = 2% is shown in Fig. 8.2 The effect of temperature on Pd-H interaction can be explained on the basis of various processes that take place during interaction: (i) impingement of H2 atoms on the Pd surface, (ii) physical adsorption, (iii) chemisorption, (iv) diffusion and (v) PdHx formation. These processes take place simultaneously and their

relative magnitude depends on temperature. The physisorption process increases while diffusion and chemisorption decrease with temperature. The large reduction in diffusivity of hydrogen in palladium takes place with decrease of temperature from 25 to -50°C. In case of the NP sample, the lattice constant increases with decrease in temperature from 55°C to -75°C (in contrast, the corresponding temperature range is 55°C to 25°C in case of the Pd thin film sample). Thus, the observed hydrogenation of nanoparticle samples at lower temperatures in comparison to thin films samples is also important from the point of view of applications requiring hydrogen detection at low temperature. We have noted a large change in lattice parameter and intensity of the XRD peak during in-situ hydrogen loading and deloading at different H2 concentration, pressure and temperature.7 In summary, a technique has been developed to synthesize monodispersed Pd nanoparticles with a controllable size, narrow size distribution and spherical shape. A detailed study involving in situ x-ray diffraction and electrical properties measurements has shown that Pd-H interaction is significantly enhanced in case of Pd nanoparticles due to electronic, surface and topographical effects. A concentration-specific pulsed sensing response with high sensitivity and response time has been observed in Pd nanoparticles. This study can form the basis for a new type of Pd-based resistive hydrogen sensors. References 1. Switchable metal hydride films,I. Aruna, L.K. Malhotra, and B.R. Mehta, Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare earths, Ch 228, Vol. 36, Eds. K. A. Gschneidner Jr, J. C. G. Bünzli, and V. K. Pecharsky (Elsevier Science Publishers, North-Holland, Amsterdam) (2006). 2. Stability and hydrogenation of bare Gd nanoparticles, I.Aruna, B.R. Mehta, L.K. Malhotra and S.M. Shivaprasad, Advanced Functional Materials, 15, 131(2005). 3. A color-neutral, Gd nanoparticle switchable mirror with improved optical contrast and response time I. Aruna, B.R. Mehta and L.K. Malhotra, Advanced Materials, 16, 169 (2004).

Fig. 8: Lattice parameter corresponding to β phase for NP and TF samples as a function of temperature at Hc = 2%. In range ‘a’, physical adsorption process dominates and lattice parameter increases with decrease in temperature; range ‘b’ represents the region where overlapping of different processes (physical adsorption, chemisorption and diffusion) takes place and the lattice parameter attains a constant value.

4. Faster hydrogen recovery in Pd nanoparticle based Gd switchable mirrors Size-induced geometric and electronic effects, I. Aruna, B.R. Mehta and L.K. Malhotra, Applied Physics Letters, 87, 103101 (2005). 5. Pulse-like hydrogen sensing response in Pd nanoparticle layers Manika Khanuja, Deepak Varandani and B. R. Mehta, Applied Physics Letters, 91, 253121 (2007).



6. Concentration specific hydrogen sensing behaviour in monosized Pd nanoparticle layers Manika Khanuja, Shubhra Kala, B. R. Mehta and F. E. Kruis, Nanotechnology, 20, 015502 (2009).

9. A dual-deposition setup for fabricating nanoparticles-thin film hybrid structure Shubhra Kala, F. E. Kruis and B.R. Mehta, Review of Scientific Instruments, 79, 13702 (2008).

7. Hydrogen induced lattice expansion and crystallinity degradation in palladium nanoparticles: Effect of hydrogen concentration, pressure, and temperature Manika Khanuja, B.R. Mehta, Pragya Agar, P.K. Kulriya, D.K. Avasthi, J. Appl. Phys., 106, 093515 (2009).

10. Size dependence of various core and valence electron binding energy in Pd nanoparticles: interplay of quantum confinement and coordination reduction I. Aruna, B.R. Mehta, L.K. Malhotra and S.M. Shivaprasad, Journal of Applied Physics, 104, 064308 (2008).

8. A technique for synthesizing quasi-spherical and well-crystallized rare earth nanoparticles in the size range of 5- 20 nm S. Kala, V. N. Singh, B. R. Mehta and F. E. Kruis, Journal of Materials Research, 24, 2276 (2009).

11. Growth of palladium nanoparticles- an experimental and theoretical study, V. Aggarwal, I. Aruna, V. Banerjee and B.R.Mehta, Physical Review B, 74, 035412 (2006).

Recoverable nano-hybrid catalysts for applications in phase transfer catalysis Chemists are facing a real challenge in separating catalysts that are used to synthesize environment friendly products. Homogeneous catalysts are being used to enhance desired reactions but they can also end up in final products, creating a problem of separation. The soluble components / byproducts can be separated, based on their relative volatility by distillation, but that might damage heat sensitive products. Process improvements in removal of these soluble impurities could have a major impact in the field of chemical process applications. Crossley and his colleagues at the University of Oklahoma have developed novel solid hybrid nanoparticles of carbon nanotubes and metal oxides that have solubility in both water and oils, and simultaneously act as catalysts operating in both phases. This family of solid catalysts can stabilize water-oil emulsions and catalyze reactions at the liquid-liquid interface. These catalysts can be easily recovered from complex processes in which the immiscibility and thermal stability of crude products greatly complicates purification procedures. The metal oxides (silica and magnesium oxide) are hydrophilic and get attracted to water, while carbon nanotubes are hydrophobic and get attracted to the organic phase. These nano-hybrid particles are made catalytically active using palladium and referred to as Janus catalysts. These solid catalytic particles sit at the interface like any other surfactants, but interestingly they can be easily recovered by separation methods such as filtration. Rather than carrying out complex purification steps during refining to remove hydrophilic components that are incompatible with fuel applications, it would be easier to use Janus catalysts to perform sequential reactions under phase-transfer conditions in a single reactor medium. In their study, Crossley and his group have investigated the use of Janus catalyst for several reactions of relevance to biomass-refining chemistry (e.g., hydro-deoxygenation of a phenolic compound, hydrogenation and etherification of an aldehyde etc.) that involve the elimination of oxygen and the condensation of small molecules. With use of such solid nano-hybrid Janus catalysts, one can achieve full conversion on both sides of the emulsion followed by constant removal of oil-soluble products from the top layer and water-soluble products from the bottom layer, while the reaction keeps occurring in the emulsion. Crossley and his co-workers anticipate that such tailor-made solid nano-hybrid particles with catalytic palladium would facilitate a broad range of reactions. Source: • Steven Crossley, Jimmy Faria, Min Shen, Daniel E. Resasco, Solid Nanoparticles that Catalyze Biofuel Upgrade Reactions at the Water/Oil Interface, Science Vol. 327. no. 5961, pp. 68 - 72 (2010) • David J. Cole-Hamilton, Janus Catalysts Direct Nanoparticle Reactivity, Science Vol. 327. no. 5961, pp. 41 - 42 (2010)



Hot Technologies Nanotechnology-based Protective Facial Masks for Swine Flu Control Novel H1N1 (swine flu) is a new deadly influenza virus causing illness in people. This virus is spreading from person-to-person worldwide at an alarming rate. The spread of the virus between humans is believed to be largely through sneezing and coughing, and people touching their own nose and mouth after touching something with the virus on it. Therefore, there are a number of preventive measures one has to take to prevent the spread of the disease.

a mask to trap and kill the H1N1 virus, and thereby provide guaranteed protection against swine flu. Nanotechnology can provide the right solution to address this issue. Leading facemask manufacturers and researchers are now coming forward to take up this challenge with the aid of nanotechnology. The active players currently associated with development and commercialization of nano-based face masks are introduced below.

The facemasks provide some help in preventing those who have the flu from spreading the virus, which is typically carried through droplets in coughs and sneezes. Unfortunately, these masks are not airtight and, therefore, ineffective when it comes to protecting uninfected individuals from inhaling the virus.

NanoMask Inc.,

It has been widely reported that the kind of mask needed to protect against the H1N1 flu virus is of the N95 respirator variety. This fits more tightly to the face and apparently filters 95% of small particles when correctly fitted. Although these masks may provide some help in avoiding infection during flu pandemic, there is difference of opinion regarding their effectiveness as the flu virus may be small enough (~0.1 μm) to pass through and the respirators may not provide guaranteed protection against infection (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/ article/2006/04/27). In view of the above limitations of the ordinary face masks and respirators, there is a need to develop

H1N1 Influenza Virus Courtesy: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA

708 Industrial Park Drive Manteca, CA 95337 info@ nanomaskinc.com, http://www.nanomaskinc.com

Douglas Heath, President & CEO NanoMask, Inc., formerly Emergency Filtration Products Inc., is engaged in developing, marketing, and producing its NanoMask product. The company is a specialty filter products company that has developed an air filtration technology for removing infectious bacteria and viruses in air flow systems. The company produces masks and filters for medical devices designed to reduce the possibility of transmission of contagious diseases. The company is also a distributor of a blood clotting device for surgery, trauma and burn wound management. Product: NanoMask: An anti-viral disposable protective facial mask Proposed Technology Focus: NanoMask filters will be based on the company’s core 2H TechnologyTM filtration system, which utilizes a combination of hydrophobic and hydrophilic filters, able to capture and isolate bacterial and viral microorganisms with efficiencies of 99.99%. The NanoMask utilizes the company’s patented 2H TechnologyTM and nanotechnology to enhance the capture-and-isolation characteristics of the filter media. Plan of Action: NanoMask Inc. is collaborating with Intrinsiq Materials (www.intrinsiqmaterials.com) for the development of an anti-viral, disposable version of the NanoMask, a protective filtration face mask. Nano Mask Inc. will seek regulatory approval to make the product available in the U.S.A. shortly. Intrinsiq Materials is incorporating its anti-microbial technology (implemented through Tesima®- the high temperature DC plasma process to produce inorganic nanoparticles such as Cu, Ag, Ti, single and mixed oxides,



carbides, nitrides etc.) into the NanoMask and will evaluate its effectiveness against pathogens such as H1N1 virus, H5N1 avian flu virus and two other bacteria. Source: http://www.emergencyfiltration.com/ press_5.html

Applied Nanoscience Inc., 1902. Wright Place, Suite 200, Carlsbad, CA 92008 tallen.apnn@att.n, http://www.appliednanoscience.com

