Tenant Matters (winter 2014)

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Winter 2014


Contents & Contact

Winter 2014

Inside This Issue...

3 Pip’s Welcome 4 Experiences of Welfare Reform 6 Your New Board Members 7 MHA’s Support & Sponsorship 8 Making a Difference Awards 2013

9 Poppy Project 10 Smart Move 11 Home Swap 12 Neighbourhood Improvements 14 Say Helo to... Catrin Lewis 15 Preventing Social Housing Fraud 16 Dads Can

TPAS Conference

17 Tenants Forum Steering Commitee Good as Gold Winners 18 MHA’s Community Safety Award 19 Keeping Safe 20 MHA’s Health Award 21 MHA’s Performance 22 Unacceptable Behaviour 23 AGM & Share Membership 24 The Tenants’ Forum 25 Fire Safety News 26 Youth Panel Disability Panel 27 Your Poems

If you would like this Newsletter in a different format (e.g. large print, electronically, etc.) or in Welsh please contact Louise Davies on 01495 761104 or email louise.davies@monmouthshirehousing.co.uk

Scan the QR code to access the MHA website.



Pip’s Welcome


Winter 2014

Welcome to the first Tenant Matters of 2014. 2013 was a busy year for the members of the Forum & the Tenants Forum Steering Committee. Along with the usual business, we carried out a complete review of the way the Forum operates with tenants taking part in workshops and feeding back their views to the Steering Committee. As a result, there have been some changes to the makeup of the Steering Committee. We will also be holding two evening ‘shortened’ Forums each year: one in the North of the County and one in the South. With help from a ‘Tenants Empowerment Grant’ (TEG), we have developed a disability group, which is now active. We are also busy working on a youth forum with Catrin Lewis (see an intro to Catrin in the newsletter) taking the lead.

During 2013, a number of tenants took part in a training programme called “Active Learning for Residents”. Many of those have now completed and received their certificates, so congratulations and thank you for all of the hard work you put into achieving your Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) qualification. This year will also see the Forum planning our three year Engagement & Empowerment Strategy for 2015 – 2018. We have a number of tenants who sit on this working group and, of course, we will be holding workshops as part of some of the Forums. A great chance for you to have input into the way tenants work with MHA. Pip Williams Chair, Monmouthshire Housing Tenants’ Forum




Winter 2014

Real Life Experiences of Welfare Reform Many of MHA’s tenants have been greatly affected by the Government’s Welfare Reform programme and the changes that it brings to benefits. Here are some real life experiences of how Welfare Reform has affected them and how MHA has been able to help them cope with these changes and improve their situations...

Mr and Mrs Z

Mr and Mrs Z were referred to MHA’s MoneyWise service following a visit from a Neighbourhood Officer due to the introduction of Bedroom Tax. MoneyWise met with Mr and Mrs Z in the comfort of their own home. They discussed how the Bedroom Tax would affect them and the amount of rent they would need to pay from April 2013. It became apparent that Mr Z had a rare medical condition which meant he required a separate bedroom for himself and was unable to sleep in the same bedroom as his wife. An application for Discretionary Housing Payment was made and was successful. This meant that Mr and Mrs Z did not have to make up in the short fall in their Housing Benefit. MoneyWise also applied for Disability Living Allowance which added an extra £600 to their annual income. Welsh Water Assist was applied for adding a total sum of £250 to the tenants’ pocket and reducing their water rates by nearly half.



Overall a really good experience... a lot of help from the Neighbourhood Officer and MHA. - Mr A

Mr A

Mr A has had a difficult life over the past few months. He was trying to look after a disabled child and was struggling to make ends meet. Household members had recently moved out and he was left under occupying his home by 2 bedrooms so his housing benefit had been reduced by 25%. His rent arrears were escalating as a result. Mr A understood that he needed to downsize and had already registered for a transfer on Homesearch. Mr A’s Neighbourhood Officer let him know about MHA’s Smart Move Scheme which can pay tenants up to £1000 to down size to a home that they fully occupy. The Neighbourhood Officer helped him to apply for a DHP to help cover the shortfall between the Housing Benefit he received and the rent he had to pay. The DHP application was successful with an award of £10.65 weekly until January 2014. Mr A is progressively reducing his rent arrears that were accrued as a result of under occupation and limited housing benefit. Mr A was successful in bidding on a property through Homesearch and is looking forward to moving to a 2 bedroom home that he will fully occupy. His rent arrears will be cleared by some of the Smart Move payment and Mr A will no longer need the extra DHP award. With the help of MHA’s Work and Skills Wise service, Mr A has started a course that fits around the care of his disabled child with a view to self employment or a job in the future which will fit around his duties as a carer.