Thomas Allen, President & CEO Applied Nanoscience Inc. (ANI) is a nanotechnology based filtration products company. It is owner of the IP platform, NEFTTM (Nanoparticle-Enhanced Filtration Technology), which is targeted to destroy bacteria, fungi, and virus. ANI currently holds issued patents in Australia, India, New Zealand, Russia, Singpore and Taiwan covering a broad use of nanotechnologies related to air filtration. Product: Disposable protective mask based on NanoFenseTM technology. Proposed Technology Focus: ANI will incorporate their proprietary NanoFenseTM technology, based on antimicrobial silver nano-particle formulation (U.S. patent pending), in the disposable protective mask being developed. It has been tested as a coating on face masks and has been validated to be effective against a broad spectrum of viruses (including avian flu strain H9N2) and bacteria (including MRSA) by multiple independent BSL-3 laboratories in the USA. ANI will be testing the NanoFenseTM formulation against H1N1 virus shortly. Plan of Action: ANI has signed a joint venture agreement with an undisclosed company from Asia Pacific region for the production of NanoFenseTM protective face mask. The product will be launched in non-U.S. markets. Initial production will be 30,000 masks/day, with the capability of scaling up to 90,000 masks/day employing newly installed automatic equipment. Source: http://www.appliednanoscience.com/about.html

Filligent (HK) Limited, 7th Floor, 69 Jervois Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong joanne.ooi@filligent.com, http://www.filligent.com

Ms. Joanne Ooi, Chief Marketing Officer Filligent Ltd. is a Hong Kong based biotech company that develops advanced and cost effective ‘smart filtration’ technologies designed to combat the transmission of diseases. Its pollution abatement products provide protection against the adverse health effects of various forms of pollution, such as air and water pollution, including bird flu and tobacco smoke.


Product: BioMaskTM Proposed Technology Focus: BioMaskTM is based on BioFriendTM technology of Filligent Company Ltd. It destroys viruses and bacteria such as H1N1, MRSA, SARS, and Bird Flu, on contact. This molecular technology can be applied in the form of a coating on various substrates like rayon and cotton fiber. It mimics the oligosaccharide sites on human cells to which microbes normally attach; the device mimes the terminal sialic acid residue on the surface oligosaccharide of a cell membrane. Once bound, the pathogen is then destroyed by embedded copper and zinc ions which impair their cell walls and disturb their normal metabolism. Plan of Action: This technology was developed in 2008 and, until recently, this European Conformance (CE) certified specialist mask was available to medical and health professionals only. However, now these Biomasks are available at Asia’s leading drugstore chain, Watsons. Source: http://medgadget.com/archives/2009/07/ filligents_biomask_made_available_otc_in_asia.html WO2007093808A, 2007-08-23, Virucidal Materials, Queen Mary & Westfield College, Qinetiq Nanomaterials Ltd., and Retroscreen Virology Ltd.

Nexera Medical Ltd. 1201-11871 Horseshoe Way, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, V7A5H5, http://www.nexeramed.com

Paul Sallarulo, President / CEO / Chairman Nexera Medical Ltd. is a developer, manufacturer and distributor of antimicrobial textile products worldwide. They are dedicated to developing health care related medical products that provide maximum antimicrobial protection against microorganisms such as bacteria, virus and fungus. Product: SpectraShieldTM N99 reusable respirator mask Proposed Technology Focus: The SpectraShield™ mask is the only commercially available antimicrobial respirator mask made from AgiON® Technology employed by Fosshield®, incorporating silver and copper zeolite compounds which are permanently embedded into the fibers of the mask. The SpectraShield™ mask was subjected to rigorous microbial testing for bacteria and viruses in the U.S. and Europe. The final test results were shown to kill or inactivate a variety of bacteria and viruses, up to 99.9%, including the Swine Flu, the Bird Flu, SARS, Tuberculosis, Influenza A, MRSA, and more. The SpectraShield™ mask has also been tested for reusability and can be worn up to 28 days without loosing its filtration or antimicrobial efficacy. The


SpectraShield™ mask has received regulatory approval and a CE mark in the European Union, and has received a license for sale in Canada, but is not yet available in the U.S. Plan of Action: Nexera holds a technology license for the exclusive worldwide use of Fosshield® in any medical device that can be manufactured from that technology. Fosshield® is a proprietary patented antimicrobial fiber and fabric technology developed and owned exclusively by Foss Manufacturing, LLC, located in Hampton, NH. Source: http://www.fossmfg.com/ne_pr042709.cfm (http://www.mechdir.com/press/catalog/1008/ index.html)

MVP Textiles & Apparels 1031 Legrand Blvd, Charleston, SC 29492-7673 http://www.manta.com/c/mttlk81/mvp-textiles-apparel-inc

Mary V. Propes, President MVP Textiles and Apparel, Inc, USA has developed a face mask, which acts as an effective barrier and prevents the transmission of harmful infections including H1N1 virus, based on its Antimicrobial Filtration Technology (US Patent No. 7,520,923 B2). Product: Silver Shield N95 cone masks

Proposed Technology Focus: In Silver Shield N95 cone masks, air permeable filtration layer is treated with oligodynamic metal like silver and/or salt of oligodynamic metal. The presence of this oligodynamic metal/salt renders the mask very effective against a broad spectrum of microbes. The sustained release of silver ions creates a favorable environment by protecting the mask from bioaccumulation of pathogens. They are 99.9% efficient in filtering bacteria and virus. Plan of Action: Silver Shield N95 cone masks have been commercialized and available in market through distributors. These masks meet or exceed the filtration standard for NIOSH N95 designation (an efficiency rating that means the mask blocks about 95% percent of particles that are 0.3 microns in size or larger), and the standards for workers treating airbone disease set by CDC and WHO. Source: http://www.wipo.int/pctdb/en/wo.jsp? WO=2008118371 http://www.medicalsuppliesblog.com/2009/09/15/whatin-the-world-is-a-niosh-certified-n95-mask/ http://ww-catalog.com/wp-shop-us/2009/08/ antimicrobial-face-mask-type-n95-with-silver-shieldcone-style-box20-2/

Indian Scientist Develops a New Technology to Combat Swine Flu Srinivasan Gopalakrishnan, MD of Hydrodrive Systems and Controls, Chennai has developed a nanofilter mask technology to fight swine flu virus. This technology is capable of inactivating the H1N1 virus on contact with the copper nano surface. He claims that, unlike conventional air filtration devices, this system simulates the production of fresh air by destroying the airborne viruses present in private, work and public spaces within a matter of minutes. He further states that the unit is adaptable for a range of domestic, commercial and medical applications and it can be incorporated within large ventilation systems used for healthcare and domestic applications. The unit is capable of creating an open air flow enriched with hydroxyl radicals, to destroy microbes including flu, and cold causing viruses and bacteria, both in air and on contact with the surfaces. Hydroxyl radicals are found naturally in outdoor fresh air, in particularly high concentrations in mountains and forests. It is of interest to note that Professor Bill Keevil of University of Southampton had announced at the BLT Life Sciences 2nd Annual World Summit on Antivirals in Beijing, China held during July, 2009, that copper is a very potent anti-viral ingredient against the influenza A viruses like H1N1. According to him, the use of copper as a surface material in key public places such as hospitals, kitchens and hotels offers great potential to actively inhibit the growth of viruses, bacteria and fungi, and also substantially restrict and reduce the spread of swine flu epidemic. Sources: http://www.odisha.in/news/ARTICLE/2118/2009-08.14.html (14 August, 2009) http://www.physorg.co/news167574621.html (23 July, 2009)



Technology Watch Nano- Engineered Steels for Structural Applications Steel is one of the most widely used engineering materials in the world. Its pre-eminent position amongst the engineering materials arises due to the abundance and low cost of its main constituent, i.e. iron, and its amenability to produce a wide variety of engineered microstructures with superior properties, and recyclability. Currently, there is a growing awareness about the potential benefits of nanotechnology in the modern engineering industry, and a number of leading R & D institutes and companies are pursuing research in the area of nanostructured steels. The focus of the ongoing efforts has been largely manipulation of microstructures at the nano-scale through innovative processing techniques and adoption of novel alloying strategies. This is being aided by employing advanced characterization methods like high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), atom probe tomography (APT) etc. and computational design of materials. Steel is synonymous with strength. The theoretical strength of steel is 27.30 GPa (in <111> direction). There are two ways of achieving ultra high strength in steels. The first one is to reduce the size of a crystal to such an extent that it is devoid of any defects, like in the case of a whisker. Brenner in 1956 could achieve a tensile strength of greater than 13 GPa in an iron whisker. The second alternative is to introduce a very large density of defects in a metal sample that act as

an obstacle to the motion of dislocations. This has been illustrated by drawing high carbon pearlitic steel wire, which is subjected to intense plastic deformation, thereby, introducing dense dislocation substructure. The carbon steel wire is a remarkable example of nanostructured steel produced on a mass scale. The strengthening arises due to the presence of nanoscale cementite/ferrite lamellar structure. The ferrite phase in this structure contains very high dislocation density and supersaturated carbon atoms, and the cementite phase contains amorphous and nano-crystalline regions. The high carbon steel wire is an important engineering material used for reinforcing automobile tires, galvanized wires for suspension bridges and power cable wires. In fact, the suspension cables of the world’s largest suspension bridge, Akashi Strait Bridge built in Japan in the year 1998, were made of pearlitic steel wires of 1800 MPa strength. To inhibit softening during hot-dip galvanizing, high-Si and high Si-Cr steel wires have also been developed for highstrength galvanized suspension-bridge wires. Similarly, the pearlitic wire for automobile tyre cords exhibits strengths of about 4000 MPa. The main challenge in realizing the immense potential of nano-engineered steels is to manufacture large components of bulk nanocrystalline steel having superior properties and at a reasonable cost. To meet this challenge, a number of innovative approaches are being developed to produce nanostructured steels, as shown in Fig. 1. The different processing strategies and alloy development aspects being currently explored for the manufacture of nanostructured steels are briefly outlined below.

Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD) Processing SPD processing is one of the promising routes for grain size refinement to nano-scale levels. Nontraditional processes, such as equal channel angular processing (ECAP), accumulative roll bonding, torsion under very high pressures, multiple compressions etc. have been developed for this purpose. The ultra-fine (<1Îźm) grain sizes lead to exceptionally high strengths in conventional steels; however, there is a drastic reduction in tensile ductility, especially uniform elongation in tension. Therefore, a number of processing routes are being developed for the improvement of ductility.



Thermomechanical Controlled Processing (TMCP) TMCP is based on microstructure control during hot rolling and subsequent cooling. Many of the microstructural events are controlled at the micron level while other events like precipitation hardening are at the nano-scale level of control.

Nanostructured Steels with High Work Hardening Rate by Exploitation of TWIP Effect The high-manganese TWIP steels are subjected to plastic straining to introduce thermally stable nanometre-scale mechanical twins in the structure. Subsequent recovery treatment results in an excellent combination of high yield and ultimate tensile strengths, and work hardening.

Phase-reversion Induced Nano-grained/Ultrafine Grained Steels Microstructures comprising an optimized combination of nano- and ultra-fine grains are obtained in austenitic stainless steels by controlled annealing of heavily cold-worked metastable austenite. Reversion annealing of strain-induced martensite in severely deformed metastable austenitic steels results in nano-grained/ ultra-fine grained structures with excellent combination of strength and ductility.

Computational Designing of Steels A new class of martensitic stainless steels are being developed by following a system’s design approach. This approach combines predictive control of the alloy chemistry, transformation temperatures, cryogenic treatment and multi-step aging to produce radically new high-strength, high toughness corrosion resistant stainless steels.

Mechanical Alloying and Consolidation Mechanical alloying via high energy ball milling of iron and carbon powders (or other alloying elements) is carried out and the powders are subsequently consolidated by various techniques such as spark plasma sintering, warm compaction, HIP etc. This approach can result in nano-crystalline/ultrafine grained structures with excellent mechanical properties.

Combination of TRIP Effect with Maraging Treatment This approach combines the TRIP mechanism with maraging treatment in a Fe-Mn base alloy system. These steels contain a low-carbon martensitic matrix with precipitates of intermetallic (Ni, Ti, Al, Mo) nanoparticles.

Surface Nanocrystallization of Steels A nanostructured surface layer can be fabricated by subjecting the steels to various surface treatment techniques, such as ultrasonic shot peening and surface mechanical attrition treatments (SMAT). SMAT provides a simple, flexible and low cost approach to enhance the bulk properties of steels, without any change in the chemical composition.

Advanced Bainitic Steels by Low Temperature Isothermal Transformation New generation bainitic steels (e.g. Fe-0.98C-1.46Si1.89Mn-0.26 Mo-1.26Cr- 0.09V) are designed using detailed phase transformation theory for the bainitic reaction. The bainitic transformation occurs at low temperatures (200–300oC), which avoids the diffusion of iron or any substitutional solutes. As a consequence, the plates of bainite are extremely slender, 20 – 40 nm thick, making the steel very strong.

Devitrification of Glassy Ferrous Alloys Metallic glasses based on the specialized formulation of ferrous alloys have been developed. These glasses are subjected to devitrification treatment by subsequent heating above crystallization temperature to obtain nanoscale microstructures. These amorphous steels can also be used in the form of powders to produce amorphous/nanocomposite thermally sprayed coatings to enhance the wear and corrosion resistance of engineering components.

Advanced ODS Ferritic and Martensitic Steels Ferritic or martensitic alloy powders are ball milled with Y2O3 and subsequently compacted and hot extruded to obtain nano-structured ferrous alloys. These alloys contain a large number density of ultra-fine cluster of atoms containing predominantly Y, O and Ti, called nano-clusters, which resist coarsening and prevent grain growth following isothermal aging.

TRIPLEX Steels TRIPLEX steels are designed on the basis of Fe-MnC-Al with Al > 8%. Mn is usually > 19%. The alloy consists of an austenitic FCC matrix and about 8% ferrite and nano-size k-carbides regularly distributed in the FCC matrix in an orderly fashion. The TRIPLEX alloys exhibit low density, high strength level, excellent formability and high energy absorption capacity. Nanostructured steels, on account of their outstanding strength, high toughness, remarkable corrosion resistance, excellent erosion and wear resistance etc. have significant potential to improve the performance of various systems. By virtue of the above, they are also likely to have a major impact in a variety of sectors including defence, aerospace, transportation, power, construction, infrastructure and medical.



Key Benefits and Market Drivers for Nanostructured Steels: Key BeneďŹ ts

Market Drivers

Increased strength levels (ultra-fine grain size steels)

Transportation Sector:22, 25-27, 30 Vehicle weight reduction, increase in fuel efficiency and corresponding reduction in CO2 emissions.

High toughness and high ductility at higher strength levels (TRIP-Maraging Steels)

Transportation Sector:10, 11, 20 Lighter vehicles with improved impact resistance and safer to drive. Improved formability leading to lower processing costs.

Greater degree of radiation – induced embrittlement resistance, greater survivability in neutron radiation environment and higher creep strength (nano-cluster strengthened ODS ferritic alloys)

Nuclear Industry:21, 28, 29 (FBRs and Fusion Reactors) Higher operating temperatures would help in improving economic performance and provide means to support thermo-chemical production of hydrogen. Also would result in higher safety, reliability and reduced emissions.

Improved erosion, corrosion and wear resistance (devitrified glassy ferrous alloys)

Power Generation, Mining, Cement and Concrete Industries: http://www.nanosteelco.com Improved performance and extended service life.

Enhanced corrosion resistance for high strength/ high toughness steels (Nano-precipitation strengthened computationally designed steels)

Aerospace and Navy (Landing gear and other Aircraft and Naval Components): http://www.questek.com Eliminates the need of providing toxic and carcinogenic cadmium coating, which prevents the problems of hydrogen embrittlement and stress corrosion cracking associated with Cd plating.

Fig. 1: Routes to Produce Nanostructured Steels 12


Applications of Nanostructured Steels Application



Ballistic armour


Aircraft landing gears


Surgical needles and clips


Mountain bicycle frames


Razors for shaving machine

Oil and Gas

Pipeline steels for the transportation of natural gas


Fuel cladding tubes for nuclear reactors


Concrete reinforcing rebars


Advanced exhaust components for heavy duty diesel engines


Automobile body-structural and safety parts, chassis and suspension parts and TWBs


Cutting tools and bearings

Key Players Currently, interest in nanostructured steels is just beginning to gather momentum. However, with the entry of industrial giants like Nippon Steel, Sandvik, Arcelor Mittal, Exxon, JFE Steel and others, there is a good scope that broader industrial adoption could occur in the near future. Moreover, some of the new players such as QuesTek Innovations, Max Planck Institute for Steel Research, MMFX Technologies and Cambridge University are able to demonstrate significantly greater benefits in nanostructured steels at a reasonable cost with their innovative approaches and this is likely to change the scenario quickly. A few key players active in the field of nanostructured steels are listed below: The NanoSteel Company, Inc., U.S.A. Technology: Has developed nanostructured ferrous alloys by devitrification of metallic glass. The alloys are used in the form of thermal spray coatings or weld overlay to tackle the problems of wear, corrosion, erosion etc. QuesTek Innovations LLC, U.S.A. Technology: Has developed computationally designed high strength and environmentally friendly corrosion resistant steels. Sandvik Materials Technology, Sweden Technology: Has developed nanostructured ‘Nanoflex’ stainless steels. JFE Steel Corp., Japan Technology: Has developed hot rolled, high strength nanosize carbide precipitation strengthened ‘NANOHITEN’ steel for automobile industry. Kawasaki Steel Corp., Japan Technology: Has developed non-heat treated ultra-low carbon, Cu precipitation strengthened bainitic steels produced by thermo-mechanical precipitation control process (TPCP). Kobelco Research Inc., (Kobe Steel), Japan Technology: Has developed ODS 9Cr martensitic steel (12YWT) for fuel cladding tubes of nuclear reactor.



Exxon Mobil Upstream Research Co., U.S.A. Technology: Has developed high strength pipeline steel for the transportation of natural gas in collaboration with Nippon Steel and Mitsui & Co. It is 20-50% stronger than the currently used pipeline steel. A mile-long section in the TransCanada Pipeline utilizes this nano-steel under -40oC temperature conditions. MMFX Technology Corp., U.S.A. Technology: Has developed the microcomposite Fe/Cr/Mn/C steels with superior combination of strengthtoughness-corrosion properties for concrete members reinforced with high-strength rebars. Nippon Steel Corp., Japan Technology: Has developed nanostructured steels for various applications: • Fatigue resistant steels containing Cu nano-precipitates for transportation and bridges •High strength steels with resistance to delayed fracture (by hydrogen trapping with nano-size precipitates) for bolts to be used in automobiles and high-rise buildings • High HAZ toughness steel ‘HTUFF’ using nano-size dispersion of oxides and /or sulfides • High strength steel wires for reinforcing automobile tires, galvanized wires for suspension bridges and power cable wires.

Intellectual Property Scenario Since the technologies pertaining to nanostructured steels are mainly based on process innovations, they are relatively difficult to actually protect despite the legal cover that patents are intended to provide. Therefore, the technology developers are often inclined to maintain trade secrets rather than rely on patents for protection. This strategy helps them in avoiding IP conflicts and also protects their technologies from being exploited in other countries where IP protection is weak. Of course, this strategy makes the producers vulnerable if a competitor develops a similar process independently (Lux Research Inc., 2006). Notwithstanding the above, the following patents relating to nanostructured steels are pertinent to mention: Title: Precipitation hardenable martensitic stainless steel Patent Number: US 2008 / 0210344 A1 Filing / Publication Date: Dec.22, 2005 / Sep.4, 2008 Assignee: Sandvik Intellectual Property AB, Sweden Inventor(s): Hikan Holmberg, Sweden Key Features: A precipitation hardenable stainless Cr-Ni steel with high strength, high ductility and excellent formability. Exhibits very good corrosion resistance and finds applications as springs, surgical needles, dental instruments etc. Title: Nanocarbide precipitation strengthened ultra-high strength, corrosion resistant structural steels Patent Number: WO 03 / 018856 A2 Filing / Publication Date: Feb.11, 2002 / Mar.6, 2003 Assignee: Questek Innovations LLC, USA Inventor(s): Kuehmann, Charless, J., Olson, Gregory, B., Jou, Heing-Jeng, USA Key Features: Ultra-high strength (UTS > 1930 MPa) precipitation strengthened structural steel possesses out-standing combination of corrosion resistance and strength. The alloy is strengthened by nano-scale M2C carbides. Potential applications include aircraft landing gear, machinery and tools used in hostile environment Title: Nano-composite martensitic steels Patent Number: EP 1 461 466 B1 Filing / Publication Date: Dec.12, 2002 / July 23, 2008 Assignee: MMFX Technologies Corp., USA Inventor(s): Ku Sinski, Gregorz, J., Pollack, David, Thomas, Gareth Key Features: Steel alloys with high strength, toughness and cold formability. Unique microcomposite micro structure comprising of nano sheets of austenite between laths of dislocated martensite. Highly corrosion resistant steels resulting in extended service life of rebar in corrosive environments.