Mr X

Mr X had very high rent arrears and following the introduction of the Bedroom Tax, was deemed to be under occupying his property by 2 bedrooms. Bedroom Tax made it very difficult for him to afford his rent and pay off his arrears. He also had high support needs that were not being met. His health was suffering due to depression and anxiety as well as some problems with alcohol. Following visits from Mr X’s Neighbourhood Officer, a referral was made to MIND for support as well as MHA’s Moneywise team to try and maximise his income. An application for Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) was made. MoneyWise completed a Welsh Water Assist form for Mr X and helped him to apply for Personal Independent Payments. They provided budgeting advice to help reduce his expenditure. Mr X was also referred for food parcels. Mr X has, with support, been able to reduce his rent arrears considerably. He was awarded a DHP of £10 per week backdated to April 2013 and continuing to March 2014. The Welsh Water Assist award reduced the tenant’s water rate liability by £5.12 a week and was backdated to April 2013. Mr X is still awaiting the result of the PIP application; if successful he plans to use some of the money from the


Winter 2014

Health wise I am getting stronger and stronger. If I need more help I will definitely get in touch with you. - Mr X

award to reduce his rent arrears even more so that he can move to a smaller property that he can afford. Support has been provided to Mr X for his health and mental wellbeing – Mr X says he has “never felt better”. He is now “not drinking so much... and has cut back drastically on smoking”. Mr X plans to put the money MHA has saved him towards reducing his arrears more quickly so that he can move. He feels like he is getting there slowly and a PIP award will be the icing on the cake. If you are experiencing any difficulties like these MHA tenants, please call 0845 677 2277 or 01495 761100 from a mobile. We are here to help and all of our staff have had Welfare Reform training so can point you in the right direction for help and support.



MHA News

Winter 2014

Your New Board Members

Lynnette Glover (Independent)

Lynette Bonar (Tenant)

Lynnette is currently the Head of Housing for Wales and West Housing Association (WWH); her career in housing spans over 27 years.

Lynette was co-opted onto the Board by the Tenants’ Forum at their AGM in October 2013.

Lynnette has the responsibility for leading the housing service and is a member of WWH Senior Management Team. In addition, she has extensive experience of strategic planning and the coordination and implementation of Corporate Priorities. Lynnette is also passionate about delivering excellent Customer Services. Lynnette has a Post Graduate Diploma in Housing and is a Full Corporate Member of the Chartered Institute of Housing. Being a practitioner in Housing, Lynnette is well versed with the demands which MHA will be facing now and into the future and will bring a wealth of housing knowledge and experience to the MHA Board.



Lynette has lived in Monmouthshire for over 25 years and has always been an active member of the community. She has participated within a number of different groups and committees throughout the County, including MHA’s own Tenants’ Forum and Steering Committee. Lynette has a long standing interest and much experience within Social Housing at many levels, as well as having worked in the health service for many years. Lynette is now retired and lives with her husband near Usk.

Are you involved with a group or event within Monmouthshire which could benefit from MHA’s support and sponsorship?

Bits & Bobs

Winter 2014

Recently, we have sponsored Caldicot Scouts for vital renovations for their building and Monmouth Young Rugby, as well as many others. Typical groups we can provide sponsorship to include sports clubs, local events and voluntary groups. All you need to do is fill in a sponsorship form; if the request meets all of the requirements you could gain funding! For more information or to request an application form, please contact Sarah Kersley on 01495 761103 or email sarah.kersley@monmouthshirehousing.co.uk



MHA News

Winter 2014

Making a Difference Awards 2013 The annual Making a Difference Awards was held on 30th October at Llandogo Millennium Hall. The Awards celebrate the achievements that our tenants have made over the past year and include categories such as Neighbour from Heaven, Community Champion and Bright Young Star. There was an amazing atmosphere during the ceremony, and we’d like to thank everyone for coming along! To see who won each award and why, have a look at the booklet that’s enclosed with this issue of Tenant Matters.