Title: High strength hot rolled steel sheet and method for manufacturing the same Patent Number: US 7527700 B2 Filing / Publication Date: April 21, 2004 / May 5, 2009 Assignee: JFE Steel Corp., Japan Inventor(s): Nobusuke Kariya, Shusaku Takagi, Tetsuo Shimizu, Tetsuya Mega, Kei Sakata, Hiroshi Takahashi Key Features: High strength ( 780MPa) hot rolled steel sheet with low carbon (0.04 to 0.15% C) having excellent elongation and stretch flangeability. Microstructure comprising nano-scale ( 20nm) Ti-Mo carbide precipitates within ferrite matrix. The steel sheet is suitable for reinforcing members of automobile cabin and crash worthiness member of automobile. Title: Process for forming a Nano-crystalline steel sheet Patent Number: US 7449074 B2 Filing / Publication Date: April 28, 2005 / Nov. 11, 2008 Assignee: The Nano Company, Inc., USA Inventor(s): Daniel James Branagan Key Features: Special iron based metallic glass forming alloys are formed into a nano-crystalline steel sheet by rapid solidification of molten alloy using counter-rotating casting rolls. The resulting alloy can show tensile strength between 3.16 to 6.12 GPa.

Title: Ultra-high strength, weblable steels with excellent ultra-low temperature toughness Patent Number: US 6264760 B1 Filing / Publication Date: July 28, 1998 / July 24, 2001 Assignee: Exxon Mobil Upstream Research Co., USA and Nippon Steel Corp., Japan Inventor(s): Hiroshi Temehiro, Hitoshi Asahi, Takuya Hara, Yoshio Terada, Japan and Michael J. Luton, Jayoung Koo, Narasimha Rao V. Bangaru, Clifford W. Petersen, USA Key Features: The invention relates to ultra-high strength, weldable steel plate with superior toughness, and to fabricated linepipe from this steel. The steels contain nano-precipitates of carbides or carbonitrides of V, Nb and Mo which resist HAZ softening and minimize the localized loss of strength.

Title: Nano structured steel alloy Patent Number: US 5589011 Filing / Publication Date: Feb. 15, 1995 / Dec. 31, 1996 Assignee: The University of Connecticut, USA Inventor(s): Kenneth E. Gonsalves, USA Key Features: The invention relates to nanostructured M50 type steel synthesized by chemical methods, which has improved mechanical and physical properties such as hardness, strength and durability. The steel finds particular utility in the manufacture of cutting tools and bearings.

Challenges The nanostructured steels (particularly, manufactured by SPD processing) exhibit extraordinary strength levels. However, their ductility is inadequate, and therefore, makes them unsuitable for certain applications. This drawback is a major hurdle in bringing nanostructured steels from laboratory to commercialization. In view of this, it is of paramount importance that innovative approaches are developed to improve the ductility of nanostructured steels. Consequently, nanostructured steels require non-traditional processing methods and specialized machinery, which calls for significant investments and application development to make them commercially viable.

Key Publications 1.

Tatsuo Yokoi, Manabu Takahashi, Naoki Maruyama, Masaaki Sugiyama, “Application of Controlled Cu NanoPrecipitation for Improvement in Fatigue Properties of Steels”, Nippon Steel Technical Report, No.91, January 2005, 49-55


Kazukuni Hase, Toshiyuki Hoshino, Keniti Amano, “New Extremely Low Carbon Bainitic High-Strength Steel Bar Having Excellent Machinability and Toughness Produced by TPCP Technology” Originally published in Kawasaki Steel Giho, 34, (2002)1-6




R. Song, D. Ponge, D. Raabe, J.G. Speer, D.K. Matlock, “Overview of Processing, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine Grained bcc Steels”, Materials Science and Engineering, A 441, (2006) 1-17

18. X.D. Wang, N. Zhong Y.H. Rong, and T.Y. Hsu, “Novel Ultrahigh-strength Nanolath Martensitic Steel by Quenching-Partitioning-Tempering Process”, J. Mater. Res., 24, (2009) 260-267


Peter D Hodgson, Llana B. Timokhina, Hossein Beladi, Llchat Sabirov and Elena V Pereloma, “Nanostructural Engineering of Steel”, Simpro’08, December 09-11, (2008), Ranchi, INDIA., 224-236


F.G. Caballero, H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia, “Very Strong Bainite”, Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, 8, (2004) 251–257

19. C.A.D. Rodrigues, P.L.D. Lorenzo, A.Sokolowski, C.A. Barbosa, J.M.D.A. Rollo, “Titanium and Molybdenum Content in Supermartensitic Stainless Steel”, Materials Science and Engineering, A 460-461, (2007) 149-152


C. Garcia-Mateo and F.G. Caballero, “Ultra-HighStrength Bainitic Steels”, ISIJ International, 45, (2005) 1736-1740


H.K.D.H.Bhadeshia, “Bulk Nanocrystalline Steel”, Iron Making and Steel Making”, 32, (2005) 405


T. Roland, D. Retraint, K. Lu, J. Lu, “Enhanced Mechanical Behavior of a Nanocrystallised Stainless Steel and its Thermal Stability” Materials Science and Engineering A, 445-446, (2007) 281-288


Z.B. Wang and K. Lu, “Surface Nanocrystallization Engineering: Science and Industrial Potential”, International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, 1, (2007) 39-46

10. Olivier Bouaziz, “The “Ductilities” in Single Phase Steels from Usual to Nanoscale Microstructures”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 11, (2009) 767-770 11. O. Bouaziz, C.P.Scott and G. Petitgand, “Nanostructured Steel with High Work-hardening by the Exploitation of the Thermal Stability of Mechanically Induced Twins”, Scripta Materialia, 60, (2009) 714-716 12. D.J. Branagan, “Engineering Structures to Achieve Targeted Properties in Steels on a Nanoscale Level”, Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 31, (2007) 343-350 13. Daniel J. Branagan,, Alla V. Sergueeva and Amiya K. Mukherjee, “Towards the Development of a New Iron Age”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 8, (2009) 940-943 14. R.D.K. Misra, S. Nayak, S.A. Mali, J.S. Shah, M.C. Somani and L.P. Karjalainen, “Microstructure and Deformation Behavior of Phase-Reversion-Induced Nanograined / Ultrafine-Grained Austenitic Stainless Steel”, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International, 40A, (2009) 2498 15. G.B. Olson, “Advances in Theory: Martensite by Design”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 438-440, (2006) 48-54 16. S. Goto, R. Kirchheim, T. al-Kassab, C. Borchers, “Application of Cold Drawn Lamellar Microstructure for Developing Ultra-high Strength Wires”, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 17, (2007) 1129-1138 17. Toshimi Tarui, Jun Takahashi, Hitoshi Tashiro, Nacki Maruyama, Seiki Nishida, “Microstructure Control and Strengthening of High-carbon Steel Wires”, Nippon Steel, Technical Report No. 91, (2005) 56-61


20. Dierk Raabe, Dirk Ponge, Olga Dmitrieva and Benedikt Sander, “Designing Ultrahigh Strength Steels with Good Ductility by Combining Transformation Induced Plasticity and Martensite Aging”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 11, (2009) 547-555 21. S. Ukai, T. Kaito, S. Ohtsuka, T. Narita, M. Fujiwara, T. Kobayashi, “Production and Properties of Nano-scale Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) 9Cr Martensitic Steel Claddings”, ISIJ International, 43, (2003) 2038-2045 22. Yi Hai-long, Du Lin-xiu, Wang Guo-dong, Liu Xinghua, “Strengthening Mechanism of a New 700 MPa Hot Rolled High Strength Steel”, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 15, (2008) 76-80 23. D. Raabe, D, Ponge, O. Dimitrieva and B. Sander, “Nanoprecipitate-hardened 1.5 GPa Steels with Unexpected High Ductility”, Scripta Materilia, 60, (2009) 1141-1144 24. S. Rajasekhara, M. C. Somani, M. Koljonen, P. J. Ferreira, L. P. Karjalainen, A. Kyrolainen, “Submicron/Nano Grained Stainless Steels with Superior Mechanical Properties”, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 903E, (2006) 25. I. B. Timokhina, P. D. Hodgson, S. P. Ringer, R. K. Zheng and E. V. Pereloma, “Nano-scale Microstructured Characterization of Modern High Strength Steels for the Automotive Industry”, Intl. Conference on Microalloyed Steels: Processing, Microstructure, Properties and Performance, (2007) 305-312 26. Shimizi Tetsuo, Funakawa Yoshimasa, Kaneko Shinjiro, “High Strength Steel Sheets for Automobile Suspension and Chassis Use-High Strength Hot-Rolled Steel Sheets with Excellent Press Formability and Durability for Critical Safety Parts”, JFE Technical Report No. 4, (2004) 22-27 27. Y. Funakawa, T. Shiozaki, K. Tomita, T. Yamamoto and E. Maeda, “Development of High Strength Hot-rolled Sheet Steel Consisting of Ferrite and Nanometer-sized Carbides”, ISIJ International, 44, (2004) 1945-1951 28. S. Ukai and S. Ohtsuka, “Nanomesoscopic Structure Control in 9Cr-ODS Ferritic Steels”, Energy Materials, 2, (2007) 26-35 29. D. A. McClintock, D. T. Hoelzer, M. A. Sokolov and R. K. Nanstad, “Mechanical Properties of Neutron Irradiated Nanostructured Ferritc Alloy 14YWT”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 386-388, (2009) 307-311 30. E. Mazancova, Z. Jonsta and K. Mazanec, “Properites of High Manganese Fe-Mn-Al-C Alloys”, Archives of Materials Science, 28, (2007) 90-94