TPAS Conference In November, a group of tenants attended the annual TPAS Cymru Conference in Cardiff to represent MHA while learning more about housing and tenant participation. This gave them the chance to meet tenants from all over Wales and share good practice with each other. The conference was opened by Rob Carey, Tenant and Resident Involvement CoOrdinator, who is currently the Chair of TPAS Cymru. Over the two days, our tenants helped to spread the word of MHA activities and took part in workshops to help expand their knowledge. Everyone who attended thoroughly enjoyed the event, and we can’t wait to do it again next year!



This year, MHA will be running a number of projects which aim to bring older and younger people together and to share stories, experiences and enjoy each other’s company. Some of the proposed projects include poppy planting in communal gardens, digital storytelling of the memories of older people and their families, and various craft projects that will run across the year.

MHA News

y p p o P Project Winter 2014

We are also interested in supporting any veterans or widow(er)s of veterans of World War II who wish to bid for funding with the Big Lottery Fund and Heroes Return: Heroes Return help fund those veterans who wish to return to an area where ‘...they saw active service, such as battlefields, or places that have powerful association with the war, such as war graves and POW camps.’ The projects are aimed at all ages, so if you or your family have any memories, letters or photographs that can be used as part of our projects, or are interested in taking part, and for further information on applying for the Heroes Return funding, please contact Naomi Pearson on 01495 767187.



Your Homes

Winter 2014

Every MHA tenant that under occupies their property can apply for a lump sum of up to...


(When they move to a property that they fully occupy)

CAN I MOVE TO ANOTHER AREA? You can move anywhere in Monmouthshire to any Monmouthshire Homesearch partner property - including properties with Melin Homes, Charter Housing and Monmouthshire Housing Association. We are not currently offering the scheme to tenants wishing to move out of the County or those wishing to rent privately.

HOW CAN I APPLY? If you are interested and would like to be considered for the scheme you need to register with Monmouthshire Homesearch. Contact Lucy Rogers on 01495 767177 for information about how to register.

WHERE CAN I FIND OUT MORE? Contact Lucy Rogers, Welfare Reform Project Officer at Monmouthshire Housing Association on 01495 767177 or email lucy.rogers@monmouthshirehousing.co.uk



Interested in Home Swap? HomeSwapper is the UK’s largest and most successful home swap service. HomeSwapper is a free, easy to use and exciting new way to move home. As a tenant of Monmouthshire Housing you can swap homes with another tenant using HomeSwapper and best of all it is FREE! HomeSwapper uses the details you supply to automatically match you to other tenants who may have a home that you’d like and who would also be interested in your property. When HomeSwapper finds a match, you will be alerted by SMS text or email. You can then log onto HomeSwapper and look at the home you have been matched with. If you like the look of it you can arrange to visit it. You can use HomeSwapper straight away by logging on to www.HomeSwapper.co.uk and registering to use the service.

Your Homes

Winter 2014

Are you registered on Facebook? If so, why not sign up to House Swap Wales? Monmouthshire Housing currently has 211 tenants who have signed up to this FREE service.

What do you do?

Like the House Swap Wales Facebook page & join the group for the area you want to live in, then set out your details in the way we suggest to make it easier for other people to find you; make sure to include pictures to attract more interest. Check the group regularly and update your settings to get alerts when anyone posts to the group. If you find someone you would like to swap with, simply make contact with them by direct message or through the group. Always contact your Neighbourhood Officer before exchanging.



Your Homes

Winter 2014

Neighbourhood Improvements MHA are fully committed to the achieving WHQS Environmental Standard and have devised a 3 year plan to visit, survey and complete works in certain MHA owned neighbourhoods. Due to the scale of this task, MHA decided to tackle it in three phases spread over three years. So far, these are some of the projects completed in phase 1.

Middle Way, Bulwalk You said you wanted a user friendly space... ...so we gave you a user friendly space and better bin store and easy access to the front doors.