Nanotech Patents Roundup Status of Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Composites – Patent Analysis (April 30, ’08 - May 1, ’09) The superior mechanical and physical properties of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) provide tremendous opportunities for developing a new class of ‘supercomposites’. Actually, the uniqueness of CNTs also stems from their other desirable properties for electrical, thermal, magnetic and optical applications. These properties enable development of structural and multifunctional composites for a variety of applications, such as sporting equipment, displays, auto parts, conductive polymers, fibers and yarns, batteries, super capacitors, thermal management systems etc. The market for CNT-composite is growing at a rapid rate. According to a BCC report published in 2007, the global CNT-composite market was 43 million US$ in 2006 and the projected market in 2010 was estimated to be 451 million US$, with an average annual growth rate of 80%. In the present brief report, an attempt has been made to provide a snapshot of the status of development in the field of CNT-composites. For this purpose, the patent analysis was carried out using the keywords ((CNT AND COMPOSITE*) OR (CARBON NANOTUBE* AND COMPOSITE*)) covering the period April 30th 2008 to May 1st 2009. The analysis covered USPTO, European patent (EP) Office, WO World IPO and JP Japan. (Source: www.delphion.com)

(Analysis based on Patent INSIGHT Pro Software)

Fig. 1: CNT – composite patent filings and issuances according to the main area of the inventions

As shown in Fig. 1, the key focus areas of patents relating to CNT-composites are synthesis & processing, composition, and applications. The largest number of patents pertain to applications, and this is indicative of the perceived immense commercial importance of CNT-composites.

Based on an analysis of the available patents, the prominent compositions, synthesis routes and applications of CNT – Composites are summarized below:



above category. Here, Samsung Electronics of Korea shows its pre-eminent position being the world leader in field emission devices and displays.

Fig. 2: Segmentation of CNT – composite applications based on patents granted and published patent applications

Fig. 2 shows the segmentation of application fields based on the patent analysis. The focus of the patent activity is primarily on structural, electrical/electronics and energy related areas. Energy-related applications include batteries, super capacitors, fuel cells and solar cells. Out of all these areas, structural or mechanical applications of CNT composites appear to be of greatest interest from a commercial point of view. Field emission devices, sensors and actuators are also key areas of activity in this field.

* Includes memory, membranes, adhesives, coatings and films, fabrics, MEMS, contrast medium, transduces

Fig. 3: Segmentation of applications and distribution of priority countries (based on number of patents granted and published patent applications) for CNT composites

Fig. 3 compares filing and issue of patents in various countries in the area of CNT-composite applications. As can be seen, the USA is on the top in almost all the segments, followed by Japan, Korea, China and Europe as far as the overall applications of CNTcomposites are concerned. However, Korea is leading in the area of field emission or electron emitter devices. The reason for this is obvious if one examines Fig. 4 which depicts the top 20 assignees of patents in the Acknowledgement: Ms. Priya Mathews, ARCI, Hyderabad for Patent Analysis


Fig. 4: Number of CNT – composite patents granted / published patent applications for top 20 assignees

An Ultimate Fiber:

Neat SWNT Fiber Researchers from Rice University, University of Pennsylvania and Technion – Israel Institute of Technology have developed a processing route to produce ultra strong, stiff and tough carbon – nanotube fibers on an industrial scale. This revolutionary method is an outcome of 9 years of intensive research. The process essentially, involves dissolving the pure carbon nanotubes in a highly acidic solvent like chlorosulfonic acid. The CNTs in this solution tend to align themselves to form liquid crystals. These aligned CNT complexes, dispersed in an acid solution, are spun into monofilament fibers. In principle, the process has the potential to produce nanotube fibers, which could be 100 times stronger than Kevlar fibers. There are two noteworthy advantages of this solution-spinning process. Although acids are hazardous, they are rather benign solvents for industrial use and, since the CNTs are not chemically modified, their electronic properties are retained during the process. This process opens up immense possibilities for making multifunctional products that are stronger, stiffer, and more energy efficient. Source: V. A. Davis et al., “True Solutions of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes for Assembly into Macroscopic Materials” Nature Nanotechnology, 4, (2009) 830-834


Nanotech Patents Spotlight

Highly Conductive Nano-Scaled Graphene Plate Nano-Composites

Gold-Ceria Catalyst for Oxidation of CO US Pat. No.: 7,560, 410 B2 Date of Patent: July 14, 2009 Inventors: Unnikrishan R. Pillai (USA) and Sarojini Deevi (USA) Assignee: Philip Morris USA Inc. Filing Date: June 15, 2006 Abstract: A catalyst comprising 0.1 – 3.0 wt% gold nanodots on cerium oxide, which is catalytically active for the oxidation of CO at room temperature. The catalyst is prepared by a deposition – precipitation technique followed either by aging or ultrasound treatment.

Fig. 1: CO conversion as a function of gold content

US Pat. No.: 7, 566, 410 B2 Date of Patent: July 28, 2009 Inventors: Song Lulu (USA), Guo Jiusheng (USA), Zhamu Aruna (USA), Jang B. Z. (USA) Assignee: Nanotek Instruments, Inc., Dayton, Ohio, USA Filing Date: January 11, 2006 Abstract: A nano-composite material consisting of fully separated nano-scaled graphene platelets (NGPs) are dispersed in a matrix material. Each platelet comprises a sheet of graphite plane or multiple sheets of graphite plane. The platelets have a thickness no greater than 100 nm and average length, width, or diameter not greater than 500 nm. The graphene plates are present in an amount not less than 15 wt.%, based on the total weight of the platelets and the matrix material combined. Advantages: • NGP based nano-composites enable a cost effective approach to produce an alternative nano-carbon material in large quantities with properties comparable to that of CNT based composites • NGP composites possess high bulk electrical conductivity of no less than 10 S/cm, and more typically no less than 100 S/cm, with an areal conductivity of > 200 S/cm2 • NGP reinforced C/C nano-composites show exceptionally high conductivity of greater than 300 S/cm Applications: • Nano-composite thin films or coatings can be used as a thermal management layer in a densely packed micro-electronic device • Other applications include fuel cell bipolar or flow field plates, battery electrodes, high performance automotive friction plates, aircraft landing gear, brake drums etc.

Fig. 2: Temperature programmed reduction profiles of CeO2 and 1% Au/CeO2

Advantages: • Highly active for room temperature oxidation of CO to CO2 • Increased oxygen storage capacity of support • Good stability and high activity for a prolonged period Applications: • Catalytic exhaust emission systems in vehicles for the oxidation of CO to CO2 • Emission reduction in the cold start of an automobile engine • Incorporation in tobacco cut filter, wrapper material or filter material of a cigarette, for reduction of CO emissions • Incorporation into CO2 laser or a fuel cell to reduce CO emissions.

Fig. 3: Schematic showing three basic forms of solid NGP– polymer blends: (A) thin polymer coated NGP, (B) NGP coated polymer fiber, and (C) mixture of fine polymer fibers/ powders and NGPs.



Commercial / Business Focus Business News Strategic Partnership between Cargill and Topchim Cargill, Brazil and Topchim, Belgium announce strategic partnership to produce a sustainable line of products (based on nanotechnology) in Brazil for paper and board applications. October 23, 2009 | www.cargill.com

91% Metallic Conductivity Reported in CNTs Honda, Japan, in collaboration with Purdue University and University of Lousville, have successfully produced CNTs with 91% metallic conductivity (in comparison with 25-30% using other processes) October 28, 2009 | www.nanowerk.com

FSU to Spin-off Super-strong Buckypaper Company Florida State University is to spin-off a super-strong buckypaper company to produce the nanopaper on a commercial scale. October 30, 2009 | www.nanotechbuzz.com

Stem Cell Therapy International, Inc. Merges with Histostem Stem Cell Therapy International, Inc. announces merger with Histostem and launching of AmStem International, Inc. to bring out new product to US and EU markets. September 28, 2009 | Thomson Reuters 2009

NTU, Singapore, CNRS, France and Thales, France form a Tripartite Alliance NTU, Singapore, CNRS, France and Thales, France form a tripartite alliance, CINTRA to develop innovative nanotechnologies for future computing, sensing and communication applications. October 7, 2009 | www.nanowerk.com

NanoDynamics Files for Bankruptcy Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) developer NanoDynamics Inc. filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy citing a lack of available capital to keep the business going. July 28, 2009 | Business Week


CNT Commercial Production, Fabrication and Device Development CNano Commissions World’s Largest CNT Production Plant CNano Technology of Santa Clara, CA has commissioned a 500 ton/year manufacturing facility for MWNTs located in China. The MWNTs will be produced by catalytic vapor deposition process. CNano has received regulatory approval from EPA to sell MWNTs through its subsidiary in the USA. They have also obtained a certificate for ISO 9001: 2008 for R & D production and services of CNTs through its subsidiary in China. October 20, 2009 | www.cnanotechology.com

Arkema to Launch Carbon Nanotube Production Plant in 2011 Arkema, France’s leading chemical company, has announced that it is setting up a 400 tons/year CNT production plant at its Mont site in France. The plant will follow stringent safety and environmental regulations to protect its employees, and to prevent any possible health hazards. The plant will produce multi-walled carbon nanotubes via an innovative processing route, and will use an entirely bio-based feedstock material. The plant will go online in 2011. September 17, 2009 | www.graphistrength.com

Southwest Nanotechnologies (SWeNT) Launches CNT Coatings Application Development Center SWeNT, a leading producer of SWNTs and specialty MWNTs from Oklahoma, has announced that it has established a carbon nanotube coatings application development center in collaboration with Chasm Technologies Inc. This joint center located at Chasm’s facility will demonstrate the feasibility of meeting customer’s specifications for CNT coating and printing applications. The center will help in accelerating the development of commercial applications of CNT based coatings such as lower cost displays, touch screens, miniaturized sensor devices, energy efficient LEDs and cost effective photovoltaic modules. August 3, 2009 | http://www.swnano.com/news/


Technologies Available for Licensing Magnetic Quantum Dots for Use in Imaging Technology: Nanoparticle (NP) quantum-dot compositions and associated methods. These NPs are of dual mode type, i.e. visible via both optical methods and MRI, and find applications in clinical and therapeutic imaging. IP Status: Patent pending, U.S. Pat. Appln. 20050220714, 06 Oct, 2005 Contact: Nancy E. Rashid UC Davis Innovation Access nerashid@ucdavis.edu, Tel: 530-754-8621 http://techtransfer.universityofcaliforrnia.edu/ NCD/11323.html