Would you be interested with getting involved with activities such as ‘adopting’ a planter at the front of your block? 12




Highfield, Goytre You said you didn’t want benches or raised planters...

Your Homes

Winter 2014

...so we didn’t put any benches or raised planters here.



Highfield, Goytre You said you wanted a nicer outlook... ...so we gave you a nicer outlook.



Raglan Way You wanted more parking... ...so we gave you more parking



Working with Monmouthshire Housing Association, Keep Wales Tidy can support voluntary action improving places including this potential project to enhance the area. There are options to build planting areas at the front/ back of your block. This could be a stand alone raised planter or an edged bed. Options for involvement could be: • Assisting with installing the planters • Adopting a planter to grow plants of your choice • Grow edibles, soft fruit and vegetables • Grow a sensory herb bed • Growing wildlife friendly plants for colour • To assist with watering and weeding a planter

Practical sessions, installing and planting would be supported by the Keep Wales Tidy officer. We can link in with growing projects that are currently in your areas. You may have seen planters or areas of wild flowers around your town

Contact Tom Ward-Jackson on 029 2072 6988 or by email thomas. ward-jackson@keepwalestidy.org to give a comment or to say you are interested. twitter.com/mon_housing



Winter 2014

Say Hello to Catrin Lewis

My job is different from day to day, but there are many things that I can help you with and you can contact me about. These include: Catrin Lewis is the Tenant and Resident Involvement Support Officer. Catrin has joined MHA after a six month work placement with Jobs Growth Wales to work with our tenants and help them get involved in participation activities. She can give you information about ways to get involved, help you to attend meetings, and is currently working to develop both youth and disability groups to give more tenants the chance to participate. Catrin is currently one of three finalists in the Chartered Institute of Housing Cymru’s Rising Star competition. Spanning over two months, the competition seeks to find those who are passionate about improving Welsh housing and communities, and includes activities such as filmed interviews, Twitter sessions and delivering presentations. To follow Catrin’s progress, you can find her on Twitter, @catrinplewis If you would like to speak with Catrin about the ways you can get involved with MHA, please contact her on 01495 761007 or on email catrin.lewis@ monmouthshirehousing.co.uk



• Finding out the ways in which you can get involved with MHA • Attending meetings, including arranging transport and child or adult care • Ensuring that tenants’ needs are met while attending any involvement events • Referring tenants to other teams for more help and information • Taking your suggestions for things MHA could do differently • Receiving your letters, poems and suggestions for Tenant Matters


Winter 2014

Preventing Social Housing Fraud A new law called The Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act came into force on 5 November 2013, making it a criminal offence to unlawfully sublet or part with possession of a socially rented home in Wales. If a tenant does this and breaches their tenancy agreement in the process, they will now be breaking the law. Subletting means that someone who lives with you, but was not part of your household when you first moved in, pays you rent to have exclusive right to part of your home. You must hold either an assured or an enhanced assured tenancy agreement with Monmouthshire Housing Association to be able to sublet part (not all) of your home. You are also required to receive written consent from MHA before sharing your home. You cannot sublet your home if you hold any other tenancy agreement with MHA, such as a starter tenancy or an assured shorthold tenancy.

If you hold an assured tenancy and break your tenancy agreement by giving your home to another person, you can lose your ‘assured’ status and security of tenure. This means you will have fewer rights as a tenant and the assured status cannot be regained by returning to your home. If prosecuted for social housing fraud there are significant consequences that could include a fine or even imprisonment. The court also has the power to recover any profit gained from illegal subletting and award the profit to Monmouthshire Housing Association.

If you are thinking about subletting your home and would like advice, please contact our Neighbourhood Team, available on 0845 677 2277 or 01495 761100 if you are calling from a mobile. twitter.com/mon_housing


MHA News

Winter 2014

Following a successful funding application to the Big Lottery Fund, Dads Can is now up and running. The project, which started in August this year, has secured funding for 5 years employing a Project Co-ordinator and 2 Development Workers full time. The aim of the project is to work with young men between the ages of 14 and 25 who live in Monmouthshire and who are dads, expectant dads or are fulfilling the dad role. Using a variety of informal methods the project aims to raise the understanding of young dads and those around them of the important role fathers play in their children’s lives. The project provides activities for dads and their children; training and courses to improve employment prospects or life skills; financial advice; personal development opportunities; a network of support; a place to be heard; a way for their experiences to make a difference. The team are setting up Dad Drop-in Sessions and Dads Groups in Abergavenny, Monmouth, Caldicot and Chepstow, as well as creating volunteering opportunities for those dads over the age of 25. One initiative that has been set up is the Gardening Project in which the Dads Can team and local dads are volunteering their time to help tidy up various Flying Start centres throughout Monmouthshire. To help get this group started, Robert Price Builders Merchants in Abergavenny kindly donated various garden tools and work wear for the dads to use.