Nanostructured Highly-Sensitive Multiplexed Chemical Detector Technology: It is based on nanostructured metal oxide arrays and enables detection of chemicals down to ppb level with extreme sensitivity. Potential applications in high vacuum systems, building safety as well as environmental monitoring and protection. Useful for security and medical diagnostics applications. IP Status: Singapore Patent Appln No. 200718693-5 Contact: Steven Yap Technology / Licensing Officer, Nanyang Polytechnic, 180 Ang Mo kio Avenue 8, Singapore - 569830 stevenyap@nyp.edu.sg, Tel: +65 65500679

A Super Dark Absorber and IR Applications Technology: A super dark absorbing material comprising of CNT arrays prepared by CVD technique. Potential applications include solar TPV power generation, hot water heating, and MW, MMW and IR absorber for stealth applications. IP Status: Patent pending, U.S. Pat. Appln. 20090126783, November 12, 2008 Contact: Beth Bornick Licensing Associate, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, bornie2@rpi.edu, Tel: 518-276-3297

Preparation and Application of Self-Cleaning, Antibacterial and Photocatalytic Nanocrystalline TiO2 Thin Film Coatings on Glass Technology: A transparent nanocrystalline TiO2 thin film is deposited by reverse micelle method. The coated glass exhibits self-cleaning, anti-bacterial and photocatalytic properties. It is a simple, low cost production process. Potential applications include curtain walls in commercial buildings, shopping malls, automotive glass, etc. IP Status: Chinese Patent No. ZL 03100058.4, HK Standard Pat. No. HK1063620 Contact: Billy Lam Technology Licensing Coordinator, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, billylam@cuhk.edu.hk, Tel: 852-2609-8882 Fax: 852-2603-5454

Nano-encapsulated Aerogel Technology: This technology pertains to a technique for providing polymer or metallic coatings to aerogel insulation to enhance its strength, resistance to vibration and make it impermeable from adsorbing gases. Potential applications include thermal and acoustic insulation, catalyst supports, gas absorption, color changing sensors, filtering and particle capture. IP Status: U.S. Pat. 7,270,851, second patent pending, available to license Contact: Innovation Partnerships Office, NASA JSC, Jsc-techtran@mail.nasa.gov, Tel: 281-483-3809 http://technology.jsc.nasa.gov

Process for the Preparation of Nanosized Colloidal Metal Particles Technology: The invention relates to a process for the preparation of nano sized colloidal metal particles. The process is environmentally friendly as it particularly uses naturally occurring biomaterials such as fungus or fungus extract. IP Status: US Pat. No. 6537344, 25 March, 2003 Contact: G. Prabhakaran Head Business Development, NCL, Pune g.prabhakaran@ncl.res.in, Tel: +91-20-2590 / 2638, Fax: +91-20-2590 / 2639



Emerging Nanotechnology Products Carbon Nanotube Lead-Acid Batteries Lead-acid batteries are a popular choice for automotive applications on account of their low cost, high reliability, ruggedness, tolerance against abuse and recyclability. However, for high power applications, they suffer from low cyclic life, are not suitable for rapid charging and are too heavy and bulky in nature. Hybrid and electric cars are an environmentally friendly alternative and represent an emerging market growing at a fast pace. These electric/hybrid vehicles will demand batteries having rapid charge/discharge capabilities and high power output. Carbon Nanotube Lead-Acid Batteries (“CNT Batteries”) have the potential to change the scenario of the energy storage market in the near-term by offering superior performance compared to existing lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries. Addition of CNTs to the electrodes of lead-acid batteries results in significant improvement in their conductivity. Moreover, when the CNTs are incorporated in the negative electrode, the cyclic life is greatly improved in comparison to that of the neat electrode (M. Endo et al., “Applications of carbon nanotubes in the twenty first-century”, http://www.unidym.com/files/whitepaper_1437. pdf). This improvement is attributed to the ability of nanotubes to reinforce the electrode material and prevent it from mechanically disintegrating during charge-discharge cycles. Micro Bubble Technology, Inc. (MBT), South Korea has recently developed a promising CNT battery technology. A CNT battery has the capacity to store

8 times as much energy as the traditional leadacid battery, and can hold at least 2 times as much energy as a rechargeable lithium battery. Based on independent laboratory testing, it has been found that the CNT battery is able to deliver 380 miles between charges as against 50-100 miles for a standard leadacid battery. The most remarkable finding has been that it takes only ten minutes to recharge, as compared to 5 to 12 hours for standard batteries. The short life of about 3 - 4 years (equivalent to 200 full charge/discharge cycles) of ordinary lead-acid batteries can be extended by a minimum of 4 times by the incorporation of carbon nanotubes. The characteristics of rechargeable batteries are compared with that of MBT’s CNT battery in Fig. 1. The MBT Company has developed a proprietary method of coating the anodes and cathodes with carbon nanotubes, thus imparting to a standard lead-acid battery the vastly superior properties shown in Fig. 1. MBT also employs a new type of electrolyte with CNT. The CNT battery technology has the potential to revolutionize the hybrid and electric car industry as it offers a unique battery that far exceeds anything currently available at this time. The other potential applications of MBT CNT battery also include the following: Transportation: EV/PHEV, trucks, buses, boats, aircraft, mass transit fleets Strategic: Military and aerospace propulsion systems Portable Power Systems: Notebooks, power tools, appliances, electronics Electric Power Grid: Utilities, energy services, municipalities Uninterrupted Power Supply: Mobile towers, data centers, hospitals, manufacturing plants Recently, MBT, Korea took effective control of EcoloCap, Canada through 50% ownership.

Fig.1: Characteristics of rechargeable batteries vs the CNT lead-acid battery (charging time in hours is shown in brackets)


Contact: Michael Siegel, President & CEO Micro Bubble Technology and EcoloCap, Barrington, IL, USA ms@microbubbletech.com General Office: 312-261-5590, Toll Free: 866-479-7041


R & D Highlights Carbon Nanotube Composite Coating to Save Battle Tanks from Laser Guided Munitions The advent of Laser guided munitions / bombs has dramatically enhanced the accuracy of guidance and delivery systems in recent years. The US forces amply demonstrated this when they extensively employed the laser-guided bombs to defeat the enemy during Operation Desert Storm. Laser guided munitions employ a laser designator to illuminate the target using a laser beam. The reflected light is detected by a seeker located on the dome of the weapon which, in turn, sends a signal to guide it towards the target. The military vehicles, such as battle tanks or armored vehicles, are traditionally coated with conventional paints or metallic finishes. These coatings reflect infrared and ultra-violet radiation and, therefore, do not provide protection to vehicles or other targets from being tracked and attacked by laser guided weapons. Recently, Timothy Imholt from Raytheon Company, USA has developed a composite coating, which essentially consists of single wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) embedded in the matrix of a polymer such as an epoxy, polyester, polyurethane etc. This coating is capable of absorbing infrared radiation that is incident on the surface of the coated object and, thereby, can reduce or even eliminate the reflection of IR radiation off the coated object. By reducing the reflection of IR radiation, the composite coating may prevent the laser guided munition system from detecting or targeting the coated object. Fig.1 shows an example of a battle tank being camouflaged when it is under attack from a laser guided munition. Here, the special coating provided on the tank surface protects it as the coating does not allow the IR radiation to reflect back and be detected by the sensor incorporated within the body of the weapon. Recently, nanotechnologists from AIST and Nagoya University, Japan have also discovered that a forest of vertically aligned SWNTs behaves like a perfect black body and absorbs electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths analogous to a ‘black hole’. This CNT forest absorbs between 97 to 99% of all light. This is, perhaps, the ‘blackest’ material existing in the universe. The CNT based composite developed by Imholt is fabricated by an electrophoretic process, and thus able to produce uniform dispersion of nanotubes within

the polymer matrix. This results in achieving optimum properties of the composite. It was also found by him that SWNTs are at least four times more potent as compared to MWNTs in absorbing the IR radiation.

Seeker head

Laser designator Projectile

Nanocomposite coating Polymer matrix

Electro-magnetic beam (light or IR) Carbon nanotube

Battle Tank

Fig.1: Nanocomposite coating reduces / eliminates light reflection from the tank and, thus, cloaks it from the guided munition system

Source: • Kohei Mizunoa, et al., A black body absorber from vertically aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes, PNAS, 106, (2009) 6044-6047, • US Patent Application No. 2009/0114890 A1, Nanocomposite Coating for Reflection Reduction, Assignee: Raytheon Company, MA, USA)

Nanoscale Shape Memory Alloys Improve Reliability and Accuracy of MEMs In engineering design, particularly in Micro-ElectroMechanical-Systems (MEMS), mechanical vibrations at a nano scale can adversely affect the reliability and accuracy of sensitive components such as micro-sensors, micro-actuators, micro-pumps etc. which, in turn, would endanger the performance of sensitive devices being employed in aircrafts, missiles, electronics, biomedical and robotic systems etc. High damping materials play a crucial role in reducing these vibrations and, thereby, improving the performance of the systems. A research team led by Jose San Juan from MIT, USA and Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain have shown that copper-aluminum-nickel shape memory alloys at nanoscopic dimensions (nanoscale pillars) have



an enormous damping capacity to dissipate energy and reduce vibrations, as compared to their bulk counterparts and other high damping materials. Shape memory alloys (SMAs) like Ti-Ni, Cu-Al –Ni, Cu-Mn etc. have the intrinsic high damping capacity on account of their tendency to undergo reversible transformations between austenite and martensite phases when the alloy is subjected to either changes in temperature or applied stress. The hysteretic movement between austenitic / martensitic interfaces dissipates large amount of mechanical energy resulting in high damping capacity. Juan and his co-authors, in their paper recently published in Nature Nanotechnology journal, have shown that the reversible stress - induced martensitic transformation can occur in nanoscale volumes and it also exhibits strong size effect. At nanoscale dimensions, SMAs show very high figure of merit for mechanical damping. The figure of merit for a stiffness design, with maximum damping per unit volume, is represented by E ½ .η, where E is Young’s modulus and η is the loss factor. Juan and his team have made a comparative study of the energy dissipation capacity, based on the above figure of merit, for different high damping material candidates. They have found that nanoscale pillars exhibit a figure of merit of about 0.9, which is more than double that of bulk single crystal of Cu-Al-Ni alloy and is substantially higher than other bulk high damping material candidates as depicted in Fig. 2. The ultra high damping capacity of nanostructured Cu-Al-Ni shape memory materials offers significant potential for reducing vibrations at the nanoscale. This is expected to pave the way for the development of nano-scale and micro-scale futuristic devices.