The project wants to hear from all dads as everyone’s stories, concerns and experiences will be different. For many this can be a time of great uncertainty, while for others it is something that they want to sing and shout from the roof tops about. Whichever it is for you, the Dads Can team would like to hear from you. Fatherhood offers opportunities, not just obstacles. Our project aims to work with young dads in order for them to realise the opportunities, while supporting them to overcome the obstacles. If you would like to know more about the project then contact the Dads Can team on 01495 761156, email them on dads.can@ monmouthshirehousing.co.uk or you can search for them using ‘Dads Can’ on Twitter and Facebook.

The Tenants’ Forum has New Steering Committee

Tenants’ Forum

Winter 2014

Congratulations to our winners

The Annual General Meeting of the Tenants’ Forum which was held at the end of October 2013 saw elections held for places on the Forum’s Steering Committee. In addition, changes for the Forum which had been proposed after a year-long review were adopted. The full list of candidates standing for election were: Veronica Crump, Jill Ray, Peter Richards, Sarah Rosser, Norman Williams and Gary Witcombe. The Forum thanked Ian Pearce and Lyn Lynn who stood down from the Steering Committee for all their hard work. Lynette Bonar also stood down following her cooption onto the Board.

Mr Woodward, Abergavenny – Winner drawn on 1st October - £250.00

Those duly elected to the Steering Committee for three year terms were: Veronica Crump, Jill Ray, Peter Richards and Gary Witcombe. In addition, Norman Williams was co-opted onto the Committee for one year. Your Tenants’ Forum Steering Committee members: Board Member Representatives: Lynette Bonar; David Gregory; Ken Bucknall; Judith Langmead Tenants’ Forum Representatives: Morris Arthur; Denise Costello; Veronica Crump; Jill Ray; Peter Richards; Chris Tonks; Pip Williams; Norman Williams; Gary Witcombe.

Mr Bill Hardwick of Usk – Xmas 2013 Winner of £500.00

You could be our next winner: Simply get your rent account up to date and clear by the 1st April 2014 to be in with a chance of winning £250

Leaseholder Representative: Lilly Sharma. twitter.com/mon_housing


MHA News

Winter 2014

MHA Receives Award for Community Safety with the Social Landlords Crime and Nuisance Group

Monmouthshire Housing Association (MHA) has been recognised for its work promoting community safety in the local community by achieving the Housemark accreditation for Anti Social Behaviour. The association is only the second in Wales to achieve this accolade. MHA has taken a different approach to ASB and created a Community Safety Team to complement the work of the Neighbourhood Officers. This enables a wider remit which includes anti-social behaviour, perpetrator profiling, and domestic abuse. The team works in partnership with Gwent Police, the local authority, Monmouthshire Multi Agency Centre, support agencies and other registered social landlords to address these issues and offer support to make communities safer. As one of the largest housing providers in Monmouthshire, the aim is to help people feel safe and secure in their homes. Early intervention is a key part of community safety work through offering mediation, support and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to both victims and perpetrators. David Morris, Director of Housing and Communities at Monmouthshire Housing Association said: “We are extremely pleased to have been awarded this accreditation first time around, which is a testament to the dedication and commitment of our team. The assessment process was very challenging, but it has made us take a very thorough look at what we are doing to tackle anti social behaviour and make our communities a safer and happier place to live. “Achieving the accreditation has given us



confidence in confirming that we have reached a high standard in the service we provide and it has also helped us to identify areas where we can continue to improve to ensure our tenants and their neighbours’ needs are met. “ The accreditation is run by Housemark and the Social Landlords’ Crime and Nuisance Group. It builds on the success in achieving the Welsh Housing Management Standard for ASB and being shortlisted for the Social Landlords Crime & Nuisance Group’s ‘ASB Team for the Year’. If you feel that you are a victim of Anti Social Behaviour, you can view MHA’s leaflet “What to do if you are suffering from Anti Social Behaviour” online, together with a suite of Anti Social Behaviour leaflets that you may also find helpful. Incidents can be reported via the Monmouthshire Housing Website (www. monmouthshirehousing.co.uk), by phoning 0845 677 2277 (local call rate)/01495 761100 if you are calling us from a mobile or you can report this directly to a member of MHA Staff in person.

Keeping Safe The Community Safety Team has had a busy year. MHA’s ASB Policy and Procedures focuses on putting victims first, using early interventions and appropriate support for both victims and perpetrators to change behaviour and resolve complaints of anti social behaviour. Early interventions may consist of verbal and written warnings, mediation and Acceptable Behaviour Contracts. A new initiative has been to trial Counselling and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to tailor support for victims and alter the behaviour of perpetrators of ASB. When necessary, the Community Safety Team will take appropriate legal actions. In extreme cases we will begin possession proceedings leading to eviction. In the last 12 months, four Notices of Seeking Possession have been served: this enables MHA to apply to court for possession should further incidents occur and if it is reasonable and proportionate in the eyes of the law to do so. This year, one such case has led to an application to the court for possession and subsequent eviction of a tenant. In this case there have been numerous different types of ASB caused along with serious and repeated breaches of tenancy. Victims and witnesses were supported by the Community Safety Team, prior to the court hearing, in court, and after possession had been obtained. We would not have been able to take this action without the full co-operation and support of the victims and witnesses.

MHA News

Winter 2014

only one of the notices served has led to the Community Services Team taking further action by applying to court for a Demotion of Tenancy. It should be noted that in the vast majority of cases where notices have been served, the result has been a successful resolution without need for further action. Another action MHA can take where appropriate is to apply to the court for an Anti Social Behaviour Injunction to stop a person causing ASB. One Anti Social Behaviour Injunction has been obtained successfully to protect a community in Abergavenny. Monmouthshire Housing Association’s focus is to resolve reported cases of anti social behaviour by concentrating on early interventions. However, we will not hesitate in taking any necessary legal action when serious cases occur, if it is appropriate, reasonable and proportionate to do so.

Three notices to apply to demote tenancies have also been served in the last 12 months. This puts it in place for Monmouthshire Housing Association to apply to court to ‘demote’ a tenancy. This reduces the security of the tenancy for a period of a year. To date, twitter.com/mon_housing


MHA News

Winter 2014

MHA Health Award Monmouthshire Housing Association are thrilled to announce they have been awarded the ‘Platinum’ level of the Corporate Health Standard. This is a Welsh Government mark of quality for health and well-being, with the highest Platinum Standards only awarded to exemplar employers who demonstrate sustainable development as an integral part of their business practice and culture. After achieving the ‘Gold’ level of the award in 2012, MHA were then able to apply for the ‘Platinum’ level. This extends the initial award for employee health & wellbeing activities, to include support provided to our tenants and the wider community. Some examples of exemplar practice demonstrated to the assessors included the



Work & Skills Wise project which supports people with employment skills and work experience, Healthy Living Cookery Tasters, First Aid Tasters, ‘Play in the Park’ activity sessions for children, Community Gardens and Digital Inclusion, to name but a few. MHA are one of only 7 employers and the first housing association that have achieved the ‘Platinum’ level of the award. The Assessors commented on the embedded corporate social responsibility throughout the association and the positive impact this is having on the tenants and wider community. The photo shows John Keegan, Chief Executive, Karen Williams, HR Manager and Farida Aslam, Inclusion Co-ordinator being presented with the award by Mark Drakeford the Welsh Minister for Health & Social Services.

Performance Chosen by You

MHA News

Winter 2014

(01 July 2013 - 30 September 2013)

On or Above Target

No Change

Below Target

MHA use a traffic light system to easily identify whether we are performing well or not in certain areas (above). 81.54% of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) cases have been resolved. Target - 80%

88.89% of tenants were satisfied with the repair work done in their property. Target - 96%

1.88% of rent is owed by current tenants to MHA - this amount has increased over the last few quarters. Target - 2.5%

There were 19.49 of new ASB cases per 1000 tenancies. This number has decreased from the last quarter. Target - 21 cases

94.3% of repairs were completed right first time.