Carbon Nanotubes Affect Seed Germination and Plant Growth Arkansas researchers have made a remarkable discovery by exposing tomato plant seeds to CNTs, triggering rapid germination and enhanced growth of seedlings. Alexandru S. Biris, a Nanotechnologist and plant biologist Maria Khodakovskaya, a and their colleagues at the University of Arkansas used multiwall nanotubes for their experiment. In their study, they mixed clean tomato seeds with different concentrations of CNTs and placed them on a standard agar Murashige Skoog (MS) medium and, for the sake of comparison, the MS medium without CNTs was used for carrying out control experiments. The researcher found that the CNTs are able to penetrate the hard outer coating of the seed and the process of seed germination was accelerated and significantly shortened the germination period. They observed that the tomato seeds with CNTs (10, 20, 40 μg/ml) germinated on third day while the tomatoes without CNTs did not germinate during that period. Further they noted the germination percentage rate was substantially higher in the case of seeds treated with CNTs as shown in the following enclosed table. The researchers also found that there was a dramatic increase in vegetative biomass of the germinated seedlings developed using CNTs. To understand the mechanism of accelerated germination of plant seeds when exposed to CNTs, Raman spectroscopic technique and TEM analysis were used. These clearly demonstrated that nanotubes are able to penetrate the seed coating. TGA analysis was carried out to determine the amount of moisture present in the seeds. This analysis suggested that CNTs could significantly enhance the water uptake in the plant seeds. The exact mechanism by which CNTS can support water uptake inside a seed is not yet clear. The researchers speculated two possibilities, namely (i) CNTs can create new pores for water permeation by penetration of seed coat or (ii) the CNTs are able to regulate gating of the existent water channels in the coating of seeds.

Fig. 2: Figure of merit for optimizing high damping capacity and stiffness for various high damping materials

Source: • Jose San Juan, Maria L. Nó and Christopher A. Schuh, “Nanoscale-Shape Memory Alloys for Ultrahigh Mechanical Damping”, Nature Nanotechnology, 4, (2009) 415-419 • http://www.azom.com/news.asp/newsID=18346


It has been suggested that the discovery of enhanced seed germination by CNTs could have several implications in the field of agriculture, horticulture, and energy (production of bio-fuels). Source: Mariya Khodakovskaya, Enkeleda Dervishi, Meena Mahmood, Yang Xu, Zhongrui Li, Fumiya Watanabe and Alexandru S. Biris, ACS Nano, 3, (2009) 3221–3227


Greener Nanotechnologies Eco-friendly Carbon Nanotubes Grown Using Oxide Catalysts Thermally assisted chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is a well established technique for the production of carbon nanotubes. In this method, the CNTs are grown using metallic nano-particle catalysts like Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Au, Sn, Ta etc. Therefore, most of the commercial CNTs are always associated with these toxic metal catalysts. Even the purified CNTs contain a significant amount of metal residue. The presence of these heavy metal catalysts is a matter of concern due to the two following reasons. Firstly, when these metal containing nanotubes are used in applications such as microelectronics or composites, they tend to react unfavorably with materials like polymers, metals, ceramics etc. that are typically present. Secondly, the toxic heavy metals are a health hazard if these metal containing CNTs are to be used for biomedical applications. The above mentioned problem of metal-induced toxicity has prompted Professor Brian Wardle and his colleagues from MIT (in collaboration with researchers from University of Cambridge, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, and Fritz-Haber Institut der Max-PlanckGesellschaft) to take up this challenge and make a remarkable discovery that the carbon nanotubes can be grown without a metal catalyst. They have demonstrated that nanoparticles of zirconia catalyze the growth of SWNTs and MWNTs by the thermal CVD process. They have also found, for the first time, that an oxide which is not reducible under CNT growth conditions can catalyze CNT growth. The group has further hypothesized that oxygen-deficient zirconia may be more active than stoichiometric zirconia. The mechanism of growth in the above Thermally Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) CH4


Zirconia Nanoparticles


case may be completely different from that of metal nanoparticle grown nanotubes. Instead of dissolving into the nanoparticle and precipitating out, ZrO2 grown nanotubes appear to assemble directly on the surface. This innovation has far-reaching implications for the production of carbon nanotubes on a commercial scale, without the undesirable side effects of carcinogenic transition metals. These metal-free carbon nanotubes would boost applications like carbon fiber composite plies stitched with carbon nanotubes for making strong aircraft skins or other high performance structural components. These eco-friendly CNTs can also be used for medical and health related applications. Source: Steiner SA 3rd, Baumann TF, Bayer BC, Blume R, Worsley MA, MoberlyChan WJ, Shaw EL, Schlögl R, Hart AJ, Hofmann S, Wardle BL., “Nanoscale Zirconia as a Nonmetallic Catalyst for Graphitization of Carbon and Growth of Single- and Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131 (34), pp 12144–12154

Non-toxic and Ecofriendly Process for Making Nano-scale Zinc Oxide Researchers from Saudi Arabia have discovered a safe and biocompatible processing route for producing zinc oxide nano rods. These nano rods will pave the way for new applications in medical, chemical and biochemical fields. Zinc oxide possesses unique optical, semiconducting, piezoelectric and magnetic properties. In nanostructure form, it shows high catalytic efficiency and strong adsorption characteristics. Nano scale ZnO finds wide ranging applications, such as an ingredient (a necessary nutrient) in breakfast cereal, in cosmetics, in ointments to protect from UV radiation, as an antibacterial cream, as a biosensor in UV detector, varistor etc. Recently, M. A. Shah and M.S. Al-Shahry of the King Khalid University and A.M. Asiri of the King Abdul-Aziz University, Saudi Arabia have discovered an amazingly simple and economical method to synthesize ZnO nano rods of 30-100 nm diameter. Their approach of making nano rods is environmentally safe and does not produce any toxic chemicals. In their approach, zinc metal powder is added to water and subjected to intense ultrasonic radiation followed by heating to



about 200˚C for 24 hours. X-ray and field emission electron microscopy were used to reveal the structure. The team is of the opinion that, since water is considered to be a safe, non-toxic and benign solvent, the nano rod product could be used for medical and other applications.

Source: Allen, B., Kichambare, P., Gou, P., Vlasova, L, Kapralov, A., Konduru, N., Kagan, V and Star, A., “Biodegradation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes through Enzymatic Catalysis,”Nano Letters, 8, (2008) 3899-3903

Source: • M.A. Shah, “Zinc Oxide Nanorods Prepared at Low Temperatures without Catalyst”, Modern Physics Letters B (MPLB), Volume: 22, Issue: 26 (2008) pp. 2617-2621 • “Simple approach for the synthesis of zinc oxide nanorods”, International Journal of Nanoparticles, 2, (2009) 87-94. http://www.inderscience.com/

Nanotechnology-based Non-toxic Antifouling Coatings

Environmentally Safe Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) by Biodegradation Lately, there is a growing concern about the toxic effects of CNTs in the form of inflammation and apoptosis, which is relevant because of two reasons. Currently, as a large number of CNT-based products are being introduced in the market, free CNTs are likely to be released to the environment during their production or disposal and there is an apprehension that these ultimately will find their way into the body. Secondly, in nanomedicine applications such as imaging, biological detection and therapy, CNTs are either deliberately injected or implanted in the human body. Thus, there are concerns with regard to potential health risks. In view of the above, efforts are being directed towards developing techniques for minimizing the toxicity of CNTs via environmentally benign manufacturing routes, ensuring that risks to human health and environment are minimal. A research team from the University of Pittsburgh, led by Dr. Alexander Star, has found a way to mitigate the toxic effect of CNTs by degrading them through enzymatic catalysis using the natural enzyme horsedish peroxidase (HRP). The team initially oxidized the CNTs using sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide to remove the residual metal catalyst, making the CNTs soluble in aqueous environment. Subsequently, CNTs were treated with HRP in the presence of hydrogen peroxide for the period of 16 weeks at 4oC. It was found that during the above process, a highly oxidizing intermediate forms from the HRP, which ultimately leads to the biodegradation of CNTs making them environmentally benign. These above process offers great promise to diminish the environmental and health concerns, which can otherwise hurt the bright prospects of developing CNT products for consumer and industrial applications.


Biofouling is one of the issues of great concern in the shipping industry due to its economic and environmental consequences. The biofouling organisms, like mussels, algae, barnacles etc., settle on the ship hulls and increase the weight of a ship considerably, thereby causing greater resistance during transport and leading to higher fuel consumption. In order to deal with this problem, highly toxic biofouling coatings have been developed. However, these coatings affect the reproduction system of marine creatures and accumulate themselves in the food chain. Nanogate Technologies GmbH, Germany has recently developed an innovative non-toxic coating using nanotechnology, to ensure biofouling-free ship hulls. This novel non-stick coating is based on the principle of low surface energy. This coating contains particles of poly-electrolytic fluorotensile complexes (PEFTs), which posess surface energies even lower than that of Teflon (PTFE) as shown below.