90% of tenants were satisfied with services provided by MHA. Target - 87%

Target - 90%

99.25% of emergency repairs were completed within target. Target - 98%

96.04% of urgent repairs were completed within target. Target - 97%

20 seconds is the average time taken for repair hotline calls to be answered. Target - 15 secs

28.87% of offers for new properties have been refused. Target - 20%



MHA News

Winter 2014

Unacceptable Behaviour Monmouthshire Housing Association is currently improving its Unacceptable Behaviour Policy, which is in place to help guide and protect staff when they are carrying out their work activities. For the majority of the time MHA staff are treated with respect, but on occasion they can experience unacceptable behaviour from tenants, residents or others who use our services. Unacceptable behaviour can be described as someone acting aggressively or abusively. This can involve physical, verbal or written abuse and threats or unreasonable demands or harassment. We do not consider behaviour to be unacceptable if a person is determined or forceful when making reasonable requests or complaints. The way in which MHA deals with this kind of behaviour will vary depending on the individual circumstances. In some cases it



may be necessary to end the conversation with an individual or even restrict contact in some way (for example, by communicating by letter only). We’ll only restrict contact after careful consideration, and after first warning a person that their behaviour is unacceptable. This will not affect our duty to deliver services, and we will review all cases where we’ve restricted contact at least once per year. In the most serious cases we may have to report the behaviour to the Police. MHA continuously works to improve the standard of the services we provide. Please help us do this by treating our staff and representatives with the same respect that is expected of them at all times. If you would like more information on our Unacceptable Behaviour Policy, please contact our Corporate Services Team, available on 0845 677 2277 or 01495 761100 (if you are calling from a mobile).

AGM & Share Membership The AGM was held on 25th September 2013 with a great turnout of our Share members. The Annual Accounts were approved and MHA are pleased to report that we are in good financial health.

MHA News

Winter 2014

application form and payment of £1.

Being a Shareholding Member will allow you to: • Vote on the appointment of Independent and Tenant Board Members at the Annual General Meeting. Ian Pearce was re-elected to the Board by the tenants through the election process. However, • Vote on the appointment of the auditors of the association: the auditors place checks on since then, he has taken the decision not to take up his place. As a result, Lynette Bonar was the company to ensure all actions taken by co-opted onto the Board at the Tenants’ Forum the business are legitimate. • Approve the annual report, the annual AGM in October 2013. accounts and financial statements, and the Chief Executive’s report. These statements Why not get invited to our AGM this are critical to ensuring that company year by becoming a Shareholder? performance is transparent. Becoming a Shareholder We actively encourage tenants and leaseholders of MHA to become Shareholding Members. Becoming a Shareholder couldn’t be easier: it doesn’t involve huge time commitments; it simply involves the completion of an

Along with these key responsibilities, Shareholders will be entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting and will be kept updated with news from MHA. Shareholders will also receive copies of the Corporate Plan and Annual Report from MHA.



Tenants’ Forum

Winter 2014

Did you know? There are over 206 tenants registered as members of the Forum. The Forum meets bimonthly at venues around the county so it could be coming to a venue near you soon. If you would like to have your say and take advantage of any of MHA’s Tenant Involvement opportunities contact your Tenant & Resident Involvement Support Officer, Catrin Lewis on 01495 761007 or email catrin.lewis@monmouthshirehousing.co.uk

Can I get help to go to meetings? Yes! MHA will pay your travelling costs to and from the meetings or provide transport to get you there. We will also pay for any child care or respite care if you are a carer. We will give you a form to complete at the meeting which you send to us in a pre-paid envelope with any receipts. You will receive a cheque in the post reimbursing your costs or we can pay the money directly into your bank. We also provide refreshments at meetings.

Upcoming meetings All meetings start at 10.00 am •

• Wednesday 19th March - The Bridges Community Centre, Monmouth • Wednesday 21st May - Venue TBC If you would like to come along to a Forum meeting just call Catrin Lewis on the number above.



Would yo to be a u like scrutin y panel m ember ? Ring C atrin for mo r inform e ation

Your Homes

Winter 2014

Fire Safety News MHA is helping our tenants in flats to ‘Stay Safe’ With ever increasing pressures from legislation and the fire authorities for us all to be more aware of fire prevention in the home, Monmouthshire Housing have worked to increase awareness with all our tenants who live in general needs flats, houses of multiple occupation and sheltered schemes across the county. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order directly affects all our blocks of flats and properties across Monmouthshire that have communal corridors, hallways, stairways and community lounges. Recently, MHA have posted a booklet, ‘Fire Safety Advice to Tenants in Flats’, to all our tenants who reside in blocks of flats, houses of multiple occupation and sheltered schemes. The booklet provides valuable information to

help remind tenants and close neighbours to stay safe and secure within their block of flats and their homes. During January 2014, MHA’s Fire Safety Officer held presentation seminars for sheltered scheme tenants living in properties that have internal communal corridors, hallways, stairways and lounges to introduce to them the ‘Stay Safe’ procedure. This will provide the tenants a choice to evacuate the building or to stay safe within their home in the unlikely event of a fire taking place. Monmouthshire Housing is a responsible landlord, committed to keeping our tenants safe within their homes. If you have received one of the booklets please take the time to read it through and keep it with in easy reach for when you need to refer to it.



Tenants’ Forum

Winter 2014

Are you aged 13-21? Do you want to make a difference in your community, learn some Get Active new skills and meet Disability Panel new people? MHA has recently written to all young people asking for their views about life in their areas and if they would like to get involved with us. We are offering all young people the opportunity to have their say and tell us what will make living in Monmouthshire better for you.

If you would like to be involved in the Youth Panel, please contact Catrin Lewis on 01495 761007 / 07969 869748 or email catrin.lewis@ monmouthshirehousing. co.uk 26


Tenants with disabilities have been getting active in Monmouthshire as MHA’s Disability Panel starts to take shape. Many of you may have received a survey in 2013 asking for your views and whether you wanted to get involved. As a result of the panel’s work, MHA are now members of Disability Wales, a national organisation dedicated to improving the lives of disabled people in Wales. Tenants have met from across the County at sessions hosted by TPAS Cymru (Tenant Participation Advisory Service Wales) as part of the Tenant Empowerment Grant work fund by both MHA and the Welsh Government. The sessions have been held in Abergavenny, Monmouth, and Caldicot - it has been fantastic to see so many new faces who are interested in shaping and taking forward the work of MHA’s Disability Panel. If you have any type of disability and would like to get involved with MHA’s Disability Panel, please contact Catrin Lewis, your Tenant and Resident Involvement Support Officer on 01495 761007 or email catrin.lewis@monmouthshirehousing. co.uk We would also like to extend a warm welcome to anyone who is a carer or parent of a disabled person living in a MHA home.

Your Poems Poems by Joyce Davidson A Flower in Bloom A beautiful flower soon to bloom The creeping of weeds tangled their loom They set the beautiful flower some tasks Then she gradually took off her mask They tried to mould her into their shape Then they tried to turn her into hate But the shadowing weeds took their toll A nightmare emerged on the beautiful flower’s soul


Bits & Bobs

Winter 2014

To find out your rent balance, please text BAL to 07538 004 004. To submit a general enquiry, text GENQUIRY to 07538 004 004 (please include as much information as possible). To have your Neighbourhood Officer call you back, text CALLME to 07835 004 004, or to talk to a Income and Energy Advisor, text IE CALLME to 07835 004 004. Standard text message charges apply. MHA will need to know your mobile number in advance for services to work.

Everything that was with happiness forever more They took the beautiful flower and stripped her to the core But as fate stepped in to set her free The bullying weeds then tangled around me

Feelings A beautiful feeling inside of me of the calm open sea Engulfed in words of wisdom which mean a lot to me The ever flowing mist of a waterfall flowing in my mind Which enables me to reach out and catch my words in time








Pictured: Ffion Jenkins (11yrs) from Abergavenny who won the swimming themed colouring completion in the last edition of Tenant Matters. Well done Ffion!

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