Fig. 1: Surface energies of different materials

Low surface energy of the coating makes it both hydrophobic and oleophobic in nature. However, to optimize the anti-fouling attributes, one has to make the coating durable, hard, smooth, scratch-resistant and UV resistant. Nanogate has been able to achieve these multifunctional characteristics by incorporating ceramic nanoparticles in the coating. The new Nanogate nonstick coating has proven its effectiveness in lab tests and during extensive trials on ship hulls. Source: Nanogate Technologies GmbH, http://www.nanogate.de/en/


Indian Scenario Status of Nano-biotechnology in India Biotechnology, pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors in India are experiencing an unprecedented growth over the last few years and the country is poised to become a global hub, for the bio-pharma industry. The recent McKinsey report states that, by 2015, the Indian pharma industry will treble its growth to US$ 50 billion and will be among the top ten global pharma players. It will provide tremendous opportunities in the area of generics, drug targeting, drug delivery, molecular imaging, etc. Nanotechnology is certain to play a synergetic role in the bio-pharma sector. India has significant potential for growth in nanomedicines, nanodiagnostics, formulations and delivery systems that can be realized through application-oriented R & D. Over the last few years, the Indian nano-biotech industry is rapidly emerging as a major global player, and is aggressively pursuing R & D in the area of drugs and formulations, nanosensors for medical diagnostics, antibacterial applications of nanosilver, etc. Recently, Dabur Pharma has taken a significant step forward by launching Nanoxel – a novel drug delivery system for the widely used anti-cancer drug, Paclitaxel. University of Delhi has developed path-breaking technologies related to ophthalmic delivery and formulations of AmB, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Amphotericin B that have been transferred to companies like Panacea Biotech, Shantha Biotechnics, American Bioscience Inc, USA, etc. DRDE, Gwalior has developed a typhoid detection kit using nanosensors based on a technology from IISc, Bangalore to address health related problems such as typhoid in third world countries. Also, nanosilver based applications developed by Agharkar Research Institute, IICT etc. are being commercialized by companies like Transgene Biotek Ltd. and Virtuous Innovation. Many

other companies have developed technologies related to nano fingerprinting and nanodiagnostics using their in house capabilities, while companies like Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (Sun Pharma), Lifecare Innovations Pvt. Ltd. and Natco Pharma are working towards commercialization of nanodrugs. National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) is developing regulatory approval guidelines for nanotechnology based drugs and standards for their toxicological tests in nano-based drug delivery systems. A brief activity status of key technological developments in the Indian nanobiotech industry is provided below: Starkey India, Noida Activity/ Technology: Destiny hearing aid (sensor technology based on GMR switch, which uses electron spin for sensing signals and storing information) Source of Technology: Starkey, USA Dabur Pharma, New Delhi Activity/ Technology: Launched Cancer drug Nanonxel (with nano polymer base) last year and is launching Docetaxel using nanotech drug delivery this year Source of Technology: Delhi University and Dabur Research Foundation Bharat Biotech, Hyderabad Activity/ Technology: Topical emulsion for oestrogen therapy (micellar nanoparticles technology) for drug delivery Source of Technology: Novavax, USA Bhaskar Centre for innovation and Scientific Research, Chennai Activity/ Technology: Antimicrobial spray (silver nanoparticles and herbal extracts) Source of Technology: In-house University of Delhi, New Delhi Activity/ Technology: A process of entrapping genetic materials in nanoparticles of inorganic compounds to form non-viral carriers. The technology has been already transferred to American Bioscience Inc., USA Source of Technology: In-house 27


Biocon, Bangalore

Velbionanotech, Bangalore

Activity/ Technology: Breast cancer nanodrug Abraxane (paclitaxel protein and albumin bound medicine)

Activity/ Technology: Developed nanotech-based treatments for atherosclerosis (arterial plaque), nephrolithiasis, (stone in the urinary tract) and diabetes. Expecting to license the products shortly

Source of Technology: Abraxis Biosciences, U.S.A.

Source of Technology: In-house Panacea Biotech, New Delhi Activity/ Technology: A pharmaceutical formulation of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs into polymeric micelles nanoparticles for ocular delivery in Nimesulide Source of Technology: University of Delhi Shantha Biotechnics, Hyderabad Activity/ Technology: A process for preparing pharmaceutical formulation of Amphotericin B or other polyene antibiotics entrapped into nanoparticles of copolymeric micelles Source of Technology: University of Delhi Transgene Biotek Ltd., Hyderabad Activity/ Technology: Drug delivery system for oral insulin (using biodegradable polymeric nano-particles loaded with human insulin or hepatitis–B surface antigen as a carrier) Source of Technology: Transgene and IICT, Hyderabad Virtus Techo Innovations, Mumbai Activity/ Technology: The company has applied for patents not only for a gene repair therapy called Mitsanika, but for various other bio-engineering applications using nanotechnology

Nano Cutting Edge Technology (Nanocet), Mumbai Activity/ Technology: Biostabilized nanoparticles like Ag, Au, Fe, Pd etc. in the areas of cancer hyperthermia, targeted drug delivery, diagnostics, antimicrobial agents and mitigation of pollutants. Source of Technology: Agharkar Research Institute, Pune Electrical Engineering Department, IIT-Bombay, Mumbai Activity/ Technology: Developed a cardic diagnosis product iSens using nanotechnology that provides the exact reading of an individual’s heart. They have also developed a silicon locket as a part of a complete suite for cardiac monitoring and diagnosis, which is being used in many hospitals Source of Technology: In-house Natco Pharma, Hyderabad Activity/ Technology: Launched its first nanotechnology drug, Albupax, which is used in the treatment of breast cancer. Albupax is the first generic version of the international brand Abraxane and consists of Paclitaxel in an Albumin bound nano-particle form Source of Technology: Abraxis Bio-sciences, USA

Source of Technology: In-house

Panacea Biotech, Chandigarh

Cadila Pharma, Ahmedabad

Activity/ Technology: Ophthalmic delivery using polymeric micelles nanoparticles

Activity/ Technology: Nano-sensor based typhoid detection kit (recombinant DNA technology and immunological technique for rapid detection)

Source of Technology: Delhi University

Source of Technology: Nano sensor from IISc, Bangalore and typhoid detection kit from DRDE

Activity/ Technology: Anti-counterfeit technology for drugs (nano-fingerprinting technology)

Lifecare Innovations Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon Activity/ Technology: Lifecare Innovations has indigenously developed Fungisometm- a Liposomal Amphotericin B. In addition, a nanotechnology-based novel drug delivery system for sustained release of anti-TB drugs has advanced to completion of toxicology studies Source of Technology: In-house and PGIMER, Chandigarh 28

Bilcare Ltd., Pune

Source of Technology: In-house National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Mohali Activity/ Technology: Developing regulatory guidelines for approving nanotechnology based drugs to come out with standard parameters to test nanotoxicity in nano based drug delivery systems Source of Technology: In-house

Forthcoming Events ICONM 2010: The Fourth International Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies 10-15 February, 2010, St. Maarten, Netherlands, Antilles www.iaria.org/conferences2010

2010 International Conference on Nanotechnology, Optoelectronics and Photonics Technologies (NOPT 2010) 26-28 February 2010, Singapore nopt@vip163.com

Nano Tech 2010, International Nanotechnology Exhibition and Conference 17-19 February, 2010, East Exhibition Hall, 4,5,6,8 Conf. Tower, Tokyo Bigsight, Japan nanotech@ics-inc.co.jp



International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICONSAT-2010) includes a One Day Satellite Workshop on Cancer and Nanotechnology: Therapeutics and Diagnostics 17-20 February, 2010, IIT Bombay, Mumbai iconsat2010@yahoo.com iconsat2010@iitb.ac.in




International Conference on Synthesis, Characterization, Consolidation and Modelling of Nanomaterials (ICON 2010) 5-6 March, 2010, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore psgicon2010@yahoo.com, psgicon2010@gmail.com http://www.psgtech.edu/icon2010

3rd Conference on Nanostructures 10-12 March, 2010, Sharif Unniversity International Campus, Kish Island, Iran ns2010@sharif.edu

Workshop on Nanotechnology for Sustainable Energy Solutions and on Challenges in the Innovation Environment of Nanomedicine




European Conference on Nanofilms 2010 22-25 March 2010, Liege, Belgium, Europe

22-23 February 2010, OECD (Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development), KIST, Seoul, Korea



Nano Manufacturing Conference and Exhibits 14-15 April, 2010, Hilton Phoenix East / Mesa, Mesa, AZ, USA



2010 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN) 22-26 February 2010, Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour, Australia sonja@wsm.com.au | http://www.ausnano.net/iconn2010/

Nanomedicine: Visions for the Future






Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics and Renewable Energy 10-14 August, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada organizers@asdn.net



24-25 February 2010, NH Amsterdam Hotel, Amsterdam, Netherlands carrie.smith@nano.org.uk | http://www.nano.org.uk/ conferences/nanomed2010/overview.htm

ICONN 2010 24-26 February, 2010, SRM University, Kattankulathur603203, Chennai, India. iconn10@srmuniv.edu.in



International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology December 13-16, 2010, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology (Autonomous), K.S.R Kalvinagar - 637 215, Tiruchengode (Tk.) Namakkal (Dt.), Tamilnadu, INDIA nano2010@ksrct.ac.in



Centre for Knowledge Management of Nanoscience & Technology CKMNT was launched on 1st April 2009 at Hyderabad by the International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI) as one of its project centres. The centre has been set up to foster the exchange and dissemination of advanced technological knowledge and expertise to meet the needs of the nanoresearchers, industry, policy makers, financial institutions and venture capitalists. CKMNT has been partially funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India in a project mode and would help in fulfilling the objectives of the Nano Mission of DST.

The objectives of CKMNT are as follows: • Create and maintain a comprehensive one-stop nanoscience and nanotechnology database, with nanoresearchers from universities/academic institutions, national labs, government agencies and industries as the primary target beneficiaries. • Hosting an exhaustive website that will play a key role in publicizing various activities of the Nano Mission and promote nano S & T in India. • Create awareness regarding the potential of nano S & T among the Indian industries and industrial associations like FICCI, Assocham, ACMA, CII etc., and thereby catalyze commercialization of nanotechnology in the country. • Create an exclusive Indian patents database related to nanotechnology to aid the growth of nano S & T in Indian industry. • Generate value-added state-of-the-art nanotechnology reports, reviews, newsletters etc. to cover all aspects of business as well as science and technology. • Provide updated information to DST and other Govt. of India agencies pertaining to the status of nanotechnology in India/abroad in the form of reports on specific topics of interest. Services offered: • Nanotechnology Knowledge Database • Nanotechnology Value Added Reports • Nano Lab Bulletins • Newsletter • Nanotechnology Monitoring Services • Indian Patent Database • Patent Services

Centre for Knowledge Management of Nanoscience & Technology (A Project of ARCI, Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India) 12-5-32/7, 1st Floor, Vijayapuri Colony, Tarnaka, Secunderabad-500 017, A.P., India Telephone: +91 40 2700 0251, 2700 7032 Telefax: +91 40 2700 7031 E-mail: info@ckmnt.com Website: www.ckmnt.com

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